#guys i love utena(i havent watched it) (at all)
cheesebad · 8 months
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sinkableruby · 1 year
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owarimonogatari ge spoilers. rgu spoilers too i think
himemiya anthy and oshino ougi are both girls who exist for guys
and yeah i hear you thinking what, misogyny ?! toxic masculinity ?! thats not a big part of ougis arc and yeah it isnt and also other gender stuff BUT. the spirit is still there!! and i have to say it in that way first to do anthy's part justice
bc they Are both people who exist solely for others sake. their ability to define their own existences have been taken away from them. they have no agency! anthy obviously but also ougi has never had agency. ougi was created by araragi to do certain things he couldn't do himself, and this was literally the sole purpose of their existence. if ur in that situation what are you gonna do? not do it? and probably like, cease to exist bc the universe's internal coding is a total asshole? you don't have a choice, you just gotta accept the burden.
they're very silly and goofy and sinister and smiley about it of course but like. i'll say it now a lot of those smiles are not happy. i mean you look at the light novels oshino "ppl are so dumb i have to laugh at them but im crying when im laughing" ougi (edgelord ougi confirmed? LOL ok ok not really) oshino 'araragi theorizes her smile was poignant bc she knew how short her life would be' ougi like yeah ok. get a life, literally. lol (note this is also. for those who have read it. what ougi stay is about. and what my next big thing is going to be about. this is what the significance. anyway)
and anthy does the same thing! all this fucked up shit happens around her and To her and she just watches it all with the same smile like nothing's wrong. the parallels are insane you guys you cant make this shit up. anthy smiling like nothing is wrong during the duels before slowly realizing she doesn't want to be separated from utena is the same as ougi smiling while about to be erased forever even though she doesnt want to die. its parallels!!!!!! even where ougi's situation gets a little muddied with her being Literally araragi (even though she is still the part of him that he ejected and pushed all this work onto and still just exists for him at first so i wouldnt say this is a point against my analysis here), it still very much applies. and that part of 'being him' can loop back around and extend anthy if you want it to. she does whatever her fiancee wants her to, is molded to and reflects them. a reflection-- is that not, in a very big sense, what ougi is for araragi? you could even say that for anthy, the fiancee of the rose bride's attempted domination of her is a way to dominate the femininity within them, to quell and control it. (if this doesnt make sense my excuse is that i havent finished watching yet. but i think it does make sense, and a lot of it, actually)
theyve both got their Roles to play, and play them they do. anthy, the rose bride, and ougi, the culprit, the bad guy. i think about that 'bad guy' framing a lot too btw. when ougi is talking about her unfazed appearance when faced with Forever Death Via Black Hole, shes like 'don't you hate it when in mystery novels the bad guy is so calm in the face of their comeuppance? yeah that sucks so just letting you know im terrified 👍. gotta wonder what happens when your matter gets erased completely yk. like whats that gotta be like lol.' (not even exaggerating at all really) (also shes so funny she relates everything to mystery novels bc she loves them thats so sweet and real i love that :)) (and then she proceeded to say 'nah i think the culprit should kill themself instead' but i wont get into it)
theyve also both got those cute little interests come to think of it. anthy loves like animals and stuff and ougi loves their mysteries. are these two the Same Character (joking) (but really they should hang out)
theres a line in one of the short stories that summarizes it really well, describing ougi as 'a puppet who had come to life.' and yeah, basically. it's implied to be after the ougi dark resolution so there i have even more ✨textual evidence✨ but like fr. its an incredibly apt description for ougi. if yotsugi is a doll, then ougi is a puppet, who has gained agency (and thats the thing, rgu and monogatari are giving these agency-robbed characters agency, thats what ougi dark did, and im like p sure thats what rgu is going to do i havent finished it lol but i did get sorta spoiled on the ending so i think its gonna. in monogatari... its more rocky i feel. its not cut and dry, its not like whoops you have agency forever completely now. its like you Kinda have it. you Maybe Mostly have it. it's complicated i'm writing about it)... i wonder when yotsugi will get her agency, but part of me wonders if nisioisins plan is that she wont. because she's a doll, she's too stuck, she's fixed to what others need her for, she can't work by herself. she hasn't "come to life" yet like ougi has (being a corpse might do that to you)
anyway uhhhh i'm right good night
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dykeyote · 1 year
💔 + 🎥 for tpo or rgu (or both!!)
