#hanami 2021
zonadelcaos · 22 days
Resumen Onsoku Aka Chôchin 【音速赤ちょうちん】 - Diario de Dibujo
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Extraído del live streaming Oficial del Sonic Team
El Izakaya “Onsoku Aka Chôchin” (Sonic Red Lantern / El Farolillo Rojo Sónico) se encuentra en algún lugar de Station Square. Es el lugar favorito del Sonic Team, y después del trabajo, los miembros habituales del equipo se reúnen para charlar plácidamente sobre los más recientes y futuros proyectos entre bebidas y aperitivos.
En esta ocasión traemos un resumen sobre una sección llamada "Picture Diary" donde conversan sobre el proyecto SONIC PICT, las ilustraciones que nos muestran situaciones cotidianas de Sonic y los demás, publicadas cada mes en redes sociales. Como cabeza del proyecto, Kazuyuki Hoshino, Director Creativo de la serie Sonic provee de pequeñas anécdotas del proceso de creación de varias ilustraciones y responde preguntas mandadas por los fans.
Febrero - El San Valentín de Cream
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Como la niña pequeña que es, Cream se encuentra muy emocionada e ilusionada festejando su primer San Valentín y poder dar regalos por primera vez.
Cabe aclarar que, a diferencia de otros países, donde el 14 de febrero es principalmente una celebración para las parejas, en Japón es también una ocasión para demostrar afecto y aprecio a los amigos. La costumbre es que las chicas regalen chocolate a sus amigos.
Pregunta: ¿El que se ve detrás de Cheese es el Lobo Avatar (Buddy/Gadget) de Sonic Forces?
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"Probablemente no...¿Quién será?"
Uno de las primeras ideas en bocetos fue este pero decidieron cambiarlo ya que no producía la expectación y emoción que esperaban. Después de todo, ya se sabía a quien iba dirigido el regalo.
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Sin embargo, el regalo con forma de pez se conservó para el arte final ¿Cream habrá repartido regalos entre varios?
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Marzo - Hanami de los Chaotix
El trío Chaotix disfruta de la primavera debajo de los cerezos en hanami.
Esta ilustración fue presentada en el Fan Meeting de Seul, por lo que lo diseñaron para que pudiera ser apreciada por cualquiera que no estuviera familiarizado con la cultura japonesa.
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La taza y los odangos de Espio vienen de un fondo hecho anteriormente por Uekawa.
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"Charmy en vez de te, bebe leche. Al ser un niño pequeño, probablemente piense que el te verde es muy amargo para el."
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Abril - Todos admiran a su heroína de compras
"¿Qué es lo que está mirando Percival? En frente de ella hay un libro interesante, pero si seguís su mirada, en realidad ella está mirando...
¡La piruleta!
Su dulce favorito."
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Pregunta: ¿Esta ilustración ocurre después de los eventos del juego?
"Eso es un secreto. Disfrutad imaginando con todas las posibilidades..."
El dibujo final es el boceto A, y este que sigue es el boceto B
"Los comentarios probablemente sean de Toyoda, mientras que la ilustracion corre a cargo de Karasuno"
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Hablaron sobre la posibilidad de hacer otro libro de Life in Sonic's World (libro de arte que recopila el proyecto Sonic Pict 2019-2021).
Como productor Hoshino comentó que ahora mismo estaban muy ocupados con el desarrollo y lanzamiento de juegos, pero que ya había material suficiente para hacer otro libro.
Mayo - Chao Dôjô
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Se pueden distinguir la personalidad entre los tipos de Chao por los detalles como las toallas.
Mientras que la toalla del Chao normal esta semidoblada, el del Hero Chao está doblada perfectamente y el del Dark Chao está tirada en el suelo.
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La bolsa con la botella de agua también viene de un fondo de pantalla anterior.
En el streaming nos instan a buscar la imagen en la web del Sonic Channel. Por facilitar el trabajo, dejamos aquí la imagen.
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Junio - Cumpleaños de Sonic
Pregunta: ¿Hubo alguna razón para usar bolas de helado tradicionales en vez del Chocolate Chip Sundae de Sonic Unleashed?
