#goldilocks x king charming
sandy7h3oddboi · 3 months
"you better not get all sad over some small fictional ship when i get back home"
me, after thinking about goldilocks x king charming for more than 3 minutes:
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Can you do king charming X Goldy locks please
Call the police because I’m a big fat liar sooo yeah sorry for not posting I swear I was meant to post yesterday but here I am at 1:30 am because I’m an idiot
Anyway I always love writing the class of classics so this was really fun for me
Hope you enjoyed and have a great dayy!!
The sound of the orchestra rang about the room, the sound of chatter and clicking of heels filling the room.
King charming tended to really enjoy balls, but something about today seemed off to him. He didn’t know if it was his general mood or the fact he couldn’t be with the one he wanted.
Goldilocks had managed to weave herself through his mind and take root deep within where it made him think about her more than he should.
He didn’t know what it was about her. Maybe it was her laugh or the way she knew exactly what to say. In fact he thought that in an other life she would have been a perfect broadcaster.
But he did know he liked more than he should, liked her enough to make excuses to his destined and friends to go seek her out.
“Excuse me I have to… go see someone.” He winced at how awkward he sounded, queen charming must have thought the same as she raised her perfect brow at him.
“Old friend I know.” He added quickly hoping she’d just let him go. Luckily the good king distracted her with a question about something he didn’t care for.
He slipped away from the group, his eyes scanning the ballroom until he found the golden hair of the one girl he longed for.
She was standing with a few of her friends, laughing as the next little red riding hood recounted a story.
He found himself only a few feet away from her soon enough, with sweat building on his brow as he anxiously approached her.
Being near her felt as if all the struggles and expectations he faced faded into nothing. It was as if her aura just radiated a peace he longed for.
“- and I was not prepared at all because the next… oh! Hey what are you doing here?” King charming felt a blush creep up his neck as everyone turned to look at him.
He tried to get the words out but he found he was beyond flustered. Goldilocks seemed to sense his unease as she quickly jumped in.
“Will you excuse us? Just for a second.” Her friends gave her knowing smiles Red bumping her shoulder before leaving.
The pair made sure her friends were out of ear shot before speaking. “How come you’ve come to see me?” King charming felt a ping in his chest at her words.
He knew that he’d been neglecting his time with her but it still hurt to hear. A part of him liked to pretend that they were like any other people at ever after high.
“Well I made a promise to myself.”
“Oh? And what would that be?”
“That I’d dance with the most beautiful girl at ever after.”
Goldie’s heart pounded in her chest as he leaned down, his lips grazing the shell of her ear as the words rang out.
“Shouldn’t you be dancing with Snow White then?” King charming gave her an unimpressed look, his hand stretched out to her.
“How could I ask her when the most beautiful is standing right before me.” Before she could respond he had her hand in his while he led them to the dance floor.
Goldie should have been concerned with the vicious glare queen charming was throwing at her, of the gawking of nearly every student but she wasn’t.
Everything around her revolved around the prince before her, the picture perfect prince to match a picture perfect princess and tonight she was that princess.
King charming placed his hand on her waist, leading her into a waltz as the orchestra started to play.
The nerves inside him soon simmered down as he was engulfed in Goldilocks presence, with the smell of her honey oatmeal perfume, and her enchanting eyes.
He was so captivated in her that all thoughts and worries, disappeared into a mist of nothing as if all worries of ever after didn’t exist.
And as they waltzed around the ballroom, every pair of eyes on them, they wished that this moment could last forever.
Goldie felt as if her heart would implode with the sheer and raw emotion she felt, knowing that this was her just right.
So for tonight they both pretended as if this was destiny, as if they weren’t on two completely different story paths. And as if they belonged together.
Has anyone heard the Blondie is actually part of the charming siblings theory bc of king charming x Goldie romance in the class of classics books if sooo tell me what you think
Anyway tell me why I get an email from my teacher saying we have a very important part of my end of year grade test on the first week back of school like STOP
I don’t want to go back to that hell hole but what can I do
Hope you enjoyed and have a great dayy!!
