#gt mha
torakan · 2 months
okay, so here’s the list of my fav g/t fanfics on ao3
Foresight is 20/20. REALLY FREAKING CUTE and you don’t really have to know the plot to understand. (hurt/comfort, 4 chapters)
The unexpected. not finished but still likeable, borrower izuku, human bakugou (4 chapters, silly)
Something unexpected. specifically chapter two IS SO GOOD i love to read it before sleep. (3 chapters, mostly comfort)
How shinsou hitoshi accidentally discovered a secret society (kind of). very short, cute, nice reading before sleep.
Something borrowed, something blue. a beautiful story based on the secret world of arrietty. (3 chapters but pretty long, hurt/comfort (mostly comfort))
There’s no such thing like hope. personally this is my favourite borrower fic ever. won’t explain why, just read it. highly recommend. (13 chapters, hurt/comfort)
Can we really build a home? second part of tnstlh, there’s only one chapter for now (it’s an ongoing) BUT SO GOOD OMFG
you don’t have to watch mha nor know the story to understand these fics. maybe just understand what characters are in general but it’s okay if you don’t, please check all of them out 😩😩
(the list of original g/t works will be in another post probably in a couple of days or tomorrow. maybe today, depends 👹👹)
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ititheteavillain · 3 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Shinsou Hitoshi & Todoroki Shouto, Midoriya Izuku & Shinsou Hitoshi Characters: Shinsou Hitoshi, Todoroki Enji | Endeavor, Todoroki Shouto, Midoriya Izuku Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Borrowers Fusion, References to The Borrowers, Borrowers - Freeform, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Panic Attacks, Borrower Shinsou Hitoshi, Midoriya Izuku & Shinsou Hitoshi Friendship, Swearing, Discord: No Writing Academia (My Hero Academia), Discord: No Writing Academia Fic Fight (My Hero Academia), Discord: No Writing Academia Fic Fight 2024 (My Hero Academia), Fic Fight 2024 Team Villains Summary:
Hitoshi didn't really know how he ended up in this situation. He had been borrowing quietly at the Midoriya house that morning, allowing himself some freedom after both Inko had gone to work and Izuku had gone to school. Later that afternoon, he had listened to an excited Izuku telling him how their hero lesson had gone and he in turn had told him what nooks and crannies he had been able to discover in their house this time. Now he was in the jar, Endeavor's fierce eyes were looking at him and all Hitoshi could think was that he was really, really screwed.
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lil-burrow · 1 month
Chapters: 2/? Fandom: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Midoriya Izuku & Shinsou Hitoshi, Midoriya Inko & Shinsou Hitoshi, Midoriya Inko & Midoriya Izuku Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Shinsou Hitoshi, Midoriya Inko Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Borrowers Fusion, References to The Borrowers, borrowers treated like pets, but not in this house, Borrower Shinsou Hitoshi, Midoriya Izuku & Shinsou Hitoshi Friendship, Alternate Universe - No Quirks (My Hero Academia), we have other problems here, Trust, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Fluff Series: Part 2 of My Borrower Academia Summary:
Hitoshi never thought that his situation could change for the better after spending half of his life in a cage. He lost all hope somewhere between one owner and another. He didn't really have any expectations. All he wanted was a little bit of peace. He knew that even that was a lot to ask for in his situation. And yet here he was, in a home that felt like home and not a prison. For the first time since his capture, treated like an actual person. And with a human that Hitoshi might be able to call a "friend" after some time.
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oliveth3b0rrower · 1 year
Random thoughts post.
MHA AU: a borrower with a quirk that goes to UA. They have to try and make it in the school full of massive humans. And the teachers don’t go any easier on them. Also, they’re Present Mic’s fav student, even tho they don’t like him because of his loud voice.
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gtzel · 1 year
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connormurphysimp · 2 years
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So... I wrote a thing. Gonna update soon...ish. Maybe I'll finally make some art for it. Check it out please?