"Decidimos usar bolas de helado para mostrar una gran variedad de sabores"
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Presentación SONIC PICT de Agosto
"Kawamura nos comentó que no solemos mostrar a los Flickies tan expresivos. Normalmente siempre solemos jugar con las expresiones de los Chao en los juegos, mientras que con los Flickies los mostramos en grupo o alguno de forma individual, pero en esta ilustración quisimos destacar la diferencia de personalidad entre Flickies"
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Y eso es todo...
¡Por favor, id a saludar en el video original del Sonic Team en youtube para que nos puedan mostrar más cosas así en el futuro!
Los resumenes del Onsoku Aka Chôchin están realizados por una persona que está en proceso de aprendizaje y no es hablante nativo japonés. Por lo tanto, existe la posibilidad de que puedan surgir errores o malinterpretaciones en la traducción. Aprecio tu comprensión y paciencia. Si encuentras algún error, por favor, no dudes en comentarlo. ¡Vamos progresando! Estoy en un proceso de aprendizaje constante y tu ayuda es muy valiosa ¡Gracias por tu apoyo!
Si también quieres apoyar el Onsoku Aka Chôchin y al Sonic Team en este proyecto, no olvides visitar el video original y también expresar tu apoyo por redes sociales, en la cuenta oficial de Sonic Official en twitter y visitar la web oficial del Sonic Channel
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levi-supreme · 2 years
Levi and Rei's gallery 🌻 part one
Yes hello friends! I am here to spread the Reivi propaganda! As I promised, here are the Reivi art I have commissioned from some of my friends, and also selfship art I received as a gift as well!
The first art is commissioned from my dear Katereina @ryukatters / @kleokatraa and it is based on a picrew hehe.
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Here on are selfship art commissioned from @hashaneeee / @cinnamonlevi and some of you can recognise that yes, I have used them as my dp before hehe.
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I'm sure some of you have seen the hanami one before hehe, I posted it during March since it's my birthday month and also spring time!!
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Next two are also fairly familiar because I used them in my summer and autumn theme! Hiking and stargazing with Levi URGH the dream.
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This is a Reivi art gifted to me by my one and only sister-in-law Mrs Mia Smith @ack3rlady / @miascanvas 💙
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The second art was also gifted to me by Mrs Smith for Lunar New Year ✨️💖
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Lastly, this amazing and beautiful art was gifted to me by Mrs Smith for my birthday this year, and this art was inspired by my selfship one-shot, In a World of Our Own 🥺❤️
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This lovely mobile banner was a Secret Santa gift from my dearest @axoxtxhxh as part of the SNK Veterans Secret Santa 2021 last year!! I am still so in awe that Joey was my Santa 🤭💕
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Last but not least, this lovely birthday art was commissioned from the one and only @hunnymz as part of my Happy Birthday Levi 2022 event! Here, Levi and I are celebrating his first birthday together as a married couple hehe 💗
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There'll definitely be more selfship Reivi art in a future haha and I'll have to make a new post for it XD
It warms my heart to see people interested in my selfship haha so thank you all so much! 💖 also, if anyone knows any artists who have commissions open and are willing to draw selfship art, please tell me too hehe 💕
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SK8 ~ Beginnings - Simstagram Posts - Part 2 (May 7th until May 11th 2021)
Disclaimer: English and Japanese is not our native language, so it's possible that we have writed and/or translated some things incorrectly. 🙇💦
Between May 6th to 11th on Lea's Twitter (and some of them much later on Lea's Instagram) we published several Simstagram posts (publications like Instagram in Sims version) made by SK8 characters, shown below. At this point we've already started to make a little story although not entirely "serious". As there are 30 publications and more than 30 images, we divided them into 16 images per publication and this is part two of two parts in total, we hope you enjoy them.
Simstagram Post 17 - Tadashi (5:55 p. m. - May 7th, 2021) [Posted on Lea's Twitter]
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ゆったりとした時間が流れているように見えますが、私と愛之介様はニュースを分析する仕事をしています。 🐶
Translation: It seems like a relaxing time, but Mr. Ainosuke and I are at work analyzing the news.
