#granted i was 10 though and into different shows
withoutalice · 1 month
it's actually unreal how DEVASTATED I am about Alexei's death please come back my handsome angel
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stringsbasement · 2 months
Your art of peri and your Villain AU of him? perfection. I read your twt thread and I'm greedy for more, im so serious like If there was a 100k word fanfic of your au I would read it in a heartbeat!! THATS how much im obsessed with the concept
thank you so much! i didn't expect there to be so much interest in my thoughtless doodles and rambles. luckily, i already have a draft for a rant i formulated about this version of peri's possible motivations, and now i have an excuse to share it!!
also, as a bonus, have this silly doodle :)
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[his hairstyle is his attempt to separate himself from his parents, but no matter what he does with it, he can never get it to sit without that stray tuft and curl at the very end.
also, his bowtie is in reference to chloe and my initial art of irep before his design was revealed. the latter almost makes it seem like they "swapped roles."]
the thing is, it's hard to imagine peri as someone purposefully wanting to harm others for his own pleasure. for a "bad" au of peri to occur, he'd have to take after timmy, and seek chaos the same way he did
now, timmy is a good person at heart. his fairies love him, and he loved them in turn. that's undeniable. however, timmy was so stressful he affected cosmo and wandas marriage, and they had to retire right after him to rekindle their love and stop being so awful towards each other. timmy was simultaneously one of the best and worst things to ever happen to them
so it's not that much of a stretch to think he'd affected peri during his development, to the point he unknowingly influenced peri's core beliefs, which he'll carry over later in life
timmy used his fairies to escape from his regular life. he was incredibly reckless, and shirked responsibilities till the consequences got him back tenfold. a dangerous, but fulfilling way of living. he might've mellowed out in the later years, but considering he chose to keep vicky around to purposefully make himself miserable and keep his fairies instead of facing reality, maturity wouldn't be a straight or easy path
peri, adopting this way of thinking, believes the best way to live life is taking risks. ignoring your present problems in favor of escapism. he would insist this upon his godchild, and be blind to the complex nuance of dev's situation
dev's parental neglect differs from timmy's, and thus requires different treatment. but peri doesn't realize that, and dev is a child who cannot comprehend how awful he really has it, let alone communicate it in a way that isn't just lashing out and throwing tantrums
for classic peri, this is an annoyance. for this peri though? he'll enable it, because he thinks dev needs to get it out of his system. like timmy. which is in some way correct, but it's a flawed, only temporary solution
and it's in this way a path of deeper exploration opens up about characters similar to cookie, highlighting how flawed the godparent system can be when a child is assigned a godparent who cannot fulfill what they truly need
starting a ghost apocalypse is nothing compared to the wishes that has been granted before. and, honestly, dev taking viozalia's staff to use against her is a clever move. this peri wouldn't be downtrodden like he was in the original scene, but impressed. he would say as such, and dev, being the emotionally starved 10 year old he is, will soak those words up like a dry sponge
(slightly off topic: i like to think a little quirk this peri would have is, instead of looking to da book of rules for guidance, (cosmo, wanda, and his classic self do this multiple times in the show when in unique situations,) he'd be searching for anything that states what can't he do. "what to do when your god kid tries to start a ghost apocalypse... nothing? sweet!")
this would naturally allow him and dev to bond a little more. even if it's just shit talking other people and how they're totally better than everyone else
it doesn't mean they get along splendidly. dev is still pissed that he can't make the wishes he wants, and peri overcompensates by allowing him to throw himself into situations that just narrowly avoids sanction. because, oh yeah, peri would not appreciate being forced to follow the rules which includes wiping the godchild's memories after the godparent's term has passed
(if anything, he'll find a loophole out of it. he learned from the best, after all)
this is also where peri's spoiled nature would shine through. being offered everything just because he was a baby would make anyone entitled
he and dev are too similar for their own good. they have have access to anything they could ask for, but are unable to get love from one person they want it from. it's almost pitiful
to keep those thoughts out of dev's (and his own) mind, peri resorts to pushing dev out of his comfort zone, which would ordinarily be a good thing, only, he goes way too far to the point of regression
you know, it really doesn't help that dev looks a lot like timmy. i mean, look at them...
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that's timmy with slicked back hair and a white jacket. c'mon
but even with all of this, peri doesn't really become a villain. he's antagonistic at most, with his strained relationship with his parents and his help in making things harder for hazel. luckily, the latest episode has given me a few ideas
when peri inevitably comes to care for dev, he'll obviously has to do something about his constant unhappiness. dev has a point in complaining about the fact hazel has two godparents and he only has one, even when his life is "worse" (another unhealthy way of thinking,)
hmmmm. so how can dev have two fairy godparents, and how can peri break da rules without putting himself at risk?
who other than a mirror of peri's own self?
a shift inevitably took place, one where peri became more intense and irep more soft. it's so subtle it goes unnoticed until thousands of years have passed
irep has become timid, soft, and well-meaning. if peri either quits his position or gives way for another slot and puts dev under a sort of split-custody, dev will be able to use anti-fairy magic, which can completely bypass any of the rules regular fairy magic is withholden to
irep will get what he wants as well. in this post, i answered an ask in which i speculate that irep genuinely does want a godchild, and the love and appreciation that comes with it. that much would stay the same for this au
and, well, unlike irep, peri has always been willing to share
this would make way for a bunch of whacky hijinks, potential plots, and new threats. consequences piling up until they become too huge to ignore. not to mention the full implications of a fairy and anti-fairy switching roles. of course, this is just a fun idea i came up with on the spot, and i haven't thought it out too much, so pointing out any plot holes that would come from this is appreciated!
i have more to say, mainly about peri and his parents' initial separation, as well as the parallels that can be found with this version of peri and hazel, but i feel it would be best to end it here :)
thank you for making me write all of this!
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misteria247 · 28 days
So I'm going to ramble a bit cuz I've been noticing that there's a lot of split opinions on Timmy Turner that rage from people adoring him flaws and all to people thinking that he's a little shit. So I decided to throw in my thoughts cuz it's been awhile since I've analyzed a character and I've got some thoughts fam lol. Please don't take this personally cuz this is just my opinion.
I think one of the main reasons why Timmy gets such a mixed reaction from fans is because a lot of his actual story is played like a sitcom. It's not placed in a more serious way, though there are moments where it is, it's quickly glossed over. If you take away the sitcom setting and the attempts of comedy and whatnot you actually get a rather horrible reality for this 10 year old boy. And with it suddenly a lot of his actions and attitude makes a lot more sense.
Timmy when introduced is a 10 year old. He's a child but he's also old enough to know the basics of right and wrong. Much like any kid. He gets his fairy godparents, Cosmo and Wanda because he was deemed to be a child in need of help. This whole scenario is played for laughs and whatnot but like, Timmy's life is actually horrid. He's abused by his babysitter, is tormented by school bullies, is essentially harassed by his teacher and is neglected by his own parents. This is his every day life, from the moment he was old enough to understand this was what he was exposed to and forced to accept. In a way Timmy was forced to grow up a bit faster because of it but not to a point where he completely lost the magic of childhood. When you think about this in a more serious way, things start to click together more.
Timmy's behavior when he gets snappy or creates mischief is a way to get attention from his parents. It's not a good kind but it's something. Or when he acts cold and selfishly, while it could be chalked up to being a kid, I could also argue that he might have actually learned it. Cause who else in his life puts their wants and desires before others? Who else doesn't think about the consequences of their actions and how it'd effect others? Who else ignores other people's thoughts and feelings when it comes to things?
His parents.
Timmy's parents do this shit constantly. From leaving him with abusive babysitters, to not really interacting with him, to making jabs about how their dreams died when he was born to a bunch of other shitty things. They forget to feed him and always criticize him, they're always jumping at the chance to essentially get away from him. All these things are things Timmy's witnessed and has been on the receiving end of for a decade. And never once does his parents really suffer any consequences. It's a known fact that children watch their parents and absorb information from it. Timmy's behaviors can very well be behaviors he unintentionally learned from them. Which is so sad because whenever Timmy's not acting like this, it's quite clear that he's actually incredibly different.
It becomes clear that Timmy's actually incredibly kind.
There's so many moments where he shows his kindness. From lending Cosmo and Wanda to Tootie, to helping fairies in Fairy World to literally giving his fairies the baby they always wanted to saving the whole world several times with little hesitation. Timmy at his core is a kind boy, but due to his home life and its constant reminders of the people in his life not wanting him. (Hell there was a whole ass episode about the world being better if he hadn't been born, like can you imagine that, it's fucking awful-). So in a way Timmy hides that kindness and rarely shows it because of these things.
Which is why Cosmo and Wanda and eventually Peri are so fucking important.
Cosmo and Wanda from the very beginning where different from everyone else. These fairies while granting some reckless and dangerous wishes, have always had Timmy's best interests in mind. Cosmo and Wanda are the positive influences that Timmy desperately needs, the adults that he actually needs to help encourage and push him towards the right direction. Cosmo and Wanda are always in Timmy's corner, even when he's made a mistake, and are always there to catch him and remind him that he's loved and wanted. In one episode where Timmy sneaks into his godparents castle, at the end when they're putting the picture of Maryann back into the hall of infamy, Timmy's first reaction is to apologize and believe that because he'd made this one mistake that he'd end up there with the other bad kids. Only to immediately be told no, baffling Wanda and Cosmo with the very idea of it.
It's things like this that help Timmy grow and feel comfortable with making mistakes. Cuz what he thought isn't exactly a normal thing. They help Timmy in so many ways and grow to love him as their very own cuz when Timmy allows himself to be well himself he's a rather endearing kid. It's no surprise they get so attached.
There's a lot of other things that I've got in my noggin but I just wanted to say these things for the time being. Maybe I'll update on this later lol.
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mistressroxielove · 1 month
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Hey everyone~ I got some more stuff for ya~
Long story short, I've discovered the new Fairly Oddparents reboot, absolutely loved it and was inspired to make this AU idea for the show! With a slight reimagine/redesign of the characters as well.
Here's some more info about my AU:
Fairly Odd Parents AU/Rewrite
Au Name: FairlyOdd Brother
Perri (previously known as Poof) recently graduated from Fairy Godparents School and is eager to start granting Wishes for his very own godchild! Only problem is that with his lack of experience Jorgen is weary of giving him an assignment and keeps finding excuses/reasons to not give him a godkid. Realizing it might be a 1,000 years before they give him a chance to be a Fairy Godparent, Perri decides he needs to be a little bold and perhaps, bend Da Rules, to get his foot in the door so to speak. And his answer comes to him from a new neighbor in his human home, a family with a sweet shy 10 year old girl who is absolutely miserable. Perhaps Perri might be able to offer this girl a little comfort and fun as her new Fairy Godbrother!?
(Basically the same premise of the show, except Perri’s first godchild is Hazel, and through a technicality in the rule book, becomes her god brother instead of her godparent.)
ALSO please note this AU is more of a slight reimagine of the original show, meaning I did tweaked / changed some of the characters personality to match the new story I made for them. Nothing majorly different, but again just a heads up before you read on. Hope you like it~
Name: Devin “Dev” Dimmadome 
Age: 9/almost 10
Sex: Male
Physical Description: 
Is basically the same as in the show, though there are a few key differences. 
-Despite having slicked back hair he always has a single strand that no matter what always sticks out, he hates it and is always trying to move it back into place but to no avail. In reality without the hair product he has natural curly hair like his father, though his curls are a little more difficult to comb and manage than his father, something that he doesn’t like about himself
-Has freckles! But always wears makeup to cover them as according to Dale’s research are ’less desirable’ and would statistically do better with them covered up
-Also has heterochromia, one blue and one green eye, but always wears either a blue or green contacts to hide his ‘flaw’, again being told to do so by his father
- Though he is always required to wear a branded white hoodie, Dale actually lets him wear whatever shirt he wants underneath, just with the promise Dev never takes his sweater off in public. Dev usually wears all sorts of geeky and nerdy shirts, mostly love meridian and Crimson Chin related stuff, it's the closes thing he’s allowed to wear ‘freely’ without requiring his father’s approval. Again this ‘freedom’ is kinda pointless since he still has to wear the hoodie, but he still appreciates it.   
