#grillby's niece
copper-skulls · 8 months
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i think grillby should have an entire collection of photos in his bar actually. one of them is definitely with fuku
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factual-fantasy · 11 months
YOOO 26 ASKS?? :000
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I'd like to think the fight still happens but its different. Maybe Seam tried to intervene but quickly collapsed of exhaustion? Or maybe he was conked out from the start and never saw it happen? Its all possible..
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Its very possible to find other lost Grillby's and Goner Kids,, etc.. but for simplicity's sake I'll say that they haven't found them <XD
As for how they see each other, Jevil cares a lot about the others. Goner kid is kind'a low-key like his adopted daughter?? A little?? <XD Seam is his best friend of course- His relationship with Grillby is rough.. but he feels very sympathetic towards Grillby and doesn't think poorly of him. Spamton is also meant to be his good friend, second to Seam. His view of Asgore is laced with a liiiiitle bit of unease becuase of his whole royalty vibe. But Asgore has proven that he is 100% trustworthy so they pals :}} I haven't thought much about his relationship with River person.. I kind'a keep forgetting that she exists <XDD --
Seam is on good terms with basically everyone. Jevil is his best friend. Him and Grillby are a little rocky.. but just like Jevil, Seam is very sympathetic towards Grillby and has no hard feelings. Spamton is a good friend of Seams and so is River person I think. Asgore's royal vibe is off putting but overall he's a great guy and they have a good friendship. Goner kid is basically Seams niece XD
Grillby kind'a feels off about everyone- his feelings towards Jevil are pretty messed up at the moment.. and by extension he doesn't get along great with Seam.. Spamton is nice, but is endlessly supportive and grateful towards Jevil so any potential friendship between them is already strained.. Goner kid reminds him too much of his late daughter so he tends to avoid her.. Now River Person and Asgore? They're wonderful. He's very close with both of them and they are the only things keeping him sane right now- River Person is incredibly gentle and soft spoken. She's really sweet and relates to Grillby's pain. They usually have quiet chats away from the group and it really helps Grillby feel better. Same for Asgore. It started with that 1 hug. Having Asgore's support has really changed the game for Grillby. River Person and Asgore are true friends of his and he doesn't know where he'd be without them <:}}
Spamton is mostly chill with everyone. His close friends would be Jevil and Seam. And Goner kid would be fun to play/mess around with. She's a good little kid. He would also consider Asgore and River Person to be his friends, although he isn't as close with them as he is with Jevil. Grillby is a tough person to approach <XD --
Goner Kid is most connected to Jevil and Seam, with Asgore being a close 3rd. Jevil is kind'a taking the role of dad in a way. Having been the one that saved her and gave her a new name. Seam is the soft uncle and Asgore is dad #2 XDD Spamton is like a fun big brother and River Person kiiind'a has mom vibes?? She's really nice. She's not really sure about Grillby..
Asgore is like the groups body guard/emotional support goat. His personality is so soft and caring that everyone gravitated to him in some way. He built genuine relationships with everyone in the group and is a good friend. He's just the best I guess XDD
I haven't planned out that much for River person.. other than her being close with Grillby and Asgore I haven't planned too much. Maybe she gets along well with Seam? Someone with a gentle sing songy voice must be relaxing for Seam to listen to.
As for the empty AU's due to bad sans'? Personally? I really don't like all those crazy sans AU's. So they don't exist in mine. If there's an empty AU its not because of a sans-
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<XD Poor Seam-
And yeah no- no romantic implications- I still see what you mean. Jevil caring for Seam so much and doing everything in his power to protect and provide for him. It very well could remind Grillby of his wife. When he had a rough day at the bar he would come home to a meal on the table and a caring wife to listen to him groan about his day.
And say Seam did collapse and Jevil was worried sick. Showing how much he cares about Seam. It might just make Grillby mad. He lost everyone that ever cared about him. And its all Jevil's "fault".. That thought would be enough to set anyone off-
Also thank you so much!! :DDD
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I haven't thought much about exactly how King removed Seams eye. But he very well could have restrained him with the chains. Maybe then he gouged out his eye with the weird spade tongue stomach- thing?? That he has??
Awww can you imagine? The trauma that is associated with those chains. Seeing them and being reminded of that experience every single day.. and he cant get away from those memories, because no one can remove them.. ��🥺
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Poor guy cant even scream without causing immense pain..
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He has tried to help Seam. He's tried to break the chains, but for some reason he cant even scratch them. He's tried to heal Seam to bring his strength back.. But he cant. Seam's soul just straight up rejects/cant absorb his healing magic.
The best he can really do for Seam is protect him. Seam is basically defenseless because he cant use his magic without wiping out his energy..
And he feels horrible for Seam. And Jevil.. Hearing about how they were abused by a wicked King. It makes him sick. A king is meant to protect his people, not hurt them. He vows to protect and care for his new friends, and to hopefully find someone who can break these chains..
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Ah Transformers: Prime. The show that I stopped watching when I was less than 10 episodes away from the finale <XD
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I hate to break it to ya, but I kiiind'a low-key despise Paani. :x I don't think I'll be drawing him anytime soon-
As for Tracker, He'd probably look just like Barnacles but less muscle, more fluff <XD
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My Spamton looked just like any other addison. But with glasses, and his hair could have been black by default perhaps.? I might have to draw him sometime :0
As for main character interactions. I've thought about the group witnessing Kris and the gang in a battle. In which they see Ralsei heal the others.. They promptly ambush the group and beg Ralsei to heal Seam and Spamton. Ralsei, being the absolute sweet heart that he is, agrees to help. But it doesn't really work out the way they'd hoped..
I also thought about Seam being collapsed in the snow somewhere while Jevil goes to search for food. While he's gone. Either a Frisk or the soul of kindness finds him.. 👀👀
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In the Partial swap, I'm thinking that the only characters that switched places was Freddy with Bonnie, and Chica with Foxy. I'm going back on my idea to have Roxy switch places with Monty..
In the TRUE swap. Its Freddy - Bonnie, Chica - Foxy, Monty - Roxy, DJMM - DA, and Gregory - Vanessa.
Also thank you! :}}
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Yes! :0
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Absolute. utter. chaos. XDD No one would be sane-
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In the Partial swap, with Gregory as the kid.. its Foxy. Although much like the classic AU, the band is kind'a split..
Bonnie is a grumpy recluse and so is Roxy. Monty and Foxy are pals though. They're also friends with DA and DJMM and keep regular contact. Foxy is the main one that always tries to keep the spirits up and keep the group together. But there's not much he can really do..
In the true swap, with Vanessa as the kid.. It would probably still be Foxy <XD
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Its possible..? But I never really planned for him to meet anyone like that-
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I've never heard of it actually, Google says its a game? :0
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I'm not sure what you mean.. You mean like, what do all their attacks look like?
If so, most of Jevils attacks are like the ones he has in the base game. Although my Jevil might prefer to use his scythe most of the time.
As for Seam I imagined a lot of sewing related attacks. Sewing needles with thread attached that connects to his soul being 1.
There's actually a comic here on Tumblr called "Paper Trail" that shows a Seam battle sequence! It was made by lynxgriffin and that battle scene might give you a good idea of what my Seams attacks could look like! I highly recommend the comic :00
If you mean how powerful? I don't really have a good measurement or character to compare them to.. But I do know that Jevil and Seam are equally matched. If they both fought each other at their strongest, neither would win. They would just exhaust themselves and collapse <XD
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Nopenopenopenope sorry nuh uh nope nopenope-
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I think they share a pod because they're the highest authority on the ship. Captain and Lieutenant. Makes sense why'd they bunk in the same pod.