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theuntamedangel · 10 months
MHA is one of those shows where I'm rooting more for the villains (not all) than the heroes.And some of these very same villains have seen the true color of the hero society and it's pretenses. We've already seen how BK is the sun god of the UA High and the rest of the characters, Izu included, orbit around him. The teachers at UA High also play favorites and think a slap on the wrist is too harsh a punishment for delicate snowflakes like BK. The heroes have no issues exploiting a 7 year old child in the guise of training her to use her quirk better, but it's a morally degraded act if the villains do the same. This is a utopian society for sexism and female exploitation, bullies are rewarded by their enablers such as GT and ''dadzawa'' by encouraging the bully and the bullied to work together in a team and see the bully's act as a comic relief all while COMPLETELY ignoring the victim's mental state.
It's ok for the heroes to be wife beaters and child abusers but i cannot even imagine the uproar this very same act would've caused if it was a villain who did these things. The main character's self worth, mental state and self harming tendencies are never addressed nor resolved, instead, we are now witnessing a dead bully come back to life and take the mantle of a hero who is saving All Might and the rest of humanity, completely removing the main protagonist's involvement from the story. There was a time when Izu was like a YouTuber who just sits and reacts to certain contents, but now he has no relevance. This is the first time I'm seeing a protagonist being COMPLETELY removed from his own show.
The hero society is an absolute facade, built upon hypocrisy and double standard just like the author's take on certain things and events. Both Izu and Shiggy are the most abused victims of the hero society's injustices and its double standards and both are MIRACULOUSLY uninvolved in the final act of the story.
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thequietmanno1 · 18 days
Thelreads, MHA 294, Replies Part 1
1) “Last time we had mirio and then Machia went hooonk shiuuuu, because Momo is as badass as we think she is. Now, let us see what shall take place, on Chapter 294: Final Performance”- The closing moments of the arc, and the League’s time together, as one of the Core members prepares himself to leave the spotlight for good…
2) “oh hey look, dead people
that was certainly their last performance, that’s for sure.”- And they won’t be the only ones, if Compress succeeds in getting Tomura out of this Jam the League are currently facing. 3) “WAIT WHY THE FUCK THEY PUTTING GRAN TORINO INTO AN OXYGEN MASK
HE GOT CRUSHED THE FUCK UP AGAINST THE GROUND BY SHIGARAKI AT FULL FORCE, TRUST ME HE IS NOT GONNA NEED THAT MASK”- Well, they did the same for Nighteye after he got shish-ka-bobbed, so I think it’s standard medical practice. Besides, Gran Torino might not be dead – he’s almost certainly paralysed though, with his spine broken clearly in two. If any adult hero survives this war, they’re almost certainly losing a piece of themselves doing so, judging by the count so far. 4) “Yeah Jeanist, but let us not beat around the bush, those people there are dead. Mt lady? Dead. Midnight? dead. Gran Torino? Super Dead. Endeavor? I wish. But perhaps eventually.”- I’m honestly going to start keeping a record of all the adult heroes who’re still alive and in one piece by the end of this series, and I don’t think we’re gonna be breaking the single digits with it. 5) “Yeah, but remember Mirio those are high-ends, they can learn as the fight goes along. The longer the fight goes on, the harder things are gonna become.”- They’re Near-High Ends actually, according to Garaki. The difference seems to be that they have above-average intelligence for a Nomu, but still no sense of true self, and so can’t vocalise or anything like that. Thankfully this means they can’t strategize and are little more than attack animals. Sadly, this means they still have capabilities that are close to the High-Ends’ own, so are still tough and dangerous regardless. 6) “Also, oh my god Ida calling Bakugo by his hero name- I’m still not used to that. And the fact that Bakugo of all people couldn’t come up with a comeback? Jesus, he really is beyond saving, he’s gonna be buried right next to GT”- Things are dire when not even Bakugou’s feral energy can keep him in the fight anymore. 7) “oh dear god Mr Compress is gonna do something to save his pals, isn’t he?
OH DEAR GOD THE TITLE OF THE CHAPTER- OH GOD MR COMPRESS YOU BETTER NOT”- I’ve seen people give an arm and a leg to save their pals, but I’ve never seen them give their ass before. 8) “Now tell me Mr compress, couldn’t you compress yourself so you can escape the cables and then just decompress? Surely you could, right? And it won’t require you making a dramatic sacrifice, right?”- I’m honestly uncertain if Compress can compress himself – we’ve never really seen him pull it off as an infiltration tactic before, despite how useful it’d be, and whislt he can do so to the league and pull them back out, he may be incapable of undoing it fro the “inside” so to speak, which would only lead to him suffocating or something. At the very least, he was forced to resort to this more drastic measure instead of self-compressing to evade Jeanist’s wires.
