#guess I’m a killjoy at heart
also today listening to The Mad Gear and Missile Kid ep on repeat/nonstop bc it Fucking SLAPS and their punky stuff needs more recognition
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zone-seven · 1 year
Kobra Kid Headcanons
- avid photographer. Cherri has a little dark room at his place and the two of them go on photography day trips and then hang out while developing the photos.
- He loooooves to show off his pictures, and they’re pretty good! He’s got a natural knack for composition and is very detail oriented, he can spend a really long time carefully setting up a shot if given the opportunity. His subject matter is fairly predictable: exceptionally cool cars/bikes/trucks, close ups of rare or weird car parts, decaying animals and animal skeletons, and bugs. Once in a while he’ll take a candid shot of Cherri or Poison or someone, or a landscape if something cool is going on, but 95% of the time it’s car or decay related stuff.
- He’s really sentimental, and his half of the room he and Poison share is decorated with his photos and the trinkets he’s collected over the years. He remembers the story behind every single one of them, and they are meticulously sorted by some sort of elusive criteria that Poison can’t quite figure out and Kobra can’t quite explain in a way that makes sense to others.
- Absolutely fascinated by vehicles. Can’t stress that enough, dude is ALWAYS thinking about cars. He loves to watch Ghoul work on cars in the shop and help her out when she’ll let him. It’s one of the few topics he’s interested in having an extensive conversation about. It’s basically impossible to be close to him and not pick up a lot of information about car parts.
- He’s got a little collection of die-cast cars and usually has one or more of them on him at any given time (though there are some that are too precious to him to leave their shelf). He does this half because simply having one with him is comforting, and half because he stims by spinning the wheels. He’s never been much of a “pretend to drive the toy car” guy.
- He’s fluent in both Japanese and English, and has picked up a handful of words and phrases in Spanish and Korean. He rarely verbally says more than a word or two unless it’s scripted.
- Generally relies VERY heavily on dialogue from The Mousekat Show for communication, though he’s constantly expanding his repertoire and picking up new scrips from the people around him too. He’s just extremely comfortable with his childhood scripts so he sticks with those a lot. It’s very easy to tell which scripts were taught to him by teachers or whoever because they’re much clearer to outsiders but don’t sound like him at all; it’s rather jarring if you’re used to his typical style of speaking. Very formal, VERY “city” style.
- He loves animals in general, but he had a startling and scary encounter with a military dog as they were leaving battery city and has been terrified of dogs ever since.
- Jet taught him to sew, and he does a lot of that. He does most of the mending and patching for the four’s clothes. He does some of that for friends too, which is how he finances his photography hobby.
- He and Poison have always been close (they’ve never known a life without the other, after all) but Kobra found it hard not to be somewhat resentful of his brother when they were kids. His disability and support needs were judged even more harshly in comparison to Poison’s extreme academic aptitude, and them being identical twins only made the comparisons and expectations worse. Poison has always seen him as an equal, but it was crystal clear to Kobra that people outside of his family only saw one of them as a full person, and it was understandably hard for him to not feel jealous and angry. Their relationship kind of struggled in their teen years and improved a lot once they left the city.
- He’s not religious or superstitious at all and has basically no patience for Poison’s fairly intense spirituality. He’ll put up with some amount of participating in it of it out of love, but he won’t pretend to believe.
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lastsubstance · 8 months
How the TS gang feels about Mhin
(The Alchemist.) When everyone disperses and you have to choose who to follow.
Asking about Mhin.
You follow Ais.
MC: Maybe Mhin doesn’t necessarily like you, but they definitely pay attention to you.
Ais’s reaction takes me off-guard. He growls, pinches the bridge of his nose, as exasperated as I’ve ever seen him.
Ais: I make enemies as easily as I breathe, sparrow. Doesn’t bother me.
               But that dove’s got it out for me for no reason.
MC: Maybe they’re unsettled by the Seaspring.
Ais: It’s not about that.
               Goes without saying they’ve got some issues. Don’t think they understand that you catch more flies with honey than vinegar.
MC: Honey has left a bad taste in my mouth in the past. It could be the same for them.
Ais: At least you’re capable of a conversation.
               Do me a favor, and teach the dove some manners. Thought they’d lay off eventually if I didn’t bite. Hasn’t happened yet.
I briefly consider the possibility that Mhin wants to get bitten. I’m not about to propose that, though.
You follow Kuras.
MC: You and Mhin sounded like you knew each other well.
Kuras heaves a long-suffering sigh.
Kuras: I know them better than most…and less well than I would like.
               Like you, Mhin is a recent arrival. Their time here has been particularly difficult. As much as I would like to help…
He trails off, but I know exactly what he’s talking about. Mhin didn’t seem like the sort of person who would accept help easily.
MC: Do they always pick fights that are twice their size?
Kuras: I have implored them not to. They rarely listen.
You follow Leander.
MC: Mhin’s interesting. Not very forthcoming, though.
Leander: Ah, Mhin, my favorite grouchy freelancer. What’s your impression of them?
-OPTION SELECT--(Select "They seem lonely")—
MC: I get the feeling they could use a friend.
Leander: I think Mhin prefers to me alone.
MC: What makes you say that?
Leander: I’ve known them since they arrived to Eridia, and they’ve turned down every attempt I’ve made.
               Well, almost every attempt…
He trails off to take a deep swig of his drink.
Leander: Anyway, I’m just saying, if Mhin wanted to be your friend, you’d know.
—OPTION SELECT—(Select "They’re pretty irritable")—
MC: They’re a testy one.
Leander: You’ve got that right. Sometimes even paying Mhin for work can be a struggle.
MC: Mhin works for you?
Leander: Contract only. Mhin refuses to join the Bloodhounds, but they take jobs from me often enough to qualify.
               Just…don’t ever call them a Bloodhound, okay? I’ll get an earful.
You follow Vere.
MC: I’ve got to admit, I was surprised to see that you and Mhin know each other. Are you friends?
Vere: Oh, yes. We laugh, and go shopping, and have sleepovers where we braid each other’s hair and kiss with a little tongue.
I’m beginning to wonder if Vere’s ever had friends.
MC: Let me guess, you don’t like them.
Vere: Can’t stand them. The first time we met they stabbed me.
               Slid cold, hard steel between mt ribs. Nearly nicked my heart. It was exquisite.
               The knife, I mean. Some sort of antique. Mhin’s done nothing but disappoint me ever since.
MC: So you’re not close.
Vere: Can you imagine me being friends with that crabby little killjoy? Impossible. Not unless they learned to lighten up.
               And I’m afraid not even a surgeon as practiced as Kuras could remove the stick wedged firmly up Mhin’s pert ass.
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blairsanne · 1 year
Pretend to Be Nice - 1 - Oh No
For the @deanobingo 2023 event!
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Prompts: Anders Johnson - Honesty The Almighty Johnsons - Anders & female Reader 4619 words
Summary: You are secretly in love with your friend, Anders Johnson. When your other friends find out, they encourage you to let it go.
CW: Alcohol consumption, discussion of hookups (mild). Angsty? Slow burn I guess? (This is a multi-part story.) Series masterlist here
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You stood in the kitchen of Michele’s house, topping pieces of baguette with various things while music filtered in from the living room. 
The gods and goddesses surrounding the Johnson family had gotten into the habit of weekend parties, and you were having a quiet moment inside while the crowd was in the yard, enjoying the summer weather.
Anders sauntered in through the back door and flashed you a smile as he looked you over.
“There she is.” “Here I am.”
He walked up to you and leaned in as though to tell a secret as he pinched at the fabric of your dress. “This thing is dreadful. Bin it.”
“Oh? What would you have me wear then, my lord?” you asked sarcastically. 
It wasn’t completely out of the norm for Anders to tell you whether or not he approved of your fashion, but this might have been the harshest he’d been to something you were actively wearing.
Still, it seemed mostly light-hearted.
He was grinning back at you, his blond hair aglow in the late afternoon sun shining through the window behind him, looking every bit like the piss-taking god he was.
“Well if we’re talking druthers, I’d prefer you without, but I think killjoy Mikkel would complain.”
You rolled your eyes. “Ha ha.”
Anders snickered to himself and ate one of the appetizers you were still preparing, earning him a brief dirty look from you which only served to make his dimples more prominent. 
He could tell he was pushing your buttons, but you always indulged his mischief, so he figured you’d forgive him.
He gestured to the chilly bin. “Can I get you a drink?”
“I dunno. Last time I drank with you, you left me alone at the bar.”
“Hey, you left me.” He pointed, recalling your night out together the week before. “I went to the bog for a quick pash and when I came back you and Axl had gone home.”
You narrowed your eyes at him. “You have a skewed sense of quick.”
He shrugged, unapologetic. “What can I say? I’m a generous god.”
You snorted, and he let out a humming giggle in reply as he pulled two beers from the bin. He opened the first one and placed it on the counter beside your handiwork before opening his own.
“So how’d you end up on food duty when there’s a perfectly good handmaiden present?” “You’d best hope she doesn’t hear you talking like that.”
He grinned as he sipped his drink.
“I’ll take my chances.” “Brave man.”
He gave you another lookover and winced. “Seriously, you look like an old woman in that frock.”
You raised your brows in offense. “Understood, Bragi. I shan't damage your eyes with it again.”
Sensing that you were taking it personally, he tilted his head and added lightly, “I liked that purple one you wore to Ty’s.”
You snickered, knowing which - revealing - dress he meant. “Wonder why that might be.” “Just saying, you should play to your assets.” “My ass-ets?”
Anders wagged his eyebrows, turning to stick his own ass out as he gestured at his chest to imply large breasts.
You shook your head and went back to your task. “Always so charming.”
His bright laugh won you over, however, and you couldn’t help but smile when you looked up to see his eyes wrinkled and his dimples in full view.
He caught sight of Michele and Stacey walking over and winked at you, as though to keep his previous comment a secret.
“Need help?” Stacey offered.
Anders snickered, but turned away to sip at his beer in an attempt to hide it. You threw him a warning glance despite your own amusement, then offered Stacey a warm and genuine smile. “I’d love that, ta.”
Michele hummed and leaned against the counter, giving Anders a lookover as Stacey started helping you. “It’s not like Anders is of any use.”
“I don’t see you cooking,” he retorted.
She shrugged. “I’m not very domestic. My talents lie elsewhere.”
He nodded, his eyes training over her form. “I’m sure they do.”
Olaf stepped in the back door. “Ah, sustenance!”
Before anyone could stop him, he nabbed a couple of the completed appetizers off the plate.
“Leave some for the rest of us, eh?” Anders teased.
Stacey shooed Olaf away. “Get out, both of you. We’ll take them outside when they’re done.”
When Olaf began to protest, Anders put his hand on his back to steer him toward the door. “C’mon Grandpa, let’s let the women do their work.”
“Like it’s the role of goddesses to feed useless gods?” Michele challenged.
“Well not you, obviously; we don’t want to be poisoned,” Anders called behind him as he exited.
Michele flipped him the bird, though he didn’t see, then turned to you and shook her head. “Dick.”
You laughed under your breath and got back to work.
Later on, you found yourself standing with Anders outside, talking about plans.
“Axl and I are gonna hit up that new club on Fort Lane tomorrow night. You should come with.” “So I can keep Odin company while you get your end away?” He grinned. “We can trade off.”
You grimaced, then looked away, playing it off. “Yeah, nah. I’m not up for it.” “What?” Anders nudged you playfully. “You always come.” You shook your head. “Mm. Not this time.” “Oh, is it that time of the month?”
You smacked his arm. “No! God.”
He let out a humming laugh at your reaction. “Then what’s your problem?”
“I just…” You rubbed your arm and looked away again, shrinking somewhat into yourself. “I just don’t feel like hooking up with anyone right now. That’s all.”
“You should hit him harder,” Michele suggested, walking up with a glass of wine in hand.
You snorted as she and Stacey joined you.
Anders scrunched his face up in mild offense. “All I did was invite you out. Usually you’re keen on it.”
“Finally get sick of babysitting the Johnsons?” Michele wondered. “You’d know all about that, eh?” Anders challenged.
You shrugged, wanting the topic dropped now that there were more people involved. “I’m just not up for it.”
Anders pointed, squinting his eyes at you playfully. “Or maybe you’ve got some boy toy on the side you haven’t told us about.” He fingered the fabric of your dress again. “Would explain your sudden off-putting attire.”
“Anders, couldn’t you just pretend to be nice?”
He clucked and winked at you. “Nah, I respect you too much to be dishonest.”
You snickered as Stacey rolled her eyes.
“Oh please.” Michele crossed her arms. “As if you have any idea how to respect goddesses.”
Anders placed his hand on your shoulder. “Just the ones I like.”
“The ones who put up with your crap, you mean.” “The ones who aren’t frigid bitches? Always a pleasure, Michele.”
He turned to you then, pointedly ignoring her and squeezed your shoulder a couple times. He flashed a crooked, conspiratorial grin, his tone coaxing. “We’re gonna have fun…”
“I’m sure you will.”
He clucked again, but gave you a wink as he started walking off. “Change your mind, you know how to reach us.”
Michele watched him walk off, then turned to you with a raised brow. “I don’t know how you can stand going out with him.”
You shrugged defensively. “It is usually fun. And he usually pays for my drinks.”
“You don’t need a wanker god buying your drinks.”
“Well I don’t need a mum telling me who to hang out with either. Besides, it’s good for Axl to have someone a little less…” You glanced towards where he was now joining up with Olaf to partake in a joint. “-Anders with him.”
Stacey and Michele both laughed. “That is true.”
A while later, Stacey leaned over toward where you were sitting against the back wall of the yard.
“Alright, so spill.” You looked over at her with raised brows. “Spill what?”
“Why don’t you want to go out with the boys? Was Anders right? You’ve got your eye on someone?”
“Oh.” You took a swig of your beer. “Yes and no. It’s- not going to happen.” You laughed under your breath and shook your head.
“No way, you’re a catch,” Stacey argued, pushing your shoulder playfully. “And Anders can totally talk any mortal into bed with you.”
You snorted. “Yeah, that’s not the issue. I’m sure he’d be down for a root, but that’s not-” You shook your head again. “I don’t want that.”
Stacey’s teasing air faded and her voice turned soft. “You really like this guy, eh?”
You shrugged, but nodded. “Mm.”
“So what’s the deal? Is he, like, married or something?”
“Nah.” You shook your head and took another deep drink of your beer.
Michele walked over and sat down facing you both. “What are you two plotting without me?” “Nothing.” “She’s fallen for some guy.” “Oh? Who’s the lucky mortal?” “Not that lucky. She hasn’t made a move.” “Oh, no. That’s pathetic. You need a little Sjofn push?”
“No!” you said a bit too panicked, putting your empty hand up. “Definitely not. I’m just going to swallow it down until it goes away.”
Stacey laughed, but Michele narrowed her eyes. “Why?” “Because it’s just never going to work out.” “You don’t know that.” “I’m serious. If I told you who it was, you’d laugh at me.”
“No way!” Stacey insisted. Michele crossed her heart, confident she could get you to tell her. “Goddess’s oath.” 
You contemplated it, looking around. You seemed to be alone in the yard, and the music from inside the house was loud enough that talking quietly should make it impossible for anyone to overhear you.
“You can’t tell anyone.” “Promise.” “Absolutely.” “Not even Ingrid. She’ll mean to keep it quiet and then tell Colin or one of the Johnsons by accident or something.”
They laughed but nodded in agreement.
You let out a quiet groan. This is probably a mistake.
“It’s…” You leaned closer and whispered. “Anders.”
Stacey nearly choked, laughing incredulously before falling into a coughing fit.
Michele just stared at you in alarm for a beat that faded to pity. “Oh, no.”
You huffed and rolled your eyes. “I know. I know. Hence nothing coming of it.” You got up and walked away before they could tell you any of the countless reasons it was never going to work out for you. You’d already agonized over them yourself plenty. 
Sure, you could probably talk him into a root or two, but you’d only end up upset and hurt when he didn’t want more from you.
Anders did not have partners; he had notches in his bedpost, and that was it. There was no point making things awkward for everyone by trying to change that and becoming a bitter ex. 
A week later, you were back at Michele’s for another god-party, arriving late after debating whether to come at all. 
It wasn’t that you didn’t want to be around them, but you knew that Stacey and Michele would be judging your interactions with Anders now, and you knew that he was probably going to talk about his exploits - which shouldn’t hurt your feelings, even though they did.
Eventually the barrage of texts - from your goddess friends as well as Anders and Axl - had convinced you that you should just suck it up and attend. The more you acted out of the norm, the more they would question why, and Michele or Stacey might let it slip.
Your two goddess friends spotted you the moment you arrived, and before you could stop them, you found yourself whisked into a bedroom to be stared down.
“Finally!” Michele crossed her arms. “Is this really about Bragi?”
You wrapped your own arms around yourself as your shoulders raised defensively. “Look, I’m here now, okay?”
“You need to get over him.” “She’s right, it’s for the best.” “I’m not trying to be under him! I can’t help how I feel-”
“Yes, you can,” Michele argued. “Stop playing along with his bullshit, and letting him treat you like the wanker-wingman he’s trying to turn sweet Axl into.”
You looked up and sighed. “So, what, just stop being friends with him?”
“Absolutely.” “I can’t do that. He hasn’t done anything wrong.” “Except be himself,” Stacey muttered.
You winced. “I like Anders. He’s funny, and smart, and he’s nice to me.” Michele raised a brow.
“He is!” You shifted, breaking eye contact. “In his own way.”
Michele softened, realizing that arguing with you about the subject of your crush might not be the most efficient route to solving this problem.
“And yet, boyfriend material he is not. So swallow down the butterflies, have a few meaningless roots, and for the love of Asgard, move on.”
You shrugged, pouting. “Yeah, that’s… more or less the plan.”
Michele wrapped an arm around your shoulders to lead you back out into the party. “Perfect.”
Michele and Stacey hovered around you for a good while, but eventually Michele went off to find Mike, while Stacey helped Ingrid to not destroy the food that she was trying to make for everyone.
You found yourself standing alone in the backyard, staring up at the sunset painting the clouds in warm hues. The soft blue that was fading from the sky suddenly reminded you of Anders’s eyes, and you felt a twist in your gut.
It wasn’t fair, you thought, to be so close to the man - indeed, a common companion on pub crawls and confidante of drunken exploit reports after his trysts - and yet unable to cross that invisible barrier.
Maybe he would be down for a root; it was Anders, after all. The problem with that was you; too much of a romantic to be satisfied by a bit of fun, you knew you’d feel lower than dirt to see him bedding mortals again after having his way with you. Being a meaningless root would be worse than being his undesirable friend.
“Ah, here she is. The cause of my sexual frustration.”
Anders’s voice caught you off-guard as much as his comment, and you raised a brow as he stepped up from behind you. You felt a flutter of anxiety, but played it cool.
“Excuse me?”
He placed his hand on your shoulder and leaned in close. “Went out with Axl as planned, but since you weren’t there, I wasn’t able to have any fun. Could have taken this fit blonde to the bog but Ax’ was getting into trouble without your supervision.”
You shut your eyes and pursed your lips, swallowing down the feelings of rejection that were rising like bile in your throat.
“And I’m sure that’s stopped you from Bragi-ing anyone else to bed since, eh?”
Anders laughed brightly. “Well, no. Of course not.” He gave you a glancing look-over. “Nice dress, by the way. Much better than the last one- But come with us next time. It wasn’t as fun without you there.”
You rolled your eyes. “To keep Axl company?”
“And me? And to have fun? Why are you being so weird about it? You usually like coming out with us.”
Anders hadn’t missed the offense in your voice, but he meant what he was saying; he just had a better time with you there.
Which is why he’d texted you multiple times trying to coax you to join them that night; why he’d been bothered by your lack of response.
He shook the beer he was trying to give you enticingly.
“Pass.” You took the bottle from him, but turned and walked off, feeling irritated that he really had no idea how you felt.
No, it’s my fault…
How would he possibly know, after months of following him and his baby bro to the bar, watching him take chick after chick home (or to some dark corner), that you didn’t want to hear about his sex life?
How could he know that finally voicing your feelings to Michele and Stacey had made them impossible to ignore; a dam that had secretly burst.
It wasn’t fair to treat him differently as a result, but you had to somehow. You simply couldn’t stomach it no matter how much you wanted to be around him.
Ugh… Michele is right.
He caught up to you before you could make it inside, blocking your path.
“What’s your problem?” “Sorry?” “Is there something the matter?”
You took a defensive step back. “What would be the matter?”
His nostrils flared, his voice low with irritation. “I don’t know, you’re the one suddenly too good to go out with us.”
You scoffed and tilted your head. “I never said that.”
“Then stop being so fucking weird-” “Stop asking me to babysit your brother so you can fuck every blonde in Auckland!” “Okay, fine!”
You could read the confusion and offense in Anders’s expression even as he took a step back.
“But just so you know, you’re starting to act a lot like your friend Michele.”
You knew what he meant, but you couldn’t help the offense you felt at him implying that was a bad thing. She was your friend, after all.
“So what if I am?” “Kinda prefer you acting like you?” “Oh- well- let me just change my personality to suit your taste then! Just like my wardrobe.”
