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10 سلوكيات وعادات يجب تجنبها للتخلص من الشعور بالملل والرتابة اليومية يشعر البعض بالملل من حين للآخر، ويرى أن حياة الآخرين التي تظهر عبر حساباتهم على منصات التواصل الاجتماعي مليئة بالمغامرات والأنشطة ووسائل التسلية والمتعة.وفي التفاصيل، يؤكد الخبراء أن ما يظهر على منصات التواصل لا يشترط أن يعكس بالضرورة حقيقة ما يعيشه أصحاب الحسابات، لكن في الوقت نفسه يوجد الكثير من العادات والسلوكيات التي يمكن أن يؤدي تجنبها إلى التخلص من الرتابة اليومية، وإدخال ال��ليل من التغيير إلى الحياة، وفقًا لتقرير لـ"العربية نت" نقلاً عن موقع HackSpirit.1. قضاء الكثير من الوقت على وسائل التواصل: قضاء وقت طويل على وسائط التواصل الاجتماعي يعني ببساطة أن الشخص يطلع على أخبار آخرين، فَقَد الاتصال بهم، وأنه يبحث دائمًا عن مشاهدة أشياء دون متعة القيام بها هو نفسه.هناك حل سريع لتلك العادة، وهو أن يلتزم الشخص بأن يقضي وقتًا محددًا على وسائط التواصل، وأن يخصص باقي وقته لأنشطة في الحياة الواقعية بعيدًا عن العالم الافتراضي.2. الافتقار للتجارب الجديدة: يساعد الخروج مما يطلق عليه "مناطق الراحة" على تعلم وخوض تجارب جديدة. إنه أمر مخيف بالتأكيد، لكن الإثارة عند تجربة أشياء جديدة يمكن أن تكون الحل للتخلص من الحياة المملة. 3. تجنب الصلات الاجتماعية: يحتاج المرء إلى التحفيز الذهني والعاطفي الذي يمكن أن تقدمه الصحبة والعلاقات الاجتماعية الواقعية. يستفيد الشخص من الاستماع لوجهات نظر متنوعة، أو تبادُل القفشات والضحك مع أصدقائه، كما قد يخوض محادثات عميقة تنعش خلايا الدماغ. 4. الوقوع في فخ الروتين: يمكن أن يصبح الأمر رتيبًا حقًّا إذا وقع المرء فريسة في فخ الروتين حتى بالنسبة لشخص يحب الحياة المنظمة.ولا ينبغي، في المقابل، الإقدام على تغييرات بشكل كبير، بل يمكن القيام بتعديلات صغيرة يومًا بعد يوم؛ للشعور بالتنوع، والاستمتاع بنكهة الحياة. 5. الإفراط في التفكير والقلق: يعد الإفراط في التفكير أحد الأسباب التي تجعل الشخص مترددًا في الإقدام على خوض تجارب جديدة. إنها عادة طبيعية تمامًا، لكن ينجم عنها فَقْد الكثير من الفرص؛ لأن الأذهان تبقى عالقة، إما في الماضي أو في المستقبل، ولا يتم القيام بخطوة جديدة في الحاضر؛ وبالتالي عيش يوم ممل آخر. 6. عدم أخذ الوقت للتفكير: مجرد عدم تخصيص وقت للتفكير في أسباب الشعور بالملل، أو أنماط الحياة التي تبعث على الشعور بالضجر، أو السلوكيات التي تجعل الحياة رتيبة، يؤدي إلى عدم القدرة على التخلص من هذه العوامل السلبية. 7. إهمال العناية بالنفس: يعتقد البعض أن الرعاية الذاتية رفاهية، في حين أنها ضرورة. فمن السهل أن يرى الشخص الحياة على أنها مجرد رحلة واحدة، لا تنتهي أبدًا، لكن مع تخصيص وقت كافٍ للعناية بالنفس يمكن أن يتغير هذا الشعور. 8. العيش وفق توقعات الآخرين: العيش وفق توقعات الآخرين مجرد وصفة للملل، بل للتعاسة. هناك الكثير من الأصوات في المجتمع والأصدقاء والعائلة، التي تخبر الشخص بما يجب وما لا يجب أن يكون عليه. وعندما ينشغل ال��خص بكل هذه التفاصيل يبدأ في الشعور بالملل وعدم الإنجاز. 9. تجاهُل النمو الشخصي: عندما لا يهتم الشخص بالنمو الشخصي فإنه يعاني الركود. في المقابل، الالتزام بالنمو الشخصي يضيف عمقًا وثراء للحياة. 10. نسيان الضحك والاستمتاع: يبقى أن نسيان الضحك يؤدي إلى الركود، في حين أن الضحك هو طريقة مؤكدة لإيقاظ العقل.
