#halfway through this i was like: hmm i should be labeling these by fandom
elasticella · 2 years
WIP tag meme
tagged by @laufire (thanks!)
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! Tag as many people as you have WIPs (ahaha or less, lets do less)
wip folder
or: wips i’m theoretically going to get to. if they spend too long here without progress they go down a folder level (...after the jump)
graveyard subfolder
or: sometimes i’ll open them, go ‘oh i see why i stopped’ and then not look at the doc for a few years
clamille comp
d stelena
junhee seohyun
nile quest
rosy perfection
sensory deprivation
that brot3
time loop hannibal
w illujhu
10 feet under subsubfolder
or: no. like the graveyard folder should’ve been enough, and yet here we are
alt cnon jj
dick inferno
hamlet au
samchalla sequel
the clizzy wedding fic
tagging to play, no pressure: @sunbelieving, @banshee-cheekbones, @freshbrainss, @sproutwings, @poiregourmande, @bohemicns, @lackadaisicalnereid & it’s late, so anyone that sees this and wants to play \o/
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snowdice · 4 years
When There Is Something Left (Part 13-Final of the Series “Is There Anything Left of Patton?”)
Fandom: Sanders Sides
Relationships: Logan/Patton, Virgil & Patton, Logan & Virgil, Roman & Patton
Appear: Patton, Logan, Virgil, Roman, Remy
Summary: A garden blooms the next spring.
Notes: Zombie Apocalypse AU, Patton is a zombie, happy ending
This is the last part of this story, but likely not the last part of this universe. Stay tuned for Bonus Features coming out sometime soon. As well as a few extra scenes.
This is the twelfth part of a series of one-shots called Is There Anything Left of Patton?
Previous parts:
“Something Left”
“Someone You’ll Never Meet”
“Food You’ll Never Eat”
“Things You’ll Never Do”
“There Are Things That Are Lost”
“There Are Things That Are Missing”
“And There is a Question”
“Is There Anything Left of Patton?”
“And There is an Answer”
“But What Does It Mean”
“One More Dance”
“One More Chance”
My Master Post
Virgil walked into the kitchen one day in mid-April and paused at the door. Patton was the only on in the room. He was standing at the stove cooking, and it wasn’t macaroni and cheese.
“Hey Pat,” Virgil greeted softly after a moment. Patton hummed in response, and Virgil walked to the counter to pour himself a cup of already prepared coffee. His eyes looked over at what Patton was doing; he’d cracked some eggs into a bowl and was whisking them with an actual whisk. As far a Virgil knew, that thing hadn’t been touched since Patton turned as both Logan and Virgil were too lazy to go through the effort of finding, using and cleaning it. (Roman and Remy were even less likely unless Roman had used it as a microphone to sing Disney songs.) He seemed to be doing fine with it, so Virgil turned to leave him be and sit at the table. It was already set, he noticed and there was a pitcher of what looked like orange juice sitting in the center.
He froze halfway there when a voice called out to him. “Virgil?” Patton asked. Virgil knew Patton could speak for real now. Logan had told him that Patton would speak regularly, but he’d only done it when he and Logan were alone. Other than the one “yes” a year ago that had confirmed Patton still actually existed in there, that was the first thing Virgil had ever heard him say.
Virgil had a feeling he shouldn’t make a big deal about that fact. “Yeah Pat?” he asked instead.
“I’m making omelets, but I don’t trust myself with the deer sausage in the refrigerator. Would you mind doing that part for me?”
“Oh, yeah,” Virgil replied. “Of course.” He grabbed the Tupperware container of cooked deer sausage while Patton poured some of the egg mixture into the pre-heated pan. He waited for the eggs to cook a bit before reaching for the cheese and sprinkling a bit over the top.
Then, he took a step away from the pan. “Now,” Patton said.
Virgil opened the Tupperware container of meat. Patton did a full-bodied twitch and pressed his lips into a line, but he didn’t reach for the food. After a moment, he nodded tightly, and Virgil put a bit of the meat on the omelet before shutting the container tight again. Patton was stiff when he moved forward to close the omelet but relaxed marginally when the meat was concealed. He let it cook for a few more minutes and flipped it before putting it on a plate and covering it with another one to keep it warm. He smiled at Virgil and Virgil smiled back.
They repeated the process a few times. Patton’s reaction to the meat was the same every time, but he seemed to be able to handle it. When Virgil wasn’t busy spooning the meat on for Patton, he started making toast.
Logan entered the room when Patton was folding the last omelet and stopped in the doorway. “Good morning,” he said softly.
“Morning, L.”
“Virgil and I made omelets,” Patton said.
Logan promptly forgot Virgil was in the room when he heard Patton’s voice speaking at that volume. He smiled, looking sickeningly bestowed and crossed the room. He hugged him around the waist, leaning his head on Patton’s shoulder. “I can see that,” he replied.
Patton smiled at the touch and bopped him on the nose with the spatula in his hand. “Distraction,” he accused.
“Hmm,” Logan replied into his neck, getting a giggle in return.
“Disgusting,” Virgil commented. “I’m going to go get the others.”
