#gremlin-child not taking no for an answer
aapothic · 1 year
@particlexxdealer​: x
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“You’re her father, but you weren’t there. Which means you owe me.” Shiori laced her fingers and placed her fists on the table in front of her. “And what you owe me is the chance to be her friend. I don’t care if you don’t like me, she can be both our responsibility.” She nodded her head towards the sleeping Cassie, her gaze not breaking from Scott’s. It was admirable how much he stood up for his daughter and just let her be instead of trying to shape her into something he wanted.
“You can’t speak for her while she’s unconscious. How about you let her decide whether she wants me to stick around or not?”
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cluescorner · 7 months
Randomized Robins AU - Ages + Worst Trait Exercise:
Steph (25):
Says her worst trait is her murderous rages (she is exaggerating for dramatic/comedic effect, she’s killed 3 people tops and for very good reason)
Thinks her worst trait is her spitefulness (one of the few traits she definitely got from her father + one that prevents her from fixing her relationships and living her best possible life. She’ll refuse to interact with someone she dearly loves after an argument (happens significantly less after Tim’s death) or will say things she knows are hurtful just for the sake of having the last word. This trait will worsen in some ways as the list of people who have wronged her and those she loves grows, but will also ease up as she matures and realizes the harm it’s doing to her relationships with those she loves most.)
Her worst trait really is her spitefulness
Cass (26)
Says her worst trait is her self-righteousness (she believes that her goals are righteous and, as a result, she is righteous. Cass becomes very defensive whenever someone questions the mission and often does not second-guess herself. This is a trait she only develops later in life as she grows closer to Bruce/learns to understand herself more/starts to love herself more. But she knows she isn’t perfect and when somebody she trusts criticizes something she is doing she is willing to listen. She just usually isn’t the one to START the introspection.) 
Thinks her worst trait is her self-righteousness. 
Her worst trait actually is her obsessiveness (she gets it from Bruce and, while not as bad as him, she will easily become preoccupied with her night-life and the mission if someone isn’t there to pull her back. She will do this to the point of self-destruction and it hurts her relationships with the people she loves, especially Steph.)
Tim (24)
Says his worst trait is his spitefulness (he actively rejects the idea of mending his relationships with the older members of the family and this causes him to also lack good relationships with the younger ones)
Thinks his worst trait is his obsessiveness (similar to Cass, if he gets fixated on a task or idea he will neglect everything else in his life in order to dedicate more time to it. Unlike Cass, he will almost never be dragged away from it unless Pierrot snatches control of the body and forces them to take care of themself.)
His worst trait actually is how manipulative he is (the KING of guilt-tripping and using people’s emotions against them. He’ll do whatever he needs to do to get what he wants, he’s not above crocodile tears. And he will do it to whoever he needs (or wants) to with little care for how his actions impact others.)
Pierrot (Insists: “Age doesn’t apply to me! And even if it did, I'd probably be the oldest. Or the youngest! I’d never be a middle child, though.” Mental assessments by the Bats have put him around 21, with a margin of error of 3 years. Pierrot has called this “blatant character assassination by my eternal rival!”)
Says his worst trait is that he is an irredeemable psychopath without any regard for the wellbeing of others (this is a lie and everyone who's important to him understands this). 
Thinks his worst trait is his parasitic nature (he literally would not exist had Tim not suffered the way he did. Plus he is a living reminder of one of the worst things that happened to many of his loved ones. He is a parasite injected into a functional person's body and contributes to his continued suffering. This is also a largely incorrect judgement of himself, caused by his actual worst trait.)
His worst trait actually is his limited sense of self (he doesn’t really know who he is outside of ‘inheritor to the legacy of the Joker (a man he despises yet also views as a father)’ and ‘chip in Tim’s brain that became sentient’. He slowly develops an identity over the course of his life and relationships with other people, but he lacks the foundations of identity that most people have. Pierrot will often almost become a caricature of himself and what others perceive him to be because it's the only person he knows how to be. This causes wild swings in how he behaves and relates to others, sometimes to the detriment of himself and others.)
Dick (17) 
Says his worst trait is his clinginess (he is a very extraverted person who likes to be around others, which mixed with his fear of abandonment after his parents died means that if he goes a few days without seeing/talking to a friend he will get very anxious.)
Thinks his worst trait is his anger issues (he gets ticked off very easily and will explode on people. He’s kind at his core and is usually very nice, but he has a temper that can escalate significantly. Spoiler (and later Twist) help him channel this anger into something positive.)
His worst trait actually is his anger issues.
Barbara (18)
Says her worst trait is her disability (internalized ableism, she thinks of herself as less valuable than the other Bats because she cannot be out there in the capes like they can. She will grow out of this as she matures and as she learns how invaluable her support for the team is.)  
Thinks her worst trait is her disability 
Her worst trait actually is her overly-independent nature (In an attempt to overcompensate for everything she can no longer do, she has resolved to do literally everything that she possibly can without any help from others. This results in many instances where she either takes on too much and winds up not being able to fully realize any of her tasks or where she makes her life and the lives of others significantly harder by refusing help when offered/not asking for it when she needs it.)
Damian (16)
Says his worst trait is his perfectionism (he is overly critical of both himself and others, taking any flaw or problem and amplifying it to an absurd degree. This is due in part to his life with the LoA (where even a brief misstep could lead to death), in part to how others treated him initially as Spoiler (any flaw was fixated on and used as a reason to either mistrust him or portray him as unworthy of the mantle), and in part due to the fact that he is Bruce’s son (the only person with worse perfectionism problems than Damian). Gradually, Damian has improved in this regard but it’s still a massive barrier to both his own happiness and his relationships with others.)
Thinks his worst trait is his perfectionism 
His worst trait actually is his perfectionism
Duke (16)
Says his worst trait is his definitely-real secret evil side (says this as a ‘my dad is a villain so who knows??’ joke)
Thinks his worst trait is his impulsivity in his words (Sometimes he will crack a joke or say a remark without thinking it through, leading to a LOT of hurt feelings and drama. He’ll say something without thinking it through and wind up seeming insensitive. This isn’t done because of malice, rather because Duke is someone who’s quick to act and speak. But while the mantle of Insight and his awakening powers have helped him with his actions, they do not always help with his loose tongue. As such, Duke gains an unfair reputation in the media as an instigator and will accidentally cause family drama through what he says.)
His worst trait actually is his impulsivity in his words
Jason (14)
Says his worst trait is his bad manners (he grew up on the streets and has no idea how rich-people society works, which he’s pretty insecure about considering he’s now the youngest kid of Bruce freaking Wayne). 
Thinks his worst trait is his reactiveness (Jason never got the privilege of planning ahead for various events in his life, so he instead needed to rely on being swift and harsh in how he could react to situations. It’s saved his life on multiple occasions and helps significantly in his role as Spoiler, but it can also lead to extreme overreactions (accidentally causing kidnapping scare after Jason ran away following a fight with Dick) and a struggle to plan things out ahead of time. As he grows more secure in his place in the family and in life, this trait will lessen but never fully dissipate.)
His worst trait actually is his reactiveness
#stephanie brown#cassandra cain#tim drake#dick grayson#barbara gordon#damian wayne#duke thomas#jason todd#batfamily#randomizedrobinsau#I'm debating whether I should tag this with the Joker Junior tag and those related to it for Pierrot#because like...it's not quite that. but it's also very close to that and is the direct result of that.#but Pierrot would fucking HATE to be tagged as that and sees it as an insult to his identity...which he already has problems with#so I don't think I'm gonna#anyways lmao I am totally projecting my younger self onto Barbara. How could I not? She's literally the reason I view my disability#the way that I do and she actively improved my mental health just by existing and saying some of the shit she did when I was in the#stages of accepting my own disability. So yeah I am projecting a lot onto her because I love her and see myself in her.#I'm mostly basing these characterizations on my favorite versions of them (ie Red Robin 2009 Tim and Birds of Prey Barbara).#so I'm taking the traits I like/think fit in this AU and discarding what I think either is bad or doesn't fit or if I just don't like it.#Damian's 'murder gremlin who is a meanie on purpose because he is a meanie' is entirely unappealing to me and also does not fit this AU#I prefer him when he's portrayed as a sympathetic kid (who is still an asshole) and not a demon child. So that's what I'm using.#same with Talia's 'abusive mother who is totally on-board with all of her father's bullshit and will kill someone for no reason' version#I have read enough comics to know what I like/what is most important and what I don't like/what is#BLATANT CHARACTER ASSASSINATION GRANT MORRISON YOU FUCK YOU SET TALIA BACK SO FUCKING FAR#I also decided to outline their WORST traits because I already know what I like about these characters/their best traits.#most people do. But what was a greater challenge was finding what would make their lives and those of others worse.#what would I hate about this person if I knew them IRL? What would I first suggest they get therapy for? What hurts them and why?#I found these questions really interesting in the context of this AU where some people are forced into completely different roles#the says/thinks/is was inspired by trying to answer that question for myself. I say my worst trait is my impulsiveness but when#I asked others in my life they answered 'oh so you said your weird thing where you don't ask for help right?'
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flamingpudding · 1 year
He's my clockwork appointed babysitter, not dad.
They failed, even they managed to beat all the cultist in time. The ritual was still completed. The leader was laughing like a maniac until Hood hit him hard with the butt of his gun, knocking the guy out cold finally. With held breaths, they watched how smoke rose from the ritual circle higher and higher until it started to form a black shadow with stars as eyes and too many teeth and limps. Batman was on his way with Constantine. Maybe they could at least contain whatever that was until they arrived.
"Who in the name of all good and holy dared to summon me?!" A static scratchy voice echoed in their ears.
No one dared to answer at first but of course Red I-fear-nothing Hood had to open his mouth earning him death glares from his siblings. "Aren't you like a demon? Why would you mention anything good and holy?"
That think was blinking at them and Tim did a double take when that think moved its many limps like it was rubbing the back of its neck.
"In the name of all bad and cursed then?" It sounded unsure still a booming echo like voice but unsure. They shared a look. Dick opened his mouth, ready to say something when suddenly a familiar voice shouted from behind them.
"Cut the crap kid! They are the Batsie and his birds belong to the good!"
They turned to see Constantine marching in with Batman right behind him. The man was throwing the but of his cigarette way as he went right up to that demon. Which apparently was not one because right as the Brite was up to it a puff of greenish some blocked their view for a moment before a white haired child stood where the demon had been seconds ago.
"The hell you doing out here kid. I told you to stay at home."
"You try resisting a summon when your all new to the fact that you can get summoned!"
"Your going to make my hair gray faster, you little chaos gremlin."
"Aw love you too!"
"Uh Constantine?" They had question of of them was that Constantine was apparently familiar with that child, demon, whatever.
"Right." The man lit another cigarette but before he could even take one drag of it he side eyed the child staring up at him before he flicked it to the side. "Bats my demon son, Danny the Bats."
"Demon son?"
"Actually I am-" They watched how Constantine covered the child's, Danny's, mouth with his hand shushing the boy.
"What did I tell you about interdimensional secrets? That's right, do not talk about them to just anyone. We are not repeating the Green Lantern incident."
Should they feel offended? It felt like they should. They weren't just anyone.
"Constantine." Batman gruffly warned, but the man held up one hand towards them. Batman was definitely offended that Green Lantern got to learn something he wasn't getting to know on Constantine's watch.
"One moment Batsie. I need to- did you gremlin just lick my hand?!"
The moment Constantine removed his hand the child stuck his tongue out at the JL Dark member and made a break for it to hide behind Batman.
"Get back here you little..."
"No! I am always stuck at home, and you promised me I would get to see the watchtower at last month!"
Batman blocked Constantine from getting to who was apparently the man's demon son. Staring at the man as the boy grinned in triumph.
"Mate get out of the way, this kid needs to get grounded again."
"For what?"
"Being a chaos gremlin that won't listen."
The rest of the batfam had only one burning question on their mind. "Which demon was willing enough to have a child with Constantine?"
Well, except for Tim who had caught the little tidbit of interdimensional secret and was wondering who Danny really was.
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Who will he be tonight? that’s the question.
Imagine dis…
It's been a while since I last posted here and even though I am late on the trend the song would not leave my head ( due to my gremlin of siblings) and you are now here to suffer with me.
Bruce was stressed, not because of his nightly duties nor his exhausting job as the CEO of Wayne enterprise. He got his license to foster children by the skin of his teeth through legal channels, he was so close as to use his privileges as the richest man in Gotham to get his license also to be able to foster Richard “Dick” Grayson.
Apparently despite his playboy persona aka “Brucie Wayne” just entering its social debut almost made him almost impossible to foster Dick as the social worker that had been assigned to him is also one of the few social workers in Gotham that takes their job seriously.
Bruce knew that his budding playboy persona, the carefree “BRUCIE Wayne” should be buried, he could replace this mask of his with his philanthropist self but he couldn’t just immediately change it would and will raise whispers on why, but what could be the reason?
Just as he continued scheming a knock broke his train of thoughts and entered Danny Nightgale, the calm and efficient secretary who had worked before with Lucius Fox ever since he had been hired. Danny, from Bruce’s file on him, son of two leading ecto-biologists in the world, a quiet kid who grew up in a city from nowhere, had a bad accident that left him with a slow heartbeat, discovered that one of the last two purple back gorilla is female and thus avoiding total extinction. Doesn’t have much media presence due to their hometown being the home of the former ghost hero Phantom who had vanished the moment that the anti-ecto acts had been re-appealed…
Bruce approached Danny with a pitch and handed him a nicely drafted contract. The agreement was straightforward: pretend to be Bruce's adoring partner in public. It was the only way to change the public's opinion, to show the world a stable, dependable, responsible Bruce Wayne who was ready to be a foster and maybe a father.
As years went by this arrangement had been beneficial to both parties.
Danny now saves more money, and despite having one of the highest salaries being paid all went to his rent to the nicer parts of Gotham. It had so many insurances as well security measures to ensure the tenants are safe, but the downside having most of his paycheck going to the rent itself. Now he has a permanent house that is large and free food that is made by the greatest cook that ever existed.
Bruce is less embarrassed about putting on a show for the public, he seems to take on the air-head mask whenever his supposed “lover” is around and near him, turning him into a bumbling mess whenever the “love of his life” is around him. He also secretly took great pleasure whenever those annoying journalists asked nonsense questions which he answered in his most obnoxious voice spiel away how world peace is attainable if all just gave their own Danny’s.
Each generation of Batkids saw how Bruce had a crush on Danny yet kept fumbling himself and reminding himself that all of this was just part of the contract. Sure each kid knew of said contract that was made for Dick’s sake but said the reason for said contract wanted to rip that thing ages ago and into pieces the moment he wanted to call Danny Dad.
Though each child that resides in that manor noticed some inconsistency within Danny’s schedules, not only that they have just recently discovered that while Danny loves to chat there are still personal things that he hadn't delved into aside from the information that was already in his files. Of course, there is also his weird avoidance of the vigilante group of Gotham, especially Batman, despite being proven to the public both in and out of Gotham that Batman is trustworthy, Danny still held wariness to said vigilante.
You’d think that after years of exposure around the Wayne’s Danny would have already discovered the cave all on his own. But it seems that every time are inches away discovering their secret an emergency or urgent priority was flaring from the Wayne enterprise that only he was needed to solve the said problem.
After weeks of Tim’s continuous intake of a very worrying amount of pure caffeine, espresso shots, and 10 different brands of energy drinks they have finally connected the dots.
Danny is a secret FBI agent planted in Gotham to catch Batman and his group in the act of breaking the law and to disband the whole spiel about being a hero and vigilante. Sure the JL and the sudden rise of heroes and vigilantes that popped up around the world that are not government affiliated made those who sat at those red velvet chairs nervous as they don’t have any active say or word as to what crimes to focus on and so on. There are reasons why Amanda Waller is still in power and still allowed to roam free with funds after funds to continue her work despite being continuously caught by the JL.
Now it is up to them to change Danny’s mind and abandon his mission so that they can finally stop seeing Bruce act like that “Brucie” persona, that they thanked the gods had been immediately vetoed, towards Danny.
Alfred sits down in one of the manor’s libraries with a cup of tea in one hand a book in another with another small pile on the side with a teapot ready to refill himself another cup.
He sighs at the drama that seems to unfold to his eyes only.
Ever since Master Danny had been integrated into this household he had found more free time than he could ever imagine. The young man would always find ways to outpace Alfred when it comes to housework to the point it had become their little game to this day. As much as he supports his ward/son, Master Bruce needs to gather all emotional intelligence he has left and confess to Master Danny.
But that wasn’t the live soap opera that it seemed to unravel.
His grandkids are set and believe that Master Danny is a secret agent who is here due to a mission related to the vigilante group stationed in Gotham.
Alfred adores all of them, he did but sometimes he wonders if the title World’s Greatest Detective is to be added to his arsenal of titles.
Alfred knew that Master Danny wasn’t just an ordinary secretary but he was also the Ghost King of the Infinite Realms, how did he know of this?
He simply walked in on Danny changing from his human self to that otherworldly creature that looked too regal to be a normal being, and so clues that were the littlest of things that he had always chalked up to the angle of the light seemed to begin clicking in place.
Alfred was a bit miffed when he learned that Master Danny might have been cheating when it came to their little bouts of cleaning the manor but he now stayed quiet as Master Danny still didn’t know of the quote “furry brigade” unquote are the Wayne’s, and based on Master Danny’s past rants he will have his little laugh when the truth comes out, but until then he will drink his tea in peace as the drama in Wayne manor seems to unfold.
PS: If someone out there wants to continue or make a fic about this you are free to do so, don’t forget to tag me though.
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kyletogaz · 1 month
sergeant whiskers [part two] pairing: simon riley x gn!reader cw: fluff, light angst, hurt/comfort part one | part three | masterlist
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“simon, come get your cat!”
simon lets out a groan loud enough for you to hear, before making his way to the bedroom. “what are you on about love?” he asks from the doorway.
he sees you standing near the bed with your sweater in one hand, while you point to sergeant whiskers with the other hand. the cat’s not paying either of you any mind as she sits in the center of the bed licking a paw.
“she hissed at me,” you answer with a pout that turns into a scowl when simon has the audacity to laugh. “and before you ask, no i didn’t do anything. she was sitting on my sweater with her claws embedded into the fabric, so i moved her out of the way.”
“gently, i hope.”
“of course i did! what kind of person do take me for simon riley?”
simon winces at your little indignant shriek, before putting his hands up in surrender as he steps further into the room. he leans across the bed, scooping the kitten up into his burly arms. and your heart does not flutter when he rubs his face against her little furry one.
“little gremlin,” simon murmurs fondly, while stroking the cat’s fur. “you givin’ renna a hard time?”
renna? you mouth silently in disbelief. the absurdity of your husband implying sergeant whiskers is your child is enough to make you shake your head with a laugh.