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skrunklydoo · 4 months
i couldnt get enough of the ninjago monster high au i and @lonleyzodiac made so we made an ever after high au as well
the characters are all the sons and daughters of fairy tales with their elemental powers being tied moreso towards their heritages rather than anything else
the parents are more loosely based on the fairytale characters they stand in for tbh anyways characters under the cut
in no particular order, here’s some characters + their alignments (royal (will/wants to follow in the footsteps (destinies) of their parents) or rebel (will not follow their destinies), they’re all standins but not direct remakes of the EAH characters:
lloyd garmadon (rebel) - son of garmadon (or the evil king i guess)
nya hearts (rebel) - daughter of the knave and queen of hearts (intended to follow the destiny of the knave of hearts (being put on trial and punished for a crime she didn’t commit))
kai hearts (rebel (former royal)) - son of the knave and queen of hearts (intended to follow the destiny of the queen of hearts (becoming king of wonderland))
cole brookstone (rebel (former royal)) - son of the big bad wolf
jay hatter (rebel (former royal)) - son of the mad hatter
zane julien (rebel) - son of dr julien, or the snow king
geo hood (rebel) - son of robin hood (ran away to ever after high because of the stuff that went down)
pixal (rebel) - adopted daughter of eros
harumi cheshire (royal (but doesn’t like to admit it)) - daughter of the cheshire cat
sora white (royal) - daughter of snow white
arin kingsley (royal) - son of alice (he has no idea if his mum is still alive or still in wonderland or anything)
euphrasia charming (royal) - daughter of prince charming (standin for darling charming)
percival charming (royal) - son of prince charming (standin for daring charming, he constantly went after sora who was just not into him until he met arin)
echo julien (rebel) - a pinocchio-like character cursed to become a villain in his destiny (he’s cursed to become mr. e)
scott thorne (rebel (former royal)) - son of the dark fairy (clarification: in this au scott acts nothing like faybelle, he’s an absolute sweetheart in this don’t worry)
jordana jester (royal) - daughter of the joker card
vania beauty (rebel (former royal)) - daughter of sleeping beauty
akita blanc (royal) - daughter of the white rabbit
morro huntsman (rebel) - son of the huntsman (snow white)
wyldfyre (rebel) - daughter of beauty (beauty and the beast)
jacob piper (pevsner) (rebel) - son of the pied piper
nadakhan (royal) - son of captain hook
sky pirates (all royals) - children of captain hook’s crew
tox breadhouse (rebel) - daughter of the candy witch (hansel and gretel)
chamille swan (royal) - daughter of the swan queen
gale goldilocks (gossip) (royal) - daughter of goldilocks
cinder redford (rebel) - son of the red queen (not to be confused with the queen of hearts) (people think he’s the son of cinderella) (he’s not)
first headmaster (nickname for the first spinjitzu master) - just the first spinjitzu master, headmaster of ever after high
wu - FSM’s son, resident man-trapped-in-the-library-and-forced-to-speak-riddlish of the AU
garmadon - lloyd’s father, the evil king, wu’s brother and FSM’s son
the ships in this au (i always have to include ships i’m sorry /hj) are: technoshipping (jay x zane), lostshipping (cole x geo), citrus/deadbolt(?)shipping (echo x morro), royalshipping(?) (vania x harumi) and windtech/typewriter (sora x euphrasia) + not really a ship but percival having a massive one-sided crush on arin (who is completely oblivious to said obvious crushing)
most character last names are carried over from ever after high btw
characters crushing on other characters in EAH will be removed in this AU due to age differences unless stated otherwise
if you want to ask questions about any of my AUs, please do!!
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minnie-marvel · 5 years
Crown fell (Peter Parker x Reader) FINALE
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Asgard has been destroyed and the time has come for you to live on Midgard with your brothers Thor and Loki. They’ve decided in order to live among humans you must learn to adapt to them, and what better place to do that then high school? Don’t worry too much though, a very cute Peter Parker is ready to teach you and might be the Prince Charming you never thought you’d find on earth.
Peter Parker x Asgardian princess! reader
Words: 5k
A/N: FINALLY ITS COMPLETE!!!! I know i know it took like a thousand years but i finally did it and i can’t be any happier!! thank you all for staying along with me and being devoted enough to see this through to the end... I love you all so much!!! Now without further a dooooo..... the crown fell finale!!!