Anders frowned. You’re offended by that now, too?
“Why don’t you go boss around a mortal?”
You saw the subtle twitch of his cheek as he clenched his jaw, his eyes searching yours.
He didn’t get where this sudden disdain was coming from. You’d never been so pissy with him, and never about him using his powers.
You felt your heart in your throat, anticipating some biting retort as he glared at you, but instead he suddenly turned and stormed off, leaving you alone outside again.
Anders stalked through the party until he found his brothers standing around chatting.
He threw himself into the conversation, acting aloof and lighthearted despite his mind being distracted by your odd behaviour.
He’d assumed you declining the invite last week had been a one-off, but now it seemed like the mere idea of going out with him and Axl - a longtime regular occurrence - was entirely bothersome to you.
He wondered if it had to do with your little goddess friends giving you shit; he knew they didn’t like him much. Or maybe you really did have some beau you’d neglected to mention. Neither option sat particularly well with him.
The light-hearted conversation was interrupted by the sound of a smoke alarm going off in the kitchen.
Mike and Ty immediately ran toward it, even as Stacey started shouting that everything was fine - ‘just a little cooking mishap’ - over Ingrid’s apologies.
Anders laughed at the chaos and looked up at Axl. “Hey, while I’m thinking of it-” He leaned in close to ask Axl if he knew what was going on with you.
“What d’you mean?” “She doesn’t want to come out with us all of a sudden.”
“Really?” Axl cocked his head in surprise. He hadn’t truly questioned you not being there last time, but now that he thought about it, Anders did usually drag you out with them.
“When I asked her why not, she acted… fucking, weird, I dunno.” He sipped his beer. “Pissed off at me, but I can’t suss out why.” He glanced up at Axl. “Thought maybe you knew something I’d missed.”
“Nah, she seemed fine last we talked, but…” “But?” “Well… You can be kind of a dick, even if you don’t mean it.”
Anders scoffed, an insulted grin on his face as he briefly tucked his bottom lip into his mouth. “Love the vote of confidence from the baby bro.”
“Nah, just- you know how chicks are. You probably- didn’t even realize, or- didn’t mean it however she took it, you know? Just say you’re sorry, I bet she’ll forget all about it.”
Anders pursed his lips. He wasn’t exactly a stranger to upsetting people, though he couldn’t think of what he’d done this time. He was used to being himself around you - blunt and teasing - and you’d never gotten upset with him about it before.
In fact, that was part of why he liked hanging around you over the other gods and goddesses.
He had fun getting you to laugh despite yourself at the inappropriate things he said. You always took things the way he meant them, and you always seemed happy to see him. You never made him feel like he was some monster for using his power, or wanting to root. 
So then, whatever he’d done to upset you, it must have been pretty bad.
Maybe Axl was right that he just needed to apologize. Still, he wasn’t the sort to apologize without meaning it, or knowing what he was supposed to be sorry for. He was going to have to ask you what was going on, which he’d already tried with poor results.
“Goddesses,” he muttered in annoyance, resigning himself to having to talk to you about it.
“Chur.” Axl let out a small laugh and clinked his bottle against Anders’s.
You stayed outside while the fire alarm chaos went on, sitting at the edge of Michele’s pool to kick your legs in the water. 
You’d come out at their insistence, but all you wanted now was to go home. I’m not even in there anyway.
Once the commotion seemed to die down, you dried off using one of the towels Olaf had left out and slipped your shoes back on.
You found Stacey and Michele pouring themselves glasses of wine in the now-empty kitchen and gestured for them to follow you into Michele’s bedroom. 
With the door shut for privacy, you let out a defeated huff.
“Right. I’m gonna head out.” “No, stay,” Stacey whined. “No, I’ve made enough of an ass of myself for one night.”
Michele frowned. “Meaning?”
“I’m pretty sure Anders hates me now.”
Michele and Stacey answered over top of each other. “Well that’s no issue-” “I’m sure he doesn’t-”
You winced and let out a groan.
Stacey’s tone was full of concern. “What happened?”
“I was pathetic.” You held one hand to your forehead. “I got cross with him for no reason.”
“That’s not possible,” Michele muttered, rolling her eyes. If you were cross with Anders, it was probably justified.
“It’s not his fault that I fancy him and he doesn’t fancy me. And it’s childish to get hurt by it. I just need to…” You sighed and gestured half-heartedly. “Get over it somehow. It’s pointless.”
“True.” Michele nodded. “I could help you find a man for the night?”
“No, I just want to go home and sleep. Ta.”
Stacey patted your head, then pulled you into a hug while Michele shrugged.
Anders spotted Stacey and Michele coming into the living room after seeing you off, and he stepped over with a raised chin to ask where you were.
“She just left,” Stacey replied without hesitation, thumb pointing toward the door.
Michele elbowed her, but before she could say anything to Anders, he was already heading for the exit.
“Way to go, Stace,” she hissed.
Anders caught up to you just as you were about to get in your car.
You raised your shoulders and sucked in a breath as you turned to face him. “What’s up?”
“You don’t say goodbye anymore?”
It was true that you normally made a point to do a goodbye lap at god gatherings, but you hadn’t been up for it tonight.
You shrugged. “Bye.”
“No- wait.” Anders put his hands on his hips and licked his lips. “Clearly there’s something going on.”
“No, nothing,” you lied.
“Look I know I’m a prick, but I am actually capable of behaving when I need to. Whatever I’ve done to upset you, if you just tell me, I’ll stop.”
You read the sadness in his face, and felt a tug in your heartstrings. Not only were you feeling like shit being around him, you were making him feel bad now too.  Oh, well done.
“No, Anders- I know that. You didn’t do anything. You’re fine.” You reached out to tap his cheek consolingly. “You’re perfect.”
“Then why do you keep looking at me like that?”
You retracted your hand, hunching your shoulders. “Like what?”
“Like that. Like I hurt your feelings or something.” “No. No, you didn’t. Really. There’s nothing wrong.”
Anders scowled, his cheek rippling in frustration. “Don’t lie to me.”
You swallowed, then looked down. “It doesn’t matter, really. It’s no worries.”
“What’s with you? Just tell me.”
It wasn’t like you to be so vague with him. The idea that you wouldn’t tell him what it was pissed him off for reasons he couldn’t explain to himself; maybe more than the idea that you were upset. You’d always been so open with him before. Did this mean you hated him so much you wouldn’t even give him a chance to make it right? Did you think only the worst of him suddenly?
You hugged yourself, not wanting to be honest, but knowing things were going to keep escalating if you didn’t. You could easily imagine the drunk texts or the scene he’d make at the next god gathering; him blaming Michele or trying to rope Mike into figuring it out for him. Your stomach turned and you fought back a wave of nausea.
“I thought… I could just get over it, or ignore it, or whatever. I wasn’t going to say anything, but- Now I guess I’ve let it ruin things.” 
You groaned, holding a hand to your face. This is pathetic.
“What?” Anders stared at you in confusion, still convinced that he’d done something and you were being too polite to tell him what. It must have been pretty bad to upset you this much, but he couldn’t think of anything out of the ordinary or particularly egregious that he’d done - particularly to you, who he’d considered one of the better gods in the group.
You met his concerned blue eyes with an earnest expression. “Anders, the truth is I-” You licked your lips, fighting the sting of tears. “I’ve sort of- Fallen in love with you? And I know nothing will come of that, so I didn’t want to make things weird by saying so.”
His face was slack with dumbfounded shock.
In love with me?
That was the opposite of what he’d been expecting to hear. You’d been so cold and avoidant that he was sure you were going to tell him how awful of a person he was; you wouldn’t have been the first.
But in love with him? Sure, he’d heard that before from mortal women who he’d Bragi’d to bed, who didn’t really know him at all but found him charming. He’d always shrugged it off as a bit of an insult, or an unintended lie. They loved some incorrect idea of him.
But you knew him better than that. You’d been there through messed up god business, and kept his secrets that even Dawn had no inkling of. That meant that you’d seen all the bad parts of him - bickering with his family; using his powers on everyone; drunk, and high, and being a prick - and concluded that he was lovable?
Really? Even his own family was always chastising him.
You took his stunned silence as confirmation of what you’d already known; he didn’t feel the same for you.
“Sorry,” you managed in goodbye, then climbed into your car.
He watched as you drove off, blinking and at a loss for words, Bragi no help this time.
Part 2 here
A/N: I wasn't sure I'd end up finishing any of my bingo WIPs given what's going on IRL right now... Shoutout to everyone who has been posting so much for the bingo event! And special shoutout to @laurfilijames, whose fic broke my writer's block.
Tags: @the-poldarkian @i-did-not-mean-to @the-butterfly-blues @laurfilijames @midearthwritings @feeweeeee @ichoosechoasandbeingqueer @missihart23
As always if you'd like to be added or removed from tagging (for a specific character/fandom/everything) just let me know any time!
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sl-newsie · 1 year
Spelled (Carlos de Vil x Sanderson Daughter)- Ch. 16: I'm In Love With A VK
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“Rise and shine, Magica!”
Sunlight floods into my dorm and I yank my blanket over my eyes. “Tiffany, the reason weekends were invented was because people actually want to sleep in! Shut the drapes!” Also the fact that I was up at 5 a.m. doesn’t help.
She just waves it off and fetches a new set of clothes from my closet. “Come on now, sugar. The big game’s today! Show some Auradon spirit!”
“I will when I actually care,” I grunt.
“I made scones!” She drawls in a sing-song voice.
With new-found energy I hop up and start bustling around. “Why didn’t you say so?”
Once I’ve gotten dressed and Tiffany has paid me in delicious scones, we make our way to the lockers hallway to meet up with the other students. When Audrey rounds the corner, her preppy grin melts into a disgusted grimace.
“You’re still wearing that? It was a joke!”
I take off my new hat and dramatically examine it, holding it out for all to see. “Had a change of heart. Evie helped dress it up a little. I think it’s elegant.”
Rosaline sniffs. “Isn’t that the kind of hat witches wear?”
Even Jane starts to share their distaste. “Yeah, Magica. It’s a bit… goth.”
I let their snippy insults wash over me and I continue to walk with Tiffany, head held high. We meet up with Ben and Chad, and (of course) Audrey has to follow us.
“Ready to win, Brother Ben?” I give him a playful punch to the shoulder.
“I’m a bit nervous, actually.” The future king gives me a nervous smile.
Just as I’m about to suggest a positivity spell, Jay and Carlos walk past to join Evie and Mal at their lockers. Jay’s got a crowd of giggling girls following him, while Carlos looks as if he’s about to die of boredom.
“Ugh. How can they stand to fawn over that- that villain brute?” Audrey rolls her eyes.
“Better him than dim-wit Chad.” I point to the retard royal.
“Just give them a chance, Audrey-” Ben tries to reason.
“But did you hear about the spells Mal’s been using for those girls’ hair? Gateway magic, Ben! Soon everyone else will look good and then… where will I be?”
“On the same level as everyone else, sweet pea. It’s so humbling!” I cackle as I go to lean on the lockers next to Ben.
“By the way, nice new hat, Sparks!” Ben gives me a thumbs up.
“Evie can work wonders!” I laugh as I twirl the gorgeous hat in my hand.
Audrey just scoffs and plants a sappy-looking kiss on Ben’s cheek. “I will see you tonight after my dress-fitting for the coronation, ok Bennie Boo?”
“Bye,” Ben says with false anticipation.
When Audrey’s gone I give him a look. “Brother Ben, here’s my next piece of advice: get rid of her! At least find a girlfriend who’s tolerable-!”
“Hey Bennie Boo! I just made a batch of chocolate chip cookies, you want one?” Mal calls from her locker.
I shrug and look at Ben with raised eyebrows. “Better her than Audrey! I can see you’re needed elsewhere, my liege, so I will bid you adieu!”
But Ben just shakes his head and holds a hand up to Mal. “Oh, thanks Mal but I’ve gotta get to the tournament. Next time, next time!”
She tilts her head and, am I crazy, or is she really putting out the ‘I’m innocent’ look?
“I completely understand, be careful of treats offered by strangers, right?”
“No, no! I mean-” Ben holds his hands up.
“No, I get it! You’re cautious, that’s smart! Oh well, more for me I guess…”
I sigh. “Ben, it’s a cookie! The most you’ll get is a stomach ache.” I take a closer look and frown when I start to see a strange magic radiating off of them. Are these the cookies they made last night? “I will admit it’s a friendly gesture, but on second thought-”
Mal groans. “Oh great, Queen of the Killjoys. Guess nobody wants a cookie-”
“No, you know what-” Ben swipes a cookie and pops it into his mouth. “I’d love one! Here, Sparks!” Ben takes another cookie and shoves it into my mouth.
“Ben! Muphhh-!” I try to talk as I chew the pastry, but soon a new, warm feeling begins to melt through me and I start chewing slower.
“How are they?” Mal asks.
“They’re great! Y’know, they’re chewy, soft, warm… sweet… Mal, have you always had those little gold flecks in your eyes?”
Huh? I try to make sense of Ben’s new liking to Mal, but at the same time can’t stop looking at Carlos….
He’s standing by Jay, and when he sees me looking my instinct tells me to look away, but… this new feeling has me wanting to keep looking. It’s like every time I see his soft, brown eyes I get drunk on- what is it? Love? But that’s impossible… Witches aren’t supposed to fall in love. Villains never get a happy ending, yet all I can think about is how much I want to spend time with Carlos.
“Carlos… I know I’m staring, I’m sorry. It’s just… you have such cute freckles, and soft eyes…” I walk over and grab his hand. “And you’re always so nice to me.”
Carlos gives me an odd look, but when he sees the cookie crumbs on my face he looks over at Mal, horrified.
Carlos’ POV
“She ate a cookie? Why did you let her?” I ask frantically.
“What’s wrong, Carlos?” Magica speaks up and I freeze. “You’re too cute to look stressed.”
A blush spreads over me and I stare at my feet. “You don’t mean it, it’s just the cookie talking.”
She shakes her head. “Of course I do, silly. I wouldn’t say that if I didn’t mean it.”
God, this is a tough situation!
“Ben, we gotta go!” Chad calls. I never thought I’d be so grateful for him to interrupt.
“Um, ok… See you later, Mal! You’ll be at the game, right?” Ben says with a dopey smile.
Mal smirks. “Sure will be.”
“See you after the game, champ!” Magica kisses my cheek and skips off to join Ben and Chad.
But as much as I appreciate the kindness, I can’t accept her affection when I know it’s all fake.
“Carlos, it wasn’t my fault. Ben just shoved one in her mouth!” Mal hisses.
“B- But I wanted her to love me without being spelled! How do you break it-? Wait, no! If she finds out she’ll hate me! What should I do?!”
Jay comes over and pats me on the back. “Enjoy it, bro. You just got yourself a girlfriend without trying.”
“What? No! I’m not gonna take advantage of her like that!”
“Would it help to know that she likes you back?” Evie tries to help.
“No, she doesn’t! She always flinches and shies away when I’m around and never once said anything about liking me.”
“That’s because she thought you’d never like her back, Carlos! Magica’s never even had a boyfriend!”
Wait- never? Evie’s words leave me wondering how on Earth a girl as beautiful as Magica hasn’t ever had a boyfriend. She should have boys crawling over each other just to look at her!
Magica’s POV
I feel like I’m walking on air! I don’t know why, but after eating that cookie it’s like someone ironed out all the wrinkles of worry in my brain! And Carlos… He’s like a drug! All I can think about is how happy he makes me… I knew I liked him, but now it’s like my love is magnified. I can’t put my finger on it, but I can tell something’s off-
“It’s time for the game to start!” Tiffany drags me to the bleachers, and if it weren’t for wanting to cheer Carlos on I wouldn't ever think about attending such a crowded, noisy event. When the game starts the announcer’s voice gets muffled out by the screaming students, but when I see Carlos start to sprint across the field the whole crowd gets drowned out.
Look at him… What is it about him that makes me feel so funny? I guess it all started when I- When I ate that cookie. It must have been a love potion of sorts. I was right! The VKs were planning something! But what…? A love potion isn’t exactly a big, evil scheme. If anything it helps Ben get rid of Audrey.
While I’m thinking of possible motives, Jay and Carlos are distracting the opposing team to let Ben through- and score the winning goal!
“And it’s the new guys, Jay and Carlos, who set up the prince for the win! What a victory!” The announcer shouts.
“Go Carlos, go! Great job, VKs!” I cheer while I pump my fist in the air. I expect the team to go off to celebrate once Ben’s been handed the trophy, but I’m proven wrong when the future king (still with a stupid smile on his face) gets up and takes the mic from the stand. He starts getting the crowd to chant Mal’s name, which has me puzzled. But then I see Carlos coming off the field and I blank out.
“Hey, Carlos!” I wave and climb down from the bleachers. “You were fantastic!”
The freckled VK lets out a big laugh and goes to hug me, but then freezes up and backs off.
“Thanks, Magica! I was so nervous about that last round, but I actually helped! Ben said if it weren’t for me then we never would’ve won!”
My smile turns into a frown. “Speaking of which, what is up with him? He’s acting all lovestruck-crazy for Mal. I’ve never seen him like this!”
Carlos gets slightly jittery and tries to avoid the topic. “Uh I dunno… Maybe he’s tired of Audrey?”
“If that’s the case, I’ll be so happy!” I roll my eyes. “That drama queen’s been driving me up the wall, and this’ll be one very painful thorn in her side.”
Just then we both turn to see Ben climbing up to Mal’s seat in the bleachers, with sweat still pouring down his face.
“I love you Mal!”
Mal, on the other hand, tries to look like she cares, but I can see in her eyes that it’s all a hoax. Everyone else is buying it though, because a very pissed-looking Audrey pushes through.
“Chad’s my boyfriend now!” She pulls the Charming moron over and hastily gives him a kiss. Done with one prince, onto the next.
It washes over Ben like nothing, and he looks back at Mal. “Mal! Will you go to the coronation with me?”
She pretends to be flustered and excitedly shouts into the mic: “Yes!”
“She said yes!” Ben cheers.
Ben hops off to join the rest of the tourney team’s celebration, and Carlos gives me one last goodbye wave before following him.
Evie’s face falls as Chad and Aurdey wander off, and I go over to give her hand a quick squeeze. “Like I said, a royal fool. It’s for the best, Evie. My advice is to never rely on anyone but yourself. The less people you have in your life, the less chance for disappointment.”
She attempts a sad smile, but still seems discouraged. Mal starts giving her a pep talk so I let them be and start back to the school. While I’m walking I keep thinking about those cookies. Why would the VKs want Ben to change relationships? Carlos sure is cute… Does Mal really like him, or is this a part of something bigger? Does Carlos know I took the love potion-?
“Ugh! Fight the potion and stop thinking about Carlos for two minutes!” I argue with myself when I get to my dorm. “You don’t even know if there was a love potion in that cookie!”
“What happened?” Binx asks from my bed.
“I… I… I think I took a love potion.”
Binx hops up. “What?! When? Who had it? Are you alright?” 
“No, I’m fine. Just… very hazy. All I can think about is Carlos. Mal gave some cookies to Ben, and he stuffed one in my mouth when I tried to warn him. Afterwards my mind went all fuzzy and I suspect it was drugged with a love potion. I- I think I have the right ingredients for an antidote, but it will take until midnight to properly brew.”
I stumble over to the dresser to dig mom’s spellbook out, and Binx jumps up on the shelf.
“Ok ok, calm down. The love potion’s making you drowsy, and you need to start mixing it now or else it’ll get stronger. What do you need?”
“Uhhhh,” I drone as I scan the shelves with droopy eyes. “Wiggentree twigs, castor oil, gurdyroot, and rose thorns. First I chop the gurdyroot and let it simmer, then add dried wiggentree twigs until it turns black. That is if I can stay alert for that long.”
“Don’t worry, I’ll keep you focused. Step by step, ok? First get the cutting board…” 
The next hour goes by in a slow blur and contains Binx batting my head every five minutes to keep me going while I drowsily prepare the antidote in my small cauldron. Once the gurdyroot and wiggentree twigs have boiled I then add the rest of the ingredients, allowing the brew to turn pitch-black and start smelling like black licorice.
“It even smells bad,” Binx says with a scrunched nose.
“Um… Do I really want to do this?” I ask with uncertainty as I ladle some into a goblet.
“What do you mean? Do you want to spend forever being on this manipulative potion, unable to think clearly?”
“But it lets me be with Carlos… It means I can be happy! Once I take this then I’ll go back to being distant, angry Magica, with my temper hanging on by a thread. Isn’t that dangerous?”
“Not as dangerous as letting your emotions be manipulated.” Binx puts a paw on my shoulder. “As much as you might think you’re better off with it, it’s best to take the antidote and take control again.”
Sadly, deep down I know he’s right.
“Well… here’s to feeling sad and lonely again.” I bring the cup to my lips and down the antidote in one quick gulp. After waiting a few moments I think I messed it up, but then I start to feel something. It’s like the warm feeling I’ve had the past few hours is draining out of me. I don’t feel sick or disturbed, and yet… I feel very alone. As if I will always be cursed to carry out life by myself. Like coming off of drugs or alcohol, love potions can manipulate the senses just as harshly.
