#hall of portraits // hypëřbøřiä lore
shatteredminds · 2 years
If Azura has a strong bond with anyone in her Vail bound family it's Vulcan and Bast's eldest daughter and son Iskra and Koray.
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These three mf's caused so much trouble when they were together, which was often since Azura looked after them when Vulcan and Bast were busy.
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shatteredminds · 2 years
The vampire gene that Ragnar has is actually a mutation in his genetics. Neither Coldarder nor Deaevidra carry that gene as both of them are manifestations of death from different universe's. Both of them are demons in a sense as Deaevidra is a demonic dragon while Coldarder is a demonic reaper.
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shatteredminds · 2 years
Mated marks and True mates
Mated marks are tattoo like markings that appear above the heart of whoever is marked as a mate to a Vittagarðrian/Hypëřbøřiän God/Goddess.
It's basically a way of saying "Hey, this person is mine now fuck off." Each is unique to the god/goddess and what they represent.
A mated mark is when an absolute sliver of magic energy from the god/goddess becomes part of who their marking. Synchronizing with the energy of the one their marking as to not cause problems.
Though there are different variations of the mated mark as they can be
Different opacitys along the whole thing (Think about that like how different pressures while drawing a line using a pen/pencil can affect how dark the line is along the whole thing)
Parts of it can be missing
Not solid black
This is because the magic energy can't take root in the mates body, as such the mated mark will fade over the course of one to two weeks.
When it comes to true mates the mated mark is solid black, not one part of the full mark is missing and it stays forever. This is because the magic energy is able to take root in the true mate and has synced up with their energy.
A true mate is the other half of a Vittagarðrian/Hypëřbøřiän god/goddess, their soul mate one can say. They don't know who it is, what the species of their true mate is, where they are, or anything like that.
They are however attracted to those somewhat similar to their true mate, if their close to the same height, have a similar personality, share a trait with their true mate. If that person is interested in the goddess/god and wanting to become their mate the goddess/god will become such as having someone remotely close to their true mate is better then being alone.
Now their are those who aren't interested in having a true mate as they are aromantic/asexual/both. They won't seek them out or anyone like them. Some have given up in finding their true mate as it had lead to may heartbreaks over their life.
However, if they do come in contact they will go and form friend like relationship with them, work their way up to courting their true mate.
They will have the urge to mark their true mate right away, to claim them. An urge that some can resist for quite some time and others... not so much.
When they mark their true mate the god/goddess will slowly turn them into at least a semi immortal if they aren't already such.
When a true mate is marked the god/goddess mate will be able to feel nearly every emotion of their true mate. Their true mates sadness, happiness, anger, hatred, fear, etc. Depending on the goddess/god such things affects them all differently.
When both the true mate and the god/goddess are warrior class their is a possibility that they can both feel the others emotions, though this is rare.
Over time the god/goddess mate of the true mate learns to control the emotions they get from their true mate due to the mated mark, after they do such they use those emotions as a way to tell what mood their true mate is in so they can help them get out of it. Though if the true mate is experiencing fear the god/goddess mate will hurriedly track down their location and find out what's wrong.
Loosing a their true mate is absolutely devastating to the god/goddess mate. It's akin to tearing their heart, using spells to keep them alive and amplify their pain, and slowly tearing their heart to shreds right in front of them. It's worse then any wound that's been inflicted on them, it's the worse pain they will ever feel.
Losing their true mate can destroy the god/goddess mate as their true mate is akin to a sorce of happiness for them which is why they do everything to keep their true mate happy. Losing their true mate has destroyed some of the warrior class god/goddess mates, making them feel hollow, like there's nothing left to live for anymore.
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shatteredminds · 2 years
Koray is phisically fourteen and has tattoo's. He helped design them with Azura. Azura was the one who did Koray's tattoo's as a birthday gift to him.
The two both got chewed out by Bast when she saw the tattoo's, Vulcan had to phisically pick up his warrior class vampire wife and take her pit of the room before she tryed to rip Azura's head off.
Good times.
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shatteredminds · 2 years
Baby Azura crawling around the empire looking for big bro Mammon because she wants love-
Mammon: *frantically looking for is little sister now*
Aries when Azura comes across him-
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shatteredminds · 2 years
Ragnar rarly sneezes but when he does it's a loud dad sneeze that causes an earthquake on the island and more or less gives the souls of the island a heart attack because they can hear him despite the fact that he's in the Hypëřbøřiän vail.
