#green vs black shit is all about the same thing
hacked-wtsdz · 2 years
Bewildering to me that house of the dragon is disappointing people because the women of the show aren’t badass girlbosses who do whatever they can to get to the throne. If you want that, game of thrones is right there for you. Daenerys and Cersei and Sansa and Arya are all badass women, ruthless, ambitious and powerful. They have many scenes in the show in which they hold power: sack cities, avenge their families, break free of chains, acquire even more power. It’s all there, enjoy. House of the dragon is NOT about that, and I think that as soon as people grasp that concept, it will be much easier for them to either enjoy the show or stop watching it. Hotd is about familial cycles, the tragedy of losing your best friend to a patriarchal system, soulmates, existential rot, generational trauma and women feeling conflicted, confused, heartbroken, enraged, lonesome, feeling grief, longing, love, fury all of it about the same people. This is not a show about girlbossing your way through court life, to my great joy.
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starlooove · 11 months
I hate when i can like. I can’t even call it thinking but conceptualize shit that I can’t put into words
#something about white teens taking black culture#and call it alt#and white adults hating said culture with a passion#and instead of the appropriation it is it gets called shit like millennials vs gen z or whatever#And the topic of convo#THE BLACK PPL THEYRE STEALING FROM#are never actually recognized#like the girls making vids about their ghetto phases#the buns they styled to emulate tied up box braids and the accents they put on and the nails and the lashes etc#and their parents hating it#and them getting it as they grow and see their little brothers saying rizz gyat and sagging and wearing chains that turn their necks green#And the convo being about how each generation gets ‘worse’ bc they associate or culture with bad things#And the kids act like they’re appreciating or being trendy but it’s not true bc they act a certain way when they copy us#I have no idea how to put it all together coherently but it’s so infuriating#and it’s never ‘it’s so embarrassing that I used black culture as a costume’#it’s always ‘I can’t believe I was so ghetto and trashy lol’#like they think we’re trash bc that’s what they act like to copy us#they think we do it for the same reasons they do#ugh#like everyone’s going after that woman who called white culture clean and collected or whatever#but that’s how a lot of y’all think subconsciously#and it shows in our interactions#even if YOU don’t realize it the black people around you do#matter of fact the poc around you do#has anyone noticed that they’re specifically copying black Brits now?#like theyre always on AAVE but after fucking up afrobeats Jamaican culture it feels like they’re collectively going to the black Brits#that could just be me tho idk
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leonardalphachurch · 5 months
Red vs Blue: Reformation
After Epsilon fragments himself inside of his mind, Tucker is left to pick up the pieces.
An alternate take on Tucker’s story in Season 19: Restoration.
Available to read on Ao3
CHAPTER 1 - Recognition
They might’ve finally found what they’ve been looking for. But there’s one thing to take care of, first.
We open on a shot of a military base at night. Two guards stand in front of an exit.
Guard 1: Hey.
Guard 2: Yeah?
Guard 1: You ever wonder… if we’re in a simulation?
Guard 2: Simulation?
Guard 1: Yeah, yknow, like, none of this is real. We’re just the product of some guy simulating a bunch of random outcomes to try to find out what happens next?
Guard 2: … No. That sounds made up.
Guard 1: It’s not made up! It’s a real theory!
A cloaked figure enters through the door between them. Guard 1 raises his gun.
Guard 1: Whoa. Did you see that?
Guard 2: See what? Your simulation?
Guard 1: No! I don’t know! Looked like something… invisible.
Guard 2: Invisible? How does something look invisible?
Guard 1: Well, it looks like something that’s not there.
Guard 2: How am I supposed to see something that’s not there?
Guard 1: It is there, it just looks like—
A second cloaked figure enters the base.
Guard 1: There! There it is again! Did you see it?
Guard 2: Did I see the invisible thing that isn’t there?
Guard 1: Yes!
Guard 2: No. No I didn’t.
Guard 1: Dammit.
Guard 2: Maybe it was a glitch in the simulation.
Guard 1: Oh, fuck you.
Cut to the inside of the base. We see a series of shots. A pair of cloaked boots run along a hallway, followed closely by another. A guard collapses out of nowhere. A silenced pistol is shot.
Cut to the inside of a room. The door opens. No one enters. The door closes. An armored soldier uncloaks.
It’s Locus.
Locus: Is this the correct room?
Another soldier uncloaks and walks past him. He’s wearing The Meta’s armor in black. As he speaks, it fades into an aqua.
It’s Tucker.
Tucker: It should be.
He walks up to a large terminal and plugs in a device.
Tucker: Let’s find out. Guys?
Multiple colors of lights flash around him. Green, cyan, purple, pink, yellow, turquoise. Orange.
Tucker loses his balance after the last flash. But only for a second. He shakes his head and turns to look at Locus.
Tucker: Security here sucked, huh?
Locus is standing in between Tucker and the door, not leaving his back open to either of them.
Locus: I’ve learned it’s not something to complain about.
Tucker: I’m not complaining. Just saying, if what we think is here, is here? Well, it deserves a hell of a lot more security than that.
Locus: …What do you think is here?
Tucker: Huh?
A flash of cyan light.
Tucker: Oh, it’s some old files from Freelancer. Nothing too important, but, shit’s super classified. Be fucked if just anyone found it.
Locus makes a noise of acknowledgement. Is he agreeing? Disagreeing? Gassy? Who knows.
Tucker leans against the terminal, all casual like.
Tucker: So, how’ve you been?
Locus: ………. Fine……..
Tucker laughs.
Tucker: Damn dude, slow down. Even the AI couldn’t process that much information.
Locus sighs.
Locus: I have been. Fine. Nothing interesting has happened since we last spoke.
Tucker: All right.
They take a beat.
Locus: ………. How…… are. you???
Tucker: Wow. That seemed physically painful.
Locus: I… am not used to being the one leading the conversation.
Tucker: Right.
They take another beat.
Tucker: Y’know, I was kinda surprised you were willing to work with a partner again so soon after. Well, y’know. Didn’t think you’d trust so easily.
Locus: I… was more surprised you were willing to trust me.
Tucker, quietly: Yeah, surprised me too…
He stares at the terminal. Some colors flash around him. Pink, cyan, purple, yellow. Orange.
Tucker: We’ve also been doing fine. Same old, same old. Chasing down leads, cleaning up Freelancer’s messes, blowing up Charon’s shit.
Locus: Being a thorn in the UNSC’s side?
Tucker points at him.
Tucker: You know it! Saving the galaxy. One step at a—
Sigma appears at Tucker’s side. Not as a flash of light, but in his full naked, on fire, hologram-y glory.
Sigma: This is it.
Tucker stands up straight, giving Sigma his full attention.
Tucker: Wait, seriously? Finally? It’s really actually him?
Locus: What is “it”?
Tucker: I told you, it’s just old files from Freelancer.
Locus: You said “him.”
A flash of cyan.
Tucker: Did I? Must’ve misspoke.
Sigma: Lavernius. It’s time.
Tucker: Right.
Tucker takes the device out of the terminal. The colors flash all around him again.
Locus: Time for what? I… have been patient. But I do not appreciate being kept in the dark. I know you have bigger plans—
Tucker: Dude, relax. It’s not like we were gonna tell you everything before we knew we could trust you. You? C’mon, be realistic. But,
Tucker lets out an over dramatic sigh.
Tucker: Fine. I’ll explain everything when we get out of here, okay? Just— oh, shit, watch the door.
Locus turns to face the door.
Tucker: Like I was saying,
Tucker pulls out a gun.
Tucker: We were pretty surprised you were trusting enough to work with a partner so soon.
Tucker shoots Locus in the back.
Tucker: Probably shouldn’t have been.
Locus: You—
Tucker starts walking. He reaches down to grab something off Locus as he passes.
Locus: You— why— I, I can’t move—
Tucker: Yeah, don’t worry. Delta says you’ll get use of your legs back in 6 months. Right D?
A flash of green.
Delta: 6-12.
Tucker: 6-12. Cool how they can calculate that, huh?
Locus: Why… why are you doing this?
Tucker: It’s nothing personal, man. Just taking out one of the few people in the universe who might be able to stop us.
Tucker stops walking next to a wall.
Tucker: Well…
He reaches his hand towards an alarm.
Tucker: Maybe a little personal.
He flips it. Lights start flashing, sirens start blaring.
Tucker: I hear the UNSC treats genocidal maniacs well.
Tucker moves to the door.
Locus: You… I should have trusted my instincts. You are just like him.
Tucker stops. Purple, yellow, cyan. Orange. He laughs.
Tucker: You’re joking, right? You two were mass murderers. I’m trying to clean up the mess that you made. I am protecting people. Look at how easily you were manipulated again! Trust me. The galaxy is safer with you put away. It’s safer with us.
The door flings open as Tucker turns invisible. Locus tries to tell the oncoming guards about Tucker’s presence to no avail. We see a Tucker’s cloaked figure maneuver past the guards, into an empty area of the base.
He uncloaks.
Tucker: All right guys. Calculate how fucking badass that exit was.
All the AIs holograms pop up around him. Their lines slightly overlap each other.
Delta: Given your standard metrics, I would calculate that was… 75% “badass.”
Gamma: Too cheesy.
Theta: It was so cool!
Gamma: Overly sentimental.
Omega: We should have killed him.
Sigma: You should not have taken his bait.
None of the others’ lines overlap with Sigma’s.
Sigma: You cut the door opening too close. It was an unnecessary risk. Don’t do it again.
Tucker: Oh, please, Sig.
He flicks Sigma’s hologram.
Tucker: I know you love the dramatics.
Sigma: Not when we are this close.
Tucker looks down at the device he’s holding.
Tucker: So this is really it? We really found him?
Delta: We will not know for certain until we can decryp—
Sigma: Yes. This is him.
Tucker holds the device up and stares at it. Lovingly.
Tucker: All right, Church. Just wait a little longer. We’re gonna fix everything. Real soon.
Omega: Not soon enough. Let’s move.
Tucker laughs, cloaks again, and heads out.
