#got her curly hair but let me make the joke ok
liam-zor-el · 1 year
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this is what happened canonically trust me
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eddiernunson · 10 months
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The Splash of Rain on the Roof | Eddie Munson x f!Reader | 18+
Thank you to @forget-you-morelike-fuck-you for editing, always there for me, bestie.
Also to @bebe07011 for reading everything before I post and giving me feed back. Love ya.
Summary: you're best friends with Eddie Munson after moving to Hawkins, the new girl who ditches the cheerleaders for the Freaks. A year later, you've fallen head over heels for him, and you're convinced there's no way he has any interest in you. It finally seems confirmed when you find out (more or less) that he's into a fucking cheerleader. Your heart breaks.
Warnings: (idiots) best friends to lovers, dork!reader, virgin!eddie and virgin!reader (its cute, ok), kinda slow, no protection, creampie, praise/degradation, minor miscommunication trope, sleepy 5am writing, first I love yous
I have another one shot planned, it's about 3/4 done.
Word count: 11k
As any first day at Hawkins High in the middle of the semester goes, you had a fairly decent one. A cheerleader spotted you in her class and dragged you over to her table, a parade of jocks and cheerleaders surrounding it. You wondered if their insistence was genuine, and you let yourself believe it. Until their true colours were shown through a nasty gossip session.
For the most part, they all had kind things to say about one another. They encouraged each other and asked how your day was so far. Did it count as false advertising if fake friends show their real colours? If anything, you were grateful they were so quick about it. You barely had a chance to memorize their names when one of them broke out in an overdramatic bellow in disgust. Your interest piqued, nearly drowning in their dull conversations, no matter how polite.
You followed the curly haired boys’ line of sight across the cafeteria to a group of boys laughing louder than the rest of the school. They looked carefree and like they were enjoying themselves. You envied them. Your eyes switched back to your new supposed friends, afraid of what exactly was so worthy of their collective disgust.
Their immediate round of insults to the harmless group of boys left the worst taste in your mouth. After the three or four people had their say, you got up without another word.
“Wait! Where you going?” Called the girl who escorted you to the table.
“Anywhere but here.” You answered, having understood immediately what kind of group of people she associated herself with.
She had plenty more to say, but you didn’t hear another word. You were far too busy beelining for the gorgeous man who was at the head of said table. The moment you looked over to them, your vision tunneled. The complaints voiced by the table of Preps seemed to be an extension of their “freakiness”, or so they called it, which you deduced was just another word for “dork”.
Little did they know, you are also a dork.
So, the table you had just ditched watched in horror as you walked straight to the table and immediately sat down with them.
Turns out the gorgeous man was as kind as he was good-looking.
It’s been over a year since you started at Hawkins, over a year of friendship with Eddie Munson, said gorgeous man. What’s even worse, he’s better than you had expected him to be. As you settle into the Hellfire Club, adding your own adventurous characters, and contributing to inside jokes, you and Eddie end up closer than you had ever expected.
Unfortunate news is, he has you so far in the friend zone, you’re starting to wonder if even he knows you’re a girl. (With fantastic tits, which he never seems to even look at.)
You’ve spent plenty of nights in a pair of tiny shorts and an oversized top with no bra as you listen to music and smoke a joint with him, hoping over and over that he would just make a move because lord knows you weren’t gonna do it.
The pressure of his hand when it rests on your lower back, the way he curls your hair behind your ear, his breath down your neck when he hugs you, it all sets your skin on fire.
On one night you were terribly upset at your mom after having a fight with her, getting in your car to take the eight-minute drive to his house. You had arrived at his trailer uninvited plenty of times before, Eddie encouraged it once he realized the fights were a regular thing. Only this time, he wasn’t in the living-room watching a scary movie, or in his bedroom listening to records or making a new campaign.
He was in the shower.
At first, nothing seemed out of the ordinary. He’s had plenty of showers while you were over. He’d be stupidly apologetic about it, but if you were to be honest with him, the smell of the body wash that lingered on him was too good to pass up. You grabbed a bag of chips and a soda from his fridge and a beer for him, figuring you’d meet him when he struts out in that low hanging towel. On your way to Eddie’s room, a noise like music hit your ears and the slick beer almost fell out of your hand.
“Uh, uh, oh shit…fuck—” You heard him, loud and clear, a noise you only imagined late at night in your own bedroom. You stood there frozen in the hallway, listening as he fucked his own fist. You listened as his breaths got faster, his whining higher pitched. But no sound could match the divine noise Eddie made as he finished. Your breath hitched then, drool pooling on your tongue as you pictured sticky white ropes all over the shower.
Your heart was beating wildly in your chest, your panties drenched just from listening to him. You wondered what would’ve happened if your hands were empty. When the shower turned off, your gut swooped, butterflies kicking in as you raced to look casual on his bed. You didn’t have much time to prepare, turning on some music and picking up one of his magazines. Shit, dirty magazine. You quickly adjusted to the next one over, featuring a Metal band on the cover.
As Eddie entered his room, you were laying on the bed looking casual as you could, hoping he didn’t pick up on your heavy breathing. If he did, he didn’t indicate it. As much as you tried, your breathing didn’t slow, your eyes zoned in on the droplets of water dripping down his bare chest, lingering on his treasure trail. He greeted you absentmindedly, picking up a pair of sweats.
That night, you could do nothing but stammer through your sentences, chalking it up to stress from the fight with your mom. He offered you to sleep over, a normal habit you’ve developed, but the itch to slip your fingers down your pants was too much. If you had to face your mom just to get it figured out, so be it.
A switch flipped in you that day, it went from being a schoolgirl crush into a want, no, a need for him.
God, you wish he’d just get a clue…or that’d you get the nerve to make a move.
Something better than this torture.
After the third pat on his hand, Eddie finally looked up, wondering why Josh can’t take the hint. “What, what?” He asked, already annoyed at his day as it was. Fucking history teacher…
“New girl.” Josh gestured towards the jock/cheerleader table.
Eddie blinked, questioning why the hell he should be interested in this. The insistence on not just Josh’s face, but the rest of the group convinced Eddie, switching his glance over to the table. You stuck out like a sore thumb, not exactly dressed in their prep uniform. From this single glance, he could tell you were uncomfortable. In any case, neither were most cheerleaders on their first days. Oh well, he figured you would assimilate soon enough. Shame, with how pretty you were.
Soon enough, Eddie’s mood lightened up, amused by the witty banter his friends were spitting back and forth. Something Gareth said ended up being ridiculously funny, a feat that he’s familiar with, and it breaks the entire group into loud laughter, something that obviously disrupts the cafeteria. Eddie didn’t care, and neither did any of the other members of Hellfire. If no one would give them any decency, why the hell would they owe anyone else any?
As always, the laughter invited even more scrutiny. Eddie knew the reaction of the table you sat at, firing off insults surrounding the word freak. If they could just get original content, that would be great, Eddie thought as he looked back down to his notebook of campaign notes. He was in the middle of deciding which book he might need to check out for reference when Josh tapped his hand again, far more aggressively.
“What?” He snapped, but caught wind of what was so urgent immediately.
There you were, walking as if you were strutting a runway to his table. He thought he must’ve had it confused for a second, but after assessing the reaction of your previous table, it couldn’t have been less wrong. Eddie leaned over to the table to his friends, teeth gritted. “Be normal.”
After about ten minutes of awkward conversation, as a last resort you had asked what Eddie was working on. “Oh, the campaign for DnD.”
“Wait, you play DnD?” You asked.
Eddie wasn’t sure if this question was negative or positive. “Yeah, we’re a Dungeons and Dragons club.” Gareth answered for him.
“Oh sweet!” The answer stunned all of them. “Can I join?”
“You play Dungeons and Dragons?” Josh asked incredulously.
“Yeah, my dad taught me.” You replied.
“Drama room, Friday night at 7. Don’t be late.” Eddie said, finally making eye contact with you.
He regretted it from the moment he did. The beauty he saw from afar was only intensified by a hundred. You looked at the table with intrigue, much more interest than you ever showed at the jocks table. Eddie couldn’t believe how wrong he was to assume you would just assimilate with them. You were too good for them.
Wait, you were too good for his club as well, what the hell were you doing there?
If Eddie had any current quarrels with the universe, it was that you just kept getting better and better as he got to know you. He was prepared for your level one basic dwarf when you showed up with a level 59 Warlock. You kicked his boss’s ass, carrying the weight of all your co-adventurers.
From there, Eddie swore he must’ve gotten hit in the head somehow, because life just isn’t good for him, never has been. But with you, life is worth tolerating. From the start, he had fallen for you, and he still would have even if you did only have a level one dwarf.
As luck would have it, you would never turn down an offer to hang out with him. The first time he offered, butterflies sat in his gut until he walked up to your locker and offered for you to watch a movie at his house with him. You accepted graciously, asking if he minded you’d watch horror. Internally, Eddie fell to his knees. Externally, he nodded, keeping his eyes on what he called the prettiest damn eyes he’s ever seen.
He felt lucky you accepted his displays of affection with him, leaning heavily into his hugs and letting his legs intertwine with yours. His hair would stand up, your skin setting his on fire.
Lately, though, he could swear something is out to get him. As you started getting more comfortable being at his house so often, you started wearing smaller clothing. First, it started off with a pair of sweats and a messy bun. That tore Eddie farther apart than it should have. It turned into braless shirts and tiny shorts, and Eddie stared at the curve of your ass, usually half hard as you laid on his bed.
The first night he ran to the bathroom to jerk off to the outline of your nipple, he felt like shit, yet he wanted nothing more to mouth at it, to mark it his.
Eddie is so sure you’re innocent of it all, unaware of his lust and feelings for you. It started as feelings, but the lust has started to take over to the point where Eddie has to jerk off before you get there. He knows you’re going to bend over too much as you “help” him with making meals. As of late, the tiny pair of shorts barely conceals the outline of your cunt, something that tugs what could only be described as a whimper out of him, has been becoming all too much.
Eddie realizes he’s gonna have to ask you out.
After yet another unsuccessful Saturday night over at Eddie’s house– well, successful in terms of getting you out of your house but unsuccessful in the sense that Eddie just doesn’t seem to see you as a fucking girl– you trade your books to prepare for another boring lecture, watching across the hall as Gareth and Eddie seem to be in humorous conversation, judging on the laughter alone.
Eddie is nodding, appearing to agree exuberantly with what Gareth is saying to him. Might as well kill some time before class starts. You walk over, backpack on one shoulder as the weight from all of your books bounces off the back of one of your thighs. Just as you’re about to interrupt their conversation, Eddie makes eye contact with you. As a reflex, you break into a smile at his dimples. However, Eddie says one last thing to Gareth before walking away from their conversation.
You try not to take it personal. There are several jokes in Hellfire you have learned a long time ago to not take personally. However, this felt personal. Eddie doesn’t usually take part in the jokes at your expense. The boys give you enough crap for him anyways, and he gives them crap, and you give Eddie crap. It’s a wonderful circle of crap, really.
As soon as you approach Gareth, now alone, he gives you a half smile, clearly trying to dissipate from the awkward situation. “Hey,” Gareth greets you, crossing his arms over his chest and leaning onto his locker to seem “casual.”
“What was that about?” You get straight to the point, nodding towards where Eddie had just walked away.
Gareth stutters through his words, adjusting his arms between crossed and placing his hand on his locker. Oh, Gareth, ever so graceful. “I-I-He-he-he just-uh—”
“Gareth!” You interrupt him, knowing he could continue his stammering for a while unless you stop it. “Just tell me!” You shove his shoulder, annoyed already. What reason could Eddie possibly have for taking off like that?
“We were just talking about the girl he likes, is all.” Gareth admits sheepishly, his eyes flicking everywhere but you.
“Oh,” you answer, feeling crestfallen. A girl? Eddie likes a girl? And hasn’t even had the audacity to tell you about it? Were you not his best friend? Maybe he’s your best friend, but you’re not his. You shake off that annoying voice of doubt in your head, knowing on some level it’s irrational. Then why didn’t he tell me anything? “Oh, he’s…never even mentioned a girl around me…”
Gareth knows exactly why you’re crestfallen, your crush on Eddie not the most exact unknown fact in your group of friends. “I don’t know, he doesn’t talk about it a whole lot…” Gareth trails off, scratching the back of his head awkwardly. It wasn’t exactly a lie; Eddie doesn’t talk about his crush on you. He barely mentions it. The only reason anyone in Hellfire knows anything…is because they have eyes.
“Oh. Alright.” You have to get out of this conversation before the tears that crept up behind your eyes make an appearance. “I’ll see you at lunch?” You don’t even wait for a response, already turned around towards a bathroom to get your shit together.
Gareth feels guilty as shit when he sees the way you shuffle off to the bathroom, your sniffles louder than you even realize. In fact, Eddie was just telling Gareth he was finally gaining the courage to ask you out. Unfortunately, your brain has already eliminated this idea altogether.
Eddie sits in his usual spot for the lunch period, a foot parked on the edge of the table as he leans back with his arms crossed, observing his friends arguing yet again. Doesn’t really matter what they’re arguing about, never really does. They could be arguing about which album of a certain artist is better, which class of character is better to play, or even which teacher sucks the most in the school.
They’re all pointless, and Eddie always has a final say in who wins the argument. Being the leader has its perks.
Even as he seems casual, he checks his watch occasionally because you’re still not there yet. He looks forward to your presence at the table, to the way you indulge in their idiotic fights, if only for a second. It never fails to amuse him. Usually, as of late, you’ve been picking a side just to piss off Mike, and he still hasn’t seemed to catch on yet.
Right now, Dustin and Mike are arguing over the stupidest thing yet, something not even worth mentioning. Lucas is trying to give his input that this isn’t worth fighting over, but they’re talking over him. Eddie wonders how long he’s going to let them hash it out for.
Gareth rolls his eyes as he watches Eddie’s face lights up as you finally make your way across the cafeteria to the table. You greet the entire table, letting your bag fall to the floor as you rest your chin on your hand.
Dustin immediately attempts to instigate you into the fight. “Hey, can you tell Mike that—”
“No offense, Dustin, but I really don’t care.” You interrupt him, sounding tired. The whole table but Eddie laughs at your answer.
This allows the table to segue into a different conversation, something that everyone can care about. Eddie takes the opportunity to lean in. “Are you not hungry?” He asks lowly, noting the lack of cafeteria tray you have today.
You can barely look him in those gorgeous brown eyes, your heart dropped to your gut the moment you heard he likes someone else. “Not really. Lost my appetite.”
His brows furrow, watching you avoid his eyes and sink into yourself. This was so unlike you. Usually, you’re much surer of yourself, an aura of confidence even he finds himself envious of at times. “Are you okay?” He asks again.
You shrug your shoulders, not committing to a yes or no answer. You finally lay your eyes on him, and he’s staring past you across the cafeteria, you follow his eyeline…directly to the cheerleader’s table. A realization hits you and somehow your heart drops even lower.
He likes a fucking cheerleader.
You should’ve known his type would be a girl who jumps up and down in a tiny skirt. Maybe you should’ve joined the cheer squad then. Then at least you would’ve had a damn chance.
Somehow, you don’t even have the appetite to sit next to him anymore. “Listen, I have to ask for help in my chemistry class, it’s kicking my ass. Um…”
Eddie is about to protest but you’ve already picked up your bag and started jogging out the large door of the cafeteria. In fact, you missed the rest of the school day to fucking wallow in this stupid heartache. Your mom doesn’t pay enough attention to the school's phone calls to begin with.
As you leave the cafeteria, Eddie gives a questioning look to his fellow Hellfire mates. Hell, if they know. Gareth knows, but they’ve made a collective agreement not to meddle, as much as it pained Dustin. Eddie was just gearing up the confidence to ask if you’d want to hang out that weekend, which is where he was planning on making his move for the first time. He didn't know what was upsetting you, but he figured it was something to do with your homelife, as it usually does.
However, he couldn’t have seen the next week coming.
As Eddie goes through the motions of barely making attendance and handing in assignments with maybe a paragraph of some bullshit he spewed, he usually has your pretty face to look forward to. In his second period, his leg bounces as he waits for you to sit next to him in your usual seat so he can have an opportunity to ask the damn question he’s been meaning to. He's in class on time for once, just to watch your pretty face as you walk to the back corner to sit with him. One benefit of repeating senior year is that he gets to have class with you now. If you could only see his face as it fell as you walked into the classroom and took the immediate seat right by the front door.
After an hour of over thinking, Eddie finally convinces himself you simply just weren’t in the mood for conversation. The way you avoid the Hellfire table when you walk into the cafeteria that day seems to prove that theory right. Until over the following week he sees you having conversations with other members of Hellfire. Alright, that hurts.
One day, he calls your name as you’re at your locker, and he catches your eye contact before you run towards the front door.
What the hell did he do wrong?
In your 7th or 8th day of narrowly avoiding Eddie, you end up having to walk home in a light drizzle. Usually you have your car, but your mom insisted on needing it for the day. On the occasion that she needed the car, usually you would grab a ride from Eddie. Right now, that just wasn’t an option.
You start to feel bad for the first time since your avoidance started. You saw how Eddie’s face fell every time you made eye contact and walked the other way. No matter how much you’ve wanted to talk to him, you just can't let your feelings go.
You just need distance. If you give yourself enough time, the idea of having to leave him so he can have date-night with another girl won’t send you into a mental spiral. If you give yourself enough time, you could stand the idea of listening to him gush about her. As of right now, there’s no possible way any of that sounds doable to you.
As you got up this morning, the weather was bright and sunny, warm on your skin. You wore a layered skirt and a tank top. Unfortunately, the rain was picking up slowly, and you’re sure it's going to be pouring by the time you get home, still another mile or two away.
You walk on the sidewalk, arms crossed over one another to prevent from shivering as much as you can, narrowly avoiding the splashing from tires as cars pass by. While the rain picks up, your ears barely pick up on a vehicle slowing down right by you.
“Get in!” You hear a voice, recognizing it off the bat.
You look up to face him, nice and dry in his van that he has pulled over right next to you. You can barely see him through the rain. You shake your head, continuing your walk home.
“Sweetheart, get in! You’re gonna get sick! It’s starting to thunder!” Eddie argues, driving slowly as you continue to walk.
“No, I’m fine!” You answer, your chattering teeth giving away your iron clad position.
“Oh, for fucks—” You think Eddie has given up, your eyes on the ground as you trudge forward, until you see his scuffed-up shoes in your direct eyeline. His firm hands land on the soft flesh of your shoulders, stopping you in your tracks. “Hey. What the fuck did I do?”
Your eyes look up to him in surprise. “Huh?”
“You’ve been avoiding me for the last week and a half!” He yells, mostly because the rain has picked up so goddamn much.
“I-I just need space.” You tell him, attempting to get out of his hold.
“Wait, what? Why?” Eddie asks. Your eyes blink rapidly as you peer up at him, his curly hair already soaked from the rain. “What do you mean, you need space?”
You gulp out of both tears and frustration. “I just need space, Eddie! I need some time… to get used to it.”
You might as well have been speaking in tongues. “Get used to what? What the hell are you talking about?”
The words bubble up in your thoughts and through your throat before you can stop them. “You made it extremely clear that you don’t see me as anything other than a friend, and now you have a crush on some girl!”
Eddie couldn’t register a single word you were saying. It made no sense to him. “What?”
“I have made a complete fool out of myself! I basically put myself on display just for you to look at some girl shaking her ass in a cheerleader uniform.” You chuckle, wiping some rain from your face as it drips cold down your cheeks. “Maybe I should’ve joined the squad, then I would’ve stood a chance.”
“Wait, wait.” Eddie is having trouble processing any of this. “Can you please go from the start, sweetheart?”
“Gareth told me you like someone.” You admit, your voice faltering. “After sending signals for God knows how long, I guess I finally realize I’ve been making a fool out of myself with you.” You sigh, giving him the saddest look he's ever seen from you. “I just need some time to get over you.”
The information finally all seems to add up for Eddie. “Wait, sweetheart, back up.” Eddie says a soft smile landing on his face as he understands. “You-you like me?”
“Uh, yeah?” You answer, the answer obvious.
“And you think I like some cheerleader?” Eddie asks, pulling you closer to him.
God, this is torture. “I mean, you do, don’t you?”
He laughs, loud and…joyful. “God, no.” He says, and you nearly melt at the half smirk now settled on his face.
It's your turn to be confused. “Huh?”
“The girl I like is you, you dumbass.”
Suddenly your heart is in your ears, and you can’t think passed that smile on his face. The glint in his eyes is new, the look in his eye driving you stupidly crazy. “Wait, Ed, don’t fuck with me here.”
The hands resting on your shoulders float up to the shine of your cheeks, framing your face. Rain is dripping off his bangs and he’s nearly struggling through it but doesn’t seem to care. Truth is, he does not. All he can see is the shine of your lips from the rain. “Baby, I’ve been wanting to kiss those lips since the moment I saw you.”
Your breath hitches, staring at those lips you’ve stared at so many times. “Then what's stopping you?”
Your lips meet in the middle, rain colliding with one side of your face as you tilt your head. He takes the lead right away, your skin on fire as you are barely able to believe that this is real, and that he’s really kissing you. Eddie nibbles on your bottom lip, you let out a small whimper in response. Your tongue eagerly reaches out to meet his, the collision feeling like velvet. Eddie’s hand spreads out on your face, his limber fingers something you’ve fantasized about several times.
You continue to make out in the rain, one of your hands finding their way in his soaked hair. One hand is placed on the small on your back, tugging your body right up against his. Another whimper escapes your mouth, Eddie opening his mouth and breathing heavily into yours in a knee-jerk reaction.
Eddie separates from you, placing his forehead against yours. “You wanna get in now?” A half chuckle passes his lips at the sheer stupidity of this major miscommunication.
Eddie opens the back door to his van, already a blanket and pillow on the floor thanks to his habits in his free time. As you climb in, you squeeze the water from your hair, suddenly realizing you’re actually quite cold. Eddie observes your shivering. “Cold, baby?”
“Freezing.” You admit, grabbing a blanket folded in the corner. He helps you get wrapped up, rubbing your arms quickly. “I don’t wanna stop kissing you, though.” Another admission comes out just as easily.
