#gross swamp boyfriend
brimbrimbrimbrim · 2 years
Omg I had a patient today for a root canal treatment who looked eerily similar to Lucas Baker if he was like 40-50 💀 hope I didn’t freak the poor man out with how I was looking at him
Did you drool in his mouth? Cause I would have...
Lucas already looks like he's pushing 45. HA!
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moonlightsapphic · 1 year
Y'all, I find the reception of XO, Kitty so dissapointing.
TL; DR: The underlying homophobia/biphobia/lesbophobia/misoginy towards Yuri as potential and viable endgame which I don't think would have happened if she were yet another hot guy.
The straight-baiting marketing of this show was absolutely genius and I loved that Jenny Han, who writes the straightest central romances to ever romance (To All the Boys I've Loved Before, The Summer I Turned Pretty), actually initiated a series with such visibly queer storylines and then literally jumped into this sort-of-interracial, sapphic romance centered around a bi+ character. I could see Han trying to be more inclusive in her past on-screen works, but this was incredible.
No you don't understand. There was this point midway through the show where I thought I was in a fever dream and watching wishful fanmade content because I couldn't believe an IRL Netflix show could actually give us this. My mind was blown.
So you'll understand that I was fully bamboozled to see that social media is swamped with Min-ho fangirls pretending like Yuri doesn't even exist. I love Min-ho too, but am I the only one who also saw so many signs that point to a future Yuri x Kitty?
First, for the narrative satisfaction of their moms being best friends in the past!
... and to complete Kitty's coming of age! Kitty, growing up in the cisheteronormative Song-Covey household, made the oversight of initially operating under the assumption that she exclusively likes boys and that she has mastered the art of relationships. That's already been debunked partway by her breakup with her first boyfriend who was supposed to be endgame, and is only going to be sealed further if she ends up with a girl in a long-term relationship. (And no, of course she doesn't have to "end up" with a girl for her queer identity to be valid, but I think it just makes the most narrative sense to have that unfold in the story as her worldview alters.)
Here I present to you: my pet peeves in the XO, Kitty fandom
hyping up parallels between Peter x LJ and Minho x Kitty scenes claiming that this means Minho x Kitty may be endgame. They literally have to reach and dig for those because the most parallels are between Peter x LJ and Yuri x Kitty, right from the scene that they bumped into each other! Kitty has also shown zero romantic interest in Minho so far, as opposed to her very keen interest in Yuri.
People finally addressing the elephant in the room like "Ugh, Yuri is probably going to be endgame. 🙄 I want Minho instead!!" like it's such a disappointing or borderline gross outcome. Yuri is a much more intense enemies-to-lovers character than Minho. She is beautiful, kind, and fun with a little bit of bite, everything that Minho is plus Kitty is falling for her hard.
Being real here—If you think Yuri is a boring love interest or kind of a b*tch while Minho is simply a fun old enemies-to-lovers character, I am begging you to check your biases. You, a straight woman, may only see hostile fictional women as competitiion and hostile fictional men as ... well, kinda hot. However, Kitty is bi+ and she could see them both as viable romantic interests, equally. Yes, Yuri has done more malicious things than Minho, but then again she has had a harder time this academic year than Minho. You are obviously still allowed to like Minho better, as long as you're not dismissing the struggles of and flattening a strong female character. Misoginy and homophobia make an ugly combo, y'all. Trust me, you don't want any part in that.
(Additional unpopular opinion: I'm going to get crucified for this but I genuinely think Kitty is too boring for Minho in the same way that Dae was too boring for Kitty. He seems to be into her only from the Halo Effect. Minho is my child and I squeal whenever he's on screen and I hope to see him finding someone actually fun!)
Saying that Kitty’s crush on Yuri was just a token plot point with no real basis or depth. While there is some unrealistic family drama in the show, it's all still credible. Fiction is supposed to bring in imaginative elements and try to keep things grounded. Regardless, I'm never going to be the person who says that a wild and shocking bi- or gay-awakening is unrealistic. As a queer person, let me tell you that it is just as wild and confusinh for us IRL.
Besides, many cishet people actually do not care if (or is hateful when) the MC is bi, that I doubt how much it “helps” with marketing. (That's why queerbaiting exists, folks.) Also, have you seen Kitty in TATBILB? That's a bi preteen right there if I've ever seen one.
"Stop trying to invalidate other people's ships!" I will say this once: I don't care if you ship Kitty with Min-ho, or Dae, or anyone else that's not Yuri. I DON'T CARE! Frankly, good for you because straight ships have better luck out there anyway, ya know? I am simply begging you to not reduce a queer person's nuanced concerns about dismissal of sapphic fictional characters to petty fandom arguments. Read the room, guys. Please.
This is such a crucial show to many of us. I just want y'all to understand that this is just a little bigger than your celebrity crush on a hot guy whose character you're rooting for. We never, ever get contemporary slice-of-life romcom sapphic rep (and Netflix is notorious for cancelling sapphic shows, too). Please don't be dismissive of a perfectly good possible ending! We want to give Netflix every reason to renew this show, and give Han every reason to allow Kitty to flourish just the way she plans to! (This is me begging y'all to not influence the writers into swerving last-minute towards a sloppy Minho endgame, though I do trust her better than that.)
I hope that Netflix renews the show, even if it's through the excitement of straight people in denial LMAO. And then I hope it treats us with a glorious sapphic ending.*
*(Aaaand I can already imagine the cishet women in the audience complaining online about what a terrible person Kitty is for leading Min-ho on and then dumping him, and how she and Yuri are both awful and totally deserve each other. Music to my ears.)
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miniwolfsbane · 2 years
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Absolute Boyfriend pitch I've had in my head since 2006 (plus add ons I've been thinking about gathering pictures)! LET'S GOOOO! (Basically a recap of manga number 1 with some slight changes and making most of the characters American.)
Warnings: Girl in her underwear measuring her boobies while in her bra. Tried to make it PG, as opposed to other versions. (That were more light PG-13 at most.)
Show opens with a bunch of giddy girls taking a 'who is your boyfriend quiz over a laptop. They are grossed out with the pictures and the end result. "Who wants an ugly boyfriend?" One says snidely.
"Oh, I don't know," Riiko, an Indian girl, says, "If he were sweet to me, I think I'd take any boyfriend."
"Listen to that," The girl says, "Riiko wants a swamp moster...or a robot!"
Time skip to several years later, where Riiko, an Indian college-age woman is home alone in her apartment, measuring herself in her undies. She's upset she's still flat-chested as a slew of products lays on her bathroom counter. "Thirty-one point one inches? They haven't grown at all!" She huffs to herself.
Riiko rushes to college class the next day, catching her crush, Tyler, in the hallway. She asks him out but is rejected, then pointing out the bra hanging off her backpack. Class ends, and she goes to the cafe where her childhood friend and next-door neighbor Sam works.
She runs into Tyler again. Turns out he's been gossiping about her. She blows him off. After she leaves, Sam goes and knocks him on his butt, getting a reprimand and a pay dock.
Outside, Riiko steps on a mysterious cell phone. It rings in her hand and she nearly drops it. She answers it to hear a man on the other end. His name is Ganzalo Naaman and he wants his phone back immediately. He tells her to meet him at the cafe, conveniently up the road. She goes, seeing a man dressed like a cosplayer, sitting behind a massive parfait. She gives him the phone back, and he prattles on about how he can give her a reward. Perscriptions that can enhance her figure, change her hair color and more. "A boyfriend!" Riiko cries out, "A...a boyfriend. That's all I want."
"I can do that," Ganzalo takes a card out of his wallet, handing it to her, "Go to this website, but tell no one. It's a secret!"
Later, Riiko goes home and turns on her computer, very curious about the website. It takes her to "Chronos Haven Lover's shop" and through a user agreement, eventually taking her to a big quiz like she did as a young girl. At first she picks ALL the options, then really gives it some thought, being more discerning with it and leaving off some options. She decides that whatever this is, the guy would turn out to be a total weirdo though. She notes the trial is free for three days, but it has no fine print on the website.
'It's a fun dream, but there's no way that guy can just send me a boyfriend,' Riiko thinks, falling into bed.
The Next day, the doorbell rings wildly, and Rikko answers it. She sees a huge box and two...weird looking...delievery men. "S-Sign h-here," The man in overalls is stiff and jerky, his entire arm shaking as he hands her a clipboard. The men push the box into her apartment and Riiko opens it.
She screams as what appears to be a full grown man in white boxers falls ontop of her, covered in pink wrapping paper and a red bow wrapped around his chest. A card that says 'Present for you' is hanging out of his mouth. Riiko makes her way out from under the body, examining him, but isn't sure what to make of him.
'is it a cadaver?! A mannequin?! WHAT?!' She thinks to herself, feeling his face. 'He even has a mole.'
She looks around, seeing a big instruction booklet on the floor. She opens it, reading aloud.
"There is a sensor on the lover's lips that reads the customer's body temperature. Once kissed, the customer is bonded and registered. He will recognize the customer as it's lover."
Riiko hesitates, staring at the 'sleeping' figure, but eventually gives in and kisses him. A whirring sound comes on and the humanized robot blinks, sitting up. "Hello, girlfriend, nice to meet you. I'm your new boyfriend. What would you like me to call you?"
Riiko is slack-jawed, but finds her voice. "...Riiko,"
"That's a cute name. Do you have a last name?"
"Chadda," Riiko swallows.
The figure reaches into the box, pulling out some provided clothes. He pulls them on while Riiko averts her eyes.
"I guess I should name you or something?" Riiko stands up. The figure is over a head taller than she is, and strikingly handsome. 'Is this really happening?' she thinks.
"Yes, I'd like a name," He smiles down at her. Riiko notes that he seems simple-minded but nice enough.
Riiko looks down at the manual. "Okay, you're from the Nightly Lovers one series, so...how about Night?"
"That's a great name, Riiko! Thank you!" He hugs her tightly and Riiko blushes.
'What have I gotten myself into?!' She thinks while warmly being in his arms.
End Episode 1.
Yes, I know this was a J-drama and a k-drama AND a Taiwanese drama, but I want something that lines up more with the manga almost beat for beat. However, like the dramas, let's nix the smexy stuff and keep it a little more PG. (Probably weird, but this isn't a smutty blog and there's nothing wrong with making stuff more appropriate.)
Also no high-school-age characters, since in my head, I originally wanted a then late 20s/early 30s Justin Hartley to play Night, but it's just better anyway. (Would be happy if an American version-that will NEVER happen-got someone similar, but gawds, if he weren't 45 now, it'd be so lit. I mean, it would be lit anyway, but then the cast would be aged up and it would be weird and...! Unless I was going for the divorced mom angle, IDK?? That'd be really different. Tempting to write, lol. Pay me if you steal it, Hollywood!!)
Writing this, dear lawd, I think I nearly memorized the first book in the manga a bit, it's all there. 0_o Well, mostly there. I loved the beginning, the whole first manga, but the middle and end were a little too tawdry for my tastes. And the middle is cute-ish, but it's not exactly exciting, gripping drama and could be triggering in some places. So, the whole thing did need an overhaul and I'm glad the dramas made it better without making it gross. (I have not finished the K-drama, but I will eventually. It is my motivation for getting Project Heart in Dreams for PS4 done.)
Hope you enjoyed me throwing together this write-up that will never happen. *sigh* At least there are the dramas I guess?
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not in the fandom but drop domestic (or general) hcs for mack and hawkeye!!
The fact that you're not even in the M*A*S*H fandom but still willing to ask about my OCs (🥰🥰)... love you, Kei, and thanks for this!!
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These two are constantly touching, even in public where they have to be discreet about it. Whether it's holding hands under a table or brushing shoulders when they sit next to each other in the mess tent, they have to be having some kind of physical contact whenever possible.
Hawkeye loves to hide Mack's books around the Swamp and refuse to divulge their location unless he gets a kiss. Mack finds this both annoying and adorable.
The two of them have probably made out in every single supply closet in the camp.
If either of them overhears someone talking bad about his boyfriend? You can bet that person has some humiliation coming their way. It might just be a stupid prank that will have the whole mess tent laughing at the person, but honor will be defended, and that's what matters.
If one of them gets to the mess tent before the other, the one that's there always makes the other coffee and gives it to him once he gets there. It's a cute little unspoken agreement that they have.
Mack is a really good singer, and Hawkeye will often ask his boyfriend to sing if he's bored or can't sleep. The sound of Mack's voice never fails to soothe him, and the heart eyes he gives the other man while he's crooning? Ridiculous.
They frequently have debates over which of them is the better kisser. (Mack says that it's Hawkeye, Hawkeye says that it's Mack - and, occasionally, he'll say it's Trapper, just to rule Mack up a little bit.)
Mack has a habit of teasingly quoting romantic lines from classic books at his boyfriend, just to watch Hawkeye make about ten guesses as to which story he's quoting from.
They sometimes make a game out of who can gross Trapper out more by saying the sappiest, most lovey-dovey, stupidly romantic stuff. (Hawkeye wins more often than not, because he's closer with Trapper and knows exactly what to say to push his buttons.)
Mack is usually the big spoon when they cuddle. Hawkeye may be taller, but he also loves being held, and Mack has strong, steady arms that are stupidly easy to relax in.
Basically, they are the loveliest most precious babies and I love them so much. 🥰🥰
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General Taglist: @hiddenqveendom, @auxiliarydetective, @foxesandmagic, @artemisocs, @reyofluke-ocs, @guardiansofheroes, @stanshollaand, @ginevrastilinski.
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K so I’m not one for Valentine’s Day but I can’t pass up the opportunity to cherish and absolutely spoil the thing I love most.
The Royal Guards outfit... if you’re out there... I’m here... waiting... to see your magnificent beauty
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watermelonlipstick · 3 years
School has been kicking my ass lately, but I found some time to write this little warm and fuzzy nothing. I’d love any advice or critiques!
Title: Back
Pairing: Sam Winchester x Reader
Word Count: 1915
Summary: Getting back to find the reader has been waiting for the Winchesters to get home from a hunt, Sam is a little nervous and more than a little happy.
Warnings: mutual pining fluff only!
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           Sam and Dean walked down bunker stairs slowly, their bones aching with the work of the last week. They had changed into clean clothes to drive through the night back to Kansas, but their hands and hair bore the telltale mud and blood of a hunt, and they badly needed to shower. Walking into the library, Sam took his duffel bag off his shoulder and dropped it unceremoniously but quietly.
           Curled up in a chair on the other end of the table, you slept wrapped in a blanket and draped over the old wood. Your hair ground into your folded arms and the huge book you had been reading, and the pressure of your head on your cheek pouched your lips out a touch. Sam brushed his palms on his jeans somewhat fruitlessly in an effort not to dirty your face as he brushed a chunk of hair back from your temple.
           “Hey,” he whispered in a low voice, his hand hovering over your shoulder. “We’re home.”
           You woke with a small jolt, peeking open one eye to look up at Sam. A sleepy smile spread across your eyes as you arched back to stretch. “Hey, handsome,” you answered in the croaky voice of a nap. “How’d it go?”
           “All good, no major injuries. You should be in bed,” he said, a smirk playing at the corner of his mouth.
           “Carry me?” you asked. The shy smile on your face betrayed you as only half joking.
           Sam chuckled as Dean came over to them. “He smells like sweat and swamp monster ass,” Dean offered.
           “Thanks Dean,” Sam said sarcastically, his voice still low. “He’s right though. Still want me to?”
           You nodded with closed eyes, your contented smile showing through even as you yawned. “Dean, there’s lasagna in the fridge if you want it.” As an aside to Sam you mouthed, “vegetarian.” Sam’s eyes crinkled at the edges as he offered his arms out to you. You got up and put your arms around Sam’s neck, letting him ease you up into his chest. Your calves and socked feet dangled over his forearm.
           “You’re the best,” Dean insisted, gripping an invisible fist of victory. He gathered up the blanket and stacked it on top of your stomach.
           “Don’t stay up too late,” you hummed to Dean while nuzzling your head into the crook of Sam’s neck.
           “I won’t, kid. I promise.” He leaned over and kissed you on the cheek. “Goodnight.”
           Sam nodded to Dean over you, jerking his head toward the kitchen to show he’d meet his brother in a minute. He carried you back to your room and lowered you down onto your bed before spreading the blanket out on top of you.
           “You didn’t need to wait up for us,” Sam said.
           “I know, but I wanted to see you.”
           “Well I won’t lie, it feels a lot more like home to come back to you than an empty bunker,” he smiled.
           “Oh yeah?” you asked with a sly grin.
           “Will you come sleep here?” Your eyebrow crooked up in question. It was loaded, definitely a pretty big step further down the tightrope you and Sam had been walking. But it had felt right to ask, and you fought back the impulse to take it back or turn it into a joke. Sam’s eyebrows lifted in soft, hopeful surprise, and it changed his whole face.
           “I can if you want me to,” he answered, running a hand through his hair. “Are you sure?”
           “Yeah, I think so.” The hesitation in your voice made his pulse race despite his fatigue.
           “Uh, ok, yeah. Just let me eat something and shower and I’ll be here, I promise. Don’t wait up though.”
           You nodded, trying to fight a smile by biting your lip, then pulled the blanket up under your chin and closed your eyes. Sam lingered in the doorframe for a moment, watching the light from the hallway fall on the swells and angles of your body before going to the kitchen with Dean.
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           Dean was already halfway into a plate of lasagna by the time Sam got there and took off his jacket.
           “Dude, she’s outdone herself. This is awesome,” Dean said through the last third of a mouthful before swallowing.
           “Yeah, she’s pretty great, isn’t she?” Sam asked as he walked to the fridge.
           Dean looked up smugly over his fork. “What’s going on with that anyway?”