I can also see that. :0 Maybe after a rough mission or just a long day.. I can see Kwazii popping in to check and make sure the Captains alright 🥺
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I don't think the skelebros have any special immunity because Grillby is made of magical/monster fire. Maybe regular fire the bros bodies react differently to.? But If they were in Jevil's place, Grillbys hand would've chopped away at their health just as badly and as fast as it did Jevil's..
For different monsters having different depletion speeds? Its possible. It could be that most monsters are all effected the same except for a select few cases. I think it also depends on the monsters strength. Like-
If Grillby tried to burn an Asgore. It might not effect him as badly due to him having his own kind of fire magic. Plus he's really strong. Or if Grillby tried to burn another fire person, I imagine he can still hurt them.. but not as badly as he could if they were a different species. It's not just Grillby burning you with fire- it's Grillby using his soul/magic to try and hurt you on purpose.
If Grillby tried to burn Undyne or Papyrus? Well that would just be a slam dunk. They don't have any fire related powers or any physical attributes that could help them. So they just get burned. I hope this made sense-
Also thank you!! :DDD
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He does, but its not much bigger than Freddy or Monty's.
I imagined that although Bonnie is bigger than the others, his torso is full of a lot more electronic components and parts. Which would make his actual stomach hatch space kind'a cramped.. If not smaller than Freddy's and Monty's.
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He cant fly no. Nor was his speed really increased much I imagine. But he very well could be more flexible and move more freely than before :0
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@milk-powrit (Post in question)
They're pretty stinkin tough. But Waluigi standing with an arrow through his ankle doesn't mean he's superman. Just means that he's probably high on adrenaline and more focused on helping the weird tiny green man then on the pain in his leg.
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And honestly thats exactly how I feel. I'm so tired of the constant shipping everywhere that I just banned it from all my AUs and fanart <XD
And wow, I'm surprised by the number of people that have told me that XDD You guys just happen to be into all the stuff I'M into I'd say XD
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Personally I remember not liking it.. but watching Markiplier play it was fun :}
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I've actually played a bit of hat in time! I even have three posts about it that I can recall! :00
Post one, two and three! :}
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Can we please have this with the UT cast?
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Sans and Papyrus are on the original ask!
Undertale Toriel - She's not too sure how she ended there, but now she is kinda stuck in the middle of the crowd so she guesses she's a part of it now? She's more concerned about all these young people walking in the street topless. Don't you know it's still cold outside? You're all going to be sick! What if it rains? She learns a lot of things about nonbinary people though and keeps taking notes to report to Frisk as soon as she gets home :')
Undertale Asgore - He just had a bunch of rainbow flowers in front of his shop and somehow now his shop is invaded by young people who kept congratulating him for some reason and he has no flowers anymore after an hour. He's a bit in shock and confused, but, eh, at least his business is working! He's still not sure what happened though.
Undertale Undyne - She's having fun, both proudly representing lesbians and scaring the shit out of any queerphobe guy too close to her. She has Alphys on her shoulders the whole time and even takes breaks to get out of the crowd when her lizard wife is too overwhelmed.
Undertale Alphys - So many people... She's holding for dear life to Undyne, but slowly relaxes as the day goes on, as Undyne makes sure to let her breathe from time to time when she's too overwhelmed. Eventually, Alphys even starts talking to some people and finds another lesbian scientist and they end the day talking excitingly about nerd things while their girlfriends sympathize.
Undertale Frisk - They're both here to represent genderless people and queer monsters! Frisk has to do a lot of speeches during the day. They're the one everyone sends when journalists ask too many questions as Frisk is trained to answer most of them. Frisk is excited they can help their way and make things move because they're a little bit of a celebrity now.
Undertale Chara - They're following Frisk around, being the second prince(ss) of Monsterkind but Chara refuses all interactions with other humans. They clearly stated they're here to support monsters during pride month, not the others. They're hissing at every journalist or giving death glare, letting Frisk handle everything.
Undertale Mettaton - He's an official guest of the pride and he's performing all day to support his fellow queer people. He's having fun, everyone is calling him a trans icon and he could never get bored of all the attention.
Undertale Gaster - What... What's going on? He wanted to go to the grocery stores. And now he's in the middle of a crowd. With his groceries. And people are drawing random flags on his bones? And somehow he's too confused to say no? Gaster is completely lost. Can he go home now?
Undertale Grillby - He's making sure everyone stays hydrated and well-fed. He cooked a lot for the pride and he has his own Grillby's float where everyone can come and buy food during the walk. He's also watching his niece, walking with the lesbians like 10 meters in front of him. He's multitasking!
Undertale Muffet - She's mad because Grillby has a float and hers got refused. So she's selling her pastries at the foot of Grillby's float, trying to steal his clients lol. Sure, all that she sells technically goes to the same association Grillby's sales are going, but still! She will sell more than him! Her ego can't take it!
Undertale Burgerpants - He's hiding from Mettaton in Grillby's float, making himself busy by helping the fireman because he can't stand the idea of staying an entire day next to Mettaton. It's not that bad though. He keeps flirting with gay people so he's having fun! At least until he flirted too much with a guy already married and got chased by the husband across the entire parade.
Undertale Flowey - Well he can't really participate since, you know, he has no legs. So he's insulting homophobes from the window. He even throws himself from the balcony after he saw someone insult Chara and then he bit their ankles like an enraged chihuahua.
Undertale Gerson - He's only there to show all these stupid Karen that old boomers understand what being queer means and that they have no excuse to be queerphobic. He painted his shell with flags so he's visible from far away!
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dh-dd-hivemind · 4 months
Hello! We are an adaptive system of around 40 headmates! All of us share this blog together. You may know us from our old (obsolete) blogs, @dhundertale and @droughtale. This is our rebranded blog, with our rebooted series.
This page features two Undertale AUs, both of which take place in the same universe, just with slightly different circumstances. The descriptions of these AUs are lower down, if you wish to read a brief summary.
The first two pages of Defining Happiness are here.
Both AUs contain the same ships, so be warned and turn away if you do not like them. You will be blocked if you reblog or comment just to complain about the romances/QPRs.
Any of the ships listed that have more than two people are polyamory/ethical non-monogamy, not "love triangles".
The ships are the following:
Chariskriel (Chara x Asriel x Frisk)
Flowiskra (Chara x Asriel x Frisk)
Friskid (Frisk x MK)
Tuffet (Toriel x Muffet)
Sansgoriel (Sans x Asgore x Toriel)
Sansby (Sans x Grillby)
Papyton (Papyrus x Mettaton)
Mad Alphyne (Mad Mew Mew x Alphys x Undyne)
Chara and Frisk both use they/them in this AU. Napstablook uses they/them. MK uses both they/them and he/him. Mad Mew Mew (Maddie) uses she/her. Please respect that.
Please not deadname Mettaton or Maddie.
Also, in these two AUs, Flowey and Asriel are headmates, not the same person. They have shared memories (and a shared body/soul), but they are separate boys with their own thoughts and feelings.
Defining Happiness/DH (Summary)
A fancomic series about our protagonists Frisk & Chara and their loved ones attempting to find freedom on the surface, and facing hardships of forming a lasting family. The story is told by Frisk of the future, passing the tale onto their niblings (nieces, nephews, niephews) and little siblings.