“You sure?” He asks, walking on his knees to meet you.
“Just kiss me.” You tell him grabbing him by the jacket.
He chuckles as he meets your lips, his face dipping down to meet yours again. You fall backwards to lie down, tugging on his jacket so he lands on you. He giggles as he lands on his forearm right next to your head, all teeth against your lips as he smiles into you. Your legs curl up around his torso, tugging him impossibly closer.
“You have no—” He sighs, kissing you in intervals. “…No idea how badly I’ve wanted to kiss these pretty lips of yours.”
Your heart flutters as you giggle into the kiss, the compliments he showers you in too much to believe. “Ed, I-I want you to touch me…” You sigh, the blanket slowly falling off your body.
“Uh, don’t know if you know this, but I…I’ve never…” Eddie stutters, sounding nervous.
You let out a small huff of laughter. “It…it’s okay, Eddie.” Your hands entangle into the wet curls on his head. “Neither have I.”
Eddie lets out an audible gulp from the simple implications. “I think we should get off the main road before we start getting too into it, baby.”
“Oh, ok.” You tell him, butterflies fluttering in your tummy.
He sits back up, a noticeable tent in his pants making you feel flustered. You thought you felt something against your thigh, but mentally, you couldn’t fathom that he was hard for you. He extends his hand out for you, you accept it gratefully as he helps you scoot back out of the back. The two of you scurry to your prospective seats, the rain now coming down so fast your hair is soaked from the mere seconds it took you to get there.
Eddie pushes his wet mop of a head of hair to the side as he laughs with you at the scenario you currently find yourselves in. As he starts the van, he gives you a cocky eyebrow raise, the heat from the air vents surprising you in a blast. His heavy foot placed on the gas pedal surprises you, your head swinging backwards at the force.
Without asking, you know exactly where Eddie is headed. The drive takes longer than average, your nerves racking sky high as his strong hand holds yours absentmindedly.
The rain continues its assault from the sky, a flash of lighting reflecting in the water as you pull up to the edge of Lovers’ Lake. As Eddie brakes, your head falls back onto the fabric covered headrest, eyes closing as you place his hand in yours in your lap. The heat of your arousal is radiating off you, your thumb absentmindedly smoothing over Eddie’s.
There’s nothing you’ve wanted more than to be sweaty with him on top of you, but now that it’s about to happen, the fact is nearly overwhelming. As you soak in the sound of the rain on the roof of the van, Eddie presses his hand where you have it on your upper thigh, putting pressure on it. An involuntary whimper escapes your throat, and as your lungs fill up with air Eddie leans in across the gap of the seats, a chuckle leaving those sweet lips as he nuzzles into your neck.
A sigh leaves your lips as you can feel his teeth start to nibble lightly, relaxing into it. He places his other arm over you, coming up to rub your torso as his tongue delicately laps along your jugular. “Ed…can we lie down?” You ask, your eyelids starting to feel heavy.
“You wanna climb, or you wanna get out?” On cue, a flash of lightning hits right on the lake. “Climb?”
“Climb.” You agree, giving him your sweetest smile.
“Ladies first?” Eddie asks, gesturing to the back.
You awkwardly place your knee on the middle console your hands having a rough landing on the blanket covered floor of the van as you start to crawl forward. Behind you, Eddie appreciates the view, how your pink, thin panties beautifully showcase the outline of your cunt, still soaked from the rain. Well the rain and your arousal, of course.
You turn around, one leg bent as you wait for Eddie to climb over. His hand moves to turn on the overhead light, then he slowly crawls his way to you, the look in his darkened eyes sending a thrill up your spine. By the time his body lines up with yours, you’re giggling out of nervousness, wondering where this energy came from.
He hovers over you, the wide smile on his face as he switches between your eyes sending your nerves up into the atmosphere. Your legs open for him, accepting him as he lays on top of you. His hair starts to fall over your face as he leans in, his mouth deliciously open as he kisses you some more.
“Ed.” You mumble, moving your hands to where they seem to favour, the collar of his leather jacket. “Take this off.”
He hums as he follows your order, sliding the jacket off his shoulders as he continues to kiss you. Well, his multi-tasking is a bit jagged, but you appreciate the effort, nonetheless. You admire his newly exposed arms sitting in his wet muscle shirt. He leans down to continue lapping at your neck again, adding more teeth to turn your neck purple, having stared at this part when you stretch out a kink or two from your neck.
You’re so turned on; you can feel it in your bones. “Eddie,” you whimper out, eyes closed as you give in to the way his tongue feels electric. “I need you to touch me, please.” You beg him, your pussy begging you for attention.
“Of course, baby,” Eddie gulps, and knowing him, you could hear his nerves.
“Hey,” you say, reaching out to hold his face. “I can help you, just reach out to touch me and I’ll tell you how to do it. I just need your fucking fingers on me, please.”
Eddie leans in, kissing gently along your jawline. “I know, maybe I just wanted to hear you beg.”
You roll your eyes, calling him out on his bluff. “Mmhmm. Just fucking touch me, Munson.”
Eddie’s hesitancy seemed to die right there, his unsteady fingers simply placed over the thin layer of your panties makes you gasp, just the light touch giving you some satisfaction. “You were saying?”
Eddie starts to lightly trace along the folds, noting how it dips right where your hole would be. Eddie can’t help but get harder as the heat from your pussy radiates. “Feels good…” you mutter, sighing lightly. “Just a little harder, please?”
“You want it harder, sweetheart?” He asks, you nod enthusiastically. “You sure?” You nod again, frustrated at his damn questions.
He puts pressure on his fingers, experimentally starting to circle them around. “Little higher, Ed.” You tell him as he just grazes your clit. He listens, moving his fingers a half of an inch higher and continuing. He moves his fingers just high enough, starting to circle perfectly on your clit. You moan out loud, letting out small gasps. “Right there, right there!”
“Oh my god.” Eddie mumbles to himself, watching your face crumple up as your legs fall more open. “You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to hear you moan like this…fucking stunning.” Your moans grow louder, your thighs starting to tense. Eddie suddenly stops, and you whimper at the loss. You feel him start to move your panties aside. As soon as you realize what he’s doing, your head perks up, watching his face as he stares at your exposed pussy for the first time.
The heat in your pussy increases, tenfold, weeping just from his intense stare.
He doesn’t say anything for a minute, mouth half open and his eyes don’t even blink. “Eddie?” You ask, starting to feel self-conscious.
“Wow…” he mutters, eyes finally locking with yours. “I knew your pussy would be pretty, I didn’t know it would be this ravishing.”
You gulp, feeling more wanted than you knew you ever could.
His fingers trace gently along your folds, just feeling your pussy. As he hears a whimper from you, a note of your impatience, he suddenly turns his hand upside down starting to touch with more pressure. “Fuck, you’re so wet, baby.” He whispers. “All…all this for me?”
You’re wet for him more than he knows, but your mouth can’t even communicate it, your brain having gone dumb from his touch alone.
He licks his lips, starting to rub at your folds purposely. “Look at this pretty little cunt, oh my god…wonder…” he doesn’t finish his thought, but when his long digit makes its way in you, you can deduce what he was thinking. He slides it in and out slowly, the length of his finger reaching much farther than yours ever have.
Your breathing gains speed and depth, adding another finger and fucking you slow, yet perfect. “Eddie.” You moan, your slick dripping down your ass and onto the blanket. Eddie moves his fingers faster, looking at your face for your response. “F-faster!”
Eddie lets out a huff of laughter you don’t hear, too caught up in the pleasure. “Jus’ gonna…” He leans in, and his tongue flat against your clit yanks the first genuine moan out of you, the pleasure all encompassing.
“Just like that! Please, Eddie, so close, please!” You beg him, the orgasm sneaking on you as it hurtles toward you, just around the corner.
He switches up, still new to this whole thing, but he makes up for it by gripping onto the soft flesh of your thighs and starting to fuck his tongue into your weeping hole. His lips create a sort of suction around the length of your lips, and the heat that radiates into your thighs becomes too fucking much as your thighs close hard against his ears.
“Gonna…” it’s the only warning you can provide for him before your entire body tenses up, a primal moan leaving your lips. Eddie works you through your orgasm, holding your thighs held against his head and revelling in how you soak his lips. He’s pictured his nose against your pussy too many times to already be satisfied.
As you finally come down, Eddie is still fucking into you with his tongue, seemingly not giving up. You lift your head up, your thighs now loose as you peer at him. “Ed?” You ask, the sensitivity of your puffy lips causing your thighs to quiver a little bit. “Wh-what are you doing?”
His tongue leaves your cunt for only half a second. “’M not done yet.” It’s warbled, his hot breath right against you eliciting another whimper.
Your head falls hopelessly against the van floor, his thumb contacting your clit and tongue swirling against your walls, moaning into your pussy. As you’re still sensitive, the second orgasm starts brewing in your tummy quickly. “Eddie, it’s too much.” You say, attempting to squiggle your hips away from his relentless tongue. “Too-too much.”
“Mmm, ‘can do it.” He mumbles, doubling down on his pattern.
“Ed…Eddie!” You cum into his mouth, your torso involuntarily tensed as you raised, incoherent sounds leaving your lips as you wither beneath him.
As your thighs relax again, he licks a last few times, as if trying to collect all the slick covering your pussy. After one last time, he looks up to you, licking his lips as you recollect yourself. “Was that ok?” He asks, breathing heavily and sweating as if he just ran a marathon.
You give him a look of disbelief, eyes furrowing as you shake your head. “Was…was that okay?” You repeat back to him in astonishment. “Eddie that was…I-I it was… I don’t know who taught you to do that, but it wasn’t me, Jesus!”
He crawls up to you, smile on his face gloriously cocky. “Yeah?”
“Uh huh!” You confirm, your voice indicating that you’re stating the obvious.
“Been wanting to do that for a while,” he says, mouth just hovering over yours.
“What a coincidence, been wanting you to do that for a while.” You smirk, switching your glance between his hypnotising eyes and his glossy pink lips. He finally leans in for a kiss, tongue reaching out to meet yours in a dance of straight up pleasure. “Ed…” You whine, bunching up the wet muscle shirt he’s wearing in your fists.
“Hmm?” He asks, slowly kissing you.
“I wanna help you.” You sheepishly admit, feeling your cheeks heat up. “Please?”
“Help?” Eddie asks, feigning ignorance in the meaning of your request.
“I wanna suck your cock, please, Eddie.”
Eddie lets out a laugh in incredulity. “Holy shit, please.” It’s damn near a whine, music to your ears.
You giggle in response, finally the shoe on the other foot as you get to now hear those moans as a result of what you do to him, and not through his bathroom door. Experimentally, you reach down, feeling at the tent you’ve felt brush against your thigh as you made out with him. At the mere brush of your hand on the outline of his cock, he moans, and you bite your lip in anticipation.
One leg bends, using it to push and get him onto his back. You sit up, straddling him as you assess his astonished expression. As soon as you sit up, however, you notice the twitch of his cock right under your pussy. Your breath stutters at it, not realizing your bodies would line up this well. As if your brain knows what to do before even you do, your hips start rutting against him, alluring a moan in sync from the two of you.
“Oh my god,” Eddie whimpers, eyes rolling in the back of his head. If you could, you’d take a picture of him.
You giggle, attempting some ounce of self-discipline as you start to crawl down his body, already missing the twitch of his dick against your bare pussy. If just his dick against you feels this good, you wonder how great he would feel inside you, and you almost run out of patience.
No. You want this power: to be on your knees as he moans for you. Show some fucking discipline.
Your hands fumble as you undo the button on his jeans and Eddie lifts his hips as you move them down his legs. You want to tease him over his thin boxers, but the anticipation is too much, the need of the weight of what appears to be his thick cock on your tongue too great. You tug down his boxers, his cock popping out deliciously.
The look of pure lust you saw on Eddie is essentially copy and pasted onto you, your eyes darkening as you take in his length for the first time.
“Uh, baby?” He asks, watching as you’re stuck in some sort of trance.
“So pretty.” You mumble to the pink head, precum already pearling at the slit. Your tongue darts out, wanting a taste of the salt dressing it. You sigh in satisfaction, eyes closing as you wrap your hand around the base. Tentatively, you wrap your lips around the head, sucking gently.
“What a good mouth, oh my god.” He babbles, hands in his own hair in a haze.
If you could, you’d smile. Only knowing from a magazine with blowjob tips, you start to move your mouth up and down his length, barely able to take in half of it. Your mouth sucks harshly on him, moaning around him as slobber starts to gather at the base. As a way to get the spit off your hand, you rub it on to his cock almost in exact time as you continue sucking.
“Baby, baby, do that again.” He whines, his gasps audible. You follow his request immediately, moving your hand in tandem with your mouth. “Just like that, so good, thank-thank you.”
A sense of pride hits you, increasing your speed as his legs start to move aimlessly around under you. Your jaw starts to become sore, so you decide to experiment some more. You give one long lick from base to tip, chasing a vein that travels around his cock. At the skin around his base, you suck lightly, giggling as he lets out a deep moan. You recall one tip telling you not to neglect the balls, so you travel down to one, sucking on the ribbed skin empirically.
“Fuck—I—” Eddie stutters out between loud gasps of pleasure, eyes closed.
You lick under it, trying to get every inch of skin as your hand absentmindedly strokes him. Your tongue goes back for his now leakier tip, engulfing his cock to the furthest of the back of your throat you possibly can, your gag reflex choking on him.
“Choke on that fat cock, baby, fucking choke on it!”
His stern tone surprises you, yet still turns you on as you continue the choking, now on purpose. You slobber all over his cock, one hand travelling up to hold his hand.
“Fuck, baby, I’m so fucking close…” You double down on every action, his hand squeezing the life out of yours. “Gonna cum down your throat…fuck—”
Eddie lets out the greatest moan of all time, a salty thick substance shooting down your throat as you swallow it easily. You barely have a chance to taste it, too much coming too fast to keep track, attempting to swallow it all. His cock finally stops twitching in your mouth, and as your mouth leaves him, you leave a final sweet kiss on the bright red tip.
As you lift your head to assess him, you see the obvious way his chest breathes in and out, catching his breath. You bite your lip as his eyes stay closed, palm on his forehead as he recovers. “Oh my god.”
“Yeah?” You ask, having never given head before.
“Uh, yeah!” He says as if he’s stating the obvious, falling back on the blanket. “Mere.” He sits back up, grabbing you at the shirt and putting his lips on yours. You moan into his mouth, panting happily as his tongue makes contact with yours. “Fuck, did you swallow?” He asks, fabric of your thin tank top lifted by his hand on your bare skin.
“Mmhmm!” You confirm, giggling as he lets out a sigh of contentment.
Eddie lifts your shirt off, the light-yellow fabric see through from the rain. He throws it across the van, moving you onto your back with his hand supporting the small of it. As he lies down alongside you, mouth slowly moving against yours and a hand trails along your skin, setting it on fire, yet goosebumps appear on your skin in its wake. His hand reaches its destination, travelling under the wire of your bra and starting to play with your peaked nipple.
You whimper into his mouth as he plays with it, tugging on it and sending pleasure down your spine. Your hands leave from where they were stationed on his shoulders to your skirt, trying to move it down your hips. “No, no, let me.” Eddie laughs, his hand leaving your nipple and replacing your hands on your skirt.
He tugs both your skirt and panties down off your legs, moving down the length as he gets them off your feet. You giggle and take off your shoes with it, watching as Eddie finishes taking off his pants and shoes as well.
Eddie lands back between your legs, his eyes hungry, making you feel vulnerable. A single hand, ever ambitious, moves around your back to take your bra off. To your surprise, he takes it off single handedly, the bra snapping off your back as a cheshire grin of satisfaction makes its way onto Eddie's lips. Finally, you move your hands around his back to help him take off his muscle shirt, admiring as each tattoo is revealed, finally allowed to ogle him.
You bite your lip, admiring him in the low light of the van. Eddie falters for a second, gulping. “I…I don’t have a condom.” He admits sheepishly.
You giggle, smiling at him happily. “I don’t care about that, I just need you to fuck me, Ed.”
He smiles, leaning in for a sweet, lush kiss. “I…I have to tell you something.” He sighs, on all fours as he hovers over you.
Your stomach swoops nervously. “Um…okay.”
He lines himself up, the tip slight pressure against your hole. “Okay?”
You nod, now confused. Wasn’t he going to tell you someth-oh my god. He slowly enters you, the pain over taking the pleasure, but the feeling still phenomenal.
“So tight.” He grunts, arms still straight as he waits for you to adjust.
It starts to feel overwhelmingly better, Eddie pulsing inside you, you can feel every inch against your walls. “More.” You plead.
Eddie pushes in a bit more, a high whine leaving your lips. “You’re doing so well, baby, taking this big fat cock.”
“Cock feels…so good…” You sigh, eyes closing on their own accord. “Didn’t…didn’t you have something to say?”
He laughs, his cock twitching in tandem. “I do…”
“You’re inside me, and you’re still a tease?” You ask, humming as it turns to pleasure again. “More.”
Eddie pushes in a little bit more, licking his lips as he takes in your pleasure-stricken face. “A tease, eh?” He asks, wondering what you meant.
“Walking in with your chest still wet—” you whine, interrupting yourself, “the cut off sleeves you wear, mast-masturbating in the shower…more.”
“Just a little bit more baby.” You don’t know how he could be any deeper, you’re pretty sure he’s already at your cervix. “Wait…you heard me in the shower?”
You huff a breath of laughter, tightening around him. “Mmhmm. Sounded so fucking hot, I might’ve touched myself in your bed when I heard it.”
Eddie moves in a final time without your say-so, and you moan in surprise. “Sorry, baby, you just—you just took me by surprise. You touched yourself in my bed? When I was in the shower?”
“Only because I could hear you.” You admit, your legs wrapping around his hips, pulling him closer to you.
“You could hear me? I was so sure I was being quiet.” He admits, his breath hot against your skin as he lies directly against you.
“Not really.” You admit, biting your lip in embarrassment. “It was so fucking hot, Ed.”
Eddie sighs, peppering kisses against your skin. “Well, I was thinking of you and those thin pjs you wear, sweetheart, so I guess it was a mutual masturbation.”
“I wondered if that was working.” You admit, humour in your voice. Eddie shakes his head, everything suddenly making sense. He kisses you deeply, hips still stagnant as he allows you to get used to his girth.
“So, you had something you wanted to tell me, Eddie?” You ask, slowly caressing the side of his torso, lightly tracing the tattoos you come in contact with.
“Mmhm.” He hums, leaning down to kiss skin gently, any skin he could reach. “Thanks for remembering.”
You roll your eyes, starting to get antsy at his still hips. “Just tell me.”
“I’m telling you this, because it broke me to see your reaction after you thought I even liked someone else.” The heartache seems so far away now, especially since he’s currently balls deep inside you. “I don’t just like you, sweetheart.” He admits, his voice suddenly soft and sweet. “I’m in love with you. I have been in love with you for as long as I’ve known you, at least, I think…I don’t know. But I don’t want anyone else, never have, baby. I just. Want.” Unexpectedly, he lifts his lips, pulling a gasp. “You.” He bucks his hips once for emphasis, taking in the already fucked out look on your face as you take in everything he just gave you.
“Really?” You ask in a light whisper, breathing heavily. “You-you love me?”
“Mmhmm.” He affirms, his hips bucking out slowly yet again.
“I-I love you too, Ed.” You admit, your heart open and full, every part of you, full, as he slowly fucks into you.
The words take a minute to register, his hips stilling completely. It’s such a tease, the way his hips still after only mere seconds of starting their trek. You whimper as an answer, your hips lifting to silently request that he’d continue. “Ed?”
“Oh my god…” he mutters, slowly lapping his way down your neck. “I’m so crazy for you, baby, so fucking insane.”
“Can…you please move?” You request politely, legs tense at his hips as your cunt begs for more attention.
“Need this fat cock to fuck you good, don’t you, baby?” He manages out, voice with a hint of husk in it as he continues to kiss his way down your body. The dip of your collarbone, valley of your tits, biting at the areola, licking dirtily along the curve of your breast…as far as he could go without his cock leaving you. “Hmm? Just desperate for it, aren’t you?”
One side of you wants to ask him where he's come up with this, because it’s driving you absolutely wild. The other side doesn’t fucking care where he got it from, the pleasure from his delicate licks consuming you whole. At a loss for words, you nod your head.
He grunts as he bucks himself into you, this one harder than the last. “Oh? Can’t use your words, baby?”
You whine, feeling pathetic, and yet, ravishing in it. “I just want you to rail me, please, please, Eddie.”
“Yeah?” He asks, turning his lips into your neck again, muttering against your throat. “How bad?”
“Enough to think about you” you huff, heat floating to your cheeks, hesitant in saying it. Could he just…keep moving? Please?
His teeth graze your ear, nipping at it. “Wanna finish that sentence, love?” Eddie asks, his voice making your thighs clench together around his hips.
“Eddie, I've thought about you everytime I fucked my pussy with my fingers. I’ve thought about you fucking me more times than I can count.”
“Oh, sweetheart, you don’t know how many times I’ve fucked my fist praying one day it would be you…whimpering and whining for me.”
“Then turn me into a fucking mess, Ed. Please.”
Finally, his lips leave your throat and he looks at you, his grin manic as those adorable dimples finally give you that look you’ve been craving for what feels like eons at this point. His hips move into action, fucking you at a force that pulls feral grunts out of your mouth, sounds you didn’t even know you had the capability of making.
“Baby, your pussy is so tight, just pulling me in.” He grunts, one hand curling its way into your hair, pulling lightly at the roots.
“Eddie, your cock feels so fucking good. Fucking—keep going—oh my god.”
Eddie is torn between moaning, grunting, and thoughts that are never finished. His hand, nimble and huge, trails up and down your torso, your legs, touching every inch he can. Finally, two of his fingers make their way to your clit, rubbing it with fervour. Your pussy clenches around his length as he continually bucks into you, the mix of sensations too much, and yet, everything you’ve ever wanted from him.
“Eddie, can you please do something for me?” You ask, reaching out to hold his face with both hands and giving him a sweet kiss.