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Thể hiện sự tự tin là kỹ năng hữu ích để giao tiếp và xây dựng mối quan hệ lâu dài với những người xung quanh, tạo dựng sự tín nhiệm, tin tưởng. Theo nhà tâm lý học Gemma Leigh Roberts (Mỹ) sự tự tin là tin vào bản thân rằng bạn có thể đạt được mục tiêu của mình và có thể thích nghi khi mọi thứ không diễn ra theo cách bạn đã lên kế hoạch.Trên thực tế, xây dựng sự tự tin là chìa khóa để phát triển nghề nghiệp và có được sự hài lòng trong công việc. Nếu bạn là một nhà lãnh đạo, việc này càng quan trọng. Ảnh minh họa: Hackspirit Sự tự tin được thể hiện một phần qua cách bạn nói. Huấn luyện viên giọng nói nổi tiếng Roger Love cho biết: "Mục tiêu trong bất kỳ hoạt động giao tiếp nào là kiểm soát cách người khác cảm nhận về bạn khi bạn nói, bởi điều này giúp truyền đạt cho mọi người biết bạn là người như thế nào theo đúng nghĩa đen".Theo chuyên gia, để thể hiện sự tự tin, bạn có thể sử dụng một số cụm từ sau khi diễn đạt:"Tôi sẽ không..."Nên sử dụng cụm từ này thay vì cụm từ "Tôi không thể". Câu nói này thể hiện rõ lập trường, sự quyết đoán và dứt khoát trong lời nói của bạn. Câu "Tôi sẽ không..." cũng cho phép bạn tự quyết định và thể hiện sự độc lập của mình.Ngược lại, việc sử dụng câu "Tôi không thể" khiến bạn cho thấy sự không an toàn hoặc không có khả năng làm điều gì đó, khiến mọi người nghĩ rằng bạn thiếu tự tin."Không thành vấn đề"Câu "Không thành vấn đề, chúng ta có thể xử lý... " cho đối phương thấy rằng bạn đang gặp thử thách nhưng không nản lòng trước nhiệm vụ hiện tại, ngay cả khi bạn chưa từng làm việc đó trước đây. Điều đó cũng cho thấy rằng bạn tự tin vào khả năng của mình."Tôi tin"Khi nói chuyện với sự tự tin, bạn cần làm cho mọi người tin rằng bạn có niềm tin và bạn chắc chắn về bản thân. Do đó, "Tôi tin" là một trong những cụm từ khiến bạn đầy vẻ tự tin và kiểm soát được tình thế. Sử dụng cụm từ này đồng nghĩa với việc gieo trồng suy nghĩ của bạn trên nền tảng vững chắc, cho phép chúng bén...
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10 أسباب تجعل الرجل ينفر من زوجته.. اعرفيها جيدا
10 أسباب تجعل الرجل ينفر من زوجته.. اعرفيها جيدا
10:00 م الثلاثاء 03 نوفمبر 2020 كتب – سيد متوليقد تبدأ الحياة الزوجية بشكل سعيد للغاية، لكن بعد تطور العلاقة، ربما تجدين زوجك يتعامل معك وكأنك غير موجودة وقد يكون هذا بداية النهاية.ولكن ما الذي يجعل الرجل ينفر من زوجته؟ هذا ما يستعرضه لكِ حتى تصححين من أخطائك إذا كنت سببا في ذلك، بحسب ما ذكر موقع “hackspirit”.1- عدم الرضا عن الزواجلا يتطلب الأمر صعوبة لمعرفة ذلك، إذا كان غير راضٍ عن زواجه،…
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10 Reasons Most Men Can’t Handle a Deep Woman The deeper you are, the more likely you are to be single. Sound familiar? While intellect and complexity are highly sought after in men, the truth is most men can’t handle the same in a woman.
