#hands folded together in a pondering pose
thehordemultimuse · 1 year
And if I add Yellow and Blue Tails to my muse list, what than? What will you do if child prodigy trans lesbian Tails approaches you with mildly malicious intent?
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alphabetatoes · 6 months
imagining domesticity with a young nanami! basically daydreaming with the man early in the relationship :D
yes yes YES - anon i love you for this. alr have a pt 2 in mind for when kento gets his salaryman position. hope you enjoy! ✨🫶
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the two of you meet at a show for a local alternative band. the venue was a small apartment, and the tall blond had made his home for the night against the wall of the kitchen. he looks behind him for a moment, checking to see if you were trying to get someone else. but when you flash him a sweet smile, that notion melts away. 
"want to talk outside?" brown eyes stare down at you as kento registers your proposition. "may be a little quieter." the thrum of the bass blears through the walls as you talk. hours of conversation slipped away, feeling like minutes as you talk under the stars. you might have fallen first that night, but nanami fell fast.
eventually you move in together, that close bond from the first night blossoming into a companionship. doing puzzles, baking, learning new yoga poses; you find the most joy spending time with each other.
on your first anniversary, your dinner conversation turns to the topic of your future. that niche of success in your careers hadn't quite been found yet. being a jujutsu sorcerer wasn't exactly a steady income, and kento had pondered for a while if that was truly his calling. but he loved you, and prioritized your comfort over anything. “i want to provide for you- to protect you.” kento looks down at his beer, his finger tracing the top of the can. “you deserve to be cherished.”
you pull his takeout box from his hands and move into his lap, facing him. "and you," you say gently, moving his hair out of his eyes, "are my everything." kento tilts his chin up to you, a small smile creeping on his face. you give him a soft kiss before returning to your spot and handing him his meal.
as the two of you sit in your living room eating dinner, he grabs a straw wrapper and folds it into a ring. sliding the paper jewelry onto your ring finger, kento tells you it’s his promise to always take care of you. while you might not have much right now, the love he carries for you is priceless.
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boltupbitches · 5 months
We Can't Be Friends - Justin Herbert (angst)
Her hands shook as she grasped the box tightly in her hands. Inside it were various belongings of her now ex-boyfriend. It was surreal as she carefully folded away the dark green Nike sweatshirt he left at her apartment. The other items included a Nike ballcap she borrowed from him, a spare phone charger, a book he forgot to finish reading that always sat on his side of the bed in her bedroom, and a jewelry box with the diamond necklace he bought her recently.
The last one she knew he’d protest accepting… yet it seemed fitting to give it back to him. Unlike the other pieces of jewelry she owned, this was the first expensive gift he ever got her. She didn’t want to wear it and be reminded of her heartache. 
She looked around her apartment, her heart aching at the odd spots where photos of them once were, now bare or replaced with something else like a decorative vase or photo of something else. The throw blanket he had made with her cat on it was also folded and put away in the closet, out of sight and out of mind. The apartment felt strangely empty, the absence of his presence palpable, and she couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness at the changes.
Her apartment looked oddly bare now with the various signs of him now missing from her daily life. Photos were gone, furniture re-arranged, and traces of him were in the box, ready to be returned to him, except along with it was her heart. The most precious thing she wished she could take back from him.
During her ponderings, she hadn’t realized there was a knock at the door. She frowned, realizing that it was likely Justin on the other side of the door. Part of her wondered why he didn’t use the key he had, but another part of her knew he probably didn’t feel comfortable doing so now that they were broken up.
Emma sat the box down on her coffee table and moved to the front door to let him in. As a precaution, she looked in the peephole first to make sure it was him.
He stood there awkwardly, shuffling from foot to foot as he waited to be let in.
Emma sighed and opened the door, preparing for the pangs her heart was about to experience all over again. The mere thought of him hurt, yet the sight of him felt like she was struck down by a bullet.
Justin smiled gently at her, his eyes were showing sadness and uncertainty as he stared into her eyes. In his hands was a box of her things. 
“Hey, come in…” Emma backed away from the door for him to enter, her one hand holding the doorknob tightly and the other tucked to her side. She felt so vulnerable in that moment, allowing him both physically and metaphorically to re-enter her space.
Justin shuffled through the doorway and stopped to slip his shoes off before continuing into her apartment. He gently sat the box of her stuff on the coffee table before he took a moment to stare around the room, his eyes catching the sight of missing photos of the pair that once decorated the walls and shelves of her living room.
It was odd. Emma was sure that’s what he was thinking as she quietly watched him gaze at the corner bookshelf that once had a photo of two of them after a fishing trip - her first ever fishing trip at sea. They were posing together with her catch, her face beaming with pride and his eyes on her, so much adoration in his smile and his eyes. She loved that picture… but now it sat in a box underneath her bed with all the other photos of them together.
“I… um… I think I got everything that was yours.” Justin rubbed his neck nervously as he finally stared in her direction, “If I find anything else I’ll send a text.” He offered with a strained smile.
Emma could tell by the look in his eyes that he didn’t want to do this - the awkward silence as two people who spent the last two years always together could not find the words to say what they wanted to say. She opened her mouth to thank him but the words would not come out. She just stood there with her lips parted as she searched Justin’s eyes for something, anything.
“You said you had my stuff?” Justin asked. “I-I mean no rush! I just remember you saying that in your text.”
“Y-yeah. It’s right here.” She lifted the box and handed it over to him, watching as he glanced into the box, his face pulling into a frown at the stuff that filled the box.
Justin reached in for the box that held the necklace he had gifted her. “Emma… this is yours. You don’t have to give it back to me.” He looked at her sadly. 
Emma looked down at her sock-clad feet before looking back at him with a frown. “Justin… we broke up. I… I don’t think I could ever wear that again without thinking about you.”
He nodded as he thumbed the small box, “Still, you could pawn it or something. I can’t accept a gift back, Emma. That’s not right.”
“You could regift it.” She said stubbornly, “I don’t want it, Justin.”
“Who am I going to regift this to when it’s meant for the woman I love? I mean, that’s an odd thing to consider, Emma.” He was starting to get frustrated. “It’s just a necklace, why can’t you keep it?” He pushed.
“Because I don’t want to feel this way forever and that necklace hurts to look at!” Her voice raised slightly, “because it reminds me - never mind.” She stopped herself. “Never mind.”
“Reminds you of what?” Justin pressed. 
“It reminds me of all the false promises you made to me.” She admitted, her voice cracking with the emotions bubbling up. Look, I don’t want to argue. Just please take the stuff.”
Justin stared at her blankly as he was processing what she said. “Emma, I… I never meant to hurt you.”
“But you did,” She bit back a sob. “You did and it still hurts so badly. You ignored me and iced me out when all I tried to do was support you. You took two years of happiness and flipped it on its head. You treated me like a stranger and slowly but surely, the circle of friends I built with you… I felt like an imposter, a stranger. I’m a fool because I realized that you didn’t understand me. How could you ever even try when I was no longer not even in your top 10 priorities.” She started to cry more. “I had to tiptoe and hide this monstrous lie about my life to my family and friends so that you could have peace from the media. I gave so much to you but you never considered giving that much in return. The jewelry? The trips and restaurants? I didn’t care about those things. I only ever wanted you, Justin.”
He stood in shock as she unloaded on him, the floodgates spilling over as her emotions hit him like a tsunami wave. He could barely stand straight as he felt his own heartache at the pain he caused her.
“I just wanted you and that’s why, that’s why this is over. That’s why we can’t be friends. I'd like to just pretend… But I can’t wait for you to like me again. I can’t wait for your love anymore. I’m tired and I’m hurt.”
He said nothing as he gulped and looked down.
Emma breathed heavily and fanned her face in an attempt to cool down.
“I know right now there’s nothing I can say or do at this moment to fix this, Emma.” He looked up with earnest eyes, “But for what it is worth, I am so sorry for taking you for granted these last few months. I’m sorry I made you feel trapped and isolated at times. I’m sorry I shut down and focused only on football. I’m sorry I was a shit boyfriend to you when I should have done better. I’m so sorry.” He blinked back his tears.
Emma closed her eyes in pain and nodded at his apology. “I appreciate that, Justin, but I think it’s time for us to cut this off now. We are both hurt and I need time for me… away from you.”
Justin nodded in agreement, although a huge part of him didn’t want that. That part of him yelled in his head ‘fight for this! Fight for her!’ Yet, he knew at that moment that Emma didn’t want that. She wanted out of this. She wanted away from him. He couldn’t force her to stay with him. He wasn’t the type. It hurt, be he’d let her go if that’s what she wanted.
“I’ll head out then.” He gestured to the door as he slipped his sandals back on. He turned to see Emma opening the door for him, her eyes saddened at the sight of her now ex-boyfriend leaving her apartment and her life. It was what she wanted but still, it hurt so bad for it to end like this. 
She knew Justin wasn’t inherently a bad man. It just became a situation of when times got tough for them, he didn’t do his part in keeping the relationship alive or trying to reciprocate Emma’s love and affection. The months that went on were tortuous, as were the arguments that came with them. An angry Justin was a rarity, but the rare times he did appear, the anger doused quickly, followed by avoidance. Emma couldn’t deal with it anymore. She knew she also had to work on herself and her own problems before trying to make Justin address his own. She needed to grow away from him.
“I’ll wait for your love, always, Emma.” He promised softly as he turned and walked away from her, hoping it wasn’t the last time he’d see her. He still loved her.
Emma closed the door quietly and slid to the floor against it. It was over and it hurt like hell.
It was what she wanted and needed, but it didn’t feel right. She wasn’t sure how she’d navigate just as herself, but she knew she had to.
It's something like a daydream But I feel so seen in the night So for now, it's only me And maybe that's all I need
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genork-the-fandork · 1 month
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Word Count: 571 Prompt: Third Meeting A/N: In case it wasn't clear, I'm sort of interconnecting all of these drabbles. This one calls upon the other two a bit as Hikari and Takeru ponder the adventure ahead of them (02). I love the idea that they're not sure if they belong on this adventure, but they're very much needed. They're very necessary. @takariweek
"Is this Adventure really ours?" Takeru asked, his leg bouncing as he stared up at the sky. They were waiting for the others, waiting to tell them what had transpired today. How Daisuke had come with them to the Digital World, how evolutions were near impossible at the moment, how a Digiegg held the secret to fighting the strange new power at work. 
Hikari's head had been swimming with all this new information ever since they'd returned in a heap on the computer room floor. She shook her head, unsure. "We can't leave Daisuke to fight this, this Digimon Kaiser alone. Not when Tailmon and Agumon and Patamon are there." With a shiver, she put her hands on her arms. "I'm worried about all of the Digimon. I want to help."
"But they can't evolve. How are we supposed to fight anyone if Tailmon and Patamon have no chance?"
She frowned. He had a point. It made little sense to leave such a task up to them with no way of fighting their enemy. Because it always came down to fighting when it came to Digital World business. She hadn't liked it much as a younger child, and it made just as little sense to her now. Still… "Maybe we were always supposed to be the second generation of Chosen. Someone has to help Daisuke learn about the Digimon. Miyako and Iori, too."
"How is it that I happened to move into a building with two other Chosen?" Takeru murmured incredulously. "This is Hikarigaoka all over again."
Bumping her shoulder with his, Hikari pointed out, "The Digital World moves in mysterious ways."
"Too mysterious," he joked, nudging her in the side. They both laughed. Even after not seeing each other for a long time, it was as easy as breathing, being with Takeru. Hikari knew it was something akin to love, what she felt for her friend. It would be a shame (mostly for Daisuke's sake), to care so much about someone at this age, were it not for their history together. How Hikari had gone a day without him in her life, she would never know.
"But you know," Hikari added. "At least Taichi didn't give his goggles to either of us." She grinned. "Can you imagine trying to be like him?"
"Not in a million years. I can barely keep up with my own brother, much less yours." Takeru folded his arms behind his head in a very Taichi-esque gesture. Yet his pose was very Yamato. Hikari knew that neither of them would admit that they were very much the product of their brothers. But neither of them were quite meant to take their places in the group of Chosen, either. "I wonder if Daisuke can handle it."
"He's rough around the edges," Hikari mused. "But I think he's up to it. All he needs is a little hope."
"Maybe some light?" Takeru raised an eyebrow.
"Something like that. He'll be just fine. And if something goes wrong…" Hikari held out her pinkie.
Even though their unspoken promise to each other had not been sealed by pinkies in the slightest, Takeru understood. He interlocked his pinkie with hers. Maybe their Digimon's powers were limited right now, but they would still fight to protect the partners that had come to mean as much to them as they meant to each other. Even if they were the last two Chosen standing.
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jinlizz-dragondrama · 9 months
Chapter 16
Battle Nexus R Us
(Don't watch video til you see the bold words)
Dear Diary,
Ah, Another day here in New York. It's a quiet peaceful day, the sun is shining, freshly cooked pizza wafts in the air, and pigeons feed hungrily on bread that old ladies and men feed them. Yep so relaxing City...
"Guys, guys, get a photo of me dropping a Hibernator on Big Spikey and Big Blinky and Jolly Green Torch guy" Raph sat excitedly while posing in front of each building/monument.
Ugh, which is what I would be saying if I wasn't on top of the Empire State Building observation deck.
I close my diary quickly after Raph's body slams a trash can and gets trash juices all over my hoodie.
"Ew gross...April why are we up here anyway?" I say slightly annoyed.
"This family needs to learn more about its hometown, which is why I entered us in a citywide photo scavenger hunt. And we're gonna WIN!" April says sure of herself.
We head into the elevator and take a look at the scavenger hunt list.
"So what do we win? When we win?" Asks Mikey
"Street Cred. The only currency that matters in this city" Splints answers
"And we'll do it with our special brand of teamwork-- where my brothers do all the work but we share equal credit," Leo says
I roll my eyes and punch him in the shoulders playfully.
"Not gonna happen this time buddy," I say while folding my arms
I feel eyes on me and I look back to see Donnie looking at me. When our eyes lock he pulls his hood down to cover his eyes. The past couple of weeks have been a bit awkward between us. Donnie isn't big on talking about his feelings not even Doctor Feelings could get him to cough it up.
⚠️Trigger warning mentions of violence, guns, and blood⚠️
(Re-read chapter 13 if you need a refresher)
"Let's get to work," Donnie says after pulling down his mystic goggles
"Give me all you got Don Tron" I smirk
"Oh I plan to, my sweet Aqua" He chuckles
We go into a deep part of the lair where Donnie tests his more or less lethal experiments. A huge soundproof room, titanium encased, several stories high, with several stairs, ramps, poles, entrances, and tunnels.
"Ready when you are," I say while getting into a fighting stance.