also maybe 📜 for rgu cause i’m trying to get into it
i assume u mean tpp bc idk what else tpo would be tho i may be being stupid ...... so i will do both bc i like to talk >:)
one of my least favorite characters from penumbra and why: oh god i really cannot stand mick mercury . i really cant . i just really dont like himbo characters or anything adjacent ..... unless its handled INSANELY well or in a really new and compelling way i just Do not like cis guy characters where the whole thing is that theyre like incompetent and dumb and thats their main thing and often feels like their Only thing i just Do not like it they immediately get on my nerves and i dont like his voice either so whenever hes on the show i am Displeased ...... theres interesting aspects to him and idk i get why people like him i suppose but i cannot stand him . at all . he just is like the biggest example of a trope i really hate </3
one of my least favorite characters from rgu and why: this ones tricky because like .... i like most of the characters that dont do awful shit . like i can be like "oh i hate akio" and ur gonna be like yeah duh ......
fav scene from penumbra: i did this a while ago in this post but ill also throw in one that i forgot which is that i do quite like juno and cassandra's interactions in murderous mask also .... its quite entertaining and puts an interesting lens on both characters . and also theyre both really fucking funny
fav scene from rgu: okay like.... there are many INSANELY good scenes in rgu . so beautiful so cool so fucking thought provoking it is an AMAZING show . however ngl the scene i think and talk the most abt (i literally was talking abt this to my friend the other day who was thinking abt watching it) is the goddamn scene in the dub (idk what its like in the sub i havent seen it i might after i finish watching the dub thru bc i struggle w paying attntion to captions) where they like . show this like triple angle shot of utena and all the girls are staring at her with heart eyes and shit and then they go in the silliest fucking anime dub voice "Shes So Cool" when it is so obvious that they all want to say shes smoking hot and they need her rn . love that scene . i think abt it all the time . its so funny . why would u censor the lesbians of ohtori academy which is apparently all the girls ever
plotline of rgu and what kind of media it is: revolutionary girl utena is a late 90s anime that was heavily influential on the anime that came later and on animation in general (: the plot surrounds utena tenjou, a teenage girl (ish . her relationship to gender is VERY complex and she is at the very least clearly butch to me . bigender utena 4eva) who wants to be a prince and who is sort of unintentionally drawn into a duel for (among other things) the hand of the rose bride, anthy himemiya, a teenage girl with some magical capacities who is treated more as an object than a person by those who want to win her. utena wins the duel, and continues to have to defend her spot as champion despite not particularly Wanting anthy to treat her as her owner and bride-to-be. things obviously spiral down and get way more complicated from there but thats the basic synopsis of the beginning without spoiling later stuff (: (and obligatory warning for anyone intrigued by that that it gets very heavy later on check the warnings ideally on smt besides does the dog die bc there is a Large amnt and imo the does the dog die doesnt really cover them properly or explicitly explain how intrinsically tied to the narrative some of said warnings Are)
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nenastrology · 4 years
thoughts on penguindrum? i wanna hear the opinion of someone whos gay and not an anituber talk about it cuz i still know nothing <3 love and light hope ur well
oh my god you dont even know the full can of worms you have opened asking this like um my major opinion is its kind of a mess and tbh i feel like its way way harder to parse what the fuck is going on than either utena or sarazanmai in many ways its a huge blur to me but its got like many interesting things going on in it along with a lot of things that make me genuinely uncomfortable and i think really changed my view of ikuharas work because of how they were handled with some very creepy like predatory older lesbian and a 15 year old girl scenes that were truly a low point of the whole thing and honestly being disturbingly uncritical of its portrayal of an inc*stuous relationship that like genuinely made me sit down and wonder how the fuck both penguindrum and utena could come from the same guy lol... i think the high point of the show is absolutely ringo who i think follows in the footsteps of nanami in many ways in how she plays along with these fantasy ideas of who she should be and the mold set out for her but she eventually