“whiskey’s not giving me a hard time,” you say softly, much to simon’s surprise. “i just wish she liked me.”
simon’s eyes soften at your words. he sets sergeant whiskers back down, then tugs you to his chest. “she does like you. would interacting with her more change your opinion?”
you start to protest immediately, because— “i interact with her.” you feed her, cuddle her, and talk to her when she actually decides to pay attention.
you don’t interact with sergeant whiskers enough though. simon knows this, and so do you. it makes you feel a little guilty because simon adores whiskey like she’s his child. but you? you’re a bit distant, and just a little reluctant to form a bond with the little ball of fur.
simon hesitates a little when he asks his next question. he doesn’t want to hurt your feelings, but he has to know. “you don’t like her?” simon asks gently, watching silently as your face falls.
“i do like her,” you sniffle, your voice thick with tears. “i want to love her, but i don’t know if i can.”
simon is now looking at you in concern, because you’re starting to get weepy over sergeant whiskers. and this is not how you thought your day would end up. all you wanted was for whiskey to remove her claws from your sweater. you never thought old feelings you tried to bury would resurface and ruin your day.
your tears spill over when simon says, “sweetheart, take a breath and tell me what’s wrong?”
he waits patiently for you to stop crying, so you can explain to him why you’re having a hard time accepting whiskey. and he just stares at you in surprise when you tell him about your childhood pet you loved very much, up until the day she died.
“after that, i promised myself i would never get another pet,” you admit. “it’s part of the reason why we have the no pets rule. i was happy when you agreed, but then you came home with whiskey, and now all i can think about is how i’ll be devastated if anything ever happens to her. it’ll be too much for me.”
simon presses a kiss to your temple, then to your lips, before resting his forehead against yours. “i’m so sorry, sweetheart. if i had known, i would have never— do you want me to give sarge away?”
“absolutely not! i can’t believe you would suggest such a thing,” you say with a huff. “i’d never make you give whiskey up because of me. she’s yours, simon.”
you let out a little laugh before turning away from simon and towards the bed, where sergeant whiskers is sitting and watching both of you. she gives you a slow blink and a soft mewl, before hopping off the bed and prancing out of the bedroom.
you watch her go, and simon starts chuckling when you start sniffling again.
this time, it’s tears of relief and happiness.
a/n: i’m sorry this is not what i had planned originally lmao but i hope you liked it. also renna is a gender neutral term for the word parent. you can also use ren & renny.
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vxnuslogy · 4 months
— the angel who lived. ft sunday
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— warnings: f!reader (referred to as mother) but still uses "you/they" pronouns, angst, mentions and themes of death, brief mentions of blood, very lengthy/word vomit (~8k words), not proofread that much so apologies for any grammatical errors
— author's note: this is more of a character study on sunday and how i think he'll come to learn that escapism isn't really the way go about things but overall, i'm really happy with how this turned out. i hope you guys enjoy :p
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death doesn't have a requirement. regardless of age, gender, or race, it will eventually reach everyone at the right moment.
sunday has always remembered the words - or rather the rumors the dreamchasers spoke of - that when death comes knocking at their door, they'll be clad in purple and a trusty crow perched on their shoulder for a companion. sunday wasn't the type of man to believe such rumors, but now, after waking up from what seemed to be an endless dream, he was forced to believe their words.
“can the angel walk?” you spoke. emphasizing the way you called him angel made sunday furrowed his brows in contempt. you were mocking him. with a huff of his breath, he slowly rose from his  position and walked with you.
“where are we?” he asks. you looked at him from the corner of your eyes before replying. “death's waiting room.” sunday felt his blood run cold. “you'll be staying here with me and the rest until your time is up.” he wanted to question you more. press you for answers on when and where death will take him.
but he never had the chance to. not when children of all ages came rushing towards you, all with bright smiles on their faces. he stood in shock, mind boggled at the thought. they were hugging death. did they not feel any ounce of fear?
one of the many children that surrounds you took notice of his presence. she had long brown hair kept in two low pigtails and bright green eyes that remind him of the garden he and robin used to play in when they were just their age. she waved him over and you urged him to walk up the steps of the giant house that stood in front of him.
“you'll be staying here with us until your time runs out. do be an angel and help me around with the chores, alright?”
and so for an indefinite amount of time — and against his will — helped you around the “orphanage”. 
the younger children were all unruly and liked to cause trouble. every morning he'd wake up to a young child jumping on his bed and would be subsequently dragged into his bathroom to get ready. they'd tug at his hand with an iron grip - it really wasn't, sunday could easily pry his hand away but choose not to hurt the child’s feelings - leading him to the main kitchen where you and one of the oldest girls, elenaor he learned, cooked everyone breakfast.
“woke up on the wrong side of the bed, i presume?” your voice laced with amusement made sunday sigh. putting on the apron elanaor had given him, he reluctantly stood by your side and waited for you to hand him a few ingredients to chop. “it was more of woken up by a gremlin and getting dragged all the way here.” your and elanaor’s snickers of amusement never failed to make heat rise up to his cheeks. he had to fight the urge to hide behind his wings, if he did, you'll tease him relentlessly. this wasn't how he would normally act under any circumstances. he had a reputation to keep, but here, in what you call “death's waiting room”, no one knew him. so he was free to act how he wished.
“you've been here for a while,” turning off the tap, you pat your hands dry and walk towards a pot on the opposite side of where he was. “you'll get used to it.”
“i don't think seeing “death” act like a mother towards soon to be dead children is something i’ll ever get used to.”
the halovian bit his tongue the moment his words stumbled out of his mouth. he could still hear you moving around the kitchen but you had made no effort to respond. sunday was ready to issue an apology but you had beat him to it.
“it's something i’ve never really gotten used to.” the sound of chopping ceased from his station. the sound of water boiling echoed between the two of you - he hadn't realized that elanaor had left to escape the tense atmosphere - he turned to stare at your back, watching you dutifully stir the pot. something that reminded him of his mother. he wonders then, did you also take his mother here to this very orphanage. did she also chop ingredients as you stirred soup?
“i find that quite hard to believe…” his voice is uncharacteristically quiet and unsure. so unlike the voice of the head of the oak family.
you turn to him with a raised brow. “and why is that?” he walks to your station, chopped vegetables in his hand as he dumped them into the pots before putting the lid back on. “you look at home here. is this your home, death?”
you close your eyes and smile. “for a while, yes, yes it is.” 
sunday didn't question you further. the two of you quietly set the plates on the multiple tables in the dining room. he would often take glances at you, soaking in the black off shoulder top you wore under that frilly apron; the long muted purple skirt that swayed with your movement like it was your dance partner for years; and the most eye catching of them all, the black gloves you never took off. all of the sudden, sunday remembered this one particular rumor about you.
“they say before death became death, they carried life in their steps; but their fingertips eventually caused everything they touched to wither away.”
sunday wonders if that particular rumor is actually true.
elanaor came back with wary eyes flickering between him and you. with a small smile from you, the girl started taking the utensils from the cabinet and started laying them on either side of the plates. sunday will never get used to this almost domestic scene unfolding in front of him.
“breakfast is ready!” you cup your hand beside your lips as your voice echoed throughout the house. it wasn't long before little feet dragged against the wooden floor and started to pile in the dining room. “be sure to wash your hands first.” your gentle reminder was met with a chorus of ‘we remember!’. 
sunday stood idly in one of the corners, hands crossed over his chest as he started to remind himself of the next chores he'd be doing. sighing to himself, he pushed through his messy hair as his wings fluttered. without another word, he left the dining room and made his way to the backyard where there were piles of wet clothes waiting to be hung dry.
“oh! good morning, mr. sunday!” said a young boy with blonde hair and matching blue eye - the other covered with a black eye patch. “good morning, louis.” he replied with a smile before starting to take a few pieces of clothing and helping the boy with his chores.
“breakfast is ready,” sunday reminded. “i’ll take it from here.” louis shook his head and continued his actions. the older man didn't bother to urge him to get breakfast further. if there was one thing he learned by being here, it's that the children had adopted your stubborn and independent nature.
after hanging all the clothes, sunday bid louis to get breakfast - scolding him for trying to skip eating - and quietly made his way back to his room and plopping rather ungraciously on his bed with a sigh. his arm came to cover his eyes as he pondered, “when will death come to me?”
“not now, that's for sure.” 
sunday quickly sat up from his position to see you come inside his room, a tray with plated food in your hands.
“it's rather rude to enter someone's room without knocking first.” he barked. you only rolled your eyes at him and placed the tray on the small table in the middle of his room. “i did, but the angel seemed too lost in his thoughts to notice.” 
“be sure to finish everything. once your finished, bring them downstairs so i can clean them.”
and without another word, you exited his room. sunday sighed for the nth time today and made his way to the table, pulling a nearby chair and said his prayers before digging in.
he didn't want to admit it, but you were a good cook. every dish that you served him tasted like home; as if you had dug around his mind to take all of his nostalgic feelings and poured them all in the soup he was eating now. for “death's waiting room” it was ironically peaceful. sure the children would get into scuffles here and there, but without a fail, you'd come just in the nick of time and quell the burning banters.
but today you seemed distracted. sunday was an observant person by nature; he reads through people's emotion by the frequency they create and interpret them through the halo behind his head. recently, your usual soft yet peculiar frequency was replaced by something erratic; something that couldn't sit still. in the back of his mind, sunday wonders if it's related to the crow that's been following you like a shadow recently.
taking the tray in his hands, he made his way back downstairs to help you wash the dishes. on the way the children greeted him with bright smiles as they haul one another to play in your reading room, eager to pick out the bedtime story he or you would read later tonight despite it not being even noon. sunday didn't fight the small smile that crept up his face as some of the older kids tried to take the tray away from his hands, urging him to rest while they wash his plates.
“it's nothing to worry about.” he would reassure them with a pat on the head. “a few plates won't be the death of me.” 
by the time he was back in the kitchen, his chest began to feel heavy as you and elanaor talked. both your backs facing him but judging from the heavy and somber frequency you created, he could only assume you're talking about something sorrowful.
“angel?” you're voice snapped him out of his stupor. “apologies, i zoned out.” he avoided your eyes as he set the down his dirty plates to the side and pulled his sleeves up to his elbows.
“you alright?” you question him, a brow quirked up in wonder. he looked to elanaor who was already looking at him with worry, “i should be the one asking that, but i’m alright.” you only hummed as you wiped your hands on the spare cloth and took off your apron.
“i have something i need to do.” 
elanaor's frequency spiked making sunday’s heart skip a few beats. 
“ely, angel, can you keep an eye on the children? i’ll be in my office if you need anything.”
“mother, wait!”
sunday felt his eyes widen as elanaor called you “mother”, dropping the plates she held on the sink and instead came to grip at your arm. her head hanging low as her hands curled into fists.
“does he need to go…?” she asks, voice below a whisper.
golden eyes met yours. sunday was trying to decipher how, or rather, why, your frequency suddenly flatlined, like how a heart would when someone passed. you were the first to break eye contact. leaning down to whisper something in elanaor's ear that broke the girl’s heart.
“angel.” your voice felt off too. it made his ears ring uncomfortably. it sounded like an untuned violin trying to play a complicated piece to impress the audience. “keep the children entertained while i’m absent.”
sunday didn't like you; he hated you. but right now, as you left the poor girl trying to harshly rub away the obvious tears spilling from her eyes, not bothering to turn back as you walked away, he decided he hated you even more.
“i understand. we’ll proceed like usual.”
your office was off limits to certain people for various reasons, but sunday and elanaor were exceptions. without turning to look back, you heard elanaor's voice from the other side of the door as you put the telephone down.
“come in.” you called out. the creak of the door always unnerved girl, you said you'd get it fixed but after the angel’s arrival you hadn't found any time to do so. “do you need something?”
“the children are asking for you.” this time it was the angel who spoke. his voice like a river flowing endlessly in a creak, you were distinctly aware that his kind had a natural affinity to having captivating voices. 
“i’ll be down in a—”
you were cut off as a crow started cawing and scratching at your window. from its reflection you see elanaor look down and sunday staring at you with a narrowed gaze. with a sigh, you circled around your desk and opened the window. the crow situated itself on your shoulder, a piece of paper tied around one of its foot.
“the two of you go ahead of me.” you spoke, taking the piece of paper from the bird. “i still need to finish this.”
from the corner of your eyes, you see elanaor leave but sunday didn't budge from his spot.
“something the matter, angel?”
“enough with the mind games, death.” 
he barged in your office, closing the door on his way and standing face to face with you. an angry fog clouding his eyes that reminded you of molten gold and sweet dreams.
“what's going on?”
“nothing is going on.”
“you're a terrible liar.” he snapped. you quirked a brow at him with a tilt of your head that made him even more furious. 
“so the angel can feel angry. that's good to know.” you turn your back on him and open up the piece of paper in your hand despite already having guessed it's content.
gaining back his composure, you heard him take a deep breath before trying to calmly question you further.
“what did you whisper to elanaor this morning?”
“i believe that's none of your business.”
sunday was ready to snap again but reigned himself in just in time for you to walk past him.
“if you're so curious,” you opened your office door and paused to turn back on him. “why don't you join us later tonight?”
“join you for what?” he didn't like where this one was going. the air felt heavy, it's as if the entire world were resting on his shoulders. it didn't helpt that you gave him a bitter closed eyed smiled as you left the room.
“one of our boys will be leaving soon.”
“and so, they all lived happily ever after…”
by the time you and sunday reached the reading room, children of all ages were all huddled into a cozy circle with elenaor in the middle. in her lap was an old storybook you had found in one of your travels.
you placed blankets on each and every children sleeping on their makeshift fortress of scattered pillows and stuffed animals.  brushing some of their hairs away from their eyes, letting your gloved hand linger on their faces for a while longer. all the while, sunday kept his gaze on you as elenaor stood by his side, storybook in her hands with an iron grip.
after tucking in everyone, you joined the two of them. you were the last one to exit the room. turning off the lights and letting your gaze loiter around the many sleeping faces in the now dark room.
“let's go.” you uttered with a sigh. taking the storybook from elanaor's hand and tucking it under your arms. “where are we going?” sunday asked who was a few paces behind you.
“we'll be bidding farewell to one of the older boys here.”
he didn't question you further like you had imagined, but you were grateful nonetheless. on the way you stopped by your office to take a candlestick and lit it up to serve as your guide through the dark house.
after climbing up a few steps, you stopped in front of an old rusting door. turning back to elanaor and sunday, you asked, “are you sure you want to be here?”
sunday was the first to answer. 
“you were the one to invite me.” he crossed his arms over his chest. he kept his eyes closed to hide the anxiety he felt, but the wings behind his ears betrayed him as they came to try and hide away half of his face.
you turn to elanaor who only nodded solemnly.
“death doesn't have a requirement..” you mutter as you open the door and enter the room. the two followed you inside and heard elenaor choking back on her tears. “it will eventually come to everyone, regardless of their age, gender, race.”
“death will find us all.”
in the cold and lonely room stood a bed, a boy with deadly pale skin laid there as he looked at you with a knowing look on his face.
“it's good to see you again, mother.”
sunday was at a loss for words as you sat down on the edge of the bed as you took off the gloves you wore and placed them on the bedside table along with the candlestick. the crow that was perched on your shoulder came to rest on the boy's bedframe instead.
“it's good to see you again too, corvy.” the sickly boy reached out his hand to pet the crow’s head but heaved a cough in the middle of the action.
the sound of his coughing urged elenaor to leave his side and run towards that other side of the bed opposite to yours. she gripped the sheets in a tight fist, sunday feared her palms would begin to bleed if she gripped any tighter.
“everyone's time eventually runs out…” you mutter as a strange red chord appeared in your hands the moment you touched the boy's forehead. “it's only a matter of when and how you're time runs out.”
“did you enjoy your stay here, michael?”
the boy named michael smiled with content. his boney hand holding yours that rested on his cheek.
“i did, mother.” you smiled at his response. the same smile you would greet the children with once they have woken up; the same smile the children would close their eyes to whenever you finished reading them a bedtime story. 
“that's good. i’m reassured that i did my job just fine.”
“you've always done a good job, mother.”
sunday couldn't believe his eyes. he didn't want to believe his eyes as your tears slowly cascaded down your face as you leaned down to press a kiss to the boy's forehead. elanaor jumping over to your side and hugging you tightly as her tears soaked your shirt.
your other hand came to hold the red string that was tied around the boy's sickly figure on the bed. you motioned your hand in a weird way and suddenly a pair of black scissors appeared. sunday felt his blood run cold as sweat dribbled down to his chin. 
“may destruction have mercy on you.” you whisper to him, forehead resting against his. “leading your journey in the afterlife, forever peaceful.”
“may this be the end of your painful dreams.”
and in the blink of an eye, the cord was cut and the boy closed his eyes.
sunday read the way his lips moved and felt his heart break in sympathy.
“may you have peaceful dreams, too, mother.”
you carried destruction — death — in your fingertips. ever since that night, sunday had kept his distance from you. he always kept his distance with you, but now, you would never catch him standing near your vicinity. 
the children found it strange. the two of you, without a fail, would always banter back and forth until the halovian had to leave to do other chores. some would turn to elenaor and ask what had happened between the two of you, but girl would only smiled with her eyes closed, pat them on the head and say “it's alright, they'll come around.”
but sunday thought otherwise.
how could death, shed any tears? it didn't make any sense. you were an emanator of destruction - he deduced from your words that night - death itself, so how come you brought life to the very house he and the soon be deceased children here?
they all considered you a mother. a mother. a parental figure they could go to to share their sorrows and woes. 
you couldn't possibly be the death he's come to know and fear, but at the same time you were. 
he wanted to hate you. hating you would be easier. it is easier. but his mind kept reminding him of the multiple times you would treat these children with the utmost gentleness. because you knew that one wrong touch could end their dreams.
“mr. sunday,” he looked up from his downcast position to look at elenaor. she'd been crying, sunday concluded. her eyes were red around the corners and she would sniffle from time to time. “will you be joining us for lunch?”
“ah…” he awkwardly turned his head away to hide the scratch that one of younger girls had accidentally given him. if she were to notice, elenaor would come bursting into your office to inform of his injury. “i’m feeling rather full as of now. I'm afraid i’ll have to decline.”
“i… see…” she only gave him a closed eyed smile. “well, goodbye then, mr. sunday.”
he waved goodbye to the girl who ran back inside the orphanage and sighed. hand coming to graze the cut on his left cheek and wincing as he did so.
“it'll get infected if you don't get that treated soon.”
sunday visibly froze, much to his dismay, as your figure emurged from his side. speak of the devil and they'll arrive, he thought.