-As you can see in the photo above I showed what he looks typically on the left, and on the right is basically what Dev would dress like if he had no rules or restrictions.
It's basically exactly the same as in the show, I really like Dev both in a story sense and a comedic sense so nothing to really change. The only slight difference is that Dev in this version clearly gets a crush on Hazel in this version. I think the show is ‘hinting’ of them possibly being a couple later on, but in my version I wanted to make it a little more clear that he has a subconscious crush on her. Basically think Anya and Damion from Spy x Family if you want a good example. He likes her, but being a 10 year old boy with severe daddy issues has no idea how to handle this and ends up being kinda mean to his regret. 
Other fun facts:
-I won’t get into it now, but his relationship with his father is a bit different, as I have a unique take on Dale and who he is as a person. I’ll probably draw him next but for now just know Dale isn’t an evil heartless father and there’s more to him than it seems, and thus the relationship between Dale and Dev is a little more complex.
-And yes though it isn’t important yet, he does end up getting Cosmo and Wanda as his fairy godparents instead of Hazel as the AU would suggest.
- In this version Peri is also not a big fan of Dev. As he obviously doesn’t like how he’s mean to her at first, but as they become friends and Peri soon realizes that Dev has a crush on Hazel this leaves Peri horrified at the thought. And of course being a proper big brother is completely against and despises the idea of Dev and Hazel ever ending up together. He’s not too over the top about his dislike, but definitely would be sitting in to conor with his arms crossed, while trying to subtly tell Hazel she could do soooooooo much better than him.   
I hope you guys like this, I'm personally really happy with how this design turned out, especially his 'real Dev' design on the right. But I would love to hear your guys thoughts and opinions about my designs. Do you like them, hate them? Feel free to tell me below.
Also tomorrow I'll post a version of this photo with a transparent BG and maybe upclose shots of the design as well, just so you can see the design easier without the BG
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woodsie · 1 month
Shadow Yosuke’s Symbolism
I recently got a friend to play Persona 4 and we were talking about the symbolism of each of the character’s shadow selves, when we came to the realisation that neither of us really knew what Yosuke’s was meant to represent.
Chie’s represented her relationship with Yukiko. Yukiko’s her desire for freedom but lack of action in taking it. Yosuke has… a ninja frog…?
So I’ve done some digging.
Official Statements
The first thing I did was look at the official concept art sheet for shadow Yosuke. This primarily detailed that as the first of the shadows, they wanted it to be very obvious that their shadow’s and persona’s were the same thing.
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This is done quite well and tells players subtly that they are the same without being obvious.
Jiraiya does look a lot like shadow Yosuke. The main body’s colour is inverted from black (evil) to white (good), the frogs eyes are added to Jiraiya’s head and the frog’s mouth becomes a chest piece, with the frog’s skin pattern carried over to the cuffs of Jiraiya’s clothes.
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Jiraiya is easily the most similar persona to shadow. Important for early game. This idea is also helped by Tomoe looking very similar to shadow Chie, and allows the idea of persona’s and shadow’s being the same to be cemented into the players minds before they meet shadow Yukiko who is visually very different to Konohana-Sakuya.
Jiraiya In Folklore
My next step was to look for any symbolism between Yosuke and the story of Jiraiya himself. Granted, as a white woman™️ my knowledge of Japanese folklore is limited but I will summarise my findings and compare them to Yosuke’s story directly.
[Sorry for the weird formatting, I’m working around the 10 image post limit]
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Both stories open with a character from an influential background and moving to a new area.
Jiraiya’s stance as a robber could be in reference to the fact that Junes is taking business away from local businesses and their families.
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Saki could be taking the place of the woman in the house. Regardless of if she actually likes him, she is kind to him when others are not. This is something Yosuke admires greatly but it still doesn’t prevent Junes from ruining the Konishi’s business.
His shadow self is then a reference to the old man/magic frog. It recognises him from who he is, and although the shadow is hostile its intention is to teach Yosuke about the parts of himself he is trying to hide so he can reconcile with those feelings. This is what allows him to gain his persona, or in other words “teaching him magic”
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Gaining his persona is what helps set Yosuke’s resolve and desire to avenge Saki and the others who have suffered due to the killer. He shows a distinct intelligence and is often the one to piece together vital information. Without him insisting they investigate Saki’s murder, the Investigation Team might not have ever existed. In that sense you could consider him a hero.
A good portion of his social link is devoted to him coming to terms with his situation, both around the murders and his place within Inaba. He frequently talks about feelings of loneliness and a desire to be valued, and he finds comfort in having his persona and being able to do something about what’s going on, it gives him some control over his life which he lost by coming to Inaba in the first place. Overtime though he does come to love Inaba as a whole and recognises that it’s the people around you that really make a place special. He’s not alone anymore and he’s far happier for it.
Other Potential Inspirations
In my attempts at seeing what others online think about potential symbolism for Yosuke’s shadow, I found that most people also did not understand what his shadow was meant to represent. However, I did come across a few older threads of people sharing possible ideas.
One of which was of a Chinese story about a frog in a well. The story related to narrow mindedness and limited perspective as the frog is unaware of life beyond the well and is amazed by it when told what it has to offer. This could be a potential reference to his dismissal of country life and him growing to love the town.
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fishy--friend · 3 months
Why I hate Stanford Pines: An Essay* *(yes this counts as an essay because its too long not to be)
I do not like ford (though i do tolerate his existence purely for the fact he made Stan [even though that SHOULDN'T HAVE HAPPENED IN THE FIRST PLACE] who he was today) and before all you ford simps attack me hear me out first because for once i actually have reasons
a lot of the ford simps are like "omg hes so hot" "hes so autistic aroace rep" and fail to talk about the downright disgusting things he did
like... you know he isn't an innocent soft owl boy right? HE GOT HIS BROTHER NEARLY KILLED LIKE 15 TIMES FOR ACCIDENTALLY BREAKING A STUPID SCIENCE PROJECT AND NEVER ACTUALLY VALUED HIS EFFORTS UNTIL HE ALMOST WITNESSED THE DEATH OF HIS BROTHER. Granted he had no way of knowing about what he put Stan through due to cutting him off and all, but I feel like when Stan did tell how he was doing, or showed up to Ford's place looking a mess, he could've tried to reach out for once since the last like 10 years. And sure, maybe in some offscreen moment he paused and asked Stan how he was doing, but looking at ATOTS that clearly did not happen. And even when Ford returned, he treated his brother like absolute dog shit and was going to kick him out once summer ended thinking he had someplace to live (of course if we're going off of Stan's verbal retelling of his backstory, he glossed over his homelessness and the gang fights he got into).
Ford didn't even take Stan's suggestion about using his brain to trick Bill seriously at first before Stan pointed out it was their only option. Only then, when faced with the brother he looked down upon and scrutinized for years, did he hesitate. He didn't hesitate to kick him out before, to abandon him and leave him to do god knows what, but that was the only time he looked genuinely sorry for what he did to his brother. Of course, being the one pulling the trigger is different than accidentally causing it, and you could count Ford looking away as he closed the curtains to their room when Stan got kicked out as apologetic, but even that could've been played off as sadness for not getting into his dream school.
Don't even get me STARTED on how he treated Mabel running off, assuming she was just "being moody" and barely showing concern. He didn't even pause for a moment to think about it, just hopping back into sealing the rift. And when Weirdmaggedon started he didn't even stop to worry about Mabel, to question if she was okay, he brushed off Dipper's concerns for his sister like it wasn't valid!
In conclusion, I despise ford with a burning passion and i doubt that Book of Bill is going to change that. Also can we talk about Shifty for a sec? He absolutely abused the poor thing, treated it like an animal and gave it no room for it to grow its abilities. If ford was real it would be on sight dude.
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rip-quizilla · 3 months
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Heartbreaker (Eddie Does Drag for Charity)
@corrodedcoffinfest Day 10: Pride
Tags: supportive band mates, gay Jeff, drag queen Eddie Munson, brief Rockie reference
WC: 994
Divider was created by @strangergraphics
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“When does he go on?” Grant asked Gareth, leaning over Jeff from where they stood around a table in the crowded club. The music was loud enough that Grant had to practically yell for Gareth to hear him. 
“He told me he’d be going third!” Gareth yelled back to him, eyes alight with anticipation. Admittedly, Gareth had never in his life thought he’d ever be excited to be in a gay bar, but stranger things had certainly happened. 
Weirdly enough, Jeff seemed to be the least comfortable one at the table. His smile seemed a bit more forced than usual as his eyes darted around the room.
“Jeff, you good buddy?” Gareth asked, “I would’ve thought you’d feel right at home here.”
“Being gay doesn’t mean I suddenly want to hang out at dance clubs, you know.” A cringe took up residence on Jeff’s face as he took note of a nearly naked man in shiny boyshorts swiveling his hips to some upbeat song that played through the speakers. “No judgment to the people who enjoy this stuff, but it’s just not my scene.” Pink and purple spotlights illuminated the stage then, signaling that the show was about to begin. 
“God, it was nuts back there. Pun intended.” Robin sighed when she joined the boys at their table. “Do you guys know what tucking is? I didn’t. I do now. Could have gone my whole life without that mental image but now it’s burned into my brain.” 
Grant’s confusion was evident on his face, to which Gareth subtly shook his head in a silent  Later, buddy. Don’t get her started. 
“Any issues though?” Gareth asked, “ With Eddie, I mean.” Robin was about to answer before a tall, beautiful drag queen took the stage and introduced themself as the host for tonight’s charity drag show.
Robin waited about twenty seconds into the host’s introduction before discreetly whispering her answer to Gareth. “Vickie said Eddie’s look is some of her best work, if that answers your question. She’s been working with Eddie every day for at least a week; apparently he’s taking this really seriously!” 
“On behalf of the Indy Pride committee, I want to sincerely thank all of you for coming out tonight!” The host continued, “100% of tips collected tonight will be donated to local charities benefitting LGBTQ+ youth, so let’s give all our performers a round of applause!”
Grant, Gareth and Jeff may all have originally shown up tonight to bear witness to what may very well be their frontman’s most blackmailable performance to date, but at this moment they couldn’t help but feel a swell of pride for Eddie as they cheered. He took his preparations for tonight seriously because he believed in why he was doing it. He had built his friends a refuge from those that judged them, bullied them, called them freaks- Eddie Munson had always been in the business of giving outsiders a place to call their own; same show, different stage.
The host went on to introduce the first queen- a dentist who, for tonight only, had dubbed himself ‘Ruta Canal’. After the dentist was a high school theater teacher whom the host introduced as ‘Apple Bottoms’. Judging by the sheer amount of ear-splitting screams, it was safe to assume that a large group of his students had shown in support of their teacher. 
“Now folks,” the host began, “Our next queen is no stranger to the stage. For tonight only, the leading man of local metal band Corroded Coffin is… M&M!”
Gareth tilted his head toward Robin as he applauded. “Why M&M?”
Robin gave him a withering smile. “He said it stood for Munson Magic.” Gareth replied with a snort as the applause faded away to reveal a familiar progression of drums and guitar. When Eddie emerged, the boys could hardly believe their eyes.
