#gonna be reused otp memes
uselessalexis165 · 1 year
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tried making some ttte memes (224)
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300iqprower · 2 years
For the character ask, a non fate character and a fate character
Ike (Fire emblem)
Avicebron (Fate)
Favorite thing: He made the series several times more popular in the west through sheer meme power and being fun in Brawl
Least favorite thing: That hasn't made his games any easier to get ahold of :( which is why unfortunately i cant go too in depth on him since i've still never actually played the radiant games, so expect more Heroes-related stuff...
Favorite line: (does it count if it's Fallen Ike?) "I won't lose to anything - ANYTHING! Least of all this rage inside me!"
brOTP: Soren, Stefan that second one largely just cause I really like Stefan
OTP: Soren
nOTP: Don't know enough to say so i'm just gonna say Shinon since i know he's a bastard
Random Headcanon: Nephenee ended up teaching him country-style cooking since he loves red meat so damn much
Favorite Image: Anything Fallen!Ike related
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Song I associate with them (My favorite part):
Favorite thing: Finally, some good fucking Jewish representation in this series. Also *see entire Anastasia Lostbelt*
Least favorite thing: Immense wasted potential in Apocrypha with both him and spartacus regarding the homunculus rebellion. Also terribly designed in fgo gameplay but that's basically the norm for any non SSR....
Favorite line: "Good intentions notwithstanding, a massacre can still occur - A massacre is not always some sinister thing arranged by evil men who seek to murder the innocent. They are like brush fires, sparking and spreading out of control. Hoaxes, history, hatred, misinformation, racial discrimination, disparity of wealth, pride, panic, propaganda... All of these things mix together in a nightmare slurry. What is more, these things do not happen gradually, as in the proverbial slippery slope. What happens is that frustration and discontent continue to build to a breaking point until the tiniest spark causes a tremendous explosion."
brOTP: Everyone. He's called Avicebro for a reason. ...But especially Mephistopheles, Shakespeare, Asclepius, Abs Hassan, Spartacus, Sanson, Enkidu, Valkyrie, Xiang Yu, Lakshmi, Weebat and you're gonna ignore that this is much less brOTP than it is "characters i think he would have really interesting friend dynamics with"
OTP: Medea
nOTP: any of the other jewish servants - that shared trait isn't enough to justify a ship but that's typically what I see with what little Avicebro shipping i've seen. Also Blavatsky.
Random Headcanon: Where the FUCK is that post about Solomon(s)- FOUND IT
Favorite Image: In lieu of a thousand Pixiv links from the rabbithole i'd fall down, i'll just reuse the first one I picked for his HRU post
Song I associate with them (I've been waiting for this!):
For Apocrypha Avicebro specifically, Override and Conquer, but for FGO Avicebro as well as his character as a whole, Firewall:
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ana-bananya · 3 years
I know it's a few days old, but I saw your character reblog ask meme and I wanna ask for Deathslinger for it! I really want to know about the cowboy 👀
I honestly forgot I even reblogged that but THANK YOU!! Caleb is one of my faves and I will take literally any excuse to gush over him. This isn't that long but I'm adding a read more just for the convenience of others.
Favorite thing about them: My favorite thing about Caleb is how tragic his story is. His whole life he has been nothing but a pawn in someone else's game. First he was Bayshore's pawn, then the warden's, and now the Entity's. He thought that revenge would set him free, but that was the path that ultimately led him to the Entity.
Least favorite thing about them: I'M SORRY BUT HIS COSMETICS ARE SO UGLY. 😭 Bhvr does him so dirty. He only has like 2 good cosmetics.
Favorite line: "You called death to your door the instant you done me wrong." 
brOTP: Caleb and Zarina! I view their relationship as like a father daughter dynamic more than anything. I love the parallels in their stories and I feel like their shared experiences would help build and understanding between them.
OTP: Him and Ace are one of my favorite ships. It's probably because I view them both as father figures, but their dynamic is just so goofy and I love it.
nOTP: I'm not big on him and Herman. I don't hate it but I just can't get behind it. They're morals are just so different (at least for my interpretation of Caleb) that I can't see them working out. The art is cute tough.
Random headcanon: I shared most of my hcs for him on my side blog, so I'm just gonna reuse one of my favorites which is that he had a younger sister. The hc came from a story I'm working on involving him. The relationship I've developed between him and his family is pretty tragic and I end up hurting myself with my own thoughts most of the time.
Unpopular opinion: I don't think I have any hot takes on him? I guess maybe it would be that I don't like him and Zarina shipped together. I know it's sort of a common ship to see. I like them much better when they're depicted platonically.