He left them there and made his way to the study, shoving his way into the room past the mattresses that took up most of the space. Remy was already awake on his bed sewing something. Apparently, he’d been in the kitchen already, because he had a cup of coffee next to him. Roman, on the other hand, was still sound asleep in bed. Virgil walked over and kicked him lightly on the foot.
“Wake up,” he said. Roman mumbled something into his pillow. Virgil kicked him harder. “Wake up. Patton cooked us breakfast and you’re going to eat it.”
“I done wan da macaroni,” Roman complained into his pillow.
“It’s not mac and cheese,” Virgil said.
Roman tilted his head to squint up at him.
“Just come and see,” he said.
Roman rolled out of bed after a moment and got to his feet. He stretched while Remy set down the fabric in his hand and then they both followed Virgil to the kitchen.
“Ooo, omelets!” Roman exclaimed, taking a seat in his chair. Apparently, Logan and Patton had managed to resist being mushy for long enough to bring the omelets and toast to the table and set them out for everyone.
Roman started stuffing his face without hesitation, and Virgil rolled his eyes, taking his own seat at the table.
“This is really good!” Roman said, his mouth still full of food.
“Thank you,” Patton replied as he moved to sit down himself.
Roman blinked over at him, his mouth popping open in surprise. Remy reached over to close his mouth for him.
“Good day, Patty?” Remy asked.
Patton nodded, staring intently at his omelet. He reached for his knife and fork and took a bite of his omelet. The tension was clear in his frame.
“You can just eat it Pat,” Virgil said kindly. “No one will judge you.”
Patton mumbled something under his breath and took another pointed bite. Virgil wondered how much effort it took him to not eat food when it was right there in front of him. It looked hard, but he did manage for today at least.
Virgil thought it probably helped that Roman distracted him by blabbering on about the chickens and giving an update on his progress learning the songs in the guitar song book Remy had found.
Patton didn’t say a word through the entire meal, but once all the food was gone, he looked up. “I want to see the garden,” he said to Virgil.
Virgil’s eyes flickered to Logan. They had agreed months ago that it wasn’t a good idea to let Patton go outside in case he got confused, but… things had changed. Slowly, but surely, he had more and more good days and today was a very good day.
“Sure, Pat,” Virgil replied. “That’s fine.
“The three of us will clean up breakfast since you two cooked,” Logan offered. He leaned forward to kiss Patton on the cheek. His eyes flickered between Patton and Virgil. “We’ll be working at the other house if you need me.”
“Okay,” Patton agreed, squeezing his hand before getting to his feet.
Virgil got to his feet as well and offered a hand to Patton. He took it and let Virgil lead him to the back door.
They both stopped when they stepped outside and Patton took a breath, looking out at the garden. “It…” he said softly. He walked down the steps and to the edge of the large garden. Virgil wasn’t done planting everything yet, but many things were planted and the areas that weren’t had been sectioned off and labeled with little signs. “It looks the same,” Patton said. “You even kept my signs.”
“Of course,” Virgil said. “You knew what you were doing, and it didn’t feel right to change anything.”
Patton shook his head and smiled at him ruefully. “You didn’t even know me, Virgil.”
Virgil shrugged and looked at the garden. Things were growing well. The lettuce had been growing quickly this year, and he needed to harvest some more of the rhubarb soon. The asparagus was also starting to come up. They’d be eating well the next few months if everything went to plan. He glanced over at Patton.
“Want to help me today for a bit?” he asked. “I’m planting some potatoes and it would be nice to have someone help dig the rows.
Patton smiled at him, his eyes alight. “I’d love that,” he answered. So, Virgil went and got him one of the hats in the shed (even though he wasn’t sure if zombies got sunburnt), a pair of colorful gloves, and a trowel. Patton took them and, without hesitation, knelt down in the dirt.
Logan stepped out of the second house a few hours after breakfast, leaving Remy to continue moving the furniture in the living room space around to his heart’s content. The house was coming along and should be ready by the winter. They still had a lot to fix, but the first floor was almost livable by now and the fence Logan had erected around the home was up to his standard.
Roman was out back cooing at “The Ladies” and congratulating the things on laying “so many good eggs last week.”
Did… were there 5 chickens now? When had Roman found a fifth chicken?
He ignored it for now and walked over to the edge of the smaller fence looking over into the garden behind his house. Patton was there in the garden on his knees, finishing digging a long trench. Logan felt himself smile and walked over to the gate they’d put between the two yards.
“Hi!” Patton said when he caught sight of him. He peeled off his gloves and got to his feet.
“Hello dear,” Logan replied, carefully rubbing a bit of dirt off his cheek. Patton smiled back at him. The sunlight cast soft shadows on his face and his skin felt less cool to the touch than it usually did. Logan’s heart felt incredibly full as Patton leaned his face into Logan’s palm. After a moment, Logan looked around and frowned. “Where’s V-”
“Oh, hell, no!” Virgil said, coming out of the shed with a large bag. “You get the hell out of our garden”
Patton giggled as Logan glared at his friend. “It’s okay, Virgil. I know how to make sure he doesn’t ruin anything.”