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mhsdatgo · 8 months
Since GOT they’ve been using rape and abuse to humble or break a woman/Girl because they aren’t the “right” kind of woman. They don’t ride a dragon or yield a sword. They don’t fight against their period typical role in life that they were born and raised in. They’re not “A guys girl” or the “I don’t have any girl friends, they’re too much drama” types who prefer the company of men to women, who would rather train with a sword and not learn embroidery. They don’t have dialogue that vaguely sounds more 21st century than Middle Ages.
These women are seen as of less value than our little dragon riding, sword and fist fighting tomboys. So they need to be taught that if you had just been more like this or more like that you wouldn’t have been brutalized and abused. The things that were done to you by other people is all your fault and you deserved it.
This show/franchise is not even in the same room as feminism.
👏👏👏 Nothing more to add anon. No lie was told.
The sad thing is, this is not what I got from the books of asoiaf at all. Women's experience was never told in juxtaposition to others. There is no humbling or brutalizing other women as a "punishment" for not being better, more rebellious, or bolder than others. The books tell stories of suffering and that's it. The way shows and fandoms decide to try and force other characters into another one's story for the sole purpose of comparing them so they prove that stanning one means having a moral high ground over another character's stans is the most idiotic thing to ever have happened among fandoms, to say the least. Especially when the two characters in question don't even know each other.
Just look at the way Sansa and Dany are treated in the fandom. Have a shot for every time Sansa in King's Landing is called a tradwife as if this wasn't a girl in middle school trying to survive they're talking about, or for every time she's called jealous of Dany. Imagine if a stranger girl with three dragons cames knocking on your door demanding that you and all of your people and their mama bend the knee to her and you are the jealous one and the villain because you just... Don't? Also, you deserve to be threatened with death when you pose a reasonable question, and you need to take it and be better and shut up. Then you're a "girls' girl" deserving of respect, etc.
We want strong female characters to think for themselves, except when that "thinking for oneself" isn't the same thing as kissing the ground the fan favourite girl walks on.
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If only fandoms paid more mind to what makes a character likeable or unlikeable in their eyes BASED ON THE CHARACTER ITSELF, and not on their perspective on their faves, interacting with them would be way more fun. Books/shows like asoiaf/GOT or F&B/HotD aren't places where you just choose a character you like and that's it, she's an icon she's a legend and she is the moment. If it was, it would either be a story for kids or a hell for Mare Sues' fans. As long as you treat asoiaf characters like deities that can do no wrong and everyone else as villains in need of redemption, you should step back and read something else.
This is something that needs to be accepted even between writers and directors, btw. Just look at what F&B was turned into. Girlboss vs Girlfail. Blacks got the Girlboss, the virtuous rightful heir, good mother fine ruler, Greens' got the Girlfail, the rape enabler, the boy mom, the tradwife, you name it.
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No, it doesn't matter that the latter is doing everything she can possibly do. She was a piece of shit the moment she stopped toiling behind the former because everyone is meant to be like or kneel before girlboss with dragon. Only then are your ambitions respectable. If not, fuck you, you're nothing. Everything that happens to you is your fault. I'll be in the front seats cheering for when everything you love is ripped brutally from you.
Even when your grown-up son rapes a maid. Even when girlboss with dragon threatens to put your people to the torch because you won't bend the knee.
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TL;DR: There's no need to compare/stone certain female characters for being what they are instead of a completely different type. If all of them were tomboyish with swords or feminine with embroidery, it would be boring. You aren't better than anyone for having preferences. Also, learn how to blame men when they fuck up. It's great for the bowel.
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kimbapisnotsushi · 6 months
i was feeling shiratorizawa + semiten and kawashira hcs so y'all know the drill LET'S GO
goshiki has 100% forgotten that he sleeps in a bottom bunk bed and consequently has shot up awake at the sound of his alarm only to bang his head on the underside of the top bunk bed
or the ceiling if he has the top bunk it's the same either way
also for some random reason i really enjoy thinking about semi and peach green tea. idk he feels like such a peach green tea person
fun fact when i first got into hq i made a list in my notes app where i could keep track of what i thought EVERY SINGLE CHARACTER (organized by team) would order at a boba shop/cafe so i could reference it for fics. i just looked at it for the first time in years. i apparently put down strawberry black tea for semi which still remains a pretty good choice i think
you know what. semi can be a strawberry black tea AND a peach green tea person. he goes for peach green tea when he feels like straying from his usual strawberry black tea. there i fixed the problem we're back on track
tendou uses the excuse of going on boba runs for the team to get alone time with semi. he'll be like "haha i can't get ALL the drinks by myself!! eita come with me :3" and semi just sighs but is honestly secretly really pleased that tendou would choose him out of everyone to run errands with
the greatest love language of all: running errands together
i actually think that, all things considered, semi was probably a little bit insecure and a little bit shy when it came to performing
like yeah he doesn't mind BEING in the spotlight. but he had to work on thinking he was good enough for it at first if that makes sense??? and i think being benched for shirabu probably exacerbates that
he's not used to showing other people his songs and his music!!! he's not used to being vulnerable!! he's not used to believing that he's skilled!!! because obviously that didn't work out in volleyball!! what if semi isn't actually as good at music as he thought himself to be?
tendou of course is determined to make him throw all these thoughts out the window
furudate please give us the secret cultural festival arc where semi gets a chance to shine because of his musical talents . . .
actually since shiratorizawa is a bunch of rich kids i wonder if yamagata has a smartphone bc i just think that'd make him constantly losing it 100x funnier
yamagata: "can everyone shut the fuck up for like five minutes i lost my phone and need help listening for the vibrations"
honestly why do i feel like half the times yamagata has "lost" his phone was really just tendou messing with him
like he's in the foreground running around looking for it while tendou is in the background snapping selfies with it or whatever
reon, ushijima, and yamagata like to go jogging together early in the morning. semi tried it once and then promptly decided never again
i actually think soft quiet early mornings are reon's favorite time of day!! he gets some peace to himself and he gets to see the sunrise bleed into the sky and he gets that crisp sweet air of fresh dew in the dawn and it's so so comforting to him
god i don't know how he does it i could never be that much of a morning person
however this does also mean reon goes to bed at like nine pm at the latest which tendou is personally offended by
reon the early bird riser who probably does yoga or some shit before meeting ushijima and yamagata vs tendou the night owl who stays up til three reading manga in the dark
genuinely how is tendou functioning at practice he probably stays up til three like four out of seven days of the week
(sorry i know i'm dunking on tendou a lot i'll stop now)
kawanishi will never admit it but he is so incredibly fond of the height difference between him and shirabu
it allows shirabu to fit his head perfectly in the crook of kawanishi's neck during bus rides and such and it makes kawanishi's heart flutter every time
but also kawanishi is MISERABLE during spring because shirabu can't comfortably do that when kawanishi is prone to sneezing like every five minutes
shirabu, teacher's pet that he is, is really good friends with the school librarian
oh my god . . . kawashira blue sky complex au . . . i would actually cry . . .
okay anyways shirabu kenjirou is really good friends with the school librarian and that's how he finds out that the school librarian used to know ushijima's dad
wouldn't that be crazy tho????? i'm thinking it was either the same librarian that utsui had or it was a close friend of utsui's who became the school librarian after they graduated and stuff. i'm kind of leaning towards the second one bc i feel like that makes more sense
i just. can you imagine how alone ushijima had to feel. can you imagine how suffocating it had to be. like there's plenty of reason to assume that his mom's side (and perhaps the mom herself) ended up disliking utsui and i wouldn't be surprised if they tried to scrub him out of ushijima's life
new idea guys utsui comes back and gets with the shiratorizawa librarian
honestly i just think this scenario would really show off how much shirabu and ushijima mean to each other because i think that gets underestimated a lot
they trust each other!!! they respect each other!!!! they understand each other!!! ushijima who knows that he is to be used for his pure raw strength and that that's all shirabu wants to do for him and shirabu who wants to bring out the best in ushijima and thinks of himself as someone who serves ushijima!!!!! shirabu and ushijima who both think they're being used by the other but they don't care because that works best for them!!!! it's their way of showing respect!!! by handing the reigns over!!!!
okay that's a really serious oversimplification of what i'm actually thinking but i got like five hours of sleep and i'm running on two mugs of some strong ass lotus green tea i trust you guys y'all get what i mean
like idk i think ushijima wouldn't really know what to do with shirabu when they first meet in their second and first years. quiet upperclassman who is occasionally a jerk but mostly does not mean to be and his equally quiet underclassman who IS a jerk and DOES mean to be. they'd be so fucking funny together. they back each other up in ways they don't even realize. they could leave entire crowds in tears on accident
actually . . . the poor third years back then who had to deal with this first year they thought was quiet and composed and unassuming and totally chill. but was, in fact, completely unchill
shirabu's gone to bat for every single member of the team at some point btw. soekawa ushijima reon yamagata semi tendou etc etc. none of them have ever witnessed it though word just gets passed around to them like shirabu is some honor-defending ninja who only works in the shadows
and then it really surprises shirabu when they come to bat for HIM
i mean i just. i think shirabu is really used to being independent. is used to doing things by himself. he's not used to other people sticking up for him or other people trying to guide him (which could be another reason why he clashes with semi). it's not that he thinks he's perfect but like. he's never had people who wanted to do that for him before!!
but now he's got goshiki who WANTS compliments from him and he's got kawanishi who loves him for whatever reason and he's got the upperclassmen who ruffle his hair and swing an arm around his shoulders and tell him ot text when he needs help and he's just like ???? like a system error.
give it up for shirabu kenjirou everyone i love him
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ser-zoras · 3 months
also saw the basketball post about team black vs team green and I’m sorry if they’re facing off in any sport it’s soccer. And team black is winning, because their main brand sponsor is Red Bull and they all act like it.