He sighs into your kiss, tongue connecting with yours, and you feel dizzy and high in pleasure. “Anything, angel.”
“Want you to call me a slut.”
He leans in for another kiss, much dirtier and much needier. His hips rut into yours desperately. “Yeah? Dunno if you’ve really earned it…” he comments, teasing you.
You don’t realize he’s egging you on, desperate for him in ways you didn’t think you could be. Your mind goes to the thing it was fixated on when Eddie once held your face, hands petting two fingers absentmindedly. You grab at the same two fingers, nimble and long, and place them in your mouth, sucking as you wrap your tongue around them.
Eddie’s mouth opens, jaw slack as his tongue pokes out. A shine appears in his eyes, glazing over as they fixate on your mouth. Your mind might’ve been tricking you, but you swear his dick twitches inside you. His hips have stopped…again. “Oh shit, my dirty little slut.”
You nod your head enthusiastically, rutting your hips up again, silently begging for more. You moan around him, eyes hooded, Eddie blurring in your vision from the steep want. Your teeth graze his fingers lightly, lapping your tongue over it when he whines. Around his fingers you choke, your mouth hot and wet. Your mouth leaves his fingers for a moment, light shining in the spit glazing your mouth. “Baby I need you to fuck me. Please, Ed. Please.”
“Listen to this little slut beg for it. Can you beg some more? Hm? See that pretty little mouth beg, just for me.” His low rumble only spurring you on further.
Eddie knows you love what that husky voice is saying as your pussy pulses around him. “Hmm. Eddie, please, please fuck me. Need that cock so fucking bad. You have no idea how much you turn me on, your rings, your arms, fuck, that pretty fucking mouth, those gorgeous eyes, oh my fucking god. I have needed you to fuck me for this last year, please, Ed, just rail me until I can’t think.”
Your chest is heaving, eyes slowly assessing Eddie’s reaction. A smile slowly creeps on his face, until it’s a smirk that sends a shiver right through you. Your eyes dart back and forth between his, anticipating his next move, biting your lip. The first thing he does is lean down to give you a kiss, that can simply be described as romantic. His tongue reaches out to connect with yours, gliding together in a dance that you don’t think you’ll ever get over.
Honestly, you think, if his kiss ever bores you, the person to your left better beat your ass for taking for granted how fantastic these lips are.
After a moment of just his lips on yours, lying together so unified, you aren’t sure where he stops and you begin. Slowly, his kisses move from your lips, down the dip of your neck, and he licks slowly up to your ear. “Hmm. Fuck you until you can’t think? Baby, I’m gonna fuck you stupid.”
A moan leaves your throat, a hint of a whimper. His lips curl up more against your ear, a light laugh huffing against it.
Then, his hips get to work.
Every goddamn time Eddie stopped, every time he made you beg for him to keep going, whether it be silent or verbal, he makes up for it tenfold as soon as his hips start moving. He pushes up, using his hands to lift his body up and start fucking you at a relentless pace. Slowly, you recognize an annoying squeak fades in the background, the sound of the axel against his differential from his hips bucking wonderfully.
Not a word leaves your throat, the only sounds are small gasps falling from your lips, faster and faster as the pleasure impossibly grows within you. It feels like an aura of heat, radiating from your full pussy, and throughout your body.
“Feel good, baby? Feel that fat cock fucking you, good and full?” He grunts out from between gritted teeth.
You nod, whines leaving your throat, one shock at a time.
His hand on your hip tightens, nails digging into the doughy skin of your ass. “Hey, slut. I asked you a fucking question.”
“So good…so good…so fucking good…so fucking good. Ed-Eddie…I—” You’re cut off by your own shout, the way he hits hard, and deep, impossibly harder.
“Look at my cock-drunk little slut, taking this cock so well.” He mutters, voice deep and gasping for air. “Fuck, feels so good.”
Your legs wrap around his hips, pulling him so his forehead lands on yours, harshly, but in a way that makes him grunt…almost…animalistic…
“Cum…cum in me…” it’s a struggle to get out, but once it does, you witness Eddie falter for just a second.
“Please, please cum in me. Want it dripping out of me, please baby.”
His hand stutters in its movements, sliding up from your hips, to your neck, hands gently raising on the front. “Want me to cum in you?”
“Yes! Yes!”
“Want me to claim you as yours?”
“Been…been yours since I sat down at—ah—your table, Ed.”
“That’s fucking right, you have, you’re all fucking—all fucking mine.”
His hip movements are a little more jagged, his breathing heavy and jagged. “Harder.”
He chuckles, hand tightening around your throat, a grunt leaving your throat at each fucking hit. “Fuck…gonna—”
He cuts himself off, his cum filling you up deliciously in spurts of hot, white, mess. You go over the edge with him, your orgasm hitting you in a way that will have you fucking skipping around the halls of the school. You whine his name, choked out past his ring-necklace wrapped around your neck.
His torso collapses on yours, covered in sweat in the thick of the van.
His hand leaves your neck, both wrapping themselves into your hair. You seem to finally catch your breath, almost gasping as his weight is the most comforting thing you’ve ever felt in your life. He’s laid on you several times before, but never this intimate, his breath mixing with yours, making you feel whole.
You giggle, a smile that takes over your face in every muscle, completely lighting up. As much as you try, you can’t hold it in. It floats down your face and into your body, every limb full of complete joy. Eddie twists his head into your neck, you feel the wide smile he makes, gorgeous laughter leaving his lips against you. His teeth nip at your neck, making you giggle harder, hands flying up to your face.
Eddie leans up his face to see yours, the lazy smile lopsided, a pretty shine in his eyes. It’s…new…and radiant. You giggle again as you look up at him, your hands landing on each side of his rosy, glowing, cheeks. His skin is hot and flushed, your thumbs slowly caressing his face.
He leans in for another kiss, gentle this time, making you feel all too dizzy. A sigh of utter contentment leaves your mouth, biting your lips anxiously. “Hi, love.” He mutters, a lithe finger moving a strand of hair that fell into your eye. “Doin’ good?”
You nod, shyly rubbing your head into his chest. “Very good.”
He laughs, tilting his head up to face the roof of the van, still sheltering you from the sturdy and never-ending rain. “Fuck, rain hasn’t stopped.”
“It’s pretty.” You comment, observing the pattern of the roof his van. “I love the sound.”
He hums, eyes raking you over as he leans into you. “Not as good as the sounds you make.”
You roll your eyes, hitting his arm gently. “Eddie.” You giggle, legs wrapping themselves around him. “What a line.”
His lips softly land on your cheek, giving you a final kiss. “Not a line, just the truth.” He whispers, hands now preparing himself to lift out of you.
“Wait.” You stop him, holding on to one of those strong arms of his. “I—I really don’t want you to leave yet, baby.”
A laugh escapes his throat, in utter disbelief if anything. “Oh, we have plenty of time for cock-warming, gorgeous, don’t you fucking worry.” He assures you. “I just thought we could go to my house, make out and watch a movie, ya know?”
“Mmhmm.” You answer, still moaning at the loss that was too much to handle. “I just wanted to…revel in it.”
“Oh, I love you so fucking much.” He sighs, grinning at you as he crawls to his clothes.
You lean up into your elbows, a symphony of giggles leaving your throat as he tosses your panties into your face. “Can we make out on your couch?”
“Whatever you want, baby.” Eddie tells you, curly hair that’s already frazzled from the humidity even crazier from the tryst. “Hell, you can ride me, let’s get out of his van before we both catch a cold.”
You put on the skirt he hands to you. “Both?”
“Yep.” He nods, also throwing his jacket. “You walked a mile in the pouring rain with no jacket on. You’re gonna be a mess this weekend.”
Nodding, you agree with him. “I mean I’ll be a mess either way, no?”
Eddie shakes his head as he puts on his shirt, giving you a look you’ve been dying for him to shoot you. As if he’s so lucky to have caught you.
He’s wrong, you’re the lucky one. The two of you finally finish getting dressed, meeting in the middle in your cold, wet clothes. You crawl into his arms, nuzzling his chest as he places a kiss on your damp hair. “C’mon, let’s figure out how far we can get into Halloween before ripping each other’s clothes off again.”
You giggle, climbing into the passenger seat. If it was up to you, the tape wouldn’t even make it into the VCR.
Your hand intertwines with his on the way there, your whole body relaxing into the fabric seats. He can’t keep his eyes on the road, glancing at you every five seconds. It’s hard to believe only twelve hours ago you were in bed cocooned because your heart was aching so badly.
Now your heart aches in a completely different way, and it’s from not being able to comprehend that you could love and be loved in return just as much.
The next morning, Wayne walks into his trailer to see clothes scattered along the hall. You didn’t even make it to the couch.
Thank you so much for reading! I love to read your comments, replies, and reblogs. As always, reblogging is the best way to support your fic writers on tumblr.
Taglist: @pinkcowracing @yourthebrokengirl @skrzydlak @thirddeadlysin @sammararaven @bebe07011 @prettylovley @josephquinnschesthair @forget-you-morelike-fuck-you @names-were-taken @oddussy420
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c0sm1c-c01nc1dence · 6 months
✧ Pairing: Hunter x human!reader ✧
✧ Content/warnings: Soulmate AU, takes place during season 3, use of the word ‘damn’ once, the title is bland and I’m sorry, Hunter and the reader are both dorks, first post on here!! ✧
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The “rules” for soulmates, as it were, were pretty straightforward. You see everything in the color of your soulmates eyes. Once you make eye contact with them you can see in full, proper colors. Seems simple enough, doesn’t it? Well, not for you, it wasn’t.
You, for the past sixteen or so years of your life, had been seeing nothing but red. Different shades, thank god, but red nonetheless. And to be frank, you were getting pretty damn fed up with it. The thing is that no one naturally has red eyes. And you would know; you’ve googled it maybe a thousand times already.
So you were fairly certain you didn’t have a soulmate, and this was all some cruel joke from the universe. But life marches on, so there’s no time to dwell on that, is there?
───── ───── ───── ─────
Another day at Gravesfield’s high school, bland as ever. At least until you caught a glance at your friend Luz. Rather, former friend. She’d been acting weird ever since she came back from that ‘reality check’ camp. And not standard Luz weird, no— she’d been avoiding you since then. Acting like she didn’t know you at all whenever you approached her, not to mention her sudden lack of interest in anything she used to like. The Good Witch Azura books, most notably.
So, needless to say, you were a bit surprised at her new look. Curly hair, a new scar over her eyebrow, and a general air of seasonal depression about her. Even though your recent interactions hadn’t gone so smoothly, you couldn’t help but ask. You were still allowed to care about her.
“Luz?” You called out from down the school hallway. She turned her head in your direction, and you could practically see the stars in her eyes when she saw you. She ran towards you, almost tackling you in a hug. Stumbling backwards, you hesitantly returned the gesture. “Good to see you too?” You awkwardly pat her back, unsure of what to do at the moment.
“Y/N, I am so glad to see you! Oh, you have no idea how much I’ve missed you.” She backed away and wiped a small tear from her eye.
“We saw each other yesterday, though?” You chuckled, still perplexed by this whole situation. “Seriously, what’s going on? You’re kinda acting like you just came back from war right now.” Her face fell slightly, but her smile quickly returned.
“Meet me at my house once school’s done, ok? I have… a lot to tell you.” You nodded, and watched her just walk away casually after that interaction.
“Cool. Good talk, I guess?”
───── ───── ───── ─────
“So, if I’m following,” You began, now in the Noceda family’s living room. “You didn’t go to summer camp, but instead spent several months in a fantasy world, and the Luz I’ve been interacting with is actually a shape-shifting basilisk.” You pointed to Vee, who nodded shyly. “And in this fantasy world you became a witch, made a bunch of new friends, and got a girlfriend.” You left out the details involving Belos and the Collector, deciding that you didn’t need to recap whatever nonsense was going on there.
“Yeah, actually. You’re handling this surprisingly well.” Luz noted.
“I think I’m still in shock, to be honest.” You laugh a bit in disbelief. You couldn’t begin to comprehend what she’d been through during those months, and you kind of didn’t want to. “So, more importantly, do I get to meet these new people?” You questioned, and her face brightened.
“Of course! They’re upstairs, so let me go get them and I’ll be right back.” You waited downstairs with Vee, exchanging basic small talk. She apologized for the whole ‘impersonating one of your few friends’ thing, which was nice of her. Eventually Luz came back, new friends and girlfriend following behind her.
“Alright! Everyone this is Y/N.” You gave a polite wave, quickly scanning over the group. “Y/N, this is Willow, Gus, Amity, and Hunter.” You got a proper look at all of them as she said their names, your eyes landing on the blond last. Wait a minute, blond?!
As it would turn out, when you made eye contact with Hunter you could suddenly see a lot more colors. He clearly noticed this as well, as a light blush was present on his cheeks and ears. You could feel some heat rise to your own face as well.
“Y/N, is everything okay?” Luz asked, noticing your stunned silence.
“I, uh…” you stumbled over your words like an idiot, still staring at him. Saving what little dignity you had left, your phone dinged from your pocket. Checking the notification, you gave an awkward smile and held it up to the group. “Oh! You know what, that’s my dad. He probably wants me home for dinner!” You put your phone back in your pocket, and began approaching the door. “I’ll see you guys later, okay, bye!”
You got the words out as quickly as you could, and bolted as soon as the door was open. You ran back to your house, face still flushed from embarrassment and being generally flustered, leaving a room full of witches (and one human) awfully confused.
“Hunter, what was that about?” Willow asked, as he still stared at the spot where you once were.
“Um- good question.”
───── ───── ───── ─────
Later that day, Hunter knocked on the door to Luz’s bedroom.
“Come in.” She said idly, distracted by whatever she had been playing on her Switch. He entered her room, hands anxiously fidgeting at his sides. There wasn’t a particularly easy way to say this, so he just bit the bullet.
“So, you know the whole thing with your soulmate, and how you’ll only see in their eye color until you make eye contact?”
“Yeah?” She encouraged, curiosity evident in her tone.
“Well, it’s possible that maybe, perhaps, Y/Nismysoulmate.”
“What?!” She immediately paused her game, and whipped around to face him. “Really?! Tell me everything!” She sat on the ground and patted the spot next to her, encouraging him to sit down. He did so, face red from having to explain the whole ordeal.
“There’s nothing to tell! I used to only see e/c, I looked at them, now I can see every color, and they— I always thought your hair was black, by the way— and they just ran away!” As Luz sat and processed this information, Hunter continued thinking out loud. “Did they not like me or something? Is it because I’m from the Boiling Isles?” He questioned, grabbing the pointed tips of his ears. Cutting his rambling short, Luz spoke up.
“No, I don’t think so. They were always interested in fantasy like I was. Maybe they were just a bit overwhelmed?” She suggested. He sighed.
“I guess that could have been it.” He said, though the anxiety was still clear on his face.
“Hey, how about I try to get them to come over this weekend? You guys can talk about it then.” He nodded, and watched her grab her phone to message you. Titan, he hoped she was right about this.
───── ───── ───── ─────
A few days had gone by since the whole incident with Hunter. You had been avoiding him since then, though you honestly weren’t sure why. If you had to, though, you’d say it was probably out of shock. I mean, you were convinced you didn’t have a soulmate for years. And now this incredibly good-looking boy comes in from another realm, and he’s supposedly perfect for you? It’s absurd!
Though it was also worry. How would a relationship between the two of you even work out? He’d have to go home eventually, and you probably couldn’t come with him. Maybe he wouldn’t even like you after the way you left the other day, and he’d reject you before you even had a chance. That’d put a quick and easy end to all this.
You’d been really sick of the color red these past couple days. You usually were, but now it was for an entirely different reason.
Though you couldn’t avoid your problems forever, despite your best efforts. Luz had invited you over for a board game night to celebrate the two of you reuniting. And, well… who were you to say no?
───── ───── ───── ─────
The day finally came, and it had been going relatively well so far. No one else seemed to know what had happened or why you left that first time you came over. Though you and Hunter had been carefully dancing around each other the whole time. It seemed neither of you were equipped to talk about your feelings at the moment. But were you really ever?
Eventually you saw him slip out the front door. With a sigh, you decided to finally face the problem. No use in stalling any more than you already have. After telling Luz that you were going outside for a moment, you stepped out and saw Hunter sitting on the steps leading to the front door. He turned around at the noise, and immediately turned back the other way when he saw it was you. Wordlessly, you sat down next to him. After a moment, he finally broke the silence.
“You look really nice.” You glanced at him, and saw the pink dusting his face. You smiled at the way his blush would spill out onto his ears.
“Thanks, but I’m not really wearing anything special.”
“I know,” He continued, finally meeting your eyes. “I just mean, like- you look nice. You’re really cute.”
“Oh.” You said, quite simply, now blushing a bit as well. You looked at the ground beneath you, pondering how exactly to go about this. “So, this whole ‘soulmate’ thing, huh?”
“Yeah.” Was all he managed. His hands toyed with his pants, still a bit nervous about this whole ordeal. Unable to find the words he wanted, Hunter just looked out at the surrounding neighborhood for a bit. Eventually, though, he said the one thing that was on his mind at the moment. “So… what do we do now?”
“Well, if I may suggest something scandalous?” His blush deepened at your words, but quickly faded as he watched you intertwine your hand with his own.
“Wow, and we’re not even married yet.” He joked. You put your free hand up defensively.
“I know, I know! What can I say, I like to live on the edge.” He laughed, and you silently basked in the sound. You set your eyes on the sky above you, a handful of stars already visible in the late evening’s light. Maybe red isn’t half bad after all.
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iloveapplejacks · 9 months
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Inspired by Wet Dreamz by J.Cole
“it wasn't nothin' like that first time
She was in my math class
Long hair, brown skin with the fat ass
Sat beside me, used to laugh at mad jokes”
P1 P2 P3 P4
WARNINGS: None smut(coming soon)
"Chris bro, what class you got?"
Nate asks, as both boys did their signature handshake
"Math" he replies whilst rolling his eyes, Chris absolutely hated math
Nate lets out a chuckle before patting
Chris on the back,
"Listen, i'll see you at lunch?"
"Bet, bye bro" he says before turning around and making his way to maths
Chris enters Mr Martinez’s class and takes his usual seat at the back
He lets out a huff before pulling out his book and writing in today's date
After 5 minutes of allowing
everyone to trail in and take their seats
Mr Martinez speaks up.
"Ok class a quick announcement, a new student will be joining us, Sometime within this lesson"
The class began murmuring, most being comments about the mystery
student that was to be joining us soon
"I know, it's exiting that a new girl will be joining us but let’s not get distracted by that" Mr Martinez chuckles before handing out work sheets
"Thanks" Chris mumbles, putting his earphones in and beginning his maths sheet
After 20 minutes or so,
Mr Martinez collects in all the sheets
"Great work on that folks, at this rate these exa-" He's cut off by the door opening
Chris' as well as everyone else's eyes fall onto the door
A fairly short girl walks in, instantly catching Chris’ attention.
Her brownskin glistening in the sun and dark curly hair falling just below her upper back
"Is this Mr Martinez's class?" she asks, taking earphones out with her perfectly manicured finger
"Ah yes! You must be Y/N" Mr Martinez smiles, beckoning her to come in.
She laughs softly before coming in, a few boys in the class
muttering a "damn" as they walked past her
And damn indeed, Chris thought
She looked no taller than 5'2 but what she lacked in height, She sure made up with her full figure
Chris watched in the awe as she made her way to the empty seat by him.
Her curly hair bouncing and hips swaying as she walked.
"Chris, I trust that you'll be more than friendly and welcoming to Y/N" Mr Martinez chuckles before turning back to the board
"Hey, i'm Y/N" she smiles, extending a hand out to Chris who shook it before smiling
"Chris" he replies, his voice being surprisingly strong considering the thoughts running through his mind
The two continue to chat and snicker, much to the dismay of Mr Martinez who gave the pair one too many scoldings
Shortly after, the bell signalling the end of the lesson began to ring
"Well, I gotta go, I'll see you around?" Chris says putting his backpack on
"Sure, see ya" she says waving before the two go their separate ways
"Huh maybe maths lessons won't be that bad anymore" Chris thinks to himself smiling.
this my first time writing anything ahhhhhhhh. give me feedback lol.
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oneforthemunny · 1 year
orrr maybe earlier in the relationship with Janitor Eddie, they go through a haunted maze/haunted house together
falling |janitor!eddie munson x teacher!reader|
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prompt: a "haunted house" looks a little different at hawkins elementary's fall festival. apart of my spooky stories series <3
“Are you scared?” Eddie muttered, hands rubbing down your arms sweetly. 
“Terrified.” You grin, turning to look back at him. “Think I should use the bathroom now? Might pee on myself, I’ll get so scared.” 
A laugh bubbled up out of Eddie’s chest, dimples deepening with a stretched smile. “Yeah? Jeez, babe, now you’ve got me worried.” Eddie looked at the entrance of the small gym door- the old gym, from years and years before. The school still kept the building, used it for parties and storage- for the Haunted House during the Hawkins Elementary Fall Festival. 
“Didn’t know your kids were this scary.” Eddie hummed, stepping up slowly as the line moved. 
“Terrifying. You didn’t know?” You teased, eyes sparkling the way they always did when you joked with him. It made Eddie swoon. “Steve’s a lot braver than me. Offering to work it this year. He’s a Saint for that.” 
“Yeah, he is…” Eddie muttered, hands balling in his leather jacket pocket. He definitely did it out of the goodness in his heart, and not the thirty dollar bribe Eddie gave him so he could spend the night with you. 
“I’m excited to see it though.” You chirped. “They’ve been working so hard in art. We had to cut bats out the other day- do you know how hard it is to cut a bat with kiddie scissors?” 
“Never tried, but I can imagine.” Eddie smiled. “I don’t know how your fingers even fit in those. My hands cramp thinking about it.” 
“Years of practice.” You bump your hip playfully with his. “Pretty much an entire semester in college. I swear, all we did was cut construction paper and make arts and crafts for different projects. It was the best and the worst class. My hands were sticky for a semester.” 
“That’s… wow, actually now that you say that, I do remember Steve taking that class.” Eddie laughed, curls bouncing with every soft shake of his head. “He was always covered in glitter. Just unexplainably glittery.” 