He pulls out his tech bo and presses a button, it turns into a rubber bullet gun and he starts shooting. Before I could react my body took over and my body became elastic catapulting the bullets back at Donnie. He easily dodges them and the ones he misses he walks away with his tech bo.
"Interesting, indeed." He ponders
"Let's kick it up a notch, let's pretend I'm an evil alien race that wants to enslave Earth and all the planets in the galaxy and beyond" Evil laughs.
"Well you asked for it," Donnie says while pushing another button and starting to shoot lasers at me.
I dodge the lasers and what I don't dodge my body can absorb and shoot back at Jim 10 times more powerful. It was fun to see how much my body could take. I end up tripping and tumbling into Donnie, knocking him over and falling on top of him. Our faces are close together, and we both blush darkly as we realize the position we are in I take notice of his hands on my hips to catch me as I fall. His large hands were cold but not the freezing kind and they felt nice on my hips.
Author-chan POV
Kiss him, kiss him, kiss him. Oh um *clears throat* continue.
Aqua POV
I hurriedly get off him, pull him up, then push him over as I jump away.
"Catch me if you can" I shout as I hop away
"Oh here comes Donnie" He shouts close behind me chuckling.
We go for hours and hours testing all of Donnie's inventions til we are both covered in sweat and breathing heavily.
Collapsing onto the ground trying to catch my breath, Donnie falls to the ground not that far from me.
"Looks...like...I'm...indestructible...." I say between each breath
"It...would...seem...so..." Donnie says equally out of breath
"Well, I need a shower, and so do you I can smell you from here," I say while waving my hand in front of my nose jokingly swishing away the non-existent stench I smell from Donnie.
"Hardy, har har" His metal arms emerge from his battle shell to help him up.
I slowly stand up, I concentrate on what my human form looks like, and my body starts to shift into my familiar form.
"Ah, it's good to be back..." I say while hugging myself
"Race you to the showers!" I shout while running toward to exit
"What happened to being tired?" Donnie asks as he starts to chase after me but something catches his eye. He reaches down and grabs a folded white piece of paper. Curiosity consumes him, so he checks to make sure the coast is clear and opens it. Seeing the drawing he smiles at how cute and well-drawn it is but something sticks out.
Donnie POV
The drawings are of my brothers, myself, April, Aqua, and Cass. Who is that? But the drawings depict a much older gang with a little turtle tot added to the mix. His mind starts to rave with many questions and theories.
"Did Aqua draw this? No that doesn't make sense if she did she wouldn't be carrying this around with her. Something about this is special and she keeps it close to her. But why? To study it? It is a bit worn out on a very specific part of the page which means she's been looking at it often. I should return this. But how?"
Something else catches his eye a small curl of hair is stuck where the little tot's drawn feet are. He makes his way to the lab making sure I'm not around, quickly entering he grabs a test tube, with a pair of sterile tweezers plucks the hair, and places it into the test tube sealing it with a cork and labs it "unknown DNA specimen".
"Thinking back on the science fair Aqua has been acting off. More off than usual I couldn't get anything out of her after she ran out of the gym. She seemed she was looking for something but what?"
"Not only that, but the incredible armor she created was Ah breathtaking. Little on that later once I figure out what's going on. She has also been wearing that mysterious comb, probably a gift from that infuriating..." sighing and pinched the bridge between my eyebrows.
"This girl is going to be the death of me"
But before analyzing the DNA components even crossed my mind I could hear my dumb dumb twin brothers' voices through the security camera which isn't out of the ordinary. But what ground my gears was him trying to "flirt" with Aqua. I use quotations because his flirting has never worked and it's very....ew.
Looking at the security cameras, seeing Leo say something while Aqua is grabbing a glass of milk. After she takes a sip, Leo whispers something in her ear and she proceeds to have milk shoot out of her mouth and nose which causes her to start coughing. It then makes my brother laugh, and run away, and Aqua chases after him.
"Flirtation attempt failed, Aqua well infinite and Leo 0"
"Get your your shell back here, you...you....oooooo"
"Catch me if you can"
*Sigh* "I should go help him but, he deserves it so I'm going to get a better look"
Putting the test tube in a secure specimen lock, inputs a code, and walks out of the lab to see the chaos just in time to see the duo run past. I smirked and had the brilliant idea to stick my foot out to trip him, chuckling and folding my arms quite amused.
"You son of a- oh boy..." Leo trips and does some cartwheel rolls and looks up to see Aqua gracefully jump into the air stick her elbow out and dish out the people's elbow into Leo's exposed plastron which causes him to splutter and his eyes almost bulge out of his sockets.
"Ah yes, the sweet sweet smell of revenge," I say while making my way to my unconscious brother and anger-fueled friend.
"I swear to the gods above if you utter a single word to anyone...ESPECIALLY HIM! I will turn you into turtle soup!
"Yeesh, she means business"
"If you wanted to take me out to dinner why didn't you just say so?" As soon as those words came out of my brother's mouth all I could say was
"WHAT?" I shout but also hear Aqua's voice shout at the same time as me
We ended up looking at each other and I could feel my cheeks start to burn.
"Aha ha ha *clears throat* I'll um just dispose of him my lady and I shall return"
Extending my mechanical arms from my battle shell I drag Nardo to his room.
"Why did I say that? Ugh, she probably didn't hear the last bit, I mean I called her that multiple times before but...but...*sigh* you're overthinking Donnie just get rid of your brother and go back to her and act normal."
I tossed my brother into his room and left a very tasteful sticky note that read "I'm with stupid" with an arrow pointing at him
"I'm so good and for the final touch, as soon as he tries to leave his room water balloons full of paint will get thrown at him...EVIL LAUGH!"
Turning back to the direction of Aqua when I returned to her current location I saw that April had joined her and they were speaking in hushed tones.
*Back to the present*
Did you see that our grades have been posted?" April says while looking at her phone
"So let's see what we have here," Donnie says while looking over my shoulder as I look up my grades
"Hey, no peeking you, dork." I giggle and then go quiet
"Uh, Aqua? Are you ok?" Raph asks me concerned
Leo snatches my phone from my hand and rolls his eyes
"These are perfect grades, Aqua!" Leo says
"Woohoo, that's my girl!" April high-fives me
"Oh wait, what's this? I see here," Leo smirks
I feel a sweat droplet start to slide down my forehead, and I make this face (😳)[ I don't know how to describe it...] Donnie takes the phone out of his twin hand and gasps.
"A B- in theater!" He shouts
"What? Why?" Mikey takes a look as well
"Let's open up the grades and see the breakdown..." Donnie opens up the assignment tab and sees the B- is from my musical performance.
Soon, everyone surrounds my phone, and they all gasp and start talking at once
"You sounded like an alto angel," Mikey says
"It brought tears to my eyes, I would have hired you to be a star in one of my movies," Splints says while whipping a tear away.
"I can hack into the school grading portal and change it for you," Donnie says while tapping away on his wrist gauntlet.
"No, no, it's ok," I say sadly
"Just thinking about it gives me goosebumps," Raph says excitedly
*Flashback to a couple of weeks ago*
SIX (The Musical)
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(Imagine this is the outfit you're wearing, also art by me)
I peel from behind the curtains, and I start to panic as I move my wig bangs out of my face.
"Oh God, it's a full house, I hope they found seats," I say quietly as I scan the crowd for my friends it's finally my turn for my solo. Everything has gone well so far, but this is my big moment.
"Don't screw this up, Y/N!" I say exile, slapping my cheek, which stings pretty bad and brings a small tear to my eye.
A backstage crew member walks over to me, attaches my mic to me, and makeup does one last check to make sure everything is in order.
"This is so exciting," a castmate whispers
The house lights darken, and I scoop up the skirt of my dress and rush to my spot on my throne. Fixing my dress and hair, taking deep calming breaths, and getting into character. The curtain starts to open slowly
"Showtime," I say quietly to myself as the music starts to play and I start to sing.
*Before the Performance*
Donnie POV
"Alright, everyone has their tickets?" I look around as they show me that they indeed have their tickets.
"Excellent! Now, being the genius that I am, we should have arrived early enough to ohhhhh, " Donnie says confidently until he sees the line into the theater
"Well, Donald looks like your plan didn't work out," Mikey says
"No matter, Aqua gave us VIP tickets so we can still get good seats," Donnie says as he fixes his jacket.
All of us were in our disguises but fancier as it was a semi-formal event, and April was wearing a very tasteful signature green dress. Papa cleaned up pretty well. We finally made our way into the theater and looked for available seats.
"Oh, oh, guys over there," April says while pointing at reserved seats.
"Are you sure this is for us?" Raph asks
"Oh yeah, one of the drama kids owed me one, so I was able to snag the best seats in the house!" April says while giving a thumbs-up.
I took a seat and admitted to myself that April had indeed got the best seats in the house. Lowering my mystic goggles, pressing a button, and changing to theater binoculars.
"Really Dee? Binoculars?" Leo annoyingly says
"You gotta look and act the part, dear brother," I say while looking through them
"Gimmie, those"
"No, next time, get your own Nardo."
"Boys! Have some class, " Papa interjected
"Yes, we must be on our best behavior," April says while fanning herself with her green fan.
"Ugh, fine," Nardo says, defeated
I open up the program to see the order of events and see that Aqua has a solo. I couldn't help but smile as I thought about her singing. I've only heard her sing when she thinks no one is listening and dare I say she's really good.
The lights start to dim, and the show begins. There is a slight intermission. We decide to stretch our legs and grab a quick snack at the snack bar.
"Well, I think that King Henry guy has a serious problem with commitment," Mikey says while taking a bit of a cookie.
"It's more to it than that Mikey, it's also history. King Henry VIII married each of the women to produce a male heir to the throne but none of them produced one and the character that Aqua is playing which is Anna of Celves, the King didn't find her pleasing to the eye so he annulled their marriage."
"Well, I think that King Henry DOES like Anna," Mikey says
Everyone gives a knowing look and nods their head in agreement.
*sigh* "Were you guys not -" (notices that everyone started walking back to their seats)
"H-hey guys, wait up." Rushing back to catch up with the gang and wondering what's up with them.
No matter. I know Nardo will probably spill the beans later.
The house lights darken once more, and the musical begins.
Aqua POV
I start singing my heart out and acting like a boss-ass bitch. In the middle of my singing, I lock eyes with Donnie. I was blushing slightly and continued singing. The rest of the musical went on without a hitch. Once we were finished, we took a bow, and Josh, the guy who played King Henry VII, held my hand while bowed. When we are backstage, the castmates and I congratulate each other's amazing performances. The gang comes in, I wave at them smiling, and it looks like Donnie wants to say something but Josh steps in front of me to hand me a bouquet of roses.
"For you my queen!" Josh says while bowing them and handing them to me
"Oh uhhh thank....you...Josh....they're lovely?" I say as I awkwardly accept them
I see Donnie's expression harden slightly.
"How curious," I say to myself
"So if you don't have a date already, would you like to go to prom with me?" Josh asks me
"I...uh..." I stutter a bit as I'm taken aback by the ask.
"Of course, you don't have to answer now, here's my number shoot me a text," He says while handing me a piece of paper.
Taking the piece of paper, I look from the paper to the gang, their mouths are agape and they slowly look at Donnie. His fists were clenched behind his back but he put on a brave face, walked over to me, grabbed me by the waist, picked me up, and spun me.
"An excellent performance my dear, I say I think we'll make a star out of you. You should audition on Broadway, although you'll have some tough competition." He says while he puts me back down
"Oh and who is this competition?" I ask sarcastically
"But me of course" He smirks and folds his arms.
"Oh, Dee don't you have something to give our rising star?" Mikey says
"Something for me?" I question
"Uh yes, well I made you this" He pulls a single purple rose
I take it and I don't know if it's possible but my smile got bigger.
"No way is this made from the same metal as-" I start to say
"My tech-Bo but of course" Donnie finishes proudly
"It's beautiful thank you" I study the handy work, it must have taken him a long time to expertly and beautifully create this for me. Looking up at him from under my eyelashes I can tell he's kind of embarrassed.
Well let me get changed out of these ridiculous clothes and we can go celebrate!" I say excitedly as I hand the flowers to April and rush to the changing room.
Once I was out of earshot the gang bombards Donnie.
"Alright game plan you need to ask Y/N to prom" April states
"what why?" Donnue asks.
"Uh because if you don't I will," Leo says
Everyone glares at Leo.
"Ugh fine because if you don't that nobody is gonna swoop in and steal your girl!" Leo says
"She isn't my girl and she's free to go with who she pleases," Donnie says while shrugging
"Aw come on bro you know you wanna go with her" Raph points out
I finish changing into comfy clothes I step out of the changing room gear them talking and decide to eavesdrop. Donnie's back is to me but everyone else is facing me.
"Besides dances aren't my scene and I doubt someone like her would want that....can we just drop this" Donnie says
April notices me eavesdropping and stealthy elbows Mikey and he also looks in my direction, I quickly whip the tear I didn't realize that ran down my cheek, smike, and skip over to the gang.
"Come on guys pizza waits for no man!" I shout while grabbing my flowers and running out of the room.
*2 weeks after the performance*
"Oooo what are we looking at?" Mikey seemingly coming out of nowhere
"Oh just prom dresses," I say nonchalantly
"You still haven't picked one yet?" Mikey asks
"There are just too many to choose from," I say slightly defeated.
"Well guess we have to go dress shopping!" Mikey and April say.
"Wait wait wait, how about you take the boys' tux shopping and home girl and eye check some dresses!" April sings
"Let's do it!" I shout happily as I giggle
"Alright, bros let's go topside" Mikey shouts and grabs Donnie as he runs to grab the rest of the boys.
(Watch the video above the title now)
While the boys have their montage. We girls tried dress after dress after dress all hope was lost as we walked around the mall. As a last-ditch effort, we went into one last store. Looking around I couldn't find anything I liked.
"Ah, young lady can I help you with something?" The shopkeeper asks
"No, I'm just looking," I say while looking at the racks of dresses
"I just may have the dress you're looking for," she says
I look at her intrigued and smile a bit hopeful. She scuttled away to find the dress and quickly returned. April appears at my side with heart eyes.
"Girl you have to try this one!" She says giddy
I go to the changing room, put the dress on, and zip it up. There was no mirror in the room so I stepped out of the room and all eyes were on me. April's mouth is agape and she slowly raises her phone and takes a picture.
"I look ridiculous don't I?" I say shyly
"Are you kidding me, you're gorgeous!"
"I have the perfect shoes and earrings for this dress," the shopkeeper says.
Trying on the shoes and earrings I smile at myself in the mirror.
"So have you decided if you're going to prom with Josh?" April asks
I think about Donnie, then about what he said shaking my head and smiling.