In his unflinching commitment to the song he’d chosen to lip sync to (it hadn’t taken long for the boys to recognize it as Heartbreaker by Pat Benatar), Eddie had donned a skin-tight unitard that practically painted his every curve with purple zebra print, bright red heels and a red belt to match. He hadn’t needed a wig, since his hair was already long and luscious enough to be the envy of any popstar. Now that his locks framed a face painted with lipstick, eyeshadow, and penciled thin eyebrows that had been drawn atop his glued-down natural brows, Eddie’s haircut suddenly looked more feminine than it usually did. 
Eddie, ever the showman, left everything on the stage from beginning to end for the entire performance. His facial expressions were larger than life, bringing his infectious energy into every word Pat sang through the speakers. The audience ate up every second of it, tossing bill after bill onto the stage for Eddie to collect- each one was teasingly stashed into the fake breasts he wore under his unitard. By the time he was only halfway through his performance, his entire neckline was fringed in green.
He was only onstage for the beginning and the end of the song, spending the rest of the performance strutting amidst tables where patrons stood. Eddie saved his bandmates’ table for last, making sure to embarrass them the most- grinding up on Gareth one second and hiking a leg up on Grant the next. He didn’t subject poor Jeff to the same treatment, but he certainly couldn’t help himself from blowing him a kiss before returning to the stage just in time for Vickie to emerge from backstage with- to everyone’s surprise- his electric guitar. Eddie finished the final few bars of the song on his warlock, shredding through the notes live as the entire bar went absolutely wild. As the song drew to a close, he slid to his knees at the front and center of the stage, face contorted with focus and exhilaration until the final note rang out into the crowd’s thunderous applause.
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"The Bad Batch" Series Review
Now that this show is over and I've had some time to think about it, I'll give my overall thoughts, its strengths, weaknesses, and how it compares to other two main popular animated shows. In general, TBB is a solid show with fun characters, beautiful animation/music, and moments of truly peak Star Wars. Is it perfect? Definitely not, but I love it all the same. It's probably a solid 8/10 for me. In many ways, TBB is the type of show I absolutely love. It's dark, character driven, and touches on mature themes. I love seeing how different characters came to terms with Order 66 and the birth of the Empire. At a time when hope seemed at its bleakest, seeing characters try and find it again is very compelling.
Tbh, I think one of the reasons why I love this show so much is because it really hits home for me. A lot of the themes and ideas that are explored by the characters are also things I've been exploring at the same time. TBB has been a comfort show for me as the world becomes even scarier and I grow as a person. It was the show I needed right now. Also, the Batch remind me of my own friend group. So, I might be a bit biased here.
In comparison to the other shows, I think I love TBB about the same as much as the others. Some days, I'll prefer TBB, other days, I might prefer Rebels or CW. Each show has something I truly love and something that frustrates me. For example, Rebels has a lot of emotional moments I enjoy, but Zeb was really slept on after S2. CW had an amazing scale and scope, but some arcs were just awful. You know which one I'm talking about. TBB is the same. It really depends on the vibe though. At the end of the day though, I truly love all 3 shows and all the joy (and tears) they give me.
Alright, let's get into the nitty gritty.
I'll start off with the flaws just to get them out of the way. I think TBB's biggest flaws are regarding balancing the character dynamics and arcs. I understand that Omega is more or less the main character since she really changes the Batch's life, but they needed to do more. I wanted to learn more about the Batch. However, sometimes it felt like characters could only grow when Omega was with them. Granted, this wasn't the case 100% of the time. Crosshair is the most notable example of this and I loved Tech's interactions with Romar and Phee. Unfortunately, it does affect the characters if they only get characterization with one character. Echo is the biggest victim of this imo. They had a goldmine to explore how he felt in the aftermath of Skako Minor, but they didn't. Crosshair wound up being the Batcher who would've understood him most, except they only exchange two lines of dialogue together in S3. That's it. Imagine how impactful it would've been for Cross if he talked to him. Echo truly understands the horrors of being turned into a lifeless machine. It was an opportunity that was practically gift wrapped for the writers. Sadly, it did not come to pass. Overall, this show just needed more Echo.
Btw, TBB wasn't the only show with this problem. As mentioned above, Zeb didn't get much to do after S2 and I'm disappointed in that. Even Rex and Kallus also got sidelined after S3. CW's format was more forgiving with this, but certain characters like Savage became more irrelevant once more popular characters showed up. Additionally, Echo not learning about Fives was a massive missed opportunity.
Branching off of that, having Omega as the centerpiece also means that the emotional moments tend to happen with her. Now, that's not a bad thing, except it only seems to happen with her. In S1, it really felt like no one cared that Crosshair was gone. This is their brother who they've known forever. Why is Crosshair the only one who seems to be really emotional about the whole thing? Since the Batch have only ever had each other, I would've expected them to be more upset/bothered when one of their own suddenly does a 180 in personality. And again, it's not like it's not there, it is, but it really needs more. I'll be honest, I really didn't like S1 Hunter at all. The man tunnel visioned on Omega.
I'm more forgiving about the rough start since both CW and Rebels were also kinda rough. However, I think the lack of clear focus did hurt the show a bit. Rebels and CW had a greater scope: fighting in a war/revolution. TBB doesn't have this since everything just got uprooted. Had the show been a bit more focused, I think it really would've helped a lot. S2 and 3 both established what the overall focus was pretty quickly. But with S1, it seemed to jump from the inhibitor chips to whatever Omega's purpose was to Project War Mantle and I was like: so, what was the Batch's goal other than survival?
There are other things that bugged me as well. Tech's death should've been handled better. I get that the Batch are soldiers so they aren't expected to cry in each others arms. Except the closure for Tech's death wasn't enough. What wound up happening was half the fandom questioning if he was really dead and searching for hints that he was alive. I covered this in my S3 review, but to summarize: the writers needed more time and more deep character moments. TBB thrived on those deep, mature conversations.
I know I just went off, but I truly love this show with all my heart. I know it's capable of so much more as shows in its strengths. It just frustrates me when it falls short.
Crosshair. Looking back at his overall journey, Crosshair is easily the most compelling character. I'm linking my study of him because his arc is just that good.
What's so impressive to me about Cross is that he doesn't need to be in a lot of episodes in order to tell his story in a satisfactory way. Everything he's in is so well written that I can easily tell how he's feeling, why he feels that way, and why he makes the choices he does. In S2, not once did I have to wonder why he decided to betray the Empire or befriend Mayday despite that arc being only 2 episodes. The subtext really said it all perfectly. TBB does such a good job with his character, but I won't go on any further because we'd be here forever. Anyways, I love Crosshair and he has the best redemption arc in Star Wars. You can't change my mind.
TBB also touches on mature themes and I love that they are explored in a thoughtful way. Tech's conversation with Omega is really beautiful. It speaks to a lot of people and I love that the writers chose to take a thoughtful route instead of just having Tech say something nerdy and calling it at that. The same thing with Crosshair's PTSD. It was a genuine issue that affected him and not just when the plot needed it. I also appreciated that he was given time to actually try healing. Letting the characters sit down and have deep moments is what really connects the audiences to them because we see what makes them vulnerable. Light-hearted action is fun and all, but there is so much more to these characters than "blaster go pew." I really resonated with Crosshair's story and I know many people did the same with Tech's. I also loved how the show showed Omega adapting to the change around her; it can be very difficult sometimes and I appreciated that it wasn't still sunshine and rainbows after. Echo had a role within the Batch and his absence definitely shook the dynamics.
The animation and music are just perfection. It speaks for itself, but it's perfect imo. (yes, I'm aware of the errors, but it doesn't impact the actual quality).
The Empire was really freaking scary. TBB did a great job showing how the Empire started encroaching on the entire galaxy and began phasing out the clones. Occupations started, Rampart began his chain code system, and any form of dissent was immediately silenced. There was no question as to how ruthless they were. And there were genuine consequences to the actions of characters. Rampart was thrown under the bus for something he was ordered to do. The Empire doesn't protect anyone except Palpatine. "The Outpost" is so brutal and raw, but it perfectly shows how the Empire can drain a person until they break. Both Rampart and Hemlock are two fantastic villains that capture the true horrors of humanity. Rampart is a cold and greedy man. We all know people like him and he will stop at nothing to get what he wants. Not even humble juice in prison could make him reevaluate his views. Hemlock is a monster that only cares for his experiments. He was such a different villain compared to the Sith and greedy imperials we tend to see and I appreciated that. Even Crosshair was a good example of how misguided beliefs can turn people against one another. Like with Rampart, we all know people like Crosshair. It grounds TBB that much more.
I also loved the main focus on family in this show. It's a value that I hold dearly because of my beliefs and how I was raised. At the end of the day, the Batch's greatest strength comes from the bonds they have with each other. In times so dark, it's the people they love the most that will help them get through their struggles. I honestly love that. Whether it's friends, siblings, or parents, those bonds are so important. People aren't meant to tackle the world alone. TBB does a great job showing how hard it is when you're stuck in a dark place and how impactful it can be to have people who love and support you. Overall, I really loved it.
At the end of the day, I just really love the Batch. They mean a lot to me, especially Crosshair and Omega. Omega herself is such a sweet bean and her light truly is beautiful. I've loved watching her journey over the last several years. She's a wonderful character and I love her dearly. I love Crosshair (he's really hot, ok). I love Tech's charm and quips. I love Echo's strong drive for justice. I love Wrecker's big heart. I love Hunter's... fatherly instincts.
Ok, I know that was long, but I am so grateful for this show. I love TBB with all my heart and there's so much more to say. For now though, I'll just say that TBB has truly made an impact on my life. It gave me something to enjoy when times got rough and it gave me Crosshair. I will always be thankful for him.
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emeritusemeritus · 1 year
Just wanna bewitch you in the moonlight. Pt 2.
[Fred Weasley x Reader x George Weasley]
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Part 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Title: Just wanna bewitch you in the moonlight.
Pairing: Fred Weasley x Reader x George Weasley
Timeline: Predominately set between GOF and OOTP (some canon has been altered to fit the story)
Summary: Both twins like Gryffindor!reader. Reader likes both twins. How will she decide who to chose in the end? Amortentia might be able to help, or not.
Warnings: Smut, mentions of sex, established relationships, threesomes, friends to lovers, all the good stuff. NO Twincest. Mentions of illness, Brief mentions of vomiting. Tiny bit of angst in part 2. Possessiveness.
Have a little Georgie smut 🌹
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"Ladies first," George said as you stepped out of the burrow and walked towards the little garage where Arthur's car was parked. He opened the door for you and quickly jogged around the side of the car to climb into the drivers seat, having to move back the seat a considerable amount to fit his long legs in.
You drove in silence for a while before flicking on the radio, surprisingly finding that the radio stations could still pick up muggle frequencies. George smiled and chuckled as you began quietly singing along to a song you recognised from the radio and he reached over to grab hold of your hand, entwining his fingers with yours to hold your hand next to the gearstick. You drove over the hills of Ottery St Catchpole towards the centre of the village, driving along scenic, peaceful roads that really showed off the village's beauty. Technically, you could have easily walked but it was nice to have a lazy drive with your boyfriend, who was a wonderful driver, to your surprise. "Oh I love this song!" You suddenly called out, breaking your contact with George's hand to turn up the little dial on the dashboard.
"In my eyes, indisposed, in disguises no one knows," you sang with your best Chris Cornell impression, though it would go completely over the head of your boyfriend who you knew, knew nothing about muggle music. It was one of the benefits of being muggleborn that you took great pride in, knowing and loving the music that was so different to the muggle worlds.
George laughed with you, his eyes sparkling as he flickered his eyes between you and the road, watching your little performance that was just for him.
"Black hole sun, won't you come, and wash away the rain? Black hole sun, won't you come," you sang a little louder now, gently head banging with the beat at the little breaks in the tune.
"You really like your music huh?" George says, reaching his hand over to place it on your denim covered thigh in between changing gears.
