About: Likes AUs that are completely unrelated to the intriguing character concept, but somehow drags me into them anyway
write an ‘about me’ pretending to be me and i’ll rate the accuracy /10
8/10    And that’s only because I can’t verify whether I drag you into them or not. Otherwise, you’re spot on.
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A gift/fanmix for hans-the-liesmith‘s A History of Mondays. Sorry this is so shitty; I kinda began to rush it. If you want a song added, tell me. The songs are meant to be general in a way so you can hopefully match it to your character or your favourite characters/scenes. Only some truly have connections to certain characters/ships
Barnacle Goose - Born Ruffians
Do Better - Say Anything
Honeybee - Steam Powered Giraffe
For The Widows In Paradise, For The Fatherless In Ypsilanti - Sufjan Stevens
And I Was A Boy From School - Hot Chip (may be removed)
Splitting Colors - Lemaitre
The Daylight Here (Alt Ver) - Lauren O’Connell
Retard Canard II - Born Ruffians
Afraid - The Neighborhood
Run To You - Pentatonix
Fluorescent Adolescent (Cover) - Kate Nash (may be removed)
Palabras de Papel (Words on Paper) - Nelson Poblete
Kill the Director - The Wombats
Iron Infidel - Homestuck OST
I’m So Sorry - Imagine Dragons (may be removed)
Bust Your Knee Caps - Pomplamoose
Two Atoms In A Molecule - Noah and the Whale (may be removed)
The Girl - City and Colour
Dollhouse - Melanie Martinez
I Love You, I’m Going To Blow Up Your School - Mogwai
Get Real Get Right - Sufjan Stevens (may be removed)
Undeclared - The Dodos (may be removed)
Alvin Maker’s Greensong - The Scene Aesthetic
The Mute - Radical Face
Jenny - Studio Killers
Colorado Sunrise - 3oh!3
Sunday Morning Stasis - Joseph Fink
Mexico - Beat Radio
Bystander (Acoustic) - Lauren O’Connell
I Belong To You - Lauren O’Connell
Woke Up New - The Mountain Goats
Hidden bonus track
If any updates are made this post will be edited and reblogged.
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themoreyoustrex · 10 years
Hey, Diego, you're my height exactly! (Is a teenage girl :D)
(Mun is also 5’5.)
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sparkandsmile · 10 years
Everyone, Hans is okay. I'm not sure when she's going to be on next, but she's safe.
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yourgreatwarmth-blog · 10 years
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drew savio as a father-figure to ciro(swagdeity) from this really precious high school au oneshot that hans-the-liesmith wrote. i've been having a lot of savio-dad/babysitter feels lately tbh, so it felt rly good to get this out.
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delcat177 · 8 years
Hey I hate to bother again but I have a question. Could I borrow your nightmares? I'm writing a DS fic and a) I want to make a lot of shoutouts to different fics/authors I like and b) I need a different kind of nightmare world than hell island usually is. I may have asked this already rip me. Sorry to bother~
You never bother me, don’t you mind that at all
I actually spent a good portion of the day thinking on this one, because my nightmares are and contain…peculiar beasts.  Seeing as they’re nightmares, though, it would be ridiculous to claim I owned them–my brain makes them wholesale, so they’re technically as public domain as it gets.  Plus I trust you.  So go on ahead, have fun, and don’t let them give you any lip.  (I mainly don’t want you getting nightmares of your own from writing them, ffff)
also this is super flattering hhhh you’re such a sweet thank you ;u;  And you did not ask before!  Unless it got lost in the tubes.  Tumblr is like that.
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delcat177 · 8 years
Hallo! My name is Em, I'm kind of a bit shy, and I'm the anon who was asking about your nightmare entities. I find them fascinating, and its doubly fascinating knowing that they're in some sense not quite as fictional? Like, they're not real but they're not fictional. It's a strange distinction. Anyway they're really cool and interesting and add to your writing a ton esp. Renee and Corporal duWhite (I also love Cora and May, but that's for different reasons)
Youuuuu I keep meaning to respond to the INCREDIBLY SWEET ENCOURAGING MESSAGES you sent but just looking at them a lot instead and truly appreciating them ;w;  Everything about them cheers me up AS DOES THIS, I come from the old guard of “if you put OCs in your fanfiction you’re BLOCKED BLOCKED ALL OF YOU ARE BLOCKED”, and I’m still getting over it, so hhhh yeah this means.  So much.