“Did it work?” Binx asks anxiously.
I nod and look away, not wanting to tear up in front of my feline friend. “Yes. It worked. It was a love potion.” I look over at the leftover antidote in the cauldron and fetch a small vial. “I think I’ll save this just in case Mal’s plan for Ben gets too out of hand.”
“Why don’t you tell him?”
I wipe a small tear away. “Because maybe Ben and Mal will be good for each other. I’m not one to play matchmaker, but I’ll see what happens.”
Binx jumps down and struts away from the foul-smelling cauldron. “And what about Carlos?”
The past few hours come rushing back and I smack my forehead. “Dear God- How am I going to be able to face him? I made such a fool of myself! But… I think I really love him, without the potion. I’m in love with a VK…” My gaze drifts off to stare at the wall.”
Binx shrugs. “If he feels the same, he’ll show it. If he doesn’t say anything then just go along as if it never happened.”
Just disappear into the background, be normal… I guess that’s something you’ve had to do your whole life. Why change now?
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thirddoctor · 2 years
There was so much going on that I’m not sure I can give an exhaustive review but here are some thoughts:
It was fun! It had a lot of energy and kept me invested the whole way through! Considering all the plot points it was juggling, I expected it to be way more of a mess, especially after what happened with Flux, so I was pleasantly surprised.
I thought Thirteen’s regeneration scene was sweet and very fitting for her character. In a version of the show where she’d had better writing throughout her run I’m sure it would’ve made me emotional.
Seeing Ace and Tegan was fun, plus the other companions at the end, especially Ian. William Russell has been long overdue for a return to the show, and I’m glad he finally got one, however small.
Also nice to see most of the surviving Doctors back. I went wild when Paul McGann showed up because I’d kinda only been expecting Peter, Colin, and Sylvester.
Jo Martin of course always kills it in the role and I wish we could’ve had her as a full time Doctor.
Not sure why Vinder was there but I like the character so I can’t object too much. I guess we can finally lay the “Vinder and Bel are the Doctor’s parents” theory to rest, thank goodness.
Also not sure why they brought Ashad back if they weren’t going to do anything interesting with him. He was a cool villain! Probably the best in the era! I wish they hadn’t killed him off so unceremoniously in S12. I don’t care about boring clone!Ashad who’s just acting as the Master’s henchman.
As for the Master himself, I’m not sure I can begin to articulate all my thoughts - some are positive, some are negative. His plan was very convoluted and I still don’t understand parts of it. Also I don’t think they say why he actually wants to steal the Doctor’s body (besides as a means of killing her and ruining her reputation). I can make some obvious assumptions (for example, he wants her potentially unlimited regenerations, he feels inferior to her because of the Timeless Child stuff and wants to be her, etc.) but I don’t think any of that is ever hinted at.
Seeing him in Jodie’s costume was fun though.
Maybe I’m simply a killjoy but I thought a lot of the references were cringe. idk I’ve just had my full of that kind of thing lately from all the major franchises so hearing the Master repeat the “I always dress for the occasion” line or make a Master’s Dalek Plan joke (that everyone including Big Finish had already made years ago) does nothing for me. Maybe I need more joy in my heart but I don’t care about the “blossomiest blossom.” It just feels like pandering.
Moving on to the companions, I’m sorry but Dan and Yaz’s exits were so funny. What... what was the point of Dan? He’s fun, I like him, but why was he here? He’s just some guy who’s just kind of there until he just kind of decides to go home. He never even got to be a plasterer. 😔
And Yaz leaves... because... the Doctor’s going to regenerate? That’s it? Like, after all this time, after showing how devoted she is to the Doctor, this is the reason she goes back home? Obviously Mandip Gill is leaving, but in universe it comes off as really weird. Companions have stuck around when the Doctor regenerates plenty of times. Clara and Rose do! Lots of Classic companions do! Is Yaz just that attached to Thirteen’s face?
Also they didn’t even reference Thasmin ahdjsdgh sorry guys
Literally how is anything about Yaz’s character resolved by this ending? Is she still a cop? What’s her relationship like with her family these days? Is she even still speaking to them regularly? Will she ever tell them the truth about her life? Does she finally feel confident in herself instead of having to rely on the Doctor? There’s just... nothing.
I wish my boy Ryan had shown up but Graham is always fun, it was good to see him.
Anyway I’m hyped for next year. I may not always see eye to eye with RTD, but the man definitely knows how to write. And Ncuti Gatwa looked great in the brief glimpse we got in the trailer!
8/10 overall. I think it was a decent sendoff for Thirteen!
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skylarmoon71 · 2 years
Lex Luthor (Smallville) AU Chapter 12
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~Three Months Later~
“Hey Leo, my mom said to drop these off.” You placed the boxes of pie on the counter at the Talon. 
“Thanks (Y/N.).” You were wearing a smile, and Leo raised a brow. 
“What?” You ask with a giggle. 
“Nothing, it’s just that there’s something different about you. There’s this glow about you.” 
Leo didn’t delve any further, he just passed you the money for the pies. 
“See you around Kent.” It was a playful jest. You just slipped the money in your pocket, watching as Leo walked away. 
You groaned at the male that just walked in. 
“What do you want Levi? I’m not helping you sneak into another building for a story.” 
“Come on, it could be fun. Don’t be a killjoy.” He persisted to ruffle your hair, in which you took a step back with an unamused look. 
“Fine, suit yourself. I guess I’ll just have to ask my dear old cousin Calvin.” 
“No complaints here.” He nudged your shoulder for good measure before he was off to terrorize some other poor soul. You just looked down at your watch. 
You’d promised Lex you’d help him with the layout for his new foundation. 
You weren’t sure what had happened in that little loop you were stuck in with Lex, but he was a bit different. It’s been almost three months and Smallville has returned to normal. Well, as normal as it could get you supposed. You were starting your freshman year of college. Calvin was pursuing his dreams at the Daily Planet, while commuting at college. Levi was still running a muck. 
Lex..he’d devoted his wealth to starting small non profit organizations. Helping people. His new perspective had given jobs to countless people who were affected by the closing of the plant. Of course Lionel wasn’t altogether thrilled with his son’s new vision, but he never outwardly stopped him. So maybe there was hope for Lionel yet. 
Nothing had changed drastically except maybe your feelings. 
Lately just being close to Lex would make your heart rate increase. There were times where you caught yourself stealing little glances. Or your gaze would linger a little longer than necessary. 
It was unusual. You’d known him for so long. He’d always been special to you. Yet, this felt different. Almost like there was a blank area that your brain couldn’t fill. 
“Just stop thinking about it.” 
The more you tried, the less it made sense, so you decided to just forget about it. The second you were outside in a more secluded area, you grin, taking off. 
The feel of wind brushing your face so quickly always brought that rush. The next time your feet stopped, you were standing in Lex’s mansion. 
A few of his papers flew by, and you sent an apologetic smile. 
“How many times have I told you that’s dangerous (Y/N). What if someone had seen you?” 
“Sorry, forced habit.” 
“Don’t make me tell Mr. Kent.” You gasped dramatically. 
“You wouldn’t tell my father. The betrayal!” 
You dropped onto the chair next to his desk, and he merely smiled. 
Lex went back to work, scribbling on documents, sorting stacks that you’d so graciously messed up. You slid the chair around the table to peek at his work.
“What are you working on?” 
“There’s a fundraiser in Metropolis in two weeks. All profits go to helping  patients affected by the meteor shower. “
 Lex was still invested in his work. You couldn’t help but spot the wallpaper on his computer. An older image of the both of you. 
Moments like this are what seem to make your heart swoon as of late. 
You bit your lip, watching him completely invested in his task. You felt lucky that no one else was this close to Lex. You’d seen some of the women he’d dated in the past. Safe to say you knew you were far from his usual type. You looked down at your clothes. 
Your taste hadn’t changed that much. You still wore an assortment of red and blue shirts, plaid  and jackets. It must have been the farmer in you. 
That was incurable. 
“What do you think?” 
Lex’s eyes were now directed at you, and you straightened in the chair, meeting those beautiful blue orbs. Lex couldn’t help but be distracted by the look you wore. He lectured himself not to rush it. Your memories of your time in that reality were gone. The last thing he wanted was to scare you away. He was patient. He figured that if this was meant to happen, then it should play out naturally. That’s why when he caught you staring at him a little longer than usual, he had to exercise control. 
However, he wasn’t sure how much he had left. 
He didn’t move, and neither did you. He debated on moving back, maybe giving you a chance to collect yourself. But when you started to lean in slowly, he told himself not to move a muscle. If anyone needed to make this decision, it was you. He wanted to be sure that this was something you wanted. Too many times he’d been selfish and rushed in. This time he would do it right. 
Your lips pressed to his so softly that he felt like he imagined it. Your eyes were tightly shut. Like you were afraid that if you opened them, this would all be gone. Lex’s shoulders relaxed, and the papers before him were the least of his problems. The minute he tried to reciprocate, you pulled away. 
Alarm was written all over your face as you stumbled out of the chair. Lex stood, quick to assure. 
“(Y/N) it’s okay I-” 
“I’m sorry!!” 
You bolted before he could say much more, his files once again a mess of paper on the floor from the wind. 
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artisticbunny · 2 years
Hi. Look, I know it’s been some time, and I’d just like to drop you a big, fat apology.
Remember DCASS2022? It happened a couple months ago now, and when I was accepted into it, I had my heart set on gifting you something so great your heart would freeze with the written description of the bitter cold nipping at you. But, as it turns out, you never got to experience that, and I never got to share the experience with you, because there was no giving, yet there was a gift.
I wrote it briskly, bashfully, full of giddiness and other emotions that made me want to explode into a million tiny versions of myself. However, all those feeling were wasted when I got my devices taken away, for rather graceless reasons.
Yet, there was hope, minuscule, but still a chance nonetheless. I’d placed your special something in my queue, but a malfunction caused it to never actually post, and so I consulted a close friend, who turned out to be much too busy to lend a hand.
And so, meekly, humbly, and apologetically now, with my devices in hand, I want to wish you a belated Christmas, and share with you the gift you very much so deserve.
And here @artisticbunny is my gift to you for DCASS2022!
(p.s tumblr butchered my formatting, and I’m leaving it as is so that I don’t mess it up more. This is how I originally wrote it, fresh in quality and unique in design I suppose. Please enjoy, I’ve been awaiting this for a long time!) :D
Woohoo! Merry Christmas to the amazing @ArtisticBunny!!! My gift to you for DCASS2022! Um but first I’d like to apologize for the lateness! No one was supposed to go giftless and I’m afraid you almost did!! (I swear I wasn’t just being stupid rather than writing this, it’s just I couldn’t use my device and had to rely on other means of posting it.) Also just want to say sorry for the tumblr formatting… I wanted to put this on ao3, but I couldn’t because this project was actually kinda rushed. Hopefully it still comes out unscathed though, and you’re still able to read it! But anyways, to the point! I made a written piece since my art needs some work, and I’ll just go ahead and apologize now for any typos or misplaced perceptions. I don’t celebrate Christmas, so I guess it might be more of a snowday thing than gifts under a tree with cookies and lights and everything. Went for a more so domestic DCA kind of writing, (sorry if that’s not your cup of tea…) because I want to try my hand at making living with a huge metal robot seem homey! (Beforehand I’d like to throw in a warning or two so umm CW: Nakedness/Nudity (Bathtime), and maybe just some banter, along with the typical nonsexual intimacy. (Rather smooth though, wanted to make this appropriate for most ages) Happy Reading! (Word Count: 8,500~) You’re awakened by the soft lights pouring in through the window, and secondarily, an exquisite smell coming out of the kitchen. With a small groan, you stretch and wipe the sleepy dust from your eyes. The heater near your bed is on, perfect for the cold weather that plagues your windows outside. Speaking of windows, you crane your neck to peek out of the one above the heater and catch sight of the ‘cold weather’ that gently falls against it. Snow. You know you’re not exactly a kid or anything, but you’re not an old killjoy either, so you immediately kick your legs over the side of your bed and hop to the ground, widening the gap in the blinds to look out the window. Sure enough, the white matter that is little crystals of H2o is wafting about, similarly to the smell of whatever is going throughout your home right now. You conclude to go check in the kitchen for the pleasing scent, and then maybe inspect the news channel for more information about the exciting look of the weather.
Still fighting the sleep from your system, you straighten up with a small wobble, the warmth of your blanket departing from you as you switch off the heater and proceed to make your bed. It’s somewhat of a last second thought, but when you’re satisfied with the way the covers lay across the bed, there’s no more need for inspection. You enter the hallway, make a left and enter the living room, which shares a space with the kitchen, where you see the tall sunny animatronic you’ve grown to love, cooking. You don’t announce your presence when you come in, but there’s no need. You’re sure his robo-servos and whatnot will probably alert him for you, as they do nearly every other time. “Hellooo Sunnybun! Good to see you up early!” Sun hoots, knocking whatever grogginess still lingering within you right out. He doesn’t look at you when he speaks, but you can sense the mirth radiating from him as you make your way over, peeking over his arm to see what he’s making. “Hello to you too, Sun. Do you mind if I ask what you’re making?” You ask, swallowing any excess saliva as it tries to escape your mouth. Sun hums, giving you a gentle nudge away from the hot stove for what you’ll assume is your own safety. “Breakfast.” Sun supplies, and you cut your eyes at the ever-grinning metal man. “Seriously? Can’t I at least get a hint?” You query, a small pout on your lips that Sun simply brushes off with a boop of your nose and a shake of his head. “Nope!” Well, with no room for protest you take yourself upfront. “I’ll be in the living room until further notice.” You call, catching a naturally energetic ‘ok’ from your animatronic buddy. You crash onto the couch and mindlessly grope the cushions for the television remote. It’s probably in between the cushions somewhere, unless the more nightly version of your favorite animatronic hid it elsewhere.
Luckily, you find it. You hold it up with triumph as a peek over your shoulder lets you know that Sun is almost finished with your mystery breakfast. With a content hum you flick on the television, and then turn on the news. Unfortunately, you tune in to one of the notorious commercial breaks, so you slump back onto the couch and sigh. “Breakfast is served!” Sun’s voice makes you jump ever so slightly, a plate being skillfully slipped into your lap as you regain your composure. “Oh, thanks Sun!” You beam, glancing down to the delicacy in your lap. Sun made pancakes, dressed in assorted fruits and syrup. You wonder how you didn’t make the connection based off the brief glance you got earlier, but you brush the subject aside. Sun sits on the couch beside you, his long legs carefully crossed so as not to disturb you as he eyes the screen. “The news channel! You must’ve seen the lovely snow outside!” Sun observes, scooting a mite closer in a fashion you’ve learned to recognize as his energetic hands-on nature. You nod in agreement, shoveling a forkful of pancakes into your mouth as your eyes are trained on the television screen. The food is delicious, but you’d expect nothing less than that from the renowned Daycare Attendant. He was programmed with some kind of cooking features, you assume, so he was likely good at it. The guy on the news claims that there’s going to be an expected five to seven inches of snow by tonight, which isn’t all that concerning, considering you’ll be inside by then. You ponder maybe going out for a frolic or just some pure silliness outside in the snow. It seems like the weather isn’t too harsh, and you’re sure you have a spare coat in your closet and maybe some snowpants too. “Hey Sun,” You start, turning down the volume of the television so that you won’t have to speak over it. “Wanna go outside and play in the snow?” “We were wondering when you’d ask! I believe the idea is delightful!” Sun chirps, optics briefly flicking to your half-eaten breakfast before he hops off the couch.
“We’ll prepare the necessary equipment, while you finish your breakfast!” “Yes Sir.” You muse, turning back up the volume on the television as you munch more of your pancake breakfast. It’s not long until Sun is back, nor is it until you finish your food. He comes bearing an armful of clothing, along with what looks like a booklet. He sets the snow supplies next to you on the couch and slips your dinnerware from your grasp. “If you need me, I’ll be in the kitchen.” Sun informs you, skipping into said room and leaving you on the couch. Welp it’s official, looks like you’re going outside. You flick off the television and snatch up the booklet from the neat pile of clothes beside you. It looks like a guide to putting on snow gear. You snort, you were sure you could manage putting on some silly looking clothes. Spitefully, you drop the book and immediately reach for the snow coat. You were sure the coat went over the clothes you’re already wearing, so you put it on like that. You slip on the pants as well, and then the socks and boots. You save the gloves for last, and honestly, feel quite warm in your new attire. “Sun, I think I’m ready to go now.” You say, wanting to leave the heat of your home in favor of the subzero temperatures of the outside world. Sun, who was previously cleaning the dishes, turns to you, that permanent smile on his face widening at the sight of you. “My my, SunBun, you look a little hot.” Sun jests, giving a small chuckle as you brush off his comment. “Did you even read the manual?” He asks, tone light, almost that of a tease. Sun dries his hands while you hurriedly examine yourself. You don’t look like a million bucks dressed like this, you can think of few people who would, but you do see some things you could’ve been a teensy bit more careful about.
You shake your head, defeated. That stupid book might’ve been worth reading for someone who’d never put on snow gear before, but you were sure you had this covered. “Let me give you a hand there.” Sun makes his way over, snickering as his long metallic digits get to work on your messy form. He legitimately takes a knee, strappings you didn’t even know were there being fastened as he hooks up little thingsandpressestogethervelcros youwerecompletelyunawareof. You have to raise your arms or shift your stance a little bit here and there, but you manage as you kind of feel like a kid getting fixed up by an adult. “All done!” Sun exclaims, springing back up to full height as you take a glance at your newly fashioned self. “Thanks Sun, I guess I owe you one.” You sing-song playfully, but Sun shakes his head vigorously. “Nonsense! Spending any waking moment by your side is payment enough!” Sun supplies, flattering you as it was intended. “Wow, I’m touched.” You giggle, making your way to the door and grabbing your keys from your pocket. “Do you need anything to go outside…?” You ask, directed towards Sun as you eye him, dressed in a hoodie that’s too small and sweatpants that barely cover his silicone shins. “I mean I don’t want your heaters or whatever to be like, overworked I’m saying…” You add, just for clarity. “Darling, you needn’t worry about us! We are capable of handling ourselves.” Sun assures you, kindly taking your keys and unlocking the door for you. You shrug as you go to open the door, but a large yellow hand stops your own, and you look to see Sun anxiously smiling down at you. Before you can question it, something is dropped onto your head. It’s soft and warm, somewhat fuzzy. “You might want to consider wearing this before you go outside.” Sun suggests, and you fix the thing on your head, recognizing it as a hat. “Thanks Sun.” You say, mirth in your tone from his great concern for you.
You push open the door. Like actually push the thing. There’s snow on your porch, accumulating in front of the small house you’re renting, and even on your driveway. “Wowzers,” You breath, the cold air already abusing your nose and cheeks with its wrath. “That’s a lot of snow.” “Indeed.” Sun agrees, and you gingerly step away from the warmth and safety of your humble home. You aren’t really in the mood to do something overly tedious or laborious, so you make a mental note to clear the driveway of snow later. It’s not like you’ll be driving anyways. “Sun, why don’t we go to the park?” You propose, looking at the small space that is your front yard, and deciding that you’ll need something a little bigger. “Great idea!” Sun cheers, gently taking your hand and taking you in the direction of the park, which is relatively close in your opinion. Not a lot of people are out and about in the low temperatures, you pass a couple on their way to God knows where, a mother and her child walking from a little tea shop on the corner, and an old man traversing the streets on his own. It’s only a short walk, you’re sure you would’ve seen more if you were out longer, but you aren’t. “We have arrived!” Sun shouts, and it echoes across the field. There’s little to no people out here, a mother is watching her son play on a small snow-covered playscape, and then a few older kids are hanging about, some walking the trail and a few more just loitering around talking. You and Sun stand on an open field, a decent size with snow coating every inch. You suppose it’s time to have some fun. “Alright Sun! Why don’t we do something cool?” You suggest, tapping your chin in thought before looking to the animatronic for any kind of inspiration, and he gives a whirl of his faceplate. “We could make an igloo! Maybe sculptures! Have a snowball fight!” Sun fills the air with amazing ideas, bouncing from foot to foot in a contained anticipation.
“Sounds lovely, why don’t we try them all?” You agree, grinning as you walk around in the snow, finding a good patch before you slip your hand from Sun’s. “I don’t really know how to build an igloo, but I’m willing to try.” You quickly inform Sun, looking at the already crouched animatronic. Sun swivels his head to look at you, his grin softening as his upturned eyes fill with sincerity. “I’d be happy to teach you, SunBun.” You don’t know why the spectacle strikes you like it does, but your already rosy cheeks get a tad rosier, and you can’t help but drop your gaze from Sun’s eyes. “Yeah yeah, be my guest metal man.” You mutter, standing beside the huge robot to see what he’s doing. “The snow here is just firm enough!” Sun states, and you see him give it a sharp few prods with his silicone fingers. Come to think of it, the snow does feel a little more resistant than the snow in your driveway or porch. Maybe it’s just colder in the park, or perhaps it’s just the way the land is here. “First let’s measure the size of the igloo!” Sun instructs, drawing a large ring in the snow, piquing your interest. When you’re not exactly immediate with your response, Sun grabs your hand and takes you a few feet away. “Do as I do SunBun! This is an instructional project!” Sun insists, carefully pulling you down into a crouch and moving your hand gingerly through the snow. “Sorry… I wasn’t really expecting that I’d have to make one too.” You explain, letting Sun guide your arm as you both move smoothly through the snow. “You’re perfectly peachy! Just make sure that you the steps closely.” Sun assures you, letting go of your hand once you realize the circle is done being made. “Secondly, we shall deepen this simple ring!” Sun declares, and you find yourselves attracting some attention from the surrounding visitors of the park.