Song I associate with them: I have a whole playlist dedicated to this man but one of the ones that I think suits him best is Hard To Kill by Beth Crowley
Favorite picture of them: literally anything drawn by @/mintcrows or @/zxid
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yume-x-hanabi · 4 years
Writer Meta Meme
I decided to do all the questions on this meme :)
1. Tell us about your current project(s) – what’s it about, how’s progress, what do you love most about it?
My current project is Concubinage, my gaiwin arranged marriage AU. It started as a random, entirely self-indulgent idea, but it has since grown into an actual project. Progress is good, I’ve managed to do bi-monthly updates and I have 30k in my drafts so far.
What I love the most about it is that, since it’s an AU, I’m pretty free to do whatever I want. I don’t have to be too careful of timelines and so on. Plus, in this AU, Gaius and Wingul are able to get closer than they otherwise would, due to the different circumstances. They have their own trials, but it’s different than in the canon timeline.
Another current project is Tales of Xillia Week, but I didn’t get much inspiration for it so I think I’m gonna do meta/headcanon posts more than fics ^^;
2. Tell us about what you’re most looking forward to writing – in your current project, or a future project
I’m looking forward to getting to the part where it’s just domestic fluff haha. It’ll take a while to reach that point though.
3. What is that one scene that you’ve always wanted to write but can’t be arsed to write all of the set-up and context it would need? (consider this permission to write it and/or share it anyway)
Not just one scene ig, but I’ve been wanting to write one-shots showing how the Chimeriad survived, and... haven’t gotten around to planning it. So it’s pretty low on my project list tbh.
4. Share a sentence or paragraph from your writing that you’re really proud of (explain why, if you like)
I have... a few, but they’re all spoilers for future chapters XD;;
5. What character that you’re writing do you most identify with?
I don’t... really identify with characters. I mean, they’re pretty different than me in personality, life and circumstances...
6. What character do you have the most fun writing?
I love writing Gaius and Wingul of course, but Agria’s probably the most fun. She’s completely unrestrained, which makes her pretty easy and fun to let loose XD
7. What do you think are the characteristics of your personal writing style? Would others agree?
Exposition and worldbuilding XD
I can’t help it, I always need to develop the setting...
8. Is what you like to write the same as what you like to read?
Yes. I would love it if more people wrote gaiwin XD
9. Are you more of a drabble or a longfic kind of writer? Pantser or plotter? Do you wish you were the other?
I used to be more of a ficlet writer, but I’m currently doing well with a longfic XD
As for the rest, it varies. I like to plot and outline a bit, but it’s often rather loose and I let inspiration guide me.
10. How would you describe your writing process?
Wait for inspiration time, energy and motivation to align.
11. What do you envy in other writers?
Those who update super long fics every week. How do you do it????
12. Do you want your writing to be famous?
Naah, I’m fine in my corner of fandom. Though I wouldn’t say no to a few more readers, if only to know that the ship still sails xD
13. Do you share your writing online? (Drop a link!) Do you have projects you’ve kept just for yourself?
Yep, I post on AO3. And all projects are meant to be posted one day, but some aren’t simply because they aren’t finished.
14. At what point in writing do you come up with a title?
The beginning, usually, but I might change it
15. Which is harder: titles or summaries (or tags)?
Tags are easy. Titles and summaries are hard, and I always end up with something boring but heh, as long as they get the meaning across...
16. Tried anything new with your writing lately? (style, POV, genre, fandom?)
It was last year, but I tried first person pov with my Agria fic, because that fits her well. I’d like to try poetry, maybe.
17. Do you think readers perceive your work - or you - differently to you? What do you think would surprise your readers about your writing or your motivations?
I have no idea tbh. When I write, I like to imagine what my readers will think (especially like when I write funny scenes, I hope they’ll make people laugh), but idk if it’s exactly like I think.
18. Do any of your stories have alternative versions? (plotlines that you abandoned, AUs of your own work, different characterisations?) Tell us about them.
In Concubinage, I considered adding a plotline where Arst met an ex and had to deal with complicated feelings about it -- being reminded how it was to be in a loving relationship vs political marriage, craving intimacy like he used to have with said ex, etc. I ended up scrapping the idea though.
I also have... two or three possible ways things can play out in a much later plotpoint, and I think I’m pretty sure of which way I’ll go already, but the other possibilities exist. Maybe I’ll make a post about all abandoned plotlines one day...
19. Is there something you always find yourself repeating in your writing? (favourite verb, something you describe ‘too often’, trope you can’t get enough of?)
“And, but, and, but...” XD;
Also characters often find themselves doing something before they knew it...
My style is probably pretty repetitive. I’m not a native speaker, and I feel limited sometimes...
20. Tell us the meta about your writing that you really want to ramble to people about (symbolism you’ve included, character or relationship development that you love, hidden references, callbacks or clues for future scenes?)
