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*keyboard smash* Look what came in the mail today from my cherished friend Bailee, aka @pastel-cartoon-loser
It’s is a lovingly handcrafted rendition of Hamiathe's Gift. First observed modeled by her at our meetup. I love that we met at the city's public library, given how libraries are a recurring theme in the novels, in all of our lives... the premise of the relentless pursuit of wisdom through words that binds us all.I will never forget the moment when I realized (on one of my many re-reads) that Eugenides survived a mortal sword wound that was described as starting in his back and going right through his chest... because he was wearing the stone. And the only way one would really have put two and two together here is on a re-read, going over the details, the subtleties, the memories, with a fine-toothed comb. Looking for the connections that nobody else sees. And bonding over the fact that we found them. Our thirst for depth and insight and hidden meaning. What an incredible thing to have in common with a select group of people as us!!!
I do not live my life in the fast lane. I live my life straggling behind everyone else because I'm lost in my excavation of hidden layers of meaning in all things to the point where the material worlds and the non-material worlds blend together. Hamiathe's Gift is such a reflection of that. 
Truly, Thief!Con2018 was one of the highlights of my summer. As the debut of MWT's final installment of the series looms on the horizon, March 19, 2019, I cannot wait to see you all again and hopefully a few others in honor of it. I know the two pieces of fangirl jewelry I will be wearing. (three actually, if one counts both ruby earrings.) @actualshonenprotagonist @queensandkingsofattolia @meganwhalenturner @bookishbabe10 @florianschild @mygoldenwolf @worldsentwined @indigo-night-wisp 
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