The little boy who was previously playing energetically under his mother’s watchful eye is now staring intently at the chattering Daycare Attendant. A group of maybe four or five children probably ages nine to fourteen are also snickering hysterically as they point at you and whisper to one another. You don’t really mind the young boy’s entranced state of respectfully gazing at you and your friend. The older kids, however, are rather concerning. There’s no adult in sight watching them, just some random children that you doubt are some homeless orphans. They're clearly geared up in winter appropriate clothes. Sun notices you haven’t acknowledged his next instruction yet and follows your gaze with a swivel of his head. Upon sight of the children, nothing in his faceplate physically changes, but when you look hard enough you can see the slight disappointment he holds for their unrighteous actions, “Perhaps we should address those poor little lost lambs.” Sun says, tone a bit flatter than the usual boisterousness you’re used to. You nod, worry still lingering lightly on the edge of your mind as Sun starts towards the gaggle of giggling youths. Being close behind, the first thing you notice is how they instantly stop with rude comments and unholy actions upon the thought of confrontation. One of them, likely the eldest, whispers something to the smallest one, shocking her. You don’t really do much of the ridiculing. Sun marches up with a few kind words and questions before exploiting the lies he was given with a solid reprimand. You think it’s rather amazing how he does it all so tenderly, as not to scare or even belittle the children, who are probably just bored of being cooped up inside with no excuse to leave excluding educational reason. Nonetheless, some of the kids still do run off without as little as a faked apology, staying far away from you and your animatronic buddy. However, the humbler of them do stand to give a small ‘sorry’ and an innocent duck of the head, and one of them even asks to partake in the igloo building. “Well of course!” Sun chirped, arms opening wide for a hug as you recognize the one who offered to help with the building as the smallest child.
Names are exchanged along with various gestures and a snippet of background info. You find that the little girl’s name is Ruby, and she was simply running around in her yard before coming to the park in search of her friends. Then she explained further that she was unfortunately dragged into the wrong crowd by the notorious peer pressure. It’s a sad story you guess, but Sun emphasizes the fact that anyone steered wrong has a chance to get back on the right path, so Ruby shouldn’t waste hers. After that, you go back over the first couple steps of igloo building so that Ruby is caught up. You do feel a tad shamed that a whole tangent happened because you got distracted looking at a group of kids rather than paying attention to Sun, but you brush it off, nothing bad happened so it’s ok. “Next, we could make bricks of snow to build our igloos with, but we believe it may be easier to pack the snow onto itself in layers for our situation.” Sun states, but it’s quieter, as though he’s speaking to himself rather than you and Ruby. There’s a small second in which all you hear is the wind whipping at the trees and swirling briskly around your ears. Sun is completely still while Ruby complains about her circle being lopsided. “New plan!” Sun declares suddenly, jabbing the air intently with a metal digit. “I anticipate there’s not enough firm snow for us to all dedicate to igloo building!” Ruby’s shoulders sag a little as you look at your snow ring. Not too unlikely you suppose, the snow probably experienced some conditions that the other snow didn’t, or maybe it’s literally just softer…? “Oh well, togetherness effort! Everyone over here!” Sun commands, spreading his arms theatrically as you make your way over. When you arrive, a new face has caught Sun’s attention, smiling and giggling as well. You notice it’s the child of the now flustered mother who was previously only watching you and Sun frolic about in the snow. “So sorry about this!” The mother chatters, carefully scooping up her child and moving a fair distance away from you and your metal friend before continuing.
“My son just adores robots, guess your umm… friend here caught his eye.” She directs her speech to you, audibly mincing her words so as not to offend anyone. “You’re fine ma’am,” You assure her, offering an easy smile to help calm her nerves. “In fact, the more the merrier! I’m sure my friend might like your son too.” There’s another moment or so of hesitance while the son whines defiantly in his guardian’s arms. She simply sighs, whispering something motherly before giving her child a kiss on the cheek and setting him down. Afterwards, you exchange basic formalities and greetings and learn the child’s name is Georgie. A young six- year-old boy with an interest in robots, cool. “Now we’re learning to pack the snow, see?” Sun is back to the teaching, layering the snow onto itself to make basic little layers. It’s easy to do for the most part, and you’re sure to assist the kids if necessary. The process goes by rather smoothly. It’s a team effort of taking up the surrounding snow and packing it into a rounded shape that is the igloo’s base and walls. “You’re all doing a faz—pardon me, fantastic job!” Sun encourages, circling the half-built structure with thoughtful eyes. He does come and tinker with the shape of it a little, but you guess igloos are supposed to be round and not blocky. “I think it’s time for a break.” Ruby huffs, taking a few steps away from your snowy build and blowing hot air into her palms. Georgie seems to agree with the thought, giving a vigorous nod as he wipes a trail of snot from his reddened face. Well, your hands are a bit chilly from all the snow shoveling, and your wrists are kind of sore from the repetition of the energy demanding motions. Maybe a break is necessary, there are tons of benches to choose from if you want to take a seat. “Alright, let’s all take a break.” You announce, shooting Sun an apologetic smile. You’re very sure that somewhere behind the silicone smile of his, permanently forced to remain in hiding, is the thought that human needs were even a smidge inconvenient. Not like you’d blame him thought, sometimes running out of energy or the need to digest nutrients over long periods of time can be extremely tedious, even for those who go through it every day.
Sooner or later, you’re on a bench. Sun is to your left, with the children to your right. You take out your phone and check the time. It’s around half past two, so you sure have been here a while… But then again, you can’t recall when you woke up, so it could’ve only been an hour or so. ���I’m hungry.” Ruby mutters, shoving her hands into her pockets in search of what you’re assuming is food. “Hungry.” Georgie repeats, and then hops off the bench, running in the direction of his mother. You don’t bother going after him, you just put away your phone and watch. Predictably, he’s over by his mom, telling her something you think. You don’t want to eavesdrop or anything, so you look to Sun, who’s contently watching cars pass. “Hey Sunny, what else are we going to have to do to make our igloo?” You ask, just to maybe give him a means of entertainment. “Well, we’re going to have to focus on a more dome-like shape for it. Unless of course you prefer a square.” Sun answers, though his voice is a little softer in the bustling winds, which you realize are only getting stronger. You went to say something else, but then Georgie comes tumbling back with handfuls of snacks. Some of them look crushed and some don’t, but you guess they’re not really for you judging off how Georgie immediately drops them into Ruby’s lap and retakes his spot next to her. “Oh thanks! But you can have some back, I’m not that hungry.” Ruby coos, taking on some kind of maturity into her voice as if the wrong tone could literally break the little boy on the bench next to her. It’s maybe another two or three minutes that Sun is humming, and Ruby is eating, because then you’re sure that this break is over. “Ok guys, let’s get back to it.” You say with a small yawn, pushing up off the bench and trudging over to the still unfinished igloo. It’ll be finished soon enough though, you just have to round it out, and add a roof. That should be easy, you’re all just going to have to make a team effort not to mess things up or ruin the snow. All is going well; you and the kids are working with Sun in hopes of a major revamp of the structure’s shape. The tiny tinker he tried earlier didn’t really do much, so here you all are correcting it.
It takes maybe twenty minutes. Running your chilled hands along a wall trying to make it circular is easy when you first start off. But the latter half of it, doing the same thing for an extended period of time, you’re sure it gets to Ruby and Georgie before it does you. In the end, regardless of the time it took, you’re proud of the results. A wide, round, snow-built structure that you took part in making is now before you, and it didn’t even require an excess amount of time or energy. It doesn’t yet have a roof, but you think that it’s good enough without. Besides, it’ll let some sunlight into the thing, so that it’s not all dark inside. “A job well done.” You declare, splitting the awkward silence that followed the making of your creation. You guess everyone’s just ogling at it instead of talking though, so perhaps it would’ve been better not to speak. “Exactly! A spectacular spectacle indeed!” Sun adds, his faceplate brightening up as the kids become animated by the supportive speeches given. “Thanks Sunny!” Ruby chirps, offering thanks to you and Georgie as well. She looks rather pleased with the efforts, Georgie too. “We’ve time for one more activity!” Sun informs the three of you. It’s getting a little colder this time of day, and the actual Sun will be setting in a few hours. “How about a snowball fight!” Ruby suggests, bouncing intently from foot to foot. “Snowballs.” Georgie agrees, inching over to Sun in a manner that you’ve seen kids in the Daycare practice as well. “Sure, let’s have a snowball fight!” You agree, looking to Sun with an affirmative nod. “But first let’s split into teams and gather some ammo.” “Sunny.” Georgie says immediately, as if waiting for the opportunity to arise. He takes the animatronic by the hand, and Sun bursts with theatrical joy at being chosen. “I guess I’m with you.” Ruby hums, sliding over and slipping her gloved hand into yours. You give her a reassuring squeeze, no way you’re losing this fight. “Ok! With that sorted, let's get our snow!” Sun shouts, sun rays spinning ecstatically as he visibly becomes a smidge more competitive. “Remember, the best way to make snowballs is to use firm snow!”
With that, Sun bounds away to another part of the park, Georgie close in tow. “How do we find ours?” Ruby asks innocently, glancing from left to right in confusion. “Simple,” You reply, feeling a tad cheeky as you recall some old tricks you picked up while working at the Pizzaplex. “You just follow in step with the genius.” Without warning, you make a start after Sun and Georgie, easily following the obvious footprints left behind in the crunchy snow. It really is a clever tactic to use, especially around Sun. You’ve noticed that he’s often likely to go to the best source of something for himself, and it only amplifies when around others. On the flip side, it’s not a card you try and play too much. You fear he might catch on sooner or later, he’s a hyperaware, ever attention paying robot after all, so you must be subtle when you use it to your advantage. “Wowie! That’s actually kinda neat! ….like cheating off the smart kid in class…” Ruby adds the last part in a small mutter, making you snort. “I’m sure you don’t cheat off the smart kid, otherwise you’d have thought of this already.” You jest, watching Ruby’s face turn the color of the gem her name implies. You catch up to Sun, who’s crouched low, teaching Georgie how to make snowballs and clearly not expecting followers. “Hi, Sun!” You chirp, tone full of teases as you tap a few sun rays on your way by. Sun instantly turns his attention to you, his sun rays giving a breezy little spin before stopping, retracting sourly as white optics narrow at you. “Cheater.” He huffs, voice low and accusatory, but you can tell that it’s obviously playful. “You never said one team couldn’t follow the other.” You shrug harmlessly, then drop to your knees in front of him, but you’re careful to stay out of his reach. “That’s because we expected a basic display of self-respect… but clearly, we overestimated you.” Sun says, glaring at you in a way that isn’t really a glare. He’s good at raising tension like this, and you suppose that’s his theatre and child entertainment features coming into play. But it’s exciting in your opinion, so why not play along?
“Oh well, your loss. Self-respecting or not I’m still going to win this snowball fight.” You boast, scooping up some snow and forming it into a small ball. “Right Ruby?” Though missing a beat, the little girl still nods, and you smirk knowing you’ve just poked the bear that is his theatrical ego. “Preposterous!” Sun exclaims, leaning away from you in a comical expression of surprise. “You’re telling fibs! No way you’ll beat me and the amazing Georgie!” “Challenge accepted!” You announce, quickly getting to work making decently sized snowballs to later chuck at your opposition. This was going to be very competitive, and you knew it. However, it wouldn’t be any fun if none of the snowballs hurled were hurled with no real purpose. “A challenge you will not succeed!” Sun counters dramatically, whispering something encouraging to his comrade after the fact. The four of you then collectively gather your ammunition, before a decision is made and you decide there should be some ground rules set down to ensure the overall fairness of the competition. You sincerely don’t want to fall victim to any tricks or loopholes pulled on you, so rules are the way to go. “First off, each team has a designated space they can throw from.” You start, looking out across the open field that is now your court. “We’ll be separated by these lines marking said space, and anyone who crosses the lines without permission is out.” Deftly, you set aside your gathered snowballs and lean over to drag your hand through the snow, creating a border between the two sides. You’re sure to make it around six feet long and a few inches deep, just so that it’s visible to anyone coming too close. “Secondly, if you’re hit with a snowball three times, you’re out.” You instruct, taking a stance beside Ruby on your respective side of the border, standing in front of Sun. “And lastly, remember, it’s not about who wins or loses, it’s about the experience you were able to have.” You finish, smiling warmly knowing everything you just said would likely be thrown out the window if you somehow lost to Sun.
“Don’t we get like, those barrier things that they use in movies during the gun scenes?” Ruby asks, tossing a snowball up and down in her hand rather threateningly. “If you mean cars, probably not. Besides, it’d be no fun just hiding behind anything, so let’s just do our best to dodge instead.” You reply, offering a reassuring wink as you take your collected ammo and pile it up away from the line separating you from your temporary enemies. “Oh, and I almost forgot. If you run out of snowballs, that’s on you, so try not to waste all your weaponry.” You say, just as a reminder to clear any confusion. “Without further ado, everybody to their positions! The match starts in three!” You declare, standing defensively near your lump of snowballs. Ruby stands to your left, already armed and ready by the time you announce the timer dropping to two. Sun and Georgie look rather prepared as well, with the latter situated safely behind the former. “One!” You shout, snatching up a fistful of snow yourself, tension thick in the air as your narrowly spot Georgie’s mom clasping her hands in anticipation. “GO!” In that moment, everything happens opposite to how you thought it would’ve been. No snow whizzes past your face or barely misses any part of your body, and in fact no one dares to move. Oh, waiting for the other to make a move, you suppose. Well, standing here won’t really get anyone anywhere, so you decide you’ll be the first to kick off the flurry of snow being hurled across a field. You reel back quickly, take a mostly unplanned aim for the bright yellow animatronic that’s currently guarding a small child, and throw with a might that’s supposed to encourage that of an actual snowball fight. Surprisingly enough, you don’t miss. In fact, you hit Sun right in the chassis, snow splattering across his hoodie as he takes a step back, making an offended grunting noise. However, your triumph is short-lived as you fail to avoid a snowball flying at you from the tiny form behind Sun that spots your stomach with snow. Oh wow, Georgie is notably accurate with his throws, a little sharpshooter that you’re sure his mother is proud of.
“Let’s try to out Georgie first!” Ruby whisper-shouts to you, making a throw for the little guy, only for him to outmaneuver her attempt, ducking back behind Sun. You dodge a well-aimed assault from Georgie and deliver your own sharpshot at Sun, who legitimately twirls out of the way, yet his partner is too slow to follow and unfortunately takes the hit. Georgie makes a dissatisfied whiny noise, taking a snowball from Sun and throwing it at Ruby, who must’ve not expected the ball of snow that crashes against her side, an audible growl coming from her. “You’ll regret that!” Ruby exclaims, spite evident in her intentions as she swiftly runs to the border, snowball in hand, and lobs it full force at Sun, who has the snow shatter against his long, spindly metallic legs. “Atrocious!” Sun yelps, sun rays shrinking as he grabs his faceplate in astonishment. “I’ve only one hitpoint remaining!” The same atrocity is immediately done unto Ruby, as Sun spins in a circle, a snowball encountering the tough spot that is Ruby’s shoulder, and bursting into a thousand little snowflakes. “Oh… oh no.” Ruby mutters, backing away from the border and coming back beside you, just as another snowball is flung fiercely at her. It’s briefly that you decide you have two choices. You could either pull the ultimate cliché and take the shot for your single hitpointed partner, or let Ruby be outed here and now. Of course, being the kind and tender-hearted person you are, you heroically dive in the way of the projectile, letting it splinter out and penetrate the microscopic holes in your snow coat. Rather quickly, you become a part of those who have been afflicted by the atrocious reality of being at one hitpoint, but that doesn’t make you falter. Once you’re able, you hop back up to your feet, flashing Ruby a smile that is returned, though the snowballs don’t stop flying at you just because you’re sharing a somewhat sentimental moment with a possible new buddy. Your heart skips a beat when one of the devious little things nearly meets your trunk, but a quick sidestep is enough to evade it. Ruby almost gets hit as well, but she dodges and retaliates with a counterattack that puts Georgie in the stage of atrocity as well.
A glance towards your ammunition pile alerts you to the fact that you only have three snowballs left, but when you turn back to Ruby to inform her too, she’s experiencing a snowball exploding just below the neck of her snow coat. Oops, you guess that’s one shot you couldn’t save her from. “Crap!! I guess I’m out now.” Ruby sighs, a miserable noise coming from her as she sits on a nearby bench, watching from about ten feet away. Immediately, the playing field feels a lot bigger, and the air thins just a little. Suddenly, the weight of having a teammate to worry about is lifted from you, but the burden of having to dodge all the threats flying across the field is still fresh in your mind. So, you decide to take things into your own hands, quite literally. For a better aim, you march up closer to the separating line between the teams, standing maybe a yard away. You’ll have to dodge quicker while up front, but you benefit from having your targets within close range. You throw a snowball at Sun, but he swiftly ducks and sends you a counter that misses by a half inch. You’re really in the hotseat now, two opponents, two snowballs. You legitimately can’t afford to lose. It’s a calculated throw at Sun when you consider it could be the one that ensures your win-- so your heart sinks when he briskly cartwheels from the spot. But, luck smiles smugly in your favor when the snowball nails Georgie right in the chest, and he stumbles backwards in disbelief. “Out.” He utters humorlessly, sauntering over to the bench Ruby has taken refuge on and simply staring at the match that is to unfold. You guess your luck is running thin around now, because Sun too holds a snowball with intent. His gaze is fixated on you, the permanent grin on his face competitive and self-assured— like you’d let him win. “You may as well surrender while you still can, or otherwise face a humiliating defeat!” Sun bellows near condescendingly, striding up to the line which separates your two teams, and reeling back in a menacing fashion. “Never!”
In that moment you lean back and gather your momentum in order to chuck the ball full force at the animatronic practically dancing in front of you. Sun does the same, and it’s when he plants his foot that you notice he’s overstepped the line. You’re in the process of bringing your arm forward when you see the detail, and you’re on the brink of pointing it out when-- Plap. It’s not even a throw, just a simple drop of snow, onto your face. You don’t even realize it at first, but it stops you. You drop your snowball, a low growl rising in you as you furiously wipe the snow from your face, glaring heatedly at the robot in front of you, that can barely contain his giggles. “Snow-Face, you’re out.” Sun chuckles, covering his grin in a half-hearted attempt to silence his own snickering. “You are too, cheater.” You grumble, blowing snow from your nose and shaking it from your hairline. “This is truly atrocious.” Sun gives you a pat on the back, fully crossing the boundary and coming over to your side of the makeshift court, before leading you back to the bench, taking you along by the hand. “Who won?!” Ruby asks, piping up with interest. “It’s like I was paying attention, and then I got distracted by some squirrels because I thought they hibernated this time of year, and then I look back and you guys are skipping over!” “Well technically we did, Sun cheated before any snow hit me, so he was already out before I was hit.” You explain, shooting a playful glower at Sun, who smiles easily. “If you want to get technical, then none of us are winners or losers! The important part is that we all had fun!” Sun says, contradicting your point while his sun rays spin innocently. Code for: I lost so everyone is equal.
You roll your eyes and wink at Ruby, who returns the gesture with childish mirth. You guess Sun could’ve easily won though, he is a robot after all, and using that to his advantage would’ve been quite unfair, so you decide against making any more snarky comments. “Tie.” Georgie says, a smile spreading across his face as he hops off the bench and gives Sun a quick hug before running off, presumably to his mother. “Georgie’s right, a tie.” Ruby concludes, bidding you and Sun goodbye as she starts back home, seeing as how the Sun is setting and the streetlights will soon come on. “That was quick.” You note, getting a nod from Sun while you rub your eyes. “Guess we should get home too, I’m due for some relaxation.” “Us too, we’re done sharing our human for the day.” Sun sighs, stretching out and giving a coquettish little spin of his faceplate. “Oh please, I don’t belong to anyone.” With that you begin your trip back to your small house, holding hands with your animatronic buddy until you reach the porch, only letting go to fish your keys from your pockets. “I brought my keys along before we left, right?” You query, worry welling up in your gut as you search more frantically. “I didn’t lose them in the snowball fight, right? Maybe when I dove in to save Ruby--” “We have a solution!” Sun claims, leaning down and undoing the lock on your door—with your keys. “Hey how did you—oh.” It takes you a moment or two, but you vaguely recall Sun unlocking the door this morning… and well he didn’t really give you back your keys after that. “In you go!” Sun escorts you into the house, keeping you at least five feet away from the couch to avoid any unplanned naps, which would ruin the messy sleep schedule he’s trying to implement. Instead, you’re guided to your room. “Do you require assistance with removing your winter attire?” Sun offers, hands clasped respectfully as he stands near the door.
