#grim reaper 007 x reader
ajokeformur-ray · 5 years
Unrequested: Grim Reaper #007 comforting you.
Thought of this while trying to sleep last night. I needed some comfort and turned to an immortal being… perfectly normal for me, I assure you. This is v self-indulgent, sorry not sorry. Pretend reader can see, touch and talk to Grim Reapers, like in my previous Black imagines. Don’t ask why, I don’t know how that would work. It just does!   
TW; sad reader, comforting Grim Reaper, err… reader feels a lot of fear in life and needs help from someone who has literally seen it all, mentions of reader death right at the end (nothing more than a look to the future).
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Wc: 1, 106.
Sat on the sofa, you were watching a K-Drama. You had lost count of how many you had seen now. For every one you started, you finished two. As such, your Netflix ‘continue watching’ list had at least twelve unfinished K-Dramas at any given time. 
You had been thinking of this show all day, but now that you had actually sat down to watch it, your skin was itching and you found yourself thinking of all the things you should be doing. Studying, writing, sleeping… but you wanted to be watching this show. 
You shifted your hips, trying to get comfortable in your curled up position. The show was interesting and you wanted to just watch it, but your mind had other ideas. 
You had the attention of three Grim Reapers. Each of them knew you weren’t okay, though only 007 had any real idea what was wrong. You were close to all three of them, but 007 was yours. You were often up late talking to him, watching K-Dramas together, or you would sit as close to him as you could, wanting to receive affection from him but not asking. You had never asked for that from him. As such, when your Reapers were around, you were often clutching a pillow. It was a poor substitute, with words always on the edge of your tongue, but you had never been brave enough to ask. To love was to suffer.
You shifted on the sofa once more. Half of you was watching the show avidly and the other half wanted to study more than you already had, even though it was nearly bed time, to go for a walk even though it was late at night, to curl up beside 007 and invite Black and 416 to join as well. 416 would be easy to convince to join you, whereas Black would scoff dismissively. Should he see that you truly needed it though, he would allow it. He always did, in the end. 
Just as the show was getting to the good bit - you knew you were in for a wild ride when the love confession came ten episodes before the final - 007 leaned forward and paused the show. You jolted, as if coming back into yourself.
“Why did you pause it? If you’re bored, we can put another one on…” It wouldn’t be the first time you’d had to finish a K-Drama on your own, only to come into Black’s living room with drying tear tracks on your face. It often made 007 wish he had stayed with you, but he kept his mouth shut, as he so often did, and comforted you after the fact. What more could he do?
007 looked mildly affronted that you had thought he was bored. His face became thoughtful, his eyes sad, and all at once he looked just like someone who had died so long ago that, by now, his undiscovered body would be dust and he was doomed to an eternity of being a Grim Reaper. In short, he looked like his impossible age. 
“By the way, you look really upset today. What happened?” His characteristic quiet tone caught the attention of the other two Reapers and soon, you had three beings to answer to. There were so many words you could say, so many unanswered questions and thoughts that were like a hurricane in your mind.
You could have ignored 007’s words. You could have brushed them off, told him you were fine, you were just tired. But… you didn’t want to. You wanted to tell 007. You wanted, above all else, to be brave enough to ask 007 for some affection. You wanted more, of course, but that, you really wouldn’t ever ask for. It was Black’s beautiful doe eyes watching you without pretence that made you close to speaking. “You look really down. It’s bothering me." 
As if on cue, words poured out of you. An emotional dam had broken and your three Grim Reapers had little time to prepare themselves. For 007 especially, all they could do was listen and hope that they could help you put yourself back together again. 
“I’m scared. Of everything. All the time. I’m scared I won’t get to do what I want in life, even though I’m getting closer every day. I’m just scared and I don’t know what to do with it all even though I’m doing what I should be.”
“You’re restless, too.” 007 paused and then, “Right…” He looked at you sharply, his words ending in an exhale. “You’re thinking you should be studying even though you’ve done enough today.”
Black scoffed. “Your standards are too high. You’re only a human, Y/N.”
“So? You could do it.”
“Have you forgotten?” Black scoffed. “I’m not human. I don’t sleep. You do.”
“Well, yeah, but…” You shifted on the sofa, your hands fiddling with the cushion you always held when you were watching something, “Can you put this back on? I wanna finish it.”
007 sighed but otherwise did as you asked him to. The show continued and you watched it in heavy silence. As the end credits rolled and Netflix showed a preview of the next episode, Black had left, muttering something about Ha-Ram as he sauntered out of the house, and 416 had gone elsewhere to watch something else. You were alone with 007.
With your unintended audience out of the way and your mental and physical exhaustion creeping up on you, you felt free to leave the space you had occupied for several hours and sit next to 007.
You said and did nothing, and neither did he, but without his eyes leaving the television, he reached out and took one of your hands in his. His fingers interlocked with your own and together you sat in silence watching the K-Drama. His outer hand was ice cold but his palm was warm. You wondered if your own body heat was warming your Grim Reaper’s, and it made you smile absently.
007 saw you looking at your joined hands out of his peripheral vision and he smiled, knowing you would think he was smiling because of the K-Drama.
“I’m proud of you.” He mumbled, still not looking at you.
You squeaked, smiled, teared up, and 007 turned to you then, wiping your tears away with a gentle thumb. 
“Thank you for staying with me.” You mumbled.
“Until the day your life ends.”
“And beyond if I have any say in it.” You grinned, falling into the familiar promise.
You would hold him to it when it was your time to die.
Black: @theoriginalgodsgirlrachel @over-under-watch
I’ve decided that when I die, 007 and I are gonna get married and run off into the sunset together in true K-Drama fashion. He’s got no say in it - it’s happening.
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