           Sam closed the microwave door on a plate of lasagna and turned toward Dean. “Uh, I mean, I don’t know. She asked me to sleep with her.” Dean half-choked on a bite, coughing and grabbing at his beer bottle. His brother realized his mistake, making an exasperated face before correcting himself. “Not like that, Jesus. Like literally sleep in her room.” Dean pounded his chest with a closed fist and fought through a hoarse throat.
           “Are you going to?”
           “I mean, yeah. Why, should I not?” Sam’s eyes widened.
           “I don’t know what you should or shouldn’t do, man. Just seems awfully boyfriend-experience to me,” Dean said, his hands up in faux surrender.
           “Well, yeah,” Sam conceded, getting his plate out of the microwave.
           “So you’re her boyfriend?” Dean looked incredulous.
           “Dean, I don’t know,” Sam whined as he sat down across from his brother.
           “Fine, whatever, I’ll leave you alone about it. But know that I’m going to be pissed if things get weird between you two and she leaves. Aside from the extra backup, I can’t go back to Marie Calendar and beef jerky after this.”
           Sam nodded placatingly.  
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           You had dozed off, waking up when some lizard part of your brain realized the light had shifted in the room. Sam filled the doorway in an old t-shirt and flannel pajama pants slung low enough on his hips to expose a little sliver of skin when he walked. The smell of shampoo crossed the room as if being unfurled from his still-damp hair, the clean familiarity of it making your joints relax even further than they had in sleep. He saw the heavy lids of your eyes for the second time that night, and felt a pang of nervous affection.
           “Do you still want me to, ah..?” Sam whispered like a gravel road at dusk.
           You nodded, folding back the comforter next to you. He walked over, messing with the hem of his shirt like a shy teenager before crawling gently into bed. He didn’t know what to do. It felt like the first time he’d ever slow-danced with a girl at some stupid school formal—Mandy Jacobsen, freshman year of high school, wearing a shirt Dean had outgrown but was still too loose to be tucked in properly and his dad’s shoes—not knowing where to put his hands or whether it was better or worse to press against you. You waited a beat before rolling to your back to mirror him.
           “Is this too weird?” you asked.
           “No, no. Sorry, I just—I’m just a little keyed up from the hunt I guess.” Sam cursed himself in his head; you knew they’d driven over 7 hours to get back, it made no sense that he’d still be on an adrenaline rush. He was grateful when you didn’t say anything.
           “Was it gross? When you guys had me look up bunyips I was so glad I didn’t come with on the stomp-around-in-the-swamp job.”
           He chuckled quietly. “You would’ve hated it. We had to change before Dean would even unlock the car.”
           “How’d you get back to the motel to change if he wouldn’t unlock it?”
           “No, like out on the side of the road.”
           “So you and Dean were naked on the side of the road in—where was it?”
           “Stringtown, Oklahoma.”
           “In Stringtown, Oklahoma, and didn’t get arrested?”
           “It’s pretty rural.”
           “Well thank God for that,” you giggled, turning onto your side to face him. “I would’ve had to take that stupid little Volkswagen to come and get you. You’d have needed a double knee replacement by the time we crossed the state line.”
            “Then I’m even more glad.” Sam’s profile was fuzzy in the dark but you could hear his smile. When he turned to face you the tiny amount of ambient light glinted off his teeth. “I missed you,” he added, so quietly you almost couldn’t hear him from inches away.
           “I missed you too,” you breathed.
           Sam shifted to his side and tentatively reached out to tuck a piece of hair behind your ear. “I didn’t mean to wake you up, you should go back to sleep.”
           “Are you going to leave if I do?”
           “Not if you don’t want me to.” His thumb was gentle and callused against your cheek, brushing absentmindedly.
           “I don’t want you to.” You twisted away from him to curl back against his chest. Sam got those same heart-thumping sweaty palms he had with Mandy Jacobsen and hoped you couldn’t feel the thrum of his pulse against you, suddenly aware of how thin the fabric separating you two was. He felt gangly and awkward in his filled-out 32 year old body, and kind of stupid for it; less than an hour ago he’d held you in his arms and he couldn’t even estimate the amount of times his hands had roamed your skin, feeling for broken bones and shards of glass or stitching up a gash. He was trying to remember what the natural thing to do here was when you reached behind to his side and pulled his arm over you, laying his palm out below your sternum and lacing your fingers in his. His hand spanned a wide swath of your torso and made you feel delicate, like something precious. After a moment, Sam let the weight of his arm settle over top of you like a cloak, the pressure soothing and protective.
           You smelled like warm skin, fresh sheets, and the orange blossom soap you loved from the farmer’s market in the next town over. Sam inhaled deeply, nestling his face against your hair and feeling the heat from you and your body-warmed comforter seep into him, so opposite from the freezing bog water he’d been up to his thighs in earlier that day. He was having a hard time coming up with something that would be better than this and thought it might actually be ramping up his nerves, comfortable as it was. Instinctively he pressed his lips to your hair, feeling a jolt in his chest when it made you lean back into him.
           Seems awfully ‘boyfriend-experience’ to me ran through his head and he felt an overwhelming ache. If this was the boyfriend experience, he wanted nothing else in the world. He felt your breath deepen under his palm and the weight of your body began to sink a bit in that telltale way that told him you were falling back asleep. Sam listened for a long minute to the rhythm of it.
           “I love you,” he breathed, just to hear what it sounded like.
           “I love you too, Sam,” you murmured, barely opening your mouth.
           Sam had no time to feel embarrassed you’d heard him, hadn’t been fully asleep, as his chest swelled with helium. He shifted his calf to cover your cold feet and smiled, all to himself, into the darkness. It took him hours to drift off, but he didn’t care. There was no place he’d rather be.
Thanks again for reading! If you liked it, check out my Masterlist or send me a request!
Tags: @sams-sass @vxnderlindes @deanwinchesterswitch @akshi8278 @itsjensenanddean @flannellover67 @weepingwillowphoenix @tj-drinks-tea @whatareyousearchingfordean @winchest09 @winchestergirl2 @samwisethegr8 @nobxdy @nurse-sarahrn @lovers-in-japan-reign-of-love @deanwanddamons @stressedoutkitten @winchestershiresauce @tatted-trina6 @percico-heronstairs @downanddirtydean @queenoftheunderdark​ @lyarr24​ @wonder-cole​ @that-one-gay-girl​ @fairlyspnfanfic​ @treat-winchesterswith-kindness​ @mimaria420​ @huntheimpossible​  (s)
And as always, if you want to be on my taglist, were on the taglist and changed your handle, or I lost track of it, please let me know!
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Remus x patton
Your taste slimey yet satisfying
"Well, at least it's not a complete frog curse, Padton." Remus giggled at his own pun.
Patton rolled his eyes, smiling fondly at his boyfriend's attempts to cheer him up. "But now I've got patches of frog skin all over..." he sighed.
"It can't be that bad, now can it?" Remus put his hands on his hips, seeking a response.
Patton looked up at him from his position on the bed. "My skin feels weird... and not the fun kind of weird."
"Oh, puh-lease," Remus began, kneeling down to his level, "You're not looking at the bright side." He began to kiss the frog skin patches on Patton's arm, causing the moral side to blush profusely.
"Remus..." Patton whined. It felt... weird. Like he was being tickled but in an unfamiliar manner. It reminds him of the sensation of a dog licking food off his face, but on his arm instead.
"Mmmm. Slimy and gross. I like it!" Remus exclaimed. "Tastes like a swamp." He gave a toothy grin.
"I'm not going to question why you know what a swamp tastes like." Patton chuckled exasperatedly, kissing Remus's cheek.
"That's fair. You'll probably correctly guess why anyway." the creative side smiled, sitting down beside his lover.
Patton nodded, and there was comfortable silence between them. Nothing except Patton's arm around the other's waist, and Remus's head on the other's shoulder.
Then the froggier of the two yawned, followed by a 'ribbit' noise.
"Do you wanna just take a nap and find a cure later?" Remus asked him, feeling a little sleepy himself.
"Yeah... maybe it'll wear off in a few hours anyway." Patton nodded sleepily.
"Nap time it is." Remus pulled him further into bed, laying down with him and getting under the covers.
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Erasing Resent
IT’S TIME!!! I’m having so much fun participating in these Collabs, I hope all of you are having fun reading the amazing works that come from them. This is another Collab for the Bnharem Discord Server, the theme that was chosen for this month was Flowers! Head on over and check out the rest of the amazing pieces that have come from the Collab this time the Masterlist was provided by the amazing @jojosmilktea​ this time and it looks amazing!
I was lucky enough to snatch up the one and only Katsuki Bakugou this time. Here’s hoping you all enjoy the content I have provided for him. Thanks to @lady-bakuhoe​ for letting me throw ideas at them and sorry I stole your man for the Collab. @pixxiesdust​ you wanted to be tagged for this, thank you so much for beta reading my story and giving me some pretty awesome feedback! Alright, all you Little Rogues; enjoy the feast!
~Lesbian Peanut
Word Count: 5873
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“Babe…” You quirked an eyebrow as you stuck your head around the door, peering into the room when your boyfriend didn’t respond to your call for the umpteenth time. “Hello, Earth to Bakugou.” You called as you crossed the room to where he sat upon the couch, his head hanging in his hands as he sat there in silence. It was unusual for him not to respond to you when you were standing so close to him, he was the Hero known for his sharp reflexes. You knew there was one thing you could do that was guaranteed to grab his attention for sure. “GROUND ZERO!”
Katsuki jolted back to reality, harshly ripped from his deep thoughts by the sound of your voice calling to him. He shot up off the couch in the same instance and whipped around to face you, his eyes locking with yours as they blew wide and filled with alarm. His heart was thundering in his chest as he stared over at you, his hands stretched wide at his sides as he stood ready to fight and little crackles were tingling over the expanse of his palms. His eyes shot away from you, quickly doing a sweep of the room and scanning for a threat before realising there was no one else in the room besides you.
“(Name)…” His voice was barely audible as he spoke your name in a breathless whisper, his eyebrows pulling together out of confusion and frustration as he roughed a hand through his hair. “Babe, what the hell were you thinking?”
“I made tea for you but you weren’t responding to me. I called you several times Katsuki, you seemed to be lost in thought.” You responded as you held up the tray with two piping cups of tea on it, for him to see.
Katsuki flicked his vermillion eyes down to the tray you were holding in your hands, a heavy sigh leaving his lips as he shook his head and turned away from you. He rubbed a hand over his face as he waited for his heart to stop trying to jump out of his chest via his throat. He wasn’t used to being called by his Hero name outside of work, it was something that screamed danger to him whenever it was called out in such a manner. Katsuki rolled his shoulders before dropping back down on the couch, sinking down before patting the spot next to him and turning his head to catch your eyes over the top of the couch.
“Get your damn arse over here woman!” He grumbled as a crooked smile graced his features.
You never were one to argue with the wishes of your boyfriend, after all there usually wasn’t a need for you to argue with anything that he asked of you. “Look at you being all worried over here by yourself…” You teased as you walked around the couch and placed the tray down on the coffee table before sitting on the couch next to him. You tucked yourself into the corner of the couch before motioning for him to move over to your lap so you could give him a massage.
Katsuki grumbled as he shuffled along the couch, sitting in front of you before leaning back against your legs so you’d be able to reach his shoulders properly. You moved your hands up along his shoulders, rubbing and pressing against the spots where you knew he would usually build tension throughout the day. He seemed to be extra tense today though, the muscles throughout his back were all bunched up and his shoulders were hunched up as though he were ready for a war; your shout just now probably was partly to blame for that.
“Are you ok?” You whispered softly as you leaned forwards, moving a hand to cord your fingers through his hair tenderly.
“M’fine… Don’t need your arse worrying over me, damn it!” He grumbled before sitting up, turning to face you before catching your wrist in his much larger hand and pulling it in close to his chest. He sat back against the couch and pulled you in close to his side, allowing you to snuggle in close to his warmth. “I’m the one who does the worrying here, got that (Name)? Don’t you dare go worrying about anyone but your damn self!” Despite his words, you knew he was well aware that you worried about him every time he was called out into active duty.
You giggled as you gently pressed your head into the side of his ribcage, watching as his fingers traced small patterns over the back of your hand. It wasn’t often that you got to see this side of Katsuki, it usually only happened when he had a stressful day at the Agency or something didn’t quite go right while on duty. The rest of the world saw your boyfriend as a brash, impulsive Hero who had the persona more befitting of a Villain. Katsuki had learned to ignore those comments, striving instead to prove those people wrong and making you proud when he saved lives.
“Urgh, I keep forgetting this ugly little thing is still here!”
You blinked as you felt pressure against your right wrist and your eyes instantly flicked down to where his thumb was pressed into your skin. “Hey, no! You do not get to pick on my little flower.” You pouted as Katsuki’s thumb rubbed over the flower that adorned your wrist. “It’s a part of me Katsuki Bakugou and you will accept it.”
“Not likely, this little thing isn’t nearly beautiful enough to represent you. How the fuck could you settle for something so simple and plain looking; it’s gross.” He growled as he turned your hand over, hiding the flower against his stomach as he looked down into your eyes. “I hate it and you know that.”
It was true that you were well aware of Katsuki’s unfound dislike for the small flower but every time you asked him to explain his reason, he would shut down and tell you not to worry about it. “Well, too late. It’s already on my skin and it’s not going anywhere any time soon.” You declared as a small smile pulled at the edges of your lips.
“LIKE FUCK!” You squealed as Katsuki tipped you sideways on the couch and moved over you, his face mere inches from your own as a wildly wicked grin stretched over his face. “I’ll erase that fucker from your mind, I’ll make you forget everything about him and that includes this little piece of shit you call a damn flower.”
“Is someone a little jealous?” You teased as you looked up into his eyes and tilted your head to the side.
“Of that asshole? Like fuck that would ever happen!” He scoffed before moving and sitting back on the couch, grabbing his tea before sipping at it. “One of these days, I’ll fix that damn thing. Mark my words (Name)!” Katsuki was well aware of what the stupid flower on your wrist meant, the fact your ex gave it to you just served to piss him off even more. As vibrantly coloured as the Petunia was, he doubted you knew what it was or the meaning behind it.
“If you say so, Gremlin.” You whispered as you sat up and looked over at him in bewilderment.
“Bakugou, are you going to tell me where we’re going yet?” You whined as you flicked your eyes down to where your hand was encompassed by his larger one.
“(Name)… why don’t you go ahead and say my name just a little louder, huh?” Katsuki shot back at you as he looked over his shoulder.
You felt sorry for your boyfriend, he was constantly having to hide his face when he was out in public. As much as Katsuki liked being a Hero to the people of this city, he didn’t like the constant attention that came with it; especially when he was trying to spend time with you. There had been quite a few times you had dragged him away from people crowding him before they were pushing him beyond his limited point of patience.
“Sorry babe, where are you taking me though?” You questioned as you pulled on his hand, coming to a halt as you refused to walk any further and looked up into his eyes.
Katsuki sighed heavily in annoyance as he turned to face you fully, leaning in close to your face as his eyes locked with yours. “Right here.” His words caused confusion to flood your system as you whipped your head around rapidly.
“What? You dragged me out of the house in this cold ass weather to take me to the sidewalk in the middle of nowhere?” You frowned as you turned back to look at him, your eyes blowing wide as you caught sight of him pulling the mask down off his face and jabbed a thumb over his shoulder.
“No idiot. You think I’d do that to myself?” He growled before grabbing a hold of your hand again and pulling you with him as he pushed open the door behind him. “You know, I hate the fucking cold; I can deal with it for this though.”
“Wait babe, what shop are you trying to pull me into?” You whined as you tried to read the name hanging over the door, failing as you were pulled into the warmth coming from inside the shop. “Also, put your damn mask back on. I am not pulling you away from any groupies that want to swamp you!” You huffed before pulling your arm free and crossing your arms over your chest.
“Tch…” Katsuki shook his head before motioning around you to the inner workings of the shop he had taken you to. “Take a really good look, (Name). I think you should be more than capable of working out why the fuck I’d drag you here!” His eyes narrowed in annoyance before flicking down to where your arms were crossed over your chest.
You blinked rapidly before turning on the spot to take in what was going on inside the shop. Your eyes popped wide before snapping back to look at Katsuki at the same moment he grabbed your arm and held your wrist up in front of your face. “You… You’re getting it fixed for me?”
“No! I told you, didn’t I?” I’d erase this damn thing like it never fucking existed!” He growled before pulling you over to the counter in the reception area of the parlour. “It’s getting covered and you’re going to sit through the entire tattoo, you hear me?”
You blinked back tears as you looked down at your wrist where the small flower sat and then back up to his eyes. “Why? Why do you want to do this?” You mumbled as you stuck your bottom lip out, pouting up at him as tears threatened to spill from your eyes. “You didn’t even ask me.”
“No! Don’t you fucking dare cry for that shitty ass flower.” He growled as he cupped your face, leaning in close as he looked into your eyes and passion was the only thing you could make out in the depth of his. “It’s a fucking Petunia, it has a meaning that pisses me off and I bet that asshole of an ex of yours knew the damn meaning behind it! I swear I get my hands on him and being a Hero is going out the window, I hate the meaning of that damn flower. I hate that it’s on your body, I hate that you have something so unsightly staining your beautiful skin! YOU. Deserve. Better!”
You blinked rapidly as you took a shaky breath, sniffling as you searched his eyes. He wasn’t lying to you, for the first time ever he finally told you why he hated the flower and he even managed to compliment you at the same time. “What does it mean?” You whispered as you moved your hands to wipe your tears away.
Katsuki visibly flinched back from you before turning his back on you, his eyes focusing on the man behind the counter as he handed him a piece of paper. “Ask someone else, I won’t fucking say it.”