“it's a scratch.” he weakly argued to which you only just hummed.
he kept his eyes on his hand playing with the grass as a shadow was cast over him. sunday flinched back when a gloved hand came to reach for his face, making him back up more to the tree he had been leaning on all morning. his actions startled you making you recoil your hand, all the while your hair obscured your eyes. but sunday swore he saw a flash of hurt in them. he felt guilty.
against his better judgement, his free hand came to hold yours in his. 
“sunday?!” you said in shock trying to pull your hand away.
your hand was warm. he wondered if they ever got sweaty and uncomfortable when the heat reached its peak, wearing black under the scorching sun didn't seem too appealing.
“you said my name.” sunday replied, making you furrow your brows. of all the things he took note of, it was the way you said his name. slowly, he let go of your hand and let it fall back to your side. you held such a strange expression on your face, but who was he to talk. he did something strange too.
with a sigh, you pinch the bridge of your nose. “come on, let's get that scratch of yours a bandaid.” 
sunday walked quietly with you as you navigated to the house’s makeshift infirmary. on the way there, children looked at the two of you with wide eyes and quickly rushed to each other's side to have hushed conversations.
“sit down.” you command and he followed.
the following minutes were spent in silence. you scavenging for a bandaid and some disinfectant, while he sat on the bed watching you move from one place to another.
“look to the right for me, angel.” your voice instructed him. this time, it wasn't your usual soft tone, nor was it the mellow and somber one on that night. it was more monotone this time around but still held some semblance of what he assumed was “fondness”.
your fingers carefully dabbed the cotton on his scratch before placing a bandaid over it. sunday noticed you didn't let your touch linger on his face like how you would when you patched up some of the kids when they got their own injuries.
“do you sing?” sunday asked on a whim, making you pause as you put away your tools. “what brought this on?” you question with a tilt of your head.
“louis and i heard someone humming the other day.” his finger grazed the fresh bandaid on his face. gold eyes never leaving your figure as you turned to look at him. “he told me you often hummed some of the children to sleep.”
“there's your answer then.”
sunday wanted to throw a pillow to your face. with an aggravated sigh, he stood up and followed you out the door.
“would it kill you to try and answer directly?”
before you could step out of the infirmary, a pecking noise came from one of the windows, stopping sunday and you in your tracks.
you left his side and opened the window and let the crow inside the room. like the first time, it sat on your shoulder as you unraveled the piece of paper it handed you.
“will another child be leaving?” he mumbled. you walk towards him again and the both of you walk out of the infirmary. “everyone in this orphanage will leave.” your eyes met his and sunday pondered on what was going on in your mind.
“including you?”
“yes.” your answer was unexpected. “including me.”
“how so?”
“i’m no exception, angel.” there you were again, calling him by that blasted pet name. he couldn't fight the urge to roll his eyes as he followed you to the library. “i may bring death, but death will eventually come for me one day.”
“will someone replace you once you're gone?” 
you only nod your head in agreement. hands grazing the many spines of the books that make up your library.
“ely would probably replace me.”
sunday pressed his lips to a firm line. in his mind, it made sense. elanoar was undeniably the closest child to you. she even accompanied you and him when michael departed, and he could only imagine how many children she's seen leave this orphanage in that room.
“they aren't really children, you know.”
the gray haired man furrowed his brows in confusion. “what do you mean?”
“you know what dreamscapes are, right?” he nods and follows you to sit down on one of many seats in the library beside the window. “people sleep and enter this fantastical world created by your predecessors. this place is similar. the reason why i call it “death's waiting room”, is because it's actually a waiting room.”
“do you mean…” sunday paused, trying to connect all the pieces you've given him. “these… children… they probably aren't children. they're people who've fallen asleep and are waiting for death.”
“exactly.” you flip through the pages of the book you had taken from one of the shelves. every page was filled with different words in elegant cursive handwriting. “right now, you're in a dream. waiting for your time to run out. waiting for death to come to you.”
“then, if that's the case, when will you cut the cord of my life?”
“even i don't know the answer to that.”
“is my name not written on the paper your companion gave you?”
you shook your head. “then how do you know when someone's time is up?” you take a few minutes to organize your thoughts, trying to think of a way to explain it, but in the end you couldn't.
“i don't know.”
“you don't know?!” sunday snapped. hands crashing on the wooden table as he stood up. his eyes were furious at you, making you sigh. “i’m not a god, angel.” you snap the book shut in hand. the sound echoing in the empty library as sunday sat back down. 
“i may bring death to everyone i touch, but i am no more than a pawn in the grander schemes of things.”
“even i don't know why death comes to take the lives of us humans.”
sunday was speechless as he looked at you. you looked tired — absolutely exhausted — just like how his sister would describe him whenever he refused to leave his office back in penacony.
“i… apologize..” he bowed his head in shame. “i don't normally lose my composure like this.”
“it's fine.” he heard you sigh. “everyone grows on edge when death is waiting outside their door.”
“do you have to cut the cord?” 
what a silly question, you must've thought. but sunday wanted to know even if what he was asking was inevitable.
you only smiled bitterly in response.
“even i fear the consequences of death, angel. i have to.”
sunday felt sick in the stomach when dinner approached. his ears ringed with your response, that you too, will eventually meet your end. it made him sick, and he didn't want to admit it. 
he didn't come down to the dining room as usual. he expected elenaor to knock on his door, carrying a tray of food, something she's been doing after michael’s departure. but this time, when he opened the door, he had to stop you from stumbling inside his room as elenaor kept pushing you inside even with her hands occupied.
“elenaor..?!” you both whisper yell to the girl.
“you two need to talk!” she said with a huff. you winced when she dropped the tray of food on his table. “everyone's been worried about you two, y'know.” you both look away, sunday scratching his cheek while you were blatantly ignoring the girl as she put her hands on her hips.
“mother,” she called out to you but you pretended to not hear. “mother!” she said a little louder, now standing in front of you as she tugged and whined for you to acknowledge her. “you're so mean, mother!”
sunday’s wings hid the growing smile and laughter that was bubbling in his chest at the comical sight. 
your cold facade was cracking with the way your lips were curving upwards; eyes pooling with mirth as the girl continued to scold you for some odd reason.
“and you!” elenaor pointed at sunday with her finger. he saw you snicker under your breath, fist in front of your lips, a futile attempt to hide your amusement. “you're supposed to be the more mature one between the two of you!”
“i am?” he points to himself with a tilt of his head. “yes!” she replied with a huff. elanaor made her way to the door, but not without giving the two of you another half attempt to glare. “by tomorrow, the two of you should be back to normal!” and for good measure, she slammed the door shut on the both of you.
the room was quiet, that is until, your giggles filled the room. your poor attempt in stopping your laughter made sunday's eyes go wide in shock, though he didn't know why. you always laughed in the house. be it from the teasing you always do to him and the other kids or by something else, you were always a giggly person.
but this was different. sunday just knew this was different. the way your eyes crinkled and shaped itself into little crescent moons and how tears of pure joy would escape every now and then. and your smile, aeons your smile. that smile didn't belong to death, it belonged to you.
sunday's laugh rang like church bells, you had to double check if what you were hearing was real. the two of you shared a moment of silence before erupting into fits of giggles again. the sound reminded you both of children running around the orphanage, playing kings and queens, monsters and knights, and the laughter that came after all the playing.
“what a strange girl she is.” sunday said after coughing into his fist. he had to reign himself in when you laughed in reply. “she is. but she's my strange girl.” 
your eyes lingered on the door the younger girl had slammed. they held such fondness, sunday wouldn't have guessed the “death” he's always been afraid of would be so loving.
“well, now that's done.” you wipe away any stray tears left and motion sunday to his food. “eat. louis told me you hadn't eaten lunch. you must be starving.”
sunday sat down on the chair while you sat on the edge of his bed. smoothing out any creases on his blanket as he ate his food. every once in a while, he'd look at you between bites and still see that smile present on your face. 
“you should smile more.” he said before wiping his lips on the towel elanaor had kindly prepared his food with.
“i could say the same to you, angel.” you look back at him. the same soft smile still on your lips as the streams of moonlight in this beautiful dream started to fill in the gaps of the window in the room, bathing you in a glow that made you look divine. “you look more handsome when you smile.”
he coughed into his fist as you laughed. wings coming to try and cover his face and hide his flustered state. 
“i never… took you one for compliments.”
you tilt your head curiously, “do i not look like the type to give compliments.” sunday shook his head. hair and wings following his movement that made you swoon inside, it was nothing short of adorable. seeing the always composed mr. sunday stuff his face with the food you cooked for him.  
this wasn't good. but you couldn't bring yourself to stop.
“you're wrong then.” you say as you let yourself fall onto his bed.
“are you fond of children?”
“well, i wouldn't have gone through all this trouble by creating this dream if i wasn't.”
“just answer me directly, death.”
you laugh again in response. how strange it was, that the name “death” the halovian would always use to describe you no longer sounded hostile.
“yes.” you said softly. “i’m very fond of them.”
“why?” he questions. you hear the sound of plates and utensils move around and it wasn't long before another weight made the bed dip from the other side. “everyone dreams of having their own family, angel. i’m no exception.”
you closed your eyes for a moment before they open again in bewilderment as you looked to your side.
your right hand, still with it's glove on, was being held by sunday's own hands. his thumbs and index finger would tug at your fingers before his palm settled in your own. 
you could hear the way your heart was beating in your ears. “do you not fear death, angel?” you ask as you let the man play with your hand like a child.
“i do.” he answered. you felt the bed dip and shift as he turned to lay on his side. “but recently, i've come to know them very well.”
you close your eyes again. letting the feeling of sunday tracing shapes in your palms lull you into a momentary sleep.
“what is death like, if you've gotten to know them very well.”
“death is a scary thing.” he paused, making sure you were listening. “i tiptoed around it back at home, like how two siblings would've tried to hide from their father when they played hide and seek.” 
“i didn't believe death existed until it took something - someone - very important away from me. it was the first time in a while did i felt the fear and fury of it all being poured into my body.”
“do you hate death, angel?” you ask, still not opening your eyes.
“i do.” he answered with no hesitation, making you scoff. “death is impatient, not waiting for me to finish my explanation before jumping to conclusions.”
alright, you admit, he got you there.
“i hate death. i don't ever want to experience it anytime soon. it takes and it takes, and i don't want it to take anything important away from me ever again.” you felt sunday weave your fingers together as he spoke. “but i learned that death, also gives.”
“death is a lot kinder than i imagined. they didn't snarl or bite - but they did tease and scoff - at me. they're fond of children, much to my surprise. treating them with the utmost care and gentleness, even i believe i don't possess.”
“death, though not intentionally, showed me that even beautiful dreams can cause suffering. something i've refused to believe — to acknowledge — for the longest time.”
“are you scared?” you ask. opening your eyes to turn to lay on your side as well. not letting sunday's hand slip away from yours.
“no, not anymore.” somehow, you could almost see the smile his handsome face wore. “because death is gentle when someone's time is up.”
“what if they aren't gentle with you?”
“well,” he only chuckles. “death is gentle with me right now, are they not?”
ah, he got you again.
sunday, from a very young age, was taught that dreams were one of the many ways that the gods used to convey their intentions to mankind.
all his life, sunday had seen the ugliest side of humanity and yet he wished nothing but the best for them. he dreamed of creating a paradise where humanity no longer had to fight for survival; the strong wouldn't grow stronger nor will the weak grow weaker. everyone would be equal. 
sunday's existence was to be everyone's savior; their saving grace in this perpetually cruel world. he would willingly spend the rest of eternity in solitude if it meant that others could live in a paradise, free from all misery and suffering.
he's never seen anything wrong with wanting to escape; taking the easy way out. who would want to be in pain after all.
you would.
why does life slumber? he always asks — he wanted to ask you but never got that chance to. 
“we slumber because we don't want to wake up. we do not wish to see a painful and unfair tomorrow. we want to hold on to this beautiful dream where everything is alright. because we fear the future, we don't wish to wake up. the future is not kind, not to everyone. we will lose everything.”
“but we still have to.”
jolting awake, sunday pressed his hand over his chest where his heart was beating erratically, its sound ringing uncomfortably in his ears. no longer was he in the orphanage he'd grown accustomed to. now, he was all alone, in a damp, cold, and dark room.
“can the angel walk?”
twisting his head to the side, there you sat. the same black off shoulder top, muted purple skirt, and your companion perched on your shoulder as you close the book in your grasp.
you smiled at him. “so the angel can wake up, good to know.” your words ring in his ears. it feels nostalgic, a sudden sense of deja vu, but it left him with a feeling of doom as you walked to stretch a hand to him.
sunday took it with a moment of hesitation. he let himself be pulled up with your help and let you lead him somewhere else.
“where are we?” he asks.
“in reality.”
his eyes narrowed in a confused glare. 
“what happened to the orphanage?” he didn't like the quietness of everything. he couldn't read your emotions, frequency practically nonexistent. “gone. everyone left.”
the ground shook along with his heart. he couldn't properly process the way you took hold of his hand and began to run straight into the darkness.
he was scared. he was so uncontrollably scared with what you've done because why…. why was he still alive?
“pick up the pace angel.” you turn your head to him. a teasing smile on your lips trying to hide the panic and terror in your eyes. “don't tell me the angel forgot how to run?”
“what's going on…”
“nothing's going on.” there you were again, avoiding the question; leaving him guessing in the dark.
against his instincts — the nagging voice in his mind to follow you and run — he pried his hand away from yours and skid to a stop. 
“angel?!” you shout in confusion. your panic doubled as the ground shook more and more.
“you can't just keep me in the dark, death.” his hands balled up into fists at his sides. the look of foreboding did not suit you, he much preferred your easy going natured smile. “i’m not going anywhere until you tell me what's going on.”
what a stubborn child, your mind replayed. eyes fogging up with an unreadable emotion.
“alright,” you say calmly. “how about a game then?”
sunday looked confused but stayed patient with you. something you're not used to.
“let's play a round of tag. you're it. if you tag me, i’ll tell you everything.”
“this isn't a game, death.”
sunday had come to the forlorn conclusion that he didn't even know your name.
“all is fair in love and war.” your voice matched your somber eyes. 
what did you mean in love and war? what love? what war?
“come on now, angel, can't you just play one game with me?”
his adam's apple bobbed up and down as he swallowed his fears down along with his hesitation.
“okay.” he said. “let's play, but just one game.”
you smiled in thanks. “on my count, we run.”
and so the both of you did. you ran with such vigor, sunday felt that he'd lose here. lose the chance of finally knowing the truth.
“don't give up on me now, angel. we're almost there!”
your laughter echoed in the dim lit corridors of this nightmare that seemed to never end. but the way a crown of light bathed you, sunday felt his feet push further and further until they burned from the pain.
you kept smiling back at him. the childish smile he'd always see on the faces of the many children back in the when they also played tag. you would always be “it” and tagged one child to another, leaving you the victor by the end of it all.
but this time, sunday would rise victorious.
sunday skid to a stop as a body slammed on his own, nearly making him stumble down. a warm embrace enveloped him, the same embrace that woke him from his dreams of order back in penacony.
“it's mr. sunday!”
“are you alright?”
everything was too fast. one moment he was playing tag with death and now he's reunited with his sister and the astral express crew.
“robin…” he quietly murmured. arms snaking to hug his sister tightly as tears pricked the corner of his eyes. “i’m here, brother.”
sunday let a smile break out of his face as he let robin check up on him. laughing at the way she weakly punched him on the chest.
“it's a good thing you're unharmed, mr. sunday.” welt said, fixing his glasses. “it took us quite a while to find you, but i’m glad our efforts weren't in vain.”
sunday furrowed his brows. “what do you mean?”
“after your disappearance in penacony, me and the astral express crew had joined forces to track you down.” robin explained.
“i… see…” sunday pondered if the reason they weren't able to find him was because he was inside your dream.
“death?!” he shouted into the space but no one answered. he was sure that everyone was looking at him weirdly as he lightly pushed robin to the side to try and look for you.
“death?!” the pink haired girl exclaimed. “what's going on mr. sunday?!”
before sunday could respond, another tremor broke out.
something flashed in sunday’s mind for a quick moment. his mind replayed the first time he arrived at “death's waiting room”, how he was forced to do chores and help around, tell the children bedtime stories and tuck them in for bed. how the first night he witnessed death made his stomach swirl with uncontrollably fear and how “death” itself cried for the departed.
he remembered how elanaor barged into his temporary room and pushed you in. how he ate his dinner in silence as you smooth out the creases on his bed. how, against his own judgement, came to lay on the bed and hold your hand that he couldn't believe brought upon ruin to someone's dream.
“it's time to wake up, sunday.”
sunday felt a body hug him tightly before he was pushed out of the way. in a quick flash, a red cord wrapped around him and death before it snapped.
the loud clamor of a giant gate dropping made his ears ring. sunday felt his breath quicken as he ran to the metal gate and slammed his fist against it in a poor attempt to get it to open.
“death!” another slam of his fist. “death you said you'd explain!” and another. “don't leave me in the dark!”
sunday felt his breath becoming shorter and shorter.
and how his heart dropped when crimson started to slip through the cracks of the metal gate.
“you didn't tag me, so i still win.”
“no…” another slam of his fist, louder than ever. “no! death hang on, we can save you!”
“you can't.”
“you don't know that!”
the trailblazer came to pry him away from the gate but he persisted.
“i know death better than anyone else, angel.”
“you…!” sunday felt his legs give out on him. he could only gaze at the way your blood pooled at the floor. “what did you do…”
you chuckled. “i never thought i’d die for someone else, you know.” sunday's caught wind of the cawing noises on the other side of the gate.
“who would've guessed i would die for your sins.”
“the papers…” and you only hummed to confirm his suspicion.
there was one thing that sunday noticed whenever s child needed to depart: your companion will always bring you a piece of paper with their name written on it.
“my name…” he weakly muttered. “i was supposed to die…”
“you were.”
were. you didn't kill him.
the papers that started to pile in your office and the way your companion never once left your side; they way that never - not even once - have you taken off your gloves off whenever you fondly brushed his bangs away from his eyes or the way you let him hold your hands.
you didn't kill him.
the room shook again, this time stronger than the previous ones.
“we need to leave, now!” the navigator shouted.
sunday felt his body being supported as the trailblazer slung one his arms over his shoulder.
“fly. fly far, far, away from here sunday; you're free now.”
how ironic it was, that you, “death” itself, would die for a man who tried to go against the principles of the aeon he claimed to follow.
you brought the head of the oak family to your waiting room, waiting for the moment when his name would be delivered to you so could cut the cord of his life. but you never did.
“you're no longer guilty, your sins have been cleansed.”
you didn't want to let him go, as he did with you when he held your hand that night.
“i’m sorry i couldn't be gentle like you hoped for. but this was the only way.”
“i hope you finally understand that human suffering is inevitable. that even when we're in pain we still find a way to value our lives.”