You laughed, that crystal, beautiful laugh that had Eddie’s knees wobbling. “Yeah, that sounds about right.” 
It was your turn next, stepping up to the small box where a student and chaperone sat. Amanda, from your class. “There’s just two of us.” You grin at her. 
Her eyes flitted back from you and Eddie, grinning with her own excitement. “That’s two tickets.” She held her hand out, taking the tickets eagerly. The chaperone handed her the stamp, a scaredy cat outline in purple ink. She hesitated on Eddie’s hand, stamping it on his un-tattooed knuckles. 
You waved goodbye, arm snaking around Eddie’s, pushing the streamers to the side. “Guess the secret’s out.” You mutter, the stamp glowing in the black light of the dark room. 
“Guess so.” You could feel Eddie tense slightly, a shaky breath. “You-You’re cool with it?” 
You rolled your eyes lightly. “Eddie, I don’t care what my fourth graders think about my love life.” You shake your head. “We’re gonna be a hot topic at recess, that’s all.” 
“Yeah? Kinda boosts my ego.” Eddie puffed his chest out playfully. 
“I can tell.” You giggle. “Head’s getting bigger already.” 
“Could be my hair.” Eddie ran a hand down his curls. “Kinda hot in here. Think my curls are starting to frizz.” 
“I think they look good.” You hum, smoothing a sweet hand down the curly locks, still soft and clean from the shower he took earlier. His hair was damp when he picked you up, from a rushed shower and too impatient to let it dry all the way; too excited to see you. 
“Enter if you dare,” The dramatic, scary tone of Steve Harrington- in his Dracula ensamble- floated down the hallway. “And don’t touch, ok? Hands to yourself. Have a good time.” Steve nodded, letting the kids down the hallways, dark with animated, age appropriate scary sounds courtesy of the Halloween Screams CD playing on a loop. 
“Hey, you’ve been in here three times, and you only have one stamp. You sneaking in here or just not leaving?” Steve frowned, stopping the boy in the Donatello costume. 
You laughed, pulling Steve’s attention to you. He rolled his eyes. “Just- Last time or get in line like everyone else, alright?” Steve nodded towards the Ninja Turtle. 
“What? You’re not doing the voice for us?” Eddie grinned, brows raised in amusement. 
“Shut up, Munson.” Steve muttered, pulling the plastic fangs out of his mouth. “Shoulda charged you more.” 
Eddie glared at him, eyes cutting to you. You were too busy looking at the decorations, waving to your own excited students. “Wow, Harrington. This is very scary.” 
“Yeah? You jealous? Want to switch with me?” Steve snorted lightly. 
“Oh, no.” You shook your head. “I would never want to deprive you of this. You’re really in your element.” 
“Yeah, yeah, laugh it up you two. You’re doing the Christmas party. You think candy is bad? Wait until it’s candy, and hot chocolate, and winter break. See who’s laughing then.” Steve quipped, an eye roll that had both you and Eddie laughing, leaning in to each other. 
“Alright, go in. Don’t touch anything. These decorations are barely hanging on.” Steve pulled the curtain. 
You clung to Eddie’s arm- for your students, you told him, so they would think you were scared. Eddie didn’t mind, of course. He was more than happy to have you on his arm. Watching your exaggerated expressions, the kids' dramatic scares and giggles that followed when they saw it was you. For once, whispers following when he passed down the hallways didn’t bother him. They were different from the ones from years before, when he was in Hawkins Elementary as a student, a lanky, skinny boy with holes in his clothes; who never had a Halloween costume unless he made one, and then the kids made fun of him. 
He would have killed for a teacher like you. Someone who would’ve been kind to him. You brought in extra costumes, bought from the Salvation Army, put them in your treasure chest for the kids like him, who didn’t have a costume. You picked up shifts at Melvald���s to pay for extra things around the holidays, working on weekends and nights when you could for some extra money. Gave up your own time so your kids could be happy; it made Eddie’s head spin in the best way. 
You sat across from Eddie on the wooden picnic table, cradling the plastic tray of cut apples and caramel sauce. “So what’s your fall snack?” You ask, head tilting gently towards him. 
“My what?” Eddie blinked. 
“Your fall snack?” You grin, wiping your hands on the thin napkins. “Y’know, like when fall comes, what’s the one thing you crave? Like caramel apples or pumpkin bread…” 
Eddie smiled, he could feel himself blushing. He didn’t even know why he was blushing, yet the heat still rose from his chest and crept up his collarbones. He hoped you couldn’t see how flushed he was under the streetlights. 
“Uh, I don’t really… Oh, wait.” Eddie grinned. “Fried apple pie with vanilla ice cream.” 
“Fried apple pie?” You lifted a brow. 
“With vanilla ice cream.” Eddie nodded. “You ever had one?” You shook your head. 
“Oh, baby, I gotta take you. When I was little, Wayne would take me to this Amish grocery store out past the quarry. He always got a pie there for Thanksgiving, and he’d get me a fried apple pie and vanilla ice cream. I don’t even like vanilla, but with that? Life changing, baby.” Eddie grinned, sighing. It was heavy but not sad… nostalgic. 
“That sounds amazing.” You grin. “I love vanilla ice cream.” 
“I know.” Eddie smiled. He had remembered that. This summer, after a movie date, he’d taken you to an ice cream parlor. You’d sat in the booth, giggling over melting cones- your vanilla, his chocolate. 
“I’ll, uh, I’ll have to take you sometime.” Eddie nodded, eyes cutting to you carefully. “If you want to.” 
“Yeah,” You smile, nodding. “We should go sometime. Bring Wayne back a pie.”
“God, he’d love that.” Eddie laughed. He’d love you even more than he already does, Eddie mused. The old man was already egging Eddie on, better buy her a ring, boy, she’s a keeper. Eddie knew you were. He’d started saving for rings after your second date, but he’d never tell you that. 
“Thanks for coming with me tonight.” You hum, your own smile small, a little shy. “I know this isn’t like a great date or anything, but my kids like to see me. I like to see them.” 
“No, it’s… I had fun- I’m having fun.” Eddie stuttered, a little nervous. Did he look like he wasn’t having fun? Fuck, he was, he really was. Maybe he should have played it up with the kids, he just didn’t want to take away from you. They were your kids and he’d never want to step in front of you, steal your moment. 
“Yeah?” You ask, tilting your head to the side. Eddie nods, brown eyes wide, curls bobbing. “I’m having fun with you too.” Eddie thought he might pass out. 
“They were so cute, all their little costumes.” You smile, chin resting on your palm. “They get to dress up two times so I know they’re just over the moon.” 
“Yeah, that’s right. Halloween party is Tuesday, right?” Eddie asked. He knew when it was, he was going to have to clean overtime for all the Halloween parties. 
You nodded. “I can’t wait for you to see my costume.” You grin, brows bouncing playfully at him. 
“I can’t either.” Your smile is contagious to Eddie, leaving him grinning and swooning. “You gonna go all in?” 
“No,” You shook your head. “Just a costume. Nothing fancy. The kids like it, so…” You trail off. “It’s not new or anything, I wear it every year, but you’ve never seen it so new to you.” 
“I can’t wait.” Eddie smiled, knee bouncing under the table. 
“Are you going to dress up?” You asked, lashes fluttering towards him sweetly. 
“No,” Eddie scoffed lightly. “I mean, I wasn’t going to. Don’t really have anything. Guess I could wear my Michael Myers mask with my coveralls?” 
You laugh. “Yeah, think you’d really scare the kids.” 
“That’s the point, right? What you’re supposed to do, right? Scare the shit out of them.” Eddie smirked. 
“Might get fired, but worth it, right?” You jest back. 
“Definitely worth it.” Eddie nodded. “Maybe I’ll wear the old coveralls in there. Say I’m dressing up as Sal.” 
You laugh. “That would be really funny, actually.” Your eyes shone under the lights, bright and dazzling back at Eddie. 
“Yeah? Alright, I’ll do it then.” Eddie nodded. “Sorry it’s not a surprise.” 
“That’s ok. Mine will be more than worth it.” You smile confidently at him. 
“I know it will be.” Eddie said quickly, eyes widening. Fuck, had he said that outloud? His eyes widened slightly, watching you carefully- bracing himself for the inward cringe, the snarl, things he was used to in the past. Not from you. No, all that came was a shy smile, chin ducking down to hide your flushing face. 
“You want one?” You ask, breaking the silence with the slide of your tray towards him. 
“I’m ok.” Eddie shook his head politely. 
“C’mon, I know you want one.” You press lightly. “You paid for them.” 
“Yeah, for you.” Eddie countered, giving you a pointed look. “But if you insist.” He hummed, grabbing a green apple, scooping a glob of caramel on it. 
“Would never want to deprive you.” You wink, and Eddie nearly chokes on the chewed apple he’s swallowing. 
One of your kids passes by, waving goodbye, holding their tired mom’s hand. You wave back politely to both of them. 
“Hey, uh,” Eddie starts, sweaty palms rubbing down his jeans. He knows it’s the end of the night. You don’t have any plans further, not yet anyways. “Do you- You like scary movies?” 
“Depends.” You hum, tossing the empty plastic away in the trash bin. “How scary are we talking?” 
“Not crazy.” Eddie slides in beside you, arm wrapped around your shoulder, pulling you into his side. The rides and music are dying down, the Hawkins’ PTA lingering behind with large trash bags, loading station wagons. “Pumpkinhead?” 
“Never seen it.” You shrug lightly. Eddie’s shoulders deflate, heart racing- should’ve said Carrie, he fuckin’ knew it. 
“But I’ll watch it with you, if that’s what you’re asking.” Your eyes meet his, grip tightening around your shoulders. 
“Are you sure?” Eddie falters. “I mean, I was just- we don’t have to.” 
“No, I think that sounds nice. Very on theme for the night.” You smile, leaning into his side, your steps in sync. “One condition, though.” 
Anything. “Yeah, what’s that?” Eddie swallowed, trying to fight back his smile. 
“I get to put M&Ms in the popcorn.” You point at him playfully. “Non-negotiable, Munson.” 
“Done.” Eddie shrugs, fishing for his keys. “M&Ms in popcorn, huh? You’re that typa girl?” Unlocking your door, pulling it open for you. 
“You know I am.” You quip, sliding under his open arm, tossing him a wink before he shut the door. 
Eddie was buzzing with excitement, a dopey smile on his face, too lovestruck to even care. An hour later, you were pressed into his side, head on his shoulder, a bowl of hot popcorn with M&M's scattered inside between the two of you. Eddie hoped you couldn’t feel how he got hard when your hands brushed in the bowl.
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ilovecupcakesandtea · 3 months
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My @steddiesummerexchange for the wonderful @skepsiss I had a lot of fun writing this.
As always thank you to @slippy-slip for being there and for beta reading this. I appreciate you <3
Word Count : 12075
Archive Warnings : Injury detail. (if i have missed something please let me know)
Rating : M
Pairing(s): Eddie Munson/Steve Harrington
Character(s): Eddie Munson, Steve Harrington, Robin Buckley, The Party
Ao3 link
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“Just go!” Steve screamed trying to push Dustin through the still open gate. 
“But Eddie!” the curly haired boy shouted in response, trying his hardest to get back down off the older man's shoulders.
“I’ve got him ok, Robin can you grab Dustin please?” He asked loudly, shouting into the gate. 
“Yeah, I’ve got him,” she replied as she pulled Dutin up with the help of Lucas and Nancy. “You next,” she said, grabbing Steve. 
“I’m not leaving him, you guys all go. Get what help you can, I’ll get Eddie and get out,” he said, squeezing her hand once before running away. 
“Did he get out?” Eddie rasped out as Steve knelt down next to him. 
“Yeah he did. This is going to suck okay but we need to get you out of here so you need to move. I can do all the heavy lifting but you gotta work with me,” Steve said as he scanned over Eddie's body, trying to work out the best way to move him without causing any more damage. 
“Come on then big boy, let’s roll,” Eddie stuttered out as he tried to sit himself up, clearly in a lot of pain. 
Between the two of them they managed to get Eddie standing and he moved a few steps towards the gate, his whole weight against the other man. 
“Guys come on! We’ve got things ready but you need to hurry, the gate is closing!” They heard Erica shout from the open gate. “Move your asses!”
The pair moved as quickly as they could towards the gate but they could see it was closing up. Trying to move quicker, they almost made it before the last speck of light faded out and it shut. 
“Well fuck,” Eddie whispered. “We’re screwed. Stuck down here.” 
“For the time being, yeah. We need to get you somewhere where you can rest up whilst we think of a plan,” Steve sighed, looking around. This had to be somewhere close, Eddie was getting real heavy and Steve’s own injuries were hurting the longer he held the other. 
He noticed the bench close by in the trailer park and moved over towards it. 
“This isn’t ideal but it’s something for now okay,” Steve panted whilst helping Eddie sit down at the bench. 
“What’s up? Your big strong jock muscles not up to the task of holding lil ol me?” Eddie asked, giving the end of his sentence a Southern twang. 
“I could bench your weight easily any day Munson,” Steve laughed and then winced. “I’m just injured right now.” 
“We can put that to the test another time,” he hummed. 
“Alright, calm down,” the other man blushed and turned away. “I’m going to go and have a quick look around and see what I can find, o? Think you can stay out of trouble while I'm away?”
“I make no such promise. Don’t leave me too long though, yeah?” Eddie joked with an overly dramatic wink.
“Don’t miss me too much,” Steve laughed, walking away. 
Everything seemed to calm. Vecna was dead, he knew this, Robin having landed the killing blow. But he still couldn’t help but feel that this was too calm. The bats had disappeared and the red sky was now just a dull grey. He wondered where he could head to find something to at least drink, he figured the best place would be Benny’s. The diner was most likely to have things like bottled water and things in wrappers not out of date regardless of what time they were in or from. 
It felt weird to walk into Benny’s as it was before Benny had been murdered and the diner had changed hands. He was suddenly hit with the memories of the handful of dates he had brought here over the years. Fries and a milkshake making the perfect ending to a movie night. Sugar laced kisses under the lights of the sign outside.  
Heading straight to the stockroom Steve looked around to see what he could find. Small bottles of water were stacked up against the wall. He noticed a little cart also sat in the stockroom and filled it with bottled water and cans of beans he also found. He added a bag of salt that he figured they could use to make sterile water to the cart too. As he was about to leave he remembered that the diner must have a first aid kit and went on a hunt for that. Rummaging around the office he came across 2 bottles of vodka as well, those went straight into the cart. Finding the first aid kit he made sure everything was in the cart ok and left the diner, not before grabbing spoons and forks for them to eat with, as well as a pan to warm the beans up in if they wanted. 
The short walk back to the trailer park and Eddie was filled with anxiety. What if he got back and Eddie wasn’t there or he had been attacked again? What if he had succumbed to his injuries and there was nothing that Steve could do when he got back? All these kinds of thoughts raced through his mind until he saw Eddie still sitting at the picnic table looking around and very much alive. 
“Wow, did you get a full weekly shop while you were away?” Eddie laughed the best he could through the pain. Wincing and holding his side gingerly as he did so.
“I only managed to find water, beans, a first aid kit and vodka, nothing fancy unfortunately,” Steve joked back gesturing to various things in the cart. “But this does mean we can eat, drink some water as well as clean and dress the wounds.” 
“We should find shelter as well,” Eddie suggested. “I don’t think we should go far though with the gate being around here, at least for a few days, for when they come back for us.” 
“Yeah that’s a good idea. Any idea where we can find a tent or something like that around here?” the other man asked, looking around to see if he could find somewhere suitable. 
“There was one in the trailer, I’m not sure if that’ll have disappeared in the wreckage though,” Eddie answered, nodding towards what was still standing of the trailer he used to call home. 
“Okay, let me go and see what I can find,” Steve said, starting to walk off in the direction indicated. 
“Sit down and have a drink at least, you’ve just been in a battle. We’re not in immediate danger so take a second, please,” Eddie stopped him and reasoned with him. 
Steve nodded and sat down taking a couple bottles of water from the cart, handing one to Eddie and opening one himself. They sat in silence and drank the water, not feeling as though they needed to say anything. 
“Permission to go and see what I can find now?” Steve joked once he'd finished the water and stood back up again gingerly. 
“Sure, I’m not sure I can be of any help though. I’ll probably curl over and pass out if I move much,” Eddie sighed.
“Just sit there and stay alive okay? You’d be less use to me if you passed out or bled out,” Steve said sternly as he walked away. 
Steve walked over to the Munson trailer and stepped inside. Aside from half of it being missing, most of the trailer looked okay. He started to look through various big cupboards, finding a handful of blankets, a couple of old spare pillows and the mentioned tent. He also found a couple pairs of jeans, some underwear, t-shirts and a couple of towles. Grabbing it all together he headed back out to Eddie, hoping he could remember how to put a tent together. It had been years since he and Tommy had their obsession with camping and Steve smiled to himself at the flash of memories of his former best friend. 
“I’m back and I found a few things we could use. Not sure not sure how to set up the tent though but I'll work it out. I also found a change of clothes for each of us,” he announced as he walked back towards the table. 
“The tent will be super easy to put up, it'll have been a really cheap one,” Eddie explained. “Click the poles together and thread them through the holes,” he shrugged, attempting to lean forward to show Steve but stopping with a grunt. 
Less than 10 minutes later the tent was up.
“We should dress these wounds and get changed,” Steve suggested, laying all of the provisions for that on the table. 
“It's just my side really,” Eddie said, standing up and removing his t-shirt. As he removed the t-shirt he had to peel it away from dried blood on broken skin. “Fuck,” he screamed as his skin was pulled away from his body even more. 
“Shit, ok. Erm Eds you’re bleeding a lot ok. We really do need to get you bandaged up and quickly,” Steve said in a quavering voice, clearly panicked and rushing towards the other man. 
He opened up a bottle of vodka and poured some onto the towel he held. 
“This will sting but we need to get this clean okay?” he said, stepping into Eddie’s space and cleaning around the wounds as quickly as possible. 
Once the wound that was bleeding again had been cleaned around it, he opened the bottle again and poured some of the vodka directly onto the wound itself as Eddie let out a scream. He opened the largest of the dressings he could find and placed it over the wound. Once that was covered he started to work on cleaning the other smaller wounds and covering what needed. 
“You said there was more than one bottle of this?” Eddie asked, pointing at the vodka. 
“Erm yeah there is,” Steve answered, handing over the open bottle to Eddie who started to reach for it as soon as he started to answer. 
Taking a couple of big swigs from the bottle he winced at the taste and handed the bottle back to Steve indicating that Steve should do the same.
“Lets get cleaned up and in the tent before we drink anymore shall we?” Steve said through a cough after he had also taken a drink from the bottle.  
Steve took off the vest  he was wearing and undid the temporary bandage that Nancy had put around him. Cleaning himself up using a different towel and a new bottle of vodka, he put new bandages on. 
“Here, let me help with your neck, it’s much harder to see,” Eddie offered, reaching out for both the bottle and the towel. 
Stepping into his  personal space, Eddie was suddenly very aware of how attractive Steve Harrington actually was. It wasn’t just moles that he had, but also a light dusting of freckles too, or maybe it was just dirt, either way Eddie was transfixed for a moment too long. 
“Everything okay?” Steve asked quietly, the question startling Eddie from his thoughts. 
“Yeah, yeah, everything’s fine. Just a little light headed is all,” Eddie whispered, visibly shaking his head. 
Once Steve’s neck was cleaned up both boys set about getting changed. With no running water they could only do so much about getting clean but a fresh set of clothes was a start.
“Looks like you got some of Wayne’s jeans,” Eddie laughed, nodding down at the pants Steve was now wearing.
“Which is a good job because judging by how skinny they are I’d never have fit into those,” Steve laughed back, pointing at Eddies.
“It’s a good job I haven’t really grown much in the last 3 years, they’re a little short that’s it.” 
“Let’s eat some of these lovely beans and drink some water before we get some rest,” Steve suggested, grimacing at the idea already.
“Pass me a couple of the cans and I'll get them opened,” Eddie said, taking a Swiss army knife out of his pocket. 
The pair sat in relative silence, eating the beans and drinking the water, occasionally making a comment about the things they could see around them.
Once they had eaten and drank a couple of bottles of water they headed inside the tent with the mostly empty bottle of vodka. 
“What a day, ay?” Eddie chuckled, opening the bottle and taking a big swig from it. 
“Yeah, I’ve certainly had better,” Steve laughed, taking the bottle from the other and taking a drink. “I thought I’d told you not to be a hero though?” 
“It bought you lot enough time to kill Vecna right? You also told me not to do anything cute, was me being a hero cute?” Eddie asked, batting his eyelashes. 
“I would not call almost getting yourself killed cute,” Steve sighed with an eyeroll. 
They sat talking whilst finishing the vodka and then they set up the inside of the tent ready for the two of them to sleep in as much as they could on a hard flood with little padding. 
“Now that I’ve laid down, I'm exhausted. I haven’t seen anything to suggest that we’re in danger so I think we’ll both be okay to sleep,” Eddie said as he lay down. 
“I don’t sleep well anyway, I haven’t in years. Not since it all started at least,” Steve shrugged, like it was okay that as a teenager he had become used to not sleeping at night because of horrors that he had witnessed and that he knew lay under the town he lived in. 
“Just try, and keep your hands to yourself Harrington, I’m not one of those girls,” Eddie joked in a mock high pitched voice. 
“Damn, and here was me hoping I could get lucky in this hell space whilst wounded from an attack by bats,” Steve laughed, rolling his eyes. 
He joined Eddie laying down in the tent, pulling a blanket over himself and closed his eyes. The pair fell into an uneasy sleep, tossing and turning a lot and then ultimately just deciding to lie there talking but still resting. 
“Do we even know what time it is?” Eddie asked. “My watch broke as I dove down after the girls.” 
“Mines also broke so no, I guess we don't know the time,” Steve replied, looking at his own wrist. 
“Well that’s just great isn’t it?” Eddie sighed, groaning in pain as he tried to throw his hands up dramatically. 