"I guess I could go with Josh as friends, but it doesn't hurt that he's mildly attractive," I say while texting him saying that ilk go with him.
I pay for the dress and accessories. Looking at the shopkeeper she looked very familiar, but besides I could fully recognize her April pulled me out of the store to the direction of the food court.
*Present time*
We are still in the elevator, it finally dings and we are on the ground level. Looking at Donnie again I start to say something as we step out onto the New York street it's eerily quiet. The sky is red and there is a huge black hole in the sky.
"Donnie, what did you do?" We all ask
Then we hear some cackling
"Big mama?" We all say
"Ladies and gentlemen it's the moment you've all been waiting for my long-promised, fantastic, whiz-bang 'Battle Nexus: New York'!"
"I'm sorry, 'whiz-bang New York' what what what?" Donnie asks
"Wait where is everybody?" I asks looking around
"Oh looks like we have a new contestant!" Big Mama says
"A who now?" I say looking up at the hologram Big Mama is projected on.
"Looks like it has decided that you should stay and participate my little darling. Defeat my champions and you win your city back. Fail and you lose it all." She says while evilly rubbing the glowy orb
"What?" We all shout
"I have only one question for you. How dare you?" Donnie says
I face palm myself and sigh loudly
"Well here we go!"
Author Note
Merry Christmas guys!! I hope you enjoy this two-chapter present! Sorry it took so long life got a bit crazy with the holidays and such. Thank you for being so patient. I have a few treats coming soon hope you guys can wait a bit longer.
Love you guys 💜
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yunnathearcher · 12 days
Snooze. Snooze. Snooze and snooze again. Take out my nose ring. Soak it in peroxide. Sports bra and panties, open eyed and barefaced. Life feels tedious, also necessary. Like a handful, but a fulfilling one. Finding myself more in the now, moment by moment, day by day. 8 of cups looking at me like okay.. AND? Monday? Hi, yes. Monday.
Soul recognition. Refocusing my energy. Without a need or desire to show out or show off, it feels good to be seen. Can’t put my finger on it. But it’s you. It’s counterintuitive but I trust myself enough to trust the knowing. Still. Free will. Yada, yada. Also, fate too. Blahzay, blahzay. And then clear eyes. Forgive you? Yes, of course. It’s Monday.
Up to 4AM, immersed in this book I’m reading. Teetering in Eagle pose, but standing firm. Time dripping like rain drops on a rose petal. Holy trinity of beverages; water, coffee and a fresh ginger blend. Customer impatient, snotty, rude. Then later.. there goes some respect. After I show forth confidence & a bit of kindness of course. Tuesday? Uhh, yeah Tuesday.
Dry eyes. Naps during lunch break. Naps after work. Presidential debate. Early morning cardio. Gearing up to fast. Reviewing new moon goals, putting in work behind them. Using my words, the truest ones. Honoring my temple. Clearing the channels in preparation for the transition of the seasons. Trusting in the less is more approach. I get to choose. I get to do what I want. Tuesday? Oh yeah, Tuesday.
Early morning. White sports bra, deep red panties. A new playlist. Feeling all my emotions, quickly and with ease. No pressure to move off of any of them. Bliss. But wanting to make sure it’s real. Needing to make sure it’s real. So I’ll make it real. Things coming together, other things falling apart. Good I say. Wednesday? Yep. Wednesday.
Late night reading. Pink LED lights. Thinking of you clouds my thoughts. Not asking. Inflationary. I know. Researching. Gliding & coasting in spirals. Weekend feels close but not close enough. Yes ma’am, yes sir. Enough. Wednesday? FFS, yes just Wednesday.
And when the words don’t come, I don’t force them to. But they come. Eventually. Just like always. Eyes heavy with sleep. Concerns, sure. But what’s concerns to a dream? Considering the dangers of engaging with the collective unconscious. Fascinated that I feel compelled to do so. Considering the rhythm and spasms during an orgasm. Cumming with ease feels so serene. Thursday? Maybe Thursday.
Bulking season on the horizon. A tinge of awkwardness taking selfies, not enough to stop. Late night rides, views giving me life. Thinking to myself.. I’m gonna read the hell out of this book when I get back home. Thinking.. this is what life is about. Pondering and processing over an apple walnut salad. Work finally in the backdrop of my life. Just like I like it, just like I need it. Thursday? Friday Eve? Friday Jr? Girl you know it’s Thursday.
Relax into savasana pose. Indifferent to opinions. Too busy living. Light licking and kissing on my shoulders in between tasks. Slowly approaching a divergent point. Exciting. A little planning. Mostly just vibing. Life.. coming through with an abundance of skills, experience, poise and inner peace. What more could I need? Friday? Yes baby, happy Friday.
Accidental door dash orders. Early evening cat naps. Visualizing a weekend out & about. In the streets, but not for the streets. Very contained, very put up. Emails that I can do without. Responsiveness? Mastered. Initiating convos? Eh, it's taking some practice. Easing into the flow of beginning. Again. Remembering what it feels like to start anew. Again. Friday the 13th looks good on you. Friday? Mmhmm. Friday.
Early morning laundry. Psych reading & folding clothes. I can hear the crickets chirping. A deer darts out into the street. She’s beautiful. Can hear her hooves on the pavement. Serene. My eyes are heavy, my mind awake. Giving my body more sleep. Midday visualizing. Contemplating things. Shouldn’t ain't the same as wouldn’t. It’s my life. I intend to live it how I see fit. Saturday? Yeah, Saturday.
I miss you. How you would make the shrimp and grits. I miss you. How your toes would wrap around each other when we’d lay cuddled up in bed. I miss you. Rubbing your tummy to make the cramps go away. I miss you. Holding your face in my hands, telling you how beautiful you are. I miss you. Listening to you ramble for hours on the phone. Yeah, IMY2. Saturday? Fucking Saturn. Of course it’s Saturday.
And on Sunday She had fun & then She rested.
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floosies · 1 year
Break It To Me Gently
steve harrington x poc!fem
warnings: angst, heart break
(this was gonna be more of a blurb but i got a bit carried away. its night and i ponder too much, blame brenda lee. possiblity for a happy ending idk im thinking)
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they say the daughter of the man takes the karmic grunt of his mistakes, but when the man has only a son who else is left to carry the burden?
but steve was no saint, his plethora of sin was legendary itself and with it grew his list of grievances but none more painful than the love he lost after nancy broke his heart.
the girl who somehow mended him in his last couple of months of school. who made it bareable to walk the halls of hawkins high. to anyone else she was no one special, but to him in those months she was everything.
soothing a heart she didnt break. winning the boy but at the cost of having to hear how badly he was hurt. sure to anyone who heard the story she was simply a rebound, but even forgotten history is still history; and that was something they shared.
he held her hand, planted her first kiss, and posed for their elemantry graduation photo together all those years ago. never the courageous one, she watched him become the socialite she never could be. she wondered if he even remembered what they'd once shared so long ago.
when the word spread of his heartbreak, of his fall from grace, she couldnt hold onto whatever anger she had once felt. it all became pity and despite it, he wanted it. pity and sympathy, her touch, her kiss, her words all sweet nothings that eased his pain.
and maybe deep down she knew it wouldn't last. that his love was conditional at best, but those last few months, those secret meet ups and phone calls they were everything. but little by little it happened, it started slipping away. the last time she held him was the night before graduation. she knew it was over then, he didnt have to say it for her to know. with a final strong hug she released him from her way.
all her memories of this stayed in her head, and some pictures she swore never to show anyone else. it was the sweetest, cruelest, and most passionate love; and she knew it was never going to happen again.
not willing to ache she left not long before the summer could begin. the idea of going to a far away college somewhere on the east coast was the only sollace in her heartbroken misery. though she knew better, she couldnt stop herself from writing him her parting words. sending out one final adminace that she'd loved him from the start. their childhood photo folded into the letter left as a goodbye gift. in her mind he would probably just leave the card in his desk but never risk opening it out of fear of feelings or admittance that he had truly done it.
in reality, he opened it as soon as he saw it. somewhere deep down inside, he knew he had played with her heart. that she was far too kind. after everything he'd been through he should have treated her kindly, but ego still bruised he denied himself from truly being a better man.
the letter like the final blow, proved that despite his sunken feeling of being unloveable, someone had always loved him. truly loved him, missed him, and he denied it. maybe not physically, but he should have cherished her presence for what she represented more anything else. their picture only added to the pain he couldnt take from her.
the summer was cruel, while she went away living her dream, his were torn at and made a mockery. this sin was being paid, but yet the ache for reconiliation was all too real in his former heart of stone. he wanted to find anyone who could replace his guilt, his shame, instead he found robin who was somehow sent to further remind him of his sins.
was it wrong, was this crossing a line? possibly. but after the blood he spilled in that mall dried on his face he needed the warmth he had pushed away. once the directory operator transferred his call to her dorm his heart raced with hope. then it happened, when her voice softly spoke.
"hello?" his heart wavered, the fear once more there. he couldnt let this happen again
as best he could he tried to sound as his old self, "i missed you. I'm sorry I-" her voice suddenly cold, "don't. Please don't." The phone clicked, the line now dead, but he couldnt bring himself to remove it from his ear. he didnt know when the tears began or ended but they coaxed him into his sleep.
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lepoppeta · 2 years
For the fanfic ask thing: 6, 7, 8, 17, 22, 23, 26, 29, 35, 39, 42, 49, 68 and 75 c:
6. What's the last line you wrote?
"... he may yet make a surprisingly great trainer!"
Victor couldn't help the sneer of his top lip, or the darkening of his brow, or the way he parted his teeth just slightly and asked: "What do you mean, 'surprisingly'?"
Title: To the Victor Goes the Spoils
Fandom: Pokémon (Sword & Shield)
Relationship(s): Victor/Hop
7. Post a snippet from a WIP.
Brassius has no classmates to celebrate with; no teachers to particularly thank. Within the month, he finds an empty warehouse studio in Artazon for his fantastical sculptures and fills the gardens of his new home with roses; agave; blackberries.
Title: Carnivore
Fandom: Pokémon (Scarlet & Violet)
Relationship(s): Hassel/Brassius
8. Post an out-of-context spoiler from a WIP.
"Jack we have to go."
"... I can't."
"We have to, pet. We'll be found if we stay here, and to be quite frank..." he trails off, wincing. He folds his lips together ponderously and tries again: "... to be honest, you don't look like you could squash a roach, let alone kill a Splicer."
Title: Dark and Familiar and Deep as the Sea (re-write)
Fandom: Bioshock 1 + 2
Relationship(s): Jack Ryan/Atlas
17. Do you have a writing routine?
Absolutely not.
22. Do you title your fics before, during, or after the writing process? How do you come up with titles?
Fandom and music have always gone hand in hand for me, so most of my titles end up being song lyrics!
I usually write with a title in mind, but sometimes it changes during the "drafting" process.
23. What is the easiest and what is the hardest: beginnings, middles, ends?
Beginnings are easier, certainly.
Endings are very difficult for me. I have a hard time conceptualizing a good stopping point in my stories; a lot of the time they keep going of their own volition, but not necessarily linearly.
26. What's your least favourite part of the writing process?
I can't do word vomit; I can't write things badly on purpose; I don't entirely understand how drafting works. Someone needs to take my brain and my hands and do it for me so I can have the template muscle memory to do it on my own.
29. What's something about your writing that you're proud of?
I like to think that I'm quite good at dialogue, and I think I'm getting better at making my overall prose snappier and more minimalist.
35. What's your favourite fic that you've posted?
Overall? Probably At the End of the Line (Maybe a Diamond Ring). It's relatively well-written; the ending actually ends somewhat cleanly; it paces well compared to most of my other works. I'm pleased with it. I wouldn't change it.
More recently, I'm quite fond of My Lover Stands on Golden Sands, but I also don't like the ending all that much anymore. I feel like it just... falls off at the end.
39. Most self-indulgent WIP?
I wouldn't strictly call it a WIP, but I still have a few passages from a completed Nuzlocke (OmegaRuby / X) that I was going to transfer into a prose format. It has a lot of headcanons and self-insert-y elements without it being a straight-up self-insert fanfiction.
42. What's your favourite title you've come up with?
Mentioned above, I have two (named) Pokémon stories in the works. One is "Carnivore" and one is "To the Victor Goes the Spoils". I like both.
Out of my published works I think Dark and Familiar and Deep as the Sea is my favourite (although this fic I'd hardly consider to be published in its current state). The Blue Tide Pulling me Under is also pretty up there.
49. What fic of yours would you say is the best introduction to you as a writer?
I don't think I can accurately answer this because I kind of know what I want my writing to aspire to be, but I don't really know what it is. I don't know my own quirks, I only can hazard a guess as to what I would want them to be. It would probably be a question better posed to a member of my audience rather than me.
However, true as I may think that is, it's a bit of a cop-out answer. If I had to choose I'd probably pick Athair. It needs to be re-written, though.
68. Are there any fics that influenced you to write the way that you do?
My one true fanfiction love is Hang the Fool, and that's probably influenced me the most in terms of style. It's a story that's repetitive without lingering past its welcome; it's very articulate while still being descriptive. I admire it greatly.
75. Is there a particular fic that your readers gravitate towards that you didn't expect?
My five most popular works are as follows:
You're Gonna be My Bruise
Frame and Wire
The Blue Tide Pulling me Under
I don't understand why Aphrodite is ranked so highly. Maybe because it's my oldest Bioshock work and has simply been around the longest? I think it's pretty crap now, but I also think some of my newer stuff is worse.
You're Gonna be My Bruise I think is the biggest surprise. I truly think this is my worst one. It's too short. It's written poorly. It is simply bad. Why do you people like it so much?