9) “I think you can exclude Dabi from that list, he already did got everything he wanted an- OH MY GOD TOGA IS CRYING”- Sadly, Dabi’s dreams can only be satisfied with maximum suffering inflicted on his family, and everybody else by proxy. And it’s a tragic case of dramatic irony, whilst Compress has sympathy for Dabi’s unfulfilled wishes as a part of the team, and Toga’s own emotional turmoil – and Toga would do the same were the situation reversed – Dabi does not give a crap about either of them, save the usefulness they can provide to him in the frenzied death-match he desires. 10) “Well you better act soon Compress, because Jeanist is getting sick of having to tie you guys up for longer.”- Now his attention’s no longer distracted by Machia, Jeanist is free to ensure the conscious members of the league are no longer left that way whilst the battle is pitching up. The less variable they have to keep track of, the better, and given what Compress does here, despite his lack of overall combat power, it was the right call. 11) “ACTUALLY I’M GETTING MORE WORRIED ABOUT SPINNER DYING BEFORE COMPRESS DOES GOOD LORD MAN I KNOW YOU WANT TO PUT THEM TO SLEEP BUT LOOK AT THAT FACE”- It’s not like Jeanist can accurately track their pulse and breathing from a distance away through the cables,  especially with the chaos erupting around him. The best he can do is focus on not breaking their necks and hoping that they pass out quickly so he can ease up on the pressure…but again, the situation is dire enough that even if Jeanist were to accidently kill them like this, he wouldn’t be blamed or held accountable for it. 12) “OH GOD HE’S NOT GONNA COMPRESS HIMSELF COMPLETELY, RIGHT? JUST A CHUNK OF HIS OWN BODY SO HE CAN ESCAPE THE CABLES
OH GOD NO”- Also a neat attention to detail that Compress can only perform this move on his right side, as that’s the only one with a flesh-and-blood arm remaining, Overhaul’s injury against him further handicapping the league’s chances of success at the crucial moment. 13) “AT LEAST YOU WILL SURVIVE THIS ONE, RIGHT? SURE, YOU’LL BE THE ASSLESS COMPRESS, BUT STILL, YOU’RE NOT GONNA DIE, RIGHT?”- He got them out, but in such a manner that means he himself won’t be able to flee with them – not that they even could overall, with the surrounding heroes mobbing them in an effort to prevent the primary instigators of the war from escaping and rendering the overall point of the conflict null and void. All Compress can do is sacrifice himself to give the others some breathing room, and leave the rest in Spinner’s hands to get Tomura out of there. 14) “HOLY SHIT HE WAS FAST
WELL, HE WAS MORE AERODYNAMIC WITHOUT HIS ASS AFTER ALL. LESS WEIGHT TO BE CARRIED.”-Compress is an under-looked member of the league, but his abilities have always been a source of support for them, giving them an edge with infiltration and similar, along with his observations of the others and accurately judging who needs help the most. In this moment, both the powerhouses of Tomura and Machia have been felled, and Dabi is not interested in lending his aid to the “leader” when his own goals are nearby, yet the support of a weaker, yet genuine team player proves crucial for the League to not completely lose this war. 15) “I’M STARTING TO FEEL LIKE THE ASS IS NOT GOING TO BE THE ONLY THING THAT WILL BE SACRIFICED IN THIS ESCAPE OF HIS”- Sometimes, winning a war comes down to having a person who’s willing to sacrifice more than the enemy in order to score a victory for his side, no matter the cost to him personally. 16) “YES BUT CAN YOU PLEASE DO THAT WITHOUT KILLING YOURSELF PLEASE? TWICE DOESN’T NEED COMPANY RIGHT NOW HE’S FINE”- Desperate times, desperate actions – and yet, the effort put into those actions is undeniable. Compress is no powerhouse fighter, but he’s always been one to lay down his life on the line for the others, which is a quality that Tomura is able to attract in his followers. 17) “That name seems familiar, but I can’t remember from where. Also, is this gonna be a Compress backstory reveal?”- It was name-dropped as one of many noticeable Quirk-users in history by Gentle during his infiltration of UA, desiring to be a standout villain of notoriety similar to him and Re-Destro’s ancestor. Ironically, Gentle actually seems to have more in common with Harima’s methodology than his actual descendant.