You stood there in silence while Katsuki talked with the man standing behind the counter, discussing whatever it was on the piece of paper he had handed the man. You swiped at the tears which had started streaking down your face as you stared at the back of the man you loved so much. There was so much love in this man, so much compassion and yet somehow you were the only one who ever managed to see that side of him. There was nothing you wouldn’t do for the man standing in front of you and honestly, you knew the same could be said for him about you.
“Thank you, Katsuki…” You whispered to yourself before moving to hug him from behind. You felt his hot hand come down to rest over yours where it was against his stomach, all the while keeping up his conversation with the other man.
“Thank me when this is all over.” He muttered back to you before pulling free from your grip and leading you off to a room where a station was already set up awaiting you. Trust your boyfriend to have heard what you had said to him, his hearing was some of the best you’d ever come across. “I’ll come back and grab you when it’s all done, alright (Name)?”
“Wait, you’re not staying here with me for the whole thing?” You asked quickly as you looked up at him pleadingly.
“I’ll still be within the vicinity but there is no way you’re going to get me to sit in that cramped ass room with two other people in there.” Katsuki grumbled as he crossed his arms over his chest, a wicked grin pulling at his lips as a fire sparked to life in his eyes. “Unless my little flower is scared?”
“Get fucked! I’ll sit through this like a champ, you go off and be by yourself.” You shot back as you screwed your face up at him, your eyes narrowing at the challenge he had been throwing your way.
Alright, make sure to cry out for me if it gets unbearable.” He chuckled before diving in to plant a tender kiss against your forehead and then turned to leave the room; leaving you standing there with the artist.
“Shall we get this baby started then, Miss?” You blinked as you turned around to look over at your artist, smiling at him as you steeled yourself for what was about to happen.
“Yeah, let’s get this done. I want to see what that Gremlin picked out for me.” You announced before moving over to the station to get comfortable and allow the artist to start on the tattoo.
It had been a while since your first tattoo and honestly you barely remembered anything about it. This one stung a bit at first, the feeling of the needle against your skin as he started working on your tattoo. The pain from your wrist radiating up your arm for a while until eventually the pain numbed down to a dull buzz and you settled into a trance like state. You were zoned out from everything else in the room, too focused on the intricate lines that were being etched into your skin and forming a beautiful scene. You watched the artist in awe as he fluently and effortlessly made his way up along your forearm, decorating the skin in lines and splashes of colour. Flowers, you could tell they were flowers he was putting on your skin but you couldn’t make out what kind.
The vision of flowers being put onto your skin, had a prior question springing to your mind. You looked up from the work being done to your arm and focused on the artist sitting next to you. “Hey, do you have knowledge of what flowers mean?” You asked, hopeful that this man would be able to give you the answer you were looking for.
“Sure do, in our line of work it tends to pay off knowing that sort of thing. Helps us when we’re putting designs together for people too.” He answered as he looked up from your arm, moving to switch the needle over on the machine. “Why’s that sweetheart?”
You felt uneasy about asking this man the question that was bugging you, but you needed an answer and your boyfriend had made it painfully clear that you weren’t going to get it from him. “What is it? The meaning behind a Petunia.”
The man was silent for a moment as he took a shaky breath and sat back in his seat, looking you dead in the eyes. “I was warned you might ask me that question by Mr Bakugou. I’ll be honest with you; I didn’t think he meant it when he said you didn’t know what the meaning was.” He muttered as he took a moment to finish up with the tattoo gun before dipping it back into a small pot of vibrant red liquid. “Resentment and anger. To give a Petunia to someone is to say you are angry at them or that you resent them for something.”
You were silent as you stared at the man sitting beside you, not even feeling it when he went back to working on your tattoo. You understood everything now, why Katsuki had been so damn angry all this time about seeing the flower on your wrist. You couldn’t help but to smile as you looked down to the new tattoo covering your old one, Katsuki was doing you a favour and you would make sure to repay him for that.
The rest of the tattoo went by without a hitch, the two of you managing to strike up a conversation as you watched and he worked effortlessly. It turned out your artist was a rather big fan of the Hero Ground Zero and apparently your boyfriend had taken it upon himself to come here first while in his Hero uniform. It all kind of made sense to you now, how your boyfriend was able to just walk into a shop and ask for a tattoo; he’d already been here. Honestly, you weren’t the least bit surprised and it was just like Katsuki to suss a place out before making a decision.
By the time the tattoo was finally finished, your forearm was tingling from having been stabbed with a needle constantly but the finished piece was worth it in your mind. You stared in awe at the finished piece as you looked it over in the mirror, the colours were perfect and the flowers looked beautiful placed in the order they were. “Thank you, they all look so perfect.”
“I’m pleased to hear that you like it so much.” Your artist practically chirped as he smiled over at you. “Now, I’ll just go grab the big guy and get his approval on the piece. Hopefully my work will live up to his expectations too.”
There were nine different flowers decorating the length of your inner forearm, each one as intricate as the next. They weren’t all the same size either, some of them were no bigger than your thumb nail while others covered a fair amount of your skin. You smiled as you traced your fingers gingerly over the delicate flowers that adorned your skin, impressed with how real they actually looked.
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“You’re not supposed to touch it, idiot!”
“But it’s so pretty, Gremlin.”
“Tch…” Katsuki scoffed as he stepped into the room, moving over to your side and pulling your hand away from your arm as he spun you to face him. “I didn’t get it for you just so you could get it infected before we even get home, damn it!”
You giggled as you tilted your head back, peering up into his face as you intertwined your fingers with his. “Thank you, for covering it.” You whispered as you reached up on your tiptoes and kissed his jaw tenderly. “I asked him what it meant, I’m kind of glad to have it gone now.” You admitted as you looked down at the new flowers that embellished your skin in place of the piece of shit that had been there before. “These new ones are so much better.”
“Of course, they are. I fucking chose them!” Katsuki declared as he smirked down at you, leaning in to kiss the top of your head before moving out the way and letting the artist finish up with the tattoo.
He stood silently in the doorway while your tattoo was washed over once more before being wrapped so it wouldn’t get dirty on your trip home. Katsuki pulled you in close under his arm as he walked with you out to the reception area of the parlour, paying for the tattoo as he chatted with the artist. The work obviously had Katsuki’s tick of approval because he was nice enough to leave the man with a memento that Ground Zero had been in his shop, signing over the top of the counter as the man asked him to do.
You stuck close to Katsuki’s side as you walked back towards his house with him, your arm starting to ache now as you kept it tucked up close to your chest and tried not to let the cold wind brush against it. “So, did you ask him what they meant too?”
You were snapped out of your thoughts at the question your boyfriend suddenly threw at you. “Wait… what?” You whimpered as you looked up at him quickly. “You mean there is more than one meaning to this tattoo, other than just covering up the old one?” You asked, dumbfounded by the revelation.
“Of course!” Katsuki grumbled as he shook his head. “Did you really think I would get you a new tattoo and not have the damn thing mean something?”
“I thought it was just a cover up of the old one…” You whispered as you looked down at your arm, puzzled over what the meaning behind it could possibly have been.
“I don’t half-ass this kind of shit, (Name).” Katsuki shot back as he flicked your forehead roughly “Figure it out for yourself what it means and don’t you dare cheat by asking him either!”
Katsuki sighed heavily as he stepped over the threshold to his house, relieved with finally being able to relax now that he was done with being a Hero for the day. It took a moment for him to register that something about his arrival home wasn’t quite right and then it hit him like a tonne of bricks; it was too silent! He screwed his face up as he waited for you to call out to him, your usual ‘welcome home” something he looked forward to and otherwise missing in the moment.
“Babe?” He called out into the house, waiting for you to respond to him.
When silence was all that greeted him in response, his fighting response was automatically kicked into high gear. He moved through the house quietly, managing not to let his boots make any noise as he headed deeper into the house. He stopped as the sound of ruffling pages caught his attention and he whipped his head around instantly towards the kitchen. Katsuki held his breath as he stalked towards the kitchen, ready to kick ass if the situation called for it.
His face fell as he caught sight of you bundled up, books scattered all over the table and a few even littering the floor. He shook his head as he moved over to you, arching an eyebrow as he saw the books were all to do with flowers. “So, this is what made you too busy to welcome me home?” He teased as he leaned down over you and kissed the top of your head.
“Welcome home…” You mumbled subconsciously as you flipped the pages of the book in front of you.
Katsuki narrowed his eyes before snatching the book out from between your fingers, waiting for you to register just who exactly it was that you had been choosing to ignore. He peered down at the pages of the book, it wasn’t hard for him to put two and two together; he knew what you were doing. “Is my little flower struggling?”
You blinked as realisation finally set in and you whipped around in your chair, leaning your head right back so you could look up at your boyfriend. “Babe…” You whispered softly as you leaned against the table. “Shit… fuck, I’m sorry. Welcome home!”
“Tch… bit late now idiot.” He muttered as he moved to sit down at the table with you, shoving a stack of the books over the edge and smirked as they hit the floor. “Now, do you need help? You’ve been at this for damn weeks.”
You sighed in defeat as you flung your arm out towards your boyfriend before letting it fall down onto the table. “I’ve looked and I’ve looked but I just can’t figure out what sort of flowers these are babe. Please, just tell me what they are?” You pleaded with him as you looked over at his face.
“Fine but only because you’re going to annoy me if I fucking don’t help you.” He growled before dragging his chair around the table to sit next to yours, grabbing your arm and bending it towards you. “For starters, try starting from your wrist and make your way up your arm.”
“I tried that; it doesn’t make a difference though when I still don’t know what the flowers are.” You whined as you looked at him, leaning into his side as you pouted.
“Shut up, I was getting there!” Katsuki growled as he flicked your nose. “Why are you so impatient, (Name)?” He teased before moving his right hand to touch the flower that covered your wrist. “Begonia, that’s what this is called. It has the symbolism of being cautious or aware.”
“Cautious and aware?” You queried as you turned your head to look up at him. “Really? That’s not me in the slightest though, babe.”
“No, but it sure is me.” He whispered as he traced his finger over the petals of the flower. “You made me more aware and cautious when I left the house. I was reckless, so very reckless before I met you but now, I’m more aware and cautious while I’m on the job. Because of you!”
You blinked as you sat up straighter, leaning in as you watched Katsuki trace the petals of the flowers. Of course, he had never said what the meanings of the flowers had pertained to but you hadn’t been expecting it to be something like that. Were all of the flowers relating to something similar as that? Did Katsuki pick flowers that symbolise things about your relationship with him that actually meant something to him?
“Aquilegia, it’s the uncommon name for it but I like it better. It stands for happiness and if you make me explain that to you, I’m going to fucking smother you.” Katsuki growled as he shot you a warning glare.
“No need, I make you happy but you also make me happy. I guess the flower represents the happiness that we bring each other in our relationship.” You whispered as you moved your hand to touch the flower tenderly.
“Yeah, something like that.” He muttered before sliding his finger up along your arm further. “Kalanchoes, would have had better luck finding these two in a succulent book. They represent endurance but more importantly they mean lasting affection. I’m not about to just stop loving you out of nowhere, so you better not try to do that to me either! You’re stuck with me and you’re going to have to accept that, (Name)!”
You smiled as you moved your finger along your arm, following after Katsuki’s as you poked at the smaller flower. “Yeah, I can accept that but your crazy arse is stuck with me too.”
“Ursinia, it means innocent love.” Katsuki continued as he tapped on the next flower along your arm. “You can’t even fucking argue with me that you’re innocent as all fuck. You are the innocent love of my life, deal with it.”
“Getting really sappy there, babe.” You teased as you kissed his jaw.
“Shut up, I can stop right now if you want me to!” He threatened as he narrowed his eyes and made to move his hand away from your arm.
“NO! I’ll behave, please don’t.” You whispered as you leaned forwards more and pointed to the next flower. “What are these ones?”
“Those are Gardenias, want to guess what those ones mean?” Katsuki shot as he smirked down at you, moving his other hand to tuck your hair behind your ear. He chuckled as you shook your head and looked over at him pleadingly, your silence all he needed for him to continue. “They mean sweetness, joy and purity.”
Ok, that was pretty self-explanatory, Katsuki would probably murder you if you tried to ask him to explain it to you anyways. You watched his finger closely as he traced along the petals slowly, his finger gracing over one of the many butterflies that also adorned your arm. You were going to ask him about those too, you wanted to know whether there was meaning behind the butterflies as well or whether he just threw them in there for decoration.
“The little flower here is called an Osmanthus or an Olive flower, it symbolises peace.” He whispered as he shifted in his seat slightly and rubbed his finger over the small flower. “You bring peace to everyone who comes into contact with you but you bring peace to my entire fucking life. I never thought I’d be able to find someone who would make me feel at peace when I come home, but you certainly do.”
You smiled as tears started to prick at the corners of your eyes, trying desperately not to start crying while Katsuki explained the meaning of the flowers to you. Each flower just made the entire tattoo a little more meaningful to you but you knew the meaning held so much more importance to Katsuki. “And the last one?”
“Ulex, it means protection and hope.” He admitted as he smoothed his hand over the last of the flowers. “Protection because you are mine to protect, I’ll be damned if I ever let a single thing happen to you!”
“What about hope then?” You whispered as you turned in your seat to look at him fully.
“You… You gave me hope. Hope that I could be a better person than what I used to be, hope that I could be the best Hero the people needed.” He admitted as he leaned in and kissed your cheek tenderly.
You smiled as you thought over all the names of the flowers, tracing your finger back over all of them as tears slipped down your face. You were happy, the flowers Katsuki had given to you were so much better than what that other thing had given to you. These flowers were special, they held proper meaning and they were there to stay. You frowned as something dawned on you, the names of all the flowers, there was something about them that struck you as odd.
“Begonia, Aquilegia, Kalanchoe, Ursinia, Gardenia, Osmanthus and Ulex…. B, A, K, U, G, O… YOU fucking didn’t!” You jumped up away from the table as you realised what your boyfriend had done to you. “Did you really just spell your name out, on my skin, using flowers?”
Katsuki shrugged as he looked over at you. “Problem?”
“Ah…. I’d say yes but I’d be lying and I know you hate liars.” You mumbled as you placed your hands on your hips. “How dare you make me wait weeks to find out that your name is on my arm in the form of flowers!” You huffed as you plopped back down in your seat and looked down at your arm. “I can’t believe you did that.”
“Might as well get used to it.” Katsuki muttered as he stood from the chair, a grin planted on his face as he kissed the top of your head. “One of these days, it’s going to be your name!”
You didn’t think anything more of the conversation until a couple of weeks later, your friends had come screaming to you about something or another and practically threw their phones in your face. It had taken you a moment to realise that they had said Bakugou and interview in the same sentence. You started the video as your friend held the phone for you, her hand shaking as she practically jumped up and down on the spot. You tried desperately to listen to what the reporter was saying to your boyfriend but unfortunately something else in the video was grabbing your attention.
There on Katsuki’s left arm was an arrangement of flowers, each one bursting with life and formed perfectly as though they were real. You stared at the flowers before looking down at the ones on your arm, they looked like they were done by the same person. You thought back to that day instantly, the fact Katsuki had left you in that room for hours on end and disappeared for the entire time. Was it possible that he had gotten a tattoo of his own on that day? Why hadn’t he said anything to you about it since then? Was it fresh or had he been hiding it on purpose?
“Mr Ground Zero, I have to ask what is with all the flowers on your arm?” Your attention snapped back to the tiny screen in front of you and you watched as an almost feral grin spread over your boyfriend’s face.
“(Name), that’s what’s with it.” He declared as he turned his arm to show the tattoo off a little better.
“(Name)?” By this stage your friends were practically screaming in your ears and you were trying your hardest to listen to what was being said.
“Yeah, that’s the name of my future fucking wife!” He growled out as he smirked victoriously.
Whatever else was said was lost to you. All sound seemed to have disappeared for you and the only thing you could think about was the fact Katsuki had just declared he was going to marry you on national television. Your heart was thundering in your chest as your knees went weak and you sunk down to the ground before you fell. Your head was spinning as a conversation from several weeks prior came rushing back to you, the final words from your boyfriend ringing loud in your head.
“Might as well get used to it. One of these days, it’s going to be your name!”
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clonewarslover55 · 4 years
May I have some younger Boba cuddles? Maybe after he comes back from a long mission, and when he walks in you jump up and hug him, then maybe he carries you to the bed and changes to cuddle. 🥺
Notes: I got so distracted by fluff and talking shit about Boba(teasingly) lol  
Warnings: mentions of bounty hunters and bounty hunting things 
Boba Fett X GenderNeutral!Reader //FLUFF//
It had been four days. Four days since Boba left into the swamplands of the planet whateverthefuck to chase after some bounty that was worth a lot. You had no idea where you were at but the planet was hot, full of dangerous and large bugs and smelled like ass. You could go up to the cockpit and check where you are, but you’d probably hit a wrong button or something. 
“If he had told me then maybe I'd know why this planet smells like ass!” You shouted to no one as you climbed down the ladder from the small bedroom to the cargo hold. You were starting to get pissed at your lover Fett. Four days on an old ship was enough to make anyone have cabin fever. You were beyond grumpy by now. 
Slave I is an old girl, so of course she always needs repairs and such. The past two and a half days you had been doing some small repairs, but now the ship was fine. So you were bored now, with nothing to do. Plus you missed your grumpy ass boyfriend. 
Currently you were in the storage area, looking and touching stuff Boba always tells you not to. You were bored and kinda pissed, so you were looking around. You walked around the cargo hold in one of Fett’s few, extremely faded and old shirts. You were also wearing a pair of his boxers, which were probably old as fuck too. The man never bought new clothes for some reason, so he owned hardly any. 
You padded around, the cold metal floor feeling good against your hot skin. Luckily his clothes were so thin from years of being worn by his cheap ass that they were very cool for hotter days. You smelled the shirt, Boba’s scent nearly gone from the worn fabric. 