Daemon is a talent at headers. He will do a header even if there is no real reason to do a header. this is quite possibly his only skill, aside from pounding a bottle of something in a brown bag at halftime. Jace isn’t a very good player but he’s definitely someone you want on your team. Has never scored in his life but always passes the ball to Rhaenys or Rhaenyra or Baela. Rhaenyra is lowkey shit at the sport because her main goal is to distract as many green players as possible, particularly Alicent, but if someone tries to get the ball away from her, they will be on the ground in roughly ten seconds. Baela will charge whoever has the ball with a vengeance but the second she gets it away from them she will be so high on her own pride that Criston steals it from her so fast. Rhaena fantastic defender. Moves in silence but you will NOT be getting past her today, no sir, but always immediately passes to her sister, who, as I said, in her single-minded fury, will let defenders get the jump on her. Corlys is the goalie. No longer at the top of his game but does a fair job. Rhaenys is probably the striker. Yet again no longer at the top of her game but very fast and still quite good up until the point where Aemond slidetackles her and she blows out her knee again.
in the same way daemon is gifted with headers, Aemond is gifted with slidetackles. It is his go-to move, menace that he is. Somehow never gets carded. A fair player but slidetackles are really the only thing he can do. Aegon has the attitude of Jamie Tartt from Ted Lasso with none of the skill. Is incredibly jealous of daemon’s header abilities and will sabotage his brother at any moment in order to look like the better player. Criston definitely best player on their team. Boys a jock. Absolutely no strategy but all goals up on the board are there because of him. Very much restricted by the fact that none of the other offensive players are good except Gwayne who’s okay. Alicent is a defender in a similar situation. She knows they are not winning and keeps trying to force a tie. It does not work because Otto (another defender) will slam her into the ground each time she refuses to pass to an offensive player, knowing this will allow Baela to get the ball again. Will eventually storm off the field in tears of frustration, yelling at everyone. Helaena is goalie, and she’s terrible at it. The strategy is to sic Alicent on anyone who gets near Helaena because she is NOT saving that, which works until Otto pops up again. He is the player no one wants on their team, because he is screaming at everyone all the time, particularly his daughter, but cannot play for shit.
When I picture this in my head everyone is wearing the clothes they got in the show btw.
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amhrosina · 2 years
Waltz of the Vigilantes (Frank Castle x f!Reader)
A/N: Frank is sort of unhinged in this one and reader is sort of into that. Let’s just say Frank is thinking with his other head for the majority of this fic. Also, if you’ve read The Punisher vs. The Cat, Mister (the cat) makes an appearance in this one. As always, a big thank you to @wheredidiputmyfish for beta reading and being so great! <3
Request: hi friend! can you do a frank x reader where she’s a vigilante and she’s all graceful and acrobatic and shit and they haven’t been together that long, so one day he’s over at her place and finds out she used to be a ballerina (he finds pictures or something)? can be smutty if you want to…
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Summary: Frank and Reader can’t keep their hands off each other after a unique date night involving taking out mobsters, stealing booze, and taking body shots. 
(Warnings: SMUTTTTTT, canonical frank stuff - i.e., guns, knives, physical fights, vigilante!reader, alcohol, body shots lol, reader’s cat is a cockblock, fingering, oral (fem receiving), p in v, dirty talk)
You weren’t sure what you were expecting when Frank had suggested taking out a small group of mobsters together for date night, but it wasn’t wrestling a man twice your size to the ground as he repeatedly called you names and reached for his gun in the same breath. You’d had the element of surprise for about three seconds before the guy was shoving you back, and the only thing you could do to avoid losing your edge was use the momentum of his push to swing yourself onto his back. You wrapped your legs tightly around his neck, and he crumbled to the ground as you squeezed the life out of him with your thighs.  
Gunshots echoed off the walls in the next room, and you looked up just in time to see Frank bash the gunman’s head into a shelf on the wall. He glanced in your direction, no doubt checking that you were okay, and grinned when he saw the position you were posed in. You were still kneeling over the man you’d just killed, panting like you’d just run a marathon. You couldn’t help it – the man had a shit ton of stamina, and you weren’t used to being so hands on during your patrols.  
“Can you do that to me later?” Frank called, chuckling. 
You couldn’t stop the smirk from appearing on your face. Even when he’s in the middle of beating mobsters to a pulp, he can’t keep his mind out of the gutter. 
“Only if you’re good.” You teased, brushing your pants off as you stood. “Is that the last of ‘em?” 
“Yeah,” Frank nodded his head toward the back exit, “Take what you want. I’ll keep watch.”  
The den, which fronted as the back office of a laundromat, was littered with contraband. Guns, knives, drugs, imported alcohol, and medicine was scattered around the room, stacked in varying heights and covering most of the available surfaces. You weren’t particularly interested in any of the low-level things they were no doubt selling on the black market. You had plenty of your own guns and knives, and drugs weren’t your thing.  
The poker game you’d interrupted was left half-played on the table, cards splayed along the green felt of the tabletop. You dragged your finger along the soft fabric, eyeing the stacks of poker chips in front of each chair. There was at least a quarter of a million dollars in each hand, but you knew none of the cash would be here. They may be idiots, but they weren’t that dumb. 
You searched the overturned cards for a familiar face – one that would tell the police exactly who’d taken care of the pests of Hell’s Kitchen – and smiled when you found her: The Queen of Hearts. You slipped the playing card between the fingers of the man you’d killed and stuffed a single poker chip in your back pocket.  
Soon, the public would know just how close they were living to a group of men who not only trafficked drugs and weapons, but also women, and the Queen of Hearts would be considered responsible for it. To the police, you were a menace without a conscience, but to the public, you were the only one protecting them from certain death. 
When you joined Frank in the back alley, he looked you up and down, chuckled, and then looked you up and down again.  
“You didn’t see anything you liked?” He raised an eyebrow. 
“Eh, all I could find was this.”  
You raised the bottle out in front of you, giggling. On your way out the door, you’d thanked whatever guardian angel was looking out for you, because there, ripe for the taking, was an unopened bottle of Patrón Platinum.  
“D’ya wanna take shots of it off me when we get back to mine?” You winked, handing the bottle to Frank before stuffing your arms in your coat.  
“Only if you’re good.” He smirked. 
When you slid through the fire escape window of your apartment twenty minutes later, Frank was hot on your tail, pawing at the waistline of your pants. You turned, facing his broad shoulders and chest. He was so goddamn pretty, and you couldn’t help the broad strokes your hands made across his body. He smirked, lifting you onto the kitchen counter with ease, before pressing himself between your legs. His head was mere inches away from yours, and the urge to kiss him all over his pretty face became overwhelming. 
Your ears perked up at the sound of the tequila bottle sliding across the granite countertop. You’d almost forgotten about your amazing find earlier.  
“You mentioned body shots.” Frank smirked, brushing your lips with his. Not just a taunt, a dare, too.  
“The shot glasses are in the cabinet behind me.”  
You arched into his warmth as he reached above your head. The clink of two glasses being pinched together reverberated across the dim kitchen, sending a shiver down your spine.  
“I don’t have any limes.” You murmured, watching him twist the cap off the bottle. “I do have salt, though.” 
You reached behind you, procuring a saltshaker as Frank huffed a laugh. He poured the clear liquid into the shot glasses while you readied your neck, and when he finally swiped his tongue across the line of salt on your throat, you choked out a moan of indescribable pleasure. Fire followed the wake of his tongue from your neck down to your pounding core, causing you to squirm against his hard body.  
He tilted his head back, maintaining eye contact with you as he tipped the liquid into his mouth. Your eyes raked up his body, eyeing the way his throat bobbed as he swallowed, the way he didn’t flinch even though you knew the liquid burned as it went down. His focus on you was primal, his eyes already darkening with lust. Your lips parted, breath hitching as he lifted the second glass up to your face. You gulped the liquid down greedily, doing your best to mimic his stoic reaction, but your nostrils burned, and you snorted out a giggle as you scrunched your face up.  
Frank let out a loud laugh as you buried your face in your hands, embarrassed that you’d just snorted in his face. You could feel the heat in your cheeks rising and could almost guarantee that your face was stuck in an expression of horror. 
“What a way to kill the mood.” You pointed out, giggling again. Frank patted your thighs in a reassuring gesture before gently pulling you down from the counter. Your cat, Mister, appeared in the doorway, trotting across the linoleum and meowing loudly as Frank did his best not to step on him. 
“Shit,” you gasped, “I have to feed him.”  
You gently pushed past Frank’s broad body and swooped Mister into your arms, cuddling him against your chest. Frank made a show of grabbing the bottle of tequila and saluting Mister as he made his way out of the kitchen and towards the door to your bedroom. 
“Where are you going?” You quirked, raising an eyebrow at him as you filled the cat bowl with food. 
“Only a coward can’t admit when they’ve lost.” Frank replied, matter-of-factly. His large frame disappeared through the door, and you rolled your eyes.  
“Men are so sensitive, Mister.” You shook your head. He let out another loud meow between bites. 
“Except for you, my sweet angel. You’re perfect.” You fluffed his fur and headed in the direction Frank went, ready to finish what you’d so embarrassingly interrupted earlier. 
You found him sitting on the edge of your bed, hunched over a photo album that you’d been looking through earlier and forgotten to put away.  
“You didn’t tell me you were a popular kid in high school.” 
You cringed, reaching for the album, but Frank was faster and taller than you, so your efforts were futile. He held the album up in the air, laughing like a maniac. 
“Or that you danced!” 
“Frank!” You whined, standing on your toes. 
“You were so young! When was this?” 
“It doesn’t matter.” You groaned, jumping in the air, still unable to reach the album above you. 
“Were you any good?” Frank swung around, turning from your reach and cradling the album in his arms. He turned to the next page where three, shiny first place ribbons were taped together above a photo of you holding a trophy almost as tall as you. His eyebrows shot up. 
“You were good. You were really good.” 
You rubbed the back of your neck, cringing at the thought of him seeing photos of you when you were younger. That felt like a lifetime ago, and the girl in those photographs felt like a completely different person. 
“You got any videos?” Frank asked with a toothy smile. 
You crossed your arms and huffed. “I most certainly do not.” 
Frank’s grin widened. “Sure, sweetheart.” 
You rolled your eyes and held your hand out. He chuckled and placed the album in your arms before tapping the top of the album with his finger. 
“I like learning things about you.” He paused before continuing. “Even if I have to accidentally snoop to find them out.” 
“You do?” You could feel the heat returning to your cheeks. He always managed to make you feel like a bashful schoolgirl, even when he wasn’t trying to. 
“Yeah.” He bobbed his head once in confirmation. He lowered himself onto your bed, and after a moment, added, “No wonder you’re so,” he paused, clearing his throat, “bendy.”  