Virgil gave them both a skeptical look. “Fine,” he said. “I’ll trust you Patton, but if he destroys-”
“I’m not going to destroy anything!” Logan defended himself.
“I promise, it’ll be fine,” Patton said, laying a quelling hand on Logan’s shoulder.
“Alright,” Virgil agreed. “Fine,” he lifted the bag in his hands and gave Patton a considering look. “You good with the potatoes?” Virgil asked. Patton glared at him. “What? You eat raw meat! Don’t act like I’m being unreasonable.”
“I’ll be able to manage,” Patton promised, and Virgil handed him the bag which Logan saw was filled with pre-cut seed potatoes. Patton turned to Logan. “Come on, my honey bae,” Patton said with a wink. Logan groaned even though that line filled him with nothing buy affection. “Let’s go plant some veggies.”
Logan followed him to the end of the first row and frowned. The rows were not straight or evenly spaced, he noted. Before they could even think about planting something, they needed to…
“The rows are fine, Lo,” Patton told him.
“The row goes with the flow of the soil,” Patton said and then pointed the trowel in his hands at him like it was a weapon. “No measuring sticks.”
Logan grumbled about it but forced himself to let it go. He knelt next to Patton in the dirt and grabbed one of the dried potato pieces in the bag. Looking at it, he wasn’t sure if it was good enough. It only had one potato eye when really it should have at least two, preferably three. Not to mention how irregularly it had been cut. Had Virgil not been paying any attention? He should…
“It’s fine, Logan,” Patton said as he placed down his fifth potato piece, barely even looking at it.
“But this one isn’t good enough,” Logan pointed out.
“Logan,” Patton gasped like he’d just insulted a five-year-old child. “Don’t be mean.”
“To the potato?”
“Yes,” Patton said, already getting the next seed potato out of the bag. “Now apologize.”
“To the potato?”
Patton paused in his planting to give Logan a severe look.
Logan sighed and looked at the potato. “I’m sorry,” he said, feeling ridiculous.
“Now tell it you love it,” Patton instructed.
Logan looked up at him. “I love you,” he said.
Patton’s nose crinkled up. “To the potato, silly!”
“Ah, yes, I’m the silly one,” Logan replied before looking down at the potato. “I love you.”
“Now kiss it!”
“If you kiss it, you can kiss me,” he tempted.
Logan kissed the potato and then set it in on the ground without thought. He leaned forward to kiss Patton soundly on the lips. (A quiet voice in his head reminded him that such an action was likely foolish even if it hadn’t killed him before, but he brushed it away. He wasn’t dead yet.)
“Good job,” Patton said and then moved to cover the seed potatoes with his trowel.
They had made it all the way down that row and the next two before Virgil returned. He had a container full of lettuce under his arm. “Wow,” he said. “You two are making good progress. And Logan hasn’t even dug up something he’s not supposed to yet.”
Logan blushed. “I thought they were weeds,” he grumbled.
“That’s why we have to get to know our plants,” Patton said, holding up a piece of potato to Logan’s lips. Logan distractedly kissed it before he thought about what he was doing.
Virgil almost bent over double cackling. “Is that why your face is dirty, Logan?”
Patton seemed to have no remorse for what he’d just done. Instead, he plopped the just kissed potato into the ground and started covering it up with dirt.
Virgil was still chuckling. “I’m going to take this inside and then look at harvesting some rhubarb. You two okay to finish the rest of it?”
Patton sent him a thumbs up, already getting to work on the next row.
They continued in that way with Virgil walking back and forth to the kitchen with different harvested plants every so often. Eventually, they ran out of space to plant and Patton sat back on his knees to look over the rows of potatoes he’d just planted. He was covered in dirt. There was a large smudge of it near the side of his eye and a lighter one across the bridge of his nose. His freckles, which Logan hadn’t clearly seen in years, popped out a bit in the sun. There was a small smile on his face as he looked at what he’d accomplished over the last few hours. Assuming Patton truly had been able to counteract Logan’s lack of a green thumb, the ground there should spring to life soon. Logan couldn’t wait to see his face when it did.
Virgil wandered over too look with them, placing a hand on Patton’s shoulder. “How’re you feeling Pat?”
How was he feeling? Patton thought. His hands were covered in dirt despite the gloves he’d been wearing as he worked all morning. He was in his garden which had bloomed without him the last two springs. Except it hadn’t, he thought, his eyes on the sign in front of the quickly growing lettuce. He couldn’t read it, but he knew it said, “Romain Calm.” The garden hadn’t bloomed without him completely. Virgil had managed to keep a part of Patton in it, at least a little bit. He could hear Roman and Remy chatting softly in the other yard and could feel Virgil’s hand on his shoulder. Logan’s warmth next to him sunk into his skin, and there was a weight in his pocket from a ring he’d been keeping there since he’d remembered it existed. He didn’t think it was time to bring it out. Not yet. Maybe when the potatoes they’d just planted finished growing. Logan moved to take his hand when he hesitated, and Patton smiled over at him.
How’re you feeling?
“Alive,” Patton said, and he was.
Don’t forget to check out the Bonus Features and End Credit Scenes
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