txortam · 11 days
Green Cat
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Last Know Locations:
42.85819881417629, -2.7221069272029053 42.83333465297852, -2.6868554258533286 42.82827979075038, -2.670216384471364 42.83081040840947, -2.6542539883970693 42.84983687261673, -2.646292549878872 42.876428393084325, -2.64390549810313 42.87447029168814, -2.6578440065985154 42.87095969112819, -2.6902777584407853
Old Welcome Sign
Beti gustatu izan zait Gasteizen ongietorria ematen duen kartela, bai 2000n jarri zen hiri ez-nuklearraren lehen bertsioa, nahiz eta orain ikusita vintage samarra dirudien, bai 2012an instalatu zen Green Capitalena. Hiria bisitatzen duten pertsonei ongietorria emateko modu adeitsua da, nahiz eta gero biribilguneetan harrapatuta gera daitezkeen betiko. Bere mezua ere asmo-adierazpen ona iruditzen zait, Gasteizko biztanleek ikusten dugun bakoitzean gure helburuetako bat zein izan beharko litzatekeen gogorarazteko. Zoritxarrez, azkenaldian bi arazo ikusten dizkiet. Lehenengoa katu bat falta zitzaiela da, baina hori konpondu dut dagoeneko, eta bigarrena da gero eta hondatuago daudela, eta horietakoren bat desagertu ere egin direla, horregatik deitu nahi izan dut arreta gai honetan. Eta, dirudienez, sekuentzia 12 urtean behin errepikatzen denez, berrikuntza baterako urte ezin hobea da hau, Gasteiz hiri moderno, inklusibo, seguru eta jasangarria izan dadin lan egitera bultzatuko gaituen mezu berri batekin.
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I have always liked the welcome sign to Vitoria-Gasteiz, both the first version as a nuclear-free city installed in 2000, which now seems a bit vintage, and the Green Capital one installed in 2012. They are a friendly way to welcome people visiting the city, even if they might get stuck in the roundabouts forever. Their message also seems to me a good statement of intent, reminding us each time we see it what one of our goals as inhabitants of Vitoria-Gasteiz should be.
Unfortunately, in recent times I see two problems with them. The first is that they lacked a cat, although I have already solved that, and the second is that they are increasingly deteriorated, with some even having disappeared. That is why I wanted to draw attention to this issue. And since it seems the sequence repeats every 12 years, this is the perfect year for a renewal, and a new message to motivate us to work towards making Vitoria-Gasteiz a modern, inclusive, safe, and sustainable city.
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Siempre me ha gustado el cartel de bienvenida a Vitoria-Gasteiz, tanto la primera versión de ciudad no nuclear que se instaló en 2000, aunque vista ahora parezca un poco vintage, como la de Green Capital que se instaló en 2012. Son una forma cordial de dar la bienvenida a las personas que visitan la ciudad, aunque luego se puedan quedar atrapados para siempre en las rotondas. Su mensaje también me parece una buena declaración de intenciones, que nos recuerde cada vez que lo vemos cual debería ser uno de nuestros objetivos como habitantes de Vitoria-Gasteiz. Desgraciadamente, en los últimos tiempos les veo dos problemas. El primero de ellos es que les faltaba un gato, aunque eso ya lo he solucionado, y el segundo es que están cada vez más deteriorados, habiendo incluso desaparecido alguno de ellos, es por eso que he querido llamar la atención sobre este tema. Y como parece que la secuencia se repite cada 12 años, este es el año perfecto para una renovación, y un nuevo mensaje que nos motive a trabajar para que conseguir que Vitoria-Gasteiz sea una ciudad moderna, inclusiva, segura y sostenible.