You grinned widely as he tried to subtly look you up and down. In a single sentence, he’d managed to heat the room up to 100 degrees, and suddenly the ache in your core was impossible to ignore. The heat in his gaze traveled over your body, lingering on the base of your hips, almost as if he could see how wet you were. It burned through you. 
You lurched forward, straddling him so quickly that you heard his breath hitch in his throat. You brought your lips next to his ear, noting the way his skin broke out in goosebumps as you breathed on to his neck. 
“You wanna know a secret?” 
Frank’s hands made their way around your thighs, gripping them with brute strength as he tensed. 
“Yeah, baby.” He murmured with a barely discernible nod. 
“I’m not wearing any underwear.” 
Frank’s entire being froze before a wide grin spread across his face.  
“You took out a sector of the mob, choked a man out with your thighs, and you weren’t wearing any underwear the entire time? I don’t know if I should be horny or jealous.” 
You smirked, pressing an open-mouthed kiss to his throat. “Why not both?” 
He grunted as you ground into him, and apparently decided he’d had enough, because in a swift, fluid motion, he flipped both of you over, placing you on your back as he inched his way down your body. He pulled the waistband of your pants down, revealing your unclothed pussy, and bit his bottom lip, groaning at the sight of it. He’d never get tired of seeing it – touching it – tasting it.  
“Baby, you have no idea what you do to me.” 
He looked at you with a mixture of awe and lust, and you instinctively spread your legs wider to give him easier access. He licked his lips, falling to his elbows and hovering so closely above you that you could feel the tickle of his breath against your clit.  
He ran a finger through your slick folds, playing with the wetness that he found pooling there. When he lightly brushed over your clit, you couldn’t stop the yelp from coming out of your mouth. He huffed a breath, sending heat over your clit, which morphed your outburst into a sultry moan. 
“Something wrong, sweetheart?” 
You were lying flat on your back, eyes rolling into the back of your head, and pointedly not looking at how incredibly hot he was with his head buried between your thighs, but you could hear the smirk in his voice as he teased you. 
“Frank.” You whispered, lifting your hips closer to his lips.  
“Yes, dove?” He played coy so prettily, especially as he pressed a gentle kiss to the apex of your core. 
“T-touch me. Please.” 
“All you had to do was ask, pretty girl.” 
Before you could offer a retort to his incredulous sarcasm, his tongue was between your legs, and you couldn’t form a coherent thought, let alone offer a verbal response. He mapped out your core with his tongue, circling your clit with an expertise that still surprised you, even though he’d proven to you many times how skilled he was with his mouth.  
“Oh sh-shit, Frank,” you whined, arching your back.  
He attacked your mound hungrily, like it was his last day on Earth, and you were his last meal. His tongue swiped over your entrance, coating his mouth with your intense wetness. He smiled as he prodded the hole with his tongue, determined to drink as much of you as he could.  
“You want my fingers, baby?” He prompted, emphasizing his question with a subtle suck on your clit.  
“Fuck yes, Frankie. Please.” You whined, tears pricking behind your tightly closed eyes. You were already so close. As soon as he pushed his fingers into you, you’d be- 
You were clenching around his fingers before you could finish the thought, erupting into an intense orgasm that had you crying out. He pumped his fingers in and out of you while he sucked on your clit, drawing out the pleasure in your body. For a moment, you couldn’t figure out where your pleasure began and ended, only focused on the way Frank seemed to know exactly how to lengthen your orgasms beyond what you were used to. 
It’d been that way since you’d slept with him the very first time, and you had half convinced yourself that it was a fluke until he did it again thirty minutes later. Frank was a talented man, and you probably didn’t even know the half of it yet. 
“You always taste so good, baby.” He mumbled, still pumping his fingers in and out of you at a leisurely pace.  
You were a panting, incoherent mess underneath him, and he loved it. He reveled in watching you come apart, and if he had it his way, he’d do it to you repeatedly, all day, every day of the week.  
He continued pumping his fingers in and out of your cunt, entranced by the slickness you’d spilled all over his fingers. The way your pussy fluttered around his hand, combined with the noises you were making as you inched closer to a second orgasm, were enough to bring a man to his knees.  
“Frankie,” you cried, breathing erratically, “’m gonna ​​​​cum.” 
“Good, baby.” He breathed, beginning to arch his fingers towards the spot that would send you toppling over the edge. “Cum for me, sweet girl. Wanna feel it.” 
The knot deep in your belly began to unravel at the sound of his gravelly voice commanding you to cum. When his fingertips brushed over the spot deep inside of you, you nearly screamed, completely falling apart underneath him. Your eyes rolled back as he finger-fucked you through the earth-shattering orgasm. Your legs, which he’d propped on his shoulders for easy access earlier, shook fiercely. 
He pressed gentle kisses onto your calf and ankle as you slowly came back to Earth, a soothing gesture that grounded you more than he knew. When you were finally coherent enough to open your eyes, he slowly stood from his stooped position, lightly setting your legs on the mattress.  
In a firm, but still somehow soft motion, he turned you on to your front, and you instinctively knew how to arrange yourself after that. Without prompting from him, you bent your knees underneath you, preening forward to rest your forehead on the mattress. You arched your back, clenching your toes in anticipation as he shuffled around the room.  
The sound of the condom wrapper being split open made your pussy flutter in delight, and Frank chuckled as you subtly shook your hips in eagerness.  
“Ready, sweet girl?” He asked, running his hands over your bare ass before lightly slapping it. 
You had to stop yourself from mumbling the words ‘I was born ready’. You were, but it sounded desperate, and you couldn’t give him all the power here.  
“Please, Frankie.” You mewled, slowly swaying your hips, “Please fuck me.” 
He pressed into you, sliding until he was completely surrounded by your pussy. You both groaned in unison as he stretched you out, waiting until you pressed yourself back against him – your way of saying move.  
He thrusted into you in a steady rhythm, drilling so deeply that you had to clench the comforter in your hands. Sex between the two of you had always felt right, like a deeper connection was being made every time you allowed vulnerability to squeeze its way into your relationship. It was a give and take, a push and a pull, a dance between two people who were so right for each other, even though they frequently did morally wrong things. You were convinced you’d never had proper sex until you met Frank, and he was more than happy to prove that to you. 
“Fuck, sweetheart.” He grunted, digging his fingers into your hips. “So. Fucking. Wet.” 
He thrusted after each word to emphasize his statement. You preened at the animalistic pace he set. The air was filled with breathy moans and skin connecting with skin, interspersed with Frank’s quiet grunts as he pushed himself closer and closer to the edge. 
When you arched your back even further, pushing your upper body into the mattress to give him even deeper access, his thrusts faltered. He paused for a moment, and then began thrusting into you harder and faster than before. It didn’t take long before he shuttered against you, cumming so hard that he nearly collapsed on top of you. He just barely had the wherewithal to catch himself, and he spent at least a minute and a half standing in that hunched position, panting over you. 
When he pulled out, you shuttered, turning over so you could watch him walk to the bathroom to dispose of the condom. He returned with a warm, damp washcloth, and you tried not to get caught staring at his god-like body as he moved toward you. Frank was a confident man, but the way you gazed at him sometimes made him nervous. You stared at him like he was your endgame, and while that idea actually tended to excite him, the way you drooled over him made his cock twitch, and he wasn’t sure he’d ever be able to satiate your lust. 
“Hell of a date night.” You breathed as he wiped you clean.  
He grinned, tossing the towel in the hamper before flopping down onto his stomach, watching you with gleaming eyes. You met his gaze, turning your head so that your noses were inches apart.  
“Thanks for the date, handsome.” You grinned. 
“Anything for you, baby. Did you have fun?”  
“Too much fun. I want to do it all over again.” You brought your finger up to his nose, lightly flicking it. 
“Oh, I think that can be arranged, sweetheart.” He teased, matching your smile. 
“You think so?”  
“Definitely.” He smiled a genuine smile, and you melted.  
​​So goddamn pretty.  
Tag List:
@xleiaorgana @mukbee @dilfs5678 @kokoterainonago666 @blackwidownat2814 @mymamalife @minervadashwood @emiemiemiii @h4rrys @messymissy @mylifeispainandiloveit @mossexe @fightmilk @spikedhe4rt @fictional-hooman @merleisapartygod @babyslyth @legocity2 @quackson03 @certifiedhunter @deliciousfestsalad @dumb-fawkin-bitch @americaarse @thatgirljayy @hiyabyeyababy @theesexystallion @scoliobean @myguiltypleasures21 @dnxgma @megmastersgf @alexxavicry @hallecarey1 @km-ffluv @chiaraxtargaryen @trulylavandedarling @D0wnbad @deliciousfestsalad @lilyevans1 @imagineadream @22carolina08 @definitelynotsugar @casualchaoticdevil @peachy-flxwr @nashja @xshewayout @blep--bloop
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imagineandwrite · 1 year
Domestic Vibes (Headcanon)
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I'm still writing Obsession vs. Love
Domestic?Shuri Udaku x College Student!Masculine!Fem!Reader Also Grumpy!Sunshine!Shuri x Slightly!Grumpy!Reader
Warnings: Mean!Reader and Mean! Shuri but they're slick with it, they're not mean to each other, I feel like Reader just needs a nice nap and she'll be fine. Reader is taller than Shuri, and Shuri has no decorum. Reader is grumpy but is soft-spoken around Shuri. Poor Riri just wants to hang with her bestie, I don't say anything sexual but I think it's implied that Reader is very dominant and Shuri is very... submissive. I think at some point I just let loose and just start dumping my thoughts, so there's definitely a lot of cussing and Reader talks like me... I've been told I talk "Proper ghetto" idfk
A/N: THIS IS NOT IN THE SAME UNIVERSE AS Obsession vs Love. I'm trying a new color code thing. Green is Reader and Purple is Shuri
Inspired by @shinsousliya's Domestic!Wife!Shuri Headcanons
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When y'all finally start dating (which is a hilarious story I imagined but I don't have the energy to write. If you want it, let me know)
You thought Shuri was clingy before but now the nigga is SLOTH CLINGY! Holding onto your back, piggyback rides, held over your shoulder, or she's holding onto your arm.