“Nope, I think I’m good. Probably just take a bath and then chill for the rest of the night.” You reply, holding back a yawn as your eyes drift to the window, where the skies are slipping into their darker shades. “I’ll go ready your water!” Sun chirps, bounding away to do just that, and closing the door behind him. Without wasting any time, you strip off the heavy clothing, a sigh of relief escaping you from the release of pressure on your body. You then fold the snow-coat and snowpants, setting them neatly on your bed as you stretch, rubbing your eyes and running a hand through your hair. You’re happy with how much you did today, got outside, played with kids, really did something that wasn’t lazing about or complaining about college or otherwise. Now it’s time to unwind, relax, take a bath, sit on the couch, sleep. The last thought is rather enticing, but even if you tried you doubt you’d be able to peacefully doze off like you’d like to. You’re still too full of remnants from your fierce snowball match, and plus the cold winter air has your poor bones all chilled. Besides, you’re hungry. Probably shouldn’t have spent all those hours goofing around in the snow and starting mock conflict… or at least not without a snack. Suddenly, a knock sounds on your door and you’re torn from your headspace. It’s probably just Sun, here to inform you of something that would be useful to know, or just some random little tidbit of his knowledge. “SunBun, your bath is prepared!” Sun bellows from the other side of the door, though it comes out a little muffled on your end. “Thanks Buddy!” “No problem!” With that you take a change of clothes from your dresser, choosing the necessary garments before heading to the bathroom, where your bath awaits. It smells nice, the steam rising from it is enough to let you know that it’s fresh and warm, perfect after a long day of harsh weather outside.
Gingerly, you slip out of your clothes, and hop into the tub. You’ll probably be ten to twenty minutes, not too long, just enough to satisfy yourself and your needs. So, a quick washdown and some warmth to relax, and then you’ll head out. The temperate water envelopes you smoothly, seeping into your skin and replacing the heat you’d lost to the unforgiving winter. It’s particularly enjoyable, probably because you deserve it, if only for today. The soapy water softens your muscles and works its way through your body, removing any remaining tension and extra edge to the afternoon you spent outside. After that, bath time is over, you take your washcloth and do a quick washdown of your body, and then drain the water. You then hop out of the tub, dry off, and apply some optional lotions before slipping into your evening gear. Lastly, you take your other pair of clothes and put them in the laundry room… and fetch your snow clothes as well. You decide to go ahead and put them in the washing machine immediately. Sun already took care of the other loads, and no doubt Moon will put them in the dryer later, so it’s a safe move you guess. Now that you’re done, you head up front and see that the Sun has set, and the Moon has awoken from his day-long slumber. It’s not too surprising, you guess you kind of expected this to happen, especially after the long bath. Also, the Sun sets earlier this time of year, so Moon gets to show up a few hours earlier. “Hi, Moon. Fancy seeing you here.” You hum, eyeing the nightly animatronic sat in a loose crisscross on the couch. He spares you a silent wave, eyes soft, white on red, his smile calm and careless. “Dinner, on the stove.” Moon says, and you make a short detour into the kitchen to retrieve said dinner. It’s a simple dish, fit to serve one person. A medium-sized bowl filled with beans, rice, peppers, and other veggies, likely something Sun whipped up on a whim, due to how sudden and absolute their transition is. You grab the food, along with a spoon, and then head back up front to the couch. Moon is casually flicking through channels, until he stops to acknowledge your presence. “Had fun today, Snowface?” Moon asks, his tone teasing as you instinctively deadpan at him. “Based on that question I’m assuming you already know the answer.” You reply, inviting yourself to plop down right into his lap. “I still won anyways.”
Moon snorts, wrapping a gentle arm around your midsection as he turns down the television volume. “Because we let you win.” He retorts, plain and simple. “Well, I don’t think I was supposed to know all that.” You mutter, putting on a mock sense of betrayal. “I thought I deserved better.” “Sun did it.” Moon replies, nonchalantly leaning back into the couch as you fight back a snicker and fail. Blaming the one you coexist in a vessel with, a bold move, but at least he’s not lying. “Did he now? I wouldn’t have guessed.” You continue with the casual shenanigans, eating a spoonful of your dinner to maybe satisfy your hunger a bit. “That doesn’t sound like something Sun would do.” Moon hums, giving a small nod and causing the little bell on the end of his nightcap to fall over his shoulder. “You’ve misjudged him.” Moon admits, shifting a little on the couch. “He’s dastardly.” “Oh my, perhaps I should be more careful.” You muse, shoveling more food into your mouth. It’s not half bad, seasoned well with a good balance of texture and flavor. “You should.” Moon whispers, leaning down to your ear. “Otherwise, you could get hurt.” He finishes, pulling away and pressing his teeth to the top of your head in an endearing manner. You chuckle at the warning, making a note to ‘be more careful’ around Sun. It’s ironic, working at the Pizzaplex, Moon was the one you never thought you’d be able to be this close to. Not like you were all too convinced by animatronic sentience back then anyways. But that’s the past you suppose, taking another bite of your dinner. Some miracle happened and now it’s the present, and here you are, being close to the once homicidal robot who has turned the tables on your relationship. Before you know it, you’re done with your food. You just kind of set the bowl aside on a nearby table within arm’s reach, and then relax into Moon’s lap. He turned on a channel you don’t care to recognize. All you know is that there’s something suspicious going on and there’s a lady who went missing a week or two ago. Odd. “Moon what even is this?” You ask, eyes narrowing at the questionable morale of a teenager caught setting off fireworks indoors.
Moon shrugs and changes the channel. You guess you weren’t all too attached to that weird show anyways, but watching the nature channel at 10:00 PM is kind of off putting. “Why don’t we stream a movie or something?” You suggest, perking up at the thoughts that fill your mind involving movies. “You could sleep.” Moon refutes, pulling you in a smidge closer. “I can help.” Oh…. right, you forgot about the whole curfew thing. You reach into your pocket for your phone, but it appears to have been swiped already. Curses be upon the slick hands belonging to your jester themed animatronic friend. Pure curses. “Moon, give me back my phone.” You breath, voice level and the animatronic behind you snickers. “Nope.” Moon retorts, barely able to contain his maniacal chuckles. “Give it back!” You demand, spinning around on the couch and grabbing Moon by his silicone shoulders. Oh, how far they go with the thievery! You really need to get them back for that someday. “Catch me.” Moon replies, and then smoothly slips from your hold, flashing you a glimpse of your phone before bounding off into the hallway. A sort of half-growl half-roar escapes you as you run after him, along with strings of threats and curses galore. The chase doesn’t last long. This is your house after all, so it’s not like there’s many rooms to hide in or spaces to go to. Moon ends up locking himself in your room, for what reason you’re unsure. The one thing you’re sure of is that you want your phone back, and you will get your phone back. “Moon! Open the door!” You whine, knocking harshly as your rage slowly simmers down to a manageable level. “No.” Moon says, definitive, final, leaving no room for argument. Earning your response as an aggravated groan, before you give up and head back up front. Upon your entry, you spot the empty bowl sitting on the table, forgotten. You do yourself a kindness and just put the thing away. No point in leaving chores unfinished, right? After that you decide to turn off the television, it’s not like you’ll be watching it.
You then go ahead and faceplant onto the couch. You lost the battle, not the war, but sometimes it’s hard to tell the difference. Besides, you’ll launch a counterattack sooner or later, and Moon nor Sun will see it coming. The thought seems quite evident in your mind until of course, a blanket is draped over you. You barely have time to react to it before Moon scoops you up into his arms, and personally carries you to your bedroom. “Sleep. It’s good for you.” Moon hums, voice low in the entrancing way you’ve become accustomed to before bed. “I can help.” With that you’re slid gently onto your bed, and Moon slides in as well. You don’t bother acting angry anymore. Moon had this planned since before you woke up this morning, and there’s legitimately no point trying to fight it. “If you think this will make me forget about my phone, you’re wrong.” You grumble, just for clarity as Moon wraps himself around you in a soft cuddle. “I love you too.” He says, unamused. “Yeah sure, I love you… and goodnight.” You mumble, letting yourself relax into his grip. Tonight, you were going to sleep well. It takes a few minutes for the effect to fully settle in, but the calming hum of Moon’s interworking mechanisms combined with the tiredness that has already swamped your system, you’re out considerably quickly. You had a good day today, and Christmas is just around the corner. Perhaps you can play again in the snow tomorrow. --The End-- Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed!
De Moogus (Oi but I did good right? Again, I’m particularly regretful about the lateness… but everything kind of went out of whack like two days before gifts were supposed to be being sent. I umm really wanted to wish you the happiest of holidays and may smiles of good fortune accompany your decisions in the future. Never really have done a writing to a person specifically, so I hope what little personalization I did was appreciated. But just a big thanks for making it this far, I got really anxious around the fight and the ending, so I really hope nothing got butchered and it came out smoothly.)
Tags: DCASS2022, Moogus Writes, Writers on Tumblr, Gift, Holiday stuff, Christmas, Sun fnaf, Moon fnaf, Sun X Reader, Moon X Reader, Fnaf Sb, Five Nights at Freddy’s Security Breach,
MUAH! <3
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im-no-jedi · 2 years
ECHO FACEPLANTING IN THE WATER. this was the absolute BEST opening to a new season I’ve ever seen and I’m going to be thinking about it for the rest of the week 🤣🤣🤣
that dadgum smile Hunter gave Omega when they all got back on the Marauder OMFG I’m so in love with him sldkfjgslkdjfhg
PHEE FLIRTING WITH TECH. HOLY. FRICK. Jen Corbett really took one look at the fandom and went “I gotchu fam” ROFL. also ace/aro Tech confirmed yes?? at least aro I guess haha
seriously tho, I do love Phee and I REALLY hope we see her again, she’s amazing. I loved her the second she called out Hunter’s not-so-subtle face tattoo, she’s me fr 😂
them conspiring against Hunter when he was RIGHT THERE WTF GUYS COME ON 🤣
the discussion about their futures and Hunter IMMEDIATELY looks at Omega no stop please my heart I love them WAAAAAAAAAAAH 😭💙
Echo confronting Hunter gave me SO much life and I support Echo 100%, while also supporting Hunter 100%, they’re both valid even though they disagree, please boys I love you both so much 🥺
Hunter being sneaky while the rest of them went for the chests was *chef’s kiss*, I love my man 🥰
completely obsessed with the way the group was split, it mirrored the Salucami episode, and I LOVED that. Omega with the nerd bros was everything, and I love Hunter and Wrecker together as well 💙
I knew someone was gonna get injured inside that crate, but I didn’t expect them to pull a Nemik and nearly paralyze Tech wtfffffffff
speaking of, HOW THE EVER LOVING FRICK WAS THAT MAN ABLE TO WALK. he fractured his ENTIRE femur and was still able to hobble around???? BRO?????? 
the old man that they met was so sweet, I loved him and I hope they get to see him again someday 🥺
him giving Omega that kaleidoscope KILLED me, my baby girl has no idea what simple toys are, I cry 😭💔
also Tech getting to learn new perspectives about culture was AMAZING, it reminded me of the Raksis episode. they’re learning, guys! \o/
HUNTER AND WRECKER IN DOOKU’S THRONE ROOM, I SCREAMED FR. also Hunter doing his best to get the lift working, babe you’re not the nerdy one of the group, it’s ok 😂
I knew Omega was gonna go for the chest, but I wasn’t expecting a full-on Last Crusade reference??? congrats Echo on having all the best moments of this episode fr haha
Tech was SO badass fighting off those Clones with an entire fractured leg, holy frick dude. Phee knew what she was doing at you earlier LOL
the Omega and Echo bonding moment in the Marauder 🥺💙 I wanted them to hug afterwards, but ugh, those two had my entire heart for these episodes 💙💙💙
FREAKING. RAMPART. OMFG I HATE HIM. as if I couldn’t hate him anymore than I already do. him murdering Wilco has officially solidified him as on the same level as Krell and Palpatine for me. HE MUST DIE 😡
ok that’s it, thank you for reading my fangirling✨
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dylanalexiswrites · 2 years
Why I Quit My Job....
Okay, so here we go…
This has been bugging me in the past few days and I figured, why not write about it? I’m under a pseudonym anyway and people won’t know. (Right?) There is such a thing as social media identity and it can either be good or bad.
Staying on my topic, there has been this constant desire for me to just about give up on something that I started working on in a snap. (This post has been placed on and off in the last two days. Oops...)
I started re-working my blog last week and was hooked but after a while, my passion started to shift again and I started to make excuses not to post anything. (I guess I got my mojo back after a short while.)
It has been a habit that I am trying—and failing to remove myself from and is the reason why I move from one job to the other without having any backup plan. My family says that I need to keep my life on track and find a better-paying job (and stay in it.) but once I do get there, I get claustrophobic and sometimes, even get anxiety attacks that further my stress.
In my last job as a contractual worker in a government school, everything felt like I was in a chokehold.
I was constantly transferred from one department to another (the last transfer before I resigned was my decision to ask for one, I’ll elaborate later.) I was an assistant to a director in my first department and everything was actually okay. My boss was cool and he cared about my welfare because whenever there was a typhoon or other calamities, he would always advise me to go home early, and I got to do what I love and that is writing, although it’s mostly writing letters and checking typographical errors in my boss’s report, it’s still very satisfying to do.
I stayed in his office for about nine months and by January 2020, I was reluctantly transferred to another department that soured me to everything about government-related work.
I was tasked to be in the Property Management office and everything about my job description was foreign to me as I am a Mass Communication graduate. I had to receive deliveries and inspect them while also making monthly COA reports and going as far as signing documents that I should not have because it is a job for bosses and directors but my supervisor told me to do so. Bless her heart.
She would constantly blame me if delivery fails to come or if I made mistakes in computing and reconciling millions that needed to be paid (She can kiss my ass because that is an accountant’s job that she’s making me do.)
When the pandemic hit, I was in a work-from-home setup, and little did I know that she told my co-worker to receive delivered items on my behalf and those items cost hundreds and thousands of pesos. That’s when I lost it.
I filed the complaint in the Human Resources Department and told them that if I would be obligated to stay in that department, I will file a complaint against my boss at the Civil Service Commission because any contract of services worker should not be entrusted to sign documents about money and deliveries as well as Commission on Audit reports.
So I was transferred to the University Registrar’s office. This is when I finally snapped and resigned. My co-workers were just so frustrating. They always cajoled me into buying Starbucks even if I did not have the luxury to do so.
They always had weekly Samgyeopsal Parties after work and if you told them that you need to get home early because of other commitments, they will guilt-trip you and call you Kill-Joy. How can I be a killjoy when I just wanted to go home at the right time?
But they took that as an offense and always made fun of me for not wanting to hang out with them. In my head, I just wanted to say this: You guys are way too extroverted. Also, we’re coworkers, not friends and I don’t want to be friends with all of you. I just want to do my job and go home afterward.
They always had backhanded compliments about me and it made me just go further into a deep depression. I always questioned myself as to why I needed to go through this. It hurt that they giggled whenever I made a mistake or whenever I could not locate an old student’s file as if it were my fault when they failed to tell the employee that I replaced to fix her shit and not leave documents lying around everywhere.
They would also blame me if there are lost files that have not been located since 2007. For fuck’s sake, I was only thirteen years old then, you mean to tell me that the employee handling this forgot to place the document in the proper filing cabinet?
That’s when I up and decided to quit.
I only had like, three weeks left in my contract and contract workers are paid only when they are present so I took the risk.
I resigned and never looked back.
So, here’s my advice, never engage yourself with people who would constantly make you feel awful daily.
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andorerso · 2 years
rebelcaptain + “can you give me a ride?”
Jyn missed her bus by thirty seconds.
She’d seen it in the distance, pulling away from the stop, and she began to run but it was already too late. It left without her. And the next one didn’t come until morning.
Fucking shit. Stupid Han and his “just one more shot, Erso, don’t be a killjoy.” Why did she let herself be talked into it?
Now she was stranded; nobody at the party was sober enough to drive her home, and that was ninety-five percent of her friend circle back there. There was no way she was walking home either, not such a long trip, not so late at night. She may have known Krav Maga, but she wasn’t taking stupid risks.
She didn’t really want to waste money on a cab either, and she never trusted Ubers. She could call Baze if it wasn’t for the fact that he and Chirrut were abroad on a holiday…
Jyn weighed her options. Most of her friends were at the party, completely wasted, so they were out of the question. But she could call –
Well, shit.
She swore to herself she wouldn’t drunk dial him but this didn’t really count, did it?
Maybe he won’t pick up anyway, Jyn thought as she took out her phone and scrolled down to his number which she hadn’t a heart to delete yet. It was after all past one a.m., and Cassian never liked to stay up late. An early riser, an early sleeper. Well, except when she kept him up –
“Jyn?” His voice interrupted her thoughts, which was quite fortunate since they were heading into dangerous territories. He sounded bleary, confirming her theory that he just woke up.
Of course. He never put his phone on silent, even at night. Something that used to drive her mad when they were together.
“What’s wrong, are you okay?”
Naturally, that was his first thought. Well, she couldn’t blame him. When your ex-girlfriend calls you in the middle of the night, it was either drunk dialing or something had happened.
“Yeah, no, everything’s fine. It’s just, uhm…” Jyn chewed on her lip as she debated what to say, regretting a bit that she called. But hanging up now would be even more embarrassing, so she pushed forward. “I’m kinda drunk and just missed my last bus. You were the only person available so… can you give me a ride?”
There was a short pause on his end. She wished she could see him. He was always hard to read, but she thought she’d gotten pretty good at recognizing his facial clues. Not seeing him though, it was kind of hard to guess what he was thinking.
Probably something like “this is what she dragged me out of bed for?”
But even if he was thinking that, Cassian was too good to say so.
“Sure,” he said at last, and she was relieved not to hear any underlying frustration in his tone. “Where are you?”
“At the bust stop near Han’s place.”
“Okay. Why don’t you go back to the party, I’ll be there in fifteen.”
“Sure,” Jyn agreed, though she knew she wouldn’t be going inside. She’d have to explain that she missed her bus and called Cassian to pick her up, and there was no way she was answering any prying questions about that. She’ll just wait outside the building. It was not that cold, and there was good lighting.
True to his word, Cassian did arrive fifteen minutes later, and she couldn’t stop the chuckle that escaped her as she got into his dark blue Toyota.
“Precisely fifteen minutes. I forgot how pedantic you are.”
That was a lie. She didn’t forget much. But it sounded better if she said it like that.
He rolled his eyes. “It’s just a lucky coincidence.”
“Sure, sure,” Jyn agreed easily with a small teasing smile. “Thanks for picking me up.”
Cassian gave her a nod. His eyes on her made her skin tingle, her breath catch. He could still get her heart beating, no problem. Jyn fought the urge to fidget nervously in her seat.
“Don’t mention it.”
He started the engine and pulled away from the sidewalk. The loss of his gaze was both a relief and a disappointment. She had always wanted his attention, but now that she wasn’t entitled to it, it just hurt. It wasn’t enough and never would be. Having him look at her was only a portion of what she’d craved, and if she couldn’t have it all, she’d rather have nothing.
If she expected him to make small talk during the drive, he didn’t. It was roughly twenty minutes back to her apartment, and she spent half of it looking out the window, watching the lights play and the landscape fly by. She knew looking at him was dangerous – she might not want to look away.
The silence between them was distant. Not exactly uncomfortable, but not comfortable either. Certainly not what she was used to with him, and that hurt too. By the ten-minute mark, it felt a little too much; to distract herself, she dug through her bag to find her phone, but her hands came in contact with something sticky instead.
Damn it. The cap of her hand sanitizer must have come off, and now a small spot in her bag was covered with the substance.
“Do you have any tissues?”
“In the glove box,” he nodded with his head but never took his eyes off the road.
Jyn opened the compartment and the first thing she saw was a photo.
It was taken about a year ago around the time they started dating. She remembered it. Bodhi snapped the picture at her birthday party. They were outside on her balcony, and she was sitting on his lap, her hands linked behind his neck, her torso twisted to face him. Their faces were close, looking at each other, wearing matching smiles of affection. Like they had eyes for no one but each other. A secret moment captured without either of them noticing.
The photo was like a punch to the chest. Jyn marveled at how obviously taken she was with him, even at the start. Lovesick, one might call it. And he was clearly just as obsessed with her. It would be nauseating if it was anyone else.
What had gone wrong…
Cassian must have noticed her tense posture from the corner of his eyes, she might have even let out a gasp. He glanced at the insides of the glove box, and his hands tightened on the wheel when he saw the picture. His eyes shuttered close; not that they were that open to begin with.
“I... meant to put that away.”
She might have felt upset, except it was a lie. She knew him well enough to tell. He was just saving face in front of her, pretending like it didn’t matter, that he was over her – but what if she didn’t want him to? What if she didn’t want to be playing these games?