You frowned as you looked at his many storage compartments full of weapons and such, trying to distract your mind from the thought that Boba could be dead in the swamp somewhere. You looked at a pair of old twin silver pistols that were mounted on a wall along with some other weapons. They were awfully shiny…….
When you reached out your hand to touch them you heard a gruff familiar voice, “I told you not to touch anything in the cargo hold.” You screamed in surprise and whipped around to stare at your lover. He was dragging a body behind him, the person clearly dead. 
“Well hi to you too honey.” You heard Boba huff and drop the body on the floor with a gross noise before closing the door. You could comment about how the body is leaking, or about how his armor looked really gross, or how about he was gone for so long. But you missed him too much to bitch. 
You ran at Boba, jumping in his arms for a hug. “I missed you.” Boba held you up easily, “I missed you too Cyar’ika.” He muttered, not setting you down. “I’d press a kiss to your visor but you’re gross. Boba chuckled, his laugh beautiful. You smiled, nuzzling your face into the fabric that covered his neck. 
“Come take a shower with me?” His voice sounded beyond exhausted, so his words were hardly a mutter. You grinned and nodded. Both of you are too distracted by one another to focus on the dead body on the floor. Slave I was easy to clean so it didn’t matter.  Boba carried you to the ladder, setting you down before he climbed up. You followed your lover up the ladder, he usually liked to follow you up but tonight he was clearly too burnt out to wait. You chuckled at his slow sleepy climbing, happy the bedchamber was only halfway up the ladder so it was easier for your sleepy lover 
Slave I had a small shower, but you and Boba could fit in it together perfectly. Usually your lover was handsy, leading to a more steamy shower, but tonight he was clearly too tired. You smiled as he stood in front of you, his dark eyes closed. You didn’t mind the no shower sex, only because a sleepy Boba was a really adorable Boba. 
You washed his black hair slowly, giggling when he groaned as you scratched your nails along his scalp. Boba was practically leaning on you as you washed his body, but you didn’t mind. He was beautiful, especially when he was relaxed like this. It was so rare to see your Boba this relaxed. 
Boba just crawled into bed after he dried off, not caring about clothes around you. You smiled at his attention craving look, obviously waiting for you to hurry up and dry off. He looked like a grumpy cat, waiting to sleep on it’s owner who is not in bed yet. You rolled your eyes at the huff of; “Finally” he gave you when you finally laid down beside him. 
Boba was quick to wrap you in his muscular arms, his body warm and relaxed against yours. You nuzzled your face into his broad chest, it was muscular and hard but a great pillow. He pressed a sloppy kiss against your hair, clearly half asleep from the shower.
Boba fell asleep immediately, and you could tell by the way he was drooling that it was a deep sleep. You grinned and watched him sleep for a bit, his familiar smell and warmth quickly making you sleepy. “Love you Boba.” You muttered, getting a mostly asleep reply from your lover. You smiled, sleep quick to take you away.
Tags: @valkyrieofthehighfae @roseofalderaan @my-awakened-ghost @leias-left-hair-bun @cherry-cokes-world@iamassbuttkingofhell@jedi-mando @royalhandmaidens@simping-for-fives@colorfulloverbatturkey @catsnkooks@hounding-around @blue-space-porgs @peacefulwizardfox@julyzaa @ahsokatano-thetogruta@feathersforclones@chr0nicbackpain  @commanderrivercc-3628 @nelba
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soysaucevictim · 3 years
“aching, shaking, breaking (like humans do)”
Summary: Remus thinks Hypnos has abandoned him for good (metaphorically speaking), Patton is there to help. (Sanders Sides, Gym Rat AU. One-shot. Ao3 link.)
Genres: Slice of Life, Hurt/Comfort, Sickfic
Characters: Patton and Remus centric. Logan, Virgil, and Roman mentioned.
Relationships: Intruality (platonic), Logicality (platonic), Background Intrulogical (platonic/ambiguous), Background Dukexiety (romantic/QPP), Background Moxiety (paternal/platonic)
Warnings: Remus angst, extreme insomnia, (unintentional) self-injury, medications, mental health issues, grim imagery, Remus Has Intrusive Thoughts, Remus Is A Mess, Patton Is A Good Friend, Interfaith Friendships, Implied (Extended) Family Problems
Patton was pedaling on one of the exercise bikes, which was one of his favorite activities to do at the gym. Relatively low impact and he usually took a “something is better than nothing” approach to his routines nowadays. Just appreciating the people watching and socializing with his workout famILY.
That was odd.
Remus hadn’t been to the gym for the whole week. Even when the kiddo overdid it – usually he’s not out of commission this long for it. Unless-
Something hit him in the gut when he realized that. He stopped on his bike and immediately buzzed his number.
He could shoot him a text, but it was just not settling right with him. Logan had been doing one of his HIIT circuits on the bike next to him. He took a deep breath, gently tapping Logan’s shoulder. Despite Logan’s concentration, he desisted immediately, turning off his music to respond, “What is it?”
“Have you seen a certain Pottymouth at your work recently?”
Logan paused, with a look of concerned realization, “Come to think of it, no. No, I haven’t. Well, he was getting particularly erratic and called in sick… 3 days ago.”
“I think I should go check in on him. My Other Son’s been swamped with work lately, sooo…”
If Logan was perfectly honest, it was often confusing when Patton referred to half their crew as his son, “Other son? Did you mean Virgil?”
Patton nodded.
“Probably prudent. Unfortunately, no one can stand in for me at the firm tonight. And. You’re better at the… emotions stuff.”
“I appreciate the vote of confidence! Hopefully I’m just worried for nothing.”
Patton rose up from his bike and was about to leave with his things. Logan smiled faintly, “Hey, if you would, could you tell me how he’s doing when you find out?”
Patton smiled back, a little forced if he was honest, “I’ll make sure to have him tell you that himself!”
It wasn’t a very far trip across the city to get to Remus’s apartment complex from the gym.
Once Patton parked his car and took another deep breath, he stepped out toward it.
After getting buzzed in and jogging up a couple flights of stairs, thanking his stars for basic training, he was at the door in a jiffy.
Patton wasn’t in the business, but he was reminded of the time Remus was raising heck to get Unit 404 from this building. He remembered seeing Logan trying desperately not to laugh when he heard about it.
He knew to knock to the phrase “Shave and a Haircut”, to alert Remus. He drummed out a few calls, waiting for Remus to make a sound on the other side, hoping he would.
It was a thing in their group, ever since they all watched “Roger Rabbit” together for a movie night, years ago.
Once. Twice. Thrice…
Patton heard the sound of chaotic crashing noises and an off-script, but still in the right cadence, “Fuck OFF!”
“Remus!? Kiddo, it’s me. I wanted to check on you!”
He heard some stumbling noises and a hoarse, “P-padre?”
“Can I come in?”
There was a dramatically loud sigh before the door was unlatched, unlocked, and open.
“Thanks- oh.”
Patton wasn’t exactly sure what he was expecting, but Remus looked even more harried than he usually was. The darkness around his eyes even more pronounced, his face was so drained. His makeup smudged, tear-streaked, and hanging on for dear life. His gaze wild and jumpy. Remus didn’t do much more than stand in the living room, staring at Patton once he entered.
Patton saw that Remus had knocked over one of his glass cabinets. He noticed Remus looked pretty scratched up and was bleeding in places, mostly his hands and knuckles.
Patton furrowed his brow, asking mostly to avoid presumptions, “How are you feeling?”
Remus sounded breathless too, “What does it fucking… look like!?”
Patton paused and looked around some more, there was a lot of trash strewn about the floor. Granted there usually was, Remus would just call it “organized chaos”. But Patton did note that there was an alarming number of energy drink cans piled around a hopelessly full trash bin. Monsters, NOS, Red Bulls, 5 Hours, yerba mate, the works.
Patton slumped a little bit in worry, “Not exactly peachy keen, I take it?”
Patton had a hunch that Remus was screaming not that long ago, based on just how raw his voice sounded, “No SHIT!”
“Um, would you like to sit down for a bit? It might help to talk it out.”
“Too restless, huh?”
At that point Remus was mindlessly digging his fingernails into his arm. Patton winced a little and decided to ask, “Can I take care of those injuries, at least? I just want to make sure they don’t get-”
Remus glanced at but barely registered the wounds, “Infected?”
“F-first aid kit’s in the bathroom. Not like it matters. It would be just my luck to have a brown recluse bite or resistant staph or necrotizing fasciitis. You know where shit rots and liquefies and you get all septic?! Imagine the SMELL.”
Patton slowly worked his way to the bathroom to get the kit, not taking his eyes away from Remus, “Well, if it looks like it’ll be that way, I WILL be taking your butt to the ER.”
Remus didn’t seem to register that, droning on, “Oh. What if I lose a finger? Or several! Or my entire hands! Everybody says I might die of a heart attack before I hit 30? My ticker feels like it’s going to EXPLODE, Teddy Roosevelt. Imagine a live grenade strapped to it – BOOM. Sounds like fun.”
Patton flinched, thinking that was to get a rise out of him, “Kiddo, I think that’s the opposite of fun.”
Remus weakly laughed, pointing at his chest thoughtlessly, “Better than worrying about cancer or some shit!”
Eventually Patton had to break line of sight to grab the kit, but he kept talking, “When… when did you last get some sleep?”
There was a pause that made Patton’s own heart ache a little bit. Remus muttered after some hemming and hawing, “Uh… 3? 4?  4 days ago? I think. I don’t even fucking know.”
Patton took a moment to look over the medicine cabinet while he was there. Just to see if Remus had anything that could help him get much needed snooze time. There was a bottle of trazodone, mostly full, Benedryl, also mostly full… no suspiciously empty bottles of anything around. So that was a hopeful sign.
“Would you mind if I asked you to take something to help you sleep? After I patch you up?”
“You remember that story where a whole batch of Tylenol was tampered with and killed like seven whole people?”
“… I’ll ask again a little later, then.”
Patton returned to the living room, kit in hand, both relieved and disconcerted about Remus just standing in the same spot he was in. His hands were clenching and unclenching, like he was fighting to stay awake even longer. “Okay, it would be easier on both of us if you sat down while I dress those wounds.”
Remus didn’t move, so Patton tried to gently nudge this poor kid toward the sofa anyways. Thankfully, he didn’t resist at all. Patton noticed just how wobbly a gait he had in that short distance. Once seated, Patton also saw that both his knees were scuffed. Patton winced, imagining that he took at least a few falls very recently.
Without prompting, Remus whined, “Everything hurts, Padre.”
“Well, going without sleep as long as you have can give you a bad case of the body aches. Seen some of my old combat buddies deal with that on our worst deployments…”
Patton started to wipe down Remus’s knuckles first with some cotton balls and alcohol. He just wanted to get a better sense of how deep these cuts were. He was relieved that they were surprisingly shallow, “I think these will only need some simple bandages and antibiotic cream… but I’m definitely going to check on you later, to see how your hands are doing.”
Remus nodded, and started to blather a bit again, “I feel like Hypnos himself has forsaken me. A curse! A bane! Pat? Is his brother going to come for me? Am I going to ride down Styx and meet the big H himself?”
“… you’re not going to die, if I can help it. I swear to God Himself.”
Patton sometimes forgot that their positions of faith were so far removed. But that didn’t dissuade him from caring a lot. He hated seeing his friend suffering so much. He took another breath, and addressed the gouges and cuts in Remus’s arms. They were rough, probably unintentionally from his own hands. He approached those similarly. “You feeling any sleepier, yet?”
“Mmm… no.”
Remus looked like he was about to pass out, Patton was reasonably sure just the fact he was seated and getting some TLC helped push him closer to shutting his eyes. “Well. I’m going to hang around for a few, just to make sure you’re alright, okay? Mind if I turn on the TV?”
Remus started to slur his speech considerably, “Knock yourself out, Holy Ghost.”
Patton thinly smiled about the blasphemous sentiment, but he shook that off, it didn’t matter really. He was just glad to see Remus doze off like he desperately needed it.
Patton decided to tune into Nickelodeon and watch some cartoon reruns, eventually hearing some loud snoring coming from Remus. Patton sighed and smiled at the sight.
“Oh GEEZ, Patton. Were you – were you here all night?”
Patton blinked awake from the shouting and looked outside to see it was bright out, “I-I guess I was?”
Virgil was there to see his boyfriend sleeping like the dead and Patton next to him.
“Logan told me to check on Remus and I just got back here. And-”
“Remus is going to be okay, I think. Do you have any idea what may’ve started this episode?”
Virgil sat down on the recliner nearby and looked tired but contemplative.
“His “family” tried contacting him. All I know was it devolving into a messy fight and it rattled him. He… stubbornly didn’t want to talk about it.”
Patton understood what he meant at this point.
The only blood relative Remus had anything nice to say about was Roman. Someone who should probably know what happened, if he wasn’t already aware.
All to address later, once Remus recovered a little more.
Patton ran his fingers through Remus’s greasy hair. Not the most pleasant, but he hoped it helped to soothe him as he continued to slumber.
Virgil smiled at both of them, his own concern never quite gone, “Thanks for this, Pop Star.”
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brandstifter-sys · 4 years
Their Swamp
Word Count: 906                              (Ao3)
Pairing: Dukexiety
Rating: T+
Warnings: Gore Mention, Sex Mention, Food Mention
Dukexiety Week: Day 7 - Movie Night. Virgil and Remus settle in to watch a movie and banter. Feat. ftm!Remus
"Popcorn incoming!" Remus shouted and flopped on Virgil's bed, holding a large bowl of the stuff. Virgil winced at the few kernels that landed on his bedding but didn't voice any complaint. How could he? Remus was smiling at him, unbound and shirtless, happy and ready for a night of movies, cuddles, and maybe a scuffle.
"So what are we watching? Corpse Bride? Coraline? The Black Cauldron?" Remus asked and cuddled up next to him. Virgil shrugged and pressed play, letting the opening credits roll. 
"Shrek?" Remus asked and looked up at his boyfriend. Virgil shrugged, "Why?" 
"A movie about an outcast finding love and friendship without having to change. It's not just a meme." 
"But the meme is fun!" 
"You would know, you gremlin."
"As I lay me down to sleep, I pray thee Shrek my soul to keep!" Remus sang and kissed his cheek, "but my butt is reserved!" 
"I mean if I share Shrek with you, sure. But I called dibs, on his, y'know." Virgil countered and shoved a handful of popcorn in his mouth. 
"You would bone Shrek!?" Remus laughed and set the popcorn bowl aside. Virgil was not getting out of this one with snacks!
"Yeah," Virgil said as he chewed, "Who wouldn't?" 
"The others, Thomas—no wait, he might since we both would—Picani, the Dragon Witch, Sleep, those Zodiac guys, the Months, the super slow heroes, the—"
"It was a figure of speech, Puppy," Virgil swallowed and cut him off, "But you're right, only morons wouldn't want to have a piece of Shrek." 
"Yeah, I guess they aren't ready to let that ogre into their swamp!" Remus giggled and pulled Virgil into a hug, "This thot knows he wants to get a taste of the green!" 
"I'm lucky I can get a taste of the green whenever I want," Virgil jeered. 
"Oh? Got a Shrek blow-up doll?" Remus teased and wiggled his eyebrows.
"Nah, but I have a replacement who's even better. Green, hot, lovable, loud, gross, and he has a bad rep," Virgil said and playfully shoved him with his shoulder.
"And you're not sharing him with me!?" Remus gasped and threw a hand to his chest like a scandalized Hollywood starlet.
"Cuddlefish," Virgil sighed and shook his head, pulling the duke closer. Remus' face lit up.
"That's okay! I have my own Shrek replacement! He's scary, sarcastic, sexy, witty, and he's got layers!" 
"Sounds like a jerk to me," Virgil jeered. Remus flicked his nose and pulled him into his lap. It was kinda funny to see a hulking sulk happily seated in his smaller boyfriend's lap, but anyone who dared laugh at his Scare Bear would face Remus' wrath.
"He's a big stinky jerk who I jerk off to!" Remus teased and licked his cheek, "My big stinky jerk!" 
"Ew!" Virgil laughed, "TMI Dukey." 
"You brought up Shrek and boning him! Do you really don't expect me to get dirty?" Remus scoffed, "You know me!" 
"Yeah, I do. If I didn't you wouldn't be on my bed watching a dumb movie with me." 
"Shrek isn't dumb! But I don't mind making out instead!" Remus teased.
"Yeah? Well you should put a shirt on if that's what you want. I plan on sleeping tonight, not going all ogre in your swamp." 
"No!" Remus huffed and stuck out his tongue, "I'm not letting your bootylicious ass go until my legs need to be amputated! Even if we don’t go on that adventure! Free the tiddy, Danny Sidebangs! They’re as wild and free as me and I’m not moving to cover them with a shirt!" Virgil sighed and rolled his shoulders. 
"You knew you were going to get this later anyway," he said and shrugged off his hoodie. Remus squeaked when Virge tossed it in his face. Remus pulled it on but didn't zip it up, allowing his chest some breathing room. He hugged Virgil and booped his nose. 
"You're so sweet!" 
"Like the scent of decay?" Virgil teased and kissed his forehead.
"Exactly! This is why you're my Princess Fiona!" 
"Because I can kick your ass and I only get gross as hell around you?" 
"That too!" Remus giggled, "But also because you never expected to fall for me and then look at what happened!" 
"I got with a shrekist instead of a pastafarian," Virgil groaned and rolled his eyes. Remus laughed and held him closer. 
"I would rescue you from a tower and smooch you til you get as nasty as me!" Remus said. Virgil huffed and kissed him sweetly. 
“What makes you think I’m not already, Puppy?”