“We may as well make the most of this seeing as we really can’t move far and we’re stuck here,” Steve suggested, sitting back up the best he could in a tent. “Let’s move from the tent and have a drink and something to eat. I don’t think we should be changing the bandages yet as we don't have many. Maybe I should go on a hunt to see if I can find some more.” 
“I think you may have to help me up from this hard floor before you go all hunter gatherer on me.” 
“Sure, I can’t pull too much though,” Steve pointed out, offering his hand. 
With a lot of grunting, groaning and more than a few curse words, Eddie was up off the ground and both boys were in a lot of pain. 
“So, we have plenty of time for you to tell me the story. What happened to King Steve? One day you’re all loved up with Nancy and the next Billy Hargrove is pushing you around on the basketball court and you’re doing jack shit about it,” Eddie commented, as he opened more beans for them to eat once they'd sat back at the bench.
“Well you know we explained all about the 3 previous rounds we’d gone with this place,” he answered, gesturing all around him. “Well, in between rounds 1 and 2, I stepped away from all the superficial bullshit because it meant nothing. It cost me Nancy and almost my life because of that. After that I didn’t really care. In comes Billy after round 2 and Nancy broke up with me. I had no reason to keep my appearance up,” Steve shrugged.
“I guess almost dying a handful of times does make you think of things differently,”  Eddie hummed. 
“What about you? If we're getting deep and personal right now, why Hellfire?” He asked, nodding to the other boy. 
“I didn’t have any friends when I first moved here. I was the new kid with parent issues, living with his uncle in a 1 bed trailer. So when I actually found friends and we started to play DnD together I wanted to keep that going, I wanted to make sure no one else had to feel that lonely again if I could help it,” Eddie answered before totally looking away, clearly upset by the mention of his friends.
“Makes sense. I guess we all find community where we can, when we can, especially in highschool. Your little band of misfits always seemed to have fun though. You’re little table top rants always made me laugh,” Steve said lightheartedly, remembering some of his favourites.  
“Which is actually really funny, seeing as they were mostly directed at you and other people in privileged positions like you.”
“I’d give up an empty house and parents who don’t speak to you for weeks on end for a home that has love and a guardian who loves me any day of the week. A lot of the kids like me are the same. Big empty, sterile house. Raised by a nanny or two until 14, then you’ve got to learn to cook, grocery shop and keep a house. I’m not saying I had it harder at all. The parties were fun. Having a big house with a pool obviously has its perks but it's a different struggle I guess,” Steve shrugged. 
“Damn Harrington, got me feeling sorry for you over here,” Eddie whistled lowley.
“Anyway, let me take this cart and go and see what I can find to keep us alive,” he exclaimed, maybe a little too loudly, and stood up, stepping away from the table. 
Steve helped Eddie get back into the tent and settled down so that he could get some more rest before he headed off towards Bradley Big Buy and Melvalds Drug Store. He needed to find all he could to help them whilst they were down here. 
Heading straight to Big Buy he found it closed and locked up. 
“Damn it,” he shouted and sighed heavily. Now what? 
He turned and headed to the drug store, hoping to at least find bandages for them both and maybe something to help keep their wounds clean.
Finding the store open and the door unlocked he headed inside and looked around and what he could find.  
He found more water, some packs of wet hand wipes so they could freshen up a little. Rooting through the aisles Steve also found bandages of all different sizes, sadly the antiseptic products all appeared to have sold out. Seeing if he could spot anything else that they may need he continued to wonder. He found a handful of cans of food that he added to the cart, already trying to count up how much food they had and how best to ration it out with them being stuck here for an unspecified amount of time. As he was walking down the final aisle he saw it, the door to the store room and went towards it. 
It was small but it was full. He found a lot more water, more cans and more bandages and cotton pads they could use to clean the wounds. His cart was almost overflowing when he left the store.
Heading back to Eddie and their little camp they had created he thought about Eddie, how they had just opened up to each other without really knowing each other all that much but had bared themselves so quickly, so easily, like they were discussing the weather and not childhood trauma that had changed everything. 
He finally made it back to the tent and opened it up softly to try and make as little noise as possible, looking inside he saw something that he wasn’t sure ever existed. Eddie Munson, completely still and as calm as they come. No fidgeting with his rings, his clothes or just generally moving, totally still. He was almost ethereal lying there with his hair fanned out and a peaceful look on his face, Steve wasn’t sure he had ever seen Eddie looking peaceful, a range of other emotions yes, but not peaceful.
“He looks so beautiful” was Steve’s last thought before he realised that it was actually really creepy for him to be standing there just watching the other man sleep and stepped back,closing the tent back up.
He sat at the table and tried to think of something to help them out of this situation. They could only survive down here for so long. Then what? Could they try to communicate with the other side? El couldn’t open the gate again, she was too far away and they couldn’t drag her back into all of this when she was finally free of this nightmare. The only saving grace of it all was that Robin, Nancy and Dustin all knew they were down here. Three people that would not stop before that gate was opened again and the two of them were found. Surly Dustin, Robin and everyone else would be looking for ways to get them back? He just hoped they would still be alive when that happened. 
A little while later he heard a groaning from within the tent and he went to investigate. 
“Good morning sleeping beauty, manage to get some sleep then?” He asked as he peered into the tent and noticed Eddie was awake.
“I think my body just shut down and decided it needed to rest I guess. I lay down one second and the next I'm waking up in a lot of pain. How long have I been out?” Eddie asked. 
“I’m not really sure but I don't think I’ve been back from my shopping trip long, so probably not all that long I guess,” he shrugged. 
“Did you manage to find anything?” Eddie asked as he tried to move towards the entrance of the tent. 
“A little bit yeah, some more water, some more food and most importantly more bandages so i think we should change ours soon,” Steve replied, leaning into the tent properly and helping Eddie to his feet outside the tent.
“Okay, yeah. Probably for the best. Erm we should move from this spot and drink something,” Eddie whispered into the very small distance between them. Their noses almost touching. 
“Yeah we should,” Steve whispered back, still holding onto Eddie's arm and still not moving backwards.
Eventually after a few more seconds, that felt like a lifetime to both boys, they moved to sit back at their bench.
Things were getting intense between the two of them already, sharing moments like that. Eddie hadn’t seemed too bothered by it though. He didn’t seem too awkward by them. Steve did need to get a grip on his feelings though. Things were going to be difficult enough down here without throwing any kind of romantic feelings into the mix. He wasn’t even sure where they had come from. He’d never really noticed the other man like that before.
“‘Shall I go and gather some wood so we can set a fire and heat some water up so we can clean the wounds with some sterile water?” Steve questioned wanting to get away and think about all of this.
“Sure, let's get this cart emptied and we can go and see what we can find. I’m sure I can help with that,” Eddie responded.
The two boys spent time sorting out all of the bottled water, all of the cans and all of the badges so they could clearly see how much they had to last them. 
“I’m really unsure if I can find other stuff to go with all of this easily so we may need to be careful with this lot,” Steve pointed out, gesturing to the piles. 
“Yeah we really do need to go easy on it,” Eddie agreed. “Let's go act like boy scouts and build a fire.”
Steve once again grabbed the cart and the two of them together, very slowly, made their way back into the woods. 
They searched the ground for all the odd twigs they could find before trying to get any that were actually attached to any trees. 
“Wait!” Steve exclaimed as Eddie reached for the tree. “Remember the hive mind, I think we need to be really careful that they're not all linked still. If something comes for us you get to safety and I'll hold them off for as long as possible okay? Nothing heroic this time Munson. Got it?” He ended with a raised eyebrow. 
“Don't worry big boy, you can have your sacrifice play should it come down to that,” Eddie replied with as dramatic of a bow as he could. He was sure there was nothing out there wanting to hurt them but he wasn't going to tell Steve and cause an unnecessary argument when simply agreeing with him solved everything. Plus he had to admit having that protective streak of the others turned on him was hot.
As Steve stood watching Eddie once again reached for a branch and got ready to run if needed. Grabbing the first branch he could, he waited to see if anything happened before he broke it off. 
“Can you hear anything?” He whispered to Steve. 
“No, I think we’re all good,” came the reply in a hushed tone. 
“I’ll snap one off then,” Eddie said, breaking the first branch off. 
Nothing came running at them, no loud noises could be heard in the distance and they weren’t attacked. Once the first couple of branches were added to the cart Steve helped to add more, the boys worked quickly and in a comfortable silence. 
“Erm, were any of us actually a boy scout?” Steve questioned with a laugh once they had returned and sorted the wood out into its own little pile. 
“I sure as hell wasn’t that would mean that daddy dearest cared enough to do something like that for me,” Eddie pointed out. “That doesn’t mean that I don’t know how to build a fire though, let's hope my lighter survived the hell that has been the last few days.”
“Alright, I’ll leave that to you then,” Steve gestured to the wood pile.
Rummaging through the wood pile, Eddie found some smaller bits whilst Steve went to see if he could find something to sit over it to rest their pot on in nearby trailers.
Eddie got a fire started and Steve found a piece of equipment designed for exactly what they needed. They emptied a couple of bottles of water into the pot, added some of the salt and placed that over the fire to boil up. Whilst they waited for it to heat Eddie opened a couple of the cans and they started to eat them. 
“So, tell me something about Steve Harrington that I wouldn’t have previously known,” Eddie pipes up, jolting the other from his thoughts. 
“Erm, wow, that’s a tough one. Okay, so, this is something only Robin knows but something tells me the secrets safe with you. I actually like men as well as women. She said there’s a word for it but I can’t remember it. But yeah, I also like men,” He ended with a shrug. This was terrifying, he could have read the whole thing wrong and he could have just revealed his biggest secret and was about to be ridiculed for it. 
“Bisexual, the um, word you’re looking for is bisexual. Thank you for telling me. You’re 100 percent correct as well, secrets safe with me because I too like men as well and women. Mines not so much of a secret in Indy though. The clubs there are a lot more liberal, we can go there when we’re out of here and all healed up.”
“Yeah, that sounds good. I guess I’ve never explored it, never really been safe for me to do so in Hawkins and there’s always been a girl for me to hook up with if I wanted to.” 
“We can take Robin too if she wants to come.” 
“Oh, I’m not really sure it’s for her,” Steve responded, a little panicked. He couldn’t out Robin.
“If she doesn’t want to go because it’s a club and they’re all loud and crowded we can find a quiet bar instead, but a friend knows a friend and I think she too could benefit from some Indy freedom,” Eddie soothed, seeing the panic rising in Steve.
“Thanks, I’ll mention it to her when I can,” Steve whispered, suddenly choking up. Robin had been accepted for who she was fully by some who she hadn’t had to come out too or explain that when it got too loud her skin felt too small for her and she needed to escape. 
“No worries and it’s not a big deal if she doesn’t want to join us for whatever reason,” Eddie smiled. 
They slipped into more of a casual conversation as they finished their food and took the water off the boil to cool down. Once it was cooled enough they took off the old bandages before using the cotton pads to clean them all off with. 
“This is the best we can do I guess. At least we know that the water is sterile, not just whatever it is in the bottles,” Steve said. 
Once they had cleaned the wounds and placed new bandages on them the pair got settled back into the tent and ready to get some rest for as long as they could. 
“Would you rather wake up as a worm or as a moth?” Eddie suddenly asked into the quiet of the tent. 
Steve let out a startled laugh “Erm probably a moth, I can move around quicker then. I’d be eaten as a worm I think.” 
“Hmm, yeah I agree, a moth would be better but also you can just bury yourself in dirt as a worm,” Eddie pointed out.
“That's actually pretty gross and I stand by my original answer of moth. Would you rather be a ladybug or a beetle?” Steve questioned.
“Ladybug, easy. They’re much prettier,” Eddie answered as though it was a fact and silly that he was being asked.
“But beetles are so much cooler, they can do some really fun things, so Henderson says anyway,” Steve squawked.
“But they’re disgusting, don’t listen to a thing that dweeb tells you,” Eddie laughed. “Okay, lion or elephant?” 
“Oh that's really easy, lion. Top of the food chain, ruler of the jungle and all of that,” Steve said, flexing his muscles. 
“Why did I even ask, of course King Steve was going to pick the lion. Tiger would have been more fitting though but it wasn’t an option,” Eddie giggled.
They continued to play would you rather for a little longer before they fell into a comfortable silence. Eddie couldn’t believe how comfortable he felt whilst he was with Steve. He normally had to  fill any silence with noise of some kind. Whether that be talking or random questions or sounds, he would fill the silence. He didn’t feel the need to do that with Steve around. 
“I miss the little shits,” Steve said suddenly, breaking Eddie’s thought process. “I hope they’re all okay. I don’t think anything from down here got up there so at least they won’t have to battle the monsters again.”
“Yeah, me too. This place would have made an amazing background for a campaign. Maybe I’ll write a new one for them when I’m home again. Wherever home is I guess,” he hummed, clearly trying to remain positive.
“Well, I do have a couple spare rooms and my parents left me the place to myself so if needed you and your Uncle Wayne can come and stay with me for as long as needed. I don’t mind,” Steve suggested.
“We’ll see,” Eddie replied. 
“I’m going to go and grab a drink, be back in a little bit,” the other whispered before moving away almost as though he had been scalded. 
Eddie was glad of the distance, he wasn’t sure he could have given Steve an answer if pressed for one because he wasn’t sure he could handle living with Steve Harrington and everything that would come with that. His heart would never survive it. Developing a crush on the other brunette was not something he should be doing right now. They were in a hell space with no means of escaping and feelings would only make things more complicated.
“So, you, erm, mentioned earlier about being openly bisexual in Indy. What’s that actually like?” Steve asked later that day once he had returned from his walk. 
“It’s a whole different world man, totally different out there than back in Hawkins. You’ll see some familiar faces when you’re there but it's never mentioned. There’s so much more freedom for everyone to be exactly who they want to be. You, erm, ever done anything with another guy before?” Eddie asked softly. 
“I’ve never had the option to try. I know I find men attractive though. I have wanted to kiss men and have sex with men. When I picture a future I can see it being with either a man or a woman.” 
“I’m sure we can find someone for you to experiment with if that’s what you want to do.” 
“Hmm maybe, we’ll see. I’m not really a huge fan of just sleeping around anymore,” Steve shrugged. 
The pair settled down into small talk, swapping stories of classmates past and present as well as stories about people within their town. Eddie laughed at how much gossip Steve had and how big of a bitch he was. Over time the two of them slowly fell asleep, albeit still fairly restlessly, the tent filling with the sounds of them both snoring and steady breathing. 
“What was that?” Steve shouted, sitting up right and feeling around for the axe that had been left with them both. 
“No idea but I heard it too,” Eddie replied in a panic. 
“We should at least leave the tent to see what’s going on and get somewhere safer,” Steve suggested moving ahead of Eddie and opening the tent up slowly, as quietly as he could. 
After checking their immediate surroundings and with as little disturbance as possible the two men made their way out of the tent. They could now see a lot further into the distance and couldn’t see anything of any concern. 
“Look, I’m the one with the weapon okay, stay with me and run if needed, please,” Steve pleaded with Eddie.
“Yeah as if I’m leaving you alone down here, especially when you have the best weapon,” Eddie joked, trying to keep the mood light. 
Eddie was not sure what he could do though. He wasn’t in any state to fight, there didn’t seem to be any weapons around either for him to pick up and use, Steve would stand a better chance if he wasn’t there. And then it hit him, how this beautiful man with his whole life ahead of him could potentially die because of him. 
“Whatever,” Steve snorted a laugh and shook his head. 
The noise was heard again. Almost like a screeching, neither could say if it sounded viscous or even hostile really. The walk over to the noise took the pair through the woods, past the lab and coming out by the quarry. Standing at the top of the quarry they looked down to see if they could spot what had been making the noise. 
“Holy shit,” Steve stage whispered. “Look down there,” he pointed. 
Down at the bottom of the quarry were a handful of demodogs which could only be described as playing, they seemed to be chasing each other around like actual dogs. It was kind of cute. 
“What the fuck are those?” Eddie asked, horrified. 
“Demodogs. Met them during round two with this place. One kind of saved us, it was really weird,” Steve explained.
“That doesn’t take away and from my what the fuck dude,” Eddie stressed. 
“I’ll explain all later okay? I don’t think they’re going to hurt us. We’d know if they were. This seems to be the cause of the noises we heard, I can’t see anything else around here. Can you?” 
“No, I can’t see anything else around here or hear any other noises. Let’s get the fuck outta here man,” Eddie suggested, grabbing Steve’s arm and walking away.
Walking back the way they came they fell into easy chatter with Steve explaining all about the demodogs and how they had been saved by D’art. Conversation had come easier and easier during the time they had been down here with the forced proximity of living and sleeping in a very small space and not having anywhere else to go due to dangers and injury. 
Conversations had been frank and honest at times. Talking about their hopes and dreams for the future, what they wanted to do and what they thought they would actually end up doing. Steve confessed his desire to do all he could to get into college and become an EMT. Eddie admitted that he really wanted to teach music to kids that couldn’t afford private lessons, that he’d like to work with a music shop to make sure that each kid he taught could get an instrument in an affordable way. They also had ridiculous conversations, all the silly stuff they had believed as children that now they think about it seems really stupid. All the rumours they had heard during middle school and high school that they could remember. Both confessed to having started a few of them each. 
“I’m going to sit outside tonight, just to make sure. You get some sleep,” Steve stated matter of factly later on in the day. 
“Alright then, you can come and sleep any time though if you need to,” Eddie pointed out.
Eddie lay down and tried his best to get comfortable. Something that was difficult for him to do with the amount of pain he was in with the bites, how every movement felt like it was opening some part of the wound up again. Finally he fell into an uneasy rest, already missing the presence of another person next to him, or maybe it was who that other person had been. 
Waking later on Eddie made his way out of the tent and straightened himself up the best he could. Looking around he made sure that all seemed safe. Nothing seemed to have been wrecked in the right and there were no other signs of conflict or anything else having gone wrong. 
He looked over at the table and saw Steve slumped over. Running as fast as he could over to the other man he feared the worst. Not only was Steve dead, Eddie himself was doomed. 
“Stevie, sweetheart, I really need you to wake up,” Eddie spoke as he shook Steve gently. “Steve please.” 
“Please what?” Came the sleepy response. 
“Jesus Christ!” Eddie exclaimed, pulling his hand back from Steve’s shoulder. “I thought you were fucking dead, and you were just napping.” 
“Oh, shit. I’m sorry I didn’t mean to fall asleep. Seems as though it was all okay though,” Steve smiled, looking up at Eddie sleepily. 
As he calmed down from the near heart attack he’d had moments before he realised just how beautiful Steve looked when he was all sleepy. It was obvious how attractive he was when he was wearing his preppy clothes and his hair was styled perfectly but this Steve was on a whole new level. Messy hair and a dopey smile across his face made him look less polished but more perfect in a way.
Time blurred and the two men grew closer. They spent time wondering as far as they dared around the surrounding area to see if they could find anything else to help them survive more comfortably down here. They even discussed actually moving into one of the houses that was close as both were suffering with sleeping on the floor, as padded as they had since made it. They ultimately decided that it still felt too weird to live in someone else's home that was stuck in a time capsule, however both did agree that they would revisit the conversation at a later date if needed. They had managed to add more food and water to their pile and had been able to change their clothes too a few times.
The ‘day’ started as normal, the two sleeping closely on the bed that they had made. Steve woke up and propped himself up on an elbow and looked down at the sleeping boy sort of beneath him. Taking a moment to admire how handsome Eddie actually was, he moved some hair from the other’s face and allowed his fingers to linger a little before moving them away. 
“Keep doing things like that big boy and I’ll start to think you like me,” Eddie hummed sleepily, eyes still closed.
“Maybe I do, is there an issue with that?” Steve whispered, without really thinking and then hoping the other hadn’t heard him.
“That depends if you’re going to do something about it or not?” he questioned opening his eyes and meeting the others.
“Oh, erm,” Steve gulped, moving backwards and making to leave the tent. 
“Stop,” Eddie insisted, wrapping his hand around Steve’s wrist.
“Let me go please?” he whispered, tears evident in his voice. 
“No,” Eddie replied. “I want you to do something about it.” 
“What?” Steve asked, shocked.
“I want you to do something about it,” Eddie repeated. “I like you too.” 
“You mean it Eds?” Steve spoke softly.
“Deadly serious sweetheart,” he answered, sitting up and closer to the other man.
Steve finally looked around and into Eddie’s eyes. He moved so he was facing the other again and they both leaned forward, meeting in the middle with a tending touch of their lips.  
Their ‘days’ continued as they had before. The Kiss as it would become known as, but now there was added intimacy. They cuddled at night, as best they could with wounds that didn’t seem to be healing. 
What felt like weeks later, the concept of time really gone by this point. The gate once again opened. 
“Steve, Eddie?” came the voice of Dustin from outside of the tent. 
The pair untangled themselves and raced out of the tent as quickly as they could considering they were both very weak from dehydration, malnutrition and prolonged pain.
“Dustin!” Eddie exclaimed, walking as quickly as he could towards the curly haired boy. “You’re here! Does this mean we can finally go home? I’ve had awful company, truth be told he smells a little, and I’m ready for a meal that isn’t beans from a can and drink something that isn’t bottled water. I’m still in a really bad way and I’m pretty sure Steve’s wound is a little infected so heading to a hospital might be the best thing for us both.”
“So I went ahead and called Dr. Owens and told him that none of us were signing another NDA until everyone had been treated and Eddie’s name had been cleared. We’re not children they can force into them now, I will happily write an article about this and send it to every major newspaper. I am sick of this bullshit,” Nancy declared, making her presence known.  
“This means that they’re actually on the way here. You two will be taken to a private suite and looked after around the clock until you’re able to go home” Robin added, leaning up from where she had been tucked under Steve's arm. 
“That’s amazing, “ Steve breathed. “We’re finally getting out of here, Eds,” he smiled at the other man. He didn’t miss the look Robin gave him as he said it. 
Getting both Steve and Eddie back out of the Upside Down was a struggle.
“You go first Eds, let's get you to safety,” Steve insisted, trying his hardest to help Eddie towards the gate.