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adviserbabycom · 1 year
5 Best Double Strollers for Travel: Making Family Adventures a Breeze
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Throughout this article, we'll delve into the fascinating world of double strollers and uncover the leading contenders that seamlessly blend practicality, versatility, and portability. Whether you find yourself jetting off on frequent trips, indulging in weekend getaways, or exploring the urban landscape, discovering the ideal travel companion for your growing family is crucial. Together, we'll explore the essential features to consider, gain valuable insights from experts, and empower you to make an informed decision tailored to your unique needs. But before we delve into the finer details, let me pose a thought-provoking question: Have you ever pondered how double strollers have evolved to become indispensable tools for modern-day travel? From their humble origins to their current innovative designs, the history of double strollers reflects the ever-evolving demands of parents seeking convenience and comfort. So, prepare to embark on a journey where we uncover the best double strollers for your travel adventures, ensuring you and your little ones experience the world with unparalleled ease and joy! TOP 3 Double Strollers for Travel Decoding the Perfect Double Strollers for Travel: Key Factors to Consider When embarking on the search for the best double strollers for travel, it's important to carefully consider several key factors that influence your decision-making process. These factors include portability, maneuverability, comfort, safety, and durability. - Portability takes center stage when traveling with a double stroller. A top-notch travel stroller should possess the qualities of being lightweight, compact, and effortless to fold and carry. Additionally, it should seamlessly fit into car trunks, overhead compartments, or snugly under airplane seats. - Maneuverability plays a vital role in navigating various environments during your travels. A well-designed travel stroller should effortlessly glide through tight spaces and conquer uneven surfaces. Responsive wheels and a smooth ride are essential for easy steering and turning. - Comfort is paramount for both you and your child when selecting a double stroller for travel. Look for a stroller that offers ample padding, a cozy seat, and a sunshade to shield your little one from harmful sun rays. Adjustable seating positions and footrests ensure optimal comfort for growing children. - Safety should never be compromised when choosing a double stroller for travel. Prioritize a sturdy frame, secure harnesses, and reliable brakes to ensure your child's well-being. Verify that the stroller meets or exceeds safety standards set by reputable regulatory bodies like the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC). - Finally, durability is key to withstand the demands of frequent travel. Seek a travel stroller crafted with high-quality materials that can endure the wear and tear of your adventures. It is essential to choose a double stroller for travel that excels in all these key factors. By prioritizing portability, maneuverability, comfort, safety, and durability, you can ensure that your travel experiences with your little ones are hassle-free and enjoyable. Selecting a stroller that delivers on these fronts will provide you with the peace of mind that you and your children are well-equipped for a smooth and delightful journey, ready to create lasting memories together. Best Double Stroller for Travel and On-the-Go Adventures Best Lightweight Double Stroller for Travel Best Versatile Double Stroller for Travel Best Double Stroller for Growing Families Best Comfortable Double Stroller for Travel Evaluating Top Double Strollers for Performance As a pediatrician and a parent with hands-on experience, I'd like to share my personal opinion on how the top double strollers measure up in various performance categories. Let's take a look at the UppaBaby GLink Double Stroller, Delta Children Jeep Scout Double Stroller, and Joovy Kooper X2 Double Stroller. When it comes to maneuverability, all three strollers offer smooth rides, but the UppaBaby GLink and Joovy Kooper X2 stand out with their agile maneuvering and responsive wheels. They effortlessly glide through tight spaces and uneven surfaces, ensuring a comfortable experience for both parents and children. The Delta Children Jeep Scout also provides good maneuverability, allowing for easy navigation in most situations. In terms of comfort, the UppaBaby GLink shines with its individual reclining seats, ensuring each child's comfort preferences are met. The Delta Children Jeep Scout provides comfortable seating options with its roomy design and supportive features. The Joovy Kooper X2 offers a balance of comfort and versatility with its sit-and-stand platform, accommodating different age ranges and preferences. Safety is paramount, and all three strollers prioritize it. The UppaBaby GLink and Delta Children Jeep Scout meet or exceed safety standards, providing secure harnesses, sturdy frames, and reliable braking systems. The Joovy Kooper X2 also ensures the safety of both children with its secure harnesses and solid construction. Considering comparable products, the UppaBaby GLink stands out for its premium features, making it an excellent choice for families who prioritize lightweight and high-end design. The Delta Children Jeep Scout offers a balance between affordability and functionality, making it a great option for families on a budget. The Joovy Kooper X2 excels in versatility and adaptability, particularly for families with children of different ages. In my personal opinion, if you're a family always on the go, valuing lightweight design and premium features, the UppaBaby GLink would be an excellent choice. If you're looking for a balance between affordability and functionality, the Delta Children Jeep Scout would be a reliable option. And if you have a growing family of varying ages, the Joovy Kooper X2's versatility would cater to your needs. Remember, these opinions are based on personal experience and should be considered alongside your own preferences and needs. Ultimately, finding the right double stroller depends on your family's specific circumstances and priorities. Three Valuable Manufacturer Resources for Double Strollers for Travel - UppaBaby Official Website https://uppababy.com: The UppaBaby official website is a treasure trove of information for parents seeking high-quality double strollers. With detailed product descriptions, images, and specifications, this resource provides a comprehensive overview of the UppaBaby GLink Double Stroller. Additionally, their website includes helpful user guides and FAQs, ensuring that you have all the information you need to make an informed decision. In my personal opinion, UppaBaby's attention to detail and commitment to quality shines through its website, making it an excellent resource for prospective buyers. - Delta Children Online Catalog https://www.deltachildren.com: Delta Children's online catalog is a fantastic resource for parents exploring the Delta Children Jeep Scout Double Stroller. Their catalog showcases a wide range of products, including detailed descriptions, features, and specifications for each stroller model. You'll find informative videos, customer reviews, and even tips on stroller maintenance. In my personal opinion, Delta Children's online catalog is user-friendly and provides valuable insights into their double stroller offerings, making it a valuable resource for parents researching their options. - Joovy Product Guide https://joovy.com: Joovy's product guide is a comprehensive resource that offers in-depth information on their double stroller lineup, including the Joovy Kooper X2 Double Stroller. The guide features beautiful imagery, detailed descriptions of features and functionalities, and even provides helpful comparison charts to help you choose the best stroller for your needs. In my personal opinion, Joovy's product guide is visually appealing and well-organized, allowing parents to make well-informed decisions about their double stroller purchase. Essential equipment to enhance your experience with the best double strollers for travel: These equipment options can enhance your double stroller travel experience, adding convenience, protection, and comfort for both you and your little ones. Remember to choose accessories that are compatible with your specific double stroller model and meet your personal needs. Frequently Asked Questions - Double Strollers for Travel Yes, many double strollers are designed with travel in mind. Look for lightweight and compact models that can be easily folded and stored in overhead compartments or checked at the gate. It's also advisable to check with the airline regarding their specific stroller policies and any size restrictions. Absolutely! Double strollers often provide versatile seating configurations to accommodate children of different ages. Look for models that offer a combination of seats, standing platforms, or removable seats to cater to various age ranges. Ensure that the stroller provides adequate safety features and that both children are comfortably secured. Double strollers vary in their suitability for different terrains. Some are designed specifically for smooth city streets, while others are more rugged and can handle off-road paths. Consider your intended use and choose a stroller with appropriate wheels, suspension, and sturdy construction for the terrain you expect to encounter. Read the full article
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islandofsages · 2 years
perhaps you should’ve asked...
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summary: in which you give in and buy a rex lapis plush.
characters: keqing and zhongli (separate)
tags: gn!reader, no specific relationship between characters and reader but you two live together, reader knows zhongli is rex lapis, fluff + crack, hc + scenario format
warnings: you get so much embarrassment you die none
author's notes: i just wanted to write something fun LOL also i have the rex lapis plush myself so i just thought “haha what if they see me with this thing” so yeah
when you found out keqing is secretly into rex lapis paraphernalia, you fought the urge to laugh. but that was then. now…you find yourself with a limited edition rex lapis plush. you couldn’t help it - it’s just so adorable you’d spend all your savings on it! fortunately though, you didn’t have to do that
though you then realize that you do not know how keqing would react to you having such a thing. would she be jealous? would she want it for herself? either way, you obviously need to find out her opinion on the plush for…reasons. you totally don’t just want to see her reaction towards you having limited edition geo archon merchandise
so you waltz to your shared home casually with the plush in your arms, you hugging it so tightly that you might squeeze out its stuffing. with a big smile on your face and a catchy hum on your lips, you enter your humble abode
keqing is, unsurprisingly, working in the living room (although you have a study room - you guess that she was simply waiting for you to come home) and she looks up once she hears your footsteps nearing her. she greets you happily but the moment she lays her eyes on the plush, her eyes widen
“i-is that what i think it is?”
you smirk as you nod vigorously in response. she folds her arms and shuts her eyes, assuming a pondering pose. you await her remark excitedly and for your chance to flex your little limited edition plush-
“i…already have that, (y/n).”
you feel your heart sink. then again, you should’ve expected this considering she is the biggest rex lapis fan you know but you suppose you clung onto that small sliver of hope a little too much. you try to reason that you bought it for yourself instead of it being a gift for her and she only snickers in agreement
she pats your back supportively as you sulk on the couch beside her and insists that hey, two is better than one after all; now you have your own and you two don’t have to share! though this does not help with relieving any of your shame but it’s the thought that counts
the next day, you see her hugging both of your plushies. she tells you not to say a word - not to her and not to anybody else. knowing her, you do exactly as she says.
oh, now you’ve done it. this is the peak of embarrassment for you; here you are, living with the ex-geo archon himself, and yet…a rex lapis plush with the softest fur you could ever imagine is sitting in your hands. it stares at you cutely with his shut eyes, fast asleep in his own dreamland. how could you ever resist such an adorable little thing?
even then, you decide that you are not going to let him see you with the dragon-and-mini-him. you worry that he may be roaming the very streets you are walking through right now so you rush home, determined to keep this your “dirty'' little secret
the moment you step into your house, you relax and start making your way to your room to stash your little dragon away somewhere safe. where would work, you begin to wonder. would under the bed work? or should you hide him in your personal dresser? or even-
“(y/n)? is that…me?”
you freeze. you turn towards the direction of his voice hesitatingly, your cheeks slowly but surely growing red. there is no way to hide the plush in your arms. but at least there is a way to deny his statement…if you are to use the word “deny” loosely anyway
“y-yes? i mean, no! i mean, technically it’s rex lapis and you know, you’re not the geo archon anymore, you’re just zhongli now, hahahaha…”
you nervously laugh and scratch the back of your head sheepishly with your right hand, your left hand still clutching onto the plush firmly. following suit, zhongli offers a chuckle of his own. your cheeks are flaming red now
“what fine craftsmanship. it is no question that you procured such an item. and you are correct - i am zhongli.”
thankfully enough, he seems to not question it much. you don’t know why you were so worried; zhongli is quite literally one of the most open-minded people you’ve met. and that’s saying something for someone who has lived for centuries. so you breathe out a sigh of relief. until zhongli continues-
“although, if you simply wanted to hug rex lapis, you could’ve merely asked me. i would’ve been happy to oblige. i still am, if i were to be completely honest.”
you’ve had enough. you sink onto the ground out of embarrassment, your knees growing weak under his unintentional tease. he grows concerned and kneels down in front of you to check if you’re okay. and quite frankly, you are not
the plush now sits in your room (“your” as in either your individual room or shared room with him) and when he is ever in the mood to tease you, he will bring up the incident. he knows it always brings a blush to your cheeks.
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honeytae · 3 years
I didn’t know you had a thing for bandanas.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY LIV! omg how do i even start...you’re not only one of my favorite people on this site but literally one of my favorite souls on this earth. you radiate warmth, wit, and yes...thottery :) so of course i had to write some grammys tae smut for you, right? of course i did. i love you so much, i hope you have a fabulous day and i’m sending you so so many hugs! happiest of birthdays to you @taetaespeaches, my sister wife, my twin flame, the best honey boy min enthusiast, my favorite wholesome thot! i love you i love you i love you <3
genre: smut (ofc)
warnings: GRAMMYS TAEHYUNG, suggestive texting mentions, tae’s a Tease™️, heavy petting and groping, grinding/dry humping, fingering, brief nipple play, there’s a handjob or two, unprotected sex (stay safe!), mild dirty talk and profanity, this is pretty much just filth i do apologize
word count: 2.7k
“Oh my god.” 
Huffing, you tossed your phone back onto the counter, staring back at your reflection in the mirror above the sink, lips parted in disbelief. You could not believe Taehyung, truly. He could be a tease, of course, but tonight he was on another level. 
The number of photos, that could only be described as none other than thirst traps, you’d been sent throughout the night was dizzying.
Spanning from the time he was getting ready for the Grammy’s red carpet to when he was backstage in that goddamn bandana for the Old Town Road performance, you’d already stashed them in a hidden folder, pulling them back up on your screen whenever your brain drifted to them again. Which, admittedly, had been a lot over the past few hours. 
Despite traveling overseas for the award ceremony together, you could not attend the show with him for obvious reasons. Truly, you didn’t mind. You weren’t about the glitz and glamour anyway; but fuck, he really wasn’t making it easy on you. 
In addition to the multiple professionally taken shots of your boyfriend at the show beginning to circulate, your texting conversation with him consisted of only attachment after attachment at this point, eyes practically bulging out of your head with each scroll of your thumb and hooking you in for more in his absence from your hotel room.
And that had been your only activity for the night until you decided to part from the television and get ready for bed. 
Groaning when your phone began buzzing repeatedly on the marble, you set the washcloth you’d been running over your face atop the surface, peeking at the screen and rolling your eyes when you saw your boyfriend’s name across the top of it.
Swiping your thumb across the flashing display, you lifted the phone to your ear, leaning your stomach against the counter as you mumbled a greeting. 
“Hey, why didn’t you respond?” He asked immediately, making you chuckle at his bluntness. 
“I’m still processing the information you’ve provided me with, Tae.” You responded, hearing the man’s deep chuckle reverberate through the device. 
“What information is that, love?” 
You could hear the amused teasing in his voice, smug grin prominent on his face as he awaited your reply. 
“The endless shirtless selfies, Taehyung. That is the information I’m referencing.” You said, thinking back on the several attachments you’d gotten notifications for over the course of the night, each time Taehyung was changing his outfit followed by a photo of him nearly naked in the mirror backstage.
“I thought they were tasteful.” He teased, giggling when you groaned on the other side of the call. 
“Biting your lip while gripping your bulge? Oh yeah, I’m sure Army’s would agree. Very tasteful.” You teased back, the man humming deeply.
“I don’t share those things with Army though, because those are for you only.” He smirked, you mirroring his hummed reply with a slight smile.
“When are you coming back?” You asked, tapping your fingernails against the surface beside the basin of the sink.
“We need to do one more interview, then we can leave.” He answered, a member of the staff speaking in the background followed by Hoseok’s laugh ringing out through the room.
You sighed in response, quiet enough that you thought he wouldn’t hear it. That thought was proven wrong almost immediately as he chuckled, the phone shuffling in his grip as the voices in the background turned to muffled noise. 
“What’s wrong, hm? Miss me?” He lowered his voice to presumably not be heard by others, his husky tone causing you to swallow a harsh gulp, thankful you weren’t video calling so you could play along with his little game.
“Mm, not particularly. I just wanted to play GTA with Kook.” You teased, smirking at Taehyung’s scoff, hairs raising on your arms as he chuckled into the phone and through your speaker.
“Alright. Well, you can expect Kook soon.” He said, tone smug as he heard the breath hitch in your throat. 
