#half elezen technically
thedarknesssings · 1 year
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Omarus cen Nomaine
Junelezen 3: Spring
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aces-and-kings · 1 year
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"When you take a photograph of someone, you take a portrait of their soul.” ― Winna Efendi
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viiioca · 6 months
Estelle de Laussienne
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Name Estelle de Laussienne (born Fauconnier)
Nicknames None in regular use; her adoptive brother uses "Essie" to get under her skin.
Age 24 (ARR) - 30 (Dawntrail)
Nameday 17th Sun of the 5th Astral Moon
Race Half Sea Wolf Roegadyn / Half Midlander Hyur
Gender Cis female
Orientation Bisexual
Profession Chirurgeon. She's a woman of many roles and skills, but only one professional license, though in another life -- say, in a non-WOL AU -- she might have wound up the Scions' "diplomatic advisor" (crisis manager and fixer).
Hair Black; as of the end of Shadowbringers, salt-and-pepper with a shock of white in her bangs. Coarse curls are courtesy of her roegadyn heritage. She has never cut her hair ("long hair is a woman's glory" and all -- have you seen Halone's? You cannot convince me there's nothing in Halonic scripture about it) and mostly wears it pinned in complex updos.
Eyes A dark violet, inherited from her father.
Skin A light, rainy-day grey inherited largely from her mother, with her father's cool pink undertones.
Tattoos/scars Being a healer -- and a terrible patient -- Estelle has few scars of her own, as she takes care of her own injuries and prides herself in the sort of detailwork in her physicking that reduces or prevents scarring. Which means the ones she does have are from the wounds she was too incapacitated to heal herself, gnarly clusters of keloids and ragged hypertrophic slashes from effective but graceless emergency healing: sternum to hip from the fight with Elidibus at Ghimlyt; side to side across her belly from the fight with Zenos at the end of creation; and her oldest, a mottled burn scar around her left shoulder and collarbone from the dragon attack that took her parents. She keeps them glamoured when able and looks at them as little as possible.
Hermine Fauconnier Her roegadyn mother; the seneschal and right hand woman of House Laussienne, Hermine was in charge of its books, employees, and trade logistics, and her service in return won her family as stable, secure, and comfortable a lifestyle as a lowborn could wish for outside of the Church. Deceased.
Renaut Fauconnier Her hyuran father; a chirurgeon formerly of the Hospitaliers who transitioned into rural medicine as a traveling physician once he tired of the battlefield. Deceased.
Perette de Laussienne Her adoptive elezen mother; the head of House Laussienne and a shark in the waters of Ishgard's nobility who raised Estelle like she was her own daughter. For better or worse, Perette taught her much of what she knows. Deceased.
Verain de Laussienne Estelle's adoptive brother. While they had a good relationship in their youth, a wedge formed not long into their teenage years when it became clear his mother's favor rested with a lowborn halfbreed. Still alive and currently head of House Laussienne, having been unceremoniously handed the reins when Estelle suddenly left Ishgard -- a fact that has done nothing to repair the rift between them.
None still living.
In-laws and Other
Over time, Estelle develops no shortage of family-like relations: Edmont, who regards her as a daughter; Alphinaud and Alisaie and Ryne, the little siblings she never had; the Scions, living together like a colony of stray cats. (And, though this is quite far in the future and something she would not want to think too much about even then, Lyna would technically be her daughter-in-law. The absolute dawning horror the first time Lyna calls her "grandmother" as a jest.)
Animals tend to like Estelle more than Estelle likes the concept of caring for an animal long-term, especially with how much she travels. The absolute closest she comes to owning a pet is spoiling the Rising Stones' resident ratcatchers.
Arcanima The cornerstone of her combat abilities and field "healing" (more like Preventative Medicine), which branches out into Allagan summoning as she spends the years between Heavensward and Dawntrail refining equations based on primal waveforms.
Medicine This includes everything in the typical Eorzean chirurgeon's skillset -- everything from general practice to surgery to autopsy is on the table (hah) -- as well as an alchemical background to synthesize and administer basic pharmacological treatments.
"Politics" The catch-all umbrella for her social skillset, Estelle relishes the networking, information gathering, and strategic maneuvering required to throw one's weight around in powerful circles.
Languages Though the Echo translates for her, it's still a rare and special skill regarded with suspicion in most corners of the world. Estelle enjoys picking up what she can of the local language in her travels to put people more at ease, especially as she wanders out to more rural locations.
Sketching/watercolors A skill picked up in a previous relationship, though her fondness for it far outlived her fondness for her lover. She finds it relaxing to draw and paint the sights in her travels, and she keeps extensive journals.
Cooking A domestic skill cultivated to a high level in the interest of being a "good wife" in her youth, turned into something of an obsession for learning new foods and techniques as she travels the world. Estelle delights in any occasion she has access to a stove and the opportunity to set a lively table.
Piano All young ladies of good breeding learn the arts during their education, and Estelle is no exception, though the piano is the only instrument that stuck. She enjoys playing when she finds the time, and a piano to actually play on.
"New skills" Estelle takes any opportunity to throw herself into doing something badly for the simple joy of trying something new. Most attempts to train for more physical skills like archery and swordplay fall under this category: things she'll likely never take seriously, but she enjoys using these moments to build new connections and relationships with her teachers.
Most Positive Trait: Her friendliness. Estelle finds it natural to move into the lives of others and share their spaces, joys, grief, and problems; if she doesn't find success, it certainly isn't for a cold demeanor and lack of goodwill.
Most Negative Trait: Oh we've got a whole answer for this one. There is only so much friendliness can accomplish when Estelle does not accept the vulnerability of real connection.
Colors: Contrary to her severely black and mostly monochrome wardrobe, Estelle most enjoys dramatic, rich jewel tones and soft pastels.