Once both of them were through, they were to be taken to a private hospital. They were promised doctors and nurses would be waiting to treat their wounds and monitor them for any ill effects from prolonged exposure to the Upside Down.
Doctor Owens was waiting in Steve’s room when he arrived. 
“Where’s Eddie?” Steve demanded to know as soon as he saw the other man.
“He’s in surgery currently. He’s in a bad way, the surgeons, doctors and nurses are doing all they can to save him. It seems as though the Upside down was keeping him somewhat stable so once he was taken out of it he got rapidly worse.”
“Owens I swear if he dies I will be going to the press about this latest fight we had because you guys had to mess with shit you didn’t know. I’m standing with what Nancy said. None of us are signing anything until we’re all okay and Eddie’s name is cleared. Simple as that,” Steve stated, trying his best to not wince in pain. 
“I assure you, we’re already working on getting his name cleared okay. We’re going to say that Henry Creel came back to Hawkins and went on a killing spree but that we’ve got him and he’s heading to prison. We’re going to say that Eddie was taken from his trailer and managed to escape later on,” Owens informed him. 
“Speaking of the trailer, Eddie and his uncle are going to need somewhere else to live. Think you can make a nice little two bed or more happen for them?” Steve asked, raising an eyebrow. 
“Yeah, I’m sure we can arrange that. Can we just focus right now on making sure you’re both okay and get you both well again,” Owen replied with a sigh. He wasn’t surprised by Nancy’s demands when she spoke to him earlier, but he hadn’t expected this from Steve. 
“Dr. Owens, can I be left alone with the patient please? We need to get him assessed properly,” a nurse asked, walking up to the pair. 
“Steve, please. Mr. Harrington is my knobhead of a father,” Steve smiled as Owens left the room.
He sat on the bed in silence. The true horror of what had happened started to sink in. Eddie could potentially die because he didn't get him out of that hell quick enough. He was lying on an operating table dying because Steve failed. 
The nurses worked around him getting him to stand and sit, moving his arms and legs. Sticking him with needles, hooking him up to lord knows what and taking what seemed to be more blood than they should given how much he’d lost recently. They talked at him more than anything and his replies were short. He was sure he hadn’t answered half of the questions asked. 
He was physically and mentally exhausted. The nurses laid him back on the bed and he fell asleep instantly. When he woke up it was darker in the room and there was a quiet sobbing coming from beside him. Turning he saw that Robin was sitting at his bedside crying into his yellow sweater. 
“If there's any snot on that sweater you can get it dry cleaned,” he winced through a laugh. 
“Steve,” Robin gasped and leaned forward to grab his hand. “I’m so glad we got you out.”
“Hey birdie, me too. Thank you for helping get me out of there and Eddie too,” he replied, squeezing her hand.
“About him, anything you want to tell me?” Robin asked softly. 
“I really really like him, Bobby. We got so close in the time we were down there. He’s amazing. I really hope he makes it, I need to ask him on an official date.” 
“Oh dingus. I’m sure you’ll get to live out all of your gayest fantasies with him once you’re both out of here,” she laughed wetly. 
“Is there any news on him?” Steve asked cautiously. Her words were encouraging but that didn’t mean Eddie was actually okay. 
“He’s out of surgery and he’s in a room but he’s still critical. They’re hopeful though,” she explained. 
Steve spent a couple of days almost entirely in bed resting up and being treated for dehydration and a little malnutrition. He got updates on Eddie as often as he could which was mostly when his nurse needed to leave his room. There was also a steady stream of visitors over those first couple of days. They made sure he was okay and filled him in on what he had missed in the 3 weeks they had actually been stuck down there. 
“Morning Steve,” Nurse Nova greeted him one morning 5 days after he was admitted. “I have news from camp Eddie. They’re going to try and wake him up this morning. I do have to warn you that this doesn’t mean he’s better or that he’s out of the woods just yet. He is still very ill, I also need you to know that taking away sedation is a slow process and doesn’t always work. Not that they never wake up again but sometimes the body isn’t quite ready for it and we need to sedate again.”
“That’s great news! Will you let me know when he’s awake and I can go and see him please?” He asked, smiling for the first time in almost a week.
“We can certainly look into that, everything depends on Eddie is and how your day is going. You’ve got a lot that you need to do today, starting with a bit of light physio soon.” 
Hours later his wounds had been swabbed, cleaned and redressed again. He had another barrage of tests, another heavy course of antibiotics, and another bag of fluid before he was allowed to move around again. 
“Steve please stay in bed, you need rest,” Nova advised as he tried to get out of bed. 
“I need to go and see Eddie so either you can help me and make sure I get to him all okay or I can get up and go myself. I’m asking you to please help me. I need to see him, I need to make sure he’s okay,” Steve pleaded with her. 
“Okay, if I help, will you at least let me grab a wheelchair first? If I come back and you’ve moved without me I will be insisting on restraints on your bed,” she sighed before leaving the room. 
A couple of minutes later she returned with the wheelchair and helped Steve into it before taking him down the hall to Eddie’s room. 
“Hey pretty boy,” Eddie dreamily sighed as Steve entered the room. 
“He’s on some pretty strong painkillers right now,” the nurse looking after Eddie laughed. 
“Thought he was pretty anyway, me being high hasn't made me realise,” Eddie pointed out.
“How you doing Eds” Steve asked, trying to change the subject, already very aware that he was blushing. 
“I’m doing ok, I feel less like I’ve been hit by a truck than I did. They’ve taken bits of me away though Stevie. They stole bits of me!” He exclaimed, it was clear that the painkillers he was on had him higher than a kite.
“They had to remove infected flesh and some infected muscle. That’s all they took,” the nurse explained with a laugh. “He needs to rest a lot and will need a lot of physical therapy before he’s even close to okay again.” 
“You're going to be okay Eds, promise. Here for a few more days and then you can stay at mine for as long as you need or as long as you want,” Steve smiled, placing his hand on top of the other’s arm. He really wanted to hold his hand. To crawl into the bed beside him but he knew he couldn’t.
“Stay with you forever if you let me,” Eddie smiled back dopaly. 
“Easy there Romeo, calm it down,” Steve laughed. He really hoped the nurse wasn’t paying that much attention to what they were saying.
Over the next few days Steve spent as much time as he could with Eddie. Only being in his own room when either of them needed privacy for something or was receiving treatment. The doctors were very happy with how his wounds were healing and thought he could go home to continue to heal within a couple days. 
“What time is visiting?” Steve asked as he was finally being allowed home. “I want to be able to come and see Eddie,” he blushed. 
“10am until 5pm,” the nurse answered him as she gathered his paperwork together. He was given instructions on how to change his bandages, what movements he could make to help with his healing and what to avoid.
“They’ve released me Eds. I’m heading home. Nancy is coming to pick me up, I’ll be back tomorrow though okay,” Steve said, popping in to see Eddie before he left. 
“You don’t have to come back. Stay home and rest Stevie, you also need to heal and you’ve not got a lot of bed rest whilst you’ve been here,” Eddie argued. 
“I’ll be back in the morning,” he nodded, not leaving room for further argument. 
“Alright then,” Eddie smiled softly. “See you tomorrow.” 
The pet names and Eddie being over affectionate had stopped since his painkillers had been changed and he no longer spent his days high. Steve almost pouted about it every time, he missed them a lot. He was missing having Eddie on his own like he had for all that time in the Upside Down. He knew it was for the best but he still wanted to pout about it with Robin. Obviously she already knew about how close him and Eddie had got whilst in the Upside Down and trying to survive. 
Returning the next day Steve was walking through the foyer of the hospital when he saw them. Flowers and plants sitting outside a little gift shop, he walked over and took a look. Almost all the flowers were bright colours with a couple bunches of roses thrown in. None of these were particularly Eddie. He looked at the plants instead, maybe one of those would be better. These were boring and far too colourful but in the wrong way. Then he saw it, a tiny little succulent with purple stems leading into green leaves. It was small enough that he could get away with saying it was for a friend if needed but also something that he thought Eddie would like. Before he could think himself out of it he picked it up and brought it. 
Heading up to Eddie's room, he tried to hide it as best he could until he knew which nurse was looking after him today. He’d seen how a couple of the nurses looked at them whilst they sat close and talked. He wasn't bothered about people knowing he liked guys but he didn't want to give them anything else to talk about.  As soon as Steve turned to go into Eddie's room he noticed there wasn't a nurse in there. 
“Scared them all away finally ay Eds,” he teased as he walked into the room 
“You came back,” Eddie replied softly, a tone of disbelief in his voice. 
“Told you I would,” Steve smiled softly, walking over and taking the seat next to the bedside again. “Got you something,” He declared, taking the little plant out of its hiding place. “I thought the room could use some colour.” 
“My favourite colour! It’s cute, just like you,” Eddie smiled, taking the plant from the other and looking it all over before placing it on the locker beside his bed. 
The two sat close and whispered between themselves before the nurse got back from her break, when they reluctantly sat away from each other again. 
The days rolled by and Eddie got stronger and stronger. His blood work no longer showed signs of infection and he was able to start moving around without assistance. Walking was still an issue but he could transfer into a chair and back to his bed. The first time Steve walked into Eddie's room and saw him sat up in one of the patient chairs he could have cried. It was after this that the doctors and nurses started to talk about allowing Eddie to leave and have all of his physio treatment as an outpatient. 
“You will need somewhere to stay that's low profile. It also needs to have as few steps as possible up to it and no stairs that you have to go up or down to either sleep or go to the bathroom.”
“I can make that happen at mine, if you want that is?” Steve rushed to say before blushing. 
“Sounds like a good idea. I’m not surprised that the Harrington mansion has bedrooms downstairs,” Eddie laughed.
“Oh, it doesn’t. But I can turn my dads office into a bedroom for you,” Steve replied sheepishly, already thinking about what he would need to do to make this happen. 
“Okay then, as long as you’re both happy with the arrangement we can get things moving and get you out of here. You’re doing great Mr. Munson, all you need now is time and rest,” the nurse smiled as she left the room. 
“You, erm, sure about this?” Eddie asked nervously once the two were alone again.
“About what? You coming to live with me for as long as you want to? Yeah absolutely I’m sure, 100%. Never been more sure of anything in my life,” Steve grinned at the other before leaning forward and giving him a quick kiss on the lips. 
The look of surprise on Eddie’s face had Steve second guessing everything that had happened in the Upside Down. Had he misread everything and what they actually were having was a little bit of fun to make things bearable. Of course Eddie didn’t want anything now they were no longer trapped. He could go back to Indy and find whoever he wanted on a weekly basis. Why would he want some closest case that peaked in high school and had no hope of going anywhere outside of Hawkins. 
“I’m gonna go home I think,” Steve whispered into the deafening silence that felt like it was dragging on for hours. 
He grabbed his jacket and walked away, hoping the tears wouldn’t start falling until he was in his car.
“Please don’t,” Eddie replied, clearing his throat. “I wasn’t sure you’d still want me like that now we were out of there. My brain couldn’t comprehend the idea that the Steve Harrington wanted me.” 
“Why would I not?” Steve questioned, outraged. “I’m already more than half in love with your stupid reckless ass so.” 
“Oh yeah? Come back here and say that to my face then,” Eddie raised his eyebrow in a challenge. 
“And what if I do? Hmm, what are you going to do about it?” Steve asked with a teasing tone in his voice as he stepped back towards Eddie. “I want you Eddie. You’re reckless and do silly things when told not to but you’re also kind and funny, weirdly charming and I’m already more than half in love with you,” Steve breathed into the space between them. 
“It’s a good job I’m more than halfway in love with your perfect ass too then isn't it?” The other boy responded before leaning forward and capturing Steve’s lips with his own. 
The world seemed to stop still in that moment. This was by far not the first kiss they had both shared but seemed to be the most significant, this one tasted like hope. Not of comfort as those they shared in the Upside Down had but of hope that they were both going to be okay and of a future together. 
“Don’t mind me boys, I just heard they were talking about releasing Eddie,” Wayne said, interrupting the moment the two were having. 
“Wayne!” Eddie exclaimed, the grin on his face becoming impossibly wider. “Yes! I can go and stay with Steve because he has a big house with a whole bedroom downstairs and I won’t need to go up stairs for anything. Plus you’ll be really busy moving into the new place and starting your new job.” 
“Alright then, if that’s what you both want, who am I to stand in the way? Just remember that you’ve always got a place with me boy, as long as I’m alive you have a home okay?” He said, squeezing Eddie’s shoulder and his hand. “And Steve, he’s your problem now, you chose him.” 
“Don’t scare him off yet Uncle Wayne, I’ve only just got him,” Eddie sighed with a playful roll of his eyes. 
“Oh, I’m fully prepared for what a handful you’re going to be,” Steve laughed, poking the other boy in the cheek.
Eddie was released from hospital the following day with the instructions that he would be going back once a week to have physio. Steve was shown how to properly clean the wounds and dress them as well as what to look out for to make sure they were all healing nicely. 
Steve had done exactly what he said he would do and had converted his dads old office into a bedroom with the help of the party.
“Erm, the beds not the best, it's the one from the spare room. I didn’t think my parents' bed would fit in here with the new draws and wardrobe and things that will be coming in the next couple days.”
“Sweetheart you didn’t have to go through all this trouble for lil old me. I’d be perfectly fine on a pullout with a blanket and a throw pillow,” he responded, grabbing Steve and giving him a kiss.
“Those throw pillows are sacred Munson, no one rests a head on those,” Steve scoffed in reply before laughing. “It’s nothing, you need to be as comfortable as possible and I didn’t want you feeling rushed at all with your recovery. I want this to feel like home for you. I’ll give you a moment to settle in and let you have some time for yourself if you want? I’m going to go and cook us something to eat and we can go and sit outside with it if you want so you can get some fresh air.” 
“Yeah that sounds amazing, thank you,” he replied, smiling at Steve as he left the room.
Taking a seat on the bed Eddie took a moment to think about how much his life had changed in the last few weeks. Finding out that there was a whole different world below Hawkins, that the monsters he read about in his Dungeons and Dragons books actually existed was unbelievable. Coming so close to death, twice, and having a murder charge against him and then removed. But there was some good. He had a new appreciation for life and from the couple of chats that he and Steve had he had a boyfriend to live that life with. He didn’t want to keep Steve waiting for too long so he got up and left. Sitting in some fresh air really did sound like a good idea.
25 minutes later the two boys were sitting outside at the little patio table that the Harringtons had with plates full of pasta and meatballs with some garlic bread sat in front of them. 
“I’ve got some clothes that you can use for a while but as soon as you’re up for it we can head somewhere and fill your wardrobe backup. I’ve picked you up some basics like underwear and a couple sets of jeans and some t-shirts but that’s all I could get, sorry,” Steve spoke up almost suddenly. 
“It’s more than you needed to sweetheart, you’re amazing. Thank you for everything,” Eddie replied, taking Steve’s hand in his and giving it a slight squeeze. “Can we, erm, talk about that too? About us. Like what is this?” He gestured between the two of them. “I would very much like to call you my boyfriend but I understand if you’re not ready for that. If you want to see what else or who else is out there.”
“I want you and only you. I want a life with you Eddie, I understand that Hawkins will make this difficult for us but together we can get through it. We can see about moving out of this shitty town that’s been nothing but hell for us for years. I just want to be where you are.” 
“Sap,” Eddie smiled. Steve saw the tears in his eyes as he leaned forward for a kiss. “Lets eat though before this goes cold.” 
The rest of the evening was spent sitting outside under the stars laughing, joking, kissing and enjoying being free. Eddie yawning put a stop to the conversation and the two went inside.
“Good night then baby,” Steve said against Eddie’s lips as they kissed at Eddie’s bedroom door. 
“Yeah, like you’re going anywhere else other than into this room with me,” he replied, grabbing the other close by his hips and opening the door and pulling him inside. 
“Alright alright, I’m moving,” Steve giggled. “Be careful of your stitches and everything though.” 
Once they were in the bedroom and they spent a few more moments kissing and just touching each other in ways they had not been able to do before tonight. Neither boy being on death's door anymore meant that they could finally explore each other's bodies a little more than they were able to in the Upside Down. Kissing and undressing each other until they were both naked except for the bandages that they both wore. Nothing more was needed than just kissing and being close to each other. 
“You kept it,” Steve whispered, walking over to the plant that Eddie had set on the makeshift nightstand that had been made. 
“Of course I did sweetheart, you thought I’d get rid of it?” Eddie questioned, walking over to Steve and hugging him from behind. “Going to make sure it lives and keep it with me, just like I’m going to keep you if you’ll let me.” 
“Well I’m not letting you go either so I guess we’re stuck with each other,”  Steve laughed, turning around slightly to give the other man a kiss. “Let’s get you to bed though bambi, it's been a long day today and you must be exhausted.” 
As if on cue Eddie yawned. “That sounds like an amazing idea. Come cuddle with me until we’re asleep sweetheart? Like we’ve done before.” 
“Yeah, yeah lets curl up and sleep,” Steve replied, moving to get under the covers, reaching out his hands for Eddie to join him. 
The following days were filled with visits from the Party, minus Lucas who had taken up camp at Max’s bedside. Wayne stopped by a lot but was also really busy sorting out the new house, it quickly became apparent to him that he could have the biggest bedroom with the ensuite when he saw how close his boy and Steve were. 
Eddie regained more and more of his strength and barely spent a moment alone, Steve making sure that Eddie was doing as little as possible and resting as much as he could. 
Robin had taken Steve to the side, in a bathroom naturally, and had questioned him over everything that had happened since they spoke at the hospital. 
“Nurse Steve at my service once again?” Eddie joked as he sat at the breakfast bar in the kitchen one morning whilst Steve was sorting out fresh bandages. 
“How about I get a uniform to wear next time? Hmm?” Steve suggested. 
“Steady now big boy, we’re heading out for my physio soon, don't go talking like that or we won’t be going anywhere,” Eddie said playfully, pulling Steve towards him.
“And you almost tore a stitch last night so let’s keep everything pg13 yeah?” Steve smiled, kissing him lightly before stepping back and continuing to sort out the things needed. 
Eddie’s wounds were still healing, some weren’t healing as well as others, so they still had to be careful when their relationship took a physical turn a couple of weeks after Eddie got home. His twice weekly physico was also going really well. He was moving around the house a lot easier and the muscles that had been eaten away or had wasted from not being able to move much were growing back. He and Steve had been into Indy to restock his wardrobe and had made a stop at a shop that was known to sell books aimed at queer teens and young adults, Steve having thrown himself fully into learning the history of the LGBT community. They started to go out more and more around Hawkins as Eddie grew stronger and short outings no longer left him laid in bed for days afterwards like they had at first. 
The one thing they didn’t do was move Eddie’s, well theirs he supposed, bedroom out of the office. Steve had actually moved some of his things down into the room and they had made it more of a mix of both of them. Steve had enlisted the help of the Party to move everything that didn’t need to be in there out of there and into other rooms. Laying in bed one night they had even discussed a new colour scheme for the room. It was their room now, the first place they had made their own. 
“This should be your last bandage change bambi,” Steve shouted from their bedroom to Eddie in the living room a handful of weeks later. “Doctors said it’s all closed up now basically so as long as its dry when I take the old ones off this will be the last one.” 
“It’s about time!” Eddie shouted back, walking towards the kitchen “I’ll meet you in the kitchen.” 
“Ready to be seen now?” Steve spoke in a low tone from the doorway catching Eddie's attention. 
Turning around he was greeted with a sight he was sure he would never forget. Steve was standing there in a nurses outfit and a smirk on his face. He filled it out beautifully, yes it may have been a normal nurses outfit that was a little big on him but the sight was enough to render Eddie speechless. 
“Everything okay?” he asked in a voice filled with faux concern as he walked, no sauntered, into the kitchen and towards Eddie. “Feeling okay? Do I need to check your temperature?” 
“I don’t think things could be any more okay right now” Eddie replied breathlessly reaching out for his boyfriend. 
“Let’s get these changed and maybe I’ll let you take it off me,” he whispered before laying a few kisses on the metalheads neck in a spot that he knew made the other weak. 
And as if nothing had happened Steve stepped back and went about changing bandages, ignoring the fact that Eddie was hard as a rock between them. 
“And now for your treat,” he announced as he put all the rubbish in a bag and then into the bin. 
Turning around to leave the kitchen Steve opened up the dress and allowed it to fall off his shoulders, revealing a much sexier nurses dress that barely covered his ass and fit like a second skin. He was clearly wearing nothing underneath it. As he bent down, sticking his ass out, Eddie caught a glimpse of a butt plug nestled inside of his boyfriend. 
“Come here you, I need to get my hands on my treat,” Eddie growled as he followed. 
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halfmoondaze · 2 years
I’d like to request a Jack fic where reader (who is a fan and is shy) and Jack go on their first date and she is nervous but Jack notices and acts all cute about it and calms her down (like I thought about the ‘don’t be anxious, I got you’ line from poison). Please and thanks. (Fluff)
First Date Nerves
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Tonight, you were going on a date with no other than Jack Harlow. Even thinking about it felt surreal.
You had met Jack a month ago in a Celtics game, you attended with your best friend Y/F/N. It was her that spotted Jack during the game who was sitting a row above the two of you. So when there was the announcement that was time out, Y/F/N didn’t think twice before attempting to shoot her shot with Jack. Even though you were a fan of his music, you were too shy to even consider bothering while attempting to make conversation with him.
Y/F/N and Jack started vibing and he seemed invested in the conversation, and before you knew he asked her.
“Who’s your friend?”
Y/F/N eagerly introduced you to Jack and you just clicked. It was like there was no one else in the room but the two of you for the remaining of the event. Afterward, you and Jack exchanged contacts and kept in touch ever since.
But now Jack was in town and has asked you a few weeks in advance given his busy schedule. Even though you were tempted to make up an excuse to not go, you knew deep down you wanted to do this, but your nerves just seemed to increase as the day got closer. So now, here you were in standing in front of the fancy restaurant. You took a deep breath before you entered.
To your surprise, you were greeted by the staff as they escorted you inside the empty restaurant until you arrived at Jack’s table. He looked so handsome with his curly hair and fitted black shirt.
“Hey” you smiled shyly.
“Hi, you look gorgeous” he said pulling you into a hug.