18) “Well, I must say, his ancestor must be extremely disappointed with the path he picked then, because what Compress got involved with is a long cry from exposing injustice, if the piles of civilian corpses they left behind those past 20 minutes alone are anything to go by.”- Not unlike Re-Destro’s own past, the legacy of a notable ancestor become twisted and distorted over time, becoming a negative influence on the next generation that guided them down a wrong path when they may have chosen otherwise if left to their own devices. In fact, the same can be said of both Dabi and Tomura’s own pasts as well – many of the league are those whose past histories isolate them from normal society in some manner and drive them together in a common cause in opposition to it, and Compress’ backstory shows how even a well-meaning example like his Robin Hood ancestry can change a man for the worse in trying to emulate that. (MHA ch 291) 19) “Wonder how much a DNA test is worth considering people with Toga’s quirk, who can become another person.”-And a hint towards Compress’ impending reveal, that he too, is one of such a renowned bloodline in their little group. 20) “Oh, not worth the time to kill him if your dad is not up to watch it huh, alright Dabi, can you fuck off then I want to know more about the assless compress”- Some translations I saw said that Endeavour had passed out from the exertion of body-checking Machia unconscious, and Dabi didn’t want to kill Shoto whilst their father wasn’t awake to see it. He’s got a plan in mind for how this fight’s going to play out, and he won’t accept deviations. 21) “THE MASK
OH GOD NO AM I READY TO GAZE UPON WHAT MR COMPRESS IS LIKE UNDERNEATH IT? DARE I WITNESS THINGS HUMANKIND WAS NOT MEANT TO KNOW?”- Behold and witness the Hawtness!! 22) “hello?”- Compress had to lose half his cake to balance out his good looks underneath that mask.
23) “Also, he’s the heir of a lineage of vigilantes wanting to fix society and he ended up a super villain trying to bring forth the destruction of it, as well as the genocide of an untold number of innocent people. Ouch Compress, that’s not gonna look good when you get to the pearly gates, your grandpa is gonna fucking kick your ass.”- Even if change is important to fixing society’s flaws, it’s arguably more important to bring about the right kind of change, not destructive anarchy like the League enacts in a short-sighted effort to “fix” things, no matter the good intentions. @thelreads
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torakan · 1 month
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oh man borrower izuku is my roman empire 😭
(as always it’s bakugou’s hands)
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deusvervewrites · 10 months
Just read the last chapter of Haigha. Great chapter. Lots of foreshadowing/setup.
I also saw a bunch of people in the comments mentioning how supicious it was that AM and GT never found Nana's body. I immediately thought of a possibility for the thing that made your beta reader call you evil and figured I'd throw my hat in the ring:
The previous holders have been tuned into Nomus.
I didn't just think of it because of the missing body, the biggest connection I made was this:
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Because I haven't seen a fanfic where the vestiges are turned into noms, but I have seen a fanfic where the previous holders had their bodies (and quirks) recovered by AFO. "Not entirely" could mean anything, but in this case it would be AFO keeping the bodies bit that has been done.
Either way, the previous holders being turned into nomus is definitely a prompt I'm using for the next ask game.
The fanfic I mentioned is MHA: Ultra Achievement by Kyon2261, btw. Good fic. I definitely recommend it if you don't mind a doorstopper.
For what it's worth I haven't read Ultra Achievement. I ended up bouncing off of it somewhat early on.
Personally I don't get what the big deal about not finding the body is; All Might's previously mentioned that there wasn't anything left of Nana
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rivenharlow · 1 year
Fan Art Requests Open!
My brain is soup and I need ideas because I WANT to draw, but there is nada coming to mind.
So! Requests are open for the following fandoms: BNHA/MHA TMNT Final Fantasy (particularly FF7, FF10, FF13, and FF15) Naruto Dragonball/Z/GT/Super
Happy to draw ships, including rare pairs and OCxcanon ships! However proshippers: DNI
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ao3feed-bakusquad · 2 years
Gentle Wishes
Gentle Wishes by bluebunbunny
Katsuki and Izuku regress together. They dance to All Might intros, sing at the top of their lungs, and become kids again.