Jyn wordlessly retrieved the tissues from the compartment and cleaned her bag as best as she could. Then she settled back against her seat and looked at him. His eyes never wavered from watching the road, but he must have felt her gaze.
She missed him so much. She wanted to crawl into his lap, have him wrap his arms around her, hold her. She wanted to fall asleep with his heartbeat under her ear. He was safety and warmth, and she missed the peace he gave her. She missed falling asleep feeling like nothing could hurt her.
Jyn didn’t take her eyes off him for the rest of the ride, too drunk and too tired to feel embarrassed. Cassian didn’t comment, even when he parked the car in front of her building and turned off the engine. In fact, he didn’t even look at her right away. She could hear him take a deep breath, almost like he was preparing himself.
He finally turned, his eyes burning. Jyn didn’t even hesitate when she scooted over to his side and crawled into his lap. She may have been a little bolder due to the alcohol she’d consumed earlier, but she could see it in his eyes. He’d missed her too.
But she was also tired, and Cassian would never take advantage of her state anyway, so she just lay her head on his chest and let out a content sigh. She really did miss him. She may have even said it aloud, she wasn’t sure. It was becoming a bit blurry, with Cassian’s arms around her, his warmth lulling her senses. Her eyes were slipping closed. It would be so easy to just forget herself for a moment.
“Jyn.” His voice, a whisper, broke through the haze. “Are you going to fall asleep?”
“Yeah,” she mumbled.
Cassian sighed. “Don’t. You’re drunk.”
“Doesn’t change the fact that I missed you even when I was sober.” She lifted her head and looked into his eyes. She could see the conflict in him. The need, the longing, but also the want to establish some boundaries between them. Frankly, Jyn was done with those. “Come inside.”
He didn’t say anything, just stared at her.
“Just sleeping,” she added. “Come on. Come on.”
Her voice was nearly whiny, something she would later blame on the combination of alcohol and sleep deprivation. She tugged on his arm, and he relented with another sigh.
“You’ll be the death of me.”
She gave him a tiny smile. It felt a bit like a fresh start. “Not if I can help it.”
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zealoushound · 3 years
Summary: You take the opportunity to boop Kal’s nose while brushing his coat. Kal is the star of this show.
Pairing: Henry Cavill x Reader
Word Count: 739
Warnings: RPF.
A/N: I forgot where I got this picture from so if anyone knows who to credit for this picture, let me know and I will give them full credit!
The divider came from the lovely @firefly-graphics
Disclaimer: Do not copy any part of my material to use as your own. Do not repost my work and claim it as your own. Like all my other fics, this was written on my phone and not beta’d.
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It was a bright, sunny day. There was a gentle breeze and you could hear the birds chirping. Earlier that morning you had noticed Kal’s winter coat trying to shed and make way for the much lighter spring coat underneath.
“I’m going to brush Kal today.” You told Henry.
He agreed saying, “I was going to do that after breakfast. Great minds I suppose.”
“That work for you, young man?” You look down at the black and white floof lying on the kitchen floor. Kal chuffed, whining a tad, tilting his head at you. “He says he’ll have to cancel his scheduled squirrel chase but he will accept an after breakfast brushing.”
Henry laughed, wrapping his arms around you from behind as you turned to get the pans for breakfast down. “Have I told you how much I love you today?” He asked softly. Goosebumps rising on your arms as his breath tickled your ear. Shaking your head gently you felt his unshaved chin against your neck. “Hmm. Guess I should do that now then.” Your laugh turned into a moan as he turned you into a breathtaking kiss.
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Breakfast was skipped that morning, but Kal’s spa day was just about to begin. You had gone in, and out of the house gathering everything you needed each time with your furry shadow in tow. Leaving Henry inside to catch up on work.
You sat down, calling Kal over to begin. You gave him simple commands, showing him the hand gestures Henry taught you. “Kal, come. Sit for me buddy, good boy!” You praised him proudly and petted his neck. He was getting used to you being someone who led him like his dad. “Lay down for me sweetie. Good job!” You cooed affectionately. You began brushing him gently.
Henry came outside a bit later to get some fresh air while studying his new script. Of course he chose to sit with the two of you. “You’re such a good boy, Kal.” Henry looked down at you sitting on the patio next to Kal and smiled before he resumed his reading.
“Boop!” You said cheerfully. Henry had a quizzical look on his face wondering what ‘boop’ was but was so into the script in his hands he chose not to look up.
“You’re always so happy! Such a smiley boy!” Henry’s heart melted hearing you sweet talk his boy. It was little moments like this that melted his heart.
He went about reading just as you went about brushing. Kal was just happy to be having the loose furs gently tugged away leaving his beautiful shiny new spring coat.
“Boop!” Henry was so lost in the words on the page before him that he wasn’t paying either of you any mind now.
“You’re such a handsome boy!” You praised him.
“Sweetest, bestest bear!” Henry laughed hearing your terms for Kal. “Boop, boop!” He placed the script aside and sat up.
Henry’s curiosity had gotten the best of him. He looked down to see his dog in the absolute perfect position to visually describe contentment.
Kal was laid back with his feet facing you getting belly rubs while having his fur combed. His heavy eyes were focused on a spot behind Henry. Kal’s tongue wagged out of his smiling mouth as if in a state of euphoria.
Then the boop. Henry watched, unbeknownst to you, as you let your fingers walk Kal’s front leg from his paw, up his neck and up the back of his ear then “boop!” You gently tapped his nose with the tip of your finger. Only this time didn’t go quite like the others Henry assumed.
The happy bear raised up, and sneezed before looking at you as if to say, “ah, come on mum, knock it off. You're making me sneeze now!”
“Goodness.” Another sneeze. “Goodness gracious!” SNEEZE! ”Oh heavens! Poor baby!” You wiped his nose for him with a corner of your towel.
Henry amusedly watched the interaction between the two of you. Kal wandered off to go lie in the grass. You looked up at Henry.
“Want me to boop yours too?”
Henry smiled, and nodded, adjusting his position so you could climb into his lap. Before you could, however, he put a finger up and gently tapped your nose. “Boop.” He said softly. You smiled, falling more in love with him. Gently, you kissed the tip of his nose, before quietly whispering “boop”.
Tag list: (As always if you want on or off please let me know!)
@foodieforthoughts @wendimydarling @hope-to-hell @littlefreya @nuggsmum @killjoy-assbutt-1112 @henrythickcavill @ladycavillry @mary-ann84 @twhstuckylover @cavills-little-princess @luclittlepond @oddduckthatgirl @summersong69 @winter2112rose
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peachesandmilktea · 3 years
𝔐𝔞𝔩𝔢𝔣𝔦𝔠𝔢𝔫𝔱'𝔰 ℭ𝔲𝔯𝔰𝔢 - ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 1
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ꜱʜɪɢᴀʀᴀᴋɪ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
Chapter 2.
Shigaraki Tomura is King. Villains won, heroes are no more, and there isn't a soul in the world that's more powerful than him. It would have stayed that way, if only you hadn't kissed him.
TW : Blood, Torture, Degradation.
AO3 Link.
The first time you met Shigaraki Tomura was something out of a fairytale.
You came down, tumbling from the sky, falling right into his open arms. The world seemed to pause as his gaze dove into yours, confusion swarming in his irises, determination filling your own. He didn’t know why he had caught you, or even why he kept you in his embrace as you took a deep breath, heart beating loud as a thunderstorm. And yet, he held you still, gloved hands firm on your arm and in the crook of your knees, carrying you like he would carry his bride, if he ever had one.
A wingless angel, he thought, looking right into your eyes.
The man I want dead, you mused in your thoughts, gaze diving into his.
Had he realized what you intended to do, he might have stopped you. But how could he predict anything from a girl who had fallen from the sky? He was still somewhat stunned by your presence, by the soft warmth of your arms and thighs under four of his fingers, by the smell of rain and dust that emanated from your hair as he wondered what he was supposed to do, if you were friend or foe, if a wingless angel could even be considered in these terms.
You took advantage of his confusion. Cradled his face gently between your palms.
Kissed him softly.
And smiled when he started coughing up blood.
12 hours earlier, Resistance Headquarters, Bakugo’s Office.
“That’s the dumbest fucking idea I’ve ever heard,” Bakugo said with a snarl.
You gave a kick on the leg of the chair he was sitting on, and he let out an angry hiss, baring his teeth at you. Just like a dog, you thought, an amused smile on your lips.
“It’s the best plan we’ve ever had, you mean. It can’t be too difficult, I just have to kiss him.” You raised a hand, your index finger softly brushing against your bottom lip in a faint imitation of a kiss. What would it be like to kiss Shigaraki Tomura, King of Villains, the self-proclaimed ruler of Japan since the fall of the heroes? You’d bet he was a bad kisser. Not that you’d had much experience, but, well. You could just guess, looking at the guy.
“Yeah, you kiss him, and you die, dumbass,” Bakugo retorted, annoyance made clear in his tone. “He’ll kill you before you can even blink.”
What a killjoy. You simply shrugged.
“Probably, but that’s a risk I’m willing to take, Captain.”
The use of the nickname seemed to calm him down a bit, as you knew it would. Not to mention that it would be unfair of him to outwardly reject your plan simply because it was risky. Bakugo took risks like he took breaths, always jumping in the heat of the battle, relishing in the thought that death could barely brush against his soul with its crooked fingers, never quite managing to grasp him. It was like second nature at this point, something he did without even thinking. Most of the time, you found that hot-headedness to be quite charming, but now, it was your turn to play with death.
Whether you won or lost didn’t matter, but you’d make sure Shigaraki wouldn’t taste victory either.
Death would grab him alright.
“And what do you propose, Princess?” Bakugo asked, his elbows now resting on the desk between the two of you. He was thinking about it. Considering your little plan. You tried to hold back the triumphant smile that pulled at the corner of your lips, but it was no use.
“I’m more of an evil enchantress than a princess, don’t you think?”
“Got it, Maleficent,” he replied, rolling his eyes. “Explain your stupid plan before I start losing patience.”
30 seconds after the kiss, Shigaraki’s estate, Tokyo
When Shigaraki dropped you, scarlet blood running from his scarred lips to his chin, you felt other, different hands catching your body, ungloved ones that were burning against your skin, weird staples catching at the soft fabric of your dress. The device you’d used to warp to Shigaraki’s location (with a little mistake regarding the height, you reluctantly admitted) fell from your pocket, breaking in a thousand pieces on the ground.
There was your escape. Damn it. Bakugo was going to murder you.
If the villains didn’t do it first.
“Who the fuck are you?” Dabi snarled, his hand glowing with blue flames almost close enough to lick at your face.
As the grip of his other hand tightened on your throat, menacing, threatening, you contemplated on what would be the best answer you could give him. A hero? You sure weren’t, not with that kind of quirk. Your worst nightmare? Eh, too dramatic. A member of the resistance? While that might be the truth, it wasn’t memorable enough for what might be your last words.
You wished he would kill you quickly, sealing both your fate and Shigaraki’s.
Once your heart stopped beating, the mission would be a complete success.
So, you did your worst.
“Eh, aren’t you Todoroki Touya? You look just like your brother.”
You welcomed the darkness that filled your vision, and drowned into nothingness with a smile on your face, the taste of victory sweet on your tongue.
Sometime later, in a damp basement of the League of Villains’ headquarters
A four-fingered slap, harsh enough that it would leave a mark on your cheek, startled you up. The same ungloved fingers then caught your chin, the grip so mercilessly tight that you could already feel bruises starting to form.
So, you weren’t dead.
Instead of receiving the sweet release of death’s embrace, you were tied to a chair in a tiny room that smelled like mist and dust. Next to you, on a shiny clean medical trail were aligned various tools and instruments that you could only guess would be used to torture you until you spilled everything you knew about the resistance.
As if you’d betray your comrades like this.
Snitches get stitches, don’t they?
Shigaraki still held your face in his deadly fingers, dried blood lingering on the corners of his mouth, pure rage burning in his crimson gaze. You tilted your head slightly, biting into his hand until the metallic taste of his blood filled your tongue. You had hoped he would lose control of his quirk and decay you in a few seconds, but he simply let go of your chin, a hiss of annoyance crossing his chapped lips.
If only he could kill you quickly.
“Do you have a death wish, you dumb whore?”
You blinked, suddenly hopeful.
“I do, actually.”
Not that you were a dumb whore. But well, would it matter once his five fingers closed on your throat? How satisfying would it be to watch him kill you, all while knowing he condemned himself to a slow and painful death in the process?
His eyebrow twitched as he took a step back, surprised by your earnest answer.
“Ah, don’t worry, you’ll probably die soon,” said another masculine voice from behind you, his tone almost soothing in the way it confirmed your impending death. “We just need to get a few answers from you first.”
Mr. Compress.
The older man took a step towards you, appearing by your side as he studied the many torture tools disposed on the medical tray under Shigaraki’s annoyed gaze. A scalpel, pincers, a blowtorch, long needles among other things you didn’t even recognize. An icy shiver ran down your spine at the sight; were they planning to use those on you? Alright, alright, alright. No matter how fast your heart was beating, threatening to burst out of your chest, no matter how harsh you bit your lower lip, blood dripping on your thighs, no matter how overwhelming your fear was, drowning any other emotion in your mind, you wouldn’t give in.
“Don’t go easy on her, Compress,” Shigaraki ordered, a disgusted wince on his scarred lips as he looked at you. “Make her suffer.”
What a jerk.
As soon as the words were out of his mouth, rivers of fresh blood started running down his pale chin, another deadly coughing fit taking a hold of his throat, invisible needles piercing all over his heart in his tightening chest. You didn’t care for his pain, and chose to simply glare at him as he leaned against the tray to keep himself from collapsing.
Good. His state would only be getting worse from now on.
Shame you wouldn’t be alive to witness it.
“First question,” Compress started, a faint hint of worry in his voice as he glanced at his companion. “What did you do to him?” He marked a pause, grabbing a shiny scalpel from the tray, before adding: “Please avoid any lies. Shigaraki possesses a truth detection quirk, and we would be forced to punish you should you try to hide anything from us.”
That was an easy one. You wanted Shigaraki to know exactly what was going to happen to him.
“I used my quirk,” you replied, a triumphant smile on your lips. “I cursed him.”
“You damn witch,” Shigaraki hissed between his blood-coated teeth.
His hold on the tray he was leaning against slipped between his fingers and he collapsed this time, as another coughing fit started burning holes through his lungs and throat. From the sound of the pained whimper that escaped him, you guessed that each coughing fit was worse than the other, weakening him at every insult he dared throw at you.
Maybe he’d pick up the hint, eventually.
“May I ask what your quirk is?” Compress inquired, calmly helping Shigaraki get back to his feet. The leader of the League of Villains glared at you in the process, but kept his mouth shut this time. Good, maybe that jerk was finally learning something.
“Well, do you know any fairy tales?”
Compress almost seemed offended you’d ask.
“I am a performer,” he replied, as if that fact alone answered the question.
You decided to indulge him, accepting his answer with a nod.
“My kiss isn’t the true love’s kiss you hear about in fairytales. Mine is a hate kiss. Instead of breaking a curse, it is one in itself, eating up at the victim until there’s nothing left of them.” You turned to Shigaraki, an innocent smile pulling at your lips. “Death comes after six months of pure agony. You’ll feel your organs melting inside you, your flesh burning as if it were constantly on fire, your thoughts swarming in your head to the point you’ll slowly fall into insanity.”
Then, with the possessor of All for One gone, the resistance would take back the country.
Even dead, you’d win.
Shigaraki caught your throat in a four-fingered-grip, obviously struggling to hold back his murderous urges. He still needed other answers, after all. Maybe he was still hoping that you were lying, despite one of his quirks confirming that every single one of the words that crossed your lips was the truth. Or maybe he was waiting for you to tell him that there was a way out of this, that he’d be able to save himself.
If he still had hope, you would crush it.
“Once the curse has set, even taking my quirk or killing me won’t stop it.”
Eraserhead had tried, once, to undo the consequences of your kiss. No matter how long he looked at you or at your victim, irises glimmering a pretty pink color, the effects didn’t go away. It had been an accident, at the time. You hadn’t really wanted the poor guy to die. But this time, when hatred for Shigaraki filled you whole, burning your insides faster and more violently than a summer forest fire, you could only hope that the effects would be even stronger, and that they would consume him just like anger consumed you, until there was nothing left of either of you.
You weren’t lying. Shigaraki used his coat sleeve to wipe the blood off his face, glaring at you as if hoping he could kill with a single look.
“Is there a way to undo it?” he asked, his usually raspy voice made even weaker by the pain still burning through his throat.
You hesitated. Opened your mouth, closed it.
“No, it’s irreversible,” you whispered at last.
This time, Shigaraki smiled, teeth still red with blood.
You heard the clicking of the metallic torture tools beside you, and an icy shiver ran down your spine.
“I am very sorry, but you have been warned that you’d be punished should you try to lie,” Compress apologized, always so polite. His calm tone didn’t make anything better as you eyed the knife he held tightly in his gloved hands. Fear clawed at your chest, and Shigaraki coughed a bit, but not enough for Compress to stop.
“Carve my name into her skin,” the leader of the League of Villains ordered. “And then, she’ll explain how to get rid of this damn curse so that I can decay her.”
You had only a second or so to brace yourself before the blade started cutting through the flesh of your forearm. Blood, blood, blood. It was everywhere; on the soft fabric of your dress (your favorite one, you’d chosen it for your death day), on the damp floor of the basement, on your tongue as you bit your lip to keep your screams from escaping the warm comfort of your mouth.
Hot, burning tears rolled down your cheeks as Compress made it through the first character. 死, Shi, for Shigaraki. You knew what it meant. Death. So many strokes, so many carvings in your flesh, every single one more painful than the other. Then, once this nightmare of a letter was done, he stopped.
He stopped, because Shigaraki was crying tears of blood.
The Villain King didn’t even seem to realize it himself. Seeing Compress stare at him, Shigaraki finally raised a hand to his face, brushing his digits against the wetness on his cheeks. His eyes widened when he saw crimson stains coating his fingers, an horrified wince pulling at his chapped lips.
He used these same fingers to backhand you so violently you thought the hit would knock you out.
It didn't.
“Tell me how to undo this, you dumb slut!” he ordered, almost screaming, little drops of blood mixed with spit splashing all over your face as he spoke.
You’d rather die than tell him, you’d rather have the rest of his name carved up your arm than give him any hope for escape, for a chance at salvation.
And yet, even if he knew how to undo the curse, there was no way he could. No matter his hundreds of quirks, no matter his incommensurable power, no matter his thirst for blood, Shigaraki Tomura wouldn’t be able to fulfill the condition required for his survival. He’d have to feel death slowly grab at his soul, pulling him towards hell where he belonged while his body painfully burned through your curse. There was no way he could avoid this fate.
Telling him wouldn’t change anything, anyways.
And if you were to die soon, you wanted to see all hope crumble in his mind first.
“There is only one way to undo the curse,” you said, voice weakened by both the pain devouring your arm and the anger that burned through your lungs. “And you can’t use a quirk or anything like that to fulfill that condition. If you try, it won’t work, and you’ll die in six months anyway.”
He didn’t reply, waiting for you to keep going
It was the truth, and he knew it.
You let another few seconds pass, silence settling in the damp basement as you relished in his rage, in his despair. You could almost taste his hatred on your tongue, and you delighted in the sweetness that filled your mouth at the thought that you held his fate in your hands, just like he held everyone else’s in his murderous palms.
This time, you had the power.
And you’d bring the King of Villains to his knees.
“The only way for you to be free of the curse is if I fall in love with you.”
The knife fell from Compress’ hand, filling the silent basement with a harsh cling that echoed in your ears as it hit the ground. And yet, no protests arose, no one called you a liar, no one punished you for the words that had crossed your lips.
Because Shigaraki Tomura knew that it was the truth, and that you had just condemned him to death.
and it was in this moment that Shigaraki knew: he fucked up. This is my first multi-chapters fic!! I have a few ideas but I didn't outline anything yet because I LOVE taking inspiration from the comments, so please, spare a few concepts that you'd like to see in this fic. I try to vary the kind of reader I use in each fic/one shot, this one has 0 survival skills and is super hot-headed and impetuous but she still has a bit of a backstory so if you don't like her yet please don't worry she'll come around eventually (hopefully). And ofc I'll keep writing my usual one-shots all while writing this fic so you can keep requesting anything As usual please tell me your opinion, it means the world to me <3
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a-valorant-effort · 3 years
can u do enemies to lovers w yoru 🥺 like maybe their rlly good partners in valorant but their both too stubborn 2 admit they like eachother n all the other agents r like 😉😏😏 tysm!!!!!!
*sees enemies to lovers request*
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Keep it Together
Yoru x GN!Reader
I got carried away with this one oop-
“Would you get out of the way? I can’t even see through the scope.”
“I’m in the rift, Y/N.”
“Oh, my bad. You’re big blue ego must have leaked back into this dimension, you’ll be spotted quick.”