Follow Frisk as they study and fight to become the young ambassador for Monsterkind, join forces with the previously-hidden MHHR Association (Monster, Hybrid, Human Rights Association), battle the traumas formed by their past, face teenage development and romance, and struggle to maintain a relationship with their older sister, Celest.
Drought & Devastation/Droughtale/DD (Summary)
A fanfiction series about our protagonists Celest & Michael, attempting to journey through a decaying underground, with the soul of Celest's sister (Frisk). While Celest is the older sister in Defining Happiness, in Droughtale Celest is aged down, becoming Frisk's younger sister instead.
(TW for physical abuse & cannibalism)
When Frisk (age 13) fell into the mountain, they rushed to get through the underground, to return home to their little sister Celest (age 9) and care for her, as the two of them lived with abusive parents. Frisk managed to complete a false pacifist run (leaving Asgore dead and Toriel the queen), intending to gather Celest from their home and return underground, knowing that Toriel would care for the two of them. However, upon arriving home, they failed to sneak inside and take Celest without notice. Their father caught them and began to beat them.
They attempted to reset, but found that their magic was no longer of use. (This is because human magic can only work in the presence of monster magic.) Instead, they were left with brain damage from the beating, and spent the rest of their childhood locked in the house with Celest, tending to her the best they could in their impaired state.
Upon adulthood, the two escaped together. Celest married her husband, Markson, and the two had a child Junebug (aka Frisk Junior.) Frisk passed away not long after, telling Celest to take their soul underground to free monsterkind (while being unaware that the other six souls were fully used up and lost during the fight with Omega Flowey.)
Celest traversed underground, only to find that it was no longer the wonderland Frisk had described to her, but instead a place of ruins, riddled with a magical drought that caused all monsters to have erratic, hallucinatory, and/or violent symptoms, and be thirsty for any magic - or liquid - that they could get their hands on...including the lifeforce of each other.
Through her journey to get back home to her husband and child, she seeks to discover the history of how such a magical place has come to such devastation.
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anneimaginesundertale · 9 months
(What's new with Red? How's everything going with work and family and all? Any fun stories to tell?)
You and Red are opening the shop late today. The nice thing about owning your own business, Red says, is you can choose your own hours. And if that means not coming in until around 11 so you can have breakfast with your bro, your sister-in-law, and your niece, then so be it. Red is still laughing about little Poppy’s antics as he unlocks the door.
“…looked like she washed her hair in syrup,” he chuckles. “That kid is gonna drive ol’ Boss nuts one of these days.” He laughs again. “Well, more nuts anyway.”
You laugh too. “At least she looked super stylish,” you say. “Syrup and sprinkles is a real look. I think it’s gonna catch on.”
Still laughing, the two of you get the lights on and set things up for the day. Red’s shop is mostly a repair shop, but since part of what he does is fix up old game cartridges and consoles, there are some things for sale on the shelves. While he checks the list of stuff that needs to get done, you make sure everything is in the right spot.
Once you’re satisfied, you turn the sign on the door to Open and take your spot behind the counter. Red settles at his desk at the back of the store. The two of you crack jokes back and forth in between customers.
A late breakfast means a late lunch, so it’s not until around 2 that your stomach starts growling. Just as your’e about to suggest closing and heading to Grillby’s for lunch, the door opens and Boss and Poppy walk in.
“Skulls!” the little girl cries and nearly jumps out of her father’s arms and into yours. Thankfully she’s no longer sticky.
“Hey kiddo,” you say. “What brings you here?”
“Wanna visit,” she says. “Wanna play!”
“She was hoping you and Uncle Red would have some time to play with her while I run some errands,” Boss says. “She refused to stay with anyone else.”
“I like Skulls and Uncle Red!” Poppy declares. She wiggles out of your arms and runs to Red to hug him. He scoops her up.
“I’m fine havin’ her here if you are, Skulls,” Red says, looking at you.
“Sure?” you say. “Just no touching the parts bins this time, Pops. You made a big mess last time you were here.” She’d pulled Red’s entire parts box down off his desk, scattering tiny screws and electronics parts all over the floor.
“Oh, Poppy won’t do that again,” Red said. “I got somethin’ special for her this time. You wanna see it, baby?”
“Yeah!!!” Poppy’s eyelights sparkle and she thrusts her tiny fists into the air. “Show! Show! Show!”
Red stands up and goes over to a cupboard. “I found somethin’ the other day an’ thought of you, Poppy-pants,” he says. “And of your daddy. He used to have somethin’ a lot like this.” He pulls out a big cardboard box. It’s full almost to the top with colorful wooden blocks. “I woulda given it to ya for Gyftmas, but I didn’t find it in time.”
“Are those—?” Boss asks, stepping forward to look at the blocks.
“Almost exactly the same,” Red says.
“Bocks!” Poppy cries. “Put me down! I play! I build!!!”
Red sets her down and she dives into the box, pulling out block after block and happily exclaiming over each one. (“Purple!” “Twee!” “Twiangle!” “Fwuffy bunny!!!”) Her father and her uncle seem to be having a silent conversation, and you can just see a little shimmer of tears in both pairs of sockets.
“I’ll be back in about an hour,” Boss finally says. He bends and kisses Poppy on the top of her head. “Be good, dearest.”
“I will, Daddy.” She blows him kisses with blocks still in her hands.
“See ya, Boss,” Red says with a salute. He sits down on the floor next to the box. “C’mon, Pops. I’ll show ya how Daddy used to build traps with these.”
After Boss walks out of the shop, you turn the sign over on the door. You can open again when you’re not babysitting, and this way you can give your undivided attention to the cuteness that’s sure to unfold.
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capricioussun · 1 year
The polls not over but tbh I don’t see it changing too much so!
Mafiafell Headcanons
-Undyne met Papyrus when he was 16, and it actually had a surprisingly big impact on him. It was brief, back when Undyne was still a detective with the Ebott police, he thought she was very cool and it influenced the way he saw others for the better. Suffice to say he was very happy when she broke away to become a PI and they were able to grow closer as friends.
-Boss and Snare aren’t just multiversal nicknames, they’re mostly called those within their universe as well.
-Dogamy and Dogaressa can’t speak from a mysterious accident that damaged both of their necks.
-Grillby adopted his niece, Fuku, when she was very young after his brother got arrested (again). She’s in college when the “main storyline” takes place
-Muffet used to work for the Gaster family. After his disappearance, she left to pursue “greater opportunities” and wound up starting a family of her own.
-Asgore has never met Sans in person, only Papyrus. It antagonizes him.
-Toriel used to be in [REDACTED], but she’d been a longtime friend to the brothers’ family, so when she wanted out, they let her, and they still stay in touch. None of them would ever acknowledge it, but they consider each other family in the more literal sense, which is why they trust her with Frisk.
-No one knows about what happened to Chara and Asriel aside from Toriel, Asgore, and Sans. Papyrus has a vague idea, but mostly only lingering suspicions.
-While he eventually built up his own reputation, most people were scared of Papyrus almost immediately purely because of how much he looks like Gaster.