breaks free its also like bizarrely heterosexual for an ikuhara anime which is extremely disappointing especially with the only gay character being extremely creepy.... idk its very complicated its also like the first half is very boring i ended up watching thru it with my friend ori and we talked through the entire thing like idk its something u gotta go into with eyes open to the flaws and shit to be prepared for i watched it because im genuinely just extremely curious about ikuharas work and there is a lot of like interesting concepts in it but in many ways it feels very unfocused and idk i really really loved natsume and ringo who kind of felt like two sides of nanami made into different characters which was like fun both of them were very interesting but god a lot of the crazier shit that happens in it is truly brain melting and the whole show was kind of reduced to a goo in my head where i feel like i cant make heads or tails of it to say anything terribly substantial like there are many individual themes i can recognize but it really like weaves reality and fiction so much its hard to tease out especially because it does also very much deal with like actual real world events like the tokyo subway sarin gas attack of 1995 and the fallout and impact of it tho it is fictionalized as like strange little bear shaped weapons instead and i also feel like genuinely unqualified to like speak on the handling of that or have a complete understanding of just how those events have been portrayed and memorialized culturally like its very much a lot to untangle i also found the villain to be very strange like he was so much of a concept kind of villain it felt like they could have been fighting against the greater concept of fate without it being personified in a pink haired anime boy idk i really truly dont fully know HOW to explain penguindrum or even how to sort out all my thoughts and im also extremely tired so this probably makes very little sense but yeah... i also havent seen many analysis pieces or like anything i really agree with that much because i think often the people who have seen it and talk about it really do like LOVE IT and i genuinely cannot understand that take in the slightest so it really like is what it is.... if you have some more specific questions id be happy to answer to the best of my ability..
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ask-shakespearehigh · 5 years
in true highschooler fashion i must know.... who are the weebs and the gamers of the cast
Aster’s Kids
(( [name]*= has responded/been mentioned/is set, but has not appeared in design))
Macbeth— no, he did homestuck but he doesn’t really do games and has seen one (1) anime, bc of Banquo (it was FMA:B)
Lady— she’s “too pretty to know what that (anime) is”
Banquo— he’s like. Casually anime. FMA and FMA:B, Yu Yu Hakusho, he had an Inuyasha phase briefly, and he’s big into Pokemon. He doesn’t do much console or PC gaming, but he has a DS and he plays Pokemon games, Stardew Valley (if that’s on DS???), and Animal Crossing (he likes. Chill task based games)
Macduff— will play smash and Mario Kart at parties and is decent
Duncan— nah
Malcolm— dumb shoujo anime/manga is his secret guilty pleasure
Donalbain— he plays indie games. He got Very into Undertale. He likes Bastion, One Hand Clapping, and Cave Story.
Twelfth Night
Viola— their family owns a Wii and she fucking kills it at Wii Sports. Also Mario Kart. She’d be better at Smash if she didn’t insist on always playing as Kirby.
Sebastian— same as Viola.
Antonio— he’s played overwatch. That’s about it though
Duke— he’s seen a few anime, mostly via Netflix surfing. He actually really likes Ouran.
Olivia— nah
Malvolio— nah
Taming of the Shrew
Kate— nah
Bianca— nah
Petruchio— he feels like he plays some sorta FPS
Julius Caesar
Julius— nah
Calpurnia— animal crossing sometimes
Cassius— yes he’s anime but it’s a secret and he will Never admit it
Brutus— he’s anime and Will admit it but no one has ever asked
Octavius — he plays fortnite but he hates that he does so
The Tempest
Miranda— fire emblem baybee
Much Ado About Nothing
Beatrice— probably but idk what
Benedick— same
Antony— Smash and Mario Kart at parties and stuff. Got very hyped about Dream Daddy, it was ironic at first but then.
Cleopatra— same as Lady.
Star’s Kids
Hamlet (Tristson) - no. Watches horatio and ophelia instead of playing bc he has “better things to do”
Ophelia (Elskerson) - beats her brothers ass in smash. Mains peach and isabelle. Has played stardew valley. Also mario kart
Horatio (Venson) - plays smash w ophelia and sometimes w yorick. Mains fox and ness. Surprisingly good at mario kart.
Laertes (Elskerson) - has gotten his ass beat in smash. Mains ganondorf and bowser but he sucks at it lol. Aggressively hype abt wii games for no reason
Yorick - hes baby but he has played smash.