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hackspirit. com/how-to-get-over-a-crush-7-no-bullsht-tips/
this is one of the funniest things anyone's ever sent me god bless
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: No more multitasking. It makes my hair granny-grey - for real :
Image via hackspirit
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By hackspirit
Alan Watts was a British philosopher who spoke about Asian philosophies for a Western audience. He wrote over 25 books and was an excellent orator on topics such as the meaning of life, higher consciousness, the true nature of reality and the pursuit of happiness.
Below we look at some of his most potent quotes on various topics. At the bottom, I’ve also included one of my favorite YouTube videos of Alan Watts discussing “the real you”. Enjoy!
On Suffering
Man suffers only because he takes seriously what the gods made for fun.
Your body does not eliminate poisons by knowing their names. To try to control fear or depression or boredom by calling them names is to resort to the superstition of trust in curses and invocations. It is so easy to see why this does not work. Obviously, we try to know, name, and define fear in order to make it “objective,” that is, separate from “I.”
On the Mind
Muddy water is best cleared by leaving it alone.
On the Present Moment
This is the real secret of life – to be completely engaged with what you are doing in the here and now. And instead of calling it work, realize it is playing.
The art of living… is neither careless drifting on the one hand nor fearful clinging to the past on the other. It consists in being sensitive to each moment, in regarding it as utterly new and unique, in having the mind open and wholly receptive.
We are living in a culture entirely hypnotized by the illusion of time, in which the so-called present moment is felt as nothing but an infinitesimal hairline between an all-powerfully causative past and an absorbingly important future. We have no present. Our consciousness is almost completely preoccupied with memory and expectation. We do not realize that there never was, is, nor will be any other experience than present experience. We are therefore out of touch with reality. We confuse the world as talked about, described, and measured with the world which actually is. We are sick with a fascination for the useful tools of names and numbers, of symbols, signs, conceptions, and ideas.
No valid plans for the future can be made by those who have no capacity for living now.
I have realized that the past and future are real illusions, that they exist in the present, which is what there is and all there is.
“…tomorrow and plans for tomorrow can have no significance at all unless you are in full contact with the reality of the present since it is in the present and only in the present that you live.”
On the Meaning of Life
The meaning of life is just to be alive. It is so plain and so obvious and so simple. And yet, everybody rushes around in a great panic as if it were necessary to achieve something beyond themselves.
On Faith
To have faith is to trust yourself to the water. When you swim you don’t grab hold of the water, because if you do you will sink and drown. Instead, you relax and float.
Words of Wisdom for Aspiring Artists
Advice? I don’t have advice. Stop aspiring and start writing. If you’re writing, you’re a writer. Write like you’re a goddamn death row inmate and the governor is out of the country and there’s no chance for a pardon. Write like you’re clinging to the edge of a cliff, white knuckles, on your last breath, and you’ve got just one last thing to say, like you’re a bird flying over us and you can see everything, and please, for God’s sake, tell us something that will save us from ourselves. Take a deep breath and tell us your deepest, darkest secret, so we can wipe our brow and know that we’re not alone. Write like you have a message from the king. Or don’t. Who knows, maybe you’re one of the lucky ones who doesn’t have to.
On Change
The more a thing tends to be permanent, the more it tends to be lifeless.
The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance.
You and I are all as much continuous with the physical universe as a wave is continuous with the ocean.
“No one is more dangerously insane than one who is sane all the time: he is like a steel bridge without flexibility, and the order of his life is rigid and brittle.
“Without birth and death, and without the perpetual transmutation of all the forms of life, the world would be static, rhythm-less, undancing, mummified.”
On Love
Never pretend to a love which you do not actually feel, for love is not ours to command.
On You
What I am really saying is that you don’t need to do anything, because if you see yourself in the correct way, you are all as much extraordinary phenomenon of nature as trees, clouds, the patterns in running water, the flickering of fire, the arrangement of the stars, and the form of a galaxy. You are all just like that, and there is nothing wrong with you at all.