-Sans is aware Alphys made Mettaton’s body the way she did in order to stop him and Papyrus, if it ever came to that for some reason. It’s an unspoken thing between her and Mettaton, even if Mettaton may have only become more swayed in the brothers’ favor as time goes on…
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thisismurk · 9 months
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the fire school girl “Burnadette” has been drawn 💪💪💪 heres sum headcanons 4 her‼️‼️‼️: she’s grillby’s niece, sometimes to study schoolwork she works at grillby’s, her uncle takes care of her, the commute between school and home in snowdin is long so she’ll often stay at her friend’s house, rarely seeing her uncle during the school weeks.
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A Warm Feeling, Chapter 1
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Sans prepared another bone formation, even as he knew it was no use. He was tiring fast. He’d have no choice but to use his ‘special attack’ soon, and he and Frisk- or whatever monster Frisk had become- both knew what happened then.
Well, that was new. Sans looked up, surprised. Frisk had stopped attacking, stopping to… to act? To talk? “Huh,” he replied, “Insults are new. Though I suppose shaking things up ‘round here is kinda your thing. Nice try, kid, but I ain’t really in the mood for chatting.”
As he expected, Frisk dodged the next attack like it was second nature. Instead of going back to attacking, though, they spoke again. “Is this really all you’ve got?” they asked, grinning tauntingly. “Come on, Sans. When did you stop fighting me like you have something to fight for? When did you stop caring?”
“Ouch, kid,” Sans said. “Cut me right to the bone with that one.” He didn’t give them time to respond as he launched his next onslaught of bullets, throwing Frisk against the floor by their Soul. Honestly, the taunting didn’t get to him that much. The kid was probably just fishing for a reaction, something that would make fighting him easier. If Sans gave it to them, there was no doubt it would be exploited over and over again. He wouldn’t give Frisk that satisfaction.
Frisk laughed as they rushed forward, their laughter cut off abruptly when a bone-shaped wall of bullets shot from the wall next to them and collided. They coughed as they pulled themselves off the floor, their grin just shy of manic as they locked eyes with Sans. “Have you ever wondered what happens when I’m done with you, trash bag?” they asked. Their gaze felt cold and sharp, like a predator sizing up their next kill. “Do you ever think about what I do after I’ve killed you?”
“I know what you do,” Sans replied, readying his final attack. “You kill Asgore. You kill Flowey. Then you Reset and start all over again. The survivors… the dead… they don’t remember a thing.” He chuckled, though he didn’t really find it all that funny. “At least,” he corrected, “Most of them don’t.”
“Survivors?” Frisk’s grin stretched wider. “What makes you think I would leave any survivors?”
The floor beneath Sans’s feet suddenly felt uneven, like it was curving downwards. He hesitated, and the hesitation nearly cost him the fight early. Before he could blink (and thank goodness he had no reason to) Frisk was on him, swiping out with their knife. Sans side-stepped at the last moment, and- yeah, there was definitely something wrong with the floor. His footing was uneven, as if the floor had give to it. He lost his balance, tripping over the suddenly unfamiliar surface, but he never hit the ground. He just fell right through the floor, looking up in horror as Frisk’s smiling face and dusty clothes faded from view. What in the-?!
The temperature behind him rose, like he was standing in front of a space heater. He turned around, and he was suddenly on solid ground again, standing in Hotland. Had he taken a shortcut on accident? But that wasn’t what his shortcuts normally felt like. How did he get here?
Without warning, Pyrope suddenly landed in front of him. Sans jumped, then chuckled anxiously. “Geez, dude,” he huffed. “If I had skin, you would’a just startled me out of it. Anyway- shouldn’t you be evacuating? Where are you going?”
Pyrope didn’t answer him- didn’t even acknowledge him. Instead, he looked at some point behind Sans, down the road. “This way!” the monster urged. “Quickly!”
Sans turned around to look, eye sockets widening. “Grillby?”
Sure enough, rushing down the road was none other than the bartender and business owner himself. Grillby held a young, green fire monster in a school uniform in his arms; his niece, if Sans remembered correctly. He looked panicked, glancing behind him now and then as he ran. “I’m coming, I’m coming!” he huffed, frustrated. The girl in his arms whimpered and he forced his voice to gentle, rubbing the girl’s back. “It’s alright, Fuku,” he muttered. “Just hang on tight. We’re going to have to be very careful and very quiet.”
This wasn’t right. Grillby should be in New Home by now. Sans knew he was going to get his niece from school first, but the Ferryman had taken him from Snowdin ages ago. “Grillbz,” Sans said, stepping in front of him, “Hang on a second. What’s going–”
Sans shuddered as Grillby walked right through him. Okay, this was already weird, but what. He turned around, stunned as he watched Pyrope, Grillby, and Fuku continue down the road and over a bridge.
Wait a second. Sans knew this place. He looked to the side, and sure enough, there was his sentry station. New Home was in the other direction, so where were they going? The only place in that direction was…
Waterfall. Oh no.
Finish reading this on Ao3 here!
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ok, continuing. grillby has selective mutism due either to the nature of his magic or a traumatic event in his past, perhaps even due to a medical condition (deafness or the sort). due to this, he speaks in Hands (monster sign language), much like G
....what was i talking about?
oh yeah, elememtals, along with skeletons, were in the front lines during the war and most of them fought to the bitter end. grillby was among the survivors, this is where the traumatic events come in. he has lived a long life and has quite a bit of LV. this headcanon varies for me because it doesn't quite work with some of my ships but its fine in a non-ship au.
he has a daughter/cousin/niece named Fuku (the little green fire girl in hotland).
grillby knows the king and fought alongside him in the war, but they fell out of touch after grillby moved to snowdin to start up his business. grillby also lives in his bar, having a small apartment behind the fire exit door, where he also cooks most of the food served.
is that enough of em? im pretty sure i could ramble all day
I love the creativity in this fandom! Feel free to send any headcanons you want to me!
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anechomirrored · 2 years
Fandom: Underfell (Undertale), Multiverse au
Rating: T
Prompt(s): " Yes. No. I don't know."
Warnings: mention of one night stands
" How long are monsters kids for?"
Red looked up from the engine he was taking apart to see the shop's lone female mechanic.
Part of Red felt he probably should have gotten to know her sooner. The other part of him knew he wasn't much for small talk. Plus, just breathing was enough to scare most humans so why add talking and risk killing one with a heart attack?
Some humans weren't all the bad. Tony at the front desk was alright. He laughed at Red's jokes and hardly ever jumped anymore when Red slammed a door too hard.
Lamy though? She hadn't tried any more than he had. Their communications up until now had always been strickly work oriented.
" hand me that wrench?"
And back to work, or:
"The Civic needs an oil change. You wanna finish up here, Red?"
" will do."
That was it.
So imagine his surprise when she sat down next him at lunch about two weeks ago and started trying to get to know him.
He didn't mind it. Turns out she was pretty smart and even a bit humourous herself...she had two after all.
Jokes aside, he was still a bit suspicious.
Did she want something from him?
Was she just trying for a one and done evening?
Red hoped not, he certainly wasn't opposed to late night with a pretty lady, but he kinda liked this job. It was quiet in the shop and the boss wasn't a total knob.
Sleeping with a co worker might change that and that was a drama Red just didn't want to deal with.
The longer they talked, though the less Red worried. Though he did still wonder at times.
" what do I look like, an encyclopedia?" He quirked a brow at her.
Or, at her feet. She was half way under a jacked up mini coop.
"No, if one on monsters existed, I'd spare myself and just go buy it." She said grunting a bit as the bolt she was working on came loose abruptly.