Simstagram Post 18 - Hiromi (6:42 p. m. - May 7th, 2021) [Posted on Lea's Twitter]
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She is Hanami-san, is as pretty as a pink tulip. I met her at a good friend's restaurant. 🌷
Simstagram Post 19 - Kojiro (7:49 p. m. - May 7th, 2021) [Posted on Lea's Twitter]
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I present my restaurant 「Sia la luce」. 🐯
Simstagram Post 20 - Miya (4:44 p. m. - May 8th, 2021) [Posted on Lea's Twitter]
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スライム軍団 笑 🐱
Translation: Slime army lol 🐱
Simstagram Post 21 - Ainosuke (5:49 p. m. - May 8th, 2021) [Posted on Lea's Twitter]
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安全だと感じることは重要です。僕の秘書はいつも近くにいますが、彼がいないときは、自分の嫌われ者から自分を守らなければなりません。 LOVE AGAIN!😘
Translation: Feeling safe is important. My secretary is always around but when he is not I have to protect myself from my haters. LOVE AGAIN!😘
Simstagram Post 22 - Ainosuke (6:10 p. m. - May 8th, 2021) [Posted on Lea's Twitter]
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ポスターは世界中に貼られています。さあ、愛で世界を救うキャンペーンを始めましょう LOVE AGAIN!😘 The posters have been put up all over the world, now start the campaign to save the world with love! LOVE AGAIN!😘
Simstagram Post 23 - Ainosuke (6:29 p. m. - May 8th, 2021) [Posted on Lea's Twitter]
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僕の家は、エコロジカルフットプリントを持っています。 では、あなたにお聞きします。あなたの家にもエコロジカル・フットプリントがありますか? LOVE AGAIN!😘
Translation: My home has an ecological footprint. Let me ask you. Does your home have an ecological footprint? LOVE AGAIN!😘
Simstagram Post 24 - Ainosuke (6:40 p. m. - May 8th, 2021) [Posted on Lea's Twitter]
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Last night we went to the snow festival, I took a picture with Yamachan. LOVE AGAIN!😘
Simstagram Post 25 - Tadashi (7:05 p. m. - May 8th, 2021) [Posted on Lea's Twitter]
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愛之介様に頼まれて、ヤマちゃんと一緒に写真を撮りました。 🐶
Translation: Ainosuke-sama asked me to take a picture with Yama-chan. 🐶
Simstagram Post 26 - Tadashi (7:06 p. m. - May 8th, 2021) [Posted on Lea's Twitter]
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二人で作った雪だるま。 🐶
Translation: A snowman we both made. 🐶
Simstagram Post 27 - Kaoru (7:44 p. m. - May 8th, 2021) [Posted on Lea's Twitter]
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書道のイベントから帰ってきて、なんでこの人は俺の前でそんなことをするのか 🌸
Translation: I came back from a calligraphy event and wondered why she would do that in front of me. 🌸
Simstagram Post 28 - Hiromi (7:59 p. m. - May 8th, 2021) [Posted on Lea's Twitter]
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彼女はとても美しい 😍 🌷
Translation: She's so beautiful 😍 🌷
Simstagram Post 29 - Hiromi (8:19 p. m. - May 8th, 2021) [Posted on Lea's Twitter]
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いやぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁ 前の写真は間違っていました。 前の写真を削除する方法をご存知の方はいらっしゃいますか? 彼女はとても美しい😍 🌷
Translation: Oh noooooo! The previous photo was wrong. Does anyone know how to delete the previous photo? She's so beautiful 😍 🌷
Simstagram Post 30 - Ainosuke (7:29 p. m. - May 11th, 2021) [Posted on Lea's Twitter]
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I had a nightmare, so I went for a run in the morning to clear my head. LOVE AGAIN!😘
See you soon! Love Again 💗
SK8 MainStory:
Previous Post | First Post | Next Post
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avatarhanami · 1 year
So how do you draw motion so well? I’ve always struggled with that and your drawings of it are just so good
You can hate me for saying this because I too used to hate it... but I practice. A lot. I cannot express how from 2019-2021, I continuously drew Hanami, the characters, and other things to expand my style and also challenge myself with poses/stances.
If you're referring to our most recent post as well—that was actually a collaboration between me and one of our artists, Ren. Ren is amazing at creating and drawing sketches of various poses and I only did the lineart + color.
However, it really boils down to finding/cultivating poses. And one thing I've learned a lot in the last 4 years, specifically about Hanami, is that she's constantly moving and on the go. She has some really fun and eccentric posing that speaks well to her personality and how she is as a person. So being able to keep up with her hyperactive-ness in posing is a big point I had to nail down before we begin to work on the physical comic.