Don't blame her though, she lost everyone so she needs to keep an eye on you
She's practically moved in with you and only goes back to Wakanda to do check-ups on the people and their safety (she is the Black Panther after all)
Riri has gotten used to coming home to Shuri and you laying on the couch or the floor watching tv
"I left you a box on the counter," Shuri said, her eyes never straying from the tv and her hands still playing with your hair. Riri sighs as she walks into the kitchen, greeted with the site of two boxes. One with her name and the other with MJ's name. "I wasn't sure if you were bringing MJ, or not, so I got something for her!"
Meanwhile, you're grumbling cause your sleep was disturbed by Shuri's yelling.
Speaking of sleep! We all know that College is a bitch, having a job doesn't help, and running a side hustle with Riri is kinda tiring.
Your sleep schedule is terrible
Your friends constantly call you Zombie or a vampire cause you look like shit while still looking sexy
"How is it that you had a bunch of girlfriends, have an amazing girlfriend who will do anything for you, and still have random bitches coming up to you asking for your number? Meanwhile, the other day a girl flat out told me no and asked my brother out in front of me." "I have no clue, maybe no one likes you cause you dress like Mr. Brown." (Yes, Tyler Perry's Mr. Brown)
At first, Shuri would try to get you to bed on time but then she'd stay up working while you slept. And you told her that made no damn sense
So now y'all stay up together until one of you (usually Shuri) slumps over and the other (you) has to carry them to bed.
Remember the clinginess I mentioned in the other post? Yeah, Shuri needs your attention on her
She will 100% let you talk her ear off about all your interests and hobbies
Why are you talking to this musty boy when you could be talking to her? Oh, he's your cousin? Well, she's your girlfriend, your very needy girlfriend.
Speaking of being yours! Tell her she's your "anything" and she's putty in your hands
"Hello, my love." "Hi, Sthandwa Sami." *soft giggles*
"Cause you're my girl." She's now latched onto you, good luck carrying a Shuri sized front pack
She'll ask you about your passions, knowing that there's a chance you'll go on a rant about it and she loves it when you explain things she "doesn't understand"
She understands almost everything about your passions, she researched it when she found out you loved it.
OH! Shuri learns your body's schedule so that she can make breakfast or ready a shower or bath, depending on if you are going to work or school
She learned your style so now she's constantly buying things for you and you're like "QUIT BUYING ME THINGS!" and she's like "But spoiling you makes me happy." and you, of course, don't wanna make her sad so you let her spoil you.
I don't know if Shuri really thinks they're flirting or is just really jealous but if she sees a girl staring for too long or breathing weirdly. She's ready to throw hands... unless you can stop her in time
"Is she staring at you?" "No, I think she's staring at you." "Sthandwa Sami, I am many things, but I am not blind." Cue her speeding towards the woman. "Apartments this way, my love! You can fight air instead of yanking her hair." (that rhymed)
It's either that or she finds a way to "accidentally" offend the person so they leave
"You're wearing a wig, yes? I can see it lifting at your ear where you didn't glue it properly."
"Your shoes don't match your outfit, is today a tacky day? Or what do you Americans call it? Mitch-match?"
She's so mean but she looks so innocent, so confused while saying these things that people think she's genuinely curious. Meanwhile, you're trying to find out if you want to laugh or find the nearest exit so you can deal with her
While you're in class, Shuri is either working on a lab project or she's running errands/doing work for you.
Again, I'm keeping @shinsousliya's headcanon in mind
So, you're a college student running a business. Maybe you're selling hair care products. Just because some old people can't tell if you're a dude or a chick doesn't mean you have unkempt hair.
She bought a printer for you so you wouldn't have to keep using your friends' or the library's printer. She's piping shea butter hair cream into containers, pouring hair oil into bottles, and sticking labels on them.
She'll restock your ingredients, and buy another mixer for you so you can make two batches at a time instead of one.
One time, she sat you down and created a schedule for you. It's got what classes you have on certain days, restock days, wash days, birthdays, vacation time, etc.
Since you both know, you're not gonna keep up with the planner, she has complete access to it. She'll add things to it and you'll get a notification on your iPhone, iPad, laptop, and kimoyo beads.
Did I mention she got you kimoyo beads? You have them as a necklace and she made you Kimoyo earrings as well so you both are matching.
I know y'all THINK she's tall, but shawty is a shorty.
I feel like you'll walk into the kitchen and just see her chilling on the counters. Like literally on the counters. Like crouched on it, like a cat, type chilling.
She goes to you to clean her wounds from being the Black Panther
You've learned a bunch of basics and more of First Aid and such
But she's so whiny and so sensitive
"I'm kindly requesting that you sit still," You mumble, carefully picking a bullet out of the hole in her side. "It hurts," She whined, shoving her face into a pillow to muffle her groan of pain. "I know, my love, but I got it," You sigh, placing the bullet on a tray next to you and grabbing the cloth wraps. After cleaning around the wound, you kiss her hip before wrapping her waist. Stopping whenever she flinched back to give her a break. "I'm done, love." You kiss her temple as you carefully guide her to lie in bed.
She's super annoying but it's cute so it's okay
Like she's following you around whenever she can
As soon as you get home, she's guiding you to the couch or to your room so she can just lay on you
If you say or do something stupid, she's quick to pinch your side
It's gotten to the point where fi you can, you'll move away from her and then say it so she has to get through obstacles to get you
By the time she's with you, she just wants to hug you
Accidently snaps at you for no fucking reason
It's toned down now that you've fixed it, but SHEEEESH
when y'all first started dating, she snapped left and right
"You okay?" "I do not need you hounding me, I'm fine."
"Maybe take a break." "Stop telling me what to do, I don't need a break I need to finish this. You need to leave!"
"Sweetheart-" "No." "Excuse me?" "Can't you see I'm busy?"
At first, all you did was give her a look and that would fix her up
But then you talked about it with her and tried to figure out why she would snap so frequently
Poor baby would be overstimulated and the only way for her to be pulled away from overworking was to snap at you
She likes matching with you, even if you're in different countries
She'll call you so you can plan your outfits together
Sometimes she'll get lost in thoughts of her future with you
You call her and see her drowning in your hoodie
"Ma'am..." "Yes?" "That's my hoodie." "I know." "Why do you have it?" "Cause..." "Okay, my love."
That's another thing! Y'all don't even have to say anything, you just know when the other is feeling a certain way
Has and will ask you stupid shit just so she can see your reaction
She invited you to Wakanda and you met Nakia and had to do a double take
"I'm looking respectfully."
And Nakia of course has been around the world and has spent time in Nakia. She knows exactly what you mean by that and she is amused. Shuri is not
"If you're going out in that, put on a jacket. I don't want you sick."
If you're like me, I'm an introvert but if I have to, ABSOLUTELY HAVE TO, I will talk to people
Your social battery starts depleting at 5 people if they're strangers.
On a very good day you can do 6
Shuri is perfectly fine with this, cause she doesn't like talking to people either
It's more of a "What's out there that we don't have in here?" than a "People are terrifying" thing
Physical Affection
You're either spooning her or she's laying on top of you with her face in your neck or on your chest. If you move, she moves. There's no separating
"Unless you want me to pee on you, move." Softly nudging Shuri off you. "I'll come with you." Getting up to follow you to the bathroom with a soft grin. "Do me a favor and don't. Just plant your ass on the bed." Pushing her back on the bed and wrapping her up like a burrito.
One of you is wrapped in a blanket laying between the other's legs while they read to the burrito blanket person
I feel like Shuri likes to nuzzle you. Like if she's sitting behind you, she'll nuzzle the back of your neck or your shoulder. She'll nuzzle your cheek.
OR! She'll give you Eskimo kisses, which is just rubbing your nose against someone else's nose
Buries her face in your chest. Doesn't matter if you're flat-chested or your breast is big (like me) She'll shove her face where she can
Goodnight kisses, very important. DO NOT MISS OUT ON HER KISSES
Thump. You shove the pillow off your face and back into Shuri's hands. When you finally open your eyes, Shuri glares down at you from her place on your lap. "What?" "Do not 'what' me!" She whispers, thumping your forehead before crossing her arms. You sighed as you sat up, placing your hands on her hips to keep her on your lap. You swiftly pecked her lips, quick to move out of her reach when she tried to deepen the kiss.
She'll bite you. If you're like me, then you'll bite her back.
Or you're the one who bit her first
She's constantly messing with your hair
If you don't have any hair, then she's playing with your fingers
If she senses your anxiety, and you're in public, she'll grab your hand
If you're in the comfort of your home, or at a friend's house, she'll hug you and kiss along your collarbone or jaw or cheek (wherever she can reach)
So if you saw the Meetings and Things post, then you remember that you'd pull her to sit in your lap whenever there weren't enough sits BEFORE you were dating
Now that you're dating, she likes to sit on your lap and just chill
She's gotten used to sitting in your lap and it kinda feels weird to not be in your lap or pressed into your side
Wrap your arms around her from behind and pull her into you. She immediately collapses into your arms
And good luck trying to escape her hold in the morning
Cause she's latched on TIGHT
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How do we like the color thingy? I was gonna do a bit of NSFW headcanons but... I don't know... I'll probably mess with it in the future
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mejcinta · 5 months
As someone who joined the hotd fandom recently (its a shitshow lmao), and has read many funny (albeit a bit toxic) discussions, I think it's hilarious that, just like his brother, Lucerys Velaryon (I had to search his name because I don't know their names lmao) is often only mentioned/relevant in the discourse when the topic is about his obvious bastardy, his horrific action of maiming a child (and not being apologetic about it), his accidental death (which, I'm sorry, but the moment his tiny dragon attack a war hardened giant dragon, I knew he was fucked, literally fuck around and find out, this kid), or the need to propped Rhaenyra up for the morality ranking bs. Like, the greens gets so much discussion about their dynamics with each other, as well as their personality, despite having less screen time. But Lucreys, the only gist I could get from both teams is that, he was a bully (but he was a child uwu) then struck a kid with a knife in a 4 vs 1 fight (he was trying to protect his brother uwu), wasn't punish for it, was heir for driftmark, and that's about it. Like, the closest hint of personality I could find was him admitting he wasn't ready to inherit driftmark, and being an awful human by smilling unapologetically towards Aemond but other than that I see nothing? But a plankwood, a literal npc that occasionally says something and has to stand next to Rhaenyra, looking like he shat himself. Like, I could've been more sympathetic towards him but nah my man is boring af and that godawful smile at the dinner scene still pissed me off lmao. LMAO, sorry about this rant but I saw a post claiming that they took Lucberys traits and gave it to Aemond and, say, even in the book, there's no mention of anything about his traits? The show tried their best to give him one but made Luchekrys even more bland and annoying lmao.