"I love it, it's actually what I wanted to do before I found out about the wizarding world," you said, realising that you'd never actually told anyone this.
"Why can't you do it now?" He asks, briefly flicking his eyes over to you. You sighed a little and scrunched your face up briefly as you considered his words.
"It's complicated, I technically could but it'd be like throwing behind this incredible gift I've been given. My family are mostly muggles so I'm incredibly thankful that I get to do these things and be part of this world, it would just be a waste of a gift if I didn't do something with it. Plus for me music has always been a hobby, like an escape and a bonding thing with my friends and it's special to me, being part of it would probably just ruin the magic," you explained.
"I guess I understand that, I think sometimes I take it for granted you know with us all being magic," George explains. You nod, listening to him, knowing that his experience growing up was wickedly different to yours, being from a pureblood family.
"You could always perform for me and Fred sometime," he says with a cheeky smile which you laugh at.
"Something tells me you wouldn't like my kind of music, it's not exactly Celestina Warbeck," you giggle, thinking of Molly's favourite singer. George huffs out a laugh and briefly squeezes your thigh, returning his hand to the gearstick to shift gears before pulling into a parking space and shifting the hand break.
You look up and notice you were parked directly outside the paper shop in the middle of the village. "If it's you, we'd love it regardless," George says sweetly, looking up at you with a look of pure adoration which took your breath away. You lean forward and capture his lips in a sweet kiss, placing your hand on the side of his head, his ear encased in your palm as you swept a little tuft of hair behind it. When you pulled away, he leant forward for one more kiss and smirked at you.
It was so nice to spend some one on one time with George, despite slightly missing Fred and their usual back and forth, you craved time alone with George frequently, knowing he was slightly more sensitive than his twin brother. George was the sweeter one of the pair, often a little more soft spoken and more considerate which was always nice to be around.
You both stepped out the car and walked into the small paper shop, immediately walking over to the little fridge at the back, seeing an array of branded muggle drinks for sale. You smiled, seeing the one with a purple label and reached in to grab a few bottles for Fred. George appeared beside you a moment later holding a little wire basket for you to place them into. You reached in an pulled a bottle of irn bru out of the fridge and into the basket, your personal favourite fizzy drink.
"Fancy some snacks?" You asked, turning to him as he threw his arm around your shoulder. "We'll have to sneak them past your mum though."
"And dad, otherwise we'll never hear the end of it," he chuckles, you joining him at the thought of Arthur finding out about muggle confectionery.
You grabbed a few bags of crisps and a couple of chocolate bars you knew Fred would like, careful to avoid anything with caramel after the previous incident with the caramel treat he'd ingested.
"George? Omg my gosh, hi!" The girl from behind the counter shouted and waved as you both walked around the aisle towards the counter where she was sat filing her nails. It was more than causal friendliness, she was outright elated to see him, a little too friendly in her greeting as she moved to stand closer and lean forward a little, trying to plump up her flat chest.
"Oh hi Lauren," George says a little awkwardly. You had to stop yourself frowning at the interaction, suddenly overcome by a wave of unmistakable jealousy which was out of character for you. She clearly knew him well enough to tell him apart from his brother, which irked you more than it should.
"Who's this?" She asked, looking towards you. She had a fake smile plastered on her face but you could see straight through it, her tone laced with something that made your eye want to twitch.
"This is my girlfriend, y/n," he says, placing his large hand on your shoulder. You could see a brief flicker of something pass over her face but she recovered well, though it didn't help the flare of angst you felt.
"No Fred today?" She asked, trying to divert the conversation. She clearly didn't know about your situation or that it was the wrong thing to say, but her mentioning your other boyfriend's name had plunged you into instant distaste, feeling suddenly possessive over both of them.
"Um, no not today," he says, reaching to touch the back of his neck to give it a little scratch as he placed the basket down on the little tillpoint.
"That's a shame," she says quickly, beginning to ring through your items. Godric you wished she would stop talking. Everything she said made you want to slap her more and more. You knew you were being ridiculous but you could see through her little ploy and it was working, at least to piss you off.
"You know I love those little magic tricks you guys do, it's like you're actually magicians!" She giggled with the fakest sounding laugh you'd ever heard and once again you had to fight back a frown, desperate to get out of there. George seemed to pick up on your sudden quietness and started rubbing his thumb over your shoulder where his hand was placed but all you wanted to do was shove his hand off of you.
"That'll be £7.50," she said, never once looking at you as she focused entirely on George. You quietly reached into your bag and pulled out your purse and handed it to George to pay as you began placing the items into your crochet shopping bag.
"So good to see you, you and Fred should come by more often!" She says to George with metaphorical hearts in her eyes, never once stopping the flirtations with him as you gathered your bag and walked out, not even stopping to say bye- though of course she probably wouldn't have even noticed if you'd left long ago and took half the store with you.
George jogged out of the paper shop to catch up with you as you walked to the car, waiting for him to unlock it. You could feel his eyes on you but he said nothing, knowing he would clearly be able to tell that something was wrong with you, your vacant expression a sheer contrast to the joy that was on your face before you saw that bitch.
"You okay?" He asks quietly as you chucked down the shopping bag into the footwell and waited for him to start the car.
"Just want to get back to Fred," you said blankly, knowing that the phrase had a double meaning that would cut him twice, sensing that you'd had enough of him and suddenly wanted his brother. George starts the car and begins to pull away, the silence in the car no longer comfortable as you sit stewing on what had just happened.
"We used to go in quite a bit a few years back, thought she was pretty so we showed her some card tricks that she liked," George began to say, explaining himself though there was really no need. Hearing those words from his mouth hurt you even more than the whole interaction back there. Had they been in since you'd been together? Probably.
"Right," you said, trying to sound dismissive and casual as you looked out of the window, feeling as if tears would start forming in your eyes if he carried on talking.
"It was before we knew we had a chance with you, trust me as soon as we knew how you felt, neither of us have looked at another woman since," he says quietly and calmly, trying to calm you but it didn't really work. You simply nodded, not wanting to speak. You heard him sigh gently before reaching his hand out to place it back on your leg but you shifted in your seat so your body was angled away from him. The sun was slowly beginning to set, the evening crawling in as you passed the familiar hills and winding country roads of St Ottery, but you felt far from peaceful in the moment.
"She never meant anything to us, especially not compared to you," he says, clearly not knowing when to stop.
"So do you both always fancy the same girl or is it just a coincidence?" You couldn't hold back the snark any longer, his incessant rambling winding you tighter and tighter. It was a little sharp and a little below the belt, you'll admit, but the fact that she'd captured the attention of both of your boyfriends was enough to make you feel insanely jealous.
George immediately slammed his foot down on the break and parked the car in a little dirt road, turning off the engine completely and shifting to face you completely.
"No," he said sharply in reply, surprising you at his sudden dominant and angry demeanour, something you had never seen from George. "I thought she was pretty, then Fred got wind of it, joined in and tried to compete. He thought she was fit and it became a game to distract us from getting nowhere with you. I'm not gonna say she's not pretty because I've got eyes but she's nothing compared to you."
You didn't really know how to respond to that, feeling a little heated by George's sudden dominance even if you still felt a stagnant level of irritation from the bitch in the shop.
"We might have found you both attractive but you know what sets you and her apart?" He asks, reaching out for your chin to look deep into his eyes. Your brows knit together in question as he looks at you intensely, "you're ours."
He crashes his lips to yours and given you the kind of kiss that would make your knees buckle if you'd been standing. He pushes his tongue into your mouth to wrestle with your own as he controls the kiss, his hands wrapping into your hair as he undoes your seatbelt. After pulling away, leaving you breathless and aroused, he commands you to take off your jeans.
"George," you say, not quite sure why you're protesting but he simply shoots you a pointed look which tells you to behave and you comply. You shuffle out of your tight jeans, trying to not look awkward as you do so, struggling with the limited room.
"I might be wrong, but it's one of our sweaters your wearing is it not?" He says, his hand reaching over to cup your chin again. You nodded, looking into his eyes but he simply raised a single eyebrow at you, showing that was not the reply he wanted.
"Yes," you said quietly. He smirked just lightly, the corners of his mouth slightly upturning as he stared at you intensely.
"It's our house you're staying in isn't it? With our family, in our bedroom, our beds?"
"It's us that get to kiss you, love you, fuck you?"
"Yes," you said, your breath hitching a little at his words, the words love and fuck circling round in your mind on repeat.
"Only us?" He asks, his hands now wandering down your body to draw teasing circles on your thigh, inching closer to your desperate core.
"Only you."
"Good girl," he says, which makes you bite your bottom lip at the arousal that washes over you at his dominant praise.
"And it's only you that gets us, all of us, isn't that right angel?"
"Yes Georgie."
"Are we yours?"
"All mine, both of you," you whimper as his long fingers begin rubbing your clothed clit through the lace of your panties. "Only mine."
"Good girl," he says whilst pulling back the material of your panties and dipping his index finger down to your waiting hole where your arousal has pooled. "Bloody hell angel, you're soaked. You like being reminded that you're ours?"
"Fuck, yes, yes Georgie, all yours," you moan out as his finger plunges into you, his fingertips dragging on that special spot inside you as he fucks you with his long fingers, adding a second one to stretch you out. You let out a loud moan as his thumb finds your throbbing clit and begins to circle it expertly, just as he knew you liked.
"Fuck angel, you get me so fucking hard," he pants into your ear as he continues to finger you, leaning over to suck marks into your neck. You can already feel the tingling pull of an orgasm building embarrassingly quickly but you'd never experienced dominant George before and it was a sight to see and behold. His fingers moved in you perfectly, having studied you body and becoming an expert in pleasuring you since you'd gotten together.
"George, fuck, please I'm," you begged, feeling closer and closer to your climax with each breath you took.
"Come angel, come for your man," he commanded, capturing your lips in a bruising kiss as your climax swelled inside you and erupted. You let out a loud moan into his mouth as he kissed you, your body jolting and locking with the force and intensity of your orgasm. You could feel George smiling against your lips as your body went limp, his fingers focusing on pumping in and out of you to ride you through your orgasm until it had passed. Your body fell limp into the seat of the car as you caught your breath, chest heaving with the intensity of what had just happened.
You let out a little huff of joyful laughter as you came back down to earth, seeing the situation for what it really was as you watched George pull his hand away from you and suck his fingers into his mouth to wipe away the arousal coating his fingers. He let out a little moan at the taste and you had to fight the urge to blush, even though you'd watched him do it multiple times.
"I'm sorry," you said after a few moments of comfortable silence, regretting snapping at him. He looked at you with his usual George smile and shook his head gently.
"Not your fault angel, I'd have felt the same way if it was you," he admitted, running a hand over his face. "You know that you have nothing to be jealous about though right? I'm crazy about you, and unfortunately for me so is Fred, but that's how it is," he says, looking deeply into your eyes, chuckling a little at the Fred quip. "You're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen, sometimes it actually hurts to look at you for too long, it's like looking directly into the sun," he smirks, a blush creeping up on his cheeks. You chuckle in defence but the look he gives you tells you he means every word. "I can't talk for Fred, but there's not a single woman on this planet I'd rather be with."
You lean forward and capture his lips in a kiss that conveys all the emotions you felt, wanting to show him just how much he means to you. You pulled apart and smiled at each other before you moved away. George readjusted himself not so subtly and you instantly felt guilty for not offering to help him out. You placed your hand on his thigh but he smirked up at you and shook his head, "later," he mused.
"Can we actually go back to Fred now?" You asked, feeling like you'd been away from your sick boyfriend way too long. George nods in agreement and starts the car again, driving the little way back to the Burrow.
When you make it back up to the twins bedroom, Fred is sat up in bed, shirtless, reading a quidditch annual and though he's still much paler than you'd like to see, he looks better and more alert.