" ouch, doll. alphys and the tin can can only write so fast. plus you humans just love to throw a wrench in every bit o' progress we make." Red smirked.
By now Lamy was accustom to these little jabs. They weren't personal but on whole, humans...yeah, they were kinda crap.
"Yeah, I know were're shit." She quipped, echoing his thoughts, "Now, you gonna tell me about monster culture or what?"
" depends on the type," Red answered, "dog monster pups age about the same as human brats." He removed the cylinder head and checked the rubber grommets.
"What about others?" Lamy called out from under the car, "is it the same for all monsters?" She tapped a wrench against something and cursed, "This shoulda been changed out a year ago!"
Red grunted in agreement. This engine wasn't for the coop but all of these grommets needed replacing too.
" hey, i'm sure the guy is livin' hard up, give the poor bastard a break."
"I am, wise guy. Two breaks in fact!" Red could hear the amusement in her voice.
" nah, take elementals for instance. they're ancient, doll. grillby, ya know the one with the bar few blocks down? his niece is a teenager at two hundred years old."
"Really? How old's Grillby?"
" aw, doll that's rude." Red chuckled.
Truth was, he had no freaking idea! Grillby had been around since the early days. He'd fought in the war and before that (if you could sift through the ten lies and a truth game he liked to play) he might have been a blacksmith. The jury was still out, really.
Lamy carfully ducked out from under the car.
" Alright, what about you? How long are skeletons pups for?" Lamy asked.
Red snorted.
" skeletons don't have pups, they have babybones." He began lining up the engine parts on the table for cleaning.
"That's a cute name for them." Lamy laughed, and Red felt his skull start to flush with magic.
" shut up, we ain't cute! me and my bro were absolute manaces!" He shot her a glare, but to his horror she just laughed more.
"Uh huh..." Lamy tossed a jay cloth on the table and sat down heavily on a nearby shop chair.
" why you asking so much anyways?" He growled," you meet a cute monster or something?" Red watched her reaction intently.
Now it was Lamy's turn to get flustered.
"Yes. No. I don't know." She grabbed her water bottle and took an abruptly shortened gulp as the full meaning of his words seems to sink in. "No! Stars! It's nothing like that, I am still with Vick." She was rubbing her arm and looking at the concrete floor, " I just ...met a monster kid on my street and wanted to know more. The kid couldn't have been more than ten but he was so quiet and well spoken!"
Red breathed a sigh of relief.
" heh, sorry. Just teasing ya, doll. sounds like the kid might just be mature for his age."
He wasn't sure whose kid she'd seen but slow grower or not, life in the underground was far from kind and that meant kids had to grow up fast down there regardless. It had been that way for him and regrettably, for his brother, Edge.
As dingy as the outer city residences were, they were already giving most monsters a better life than they'd had before.
"Okay, thanks. Wanna stop for lunch?" Lamy asked, standing up.
Red made note of where he was at in his work and brushed his hands on his coveralls.
" heh, sure thing. let's wash up."
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copper-skulls · 1 year
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after they actually Get Married For Real, Grillby spends half of the day happily sobbing bcs gaster casually called him his husband
(also lmao, 5 months later the first image is outdated. she's his niece now. lol)
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e-icreator23 · 1 year
Fiona: that's my uncle grillby but we call him wildfire because he always appears in places of water
wildfire: Nice to meet you Cata *smiles at her* my niece has a beautiful wife accepts a glass of wine
*she bows*
Cata: hello sir it's very nice to meet you
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Skeleton is going on a trip with his S/O for two weeks and so lets his child to his brother for a while. How does it go?
Undertale Sans - Pretty good. Sans is already pretty close from his nephew/niece, he's actually happy he gets to have some alone time with them for two weeks. Sans is just happy to not be alone in his house actually. He's taking the kid to the beach and the mall, and even to Disneyland. He's buying them new toys and ice creams. He still can't cook a proper dinner though, to the point they're dining at Toriel's place almost every night lol. He's actually a little sad when Papyrus comes to pick them up. It was fun.
Undertale Papyrus - He's very happy to have his niece/nephew! Well, it's obvious to him now that the kid picks up after their dad, sleeping in the morning and everything, but that won't stop Papyrus to take them running in the morning (on his back, most of the time), and have fun with Undyne and Alphys a few days a week, hiking or to have lunch in the park. Papyrus plays the cool uncle, he wants Sans to be so impressed.
Underswap Sans - Lord have mercy. Blue took the kid only because Asgore was not here either. Even if he loves his nephew/niece, he was really fine just seeing them once a week or something. This is a bit too much for him. Funnily enough, Honey's kid is his mirror: super energetic and impossible to convince to just lie down for five minutes. Blue is having anxiety as they keep running on the road without a warning or playing with sharp knives in the kitchen. He needs a break. Someone saves him. He keeps repeating himself it's only for two weeks and counts the days, grinding his teeth.
Underswap Papyrus - The kid is actually already closer from his uncle than his father, which is a little sad, but that's how it is. It doesn't change anything for Honey, who considers them like his own kid already. They're always hanging out together, it's just extra time together.
Underfell Sans - The kid is happy his dad is not there and tends to get a little too much at home for Red's taste lol. They're a little monster, pranking him, running away in the crowds, randomly jumpscaring their uncle behind the corners just to see him screech in terror... Red wants the two weeks to end lol. He loves his nephew/niece but they're too much to handle for one skeleton and he certainly doesn't have Edge's natural authority to lecture them efficiently. They know he won't say anything and so just keep tormenting him for the rest of the week :')
Underfell Papyrus - He can't believe how much swear they know and he's so mad at this. Other than that, he's a pretty chill uncle as long as the kids behave. They know better anyway. Uncle Edge is less merciful than his brother and more strict naturally. The kids are little angels for two weeks. Red is shocked none of them were bad actually. That's witchcraft.
Horrortale Sans - He's using the kid as emotional support lol. He feels betrayed and abandoned by Willow and he's not living it well. Willow dropped him at Grillby's place for the two weeks with his nephew/niece. Oak is pouting the entire first week, and the second, he's acting like his brother doesn't exist lol. He's warming up to the kid though and they spend some time together, even if it's hard because Oak can't really help with their basic needs. When Willow is coming to fetch them, Oak still pretends he's not there and refuses to move. He's mad.
Horrortale Papyrus - He's more nervous about Oak being all alone in the wild with his human than about the kids. He loves the kids, and he's already taking care of them every day anyway. Nothing really change, except he's a nervous wreck through all the two weeks.
Swapfell Sans - Pranks. Pranks and mess everywhere. Rus kids are the worse. They're like Rus, but somehow with even more energy. Nox is screeching all day long after them but they're immuned to his big eyes and his big voice. He has no authority whatsoever on them. Nox is resigned after the first week. He knows his house is a battlefield, but at least he still has coffee. Until that tragic day when his precious baby served him blue paint coffee and he lost his mind, screaming and rolling on the floor. He's going to tell Rus what he thinks of his education techniques lol.
Swapfell Papyrus - He's terrified. His niece tied him to a small chair so tight he can't actually move and she's forcing him to drink muddy water as she wants to have a tea party with him. This is torture. That kid is not normal. Rus is traumatised, the kid keeps imagination the weirdest game possible, straight up torturing him or drawing on his face for fun. Someone comes to his rescue please... He needs help.