“we are not gods, angel, we don't get a say in what happens to humankind. but i hope you'll come around to accept that it's what makes us all human. remember us — me — with fondness in mind.”
sunday will never come to know death, because death died for him and his sins.
“i hope you enjoyed your time with death, sunday.”
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© vxnuslogy 2024. please do not copy, repost, or translate any of my works.
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dyns33 · 9 months
The way to communicate
Being a while since I did a Din Djarin x female reader.
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It was rare for Din Djarin to get angry.
It's hard to say if it was because of his creed or if it was in his temperament, but he did his best to always keep his cool.
Becoming the father of a little green gremlin who had a hobby of getting into mischief probably forced him to be even more patient than he was before finding the kid, or meeting Y/N.
Even when the little one put himself in danger, Din didn't scream. Maybe he knew it wouldn't have any effect on Grogu, but he gently picked him up, using an equally gentle voice to scold him.
“I already told you not to do that.” he often sighed, patting the child's head. "You know you risk choking if you swallow a whole frog. Especially since you've already had two meals, you're not hungry."
“Gah !”
Y/N watched the scene with sparkling eyes and trying to hide her smile, because a great Mandalorian warrior, no matter how patient, probably wouldn't like to be thought of as adorable. He was supposed to be scary and awesome.
When he was with Grogu, Din Djarin wasn't scary at all. He didn't scream when the little one drew on the walls, or hid in a corner, or played with the buttons. Never.
Of course, it wasn't the same with enemies or bounties. He didn't like killing, he would avoid it if possible, but he had no problem accomplishing his mission without the slightest remorse. It was the Way.
Honor, strength, and protection of his clan were his priorities. As he was patient, Din was discreet. A man of few words, preferring actions.
Because of this, Y/N wasn’t sure where she stood in relation to his family. After she helped him find a former Empire general, while risking her life to protect his son, they had stayed together.
At first, Din had considered himself indebted to her. Then, he offered her a job, seeing that she took good care of Grogu when he was absent and that she had some knowledge of mechanics, very useful when the ship had some problems.
But could she consider herself a member of the clan ? Y/N wasn’t sure.
It would have been easy to ask the Mandalorian directly. He would then have clearly answered whether he saw her as a member, or as just a flying partner who took care of his child.
Asking the question directly meant taking the risk of having to face reality and accept the possibility that she wasn't as important to Din as he and Grogu were to her.
She therefore preferred to say nothing and take advantage of the time offered to her with them, experiencing many adventures, as well as wonderful moments.
Until the announcement.
"There are no new contracts at the moment and Grogu needs some rest, so we'll head back home to Nevarro."
"Oh. Okay. I'll probably go to Coruscant then. You can contact me if necessary." Y/N said without looking at him, continuing to play with the kid.
"… I'll drop you off."
The silence in the ship grew colder than calm as they headed toward Coruscant.
Rather than wait to get there, Din decreed that it was necessary to make several stops to buy supplies, check that they had enough energy, that the engine had no problems, and lots of small details that wasted their time unnecessarily.
"We could do all of this on Coruscant. It's not that far."
“I don’t want to take a risk.”
"But we checked everything before the last mission and…"
“I said we were stopping for water !” the Mandalorian then repeated with a loud voice and violently placing his hands on the dashboard.
This made Y/N jump, but also Grogu, who stared at his father with wide eyes, full of surprise and fear. Visibly ashamed of his reaction, Din sighed before muttering that he needed to cool off, leaving them alone in the cockpit.
Things didn't get better when they arrived in Mos Eisley. Not really wanting to stay idle, Y/N took advantage of the little one's nap to go for a walk in the market, while Din chatted with Peli.
She didn't want to go to Coruscant at all and all these stops might have been a blessing, but like with a bandage, she knew it would be better to leave right away rather than torture herself like this.
It was normal that the clan wanted to go home to rest. It was normal that she wasn't invited since she wasn't part of the clan.
What was less normal was Din's behavior, who seemed to avoid her as much as possible and be tense whenever they were in the same room. He had no reason to be angry with her, who continued to work normally despite her sadness.
The situation was also complicated for Grogu, who felt that something was wrong between the two adults. The poor kid ate less, sticking to Y/N every chance he got. It was almost impossible to get him off.
So Y/N wanted to take advantage of this little moment alone to get out of the ship and clear her head.
She didn't expect to be caught by bounty hunters who had spotted the Mandalorian's arrival. Despite Moff Gideon's death, there were still some people who wanted Din Djarin's head.
Since he was training Grogu to be a fighter, Din had also shown her some techniques, so she could defend herself if needed. Although he always added that it wouldn't be necessary, since he would be there to protect her.
Fighting a nice Mandalorian who held back his punches was one thing. Trying to do the same thing with three guys who didn't care about hurting her was something else.
Fortunately for Y/N, when she had just taken a blow to the nose which had made her fall to the ground and the leader of the gang approached to pick her up, Din arrived at that moment, quickly shooting the brigands without missing a target.
He then ran to pick Y/N up and take her back to the ship to tend to her injuries. Wanting to help when he saw her bleeding, the kid used his powers before his father had time to grab the first aid kit.
The panic subsided, a long silence returned, only broken by the little noises of Grogu asking to be carried by Y/N. But when she moved to lean towards him, the Mandalorian spoke.
"What possessed you to leave alone ? Without a word, without saying where you were going ? You were lucky that I noticed your absence and went looking for you."
"I didn't think I needed permission. And I didn't ask to be attacked."
"That's not what I said. But you could have gotten kidnapped ! You could have died ! Why didn't you tell me you were leaving ?! I thought… I thought that you left us. That you had gone to find another means of transportation to Coruscant."
“Why would I do that, since you’re taking me there ?”
“Don’t pretend to be stupid !” Din then shouted, pointing at her, almost scaring her.
The gesture probably scared Grogu more than her, who knew he was going to do nothing but scream like an idiot, but something happened that they would have thought impossible.
With his powers, the child pushed his father against the wall of the ship, as far away from Y/N as possible, then he jumped on her knees, clinging to her while moaning in fear.
The two adults remained frozen. Even though she couldn't see his face, Y/N could guess Din's shocked and hurt look, who understood that his son had thought he was capable of hurting the one he seemed to consider his mother. He saw fear in Grogu's eyes.
"No, I… I shouldn't have shouted." he whispered as he sat on the ground, lowering his head in shame. "Sorry."
"It's okay. I know you weren't going to do anything."
“Obviously he doesn’t know.”
“He doesn’t like shouting.” Y/N said, stroking Grogu’s head to comfort him. "He doesn't like arguments. We should go to Coruscant quickly, it would be better for everyone."
“You really want to leave us so quickly ?”
Din's voice almost broke at the end of his sentence. Y/n stared at him, but he didn't raise his head to look back at her, thus not seeing that she didn't understand his question.
"… You're the one who wants me to leave. So you can return to your home to Nevarro."
"… I meant our home. Grogu, you and me. I thought… I thought you understood, Cyare, but you rejected the invitation. I thought I misunderstood and that you didn't want to to be part of our clan."
“You mean… I’m part of the clan ?”
"Of course." the Mandalorian whispered, finally looking at her. "Mesh'la, we have traveled together for so long. We fight together. We raise Grogu together. I know our customs are different, and we haven't taken our vows yet, but…"
"Our vows ?!"
"… Yes. I've been courting you for a while. You accepted the gifts. You train with me. You let me kiss you. I didn't think it wasn't clear. Forgive me, cyare, I shouldn't have had any illusions."
Words were less important than actions to the Mandalorians, even if they had certain songs and rites. Y/N totally didn't understand that receiving a weapon and touching the helmet with your forehead had special meanings, and Din hadn't told her that.
In his corner, Grogu had only understood that his parents loved each other, because that was obvious, and they just needed to be together to be happy. The rest didn't matter.
All it would have taken was for Din to take them back to Nevarro without opening his mouth, and Y/N would have been surprised but delighted to be welcomed into their little home. Instead, he had tried to communicate, and it had been a disaster.
Now the son was afraid, trembling against Y/N who was processing the fact that Din had been thinking about marrying her for some time, until he realized that he had done everything wrong.
He had yelled at his clan, even if it was because he was afraid of losing Y/N. He hadn't known how to protect them properly. He was covered with shame.
"I don't want to go to Coruscant."
Since he didn't move, too busy determining if he had poked his head by being thrown by the Force, Y/N slowly got up, keeping Grogu close to her, to join him on the ground.
"I was disappointed that you didn't ask me to come. It wasn't clear to me that I was part of the clan, but it was my dearest wish. To stay with you and the little one. If you still want of me…"
“Cyare !” Din sighed, taking her hand. “Nothing would make me happier.”
“Bah ga ba !”
Grogu stirred then, patting his father's hand insistently so that he let go of Y/N's, his large eyes piercing the Mandalorian's berskar.
"... I have already apologized."
“Pato !”
"… I'm sorry for scaring you, and for yelling at Y/N. I won't do it again. I will never hurt any of you. And I'll make sure there are no misunderstandings before drawing conclusions."
“Aaaaaaaah.” was Grogu's response, who smiled again, holding out his arms to be picked up by Din, who complied without hesitation.
This made his parents laugh. They hadn't laughed in a long time.
The ship's coordinates were changed to go directly to Nevarro. No need to make any more unnecessary detours, since all the stops they had made so far were useless. Din was only trying to buy time, not knowing how to get Y/N to stay.
“So, you talked about vows ?” she said shyly as they landed, the kid sleeping on top of her.
"Later, Mesh'la. My request wasn't very romantic."
“Mandalorians worry about romance ?”
"No. But I imagine it will please you."
Y/N could have said she didn’t need all this. Knowing that he saw her as a member of his clan, as the mother of his son, was enough. But she didn't want another misunderstanding that might hurt Din, and she would be happy to be his wife, so she just nodded.
There was no more arguing, no more shouting. Not even when Grogu swallowed the ring that Din had the Armorer make. He simply sat down in a corner, grunting while tapping his helmet, while the little one hiccupped, regretting having eaten the little shiny circle.
“We can get it back in a few days.”
“We’ll clean it up.”
"Cyare, there's no way I'm giving you a gift that was eaten by the kid and which passed… Hmm !"
Luckily, the ring was spat out, but it took a while for Din to agree to take it back, and then officially offer it to Y/N. He insisted on going to Mandalore to purify it in the waters, while announcing to his peers that he would soon have a riduur.
He didn't bring Y/N and Grogu with him on this trip. The little one was too tired, and someone had to watch over him.
“Karga could have kept him.” Y/N remarked when Din had returned.
"He would have ended up losing his mind after Grogu destroyed everything in his office. I don't think the kid would have liked to be left alone either. Besides…"
"What ?"
"You are beautiful, Mesh'la. Some Mandalorians might have wanted to take you. I would have had to fight and kill them to prove that you are mine. I preferred to avoid that."
It sounded ridiculous, but he said it very seriously, his tone quickly becoming dry and somber.
Din Djarin did not often get angry, except when it concerned the protection of his clan, when someone tried to hurt them or take them from him. He hid his anger and jealousy beneath his armor, but it was there, ready to come out against those who had the audacity to confront him.
But never against Y/N and Grogu. Only for them.
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steddie-there · 2 years
Eddie notices it first at Dairy Queen.
It's the first time since leaving the hospital that he's been somewhere with the whole party that isn't Steve's house or the Hoppers-Byers cabin. The younger children crowd the counter, talking over each other as they count their money and decide what to get, while the older teens and adults hang at the back, looking at the menu. Then Erica steps over to Steve and says something Eddie can't quite make out. He nods, winds his way through the gremlins, and places his order. When his name is called, he picks up two cups of ice cream and hands one to Erica, who takes it with a smirk and a comment Eddie can't make out, although it has Steve laughing and shoving playfully at her shoulder.
Eddie turns then to look at the other kids but none of them even seem to notice that Steve has seemingly paid for Erica and not them. It's confusing because Eddie is sure Henderson, at least, would be kicking up a fuss about it. Not even Robin says anything.
But, then again, maybe Steve owes Erica money. Or he lost a bet. Eddie is aware how fierce the younger Sinclair is in collecting on her debts, having made the mistake once and once only of asking her to buy him a soda. So, if no one else is bothered, neither is he. He shrugs and enjoys his sundae.
But then it happens again the next week at Baskin Robbins.
And again two weeks later.
When the last ice cream truck left in Hawkins comes through Steve's neighborhood and the only one to get anything is Erica - at Steve's expense, of course - and the other kids don't even grumble beyond wishing they hadn't blown all their allowance at the arcade, Eddie decides he's had enough.
"Okay, what is it with this ice cream thing???" he bursts out as they all settle back down next to the pool.
The burble of conversation stops as everyone turns to look at him, then glance around at each other.
"What ice cream thing?" Mike finally asks, genuinely confused.
"What ice cream... the ice cream thing!" Eddie splutters. "The thing where Steve always buys Erica ice cream and none of the rest of you munchkins seem to care!"
There's a collective ohhhh of understanding, but Eddie is still completely in the dark. He gestures for someone to explain.
"It's because of Operation Child Endangerment," Dustin answers, casual, like it's a normal, non-question-inducing answer.
Eddie scrunches his brows together and lets out a confused bubble of sound at the same time that Steve buries his face in his hands and groans, "I thought we agreed not to call it that."
Erica laughs and wags her finger at him. "Uh, no. Just because you demanded we change it doesn't mean we agreed to."
"...little lost here. What's Operation Child Endangerment?" Eddie asks, glancing sideways at Steve. He can see, between his fingers, that the other boy's face has gone bright red.
Steve groans again and sinks forward to let his head hang by his knees.
And so Eddie finds out everything about the summer of '85 and Starcourt mall. He already knew the basics, but he's still fascinated. Horrified. Impressed.
He watches Steve through the whole retelling, jumbled as it is by the kids all interrupting each other to add something they thought was being forgotten, and feels his heart ache inside his chest for the beautiful boy across from him. Watches him hunch his shoulders when Erica explains the deal they made, the one that's got her free ice cream for life. Watches him puff up a little with pride when Dustin describes him knocking the Russian comms operator out cold. Watches him squeeze Robin's hand when she mentions the Russian torture and drugs. Watches him tug El into a hug when Jonathan talks about having to cut into her leg.
Eddie watches Steve - brave, loyal, loving Steve, who won't break a promise or a deal even after he most certainly could - laughing with their friends, taking their ribbing and teasing them in return, ruffling Dustin's hair and splashing Erica, almost starting a party-wide splash fight.
Eddie waits until everyone is distracted by Max chasing Lucas across the pool after his cannonball knocked her from her floaty, various advice being shouted to both, then moves to sit next to Steve on his pool chair.
"That was, uh, a lot," he says quietly.
Steve bites his lip, turns a little away from the chaos in and around the pool, although his eyes still track the chase, Max having almost cornered Lucas. "Yeah, yeah it was," he replies, just as quietly.
"Pretty impressive," Eddie tells him, knocking their shoulders together.
Steve shrugs. He snorts as Max finally catches Lucas and dunks him a couple times before they both dissolve into laughter.
Eddie bumps his shoulder again. "Seriously, dude, you gotta know how cool you are."
"I guess," Steve says, still not looking at Eddie, fidgeting with his hands instead.
Eddie thinks he knows what thoughts might be running around inside Steve's head, so he puts a hand over Steve's. The jittery motions still under his touch. "Hey, you got them out of there. You didn't know what you were walking into and you all got out alive. I call that pretty badass."
Steve finally turns to him. The look in his eyes makes Eddie want to pull Steve close, hold him until that look disappears. But he doesn't, just squeezes Steve's fingers.
The corner of Steve's mouth ticks up, just a little. "Thanks, Eddie." He looks like he might say more, but suddenly Dustin lets out a whoop and they both turn to the pool. Jonathan, Nancy, Robin, and Argyle have started a game of chicken, Nancy on Jonathan's shoulders and Robin on Argyle's.
They watch, laughing, as the girls wrestle until they both go tumbling into the water together and come up spluttering. Steve's head is thrown back, his shoulders are shaking with giggles and Eddie feels a grin stretch across his face.
He leans forward to rest his chin on Steve's shoulder, his hand still over Steve's, a teasing tone in his voice when he says, "So, hey, I was wondering. What would it take for me to get free ice cream for life from Steve Harrington?"
Steve turns his head and Eddie pulls back so they can look at each other. And that's all they do for a long moment, Eddie's breathing speeding up when Steve's gaze drops to his lips.
But all Steve does is turn his hand in Eddie's grip, so he can tangle their fingers together. He squeezes Eddie's hand, then stands, grinning, tugging Eddie up with him.
"C'mon," Steve says, pulling Eddie over to the pool before jumping in with a splash. Eddie ducks away from the water, grinning like a fool. When he catches Erica's knowing smirk, he just shrugs helplessly and follows Steve in.
Maybe he owes Erica some free ice cream, too.
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I need all of the adults to actually take action of Steve's living conditions from the moment they realize that he has the shittiest parents ever.
After the first round with the upside down Joyce cannot comprehend when Steve tells her not to call his home since there will be no one there. His mom will certainly not take care of him, she barely even calls for important dates. He is always alone, so he will just drive home with all his injuries and make do. Steve quickly understands why neither of the Byers ever goes against her will. She checks all his injuries and makes him a makeshift bedroom in their living room until he is better. She will not take no for an answer. Steve stays for almost a month there and practically has to get a doctor's note saying he is fine now before she lets him go.
Hopper sits him down eventually and makes him explain his living situation. Steve goes in as little details as possible about it, trying to brush it off but Jim is not happy and surely not believing it. He starts building a case at the station if Steve ever needs their help and you know, prepare in case they somehow get worse. Steve will have all the evidence needed to ruin them with proof of child neglect and other much much worse.
Claudia Henderson immediately starts asking for his help as home as an excuse to have him at their place and feed him. "Steve sweetie? Can you come over and help me get the door unstuck? Can you help with the faucet? Do you think we need to repaint?" And then Steve is at their place more and more and coming back home with too much homemade food. He eventually shared it with the Munsons as he cannot eat all of that by himself before it goes bad. She also insists on teaching him how to cook and they eventually fall into a routine.
Wayne Munson immediately brings him under his wing after being Eddie's personal nurse. He asks him to come over to watch games, he calls him son knowing perfectly well the impact it has on Steve if the tears in his eyes are anything to go by. He teaches him how to maintain his car that he loves so much so he doesnt get taken advantage of for being a Harrington. He gets him his own mug to add to the collection and drinks his coffee in silence pretty much every morning with Wayne while Eddie is still snoozing in his room.
Karen Wheeler starts making 3 sets of lunches. She sends him his lunch with Mike, which kills Mike's soul every day. "First Nancy, then my mom and now Eddie? What is it with you Steve?"