Ochako and Eijirou find their way around to caregive.
Words: 3417, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 4 of 💙MHA Babies (Agere)💙
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Bakugou Katsuki, Uraraka Ochako, Kirishima Eijirou
Relationships: Kirishima Eijirou & Midoriya Izuku, Bakugou Katsuki & Kirishima Eijirou, Midoriya Izuku & Uraraka Ochako, Kirishima Eijirou & Uraraka Ochako, Bakugou Katsuki & Uraraka Ochako
Additional Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Fluff, Fluffy Ending, Very fluffy I tell you, Age Regression/De-Aging, Non-Sexual Age Play, No Smut, Its not allowed here and Idk how to write it anyways and I don't wanna >:0, Crying, Cute Midoriya Izuku, Soft Bakugou Katsuki, Caregiver Ochako and Eijirou, Caretaking, Cuddling & Snuggling, Sleepy Cuddles, Dancing and Singing, All Might cartoons y e s, They are addicted to it, Clingy Midoriya Izuku, Clingy Bakugou Katsuki, Emotional both of them, Gentleness, Kirishima Eijirou is a Good Friend, Uraraka Ochako is a Good Friend, I had fun writing this, ILY DEAR READERS <3, Requested, One Shot
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/44658364
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sonicasura · 2 years
List of Fandoms I know
Jujutsu Kaisen
Bleach(Stopped before Final Arc)
Naruto (Lost Interest)
Fullmetal Alchemist
Fire Force(need refresher)
Ushio and Tora
MHA (Up to Overhaul, after that lost interest)
One Piece
Fairytail(Need refresher)
Blue Exorcist
Attack on Titan (Fuck S4)
JJBA(Everything but spin off manga and latest Jojo)
Blue Dragon
Dragonball (Original, Z, GT, Super)
Hunter X Hunter(need refresher)
Soul Eater(Basic knowledge)
Yokai Watch (Shadowside)
Parasyte(Not live action show)
Devil is a Part Timer
One Punch Man(need to catch up)
Darker than Black
Gad Guard
Kaiju No.8
Persona (4,5)
Sonic the Hedgehog
Megaman (Battle Network/Star Force)
Devil May Cry
Legend of Zelda (Linked Universe)
Sly Cooper
Castlevania(need refresher)
Kingdom Hearts
Fire Emblem (Awakening, Fates and Sacred Stones)
Crash Bandicoot
Monster Hunter
Mario Rabbids
Final Fantasy(Mainly 7 and older Gameboy games)
Bakugan (Not the Reboots)
Kid Icarus
Bioshock(need refresher)
Evolve(need refresher)
Jak and Daxter
Ratchet and Clank
Bendy and the Ink Machine
Xenoblade Chronicles (1st)
A Hat In Time
Prince of Persia(DS, Two Thrones and live action movie)
Balan Wonderworld
Golden Sun
Mad Rat Dead
Asura's Wrath
Altered Beast(Reboot)
Dragon Quest(4, Monsters Joker 1/2, Builders 1, Warriors 1)
Resident Evil(1-6 mainly)
Pizza Tower
Poppy Playtime
My Friendly Neighborhood
Cartoons, Shows and Misc
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Not the comics and haven't gotten into Rise)
Ben 10 (Not the Reboot)
Generator Rex
Secret Saturdays
Doctor Who (2005, not 13/14/15)
Danny Phantom
Marvel (Not the comics)
Steven Universe(Not Future)
Huntik(Need refresher)
Street Sharks
Dinosaur King
Extreme Dinosaurs
Biker Mice From Mars
How To Train Your Dragon
Transformers (Cybertron, Animated, Bayverse, Prime, Robots in Disguise15, Generation 1, Earthspark, Skybound)
Hero 101
Trollhunters (Not Tales of Arcadia related)
Monkie Kid
Martin Mystery
Madness Combat
JTTW related
Nezha related
Teen Titans 2003 (Need to rewatch.)
Welcome Home
Amazing Digital Circus
Murder Drones
Godzilla(Monsterverse, 1998 movie/show, Shin,)
King Kong(Monsterverse, 2000 cartoon)
I'm a big fucking nerd, k? This is prone to update.