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clivedovelover · 6 months
Argentine Republic[A]
República Argentina(Spanish)
Coat of armsMotto: 
"En unión y libertad"
("In Unity and Freedom")
Anthem:Himno Nacional Argentino ("Argentine National Anthem")
Duration: 3 minutes and 34 seconds.3:34Sol de Mayo[2] (Sun of May)
Argentine territory in dark green; territory claimed but not controlled by Argentina in light greenCapital
Guaraní in Corrientes[3]
Quechua in Santiago del Estero[4]
Qom, Mocoví, and Wichíin Chaco[5]
Welsh in Chubut[6]
78.2% Christianity
62.9% Catholicism
15.3% other Christian
20.5% no religion
1.3% other
Argentinean (uncommon)
GovernmentFederal presidential constitutional republic
• PresidentJavier Milei
• Vice PresidentVictoria Villarruel
• Chief of the Cabinet of MinistersNicolás Posse
• President of the Chamber of DeputiesMartín Menem
• President of Supreme CourtHoracio RosattiLegislatureNational Congress
• Upper houseSenate
• Lower houseChamber of DeputiesIndependence
from Spain
• May Revolution25 May 1810
• Declared9 July 1816
• Constitution1 May 1853Area 
• Total2,780,400 km2(1,073,500 sq mi)[B] (8th)
• Water (%)1.57Population
• 2022 census47,327,407[9] (31st)
• Density14.4/km2 (37.3/sq mi)[8](178th)GDP (PPP)2023 estimate
 Though not declared official de jure, the Spanish language is the only one used in the wording of laws, decrees, resolutions, official documents and public acts thus making it the de facto official language.
 Since 10 June 1945, but trains are still driven on left.
Argentina,[a] officially the Argentine Republic,[b] is a country in the southern half of South America. Argentina covers an area of 2,780,400 km2 (1,073,500 sq mi),[B] making it the second-largest country in South America after Brazil, the fourth-largest country in the Americas, and the eighth-largest country in the world. It shares the bulk of the Southern Conewith Chile to the west, and is also bordered by Bolivia and Paraguay to the north, Brazil to the northeast, Uruguay and the South Atlantic Ocean to the east, and the Drake Passage to the south. Argentina is a federal state subdivided into twenty-three provinces, and one autonomous city, which is the federal capital and largest city of the nation, Buenos Aires. The provinces and the capital have their own constitutions, but exist under a federal system. Argentina claims sovereignty over the Falkland Islands, South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands, the Southern Patagonian Ice Field, and a part of Antarctica.
That's true
Except with the "Falkland Islands" thing we don't call them like that we call them Las Islas Malvinas
Fuck the English 🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕
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greencapital · 3 years
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Green Capital Renewable energy is the future. Let's save nature.
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eugeniourreta · 4 years
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#cupulas #salimoshoy #igersgasteiz #movilgrafias #euskadigrafias #estaes_paisvasco #total_euskadi #arquitecture #anilloverde25 #greenbelt #salburua #greencapital #vitoriagasteiz (en Fernando Buesa Arena) https://www.instagram.com/p/CC1qenKqYbu/?igshid=13fts8iwl90cf
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lilioi1-blog · 7 years
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#ljubljana💚 #ljubljanica #instapic #naturephotography #green #spring #boat #river #beautifulnature #igslovenia #greencapital
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ritasharapova · 5 years
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O primeiro dia da Lisboa Green Capital 2020 fica marcado pela plantação de 21 mil árvores em Lisboa. Eu também participei na Ajuda. . . . #EGCA2020 #EUBiodiversity #EUGreenDeal #evolui #lisboa #lisbon #portugal #ajuda #plantação #capitalverde #greencapital #lisboagreencapital2020 #margaritasharapova #маргариташарапова #🌱 (at Ajuda, Lisboa, Portugal) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7OR2nFpZ-1/?igshid=f0gc5d22dfgw
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mirandarumina · 7 years
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#WHPdayoff #streetart #graffiti #graffitiart #artlover #artworks #artistsoninstagram #artistofinstagram #WHPdayoff #ljubljana #capital #slovenia #slovenija #igslovenia #ig_europe #ig_europa #eu #europe #europa #autumn🍁 #autumn #greencapital #greencity #visitljubljana #visitslovenia #afternoonwalk #balkan #balkans #ig_balkan #lovebalkans (at Ljubljana, Slovenia)
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visitruhr · 7 years
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Treppenhaus im #Kesselaschebunker #visitruhr #ruhrgebiet #stadtderstädte #cityofcities #stadtderstaedte #metropoleruhr #essen #ghe #gruenehauptstadt #greencapital #staircase #Zollverein #zechezollverein #unesco #welterbe #schachtXII #schacht12 (hier: Zeche Zollverein)
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greenwithtiffany · 8 years
Hey Angelenos!! Please #vote for Mayor Eric Garcetti tomorrow! He's the best guy to expand California's "green" economy and for us to become the green capital of the world. We need to be a leader in the economy and the #environment. @mayorofla @ericgarcetti #ericgarcetti #mayor #greeneconomy #solar #solarpanels #greencapital #mayorofla #greenwithtiffany
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a-mcnarchparty · 6 years
Behind the Curtain and "wow, you are such an incredibly sweet person! i love seeing you on my dash."