Smells: The complex layers of an expensive, well-made perfume; fresh-cut jonquils; the chaos of food stalls in an open-air market; aspen woods in a crisp, fresh snow
Textures: Soft furs; the inner lining of a favorite pair of gloves; the smooth gloss of lacquered wood; the weighted feedback of ivory piano keys.
Drinks: A glass of well-aged dry red wine; coffee in the Ul'dahn style, unfiltered and highly sweetened, flavored with cardamom; Ishgardian tea, strong black leaves dressed with bergamot, steeped directly in hot milk and sweetened with buckwheat honey.
Smokes: Yes, infrequently, and never socially; in times of high stress, she will smoke exactly one (1) cigarette when alone and thinking very deeply on something she wish she did not have to think deeply about, or when she needs to aggressively work over a problem in her mind. She's picky about her tobacco and prefers a Hannish clove-spiced blend. (Her case holds 20 cigarettes and the only time she's had to refill it because she's simply run out is during Endwalker.)
Drinks: Yes! All the time. I imagine Ishgard has a very robust drinking culture woven into most social rituals (alcohol features more prominently in Heavensward than nearly any other expansion except perhaps Endwalker) and Estelle is a very social creature. Of course there's an aperitif! And of course there is a glass or two of wine with dinner. And of course there must be a digestif. And of course there will be a nightcap as the evening winds down. She likely consumes more alcohol in a year than the rest of the Scions combined, and that includes that era where Thancred was getting trashed regularly to avoid coping with the Lahabrea situation. That said, she very rarely drinks alone, and almost never drinks with the intention to get inebriated.
Drugs: Nothing hard, but if someone hands her a bhang thandai during a festival in Radz-at-Han she's not going to turn it down.
Mount Issuance: For the same reasons Estelle doesn't keep a pet, she also doesn't keep a mount; she prefers to take carriages and ferries and airships, ride along with caravans, or rent chocobos. When she needs a pair of wings or to go somewhere she would feel guilty bringing a live animal, she relies on the sliver of his aether that Midgardsormr left with her to summon his form much the same way she might summon an egi.
Been Arrested: Estelle has spent most of her life being a law-abiding citizen. The amount of laws she's broken in the line of duty has spiked rather dramatically since joining the Scions, of course, as it turns out that subversive operations and overthrowing heads of state is illegal in those states, but good luck arresting her.
thank you for the tags @oneiroy, @ubejamjar, @ahollowgrave, and @idalenn!! i actually did a tag thing this time i did it i did the thing i was tagged to do
tagging……..@astralflows @menphinaswhitemage @archaiclumina @yloiseconeillants @rhotdornn @angelinecarax @fairygodpiggy @ilbers @mostlystarsandcandybars @caorann8 @morgana96 -- and anyone who hasn't been tagged yet!! i wanna read your lore
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briar-ffxiv · 7 days
FFXIV Write #19 - Taken
FFXIV Write 2024 Master Post
Prompt #19 - Taken
Note: Continuation of this story and this story!
Trigger Warning: Mentions of injuries and being injured/choked.
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Briar swallowed carefully, lips thinning as it made his throat ache. He reached up, slim fingers brushing over the bandages still carefully wrapped around his neck. The wounds were healing steadily, but the damage had been done. The chirurgeons had been optimistic and supportive as they tended him. They kept telling the half-Elezen that, with time, the pain would lessen and he would speak again.
Green eyes slid shut as he leaned back on the pillow, breathing slowly. Technically he could speak a few words, but it hurt and his voice was raspy and strange to his ears. It was simply easier not to.
But it was strange to have no voice of his own so suddenly. Briar had never realized how much he valued his own laugh and his ability to voice his thoughts until it was taken from him. Until Zeno had half-crushed his throat, metal claws tearing his flesh. It was a blessing he had not bled to death, but he had not expected to be robbed of something so vital.
Tears stung the corner of his eyes when Briar suddenly thought about what he could not do again. He couldn't call Jack, his sheepdog. He couldn't whistle for his sheep. He couldn't sing 'the morning song' to his chickens.
He could not speak the names of those he cared for.
A thousand little comforts and freedoms were taken from him with one flex of the Garlean prince's hand. A brutal violence done to him so casually and easily that it was unsettling. By a man who called him 'beast'. A man that killed far more casually and callously than any animal Briar knew of.
Yet here he was. Voiceless as any 'beast', robbed of something so vital that many races referred to themselves as 'Spoken' with pride. The half-Elezen wondered if he could be called 'Spoken' when he no longer had a voice to share with others.
Shaking his head with sudden frustrated anger, Briar opened his eyes and wiped them. He shoved messy red curls out of his face, absently tying them back as he moved to stand. He wobbled a bit, still weakened by the injuries but he couldn't stand the walls of the infirmary another moment.
He needed to get out. He needed to breathe in open air and see the sky denied him for days. He needed to feel part of the world again. Even if it was only for a short time. Briar wanted to feel real again. In the quiet corner of the infirmary, he felt like a silent ghost watching the rest go by.
Fortunately for him, there were enough wounded to keep the chirurgeons busy which allowed Briar to slip from his room unnoticed. He felt better as he walked, although he still had to touch the occasional wall for support. He breathed a silent sigh of relief as he stepped out into the afternoon sun and felt a breeze against his skin.
As always, Rhalgr's Reach was a bustle of activity. It allowed the half-Elezen to make his way toward the river in the middle, finding a quiet corner where he could slide down to sit on the short grass and lean against one of the warm stone walls. He closed his eyes and simply breathed, focusing on the sun and the wind, on the warm earth beneath him and the quiet water beside him.
Briar wasn't sure how long he'd sat there, not sleeping but almost dozing, simply trying to quiet his mind before a voice startled him. It was sharp in his ears and close enough that he jumped, eyes snapping open as he turned to look at the white-haired Elezen marching toward him with intent. His ears tilted back in a bit of worry.