Urgh! When will people stop being envious of Aemond?
You see, something I've observed about the writing on Team Black is that it suffers terribly from a case of favoritism.
Yes, you can love something to the point of utterly destroying it!! Just like you can spoil a favorite child to the point of serious illness by giving them too much candy.
The writers WANTED the audience to favor team black, and so ended up making them the most boring, upstanding people in an asoiaf show, WHILE sugar coating and making excuses for every single wrong thing they did!!! There are no evident consequences for their actions (everything bad that happens to them is someone else's fault), but what i find more annoying is you will never find team black characters acknowledging their shortcomings or explaining their actions. THEY JUST DO AS THEY PLEASE, and any inconvenience they face is a plot against them...certainly NOT the fruit of their labors.
None of that shit is realistic. We all know for a fact that people like these in real life are the most insufferable and stuck up pieces of shit to live with!
Team Green benefit from more organic writing. Their flaws are acknowledged, even by themselves. They're imperfect people trying their best to get by, trying to change and failing, forced in a corner that they must fight their way out of and harboring ambitions that they often fail to achieve. They struggle as a family, they fight a lot, but by the end of the day they understand that they need to work as a unit to ensure their survival.
ALL OF THIS IS HUMAN, REALISTIC AND UNIVERSAL. What makes a character compelling is showing their inadequacies, making them acknowledge their inadequacies, making them fail, making them win at a cost, making them fight, making them struggle.
Characters that easily get what they want and whose actions can always be excused are boring, boring, boring.
It is ironic that even with all the excessive vices the writers added on Team Green's plate, they only wound up making them more fascinating and worth talking about.
I really can't say the same about Team Black. Daemon is the only thing happening for them because they let him be controversial, just like the Greens.
Long rant, but you can see why Lucerys comes nowhere near being as interesting or layered as Aemond and the rest of the Greens.
His fans can complain all they want, but the fault ultimately lies with the writers, who diluted these characters in efforts to make them the perfect protagonists.
And I don't think much will change in s2.
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horizon-verizon · 5 months
The fact that Green stans are throwing trantums because even TG actors couldn’t say why people should be on their side.
There’s no such thing as “Black propaganda” bffr it’s not medieval times, TG actors are not traditionalist Catholics losers who live in the 15th century like their fans, like besides the far-right and male supremacists, who will willingly admit that usurping women & preventing them from ruling on the sole basis of their gender is the right thing to do ? Especially in a favor of a drunkard rapist ? Besides incels and religious fanatics, how many in 2024 are like: “she’s an evil slut for having sex outside marriage, that’s why she doesn’t deserves to rule, and natural children are inherently evil & don’t deserve rights.” They are not awful people like y’all who support femicide.
Professionally, they are all at some level trying to play into their character and for the viewership's primary mindset towards the situations the story on-screen present/how they interpret them. Most of the audience are "team black" /Team Rhaenyra/team woman or just see through the greens' bullshit. Fandoms are also notoriously much more aggressive, acerbic, and defensive in online fandom and public spaces.
At the same time, you see the actors overwhelmingly seem inclined to not bring up the core of the greens' cause/reason to start a war: women and girls should not be allowed to rule before an available male relative, as direct as possible but unnecessary. Such an idea may be valid or the God's truth for some in the fandom (which has been notoriously and sexistly & vocal since GoT ended) but thankfully, we're in a place in time where people are also very upfront and assertive about their progressive politics, at least the younger generations. And women have much more autonomous legal rights than they have had in past centuries. More people conceive as women as their own unique persons, too, even though yes women's rights are being rolled back in the U.S. as we speak. A lot of that expression is geared towards the absurdity of those rights being rolled back and giving historical/contemporary contextual context or just plain reasoning to de0naturalize those acts.
People are speaking up more about IPV, public day rapes, orchestrated and planned femicides, women getting punched in the face. Women online are expressing their own styles, dreams, and humor, as well as telling women and femme-presenting people to decenter men (or to stop attaching everything they do or think they have to do from the prospect or presence of a man/boy).
So I think that they simply couldn't gun for the slogan of "men-first" without getting positively reamed. Plus, the 1st season really didn't lean into the greens' canonically uber-sexist personas bc the show writers wanted to "equalize" the moral characterizations of the two sides. To either/both the greens as sympathetic or to try to insert more complexity to them than what the already-green-leaning F&B book had down as them being mostly ultra-misogynist advocates for self-ambition and hypocrisy. Even Ewan--Aemond's actor--kept to the eye bit instead of Aemond's "cunny", "whore" comments because of these two things. SO while I think it is fair to not hear the actors as themselves play into the sexism in the promos [bc an actor vs character are two different beings and I don't necessarily want to hear a 21st century famous person say sexist shit], I wish the show and its writing itself played more into more of the expressed sexism rather than just the subtle and one instance of Otto's words to Alicent. again, the show did this to make a "balance" b/t the groups and one glaring effect that happened was that it provided a mask for sexists, pick mes, and dudebros to argue for the greens without just coming out and saying they think girls and women should remain subsidary to men/boys in all aspects of life. Especially as candidates for leadership roles. I've had countless anons try to argue that Rhaenyra wasn't a good enough leader and so she should never had gone to war to reclaim her throne, that Aegon at least had a council he'd listen to and would rule in his name...um, hello, I though that the best sort of ruler was one who had the wherewithal to actually rule?!?! Plus, Aegon's moral character has always been inferior to Rhaenyra and you basically admitting that his leadership qualities is nothing to smile at is you basically whittling down the reason he should be king is bc he happens ot have a penis! Especiaally considering Rhaenyra's supporters outnumbered Aegon's and passionately fought for her even after death. Whereas Aegon was poisoned by his own people. Tg just needs to let things go, for everyone's sake.
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blue-mint-winter · 23 days
Reading Fire and Blood: Rhaenyra Triumphant
Aemond the Bully returns, this time he bullied the elderly. RIP Simon Strong and the rest of Strongs.
For a scholar, maester Gyldayn is completely unaware that men can be attracted to other types of women than young maidens. It's easier to accuse Alys Rivers of witchcraft, than see the plain truth: Aemond is into MILFs.
Same with Daemon and Nettles. After giving it some thought I think she's just his Brienne. She's not his daughter, she's not his lover, but she is dear to him, close to his heart. People say that they had to be lovers because they bathed together. Well, Jaime and Brienne also bathed together, but didn't become lovers (yet).
I doubt Daemon was sleeping with Mysaria. Sounds more like they were plotting or she was giving him information and the affair was a cover for that.
There's a lot of fighting, but the general pattern in the whole war is that greens are attacking and blacks are defending. Lannister forces invade Riverlands, Aemond uses hit and run tactics all over the region, Cole besieged Rook's Rest, also marched on Riverlands, Hightowers are conquering the Reach with Daeron.
Maelor's death was very gruesome. I think Willow was trying to save him. I wonder if the situation with a lone Kingsguard protecting a young heir is alluding to Aegon VI's survival?
Rhaenyra's worst decision was putting Celtigar on her council. He turned the city against her with those taxes and his advice was shit.
I find it pretty funny how Borros Baratheon ghosted the greens after Aemond became a kinslayer. He and Stormlands kept entirely out of the war. Borros is truly Rogar's grandson.
Brothel Queens - I'm going to say that one is true. Seems like a cruel but fitting revenge for years of slander against Rhaenyra. The source is Mushroom who was there. Other sources, Septon Eustace and maester Munkun, dismiss it, because it humiliates their green queens. Septon Eustace as a source seems to generally cover up or omit anything that's too saucy about the royal family.
Grey Ghost was killed by a dragon and the sailors saw grey and gold... sounds like Sunfyre was the real killer, not Cannibal. Besides Cannibal and Grey Ghost coexisted for many years on Dragonstone without fighting.
Rhaenyra losing trust in people and suspecting even those loyal to her is a sad, cautionary tale. That's how she lost her best supporters, Corlys, Addam, Daemon, Nettles, maester Gerardys, even lord Mooton. She made them leave her side, gave them unacceptable orders that they had to disobey. It's possible Dany will make the same mistake as she is looking out for betrayals from people close to her.
I like how lord Mooton and his maester decided to save Nettles. They were just decent people, which was refreshing after reading about so much depravity during this war.
The ending with Daemon vs Aemond fight was really melancholic. I wonder what happened to Daemon's body. Maybe someone took him. The only possible source for this battle seems to be Alys Rivers, so she might have hidden some things.
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hood-ex · 2 years
Did you read dark crisis? What are your takes on it, did you like it?
I just watched a YouTube video telling the whole story and I haven't seen you comment on it besides the amazing 'the more things change the more they stay the same' post
I honestly just found the whole thing discombobulating with all the talk of darkness and how it would better or worsen the multiverse. Like ooo the darkness is sentient... or not. It's just created from Pariah's own insanity... or something? (Dude, idk, they talked about it back and forth so much that I couldn't remember what the truth was by the end of it.)
Slade's motivation throughout the story (when he wasn't being mindfucked by the darkness) was ehhh. He wanted everything to end so that people wouldn't have to feel pain like he did when his children died or were hurt. Which, idk, is pretty weird to me since he didn't used to like endangering innocent people and would sometimes protect innocents even if no one paid him. (EDIT: I totally forgot about Slade's involvement with the destruction of Bludhaven when writing this ALKDA. Slade's willingness to protect the innocent depends on who's writing him.) It just seemed a bit out there for him is all. An overreaction, if you will.
Hal and Barry had pretty solid interactions throughout the story. They were getting shit done for sure.
Loved Roy and Dinah's reunion hug.
Black Adam was kind of annoying being all Mr. Doom and Gloom. I understand it was meant to juxtapose the whole theme of light/darkness and hope/despair but whatever. It was also weird af that they made him look like The Rock in one panel.