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Peter stumbled over his feet as he croaked out your name. He couldn’t even lift his arm, it stung too much from the impact of being flung into a brick wall. It took all but a moment to see you take Percius’ hand, expression emotionless as you were beamed up in a harsh blue light. He wished he could scream for you, cry for you, do anything that it would take to get your attention, but his efforts were fruitless.
It took all but a moment, but it was still too late. Dark clouds billowed throughout the heavens and there was a clap of thunder that echoed throughout the streets so loudly that for a moment, Peter felt himself quaking, struggling to stay on his feet.
“PERCIUS!!!” Thor roared throwing his hands back as they surged with absolute power. He slammed through at least thirty soldiers electrocuting them and burning them to charcoal. He saw Loki rush behind him arms flying daggers into any enemy that dared to cross gazes with him. Even Stephen Strange, the cool and collected sorcerer, seemed to be in a rare form due to the panic thwipping magic whips keeping all who he could away, all while sporting a very menacing glare.
Everyone seemed to be fighting for you, pushing past the enemies without seemingly breaking a sweat. Everyone but him, Peter thought. He hobbled over to Thor and the rest panting heavily.
“Where…” He coughed furiously as he struggled to breath, pressing on regardless. “Where did they take her?”
Thor looked gravely at the sky his limbs going weak as he hung his head low suddenly.
“To his home, nearly galaxies away from us.”
You barely looked out the ship’s cockpit window as you sat second to the pilot seat, Percius resting his hand on top of your chained one as he used the other to punch in quadrants. You would like to think that being out in the universe away from Midgard and with alien races far stronger than humans would have made you felt familiar, but in truth, you had never felt more distant from anyone in your entire life.
The silence was deafening, but you’d rather have your tongue cut from your mouth than speak another word to this arrogant piece of shit. Unfortunately, he didn’t seem to have the same sentiments.
“Worry not my dear, these chains will be gone from your wrists soon enough, and when they are, we will be married.”
You didn’t even have the energy to roll your eyes. What joy.
“We will have the ceremony at dusk, of course, that’s when the skies of my home are most beautiful. The people will be crowding by the thousands to finally see me rise as king of my kingdom,” he paused a moment to look at you, letting his fingers brush over yours. “With you, daughter of Odin, as my wife and queen.”
You only pursed your lips tighter now, hoping that if you bit into the bottom flesh you’d hold yourself back from saying anything that would cause you to end up choking him to death.
He lifted a slender finger and brought it to your cheek but before he could touch you, you snatched it from him squeezing hard almost enough to crunch the bone in your hand.
“I may become your bride, but I will not become your wife.”
He only laughed, enough to make you throw down his finger in anger. “You will find your way to me soon enough daughter of Odin. We have millennium to spend with one another.” He tapped away on the control board a few more times before pulling a lever sending you slamming back into your seat, the extensive speed of jumping fifty galaxies almost being too much. You felt your stomach fly into your throat and drop into your feet, the jostling of the ship causing you to feel slightly sickened. You hated space travel. It was nothing in comparison to your beloved bi-frost.
Soon enough the ship came to a halt, and an entirely new world sat below you. Your gaze turned to the new planet as Percius lowered the ship onto the ground, only feet away from what you assumed was the royal castle. When you first met, Percius had come from his planet to yours, so you had never gotten the chance to actually see his home. Now you were going to be stuck here for the rest of your life.  You felt your eyes water at the thought but refused to let them come. You had done this for Midgard.
You had done this for Peter.
Peter stood in a circle of some of the  Earth’s mightiest heroes and for the first time didn’t care about their status. The only thing that was racing through Peter’s mind wasn’t the fact that he was an insect compared to them, or the fact that they actually allowed him to stand nearby without giving him grief. The only thing Peter was thinking about, was you.  
Were you okay? What was that creep doing to you? Were they giving you things to eat and drink? Were you even able to see the sun where you were? Each question felt like a stab to his chest. If only he had seen you sooner, he could have saved you he
it. Now you were light years away from one another, wallowing in the fact that you both had failed the other.
Peter wasn’t paying attention to the other Avengers, that was until he felt an oddly gentle pat from Thor’s hand on his shoulder. He looked up at him and wiped furiously at his face, mixing the grime from battle and his tears together.
“Rest assured spiderling...this is not the end.”