"Briar!" Alisaie said as she halted in from of him, hands on her hips. "What are you doing here? You're supposed to be resting!"
Briar opened his mouth to answer, but the effort made him grunt with pain, hand to his throat. He shook his head and just gestured around with helpless frustration. He rubbed his neck and patted the ground beside him, attempting to convey what he meant. What he needed in that moment.
For a moment, Alisaie simply glared at him, blue eyes narrowed. Then she studied his face and sighed. "I suppose I understand," she huffed, suddenly dropping to sit beside him. "I hate convalescing as well." She looked at him a moment, frowning. "How are you?"
Briar shrugged, rubbing his throat again, feeling the tingling itch of healing from the claw-marks. He attempted a smile, but he suspected it was shaky given Alisaie's expression.
"Right," she murmured. "Stupid to ask. You can't--" She looked a little stricken for a moment. "You can't yet. You will. It'll heal, Briar. It will."
Briar couldn't help but smile at Alisaie's determined voice. He wasn't sure he was as certain as she was about his voice returning. Still, if Alisaie Leveilluer wanted something to happen, it was very likely to. She was too fierce and stubborn for it to be otherwise.
Alisaie studied Briar's face and blew out a breath, reaching over to rest her hand on his. "It's going to be all right, Briar." Her fingers curled around his firmly.
Briar turned his hand to squeeze hers back. He might not be able to speak, but he did mouth 'thank you' to her. She nodded and leaned her shoulder against his as they settled against the wall in companionable silence.
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tialinffxiv · 5 days
FFXIV Writing Challenge 2024
Prompt #21: Shade
Adam… well, technically he’s dead.
Oh but it’s not really so simple like that, no! You see, cruel fate has thrown him into a spiral of unfortunate circumstances that eventually lead to him being killed. Or so he thought- until his consciousness returned and he found himself on The Source, devoid of his physical form and soon to realize he was stuck at the side of a young Elezen boy named Kairen- and later proven that he is in fact a shard of this boy’s soul.
Adam was once a half-Voidsent, trying to make the best of what life he had left on the 13th. He used magic to conceal his true form- especially the giant black wings decorating his back- but even that was often not enough to hide in the shadows. He also learned a special kind of magic, making use of his own abilities as a Voidsent, which allowed him to enter the dreams of others. Once he found himself in this brand new world, from the lack of better entertainment, he worked on mastering this ability and in no time he was able to not only visit dreams- but also reshape them at will.
He spent many days pondering over the state he was stuck at- he wasn’t really dead, right?… He never joined the lifestream after all. Or did he and his Voidsent self take his soul back? He was probably the closest thing to a ghost. He eventually came to the conclusion that it doesn’t really matter- so long as he could still enjoy this “life”, hidden in the shade made of dreams in this world pulsing with aether, at the side of a person actually so very close to him- who he soon also swore to protect. Alas, most of what he could do was to bring terrifying nightmares to those who dared to hurt him, always looming over Kai like a winged shadow.
His special connection with Kairen also allowed him to further this ability- and one day he managed to take control over Kai’s body and use him as a vessel- at first against the young man’s will, which was a rather poor way to make Kai aware of his existence…
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windup-berry · 1 year
~Imogen Augurelt~
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This is Berry and Urianger's daughter, Imogen!!!!! <3 She is a very talented redmage and currently works in her favorite place, the library in Sharlayan. She also has a twin brother (who i am still working on) named Thelonious (Urianger named all his kids smfh). Imogen is obviously half viera and half elezen but she has mostly the elezen genes while her brother carries more of his mother side and is technically a new heir to clan Sol (Berry's clan that has been long snuffed out) He even has her tail! I will be working on him hopefully soon! <3
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thefinalwitness · 6 months
who remembers that not-an-au-ra, not-an-elezen, but-a-secret-third-thing oc? i ended up mashing her together with a couple other old oc concepts i don't really use anymore and she's Pink Now. *says this like it's the only thing that's different*
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her name is yll rhei, and she's a dragonet whose eyes were stolen by an elezen man who hoped to use them to resurrect his young daughter. :) he gouged out his daughter's eyes and replaced them with yll rhei's, but guess which one came back! (she proceeded to kill the shit out of him.)
she's stuck as an ashkin now, but she's determined to live her (un)life. she has a glamoured form to make herself look like just ye average prepubescent elezen, because she QUICKLY discovered that if you LOOK like a dragon-worshipping, half-mutant heretic, ishgardians WILL hunt you for sport.
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also i lied she Is actually an elezen now. kind of. technically.
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mahvaladara · 5 months
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I was tagged by @izayoirii. Thank you. I love doing these.
Name: Khal'lil Varysia (Khalil)
Nicknames: Khal, by everyone, dragon, by Mako, my child, by Hydaelyn, Star (by others of his race and dragons).
Age: Adult, appears to be in his mid thirties.
Nameday: 10th of First Astral Moon. Was the day he was found.
Race: Asheren (outsider) Dragon, everyone believes him to be a Raen Au'Ra.
Gender: Male
Orientation: Pan. Catching feels for a deaf librarian.
Profession: Warrior of Light, Wandering Scholar, Mage, wandering star.
P H Y S I C A L     A S P E C  T S
Hair: Long, red and straight. He leaves his side-bangs loose and ties half of his hair in a bun. He also likes side-braids.
Eyes: Shifting between a sharp green and neon green.
Skin: Pale and caucasion, littered in gold scales. Khal does not tan easily, and if it was not for being a dragon, he'd walk around sunburned.
Tattoos/scars: Khal has a very deep scar on his chest, right over his heart. It appears he was pierced by something or pinned. The scar's a little bruised from being shot by another dragon and later on by an ascian cause seeing his friend get shot was not deterrent enough to stop him from trying. He has a few adventuring scars on his arms and back, some spells he failed to dodge or a blade who got to close for comfort, or a lesson or two from being too cocky.