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brick-a-doodle-do · 1 year
Mha gt sounds interesting and you should give squishy a high five for that brain thought
@local-squishmallow get high-fived!!!!!
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greatwyrmgold · 2 years
Remember the Komi-san MHA AU stuff I posted a while back? I came across a 90% complete draft for a part 4. It covered a handful of minor characters that GT didn’t mention, who I felt like making Quirks for. So I polished it some, and posted it here.
Naruse Shisuto is, of course, a narcissist. That’s his defining personality trait, half of his core gag, it’s even his name. (If you didn’t know, basically every Komi-san character has an overt pun name.) The other half of his core gag is, of course, that the only people who pay attention to him with any regularity are Komitani Chuusaku and Ase Shibuki.
The obvious way to solidify that gag would be to give him the power of...a Worm character whose name I can’t seem to remember...oh yeah, Imp. Anyways, if there’s one thing anyone who’s read these should have figured out, it’s that I don’t like sticking with the obvious answer.
So instead of giving Naruse a Quirk that makes people ignore him, I’ll give him one that works best if people do. Let’s say…a transformation into a sort of spectral state, which lets him move quickly, fly, and perhaps pass through walls or slip through narrow spaces. But the more people who watch him, the weaker the power gets—the slower he moves, the lower his flight ceiling, the more solid he remains.
A pragmatic hero with this Quirk would focus on stealth—slipping into the shadows, using the Quirk to reposition, and then striking from unexpected angles. This could make an effective Eraserhead-type hero, quietly taking down criminals from the shadows.
But Naruse doesn’t want to be Eraserhead, he wants to be All-Might; whenever he does something impressive or heroic, he deliberately calls attention to himself, weakening his Quirk enough that whatever he’s doing falls apart.
(I checked over part 2 while polishing this post and realized that I gave Naruse and Yadano the same weakness. Oops! I feel like Yadano’s would be easier to change without ruining the punchline—like, she loses control of her Quirk if she exhausts herself or something, so trying too hard to beat Komi would lead to her messing up spectacularly. Or just give her a whole new Quirk which plays on the same ideas differently.)
Ase Shibuki (who hasn’t really appeared in the anime yet) is sweaty. (Her name means “sweat droplets”. It’s pretty simple.) She’s also extremely self-conscious about being sweaty, to the point that she doesn’t like being touched specifically because she’s afraid other people will think she’s gross. Her ability to sweat is already superhuman (though not to the same extent as Najimi’s ability to make friends), so we just have to think of something that turns it from a mundane Quirk into an interesting one.
Remember that time in AtLA where Katara waterbent her sweat to get out of jail? Imagine that, but for someone that sweats literal buckets, and also she can’t bend water that isn’t her sweat. Sweat control is undeniably a pretty gross Quirk, the kind of thing someone could develop a complex about. But it’s also something that could potentially be powerful and cool.
This Ase still has that thing where she thinks people find her sweating gross, but has a plan beyond “hide my sweatiness and don’t touch people”. She’s gross, but if she can use that grossness to help people, maybe she can also be cool?
Isagi Kyoko (who also hasn’t appeared in the anime) is clean. (Both her family and personal names can mean “pure” or “clean,” with other meanings including “gallant” and “clear”.) She’s a neat freak, stoic, diligent, reliable, and germophobic.
I’m leaning towards some kind of Quirk that works well when everything’s going right, but falls apart when things start to go wrong. Like, if she has a clear image of what she’s going to do and how, her Quirk gives her the momentum to carry through with it, but if reality clashes with her image, the momentum drains away. Keeping things around her clean is one way Isagi can try to exert control over the world around her, which theoretically means her Quirk is more effective.
Not sure what form that momentum should take, though. Maybe literal momentum, maybe luck bending in her favor as long as she keeps it up. This is a bit of a first draft, but unless I return to write a fic, that’s fine. Heck, maybe it’s fine even if I did write a fic; it’s not like every character is gonna be a protagonist.
Kishi Himeko—the knight girl—would have some kind of defensive quirk, mirroring both her armored aesthetic and her reserved, defensive nature. Perhaps something like the power granted by Excalibur’s scabbard in Le Morte d’Arthur and some later works, or possessed by Worm’s Gavel. A Quirk which limits the injury Kishi can take from any one attack. All-Might punching her wouldn’t hurt her any more than a punch from some goon…though since All-Might in specific also punches fast, he could still take her down without much effort (if she was a villain).