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shatteredminds · 2 years
Tw- Suicide mention
So there's something that really plucks Azura's heart strings and grinds her gears is being called Night or Lust by almost everyone in her family during the empire days.
The only ones who are from the empire days that ever called her "Azura" or "Zaishvaer" are Mammon, Caspian, Icarus, Javid, Vipin, Rosemarie, Reidar, Jørgan, Delilah, Sydall, Toros, Restus, and Aphy.
Elysia and Ragnar also call her Night. They don't know her name, the name of their litters first born. It hurts her a lot.
It's kinda one of the reasons why she does the things she does like sleep around, commit war crimes, do her horrible experiments, ext.
Because it gets her attention, makes people say her name, makes her relevant and not invisible like being called Night/Lust does.
Mammon was the one who named her, treated her like she was actually the kid she was instead of just stuffing her into Dávïctá's library and making her study the millions of years worth of Hypëřbøřiän history and battle strategies.
She just wants someone to say her name, weather it be her fallen name or her moderen name she just wants someone to say it.
When's she called Night or Lust it just brings her back to her days in the empire and how neglected she was by her family. Makes depressed as all hell to the point where the others won't see or hear from her for days and either Ulfric or Restus have to go to her main house to check in and they always hope to the gods/exileds that she hasn't hung herself again.
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shatteredminds · 2 years
So the funniest thing is is that whenever a Vampiric dragon sneezes something really weird happens.
Like it not only Ragnar's earthquake making sneezes that exist.
Theres also the fact that the Vittagarðr's/Hypëřbøřiän's/Vampiric dragons/Vittagarðrian children rarly sneeze in the first place is probably the biggest blessing to the world since it would be utter chaos if it was a common occurrence.
Singular sneeze
Causes the sky to become cloudy for the day
Multi sneeze
Each sneeze = one soul being reborn
Single sneeze
Incoming blizzard when it's winter and sudden snow fall when it's not winter
Loud af
Single sneeze
Happens every spring so that's when mating season starts
Loud af
Single sneeze
And so a tsunami happens
Multi sneeze
"Tsu, tsu, tsu, tsu"
One supernatural entity per sneeze and ghosts of all kind
Loud af
Single sneeze
Every plant/folage/flora on the island and around him: I mUsT bLoOm
One sneeze
Avalanches happens shortly after
Loud af
Ranges from single to multi sneezes
Volcanic activities skyrocket because of him
Cute and quiet
Single sneeze
Sneezes way more often then the others
Reverbs and fades out because she disappears
Ends up getting warped to another realm
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shatteredminds · 2 years
Vampiric dragon strength ranking-
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shatteredminds · 2 years
Sneezes- Coldarder, Deaevidra, Ragnar, Elysia, Rhevlous, Seton, and Uzara
Despite his height and appearance it's quite soft.
His phisicall form destabilizes slightly so he's more misty then normal.
Kitten sneeze
Loud af
Ragnar had to get it from someone lol
Doesn't cause and earthquake like Ragnar but will cause tremors.
Quiet cat sneeze
Multi sneeze
"Phu, Phu, Phu"
Hair ends up being really messy
These 1/3 of a chance she stays in her human form, 1/3 of a chance whe go into wraith form, 1/3 of a chance she'll shift into a cat.
Loud but sounds like an elk call
Has given people that he desides to eat a heart attack when he suddenly sneezes
Dad sneeze
Loud af. Like really loud. So loud that the Vittagarðr's can hear it even though he's in the Hypëřbøřiän vail.
Earthquake, aka the Vittagarðr's and their on island children will now shake violently and have killer headaches.
His kids nicknamed the Earthquakes he causes Dadquakes lol
Violent sneeze
Multi sneeze
Hair becomes very fluffy
"Tss, Tss, Tss"
Mildly loud
Duel sneezes
"Zhit, Zhit" (<Bassed off my dad's sneeze lol)
So now he's a deer... time to lead hunter into the forest and eat them
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shatteredminds · 2 years
Vulcan will just randomly pop his head out of lava to criticize you and you can't do anything about it because he's in the middle of a pool of lava.
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shatteredminds · 2 years
Azura: *is born*
Mammon upon meeting her: yer my daughter now ❤
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