As for tattoo, Khal doesn't have tattoos but he has full body warpaint on. It's quite water resistent and not easy to smudge. When it does get smudged he either paints it back on himself, asks someone else to help him with it, but most of the time just uses magic to reapply it.
Parents: He has no parents. His parents passed away several decades/centuries ago. Far before he became lost and was buried. His parents disappeared around the same time the rest of his race started disappearing.
Siblings: No siblings he knows off. Khal is a lone star.
Grandparents: Technically, Majah, as the mother of all Asheren, would be considered his grandmother.
In-laws and Others:
Mostly friends. He holds very few people as important in his life. He cares deeply for Ryl and feels a connection with the elezen, as if they have met before in another world. He respects and looks up to Mako, as a much older and much more skilled WoL. Gets along with Ishwa, Inouva and Haoru and often goes adventuring with Gal, another fellow adventurer.
Very simmilar to the Echo but also different, Khal has the Sight, associated to a third eye he choses to hide. The sight gives him sinesthesia, and he can see emotions, auras and intentions. The rest of it acts almost identical to the Echo. He has no control over it.
Khal as a great prophiciency at many types of magic, from wielding it with the use of grimoires for offense or defense, to mixing it currently with a blade with red magic, Khal has understanding of both white and black magic and arcamina. He is absolutely fascinated by the flow of aether which has lead some of his friends to suspect that perhaps Khal comes from the realm of Aether or from another world watsoever.
Seamstress, journaling , botany and traveling. Learning anything he possibly can. Khal is a knowledge hoarder. Reading, he's an avid reader and often visits libraries to borrow books.
Most Positive Trait: Selflessness and curiosity.
Most Negative Trait: Recklessness and pride.
Colors: Wine Red, Moad and Rhotano Blue, Grape Purple.
Smells: Pine, lavenders and sandalwood. Also the scent of freshly baked bread.
Textures: Silk, cotton and fresh grass under his feet.
Drinks: Chamomile and lavender tea and Mead.
O T H E R    D E T A I L S
Smokes: No.
Drinks: Water, Tea, wine and mead. He loves mead.
Drugs: He does not take them. But someone needs to remind him some people don't want heroes around, and that qualifies WoL too. He should be careful with what he drink or eats. We never know when it might be drugged or poisoned.
Mount Issuance:
A white chocobo named Volante and a calvary drake he's still trying to tame.
Been Arrested: No. At least not yet.
I tag: @izayoiri (make for another char); @lazysunjade (for any character you wish); @dandylion240 (any character you wish).
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placesyoucallhome · 6 months
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in other probably less exciting to anyone else news, I think another of my older forum rp characters, Daniel, will finally be added to ff14, because I finally like how he looks. Something about midlanders always came off as a little too plasticky for me, and I'm fairly sure it was the way they did the lips, but since it's a little softer now it feels right.
He'll technically be a half elezen I think, though maybe full ishgardian hyur, he's actually the one I was musing on the dragon-blood issue (which ty @briar-ffxiv and @naejlas-axe for the weigh in!! I think the type of blood would be a big factor I hadn't considered) though I'm still up in the air whether it'll effect him or not, as I don't think it would affect hyurs much or at all unless there was some drops of elezen in them too. Either way!
Sweet baby boy pld/drk with a brother that has been trying to kill him since age 5 and a berserker mode, not pictured- the various scars he should have, notably one fairly old but mangled scar across his neck, haven't decide on other face ones yet but there's time for that later.
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drowxiv · 6 months
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Name: Viedyn Shrilara Nicknames: V Age: appears to be in his mid 30s Nameday: 30th Sun of the 2nd Astral Moon Race: Duskwight Elezen Gender: Cis male Orientation: Pan (zero preference/lean) Profession: Personal bodyguard / hired blade
【Physical Aspects】
Hair: Medium length white hair with long fringed face-framing bangs. The top half of his hair is pulled back into a small bun. Eyes: Ice blue Skin: Dark grey Tattoos/scars: Only on close inspection will you find faint battle scars. Accustomed to being wounded, he uses potions and salves to quicken healing and lessen the appearance of scars. The most recent of which was across his face from above his right eyebrow to his lower left cheek, acquired the night his great house fell, but it has since faded.
Mother: Nulrae Shrilara - head of their great house. Father: Rumors allege that he was Wildwood due to Viedyn's eye color. (This is false) Siblings: Durafein Shrilara (technically his half brother) Children: He was certain of at least two daughters, although he was not involved in raising them. Both were with the house when it fell. Other: Aside from two aunts and various cousins within his house, Viedyn suspected he knew Durafein's father, who was a private mercenary, but male lineage was not tracked or recorded, so it was both impossible and pointless to verify.
Abilities: He is an even-tempered strategist who plans carefully and adapts quickly. Viedyn is adequate with a bow and arrow or a spear, and masterful with a sword and shield. Off the battlefield he is very adept at reading people, he and his brother can often exchange words through silent glances. Hobbies: Swordplay, strategy games, dancing (He's a fluid fighter and translates that well)
Most Positive Trait: Loyal, calculating, practical Most Negative Trait: Distrustful and Merciless
Colors: Black, white, blue, and silver. Smells: Cinnamon, saffron, clove Foods: Grilled steak with mushroom sauce Drinks: Mineral water, herbal tea Textures: Smooth metal, plush velvet, warm oil
【Other Details】
Smokes: No. Drinks: Yes, but prefers something light like wine. He will not allow himself to become intoxicated. Drugs: No, he dislikes his mind being altered. Mount Issuance: He prefers to teleport or travel on foot, he tends to avoid air travel but has access to a small personal airship through his employer when necessary. Been Arrested: No. Not that he respects Eorzean law, he is just very careful about the way he operates.
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tiny-cloud-of-flowers · 8 months
Okay. As intended: the Clio rambles. This is probably going to be very long and disjointed, but hopefully that is tolerable.