So yeah... I'm afraid it's just a lot of practice and going outside your comfort zone. This last drawing I had assistance though, so I wouldn't count that one.
-Kee, Project Lead
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galaxxies18 · 2 years
Translation Masterlist
Card Stories
Team K
Kei - 3rd Anniv 4* ;
Sotetsu - June Bride 4* ;
Team P
Rindou - Hanami 4* ; Stage Costume P 4* ; 3rd Anniv 4* ; Onsen 2022 4* ; Initial 5* ;
Nekome - Summer 4* ; Medical Checkup 4* ;
Team C
Qu - Summer 4* ;
Event Stories
2nd Anniversary (2021)
∠ Chapters 1-5
Hanami (2022)
∠ Prequel Chapters (1-2)
∠ Common Route (1-3)
∠ Common Route (4-6)
∠ Common Route (7-9)
∠ Common Route (10-12)
Main Story / Talks Season 4 Finale - Seeking Mission Talks: Team P ;
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vividblaze · 2 years
I'm curious!! What are your favorite songs/outfits so far in Blackstar?🥺
I love this!! Top 3 songs from each team and specials/collabs:
K. Hana wa Kasuka ni, Raise your resolve, Hirari Hirari W. Kamen wa Yami ni Tokete, Sekka, Shooooout!!! P. Kouya ni te, Amagasa, Futatsu Hoshi ga Deau Yoru C. Sanctus, Kurenai ni Shiro, Tsuzuki wa Asu no Yoru ni B. Dokuja, Kaiki Nisshoku, Idaten Special. snowflake, Shizumanu Tsuki, Scarlet Desire don’tlookatme
Outfits in no specific order:
snowflake (Christmas 2020): The glitter...
Saika no Shukusei (White Day 2021): My absolute favorite set of all the outfits released but the gacha ate up all my daiya lol.
Hirari Hirari (Hanami 2021): Tunnel vision 600x zoom 4K HD close up on the ribbon around Sotetsu's neck followed by me dramatically passing out.
Trick or Truth/Cat-eared staff (Halloween 2021): The cool and serious cast members (Kei, Kokuyo, Sin, and Heath)... with caT EARs... o(-<
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kyotodreamtrips · 2 years
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I posted 481 times in 2022
That's 285 more posts than 2021!
481 posts created (100%)
0 posts reblogged (0%)
I tagged 460 of my posts in 2022
Only 4% of my posts had no tags
#japan - 435 posts
#kyoto - 267 posts
#landscape - 160 posts
#photography - 128 posts
#buddhism - 109 posts
#matsuri - 106 posts
#autumn - 93 posts
#travel - 78 posts
#nature - 77 posts
#shinto - 71 posts
Longest Tag: 109 characters
#shikoku 四国 kagawa prefecture 香川県 japan cherry blossoms 桜 sakura hanami 花見 matsuri landscape toryo park 県立桃陵公園
My Top Posts in 2022:
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Sacred "White Heron Dance" (白鷺の舞) at Yasaka Shrine during Gion Matsuri at Yasaka shrine in Kyoto.
142 notes - Posted July 2, 2022
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Although this castle is more know for its cherry blossoms, one can find some autumn colours too.
215 notes - Posted November 7, 2022
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The entrance to the Okumiya area of the Kifune shrine in Kyoto City-Japan.
243 notes - Posted January 20, 2022
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Purple wisteria at Byōdō-in temple, Uji City, Kyoto-Japan.
369 notes - Posted April 22, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Tomoe Gozen (巴 御前) (1157–1247); was a late twelfth-century female samurai warrior known for her bravery and strength. She is believed to have fought in and survived the Genpei War. She was also the concubine of Minamoto no Yoshinaka. According to one historical account, Tomoe was beautiful, with white skin, long hair, and charming features. She was also a remarkably strong archer, and as a swordswoman, she was a warrior worth a thousand, ready to confront a demon or a god, mounted or on foot. She handled unbroken horses with superb skill; she rode unscathed down perilous descents. Whenever a battle was imminent, Yoshinaka sent her out as his first captain, equipped with strong armour, an oversized sword, and a mighty bow; and she performed more deeds of valour than any of his other warriors (The Tale of the Heike).