Gar got an eye patch after getting his eye shot out, and I thought it was interesting how his eye looked perfectly fine when he transformed into a tiger but then a scar appeared across his eye when he transformed into some werewolf looking beast.
Jon's solo fight against the dark army (or whatever the fuck they were called idr) was one of my favorite parts. Mostly because it reminded me of Ponyboy getting his shit rocked during the Greaser vs. Socs rumble.
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I like that Clark jumped in to save him from Doomsday at the last second.
Let's see... there were definitely some Titans that could've gotten some more lines in. Some of them didn't really have a major part in the story. They were mostly background fighters.
Dick was not one of those Titans. He had a pretty big role in this story as the "light" in the darkness. Honestly pretty insane that his willpower was so strong that he was able to unpossess himself (he was a candidate to be a Green Lantern at one point though sooo). I thought it was hilarious as fuck when Dick gave his speech to Bruce about his little candle and how he wanted to keep candles lit to bring hope to other people, and then Bruce wordlessly took the candle out of Dick's hand and snapped it with his thumb ASLDKJA, and Dick was all *shocked Pikachu face.*
I mentioned it before but I personally feel a little iffy about how much DC is pushing Dick as the new leader of the future. Mostly because when Bruce previously wanted Dick to become a member of the Justice League, Dick declined. And now Bruce isn't even really giving Dick the option. He's just like, "So anyway the world needs a leader while the JL is on recess annnd that leader is going to be you." Y'know. Despite the fact that being the leader is stressful as fuck and Dick had to step away from two different teams because he was mentally and emotionally worn down from them.
Also, I hate that they didn't keep all the events of this story contained to one book. At one point Damian was like, "Brb," and then later he randomly showed up with some more heroes to join the fight. Like bruh. I'd rather read his little adventure in this story rather than have to hunt down whatever the hell he was doing in some other book.
And the veeery ending with Waller and her idea to get rid of metahumans just made me think of Nightwing: New Order. I'm doubtful that idea is going to feel new or fresh in any capacity, but we shall see.
All in all, the event was kind of just... meh. The art was probably my favorite part. It gave us some good whump shots of Dick and Jon. It also made Dick look more intense and serious which made him feel like his old self. That I appreciated.
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davinaswp · 2 years
I really don’t understand this divide between greens vs blacks in the fandom.
*** this post got way longer than I wanted it to be so be warned aha
*** also this is about the show I could give a fawk about the books ngl
like i get choosing a side in a playful way but you’d think it was real life politics atp with how far it’s been taken like shit is it really that serious? enough for u to be attacking real people over? 😭😭😭😭 and then to pull 2022 morals into it as if one side isn’t romanticising incest and age gaps and wife killing and the other side isn’t sexist and borders on religious fanaticism. Do either have a leg to stand on in regards to morals? Be real.
On top of that, I feel like it’s much easier to root for individuals in this show rather than entire teams because each character has their own motivations, at least that’s how I’m finding it. I don’t think I could say I’m wholly on team green or team black because I love Rhaenyra and want her to get her throne but I also love love love Alicent and will be rooting for her regardless of morals or politics. I want to see her character absolutely pushed to the edge and going nuts. Can’t stand Viserys, want to punch Otto, i flip flop between liking and hating daemon but absolutely LOVE the velaryons esp Laena (also if Rhaenys was queen this shit really wouldn’t be happening I’m so serious) but yeah, idk it’s much easier to root for individual characters I think.
Another reason why this greens vs blacks thing is dumb is that both sides are kinda moving with the same motivation, it just so happens that their motivations make them enemies. Both sides see themselves as the protagonists of their own story, they’re very similar in that they’re just trying to promote their own self preservation because they genuinely see the other as a threat. It’s not a victim vs perpetrator situation, they both see themselves as the victim and in “retaliation” are becoming the perpetrator.
I think that’s very obvious in the figureheads for both sides which are Rhaenyra and Alicent. The parallels between them bc how they’re supposed to be opposites that are being put down by the same sexist system have been evident from the first episode.
On one hand, you have Rhaenyra who has been exposed to the sexism of the court through unit only herself and being dismissed as a claimant to the throne despite being Viserys’ first born but also through her mother. She saw how much pain her mother suffered for a potential male heir and saw how much no one cared about Aemma’s life so long as she had a boy. By seeing someone she loved go through that, she could recognise it as wrong and that’s one of the biggest differences between her and Alicent in that she doesn’t recognise it at all.
Alicent doesn’t see what could be or what should be, she sees the world as it is and accepts it. She recognises the rules and laws laid down on them by society and the gods and doesn’t question it, there’s no point, it’s just how it is. That’s why she’s always done as she’s been told, she’s always out duty first because she genuinely believes that to live a good life, you just have to abide by the rules and honestly, she doesn’t have the privilege to think otherwise. Rhaenyra does.
Rhaenyra is undoubtedly privileged, she’s the princess, of course she’s privileged. She might still be a victim of the patriarchy but her station still elevates her above other girls and even above other men. She knows that too which is why she’s constantly pushing the boundaries and she’s not afraid to stand up for what she thinks shoukd be hers by right. She can afford to be reckless and brave and someone who steps outside the box because there are less consequences for her if she does. Who’s going to scold the kings daughter? That privilege is magnified by the fact that her feminism has a powerful male mouthpiece in the form of Viserys, the king. That’s another thing, Rhaenyra has a father who will let her get out of his control and keep her safe while Otto would never allow Alicent to get out of his control but wold put her in danger. Viserys sees Rhaenyra as his daughter while Alicent is only viewed as a tool which is another privilege.
That difference in privilege is shown in their first scene together where Rhaenyra could fly off on her dragon and away from the worries of the world while alicent knew she didnt have that privilege and not only had to but chose to stay on the ground because shes very acutely aware of her station and accepts it because she believes she should. rhaenyra could live in the sky, in her dreams and in her ideals, alicent cant because she’s very aware of consequences and that the world has an “order” per say and she thinks by following that, thats how she’ll excel.
Alicent does that. She follows her fathers orders because as the dominant male figure in her life, he controls her future. That leads to her getting married to Viserys which was the worst thing to happen to her because now shes more lonely than ever, it put her on a station she wasnt ready for and isolated her from her closest friend and also viserys is just hideous ik she resists the urge to puke every time they segz. She chose Viserys over Rhaenyra (someone she genuinely cares about and feels comfortable with), duty over love and sure it made her queen but it also robbed her of any happiness. She’s followed the rules and she’s miserable and that conflicts her worldview massively.
And if that wasn’t bad enough, you have Rhaenyra who is constantly going against the rules and she’s somehow happier. She has people who love her and side with despite it. And that’s great! Good for her! Alicent is even one of the people who will side with her,,, but then it ends up negatively affecting her.
Yes, I’m talking about The Lie.
I know its easy to dismiss that as alicent holding a grudge over a lie or being judgy and jealous bc rhaenyra got to fuck whoever while Alicent was stuck with crusty old Viserys but I think it’s so much more than any of that.
That lie cost alicent a lot. It got her dad fired, leaving her alone at court when she was already feeling vulnerable and not only that but it showed alicent that she didnt have rhaenyra either bc the one person she thought would never hurt her, didnt care that she got caught in the crossfire. Rhaenyra showed alicent that she could be deceitful even towards her and there was a level of mistrust between them now even without the men coming between them. Alicent got left alone at court because Rhaenyra was excused for her recklessness and even Rhaenyra didn’t seem to care.
On the flip side youve got Rhaenyra who could never have told Alicent the truth, she was the daughter of the hand and the wife to the king and she’d went behind rhaenyras back before to perform her duty and she could do that again. For the record, I dont think alicent wouldve ratted her out, she would most likely have encouraged her to confess or thrown criston in it. but rhaenyra didnt know that for certain and she couldnt take that risk, she had to lie for the sake of protecting herself even to Alicent.
A similar incident happens again during the whole Aemond eye debacle.
Now i know Aemond is a shit, i dont like him either (yet) but … he lost an eye. Alicent and Viserys’s son was sat there bleeding because one of Rhaenyras kids slashed his eye out. And listen, i didnt expect for Viserys to take Jaces eye or anything but to stand there and question Aemond, YOUR SON BTW, over an insult which he’d already paid the consequence for because Rhaenyra asked you to? For Rhaenyra to order that Alicents already mutilated son be tortured so her lie could be protected? I can see why Alicents so fucking pissed. Thats not me saying she was right to call for Jaces eye or to attack Rhaenyra but to make her out to be purely evil and without reason is insane to me. Her son was permanently damaged and all everyone seemed to be focused on was protecting Rhaenyra and gaslighting Alicent, including her sons own father. Rhaenyra’s lies were being put above Alicent yet again. For her to break in that moment and do something that isnt in the rulebook made sense, shes followed the rules and still she has no one fighting in her corner. Alicent gave up her life, her autonomy and her happiness to have Viserys’ children and he didn’t even care.
I do think Alicent’s anger is misplaced. I think her worldview is kinda breaking down and she can’t handle that. She’s frustrated at the systems in place but is taking it out on Rhaenyra and blaming her for not following rules rather than criticising the rules. She’s been conditioned to see the systems as faultless because they were put in place by the gods so it must be people causing disruptions and that’s why she fixated on Rhaenyra.
Their differences when they were younger and less involved in the mens world is what made them such good friends. Alicent was a comfort that could bring Rhaenyra down to earth and make sure she didn’t get lost in her dreams. Rhaenyra was brave and bold and is always looking to pull people up with her away from the constraints of the world and Alicent was one of those people. They worked but then the external factors got introduced and their differences became weapons.
It’s sad because both of them are being kept down by men and dealing with it in the only way they know how. Rhaenyra through cheating the system and Alicent by playing along. They’re both trying to win a game that sets them up to lose and leads to them having to fight each other.
That’s why I don’t think either side was trying to start a fight (apart from Otto really, he was itching for one).
The second aegon was born, there was always going to be an issue of inheritance. Hell, I’m willing to say that the second Viserys pushed Aemma for a boy and therefore pushed her to her death instead of crowning Rhaenyra or Daemon, there was an issue to be had because he would have had to remarry anyway. And if from that marriage there came a boy, then that boy would have always been put against Rhaenyra. Whether that be through another council decision or an all out bloodbath. I mean can you imagine Corlys letting Laenas potential son by Viserys be snubbed in favour of Rhaenyra? After his own wife was denied the crown based on her sex? No! He would make sure Viserys stuck to the very law which got him his crown in the first place.