To try and sum them up:
Clio will now have pointed ears once she becomes a Spirit, and I've figured out a way to justify this in the context of what those mean in this series.
I'm fairly confident that I now know when Clio becomes a Spirit, and the circumstances surrounding her doing so. The only thing I'm still slightly missing is how she would actually know how to do it, but the game doesn't exactly explain that when it happens later on to another character, so..
Her story now follows that of the canon KHUX player quite closely, including the bluff at the final battle. A main deviation is that she would have still been hesitant, but ultimately did accept the invitation to the Dandelions, so she comes back with Ephemer and Skuld to gather survivors instead of being one.
The one thing I still don't know at all is how things end - whether I leave Clio in KHUX, or bring her forwards, and if so how and how far.
Okay, now for the actual rambles. Suggestions/comments/criticism/etc. is very much encouraged, because right now I do feel like I'm talking to the wall a bit.
What first started things off, I think, was me trying to justify porting the pointed ears that Clio has in FFXIV back to her original KHUX iteration, because they look cute on her. Both games have characters with these ears, but they mean different things in each one. In FFXIV they're just a natural trait of any Elezen - or Lalafell, but Clio's specifically are because she's half-Elezen there. Conversely, in Kingdom Hearts, they're quite specifically gained from exposure to darkness (or in most characters' cases from being possessed by Xehanort - it's just that he himself is implied to have gained them from darkness exposure in the first place, since he doesn't have pointed ears or golden eyes yet in Dark Road).
Now, Clio is very much not someone who feels the need to use darkness - she has strong light in her heart, and wields it valiantly. So, it wouldn't make very much sense or be very in-character for her to start falling to darkness and gain them as a result of the effect it has on her heart and body. However, as part of the story of my selfship, Clio becomes Aria's Chirithy Spirit (since she was never given one like she should have been, and Clio becoming hers allows her to survive the story). Chirithies are known to be tied to their individual Keyblade wielders, in that if the wielder dies or falls to darkness then so does the Chirithy - so, since Aria is already technically fallen to darkness by virtue of being a Heartless, it makes sense that Clio would also appear to be affected by that darkness (though I don't think she herself would actually become corrupted by it, necessarily - it just looks like she might be). Therefore, I can use that as a reason why Clio has pointed ears, implying darkness exposure, but is still very much a Keyblade wielder of light!
That was the first thing, which then led into the even more rambly part of more general story logistics - specifically, the idea of Clio taking the place of the player in KHUX, but also things like how when and why Clio becomes Aria's Spirit, and what her doing so would mean for her own Chirithy.
To the first part (Clio taking the role of the player): it would be a nice way of giving her more plot importance, as well as making the game’s story itself more important to my selfship’s story. Clio is absolutely the sort of person to make friends with lots of people regardless of their Unions, after all, and it can be fun thinking about how she might interact with the main cast. It also makes the final battle in particular much more fitting: Clio can pull off the trick of being possessed by a true Darkness much more convincingly given that she actually has a supply of darkness to safely draw from - Aria’s.
However, some details would have to be taken into account; firstly, the fact that the player canonically refuses to become a Dandelion, whereas Clio definitely is, to the point that her being one is how Aria is able to reunite with her and make it back to Daybreak Town, as I’ve previously written. However, what I could do in theory is say that, because the two things I wrote as follow-ups to that first piece were both in the Darkling AU, then Clio escaping the war with the Dandelions is also only the case in that AU, leaving the default version of events to line up better with the player’s story in canon where they refuse to join for the sake of those who were not chosen to become Dandelions (which for Clio would absolutely include people like Aria).
This can then in theory lead on to the other big thing I still need to work out, which is how/when/why Clio becomes Aria’s Chirithy/Spirit. For the when and the why.. if Clio is already friends with Skuld and Ephemer like the player is by the time the Keyblade War breaks out, then maybe she can go with them to try and rescue people from the battlefield once it’s all over.. and come across Aria there, as she had been bearing witness to the war but became injured after trying to step in to defend her Nobody counterpart. In the Darkling AU, Aria simply escapes into the realm of darkness at this stage, allowing her injuries to heal and being determined to find her way back to Clio (though being in that realm for too long is what then turns her more into a Darkling). Here, though.. maybe she can be rescued and brought along to where the Dandelions escape to (like the player is in canon, ironically), but is too injured to wake in a world so filled with light, and so Clio decides to (and is somehow able to) dive into her dream - thus becoming a Spirit, in the same way that Riku does much later on? So, that potentially sorts out the Chirithy logistics (albeit I'm not quite sure what would happen to Clio's own Chirithy if she were to become the same type of entity herself).
The other way in which Clio’s story could differ from the canon player’s is at the aforementioned final battle. In the game, the player pretends to be possessed by a true Darkness in order to get Ephemer and Skuld to seal them and four of the true Darknesses away, which leaves the Union leaders with more lifeboats to escape the destruction of the data Daybreak Town. I’ve already said that Clio would be able to bluff this very effectively due to being connected to Aria (who, as a Heartless, is already an entity consumed by darkness), but.. in the game, when this happens, the player taunts the Darknesses before being attacked by them and falling in battle, letting their heart move on and be reborn. And I perhaps understandably don't want that to happen to Clio, unless I say that that's how Arete happens.