Steve by S4 has a whole routine for his week. - Sundays cooking with the Hendersons. They cook together and Steve and Claudia exchange new recipes and try new ones every week. - Mondays are spent at his own place and Hopper comes by after the end of his shift and they just watch TV and chat about their day with a beer in their hands. - Tuesdays is family dinner at the Byers. Steve always brings desert (that he learned from Claudia) even tho Joyce tells him that only his presence is needed. They usually catch up while doing the dishes. - Wednesdays he has a late shift at Family Video with Robin but he always takes time to chat with her parents before they get on their way. - Thursdays is DnD night, so he brings the little gremlins home. Not without a quick chat with their mothers tho. - Fridays and Saturdays are usually nights spent with Eddie, and by proxy with Wayne as well. They have dinner and if Wayne is still up for it they watch a movie. Most of the time he is asleep halfway, but they dont mind. Wayne brings a homey feeling to the place, his soft snores a background noise to their night.
So then the Harrington's come back after everything and they throw Steve out of the house for being a disappointment and achieving nothing in life. They will not just let him live rent free while he wastes away being nobody in this dead town. He is nothing but a shame to their name.
Imagine their absolute surprise when see 4 adults basically fighting in their frontyard over who will adopt Steve. Claudia is begging Steve to choose her and that way him and Dustin can finally be actual brothers. He would have his own room and they could decorate it together and they would always be just a few meters away. Then Joyce is saying that she basically adopted him since 83 and he IS family already. Putting on paper would just be the last step to it. Hopper is saying that he has been taking care of him since the first "disaster" unlike his own parents. He doesnt insist much since they all live together with Joyce now, so she can do the fighting for him.
And then Steve turns to Wayne, waiting for his arguments to be his official son now, but Wayne just casually shrugs and looks at the others. Steve lets go of a small "oh", his heart breaking a little even tho there are literal adults fighting for him right now, he foolishly expected the same from him. and when Wayne notices this, he is very quick to correct him. "Steve, don't get this wrong son. I am not fighting with them because it would be unfair. They are trying their best to make you one of them, but I have an advantage. You will be a Munson sooner or later, no matter who adopts you. My boy will make an honest man out of you, I raised him right after all" and he squeezes his shoulder. Steve just stares at him, face bright red while his eyes begin to water.
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vtoriacore · 2 years
Yo! It's me! I was wondering if I could request Ruggie, Idia, Riddle, and Malleus with a significant other who fights people for just breathing in their direction. Like Crowley opens his mouth and their already like "SHUT UP!" And throws chairs at people. I think the comedic potential for this is exponential
✧ alla stocatta (this chair)!
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note: this is such a funny fucking concept LMFAO😭 gremlin MC agenda has gotta be my fucking fave they have the power to be so unhinged and i live for it also not proofread because it's low-key 12 am BUT. it's readable so-
characters: ruggie, idia, riddle, malleus
people who reblogged here is a special heart and a kith y'all do the most and ily 💞
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ruggie finds it both amusing and kind of intimidating (and kinda hot but he'll die before he admits this yk) how you literally defend his honour (even when it doesn't necessarily need to be defended) but is he complaining? fuck no! 
half the time he is laughing and the other half is him cheering you on and maybe even encouraging you to do something just a little overboard (nothing that will get you into trouble, and if it does he's usually happy to take the blame) 
the first time he witnessed you literally throwing your broom at leona in joint flight class because he wouldn't stop bitching to ruggie was just about the most hilarious fucking thing he's ever seen and oh- there he goes falling off because he couldn't stop laughing (he stops when you catch him and ask if he's okay though - this mf may think he's slick but is literally reduced to a blubbering mess once he finds himself in a position considered a little too intimate with you) 
the second time he saw you trip someone up because they looked at him wrong, and your silly, sly self simply gave them the most unimpressed look you could muster with a "watch where you're going" 
the hyena was too stunned to speak 😮 no but seriously he found that both hilarious (as always) and admirable because holy shit, you did it so nonchalantly and it looked so fucking cool- he questions how he was even able to pull you (dw ruggie, you've got rizz!) 
he absolutely loves when you stand up for him for more serious stuff though, like if someone's insulting him for his status or for having to work etc. because your no-bullshit attitude actually works so well? you just casually throw a chair at the mf even daring to look at him and his heart goes ✨✨✨ all the while he's laughing and cheering you on from the sidelines. 
at first, idia is fucking terrified! bro is borderline crashing because how the fuck did you have the strength to haul that heavy ass cauldron at the person making a snide remark about him? he was going to say he's NEVER coming to class again but after this, he changes his mind so quick
like, you looked so badass doing that? the savannaclaw loser who tried insulting him barely got two words out and you just- oh wow! he just got the "in love" status applied to him again! 
nah but fr he is literally fucking grinning as he stares at the poor, poor fool laying on the ground and is so fucking smug about it too! 
"that was an ez no scope, didn't even have to be 360 lol'
"idia ily but what"
"it's a roundabout way of saying this bozo stood no chance, you pulled up on him too quick lmao"
at first, he is a bit concerned that you might end up in trouble with someone for doing all this but . . . yk, his money speaks for itself and if something does ever happen covering up wouldn't be too hard so he lets you do as you please
this hades-rapunzel secret love child thinks its low-key hot too, but he'll never admit it and he literally turns bright fucking pink anytime he even thinks this. you tried prying the answer out before, but he pulled out his secret trump card - fainting on you so he wouldn't have to say a thing
idia is another mf to absolutely egg you on as you cause some more chaos, it's getting to the point ortho had to warn you of nearly breaking someone's arm before you stopped. idia was just standing there, the most villainous, evil grin to have ever graced his face; "no, no! let them cook!"
riddle. fucking. FAINTS! 
he was NOT ready for that strawberry tart to end up lodged down someone's throat as you victoriously shrugged your shoulders with a "what? they had it coming."
"oh great heavens what have you- where is the decorum? what could have possibly compelled you to-" aaaaaaaand man's down!
when he awakes, he's frantically shaking your shoulders and asking why you would even think that nearly suffocating someone (not really, you pushed the tart far enough they could swallow) was appropriate 
but let me tell you, when he hears it was because they've insulted him and brought his mother into it, he low-key feels light headed and oh wow his cheeks are getting pretty warm huh? 
riddle, in his own spiteful way, actually doesn't probe you on this any longer and makes you promise that you won't do this in his vicinity again
you of course, nod along. you won't do it in his vicinity, but will be perfectly fine exacting your revenge straight after he's out of sight
when you actually end up having a . . . a chair duel. yes, he read that right. (he wasn't about to even question how that came about but nontheless) he ends up both impressed at you exploiting a loophole you've found within his statement and at the fact the person you've just beaten (both literally and figuratively) is miserably sitting on the floor apologising for giving riddle the wrong look at 12:34 AM on the 3rd of march. very specific 
riddle doesn't even chastise you for this one, he is exasperated but does actually pull you away from the scene and thanks you for defending him. this time, he makes you promise to resolve your fights for him verbally, but he won't be stopping you from this point on (it's because he doesn't want to and enjoys you standing up for him)
the student walking away from malleus makes him feel a bit bad. so naturally, to remedy this, you end up shouting at them! now they're backing away from you instead, isn't this the meaning of true love? (no)
this silly little very capable of looking after himself fae is fucking over the moon! absolutely smitten! completely in love! when you come to defend him and angrily shout at people for not treating him like a being worthy of respect and love.
he low-key debates proposing to you on the spot after you also somehow manage to get a student to apologize to him for fearing him for no good reason! he appreciates the sentiment and you caring for his well being, isn't that basically marriage already? no? he'd like to digress immediately
malleus does get a bit concerned when things get physical, not that he doesn't trust you to take care of yourself or anything but he worries that you might end up hurt. oh, did you think he'd care for the person you're fighting? or you getting in trouble? nah, he could literally BBQ anyone who even dared harm you anyway and if crowley even thought to step in, he'd soon be reconsidering because he doesn't want to end up an elaborate crow dish
however, on the occasion that you do outsmart your opponent (aka the savannaclaw student who just rolled his eyes at the dragon fae) he feels hella proud and is very amused at your antics. i mean, the way you just psychologically destroyed the fool in front of you for their comment on malleus not even being that good at magift is very sure to leave them questioning why they even bothered coming  out the womb for the rest of their life. 
he is another one that finds it low-key 😳😳😳 like damn, did you always look this badass when flipping someone off for even breathing wrong near him? sane thoughts just weren't made for malleus
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Din Djarin x F!Reader
Warnings: none really, fluff?
Word Count: 4,201
Summary: When you made plans for your future they never involved being hired by a Mandalorian to baby-sit his adorable, green gremlin of a child. However, after your life fell apart in the span of one disastrous night, you found it to be the only feasible option you had left. Nevarro was a far cry from Coruscant, but the thriving community turned out to be exactly what you needed. Every day you spend in Nevarro you fall more and more in love with your new life, but when your past rears its ugly head you find that perhaps peace wasn’t meant for everyone.
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[a/n: i'm so sorry this is late and i'm so sorry it's short. this will technically be considered this week's update, but i didn't want to wait until it truly became 06/01 because i know y'all have been waiting for this so you get it a few hours early😭]
"dating isn't about dating anymore. you are picking your potential apocalypse partner. choose wisely folks." -unknown
“A date?” You asked in surprise.
Din nodded once, his tone nonchalant, “Yes.” Honestly, you weren’t sure why you were surprised. The two of you were courting. That’s what a courting couple did, right? Assuming that a courting couple was the exact equivalent of dating. If Din saw your mild confusion, he made no comment on it. He was leaning against the kitchen counter as you packed Grogu a lunch for his day. “Well, the more accurate translation from Mando’a is ‘courting session’, but date sounds better.”
You chuckled. “It does.” You zipped up Grogu’s lunch bag and bit your lower lip in a nervous excitement before shrugging once. “What happens during a Mandalorian ‘courting session’? An impromptu bounty hunting mission? Live combat?” The words were said with a teasing tone, but Din not reply and your eyes widened. “Din, do Mandalorians hunt quarries for their date nights?”
“No.” He answered quickly. “And I would never take you on a hunt. Maker, I’d be sick with worry.” He mumbled the last bit with a shake of his head. Finally, he shrugged. “The combat part isn’t so far off though.” You raised an eyebrow in question. “My people weren’t able to sit around a table to share food or bond over a meal. We shared stories and time through training so… courting and training tended to go hand in hand.”
It made a weird amount of sense to you. How much of your life was spent sitting at a table with family and friends sharing lives or talking over breakfast, lunch, or dinner? So much of a person’s culture and history was orally passed down through mealtimes and before this moment you never gave it a second thought. It never occurred to you how a family that couldn’t reveal their faces would bond and share their lives with one another. Mandalorians choosing combat as their bonding activity of choice was more than fitting.
“Alright.” You nodded. Din seemed to release a breath of relief and you found it endearing and adorable that he was nervous about asking you this. As if you wouldn’t immediately jump at the chance to spend more time with him. “But, if I go on a Mandalorian date you have to go on a not Mandalorian date.”
“A not Mandalorian date?” Din chuckled. “What happens during one of those?”
“It’s a surprise.” You replied simply. It was a ploy to buy yourself some more time to think of something great. It had been ages since you last went on a date, and you had never been on a date with a Mandalorian let alone a Mandalorian you loved. This needed to be perfect. “What kind of combat should I expect?”
“It’s a surprise.” Din echoed your sentiment. You chuckled and when he reached out to lightly grasp your wrist and pull you around the kitchen island, you let him. His hands settled on your hips as he tugged you into his chest⏤ you let your own hands wrap around the back of his neck in response. The motions were so fluid and natural to you. Second nature. Din lightly tapped his helmet against your forehead. “You gonna close your eyes or not, ner kar’ta?”
“Depends.” You teased.
“Yeah? On what?”
“You gonna fix the bathroom door or not?” You replied. Din chuckled sheepishly. The bathroom's doorway had been covered with a simple sheet since being broken down last week. It was simply a running joke on how long it’d take to get it replaced. You didn’t really care all that much. Especially since you knew Din had been crazy busy with getting the Mandalorians settled in Nevarro⏤ and simply restoring Nevarro as well. 
Din shook his head. “I’m working on it.”
“Don’t worry. I was just gonna have Paz over to fix it for us⏤”
Din turned your back to the island counter and he pushed you so he could pin your hips against the cabinets there. He leaned in, his voice low enough to be a growl, “Close your eyes.” Unable to resist, you let your eyes fall closed while a smirk continued to play on your lips. Only seconds after they had shut did you feel Din move abruptly and suddenly his lips were pressed against yours in a crushing kiss. With one hand cupping the side of your face, Din molded his lips against yours forcing them to part so he could let his tongue explore your mouth. Maker, he was getting too good at this. The frantic and desperate kiss had a possessive edge to it that you found yourself craving. Din nipped at your lower lip suddenly and you sucked in a sharp breath in response. A low chuckle rumbled in his chest as he let his lips trail along your jaw down to your neck where he began to leave open mouth kisses.
“Din…” You gasped, breathless, as his teeth grazed your skin. The feel of his hot tongue gliding over where his teeth had grazed you made your body tremble. You buried a hand into Din’s soft hair. The only image you had of his pretty, brown hair was that one morning so long ago where you had seen him from behind. Just a flash. A vague memory of slightly curled locks. You raked your fingers through his hair, scratching his scalp lightly, and Din groaned against your neck. You wanted to see his hair so badly, but for now you’d settle for feeling it between your fingers.
“We… We gotta go to work.” You mumbled.
Din pulled your scrubs collar to the side so he could pepper kisses along your collarbone. “We’ll call in sick.”
“The marshal and doctor of Nevarro?” You chuckled. “Playing hooky?”
“They’ll survive one day without us.” Din replied.
“Grogu is right down the hall. Do you really want him to walk in and see this?”
Din pressed his lips softly to the space right underneath your ear and you let out a shuddered breath, “We’re his parents.” You could feel his breath against your skin. “We’re supposed to scar him for life, I think.”
You tugged on his hair lightly to pull his lips up to yours so you could capture him in a chaste kiss. There was something about the way Din would so casually refer to you as Grogu’s official caretaker that sent chills up your spine. It felt permanent. It gave you a look into a more concrete future. One where Din and Grogu were both yours and yours alone.
Din let out a soft sigh before pulling back. You waited to open your eyes until you felt the cool metal of his helmet pressing against your forehead. You drummed your fingers against the armor covering his chest. “So, when’s this Mandalorian courting session of ours?”
“How about this weekend?” Din asked. “We should both have some time off then.”
“Perfect.” You agreed, and it was. With Din by your side, you felt safe. The world wasn’t perfect, far from it, and scars still littered your soul. However, Din made it bearable. You didn’t have to be scared or worried. Not with him. Never with him. “Lemme go check on Grogu. He’s been a little too quiet for a little too long.”
“True.” Din squeezed your hips once before allowing you to slip away.
You glanced at him over your shoulder with a smile⏤ you’d never get tired of staring at his tall and broad form. Even covered head to toe in layers of clothes and metal, Din was gorgeous. You slipped down the hall and called out for the little boy to hear no reply. 
“Grogu?” You poked your head into Din’s bedroom to see a green ear sticking out from his hammock. You frowned in confusion. Why had he crawled back into bed? “Grogu, baby, you’re gonna be late.”
“No.” He blurted.
Your eyes widened, “Grogu⏤”
“No. Don’t wanna go.” Grogu mumbled.
Worried, you reached into the hammock and pulled Grogu out of his blankets and into your chest. He curled up there without hesitation and with a furrowed brow you rubbed his back. “Baby boy, what’s going on?”
“No.” He just repeated the word. 
School was not back in session. Wynn’s funeral was two days ago and though there were people to rise up and pick up her role in this community they had big shoes to fill and no one was quite ready to attempt that yet. However, one of the Mandalorians offered to host a daycare-esque group in order to watch the children of parents who needed to work. You were fairly certain this babysitting would involve training of sorts. This seemed more likely after hearing Din explain what a courting session was.
“Don’t you wanna go see your friends?” You asked.
“El not there.” Grogu pouted.
“Right.” You nodded. Elodie was still off world with her parents. She was doing very well, but it might be a while longer before they returned. “But Poe will be there, and all your other friends.”
“Miss not there.”
Your heart broke at his quivering words. Grogu had not handled the funeral well at all. You knew he was taking the loss of his teacher hard. You hugged him tighter to your chest and let out a soft sigh. A knock made you glance over your shoulder to see that Din had followed after you since you hadn’t returned with the green boy in tow. 
“Is everything okay?” Din came closer. He reached out and set his hand on top of Grogu’s head. “Ad’ika?”
“No!” Grogu chirped again and kept his face buried against you. 
You felt Din’s gaze lift to yours. He tilted his head and you replied quietly, “He misses Wynn.” Din’s shoulders slumped. Quickly, you squeezed Grogu in your arms. “How about you come to work with me today, baby?”
“Lek!” Grogu’s head shot up. “Lek! Lek, Ma.”
You felt relief flood your heart at seeing Grogu’s mood shift back to his typical eager self. Din’s hand settled on your lower back and he leaned in. “Are you sure that’s okay? I can take him, ner kar’ta.”
“You’re gonna be moving all around the city today.” You shook your head. “It’ll be easier for me to watch him.” You shot him a smile. “Plus, you got to spend weeks with him alone and exploring the universe. It’s my turn to hog his attention.”
Din chuckled. “Alright. That’s fair.”
You tickled Grogu’s side and he laughed at the distraction. Taking the boy into work with you today, though most likely a distraction, would be fun. With the decision settled, the three of you made your way out of the house and into the city’s center. This was always one of your favorite activities. Walking with your boys was the perfect start to your day. 
“Be good for Ma today, ad’ika.” Din bowed his head against Grogu’s as you came to a stop outside the clinic. Grogu gave his father’s helmet a few pats. Din lifted his gaze back to your, and you heard amusement fill his voice as he lifted his hand to caress the side of your neck. “You be good today too, ner kar’ta.”
“Hm.” You replied with a smirk. “No promises.”
Din chuckled with a shake of his head and he lingered in his spot while you and Grogu headed into the clinic. You glanced over your shoulder to give him a small wave before slipping out of his line of sight. You bounced Grogu in your arms, “Alright, baby, let’s find you some stuff to do while Ma works, huh?”
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“You don’t have to plan to go yet. We always have a place for you.” Din said warmly to Vanth who was sitting on his desk. The man had healed up well, but there were still lingering scars and bruises from the fight. Din would always be in this man’s debt for the lengths he went to in order to protect Nevarro while Din was gone.
“Don’t say that.” Mayfeld cried out. “How the hell are we gonna get rid of him if you keep offering a spot??”
Vanth chuckled. “Oh, come on, Miggsy. I thought you liked me as a roommate. Why else did you offer me your spare room?” 