555 notes - Posted October 23, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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to-travel-smart · 4 months
Sapporo : A Dynamic Destination from Ski Slopes to Beer Gardens This city, the sprawling capital of Japan’s northern island of Hokkaidō, is a dynamic city offering a unique blend of activities and attractions that cater to all kinds of travelers. Known for its stunning landscapes, world-class ski slopes, and vibrant beer gardens, Sapporo is a destination that offers something for everyone. Whether you’re a winter sports enthusiast or a summer festival lover, Sapporo’s ever-changing seasonal charm will captivate you. Winter Wonderland When winter descends upon Sapporo, the city transforms into a paradise for ski and snowboard enthusiasts. The powdery snow and well-maintained slopes of the nearby ski resorts, such as Niseko and Rusutsu, attract visitors from around the globe. These resorts offer a range of slopes suitable for all skill levels, from beginners to advanced skiers. A major highlight of winter in this city is the Sapporo Snow Festival, a spectacular event that draws millions of visitors each year. Although the 2021 festival was canceled to prevent the spread of COVID-19, past festivals have left an indelible mark on the city’s cultural landscape. The festival is renowned for its massive snow and ice sculptures that transform Odori Park into a winter wonderland. Footage from previous festivals continues to inspire future travel plans, reminding us of the magic that awaits. Spring Blossoms As the snow melts and spring arrives, city’s parks and gardens burst into bloom. The city’s cherry blossom season is a breathtaking sight, with Maruyama Park and the Hokkaidō Shrine being popular spots to view the delicate pink flowers. Locals and tourists alike gather for hanami (flower viewing) picnics, celebrating the fleeting beauty of the blossoms. Spring is also the time for the city Lilac Festival, which takes place in Odori Park. The festival celebrates the city’s official flower, the lilac, with over 400 trees in full bloom. Visitors can enjoy live music, local food stalls, and tea ceremonies amidst the fragrant blossoms. Summer Sunshine Summer in Sapporo is a time for outdoor enjoyment and lively festivals. The city’s parks and green spaces come alive with locals and tourists seeking to soak up the sunshine. The Sapporo Beer Garden is a must-visit during this season. Located in the heart of the city, this outdoor venue offers a fantastic selection of local brews, including the famous Sapporo Beer, which has been brewed in the city since 1876. Enjoying a cold beer under the clear blue sky is a quintessential Sapporo experience. The Sapporo Summer Festival, held in Odori Park, is another highlight of the season. The festival features traditional Yosakoi Soran dance performances, a lively parade, and numerous food stalls offering delicious Hokkaidō cuisine. The festival’s vibrant atmosphere and diverse activities make it a favorite among visitors and locals alike. Autumn Adventures Autumn in this city is characterized by stunning fall foliage and a cooler climate, making it an ideal time for outdoor activities. The city’s parks and surrounding mountains offer picturesque hiking trails where visitors can immerse themselves in the vibrant reds, oranges, and yellows of the season. Mt. Moiwa, with its panoramic views of the city and the Ishikari Bay, is a popular destination for leaf-peepers. The Sapporo Autumn Fest, held in Odori Park, celebrates the harvest season with a wide array of local produce, seafood, and traditional dishes. This food-centric festival is a gastronomic delight, providing visitors with the opportunity to sample the rich flavors of Hokkaidō. Practical Tips and COVID-19 Considerations In light of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, it’s crucial to stay informed about current health guidelines and travel restrictions. Many attractions and events in Sapporo may have modified operations or limited capacity to ensure the safety of visitors and locals. Always check official websites for the latest updates on closures and health and safety policies.