Komitani Chuusaku would have the most powerful Quirk of all: Fourth Wall, the ability to recognize that he is in a manga (or fanfic, as the case may be). He can use this power to talk with other people on the other side of the border between manga panels (in fanfic, the other side of a...scene transition, I guess?), and has some ability to sense things beyond there. (Perhaps in a text-based fanfic, he could look at “you” before offering commentary?)
This Quirk seems inconsistent to other people, many of whom are curious just how his power works. Komitani avoids actually explaining, because he knows nobody will believe him. That’s why he likes hanging out with Naruse; there’s no way that narcissist would care about other people’s Quirks.
Komitani doesn’t care about being a main character, but he wants to remain in the comic/fanfic for as long as possible. He’s therefore interested in both keeping the series running and being a background character in as many scenes as possible, hanging around near the main characters for that reason.
This could either be hilarious or a frustrating waste of space, depending on how well it’s handled.
And some Quirk/hero names, real quick:
Quirk: Spectral
Codename: Spectracular. Portmanteau of his Quirk name and how he sees himself.
Quirk: Momentum (working title)
Codename: Immaculate. Self-explanatory
Quirk: Sweat Control
Codename: Drench. It connects to her Quirk, without being too…sweaty.
Codename: Chevalia. Derived from “chevalier,” literally “cavalry” but idiomatically more like “knight”.
Quirk: Fourth Wall
Codename: Not chosen—he’s not sure the series will last long enough for him to actually need one
That makes eighteen characters, two of them younger characters who wouldn’t be in Tadano and Komi’s class. (Or nineteen and three, but that’s sixteen classmates either way.) So if I were to turn this into a fic, I’d probably add four more characters to fill in the class roster (to make it an even 20).
The current sixteen characters are four guys, eleven girls, and a Najimi, so while I’d like to bring Inaka Nokoko and Netsuno Chika into the class, I should probably pick four guys to balance the genders a bit. So...let’s pick the three “normal guys” (Chiarai Shigeo, Sonoda Taisei, and Shinobino Mono) and Toutoi Son (the guy who looks like Buddha but is vaguely perverted). There aren’t a lot of prominent guy students in this series, huh?
Anyways, rattling off some quirk Quirk ideas:
Chiarai Shigeo the dude-gyaru (there’s a word for that but I don’t expect people to know it) gets some kind of slippery Mover power—something cool and reasonably effective, but which makes him hard to rely on. Something a couple steps removed from Koichi’s Quirk, faster but with worse handling?
Shinobino Mono the ninja shouldn’t have a Quirk that overlaps too much with Nakanaka’s Mirror Smoke, Naruse’s Spectral, or whatever Chiarai gets. So…maybe something wind-themed that lets him move fast and throw knives good? Or swapping-type teleportation, for that “ninja log” trick?
Toutoi Son the Buddha lookalike should have a power that seems peaceful and noble, but which is hiding something else. Part of me wants to give him some sort of shapeshifting power, but A. there aren’t any proper shapeshifting Quirks in canon and B. that feels less Buddha and more Sun Wukong. So, movable force fields maybe? They look like shields, until he grabs one and smacks you over the head with it.
Sonoda Taisei the…other guy has some straightforward power that’s not represented among the others. Maybe something blastery?
So the list of a hypothetical Itan High Hero Course students would be:
Agari Himiko/Kokoni
Ase Shibuki/Drench
Chiarai Shigeo/???
Isagi Kyoko/Immaculate
Katai Makoto/M-Brace
Kishi Himeko/Chevalia
Komi Shouko/???
Komitani Chuusaku/???
Manbagi Rumiko/Kanzeon
Nakanaka Omoharu/Arsene
Naruse Shisuto/Spectracular
Onemine Nene/Harmony
Osana Najimi/Tomodachiiro
Otori Kaede/???
Shinobino Mono/Ninja No. 1
Sonoda Taisei/???
Tadano Hitohito/Cognizant
Toutoi Son/???
Yadano Makeru/Calamighty?
Yamai Ren/Aphrodite
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