“Love you.” He murmured into the phone before abruptly hanging up, leaving you clutching your phone with a racing heart as you anticipated your boyfriends’ arrival. 
Trying to fight the now strengthened desire for your man, you blocked out the images from tonight along with the tone of his deep honeyed voice through the phone the best you could, reaching for your soap pump with a sigh. 
“Unbelievably rude.”
The silence of your room was awfully loud as you drew out the remaining steps of your skincare routine, hoping that if you took long enough then there would be less empty waiting time for your boyfriend. Your incredibly attractive boyfriend who you could not wait to get your hands on.
Your eyes continually darted to the timestamp on your lock screen, sighing each time as only a few minutes had passed since the last time you checked. 
If Taehyung could see how desperate you were acting right now, he’d surely have that god damn smirk on his face, one that would probably have your jeans unbutton themselves beyond your own control. 
Heaving another sigh, you distractedly stretched your neck from side to side, scrunching your face up in a grimace at the resulting snaps.
The closing of your eyes combined with the loud rush of water from the faucet seemed to drown out the sounds you’d eagerly been waiting for, nearly jumping out of your skin at the sudden addition of Taehyung next to you through the reflection of the mirror above the sink. 
His hair was still styled over that black and white patterned bandana, matching with the shirt that exposed just a touch of his bicep and a whole lot of his chest. 
Despite the immediate salivating of your tongue, you kept your shocked expression on your face, breathing out his name as you leaned a hand on the counter beside you. 
“Fuck, you scared me.” You placed your other hand over your heart, Taehyung grinning before reaching his arm out to pull you into his chest, pressing a kiss to each cheek before leaning back to smile at you.
“Sorry, love. Ended up leaving a little earlier.” He explained, smirking as your eyes glued to the bandana still tucked under the hair over his forehead. 
“Hm, I don’t mind.” You said, blowing a breath past your lips at the man’s appearance. 
“What?” Taehyung asked in reference to the action, his eyes blinking back at you as your hand traced over his long hair curled to perfection. 
“You look really fucking good right now. Not that I need to tell you that.” You mumbled distractedly, fixing the strip of fabric laying over the top of his forehead, Taehyung teasingly raising his eyebrows at you with a swipe of his tongue over his bottom lip.
“No, please do.” He said smugly, causing you to snap out of your lust-struck daze as you tapped at his shoulder with a snort.
“What an ass.” 
“That’s what I’m saying.” He responded, smoothly trailing his fingers down a bit lower to rest on your butt and gently grope the globes, pulling you flush to his chest as his darkened eyes held contact with yours. 
“Can you ever get your head out of the gutter?” You tried to say, gasps escaping every few words as he began pushing your hips into his, effectively grinding his erection into you.
“Hm,” he pretended to ponder for a moment, “with you, no.” He said, placing his hand on your jaw to pull you into a long-awaited kiss, soft yet sensual in the way he smoothed his lips over yours. 
Your breath caught in your throat as Taehyung’s hand slipped beneath the hem of your underwear, letting his thumb glide over your clit as his tongue invaded your mouth. 
The action was needy, as was the manner his fingers gathered the slick leaking between your folds to push up to fill your hole. Taehyung swallowed your moans as his fingers played in your pussy, his deep chuckles vibrating against you while his fingers dutifully pumped into your entrance. 
“Like that, baby?” He mumbled against your bottom lip, your mouth hanging open as you whined incoherently in response. He groaned at the spasming of your walls around his appendages, leaning his forehead against yours as he backed you up against the counter to stabilize your increasingly wobbly legs.
“God, you drive me crazy.” He grunted, rutting his hips into your thigh as you moaned his name once again. 
Squealing as he suddenly withdrew his hands from your underwear and lifted you up on the counter by your hips, you watched with raised brows as the man ripped your pajama bottoms and panties down your legs, easily tossing them onto the tile floor and leaving your lower half bare on the cold marble counter beside the sink. 
“Eager, are we?” You murmured, Taehyung smirking as he shuffled out of his pants, his boxers soon to follow as you took the liberty of removing his t-shirt from your torso. 
“And you aren’t?” He posed, taking the shirt from your hands and tossing it somewhere below him in the mess of clothes piling up beside his feet. Tugging you by the thighs, he smiled as you helped him by scooting to the edge of the counter, wrapping your arms around his neck as his own hands landed on your lower back.
“I didn’t say that.” You said, fingers tousling the fluffy hair at the crown of his head as he hummed, playing around with the clasp of your bra until it released with a small sound, the cups immediately releasing your breasts as he pulled the straps down your arms. 
“I consider it a good thing that we can’t keep our hands off each other.” He shrugged, gently prying your arms from around his neck to successfully remove the bra dangling from your wrists, pressing kisses to the pulse points of your wrists before laying them down in your lap as his hands instead landed on your breasts. 
You sighed as his thumbs easily circled your nipples, his eyes glued to your chest as he watched the buds twist into peaks with a small grin. 
“So pretty.” He whispered, making you blush as you distractedly reached for his dress shirt, snapping the buttons out of the holes in a haste to see his bare chest. The task proved to be difficult with Taehyung’s increasing pressure on your nipples, a knowing smirk on the man’s face as your pleading eyes desperately darted to his own. 
“Tae, this shirt is really testing my patience.” You sighed, the man chuckling as he reluctantly removed his hands from your chest to assist you in unbuttoning the shirt that had nearly killed you while watching him perform a couple of hours ago. 
As soon as he undid the fifth or sixth button down, your hands were on the revealed skin, feeling him like a madwoman as he lovingly chuckled at your actions. Tossing the loose material to the floor, he finally stood before you completely naked, placing a hand on the back of your head to guide you to his lips in yet another heated kiss.
Taehyung hummed deep in his throat as you reached down to pump his fully erect cock in your hand, taking the hint as you lined him up at your entrance with a push of your other hand on his shoulder. 
“Love you so much.” He mumbled, his eyes fluttering shut as he pushed his hips forward to sink into you, each inch providing you with a delicious burn as you let your head rest on his shoulder, his lips pressing a tender kiss to the side of your head as he finally fit himself snugly inside of you.
Starting off slow, he only slightly moved his cock back before pushing it in again, causing you to mewl as he started teasingly circling his hips inside of you. The grinding was nice, sure, but it gave you no real relief. Which he was perfectly aware of.
“Fuck me harder, Tae.” You whimpered out as he continued sensually grinding into you, taking your bottom lip into your mouth as he stopped his actions completely.
“Hm? What was that, love?” He cockily raised his brows at you, grinning at the look of pure frustration on your face.
“Fuck me harder. Taehyung.” You practically spat out, the man tutting at your tone.
“Where are your manners, love?” 
“Tae,” you whined, “please just fuck me.” You begged, Taehyung simpering as he picked up your calves, resting your legs in the crooks of his elbows to push your knees to your chest and effectively spread you wider for him. 
Picking up the pace of his thrusts, he groaned at the feeling of your walls squeezing around his cock, praising you with a moan of your name as he tilted his head up toward the ceiling. 
With you leaning forward to kiss his jaw, Taehyung broke eye contact with the vent in the ceiling, instead focusing on you as he continued rolling his hips into yours. His eyes held yours with intense force, only faltering with a flutter of his eyelids when your walls began spasming around him.
“Shit, I love your pussy, baby.” He breathed, placing his lips back on yours when you responded with a wanton moan, placing his hands on your hips to glide you along his length in addition to the force he pounded into you with.
You whimpered at the sudden speed in which his hips slapped into yours along with the depths he managed to hit with the angle, clutching onto his shoulders in an attempt to ground yourself as he groaned your name.
“Fuck, oh my god.” You cried as he sped up the pace of his hips, gradually working himself up into an almost inhumane speed as he quite literally attempted to split you open with his cock. His grunts punctuated each thrust, hot breaths fanning out onto your neck as he buried his face in your skin.  
“T-tae.” You stuttered as the tip of his cock repeatedly tapped at your cervix, Taehyung responding with a deep moan as he glanced down between your bodies, eyes glued to where you met over and over again as your walls tightened the hardest they had yet around him.
“Cum, baby.” He panted, lifting his eyes to watch your own squeeze shut with a gasp, the man himself falling over the edge at the sight. Nothing could ever get him off like watching you orgasm.
As he hastily pulled out of you, you whined at the sudden emptiness in your core, leaning your head back against the mirror in exhaustion as your droopy eyes watched him jerk his cock using your slick, only a few moments passing before translucent white liquid shot out from his tip and onto your stomach. 
Sitting up from the mirror, you fell into Taehyung’s arms, the man chuckling a bit as he rubbed his palm over your spine. 
“I love you.” He murmured, breaths finally evening out as he held you in his arms, your own loosely wrapped around his waist with your fingers caressing the skin of his hip.
“I love you too,” you leaned back to look at him, forehead pressing to his as you gave him a lazy smile, “and I’m so proud of you. You were amazing tonight.” You said, swiping his long bangs out of his eyes as he shyly grinned at you, his flustered reaction at your words causing you to giggle fondly. 
“I couldn’t have done any of it without you.” He admitted, misty eyes making you cup his cheeks as you pressed your lips to the plush skin on either side of his nose. 
“Of course you could have. You’re amazing Tae, don’t underestimate that.” You soothed, the man’s lips quirking up slightly as he tipped his chin to place his lips on yours. 
“Okay.” He whispered against your bottom lip, chuckling breathily when you began pressing feather-light kisses to his lips, exaggerating them with loud “muah”s making Taehyung’s eyes shut as he laughed. 
“You good?” You asked, his irises sparkling back at you as he nodded in confirmation.
“I’m great.” He said, reaching up to push his hair back off his forehead, the copious amounts of gel his stylists had put in his hair throughout the night defying the action and making it fall back onto the skin anyway.
“Good. Now clean your cum off my stomach, I wanna go to bed.”
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Quick question sorry if this has been asked before: do you know any Johnlock fanfic where they’re extremely sensual? Like not just making love but just super methodically drawn out and slow and sweet?
Hi Nonny!!
Ahh, because of this ask, I went through my bookmarks to see if I have any listed with “sensuality” so that’s what this list is!! It definitely doesn’t have all of my fics because I have to go back through them and tag them, but in the meantime, enjoy what I started tagging a few months ago when you sent me this ask, LOL <3
As always, add your own fics here, Lovelies!!
See also:
Emotional Love Making || [MOBILE POST]
Emotional Love Making Pt. 2
Loved. by inevitably_johnlocked (G, 1,231 w., 1 Ch. || First Sherlock POV, Slice of Life, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Nose Kisses, Morning After, Love Confessions, Morning Cuddles, Emotional Sherlock, Sentiment, Bed Sharing) – Sherlock reflects on his relationship with John. Part 5 of I-J's Tumblr Ficlet Collection
Morning Sunlight by slashscribe (E, 3,565 w., 1 Ch. || PWP, Morning Sex, Fluff, PWP, Established Rel., Soft Idiots) – A thin band of soft morning light peeks between the curtains and stretches across John’s torso, laying dormant across his forearm, dipping into the space between his arm and his chest, illuminating his right nipple but just brushing the edge of his left, disappearing into his armpit, and reappearing again right over Sherlock’s eyes where his head rests, nestled against John’s shoulder. Sherlock is not annoyed by the light’s intrusion on his sleep, not when it rests so soft and tantalizing on John’s skin, a work of unintentionally erotic art. A PWP with so much emotion.
Living Musical by VeeTheRee (G, 4,149 w. 1 Ch. || Est. Rel., Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Domestic Fluff, Hobbies, Summer, Song Fic, POV Sherlock, Painting, Play Fighting, Soft Sherlock, Dancing, Love Declarations, Hair Petting, Promise of Forever) – A one-shot of John and Sherlock being domestic during summer. There is paint, fluff, and music from Imagine Dragons, namely from the album 'Speak To Me', specific song in this one-shot is 'Living Musical'. Part 1 of the Happy Fluffy Johnlock Time series
London Gods by a_different_equation (E, 11,092 w., 5 Ch. || American Gods Fusion || Magical Realism, Sex Magic, True Love, PTSD John, First Kiss/Time, Marathon Sex, Sensuality, Genie Sherlock, Human John, Internalized Homophobia, Star-Crossed Lovers, Soul Mates) – Sherlock Holmes is a jinn who does not grant wishes. However, when Dr. John H. Watson, recently returned from the war in Afghanistan, gets into his cab by "accident", it might not even need magic to grant both men their deepest wish: love.
To be loved by Strange_johnlock (E, 12,436 w., 8 Ch. || Post S3, Established Relationship, First Person POV Sherlock, Pet Names, Soft Sherlock, Mild ADHD, Protective John, Captain Watson, Body Appreciation, Bottomlock, Rough Sex, Travelling for Holidays, Introspection, Sherlock Loves John So Much It Hurts) – John is so deeply integrated into the work, both as my conductor of light, and as a great shot with a vicious right hook who tackles men -and women- no matter their size all in my defense. He protects me with all he can without question, and this loyalty is surely more than I deserve. Or: Sherlock is counting his blessings.
The Invocation of Saint Margaret by Ewebie (E, 15,831 w., 1 Ch. || POV John,  Crossing Timelines, Light Angst, Fluff, Series 3 John / Series 1 Sherlock, The Matchbox, Mushy Romance, First Time, Bisexual John, Pining John, Bottomlock, Love Confessions, Sensuality, Emotional Love Making, Snippets of Time) – When Sherlock Holmes opens the matchbox from The Sign of Three and John finds himself years in the past, back to that first dinner at Angelo's with a much younger Sherlock Holmes. Is he dreaming?
Permanent Fixture by vitruvianwatson (E, 18,836 w., 9 Ch. || Post-S4, Parentlock, Slow Build, Friends to Lovers, They’re Good Parents, Blushing Sherlock, First Kiss/Time, Explicit Consent, Sexual Content, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Mutual Pining, Big Feelings, Crying, First Kiss, Fluff, Anxious Sherlock, Inexperienced Sherlock, Emotional Communication, Love Confessions) – Now, as Rosie sat curled up against Sherlock’s side, John watched and wondered exactly how he had ended up here. Domesticity had never suited him before, not at any point in his life. His disastrous marriage had been proof of that. But somehow, here in the warmth and safety of 221B Baker Street, here with Sherlock Holmes reading medical jargon to his daughter, Sherlock’s bony feet nudging against his leg, John couldn’t imagine anyplace that would make him happier.
Division by MrsNoggin (E, 19,542 w., 11 Ch. || Coffee Shop AU || First Kiss/Time, Fluff, Barista Sherlock, Clingy Sherlock, POV John, John’s Limp, Bed Sharing, Fluff, Sleepy Cuddles, Sensuality, Touching, Virgin Sherlock, Insecure John) – John likes mysteries. And every morning he dips into the local independent coffee bar with his newspaper and ponders another... one Sherlock Holmes.
