yohan-park · 6 years
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For all the atrocities Yo-Han had witnessed in his tenure as a UN officer, none of it had prepared him for what he had seen on the news. Bombs gone off in South Korea. Targeting the air base was fair game, Yo-Han gave the North Koreans that, but there were no grounds to target the civilians that were at the airport --- for all he knew his wife could’ve been there. He needed to make sure they were safe. “Is Soo-Kyeom okay?! What about Henry?!” were the questions he blurted out as he bursted into the princess’ quarters. Perhaps it could be considered weird that he was asking the princess where his wife was, but then again, the princess also happened to be his wife’s girlfriend. And it was sad to say that perhaps the princess knew about the whereabouts about his wife and brother-in-law moreso than he did. “...How did this all happen?”
( @yi-haekyung )
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