Fortinbras - hes too busy studying
Rosencrantz* - yeah both but i dont rlly care abt them sorry :(
Guildenstern* - “”
Gertrude* - no
Claudius* - no
Hamlet’s Dad* - no
Romeo and Juliet
Romeo (Montague) - YES the montacrew has game nights (smash, mario kart, just dance) Benny made him watch ouran and his favorite is tamaki
Juliet (Capulet) - has played mario kart w tybalt but isnt rlly a gamer girl. She likes shoujo anime a Lot and loves cardcaptor sakura
Mercutio (Prince) - KING OF JUST DANCE!!!!!!! KING. Owned a sasuke body pillow on a dare from romeo in middle school. Benny got rid of it. Has seen princess jellyfish
Benvolio (Montague) - shounen stan for the most part. Fairy tail, naruto, dragonball etc. watches slice of life to make fun of it for being cliche. Cried really hard at the nina tucker episode of fma:b
Tybalt (Capulet) - i feel like….he plays overwatch….and mains hanzo
Paris (Bellarico) - has seen episodes of bnha and sailor moon but isnt an avid anime fan. Thinks the 90’s anime aesthetic is sweet
Escalus (Prince) - owned a gamecube growing up and loves pokemon. Slides references to them in his homework like a NERD.
Othello (Cuore) - mario kart and smash (doesnt main anyone he likes trying out every character but thinks big mac is fun even tho hes not rlly good at the game) he likes pokemon but doesnt play the games. Watched the anime growing up.
Desdemona (Di’Bianca) - “”””fake”””” gamer girl energy but she’s already tracer AND widowmaker. Good luck stopping her. Sipped a grande low-fat whip caramel macchiato while watching the E3 stream.
Iago (Ilmale) - HE LIKES SONIC UNIRONICALLY BC HE GREW UP W IT. He’s seen some classic shounen anime like bleach and tried bnha. Liked bakugou.
(Michael) Cassio - played persona. Catches himself singing Last Surprise under his breath. Thinks akira kurusu is really hot. Hes right. Has yet to try anime but hes interested
Roderigo (Ingenuo) - i wanna say hes played like dating sims? But not gross creepy ones i mean like from indie artists. Undertale fucked him up real bad.
Emilia (Ilmale) - she likes women she hopped on revolutionary girl utena and keeps searching for wlw anime. Bloom into you got her messed up rn
A Midsummer Night’s Dream
Puck (Robin Goodfellow) - runs a gaming channel on youtube and watches a Lot of anime. Definitely has a lot of merch
Oberon (Kingsman) - anime and game nights at his house! Owns dream daddy for the gay rights.
Titania (Queensland) - realized she was gay after watching sailor moon and the “””cousins”””. Pretty good at video games. Has the persona dancing star night game for seemingly no reason (its for ann)
Peaseblossom - LOVED princess tutu and never shuts up about it. Plays the hall om mig amv all the time
Moth - sings anime ops randomly for no reason. Mains the cute characters on smash
Cobweb - married tharja in fates for the goth rights. Mains bayonetta.
Mustardseed - MINECRAFT.
Hermia - puella magica madoka girl. LOVES the magical girl aesthetic. Started sewing bows onto her dresses
Lysander - the designated gamer of the 4. Immediately attaches to pretty boys in animes. Claimed he was a “bishounen” himself when he was like 14 and the rest havent let him live it down.
Helena - likes mystery/horror anime like baccano and tokyo ghoul
Demetrius - action shounen stan. Owns an akatsuki cloak
Nick Bottom* - watches hentai
Puck’s Dad 1 (Puck based) - pokemon champion fire red
Puck’s Dad 2 (Oberon based) - pokemon champion leaf green
Love’s Labor’s Lost
Ferdinand - started playing volleyball bc he likes haikyuu. didnt think hed get this far
Birone - thinks fma:b is the peak of anime and hes right.
Longaville - likes the boxing anime (cant remember what its called) and smash (mains ryu)
Dumaine - hes the video of the drunk guy making all of the noises in the crash bandicoot game
Princess - she Is revolutionary girl utena
Rosalina - won’t ever admit it but does watch some anime from time to time.