At the moment, I'm also not 100% sure what Aria is doing at this time. What currently feels like the most "keeping things consistent with how I had been thinking of them" idea is that Aria takes herself back off into the realm of darkness again to avoid the destruction of the data Daybreak Town, while Clio can then be tangled up with the finale plot alongside the Union leaders, like the canon player - but then when Clio tricks the true Darknesses, she's able to slip out of where she's sealed them thanks to Aria (somehow), so the two can escape via the realm of darkness and subsequently are able to survive together until.. well, maybe Missing Link? When Clio gets out of the darkness but is kept alive/essentially made immortal by Aria still being in there? But, it seems difficult to think that Clio would be able to escape in a way that true Darkness can't, especially if she's going into the realm of darkness to do so. Maybe we can fight them off together? But that's four of the true Darknesses against only two Keyblade wielders, one of which is already a Heartless (and therefore, entity of darkness).. which seems a bit too tricky
Alternatively, if I did stick to giving Clio the player's canon fate.. I'm wondering whether Aria would be able to salvage her heart somehow, preserving her until such a time as the pair can be together again in the light. There's an argument to be made that, as a Spirit and therefore technically a type of Dream Eater, maybe Clio can only appear in Aria's dreams - but Aria doesn't tend to dream in the first place, because I don't. I am still attached to the idea of her being alive and present, though - maybe even ending up on Destiny Islands, to the point of meeting the main/non-KHUX characters. There's still that one piece of writing I haven't finished yet about that. And I can technically do that with Player?? But it's still not clear how they ended up there, honestly..
I think my uncertainly mostly comes from a combination of the following: I don't want to kill Clio off for the sake of sticking to canon, because I don't want things to end with KHUX, but I don't think she would be able to persist in the realm of darkness like Aria does. Maybe I can pull a Nimda and canonically detour her into FFXIV, but I don't really like the sound of that for Clio specifically. So who knows?? I certainly don't!
I think this last part may have to wait until Missing Link is out, and we know how it ties to KHUX more concretely. The timing of how far apart each game is from the others is still up in the air, after all, and seeing how connected the two truly are might maybe help me figure out if I do indeed want to sacrifice self-indulgence (of keeping Clio alive and incorporating her into other games) for narrative satisfaction.
People who know KHUX: please critique. And anyone in general who has something to comment on about this: please also comment.
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eorziapple · 9 months
Apple liked Zoissette, unfortunately.
Her conversation with Ement had gone well. He had some suggestions that were in her wheelhouse.
Stationary, reading material, inkwells and pens, reading material, something magically enchanted… a smile.
She paused on that thought. Ement was teasing her with that, to be sure, but hearing that Zoissette spoke about her and worried for her had set her heart pacing and her cheeks reddened almost instantly. She was sure he picked up on it, too.
She wasn’t sure what to do with that revelation. It made sense of course, looking back. How involved she was with Zoi’s recovery, to the point of experimenting her aether regulator on herself, leading to her own mess. Looking back she recognized that she lost focus in their conversations of late. Gods, she was staring at her a lot, too… did Zoi know?
In the end, there wasnt anything to do, she supposed. After what happened with Mathye she was sure Zoi did not wish for any confessions from coworkers. Not to mention the training, wouldnt be right to mess things up when Zoi would be helping her learn swordplay.
Besides… it was too selfish. Everyone was being so kind to her, chiefly Zoissette herself, checking up on her, she’d heard that much of her unconsciousness was overseen by the Elezen’s vigil, which was lovely to think about. To turn that kindness into awkwardness and discomfort… no, that wouldnt do. Besides, there was the gift to consider, and she had the perfect idea formulating in her mind.
She wasnt sure if it was possible, but that was the exciting part. And clearly, she needed a project to keep her from… distractions.
And so she got to work, first, a few tests of the theory, binding and aetherically charged word, technically the ink used to write the word to the quill. It was simple enough to pull off, not unlike charging a cartridge for a specific gunblade. It did nothing on its own other than ready two components for enchantments. That would be the tricky part.
Old Sharlayan was the best option for consultation concerning her theory. The practice used to conceal memories that was now public was where she got the idea, but rather than something as complex and a concept or idea, could it be used for objects with an aetheric link? That took some doing. Thankfully she had the Sons of Saint Coinach to turn to, colleagues that could sponsor her personal project, though it would prove immensely useful to all researchers should it prove successful. In this she managed to rope Linlia Lia and Fourtenbraugh, researchers and Nymean specialists who had read of a similar idea the scholors of yore employed.
The tests came in two parts of enchanted and aetherically linked objects. The first being and enchanted page within a tome, complex in that the magics needed to be individually linked from the first page to each subsequent page, a process taking the three of them the better part of a day and s half and two raids of the component shop for extra supplies.
The second was a little more complex. By charging a written word with aether on the enchanted page, and then binding that word together with a quill, and -then- using the quill to write on the subsequent pages, the initial aetheric charge woven into the initial word on the cover page would be linked to every word written.
The next step was to then write a second word on the enchanted cover page, and aetherically charging that word and again, the quill.
All of this work lead towards the application of Apple’s theory, if people could be made to forget a memory or a concept via enchantmemt, then, theoretically, an object could be made to forget a linked object.
And, with a bit of experimentation it was just so. By using the quill to draw out the aether signature of the first word written on the enchanted pages, all the words written on the subsequent pages of the tome would show clearly, and additional notes or words would be added with the same signature.
But if the quill drew on the aetheric properties of the second word written on the enchanted page, the subsequent pages in the tome would only show the ink used with the same signature of the second word. Which was nothing at the moment. A blank canvas to write on a new topic.
In this, one journal could become multiple journals. By creating a word on the first page, and creating a unique aetheric signature, one could use the quill to take that signature and write, only able to see ink sharing in that same signature
Completing the project took the better part of a week, but in the end she had what she deemed to be the perfect present she could think of for Zoissette. A modular journal for a multitude of topics in one bound book.
She was tempted to just leave the gift at her doorway, but the idea nagged at her. She wanted to give it to her personally, see her reaction. She wanted her to know how grateful she was, and how fond she was of her, just… maybe bot exactly -how- find she was.
And so, that is how she found herself in a lovely little green dress, nervously holding a wrapped package, waiting for its recipient to come down the main stairwell for the company holiday dinner.
Thankfully her nerves melted away as she excitedly explained the magically theory on her new invention.