Through the Clouds by Mazarin221b (E, 20,004 w., 6 Ch. || Retirement, Sussex, Bees, Home Improvement, First Time, Romance) – Sherlock takes a remarkably early retirement at 47, and convinces John that a change of pace would do them both good. They buy an old cottage on the South Downs, and exchange their nonstop life in Baker Street for quiet contemplation, bee studies, and book writing. They might go completely insane, but sometimes it takes stepping outside of the life you're living to find the life you want. Part 1 of Through The Clouds
How To Unfold a Heart by elwinglyre (E, 25,477 w., 7 Ch. || Post S4 Fix It, BAMF John, Mentioned Eurus, POV First Person Sherlock, Case Fic, Fluff, Slow Burn, Topping from the Bottom, 3 Yr Old Rosie, Introspection, Sexual Fantasies, John Worship, Ogling, Hand Holding, Kidnapping, Domesticity, Sherlock Whump, First Kiss/Time, Doctor John, Caring John, Soft Sherlock, Sensuality, Touching, Crying, Love Confessions, Anxious Sherlock, Rimming, Toplock, Fingering, Bossy Bottom John) – To Sherlock’s dismay, John’s return to Baker Street with Rosie is only temporary. Sherlock’s daily visits to Regent Park with John and Rosie illuminate his lost childhood memories and missed opportunities. But with each trip to the park, Sherlock also feels a growing sense of hope. That is until the past horrors return unexpectedly in a cryptic note folded in the shape of a heart. To decipher the message, Sherlock must uncover the nature of the hearts around him, including his own.
Lucifer's Gardens by ampersand_ch (E, 32,679 w., 12 Ch. || GERMAN VERSION || Romance, Friendship, Friends to Lovers, Murder, Poison / Drugging, Mystery, John Undercover, Academic Club, Therapy, Rituals, Jungian Archetypes, Doctors & Physicians, Grief/Mourning, Esotericism, Hospitals, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Love Confessions, John Falls In Love With Another Man, Jealous Sherlock, Crying, Doctor John, Hand Holding, First Kiss/Time, Mysticism, Hugging, Touching) – John goes undercover for an investigation as a favour to Lestrade in a village in Suffolk. The events surrounding the case awaken deep-seated fears in Sherlock. While John begins to come to a realisation of what he needs in Lucifer's Gardens, Sherlock tries to find a way to reach John – in more ways than one.
A Promise Made to Be Broken by PlantsAreNeat (E, 37,018 w., 7 Ch. || Fake Relationship, Pining, Slow Burn, RST, Eventual Relationship, POV Sherlock) – A young John makes an ‘if we’re still single at 40, we’ll get together’ pledge to a woman who ends up all wrong for him. She keeps reminding him of the promise, and won’t let go of it. John asks Sherlock to pose as his boyfriend at a family wedding, so as to dash her hopes permanently. Sherlock, who has at last acknowledged his feelings for John, reluctantly agrees despite knowing how painful it will be to ‘have’ John, but not keep him.
Gold Rush by ShirleyCarlton (E, 71,783 w., 17 Ch. || Post S3 / No Mary, Friends to Lovers, Mentions of Past Sexual Abuse, First Kiss, Case Fic, Slow Burn, Alternating POV, Switchlock, Angst with Happy Ending, Marriage Proposal, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Abduction, Anxious/Insecure Sherlock, Miscommunication, Emotional Lovemaking) – John has divorced Mary and pops round to 221B one evening to find Sherlock in the middle of a case. As Sherlock tries to find the identity of a young woman’s stalker, John realises he can no longer deny his feelings for Sherlock – which then, to their befuddlement, turn out to be mutual. Shy kisses and tentative embraces ensue. But will Sherlock be able to cast off a shadow from his past that he thinks might prevent John from wanting to stay?
Repairing the Broken Things by BakerTumblings (M, 75,252 w., 15 Ch. || S4 Compliant, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Medical Trauma, Hospitals, Big Brother Mycroft, Misunderstandings, Realizations, Severe Accident, John Whump, Pneumonia, Medical Procedures, Bed Sharing, First Time, Healing, Happy Ending) – "I'm calling today to notify you that there's been an accident."
Northwest Passage by Kryptaria (E, 95,157 w., 27 Ch. || PODFIC AVAILABLE || Canadian AU ||  BAMF!John, Canadian John, PTSD, Anal / Oral Sex, Rimming, Emotional Hurt / Comfort, Drug Rehab, Falling in Love, Pining Sherlock, Love Confessions, Sherlock’s Violin, Panic Attacks, Switching, Anxious / Protective Sherlock, Hugs for Comfort, Suicide Mentions, Healing Each Other) – Seven years ago, Captain John Watson of the Canadian Forces Medical Service withdrew from society, seeking a simple, isolated life in the distant northern wilderness of Canada. Though he survives from one day to the next, he doesn't truly live until someone from his dark past calls in a favor and turns his world upside-down with the introduction of Sherlock Holmes." Part 1 of Tales from the Northwest
Against the Rest of the World by SilentAuror (E, 151,714 w., 20 Ch. || PODFIC AVAILABLE || Post-TRF, Hiatus Fic, POV First Person Sherlock, Present Tense, First Kiss/Time, Big Brother Mycroft, Escaping from Capture, Soft Sherlock, Toplock, Insecurity, Infidelity, Travelling, Introspection, Pining Sherlock, Depression, Fantasies, Yearning for the Past, PTSD Sherlock, Suicidal Ideation) – Sherlock has been away from London for nine hundred and twelve days and counting, and has no idea what sort of reception to expect when he finally returns.
151 notes · View notes
lavendermin · 3 years
if all stars fell at once (1) | xiao
pairing | xiao/reader
word count | 3k
genre | fluff, light angst, developing relationship, overall domestic
warning | eventual smut
The memory comes clear as the crystalline waters at the harbor. That day when rain poured mercilessly upon the land— the boy in a mask whose body trembled under an invisible burden. You remember the dark splotches on his body being washed away by downpour.
Polearm supporting his body as it heaved, his face slowly turned to face you as an ominous dark mist accumulated around him. And when you blinked, it was as if he was never there; replaced by rain.
Whether it was the haze of sleepless nights getting to you or reality, you still had yet to know. Curiosity was fresh in your mind. His presence… though brief, held immense power and a tainted aura; enough to instill fear in the hearts of any who witnessed them. But you stood there, unwavering and eyes alight with awe and curiosity despite the rain that hailed mercilessly around you.
Weeks continued, and the image of the boy remained somewhere in your subconscious. Days came and went as your mind remained hazed, clouded with the fleeting memory.
The dark clouds overhead brought in strong winds; a sign of a storm rolling in. The laundry hanging outside would surely be swept away at this rate. Quick on your feet, you hurriedly pulled them off the clotheslines. Yet despite your efforts, a couple handkerchiefs you had embroidered were blown away by a harsh gust of wind.
“Ah…!” Despite your attempt, the wind plucked them out of reach. All you could do was helplessly watch as they were carried by devious winds further down the mountain.
Those were for… Ah, I guess I’ll have to redo those, you pondered anxiously. If they were all to be delivered in 3 days, you would have to stay up fairly late just to finish replacing them.
The candle light cracked and flickered as night crept over Liyue. No use stalling. With a sullen crack of your neck, you shut the windows and got to work. The relentless rain was your sole company as you worked through embroidering the replacements well into the night. Despite the nimbleness of experienced hands, numbness settled in after hours of working tirelessly to replace the delicately embroidered handkerchiefs. And with patterns and threads so intricate, they weren’t something you could rush.
The moon came and went that night, having accompanied you behind the storming clouds as it rained and ceased. Yet, late the next day when you returned from running errands, there upon your open windowsill were two neatly folded handkerchiefs safely held in place by a beautiful stone. You examined them— with no doubt, the ones that were swept away.
And as a breeze picked up once more, you didn’t dare look back but hoped the wind would carry your words to the deserving.
“Thank you.”
That was the first time in over a millennia that Xiao was thanked by a mortal for one of his many silent deeds.
Soft colors of fading blue and powdery orange iced the sky with the setting sun. You reminisced past memories fondly as you picked a few herbs from your personal garden. The day was slowly dwindling to a lethargic end, but the land ceased to fall into rest to savor most of what the day had to offer.
“Do you remember that, Adeptus Xiao?” you asked with a fond smile. It was met with silence for a moment before a voice spoke up from the roof of your house.
“So, you knew I was here. Mortals truly are something I cannot understand,” he clicked his tongue, shifting to get comfortable where he rested comfortably on your roof. “Or perhaps, it’s that our ties are too strong. Curious…” He pondered to himself, brows slightly furrowed as he contemplated.
With a stretch of your back you stood up, basket in hand. “I know my grandmother’s home is rather quiet here in Qingce Village, so I’ve noticed the roof has become a favorite spot of yours,” you observed with a small shrug he couldn’t see. “Call it a hunch.”
Though he wouldn’t admit it, Xiao knew your guess was right. With your home tucked furthest away at the top of the village, there were seldom any onlookers in the tranquil area. A perfect, stress-free corner for him to visit.
With a huff and trained grace, he hopped off the roof on playful winds and followed you indoors. There was still a cautious air about him but never the same as when you first met him all those months ago.
It seemed like you understood him more than he understood you sometimes, and it puzzled him to no end. Mortals were usually more predictable; working in routine and habits as he had seen of the many centuries that passed. Or… at least he thought. It was no secret that he found mortals to be indecipherable.
In the small kitchen, he was presented with an enticing dish that you laid out; his favorite, no doubt. “Here. I’m heading out to the harbor to run some last minute errands, but you’re welcome to stay here as long as you’d like,” you reassured him with a smile. “Thank you for keeping me company today.”
At your genuine, radiant smile, Xiao couldn’t help but avert his gaze shyly. Truthfully, it always caught him off guard to be thanked for such trivial things that were somehow meaningful to you.
Before you reached the front door, Xiao called out after you. “If you are out late, summon me— call my name. I will guide you safely home.” With firm reassurance, he held your gaze under piercing amber. “Promise me this. Do not be reckless.”
There was no fighting the grin that lit up your face. “You worry for me, Adeptus?” you teasingly prodded, and placed a quick peck on his cheek. “How unexpectedly cute of you.”
At the gesture, his eyes widened for a fraction of a second before his composure returned. Pensively, he folded his arms across his chest, and you swore he could practically be pouting.
“The safety of Liyue is my duty as an adeptus. As a tool to be used, and nothing more.”
There was a brief sorrow reflected in your eyes, and before Xiao had a chance to address it, you were hurriedly giving your final goodbyes with your usual warm energy.
“I promise I’ll be safe.”
Left to himself, he accepted your gifted offering of almond tofu. I love the way your eyes practically sparkle when you take that first bite, you once teased.
The memory picked up the thrumming in his chest— uncertainty accompanied by rose-dusted cheeks.
With each delicate bite, his mind upheld more questions. The feelings that burst subtly in his chest— what were they? He searched his heart for answers to describe it. Peace of mind? Loneliness?
As many times as his mind decided to go through the same painful cycle of thoughts, ultimately he was left with more questions than when he started. There were no answers within him.
Such as the moon replaces the sun and the days dwindle into night, he too would let it be for now.
And as the sun slowly retreated more and more behind mountains and thin clouds, Xiao couldn’t help but wonder why he continued to keep near you. A tie foraged with a mortal that strangely did not instill the overwhelming need to leave.
Even the room he was in caused no discomfort or suffocation. The cycle started once again as he wondered, why? He often resided at Wangshu Inn, but never in a room. The rooftop high above any wandering souls was his claimed accommodation. The balcony just below that was seldom used by guests was the only other space he occupied there— eyes able to survey the land from a higher vantage point.
However, here in this small shelter you called home there was none of that, yet he stayed. Curiously, his eyes wandered the room to take in the oddities and trinkets that were used as decorum. The bookshelf across the room posed with great importance, and as he approached it he took in the vast collection of books and small items that decorated some empty sections.
Gloved fingers grazed over the elegant, gold-foil titles of some of the books. Some he has partially read before, or listened to you read aloud while he rested on your lap under the large tree outside.
He found himself plucking one out tentatively, flipping through some pages of a thick storybook with worn corners. Another book from the shelf— a thin book of floral poems and sonnets. His mind idly worked to put together what these books could possibly say about you.
After neatly putting another book away, a small glint caught his eyes. Toward the end of one of the shelf rows was a pile of three books with a precious stone sitting atop them.
Ah, the cor lapis stone he had used when he silently returned the two missing handkerchiefs to you many moons ago. An unknown feeling settled in his chest, warm & persistent. It flourished— euphoric, almost, and not too unpleasant. He wondered if it was somehow related to similar chest pains he’d dealt with. Could he really call it ‘pain’ if it wasn’t truly hurting him? The feeling was foreign and he was utterly clueless.
He moved the stone to check the book underneath, flipping through the pages curiously. Amber eyes indifferently skimmed through a page his finger landed on, curious to what contents the vague title held.
A romantic novel from the looks of it.
The words were needlessly descriptive, the dialogue a little confusing to understand. Such flowery language was a bit bold and the more he read, the more the imagery they tried to paint became vivid in his mind and—
Xiao quickly shut the book, his face warm as he neatly returned the book to its rightful place. Well, it was an interesting book to have in your possession, to say the least. He didn’t have much experience with what it described, but the erotic imagery the dialogue described still left his face a little flushed and brows furrowed as he huffed in indignance at his flustered state.
Mortals do such things? Well, he knew they did, but he was never one to look into it more since he had no reason to.
He had no experience in such intimate matters, nor did he pay much interest in them with his hands usually full on a daily basis. Yet, somehow the thought of you now caused a swirl of emotions inexperienced by him before. Or rather, if he did, he no longer remembered. New questions piled up in his mind.
He shook his head, practically wincing at the odd sensations that kicked him low in the gut as the heat rising high on his cheeks subsided.
“How bothersome,” Xiao muttered to himself with a sigh.
On that same train of thought, he glanced out the window. The sun was merely a whisper that remained as it tucked itself farther behind mountains and dipped below the horizon.
Gloved hands momentarily clenched by his sides, flexing to ease the small seed of doubt. Mortals were unpredictable and reckless, that much he was aware of. With a sigh he watched as the sky over Liyue settled into the tranquility of night.
Though night had fallen, there was still no sign of you returning.
And so, Xiao set off on his usual routine. Out he ventured to vanquish the scattered hotspots of evil activity that surfaced. Be it from subdued gods or his own karma, Xiao relentlessly made quick work of any and all evil.