I’m happy to answer any questions you have unless they spoil something I’m working on, ehe~  There’s a lot of information in this tag and any tag marked “skyfall: (X)”, warnings for actual dead animal pictures, though.
Really, though, I’ve been going through a dry spell and an introverted period, but I keep looking at your messages and…they’re so kind and they inspire me so much.  I want to get back to work as soon as I can, there’s more to tell yet.  Thank you so much.
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delcat177 · 8 years
I just read through your entire Skyfall tag and I've read Lightning Split at least 3 times now and a) am I allowed to reblog that to remember it, you don't say in the tags and b) WOW just wow this is so cool like? i'm not trying to trivialize it it's hard to explain but this r e s o n a t e s. it makes sense, i get it, it's amazing and weird and ugh I just can't with it
Unless I specifically tag otherwise, it is absolutely fine to reblog 98% of my posts, and the others are, like, ventposts, stuff that I trust people to use their discretion on.  Skyfall stuff is always okay!You’re not trivializing at all!  I’m just glad you get it, to be honest.  I really never expected this…well, I never expected this series to be a series, honestly.  It was going to be a oneshot, then a oneshot and a clean-up, and midway through the cleanup things got…very personal, moreso than I had even been planning with the injury/illness projection, and, uh, here we are.  Looking at my shit going “how the fuck are people even comprehending this” has been one of my bigger anxieties in the project, and I’ve been surprised and touched by how many people have said what you just said–it resonates.
It means a lot to me, honestly.  More than I think most people understand.  I don’t think things will ever get Bad Month bad again, but…there are echoes, stuff I carry with me.  Sleepless nights, phobias, magical thinking.
I’m glad that something’s coming of it, and that we’re carrying each other through.
anyway here’s Woundsonwall
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delcat177 · 7 years
So here I am happily writing my fic with Renee cameos and I realize I'm imagining and writing her in a red raincoat so I go to check it and she doesn't have one. Then I realize that in my brain I mixed her up with Amanda Palmer's "Slide" and go check it out it's a really skyfall song
Sorry this took so long to get back to aaaaa
and man it is, thank you!  Renee was asked once, later, what happened to the “TV man” who tried to impress her to do things.  She responded “I didn’t like him”, then when pushed, “Andrew didn’t like him”, and when pushed again, “Andrew really didn’t like him”, and it was not pushed after that, just papers quietly shuffled and a file updated and then closed.
I have a general song pile for TSWU and it has at least a couple Dresden Dolls songs in it…
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delcat177 · 8 years
Songs That Remind Me Of Woundson #7284753: "Infected" from Repo. Which is also just a hella song in general.
How much of it`s geneticsHow much of it is fateHow much of it depends on the choices that we makeHe says I have her eyesDid I also inherit her shameIs heredity the culpritCan I stop it or am I a slave
They say it runs in the family
in other words oh boy you don’t want to get me started on Repo! ‘cause I have mined this vein deep
(get it?  vein?  vein???)
(oh suit yourself)
ETA: I mean not that someone dealing with intense medical issues of curious origin and someone else being overprotective over it to the detriment of person A while person B is also suffering from bizarre mental fragmentation between himself and something vicious and sadistic and unable to reconcile what and who he really is while blaming himself for things he actually didn’t do is AT ALL something I think about in relation to fic because it’s a father-daughter relationship and that’d be super weird if you kept thinking about it and I always keep thinking about it I mean wait no I don’t
ETAA: also Maxwell isn’t responsible for [spoiler you know the one I mean]
ETAAA: God Anthony Stewart Head is a fox kill me softly
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yourgreatwarmth-blog · 10 years
ah yes, evil never looked so good
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