While planning your trip, consider incorporating activities that allow for social distancing, such as exploring Sapporo’s scenic outdoor spaces or enjoying a quiet moment at one of the city’s many parks. The emphasis on health and safety doesn’t detract from the city’s charm; rather, it offers a unique opportunity to experience Sapporo in a more mindful and deliberate way. Conclusion Sapporo is a city of contrasts and surprises, where each season brings its own unique flavor and charm. From the exhilarating ski slopes of winter to the vibrant beer gardens of summer, Sapporo offers a diverse range of activities and experiences that cater to all types of travelers. Whether you’re drawn to the city’s world-class winter sports, its stunning seasonal festivals, or its rich culinary traditions, Sapporo promises an unforgettable journey. As you plan your future trip to Sapporo, remember to prioritize safety and stay informed about health guidelines. Let the city’s dynamic spirit inspire you, and prepare to be enchanted by the magic of Sapporo. Vacation Packages: Why They're Worth It https://totravelsmart.com/visit-this-authentic-beach-town https://totravelsmart.com/europes-most-affordable-beach-escapes-black-sea
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zaftikat · 1 year
Every August, the Japanese baseball world gathers to watch the National High School Baseball Championship better known as the Summer Koshien. I've been watching most games this year, despite timezones, and I thought it would be fun to spotlight each of the teams a little with a daily match preview. Today's games (2023-08-08 in Japan) are Hanami Higashi vs Ube Kojo at 19:00 EDT, followed by Gunma Maebashi vs Clark International at 21:35, NichiDai Yamagata vs Okayama Sanyo at 00:10, and Ogaki Nihon Vs Omi at 02:45. Details under the cut!
For Hanami Higashi vs Ube Kojo: According to the data I have available, Ube Kojo was last in a national tournament at the 2017 Haru no Koshien. Hanamaki Higashi, on the other hand (despite recent struggles) has some bona fides. Their program produced some fairly recognizable names: Kikuchi Yusei (TOR), and Shohei Ohtani (LAA). Expect the Hanamaki Higashi program to continue to shine at least in this matchup.
For Gunma Maebashi vs Clark International: Again, according to stats I have, this is Gunma Maebashi's first national tournament. They're fairly evenly matched with Clark International, a team that has put up some decent performances on the national stage, but has not won a game in both Haru no Koshien they've been invited to. I'm expecting a fairly close game here, but it's HS baseball so anything could happen.
For NichiDai Yamagata vs Okayama Sanyo: NichiDai Yamagata made it to the round of 8 in 2021, which means many of that season's 1st years are now graduating 3rd years. They have an experience advantage over Okayama Sanyo, who last appeared in 2017's Nasu no Koshien losing in the first round. It's worth keeping an eye on NichiDai Yamagata. They have some potential for late round upsets.
For Omi vs Ogaki Nihon: Omi is a Nasu no Koshien powerhouse, making it to the semis for the last 2 years in a row. With experienced 2nd and 3rd years, expect a strong team. On the other hand, Ogaki Nihon's last Nasu no Koshien win was 2017, with a 2nd place finish in 2007 as their best result. This is a program that is itching to win again. This, despite being the game i'm least likely to be awake for, is the one to watch. Omi has an excellent program that could go all the way.
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angrywrasslenerd · 2 years
World Open 2023 Week in Review - Week One
A Block:
Kazuo Saji has been a top contender in the World Open since the tournnament began in earnest in 2018. In 2018, he came up close to winning A Block, but lost out to Kyle Sieras. In 2019, he again was in the money right up until the final night, scoring an impressive victory over Samael Tangaroa before getting spoiled by Fabio Silva on the final night. In 2020, he again wrestled strong all the way through the tournament, barely losing out to Armel St. Martin in the final night of the block. In 2021, he could've taken the whole thing if it weren't for The Fart Heard Round the World that was the debut of Murderer's Row. And in 2022, he won his block and made it to the finals, only to fall to Ultimo Cielo.
I'm bringing you this history lesson to emphasize what a surprise it was this week to watch good ol' Captain Dong trip over his own dick right out of the gate, getting rolled up by Jake Adair in under ten minutes on the first night of block action. In fact, Saji lost both of his matches this week, also taking a narrow loss to El Rey Dorado in one of the best matches of the week. In the interviews leading up to this tournament, Saji stated his intention to meet his friend Connor Cipris in the finals, but after a first week like this, his path to the finals is in doubt already
Jake Adair, meanwhile, kept the hits coming, rolling up both Kazuo Saji and Armel St. Martin in his first two matches of the tournament and creating a situation where he now has a tie-breaker over two of the top seeded talents in the block.  Jake has been on fire lately, finally starting to connect with SWA fans and get some big wins under his belt after coming into SWA carrying a huge chip on his shoulder and an Inside Wrasslin' "Most Hated Man in Wrestling" award back in 2019. While his 2022 Aftermath Championship reign was stopped short after only one defense by Hanami Watanabe (who would very quickly lose the title herself to Clint Oliver only a month and one defense later), Jake's ascendance over the last two years is undeniable, and this could very well be his year.