It was his eternal duty, as bound by contract from the Geo Archon himself—this he knew. If anyone should have witnessed his swiftness as he worked solemnly, they would’ve noticed how he worked just a little harder to clear out any evil nearing your usual route home.
The moon rose high in the sky, a dusty blue as it cast soft light over Xiao’s masked form. His polearm jabbed into the ground and dissipated along with the yaksha mask he donned for battle. The roads that led back to Qingce Village were all cleared, yet still no sign of you.
Approaching the marsh under blue moonlight, his gloved hands created ripples in the calm surface. The reflection of his concerned eyes stared right back at him through the tumultuous ripples that distorted his reflection over playful waters.
Under the watchful eye of the moon, Xiao diligently washed away the impurities that remained on him from battle. Clear waters surrounding him became murky before clearing once again as the blood and grime was carried further down with the current. Xiao closed his eyes and allowed himself to bask under the moonlight, taking in the rare moment of tranquility.
And then it rang out, soft and clear like a wind chime dancing with the gentle breeze.
Adeptus Xiao.
Shrouded by darkness, he answered your summons. As the thin veil of dark entity surrounding him dispersed, he found himself next to a bridge. The waterfall behind him brought a refreshing breeze, and just beyond him he could see Bubu Pharmacy below as well as the harbor.
“You called,” Xiao inquired. “It’s fairly late.”
He wasn’t here to admonish you, though it sounded very much like it. With a playful grin, you smiled up at him from where you sat on the grass next to the bridge.
The way you carried yourself without a care in the world— it was almost endearing how you looked up at him with such fondness.
“Can I ask why you’re here of all places?”
Your nimble fingers continued their work on the flowers you had in your lap, and you almost looked away bashfully. “I wanted to gaze at the stars for a bit,” you admitted sheepishly. “I finished my errands earlier, but then I ran into Mister Zhongli from the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor and, well… The conversation went on for a while and we ended up here.”
Silently, Xiao took a seat next to you, eyeing the handful of glaze lilies that softly glowed on your lap.
“What did you talk about?” he inquired to fill the silence. He delicately twirled one of the glaze lilies between his gloved fingers.
“Oh… this and that,” you shrugged.
Xiao hummed in response, not wanting to pry into the conversation, until he felt the softness of petals brushing his forehead.
“Mister Zhongli… he showed me how to make this.” There was hesitation in your downcast eyes, and you peered up at him through your eyelashes. “Do you like it?”
“A crown of… glaze lilies,” Xiao noted slowly. Their soft fragrance was delicate and sweet, like the gentle presence of the moon. It reminded him of you. “I’m unfamiliar with mortal customs of exchanges. Is it an adeptal offering?”
You blinked, taken by surprise at the question before sputtering out in a fit of giggles.
“Oh– No, no! This is what we call a gift.”
Xiao furrowed his brows, taking in this vague description. “Hm… I see. What meaning does this gift have?”
You perched your chin on your finger, contemplating. The only ‘gifts’ adepti were familiar with were the offerings that few who went before them brought. Usually, an offering entailed the bargaining of a mortal’s wants and desires to come true. Selfish, wishes he was all too familiar with hearing often.
“Gifts are given to people you consider special,” you started. “To those people who are important to you, usually you put extra effort into the gift. Handmade gifts as well… embody special significance since they hold all the feelings poured into them to be given to your special person.”
The chirps of crickets and running water soothed over the momentary silence as he took in your explanation. Mortal customs were more emotionally driven than he once thought.
“I see. Then,” Xiao delicately tucked the glaze lily he held into your hair. “This is my small offering.”
The rose that dusted your cheeks as your grin lit up your features, it bloomed his chest with that foreign warmth. The weight of reciprocating the gesture without a second thought— he had just openly admitted to considering you a special person. It felt… right.
In the lateness of the cool night, you both sat side by side looking out at the display of glittering stars. He felt as your pulse would briefly quicken under his gloved hand whenever you stole a quick glance at him, and he would offer a gentle squeeze of reassurance in response. Curious, this human next to him— and yet he found himself enraptured by your simple presence.
Across the endless sky, you halted what you were idly chatting about as a speckle of light shot across the sky.
“A falling star… There’s rumors that making a wish on them will help it come true.” Xiao hummed in response, eyes closed in peaceful tranquility. “Hm…”
You pulled your knees closer to you as you contemplated your wish. Xiao watched you with one eye open, observing the way your features subtly scrunched up as you profoundly debated within you what your wish would be.
“What did you wish for?” Xiao asked quietly.
Mortal desires were usually the same. Wealth, power, lavish items— these wishes Xiao had heard of many times before. Yet—
“I wished…,” you scratched your cheek sheepishly. “I wished for a restful sleep.”
Your cheeks were quick to flush a deep crimson as you heard what sounded like a chuckle next to you. It dawned on you that you had never heard Xiao laugh until now. It was melodic, innocent.
“D-Don’t laugh!” you halfheartedly admonished with a playful huff. “Well, then— What’s your wish, Xiao?”
He pondered for a moment, closed his eyes and spoke soft as the flitting breeze.
“I wish to get to know you better.”
Perhaps he didn’t have all the right words at that moment, but he was bound to discover them sooner or later. Somehow, he was sure you would be the light that guided him the right way to go about these foreign feelings— feelings he was sure weren’t malignant, so he allowed them to persist.
These unsorted feelings for you... they weren’t getting in the way of anything. They were harmless, until proven otherwise.
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voltage-vixen · 4 years
Operation Get Laid
‘Tis the Season of Smut Challenge Days 7 & 8
Prompt: MC wearing nothing but a Santa hat & I’ll be sure to stuff your stocking (NSFW)
Fandom: Obey Me!
Pairing: Lucifer x MC (Female)
“Yoo-hoo! Lucifer, wait up! Wait for me!” Asmodeous’s cheery voiced echoed as he skipped after his elder brother. Lucifer had heard the annoying chirping of the younger demon and scowled in displeasure at the havoc was wreaking in the hallways.
“Shut up, Asmodeous!” Lucifer snapped, while turning to confront him. “All students are held to the highest of standards, and I would expect nothing less of them, much less from one of own siblings. Please remember to conduct yourself accordingly.”
“But Lucifer, I have some-”
“Enough!” Lucifer bellowed, casting him a final glare before spinning back around. “Diavolo and I are scheduled to meet in precisely five minutes, and I mustn’t keep him waiting.”
Increasing his pace, Lucifer stormed down the hall until he reached the main entrance where Diavolo was waiting for him. Diavolo and Barbatos were engaged in what appeared to be a private discussion, given their hushed tones and the occasional glances that surveyed the room.
Did something happen? Lucifier pondered, wondering what circumstances could have possible led to the disappearance of the carefree smile the young ruler normally wore on his face. As he approached the pair, Lucifer cleared his throat to announce his arrival, and no sooner was the familiar grin painted back on Diavolo’s face.
“Lucifer! Thank you for being willing to meet me on such short notice,” Diavolo boomed, arms outstretched to greet his second-in-command. “I have a very important assignment, and you’re the only one I entrust to be able to get the job done.” Peering over Lucifer’s shoulder, Diavolo beckoned for him to scooch closer.
“Asmodeous was supposed to deliver this message, but there’s no time for that anymore. I need you to immediately visit MC’s room and discuss what this Christmas holiday in her world looks like. This year we would like to incorporate traditions from the other realms, however we don’t have much time to do so, meaning you have to hurry with this. Can I count on you to do this for me?”
“Of course, you can! Rest assured, I will not fail you,” Lucifer vowed, before speeding up his pace down the hallway.
“Well, that went rather smoothly,” Barbatos commented. “It seems he doesn’t suspect a thing.”
“Did he fall for it?” Asmodeous asked when he finally came strolling up.
See it had not gone unnoticed that recently Lucifer had been agitated and more snappy than usual. He had been so absorbed in his studies and monitoring the other students, this left him feeling….well, rather pented up. This prompted Diavolo to form the committee of him, Barbatos, and Asmodeous known as Operation Get Lucifer Laid. MC at first was mortified when they contacted her about the plan, but soon fell onboard since she herself was feeling lonely and in need of her own ‘relief’.
“It would appear so,” Diavolo confidently responded. “However, just in case go keep an eye on the situation for me, will you, Asmodeous?”
Nodding in compliance, Asmodeous began to trot down the hallway and stealthily journeyed to MC’s room.
“MC? MC, I’m here under Diavolo’s orders,” Lucifer projected through the door. “First and foremost, you have my sincerest gratitude that you were willing to assist us in this matter in helping expand the traditions of Devildom……are you there? Why aren’t you responding to me? Are you alright? Anyway, I’m coming in now.”
The handle on the door creaked open and Lucifer walked only to nearly crash into the chair in front of him when his sight was blessed with MC posing provocatively on the bed in only her natural glory minus this red hat perched on the top of her head.  Lucifer unconsciously gulped when his girth below the waist strained uncomfortably against the seams of his pants. The sight of the normally composed eldest demon brother being caught acting rattled must have been the reaction MC was seeking since she cracked a low giggle.
“You should probably shut the door,” MC instructed the still dumbfounded Lucifer. “Unless you prefer an audience? And in case you haven’t put two and two together by now, Diavolo set you up so we could spend some time together.”
Lucifer didn’t need to be informed twice to hustle behind him to slam the door close. He would worry about Diavolo later, but now the very idea of anyone else witnessing his human in this state of undress would be unforgivable. Once the door was securely locked, MC traipsed over and threw her arms around his neck. She removed the hat from her head and instead placed it on top of Lucifer’s.
“Merry early Christmas, Lucifer,” she breathed, intentionally rolling the words into a slur as she uttered them. “In my world the children believe that a man by the name of Santa Claus brings good girls and boys presents for behaving all year long. Well, haven’t I been a good exchange student this year, Lucifer? Don’t I deserve a little special something as well?”
Gone was student council president’s stunned state of mind, and back was his typical confidence of arrogance. We wasted not a moment’s notice leaning towards her and use his teeth to fervently nibble on the contour of MC’s neck. While heated pants pursued through the crease of her lips, Lucifer managed to disrobe himself until he was left standing bare. MC tore away from the attack of the demon’s lips, and her fingers descended the canvas of her body seeking the most sensitive of her spots.
“Indeed, you are right about being a good girl, MC,” Lucifer chuckled, his hands wrapping around his own firm cock to jerk himself in preparation of fucking her senseless. “My good girl knows just how much it pleases me to see her get off while thinking about me.”
“Please, help me,” MC whimpered, her body longing for more stimulation than she was able to provide on her own. “I’m wet enough to handle you now. Please let me give myself to you!”
Never one to deny himself the pleasures in life, Lucifer willingly obliged by sauntering over the bed to join MC. Throwing her ankle over his shoulder, Lucifer slipped a finger, followed by a second inside of her to see how wet she really was.
“Hmm, your body is feeling very honest today,” he breathed, “It looks like my good girl is ready to get her stocking stuffed.” “Wait, how did you know about stock-!”
The words of her question were gone and overtaken by loud moans as Lucifer aligned himself at her entrance and pressed beyond her glistening folds. His hips came crashing into hers as the demon leaned forward to allow his tongue to tease the flushed breasts of her generous chest. Their bodies thrusting in rhythm together, MC adjusted her position to stimulate her clit against the muscles of Lucifer’s toned lower body and uttered a guttural groan when she glided against the sweat now dripping down the cuts of his toned abdomen.
Lucifer filled her to the brim, stretching MC out until her walls began to tingle and flutter around his cock. She mewled and dragged her nails down the sides of his arms, a glimpse of desperation flashing in her eyes as she silently pleaded with him.
“Does my good girl want to come?” Lucifer taunted, his deliberately grazing along the swell of her swollen clit. “Very well then. I’ll be nice to you today and oblige.”
Shaking her leg off from his shoulder, Lucifer bent down to lift MC up and place her over his shaft standing tall at attention. Wrapping her legs around his torso, MC and Lucifer both hissed when she sank down onto him and the rush of heat pulsated through every inch of their bodies. Her breasts swayed in synch to the pace of their movements, each becoming more frenzied than the last while they rose closer and closer to reaching their peaks provided by the other. Lucifer’s mouth was suddenly drawn to MC’s, and his tongue forced its way through the part of her lips. His tongue danced in her mouth while the lewd sounds of the demon pumping deeper and deeper into MC’s arousal echoed throughout her room.
She bounced on his erection, sighing and panting in a carnal delight at how absolutely blissful it felt to have Lucifer assaulting her in one of the most satisfying ways possible. Bodies on fire, all the stimulation led to the eventual release they both had been desperately seeking. Lucifer gently tossed MC back onto her bed and he collapsed beside her as he fought to regain his breathing under control.
“Wow,” MC sighed, breathless and a bit sore from the intense sex the two just engaged in together.
“I knew I would please you,” Lucifer boasted. “Say, remind me to thank Diavolo later.”
“Diavolo?” MC blinked in confusion. “Sure, did he do something for you?” Ready for round two, Lucifer rolled over and swiftly straddled MC, secretly fuming she had the nerve to utter the name of another man in front of him!
“Don’t mention other men when you’re around me,” he chastised. “Bad girls need to be punished just like good goods need to be rewarded, and you my dear were a very naughty girl just now.”
Curling his long fingers around the curves of MC’s waist, Lucifer gave no warning before snapping his hips forward and roughly plunging deep into the heat of her core, leaving her begging for him to really give it to her.
Meanwhile, outside the door was a nosy Asmodeous with his ear pressed against the door. MC’s screams of ecstasy were enough to assure the younger demon that the Operation Get Lucifer Laid could be deemed successful. Although Asmo was supposed to report back to Diavolo regarding their victorious achievement, he did a quick surveillance of the hallway to assure he was completely alone. Shrugging his shoulders nonchalantly, he slid his hands down the front of his pants to relish some playtime with himself at the expense of his brother and partner as a reward for his contribution to the plan that got Lucifer laid.
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realcube · 3 years
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choose-a-date ♡ choose love! — 2k event  ♡ @peachiileaf​
tw: captive fishes, water & general aquarium stuff
instructions: for each decision you make, you will be given points. at the end, tally your points and click on the links at the end to view your results! everything in blue bold is a question for the reader
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Iida’s gaze flickered between his wrist watch and the crowds of people passing through the entrance hall, lips instantly curling into a smile as he picked you out from the masses. 
He took a moment to admire you from afar until he decided to approach you, gently tapping your shoulder once he was close enough, “Good morning.” He almost sung, breath hitching slightly in awe of your outfit, “You look amazing.”
Turning to look at him with a bright smile, you awkwardly rubbed your forearm, “Morning, and thank you! Though, I feel rather underdressed compared to you.” You tried to sounds as upbeat as possible, vaguely gesturing at his attire; straight trousers, a white shirt, a blue blazer and tie. 