“Then I guess I’d smooch you til we’re decaying zombies! Unless my lips fall off, then you might be out of luck!” Remus cheered and licked his cheek, “You’d get a lot more tongue then!” 
“You know you give me plenty of tongue as is, you might as well rip it out of your mouth and put a bow on it. But then you wouldn’t have much of a chance to talk, and I kinda like hearing your voice.”
“God, Virge, you know just what to say to make me all soft and gooey! I love you, Scare Bear!”
"I love you too, even if you had me talking through 'All Star,'" Virgil jeered and kissed his forehead again. Remus giggled and nuzzled his shoulder. He could hold off on comparing their relationship to Donkey and Dragon and savor the moment.
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cipheress-to-k-pop · 4 years
Sam Alexander x Cho!Reader
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Anon asked:  Could you please do some headcanons of Sam dating Amadeus Cho’s older sister? They were so petty towards each other it was hilarious
A/N: Sorry it was so late, I’ve been really swamped for the past few days
Being Amadeus’ older sister was a challenge to say the least
You were both left orphans at a young age which left you to raise him alone
It didn’t help that he was smarter than you in every way possible
But you wouldn’t trade your life with him for anything
You cherish your little brother and he knows how much he means to you
You worked day in and day out, while trying to maintain good grades and graduate before worrying about college and such so he wouldn’t have to
That was the only thought keeping you strong
He got the best from you and he knew how much you sacrificed for him
So, when you started dating his teammate, Sam, he couldn’t really tell you no
Even though he would have you date literally anybody else on the planet
Sam knows not to make jokes about Amadeus in front of you from experience
He treats you like a child instead of a guardian and you feel so carefree when your around him
“Let’s have a cartoon marathon tomorrow.”
“Let’s just lay around today.”
“Picnic tomorrow? What do you say?”
You quickly fell in love with Sam who was just the best boyfriend
He understood when you had to take rain checks because of work and school
He helped you with your schoolwork and often looked up jobs that had slightly higher wages so you could make more
Not to mention, he was always over at your house, making dinners and buying groceries for you when there was a sale because you didn’t have the time to go
It’s inevitable that your attention slowly turns to your boyfriend rather than your little brother
You began missing family dinners for dinner dates with Sam and Amadeus would no longer help you with your homework because you preferred study dates
Your brother says nothing of course, but he begins to feel your absence more each day
You’re not neglectful of him, your still around most of the time, for birthdays, dinners, lunch but it’s the small things that get to him
One day, one of the worst of his life, he comes back home, so upset
He had been told that if he failed Physical Education or got anything less than a C, he would be booted back to middle school
His classmates bullied him for being so young
And all he wanted was to have dinner with you but once he came in, you looked ready to leave
“Hi, bro, I have a date with Sam but dinners in the kitchen, call me if you need anything.”
He nodded shakily and sent you off with a smile but once the door closed, he burst into tears and tried to calm the pain in his chest
He was so scared he was losing his sister
And he felt so guilty because he couldn’t even be happy for you when he knew all the things that you did just for him
So, he planned to just cry his eyes out alone and then greet you with a smile when you got back
But you forgot your phone so you came back up and once you saw Amadeus in tears you just texted Sam and told him you weren’t coming
“What’s wrong?”
“I’m sorry...”
He tells you everything and spends the night crying in your arms as you try and comfort him
“I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you; I promise I will be from now on.”
The thought of your baby brother planning to cry alone and never tell you how he was feeling made you tear up but you just held your sleeping brother tighter in your arms and gently patted his head
The next day, you don’t tell Amadeus but you plan to break up with Sam
“I’m sorry but we can’t see each other anymore. I’ve been neglecting Amadeus too much and no matter how much I like you; it isn’t worth it to me if he isn’t happy.”
“Wait, (Y/N), please, we can still make this work.”
So, you stay
And it was the best decision you ever made
Dinner dates were swapped with Sam cooking dates and he would stay over for dinner and the three of you would eat
You would laugh as Sam and Amadeus exchanged insults over mashed potatoes and meatloaf
It was their special way of showing love
Study dates turned into Amadeus tutoring the two of you
“You’re an idiot if you can’t solve this question, Alexander.”
“Well you’re an idiot even if you can solve the question, Cho.”
“Hey!” “Whoops sorry, I meant the other Cho.”
The three of you would work out on Saturday’s, well you and Sam would work out and Amadeus would just sit in a corner because he’s weak
“I’m not weak! I’m just, conserving energy!”
“Well then I guess you’ll have enough energy to wash the dishes tonight?”
“.... Give me the damn weights.”
Sam knows that he will always come second to your brother and isn’t of being annoyed, he admires it
“Sorry I can’t come over tonight, Amadeus is sick.”
“I can bring over some chicken soup?”
“You really do love me...”
And it wasn’t the same but Amadeus appreciated that you were trying and above all, that you were happy
And you’re over the moon that the most important boy in your life likes your boyfriend
They threw a surprise party for you on your birthday but there was a thunderstorm and no one could make it
To say that they were upset was an understatement
“Oh, it’s okay, nothing beats a day with my boys!”
You ended up having the snacks and cutting the cake while the two of them sang for you
“Make a wish!”
Every year, for your birthday, you always wished something for Amadeus. Always.
It was either wishing some money to get him that bike that he wanted or for him to get a job so you could provide for him
But this one time, you looked up from the candles and saw the two of them and you wished
“I wish the three of us will always be together.” 
This happens very often
“I love you...”
“I was talking to my boyfriend.”
This happens often too
“I love you.”
“I love you too, babe.”
“I was talking to my brother but thanks!”
And of course, the glorious mash up of the two
“I love you.”
“I love you too.”
“Get a room before I throw up.”
“Shut up, Cho!”
Hey!” “I meant the other Cho and you know it!”
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abalonetea · 3 years
Just Keep Breathing: Chapter Two
I was partnered with @the-dot for the @originalfictionbigbang​! Thank you for working with me, Dot!
Here is the first chapter! I’ve split the first 10k words between four chapters, and will be posting them all in a masterpost in just a moment!
Summary: It’s the height of storm season and everyone in Hi-Banks, Florida is getting ready for the bad weather. It should be a year like any other - but on the tails of a national pandemic, a new disaster strikes. More than one new disasters. So many disasters that Eddie Carver would like to put some of them back, thanks. He’s just a down on his luck guy living in the local trailer park with his boyfriend. He’s not interested in dealing with the revival of an old murder case - which he knows nothing about, thanks -, the storm season of the century, or…zombies?
Yeah. Absolutely not interested in the zombies.
This black-comedy follows the inner workings of a small town as they band together to survive, and the young man - reckless, mean, angry, written off b the big city folk come to look into a cold case - that might hold all of societies survival in his hands.
Forget about society.Eddie’s only interested in keeping his friends alive.
Chapter Two – The Hunt Shop
The Mason family has owned a bait and tackle shop out on the north edge of Hi Banks for almost a solid four generations. It’s a good twenty minute walk from the trailer park, which isn’t that bad when it’s not also pouring down rain. As it stands, they’re both soaked by the time they hit the long dirt road that winds towards it. The sides are pitted out from constant tire tracks, turned into thick puddles of standing water and mud.
The rain lets up to a light drizzle, but it’s too late for that to be helpful. Eddie makes a point of splashing his feet in as many of the puddles as he can.
Carson’s the one who calls out, “truck,” when twin headlights appear in the distance. It’s got a massive dent on the passenger side and the fender looks like it’s held on with duck tape.
Lincoln Wiltshire, the deputy, pulls over. He’s a tall, skinny man with a hooked nose and a scar on the side of his neck. Every time he’s asked, Lincoln tells a different story about how he got that scar. Eddie’s pretty sure it’s something mundane and stupid, like a fishing accident.
“You boys having trouble?” Lincoln asks, rolling down his window and half leaning out it.
“Truck still won’t run,” says Carson. “We’re stuck hoofing it everywhere.”
“And the power’s out at the trailer park,” adds Eddie.
“Shit, already? I was hoping it might stay on a while longer.” Lincoln scratches at his side burns. “Wonder if it’s out where I live, too.”
“Store had power last time I was there,” says Eddie. There’s no need to specify. Everyone just calls it The Store.
Carson asks, “you coming from Red’s?”
“Was getting some more shells.” Lincoln gestures at the brown paper bag in his passenger seat. “I wouldn’t hold my breath on anything with him today, boys. He’s in a rotten mood.”
“Eh, we’ll take the risk. I want something hot to eat tonight, you know?” Eddie says “Shit. You think he might have some of that soup still?”
“Maybe,” says Carson. And then, to Lincoln, “can you do me a favor? I was only at the docks for like an hour earlier, but Clancy didn’t show up.”
Lincoln frowns. “Now that ain’t like him.”
“No, it’s not. He’s always there, doesn’t matter the weather,” says Carson. “Figure maybe you could swing by his place, see if he’s...I dunno. Gotten into something.”
“Sure, sure, I’ll do that before I go home. Thanks for the heads up, Carson. You two stay out of trouble now, you hear me? I don’t want to get any calls out there.”
“That wasn’t our fault!”
“I don’t care who starts the fight, I’m the one that has to pull pants on to come finish it. I’m looking to not leave the house again tonight, so. Behave.” Lincoln jabs a bony finger at them.
Carson rolls his eyes. “Whatever.”
Eddie parrots, “yeah, man, whatever.”
“Maggots, the both of you,” huffs Lincoln, but he makes sure to pull away slowly so as not to splash them in muck.
They get about ten steps before Eddie asks, “so, uh, you worried about him?”
“I mean, yeah. Sort of.”
“Ain’t he a jerk?”
“Sure. But like, not all the time. And it’s weird. He’s always at the docks. Like, I’ve NEVER not seen him at the docks, Eddie. I dunno. I’ve just got a bad feeling about this.” Carson shrugs.
Maybe it makes Eddie a worse person, but he’s not too concerned about Clancy one way or the other.  The guy has a mean streak the size of the Grand Canyon, and a habit for acting like he’s the boss down at the docks. He’s not, clearly, but the guy has been working there forever at this point, so everyone mostly just ignores it.
Silence falls over them. The sloshing of Eddie’s boots is the only thing between them, until the shoddy looking wood building of The Hunt Shop comes into view. There’s a massive concrete raccoon statue out front. It gets decorated every time a holiday comes around. Right now, it’s got a massive yellow tarp wrapped around it in lieu of a rain coat.
The front door is propped open, the heavy twanging bass of the radio thudding out. Eddie ducks in first, glancing around.
For the most part, the hunt shop hasn’t really changed in...well, ever. There’s an old singing bass above the gun rack, and a mounted deer head on the wall just behind the front counter. Red is stretched out on a chair behind it, booted foot flung up onto the counter next to the register and an open can of beer.
“Lincoln was right,” says Eddie. “You look pissy.”
“Ey, if it ain’t my favorite scarecrow.” Red thunks his boot back down onto the floor. “Lemme guess, the power’s out.”
Eddie finger snaps at him. “Bingo!”
Carson stomps in just behind him. “Cat broke our damn window.”
“A cat?” Red snorts. “You know, I think you might have worse luck than I do.”
Eddie hops up onto the counter, next to the register. He helps himself to the open, half-warm beer. “Lincoln says you’re in a pissy mood. What’s up?”
“Ugh. This damned weather,” says Red. He uses his foot to push the wheeled chair away from the counter, and then spin around so he can slap a hand against the calendar hanging up behind him. “Look at this. I’ve got two days, and then I’m supposed to be going on my hunting trip.”
“Damn, is it that time already?” Eddie passes the mostly empty can to Carson.
Carson rolls his eyes. “Thanks.” And then, “isn’t that storm supposed to hit this weekend?”
“I’m thinking about just hunkering down out there,” says Red.
“That’s stupid,” says Eddie.
Red slaps the calendar again. “I’ve never missed a trip. I’m not gonna let it get passed over because of some rain. It’s, what, a cat two? I’ve spent worse storms out on the swamp. I figure there’s no power out there anyway, so what would I be missing?”
“The sun,” says Eddie.
At the same time, Carson says, “the hunting.”
Red scowls at them both. “Neither of you know the meaning of the word fun, you know that? I swear, I don’t know when you guys got so boring.”
“Around the same time we started dying from hunger,” quips Eddie.
“Fine, fine, we’ll go get something to eat. C’mon. I was gonna close up anyway.” Red hauls himself out of the chair and around the counter. He leads the way out of the shop – Carson closing the door behind them when he brings up the tail – and around to the back of the building where his camper’s parked.
The radio is already on inside, a woman’s voice, “and as if the predicted overly active storm season isn’t enough, we’re having more and more cases of this unknown virus showing up. We actually have managed to get an interview with Charlie Santero, the governor of Florida, where we get his personal thoughts on the situation.”
“Ugh, shut that off. I hate that guy,” says Red.
Eddie slaps the radio off. “So, food?”
“Chili,” answers Red. He grabs a bowl out of the fridge and shoves it into the microwave.
“Gross,” says Carson.
Red flips him off. “You’re the ones that came over.”
The microwave beeps. Red pulls it out and tosses it onto the little table on the other side of the kitchenette. He grabs three spoons and drops them down, too.
“Alright. Dinner’s served.”
* * *
It’s dark by the time they leave Red’s, all three of them loading up into Red’s old wood backed pickup. They roll the windows down, letting the stiff Florida air into cab.
Eddie sits on the far end, arm flung out so the mosquitoes slap into it as they rush past. “So, think we’re gonna get hit bad this summer?”
Red groans. “Do we have to talk about the storms? I’m trying to think happy thoughts about this week.”
Carson says, “I’ll check up on the shop for you.”
The tires catch in one of the ruts, splashing mud up onto Eddie’s hand. “Gross.” He pulls it in, wiping his palm off on his shorts. “I’m thinking it’s gonna be a small one. Just because it’s always small when the people on the radio talk about it. They’re always wrong and stuff.”
Red whacks the back of one hand against Carson’s shoulder. “Smack him for me, will ya? You’re gonna jinx my trip if you keep talking like that, scarecrow.”
Carson shoves at the back of Eddie’s head, pushing hair into his face. “Don’t jinx him.”
“Ow!” Eddie rubs over dramatically at the back of his head. “Fine, fine, I won’t – hey, knock it off already!”
They pull all the way through town towards the trailer park and are almost at the chain link fence around the place when the flash of red and blue lights come into view. Red cuts the engine. “Alright, nope. I’m checking out. Whatever you two did - “
“We didn’t do nothing,” says Eddie, the words a low sort of whine. “I’m telling you!”
“Looks like you did something,” says Red. “And I’m not interested in being involved. Sorry.”
Carson grunts, giving Eddie the stink eye.
Eddie shakes his head. “I didn’t. I’ve stayed outta trouble and you know it, man. I’ve got – fuck, nothing on me right now.”
“Whatever,” says Carson, slinging open the door. “Let’s just get this over with.”
Red doesn’t have a record, per say, but he likes to steer clear of the local officers all the same. The moment that Eddie and Carson are out of the truck, it peels into reverse and vanishes, a squeal of tires on the pitted pavement and a spray of muddy water up onto the other side of the road.
Carson says, “you’d tell me if I’m about to walk into something, right?”
“Yeah, man, I’d tell you,” says Eddie. “But I swear, this has nothing to do with me.”
“Ugh,” says Carson, and Eddie totally agrees with that. They head up into the trailer park and true to their luck, the sheriff’s car is parked right outside of their little hovel, along with a little shiny black car that doesn’t seem to fit in with the rest of Hi Banks.
Sheriff Bianca is sitting on the hood of her car smoking a hand rolled cigarette, short black hair pushed away from her face, the thick scar over her cheek visible even in the wane light of the street lamp. “There you are. We were waiting for you. This is - “
“Agent Smith,” says another woman, long blonde hair pulled back away from her face and an ashy pallor to her skin. “and my partner, Agent Russo.”
“We didn’t do shit,” says Eddie, lower lip jutting out.
Carson shoves him. “Idiot. Stop running your mouth.”
The corners of Bianca’s mouth twist up at the edges, just a little bit, and then instantly take on that hard slant again. She slides off the car, putting the cigarette out on the bottom of one mud caked boot and then tucking it into the front pocket of her uniform shirt. “Boys, they’re here about the Mulborne Case.”
There’s a beat of silence.
Eddie lets out a bark of laughter, just can’t help himself. “What, really?”
Smith asks, “does that mean you know the man?”
“Of course I do. Everyone knows Benny,” says Eddie, with a shrug of his sharp, bony shoulders. “Ain’t this thing solved?”
“Yes,” says Bianca, a little tersely.
“On a local level,” answers Russo. “But we’ve recently been informed of something that’s brought the case into a larger light.”
Carson squints. “You two aren’t cops.”
“We’re with the FBI,” says Smith.
Eddie snorts. “Bullshit.”
That takes Smith off guard. “Excuse me?”
“The FBI out in Hi Banks? Yeah, I don’t buy it,” says Eddie. “This town’s barely on the map. What the Hell would send you people out here, huh?”
“We’re not allowed to discuss that information while the case is still under investigation,” says Russo. “You’re - “
“Eddie, yeah, and he’s Carson, and I’m sure the sheriff’s gone over all’a this with you. You realize how late it is? Some of us actually have to work,” says Eddie.
Smith gives him a tight lipped smile. “I’m sorry about the time. We got a little turned around on the way out here.”
“Not my problem,” says Eddie.
Russo says, “it might be. It’s been brought to our attention that you had contact with the men who were murdered.”
“They went missing,” corrects Bianca. “There was no proof of foul play.”
Eddie juts out his lower lip. “Yeah, sure. I fixed up their van when they came through, big fucking whoop. How about I just make this real easy and tell you exactly what I told her?” He jerks a thumb at Bianca, who rolls her eyes. “Their van was trashed. I fixed it. That’s my job, okay? That’s it. They paid in cash, big bills, and then they left and I never saw them again. End of story.”