It’s like this. Everyday. Back and forth. Left and right. Yin and Yang. Y/N and Yoru haven’t gotten along since the day they showed up. Yoru, a flashy radiant with the power to travel through dimensions and become invisible to the enemy team, was a force to be reckoned with when it came to being a ground fighter. Y/N, was the opposite. Powerless, dull, armed with nothing but their quick wit and lethal aim. It was in this clause where they differed so heavily. No one really knows why they do it. Jealousy? Intimidation? Or simply pure hatred? One claiming to be better than the other, competing for kills on deadly missions and high stakes infiltrations. Y/N, the eyes in the sky, while Yoru lie low.
“Both of you, stop bickering. Your target is in there, kill him, then get out.” Brimstone sounded tired over the communicator, more so than usual.
Through a stroke of chance, Yoru was able to sneak past the guards and saw their target. Pulling out his knife, he slowly crept up to the man before his heart almost dropped at the sound of a bullet coming through the window. The target lie dead.
“Got em.” Y/N giggled through the com.
“Oh, fuck you.”
The bickering never stops, not even once their mission is over.
“I don’t need a flashy power to be better than you.” Y/N leaned over the couch, their arms swung over the cushions.
“Neither do I.”
Y/N scoffed. “You’re nothing without that radianite.”
“The same can be said about your weapon and you. You’re nothing without that either.” Yoru looked into their eyes, smirking.
“Y/N. A word.” Brimstone called from the hall.
“Daddy’s calling.” Yoru laughed.
“At least mine came back.” Y/N shoved a pillow in his face and walked off.
“Jesus christ. Do you two ever stop arguing?” Viper rubbed her temples.
Jett nonchalantly tuned in, her eyes still trained on a video game on the tv. “Yeah dude, you two need to fuck already.”
Yoru coughed. “What?!”
“Yeah bro, you two got something going on there.” Phoenix was beside her, focusing just as intently.
“You’re hysterical. I don’t like Y/N, I just want to put them in their place.”
“In your be-,”
Phoenix and Jett laughed.
“I’m serious. I despise Y/N. I would rather listen to Killjoy talk about astrophysics all day.”
“Oh really? What do you hate about Y/N?”
“Oh wow, where do I start? They’re useless. They can’t do anything but aim really well from a distance. I have to save their ass everytime they get into a little bit of danger. I hate how they look when they get a good shot with the operator. I hate that stupid little giggle they have. I hate the way their uniform perfectly hugs their hips a certain way. I hate it when their pupils dilate slightly when the get excited, I hate it.” Yoru took a breath. Phoenix and Jett stared at him, their attention fully drawn to him.
“Dude, you’ve got it so bad.” Jett laughed.
It struck him like a hammer to a nail. The more he thought about Y/N, the more endearing the thoughts became. Oh god, he liked them. He loved them.
“Well no point in standing here loverboy!” Yoru hadn’t realized he said it out loud, so Phoenix’s response caught him off guard. “You gotta tell them!”
“No chance, they hate me. No way they feel the same.”
“This fighting needs to stop.”
Brimstone had Y/N in the briefing room, sitting on opposite sides of the long ovular table.
“It’s not my fault he gets on my nerves at every turn.” Y/N kicked their feet up. “And if you hate us fighting so much, why don’t you just separate us? Seems to me anytime I need a partner you’re putting me with the rift-rat.”
Brimstone put his hand to his forehead. “Y/N, do you know why I pair you up with Yoru?”
“Clearly not.”
“Because mission success rates are the highest when you two are put back to back. Monte Carlo, Venice, New Zealand, all of your duo missions have come back successful, the only error is when you two decide to turn it into some sort of competition.” Brimstone laid out a file folder that was labeled “Rift-shot” Y/N opened it to find all of their and his statistics lying within it. “Think about what you two could do if you stopped trying to step on each other and instead tried to lift each other up. You’ve done it before.”
That last part was interesting to Y/N because, well... yeah, they have. They can remember all of the times Yoru has bandages them up in a clutch situation, or the times Yoru was about to get caught but a piercing bullet to the head deliver by them had saved him. Whether they liked it or not, Y/N and Yoru were perfect for each other. Back and forth. Left and right. Yin and Yang.
“We’ve got reports of a radianite shipment getting lost somewhere in Croatia, you think you’re up for the task?” Y/N lifted their head and looked Brimstone in the eye who gave them a knowing look.
“Fine. I can do it.”
“Not the answer I’m looking for.”
Y/N sighed. “We can do it.”
Brimstone smiled. “Dropship will be ready for you first thing tomorrow morning, I expect no issues.”
Yeah. There were issues.
Why Y/N had agreed to a mission when they couldn’t even look at each other now wasn’t their best move. They uncomfortably shuffled next to their partner who was also trying to mask his discomfort. They stayed like this, two trained killers who couldn’t even look each other in the eye for more than a second. Through apologies, awkward shuffling and flinching at even the smallest touch, they found it difficult not to say anything.
Y/N was the first to speak. “Hey.” Yoru turned his head. “I uh, I’m sorry I took that knife kill from you. I probably should have-”
Yoru interrupted. “No!” He coughed, and readjusted his tone. “You did well. As long as the target is dead we did our jobs well.”
“I guess so.” Y/N leaned in a bit more towards Yoru, more comfortable in his presence now. “And the look on your face was pretty funny.”
They giggled, and for once Yoru didn’t find it obnoxious or annoying. It was, cute. Comforting. And it made Yoru laugh along too. “I can’t say I disagree.”
Y/N held out their hand. “We make a good team, don’t we?”
Yoru held his out with a smile. “Yeah. I guess we do.”
And in that moment, everything felt right.
So why did everything go wrong?
Y/N hit the ground running, as fast they could even though they were carrying a whole human over their shoulder. Yoru was loosing blood quick, they knew that, but there wasn’t much they could do until they were out of harms way.
“The drop ship isn’t far, come on, you have to stay with me.” Y/N went as fast as they could, trying to make Yoru comfortable but also rushing at the same time.
The two hobbled into the ship, dodging bullets on their way. Once they were safe, Yoru collapsed on the cool metal floor, blood seeping through his clothes and violently coughing dead air.
“Hey hey hey.” Y/N frantically kneeled next to him and cupped his face. “It’s a 90 minute flight home, you have to hold on a little longer, I’ll do what I can to keep you around until then.”
His face may have been bloody and pale, but Y/N still saw him as the beautiful boy he was. Stroking his cheek and gingerly running their fingers through his hair, Yoru tried his best to muster a smile.
Yoru held the back of Y/N’s neck, trying to bring their face closer down. “Come here.” Y/N leaned down and Yoru lifted his head slightly to meet them with a kiss.
“Keep it together ok?” Y/N said after they broke the kiss. “I can’t lose you.”
Yoru pressed another kiss to their cheek and closed his eyes, knowing that his Y/N would be there when he woke.
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chaotic-super · 2 years
The Gym Experience
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Lena has never had an abundance of friends, she just doesn’t know how to interact with people most of the time, so when a friend asks her for a favour she has a hard time saying no.
This leads us to here: National City Gym. It may just be hell on Earth, at least according to Lena and her wheezing. Kelly asked her to come with her since she wants to start getting into better shape and wanted someone to come with her to ease her anxiety, so Lena agreed just because the hopeful look in Kelly’s eyes was too much for her lonely heart to take.
Less than a week after that fateful conversation Lena has found herself actually having to follow through with her promise, something she had been hoping to discreetly back out of before actually following through.
At least she looks sexy in workout gear with her hair slicked back into a standard ponytail, if she’s going to die today, at least she’ll do it looking good.
She’s been on a treadmill for a whole ten minutes, that’s a record for her, and she is even jogging instead of walking. It’s a real life miracle. Lena gasps as she her best to force some air into her lungs while Kelly does the same on the treadmill beside hers.
“This might be the worst thing I’ve ever done in my life.” Kelly steps off her treadmill and brings her hands to her knees, thoroughly out of breath and obviously struggling. “I’m just glad you’re here too, you know that misery loves company.”
“I’m suddenly rethinking a lot of my life choices.” Lena shoves her away from her jokingly as she steps off her own treadmill. “What do you want to do next? Other than go home and eat chips, that is.”
Kelly chuckles at her friend being ever the pessimist. “Come on, we’ve got some dumbbells calling our names.”
Lena groans as Kelly walks ahead, leading the way. “How much longer before we can give up and never come back here again?”
“I’m suddenly regretting asking you to join me instead of Sam, I’d hoped that you would be the better influence, but I guess Sam would have been the better option after all.”
Lena fixes her with a glare and if looks would kill, Kelly would already be in the morgue. “Take that back, Olsen. I swear to every god in the damn universe that I will handcuff you to a treadmill and force you to run forever if you don’t take it back right this second.”
Kelly’s eyebrows raise high enough that they may as well join her hairline. “What the heck, Luthor? That’s a twisted threat and you know it, I’d be dead within twenty minutes.”
“The best threats are the most effective ones, now are you going to take it back?”
“Obviously not, now don’t be a psycho and lift some weights, you might sweat some of your negativity out if you do.”
“I don’t sweat.”
“Sure you don’t, sweet pea.” Kelly ignores her from then on, only reacting to Lena’s obvious anger with a tiny smirk from being able to get back at her for being a killjoy.
Lena keeps grumbling to herself as she grabs a pair of dumbbells for herself, not entirely sure on what she’s actually meant to do with them. She lifted them off the ground, surely that should be enough to get her jacked.
She sort of just half-heartedly brings them up in front of her, swinging them up to her chest then letting them drop back down to her sides again. She knows she isn’t doing it properly, but she really doesn’t want to have to get her phone out to google how to do it, that would be simply humiliating to do in the idle of a gym.
Her arms start to ache after a minute or two of this, along with her back. She’s definitely doing this wrong but she’s still holding up strong, trying to mimic Kelly’s much smoother movements. She must have done some research before they came here.
Just as Lena is about to give up and find out how she is actually meant to do it, she feels a light tap on her shoulder. She spins around quick, ready to bite the head off whoever just dared to touch her but when she sees the person all of her pent up rage dissipates rapidly.
Any ability Lena has to speak disappears the second she lays her eyes on the goddess of a woman standing in front of her, a timid smile resting on her pretty face.
“Hey, I’m really sorry to bother you. You just looked like you were struggling, and I noticed that your form was off, so I wanted to ask if you wanted any tips?”
Well if anyone is going to be able to help her, it’s this woman. She has muscles coming out of her muscles, her arms are especially impressive, but she has to say, her abs are a close second. Her legs would probably be in the running too if Lena could get a good look at them but if she does, she knows that she will end up doing inappropriate, so it’s for the best.
Her blonde hair is tied back in a similar fashion to her own, a bright scrunchie holding it in place. She also has black framed glasses sitting on her nose, making her look nerdy in a flatteringly adorable way.
Despite the size of her muscles, she isn’t massive though, she somehow looks like a bodybuilder and a skinny marathon runner all in one and it is so very unfair because Lena knows that no matter how long or hard she could train, she would never in a million years end up looking anywhere close to how Kara looks.
“I – Uh, thank you. I’d like that, I don’t really know what I’m doing.” Lena mumbles out, her brain stumbling over the words worse than her mouth is.
The woman beams at her, ecstatic that Lena is taking her up on her offer to help. “Awesome! I’m Kara by the way, now let me show you.”
Kara. The name fits her, it’s beautiful just like her and her lovely muscles. Ok, so Lena may be a little bit in love already but who can blame her, that girl has got an incredible body that Lena wouldn’t mind rubbing – nope, she’s not going there. She’s just going to let her explain and let her get back to her own workout, simple as that.
Kara grabs her own set of weights, considerably heavier that the ones that Lena had gotten for herself. She goes on to show Lena how to do the lift properly and explaining it as she goes along before asking Lena to show her so she can check that she understands.
If Lena purposely doesn’t tuck her elbows just to see if Kara will touch her again, that’s nobody’s business but her own. She does touch her again, just to let you know.
Lena is disappointed at how quickly the interaction is over, Kara heading back off to who knows where to play with some of the more intimidating machines that Lena is fully aware would likely injure her gravely if she so much as dared to think about using them.
She watches her go, her piercing green eyes fixated on that previously hidden but very lovely ass of the blonde then she refocuses on the weights in her hands, since she’s here, she may as well give it a go. She’s never been one to quit.
Just as she begins lifting them again, a cackle from her side cuts her off. “That was amazing! You were practically drooling all over the floor when she lifted those heavy weights, I’m surprised you didn’t ask her to lift you!”
The happy look that had overcome Lena’s face disappeared instantly. “And you just ruined my mood. It sucks for you really because that attractive woman was your only hope of ever getting me to come back here again. Now I guess you’ll have to come here and pick heavy things up alone. Sucks to be you.”
Kelly lifts her hands up in front of her in a stop signal. “Well, there’s no need to make any rash decisions now, is there?”
“There absolutely is and it’s all your fault.”
“What do you want from me?”
“I’ll take your apology in the form of an IOU.”
Kelly hates how quickly Lena can turn the tables on her. She supposes that’s how she got to where she is today, the CEO of one of the world’s most successful corporations. “Fine but let the record state that you’re being mean to me just because you were two seconds away from asking blondie to hold your tits for you because they were getting to heavy for you.”
“Sweet cheeks, you’re the one that was mean first by making me come here in the first place.” Lena smiles, dropping her dumbbells on the floor after finishing another set so she can grab a drink of her water. “And I can hold my own tits, thank you very much.”
As she passes behind Kelly she gives her a not so gentle pat on the behind, earning her another glare and an angry mumble that she pretends not to hear. “I should’ve brought Sam…or maybe Andrea.”
Lena decides that exercise isn’t too bad after all, not when she has a good view, namely Kara cross the gym doing squats. She is still counting down the time until she can stop because every muscle in her body aches, but she doesn’t mind it too much. She is like ninety percent sure that she won’t be coming back again so she may as well enjoy her time here while it lasts.
It takes another fifteen minutes for her to call it. “Kelly, I’m done. I’m going to go shower and I’ll wait for you in the locker room after. I think I might actually die if I do any more exercise today.”
“You’re such a drama queen, Lena. Whatever though, I’m just finishing up, so I won’t be far behind you.”
Lena makes her way out towards the showers, dying to get the lingering sweat off her body, making her feel kind of gross and worry that she is starting to smell because of it. Lena Luthor is many things, but she is not smelly.
She is really hoping that Kelly will hurry up so they can get out here as fast as humanly possible, the benches in the locker room don’t look comfortable at all so she will have to mildly threaten her to hurry her up when she comes and joins her through here or else she’ll end up with dead buttocks from sitting on the hard wood.
With nimble fingers, Lena slides the locker key into place, grabbing her gym bag for her towel and fresh clothes. She them proceeds to have the quickest shower of her life, not wanting to prolong her visit to what may just be the dankest shower cubicle she’s ever been in, she will have to ledge a complaint because she’s genuinely worried she might catch something from how grim it is in there.
Nobody expects to come out of a shower feeling filthier than when they went in but hey, Lena is experiencing a lot of things today that she never thought she would and the majority of them are negative so she may as well embrace it. Not physically though because once again, that’s grim.
Lena tidies everything away into her gym bag, bought a few years ago but only because she bought too many books from a bookstore, and she needed a massive bag to carry them all and there was a sports gear store right across from the bookstore.
Up until now it smelled of that incredible new book smell that she can’t get enough of and now it’s ruined, it just smells of gym lockers and sweat. Not only that but she can’t ever use it for books again because it will make them smell too. Kelly really owes her one…or five.
She changed out of her gym wear and into an oversized shirt and jeans, content to dress casually since she’ll just be grabbing a quick bite to eat with Kelly before heading home for the day to forget all about ever coming here in the first place.
With a sigh she drops herself down onto the aforementioned wooden bench, resigning herself to the butt cramp she is sure to get and fishing her phone out of her bag so she can check her emails. Nothing goes better with horrible aching muscles than horrible work emails where the board are demanding more pointless meetings.
 There is a brief moment where she considers replying to the emails, but they make her life hell, she can let them wait an extra day, they don’t get her time and effort on her only day off she is taking in three weeks.
The only good part of her visit here is her brief run in with the hottest woman she’s ever met, she really doesn’t understand how a person can be simultaneously so hunky and adorable. There was a definite spark when she had touched Lena’s arm to fix her form too, and if that’s what she gets from an arm touch, she can’t imagine what she would feel if that touch was somewhere else.
Her thoughts are interrupted by a newly familiar voice. “Is someone using the shower?”
Lena’s head whips around to look over her shoulder at Kara, once again take aback by her beauty and lost for words until she realises that Kara is looking back at her, amused and waiting for an answer.
“I – uh…No. No one.” Lena stutters out, mentally slapping herself for losing her edge, usually she would be flirting her heart out but one look at a cute blonde with incredible abs and she’s mush.
“Ok, thanks!” Kara smiles, her hand pushing her glasses up her nose a little.
She looks like she is about to say something else but doesn’t get the chance because there is another woman walking past with short red hair who throws a balled up sock at her and yells. “Hurry the fuck up, Kara!”
With a brief press of her lips together into a tight smile, Kara raises her hand in a silent wave and heads into the cubicle she recently departed. She’ll cry if Kara thinks the dirt in there came from her, that would hurt more than her muscles currently do. She doubts that she will be able to sit right in her office chair tomorrow and she barely did anything, only a jog, some bicep curls and a couple of squats. She really is out of shape.
The shower turns on not long after Kara enters, making her very aware of Kara’s state of undress just a few metres away from her. She has to mentally scold herself for being such a perve, if she wants to think about licking those delicious abs, she needs to do it in the privacy of her own home, not in public.
She physically shakes her head as if to shake the dirty thoughts away and stands, set to search for her wayward friend that has left her here to fester in this locker room.
Kelly isn’t hard to find, her giggles can be hear from a mile away as she’s talking with the red head that was telling Kara to hurry up earlier. They are chatting about who knows what but from the way Kelly is smiling at her and batting her eyelashes, she’s definitely flirting.
Oh no, if she’s suffering then Kelly has to suffer too. She said it herself earlier, misery loves company. “Hey, Kelly. Where did you get to? Are you ready to get going?”
She receives a sharp glare from the corner of Kelly’s eyes and an eyebrow raise that says, ‘really? You’re doing this right now?’
“I have to get changed but I shouldn’t be long.”
“Don’t blame her, it’s my fault. I was distracting her.” The other woman chimes in, a shy smile thrown in Kelly’s direction.
Lena nods politely but doesn’t say anything else, just looks expectantly at her friend, hoping she will get the hint and guess what, she doesn’t.
“I actually invited Alex and Kara to join us for lunch, that’s alright isn’t it?”
Lena fights through the gay panic to answer in a timely manner and to slap a courteous smile on her face.  “Of course, the more the merrier.”
“Awesome, I’ll go get ready too, I won’t be long.” Alex smiles, her eyes lingering on Kelly for a few more seconds before she goes.
Great, so not only will she have to try and hold it together in front of Kara for at least another hour, but now she’s going to have to put up with Kelly making heart eyes at Alex too. She can see when Kelly likes someone, and it is painfully obvious, but she knows that her friend has been lonely recently and has been wanting to meet someone new so a little tiny art of her is happy for her, even if she annoys her to high heavens.
Once again she is left alone to her thoughts, stuck waiting for Kelly so she can continue on with her day for getting sucked into situations she normally wouldn’t choose to be in. Lena lets her head gently flop back and hit the locker behind her as she whispers to herself, “what has a girl got to do to sit alone at home with a good book?”
“I hear that.”
The voice takes her by surprise again, making her jump and hit her elbow on the locker. By instinct she brings it up to her chest, cradling it. “Ow, fuck!”
Lena’s not sure what hurts more, the pain in her elbow or the lack of visible muscles now that Kara has put a shirt on.
“I’m so sorry, let me see! Are you alright? I didn’t mean to startle you, I promise.” Kara gasps, taking Lena’s arm in her hand, turning it with a delicate hand to see if there is any visible damage.
It’s happening again. It’s happening. She’s touching her again and her brain is broken. “I – Yes. I’m fine, I’ll probably just have a bruise tomorrow, that’s all. Don’t worry about it.”
“Well, I’m still sorry. My sister always says that I’m like a ninja, too quiet until I’m up close.” Kara giggles and it’s the cutest thing ever, Lena just wants to squeeze her pink dusted cheeks between her fingers and kiss every inch of her face.
Woah, woah. She needs to slow down. This is a stranger. Well, not for long, Kelly has apparently set them up for lunch and if she’s lucky, it will turn into a double date.
“Well, if you really want to make it up to me, I think Kelly and Alex are crushing on each other so we’re all going out for lunch, you could always get me an apology drink.”
“I could, couldn’t I?”
“It would be the most practical thing to do.” Lena nods decisively, trying to bring back her usual Luthor charm and get rid of this awkward bumbling mess she’s become.
Kara nods, a grin sweeping across her face and her dazzling blue eyes sparkling at her. “I agree.”
Kelly and Alex join them, their own bags slung over their shoulders. “We’re all set to go if you guys are?” Alex asks, her hand brushing Kelly’s own, making her long to feel the redhead’s fingers sliding between her own.
Kara answers for them. “Yep, we’re ready.”
They take separate cars to lunch, mutually deciding on going to a local place they all know and like: Noonan’s.