Trying to define yourself is like trying to bite your own teeth.
But I’ll tell you what hermits realize. If you go off into a far, far forest and get very quiet, you’ll come to understand that you’re connected with everything.
On Technology
Technology is destructive only in the hands of people who do not realize that they are one and the same process as the universe.
On the Universe
“We do not “come into” this world; we come out of it, as leaves from a tree.”
“Only words and conventions can isolate us from the entirely undefinable something which is everything.”
On Problems
“Problems that remain persistently insoluble should always be suspected as questions asked in the wrong way.
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25 Alan Watts Quotes That Will Make You Re-Think Everything By hackspirit Alan Watts was a British philosopher who spoke about Asian philosophies for a Western audience.
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Da http://www.adnkronos.com
Non fare sesso incide sulla salute, delle donne ma soprattutto degli uomini. E' quanto emerge da un'indagine britannica sugli studi più recenti in materia, che sembra smentire l'adagio del celebre film 'Niente sesso siamo inglesi'. S
econdo la statistica, infatti, ogni suddito di Sua Maestà totalizzerebbe in media 5.800 rapporti nella vita. Inoltre andare costantemente in bianco aumenterebbe il rischio di tutta una serie di problemi di salute, dalle cardiopatie allo stress, fino a difficoltà erettili. A stilare la lista degli effetti collaterale della mancanza di sesso è il sito di mindfulness HackSpirit, che cita i risultati di recenti studi scientifici.
Fare sesso almeno due volte a settimana dimezza per l'uomo il rischio di arterie ostruite rispetto a chi ha rapporti meno di una volta al mese. Inoltre, secondo uno studio pubblicato sul 'Journal of Sexual Medicine', il sesso riduce i livelli di omocisteina, una sostanza che può innescare problemi cardiaci. Si ritene infatti che avere rapporti regolari comporti dei benefici nell'uomo per la circolazione e la salute vascolare.
Con vantaggi meno pronunciati per le donne. Inoltre per entrambi il sesso sarebbe un nemico dello stress, anche grazie all'aumento di endorfine e dell'ossitocina. Non solo, a beneficiare di una vita sessuale regolare sono anche le cellule grigie degli anziani: studi delle università di Oxford e Coventry hanno scoperto che chi è attivo sessualmente ha un punteggio più alto ai test sulla prontezza di linguaggio e sulla percezione visiva.
Persino il sistema immunitario beneficia del sesso, come si legge nell'analisi. In particolare, aumenta la produzione di immunoglobulina A, anticorpo che combatte malanni come l'influenza, ricordano gli esperti sul 'Daily Mirror', citando uno studio della Wilkes University in Pennsylvania.
E ancora, per gli uomini che fanno sesso meno di una volta a settimana raddoppia il rischio di sviluppare una disfunzione erettile rispetto a chi ha rapporti più regolari. Mentre, stando a uno studio Usa, per chi supera il tetto di 21 incontri erotici l'anno il rischio di sviluppare un tumore della prostata si abbassa del 33%.
Una pausa prolungata dall'attività sessuale incide anche sul piacere femminile, riducendo la lubrificazione e aumentando il rischio di problemi di eccitazione o nel raggiungere l'orgasmo. Il porno, infine non è un alleato: guardalo troppo spesso può 'de-sensibilizzare' gli uomini e rendere loro più difficile eccitarsi dal vivo, in camera da letto.
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These 20 Brutal Truths About Life Will Help You Get Your Shit Together
When someone finally sits you down and tells it like it is, it can be a hard pill to swallow. But if you want to really enjoy life, you need to get to the nitty gritty fast and cut the crap out of your life so you can spend time on the things that matter to you.
Here are 20 brutal truths about life that no one wants to admit.
1) You are not here forever, one day you will stop living.
Make each moment count and start channeling your love into something, anything, whether it be a dream you’ve had for years, or a special someone whom you wish to help. None of us want to dwell on dying, but stop pining away your days and start appreciating what’s in the here and now.
2) Everyone around you is going to die.