Apple liked Zoissette… maybe not so unfortunately.
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elf-simp · 8 months
Has your OC ever had a holiday fling or short lived romance whilst visiting a foreign place?
For both Seiei and Madeline: Yes, technically... Lets say "Short" is relative here lol.
For Seiei; there was a period of time, back when she still lived in Othard, where she had spent roughly a year in the Azim Steppe.
While there she was sheltered by the Himaa tribe and met a very nice Auri woman who shared a lot of the same interests as her. Naturally they got to be fast friends due to this and would spend a lot of time together.
Seiei began to develop feelings for her that she, at the time, didn't understand. This 'confusion' was shared by the Auri woman and after an increasingly awkward period the two eventually "broke the ice" so to speak. Thereafter they spent an incredibly long and awkward, yet endearing and fun time figuring things out.
As for what ultimately ended their relations: If you know about the Himaa tribe you know that about half of them have a twin... I'm not sure I need to elaborate on how that went wrong for Seiei.
­For Madeline; When she was 'taking refuge' in Gridania she was seeing an elezen woman who worked as a weaver. Their relationship was actually pretty steady and it sorta looked like they would be together for a good long while at least.
So what went wrong? Well, while in Gridania Madeline was already on thin ice, what with her being a more traditional apothecary. The Padjal had quite the ireful presence around her, regardless of how useful her potions may or may not have been. (something something the elements said "This one is sus.")
However--and this is a big one--she was also running highly dangerous, illegal, and harmful experiments involving said potions. And much to Madeline's dismay, it was the weaver who found out and reported her to the authorities. After that she fled Gridania and hasn't been back since...
Thanks for the ask! 💚💗
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talesfromeorzea · 1 year
FFxivWrite2023 Day 6 Prompt Ring
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Its strange how something so simple can represent so much. Erinia thought as she stared down at the ring lying there in the hardpack earth. 
Her mind drifted back to when her journey as an adventurer began.  The chocobo carriage leading to the city proper, the gregarious merchant Bremondt chatting her ear off the entire ride until they reached the gates where he gave her a simple ring of bone, nothing fancy, just a slightly enchanted ring.  
But that simple gift had meant so much to the Half-Elezen who had already traveled so far from her home.  And now here in this strange world where the sky was ablaze with a sickly white light and everything seemed off there was another merchant so like Brenmondt she swore it was the same man.  And now she stared at his ring lying there on the floor and she felt it marked a failure on her part, a failure to protect him.
He had been so kind to this wandering stranger, sharing a small fire, offering a drink and then advice on where the befuddled woman should go.  She had been so grateful to him and now here she was staring down at the ring that had been prominent on his hand hearing the Vieran Guard comment on how the ‘beast” she had just slain must have eaten recently.
Hearing that Erinia felt naught but rage and guilt.  She had just been talking with the man not a few moments before, she could have at least traveled with him to make sure he made it safely to his destination.  The anger was at the way the Viera spoke of the situation so matter of fact, was it so common that these strange, pale white creatures that resembled voidsent just ate travelers at such a frequency that it was met with cold indifference.
She was about to speak her mind to the other woman but stopped as she saw in her violet eyes the truth.  Although she had spoken of it so casually she was as upset as Erinia at the loss of the man. Erinia swallowed back the scathing remark she was about to make when she heard rapidly running footsteps heading their way.
Both woman turned to see a short man dressed in a decorated robe of red, black and white running from the direction of what Erinia could clearly see was the Crystal Tower.  As he slid to a halt catching his breath he began speaking with the guard explaining that Erinia was his “guest”.
As they made their way to the tower the hooded man began talking, explaining a few things as they walked and Erinia was only half listening to him at the moment.  She was slightly annoyed that he had just technically lied to the Viera who obviously looked to him given the fact that she addressed him as “M’lord” and had saluted him and showed deference even as she herself had been annoyed asking dryly if the Half-Elezen was a “Friend” of his.  
She was also happy for the words had be “another” and that meant that hers and Tataru’s assumptions had been right, the Scions were here in this strange world, the First as the hooded man explained.  It at least meant they were alive and if she knew them helping the beleaguered people of this world and for now that was enough for her. 
As they made it to the gates proper with the Tower looming over her a dozen different questions buzzed in her mind including the technically amazement at how something as simple as a ring could have such a meaning.
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briar-ffxiv · 22 days
FFXIV Write #04 - Reticent
FFXIV Write 2024 Master Post
Prompt #4 - Reticent
Note: Little cameo of Haurchefant as I'm trying to write a bit more of Briar as my personal WoL.
Trigger Warning: There is an animal death, but not graphic or drawn out!
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The Coerthan wolf snarled, foaming jaws spread to expose dripping fangs. Wiry muscle bunched under mangy fur a moment before it launched its gaunt frame into the air, long claws reaching out.
Haurchefant brought up his shield, digging into the snowy ground to brace as he readied his sword. For a moment, he looked into the wolf's mad eyes, setting his jaw for the impact of the beast crashing into him.
The impact never came.
An arrow hissed through the air, slamming into the wolf. The barbed arrow sank deep into the animal's side, piercing its lungs and heart, and knocking it to the side. The wolf gave a ragged yelp as it was struck, crashing to the ground. It thrashed a moment before going still, eyes blank and staring.
Haurchefant stared a moment before turning his head to see the archer. His heart skipped a beat to know that it was Briar. The Shroudborn half-Elezen stared at the wolf for another moment, green eyes sharp before he looked up. Briar's intense expression softened as he smiled at Haurchefant. Briar walked toward him, red-gold hair tossed by the icy winds. He rested a hand on Haurchefant's arm and looked up at him for a moment before moving past to the aid of the other Fortemps knights dealing with the diseased wolves. Haurchefant watched him go, chest tight for a moment before he shook his head and rallied his men. There were more pressing matters to focus on at the moment.