The biggest surprise of the A Block this week, though, goes to Carlos Ortega-Reyes, who somehow managed to keep it (it being that goddamn railroad spike) in his pants through both of his matches this week, fighting straight up and actually going to the mat with both Paul Lambert and Raye Groves. In fact, and I can't fucking believe I'm saying this, I think Carlos Ortega-Reyes vs. Paul Lambert is actually my match of the week for A Block. Ortega-Reyes continues to not officially put pen to paper for an SWA contract, but his inexplicable affection for SWA might actually be having a positive effect on him.
A Block Point Totals:
Armel St. Martin: 2
El Rey Dorado: 2
Kazuo Saji: 0
Jake Adair: 4
Carlos Ortega-Reyes: 2
Paul Lambert: 2
Adam Nishimura: 2
Raye Groves: 2
The Nerd's Match of the Week: Paul Lambert def. Carlos Ortega-Reyes by PINFALL in 20:50 (2/28)
B Block:
Things were much more stratified in B Block than A Block this week, with some very clear winners and losers.  Probably the biggest surprise among all that was Kyle Sieras being on the losers' pile, dropping decisions to both Aaron Wolff and Tommy Powers. In previous years it would've been practically unthinkable to see Kyle so low in the rankings, but his stock has taken a tumble ever since the breakup of the Redeemed, and especially the departure of his friend unimportantguy to Underground Wrestling Club. Myself, I never could understand why a good dude like Kyle would hang out with a raging fuckhole like unimportantguy, but the friendship seems to have been genuine enough, and Kyle just hasn't been the same ever since that jackass slipped out the back door. (Shout out to CRITICAL! Club poster unimportantguy, who's probably drafting an angry e-mail even as I type this. Get out of your mom's basement and go touch some grass, you fuckin' weirdo. Maybe you'll come out of the experience with better taste in wrestlers.) Without even a match against his friend and rival Raye Groves to look forward to, Kyle Sieras felt aimless and unfocused this week, and it definitely showed in his disappointing performances.
Other wrestlers in the Pile of Shame this week included Chad Jackson and Fabio Silva, who both had the misfortune to draw up Samael Tangaroa and Connor Cipris as their first two matches. Chad in particular got dominated by both men (shut the fuck up fangirls you know what I mean), dropping decisions to both in under ten minutes. Fabio, meanwhile, acquitted himself well in loss, standing and brawling with a kind of determination that we haven't seen from the big lug in a while. And look, when I'm saying something good about Fabio motherFUCKING Silva, you know he's done good.
As you may have guessed if you've been paying any goddamn attention to what I'm writing, the winners' pile for the week consisted of Samael Tangaroa and Connor Cipris. Connor in particular looked fired up as hell. In pre-tournament interviews, he mentioned how he meant to make up for missing the last three years' World Opens due to a combination of injury and family issues (for those who didn't know, Connor's father passed away from complications caused by severe COVID-19 in 2021). With the injury bug hopefully now behind him, Connor fought like hell this week, and is an early favorite to make the finals. In fact, Connor vs. Fabio in particular probably would've been my match of the week for B Block, were it not for one other match in the block that delivered exactly what we were all hoping it would.
My match of the week for B Block, though, has to go to Samael Tangaroa vs. Fabio Silva. Some were concerned that Fabio would be too softened up by Connor earlier in the week to give his all, but those concerns were, I am happy to report, misplaced. I know, right? Me? Praising Fabio motherFUCKING Silva twice in one post? But it was one of the bloodiest, most violent matches I can remember seeing in SWA, with both men looking like hamburger by the time Samael's hand was raised in victory. You all know how I love a good brawl, especially one as hate-filled as this, and any match where I can watch either of these two men get his ass beat is a win in my book. One where they both beat the shit out of each other? That's truly priceless.