Hug your mom and dad, tell your brother and sister that you love them and heap nothing but unconditional love upon your children, no matter what their age. Either you or they won’t be there one day when you finally look up from that smartphone. Tell those that matter to you what they mean to you.
3) Money cannot buy happiness.
Life is about living, not accumulating. Stop spending your money on things and instead make memories with those you love.
4) It’ all about the journey, constantly searching for happiness will prevent you from finding it.
Realize that happiness starts where you are right now and is not contingent upon when you are thinner or in better shape or some other goal that must be met before you can be happy.
5) Spending money is less effective than spending time.
If you want your life to be meaningful, spend time with those that you love or wish to help. You can’t take it with you when you go and spending time with people can have a lasting impact on them in ways that you could never imagine.
6) Everyone is responsible for their own happiness.
Don’t worry about trying to make others happy. Work on making yourself happy and I guarantee that they will want to be around you and will learn from your ability to live in the moment.
7) Trying to be perfect will kill you.
Standing in front of the mirror pointing out your flaws will make you old before your time. Don’t waste another second trying to be anything except what you are right now.
8) Accept your flaws
Embrace who you are, imperfection is uniqueness.
9) Acknowledge your true feelings and use them as a guide
You attract what you feel, pay attention to how you feel and use it to guide you to what you want.
10) Your life is your responsibility
You know who will give you everything? Yourself. Don’t wait around for people, take responsibility and take power of your own life. Don’t depend upon your parents or friends to dictate your future—be your own person.
11) Nothing matters when you are gone.
Someday, you’ll realize that all the stuff you spent your life worrying about doesn’t matter anymore. Hopefully, you’ll realize that while you still have time to do the things you actually wanted to do.
12) Talent goes to waste if you let it.
You are born blessed with talent, ideas and dreams. Find out what they are, and use them in ways that make you feel good.
13) Stop complaining: life is hard for all of us.
Guess what? Life is hard for everyone. It’s not supposed to be easy. If you want a different life, go out and get it. No one is going to change it for you.
14) Share your wisdom with people.
If you know something and it could help others, share it with the world. Don’t let your ego get in the way. Say your peace before you can’t.
15) Invest in yourself or lose out on life.
Stop living on the sidelines of your own life. If there is something you want to do with your life, make the decision to do it. Spending time with yourself is never a bad decision.
16) Reactions are all that matters when things go bad.
No matter how bad things get, it’s how you react that’s important. Giving up is a bad idea; pushing forward is always a good idea.
17) Have better relationships.
Work to show people you care. Don’t assume they know.
18) Look for the deeper meaning.
Life is about exploration and discovery. Don’t take it at face value. Ask questions and be curious.
19) Ambition is useless, do the work.
You can have all the great ideas in the world, but if you don’t act on them, they are just useless ideas.
20) Time is the most precious thing in your life.
You will never have enough time. Do the best you can with what you have.
Feel free to share and comment on our article on our social media pages. Tell us what you believe are the most important truths are and how they’ve helped you live a more happy life.
Educate, Inspire, Change
A quick note from our founder-
Over the past year, my friend Dave at PaleoHacks has been working on a secret cookbook with world-renowned Le Cordon Bleu chef Peter Servold.
Well, today this new this new incredible Paleo Cookbook is finally available to be shipped right to your door for FREE
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#whyiwrite#mystoryisntoveryet#comeoutofthedark#katfantastique#thrivingsurvivor#keepgoing#depressionarmy#bpdrecovery#codependant#theselfcaremaven#changeyourlanguagechangeyourlife#changeyourenergychangeyourlife#itsoktonotbeok#nomorenarcissists#healourheartsandminds#cptsdwarrior#cptsdrecovery#iamachangeagent#changeagent#turnyourmind#mentorship#headstogether#hackspirit#one day at a time#doyourwork#codependentnomore#innerintegration#starseed#spoonielife#empoweredempath
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Yes Google, You are right! by HackSpirit https://www.reddit.com/r/ProgrammerHumor/comments/68twzw/yes_google_you_are_right/?utm_source=ifttt
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Even when you're down, here are 7 reasons to never give up on life
Even when you’re down, here are 7 reasons to never give up on life
Some days are bleak and some days are even worse. You feel everything and everyone closing in on you and you just want it all to stop. It seems that there is no more joy, not a moment to just be carefree.