Carson says, “you should try and find someone smarter to ask about it.” He slings an arm around Eddie’s shoulders and hauls the other man up against his side. “Eddie’s got a brick for brains. Even if something weird was going on, there’s no way he would’ve noticed it.”
“Bitch,” mutters Eddie, but he doesn’t protest. Easy out’s, right?
A phone goes off, some lame shrill tone. Russo excuses himself and steps away from the group and Bianca asks, “did you figure out where the machinery went?”
Carson grunts. “Probably Milo hawked it. Pretty sure his ma’s rent was due this month. We didn’t really look that hard.”
Smith questions, “machinery?”
“Carson works at the docks,” says Bianca. “A few parts went missing earlier this week.”
“Not that it’s any of your business,” says Carson, gruffly. “Look, no offense but we’ve already done this once. We don’t know anything else about it, and I’ve got work tomorrow. Can we wrap this up?”
A car door clicks open behind them. Russo, still on the phone, waves Smith over. Smith nods and then excuses herself, all polite, “thank you for your time. I’m sure we’ll be in touch,” before heading over. They climb in their little black car and leave.
Carson scowls at Bianca. “Seriously?”
“Trust me,” says Bianca, dryly. “It’s not my idea of a good time, either. I thought that we were done with this.”
Eddie snorts, already heading towards their trailer. “Yeah, fuck off about that. I am done with it.”
He’s pretty pleased when Carson just goes on and follows him, not so much as a goodbye tossed Bianca’s way.
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expectingtofly · 4 years
SPN Stay At Home Challenge
Week 9: Undercover
After mysteriously returning from Purgatory, Castiel decides to take a break from being an angel and become a hunter. Dean is less excited about the idea, especially since he doesn't quite know where he and Castiel stand in their relationship. But he and Castiel take a case and shenanigans ensue, including, but not limited to...vampires, snakes, dramatic widows, and Castiel wearing Dean's clothes. 
(taking place sometime around 8x7/8x8 if Castiel had tried out the hunter thing for longer)
Words: ~5k
also posted on ao3
When Angels Wear Flannel
“I can’t believe you fell into that gross swamp,” Dean said, opening the door to their motel room. “Way to go, making us look professional.”
“It was a river and it was slippery,” Castiel said, walking inside in squeaking shoes. His clothes were drenched in mud, leaves, and maybe even blood.
Dean took a step back to avoid getting any of the crap on himself. “You almost fell on the body.”
“I was trying to see the bite marks on his arm!” Castiel peeled off his trench coat and brown water dripped onto the floor.
Dean grimaced. “First step to being a hunter, don’t mess up the crime scene. And take that off in the bathroom, you’re getting gross river water everywhere.” Castiel held his trench coat to his chest to stop it from dripping and went inside the bathroom. “Hurry up because we need to go talk to the wife of that dead river guy.”
“I don’t have any clean clothes,” Castiel’s voice came from the bathroom.
Dean looked through the police report he had gotten from one of the officers at the river. “Do your angel power clothes cleaning thing.”
He could almost hear Castiel’s eye roll. “I told you, Dean, I’m trying to not use my powers. I’m a hunter now.”
Dean rolled his own eyes. “You should’ve thought of that before you fell in the river.” He heard Castiel huff. Dean had gone along with Castiel’s plan to become a hunter because he thought it wouldn’t last a day. It’d been a week now and Castiel was still asking to come on cases. Dean had to admit, though, he didn’t mind too much. Sure, Castiel wasn’t much help, but Dean just liked having him close. After Purgatory, he was scared to ever let Castiel out of his sight again.
“Fine,” Dean said. “Just borrow my clothes. I didn’t bring an extra suit, though, so we’re going to have to go casual.” He rummaged through his duffel bag and pulled out an extra pair of jeans. His fingers hovered over his shirts and he settled on a milky blue flannel, pretending it was the first one he saw, not the one that best matched Castiel’s eyes. Going to the bathroom, he found Castiel washing dirt off his arms in the sink.
“Vampire, right?” Castiel asked. “Because of the blood loss?”
“Right.” He handed Castiel his clothes and Castiel wrinkled his nose. “What’s that face for? These are fine.”
“It’s just…” Castiel held up the flannel shirt.
“You’ll look like a lumberjack, I know. Get dressed.”
They drove to the neighborhood of the wife whose husband had been found in a river this morning, half-submerged in mud. He’d been declared missing a week ago and had only been found now, nearly drained of blood with two small puncture marks on his wrist. The police didn’t know what to think, which usually meant a supernatural-related death, so Dean and Castiel had taken the case.
“Alright, we’re reporters, writing a story about the death of this woman’s husband.” Dean parked in front of the widow’s house—or better, mansion. He looked up at the large, three story pristine white house and its wrap-around porch and manicured lawns.
Castiel held open the police report on his lap and fiddled with the sleeve of his—Dean’s—shirt. “Helen Roylott. 42 years old. Herpetologist.”
“She studies herpes?”
“Reptiles.” Castiel buttoned and unbuttoned the cuff of the sleeve.
“Roll the sleeves up.” Castiel started to and Dean leaned over. “Like this.” He took Castiel’s arm and rolled up the sleeves for him.
“This is a very comfortable shirt,” Castiel said.
“Yeah, well, don’t get too comfy. I’m going to need it back.”
Castiel looked at himself in the rearview mirror and smiled. “Maybe I should wear clothes like this more often.”
“Uh, no. We’re not going to wear matching clothes.”
“But it makes me look more like a hunter. I could pass as a Winchester now.”
“You’re forgetting that you still look dorky.”
Castiel narrowed his eyes and Dean finished rolling up his sleeves. He sat back. “Okay, be polite, act sad, try not to trip over your own two feet.”
He didn’t bother looking at Castiel, knowing the bitch-face he’d see. He got out of the car and started towards the house, checking to make sure the business card he’d grabbed was the correct one. Castiel did look strange wearing Dean’s objectively normal clothes, though in an adorable sort of way, Dean had to admit. Adorable? Gross, Dean thought, shaking his head.
He rang the doorbell and in a few seconds a woman in a long, silky black robe opened the door. She looked at them over a lacy black handkerchief which she held to her teary eyes. “I suppose you’ve heard the news,” she said without introduction. She leaned on the doorframe and slumped her shoulders. “It’s simply tragic.”
“Umm, yes,” Dean started. The woman, who he was assuming was Helen, dabbed an eye and looked over Dean’s shoulder at Castiel. “We’re from the Gazette,” Dean said. “We wanted to ask a few questions about your husband’s death.”
“Ah, the greedy press,” Helen said with a sigh. “Oh well, you must do your job.” She stepped back, motioning for them to come in.
“Nice bathrobe,” Dean commented as he walked past her.
She brightened. “Oh thank you. It’s real mink fur.” Dean tried to keep the smile on his face.
They stood in a wide foyer with a curved, marble staircase. Helen shut the door behind Castiel and touched his arm. “And what’s your name, darling?” she asked, her voice echoing in the wide space.
“Um,” Castiel looked at Dean for help. “I’m Arthur, this is Conan.” Dean sighed.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you.” Helen pointed to a room off the foyer. “You two have a seat in here. I’ll tell my maid to bring some tea.”
Dean and Castiel obediently went into the sitting room off the foyer. A purple sofa lined one wall and faced two matching purple armchairs. Hearing Helen’s footsteps fade, Dean turned on Castiel. “Arthur? Conan? What the hell?”
Castiel sat on the sofa. “I was improvising. I think I did quite well.”
Dean shook his head. “We need to work on your aliases.” Walking up to the fireplace, he looked at a large painting hanging over the mantle. It was a portrait of, he assumed, a younger Helen. She wore a looping ring on her finger which, he realized as he peered closer, was a silver snake. “Creepy,” he muttered.
He heard Helen tapping back—she must be wearing high heels under her robe, he realized—and sat next to Castiel.
Helen came into the room still dabbing her eyes. She settled herself onto one of the armchairs and sighed. “I’m so sorry you never met my late husband George. He was such a kind soul.” She gestured to her portrait over the fireplace. “He commissioned this for me, such a dear.”
“Yes, very nice,” Dean said. “So, Mrs. Roylott—”
“Call me Widow Roylott,” she said. “I’m afraid that’s what I am now.”
“Alright,” Dean said, shooting Castiel a you-see-this-crazy-bullshit-too-right? look. “Your husband went missing May 12th, correct?”
“Oh, let me see. Yes, it was the night of May 12th. We retired to bed and when I woke up that morning, he was gone. I assumed he was at work. It was only that night when he did not return that I began to panic.”
“Is there anywhere he might have gone after work?”
“I don’t know. Perhaps he went to the golf club with his friends, though no one ever mentioned anything to me. Thank you dear.” A maid had walked into the room and set a tray with tea cups and small pastries onto the table in between the seating.
Widow Roylott took the tea cup the maid poured for her. “You two are the first reporters to show up here,” she said. “I was expecting more pesky intrusions, though, I must say, I wouldn’t mind if all reporters were so handsome.” She peered over her tea cup at Castiel and winked.
“Thank you,” Castiel said. He glanced at Dean. “I wouldn’t mind my job so much if all the widows were so beautiful.”
What the fuck? Dean mouthed at him and Castiel frowned. Flirting? Dean thought. The Cas he knew would’ve frozen up at a compliment, or taken it too literally and made everything even more awkward.
“Oh, you’re too sweet.” Widow Roylott leaned forward and touched Castiel’s arm. Dean rolled his eyes and grabbed one of the small cookies on the tray. “Such a nice jacket,” she said. “Where did you get it?”
Having had enough of this bullshit, Dean spoke up, “He’s taken.” It wasn’t true, but hopefully it would shut this absurd widow up. Then again, maybe he was the absurd one for getting jealous.
Castiel looked confused. “Um, right,” he said. “I have a boyfriend. His name is Dean.” Dean nearly choked on the cookie he was eating.
“Oh, the good ones are always taken,” Widow Roylott sighed. “Well, give me a call if Dean ever dies of mysterious circumstances.” She leaned forward to grab a cookie off the tray and glanced up at them. “I’m only joking!” She laughed.
Dean cleared his throat and stood, “Can I use your restroom?” He’d be damned before he drank out of a teacup and this conversation made death by vampire look merciful.
Widow Roylott waved her hand. “Yes, Charlotte, please show him the way.” Dean followed the maid, Charlotte, and looked back at Castiel. Ask questions, he mouthed.
As he left the room, he heard Castiel ask Widow Roylott, “So you study reptiles?” Dean rolled his eyes. About the case, idiot.
“Second door on the left,” Charlotte said, pointing down a long hallway.
“Thanks.” He headed in that direction and waited until Charlotte had disappeared around the corner, then backtracked and went up to the second floor where he started trying different doors, trying to find the master bedroom,
He wasn’t going to lie, hearing Castiel say he had a boyfriend named Dean gave him a small satisfaction. Only problem: he and Castiel weren’t dating. Yes, Castiel was back from Purgatory, yes, they were on a case together, and, yes, Dean was damn glad to have him back, but, at the same time, he and Castiel were most definitely not together. Did Castiel think they were? He sure didn’t act like it. This was the first time since Purgatory that he and Dean were together alone for an extended period of time, and they’d fallen right back into the easy, teasing, ignore-any-feelings relationship they’d had before.
And, yes, Dean supposed he hadn’t done much to change that, but Castiel was...different. Everything was different now and he didn’t know where they stood. Not to mention, he was still trying to wrap his mind around Purgatory, where Dean had actually thought that, for once, he and Castiel were on the same page about their feelings for each other. But then Castiel had chosen literal monster hell over returning with Dean—and if that didn’t say something about Castiel’s feelings, what did?
Dean shook his head and tried two tall french doors. They opened to reveal a large room with a wide poster bed. The closets and dresser drawers were open, revealing their contents. It seemed Widow Roylott was in the middle of packing. But what was strangest of all was a large, empty glass tank in the corner of the room. Dean walked up to it and peered inside. It smelled like disinfecting solution.
He poked around in some of the drawers. All women’s clothes. Then he noticed several cardboard boxes stacked in one of the closets—there were three closets in total. He opened a box and found men’s clothing. So Widow Roylott moved on quickly.
As he crouched down to look in another box, something under the bed caught his eye. Reaching under the bed, his fingers touched something dry which nearly crumbled at his touch. Delicately, he pulled it out, then yanked his hand away and stared down at what he’d found. A long snake skin.
“Well, look at the time,” Dean said, walking into the sitting room. “Looks like we better get going, right Cas—Arthur?”
Castiel and Widow Roylott looked up at him. He was momentarily surprised to see Castiel in his own clothes, forgetting for a moment that Castiel wouldn’t be wearing his trench coat. He and Widow Roylott were bent over a box of what, Dean couldn’t tell, resting on the glass table between them.
“Oh, umm, yes.” Castiel stood. “Nice to meet you, Helen.”
So they’re on first name basis now, Dean thought. He put his hand on Castiel’s back and half-pushed him out of the room. “We can come back another time to complete our interview,” Dean said to Widow Roylott. “Or maybe just send an email, talk on the phone.”
“An email will have to do,” she said as she followed them into the foyer. “I’m moving this weekend. I’m afraid this house holds too many memories.” She produced her handkerchief to again dab at her eyes.
“Are you bringing any snakes with you?” Dean asked. “I’m assuming you have some, being a…” he forgot the word and improvised, “Reptilian.”
“Herpetologist,’” Castiel said quickly.
Widow Roylott’s eye twitched. “Oh, no, I don’t keep snakes here. I like to keep my work and home life separate.” She opened the door and put on what seemed to be a forced smile. “Well, adieu, my darlings. And thank you for your visit and sympathies.” She patted Castiel on the shoulder and shut the door behind them.
“Creepy, creepy, creepy,” Dean said, shuddering as they walked down the pathway back to the Impala.
“She had an impressive collection of rattlesnake rattlers,” Castiel said.
“That’s what you were looking at? Gross. Ew.” Dean pulled out his keys and unlocked the car. He’d told himself he wasn’t going to mention it, but he couldn’t help say, “Looks like you two got along well together.”
Castiel frowned. “I was only trying to work the case. Isn’t that what you do? Flirt with the women to earn their trust?”
“What? No! It sounds so creepy when you say it like that.”
Castiel shrugged. “Did you find anything in her house?”
“Yeah, a snake skin.” Dean got in the car. “Under her bed. It was massive. And a big tank. I don’t care what she says, she’s keeping a snake there. Or multiple.” He shuddered again.
“Why would she lie about that?” Castiel asked, shutting his door.
“Because having a big snake tank in your bedroom is freaking weird. Did you learn anything from her?”
“I learned the latin names for different kinds of rattlesnakes.”
“Very helpful,” Dean muttered. He glanced at Castiel, wondering what the whole “boyfriend named Dean thing” was about. He cleared his throat. “You know, Cas, that we’re not dating, right?” Castiel looked at him and Dean hastened to say, “I mean, I know you’re back now and we’re going on cases together, but—”
“I know, Dean. I was only lying when I said I had a boyfriend.”
“Named Dean.”
“It was the first name that came to my head.” He looked at Dean. “That is the number one skill of being a hunter, right? Lying? I think I’m becoming a very good hunter.”
Dean shook his head and turned the key in the ignition. Not the answer he was expecting, though a much easier one to deal with. “Alright, to that golf club Helen mentioned, I guess. Maybe our vampire is a golfer. Long as he doesn’t collect snakes.”
“Well that was a bust.” Dean took a drink from his beer. No one at the golf club had seen Mr. Roylott on May 12th or since. Dean had even asked the owner of the bar in which he and Castiel now sat, but he had never seen Mr. Roylott, which wasn’t a surprise. Dean couldn’t see mink bathrobe Helen coming to a dive bar.
“Maybe the vampire was only passing through when he killed Mr. Roylott,” Castiel suggested.
“Sam did say there haven’t been any signs of a vamp nest around here.” Dean shrugged. “I don’t know, man, I don’t know where to go next from here.”
Castiel ran his finger down the condensation on the neck of his beer bottle. “Does this happen often? That you and Sam can’t solve cases?”
“Not often. But, yeah, sure. Sometimes you just have to call it quits.”
Castiel wiped his hands on his—Dean’s—jeans. “Why did you buy these clothes?” The way he changed subjects so quickly gave Dean whiplash. It was like his mind ran a million miles an hour and Dean had to run to keep up.
“I don’t know. I liked the color of the shirt, I guess. Jeans were on sale.”
Castiel nodded thoughtfully. “I wear the trench coat and suit because they were the last thing Jimmy Novak ever put on.”
“We can go shopping for clothes for you, if you want,” Dean said.
“I don’t know.” Castiel looked down at Dean’s shirt. “Maybe I should get new clothes.”
“I like the trench coat.” Castiel looked up at him and Dean tried to amend, “I mean, it’s kinda your look, right?”
“I think I need to try something different.” Castiel stared at his still full beer bottle.
“Alright, what’s with this whole hunter thing?” Dean asked.
“Being an angel...” Castiel seemed to search for words. “It’s overrated. Besides, I’ve been an angel for millenia. I want to try something new.”
“Hmm.” Guess he had a point. Finishing his own beer, Dean grabbed Castiel’s and Castiel stood up from his chair.
“Teach me how to play darts. That is something hunters do, right?”
“Well, this one does, at least.” Dean stood and grabbed the darts from the dartboard on the wall. He handed them to Castiel. “You go first. You get three tries at a time. Try to hit a section with the highest number, or the bullseye for the most points.”
Castiel squinted at the board, and Dean thought that if he scanned the room quickly, he might not even recognize Castiel in this outfit. He didn’t understand why Castiel felt the need to change his identity. Did this have something to do with him? Was this the angel equivalent of getting a new haircut after a breakup?