Fellswap Gold Sans - Wine didn't sleep the entire two weeks as he was terrified something bad could happen to the child. He's guarding them with his life, refusing them to spend even two minutes on their own lol. He's not used to having children around, he's stressed as hell but he doesn't want to disappoint his brother. He's a terrible uncle, he has no idea what he is doing and that's the first time he shows vulnerability lol. Please, Coffee, come home early. He's going to die.
Fellswap Gold Papyrus - Welp, Wine doesn't have children so he takes care of himself and that's already a lot, trust me. I mean, he's not sure how he's going to explain Wine why there is no kitchen any more. He might have put foil into the microwave and it exploded...
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krat395 · 2 years
Tickles in the Attic (Chapter 3)
Grillby! The man that Rocco invited over to his home to help him cheer up GK even more was Grillby! :D And what an excellent choice too! ;) Not only is he a loving “big brother” to Rocco, but he’s also a loving fire uncle to his little lizard niece and nephews. X3 Though after the events of Chapter 2, Rocco might be starting to have second thoughts about inviting Grillby over; Grillby tickling him while he was trapped in a fireproof net and whatnot. XD But Rocco had it coming though, being the mischievous lizard that he is. ;) The only question now is: What does Grillby have in store for his little lizard niece?
 Undertale© Toby Fox.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
 Chapter 3: More Tickles for GK! X3
 Sometime later…
 It took Grillby, GK, and Rex a while but all three of them did eventually stop tickling Rocco. Then while Rocco was resting, Grillby freed him from the net he was trapped in. And the only way Grillby could get the net off of Rocco as quickly as possible was to cut through it with a sharp pair of scissors. It was such a hassle trying to untangle the net and GK and Rex chewing their way through it would've taken too long. So a pair of scissors it was! Then as soon as Rocco was free, he made his way downstairs to put his meatloaf in the oven, but not until first getting a little revenge on at least one of his three ticklers. ;)
 Rocco: Haha! Welp, time to put the meatloaf in the oven! But before I do… *said Rocco mischievously, making out like he was going to tickle Grillby only to end up tickling Rex instead, catching the little tyke himself completely by surprise*
 Since Rex was partially to blame for causing Rocco to get all tangled up in the hammock net (partially because Rocco also had himself to blame for thinking that he could trust Rex to tickle Grillby), Rocco felt that he deserved some punishment more than Grillby and GK. So he scooped him up into arms, pinned him down against GK's bed, and then went to town tickling him, but just for one minute.
 Rex: PFFFFFFFFFF… HEEHEEHEEHEEHEHEEHEEHEEHEEEHEHEEHEEHEEEHEEHEEHEEEHEEHEE HEEHEEHEEHEEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEEHEHEEHEEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEE!!! *Rex giggled and laughed preciously, Rocco's fingers wiggling all willy nilly against several of his sweet spots for thirty seconds; first on his sides, then on his belly, then on his exposed armpits, then on his little feet, and then on part of his long tail*
 Rocco: Hahaha! Yeah, this is what you get, boy. This is what you get! *teased Rocco, adoring his baby boy's reactions to the tickles*
 Before too long, Rocco blew several raspberries on Rex, thirteen of them to be exact. Thirteen raspberries over the course of thirty seconds; first, one on his right side, then one on his left side, then two on his belly, then two on his right armpit, then two on his left armpit, then two on his right foot, then two on his left foot, and then finally one on his long tail, on the underside of it near its base.
 Rocco: Pbfffffff… Pbfffffff… Pbfffffff… Pbffffffff…
 After 30 seconds, Rocco handed Rex over to Grillby and made his way downstairs. And while heading downstairs, first down the attic's stairs, he actually paused for a brief moment after heading part of the way down, because he contemplated if he should tickle Grillby as well before putting his meatloaf in the oven. He had an opportunity but decided against it because he didn't want to delay putting his meatloaf in the oven any longer than necessary. That and because he feels that a certain someone, if they stop by his home later today, might save him the trouble. ;)
 Grillby: Hehehe, alright, Gracie. Are you ready? *asked Grillby, wondering if GK's ready for him to tickle her*
 Gracie: Haha, almost, Uncle Grillby. Almost… *GK answered, cheekily while looking at Rex, prompting Grillby to then set the little tyke himself on the floor because he knew what GK was intending to do*
 Before GK lets Grillby tickle her, she'd first like to tickle Rex, as playful revenge for tickling her earlier. And little Rex himself didn't even try to escape from her either. In fact, the moment he saw his sister sit down on the floor a few feet away from him and then slide her way over towards him along the floor, he just laid down on the floor on his back and let her do her thing, tickling his upper body with her skillful toes. GK loves tickling Rex with her toes and she usually does so in an upright sitting position on the floor with her legs bent at the knees and her bare scaly feet pressed flat and gently against Rex's torso. And of all the members of his family, Rex enjoys being tickled by GK's toes the most, because GK is capable of sensing the exact spots on his upper body he wants to be tickled without him having to babble anything to her or point at any part of his body with his fingers and/or tail. ;)
 Grillby: Awww! Tickle, tickle; you love when your sister tickles you with her toes, don't you, Rex? *cooed Grillby, adoring Rex's reactions to the tickles*
 GK tickled Rex with her toes for two minutes. A long time to tickle a baby, yes, but Rex chose to stay under his sister's feet during the entirety of those two minutes. He could've easily moved out from under her feet at any time if the tickling became too unbearable for him to handle but he didn't. Instead, he embraced every second of the tickles from GK's toes, like how GK herself is intending to embrace every second of tickles from her fire uncle real soon. ;)
 Grillby: Hehehe. Brilliant, Gracie, just brilliant. *said Grillby, praising GK's tickling skills*
 GK: Haha. Thanks, Uncle Grillby. *said GK, while moving her feet away from Rex*
 Grillby: Hehehe. Don't mention it. No one in your family tickles with their toes quite like you do.
 GK: Haha. Yeah, and I guess I have my abilities to thank for that, don't I?
 Grillby: Hehe. Yes you do. Capable of sensing exactly where someone wants or doesn't want to be tickled; and that's just one of several ways that they're a blessing, young lady.  
 GK: Heh. Yeah. My abilities are both a blessing and a curse, aren't they?
 Grillby: Mm-hmm, like my lower-than-average level of ticklishness. I like the fact that I'm less ticklish than Ember and the kids, and you and your brothers and your parents, but there are often times when I can't help but wonder what it would be like to be just a little more ticklish… or, a lot more ticklish. Oh my goodness, if it was possible to somehow make myself more ticklish, even if it was just for a short while, I'd do so in a heartbeat, just to find out what it's like, you know.