“Thanks” you said looking away and feeling your face heat up.
He pulled your seat for you before sitting in his seat.
One of the things Jack loved so much about you, was how shy you were because he found it adorable and endearing. The truth was that Y/N was completely clueless as to what Jack saw in her in comparison to Y/F/N who was way more extroverted.
Jack was so attentive and throughout the dinner, he expressed interest in your life, asking you questions to make you open up a bit more and lose yourself. However, he could still sense that she was a bit reserved.
“Can I ask you something?”
“I can tell something is bothering you. Is it something I did?”
“No, of course not. It’s me- Im just….nervous, that’s all” you said looking away in embarrassment.
He smiled to himself.
Then he took your hand and looked at you with his kind eyes.
“Don’t be anxious. I got you”
A small smile formed from the corners of your mouth.
“Is ok. I know dates can be intimidating. Believe me, I was nervous before coming here too”
“You were?”
“Yeah” he paused. “Let’s just forget that this is a date and just have fun, alright?”
You smiled and nodded.
And just like that you felt yourself loosen up and his charming and funny personality was a big contributing factor, as you found yourself a lot more talkative and laughing along to his jokes.
The night went along and you just completely lost track of the time up until he ordered the bill.
After he paid the bill, he turned to you.
“I had a great time tonight, and if it’s alright with you, I would like to see you again”
“I would love that”
He smiled.
“Can I take you home?”
Jack held your hand as you walked to his car. The ride was filled with laughs and stolen glances.
When he pulled to your driveway, he opened the door for you and walked you to your front door.
“Thanks for this, I had a lovely time”
“Anytime” he smiled at you.
You started unlocking your door when something took over and you turned around.
Jack was about to walk back to his car when you called him.
“Yes” he turned to you.
You walked over to him and for some reason, you can’t explain, you leaned him and he sensed what you were doing and leaned down to you and kissed you.
He wrapped your arms around your waist deepening the kiss while you put your arms around his neck.
When you felt you were running out of breath, you slowly pulled away from him.
He looked back at you with a smile.
“Can I call you tomorrow?”
“Yeah” you smiled.
“Alright. Goodnight” he said.
Jack started walking back to his car smiling from ear to ear. He couldn’t wait to see you again.
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dear-mortality · 2 months
The shepherd prince
Chapter seventeen:
Tw: abuse , domestic violence , assault , blood mention ,
Ether was gladly dragged along with enfys towards the group that called for him
"Alright im here so let's get to it"
They were a group of four, They all looked at ether for a second
One of them with silver curly hair waved at bun before they all started moving
He felt awkward but he got over it quickly as he walked around with them and saw the witches using their magic to build their camp.
Some planted a seed that they used a spell on to grow into a nice little cabin
Some made simple tents.
Though one of those tents was made of volcanic rock, the owner was especially proud of it.
As ether was occupied the people with enfys took that as an opportunity to talk to him in a low tone
"Hey uh you didn't exactly introduce us? Who is this person??" Said a man shorter than enfys, wearing a loose button up shirt full of stains shoved into some baggy pants and wearing leather gloves that were barely his size, with short wavy black hair on his head and stubble on his chin and jaw line
"Yeah like is he really not your betrothed? I'd say he's exactly your type."
Questioned a woman with pale skin and a button nose and cat like eyes, her short silver hair styled as a Bob cut and wearing a fancy dress with the front of it torn up to the knees and a saber sheathed on her side.
"I need to ask. How much wolf is he? Im pretty sure he may flare my allergies but i REALLY want to touch his tail." Asked a guy wearing a trench coat over nothing with plain pants and a white hat over his straight brown hair, his face and chest full of freckles and his waist full of potions of all colours
"It will be interesting seeing someone get all the questions i got when i first entered this group" stated a person with dark skin and dragon horns on their head, wearing only pants that stop right at their crotch with their torso covered in scales but a jacket over their shoulders like a cape. Their body covered in scales that are iridescent and with a long tail right at their tailbone.
"Whispering won't make much of a difference, everyone. He can hear us perfectly." enfys said while looking back at ether and met buns eyes, immediately and acted like he didn't hear anything and looked away in embarrassment.
"ok then let me introduce you! This is ether, the prince of my nation of origin. You know uh, the one that got cursed. He's under a curse that we can't decipher for some reason even though mom made it. Right now we're going on a journey to find the archmage because honestly i have no idea what else to do at this point. We've grown to be good friends." Enfys stated before turning to him "ether these are some of the closest people to me in the coven, the guy with short black hair is beiqis, the one with some dragon features and hair braided is malaje, the girl with curly silver hair wearing a 'practical gown' as she likes to call it is cyerosa and the one hoarding- i mean keeping potions on his waist is faqe. Sorry for the seemingly rude comment at the end we like to joke that he's hoarding them because they're pretty."
"I am." whispered faqe towards ether
"The short descriptions aren't giving us much character you know?" Stated beiqis with a smile
"Yeah yeah but its easier for you guys to reveal your character than have me describe it" enfys answered
"Well, i certainly quite like how you handled my introduction." Said cyerosa gleefully
"Yeah because he used more than 3 words on you." Interrupted beiqis
"Oh don't be like that! Your short hair is a wonderful trait about you, seeing that everyone here doesn't seem to bother even styling theirs half the time."
"Im ok with not being introduced in detail too. I don't like anyone describing me when im around." Malaje added without showing any facial expressions
Ether smiled at them all nervously before his bubble revealed him thinking that they were all very good looking
"ooooooo someone has nice taste i see~" quipped faqe as ether tried to strangle the bubble.
He turned around and tried walking away while embarrassed before bumping into the guy with volcanic armour as he was quietly standing behind them, ether was too focused with the group to notice him approaching
The armour was hot to the touch so ether hissed a little as it burned for a second
"Hey! Watch where you're going." He yelled, his hair seemingly catching a little fire.
Having heard that voice everyone froze and looked at enfys with a scared expression
Even ether felt the tension
"Naphees i wanted to talk to you about something-"
"You. Do not. Get to call me that, Trevor." Grunted enfys, not even turning around.
"Babe please i want to fix what's between us-"
Before he could finish enfys had stomped the ground making a force field that pushed everyone out, no one outside could hear or see them.
"thanks. Was kind of uncomfortable talking about this in the open like that."
"Hmm and yet you were quite comfortable with forcing me into talking to you in private! How curious! Have you no shame?" Enfys pointed out
".....enfys. im sorry for what i did i really am, I've been apologising forever now why won't you forgive me? Don't you believe im sorry?"
"Listen i know it was bad but don't make yourself the victim here! You know how i felt about you being around other men and you kept going out of your way to be with them! YOU KNEW IT WOULD MAKE ME ANGRY." Trevor yelled, flames swirling on his head
enfys laughed hysterically
"Yeah it shows. Making me uncomfortable and hurting me verbally, mentally AND physically, draining me, using hurtful words AND BREAKING MY BONES when i point out your hypocrisy- yeah these sure are how you show love to someone and it tells me alot more about you than you'd like to hear." He responded with his voice shaking from how upset he is
"UGH you NEVER change do you??? Will you ever let my mistakes go?? You know what your issue is? you think im clueless. I know you're dating that new boyfriend of yours just to spite me so why bother playing around when im here to take you back !?"
As this was happening ether kept inspecting the area where the field is and trying to hear or see anything
Faqe held up a potion and looked through it at the field to see Trevor and enfys arguing intensely
"Yup they're going to fight. Everyone get ready to beat Trevor up."
They all stood in battle stances as ether looked a little nervous and decided to act.
With one slash at the field he tore it open with his claws and gave trevor a death stare while snarling a little
"I don't like you." His bubble stated.
Trevor was going to fight before looking around to see everyone is ready for him
"Ugh. This isn't over." He left huffing and stomping, every step burning a trace into the ground and his hair fully engulfed in flames.
After he left ether looked worriedly at enfys
"Sorry. They said you might fight so i had to act before any of you did." Ether apologized knowing he interrupted something that wasn't any of his business
"No. What you did was perfect. I really almost slapped him near the end. it would've escalated from there."
"Would it be wrong to wish ether didn't interfere so i could see Trevor's stupid face swollen with a slap mark?" Questioned beiqis
"Talk about a dilemma. i actually wish the same thing." Responded cyerosa
"indeed." Faqe and malaje agreed in unison
"Sorry guys but i have to go back to my room in the castle. Im pretty shaken after all this." Enfys interrupted, unenergetic and shaken.
"Its ok enfys. We're here if you need us." emphasized malaje with a sad look on their face.
"Thank you. Im going to have to rest after this." Enfys mumbled as she left in a hurry
Ether quickly followed without saying anything the whole way. They reached their room and sat on their beds.
"Ether i know you have questions. You can ask them now. Thank you for waiting this long."
Ether hesitated for a second
"Who was that? Why did he call you naphees? And why were you fighting?"
"That was Trevor, he's my ex boyfriend. He called me naphees because that's also my name, enfys is more like a pet name but I prefer using it over naphees. I dumped him after he beat me up because of his jealousy and he has been trying to reconcile ever since. This was two years ago. He keeps doing this whenever we see eachother but it normally gets violent real quick. i make sure to leave him limping every time."
Ether was horrified and furious
His entire face showed a mix of rage and sadness and shock
"Ether before you think of anything please don't get between us two. I can't promise to protect you if you get on his bad side because he's really..... really good at picking the times when you're most vulnerable to hurt you...."
Ether felt like crying after hearing the pain in enfys voice. He quickly hugged him tight.
Enfys smiled softly before patting ethers back
"Thank you. I'd like to sleep now."
"Yeah. Me too."
They both went to bed and closed the curtains to block the sunlight. Ether could hear enfys sobbing quietly and his heart broke a thousand times over with each sniffle he heard.
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bright-and-burning · 5 months
HELLO MY DARLING 💛✨ i am here to humble request a directors commentary on our beloved curly girl lando - specifically the beginning!! (but tbh i’d love you to talk about anything you want) i loved so much how you just plopped us as readers right into the moment aaaaa
thank you for the humble request <3 (under the cut again bc this will probs get long and probs get a little nsfw)
so the plopping right in the moment is in large part bc i had never written porn before and i was staring at a blank doc going 'just start somewhere. anywhere, eve. doesn't have to be the beginning.' the first words of the fic are literally the first words i wrote!
once i'd written way more i decided i actually really liked that being the beginning. cuz in the first four lines it sets up like, pretty much everything? at least vibes wise. 1st line is abt oscar's hands, 2nd is kind of abt asking permission, or w/e, 3rd is like oh hey it's blowjobs ! and 4th is the infamous hairbrush!
and beyond the first four lines, the next chunk is really doing a lot of heavy lifting in showing off their dynamic, their characterization, that kind of thing. "Oscar can tell she's not really joking" -> he knows her pretty decently! "Oscar’s still a bit lost, to be honest, but it’s not the strangest thing he’s met her halfway on." -> not only does he know her pretty well, he both knows her well enough and likes her enough to be compromising on a lot of stuff and clearly some Weird Stuff.
it's a lot of establishment of how much they're both gagging for it (oscar being like hold on i have a comb please let that work [and the comb being unused lol], lando being smug as hell at making him react but then sucking dick like she'll die without it) but also that while they have been hooking up for a bit ("Spit-slick and urgent like always, how she gets when she’s come and wants to return the favor."), this isn't something that's happened very often (oscar not quite knowing what to do with his hands, where he's allowed to put them, etc)
i think adding some sort of set up (what were they doing before this? how did they end up in the hotel room? how did they get to lando sucking his dick? these were all questions i very much so did not have answers to for much of writing this lol) would've slowed everything way down? and like, yeah it's heavily alluded to that oscar gets lando off Several times right before this which wouldve been fun to write and also was not something i knew happened when i initially wrote the first few lines, but the goal/the way i got the idea for this fic really was like. ok lando's a girl and has long curly hair, let's get into the logistics here bc from experience there is a surprising amount of logistics to get into. no non-hair-related plot necessary. it doesn't matter, exactly, how they ended up in oscar's hotel room the night after a race (in this intro. ch2 is a different story).
WAIT OMG. i just found my original idea notes copied over from my dms to @beechersnope from like. november. lol. shoutout to him for listening to my madness months before it was anything coherent:
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basically everything that happened Before the first line was like. vague hand wavey to me and only became more clear as i wrote further. and bc of that it's explained/alluded to over time instead of up front? and i decided it worked better that way, if only bc i didn't feel like my skills were up to the task of writing that set up without it being clunky as all hell
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hannahlovesluca · 11 months
I heard u do Nijisanji matchups can i have one please 🥺
Nijisanji male romantic matchup plz
Gender: cis female
Pronouns: she/her
Sexuality: heterosexual ally
Zodiac: Capricorn
Appearance: 5’2 African American hourglass body (although I’m more top heavy if you know what i mean) black curly wavy hair blackish brown eyes chubby cheeks wears glasses sometimes (im far sighted so it’s usually when driving in class or at the theater)
Mbti: infj
Enneagram: 2w1
Personality: kind smart funny motherly responsible empathetic anxious emotional moody perfectionist helpful people pleaser caring compassionate nerdy curious protective polite respectful indecisive fearful nervous introvert shy awkward clumsy low self esteem low confidence (more pertaining to my talents or personality then my looks) sassy sarcastic (I’m mainly these things with people i feel comfortable with like friends or family) soft spoken cute (my friends think im cute because i can be pretty innocent plus I’m small physically)
Likes: animals books reading writing fantasy magic sci fi anime music video games friends alone time learning personality quizzes sweets and bread helping being a part of something bigger than myself
Dislikes: spiders loud sounds people who harm others people who don’t take others into consideration (like make insensitive jokes or don’t consider the comfort of others or are mean just cause they can) people i care about not caring for themselves (im a hypocrite on this i take care of everyone else but not me) not being listened to weird holes and patterns math and tests (I’m being tested for a math disability and i have test anxiety)
Love language:
Giving: acts of service gift giving and physical affection (if they’re ok with it)
Receiving: words of affirmation and physical affection (although i can be shy about it)
Extra: i pace a lot i sing when im alone i talk to myself im a picky eater (mainly with textures) i have a cat i have minor ehlers danalos (a hyper mobility disorder) but it doesn’t hurt me like it does my sisters i get abdominal migraines which is basically like a migraine but instead of headaches it’s nausea
Thank you (lemme know if u wanna do a trade)
hello!!! honestly, you seem like such a great person!
i think you would do really well with…
Luca Kaneshiro!
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Honestly, you guys have such diverse personalities that I genuinely just think you guys would get along great! Luca has stated before that he likes a more cat-like personality and shy people!
• He’s my oshi so im lowkey jealous but omg imagine him knowing about your disorder and carrying you/ giving you piggy back rides when you don’t feel so well or moving is extra hard for you <3
• he will make sure you’re always comfortable going on trips with him!! esp if youre a part of NIJISANJI and you have to go on a trip with him!!
• also, if you try to hide the fact that you’re not doing too well, he wont actually be mad, but he will pout and tell you to take care if yourself and run around the house doing things for you. (omg imagine him making you something to eat in a little apron AHHHHHH)
• Luca does NOT hide his feelings, he loves telling you just how much he loves you (although he will be flushged unless you’ve been together for awhile, even then he might still stutter), he has absolutely no problem with PDA and poor boy just wants to show the whole world how much he loves you - NIJI rules be damned.
• if he gets jealous, say another man is flirting w you or got you something NO HESITATION HE WILL WRAP HIS ARMS AROUND YOUR WAIST im kicking my feet oh my god
• SPEAKING OF WAIST. you have an hourglass body OH MY GOD HE LOVES YOUR HIPS SM. you guys are cuddling, his arms are wrapped around your hips. Waiting in line? Hand on your hip. ANYTHING - his hands are on your hips
• Luca does not understand how you genuinely like reading, however, he will absolutely let you read him to sleep if he cant sleep!
• speaking of sleep if he’s sick and you read or sing him to sleep he will actually melt oh my god please love on this man he will actually do anything for you
• “Y/N, why do you love me so much?”
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mysteriawrites · 1 year
Hi! Here's my info for our matchup exchange. Could I please get a romantic matchup for Attack on Titan?
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Straight
Zodiac Sign: Gemini
Ennegram: 5w6
Personality: I'm pretty quiet in social settings but if someone talks to me first, I can keep a conversation going. I will occasionally go up to someone to initial a conversation but not very often. With people that I'm close with, I'm very open and sarcastic. And I make a lot of self-depreciating jokes (even though I have a high self worth).
Likes/Hobbies: Reading, writing, anime, video games, and listening to music (stuff like Hamilton, Panic! at the Disco and Offspring). I would love to be a published author one day.
Dislikes: Spiders (deathly afraid of those), being forgotten when I'm gone, and disappointing those who I care about.
Looks: I'm 164cm (5'4") and have an average build (not too curvy but definitely not straight up and down). I have green eyes that everyone thinks are brown and curly/frizzy dark brown hair that is just below my shoulders.
Hopefully I've put a good amount of useful information! I hope you have a lovely day and that life is treating you kindly!
We interrupt you regularly scheduled program for........ A MATCHUP TRADE WITH @justsomeoneintoomanyfandoms!!!
Hihi Thank you for trading with me! Here is you matchup...DRUMROLL PLEASE!!!
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You and Armin are thick as thieves. From the moment you met he knew he had found his match, his equal. When you were kids you two would dream of life beyond the walls when the titans were gone. You stood up for him against bullies, and even from such a young age he knew that he loved you. He promised you that one day no matter what it took he would take you to see the ocean...and then the wall fell.
It was chaos. Friends and family dead, streets in panic, titans at every corner. You and Armin got separated in the chaos. He tried so hard to find you, he needed to make sure you were ok. He begged the adults to go back for you and struggled against the ones holding him back from finding you himself, but it was no use. He had lost you.
In that moment his decision was final. He now had a reason to fight alongside Eren and Mikasa. He would get his revenge on those who took everything from you, and he would see the ocean for you. He would build your grave there so you could finally see it too.
Years passed, puberty came and went, and now it was finally time to join the ranks of the scouts. He trained countlessly day and night to try his best to keep up (haven't seen season 1 in a while so my bad if the events or order of are wrong) with the other trainees. On the day of the final test, he thought he saw a familiar face in the crowd, but just deemed it as his mind playing tricks on him.
When he finally makes it into to the 104th cadet squad he's relieved. For once he can finally let himself relax now that one hurdle is over with. That is until a familiar voice sounds from behind him. When he turns around to see you, at first, he thinks he's hallucinating from grief even all these years later. Then you run up and give him a hug and he breaks down in happy tears. You're real and very much alive! That night is spent with the two of you catching up until dawn. That night you made a new promise: you would fight together to liberate your future and gain freedom for yourselves and everyone else. That night you two also share your first kiss.
From that day on you two are a couple, but you keep it a secret as to be able to focus on your goal and not let feelings get in the way of missions. Although you don't hide it very well. You always eat together, train together, and stick to each other on missions. Everyone just pretends not to notice because you two are sweethearts who never bother anyone (I mean Mikasa and Levi do get on your case about how relationships can jeopardize the missions, but since you're both stubborn they just let it go). Things were perfect.
Until they weren't. First came the traitors, then the truth of the walls, the desperate plans for survival, being wanted fugitives, but you got through everything together. Until Armin left this world without you. There you saw his broiled corpse laying before you cling desperately to the thin threads of life and the choice of who lives and who dies was in the hands of your captain.
You wanted to beg and blead for Levi to save the life of your beloved as much as Erwin and Mikasa were. He needed to live to see the sea, he needed to live to experience a life beyond the walls, a life with you. You needed him to live. However, you knew that there was no convincing Levi and that even if by some miracle he chose Armin over Erwin, that would cost humanity the best commander they had, their best chance at winning the war, and their beacon of hope. And you knew Armin would beat himself over it for the rest of his life. You knew he wouldn't want to be selfish, but for once in your life you desired to be selfish.
So, you just sobbed over your lover's body, apologizing over and over for not being able to save him. And then your miracle came. Before your eyes your beloved sweet, kind, smart Armin had become one of the behemoths you had sworn to kill. Soon it was all over, and your Armin was back in your arms once more.
After everything was said and done you and Armin did get to see the ocean together. You two were safe, your friends were safe, and although you had lost many you could feel their spirits watching over you. You both knew that there were many more challenges to come, but as long as you two were together you could get through anything. So, in front of the crashing waves of the ocean Armin got down on his knee and asked you to marry him. You two would never be apart again (aka I'm skipping season 4 cause I haven't seen it yet. This is becoming too long and we don't need anymore angst).
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Wtf why did this become a long angsty piece out of nowhere I legit almost cried writing this. Welp sorry for making this depressing, but I hope the ending kinda makes up for it (maybe it's because I wrote a fluffy one yesterday). Anyway, thank you for doing this with me it was fun and it's hilarious that we matched each other with the same person (ig Armin has a type lol).
Runners Up: Erwin Smith, Connie Springer, Jean Kirstein, Marco Bodt (even though he's dead)
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nickeverdeen · 2 years
So I'd like ro request a MCU match up hehe
I'm a girl, She/Her pronouns and Bi. But I'd like a male match up for the MCU. I'm middle eastern and have short curly black hair and I'm also kinda tall and wear glasses. I'm an INTP and have been told by my friends that I'm kinda knowledgeable and I know a lot of random stuff from any field. I like reading about things or researching about things and writing stuff down about them just for myself and to get mu thoughts in writing. I'm kinda nerdy and really interested in History of the world and Mythology and watch a lot of historical shows/musicals and just in general like learning things.
I also like Math and logic driven subjects a lot. And also learning languages.
As for my personality, I'm quite witty and I'd like to think that I have a good sense of humor. I'm introverted and don't really like going outside but I'm not antisocial either. I really like having conversations about different scientific or historical topics. Or even just stuff that aren't even that deep like tv shows or movies. I enjoy dissecting them and talking to friends about them. I don't get angry easily but when I do I kinda just lose control. I like helping people and I'm a quite caring with the people I'm close too. I'm not usually talkative with people but if I'm truly feeling good about talking to someone I can't control myself and will ramble on for hours and from one subject to another.