"How you feeling Freddie?" George asks, walking behind you at you enter the room. Fred looks up towards you both and smiles, placing down the book he'd been reading.
"Better," he says, turning to look at you before squinting comically as he observed you, his eyes widening in realisation only moments later. "You've had sex."
Your mouth opens wide at his accusation and before you can even deny it you and George burst out in a laugh, not feeling even a little shameful or guilty.
"Not quite brother, your divination skills must have been taken along with your skin colour, oh wait, you didn't have any to begin with," George jokes, throwing down his sweater so he's left in his blue patterned shirt.
"Fingered then?" Fred asks crudely, looking at you with a mocking intensity. You roll your eyes but fight to hold back a giggle at his words and so you instinctively turn to reach into your bag to pull out the dandelion and burdock and hand it to him, knowing it would be the only thing to shut him up.
He quickly undoes the cap, the hissing of air from the carbonation echoing in the room before he takes a long swig, moaning at the flavour hits his taste buds.
"This is so good," he murmurs to no one in particular, instantly taking another big swig before belching loudly because of the fizz. You scrunched your nose up at his disgusting actions and threw the nearest cushion at him which only made him laugh.
"I'll be right back," George says, shooting a wink at you as he walks out the door and closes it behind him.
You climbed into bed next to Fred, having really missed him whilst you'd been gone and delicately wrapped your arms around his waist, pushing your head into his naked chest.
"I'm not on my deathbed princess," he jokes as he wraps his big arms around you, pulling you tightly into his body.
"Yes because that's the only reason I'd cuddle you Fred," you snarked, tapping his leg with your foot. He chuckled and you could feel the vibrations through his chest where your head lay. You looked up towards him, craning your neck a little to look up at his face. "Are you really feeling better?"
He shot you a warm smile at your concern and hugged you a little tighter for a second as he nodded, "a lot better now actually." You smiled widely at his cheeky words and laid your head back down, getting comfy. "A sympathy blowjob would go along way though."
You gently elbowed him in the ribs making him flinch in reflex and then bark out a laugh.
"Fred, I can't tell you how much it would scar me to look at your cock right now whilst the colour's drained from your body, imagine what it's done down there," you joked. Fred immediately batted you away and pulled down his sweats to take a look at his package to check that it still had some colour to it. You looked away, not wanting to get a flash of his currently non-perfect cock. He went silent and flipped up the waistband of his sweats, saying nothing, telling you that you were correct. "Point taken princess."
"So what's your plans tonight?" You asked Fred quietly, lazily drawing patterns into his chest, feeling the small, sparse patch of hair between his pecks.
Fred hummed briefly and let out a little sigh, "change of plans princess, I'm staying right here in bed, George is taking over with our plans for you."
You looked up towards him again at his confession, feeling guilty that he would be left out again. He must have noticed your look and smiled at you, leaning down to press a kiss to the top of your head, "I get you next weekend."
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picnokinesis · 9 months
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plottier / character focused thirteenth doctor fic recs
Ipseity by WalkerLister (43k, 10 chapters, gen) summary: Eight months since the Doctor sacrificed herself on Gallifrey, and Yasmin Khan is still struggling to move on. However, when she comes across a familiar face who is not acting like herself, Yaz may finally get the answers she has been looking for surrounding the Doctor. However, those answers will be revealed in a way a bit more dangerous than she had been anticipating. //Okay, so no one is surprised that I like the amnesiac!divisioned!13 fic, but in my defence, it's absolutely fabulous. This one was written waaaaay back in mid-2020, so we all knew that 13 was in prison and everyone was pretty sure that Jack was coming back due to some bts detective work, but that was about it - so, for obvious reasons, it doesn't align with ROTD, but it's such a fun one, guys, I love it a lot. Also, y'know, thirteen in a leather jacket and snarling at people? What more could you want?
don't have to make it to the moon by Ymae (28k, 7 chapters, gen/thoschei) summary: After New Year's, Ryan decides to stay traveling in the TARDIS for another little while. Only, the Doctor's rarely alright, and between experiencing the wonders of the universe, Ryan wants to figure out what's happening to his friend, too. //I love Ryan so much. He's such a wonderful character and I always love it when fics focus on him, or have him as the pov character. Unfortunately, fics like that are a bit few and far between, but this is one of them, and it's absolutely fantastic. It really delves into his character, but also his dynamic with the Doctor (especially after he talks to her in ROTD and she admits that she's scared and angry), and it's just auuuuuuugh so good!! And, it's also go some great whump and psychic content, with the Master showing up to cause trouble, alongside some gorgeous world-building, so I enjoy it very very much.
Ghost War by riptheh (25k, 1 chapter, gen) summary: All the Doctor wants to do is pass the time, and help a friendly face. So when a young man with a strange tattoo and a psychic wound shows up, she dives right into the mystery - and finds herself flung far into the future, mindwiped and alone, fighting a war that by all rights, shouldn't exist at all. A war she could help end, if only she could figure out who she is. //Oof, this one. It's absolutely stunning. This author really has a way of taking some absolutely fascinating and mind-bending concepts and just running with it, and just nails it each time. I feel like the less I say about the plot of this one, the better, because it sort of unfolds as you go, but please just trust me when I say that it's absolutely fantastic.
Lifelines by Sue_Denham (40k, 11 chapters, gen, wip) summary: Lifeline: a thing on which someone or something depends, or which provides a means of escape from a difficult situation. Set just after the events of Spyfall, the Doctor has a few things to work through. //Okay this fic is one of my favourites that's been posting over the last year or so - it's a brilliant exploration of Graham and Thirteen, and how different races deal with loss, guilt and death. I honestly think the best kind of sci fi takes concepts that we sort of take for granted, and then shows them in a completely new light. That's what this fic does. Also, Graham is just wonderful for the entire thing - though, as a note, Yaz and Ryan do end up somewhat side-lined, so bear that in mind if you're particularly looking for fics about those two, but I forgive it because it's such a great look at Graham and the Doctor. It feels like a character focused tie-in novel, y'know? Also it's pretty angsty in places, naturally, but that's what I'm here for haha.
Disordered by Echo (44k, 7 chapters, jack/13) summary: Messing with memories is always a risky business. Messing with your own memories, now that's just asking for trouble. The Doctor is very good at asking for trouble. And Jack is very good at finding it. //Ohhhhh okay so. This has been one of my absolute favourite Doctor Who fics for a long while. Definitely the shippiest of this list, but it's so lovely and such an excellent look at the Doctor facing the consequences of trying to get back her Division memories in the aftermath of s12, as well as the relationship between the Doctor and Jack across multiple regenerations. It's just so so good, flowing smoothly from very angsty to very soft, and the Doctor and Jack's voices are just spot on (especially considering that we see different versions of the Doctor, this is a particularly impressive note). Highly recommend!
The Trial of the Doctor by wreckageofstars (20k, 5 chapters, gen/thasmin, wip) summary: Haven is a planet at the edge of time, on the brink of destruction. Ravaged by the Time Lords and a war that time forgot, its people are desperate for justice before it’s too late, and the Doctor might be the only being left in the universe who can provide it — because she was the one who started it. So why can't she remember doing it? //Okay okay so, this one has only recently started posting but I've known about it since about 2020 and ohhhhhhhhhhh my goodness, GUYS. If you're not following this one, you need to be. It's a mix between Doctor Who at it's finest, Kafka at it's most unsettling, and Douglas Adams at it's most absurd, and it's delightful. There's so much in this one, and as always this author is just spot on with all the characterisation - especially Thirteen, who suddenly finds herself being prosecuted for a crime that she can't remember, and is forced into a situation where she's physically incapable of telling a lie. It. Is. Marvellous. Also there's a cockroach lawyer, whom I adore HAHA
lighthouse keeper by BlueLillyBlue (57k, 12 chapters, gen) summary: The Doctor is missing, and the fam is concerned. Featuring Yaz being a badass, Ryan being a cutie, Graham being a granddad, Jack being Jack, and the Doctor's complicated moral code. Also: space prisons, galactic war, the Doctor's time war trauma, the Doctor caring about people in her own weird and repressive way, and, most importantly, Thirteen wearing Jack's coat. //Oh, this one is such a favourite of mine. It's very angsty, so if that's not your schtick then - well, then you're kinda scuppered for all of my recs, to be honest, but this one is a bit on the dark side. Oh, but it's fantastic. Again, this one feels like a tie-in novel, and this author (as I think I've said before) is just incredible at crafting these very vivid worlds and really hard-hitting stories. The situation is pretty dire and desperate, and the Doctor is often faced with the fact that not every plan works out, and sometimes the only choices are bad ones. It's just really excellent guys (also! Thirteen in Jack's coat!!)
angel ellipsis by SleepyMaddy (36k, 8 chapters, gen/thoschei) summary: When the Doctor and Yaz find a planet in ruins, they’re only half surprised to discover the Master is responsible. But when his plan backfires, suddenly they have no choice but to work with him to stop his former allies from tearing the universe apart. It goes about as well as one might expect. //OKAY SO. This one is SO much fun and SO great - in particular, if you like the Master being a tricky bastard, but also getting screwed over by his own plans? You'll love this one. Everything about it is so vibrant and brilliant, and aaaaaahh man it all comes together in such a satisfying way. As with many of the authors on this list, this author just really gets these characters and how they tick, with some absolutely beautiful prose, and it's just such a joy to read.
nothing in the dark that isn't there in the light by river_of_words (6k, 1 chapter, thasmin) summary: Two weeks since Yaz got the most confusing rejection she ever hopes to get and the Doctor seems to have decided to blame Yaz for every single one of her furiously conflicting emotions. At this point she’s sort of asking to get hit. And at this point Yaz is sort of curious to find out what the Doctor is going to say that’s going to make her meet that request. //These next two fics are a lot shorter compared to the others, but I really wanted to include both of them because they're great and SO interesting to me. With this one, it digs into the Doctor and Yaz's relationship in the aftermath of LOTSD, and the ways that the Doctor does not actually talk about anything but does also tell Yaz more than anyone else. It's about the frustration that builds between them and the way that they're still finding more comfort in each other than anyone else. It's also a little feral, which as a thoschei shipper, definitely had a lot to do with why I liked this one haha. Anyway, it's really fantastic - really quick paced and emotional, and packing a LOT of punches with mostly dialogue in a very effective way. Go read it!
we'll do it right by daring_elm (3k, 1 chapter, gen) summary: She's never really noticed Yaz's perfume before. Shoulders relaxing, nausea subsiding, the Doctor inhales again, filling her lungs with jasmine and sandalwood, steel and glowing crystals and her box out of time. She can be back with Yaz within minutes of her leaving. She can save the child, change the foundation of Gallifrey and still return to have a picnic on Soria T4.  //Okay so I loooove love love this one because I just adore it any time someone explores the Doctor's reaction to the Timeless Child stuff after the fact, and this one is just so wonderful. The characterisation is just fantastic, and then just the progressive spiral of the plot as we follow the Doctor on a mission that is doomed to fail by the nature of her own timeline. It's about how by trying to change the past, all you do is mess up your present and your future, and I love that a lot. Augh, it's a gut punch and a half - highly recommended!
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nerdieforpedro · 3 months
Movie Night with Steven
Steven Grant x female reader
My entire masterlist and blog are for readers 18+ MDNI. I do not consent to my work being used in AI, recommended on TikTok, borrowed or plagiarized.
Summary: What a movie night with Steven might look like.
Warnings: fluff, Nerdie's bad humor (I gave it to Steven), innuendo and hands as always.
Word Count: 433
Notes: A Drabble I wrote trying to work out exactly how I would write Steven Grant. Likely to change, but I thought this was cute.
Main Masterlist/ Oscar Issac Masterlist/ Moon Knight Masterlist
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“Love, you’re coming over and we’re going to eat chips, drink tea and watch The Little Shop of Horrors. It will knock your knickers off!” 