 And he would too! Contrary to popular belief, Grillby isn't all that ticklish. Seriously! The only parts of his fiery body with high sensitivity are his belly, sides, and lower back. Otherwise, everywhere else on his body has either a low or a moderate sensitivity level to both touch and tickles. And that happens to be another reason why Rocco didn't turn around and tickle him before heading downstairs to his kitchen. Rocco would know. Being like a little brother to Grillby ever since he hatched from his egg, he's tickled Grillby more times than Lydia, MK, GK, and Rex ever have; though not nearly as many times as Grillby's tickled him. ;) Not even close! Growing up together, Grillby was often the tickler and Rocco was often the target. And that's still the case to this very day! And no matter how hard Rocco tries, he'll never tickle Grillby as many times as Grillby's tickled him. Grillby won't let him. He's smarter, wiser, more cautious, more patient, and more alert than Rocco will ever be. And it doesn't bother Grillby one bit that he can't pick up Rocco and carry him around like he used to when they were kids; back when Rocco was shorter, smaller, and physically weaker than Grillby; or whenever Rocco picks him up and carries him around, mimicking how Grillby used to carry him before he became too heavy for Grillby to lift with physical strength alone. And Rocco just so happened to do that upon reentering the attic after putting his meatloaf in the oven. While GK and Grillby were conversing, he snuck behind the two of them and Rex and then grabbed Grillby and tucked him under his right arm, like how a parent might carry a child that's in the middle of a temper tantrum. XD
 Rocco: Haha! Yeah, I believe you would, Grillb... I believe you would. *said Rocco while grabbing and tucking Grillby, who wasn't the least bit startled upon being grabbed, under his right arm*
 Grillby: Oh…  Hehe, well alright, I guess we're doing this then. *said Grillby as casually as possible, acting as if Rocco carrying him like a child wasn't anything out of the ordinary* And just as I was about to tickle your precious little girl, I might add. *he added, bringing a smile to GK's face X3*
 Rocco: Haha! Of course we are! You deserve it for all the times you carried me like this back in the day! *shouted Rocco, readying his tail to do… something, hehe* And why tickle GK when we can tickle you instead? *he teased, suddenly feeling confident enough to tickle Grillby* Haha! Yeah, now that the meatloaf is in the oven, vengeance shall be mi…
 Grillby: You talk too much. *Grillby interrupted, before engulfing every inch of Rocco's scaly tail in insanely tickly flames not even one second later*
 Rocco laughed like a maniac while running around in circles in the attic and he continued to laugh like a maniac after dashing out of the attic and thus out of Grillby’s attack range. The tickly flames surrounding his tail were so unbearably ticklish that he couldn't wait for them to go out on their own. He had to extinguish them and luckily for him, he had filled up his and Lydia's personal bathtub after putting his meatloaf in the oven and before returning to the attic, in anticipation that Grillby might set part of his body on fire once again. That was smart of Rocco. He knows all too well what his fire brother is capable of and the only flaw with his otherwise well thought out plan was him accidentally jumping into his bathtub fully-clothed. XD He couldn't help himself. He was so overwhelmed by ultra-ticklish sensations that he didn't even think to disrobe beforehand. But he sure did after he got out of the tub though. Then after drying himself off, he threw on a bathrobe and a pair of lounge pants (both of them dark blue) and then cleaned up all of the water that splashed onto the floor when he jumped into his bathtub with some towels. Then once he was finished, he took said towels and his wet clothes downstairs and put them in his washing machine. And while all of that was going on, Grillby was in the attic tickling GK. And the first thing the little lizard girl asked him to do was the same thing he did to her father; with much less tickly flames, of course. ;)
 Grillby: Hehehe. You're very welcome, Gracie. Hehe… Oh, what is it, Rex?
 Rex: Meeeetatageeekaaaauhmsruhwu! *babbled Rex after tugging on Grillby's pant leg to get his attention* Heeheeheeheehee!
 Grillby: What? Do what? What did he say, Gracie?
 As soon as the fire surrounding GK's tail goes out, Rex wants to tickle GK with his tail. But this time however, he'd like his entire tail to be engulfed in flames while doing so, for a more laughter inducing tickle. Besides engulfing someone in flames that only tickle them, Grillby can also engulf someone in flames that are capable of tickling everyone but them, thus granting them a temporary ability to tickle with fire. And the latter is what Rex wants. As soon as the fire surrounding GK's tail goes out, he wants Grillby to engulf his tail in flames that will tickle anyone he touches with his tail.
 Grillby: Oooooooh, I'd be delighted, Rex… as long as you're alright with me helping you every once in a while… X3 Hehehe. Can't let you have all of the fun. Hehehehehe~
 As the flames surrounding GK's tail gradually died down, Grillby sat Rex down in his lap and caressed his tail until it was time to engulf it in flames, which he did the very second the fire on GK's tail completely dissipated.
 Rex: Yeeeeeeeheeheeheeheeheehee! *giggled Rex excitedly upon feeling his tail being engulfed in flames*
 Grillby: Hehehehe. There you go, Rex. Go nuts!
 Rex: Eeh, ooo, greeeeebahooodowbaba. *babbled Rex to Grillby, wanting him to do something else for him before he starts tickling GK*
 Grillby: I'm sorry. What? *asked Grillby confusedly, prompting GK to translate for Rex once again*
 GK: Hold my legs against the floor, Uncle Grillby. *said GK, wiggling her six toes teasingly*
 Grillby: Hehehehe. Oh, I see. He wants to start with your feet. Hehehehe. Excellent choice, Rex!
 A truly excellent choice! ;) And before too long; Rex began tickling that cute pair of gray reptilian tootsies, gliding the tip of his tail ever so slightly along her soles one by one. And due to the effects of the fire surrounding his tail, he made GK laugh even harder than before. GK's feet are already sensitive enough as it is and when under the effects of tickly fire, she laughs so much to the point that she belts out several high-pitched lizard screams, like her parents (and MK and Alphys) do when under the effects of MTT-brand massage oil.
 After a while, Rex used his tail on GK's toes, all six of them one by one and in between them, starting with her right outermost toe and ending with her left outermost toe. And every other toe he tickled, i.e. while tickling her right middle toe, left innermost toe, and left outermost toe, Grillby, while holding GK's legs and tail down against the floor in two sets of makeshift stocks (one for her legs and one for her tail) made entirely out of fire, would tickle her upper body, giving extra special attention to her stomach, armpits, and hips, her upper body's primary weak points.
 With both Grillby and Rex tickling her upper body and toes respectively, GK was even more of a laughing loon. And with no arms whatsoever and her legs and tail trapped, all she could do was lie on the floor and take everything that both Grillby and Rex were dishing out. It wasn't until Rocco returned to the attic that she was given a breather. And once Rocco showed up, GK, Rex, and Grillby were surprised to see him in a bathrobe and a pair of lounge pants.
 Grillby: Pfff… Ehehehehehe. Rock, why are wearing a bathrobe? *asked a snickering Grillby, finding Rocco's current attire amusing, not because it looks silly or anything but because of how unexpected it was*
 Rocco: Ehehehehehe. Oh, n-no reason, Grillb. I definitely didn't jump in my tub with my clothes on if that's what you're thinking. *said Rocco, explaining what he had went through prior to changing his attire in the form of a joke*
 Rocco had intentionally left on the outfit he changed into after accidentally jumping into his bathtub fully-clothed in case Grillby used his tickly fire against him again. Smart, considering that a bathrobe and lounge pants take less time to remove than a long-sleeved shirt and jeans. But Grillby didn't need to use his fire on Rocco again for the rest of the day though. And that's because Rocco didn't try to tickle him again for the rest of the day. Not on his own, anyway. Grillby's a crafty fire elemental and it took Rocco getting his clothes soaking wet to realize that he should've just stuck to his original plan: tickling GK and only GK (and Rex too a little). And that's exactly what Rocco intended to do until it was time for lunch. But not until after Rex finished tickling GK with his tail until it was no longer engulfed in flames. And the last place the little tyke himself tickled her was on her lower torso, immediately after Grillby lifted up her shirt enough to expose that region of her torso. And he did so by wiggling the tip of his tail ever so slightly against her belly, sides, and hips, her lower torso's sweet spots. ;)
 Rocco: Hahaha! Well of course it does, princess. *Rocco commented, adoring his daughter's reactions*
 Grillby: Hehehehe. Yes… like what I'm going to do as soon as he finishes up there. …Oh, and by all means, take your time, Rex.