“I didn’t! You invited yourself!”
Din listened to the men argue with a chuckle. The building Vanth had been staying in was one of the housing areas destroyed in the attack. As much as they seemed to be at one another’s neck, Din had a feeling that they’d miss one another deep down. Deep, deep down. Their relationship reminded him of the one he shared with Paz. Din would go to war to protect his brother in arms and support him, but he also wanted to wring the man’s neck most days.
Speak of the devil…
Din glanced over his shoulder to see Paz step into the marshal office and he made the room look so much smaller just from his size and presence. It felt odd to hear his name said in public like that. With the migration of Mandalorians to Nevarro, Din realized he might need to make alterations. Most of the city still called him Marshal because he didn’t offer them his name, but Din did choose to share it with his inner circle. Vanth, Mayfeld, Karga, Peli, Nima. Just the people he trusted without a doubt.
“You needed to speak to me?” Paz spoke up. “Can you make this quick? I wanted to swing by the clinic to greet wero’ika⏤”
“I gave her my token of intention.” Din snapped. “She accepted, we’re courting. Back off.”
Paz let out a full belly laugh and it took a bulk of Din’s self control to not shoot him. Vanth and Mayfeld had put aside their bickering to focus on the conversation at hand. Din grumbled in annoyance. The one thing that got both men to end an argument was always at his sake it seemed.
“Whoa, wait, you’re talking about Soran?” Mayfeld cried out. “I assume that’s the only person in the clinic you’d be courting.”
Vanth chuckled. “Courting. That’s adorable, brother. Is it a Mandalorian thing?”
“Also, why would you even need to court her?” Mayfeld suddenly added. “The two of you are practically married already. You live together and share a son. You got ‘couple celebrating their tenth anniversary’ vibes.”
Din shook his head in exasperation, but he didn’t bother voicing the fact that he quite liked that everyone in the city seemed to forget you had started as his son’s nanny. As far as they were concerned, you were Grogu’s mother and that made Din’s heart ache with pride.
“In order to properly wed someone to Mandalorian customs, courting must come first. It's taken him long enough.” Paz answered. Both men had already been introduced to Din’s brother days ago when rebuilding and clean up of the city had started. “We have a word for him in Mando’a. Utreekov.”
Din rolled his eyes and Mayfeld let out a laugh. Din’s head snapped to the deputy, “Why’re you laughing? You don’t even know the word.”
“No, but I’m decent at context clues and can make a pretty good bet.” Mayfeld snickered.
“When is your first courting session?” Paz demanded.
Mayfeld narrowed his eyes. “Wait, does that mean ‘date’?”
Vanth crossed his arms and shot his friend a wide, mocking grin. “Hot damn, Miggsy! You are good with those context clues, ain’t ya?”
“You’re literally the worst.” Mayfeld grumbled.
Din crossed his arms. “This weekend.”
“And have you chosen your combat activity yet?” 
Vanth and Mayfeld both paused their bickering once more to snap their attention to Paz. Vanth spoke up first. “I’m sorry, did you say ‘combat activity’? Because if so, I have many questions.”
“Not yet.” Din answered Paz’s question, choosing to ignore Vanth’s. “Why?”
“Am I not allowed to ask?”
Din narrowed his eyes at Paz dubiously. He wouldn’t describe his brother as necessarily ‘nosy’, and he didn’t think Paz would deliberately undermine him. However, he remained skeptical nonetheless. Mayfeld cleared his throat and waved his hand once. “Can we circle back around to 'combat on a date'?”
“It’s just a custom we have.” Din replied in an offhand manner.
Vanth shrugged. “Why get a drink together when you can try to stab one another with a knife?”
“Hm,” Din hummed, “Training with her new dagger actually isn’t a terrible idea.”
“We have different definitions of the word ‘terrible’.” Mayfeld snorted.
“Actually,” Vanth countered, “I think you should use context clues to realize that our buddy Din here⏤”
“Maker, can you leave already!?”
Din nodded his head for Paz to follow him and both Mandalorians walked back to Din’s office leaving Mayfeld and Vanth in the main room. In the privacy of his office, Din turned to face Paz who spoke before he could.
“Did you call me here to ask for advice, vod?” Paz chuckled.
“No, I⏤ Wait, advice for what?”
“For courting gar kar’ta?”
Din bristled in annoyance at Paz picking fun at his nickname for you. He crossed his arms, “Why would I need your advice?” He scoffed. “You’ve known her for a little over a week.”
“I know how little experience you have courting at all. Thought I would help as able. You know,” Paz had a tone in his voice that told Din the man was grinning as he slipped into Mando’a, “So you don’t fuck it up, Djarin.”
Din scoffed. Honestly, he knew if he had a question on the topic of courting he could come to Paz for an answer. He would be mocked relentlessly, but after the ribbing Paz would eventually get to the advice. The issue was Din didn’t even know what to ask. Paz was right. Din had very, very little experience in courting. It was never a priority for him until meeting you. His biggest fear regarding the courting was that his lack of experience would somehow mess this up, but Din had to remind himself how easy things were with you. It was natural.
“So?” Paz pressed.
“Well,” Din began, “I was⏤ Wait, no, stop. That’s not what I called you here for.”
“You sure? It seems you need all the help you can get.”
“B'epa slaat bal ramaana.”
Paz’s howling laughter made Din regret calling him into the office in the first place.
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“I told you to keep that bandage dry and you didn’t.” You snapped at one of the local construction workers sitting on your cot. Today wasn't too busy which was nice. Grogu was bouncing happily in the sling you wore which tied him to your front. You covered his large ears, making him glance up at you, then spoke. “That’s why the damn thing is infected, you idiot.” 
The worker gave you a sheepish smile. He was a repeat offender which gave him the honor of getting to hear your full thought process rather than the more politically correct version. You uncovered Grogu’s ears and he just laughed at your antics as if it were a game you were playing with him. Aayla drifted over and you gave the woman a broad grin.
“What would you do?” You asked, quizzing her.
Her eyes brightened, excited to be challenged, “Clean the wound today. Replace the bandages. Then start him on an anti-bacterial.”
“Ointment or oral medication?” You pressed.
Aayla paused in thought then sighed, “I… I’m not sure.”
“That’s alright. You’re learning, and you’re doing great.” You reassured her. “We’re gonna start him on an oral medicine to take because he’s an idiot,” Your eyes dragged to his as you emphasized your words, “that needs to keep his wound dry and clean before the infection turns systemic.”
Aayla giggled and the man laughed as well in good nature. You shook your head and began to walk away to leave Aayla to clean up his wound. Grogu bounced in the sling and began to chant, “Idiot, idiot, idiot.”
“No, no, baby.” You looked down and tugged him lightly on the ear. “That’s an adult word, you don’t use that.”
He repeated the word twice more, making you wince, but you supposed it wasn’t the worst thing for the child to repeat. As often as Din barked out the curse ‘dank farrik’ around the house it was a miracle Grogu hadn’t added that phrase to his vocabulary.
“Hey!” You glanced over to see Nima sweep into the room with a wave. She hurried over to greet you and Grogu. “Hey there, you green little bug.”
Nima’s eyes widened, “Whoa, hey.”
“Sorry, he’s been blurting it out because I told him not to say it.”
“Oh, okay. I was about to be super sad.” Nima chuckled. She reached out and tickled Grogu who squealed in response. “How come you got the baby with you?” You shook your head to let her know you’d tell her later. Not wanting to bring up the topic of Wynn in front of Grogu again. Nima picked up and moved on. “Busy morning?”
You shook your head. “Not so much. It’s been alright. You?”
“These days we’re so busy with repairs I don’t think I’ve touched an engine block in days.” Nima groaned. “I’m happy to be helpful, but Maker, do I miss tinkering.”
“Well, I might have news that’ll cheer you up.” You grinned. “Din and I are going on our first date this weekend.”
Nima scoffed. “Date? Why don’t you guys just get married already?”
“Fine.” Her lips turned into a bright smile. “So date, huh? What’s on the agenda?”
“Hand to hand combat. Maybe.” You shrugged and Nima tilted her head in alarm. You explained to her the Mandalorian custom then focused on your half. “I get to plan a regular date though.”
Nima clapped her hands in excitement and Grogu copied her motions while peering up at you. “Do you have an idea yet??”
You nodded and bit your lower lip before voicing your thoughts. “I was thinking of making us a picnic to lay out in our living room. Pin up string lights, make a nice meal with wine and dessert.” Nima blinked at you without a reaction. “What?”
“That’s kind of… boring, isn’t it?” Nima scrunched her nose. “I just mean, I thought you guys would do something exciting! The lava plains does tours that’ll take you right up to the volcano’s edge. There are hot springs at the outside of the city where the two of you could share a bath.” She shimmied her shoulder. “You know, something like that.”
You twisted your lips, “You think he won’t like my idea?”
“You know your husband better than I do.” Nima held her hands out in surrender, Grogu mimicking her once more. You rolled your eyes at the ‘husband’ comment. “I was just offering my two cents.”
You hummed in thought and stood in place as Nima pulled a bag of candy out of her shoulder pack and began to feed them to Grogu who gobbled them up happily. Technically, the date you had in mind really wasn’t the most exciting of things the two of you could do. That being said, it felt right. Going on a lava plains tour, Din would be stressing the entire time about you accidentally falling into the mouth of a volcano to fully relax. Going to the hot springs, Din couldn’t actually enjoy it with you unless he decided to strip out of his armor and you knew he didn’t like being bare out in even a semi-public area. You also couldn’t go out to eat or for drinks in the city since he couldn’t remove his helmet. 
More so, staying at home allowed you the opportunity to get his mouth on you which was always a plus. All those thoughts should put a stone of anxiety in your belly, but instead all you felt was excitement. The comfort and safety Din brought with his presence left no room for doubt or strain. He was home.
"Oh, also, I was gonna ask," Nima pointed at your neck, "What's up with the giant hickey?"
"Huh?" You blurted. Nima rustle through her pack again and pulled out a compact mirror. She held it up to you and your eyes widened at the sight of the two darker patches of skin where Din had left bruises with his kisses this morning. One on your neck and the other by your collarbone. Your face warmed up and an amused smile pulled up the corners of your lips. "That son of a bitch."
Grogu squealed, "Son of a bitch!"
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mando'a translations:
ner kar'ta: my heart ad'ika: little one vod: brother utreekov: idiot gar kar'ta: your heart b'epa slaat bal ramaana: eat dirt and die
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Pretty As A Picture - Chapter 10
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader x Bucky Barnes
Theme: Soulmates - Feeling the connection as soon as you see each other.
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Summary: When Bucky fell from the train, their soulmate was told he was gone. When Steve Rogers disappeared into the ice, their soulmate was again told one of her soulmates were gone. But she didn't believe it. Couldn't believe it. Committed to a mental health institute, she dies of a broken heart. That's at least what the hidden S.H.I.E.LD files say, but if that's the case than why is there a photo of her. A photo that shows her side by side two redhaired Avengers.
Warnings will be per chapter.
For this fic reader will be British, but let your imagination replace if needed.
Chapter Summary: The reader wakes up.
Chapter Warning: Mentions of hospital care.
“So, I’m gonna make it really clear, you’re going to have your work cut out with her. She’s stubborn, a know it all, unfortunately because she does know it all, photographic memory and all that, the situations she sometimes gets herself in aren’t always great but she always and I mean always has a way out. She doesn’t eat right. Her sleep pattern is worse than a teething toddler and believe me I know” He said looking down at Nathanial in his arms, “but she is fiercely loyal, if you call her for anything, she could be having tea with a royal and she’d drop everything to save your ass or in Laura’s case so you can have a shower without a screaming child and take a nap in peace. She’ll hold you through your nightmares, be your biggest supporter and snap a guys neck if they’ve hurt you. She feels all her emotions at ten times the level we do. Sometimes that’s great, sometimes it’s really not. Now, I’m gonna ask you, don’t pursue this unless you’re sure. Please.”
“She’s our soulmate Clint, there’s no way we aren’t pursuing this.” Replied Steve.
“I know she’s your soulmate but….”
“But what?” Asked Bucky.
“She sometimes, well it’s not my place to say.”
Steve and Bucky both huffed in response. They’d been sick of those words over the last few days. When you’d gripped the bed rail and bent it right in front of them it was clear you were different in some way. Match that with carrying Pietro like you did, Steve and Bucky were sure you were like them. A super soldier.
When Helen Cho entered the room after you’d been sedated, and spoke quietly to Bruce as they set up the cradle, they didn’t miss Bruce’s whispered “accelerated healing” or the mention of having to possibly rebreak some of your bones as they’d have already have set wrong. When they asked Bruce the response was “it’s not my place to say”. The same words were uttered when Steve asked Natasha why her and Clint were her emergency contacts and next of kin.
“You know I’m sick of hearing those words.” Steve told Clint.
“You know what fine, fuck it, yes I know language in front of the baby. He’s heard worse. Natasha and Y/N are his godmothers, he probably knows the f bomb in six different languages already. Look she struggles with the whole soul mate thing.”
Bucky’s head snapped up.
“How so?” Asked Steve.
Before Clint had chance to answer you groaned from the bed, causing the three men to jump to their feet, Nathanial jostling in Clint’s arms.
“Lightsssss, bright light, bright light.” You groaned, squeezing your eyes tightly.
“Shit, I forgot, F.R.I.D.A.Y dim the lights.” Clint instructed. “Good morning you little gremlin.”
“Gremlin?” Steve asked. “Sweetheart can you hear us?”
“It’s from a movie.” Bucky answered “Don’t put it on your damn list, it’s awful. Babydoll?”
“It is not. It’s a cult piece.” Clint replied.
“Whatever. Doll, can you hear us?”
You groaned again and muttered Clint’s name. He pushed past Steve and handed him a wiggling Nathanial, squeezing your hand and stroking your face affectionately. Bucky wasn’t sure how he felt about that.
“Hey kid, I’m here, open your eyes, you’ve had us all worried. Laura’s even started knitting again, you know how she hates it, only does it to keep herself busy, and don’t get me started on Natasha. I thought we’d have to sedate her at one point.”
“Natty.” You replied as your eyes started to flicker open.
“She’s upstairs, probably already on her way down.”
Bucky huffed. He didn’t want everyone in here. He wanted to speak to you, hold you, take care of you, figure out how the hell you were here. You started to look around, still squinting, jumping when you saw you were in the Med Bay.
“Easy kid. You’re in the compound Med Bay. You've been out for three days.”
You started to fidget in the bed.
“Y/N, listen.” and he gently cupped your jaw, moving your face to look at him. “You’re gonna be OK kid, you scared the shit out of us all, but you’ll be OK. You’re in the compound. Only Banner and Cho have looked at you. OK?”
You nodded in reply, your eyes full of tears. Clint kissed your forehead.
“Pietro? Did he? Is he?”
“He’s alive. See?” Clint stood upright and pointed to the next room in the bay. You followed his pointing to see you were separated by a glass wall but sure enough there was Pietro. Wanda and Vision at his bedside. He waved weakly at you and you attempted to wave back.
“Careful sweetheart.” You glanced up at the voice, meeting Steve’s eyes. “Hi honey.”
Spotting baby Nathanial in his arms, you reached out and made a gesture for Steve to pass him to you.
“Y/N,” Clint said as he perched on the bed “really?”
“Baby, gimme please.” You looked up at Steve with puppy eyes, who realised he immediately had no defence against your sad face and he turned to Clint, not knowing what to do. You pushed out your bottom lip for added effect and looked back at Clint.
“Fine, but you’re gonna need to sit up a little. Clint replied, before gathering up some pillows.
You tried to push yourself up as much as possible and Bucky silently tried to help. Why were you ignoring them? Clint moved around to the side of the bed Bucky was at and placed a pillow under your arm, saying something about it being the best side as your drip was gone, before whispering to you.
“Maybe stop being a brat and acknowledge your soulmates.”
You shifted uneasily and glanced at Clint as he gave you a knowing look, before he gestured at Steve to come around with Nathanial.
“Hello.” You said quietly, not making eye contact.
“Babydoll” “Sweetheart.”
Bucky placed a kiss on your head as you side eyed him.
“Is this a good idea?” Steve asked as Nathanial wiggled in his arms some more. “You said yourself how unsettled he is.”
“Just watch.” Clint laid Nathanial in the crook of your arm, making sure the pillow took most the weight. Nathanial snuggled into you, taking out his pacifier to give you a drool filled grin.
“Hi baby.” You said softly. Nathanial snuggled down more and closed his eyes, gripping on to the blanket Clint had placed over him.
The three watched you fondly as Nathanial drifted off to sleep, as you stroked his face affectionately. Bucky and Steve both felt a lump form in their throat as they watched. Thoughts of what could have been and what could be filling their heads. White picket fences seemed so far away now but there was something about you, their soulmate, with a baby in her arms.
Clint slipped back discreetly from between the two and moved to the other side of the bed. Spotting Natasha and Bruce hurrying down the corridor he gestured for them to slow down and wait, nodding back at Steve and Bucky. Steve slipped his arm around Bucky’s shoulder and Bucky mirrored his actions in return.
“We got her back bud.”
Bucky went to speak but let out a sob instead, as tears began to run down his face. Steve pulled him into a hug. You side eyed them not really knowing what to do. Clint noticed your uncomfortableness and squeezed your hand affectionately as tears formed in your eyes. You leaned back into the pillows, shaking your head.
“It doesn’t make any sense.” You almost whispered. “I can’t be their soulmate.”
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maple-the-awesome · 1 year
When Another Finds Out About His Crush Part 2/3
Part 1 || Part 3
Pairings: Sky, Time, Twilight x GN Reader
Overview: What happens when someone else in the Chain finds out about his feelings towards you?
Zelda Masterlist 💙 Fandom Masterlist
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Sky is arguably one of the most passive Links in the chain. Laid back, often tired, and a ‘dripping optimistic’ (as Legend once complained), it would be easy to forget that he's the one who had gone face-to-face with a demon god before. His ability to be cheerful and kind is not something he takes lightly, though, so with that in mind, he's reeeally trying to bite back his irritation right now and keep smiling.
Sky was in such a good mood earlier today - better than usual - because yesterday afternoon, the group had found themselves in his Hyrule - Skyloft, to be exact. That means that he's not only been temporarily reunited with his friends and the world he knows best, but that he also gets to show it all off to his new companions as well. Stretching the meaning even further, this translates to him finally getting to show you around his home!
He was overjoyed when you agreed to a personal tour of Skyloft. You'd get to see where he's grown up, meet his people, and (hopefully) fall just as in love with this little island as he is until you (maybe) decide you might actually like to move here yourself. That's why he promised to show you everything and to have a wonderful afternoon together. Just him, you...and Wind.