But you know what? If someone holds a gun to your head, you’ll snap out of your torpor and suddenly in those last seconds you’ll know that you want to hold onto this life that so exasperates…
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Happiness, success, Zen sayings, 675 formula, grow your brain, and Abe
Happiness, success, Zen sayings, 675 formula, grow your brain, and Abe
# 1 – Rich in the real sense…
# 2 – This will add some humor and wisdom to your day…..21 sarcastic zen sayings :-)….
# 3 – Good one to keep in mind….
# 4 – This is a good tie-in with Pick # 1….it’s a helpful, insightful article about how to be happier by following the “675 formula”…..
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A Japanese Buddhist Master Reveals 21 Rules of Life That Will Blow Your Mind
For years I struggled to find the peace I really wanted.
You know the dream:
Not overthinking
No anxiety
Physically fit
And to live every moment without being distracted by the past or the future. During that time, I lived with anxiety, insomnia and way too much useless thinking going on in my head. It was never easy. One of the reasons I was never truly at peace was because of one recurring problem: I couldn’t learn to “accept” where I was without wishing it were different. Because avoiding and fighting against what is happening inside you only makes it worse.
Unfortunately, acceptance is also really hard to cultivate. We’re practically wired to not accept the moment if it’s not 100% comfortable. So, what can we do?
What helped me was coming across Japanese Buddhist master Miyamoto Mushashi’s 21 rules of life. Known as Japan’s greatest ever swordsman, he wrote these 21 rules 2 weeks before his death.
Each rule teaches you to accept your circumstances in life, detach from outside forces you can’t control and be comfortable with who you are.
I find these rules powerful because the only way to cultivate acceptance is through continued practice in your actions and your attitude. The two things we actually have control over.
And these rules give you the necessary guidelines to do just that. It might take months to rewire your brain, but it’s well worth it.
Check them out:
1) Accept reality.
Acceptance is the most powerful attitude you can assume to overcome those nagging mental challenges in life. You are where you are, it’s a state of mind and there’s no destination or immediate goal. Through repetition you are training your mind to tolerate whatever poo sandwich God or the Universe hands you.
What makes this so powerful? Well, you are no longer fighting yourself and caught up in anxiety, stress or bitterness. You are not feeding the negativity which then creates more negativity and you take the power away from these negative emotions like letting the air out of a balloon and over time, they have less and less power over your life.
This works because you are no longer a follower and caught up in apathy or complacency—you are in control and are no longer judging what might be happening. You are allowing the natural flow of life to happen around you in a way that you get to choose how you respond (or not).
2) Don’t obsess over pleasure and seek it out for its own sake.
This is known as “the grass is always greener” desire. As humans, we are often not grateful for what we have and what something we are sure will bring us more immediate pleasure. This can trap us in a never-ending loop of desiring immediate gratification. Like a drug, we quickly begin need more pleasure and need it more quickly.
The key is to retrain your brain to learn to enjoy fun and joy by appreciating what you have in each moment and not be unhappy when you aren’t experiencing pleasure.
3) Do not, under any circumstances, depend on fleeting feelings or emotions for guidance.
Similar to #2, feelings don’t hang around for very long. Emotions are like clouds in the sky, they are only in one place for a short while. You can’t possibly be happy all the time, as there are some events that require serious thought and action and perhaps grief or sadness. Wanting to happy 24/7, will only make you unhappy.
4) Think less about yourself and more deeply of the world.
The happiest people in the world focus on helping others. When you spend most of the time thinking about yourself, you magnify your ego and any aspects of yourself that you may feel are unworthy. Being just a little humble and not taking yourself too seriously will quickly make you away of those less fortunate than you and release you from the chains of the ego—you’ll find yourself looking at those in need and trying to find ways to help.
There’s a beautiful Chinese Proverb which describes this perfectly: “If you want happiness for an hour, take a nap. If you want happiness for a day, go fishing. If you want happiness for a year, inherit a fortune. If you want happiness for a lifetime, help somebody.”