Later that evening, the small group of knights and Briar were back in Camp Dragonhead. The skins, teeth, and claws of the dead wolves had been gathered to be used as they could, but the rest was burned to hopefully prevent the spread of whatever disease had driven the beasts mad. The group had no injuries other than a few scrapes and bruises that were easily handled by the chirurgeons. In all a successful mission to defend the camp.
Once he'd tended to his men and sent the report, Haurchefant had gone to check on Briar. Technically, the half-Elezen wasn't his responsibility, of course, but…
Haurchefant wanted to see him.
As both an excuse and an offering, he'd stopped by the kitchen to grab a few mugs of hot chocolate. When he'd mentioned to the cook who it was for, they were been kind enough to even put a dollop of whipped cream on it. The redhead was known to have a bit of a sweet tooth.
So now Haurchefant stood before the door of Briar's inn room. It was foolish that he could face dragons without hesitation, but gathering the courage to knock took a minute. But he did and a moment later, Briar's soft voice was heard. "Come in, please!"
When Haurchefant opened the door, he smiled but then froze for several long heartbeats. Briar had clearly just finished washing up. The shirt he was wearing seemed to be borrowed from someone taller and wider so the cream-coloured wool had slipped down, giving the Ishgardian a glimpse of a sleek, freckled shoulder marked with an old scar. The scar looked like a burn and he wondered where it had come from. And for a moment, he let himself imagine what it might feel like under his fingers.
Even more distracting than the glimpse of rounded shoulder and soft nape was the fact that Briar's hair was down. Haurchefant had never seen it down before. Still damp and curly, it gleamed in the firelight in thick strawberry-blond locks that fell just below Briar's shoulders. It reminded Haurchefant of rose gold but looked soft enough to bury his fingers in. He had the urge to tuck it behind that charming little pointed ear that was peeking through the unruly mess.
Innocent of the effect, he was having, Briar smiled at Haurchefant, a towel between his hands that he had been using to rub the water from his hair. Those lovely green eyes looked up at him and that sweet smile showed. "Good evenin', Lord Haurchefant," Briar said softly.
The Ishgardian looked down, tongue-tied with the things he wished to give voice to. He had given hints, of course, but Briar had neither reciprocated nor rejected Haurchefant. It ate at him not to know one way or the other. He questioned sometimes if it was simply Briar's inexperience that caused the misunderstanding or if ignoring was a gentle refusal. All Haurchefant had to do was ask, he was sure. Briar Redfeather was nothing if not an honest man.
But Haurchefant could not. Not tonight at least. So instead, he smiled tenderly at the Shroudborn, offering a mug. "I thought you might like something to chase away the chill, my friend."
Briar brightened, setting down the towel to reach for the hot chocolate. "Thank you!" He glanced at the fire and smiled. "Would you like to keep me company for a little while? If you have the time."
There were always at least a dozen things in Camp Dragonhead that needed his attention at any given moment, but tonight, Haurchefant Greystone simply smiled in return. "It would be my pleasure, my friend," he murmured, moving to join Briar beside the fire.
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valiancenodel · 11 months
So, OCs...
I has them. And now you'll suffer them, mwahahaha.
(Under the cut, that is)
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My WoL and main character is Valian Cenodel. Take into account that when I originally created the character in-game, I didn't know the naming rules for elezen. Her name comes from a long tradition of drow-like characters sharing the name Valian (mostly, both my PSO and my PSU characters were all drow-like newmans going by that name)
I could fill entire pages with the headcanons I have of her. Let's just leave it at the fact that she is a White Mage, Red Mage and Dragoon (and in the near future, a Paladin), and that she has enough trauma to fill several lives. Also, I pair her with Aymeric because... *looks at the Vault* well, reasons.
Baldur's Gate 3
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Technically, this is a character that I created while getting ideas for what I call “mat characters” (as in, they are the mat I fall on when my other character dies) while playing a D&D 5e campaing. In this case, this is Luned Veladorn, a paladin of Eilistraee. Because now that there are no alignment restrictions for being a paladin, like hell I'm not making one. And since that campaing kinda... died, I put her in the game.
Luned was the daughter of a peasant couple in Menzoberranzan and she hadn't even reached ten years when her mother sold her to slavers for coin. The slavers travelled all the way to the surface, but when they were going to reach their destination, they were assaulted by a priest of Eilistraee and her entourage. The priest adopted her and gave her a new name (the one she carries to this day)
(I have a few more characters from the Forgotten Realms, if anyone is interested XD)
Genshin Impact
Because of the nature of this game, I have SEVERAL OCs, but these are the two that are more fleshed out. Images are not how I imagine them, just the nearest I could get with the generator I used.
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The first one is Tamura Ouka, a young woman from Inazuma that fled the country the night before the Vision Hunt Decree started. She knew that the moment their parents thought there would be no consequences from stripping her from her Vision, they would do it. So she escaped, went to Sumeru, saw the crap that Akademiya was pulling, and left to join the Rangers.
The second one is Maurine (family name Adhelmar) who happens to be a Fontainian defense attorney who usually works for people who have been falsely accused. She is extremely good at her job and some of the tension that helps her cases is her supposed animosity towards Neuvillette (in reality, her hate is towards the Oratrice and the justice system, but hey, people can think whatever). Her backstory is that her abusive father commited a crime and promtly made it seem like her mother was the culprit. The mother was comdemned, and Maurine was put into her father's custody. She ended up demonstrating that her father had been the criminal, but by that time her mother had died at Meropide. So yeah, she's not a happy person.
(I'm still fleshing out my OC for Honkai Star Rail. Half the time she's the female version of Wanderer and the other half she's some kind of space oni)
I have OCs for other videogames and series, but I would probably scare the crap out of my few readers so... I'll leave it at that. Feel free to ask anything about the characters or about any show/game you may think I have an OC for.
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