Oh, Wind...Why couldn't he be more like the others, so worn and drained of energy that the very last thing they wanted was to be dragged around an entire island all day with an unusually (and scarily) vibrant Sky who woke up before noon for once? Why couldn't Wind have just taken the hint when Sky tried to divert his attention, doing his best to turn down the young pirate's requests to tag along without downright saying 'no' because at that point, it would've gained suspicion from everyone else, tempting them to ask why you, out of all of them, get a private tour of Skyloft?
Don't get him wrong: Sky is by no means ashamed of his feelings. They're only natural especially when faced with such beauty. He just wants his confession to be on his own terms, not due to some likely inappropriate jokes that would come from some of the other boys' teasing (particularly from the likes of Legend or Warrior). In his mind, he's decided that you deserve something romantic and sweet - a tender moment shared between only the two of you so that you may understand his affections without any pressure to agree to them. It just...takes a bit of courage to finally plan that moment out is all, but he'll be sure to tell you some day...Someday when Wind isn't around to play the role of an awkward third wheel…
Wind clearly means well. He’s still young - a child even, some would say despite his objections. It isn't necessarily his fault that he's running around asking question after question about Skyloft or that he likes to call your attention to anything he's found that can be deemed 'cool'. It isn't your fault either that you answer to his beckoning, simply being the caring person that you are. Now, Sky would also argue that it isn't his fault for being so jealous right now, but if he truly believed that, there probably wouldn't be even a hint of shame in his heart like there currently is.
He's reeeally doing his best to keep positive. You look so adorable playing with a litter of remlit kittens. His only critique is that he wishes to be the one sitting next to you in the place of that pirate. Instead, he sits a few feet away, his chin against his palm as he huffs bitterly for what feels like the hundredth time, the childish side of him hoping you'll hear and inquire about what's on his mind, yet once again, you don't. You're too busy squealing over the fluffy little creatures who curl up on top of your lap for a nice nap. For Hylia's Sake! Even those little gremlins are luckier than him!
As a more rational person would point out, there's nothing actually preventing Sky from sitting next to you, after all, Wind is to your right and there's plenty of room to your left if he just moves the remlit mother laying there. A few scratches would be worth your company surely, but no, Sky would rather mope here alone, waiting rather (extremely) impatiently for the moment you stand to dust yourself off.
"Alright! I think the longer I sit here, the less strength I'll have to leave and I'm really looking forward to seeing the rest of Skyloft while we're here, so what's next, knight?" At long last, your glowing eyes finally bless Sky with your attention, your joyful smile almost instantly making him forget about his previous dread.
"We haven't seen my loftwing yet. Wanna meet him?"
He didn't think it was possible for your eyes to get any brighter, however he stands corrected, "Do I!"
There's no way Sky could ever let you down, so he wastes no time leading you to the edge of the island where he calls his loftwing. Perhaps due to the surprise of not having seen his master in months, the large bird appears swiftly, announcing his arrival with a loud 'squawk' before gracefully landing on the platform in front of you.
You're in awe, as Sky had hoped, unable to tear your eyes away from the shimmer of the loftwing's crimson feathers which are just as impressive as your friend has described to you. Unfortunately, before he can comment on your amazement, he’s reminded once again that the two of you aren't the only ones here. In seconds of the loftwing landing, Wind's presence is once again made apparent, "WOAH! He's so cool! This is how you get around these islands? I wish I had a bird to explore the sky with - I mean, I prefer keeping to the sea with the company of a good ship - but just to see what's above the clouds or to go over large mountains instead of around would be awesome!"
"Wind's right! To be among the clouds and see the world from a bird's eye view...What I wouldn't give to see that - Although, I'm sure you're pretty accustomed to flying yourself, huh Sky -?" Your smile disappears when you look back to your friend only to finally notice his pout. You don't think you've ever seen him look so upset aside from whenever he's 'woken up too early', "...Hey, are you alright? What's wrong?"
"Nothing..." He grumbles, however the worry never leaves you nor does the frown. It feels like a stab to his heart, reminding him of how unfair he's truly being today. Wind is his friend who’s merely expressing interest in his home and culture. It isn't like he's purposely trying to step on Sky's toes or be an annoyance, he's just having fun during one of their rare days off. As for you, you've been looking forward to seeing Skyloft ever since you first learned of it. You deserve to have a nice day to relax and fulfill your wish, not have it bittered because of Sky's selfish mood. He should be ashamed of himself for not valuing his time with you as it is, alone or not.
"...I can always take you flying, you know?"
He nods, giving a more genuine smile than the forced ones he's worn previously today, "It sounds like we'll be staying here for the rest of the day. I'm sure we could squeeze in some time later -"
"- Why don't you just go now?" Wind quizzes with a perked eyebrow, making Sky flinch.
Despite deciding that he'll no longer be jealous or annoyed with the younger boy, he finds himself fearful over the idea of being stuck in the sky for hours with him. Yes, his loftwing can technically carry the weight of all three of you, but how awkward would that be? He'd much rather wait and find a moment to sneak off with you later than somehow become the third wheel on his own non-official date, "Uh, n-no. Not right now. I'm sure you two want to keep going with the tour, so -"
"- Actually I was gonna head back anyway," Wind mentions with a casual shrug, surprising Sky, "It's almost lunch and last time I was late, Wild gave me cold soup. Good soup isn't meant to be cold! Never again!"
Sky hesitates, perhaps expecting Wind to actually change his mind once he agrees to take you on a flight, however to his continued surprise, the Sailor doesn't.
"As much as I've been loving the tour, I wouldn't mind cutting some time off of it for a tour of the sky instead," You add, innocently fluttering your eyelashes in hopes that it will be a good enough argument.
“O-Oh? Then I’m sure going now would be fine. If Wind could update the others so that they don’t get worried looking for us?” A blushing Sky glances to the boy in question who eagerly nods and, for a second, the knight almost sighs aloud in relief.
Pleased with this, you happily turn your attention away from the two to pet the loftwing who leans into your touch, “You wouldn’t mind giving us a ride, right buddy? It would be greatly appreciated.”
Sky’s smile is hardly hidden as he lovingly watches you interact with his beloved loftwing, although he is quickly torn away from the moment by Wind’s sudden voice. He didn’t even realize the boy hadn’t left yet, "You know, just because I'm the youngest doesn't mean I'm blind, right? If you wanted to take them on a date, you should've just said something back at the Academy."
Sky stammers in response, whipping his head around to face the boy as he finally runs off while waving back at you both. Of course, Sky doesn't miss the mischievous smirk he wears, "Have fun you two!"
"’you sure you’re alright, knight?" You ask once finally joined by your friend, noticing the slight red to his cheeks as he wobbles on over, "If you aren't feeling well, we don't have to go today."
"No, I'm fine…'just not the biggest fan of pirates sometimes."
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Time has encountered his fair share of mountains - both literally and figuratively, although the former applies here. He's hiked up the steepest of trails where his knees nearly touch the ground and has traced enough cliff edges for the fear to feel numb. Now, that doesn't mean he doesn't get tired or has ever stopped grumbling inside at the sight of such challenges, but he's learned to keep all complaints internal, after all whining has never fixed a problem...If only these boys would learn the same lesson.
There is no silence between the howls of the wind and the dramatic moaning that follows behind him. It's become apparent that not all heroes are as accustomed to trekking over slopes as he is, although that doesn't earn them much sympathy. They're all capable young men who have held their own against even the most fearsome of monsters, so he expects they won't be waving any white flags in defeat to mother nature.
Some are clearly doing better than others in the sense of swallowing their own misery. Wild leads a few yards ahead of the group, arguably faring the best even in comparison to Time which can be blamed on his adaptability gained from his own travels (or the climbing armor he currently wears; a mix of both?).
Warrior and Twilight follow closest behind Time. Every once in a while Warrior will mumble something about being hot to which Twilight will grumble for him to take off his scarf then. Sometimes they bicker beyond that, sometimes Warrior merely huffs and wordlessly adjusts his scarf to be looser around his neck. Although he doesn't spare the Rancher much concern, he seems to find joy in picking on the poor trio who heave behind them - Legend, Hyrule, and four - once making a smug comment about their 'short legs'. Legend would've no doubt whacked or thrown something at him if he wasn't so worn out at the moment.
Sky and Wind follow the three, seeming to lean on each other for support as they whine of burning lungs. While not fully out of their realm, the poor Hylians aren't as used to traveling in the same way as the others, often having the luxury of a loftwing or boat to carry them across the furthest of distances.
Then there's you...At the very back of the line, silent aside from your huffs and puffs, but struggling nevertheless. You’re completely out of your realm here, not having a background comparable to any of the boys, really. You've done hikes, you've walked around town, and maybe you've taken part in some races before, however none of those compare to the exact workout you're currently being subjected to.
You're tired, sweaty, and your legs shake with every step, threatening to collapse at any moment as they curse you for your resistance, but you say nothing of it aloud nor do you complain whenever looking up to see this damn mountain just keeps going and going...Truthfully, you're not sure how much longer you'll be able to drag yourself forward, however you refuse to admit defeat in fear of being thought any less of by the heroes you travel with. You refuse to be their burden and you refuse to act as any kind of annoyance to Time who's obviously wanting to reach the other side sooner than later.
Words can say a lot, but appearances can sometimes say more. It only takes one look at you to see your distress as you stray further and further behind the others, none of whom notice except for Sky who offers aid you brush off and Time who stops at the top of a slope to watch you sympathetically. He may hold the boys to high standards given their titles as heroes, however he understands that doing so to you, at least to the exact extent, would be unfair if not plain cruel.
“Let’s take a break here.”
A chorus of relieved sighs and praises to Hylia follow save for Wild who keeps marching onward until looking back in confusion once he finally notices the group is no longer following his example.
You’re particularly happy to be presented with the gift of rest. Unlike the others who at least have the decency to walk off trail and step into some shade, you collapse to your knees right where you formerly stood, taking a few heavy breathes there before shamelessly crawling under a nearby tree yourself.
“...How much further do we have?” You manage to ask Sky at last after regaining some of your breath. His hesitance is answer enough, causing you to groan.
“The trip down will be much easier than going up,” Time approaches, speaking before the knight can. You notice that he eyes you specifically, “...But we can take another break at the peak once we get there.”
“Thank you Goddesses!” Wind cries - literally, you think there might be tears in his eyes - and it seems that everyone else in the group shares similar thoughts as they relax a bit more, however to Time’s surprise, you no longer share their cheer.
You look down at your sprawled out legs and narrow your eyes as if they’ve done something terrible to you, “...We don’t need to take another break after this one. If we keep stopping, we’ll never reach the base before sundown.”
“Then we make camp on the mountain after going as far as we can in daylight. The terrain might be different than what we’re used to, but we’ll get by.”
“That wasn’t in the original plan.”
“I underestimated the distance we’d be covering. It’s not a massive overwrite -”
“- And it’s one you don’t have to make for my sake,” You click your tongue in annoyance when Time merely blinks at you in wide eyes; the face of mocked innocence that displays his surprise over you having discovered his true motives…as if they were ever that well hidden, “I’m not blind, you know? I can see what you’re doing - you all do the same. I’m not a seasoned traveler like the rest of you, I get it, but that doesn’t mean you have to treat me as such. I can keep up without anyone babying me or, Hylia forbid, thinking any less of me.”
Your last words are mumbled bitterly under your breath, yet Time picks up on the slight sorrow behind them which goes straight to his heart and softens it greatly.
"I don't think any less of you?”
"Clearly you do," You huff, although your eyes focus on the ground sadly as you complain quietly, "You ignored everyone else except for me. When they fall behind, you tell them to keep up. When I fall behind, you stop the world to wait. It’s ‘cause you think I can’t possibly keep up, isn’t it? …You pity me..."
Time frowns deeply at this, wanting so desperately for you to understand that isn't the case. It pains him greatly to hear you believe he looks down upon you. If anything, it's the opposite. Everyone else here has had life experience to train them. You haven’t. So what? That isn’t a bad thing, in fact he thinks it’s wonderful that you haven’t been subjected to the same horrors that he had grown up with. You are a kind and strong soul who deserves nothing but the best in life instead of being beaten down. The very last thing Time would want would be to cause you suffering of any form even if it’s just a bit of exhaustion on a simple hike.
"You weren't able to get up the mountain in one go. So what?" Warrior invites himself into the conversation with a roll of his eyes, his arms crossed over his chest as he makes his way over, “That doesn't mean anyone here is ‘pitying’ you. Failure is just a part of life as is struggle. We've all encountered it. Hell, you think I would've been able to go up this mountain before I joined the military? The first time I trekked up Death Mountain, I was just as worn out as you. I've had practice since then, and one day you will, too. The important thing is that you've pressed on without arguing, complaining, or giving up. You took on this challenge bravely despite knowing it would be difficult. Getting as far as you have is crazy impressive for someone who's never done it before.”
All of the boys are quick to nod along, some adding their own compliments towards your endurance which leaves you blushing in embarrassment yet feeling touched nevertheless. The only one not to respond immediately is Time. He finds himself jealous of this, wishing he could voice his inner thoughts and admiration towards you as easily as the others do, however when you glance at him - almost as if you’re waiting expectantly for him to add a comment of his own - he loses all courage which is replaced by a heavy thumping in his heart. And here he was starting to think he had outgrown this teenage awkwardness.
“You, uh…If anything, your strength is inspiring. Try not to underestimate it. I assure you, we haven’t.”
You hum with a nod, a bit of cheer returning through your smile; a glowing look Time definitely prefers on you compared to any gloom, “Thanks…Really. It means a lot.”
Soon, the group begins their journey again and like the others, Time is ready to move onwards without anything else said, however his attention is drawn to Warrior when he could’ve sworn he heard the Captain suddenly scoff from his side. The smirk playing on the blond’s face only proves that Time’s ears are still working just fine despite their age.
“That was a good save. I think you owe me.”
“Excuse me?”
“I must say, lifting (Y/n)’s spirits by complementing their skill provided a far less awkward outcome for everyone compared to having to listen to you deny and eventually stumble over a confession - despite how long one is overdue.”
“...What are you trying to imply?” Time narrows his eye at the Captain who is hardly fazed, in fact he fights the urge to roll his eyes when looking back over his shoulder at the older hero. He can try being as intimidating as he wants, but one look at the man’s dusted red cheeks is all it takes to have Warrior smirking again.
“Ooh, I think you know, Old Man - we all do. I mean, it’s not exactly science to find out why you’re so lenient on (Y/n) and only (Y/n). ‘can’t say favoritism is the most professional for leadership to take part in, buuut it’s nice to see you lighten up a bit and actually act human for once. ‘keep scowling all the damn time and your face will get stuck like that.”
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"What are you doing?"
"You keep fidgeting with your tunic. I swear, you're worse than Wars."
Twilight huffs at your comment, although that doesn't stop him from slapping more dust off of himself despite how doing so wordlessly proves your point, "That's a mighty hard bar to pass, wouldn't you say?"
"Yeah, you're probably right...But seriously though, what's got you so worried all of the sudden? You act like we're about to walk into Hyrule Castle. You're a ranchhand, for crying out loud! This is where you should feel most comfortable, is it not?" While others might think you're teasing him, he knows you well enough to catch that genuine concern held within your voice. He also knows you well enough to understand that you won't be as willing to drop this topic until it's resolved.
"This isn't just any farm we're headin' to. This is the farm."
"I don't follow," but then you give it some thought, skillfully connecting the dots between Twilight's behavior and the particular home your group approaches, "...Oh...'cause it's Time's place?"
He hums in confirmation as he fights back the urge to ask you about the status of his hair, although if he does that, you'll surely roll over laughing and never let him criticize Warrior's daily 'beauty routine' again.
"Twi, it's Time! Sure, he can come across as a little...stern sometimes, but he isn't Princess Zelda! Just don't kick your muddy boots up on his table or anything like that. Follow those small town manners I know you live by and you'll be fine."
"But -"
"- Besides, I'm like, ninety-seven percent certain that Time favors you out of everyone, so you have nothing to worry about -"
"- It's not that simple!" Twilight pouts, stopping dead in his tracks which consequently causes you to do the same, "...I wanna make a good impression here. It...means a lot to me that I do…”
You sigh before stepping closer to him. There, you take his hand gently and give him an encouraging smile, "And you will. Just be yourself, Twi. There's no shame in that. You're already a great guy, after all - a model, country gentleman, if I've ever met one."
Twilight ducks his head, his cheeks burning due to your words, although luckily for his sake, if you've noticed, you don't comment on it. Instead, your attention is stolen away by the others as the group finally arrives at your long awaited destination: Lon Lon Ranch.
Normally, it would make him beyond nervous (a rambling mess, at best) to have your hand intertwined so tightly in his as you excitedly drag him along, however today can be an expectation. To feel your support quite literally in his grasp means the world to Twilight and does wonders to calm him when it comes to enter the threshold of Time’s cozy little home.
Much to Twilight’s relief, you seem to hold some type of power when it comes to predicting the future. All he had to do was simply stumble out a greeting and Time’s lovely wife, Malon, was already overjoyed to accept him, especially impressed to realize he shares a similar farming background as herself. From there, the day continues at a relaxed pace that calms Twilight’s internal worries, although the passage of time nor the many chores the boys are offered to keep busy can’t be given too much credit for that.
While it’s nice to see his brothers let loose for a day and enjoy themselves in a more domestic atmosphere than some of them have ever had the delight of knowing, Twilight finds himself glued to your side the most, particularly keen on sharing this moment with you for embarrassing reasons he’d rather keep to secret for now. As far as you should be aware, he’s excited to be meeting the closest blood relatives he’ll ever know (at least for many years to come), not that he’s also giddy that you get to meet them as well.
Twilight’s here to make a good impression with his mentor, although he finds himself inclined to soak up all your reactions to Lon Lon Ranch, in fact, he’s a bit desperate to decipher just how you’d possibly feel about one day living at a place like this yourself. You seemed unfazed by the farm chores and you’ve openly expressed to Malon your jealousy of her peaceful home which is a far cry from life in the city. Perhaps you’re only being a kind guest, although Twilight won’t let go of the idea that you might just be honest with those words, truly desiring a more easy going atmosphere he’ll happily help you build if you’ll allow him.
Although the work has been simple and laidback, you aren’t alone in your tiredness by the time day turns into night. You had been yawning already after dinner, so Twilight’s rather surprised to see you still awake when he returns from his talk with Time, your sudden whispered voice amongst the darkness actually managing to startle him slightly, “You’re back. How’d it go? Was it all you hoped for?”
Tiptoeing around those who have already fallen asleep, Twilight finds his own sleeping back while only sparing a quick, awkward glance in your direction, “Yeah…”
“Oh, come on. What did you guys talk about? Don’t leave me in suspense.”
“Nothin’...Nothin’ important.”