Iida reciprocated your sheepish grin, nodding while pointing at his tie, “Don’t worry, as I said, you look wonderful. I pondered wearing something more casual for today but not only did I want to make a good impression, I also found this tie and thought it was perfect for the occasion. What do you think?” 
You giggled, inspecting the tie and noticing that it was dark blue with patterned outlines of little fishes. 
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> “I love it!” ♡ 3 points 
> “It’s so cute!” ♡ 2 points 
> “Very fitting.” ♡ 1 point
“I’m glad you think so.” He said, offering his hand while motioning to the first exhibit, “Shall we?”
“Yep.” You chirped, gently placing your hand upon his as he lead you towards the start. By poking your arm, Iida then brought your attention to the open map he was holding in his opposite hand, using his fingers — while still intertwined with yours — to point out each location in the aquarium.
“This place is quite large so I doubt we’ll be able to see it all in one day. Are there any exhibits you especially want to visit?”
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> “The coral reef!” ♡ 3 points
> “The sharks!” ♡ 3 points
> “The penguins!” ♡ 2 points
> “The sea otters!” ♡ 2 points 
> “Nope.” ♡ 1 point
“Alright.” Iida smiled, glancing at the map once more before folding it and slipping it back into his pocket, “The first exhibit should be the general tanks.” As he spoke, you both entered the vast room which was lined with many different tanks filled with varieties of fish from all over the world.
While you were admiring the surreal at atmosphere of the display, Iida was already checking out the first tank to his right and tapped your shoulder to bring you back to reality, “Would you look that,” He mused, observing the fish while reading out the information sign along with it, “ ‘The Atlantic Blue Marlin are located throughout the tropical and subtropical waters of the Atlantic Ocean. Fun fact: The average speed of the Blue Marlin is 50mph, however they can reach up to 110 mph.’ ” 
After reading the card aloud, Iida spun around to face you, “Fascinating, right?”
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> “Yep, it’s so cool!” ♡ 3 points
> “It kinda reminds me of you.” ♡ 2 points
> “Why is it built like that?” ♡ 1 point
 Iida simply chuckled, about to inspect the next tank until a wave of panic seemingly washed over him, as he rapidly started patting his pockets in search of something. 
Fortunately, his fright was short-lived as he pulled out a pair of tickets and showed them to you with a gleeful grin, “I almost forgot; before you arrived, I booked us tickets of the dolphin show. I’m not exactly sure what the dolphins do in said show, nonetheless I’m sure it’ll be entertaining.”
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> “I think they perform tricks and stuff!” ♡ 3 points 
> “Maybe they let the audience pet the dolphins?” ♡ 2 points
> “Stand-up comedy?” ♡ 1 point
“Well, I suppose we will just have to wait and see.” He said with a shrug.
You momentarily forgot that you were still holding his hand, which led to you stumbling over your feet slightly as he began guiding you to the room where the show was going to take place. 
However, as the entrance to the hall came into view, Iida chose to let go of your hand in favour of holding you to his chest by the shoulders, since the room was bustling hence he had to keep you close so neither of you got lost.
Eventually, after ages of shuffling forward among dozens of parties trying to get in through a narrow doorway, you both finally managed to take your seats — front row, of course — as you waited for the show to begin. 
“At last.” Iida breathed a sigh of relief, attempting to make himself comfortable in the wobbly plastic chair, though he quickly realised all his efforts would be futile. So instead of messing around with the chair, he reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone, immediately opening the front camera, “While we are waiting, may I take a picture of us together?” 
As soon as you nodded your head, Iida’s arm had already extended upwards with the camera, “Say cheese!” He grinned, and snapped several photos once you were posing too. Straight afterwards, you watched as he scrolled through the pictures, selected the best one to set it as his home-screen. 
If it wasn’t for the announcement for the starting of the show, you and Iida probably would’ve spend another hour or so playing around with the filters. Thankfully though, after what felt like hours of waiting, the dolphins finally emerged dramatically from behind the stage. 
As one may have predicted, the show mostly consisted of the dolphins performing tricks; like jumping through hoops, bouncing balls and dancing! It was truly an incredible sight. Plus, one even gave you a high-five! However, when it turned around to swim back to the stage, the splash it’s tail made was enough to soak both you and Iida. 
Overall, it was a pretty enjoyable experience. Perhaps targeted more at couples with children but Iida didn’t really know what he was signing up for when he booked the tickets, so you couldn’t really blame him. 
Eventually, the curtains fell and the dolphins went back to their enclosures, after successfully putting on a show and ruining your shoes in the process. 
Iida promptly turned to look at you, his damp hair making you snicker slightly, “That was, definitely something. Did you like it?”
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> “Yeah! But I think they should let the dolphins go.” ♡ 3 points
> “Yes, they were all so adorable!” ♡ 2 points
> “Yeah, those dolphins were so talented!” ♡ 1 point
Iida nodded in agreement, getting up from his chair to stretch while searching for the exit. This time, you were the one to escort him to it.
Apparently this exit led to a gift shop so you asked that he stay here while you quickly head to the bathroom to dry off your clothes.
With a single hum of acknowledgement, you were gone, leaving Iida to shop aimlessly for a gift to give you, just as a small token of love and a reminder of this date so that in a few years time, you could both reminisce on your fun times together. 
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5-8 points
9-12 points 
13-15 points
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lilacandladybugs · 3 years
Winnie the Pooh Rendition: Tommy and Tubbo go Mining and Nearly Capture a Tyrant
In the depths of Pogtopia, inside the pristinely decorated ravine, there was a singular patch of dirt Wilbur had gotten from an Enderman and placed underground. This singular grass block was his thinking spot. Whenever he was Feeling Things he always went to his thinking spot, to mull them over, and make sure all of the thoughts were quite thoroughly thought about.
Wilbur knew that this was an entirely reasonable thing to do, despite Technoblade’s claim that he was “simply sulking,” and “needed to go outside and touch some Real grass.”
“Nobody can help me,” Wilbur said to himself out loud, as he picked some grass and folded it over to see if he could make a whistle out of it. As it turns out, he could not.
“I am simply Miserable and Sad.”
He discarded the blades of grass, “Pathetic. Nothing means anything.”
After tossing the grass to the side there was a crash from around the corner, and Tommy came out with Tubbo trailing behind him.
“Hallo Wilbur!” said Tubbo and Tommy.
“Hallo Tubbo, hallo Tommy,” Wilbur replied, as gloomily as he could muster.
Tommy crossed his arms at Wilbur who was sitting on his grass block, “What has happened today?”
“Oh nothing in particular,” Wilbur said bitingly, “only there is a Tyrant in L’Manburg.”
“A Tyrant?” Tubbo said and he crossed his arms as well so he and Tommy were matching.
“Yes, just that, a Tyrant,” Wilbur responded.
Tubbo did not think that cleared anything up, but he figured Wilbur was not in a very explaining mood, so he kept his questions about Tyrants to himself.
Tommy however, was already scheming. “Well have a good day Wilbur!” he said.
“Is it?” Wilbur responded.
“A good day?”
“Oh, it will be,” Tommy said. This would have been a concerning response to Wilbur, but he simply didn’t have the energy, and so Tommy and Tubbo were allowed to hurry out of Pogtopia completely unhindered.
Once they were outside and Tommy was confidently walking away from Pogtopia, Tubbo hurried to catch up to him. “What’s the plan?”
“Well, you see, there is one thing that we haven’t tried yet.”
“And what’s that,” Tubbo asked, always open to any untried ideas.
“You’re on my side, aren’t you?”
“Of course.”
“Well then,” Tommy pulled out his pickaxe, “I’ve already started building a huge hole, you see, and I’m going to make it because I think it will intimidate everyone. And then I’m going to use the resources from that to make a huge tower, and then that will also intimidate everyone.”
Tubbo squinted trying to remember the word Wilbur had used, “Even Tyrants?”
“Yes,” said Tommy confidently, “especially them. In fact this huge hole will attract Tyrants. We shall make it a very Cunning Trap.”
“Have you ever seen a Tyrant before Tommy?”
“Yes I have,” said Tommy, wondering what exactly a Tyrant was like, “actually I have seen many of them. That’s why I know that this Cunning Trap would work so well.”
“Where is the hole?” Tubbo asked.
“Reasonable question, reasonable question. It is right outside of L’Manburg, which should be perfect for trapping Tyrants.”
“But Tommy,” Tubbo said, “Why would a Tyrant get trapped in a hole?”
Tommy and Tubbo sat down for a second on a few logs to think it out.
Tommy’s first idea was that they put some diamond blocks at the bottom of the hole so that any Tyrants passing by would be tricked into falling inside, and then they could-
“Who’s diamonds would we use?” Tubbo asked, already feeling the ender chest in his inventory getting lighter.
Tommy also was thinking of his ender chest and said very quickly, “Well, never mind that idea then.”
Then Tommy suggested that they could put a sign by the hole that said, GET IN THE HOLE, because then the Tyrant would be so intimidated by the Huge Tower and Huge Hole and they would simply get inside out of intimidation.
“Would you get in a Huge Hole because a sign told you Tommy?” Tubbo asked reasonably.
“Well no,” said Tommy, “But you see, I am not easily intimidated. But you see, it’s going to go straight to bedrock, and Tyrants are notorious for being easily frightened, so I am sure they will simply get in the hole when they are told by a sign.”
This was a reasonable enough explanation to satisfy Tubbo, and so with the plan in mind, and shovels in hand, they headed over to L’Manburg.
Digging the hole took them a whole six hours, which was longer than Tommy had spent doing anything in quite a while. The entire time he and Tubbo chatted about how they had been doing, since Tubbo was gone so often with important spy affairs, as well as how Wilbur had been doing. Tommy informed Tubbo, as they got closer to bedrock and he got more tired, of how Wilbur recommended not digging holes, as it would make you out of breath, and how it often made one sore, and generally upset later on in life.
But despite the exhaustion of digging such a huge hole, the two of them finally finished, wrote the sign in all capital letters, and headed back to Pogtopia together.
“Well, goodnight Tubbo,” Tommy said, “I will meet you at L’Manburg at six o’clock tomorrow morning, and then we can see how many Tyrants we’ve caught in our trap.”
“Six o’clock, Tommy. And have you got any string?”
Tommy checked his pockets, “No, I haven’t killed any spiders today. Why?”
“To help lead the Tyrant home.”
“Oh,” said Tommy, “Well I think that Tyrants are really more for trapping and then keeping them trapped, so you can look at them sometimes. They’re not really for bringing inside.”
“Oh,” said Tubbo, once again thoroughly confused. “Are they dangerous?”
Tommy scowled, thinking about what Wilbur had said, “Not at all! Goodnight Tubbo!”
“Oh. Well goodnight then Tommy!”
Tommy woke up the next morning with his brain full of the word Tyrants. He could not for the life of him shake the question that Tubbo had posed last night about whether or not they were dangerous. Were they large? Did they have teeth? Maybe they could climb out of holes, like spiders could, and then he could get bitten, or eaten.
Most importantly, were they only for looking at, or were they for keeping?
And even more importantly, were they easily intimidated by huge holes?
As he walked out of his small dirt room into the hallway, he caught sight of a tall dark figure in the corner of his room. His heart pounding, and praying that Tyrants are not vengeful, he pulled out a torch and held it up to the figure. It was his old red balloon.
“On second thought, I believe that it would be best for Tubbo and I to walk to L’Manburg together. After all, Tubbo is very bad at directions, and needs someone like me to help direct him there. I always know where I am, so I can help him.”
When he walked outside his door, Tubbo was already there.
“Hallo, Tommy,” Tubbo said, “I thought that it would be better for us to walk together.”
“Yes of course,” said Tommy, “I am better at not getting lost.”
So they headed back to L’Manburg, as stealthily as they could, creeping over twigs and branches, and hopping across stones in creeks.
At first, Tommy was hesitant to go up to the edge of the huge hole, as it looked quite eerie in between the oak trees in the sunlight of the early morning. But then he remembered that he was with Tubbo, and he couldn’t let anyone think that he was easily intimidated. Intimidation was for everyone else, but it was certainly not for Tommy.
So instead, thinking confidently that he would get to see a Tyrant for the first time ever, Tommy crept up to the edge of the huge hole, and peered down inside.
“Oh,” said Tommy, feeling both relieved and disappointed at the same time, “I have been very foolish again, haven’t I?”
“No,” said Tubbo, looking into their empty hole, “You’ve done a good job.”
“Well what can we do for Wilbur? There is a Tyrant in L’Manburg and he is Moping about it.”
They sat down again on a couple of logs to ponder their options. This time, Tubbo was the first one to have an idea.
“I have a sort of idea,” Tubbo said, “though I don’t suppose it is a good one.”
“I don’t suppose it is either.”
“Hey!” Tubbo said, and they both laughed, feeling better already. “Well I was thinking that we could use my silk touch pickaxe and give Wilbur some more grass blocks to sit on.”
“Oh, that’s a good idea,” said Tommy. He thought a little bit about whether there was anything that he could give to Wilbur. He thought to himself and thought, and rubbed his forehead quite hard. He thought about his little dirt house, and his three furnaces, and his oak doors. Then he remembered waking up that morning and being frightened by the balloon in his window.
“I know what I can bring him!”
“Then let’s meet him there,” said Tubbo.
“At twelve o’clock?”
“Twelve o’clock.”
Tommy collected the balloon from his dirt hut and immediately headed back to Pogtopia with it, going maybe a little too fast for his own good. He just knew that Wilbur would be happy to have a bright red balloon inside of Pogtopia, it was so dark and damp down there. And grass blocks would also help him to feel more like he was outside.
Tubbo and Tommy approached Wilbur slowly, as he was still lying on his grass block Thinking about Things. “Hallo Wilbur!” Tommy said. Willbur sat up to look at them.
“Hello Tommy, is it somebody’s birthday?” he asked, looking at the balloon.
“No, we’ve just come to give you something that might make it easier to not Think about Things anymore.” He handed Wilbur the balloon. “You see, it is a good red balloon.”
“Oh,” said Wilbur, “that’s my favorite color of balloon actually.” He stood up, “In fact, I think this balloon would go very well with my Pogtopia interior design.”
“I got you something too Wilbur,” Tubbo said, and handed Wilbur a stack of grass blocks. When Wilbur saw the grass blocks, he said, “This is perfect for my thinking place! Now maybe Technoblade won’t say I need to go and touch Real grass anymore!”
“Well, I think you should probably still go and touch other grass-”
But Wilbur didn’t hear them, as he was placing grass blocks over and over all over Pogtopia, with his red balloon trailing along behind him.
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