It’s a mutual decision to grab an outdoor table, Kara leading the decision because she gets so excited about being able to sit out in the sun. Lena can tell she must do it a lot if her sun kissed skin is any clue. It’s just another thing she can add to her list on why she is so attractive.
“So, you guys are new to the gym?” Kara asks, sipping on her strawberry milkshake while everyone else settled for coffee.
Lena replies, Kelly and Alex already caught up in their own conversation and ignoring them both. “That easy to tell, huh?”
This time, Lena makes Kara stutter, boosting her confidence and making her feel like her old self again. Maybe she can blame the atmosphere of the gym for her lack of social abilities earlier. “Well – I…um, a little, but mostly because I go a lot and didn’t recognise you.”
Lena chuckles at her light-heartedly. “Relax, I’m just teasing. I was in over my head and had no clue what I was doing in there, thanks for rescuing me by the way, I was halfway to breaking every bone in my body.”
Kara breathes out a quiet sigh of relief, overjoyed that she hasn’t upset the pretty brunette she’s found herself out with. “I never actually caught your name before.”
Kara stares at her, dumfounded. Is this woman for real? Her smirk says that she’s messing with her but the kindness swimming in her eyes says she doesn’t have the capabilities of being cruel so she’s at a loss. “Are you going to tell me your name?”
“I might do.”
They are broken out of their bubble by a napkin hitting Lena in the face thanks to Kelly. “Ok, that’s enough of…whatever that was. Her name is Lena, and we want to order food so come on, pick up your menus and make a decision.”
Upon hearing Kelly get all demanding, Alex pretty much melts into a puddle in her chair, already looking completely smitten. It’s disgusting to watch, they’re totally going to bone later.
Lena doesn’t know if she wants to hit Kelly or thank her. She’s been really, super-duper, extra annoying today but has also gotten them a lovely meal with two top tier women that both seem to be into them respectively. She’ll take it as a win but if Kelly is expecting a thank you she can go pleasure herself…or get Alex to do it for her.
Kara is quick to engage her back into conversation after they place their orders, Kara shocking her with how many extra sides she adds onto her meal, while Alex and Kelly go back to their own conversations.
Lena makes the mistake of mentioning how she is likely to make her gym session a one time thing and because Kara gives her a pretty smile, she lets herself get talked into going back and letting Kara show her the ropes to see if she’ll grow to like it more.
There was a brief period where she tried to say no, using the excuse of not wanting to mess up her buddy system with her sister but Kelly is quick to offer to buddy up with Alex instead, of-fucking-course.
She’s going to hate every second, she can already tell. Damn her inability to say no to adorable beefcakes. At least she’ll get to see Kara’s muscles again and if it leads to something more, well she’s heard that you can get plenty of exercise in the bedroom.
This is based on a twitter prompt and art, click here to view on twitter.
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bourbonbees · 3 years
Suptober Day 9 - Body Mods
Debauchery and Ink
Dean is in charge of Sam's bachelor party. He brings Cas along for the ride. Charlie is there as a supportive little sister. There’s a blow-up doll named Carmen? Garth pulls out a secret talent, and Adam just makes things weird for everyone. Jack learns what a hangover is! There's also strippers and tattoos, what else does a bachelor party need?
Alternatively- the fic in which everyone parties maybe just a little too hard.
Read below the cut or on Ao3
“Okay so do we have everything?” Dean asks as he finishes loading a keg of beer into Baby’s backseat. He’s in charge of booze, and well sort of everything which is fair because it’s not every day your little brother gets married. Dean also happens to be an expert in debauchery which is exactly what bachelor parties are all about.
“Yeah I think so. Though, I still do not understand the purpose of the inflatable woman.” Cas says, crinkling his nose up at the blow-up doll Dean has also crammed into the backseat.
“Hey that’s Carmen and she’s a lady.” Dean huffs, putting a case of whiskey and bourbon bottles into the trunk.
“You gave her a name, really?” Cas sighs with a roll of his eyes, making Dean laugh.
“Is it possible that you’re jealous of a blow-up doll? Aww honey, you’re cute when you’re jealous.” Dean pouts, patting Cas’ ass and earning a swat on the arm.
“No, but I’m still not keen on the entertainment you’ve hired. I really don’t think Sam will enjoy the strippers you hired. Nor Eileen really.” Cas points out, getting into the passenger seat.
“You kidding me? She helped me pick the girls out. She’s all for anything that embarrasses the shit out Sam. She’s awesome! I wanted to invite her to come with but you said no, remember? Killjoy.” Dean loves his partner but sometimes he really knows how to ruin a good time, like robbing him of the opportunity to spend an evening plotting different ways to embarrass Sam with his fiancée. Rude.
“She’s unconventional, isn’t she? I guess that’s perfect for Sam, he is of course an abomination.” Cas is chuckling, resting a hand on Dean’s thigh as he drives. Dean has never felt so lucky, having a partner who not only tolerates his shenanigans but joins in on teasing Sam. There’s only a handful of people he allows that privilege, himself, Eileen, Cas, and sometimes Jack.
“So, Jack is good with keeping Sam busy until we’re ready?” Dean asks, glancing at Cas as they drive down the backroads to the Cabin he’s rented for the bachelor party festivities.
“Yeah, he’s got him preoccupied with building a very difficult Lego model. Something related to that space movie they both like, with the woman with cinnamon roll hair.” Cas says with a proud expression.
“Star Wars, the movie is Star Wars and her name is Princess Leia. Come on man. If Jack or Sam heard you say that you never hear the end of it.” Dean groans, unable to help feeling a bit soft and fond.
When they reach the cabin, Charlie is already there waiting for them.
“Hey bitches! You’re late!” She calls out, lowering her sunglasses to look at them.
“That is entirely Dean’s fault, he wouldn’t get out of bed this morning then you know, he needs his coffee.” Cas, that bastard, selling him out without a single thought, Dean will remember this later when he starts acting all cute and trying to get him to go to bed.
“Nice to see you too sis.” Dean says as he pulls Charlie into a hug.
“It is. I missed you. You big lug!” Charlie laughs, Dean loves hearing her laugh, she’s the best and deserves to be this happy all the time.
“Cas called Star Wars a space movie and said Leia has cinnamon roll hair.” Dean blurts out, Cas looking at him as if he’s committed the ultimate betrayal.
“Wow, okay. I’m going to try not to take that personally.” Charlie says with an open-mouthed expression, hand over her heart.
“I can’t believe I’m stuck with you both all evening, with access to alcohol and strippers.” Cas frowns, rubbing at his forehead exasperatedly.
“I know, it’s awesome!” Dean laughs, wrapping an arm around Cas. “Love you.” He hums, kissing his cheek.
“I love you too, unfortunately.” Cas replies, making Dean break into a wide shit eating grin.
“Alright that’s enough smooching, let’s get to work Bert and Ernie.” Charlie teases, grabbing Carmen out of the backseat and carrying the doll toward the cabin. Dean and Cas follow behind, Dean tries to contain himself when Cas lifts two kegs of beer as if they weigh nothing.
“You’re drooling.” Of course, Charlie catches him, whacking him over the head with Carmen.
“One, shut up, two, did you just hit me in the head with inflatable tits?” Dean fish mouths, taking a moment to right himself. “I’ve never been prouder of you.” He teases, unloading the rest of the decorations, drinks, and party supplies.
The three of them make quick work setting everything up and before long the rest of the guests arrive, well only two, technically three if you count a symbiote angel, it’s hard to make friends when you live like Sam and Dean do. Garth comes with pies made by Bess, Dean makes a mental note to send her a thank you for being the best. Adam arrives a bit later, being around him always makes Dean a bit uncomfortable. It’s a toss-up if it’s the awkward family dynamic or the fact that he was playing host to an alternate version of the angel that forcibly possessed him that bothers him more. But Sam insists that they try to play nice since he is their half-brother. So, Dean will suck it up for the evening.
Dean could propose to Cas on the spot when he picks up on the tension and suggestions they all tap the keg and have a beer. “Thank you.” He smiles, pecking his lips, deciding the proposal should probably wait.
“He’s not here tonight. Well he’s here in my head, but not here here, we have an understanding that I’m in control tonight.” Adam offers when Dean fails trying to dodge him in the kitchen.
“Oh, okay. Yeah. Sorry, I know I’m still like weird about all this. But Sam specifically told me he wants you to be a part of all the wedding festivities. So, uh, I’m trying.” Dean explains, sipping his beer and looking around desperately for an out.
“I’m not a monster you know, I can’t help that John was my dad any more than you can. And my situation with Michael, is it really all that different from yours with Cas? Angel on your shoulder and all that.” Adam shrugs, taking a long sip of his beer.
“I mean, it’s really different. Cas is my partner, we’re uh-dating. Profound bond and all that.” Dean defends with a raised brow.
“How do you know Michael and I aren’t involved?” Adam challenges.
“Can you? Is that even? I don’t wanna know actually. I saw Venom, that’s enough of that for me.” Dean pauses, recalling how deeply he’d regretted doing a cursory search about Venom after watching the movie and wanting to maybe see some more photos of Tom Hardy.
“You need to open your mind Dean. Considering the things you’ve seen, you’re surprisingly closed off.” Adam is fucking with him, maybe he is Winchester after all, he seems very capable of all the family mind games.
“Shuddup. The last time I opened my mind the evil version of your parasite boyfriend took my body for a joy ride. I’m good.” Dean mutters, a shiver running up and down his spine at the memory.
“Fair enough. Well, for what it’s worth. I think you and I have more in common than you think. Maybe after a few drinks we might even be able to be friends.” Adam smirks as he refills his plastic cup with beer.
“We shall see.” Dean mutters, walking away before things could get any weirder.
Thankfully, not long after, Jack texts him that he’s on his way with Sam. “Alright, Sammy is on the way!” He tells the party, everyone finishing up the last of the decorating. Cas uses his angel powers to hang some streamers from the rafters while Charlie busies herself arranging snacks on the table. Adam and Garth work on starting a fire out back of the cabin. Garth isn’t bothered in the least by Adam, which makes sense, Dean figures he could make friends with just about anything or anyone.
When Sam is minutes away, the group all find hiding places inside the cabin, turning off all the lights. Once it’s dark Cas finds Dean and pulls him in for discrete kiss, letting it linger for bit and smiling as he pulls away. “Stop.” Dean whispers, laughing softly.
“Stop what?” Cas asks innocently, nuzzling his nose against Dean’s cheek.
“Being so damn cute.” Dean answers, nudging their shoulders together. He leans in for another kiss getting a bit lost in it until Charlie throws a chip at his head.
“Focus Winchester.” She hisses, pointing to where headlights were gleaming through the front windows of the cabin.
A moment later the door creaks open and Jack walks into the cabin, Sam following after and cursing as he bumps into the lamp near the door.
“You sure this is a case. This place doesn’t seem haunted Jack. I think I saw a fire outside in the pit. Maybe it’s just squatters.” Sam observes, looking around the cabin.
Dean counts down and Charlie flips on the lights.
“Surprise!” They all shout, jumping out from their hiding spots. Sam quickly grabs his gun and pulls it out, aiming around the room, hunter instincts kicking in. Maybe surprising him wasn’t the best idea that Dean has had.
“Woah, woah. It’s us! Happy bachelor party!” Dean says, hands in the air.
“Oh, oh, sorry guys.” Sam blushes putting his gun away. “Thanks, this is great.” He adds once he gets his bearings and looks around the cabin at the decorations. “You really did surprise me. Obviously.” He laughs, walking up to Dean and giving him a hug.
“Hey Sammy! Congrats man.” Garth supplies, patting Sam on the back.
“Adam, you’re here. Hey!” Sam grins as he spots his half-brother, sending Dean a thankful look before going to say hi.
“You did the right thing Dean, inviting him. You’re a great big brother.” Charlie says as she hands Dean a plastic glass with a shot of whiskey in it.
“And you’re a great little sister.” He laughs, taking the shot and then holding it out for her to pour another.
The drinks start flowing after that. They all drink heavily, going outside and standing around the campfire Garth and Adam built. Dean makes it a point to tell as many embarrassing stories as possible about Sam, enjoying his overdramatic reactions. At some point Garth pulls out an acoustic guitar, earning a groan from everyone. He ends up being actually pretty good and they all sing along when he plays American Pie.
“This’ll be the day that I die.” Dean slurs along, raising his cup full of beer to Garth as the song ends. “Garth, you’re a man of many talents. You never stop surprising me.” He hiccups, he is definitely a lot drunker than he planned.
“I would like an alcohol please.” Jack says as he approaches Dean and Cas where they are sitting on a log together.
“Absolutely not.” Cas responds, shaking his head at Jack.
“Come on Cas, he can have one drink. I’ve got some wine coolers. Sammy likes them sometimes, he’ll never admit it because he’s a little bitch, but I know he loves the fuzzy navel ones.” Dean laughs before poking the tip of Cas’ nose. “They’re basically juice.” He shrugs, reaching into the cooler next to him and pulling one out.
“Alright, but just one Jack, you don’t have a tolerance for alcohol and you’re only four.” Cas resigns, knowing Dean was going to find a way to give Jack the sugary drink either way.
Dean opens the wine cooler with his teeth, Cas watching in horror and amusement, then hands it off to Jack. Jack takes a sip and takes a moment to process what he’s tasting. He scrunches his nose up in a way that’s undeniably Cas, definitely his son, Dean thinks.
“It’s good! Very sweet! Tastes like peaches.” Jack enthuses, taking another big swig.
“Enjoy kid.” Dean says, clinking his plastic cup against the bottle and downing the rest of the beer in one drink.
“Slow down Dean, you’re not going to feel well tomorrow.” Cas warns, clearly used to tending to grumpy Dean and his hangovers.
“Shhh, let me be.” Dean giggles, placing a finger to Cas’ lips and then stealing a kiss. Cas simply laughs fondly and wraps an arm around him, helping him stay steady.
“Dean, they’re here.” Charlie says, beckoning for Dean to come into the cabin.
“Who’s here?” Sam asks cautiously.
“The strippers! Surprise!” Dean yells triumphantly, pulling on Sam’s arm and brining him inside. “Don’t worry, all Eileen approved. She’s got good taste, funny she ended up with you.” Dean teases, blowing a raspberry at Sam.
“Oh no.” Sam whines as a scantily clad brunette wraps a feathery boa around him and pushes him down into a chair. Her name is Destiny, Dean remembers because he and Eileen both agreed she had nice boobs.
“Oh yes!” Charlie laughs, pulling out a wad of cash and tucking some into a blonde dancer’s top.
The party is in full swing, the dancers making their way around the room and dancing with everyone. Cas hides in the corner, trying to make himself as invisible as possible, but a certain dancer keeps moving closer to him. Dean keeps his eyes on Cas, he’s drunk but he can still tell when his partner is uncomfortable. At first, it’s a bit funny, but after a while he can see that Cas is visibly upset by whatever she is saying and Dean goes to his rescue.
“You’ve got this whole dad thing going, it’s really working for you.” The dancer smirks, twirling her blonde hair around one hand, the other holding a lollipop. “I’ve always been attracted to a man that’s a good dad.” She adds, sucking on the lollipop. Lollipop, where has Dean seen this before. Wait a minute, it couldn’t be.
“Hey, what’s your name?” Dean asks, alcohol allowing him to explore the cracky theory he’s got going in his head.
“Gabby.” The dancer smirks, Dean gasping with an ‘ah hah’ as he puts it together.
“Gabriel!” He shouts, pointing at the dancer. “That’s not a dancer, that’s Gabriel!” He adds, Cas pulling him away and apologizing to the dancer for his partner’s behavior, mumbling about him drinking too much.
“Damn, what gave it away.” The dancer says before morphing back into Gabriel’s usual form.
“Lollipop!” Dean says triumphantly. “Told you!” He tells Cas, patting his chest.
“This is a bad trick, even for you. Sexually harassing me, crashing Sam’s party.” Cas huffs, crossing his arms over his chest.
“Trickster, hello!” Gabriel smirks, pointing at himself and grabbing a bottle of bourbon and chugging it in one go. “You really thought you could have a party without little old me? I’ve been keeping tabs on you all. We’re family after all Cassie.” He shrugs, handing a bottle of bourbon to Castiel. “Now come on loosen up!” He encourages, Cas begrudgingly takes the bottle and chugs it.
“Gabriel?” Sam slurs when he spots him, walking over with a pink boa around his neck and nipple tassel stuck to his forehead. “Welcome to the party! Didn’t know you were coming. Let’s do shots!” He says enthusiastically, clearly already far too drunk, drunk enough to accept this all as normal.
The party kicks up another notch with Gabriel. He sets up a beer pong game, challenging Cas first and making a rule that no one uses their angel powers. Meanwhile, Jack makes his way around sneaking as many drinks as he can while Cas is preoccupied. Everyone, angel company included is very drunk by the time 2 AM rolls around.
It’s then that the fun goes maybe a bit too far.
“You know what we should do? We should get tattoos! I’ve always wanted more.” Sam suggests, now wearing Charlie’s sunglasses.
“How do you suggest we do that? We’re in the middle of nowhere and none of us can drive.” Charlie laughs, throwing popcorn at Sam and cheering when he catches it in his mouth.
“Jack can drive.” Dean offers, pointing to where Jack was sitting on the floor with Adam, munching on chips.
“Jack cannot drive! I’m drunk!” Jack says proudly.
“Jack!” Cas gasps, stifling a hiccup.
“I tricked you! I’m learning from Uncle Gabriel!” Jack grins, Gabriel clapping him on the shoulder.
“Our son is drunk. Oh no. We’re bad dads.” Dean says before bursting into giggles.
“Still a better dad than ours.” Gabriel adds, gesturing to Cas.
“And ours.” Adam adds, looking at Sam and Dean.
“I’ll drink to that. Hey, maybe you’re not half bad Adam.” Dean concedes, grabbing shots of whiskey and taking one to Adam and one to Sam, they all take them together.
“Hey, look what I can do! I fixed our problem.” Gabriel announces, manifesting a tattoo machine and pulling on some rubber gloves.
“No.” Dean shakes his head, he does not trust Gabriel with anything, especially not needles and his skin.
“Yes!” Sam counters, standing up and taking off his shirt. “But, not my face, okay. Eileen would kill me.” He adds.
“He’s right, I’ve seen her kill lots of things. She’s lethal.” Dean nods in agreement, sending Gabriel a warning expression.
“What’ll it be Sammy?” Gabriel asks as Sam sits in a chair near the dining table.
“A ring! Ooh the One Ring! I am getting married and I do love Lord of the Rings. Yeah, that’s cool right?” Sam decides, conferring with Dean who shakes his head in disbelief.
“Nerd! Seems right. Yeah.” He finally agrees, caving to Sam’s puppy eyes.
“It’s cool Sam, ignore him.” Charlie adds, taking a moment to stop making out with the dancer she had taken off to a corner.
Gabriel then starts tattooing, it’s somewhere around then that Dean blacks out. When he wakes up the next morning, he’s sleeping on the couch Cas cuddled up close to his chest. “Fuck.” He groans when he opens his eyes, his head pounding and his back stinging, he really is too old to be drinking this much or sleeping on couches.
“Morning.” Cas mumbles, opening his eyes. “How you feeling?” He checks.
“Like shit.” Dean says honestly.
“Me too.” A voice echoes, Dean looks on the floor and finds Charlie, laying between the blow-up doll and one of the dancers from the night before.
“What is happening to me?” Jack mumbles as he sits up, his hair sticking up in all directions.
“Called a hangover kid.” Adam answers, from where he was coming from the kitchen drinking a beer.
“How could you?” Sam asks, gesturing to the beer in Adam’s hand.
“Hair of the dog.” Dean and Adam say in unison, laughing at each other.
“Oh my god, tattoos, we all got tattoos.” Sam recalls, lifting his shirt and pulling the bandage off his side to reveal a small tattoo of the One Ring with elvish script.
“What does that say?” Dean asks curiously.
“Eileen. In Elvish.” Sam blushes, putting his shirt back down.
“What about you, what do you have?” He asks Dean.
“Uh, not sure I one- oh wait, fuck. My back, I thought it hurt because I slept on the couch. Cas, can you check it?” He dares to ask, sitting up and lifting up his shirt just enough to reveal his lower back. Cas just bursts into laughter as he removes the bandage. “No, no, how bad is it?” Dean is panicking, hoping it’s not something stupid like a butterfly or a portrait of Sam. “It’s coming back to me now. I actually designed this. You asked for something in Enochian.” Cas says proudly, putting Dean’s shirt back down.
“What does it say, Cas?” Dean says through gritted teeth.
“If lost return to Castiel.” Gabriel supplies as he walks into the room, a dancer on each arm.
“Gabriel!” Dean glowers, getting off the couch and making his way to the archangel, grabbing him by the front of the shirt.
“Happy bachelor party Sam!” Gabriel winks, snapping his fingers and disappearing.
Later that day they return to the bunker, showing Eileen all their tattoos which she makes fun of endlessly, aside from Sam’s which makes her well up a bit with happy tears. “Was it at least a good night?” She signs.
“The best.” Sam replies.
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