 Rex: Yeeeeeegagareeebraaaaada…
 It took a few minutes but the fire surrounding Rex's tail did eventually dissipate. And once it completely dissipated, Grillby took over tickling GK. There were two more things Grillby wanted to do as a solo tickler and the first of those two things was blowing several raspberries on GK's exposed scaly belly. And they weren't just any ordinary raspberries either. They were fire raspberries, which are like regular raspberries but with fire that spews out of the tickler's mouth when blowing on sensitive skin! ;) And the fire tickles, of course. Yeah, just like the raspberries that are blown, which means at least twice as much laughter from the ticklee. :D
 GK: *gasp* Wait! Wait, don't… *pleaded GK, not expecting Grillby to blow fire raspberries so soon*
 The fire raspberries were so tickly, more laughter-inducing than any ordinary raspberries GK's been on the receiving end of. And Grillby blew at least fifteen of them! And on every single one of GK's sweet spots on the exposed portion of her torso! And GK just laid there and embraced every single one of them. Not that GK minded or anything but she had tremendous difficulty keeping her upper body still for her fire uncle on account of how ticklish she is, even with her legs and tail still trapped in makeshift sets of fire stocks. And she had even more difficulty keeping bare feet still for Grillby once he began tickling her feet. Constantly wiggling and/or bending her toes, scrunching her soles, and shaking her feet haphazardly in the fire stocks as Grillby scribbled his fingers up and down her soles, Grillby himself had tremendous difficulty keeping up with her, prompting him to then restrain all six of her toes to the fire stocks and pull back on every single one of them to stretch out her soles until they were all taut. With GK's soles all taut, it was then possible for Grillby to do the second thing he wanted to do as a solo tickler. That being, giving GK a "hot foot," which is essentially just him creating immensely tickly fire in the palms of his hands and then hovering said hands against her taut soles and toes…
 Laughter up the wazoo! Seriously! Nothing makes GK laugh, giggle, squeal, and shriek more than being on the receiving end of a "hot foot" and her fire uncle is exceptional at dishing them out. She has immensely ticklish feet and because of how immensely ticklish her feet are and the fact that she's a little girl, Grillby didn't get too carried away. He's considerate like that. X3 And as soon as he finished giving GK a "hot foot," he released her legs and tail from the fire stocks. But the tickles didn't stop after releasing her though, because Grillby and Rocco hadn't yet worked together to put a smile on her cute little face, which they did shortly after giving her a breather and drying her eyes. And they did so until a little past noon (12:10pm to be exact), with help from Rex every so often, right up until a certain someone arrived at the lizard family's home and rang the doorbell.
 *doorbell rings*
 Rocco: Hmm… now just who could that be? *asked Rocco, despite having an idea of who's currently at the door*
 Rex: Aaaeeeba. Aaeeebadaaaa. *babbled Rex while crawling out from underneath GK's shirt, curious to find out who's currently at the door*
 Rocco: Haha! Maybe, buddy, maybe. *said Rocco in response, with some idea of what Rex was babbling about* But we won't know for sure until we answer the door. Hahaha! Come on, let's go.
 And with that, Rocco scooped Rex up into his arms and went downstairs to answer the door. Grillby on the other hand stayed with GK and continued tickling her to precious pieces. He had to, because if the individual that just showed up on Rocco's doorstep is who he thinks it is, he doesn't want GK finding out ahead of time via her unique abilities. ;)
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greener-pastures-au · 5 years
The Welcome Wagon
News got around fast in Little Ebott, and soon everyone was talking about the new skeletons that were now living on the edge of town.  Of course, the neighborly thing to do was see what could be done to help them get used to the area.
Sans answered the knock at the door, surprised to see a small bunny monster standing on the porch.  Behind her were at least a dozen other bunny monsters, as well as a few human children. The bunny smiled.
“Hey there, my name’s Bonnie!  Heard y’all just moved in and wanted to come see if ya needed help setting up anything!” Sans smiled as the bunnies behind her began nodding and voicing agreement.  
“Thanks Bonnie, my name’s Sans.  I appreciate the offer!  I was gonna work on cleaning up the gardens today.  Mend the fences, go into town for seeds-“  Bonnie perked up happily.
 “That’s a great job for us!  We have plenty of seeds left over from planting, and these little ‘uns love digging!” The kids were already running out towards the broken fences and the humans were off grabbing seeds before Sans could even thank them for their help.
Sans was not sure what to expect the next day when he answered the door, but a tall goat monster bent slightly forward so as not to scrape the ceiling was the furthest from his mind.  
“Ah, howdy!  I’m Asgore, head of the town’s gardening committee.  I wanted to introduce myself and welcome you to the neighborhood!”  He handed over a small box of tea and cookies to Sans.  Sprout came running up to the door and stared.
“WOW, YOU’RE REALLY TALL!”  Asgore chuckled as he knelt to see him better.
“So I’ve been told.  What’s your name, little one?”  Sprout put his hands on his hips.
“I’M SPROUT, AND THIS IS MY BRO SANS!”  He pulled a small bundle of feathers from the pocket of his overalls. “AND THIS IS TERI!  SHE’S MY BEST FRIEND!”  
“It’s great to meet you, Asgore.  Would you like to come in and chat for a bit?”
“My, it’s so nice to meet you Sans.  My name is Toriel, I run the schoolhouse in town.  Asgore told me so much about you two!  I wanted to come by and bring the paperwork you needed to fill out for Sprout to attend school come fall.”  They both began to laugh when a horrified ‘NOOOOOOOOOOOO’ came from the living room.
A few humans visited the farm.  Malcolm, an older red-haired man, and his 4-year-old granddaughter Spectra were the first that morning.  She and Sprout played with Teri on the porch while Malcolm helped Sans mend the cow pen and tell him all about the best places to fish and hunt nearby.  A few hours later, Travis and Carol, a couple who raised chickens down the road, stopped by to help fix up the chicken coop. Sprout made sure to show off Teri and was extremely happy to hear how much they adored her.  They were more than happy to bring by a few friends for Teri once they were all settled in.    
Sans and Sprout went into town to get some groceries and stop by the schoolhouse to drop off Sprout’s paperwork.  School was just letting out for the day, and Sprout had a blast running around the playground making friends with the human and monster children who were waiting for their parents to arrive.  Sans ended up chatting with some of the parents and left with several new numbers in his phone and plans to meet up at the park sometime.  On the way home, they stopped by Grillby’s Tavern to grab lunch. Sans chatted with Grillby over fries while Sprout and Willow, Grillby’s niece, ate snacks and drove Teri around in Willow’s remote-control truck.
Saturday and Sunday were spent relaxing and watching television while Sprout made up a bunch of thank you notes for everyone who had come by.  Looking at the ever-growing pile of glittery paper, Sans smiled.  They’d only been in town a week, and they already had so many new friends!
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zeylart · 3 years
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Okay so I had a conversation with @kryptsune on her server, and it just made me want to make this little drawing. Underworld!Grillby is best uncle. Change. My. Mind.
Damn, I really need to draw the hot men more often, Grillby’s not my favourite character for nothing.
☕ Buy me a Ko-fi☕
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