5) Don’t ever be a slave to desire!
If you become a slave to desire, you quickly get caught in an endless loop of just wanting and can never be satisfied with what you already have! If you can practice being calm and comfortable with what you have right this very moment, you will hold in your hand one of the most important keys to inner peace.
6) Don’t hold on to regret or dwell on the past.
Regret is a useless and damaging emotion. You know that you do not have any control over the past so focus on understanding what the lessons were from each experience that you feel regret for and let it go!
7) Don’t harbor jealousy.
Another emotion that does nothing but generate negativity. It also means that you might be insecure with yourself, because you’re envious of someone else. Once again, one of the keys to happiness lies in constantly reminding yourself of what you are grateful for in your life.
8) Never let yourself be saddened by separation.
It’s hard to be away from someone you want to be with. But wallowing in sadness has no purpose. Sometimes you just need use a little tough love talk on yourself and appreciate what you have, not what you believe you are losing.
9) Don’t harbor resentment and give in to complaining.
Complaining without doing something to create change or to move on doesn’t help you achieve anything. It only serves to create negative energy which you keep inside which can lead to physical illness. And remember that you cannot control what others do; you can only control how you react to what they do and judging others also adds to toxic energy that you might be tempted to hold on to.
10) Don’t be a slave to lust or love
This is a pretty controversial one for many of us. Most of us are probably in agreement that we don’t want to be driven be lust as we know that it will only bring temporary satisfaction. Love though… that’s a different story because we all know that love is one of the most important and powerful emotions in existence. Your family is everything, whoever they are, and your life is much more fulfilled when you do whatever you can for them. I think this means that we should temper our love with a little reality and understand that though no one is perfect, we do need to be selective about whom we give our love to.
11) Don’t be a slave to bias.
This is much like desiring in that you are not happy with what you already have and will only cause you to feel disappointment whenever things don’t occur as you’d most like to see them. So if possible, try not to prefer something over something else, especially if you can’t control it.
12) Don’t imprison yourself in one place.
While still appreciating what you have, always be open to move somewhere new and always be aware of any opportunities to move to a new situation. A new environment can quickly alter your perception of yourself and release negative energies you’ve been unaware you’ve been storing.
13) Don’t be a picky eater.
Focus on eating to be healthy and for nourishment. Desiring delicious food can lead to addiction and attachment. This goes for alcohol and drugs, too.
14) Don’t be a slave to possessions.
If it’s not benefiting your life, get rid of it. Eliminate clutter and appreciate having more space to live and breathe in. You’d be amazed at the release you will feel if you get rid of stuff that’s clogging your life up, especially if you pass it on to someone less fortunate or who can really use what you cannot
15) Don’t be a slave to tradition or belief.
Use your own common sense. Do what makes sense to your own values, not what other people think. Decide for yourself. You know what’s right and wrong. You don’t need someone else to tell you.
16) Do not collect weapons or practice with weapons beyond what is useful.
Know how to defend yourself—but never intimidate or victimize.
17) Do not fear death.
Learn to feel fortunate and privileged for receiving the gift of life, period—in any duration. Death is something none of us will escape. We can either learn to accept that our own and our close one’s time will eventually come, or fight against it causing anxiety and sadness for the rest of our lives.
18) Don’t obsess over your legacy.
What good will they do you when you’re gone? Only collect what is useful. Don’t waste your time. Enjoy the time that you have to be alive, and do the most amount of good that you can, while you can. Let history decide what your true legacy will be—it will do so whether you try to interfere or not.
19) Respect your God without counting on their help.
If you can utilize your faith in order to be more productive in life, then do so whenever you’d like. However, be aware that you are responsible for accomplishing what you’re required to regardless of whether or not you receive divine help or energy.
20) Preserve your honor.
This means always saying and doing what you feel is right.
21) Learn for a lifetime.
This means that you must continue to learn and grow as a human being every day for your entire life.
I hope these ancient truths have helped you and given you some food for thought. Please feel free to share your own experiences and comment on our social media pages.
Introduction excerpted from our friends at Hackspirit: A Japanese Buddhist Master reveals 21 rules of life that will blow your mind. Please check out their website, we love their articles.
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