Katherine - hibiki girls euphonium stan even tho she doesnt play an instrument
Maria - got tricked into playing fortnite once. Plays minecraft on peaceful and is rlly excited about bees being in the game
William Shakespeare - “anne whats a waifu”
Anne Shakespeare - has a pkmn card collection. Loves sylveon
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camoflock · 7 years
this would be dumb to kind of censor and idc about being cringey because I want to document this
im gonna watch utena because it seems to be entirely me but
i just finished harlock 
not ALL of the harlock but 
i realized that i literally spent this entire series wallowing in my own worries
and i havent fully experienced it in all its glory. i sit here worrying about if its gonna be as good as rose of versailles but i cant do that that’s dumb, and i keep wanting it to change my life or some shit because of destiny
but i think that’s what makes this anime so important to me. it helped me sort things out by giving me a time in my day when i could brood and let those thoughts fester, but also look at the screen and pay attention. there was something wonderful in front of me. there was always something that reminded me to think, but to calm down. 
i kept trying to force myself to feel something, and it wasn’t that nothing was happening, but it was that i was too busy worrying about whether it was. 
amidst all the pew pew pew i would sit and worry and worry and try and make harlock special and try and make this an out of body experience and try and make it an obsession and I didn’t realize it was becoming something for me on its own, just in a very different way. it was becoming not something that made me feel better with distraction and comfort, but somethingWOW I HAVE A NOSEBLEED  THERE MAY HAVE BEEN A LITTLE TOO MUCH NAKED MAZONE TIDDIES FOR ME TO HANDLE something that made me think, take the time out of myday, and self actualize.
daiba was a really big dumbass and i related to him. miime was so chill and i related to her. harlock was so brave and i related to him. and yuki kei was strong in a way i think a lot of people overlook. a subtle badass female. its a shame that she’s looked at likea  pair of tits. 
i will never forget episode 11 when kei fuckin blasted that guy with no regrets or emotional ass speech. she didn’t let the past get to her. I keep a memory collection, I kind of have a problem with talking to my younger self or something. and i’ll always  look at daiba like he wasn’t that dumb, just weaker and interrogative. he’s a boy who is still growing. and we need to protect the weak who are growing.
the message of freedom in this would hit me on bike rides when the arcadia was my bike and i was like a stupid little boy pretending to be captain of a spaceship. that model ship still isn’t even moderately done, but that is going right next to my little harlock.
the thing that hit me the most in the last episode was when harlock told mayu that her mission was important and her mission was to fill the world with flowers. it hit me right in the 1st grade anthology lupine lady story and right in my shitty artist heart. or maybe it’s st therese too. maybe she did this to me. maybe i shouldnt look for animes to change my life, because everything every day has signs from above. 
i don’t know what it was specifically about the flower line, maybe the roses aspect, but i guess it made me feel like as long as i keep making things, i’m here making the world beautiful. i don’t have to be a big bad guy in a space shipt o have an important mission because... he’s on a ship drinking his wine now. 
i think his whole concept of creating a good place for himself to die, whether he was lying to the spy about that or not... is really great. because all we do leads up to our death. we shouldn’t be afraid to focus on death, because really, it’s a long term goal. suicide and shit like that should never be glorified but... when you live, prepare the world for when you die. that’s what you should focus life on. how do you want to leave your home when you die? the world? because you’re only alive for a very short window in time. so plant flowers i guess. 
i mean if you plant a tree, you start a whole generation of trees, technically. 
what else is there to say
i miss looking at my dad like a hero. 
i really miss looking at my dad and wondering why nobody else had a scary dad. i miss having my scary hero dad. and you know... i don’t think even harlock can fill that void. but looking at him and mayu makes me feel just so happy that even someone who isnt real gets to have the dad that I shouldve had
i just dont think anything in this show hit me in a way i wanted it to, but it hit me in a way that i know it hit me, and it came to me to coexist alongside me peacefully and not become the ballet bar i gotta lean on. 
i really want to see what more this man is, because I can’t accept that he’s just a stoic image.i want to see harlock suffer and cry. i love people so much. i only hope that one day i could be as brave as harlock. i really do strive to look at life as much smaller than it really is. in middle school, that was a fear of mine. mortality and aging was something to be feared. and it still is. i still wake up in the middle of the night like holy shit... im gonna turn 19. but all i want is to accept everything, accept my own mortality, and live lifein a way that makes my happy. 
thanks harlock, i might not be crying and thanking you obsessively like oscar. and im not in a place in my life to be using you to hush my panic attacks like mitsunari or raguna, but every time I look at my father and feel hate, I can see your image, what he used to be. and in some strange way all i wanted this entire time was to see myself in you too. and though im not stoic and cool and yknow, a fictional fucking space pirate... i hope i change a bunch of peoples lives, and i hope that once i do i can die happy.
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