Although tucked into his sleeping bag with his back turned towards you, he can hear you sit up straighter and can use his imagination to see your pout, “You seriously think I’d believe that? I’ll find out one way or another, you know. In fact, I’ll start bugging you about it again first thing in the morning, so don’t sleep too comfortably, you hear?”
“Goodnight,” Thank Hylia you have no way of seeing his boyish grin or burning blush given his position and the lack of light. When you huff and lay back down to finally sleep, you allow him to drift back into his thoughts, his mind too awake for rest as he reviews his previous conversation with Time and Malon.
It went well, officially extinguishing his prior worries once and for all. The feeling in Twilight’s chest was indescribable as he listened to their pride in him, something that hit much deeper than any other direct compliments he’s received. 
As the conversation reached its end, he was sure there could be nothing else said to add fuel to those feelings, already feeling light as a feather when Malon awed with a slight giggle, “Oh, and your partner was beautiful. (Y/n), right? I’m afraid we didn’t get too much of a chance to talk today with all the excitement, but we’ll have to sit down for a private chat tomorrow. You know, in-law to in-law?”
“H-Huh? Ah, I-I’m afraid we’re not actually…together like that.”
"You're not? I could've sworn..." Malon had looked to her husband in disbelief, a point where Twilight would’ve expected his mentor to confirm his statement, after all, Time’s been journeying with you both for the last few months, so he should’ve known the truth, however he had instead shrugged with a hand placed on Malon’s shoulder.
"They're in denial still, dear."
"I suppose it runs in the family then for you boys to be easily intimidated,” Malon placed a hand on her hip with a slight shake of her head, “Link - My Link was the same way. Took it him ages to ask me to be his own -"
"- Hey now -"
"- In fact, it was me who had to take that first step,” She then stepped over to take Twilight’s hands, ignoring how bright red and caught off guard he was. Her smile - innocent yet holding a hint of mischief to it - is one he won’t forget anytime soon nor will he forget Time’s smirk in the background, “The way you look at each other doesn’t leave much to question, hon. Clearly you care for (Y/n) and it seems to me the feeling must be very much mutual given how you’ve been trailing each other all day, so try not to concern yourself too much with all those ‘if’s and ‘but’s. The sooner you leap over your nerves, the more time you’ll have to spend together. Hylia knows after everything you boys have been put through, you deserve all the happiness you can soak in.”
“It’s something you’ll regret if you let it slip through your fingers,” Time had added, pulling his wife to his side as they both smiled at each other lovingly.
Even now, their words echo in Twilight’s head and he finds it impossible to close his eyes without seeing you both in a similar position, you pulled to his side with the overwhelming feeling that everything is just right with the world so long as you’re together….‘wouldn’t be a bad thing at all…
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lemonandlime22 · 2 years
Hiya! Hope you having a wonderful day! I was wondering if you'd be willing to do more of NRC's resident gremlin, Bitey Child Yuu? Maybe how whoever you want figured out WHY the gremlin bites people? Might be fun. Feel free to ignore this if you're not interested. ANYWAYS, I hope you're having a fantabulous day!
The first people who find out the reason for the bitey child!Yuu's biteynes
Warning(s): Long as hell, not edited, cussing
Word count (since I guess this kinda counts as a fic too?): 2.7k
A/N: This too far longer to do than it should have i am so sorry but I hope you enjoy! did i do this all in two nights after putting it off for months? ....you cant prove shit
[Bitey child!Yuu Masterlist]
You and Grim have always had a lot more in common than either of you really knew,
neither of you has any family
both of you grew up taking care of yourself
and both grew up on the streets with little food.
When Grim first learned of your habit, he just thought it was funny,
he didn't judge you nor did he care why you did it at the time
I mean, he often used his fire against people so he really has no room to talk.
It wasn't until around the end of book 2 that he started to learn more about his little roomie.
Grim was exhausted, after Leona's overblot earlier that day he wanted nothing more than to wrap up in the old dusty blanket the two of you shared. But he couldn't do that without you- not that he'd ever willingly admit it, but he had gotten used to sleeping with your small arms wrapped around him and he quite enjoyed it- but that's not the point.
He has no clue where you are, he walked with you into Ramshackle a little while ago but hasn't seen you since. With a defeated sigh he stomped back into your shared room having given up looking for you and decided to just suck it up and try and sleep...
Carefully opening his eyes, Grim looked around the room to try and find the source of the sniffling. He nearly started crying out himself when he realized the quiet weeping was coming from under the bed. The last thing he was expecting to see under the bed when he eventually gathered the courage to look, was his young companion curled in on themself, their small form shaking either from the crying or maybe due to the constant chill that always lingered in the poorly insulated house, perhaps it was both.
"Hey, kid-" even though he kept his voice to a whisper he still managed to startle the small human. "...um...you alright..?" There was a twinge of guilt in Grim that he couldn't ignore when he saw their messy face.
You didn't answer, only staring at the firey creature, with big eyes that shined bright with the reflection of Grim's flams and a messy wet face. He never really expected a response, you were never much of a talker, but he was a little hopeful.
"I can't believe I'm doing this.." Grim grumbled in defeat when that guilty feeling in his chest won and he grabbed the blanket and pillow off the bed and climbed under the bed next to you. Before you could react, he pushed the pillow toward you and shimmied the blanket on you, and laid under it right next to you.
That night was when he learned about your short life before Twisted Wonderland,
that you had no family, and you lived on the streets
he was able to connect the dots as to why you always bite people.
"So you bite people that you think will hurt you, or others?"
"...yeah?...I guess...."
The two of you fell asleep under the bed that night, but don't worry, the ghost found you and pull you both back onto the bed
making sure to tuck you in.
After that, Grim was noticeably a lot more protective and worried a lot more about you
he had taken it upon himself to make sure you were ok and safe and that you knew
he didn't want you to feel the need to bite people anymore
no matter how funny it was.
"Hey! Kid- What I say about biting people!? If someone makes you feel uneasy come to the great and powerful Grim! I'll roast 'em for ya."
Ace found it funny, be it a bit weird, when you bit people
but was extremely annoyed when you bit him.
It had to have been about the beginning of book 3 when Ace was informed of your reasoning.
"Ugghh..." Ace ground as he leaned his forearms on the Lounge countertop, exhausted from all the work he was forced to endure as punishment. Looking to his left he saw Grim uncharacteristically focused as he scrubbed the ever-growing dish pile.
"What's up with you?" He questioned, grabbing a dish to scrub so as to not face one of the Leech brother's punishments for slacking off. Ace was met with silence from the glowing cat-monster-thing. "Hey! Twisted Wonderland to Grim~ You there? ...what's up with you?..."
Grim was pulled out of his thoughts when Ace's hand came into his line of sight. "Huh? What 'cha say?"
Ace sighed, "I said, What up with you? You seem more distracted than normal"
"Oh... uh.. I was just..." Grim trailed off, searching for the words, but Ace took quick notice of the lack of snap back to his 'distracted' comment. "...Do you think they're okay? Yuu... I mean.."
Ace was taken aback by Grim's voiced worry for you. Yeah, he had taken notice of the small monster's growing protectiveness and worry of you during the past couple of weeks, but hearing him openly express it was... out of character for the creature.
"Well yeah of course they are. Besides if they're in a pinch, we know they'll just bite their way out of it." Ace lightly chuckled, expecting Grim to do the same. Only to be met with a curt nod and a quiet "...yeah. I guess..." and silence. Ace decided not to push it any longer...
That interaction stayed with Ace for the next couple of days
he wouldn't admit it but, he was slightly worried,
he could tell something had happened.
Until he was given some clarification a few days after when he got the chance to talk to you privately.
Ace found the small violent child sitting alone on a bench in the courtyard eating an apple he assumed they managed to get from one of the many trees. Taking the chance of a biting, he sat next to them which they took quick notice of, and stopped eating, looking up at him expectantly. If he didn't know better he would have said their big eyes were full of adorable childhood innocence, but he did know better, at least... that's what he thought.
"Soooo... how have you been?.." Ace had no clue what to say, and he could tell the kid knew that too due to the skeptical look they gave him. Taking a deep breath, be decided to just be blunt instead of beating around the bush.
"Ok- I'll just cut to the chase. What the hel- heck.." Ace sighed at the unintentional correction of himself, not liking that he unconsciously followed Riddle's rule of not cussing around the little shit, while he was not even around not less! *cough* um- anyway,,, "Just...what happened with you and Grim?" they tilted their small head in confusion "You know, he's gotten.. I think protective of you let's say and is worrying a lot more over you. I mean, just a few days ago he was asking if I thought you were okay while we were at the lounge."
Ace glanced down at them, not really expecting the surprised flustered look that was on their face. He found it... almost adorable, and he had a sudden urge to pat their head and pinch their cheek for some reason?
"...I think.. it might have something to do with what we talked about a few weeks ago.." Their small voice barely made it to Ace's ears, like they were talking more to themself than him.
"What did you talk about..?" Ace's tone was softer as his curiosity peaked, but a worrying feeling also grew alongside it.
And that my dear reader, is how Ace Trappola's heart grew two sizes bigger
I kid, I kid
But that is how he learned of his small friend's life, and subsequently, their reasoning for their biting.
He had a twinge of guilt in his chest listening to their story, and he did give in to the urge to pat their head
it was really the only way he could think of comforting you in that moment.
After that, he started seeing Yuu in a new light,
instead of a little shit that he kinda wanted to punt
he started seeing an actual kid, and a scared one at that
Ace also understood Grim protectiveness and worry.
...He may have felt the same..
There was a growing feeling in his chest that made him want to keep that small content smile on your face for as long as he could.
Deuce has always had a sense of duty when it came to Yuu
he thought he saw his younger self in them and, he felt he had to be a good role model for them.
He found out only a couple days after Ace.
Deuce stared at the sheet of paper on the desk in frustration, he had no clue what the answer to the written question was, with what little free time for studying he had he did his best to memorize the book, but that didn't work. He especially couldn't figure it out the constant clicking coming from the fire monster next to him.
After the test was finished Deuce tried to talk to Grim and ask him about the clicking, but the small creature quickly left as soon as he could, and Deuce followed soon after. He followed Grim out of the classroom and down the hall a bit unit the monster spotted the small child sitting against the wall, playing with their now untied bow.
"There you are! I thought I told you to wait right outside the classroom." Grim huffed as he made his way next to them, grabbing the long fabric and neatly tying it back around their wrist. Yuu wasn't allowed to take any of the tests or anything like that, they were only permitted to sit in on lectures and answer a couple questions from the professors. Deuce had too started to take notice of the difference in Grim's behavior toward the little kid in the past few weeks. At first, he didn't think much of it, barely even noticing until Ace pointed it out a little while ago. He didn't see any problem in it, but he would be lying if he said he wasn't curious about the cause.
Deuce continued to watch the duo's interaction before they walked down the hall toward the next class.
Deuce decided the best course of action was to talk to Ace and try to make a plan
but when he went to the redhead, all he got from him was a sigh and instruction to talk to you himself
he was confused but did as he was told and looked for you the next day.
Deuce sighed in relief when he saw Yuu trying to climb a tree in the courtyard, seemingly trying for an apple. Walking up behind them, he reached for an apple and placed it in their small hands, which they happily accepted. As they were eating the red apple, Deuce took the chance to talk.
"Hey Yuu, could I ask you a few questions?" He spoke in the soft voice he always used with them as he knelt down to their height. They glanced at the teen and nodded.
"Well, I've noticed that Grim has been acting a bit weird...and Ace too.. now that I think about it... Do you know anything about that? I originally asked Ace about it, but he just told me to talk to you..." Deuce trailed off, trying to connect what he could and figure it out himself. A part of him didn't think Yuu would know anything or even have noticed anything, they were a little kid after all.
"oh.." Deuce looked back at you, expectantly waiting for your answer "It might have somethin' to do with what I told them a little while ago,,, but I'm not really sure why they're acting weird.." He was caught off guard, that was probably the longest sentence you've used, with him at least. Deuce leaned towards you so he could hear your small voice better.
Deuce was not expecting the explanation Yuu gave him
he felt guilty for thinking they were just a misbehaving child like he was.
Tears spilled out of his eyes and he pulled them into an almost bone-crushing hug
he refused to leave their side for a long while after that, even trying to stay at Savanaclaw with them and Grim.
He still wants to be the best role model he can be for you, that never changes.
Ruggie saw a lot of himself in Yuu, but couldn't quite place why? other than the aggressive biting and love for food
but he didn't question it much, not thinking it was of any importance and not his business
besides, he thought of them as somewhat of an annoyance for the first month or so of school so he didn't care much to figure it out.
But he was soon given that explanation,
around the end of book 3, shortly before winter break.
It was the last day of Yuu's stay at Savanaclaw and they had been helping out Ruggie a bit with some of his chores. Right now they were helping him hang the laundry on the wire to dry, 'helping' as in they handed him the clips and sometimes articles of clothing.
"Why do we hang 'em?" "So they dry." "Why do they dry? and how?"
Yuu was uncharacteristically talkative today, it kind of made sense, they were at that age where they asked questions about everything cause they didn't know anything, and he was doing something that they may have never seen before.
They continued to ask questions and Ruggie continued to answer them, with Yuu following him all throughout the day. He didn't really mind, some of the kids back home would do the same thing so he was pretty used to this. That all lead to them to the dorm kitchen later in the day, helping Ruggie make Leona's dinner. Ruggie would tell Yuu what to grab for him and they would oblige and ask what it was for.
"Grab the seasoning that has a red cap, looks a little bit like tea and smells like the forest mixed with pepper." Ruggie instructed, not looking up from the bowl
"R..Ruos....Ruse..murry....?" Ruggie turned toward them, surprised by their trying to read the name, and was met with their expectant eyes waiting for confirmation, to which he nodded and took the seasoning.
"Were you trying to read the label?" Ruggie asked, "Yeah.." Yuu confirmed "Huh... Well, good job. You were close, it's pronounced 'Rosemary'" They only nodded and continued to wait for the next instruction.
Yuu trying to read the label lasted for a little while until Ruggie got curious as to how they got so good at pronouncing them. Well pronouncing them for their age, they weren't supposed to start learning to read for about another year. Of course, there's nothing bad about starting early, it's just strange...
"Hey Yuu, where did you learn to read so well?" Ruggie leaned his side to the counter, turning his full attention to them while the food cooked. "Is one of the students teaching you? or maybe one of the teachers?"
"Hm?...No, there was justa' bunch-ah bottles like these in the dumpster I stayed next to for a lil while...an I heard a lotta people say the names too." Ruggie was taken aback by the implications they gave, and before They told him anymore, he started to connect the dots on almost everything about Them, having had a similar childhood. Out of curiosity, he decided to press further into Yuu's life before Twisted Wonderland.
That evening, Leona's food was a bit burnt due to all of Ruggie's attention being placed on Yuu and their story.
From that point on he took them under his wing in a sort
he would teach them all about how to cook when he could, and would take them with him when he'd go looking for ingredients in the forest behind Ramshackle to teach about how they could be used.
He offered to let them stay in his neighborhood over the winter break, but they had declined in favor of staying at NRC with Grim
to which he accepted their answer and left them with a head pat.
Ruggie sees a lot of his younger self in Yuu, maybe that's why he wants to take care of them as much as he can...
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polaris-stuff · 11 days
If you could say something to all TSAMS characters, what would you say?
Hi hii anon!! 💖✨ Hmmm, there are so many characters! I'll answer with the ones I can remember at the moment <3
Sun: Please, I need you to get your act together. You are strong, Old Moon can't control you anymore.
Old Moon: be better.
Earth: What happened to you? :(
Lunar: I beg you, have a minimum of empathy for others 😭
Solar: I love you so fucking much, you deserve so much better
Nexus: What did they do to you, my child? You deserve so much better x2 God forgive a mentally unstable person for acting like a mentally unstable person.
Ruin: You need a hug and like 10 years in prison.
BM: little gremlins <3 I love them but I also want them a thousand meters away from me <3
Creator: fuck you.
Monty: please, die.
Puppet: Eclipse has every right to not want to be your friend, Mrs. "the world would be better off without you."
Foxy: what the fuck man, you were so cool and suddenly you started judging Nexus just because he said that you and him weren't the same? And you started saying that he should died just bc he- didnt listened to you??? Wtf.
And I guess LAES characters don't count but I'd tell Gemini to kick Lunar for me (dw, Lunar likes that)
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 11 months
Can we get loki with a pretty much level headed human reader?
Reader is very calm and very polite as a person who cares about loki a great deal.
How would thor and odin react to meeting them when loki finally brings them home for a visit?
-It was very strange, seeing you with Loki. You two were complete opposites, but unlike other polar opposites, you and Loki were… odd.
-You were always so calm, so levelheaded, you had an air of grace around you, anyone who spoke with you just seemed to relax, and if they were upset about something, they would just relax and feel so much better.
-Loki on the other hand… he was usually the cause of others being upset- with his pranks, being loud, reckless, and always hyper and riled up to pull some pranks.
-This is why you two didn’t seem to fit! Why was someone calm like you with a gremlin like Loki?!
-To answer, you liked Loki’s antics, finding them amusing, but it was Loki that made you smile, after he pulled the prank, he would come to you, hugging you close, “Did you see? Did you see?” he was like a child, wanting your praise.
-When news got around to Thor and Odin that Loki had a lover they were… both shocked and scared, thinking you were just like Loki- they didn’t need two Loki’s running around!!
-However, Odin swallowed his fear and told Loki that he wanted to meet you, to prepare himself ahead of time, and Loki was more than happy to do as he was asked.
-When Loki walked in, holding your hand, the two men were stunned to see that you were so… so calm!
-It was definitely odd to see the two of you together, you seemed to balance each other out, to a point, as you would praise Loki after his pranks, but you were always so calm, even while others around you were panicking about the prank.
-Thor liked your vibe, as you were so similar, he found you enjoyable to talk to, you were knowledgeable but also polite, but not boring and he found himself liking you- in a friend way, he enjoyed your company.
-Odin came to learn this as well, finding you pleasant to be around, it was a nice change from Loki’s antics, though he did wish you could do something about Loki sometimes.
-You just smiled when they told you this, as Loki was teasing Brunnhilde and Goll, cruising for a bruising, and you spoke, “Oh I can control him sometimes. It just takes the right incentive to do so.”
-They were curious, and you smiled as you told them you were going to handle Loki, calling over to him, “Loki- wanna go home and cuddle?” he was instantly behind you, floating, his arms around your neck, beaming brightly at you, “Let’s go! Let’s go!” you couldn’t help but giggle, saying goodbye to Thor and Odin before heading off.
-Odin turned to Thor, “We have to make sure Y/N stays with him, anyone who can control Loki, even just a bit, is a miracle in disguise.” Thor nodded, agreeing as he watched Loki holding your hand, kissing your cheek, showering you with affection- it was a miracle indeed.
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