Castiel threw the dart at the board and it landed in the bullseye. “This isn’t very fun,” Castiel remarked.
“You’re too good at it,” Dean said. “Try not using your angel voodoo.”
“I wasn’t! I can't help it."
It wasn’t so much the clothes that was bothering Dean about Castiel. It was that Dean had felt the closest he’d ever felt to Castiel in Purgatory. Now he didn’t know what was going on between them. The frustration of not knowing who Castiel was or what he wanted was only exacerbated when Castiel wasn’t even dressing like himself and was trying to act like someone new.
Castiel threw another dart and it landed right next to his first. “Son of a bitch!”
Dean had been in the process of grabbing his beer bottle; at Castiel's exclamation, he nearly dropped it, splashing beer onto his hand, and swore. Castiel turned to look at him, smiling.
“What the fuck was that?” Dean asked.
Castiel tried to look innocent. “What?”
“You don’t say that, I say that. Pick your own catchphrase.”
“Fine.” Castiel turned back to the dartboard. Dean shook his head. He needed his angel back, now.
“Sam said he’ll be here tomorrow,” Dean said, looking down at his phone as he sat down on the motel bed. “Maybe he’ll be able to help with this case.”
“Okay.” Castiel sat down at a small table in the corner of the room.
Dean set his phone down and ran a hand over his face. “Well, I’m going to sleep.” Castiel nodded. “You gonna sit there all night?”
Castiel shrugged. Dean pulled back the covers on the bed and lay down. He started to turn off the light, then glanced at Castiel. The angel was staring down at his hands, or maybe at Dean’s clothes which he was still wearing. “You can lie down here, if you want,” Dean said. Castiel looked up at him. “It’s got to be more comfortable than that chair.”
Castiel studied him, then nodded and came over. Dean slid over and Castiel untied his—Dean’s—boots and set them down on the ground. He laid down under the covers, still in Dean’s jacket and clothes.
Dean turned off the light and they lay there in the dark. It was more comforting lying next to Castiel than Dean wanted to admit. In Purgatory they’d slept close for safety—so they said, though he and Castiel might have abused the excuse. Benny mercifully turned a blind eye to the fact that Dean and Castiel were practically sleeping in each others’ arms.
He could feel his own jacket against his arm and Castiel shifted, pressing his arm closer against Dean’s. Dean took it back; lying here next to Castiel wasn’t so much a comfort as it was torture. He’d been itching for a chance to take Castiel into his arms ever since Castiel returned. But he hadn’t when Castiel first appeared—bloody, dirty, tired, but alive —and he worried he’d lost his chance. Maybe Castiel had taken his stunned, stilted response as proof that whatever they’d had in Purgatory was over.
Because they had had something. Dean might have put on a brave face in Purgatory, might have continually promised Benny and Castiel that they would get out, that they would live, but deep down he’d been the most terrified he’d ever been. So terrified, he said things he’d never said before to Castiel because he feared, more than dying itself, dying without ever saying them.
“Listen, Cas,” Dean said, staring up at the ceiling. His words were loud in the stillness of the room. “I said some things in Purgatory.”
“You want to take them back.”
It hurt to know that’s what Castiel immediately assumed. Dean remembered a moment in Purgatory when several Leviathan attacked, nearly overpowering him, Castiel, and Benny. He remembered how Castiel grabbed his hand to pull him to his feet after they’d killed the last Leviathan. How, still shaking from their near deaths, Dean clutched Castiel’s hand, said, “I don’t want to ever lose you, I love you.” How he pulled Castiel into an embrace and felt a rush of relief as Castiel wrapped his arms around him, held him close.
“No,” Dean said.
A click, then the hum of the air conditioning. Dean turned his head to look at Castiel. Castiel didn’t meet his eyes. “I’m sorry, Dean, but I don’t think it’s wise. Us, together. Right now. Not with everything I’ve done.”
“Cas, I don’t care about that shit. Yeah, you messed up, but so have I, a thousand times. If anyone should be using that excuse, it should be me.”
Castiel shook his head. He started to speak, and then he was gone.
Damn angel, Dean thought. Castiel had said he wasn’t going to use his wings.
Rolling over, he stared at the neon red numbers on the alarm clock until they wavered in his vision when he looked elsewhere. So everything they’d gone through in Purgatory meant absolutely nothing. But he knew that already, didn’t he? Castiel had stayed behind. Castiel wasn’t fueled by the same consuming need to be together, always, which had urged Dean through Purgatory, had kept him searching, praying, hoping.
A memory rose. Stopping for the night in their search for the portal and sitting next to Castiel, exhausted. Leaning against Castiel’s shoulder and shutting his eyes for a moment, too afraid to put down his guard for any longer.
“I wish it didn’t have to be this way,” Castiel had said quietly, and Dean had thought he known what he meant.
Dean woke to his phone ringing. Half-sitting up, he groped for his phone on the nightstand, found it, and answered it. “Hello?”
“Agent Russell?” the voice said. “Police commissioner Anderson here. You should come down to Mrs. Roylott’s house. You’re going to want to see this.”
As if this case couldn’t get any weirder. Dean hung up and looked around the room. Castiel was still gone. Worried, he checked his phone to see if Castiel had texted him, but of course he hadn’t.
Dean thought briefly of praying to him, telling him to come back, but decided against it. Praying to Castiel had become a habit in Purgatory, one he wasn’t eager to pick back up again. Those prayers had been fueled by desperation, were probably what Castiel was referring to when he gave Dean a chance to take his words back. I love you, I need you, I can’t go on, come back, please.
Dean swung his legs off the bed and heard the motel room door open. He looked over his shoulder to see Castiel walk inside and turned away before the relief he felt showed on his face.
“Good morning,” Castiel said, shutting the door. He held up a brown bag. “I brought you breakfast.” He was still wearing Dean’s clothes, albeit without the boots. He seemed oblivious to that fact, as well as unconcerned that he had disappeared last night without warning.
Dean stood. “We need to go. Something happened at that widow’s house.”
“Oh.” Castiel set the paper bag on the table. Dean opened his duffle bag and pulled out something to wear. “My clothes are still dirty.”
“Then keep wearing mine.”
Castiel came over and grabbed one of Dean’s shirts out of his bag, a dark green flannel. “Can I wear this one?”
“What’s wrong with the one you have on?”
“I like this color more.”
I’ve created a monster, Dean thought. He’d be lucky if Castiel didn’t steal every piece of clothing he owned.
He headed to the bathroom to change and thought of asking where Castiel had been all night. Instead, he said, “I want that shirt back.” What he really meant, he supposed, was I want the old Cas back. The one who’d held him in Purgatory, the one who always came when he called. The one who—Dean knew—despite the fights and betrayals, despite never saying the words aloud, loved him too.
Police cars and an ambulance crowded the street outside of Mrs. Roylott’s house. Dean and Castiel got out of the Impala and flashed their badges at the police officers trying to keep curious bystanders at bay.
The police commissioner turned to look at them as they walked over. “Well, agents,” she said, “looks like your work here is done.”
“Why? What happened?” Dean noticed the large tank he’d seen in Mrs. Roylott’s bedroom now standing on the lawn.
“Mrs. Roylott is dead. Snake bite. Same thing that killed her husband.”
“Snake?” Dean asked.
“Last night, the coroner found traces of venom in Mr. Roylott’s body. We’ve arrested the maid for being an accomplice in the murder. Says Mrs. Roylott released the snake while Mr. Roylott was sleeping, then drained his body to get rid of the venom. The maid dumped his body in the river.”
Dean blinked. “Wow.”
“If the snake hadn’t gotten loose from the basement last night and killed Mrs. Roylott, she’d be halfway to Costa Rica right now banking on a life insurance check. Excuse me, will you?” The police commissioner turned to talk to another police officer and Dean looked at Castiel.
“Guess we should’ve seen that coming.”
“No vampires?” Castiel asked.
“Nope. Just a deranged lady.” He spotted people coming out the house transporting a large snake. Its tongue flicked the air and Dean shuddered. Everything about this case was wrong. Castiel was trying to act like a hunter in Dean’s clothes, the monster of the week turned out to be a creepy snake lady, and Dean, for once, wanted to be with Castiel, had even said as much, but Castiel had said no.
Dean turned from looking at the snake. “Alright, time to go.”
As they walked back to the Impala, Castiel complained, “When am I going to get to solve a case?”
“That’s your takeaway from this?” Dean asked. “That lady sicced her pet snake on her husband.”
“I should’ve been able to tell there was something off with her. I’m an angel, Dean. I should be good at hunting.” He opened the door to the passenger side of the Impala and sat inside.
Dean got in the Impala and pulled his door shut. “Give it a few years, you’ll learn.”
Castiel sighed. “Maybe I am a better angel than hunter.”
Dean didn’t respond to what seemed an obvious fact and Castiel huffed. He pulled off Dean’s jacket and threw it onto the back seat.
“You don’t want to be a hunter anyway,” Dean said. “It’s a shitty life.” He started the Impala and glanced at Castiel staring moodily out the windshield. “So...you gonna quit, go back to Heaven?” Castiel shrugged. “Sam and I don’t mind having you around.” Please don’t leave.
“I’m sure the angels don’t want me,” Castiel said. “So I suppose I’ll stay with you and Sam.”
Good to know; Dean was Castiel’s last choice. Relieved all the same, he smiled at Castiel. “We like angel you just fine anyway,” he said.
Back in their room, Dean packed up their things as Castiel threw his dirty clothes in the wash. Dean met him in the motel’s laundry room and found Castiel pulling his trench coat out of the dryer. He shook his head as Castiel pulled it to his face, smiling.
“Ah, nice and warm,” Castiel said. He pulled his trench coat on over Dean’s clothes, which created an odd-mismatched look. Still, it was better than nothing; Castiel looked marginally more like himself. Dean found himself hoping that he and Castiel could start over. Forget all the years of tiptoeing around their desire for each other, forget the tortured, confessional year in Purgatory. Maybe Castiel would come around. Dean had, hadn’t he?
“You are planning on returning my clothes, right?” Dean asked.
“Mmhmm,” Castiel agreed noncommittally, smoothing his sleeves. “Maybe instead of coming on cases, I can man the phones for you and Sam.”
“Right, you can be our secretary,” Dean said and Castiel nodded eagerly, not catching the sarcasm.
Dean rolled his eyes and shoved the rest of Castiel’s clean clothes into his duffel bag. “Come on, let’s get going.” As Castiel walked past him, he had the urge to pull Castiel close and feel the familiar texture of the trench coat, the warmth of Castiel’s body against his. He settled for putting his hand on Castiel’s shoulder.
“Can I drive?” Castiel asked, looking up at him.
“Not a chance.” Maybe he hadn’t ever said enough, even in Purgatory. He knew there was plenty he wanted to say now, wanted to do, wanted to prove. “But if you really like the shirt, you can keep it.” It still wasn’t enough, but he’d find a way. He wasn’t going to lose Castiel again.
Thanks to @helianthus21 @bend-me-shape-me @pray4jensen for this challenge!! These have been such good prompts and I’m writing more than I have in ages so thanks for the inspo :) 
Tagging: @spnwaywardone @good-things-do-happen-dean @becky-srs
Let me know if you’d like to be tagged in my destiel fics!
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fletchphoenix · 4 years
I’ll See You When I Fall Asleep
Hi All! This is Chapter 10 of the Varigo Coffee Shop AU! Also!! A lot of you have asked and yes, I do have an Ao3 where I cross-post called ‘fletchphoenix’ too! Anyway, thank you for all your support and onwards with the chapter!!
Thunder rumbled and lightning crackled outside the window as Varian shook, holding a small test tube in his hands. Where even was he? His eyes weren’t adjusting properly, until the sudden flick of a lightswitch brought about a blinding light. Varian attempted to cover his eyes to block it out, his attempts not working in the slightest. He lowered his arms with a frown and glanced around the room as he regained his vision slowly. Nothing seemed right here - a fantastical vibe surrounded the whole room as he took in all the small details.
    The room was dank, the aroma of rotting wood filling the room which, coinciding with the light, made for an awful pairing that made Varian queasy. Uneven, cobbled floor made his feet slip slightly and he struggled to keep his balance as he felt himself feeling sicker and sicker. There was almost no natural light in the room either - only one half-oval window that sat above a creaky table, covered in journals and various scientific apparatus that he had used many times. A raccoon sat on the table too, snoring with a large sheet of paper lying underneath it. The cause of the bright lights were around six lanterns hanging from the ceiling, and now that his eyes had time to brace themselves, he could see it really wasn’t that bright, with an eerie mood being set in the room. Paper and chalk also littered the wall with frantic scribbles about something he didn’t understand. The sundrop…? He didn’t know. The thing that put him off..were the rocks.
  Black rocks shot out of the ground in clumps of two or three, reaching so high they almost pierced the rotting ceiling of the makeshift laboratory. He reached out and rapped his fist against the rock quietly - it seemingly was not breaking. Huh, invincible black rocks? Makeshift labs in an ancient house? It was strange how much they put him off, unease building in his stomach for some reason unbeknownst to him. His eyes set on a large figure in the middle of the room, covered by a towering sheet with small patches of different fabric scattered over the sheet. The stitching looked poor though, as though someone who’d never sewn before had done it. Come to think of it, his clothes were the same, a cyan shirt with a patch on the left arm that was significantly darker than the rest of the fabric. The shirt, however, was almost completely covered by a leather apron, also swamping the brown trousers that he was wearing, stopping shy from the top of his boots. It didn’t seem right for him to be wearing this. A frown crept onto his face as he rested his hands on the sheet, taking in a deep breath before pulling it away and revealing the thing it was concealing. A gasp left his mouth and he doubled over, taking in sharp breaths as the tears instantly built in his eyes. His head shot back up to stare at the sight in front of him.
  A hard, amber substance twisted in harsh turns, sharp spikes of it trailing high and curling at points. His boyfriend was trapped in the amber, his hand outstretched with a note in his hand, a clear expression of pain on his face forever. Tears welled in his eyes and rolled freely down his cheek, his shaky steps inching closer to the amber and his hands resting on it. “Hugo?” he whispered, unsure of whether his father could even hear him from his crystallised prison. 
  “Varian, what have you done?” Varian’s head snapped around to see Rapunzel, hands raised to cover her mouth in shock of the scene unfolding in front of her. She looked so frightened - but not of the amber, of him. She looked different too - blonde locks that must’ve measured over sixty feet were tied back into a mix between a ponytail and a braid replaced her brunette bob. She also wore a purple dress, akin to one an elegant princess would wear. He opened his mouth to say something, before being rudely interrupted.
  “This is all your fault.” Another voice. Eugene’s. He slowly moved from the darkness and placed his hands on Rapunzel’s shoulder, her turning back to wrap her arms round him in a fearful embrace. He glared coldly at Varian, as if he’d done something wrong. 
  More and more voices joined the symphony of blaming Varian, each declaration cutting deeper and deeper each time. He covered his ears, a futile attempt to try and block all of the noise out but it only got louder and louder. People he loved were calling him a monster. All except for..
  “Hugo! Hugo, I’m so sorry!” he cried out, forcing himself to raise his head and eyes darting around the room and staring at the prison of the boy he loved so dearly that he’d created. He couldn’t bear to look at his frozen corpse, too many people crowding and screaming at him about his faults. It was all becoming too much. The yelling, the closeness..he couldn’t handle it. He felt like he couldn’t breathe, moving closer and closer towards the floor. “Hugo!” 
  “HUGO! He yelled and sat up, grasping the bedsheets and letting out heavy, shaky breaths, startling the safe, sleeping form of his boyfriend beside him. His knees curled against his chest, trying to steady his breathing to no avail as his small form shook with every sob that left his mouth. Sweat formed a gross blanket over his skin, presumably from his body reacting to the panic he was feeling. What even was that place? Why did everyone look so different? Why wasn’t Hugo there? The questions flooding his head only caused more stress to take its toll on his body as his breathing quickened once again. 
  “Varian.” His boyfriend’s voice called from beside him, “Hey, can I touch you? Is that okay?” he questioned, Varian giving a small nod before Hugo’s hands rubbed soothing circles onto his back carefully in an attempt to help comfort him until he was ready to talk. Still shaking, Varian leaned in closer to his boyfriend, comfortably moving so they were laying down in a gentle embrace, swaying slightly as Hugo whispered sweet nothings to his boyfriend and placing kisses to the top of his head. “Hey, whatever it was, it wasn’t real. I’m here now and you’re safe. You’ve done nothing wrong.”
  As he felt more comfortable and safe, he looked at Hugo’s face. Concern covered it - his eyebrows furrowed in confusion as he held Varian’s hands in his own, peppering kisses over them. “I..woke up in a lab. I didn’t recognise it. It was covered with all there..black rocks that stuck out of the ground. And there was amber in the middle. You were stuck inside. Everyone was yelling at me and saying it was all my fault. It was terrifying, Hugo. I couldn’t breathe. I just..” his arms tightened around the blonde, gripping the fabric of his shirt. “I was so scared that I’d hurt you. That I’d actually lost you..I don’t want to lose you, Hugh. I love you too much.” he whispered against his boyfriend’s shoulder, the muscles underneath his shirt tensing tremendously in reaction to his words. 
  Hugo sat in silence, holding the boy closer to him and staring blankly at the wall. How..how could he respond to that? Amber..? Black rocks? He let out an exasperated sigh as he pet the hair of the younger boy. He’d never seen his boyfriend so distraught over a nightmare, the other gripping his shirt as they embraced. He reached for his glasses, putting them on before picking up his phone to check the time. 3:54am. Well, they weren’t going back to sleep anytime soon anyway, he decided before shuffling back in the embrace, resting his hands on his boyfriend’s shoulders. “How about we put on one of those crappy romance films you love so much and make some hot cocoa? How does that sound, sweetheart?” The sight of Varian’s slight smile and a nod was all the confirmation he needed. “Okay love, you go make the cocoa and I’ll sort out the snacks. After all, you are the cocoa master.” He added with a chuckle before swinging his legs over the bed, pushing the fuzzy slippers Varian had randomly bought him one day onto his feet and striding down the hall to the living room.