I'm an extremely stressed person and have always had problems with anxiety so I need someone who is ok in dealing with that too
My love language is acts of service and I really like to help my partner do something or do something for them that'll make them feel better.
My type is someone who also has a decent sense of humor and can get my jokes without me trying really hard and someone who won't get tired of me talking about random shit all the time and us also interested himself.
And that's it I guess?
To be perfectly honest, I love your personality!!!! And I guess I got you a great match…
Peter Parker 3
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Okay Peter is 5’10 so there’s way you might be taller than him
If you’re shorter he’d definetly come to you from behind and sometimes rest his head on yours or on your shoulder
If you’re taller than him he’d definetly joke about the fact that he has to stand on tiptoes to kiss you, but if that would make you unvomfortable he’d immediately stop
Even though Peter doesn’t know a thing about mythology he would definetly love to hear you talking about it
Peter would 100% ask you to teach him some languages
He absolutely respects the fact thst you don’t like to go outside much, so he’d sneak inside your room
Or he could just knock on your door like a normal person
Alright let’s be honest with each other, Peter would love to play with your hair while talking about diffrent scientific
Peter loves to listen to you ramble about random stuff and would sometimes ask you questions about it
Peter would do literally anything that would make you feel less stressed or/and make your anxiety go away
Just ask him and he’ll do it
He really appreciates the fact that you help him and to be perfectly honest, he wouldn’t be able to do a lot of things without your help
Peter would very often buy you things that you like and if you’d want to he’d cuddle with you
He finds your jokes hilarious and would tell you some of his, but he knows they could never best yours
He’s very protective towards you and will do everything he can to keep you safe
He definetly won’t let anything happen to you
Having a bad day? Peter would cuddle with you, put your favourite movie/musical/serie on or just listen with you to your favourite music whistl listening to what you’re telling him or if you wouldn’t want to talk he’d just do everything above and reassuringly rub your back
I hope this was okay and don’t worry to request more, I really like writing! 🫶
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k13991849199 · 1 year
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Not yours, But mine: Mason mount x fem/reader -NOT FINISHED-
“Mount,” you spudded mason as you reached the corner in which him and Ben were standing.
“Y/L/N” he replied smiling softly. You also greeted Ben, his best friend. “Katie, Harvey is staring,” Ben smirked into your ear.
Your gaze turned to see the curly-haired blond looking your way as he sipped his drink. Also giving you a polite smile as he noticed you looking back. Harvey was a lovely boy, one of the sweetest and such a gentlemam.
But you turned back to mason, a miserable frown on his lips. Subtly you placed a small smack to his bum, him letting out a little giggle. Ben pointed his finger so once again you turned and was face to face with Harvey.
“Hi you,” Harvey pulled you in for a loose hug. “Hi Harvey,”.
“I got you a drink,” his face flushed red as he held the drink in front of you. It was orange gin, you didn’t like orange gin. Biting your lip you accepted it and took a drink, succeeding at not making a face.
“Mace, do you fancy a beer?” Harvey coughed and pointed to the bar: “aye, Ben, Y/N, let’s go,” mason shrugged.The blond boy seemed nervous as he took the seat next to you, mason taking the other.
Mason fucking loved it. Watching Harvey flirt and become embarrassed around the girl who’d lay naked in his and his bed only. And Harvey would never experience you like that.
“So mace uh any look with girls?” Ben spoke up as the conversations died down and you was stuck in awkward silence.
“It’s going ok, how about you Harvs?” Mason smirked again, turning fully around in his chair as his hand gripped yours under the bar.
“I uh- like- ehem, I don’t know,”
“Where’s mount?” You asked Nathan, while searching around the room for mason after losing him once you went to the toilet.
“eeehhh he’s just asked me the same question!” Nathan giggled, clearly highly intoxicated. “Why don’t, you stay here, so when mason comes back he’ll find you and be like ‘woody your a hero’ and I’ll be like ‘bro I’m just cool’”.
“There you are! Cheers for keeping her safe woods,” mason put his arms around your shoulders, you decided to depart from the party, both you and mason were tired and had enough to drink. Not meaning you wouldn’t go back and have another at home.
The taxi arrived, masons hand on your thigh the whole way back to his home. No words were exchanged just simple acts of affection.
“Wine?” Mason asked going to his kitchen cupboards, “just one mace, I’m actually so tired,” you said.
He brought over the glasses, placing a small kiss behind your ear. “So you going to give Harvey a chance?” He dragged his tongue across those pearly teeth.
“Yeah, going to leave you and get with him,” you nodded, checking your nails. “You’d never leave me,” he scoffed, putting his glass down, taking yours out your hand and straddling over you.
“Is that a dare?” You asked. “No. Because your my girl, and Harvs, poor kid needs to find out soon because if he doesn’t, he’ll have to go through you saying no to his marriage proposal,” mason found his joke very funny and couldn’t stop laughing, but is he right? Should we tell everyone.
“Right princess, bed!” Mason threw you over his shoulders and you went and cuddled as you both drifted off to sleep In his bed.
Mason woke up to texts from Ben.
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“Tonnyy stop,” you groaned, your grip tightening around mason as he typed into his phone. The volume was up and shoved in your face, you swore the clicky noise and never been so annoying.
“Can we go round your mums? It’s Sunday, she’s making a Sundays dinner isn’t she?” Mason asked, you had to think before shrugging. “I’ll ask baby,” “don’t worry I will, you go sleep for a bit,”.
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“Your mum says we can go,” mason placed a kiss to your head, your eyes were already closed and you were dozing away again.
“Harvey?” You said confused as you entered Kai and Sophia’s home. Mason had went out to buy some new clothes to impress your parents even though he’d been over many times and known them for 4 years.
Kai had an obvious smirk on his face, Harvey holding a red rose, sophia watching from a distance as the blond got up out of his seat to see you. “Hey, I got you this,” he handed you it and flushed red like he did the other night.
His curls were all loose and messy. He’s a cute kid but needs to get over you. “Harvey, i-,” you tired to speak to but was pulled away by Sophia.
“How cute is he? You’ve got to say yes if he asks you out Y/N,” and at that moment he walked in the room, Sophia winked at you before leaving the two of you alone.
“So Y/N I-,” mason threw open the door. “Katie we need to go,”.
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siempre-bucky · 2 years
Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
Summary: Hellfire come up with nicknames for your daughter and Eddie runs them by you. Domestic bliss.
wc: 516
a/n: dad!eddie makes me fucking feral. enjoy
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“Eddie?” you called from the living room couch. An open pint of ice cream balanced on your pregnant belly while you twirled your spoon. It was unusual for Eddie not to be making comments during the Texas Chainsaw Massacre. 
The man in question was awfully silent as he paced the small space of your apartment living room. He held onto a small notebook, speaking the written words softly to himself while he tucked his pen back behind his ear. “Hmm?” he hummed, finally looking over at you. 
“What are you doing?” you asked, a slight chuckle in your voice. 
“I told hellfire that we picked out a name for the baby and they gave me suggestions for her nickname,” he admitted. 
“The Queen of Hellfire and I have chosen a name for the Princess of Hellfire,” Eddie announced, rising slowly from his throne. The players looked at him in awe, looking upward with wide eyes and enthusiastic smiles. 
“There’s a female version of Dustin right?” The curly-haired boy joked. “I knew you’d name her after me.”
Eddie cocked his head and walked over to him, slapping him upside the head and earning a cackle from Gareth. 
Mike started a drumroll, the noise got louder and louder until Eddie threw his hands in the air. “We’re going with Sabrina!” 
“Sabrina?” Jeff questioned. 
“Like the witch from the comics. Sabrina.” 
The guys all looked at each other before nodding in approval, “I got a nickname for that,” Lucas chimed in.
You winced as you leaned forward, placing your ice cream safely on the table and shifting in your seat. “Tell me,” you sighed as you were able to comfortably lean back on the couch. Eddie laid at your side and put his head on your chest, his free hand resting on the side of your belly. 
“Sab?” he questioned, big brown eyes looking up at you for your response. 
“Maybe? What’s the next one?” you asked, weaving your hand in his hair. 
“I kind of like that one.” 
“Bina.” Eddie looked up and saw your scrunched nose. “Ok, no to that.” 
“Next,” you giggled.
You choked back a laugh, raising your other hand to cover the smile. “If anyone calls her Sabrini I will change her name entirely,” you giggled, leaning down to kiss the top of Eddie’s head. 
Your husband laughed and scooted downward, maneuvering you so that he was resting in between his legs. Eddie pulled up your shirt and placed loving kisses on your skin, “What do you want your nickname to be, baby?” he asked your belly, his lips pressed against your side. 
You gasped as you felt her kicking, “How do you feel about Sabrini?” you asked her and the kicks stopped, earning a laugh from her parents. 
“Light of my life?” Eddie whispered and she softly kicked against his hand. “Angel face?” she kicked again. 
“I’m sure it’ll come naturally, babe,” you told him sweetly, moving his hair out of his face. 
He nuzzled close to you and let his fingertips stroke your skin, “I can’t wait to meet you.” 
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oh-puffle-cakes19 · 2 years
heyy this is for the sweat treat party. can you do a fix where you’re really drunk and clingy but tom is just trying to take care of you and get you ready for bed? tysm!
😍 short juicy request x
Drunk on love
- Pairing Tom Holland x reader
- Summary You get drunk from a night out, Tom being a loving bf takes care of you
- Warnings being drunk, but nothing harmful just full of fluff!
- A/N Thanks for your request, much appreciated! Please feel free to participate into this event for my celebration of 200+ followers! 
You had one to many to drink on a late night out with Tom and his brothers in the city. You stumbled as you walk through the town as Tom holds you up.
“Careful love,” Tom takes your hand as he guides you to the car so they can go home, “I got you, Darling,” He catches you into his arms.
“Harry, can you open the door, thanks,” Tom asked, holding you up.
“You look cute,” You giggle to Tom as you swirl his curly hair around your finger, “have you got a girlfriend?” You smirked, playfully at him.
“You are my girlfriend love, can you please get into the car,” Tom kisses your forehead, you nod as Harry gets the door.
“Yh, of course,” you get in seeing that sam is in the car too, “Is Y/N ok?” He questions looking up to her drunk ness.
“Yh and thanks, I’ll take care of her,” Tom smiles, “I’ll drive if you want to,” Harry suggests.
“Are you sure? Your sober right,” Tom asks, “Yh, I’m good driving” Harry nods, “Cheers,”
“Come on poppet, we got to get your seat belt on,” Tom pulls your seat belt across you, buckling you in. You lean into his shoulder, taking is hand to hold.
Harry drives you home.
“Your a pretty boy,” you whisper, giggling into his ear. Tom smiles, “And your a pretty girl, who had a little too much to drink baby,” he smiles.
You guys arrive home as Harry parks the car. Tom gets out first to help you out, you haven’t gone to sleep yet surprisingly.
“Let me lift you up, Darling,” Tom wraps his arms around you as you nod your head, he kisses your cheek. Shutting the car door, he walks through the door with you in his arms.
Tom goes up the stairs but not without hearing giggles from Sam and Harry, knowing he definitely will be getting teased later. Honestly, he don’t care as long as he takes care of you.
Tom looks down to see you all sleepy, “We need to get your pjs on, Sweetheart and that make up off too!” he gently, lays you down on the bed as he grabs your pjs.
“Can I help you get your pjs on? baby,” Tom strokes your head, “Yh,” you giggle. Making grabby hands at him, your arms around his neck not letting him go.
“You need to let go of me, love,” You shake your head, “All mine,” you giggle, Tom had an idea! He tickled your sides for you to let go, “your all mine too! But I need your arms up!”
You put your arms up, he takes your shirt off. He unclips your bra then, Puts your pjs shirt on you. You laugh, “love, hold still!” Tom chuckles, trying to pull down your trousers.
“Sweetheart, I’m trying to help you,” Tom kisses you, “Your doing a good job, Spiderman,” You laugh even more, snorting at your own joke.
Your a high, giggling mess when it comes to you drinking too much! Causing you to get drunk and apparently clingy to Tom too!
Tom slips your pjs bottoms on you, “Finally, Darling!” He tucks you under the covers, “Warm and Comfy, my love?”
You nod, snuggling into the pillows of his bed. “You stay there as I go get my own sweats on and a few things for you,” Tom smiles, kissing your head.
Tom didn’t really take his eye off you, quickly coming back with now sweats and no T-shirt on. He have to take your make off with cotton pads and cleansing solution.
Tom puts the cotton pad onto your face, gently wiping off of your make up.
“Darling, close your eyes for me,” Tom asked, softly. You nod, “Tommy,” you mumble, “that feels nice,” you feel the cold pad with cream on your face.
Tom even put cream on your face after he wiped your make up off to hydrate your face, remembering at what you do yourself.
“That’s it baby,” Tom kisses your forehead, sliding under the covers.
“Oh, shit,” Tom gasped, “you should drink water and I’ll get paracetamol for you!” He quickly rushes out of the room, down to the kitchen.
Tom comes back up, “drink this, Darling,” He Pets your head, “you only need to drink a little bit, I don’t want you to get dehydrated,”
You nodded, drinking some of the water. You smile as Tom finally turns the lights off getting into bed with you.
You finally curl up into his chest, sighing at how comfy he is. “Sleep well, my love,” Tom kisses your head, “Love you,”
Tom cuddles back further into you, he wraps his arms around your waist. Bringing the covers up over your shoulders more so you don’t get cold.
“Love you too,” you whisper, even in your drunken state you can some what tell! of his love for you.
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harryhoney-bee · 3 years
I'm feeling really soft and fuzzy today, So if I can request something I want to do that abeja 🐝💓
#Concept: Nightly routine with y/n and Harry- parents of two little babies.
Tag me if you write this baby ✨✨
Adore you alot 💕
Night Routine
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Warning: your ovaries might explode... mine did 🤚🏻 I would give this man 9 children if he asked.
Word count: 1.7k
I have a kofi, so please consider buying me coffee if you can <3
I hope you enjoy it!! Let me know what you think 😚
“But I want to take a beth with him, daddy,” Cecília whined to Harry, while he undressed her, putting her new pajamas and towel on the bathroom counter.
“My little darling, he is still little, he can’t take bath with you,” Harry explained, taking Cecí on his lap and putting her inside the warm tub, handing her some of her favorite toys. “Lorenzo is just 6 months, he’s not as big as you.”
Harry made a bowl with his hands, wetting her curly hair and applying shampoo, a pout still on her face. “Please, daddy?” she said, her chubby hand grabbing his arm. Cecí had already mastered her puppy eyes technique, and she knew how much her dad had a weak spot for her.
“Alright, alright,” He finally gave in, “but he will stay outside of the tub, he doesn’t know how to sit by himself.”
“Thank you, daddy!” The girl splashed water around in excitement, which made Harry smile. That’s how he always wanted to see her: happy and healthy.
Harry went to the door, keeping an eye on the girl in the tub. “Baby? Are you done nursing? Cecí wants to see Lorenzo,” he tried to call his wife as loud as he could while being mindful of Lorenzo, who could be asleep by now. He never wanted to alarm any of him or Cecília with his loud voice.
In a matter of seconds, Y/n appeared in the hallway, a confused expression on her face while Lorenzo was calmly laying down on her arms, his little hands resting on Y/n’s shoulders. “What’s wrong? Why does she want to see him? We just had diner together,” she asked, heading in Harry’s direction.
“I’m not sure, guess she just missed him,” Harry answered, giving his wife a kiss on the forehead and bending down to talk to a very awake Lorenzo. “But who wouldn’t miss you, huh? Such a cutie, right buddy?” he was aware that using a baby voice wasn’t the best, but he couldn’t help, Lorenzo was just extremely adorable.
“Mommy! Enzo!” Cecília called, from the opposite side of the bathroom, “come here mommy, miss you too.”
Y/n sat on the bathroom floor, Lorenzo still with her. “Hey, my heart, having a good bath with daddy?” she asked at the same time Harry sat down by her side and hugged her from the side, laying his chin on her head.
“Yeah! Daddy always let me play,” Cecília took one of the yellow ducks and showed her mom, “This is Mc Duck.”
“Wow, he’s a very beautiful duck isn’t he?” She asked, giving Lorenzo to Harry while kneeling near the bathtub since Cecí still had to wash her hair, Y/n gently took the excess of shampoo from the girl’s hair, while Harry tried to keep Lorenzo entertained by singing him a silly song.
“He is, I love yellow,” the little girl admitted, “I think Lorenzo loves yellows too.”
“And why do you think that, Cecí?” Harry asked amused while pretending to eat the boy’s fingers.
“Because we’re are best friends,” She said as if the answer was obvious, “and friends like the same things.” Y/n and Harry looked at each other and laughed, for a five-year-old girl she knew a lot about relationships.
“Oh, how do you know that?” Y/n asked, finishing washing her hair, letting Cecília enjoy her time in the bath.
“Because you and daddy are best friends, you wear the same clothes sometimes, listen to the same music, and watch the same movies,” with every new topic she would count down on her fingers, it was quite a comical sight.
Harry’s chuckle filled the room, the baby on his lap giggled too. “Well, my little lady, you are right. But friends can also like different things, too,” he told her. “Me and mommy like a lot of similar things, but we also have our preferences.”
“Exactly, daddy loves bananas, but I don’t” y/n complemented, getting Cecília out of the tub, helping her into some warm clothes, “I don’t like to work out, but your dad always wakes up early to go for a run, see? We like different things but we still love each other.”
Harry got up from the floor, rocking Lorenzo softly, his heavy eyes indicating how sleepy the baby was. He took the combing cream in his hand and began combing Cecília’s curls with one hand, while his other arm held Lorenzo. Being a father of two made him very talented at doing two things at the same time. While he did that, Y/n was getting Cecí’s toothpaste ready.
“Daddy, do you love mommy even if she doesn’t go running with you?” Cecí asked, before opening her mouth so Y/n could brush her teeth. Normally they would let Cecília do it by herself, with their supervision, but it was already late and the couple desperately needed to get the children to bed, or else their routine would be messed up. Good thing Lorenzo seemed to be falling asleep already.
“Of course I do! We don’t love people just because they do the same things we do, we love people because they are kind and respectful to us, yeah?” Harry said, looking at Y/n and blowing her a kiss. This is what he loved the most about parenthood: watching the kids growing into their best version.
Parenting was made in many different ways, but the couple especially loved having these kinds of conversations. Even though Cecília was still young, she was already beginning to comprehend what love and friendships were, and Harry and Y/n had the privilege to teach her that.
Harry finished her hair, putting the brush and the products in their place under the sink while Y/n put on some socks on Cecí’s feet, the little girl was yawning, seeming tired. Lorenzo started to fussy on Harry’s arms.
“Guess it’s time to sleep, huh?” Harry said, caressing Cecílias head, “Tired, my baby? Want daddy to read a bedtime story to you? Or do you want mommy?” At the same time he mentioned Y/n, Lorenzo started to soft cry. “Hey, what’s wrong?” Harry asked, looking down at the upset’s baby face.”
Y/n took his from Harry’s arms, cuddling him closer to her chest, “What do you want, Enzo? Mommy just fed you” she looked at her husband, “I’ll nurse him again on the bed, he’s probably just a bit agitated, will you put her to sleep?”
“Yeah, of course.”
The woman kissed Cecília on the forehead, “have a good night, ok, baby? Mommy will take you to the playground tomorrow, alright?”
“Ok mommy, I love you and little bro too,” she said, giving a hug to her mom before she disappeared through the door with the crying baby.
Harry took Cecília by her small hand, leading them to her room, just by the side of the main suite, where the couple slept. He guided the little girl to her bed, giving her all of her favorite stuffed animals, and covered Cecília in her Lilac duvet.
“What story do you want today?
“The pirate one, please,” she asked, laying her head on the pillow as Harry went to her bookshelf, picking the one with the title Pirate’s cove. He sat by the end of the bed and began telling the story.
“I have a story for you, a story of untold riches and a young lad who found them. And who am I, you ask? Well, I am the spirit of the sand-dollar, a pirate and a buccaneer, Captain of the seahorse, the finest ship to ever sail the seven seas…”
Harry would occasionally stop to answer any questions Cecília had, but after 15 minutes he was done with the book and the girl was fast asleep, hugging tight to her little lamb. He made sure she was tucked in and turned off the lights (besides the one on the side of Cecília’s bed, she was scared to sleep in a pitch-black room), he closed the door and headed to his bedroom.
To Harry’s surprise, Lorenzo was sleeping in his bassinet by the side of the mattress. He usually would sleep in his nursery, but today just seemed like an off day to the little boy. Harry got closer to him, stroking the chubby cheeks, “Oh my little bug, did mommy let you sleep here with us? You’re not feeling fine?”
“I think he’s teething,” Y/n said in a raspy voice, taking her head from the pillow, “he’s even a bit warmer than usual, I think his gums are itching.”
“My poor baby,” Harry mumbled, turning his head to Y/n, “I hate seeing him upset, maybe we could make some homemade Popsicle, it helped when Cecília was teething.”
“Yeah, we can try that, we can make them tomorrow.” she patted the mattress, “now please come to bed, he did a number on me, I’m so tired.”
“Alright baby,” Harry took off his shirt, standing only in sweatpants, he went to the bed, laying by Y/n side, one arm hooked on her waist as she cuddled to him, placing her head on his shoulder.
“I’m so lucky to have you,” Y/n said against his neck.
“Oh baby, I am the lu--”
“--I mean, how many husbands would still love their wives even if they wouldn’t go jogging at 6 in the morning?” she said teasingly, her giggles reaching his ear.
He rolled his eyes playfully, “you are making a lot of jokes for someone who is tired,” he kissed her temple. “I’m gonna wake you up at 5 am tomorrow, so we can be fitness together.”
“Don’t you dare! You do that and your plan of being a father to three it’s over.”
“Damn sweetheart, that’s not very nice, huh?”
“You’re the one who started,” she said, before closing her eyes, snuggling to Harry’s body. The man placed a hand on her belly, falling asleep minutes later.
Tag list: @sunandherflores @elenagilbert01 @bellelittleoff, @cheshire-salvatore-mikaelson
If you don't want to be in the tag list just let me know, please!! <3
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