“Wait, what Steven?”
“I mean you’ll enjoy the movie.”
You wonder while watching the movie with him and cuddling. You and Steven have watched tv together before so being close on the couch with your shoulder touching his isn’t insane. 
Tonight seems different though.
Your knickers have not been knocked off. But they’re not safe either.
“Are you having a good time?”
“Yeah, the movie’s great.” Steven squeezes your knee and points at the screen.
“Look! This shows up a few times it means….” Steven is explaining but you’re not listening. His hand is still on your knee and your mouth is a bit dry. Your knickers are the opposite. The movie is only 20 minutes in, he doesn’t even realize what he’s doing. More to the point, why are you reacting so strongly? He’s your friend. Your sweet, bookish, curly haired, full lips and strong hands…friend! Steven is your friend!
“Huh? Darling, what do you mean you don’t know?” His pitch at the end of the question went up, is he mocking you? He’s gotta know that it sounds like he’s mocking you.
“I…need to let it marinate and then I can tell you.” A very poor excuse but the only one you can offer that is a full sentence.
“No, no, no. These things are best done when the movie is fresh in your mind, love.” Holds your hand this time and leans in but is still 8-10 cm away from your face. “Is there a reason you weren’t paying attention? You weren’t bored were you? I wanted you to relax and have a good time with me.”
You did have a good time. Just not really watching the movie. More watching Steven. Reaching, pointing, explaining, being expressive and touching you the ENTIRE TIME. What else were you supposed to focus on? “No, I did have a good time Steven. I just think…maybe I didn’t get all of what the movie presented.” You can’t look him in the face. You feel a bit ashamed that he did get snacks and things for you to enjoy but you just thought of…other things. He just had to mention knickers…
“That’s alright. We can watch it again another time. Maybe you’re tired. Or maybe you had something else on your mind, love?” The moment Steven’s lips touch the back of your hand when he brings it up to your face, you know that all he did was on purpose.
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Moots who would also like to be movie buddies with Steven 🍿: @megamindsecretlair @soft-persephone @soft-girl-musings @softlyspector @saturn-rings-writes
@alltheglitterandtheroar @thepetitemandalorian @westside-rot @rosecentaur1916
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matrixbearer2024 · 4 days
I know it's probably shitpost but imagine Ford and his triplets dressing as the different Doctors from Doctor Who- like- it would be so fucking cute- and yes all of them are actually Doctors, they all have PhDs. Literally just imagine them binging the Dr. Who series, somebody's gonna call out some science shit and another is gonna go full theorist like the paranormal and cryptic hunters they all are.
Seriously just imagine seeing Ford one day not wearing a turtleneck, instead sporting a dress shirt(still high-collar no shaz) and a vest, not to mention he's wearing the black trench coat that he came out of the portal with. Man looks like he's about to go to a party in the 20s so you had to stop him and ask why.
"Hun, what are you doing?"
"I'm just passing through-"
Stanford wanted to laugh because of how cutely the confusion rested on your face. Granted, you probably wouldn't have realized who he was dressing up as since his wardrobe wasn't too distinctly different from the character he was referencing.
"Ford? Darling? Are you okay?"
"Nooo- I'm inside a Dalek!"
That reference hit you immediately and Ford couldn't help but start laughing at your befuddled expression. You just shook your head at the man amused as he leaned against the wall in a fit of giggles like the adorable nerd he is. Married to geekazoid with six fingers but hell yeah he was cute. It was an initial worry that your husband wouldn't properly assimilate into how earth is now, but it seems like he's taken well to bits and bobs of media.
Especially Doctor Who.
You wondered which of the kids decided it would be a great idea to introduce the show to him. Dipper was likely, but so were the chaotic triplets.
"Alright, so which Doctor are you supposed to be?"
"The twelfth! I found his character quite interesting and humorous, as well as oddly relatable compared to the other reincarnations."
You couldn't say that wasn't expected, but you definitely didn't predict what was gonna happen next. Not when your eldest son was frozen in the doorway sporting suspenders and a bowtie. Seems like it you found the culprit and it wasn't just your anomaly loving partner dressing up today.
"So... I guess the both of you are going to go cryptid hunting like this?"
"You say that as if it's a bad thing, but honestly ma– it's the best thing there is!"
You shook your head again as the two men laughed. As if that was the end of that chaos, soon after your other two children made an appearance.
"Alexander Euler Pines are you wearing a suit??"
"I mean, what else would I be wearing ma?"
You elbowed Ford when he started snickering, who really was the one who orchestrated all this? Seriously?? Not to mention- you weren't invited! How rude!
"Okay- so who are you supposed to be?"
"Well, that's the question isn't it?"
You facepalmed, causing the three men to just erupt once again in laughter. You looked over at your only daughter and she finally gestured to the other three and explained.
"10, 11, 12, and I'm 13."
"Huh, that explains the printed tee and white coat. Anything else I should know about?"
It was finally your turn to laugh when the lot of them suddenly whipped out the iconic screwdrivers, each of them buzzing with a high-pitched whir. Somehow you felt like it was safe to assume that they actually did have some functionality and it would be safer not to ask.
A family of doctors! Thank goodness nobody owned a TARDIS!
All of them did plan on going hunting like that though, something like a funny little family excursion. Ford offered that you join them but you figured it would be a great time as any for him to reconnect with the three so you declined.
"Stay safe you rascals!"
"We will!"
You smiled at them and waved before Stanford kissed the top of your head prior to exiting the shack to follow his triplets. As if today hadn't already been full of surprises.
"We'll be back in time for dinner, love you!"
And like that he was out the door. You couldn't help the warmth that bloomed in your chest watching the four of them scurry off into the forest to cause who knows what kind of chaos. You didn't mind or worry however, you knew that they'd all be fine.
Genius and oddity are apparently hereditary- and in this family, being ordinary is overrated/j
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Carmy had an anxiety attack and Sydney stopped it
The Bear | 3x3 | Hands
Let us not overlook the fact that this season Miss Adamu ALSO reverted another one of his attacks, just because we focus on her girlboss speech. OK? The girl bossing is great, sure, but that's not the point.
The point is that Carmy was having a stress-induced anxiety attack in the middle of service, which given S2 eps 9 and 10, was bound to happen this season, of course. And Syd stopped it. Very Sydcarmy material, IK. THAT IS THE POINT. But the B side of that point is that so far I saw NO ONE on Tumblr focusing on that part of this scene, unfortunately. Please make my day and correct me if I'm wrong. Show me a post where this guy is showed some compassion when analyzing this scene, and not a post just cheering up on her girlboss one-liner and butch-femme energy. It's like no one cares. Don't get me wrong, I'm ALL ABOUT that girlboss vibe too, one thing doesn't cancel the other one out in my book. But go ahead, show me that post that highlights his anxiety attack too when meta-analyzing that scene, I haven't found it yet. I'm not gonna lie, because of course I prefer to be right than popular: It pains me and infuriates me in equal measure that just because we all love Syd, some people seem to think that's some sort of license to completely disregard Carmy's mental health deprecating by the minute throughout the entire season, in a rather painfully obvious way, since he got out of that walk-in.
Anyway... Moving on. There's more.
Her words or even energy were not what calmed him down and prompted him to get out of the anxiety attack zone and collect himself, it was looking at her eyes. They locked eyes, held their gazes, and only then he was finally able to get it together. In that order, as can be clearly seen in the vid above. It’s the order what matters, he calmed down AFTER locking eyes for a moment, you can see the shift in his energy not as she was telling him she couldn’t babysitter him but AFTER looking at her with piercing eyes for a sec.
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Anxiety attacks and panic attacks are not the same. I encourage you to do the research because if you really care you will and this post is not supposed to be educational, I'm not in the mood for that today, this post is cathartic for me. What I will say though is that patients with panic attacks also suffer from anxiety and can also have anxiety attacks. Some even find it hard to differentiate one from the other. Professionals don't. The difference is quite clear: The build-up, the symptoms, the intensity, the duration, etc. Carmy is a C-PTSD textbook case.
The stressor that triggered his anxiety attack this time around was the lack of HANDS, which can also be a metaphor for the lack of help Carmy gets. Syd is pretty much the only one who really helps him. Ever. He's surrounded by people, yet very alone. Granted, he's not the best at asking for help, and he's not the best leader either, and there's only so much Nat can do being in her 3rd trimester and all, etc, so like I said, it was bound to happen to him, and it did, and when it did, Syd put out the fire with her presence and her calm.
She didn't patronize him, he's not a victim around her, he's just himself. He's certainly not cool-relaxed Logan either, she's not his babysitter, and she's just as stressed out as he is, but she compensated his lack of temperance with her peace firmness, and he responded to it. Because even in the middle of an anxiety attack, Carmy never gets his eyes off the price. HE HAS TO WIN THAT STAR FOR HER, NO MATTER THE COST → She's his star.
Let us please also notice the fact that the C person MADE YET ANOTHER APPEARANCE IN THE MIST OF HIS ATTACK. That's the guilt I mentioned HERE, eating him away inside and causing him apprehension in the least convenient moment because once an anxiety attack strikes, your defenses are down and whatever you are trying to bury deep down your psyche comes up full force. So she keeps contributing to his anxiety even when they're not even together anymore. Classic.
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He also thought about the other source of guilt that is eating him away, his fallout with Richie and how his Cousin didn't forgive him yet, even when he apologized to him and told him he loved him.
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Another stressor: GUILT.
OK. Thanks for coming to my TED talk about how Syd calms Carmy the fuck down every single time and I need him to do the same for her in the hallway in 04x01 and return the favor, or I will set FX on fire. Because in case you didn't notice, this post was actually about THAT.
Bonus track: To calm down he willingly tried to think of things and people that bring him peace, and not only he definitely didn't think of C at that moment, he thought of Nat, of his time in CA and in Copenhagen, and this time around HE DID NOT ALLOW HIMSELF TO THINK ABOUT SYD, WHO HE KNEW WOULD HAVE ENDED THE EPISODE ON THE SPOT. He deliberately didn't. But she showed up and did the trick anyway:
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Remember to follow my tag #Gingerpovs 💋
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mistressroxielove · 1 month
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Hey everyone~ I'm back, and this time with a new fixation!
Long story short, I've discovered the new Fairly Oddparents reboot, absolutely loved it and was inspired to make this AU idea for the show! With a slight reimagine/redesign of the characters as well. And the first one I decided to do was Peri!
Here's some more info about my AU:
Fairly Odd Parents AU/Rewrite
Au Name: FairlyOdd Brother
Perri (previously known as Poof) recently graduated from Fairy Godparents School and is eager to start granting Wishes for his very own godchild! Only problem is that with his lack of experience Jorgen is weary of giving him an assignment and keeps finding excuses/reasons to not give him a godkid. Realizing it might be a 1,000 years before they give him a chance to be a Fairy Godparent, Perri decides he needs to be a little bold and perhaps, bend Da Rules, to get his foot in the door so to speak. And his answer comes to him from a new neighbor in his human home, a family with a sweet shy 10 year old girl who is absolutely miserable. Perhaps Perri might be able to offer this girl a little comfort and fun as her new Fairy Godbrother!?
(Basically the same premise of the show, except Perri’s first godchild is Hazel, and through a technicality in the rule book, becomes her god brother instead of her godparent.)
ALSO please note this AU is more of a slight reimagine of the original show, meaning I did tweaked / changed some of the characters personality to match the new story I made for them. Nothing majorly different, but again just a heads up before you read on. Hope you like it~
Name: Perri Poof Fairywinkle Cosma (He goes by Perri now but still keeps Poof as a middle name to honor it)
Age: Human equivalent of 22 years old
-Usually it takes at least 1,000 years for a fairy to grow from a baby to an adult, however since Poof spent his first couple of years being raised alongside Timmy, his body magically enhanced itself to basically go through a growth spurt and age as a normal human. But now that he’s fully mature he won't physically age anymore and will stay a 22 year old for at least a couple hundred thousand years.