  He set up a mini bed for them on the sofa, bringing over a blanket and pillows for the both of them. He knew Varian’s would go unused though, the younger would most likely opt to lay on top of him with his head on his chest, not that he was complaining. More pillows for him, he thought with a grin as he walked into the adjacent room to get some snacks. Passing his boyfriend, he decided on a wide variety, including candy, chocolate and some ice cream in case that’s what Varian decided to opt for. He glanced over at his boyfriend, whose attention was solely focused on making the perfect beverage for both of them. A lovestruck smile drifted onto his face as he strutted over, placing an unexpected kiss to his boyfriend’s cheek, throwing off his concentration for a split second. “Smells wonderful babe, keep up the immaculate work and maybe I’ll teach you the art of making the perfect vanilla latte. Who knows?” Varian chuckled, Hugo silently praising himself for making the boy smile at least a little bit before heading into the living room, an abundance of snacks in his arms.
  Carefully he set them out on the table, being sure to empty out a packet of cat food for Ruddiger into his ceramic bowl, the cat graciously jumping from his perch on the cat tower and beginning his meal. Hugo rolled his eyes, a smile playing on his lips at his peace offering being accepted so willingly by his arch-nemesis. Hopefully now the cat would let him spend some time alone with his boyfriend, letting them cuddle on the sofa and watch one of Varian’s….admittedly terrible romance films free from any intrusion from the attention whore. 
  He understood the cat’s worry though - according to Varian, he’d taken him in when he was a kitten and extremely malnourished, taking care of him. From then on, Ruddiger had been extremely loyal to Varian, never straying from his human’s side (because let's be real, Ruddiger owned Varian, not the other way around. That cat had almost everyone wrapped around it’s metaphorical finger and it knew that...terrifyingly well) even when he’d executed some very much illegal acts in the name of helping his father. 
  Hugo didn’t blame Varian for his past, loving the boy either way. His dedication was difficult for the other to understand. He’d never really learnt to form any bonds with...well, anyone. Having no parents and growing up in an orphanage that couldn’t have cared less about any of the kids there didn’t help either, even after Donella ‘adopted’ him, it still didn’t do anything. Varian was the only person he’d ever really had an official relationship with, the rest just being out of boredom and the complete and utter loneliness he’d felt because of the distance Donella had put between him and her. He never really had anyone there for him, so he’d just keep on using people for his own personal means and throwing them away without so much of a glance back with no remorse when he was finally done with them. He knew it was wrong - that he was hurting people who didn’t warrant it - but he just didn’t care at all at the time, because he knew he’d never see them again. Right? He guessed that was it - devotion never coming easy to him anyway, so of course it would be a difficult concept for him to grasp anyway. He let out a sigh and laid down on the sofa, pulling the blanket over himself quietly before scrolling through his phone and waiting for his boyfriend to join him.
  “Heya Hugh.” Varian called as he entered the living room, setting the mugs down on the coffee table in front of them beside the snacks before shuffling under the covers, sitting in between his boyfriend’s legs with his back pressed against his chest. Hugo reached out to grab their mugs and sipped the hot cocoa, making a slight moan of satisfaction. “Oh my god, this is so good, Varian!” he cried as he kept chugging the delicious drink, an arm wrapping around his waist, giving his boyfriend time to push it away if he wanted. Varian didn’t seem to mind, already turning on the film and beginning to eat his ice cream happily. 
  They sat in silence for a while, Varian watching his film and Hugo drifting in and out of sleep repeatedly. The only thing keeping him awake was the occasional sound of his boyfriend’s laughter or mumbling to himself at how ridiculous a certain character was being. It was kind of adorable listening to the younger man rant under his breath about something completely fictitious. He kept his gaze on Varian happily before a frown developed on his face. That dream Varian had sounded terrifying, if he was being honest, and it scared him to death. Just how much self loathing was the boy harbouring without even speaking up? Sure, he’d done some bad things in the past, but everyone had forgiven him for that, so why couldn’t Varian forgive himself? It weighed on Hugo’s mind, his nimble fingers tracing small circles onto the other’s stomach gently to keep himself grounded. 
  “You’re thinking so hard, I can almost hear the cogs in your head turning.” Varian commented, not even looking at his boyfriend as he kept his eyes focused on the TV. “If you’re thinking about what I think you’re thinking about, I’m fine. It was just a dumb nightmare that really spooked me at first. I was so scared of the concept that I’d lost you for good that I couldn’t breathe or even focus. I didn’t even know what I’d done or if I’d even done anything, I’d just accepted that yes, it WAS all my fault. What I did in the past was...well, it was atrocious in all honesty..but that doesn’t reflect who I am at all. You know who I am. I was just so lost without my father, and I couldn’t turn to my mother...I felt like everyone had turned their back on me and that I wasn’t even deserving of the very air I breathed. It’s gonna take me awhile to forgive myself for what I did to Rapunzel and Eugene and, well, everyone. But I’ll get there. Okay?”
  Hugo’s fingers braided a section of Varian’s hair as he spoke, taking in every word he spoke and giving it time to process, admiring his work mid-speech. “Okay doll, I just don’t want you thinking I’m gonna just..up and leave one day, y’know? You know about my old reputation in senior year..how I’d date around and leave a trail of broken hearts behind me but..I just want you to know I’m serious when I say I’m fully committed to you, okay? I adore you for all I’m worth. I’ve never met a guy as spectacular as you are, but I would never ask for anyone different. Varian, I really do love you.” Hugo confessed, subconsciously pulling the boy closer to his chest and shutting his eyes. “More than you’ll ever know. You’ve taught me...so so much about unconditional love and what it takes to be so in love you’d do anything for them so...thank you. Just- thank you.”
  “Aw, Hugo being sappy? Are you the real Hugo or are you an imposter?” Varian said with a grin and a laugh, leaning his head back before closing his eyes. “Let’s just watch the movie, babe...okay? I love you too, for the record.” he whispered back, intertwining their fingers. And thus, the boys slowly drifted into a deep slumber, wrapped in each other’s arms and ready to face whatever the universe threw at them.
Well, almost anything the universe threw at them.
  They awoke, limbs tangled, on the couch to a loud banging at the door. Hugo groaned, rubbing his eyes as he slowly started to sit up, Varian stirring too on his chest. “Who the fuck is here and why the hell are they banging the door so goddamn loud?!” he exclaimed, Varian removing himself from his boyfriend’s lap and heading towards the door. Hugo didn’t understand. Does no one in this modern age have any respect for anyone? All he wanted to do was cuddle his boyfriend on the couch all morning before the inevitable angry texts from Donella swarmed his phone.
  Oh shit. What if it was Donella at the door? Oh god. He’d ever introduced Varian to his side of the family (and quite frankly, he didn’t want to, considering how...dysfunctional it was. It wasn’t even officially a family unit, Donella only being a mother figure) and he didn’t want Varian to meet her when she was mad. Donella had a supernatural strength when she was mad - not even kidding, he’d seen her make one of the strongest men in the workshop, a man who had LITERALLY been nicknamed ‘Skullcrusher’ when he was in a gang for...obvious reasons, cry like a baby on the floor. It was a feat in its own right, however he didn’t want Varian to suffer through that same treatment. He hurried into the hall. “Hey Goggles?-” He froze.
  There was a woman at the door. Her ginger hair was tied into a neat bun, fringe falling and stopping just above her right eyebrow. She had the same eyes as Varian, except a slightly more vibrant, electric blue than his beloved’s,  along with freckles scattered all over her face, hands and what was visible of her arms. She was slightly taller than his boyfriend, still smaller than him, but nonetheless she still possessed some height over Varian. She looked exactly like the woman in Donella’s pictures, the one who used to be her old research partner...though who was she?
  He walked over and rested his hand on Varian’s back, leaning forward slightly to catch a glimpse of his face. He looked astonished and shocked - his mouth and eyes wide in amazement as he spared no mind to Hugo, solely focused on the woman in front of him. His hands shook slightly as he pulled them to his sides. “Mom..?” Varian hardly whispered, taking a step towards the woman, who reached her hand out to cup his cheek gently.
  “Varian-” She called out, a soft smile on her face and tears building in her eyes as she took him into a hug. Oh, yeah. Now Hugo could place the name, his eyes narrowing in disdain towards the woman before him. She was the one who had stopped Donella’s progress in the scientific field, stealing her research and disappearing to the other ends of the earth. She was the one who had ruined her life, and consequently, his too. Her eyes met his and she smiled slightly, extending her hand out to him. “Oh, where are my manners? Let me introduce myself, I’m Ulla. Ulla Ruddiger.” 
  His boyfriend’s mother was his motherly figure’s worst enemy.
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Imagine requested part 2
The first Request : Klaus confessing the supernatural too you and too convince you that you should run off too New Orleans with him
This Request: your First Date with Klaus and Him giving you a gift.
Author Note: there is some History in this imagine of New Orleans and A pretty Messed up Lady who lived in the 1830’s . So google her if interested. This Imagine Is much shorter then the last one (Only around 4 pages from Word vs the 9) but I hope you like it! @nick-1432 !!
Did I proof read?: semi.. and by that I mean I skimmed XD
Word count: 1802
Rating: 14 A.
Elijah walked passed his’ brother room with his head stuck in a book he was half way passed Klaus door when he heard his brother groan as a piece of clothing threw across the room. Elijah stopped in his track seeing Klaus was in his closest and was tossing things out of his closet frustrated at his cloths. Elijah walked into the room at ease as he spoke, “problem brother?” Klaus stepped out of his closest noticing his brother as he spoke, “I’m searching for something too wear.” “what for?” Klaus stared at his brother as he spoke, “im having dinner with Y/N.” Elijah chuckled softly. In all his life he has never seen Klaus flustered from a women. Any women in the history of their lives. None of them ever had the hold that you had on Klaus. Seeing Klaus nervous was hilarious too Elijah especially since it’s you. You who Once referee too a particularly dangerous angry vampire as a man who didn’t get enough hugs in his life. How you captured the bloodlust Klaus heart and attention stuns Elijah at times. Especially seeing Klaus freaking out. “you have had dinner with Y/N hundreds of times.” “this time it’s different! I- I told her I loved her.” Elijah smiled walking over too his brother patting his shoulders, “congratulations brother- but you have nothing too worry about. You haven’t scared her away yet.. I don’t think you can.” “ha- Ha brother- I just want everything too be perfect.” “It will be.” On the other side of the house you were sitting in your room while Rebecca was fixing your hair, after overhearing everything She was excited too do her favourite activity with you. She loved playing dress up with you. Especially since you had Little to No experience with makeup and didn’t have the patience too learn the craft or Even do it often. Getting dressed. You wore a pail blue summer dress it was freakin Hot in New Orlean today. Too Hot too wear anything Black or anything that stuck too you. Your hair was curled even those you knew it wouldn’t last. Not enough hair spray can handle the humanity! Your hair was shinny and soft as Rebecca spoke, ‘where is he taking you?” “I’m not sure.. I made him promise too add food too the mix.. the human likes food.” She chuckled softly as you headed downstairs too see Klaus wearing Jean and a nice shirt, with his leather jacket. You smiled brightly he reminded you of when you first meet him in Mystic falls. You were waiting for Caroline and Bonnie at the Grill sitting at the Bar waiting for your Milkshake. The bartender looked at you funny when you asked for a chocolate milk shake but you pointed out on the menu it was on the kids menu so he was fixing you a large one. Klaus came In cocky as he sat down beside you. “Well-well well what a beautiful girl like yourself. Doing alone.” The line is as old as klaus. You simply turned too him and told him you were waiting for him. He chuckled as you soon got your milkshake and left. Standing there now. Looking at Klaus you smiled brightly as he smiled, “you look beautiful you ready?” “yea of course- am I dressed okay? What are we doing?” He chuckled softly as he lifted his arm up, “you’ll see” Getting too his car he helped you into his car as he drove. He was tense as you grabbed his arm softly. “Hey what are we doing?” He smiled as he spoke, “Patience.” He reached up grabbing your hand from his forearm and laced your fingers together. You smiled as you spoke, “ where we going.?” “you have no patience’s.”
“I used it all up on you.” He chuckled as he got too Lalaurie Mansion you gasped. Seeing the mansion . Lalaurie mansion is considered the most haunted location in the French Quarters. You turned too Klaus stunned. Since coming too New Orleans this was one of the places you wanted too visit. You loved checking out haunted places. Even those you would think. Between Vampires, werewolves, and witches you had enough Ghouls in your life. But you Love the glorified horrific historical Haunted places in the states. Living In mystic Falls and NEVER going anywhere. Lalaurie Mansion was one of the places you wanted too visit, Also Salem, and the Queen Mary. Klaus , Elijah And even Rebecca use too say there was enough horror in your life. You didn’t need too Add Ghosts too the mix. But Klaus smiled as he spoke, “Come on.” Getting out of the car. He walked over fast offering his arm as you grabbed it tightly as he lead you inside. Seeing the place was about too close. Klaus looked at the tour guide as he spoke ‘your giving us a private tour.” “of course I am.” Normally you disapproved of him using his abilities on humans. But getting a private tour . Sounded amazing. So you let it slide. Getting into the house. The tour guide gave you a tour of the grand mansion telling you about Delphine Lalaurie A vicious cruel Socialist /Serial Killer who tortured and murdered her slaves in her torture chambers in 1831-1834. The stories the tour guid told were terrifying. Klaus truthfully found this boring but he loved seeing your Eyes light up hearing the history. He use too love watching you study with Elijah when he tutored you in History seeing your eyes lite up with wonder of anything History. When you got too the chambers you held Klaus tighter as he wrapped his arm around you kissing your head, “don’t worry love, all the ghost and goblins are gone.” You smiled reached up kissing his cheek as the tour finished as Klaus and you got back into his car as he drove you too get some Food while you went too a Indie outdoor movie theatre. Afterwards Klaus and you went home. The moment he parked the. Car he spoke, “you know the moment we step out of here. They both will swarm us and demand too know what we did and every single detail.” Smiling weakly you turned facing him as you spoke, “Down side for dating someone who lives with you.- and when you live with your siblings.” He chuckled as he looked at you, “you have fun?” Smiling brightly you nodded your head reaching over cupping his face, before leaning over giving him a soft kiss. He smiled as you pulled away, “Good night Klaus” “No Night cap?” You smiled shaking your head, “Nope not while Everyone is home! Gross! They all have super hearing!” Klaus chuckled as you laughed getting out of the car. The next date you both went too the Bar. Which ended up with Klaus fighting with the werewolves So you dragged him out and went home. Klaus was a pure gentlemen, Not rushing anything, not forcing anything you weren’t comfortably with. It was when you talked too your sister. Elena who you confessed too her knowing about the supernatural did she ask if you slept with him yet. Your main reason for Not sleeping with him yet was because Well. The quarters were NEVER empty. Someone was always around. Between Elijah, Rebecca, Hailey, Kol! Marcel it was NEVER just you and him! As much as Klaus was being a gentleman and was respecting your decision too wait you were also getting antsy too just jump him. But the Super hearing.. was a Huge stop sign! Walking over too Klaus who was tense over the werewolves and witches. You stepped over. Too him as you spoke, “Hey can I kidnap you?” He looked up grinning. He leaned back in his big leather chair a he spoke , “And where are you taking me too?” “as a kidnappie you don’t get too know.” He chuckled as you grabbed his hand dragging him too your car. Where you drove out of the city ending up at a small cabin near the swamp. Seeing the lights were on he spoke, “what is this place?” “I rented it.”
Klaus grinned swooping over too you picking you up As your legs instantly wrapped around his waist as he carried you inside the cabin, all the time his lips were pressed against yours.
Perfection would be a under statement. You have had sex before. With your ex boyfriend. It was Nothing like it was with Klaus. Could it be the love you shared with him that made it perfect. Or the decades of experience Klaus had perfecting his skills. Or the creativity of his moves. You couldn’t figure it out but you were shaking when you were done. He was beside you breathing deeply as he reached over too his pants as he spoke, “I got you something.”
Looking over too Klaus seeing him pull out a bracelet that had red beads. That were red as blood. Titling your head he reached over putting it on your wrist as he spoke, “in case somethings happens..”
Sitting up for that he sighed as you spoke, “what you mean? What is it- Oh god.. Klaus tell me this isn’t your blood!”
“I might not be there always too protect you!- this way your safe.”
Looking at Klaus you couldn’t help but hit his arm. “Ow!”
‘Klaus! You can’t gift a girl your blood after what we just did!”
He chuckled as he spoke “I’m not paying you. I just want you safe.. Please.. promise me you wont take it off.”
He looked tense as you looked down at the bracelet as you nodded your head, “Fine- but this is gross.”
“its cute.” He held your hand as you squeezed his hand back as you chuckled. “So we did it.”
He laughed as you couldn’t help but join along. Looking at your hands you spoke, “I-can’t believe you saw me naked!”
“did more then see you naked.” You chuckled as he spoke, ‘what brought this on? The Romantic spot?”
Rolling your shoulders you laid back down as you wrapped your arms around his body as he shifted getting comfy. Again.
“Honestly. I figured I would Die before the Quarters were. Empty- and I wanted our first time too be just us- And not your siblings or Hailey or hope overhearing.”
He smiled kissing your head, “it was perfect.”
“it really way.”
Dating Klaus had it ups and downs. Especially since everyone wanted too kill him or hurt you for your connection. But at least you had a life raft in case you needed it.
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