Even if Alicent and Criston and Otto didn’t bring up an issue with the inheritance themselves, someone else would have. The second Rhaenyra pissed someone off, her claim would be challenged and Aegon’s would be pushed because that court is ready to stop a woman from ruling. It’s the same court that chose Viserys over Rhaenys despite Rhaenys having more leadership qualities. It’s not like that decision was made 100 years ago by different people, literally the same sexist fucks that robbed Rhaenys are a part of Rhaenyras court. That precedent of male over female was set not long ago. The only reason Rhaenyra has any claim at all is because of that precedent.
So a war was always coming from the minute Aemma died and Viserys chose to remarry. On the greens part, the question was whether they be prepared and choose themselves & the lords or side with rhaenyra and there simply wasnt enough of a good relationship there for them to pick her when the better option was to pick themselves. On the blacks part, they were handed a difficult card and did their best to protect themselves. Rhaenyra was Viserys’ only heir for a long time (except for daemon) so the decision to name her heir was made when it seemed all hope was lost for a male heir. Rhaenyra then got married to a gay man who struggled to produce her heirs which she needed to secure her claim so she had to find a way. it wasn’t out of selfishness or indulgence but necessity.
“alicent couldve married helaena to jace and united their sides” mmmm no she couldnt. theyre very obviously bastards, the second rhaenyra pisses someone off, her kids legitimacy would be brought to question. that then backfires on alicent who now has herself and her kid implicated in this mess & why would she be willing to go down with someone who has been previously deceitful towards her anyway? Alicent stuck to her worldview which was that truth should prevail above else and she wouldnt help perpetuate a lie. Besides, if they wanted to unite claims then Aegon and Rhaenyra would’ve been married as icky as that is. But there’s too much damage for a union now.
anyway that’s all i have to say, stop attacking people over fictional characters, bye
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heavywithourbabies · 13 days
A four part storyline arc, or "Run" for a reboot of Spider-Man and a come to Jesus moment for your author
Part one: A look at young Spider-man in like the fifth year of him in his career as the web slinger. (Don't retell the Uncle Ben story. Good lord it's been done to death.) Following the ups and downs of being spidey while crushing hard on fellow scientist nerd, Gwen Stacy, catching up with old friend Harry Osborn, and tutoring a briliant teenage Miles Morales. Peter sells spider-man stuff to the daily bugle, and fights weird dudes in costumes more often than not. He isn't prepared at all to deal with his first real threat, when an old college proffessor, Otto Octavius, suffers an accident at Osborn labs, (yup, the four arms, ya guessed it) and goes on a rampage through New York. it's ya classic spidey story while laying the ground work for a large background cast (Eddie Brock is the journalist who gets assigned Peter's photos and they kinda work together. Norman Osborn is exposed to an chemical explosion at the same accident where Otto gets his arms, Peter awkwardly dating gwen with her police captain father, tons of early character work.)
Part Two: The 6th year of being Spidey. Peter Parker may not always have the best luck, but being Spider-Man is still as fun as ever. And life is pretty great now that he has an apartment with Gwen. Sure, there's still costumed weirdos popping up like an idiot calling himself The Shocker but our beloved wall crawler is confident and knows his ropes. He may be facing an uphill battle trying to mentor Miles Morales who has become the Spider-Man of Brooklyn and his day job at the Conners labs may be over since Doc turned himself into a eight foot tall gecko. But this is the life, the yin and yang of being the original spider-man. ......but something is very wrong with his friend Harry. His father, the founder and CEO of Osborn Pharm has just woken up from the coma he has been in. He seems paranoid. Delusional. seeing enemies everyhwere and hearing voices....yes, something is very wrong with the very big public figure of Norman Osborn.........(Long story short, it's Spider-Man vs. Green Goblin. This will also cover the death of Gwen Stacey because of direct actions caused by Norman. The finale battle is epic and Green Goblin beats Peter within an inch of his life. Its a bloody brawl throughout Osborn Labs and includes a set piece where Goblin throws Peter against a meator being studied and it's cracked open. A strange black substance gets on peter's costume. The battle seems lost at one point but green Goblins pride is his downfall as he is killed by his own glider. Reporter journalist Eddie Brock is witness to the finale moments of Osborns life and has taken pictures of the whole thing including unmasked photos of Spidey. Eddie can't believe Peter is Spider-Man but takes it in stride. Until Peter does something very unlike him and destroys the photos. Peter believes he is worried about what will happen to harry if the photos are exposed but the strange black goo on his costume seems to pulse. as he is explaining himself)
I realize halfway through doing this that A. No one is going to give a shit. B. This poor fast written stuff will sound stupid the way i am just barreling through it all. and finally C. If anyone DOES read this and actually likes these ideas, who knows what they will do with it? I know it's crazy but I would be pretty pissed if this ended up happening in the books and it's been written poorly by someone else. I know. My ego is huge........
If anyone ever wants to know what happens in parts three and four, let me know. I really would love to share. I will say this much, Part 3 is Kraven, the black suit, and Venom. Part four is the Sinister Six and Carnage.
Yes, i am this big of a nerd
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blackmalethoughts · 1 year
Passport Bros vs Western Women
Passport bros, in majority of western women's eyes, are:
Ugly losers who have no game and can't get women in their own country. They are slimy and disgusting pedos, mediocre at best, dusty and broke tricks (don't forget sex tourists) taking advantage of "poor" and "uneducated" women that speak little to no English that want you only for your money and green card to get away from their "miserable lives". All the Passport Bros want is to use women in said countries for sex and nothing more. (Note: some men out there think like the women do about the passport bros too.)
These women who criticize the men, in their words, really don't care about these men who leave the country for another woman... even though they constantly make videos and have interviews about them. They are the same ones who've created the Passport Sisters movement in response to the Passport Bros. They are also the same ones who go to Jamaica to rent dreads and get their pum pum rubbed and their back blown out on a raft by men with STDs and request plastic bags to use as a condom 😑
One side is successful finding their peace and happiness in another country with their girlfriends / wives, while the other side is showcasing fatherless behavior while vacationing in different countries.
Each day, these women are giving men more reasons to drop everything in the west and leave for something better, and I can't blame men for wanting something better.
These strong and independent ladies that criticize passport bros consider themselves to be the best of the best because they make more money than men and got a bunch of materialistic things to go along with their lifestyle, yet they fail every time at keeping a man. Lack of essential skills, ridiculously high standards for what they want in a man (especially towards a black man), nasty attitudes and more are the reason why men don't want anything to do with the western women. This is why questions like "what do you bring to the table?" is asked towards women, because it seems like the majority bring nothing but problems... always...
By the way, this passport bros phenomenon is not new. White men have been doing it for a longer period of time than black men, and now that the good black men of America (and more) are speaking out and making moves, women want to throw a fit?
To the women: You talk shit about other countries and the women from said countries that you have no knowledge of, all the while putting down the men that you don't even want nor care about in the first place. Make that make sense. It's fine when you women go out and travel to different countries and have your little escapades, but when men do it, it's a problem? I thought you didn't care. Keep that energy all the way through.
Some of us good men are tired of being treated like shit. We will not be your last resort when all else fails. Lay with the dogs that treat you like what you are: shit. We do not want you.
Fellas, go where you are treated best. Travel around, experience new things, upgrade your life. You deserve better.
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lemonhemlock · 1 year
IMHO the shipping wars will continue as usual, no matter what happens on screen next season. Why? Because some people just can't accept that other people genuinely like a different ship and lash out using the usual arguments - accusations of self-inserting into the female character, liking incest, misogyny, etc. - things which are bound to get reactions from the opposite side and keep the conflict going. If anything, things have gotten a little bit worse since you "left", at least with Helaemond vs others, like most of the new Helaegon shippers have turned out to be just antis who've joined their Alysmond friends into constantly bashing them. It's also a bit funny considering that, in the beginning, most of the first Helaegons were also Helaemonds, but since then, the ship has been taken over by antis, which made it unpalatable, at least for me. I think though that you did receive some complaints about this new wave of Helaegon shippers just before you closed off your inbox for anons, if I remember correctly. Other than that, I guess there have been some Daemyra vs Alysmond conflicts, at least on Twitter from what I've seen, which involved the former piling on the latter simply because they disliked some theory or interpretation on the text. This is obviously unhinged behavior, but I still support the Daemyras doing this considering that Alysmonds and other green antis have done the exact thing, or worse actually, to fellow greens like Helaemonds so it's a bit hypocritical for them to complain when team black stans give them a taste of their own medicine. Sorry, this got a bit too long lmao, I guess you can take it as an update of how things stand when in comes to the shipping wars.
Hey there, anon, thanks for this very comprehensive recap on the state of the fandom. That's, um, a lot. 😅 I don't know what to say about the helaegon v helaemond thing - for me that is just beyond, bc I also remember people used to ship both with absolutely no issue a couple of months back. I, for one, also ship both + helaegond, so I really don't have any desire to engage with any of that, wow. 🤖
And that is the same advice I would give to anyone else - just stop bothering with the antis and do your own thing. As a general observation, I think that people get sucked into bickering way too often instead of just talking about the things they enjoy & making content for that. I get that, on some level, everyone feels the need to defend themselves when they encounter hate and nasty attitudes, so some level of that is perfectly understandable, but I don't think it's really worth it to let it take up the majority of your fandom experience. As someone who's literally been through hell & back these past months, I can promise you, it's not that serious. ☠️
There is something happening in fandoms of all kinds with the breakdown in communication and just general social norms and manners, where, upon encountering even a slightly different take from their own, people will start losing their shit and engaging in petty fights. They're just some ships, lol. None of these people are real! You can imagine scenarios in which even crackships can make sense. Fans are forming parasocial relationships with fictional characters nowadays - I've lost count of how many "MY Aemond would never do that" I used to see. Girl, what? I mean, it's fine as a joke, but then again you see them getting really belligerent with others, so you really have to question how much of it is truly horsing around and how much is just unhealthy investment and compensation for something else.
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