Sex: Male
Human Physical Description:
-Basically just did a mix between Wanda's and Cosmo human designs. Something simple and fun, I also added some blue to his color design just to make him stand out more.
-I also gave him crocs, I just found the idea cute and thought it would give him a more casual look for his human design
-I was originally gonna give him glasses similar to Cosmo but for the life of me I couldn't make the design work with his hair style, so I just gave him a earring with the same design his wand has
-Similar to Cosmo Swavy car sale business man personality from the pilot.
-He’s a smooth talker with a deep rich voice to match, could sell a refrigerator to a eskimo
-Knows his way around rules and is always eager to grant wild and crazy wishes with the most imaginative interpretation possible, this eagerness to break rules can be a blessing and a curse, as this is what gets him in trouble the most
-Is a bit of a smart ass (But in a nice and lovable way), always has to have the last word, can be really petty when he’s mad
-Is really good a persuading people into doing things, though he doesn’t use this power to be malicious, only uses it to get small favors and mostly for Hazel to wish for crazy stuff, again it's never meant to be malicious
-Though he still has a lot to learn before becoming a godparent, he’s extremely sweet and caring to hazel and his friends, and will do anything to keep them safe and happy
-Is eager to proof himself to be useful and mature, is tired of every fairy treating him like a kid despite being older now
-Is a bit flamboyant and cares about his appearance, likes to paint his nails and wears earrings similar to his mother
-Though he does have a good head on his shoulders, he does have a tendency to interpret wishes in uniquely bizarre ways sometimes, something he inherited from his father.
Other fun facts:
-Peri really likes marine life/fishes, since he spent the first couple years of his life living as a fish, he has an appreciation for the creatures. And even has a pet goldfish!
-Despite being 22 years old, the fairy’s still treat him like a baby since a normal fairy baby would have taken at least 1,000 years to grow to maturity. This is what caused him to change his name, desperate to make the other fairy’s take him seriously and to not literally treat him like a baby
-Lives in an apartment building in the human world that is also connected to the fairy world, he’s the first of his kind to have a home like that. For most fairies it's extremely hard for them to ‘act human’ 24/7 which is why most prefer to turn themselves into childhood pets whenever they’re living with their god kid. As being human means they have to walk everywhere, not being able to use magic, and if they mess up once it could expose the existence of fairies and magical creatures in general. Peri however, once old enough to move out of his parents house was vocal that he wanted to live among the humans. He told Jorgen and the fairy council he wanted to live there to understand humans better to be a better godparent to them, but he mostly did it because he missed earth. Missed all the stuff that he grew accustomed to when he was a kid and also likes being able to find people ‘his own age’ to talk and relate to. After his endless demands and persuasion the council finally budge and allowed him to live on earth. But was warned if he was ever discovered to be a fairy, he would lose his godparents license and would never be allowed back on earth ever again.
-He wears a curler in his hair similar to Wanda when he sleeps, just a cute detail I wanted to mention
-Also just like his mother he has a tendency to call the kids/Hazel Buddy similarly to how Wanda likes to call people Sport but still has his own fraze, just a small detail that I thought would also be a cute nod to his parents
-He's also crazy for Chocolate, this is based off an episode in the original show where Wanda went insane just to eat some chocolate. It was just a one off gag but I really love that gag and decide to include it. He loves chocolate and has a dangerous addiction to it, but its still not as bad as Wanda's addiction to the stuff
Short summary of how he ended up with Hazel:
Peri has just recently graduated Fairy Godparent School and is eager to get a godkid, since his parents are still on their 10,000 year old trip he wanted to surprise them with the news of him having a godkid to make them proud of him. However Jorgen is extremely reluctant to give Peri a kid due to his extremely young age, inexperience, and his tendency to always try and bend ‘Da Rules’ as he pleases. So he puts Peri off again and sends him home, much to his annoyance. Irritated and now back at his human home in Dimmadelphia, Peri begins to hatch a plan to get himself a god kid since he knows it would take 1,000 years at least before Jorgen would finally give him a chance. But how could he possibly bend the rules to allow him to mentor a kid without Jorgen assigning him?
The answer comes to him from his new neighbors, a small family with a sweet but shy 10 year old girl who’s having a tough time adjusting to her new surroundings. Due to some hijinks Peri ends up babysitting for Hazel as her parents are now busier than ever with their new jobs and don’t have as much time to watch Hazel. They don’t mean to leave her alone so often, and actually apologize to her constantly for the unforeseen high work time. But it does little to help Hazel with her adjusting to her new environment. With the addition of her having a bad day in school and her brother, do to the storm, is unable to come up and visit until his next break (which is a few months away) Hazel, being miserable and finally had enough and in a fit of rage and desperation, wishes she could just fly to her brother. This wish for the first time activates Peri magic, before he can stop his wand appear and grants Hazel's wish, turning the girl into a fly.
The part of the episode happens similar to the original first episode, with Peri trying to get Hazel home before her parents come back from their work. He eventually does but again similar to the first episode Hazel gets stuck in a venus fly trap as Peri tries to get her to wish to turn back into her original form. After the talk with the ant Hazel realizes her mistake and finally wishes to become human again before her parents could discover what went wrong.
After the commotion, the next day Hazel goes to Peri’s apartment to question who he is and what the heck just happened. Peri tries to deny it but during their conversation he realizes that technically speaking…..Hazel did have good and caring parents. They weren’t the reason why she was sad and miserable, she was miserable because her brother wasn’t with her anymore and she desperately missed him. And technically speaking, there was no rule or need to ask Jorgen or the fairy console to become a kids Godbrother. He only needed their permission to be a Godparent. And besides……..he more than understood the feeling of missing a big brother.
Making his decision he officially introduces himself as Hazel Godbrother (In a similar manner to Dev introduction) and promises to bring a little magic to her life~ Much to Hazel shock and joy, as for the first time since moving to Dimmadelphia, she felt true joy and happiness.
Sooooo ya, tell me what you guys think! Any questions or suggestions for the AU I would love to hear, good to be back!
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totheseok · 3 months
uh oh?
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synopsis: what happens when the daughter of the CEO of a major film company and the son of the president of a successful food company move in next door?
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episode 2: cats holding banners
last episode ▪︎ next episode
word count: 924
(italic writing is yn's thoughts)
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Taboba had been y/n's absolute favourite boba shop in Seoul, she first discovered it while she was studying abroad. Upon returning home she found out there was ONE outlet in Seoul, which was conveniently just a 10 minute drive from her parents house. But, they were closing down and she was moving to a different part of Seoul, half an hour away from the shop.
Growing up as the daughter of a big-shot movie producer, she was privileged enough to live in one of the expensive neighbourhoods of Seoul, in a big house over-looking the Han river. And though it was true that she was to eventually take over the company her parents wanted her to pave her own way and make her own name in the industry. Granted her heritage would certainly give her a boost in popularity.
She decided one of the first steps to make her own way would be to move into her own space and live by herself. So with the help of friends and family she chose a penthouse apartment for herself in Gangam and bought it (cus wth is rent when ur rich). But thats all irrelevant right now because she's not moving there for another week. Right now what's important is that she just parked her car outside the new boba shop that opened near her new apartment.
It's a cute name even she cant deny that. She hopes with every atom of her body that the boba is good too. It was also owned by SeoulFoods, a company that sponsored most of SilverWoods' shows and movies, and also catered for their events.
The issue isn't bad boba, the issue is being as good as or topping taboba boba.
Stepping inside, the cafe looked like any other, it was simple, with mood lighting, wooden floors and comfy looking leather seats. But there was one recurring theme. Cats. It wasn't a cat cafe, yet, cute pictures of cats doing stupid things were hung up on the walls, the bookshelf was shaped like a cat, the little plant pots on the table were cats that looked like they had leaves growing out of their heads. Overall, a-lot of cats.
Y/N made her way to the counter and luckily didn't have to wait too long considering it was 11 AM and everyone was either at work or at school, no long lines. She greeted the barista and placed her order, payed for her drink and then chose a table by the window. Good for working and people watching.
Y/n's first mistake today was forgetting her laptop charger at home, but she was already on the highway when she realised and couldn't turn back even if she wanted. Now the question was if her laptop was already charged or if she would open it and it would die in the middle of her editing a scene.
79%. Not bad, good enough to edit at least one scene. She started opening the softwares she needed to work and got started.
Soon enough her drink arrived, paired with a slice of cheesecake. Wait... Cheesecake? YN hadn't ordered any. Her original plan had been to have her drink and order a sandwich if she got hungry a while into working.
Maybe I should ask the server. Luckily for her he was walking by after serving another order.
"Um, excuse me?" She called out.
"Yes, ma'am"
"Uh, I only ordered a drink, i was served cheesecake as well are you sure it isn't someone else's?"
"Ah, yes, it's on the house, our manager said there's a newcomer gift for today, and since it's your first time visiting Bobobble, you qualify for it!"
"Ohh, I see, well um thank you so much!"
"No, problem ma'am, enjoy your meal!"
Newcomer gifts huh? Lets hope this boba is also good because so far I'm liking this place.
YN reached for her cup of bubble tea and immediately noticed logo. A cat holding a banner that said bobobble. Omg cute pls be good i want to come back here.
Bringing the straw to her lips, she took and sip and...
"Holy shit" She whispered to herself.
Looks like bobobble just gained a new and very loyal customer.
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In the break room, a barista sat with their phone in front of them, voice recording app open.
"Dear diary, today the owners son Taesan came to overlook the store. He's a chill guy around my age but he's generally pretty quiet. Anyways, around 11 AM a girl walked in with her laptop bag and stuff, she ordered her drink and sat down then started working on whatever it was that she was working on, she was pretty nice but thats not the point
"the issue here is that when i was going to serve her drink, Taesan told me to take some cheesecake for her and tell her it was on the house as a welcome gift for her first time here. I didnt know we were doing one of those so it was news to me but i didn't question it.
"HOWEVER, later another girl came in and i had never seen her before so as i was taking a slice of free cheesecake out for her Taesan stopped me and said he changed his mind? so no more free cheesecake for new people? idk man. my guess is that he thought the other girl was cute. ig we'll just have to wait and see, anyways my break is ending so ill finish this at night when im home"
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a/n: pls tell me yall got the chenle reference w the "whats rent when ur rich"
and special thank you to @taesancore for reading it for me before i posted to help me figure stuff out.
taglist (open): @seungzzzz @thvvcut @ywnzn @livelaughlovetaesan @lovelyannoyingcher @blurryriki @xyxlyn @lovandr @lcvehee @sobun1est @roxasrana @loyalsunwoo @luv-y0urself @rosesfortaro @nujeskz @ryunjin0 @milkmilkmalk
bold couldn't be tagged 😔
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dangerousduckcloud · 2 months
Flowerbeds make up for a nice eternal rest
Read it also on AO3
“I feel bad, now.” That most certainly was not what Dick was expecting, brows furrowed and blinking. “What for?” “I tried to stab you… Or well, wanted to.”
Chapter 10 < > Chapter 12
taglist: @kurai-hono-blog, @katrina0-0
If anyone else would like to be added to the taglist, let me know!
You were scared, to say the least. The higher you went, the colder you got, specially with your clothes half-soaked due to the rain, your fingers freezing from leaving them inside a cloud as if it were a lake for too long.
Superman —Clark, he said you could call him Clark— was carrying you in his arms, granting you the freedom to extend your arm as much as you wanted without the risk of falling (that didn’t stop the need to tightly grasp his cape with your other hand). Your teeth were clacking, your body trembling, and even though Clark had asked you if you wanted to go back to the warmth of the manor, you declined, not regretting your decision for a second once the sun started to set.