B Block Point Totals:
Samael Tangaroa: 4
Chad Jackson: 0
Connor Cipris: 4
Fabio Silva: 0
Aaron Wolff: 2
Kyle Sieras: 0
Tommy Powers: 2
Javier Valiente: 2
The Nerd's Match of the Week: Samael Tangaroa def Fabio Silva by KNOCKOUT in 18:32 (3/3)
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akizerashi · 2 years
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2021/10/31 Hanami Online's commission
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sempredirebanzai · 4 years
La lingua giapponese ha più di 70 parole dedicate ai fiori di ciliegio
La lingua giapponese ha più di 70 parole dedicate ai fiori di ciliegio
La lingua giapponese ha più di 70 parole dedicate ai fiori di ciliegio I Sakura, i fiori di ciliegio, sono uno dei simboli più iconici del Giappone. La bellezza mozzafiato di questi delicati petali rosa incanta nipponici e visitatori da sempre. Le poche settimane in cui si può ammirare la loro fioritura sono considerate dai giapponesi il periodo più prezioso e bello dell’anno. E il paese…
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eugeniachbib-draw · 4 years
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Happy Sakura Week! Day 1 Hanami
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shikasaku-week · 4 years
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🦌 🌸 To all ShikaSaku shippers, it’s that time of the year again! We hope 2021 has been treating you kindly so far, and we’re delighted to bring you this edition of ShikaSakuWeek Hanami! 
As usual, we bring you prompts and inspirations, and we hope to see many of you share your amazing works and your incredible creativity. Every year, we’re blown away by all the people who join, old and new, and how much ShikaSakuWeek works have diversified over the years (!!!!) we’ve been doing this. Let’s not stall any further, and let the 2021 Edition of ShikaSakuWeek Hanami begin! 🌸 🦌 
— The Rules
• you can post anywhere! Tumblr, AO3, FF.net, DA, Twitter, Pillowfort, go wild! • please send us a link to the fanwork so we can add it to the masterpost • tag it with #shikasakuweek or @shikasaku-week to help us find it • the only requirement is for ShikaSaku to be the main pairing in your fanwork. It can be a fic, a fanart, a fanvid, a gifset, an edit, it’s up to you!
When: April 4th-11th. We normally do this at the end of March, but we want to give you a bit more time to prepare!
Please, no character bashing. We’re here to create content for our ship, not ruin other people’s day.
This time, we’ve tried something new: you have your usual cryptic prompt that your mods love so much, and coupled with them are “official” tags from both our AO3 accounts, which we’ve picked from our most used tags. This tells you a bit about our own writing, haha (you don’t want to know how many times Mod Mako has used Angst in their own works...).
Your works are to be inspired by the sentence prompt and the overall theme, and fit into the tag/genre we’ve provided below. 
— The Prompts theme: beauty in habits // the joy of daily life
DAY ONE the cluttered kitchen table tag: Team as Family
DAY TWO i love you when you— tag: Fluff
DAY THREE nails tapping on porcelain tag: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD
DAY FOUR we were dragging slow comet tails tag: Grief/Mourning
DAY FIVE we lock eyes (as we brush our teeth, in the mirror) tag: Alternate Universe - Soulmates
DAY SIX every night like dying/every morning like a dream tag: Angst
DAY SEVEN i feel your every fingertip on my skin tag: Hurt/Comfort
DAY EIGHT (bonus day) free day or remix challenge
If you’re interested in the remix challenge and didn’t participate in it last edition, here’s a quick explanation: basically, you browse through the masterposts of the previous years and pick a story or art you like a lot. Then you write/draw an interpretation of that fanwork! Summarize in your head what the core idea of the fanwork you picked is and use that to make your own, based on that same premise. We hope you’ll enjoy yourselves and that you’ll rediscover works from previous years!
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(all ShikaSakuWeek art, banners and badges are free to use in your own posts/works as decoration!)
Thank you for being with us year after year as we cultivate this little patch of rareship land we’ve made for ourselves. It’s such a great feeling to see the ShikaSaku tag fill up on AO3 and Tumblr year after year, and we have you to thank for that! If you weren’t there, Mako, Mouse and our few rareship friends would still be screaming our love into the void. We love this little community and we’re excited to do this with you all once more!
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aworldofpattern · 2 years
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Beetle & Cherry Blossom print by Morningwitch, 2021
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bluestarsaber · 3 years
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To Celebrate NaruSaku Day & Hanami’s Birthday, I have drawn a sketch of my head canon of Naruto kissing Hamani’s forehead while Sakura watches smiling. Designs based of @pumiih work.
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