Behind the Curtain:  I’d like to learn about your writing process.
I’m not gonna lie there isnt one 
It’s mainly just adapting to how other people type?? I guess as of recently my style has been heavily influenced by @coronabane , @darkchemy , @maskedmuses , and @x-applefrost-x
So basically, I guess my writing process is just being a chameleon? I kinda just blend into whatever is needed for that moment. 
So, with Snowy, I tend to write longer and more complicated things that have a ton of detail of thoughts and long spurts of dialogue. Snowy does this like a perfect mix of dialogue and narration, much like a novel would
Whereas with Apple, it’s a paragraph of tiny details that you probably wouldn’t think to mention if it was dialogue-heavy writing, with maybe a single line of dialogue if needed. Apple writes heavy narration, and its a lot like reading poetry in that way
Whereas Z and Aly do write very dialogue heavy stuff, and it makes me focus a lot more on word choice and displaying emotions through that and it causes a focus on formatting (bold italics underlines etc) and how that dramatically changes the way writing goes. It’s a lot like reading a script with these two
Basically, I guess what I’m saying is that I don’t have my own writing process-- I just blend into whatever is happening. It takes a lot of work to try and adapt to others, so that I guess is a process in itself. It’s taking quite a lot of time writing with each of these four to be able to write that way myself. So,,,,,yeah.  I hope that answers that??
Also,,,,thank you????????????
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herotting-archive · 6 years
greencapitation replied to your post:
"Hey, man, why dont we go destroy stuff? That helps me when Im feeling down." (Human fern, encouraging bad behavior)
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Bill considered the offer shortly. If he can’t hurt an actual person, then destroying inanimate objects was the next best thing. He then nodded his head. “ ... I’d love that. ”
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chillyroyalty · 6 years
The girl with the cursed crown lazily floated about above the lands, poking at her face boredly, the Land of Ooo had been a bit lax as of late, for good, or for ill, at least, as far as she knew! Nothing much was happening, and she was ever too eager to have something happening to take her mind off of the crushing boredom. Because if she got too bored, she’d simply sit there and think, and the reality of eternity would dawn on her and... that’d not be good.
“Alright... here’s what I do...” Ice Princess said to herself as she threw her hands up into the air, conjuring a lightning bolt made of ice.
“I’m gonna spin around and throw this... and first place it lands, I goes!” She said, with a toothy grin, before spinning around at least three times and chucking the bolt in a random direction, after catching herself, and making sure she wasn’t dizzy, she pursued it!
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mochimuses-a · 6 years
✂(marcy) annnd ✏? Either one or the other or both if ur feeling it.
drawing as gooder-er as i can
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i did both..
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eugeniourreta · 5 years
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Último día del año 2019 en #vitoriagasteiz sin sol y un frío de ..... #movilgrafias #euskadigrafias #salimoshoy #love_gasteiz #igersgasteiz #euskaditurismo #frog #greenbelt #greencapital #anilloverde25 #totaleuskadi #igersspain #igersfrance (en Parque de Olarizu) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6wdA8SKTaF/?igshid=cg04rnvepg9q
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finktm · 6 years
the official GREEN TEAM roster!
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president & co-founder: @finktm
co-founder & tall fern: @downtomylastblade
cool fern: @emissaryfrombeyond
green knight/edgy fern: @greencapitation
new fern: @grasscurse
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a-m-oc-narchparty · 6 years
+ @greencapitation Followed! 
Standing in front of her cave, she draws the long spear and stared at the other.
“What are you doing here?” The princess snarls, her tail nearly twitching behind her. “No one’s been to this kingdom in a very long time.” The Wild Princess tapped the spear to the ground, “How did you even find us?”
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