Angelic was the only word you could describe the sight in front of you. Ethereal too, maybe. You now understand why heaven was always pictured to be above the clouds.
With nothing to hinder your gaze, you could see in its entirety how the golden rays shone above you, lighting up the dark, thick clouds, doing its best to traverse through the thick fog to reach the city. The light engulfed the two of you, covering you in a golden blanket that warmed your body.
Never in your life could you imagine the world could look so beautiful, never thought how hideous humanity’s existence erased the preciousness’ of nature with disgusting smog, never ending buildings, and garish billboards.
Once Clark had decided your cold clothes were too much for your body, he flew back down to the manor. Out in the garden, three figures patiently waited for your return, an open umbrella left to dry, discarded next to a bench, the rain gone for the moment.
Right after your feet landed on the grass, Alfred draped the comfiest, warmest blanket over your shoulders, quietly thanking the ever-prepared butler.
“Pretty cool, huh?” Tim said in lieu of a greeting —A Tim who should still be sleeping.
“Yeah.” Was the only thing you could say, with a beaming smile, not still out of your stupor. You felt like those two characters on that old tv show you used to watch, too stunned to speak after riding an impressive roller coaster, with the difference that you’d been higher than any human being could without the need of a plane.
“Thank you for the favor, Uncle Clark.”
“My pleasure, Dick. It was nice to meet you, Jane, but I must go home now. And don’t worry, we’ll get you home soon.”
You smiled despite the pang in your chest, thanking him once again for the extraordinary experience. You were feeling less and less hopeful every time someone reminded you of your situation, sensing they were trying to convince themselves they could do it, rather than admit the truth.
“Where’s Jason?” You asked once inside, taking off your shoes as to not dirty up the polished floors with mud.
“He went back to his place.”
“Oh.” You tried to hide your disappointment with an extremely fake sneeze. “I better go take a shower before dinner, lest I catch a cold.”
Dropping the blanket on your bed, you left your damp clothes on the hamper, a hiss escaping you when the hot stream of water hit your skin, reddening your back, not getting under the running water again until the temperature was to your liking.
Why were you disappointed every time Jason left the manor? Yes, you were aware of the ‘small’ crush you had on his character, on the portrayal people had of him, but not on him per se. He wasn’t the sweet, romantic, hopelessly in love person people made him ought to be in their stories, the short time you’d spend around him revealing, in fact, he was somewhat of an asshole, someone who was stuck in an immature mentality who dealt with their issues angrily and violently.
And wasn’t that what’d happened to him?
Cutting off the water flow, you changed into, finally, your own sleep wear, the lavender detergent Alfred uses invading your nose. You were brushing your hair in front of the mirror, attempting to get rid of all the knots that would form no matter how many hair products you used, when a knock on your door was heard, raising your voice to invite whoever was on the other side of the door.
“Hey, Jane, can I come in?”
The student in you was battling so hard to not automatically imitate all your old English teachers with ‘it’s ‘may’ I’, but you weren’t sure if Dick was familiar with that experience, so you replied with a simple “Yeah, sure.”
He sat down at the end of the bed, a small, white box in his hands. “So, did you like flying?”
“Absolutely.” You replied with a big smile, looking at him through the mirror. You’d given up on untangling your hair, content with getting most of them, and were now putting it in a ponytail. “I simply… I don’t think there’s words to put it, I felt as if I’d become an angel, bested with a sight not many were privy to. Thank you so much for making it possible.”
“I still remember the first time Uncle Clark too me flying, I’d been Robin for a year already, I believe, but I’d only met him a handful of times, Bruce wasn’t with the League yet, so there wasn’t much reason for them to meet.” There was a fond smile on his face, remembering his childhood, a chuckle from something he remembered. “Bruce tried so hard to hide it, but he was horrified, putting his arms around me as soon as we got back, as if to try and stop me from going flying again. I swear if he knew Clark had let me stand on his palms and do pirouettes, he would have a heart attack.”
“What was it like? To be a child vigilante.”
“It was the best thing that could’ve happen to eleven-year-old me. There was nothing better than to be soaring in the sky, helping those who couldn’t defend themselves, feeling the cold wind all around me, the adrenaline pumping through my veins with every goon we fought.” With every word, his tone got more and more enthusiastic, gesticulating every sentence. “And… I’ve never said this to anyone, but the fame almost got to me for a second, with all my classmates babbling about me, about how awesome it was to be Batman’s partner, to work with him and the Justice League. I wanted to be recognized, you know? To tell them right there and then it was me who was going out weekend’s nights fighting the Rogues.”
“But you didn’t.”
“No. I wanted to, but I knew nothing good could come out of that; the city would take me away from my family, and Bruce would be heavily judged and sentenced. Everyone loves child vigilantes until they know who is under the mask. Praising one day, pointing with their fingers the next one.”
“Why do I feel another ‘but’ is coming?” You were facing him now, leaning against the dresser with your arms crossed.
“But…” He said, elongating the ‘u’, his melancholic energy turning into a guilty one, painful memories resurfacing. “As much as I loved it, and have so many great memories, with all my siblings… Well, I know understand why Bruce was so adamant about me going out in the beginning. Especially after Jason… I rarely spent time in the manor when he was Robin, only coming to pick him up to hang up maybe once or twice a month. I always wanted a little brother, and to have him taken away so suddenly like that… I didn’t want to get close to Tim, fearing the same would happen, but I think I hurt him more by being cold towards a kid that didn’t deserve it… Sometimes I wonder if my stubbornness and desire for revenge for my parents was the point of no return to the unfortunate events that led to all the sorrow we’ve suffered.”
“You can’t blame yourself for something you had no control over, Dick. The only one here at fault is the Joker.” You moved from the dresser, sitting down next to him on the bed. He winced at hearing that name, telling yourself you would never mention it again in the future in front the Wayne’s.
Dick nodded, sniffling and inattentively rotating the box in his hand. “Well, I—” He chuckled. “I didn’t come here to damper the night. This is for you.” He handed you the box, the seal already cut. “Alfred mentioned he wanted to buy you a phone but didn’t have time to do so with… And I assumed you wouldn’t want to go back to the mall —or the city— any time soon. I already saved all our numbers, so that you can keep in touch with Steph and Dami once they go back to school next week. I know being cooped in here all day must be so boring, so I hope it can help make the days go faster.
The phone was the most recent model, a couple of apps pre-installed, eight contacts saved on your phone, your eyes lingering on Jason’s name.
“I feel bad, now.”
That most certainly was not what Dick was expecting, brows furrowed and blinking.
“What for?”
“I tried to stab you… Or well, wanted to.”
He opened his mouth, whatever he wanted to say dying before the words could leave his lips. “Now, why would you do that?”
“I was scared!” You stood up, walking to your nightstand and pulling out the forgotten scalpel, handing it to Dick. “It was when I still thought you were a bunch of kidnappers… If it makes you feel any better, I don’t want to stab you anymore.”
“Gee, that’s a relief.” Dick’s shoulders shook with mirth. “Thanks for thrusting us and giving this back.”
“Yeah, now I know your family is crazy, but for a whole different reason.” Silence befell you, Dick nodding at the accurate description of his siblings. You felt different now that you didn’t have the scalpel anymore. You felt light, free, the heavy burden of distress lifting of your shoulders. By handing it, you were giving away your only way to defend yourself, and thus, you were finally letting go any doubts you could have about them. “Hey, Dick?”
“Can you… Can you really take me back home?”
“We’re working on it, Jane.”
You hummed, noticing he’d changed his always optimistic response to a very vague one.
Both you and Cass had spent most of the next morning goofing off with the phone’s camera filters, using the goofiest one’s you could find. That was until you had to hide from a furious Damian, searching for you to delete the photo you took of him with bunny ears and nose.
“That’s not fair!” You half whispered, half shouted from behind a couch. “I can’t climb that high!”
Cass smiled widely from over the rafters in the ceiling, hiding herself in the shadows when the hurrying steps were getting closer and closer. You tried to blend in yourself with the couch, calming your breathy giggles.
“Cain! Jane!” Damian hollered. “I will behead you if you do not delete that picture at this instant!”
Your muffled titter turned into full on cackling when Damian jumped from over the couch, doing his best to grab your phone, which you were holding on to for dear life. For being ten, the kid was strong.
“I surrender!” You screamed; your cheeks were hurting from smiling so much. “I surrender!”
“Delete that photo, now.” Damian glowered, and you did, pulling out your phone and tilting the screen slightly for him to see you open the gallery and deleting the picture. “Tt. This better not happen again.”
Only until he left did Cass jumped from the rafters.
“Traitor.” You crossed your arms, playfully sticking out your tongue to her, to which she simply hugged you.
Your life had turned an eternal summer vacation. You had no responsibilities to fulfill, no school, no job, no chores, you would simply wake up and exist, sometimes helping out Alfred in the garden.
Contrary to all beliefs, it wasn’t the blessing most thought it would be, neither Cass nor Tim could spend time with you anymore, a grisly trafficking case appearing in the city a couple nights ago. Since Cass was completely committed to the mission, she was down on the cave most of the time, starting her patrol earlier than usual.
During the mornings, Tim was forced to go to W.E as the CEO now that Bruce was ‘unavailable’ with a ‘family matter’, and working down on the cave as well when he was home.
As much as you thought you’d broken down Damian’s cold demeanor, he’d reverted to his usual spoiled brat attitude, doubling it up now that school started the next day, deciding that if he was forced to be miserable, he was going to make everyone miserable.
Dick was out of planet on an emergency with the Justice League, stepping into Bruce’s place. And you hadn’t seen much of Steph since the day of the attack, she’d only visited the manor once on a bat related incident, but also preoccupied with high school.
There were not many people who could make the clock move forward, and so, you were forced —really— to one and your last resort, the black, taunting text conversation the thing you’d been contemplating more than anything this past two days, the ‘online’ status rarely lighting up throughout the day (no, you were not stalking him, you were simply getting informed), the white and gray predetermined icon annoying (was that because he didn’t have a photo, or he simply didn’t have you saved on his phone?).
What could you say? ‘Hi’ was too bland, ‘Hey, this is Jane’ was too-business like for your liking. A selfie? Nah, too narcissistic.
But it gave you an idea, searching your gallery for one of the thousand photos you’d taken with Cass, the both of you with digital bat stickers all over your face. In a brave, but truly stupid moment of courage, you hit send, hastily locking your phone and tossing it onto your bed, the device getting lost in your mess of blankets and pillows.
Fuck, what had you done? Your heart was racing a thousand beats per minute, feeling it bump into your chest, chiding yourself for being so stupid, what if he didn’t reply? Would it be worse if he left you on read, or to find out you were such an irksome he wouldn’t even open your messages? But if he replied? What would he say? React with an emoji? How could you continue the conversation after that? What if the asked you to delete his number? Did you still have time to delete the text? But he would still have the notification and— ding.
The chime stopped your spiraling thoughts. Should you open it? Wait? Destroy your phone? Pretend you meant to send it to Cass? Come on now, whatever he sent can’t be that bad.
              | I have a cute sister.
The message read. Well, it certainly wasn’t the end of the world.
              | And your sister has a cute friend;)
You sent back, feeling bold at receiving a positive reply.
| I don’t think I’ve met her. I only know two of them and one is annoying… The other one is a blonde obsessed with the color purple.
Despite being called annoying, there was a smile on your face.
              | I’ve met the first one, she’s quite lovely and funny.
              | Really? Maybe I should take her out on a date.
              | Maybe you should.
There truly was something wrong with Gotham’s water if you were so boldly flirting with him, flirting with an effing crime lord, all those chemicals spilled onto it changing your very DNA.
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