Concubinage is the result of watching too many sageuk and  taiga drama. No I’m not sorry.
When writing AU, I always like to include “cameo” of the original storyline (for example, as the plot of a book, or treating the canon games as a fractured dimension in Chimeriad Live AU’s, etc)
In Fractured Lives, I try to alternate Wingul and Gaius’ pov. It’s probably gonna bite me in the ass when some plot points work better in one pov but the chapter requires the other. I’ll probably have to come up with some fillers or something...
I have extensive headcanon about Auj Oule’s geography, history etc, which pops up in a lot of (planned) fics. Even if it’s different fics/AU’s (ex. Concubinage vs my pre-game gaiwin project vs the Wingul fic I was writing for the big bang), I reuse the same settings and OC’s. Most of those aren’t written/posted yet so it’s pretty self-contained for now, but if I ever get to completing those projects I hope it won’t be too confusing to readers who don’t follow all the stories...
21. What other medium do you think your story would work well as? (film, webcomic, animated series?)
If I had the art skills, I’d love to turn some of them into comics ;A;
22. Do you reread your old works? How do you feel about them?
Sometimes. Usually because I need to refresh my memory before writing a new chapter XD
23. What’s the story idea you’ve had in your head for the longest?
That project to write the whole pre-game Gaius & Wingul history, that’s something I’ve been wanting since forever. Well, I originally wanted to read it, but since no one’s gonna do it, I started thinking I should write it. It’s gonna be a huge project though...
24. Would you say your writing has changed over time?
I honestly have no idea. I do sense a difference in that it’s much easier for me to just write now; I guess habit helps. But I have no idea if style changed or anything lol.
25. What part of writing is the most fun?
Filling the tag with my OTP XD
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cupcakentea · 5 years
11/11/11 Meme
Thank you absolute darling @alienfuckeronmain for tagging me (there’s gonna be a lot more of those I’m gonna answer tonight)
What’s your favorite trope to reuse?  I love writing strangers to lovers or strangers to friends to lovers. It’s what feels the most natural to me as a writer, but maybe it’s because it helps me discovering my characters while they discover each others too. Probably has to do with some aspect of my personal preferences too, romantic and sexually-wise.
What’s a trope you wish you’d stop reusing? I guess I haven’t written enough at the moment to properly find a trope I’m overusing but there are definitely some details I’m coming back to I’d like to distance myself from but that ties in with the following question so...
What’s a trope you’d love to try your hand at but have never touched? I’d love to play with some very specific AUs ! The fics I’ve got out so far are all very reality-based or even canon so I’d like to go outside my comfort zone. But it might also be why i’m so slow with my WIPs too : since they’re not as easy for me to write, i get very discouraged. I’d also love to play with different dynamics like an enemies to lovers but some WIPs are gonna tackle that.
Who was your first OTP and would you ever consider going back and writing fic about them if you haven’t yet?  I think my first real OTP was Drarry and I could probably write about them if I ever had the wish to. So many possibilities and aspects to explore ! Welp I just remembered I actually wrote Drarry at some point but one was a drabble and the other one I just never finished.
What fandom would you write in if you had to write something outside your current fandom? Currently Drarry, maybe some 00Q and Villaneve.
Who’s your favorite character to write and why? I think I had the most affection for Zayn in Ajar. Honestly I always love reading fics with Zayn in and ones where there’s a fully realised and happy relationship with the boys. His role in the group dynamics in Ajar felt really important to me. Then Louis feels the most natural to write in POV wise and then Harry is the one I have the strongest feelings/opinions about but never manage to express them quite the way I’d want to.
Of all your stories, which is the one you wish you could go back and change, and what would you change about it? I’d probably reshape But There’s One I Always Miss. After writing longer fics I feel like I could have expanded it a lot more and delve deeper. But I ended up writing an add-on so maybe that’s enough for now.
If anything, what do you love to read but hate to write? Historical AUs. I kind of tried to once and it was horrendous I trashed it.
Conversely, what do you love to write but hate to read? So far nothing since I write so little ehe it’s a bit cheating.
Do you enjoy writing smut, and if so, what’s your favorite part about it? (if you hate it then tell me your least fave part). I do enjoy it but only when I’m in a specific mood and feeling positive things about sex. I love writing about the connection and the intimacy and the small things that I find really sexy in partnered sex.
Tell me about the current project you’re most excited about. Well... I’m very excited about the ideas of my WIPs in very different ways but I’m struggling so hard to get writing. I’ll probably end up posting one of them in 10 months. Currently 4: two actually written things going on and 2 mostly plan stage ones.  Most excited about a potential Killing Eve AU i’ve been working on last. I like the idea of having to explore a dark side of one of them, and actually the other one too, without shying away from finding them loveable and trying to find this weird push-pull feeling between those complementary aspects.
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