“Goldilocks is right kiddo, no need to admit defeat yet,” Tony started opening up a panel in his forearm’s armor and typed into some type of keypad inside. He heard a loud whirring noise that canceled out whatever Loki had clearly snapped at Tony. Soon the quinjet was floating down a little ways away from the group opening its door to allow boarding.
“All aboard the quinjet folks, we don’t have much time,” he said already making a steady jog towards its doors.
Peter tried to suppress his grunts over his aching limbs, but soon enough found his arm lifted over a very tall Thor’s shoulder. Thor tried his best to bend over so that Peter wouldn’t be lifted into the air, but due to his extraordinary stature, Peter’s feet still ended up barely touching the ground.
Soon enough, the team gathered into the quinjet seating themselves properly and buckling themselves in. Peter sat nearby the stranger in the red cloak. He would have properly introduced himself, maybe he would have even tried to give him a proper handshake but he was just so tired.
“Hey wizard man, up front and center, I need your magic expertise,” Tony called from the front. The stranger rolled his eyes sighing loudly.
“I’m uh… I’m guessing that’s you?” Peter croaked.
“I suppose it is.” The man said unclicking his buckle. “Dr. Strange,” He corrected before walking back over to Tony.
“I’m!! Uh, I’m Spiderman!! It’s nice to meet you, Mr. Strange,” he tried calling back. Peter sighed feeling his energy being zapped from him again. The most he could manage to do was try to listen to Strange and Tony converse to see if there was any progress in finding your location.
“She’s had enough tie to the mystic arts that I may be able to locate her through my sorcery, but unfortunately that doesn’t seem to be the problem here.”
Loki nodded his arms tight against his chest. “We know where she is, but this primitive Midgardian technology will not be able to even withstand space travel, let alone a fifty galaxy jump from Midgard.” He hissed.
“Okay, seriously? You’re about one comment away from being dropped on your Asgardian ass outside this ship mid-flight, you oily weasel.”  Tony turned to point a threatening finger at the trickster God.
“I’d like to see you try you half pint sorry excuse of a hero- what have you against me, a GOD?! Perhaps a gaudy suit that I could easily crunch into pieces with a single flick of my finger?”
“Really? Oh! Oh really!! See, I don’t really remember that herculean strength when I nearly beat your ass into the ground back in twenty twelve-”
“Can you guys please for the love of God, SHUT UP?!”
Everything went silent. For a second, Peter was glad that someone had finally said it, that was until he realized he was the one that said it. Every pair of eyes focused on him, burning holes into his body. He swallowed hard and suddenly felt his eyebrows furrow. Wait, why in the world did he give a single fuck about what they thought? It was you who was in trouble right now, who cared if he bruised a few egos in order to get their asses moving?
“Now is not the time to be fighting. I’m the actual teenager here and I’m pretty sure I’ve shown enough maturity than all of you combined- except you Mr. Thor and Mr. Dr. Strange, you guys are cool- the point is! We shouldn’t be fighting right now, we should be working as a team so that we can rescue the princess and get the hell out of that cumulo-jack ass’s planet.”
The whole room went quiet until a slowly scowing Tony tilted his head. “I’m sorry, but did you just swear? When we get home you’d better have a quarter in your hand to put in the curse ka-ching jar-”
Peter made loud groan and pulled at his hair shaking himself wildly. “Mr. Stark!! Not the point!! I swear it’s like-”
“Don’t worry kid, I heard you loud and clear.”
Peter looked up at him again fearing that he might have misheard. “Mr. Stark?”
“We’ve gotta work together if we’re going to get the princess back to Earth with her family, if that means zipping a lip to avoid being distracted then that’s what we’ve gotta do.” He gave his protege a final nod before turning back to the sorcerer. “Tell me you’ve got a plan, ‘cause I’ve got nothing.”
“As a matter of fact, I think I do. A moment of your time if you will,” Strange pounded his fists together in a shockingly fluid and quick motion, it almost looked like he was participating in a secret handshake by himself. Soon enough, a bright orange portal appeared before him displaying an odd sort of study. Peter tilted his head as the doctor stood up and simply walked in as if he had done it a thousand times before, which he probably had, and walked out with a small ornate looking brush colored in teal and decorated in golden embroidery. The colors matched perfectly with your armor and your royal robes, Peter had no doubt that it was yours.
“The princess, as intelligent and cunning as she is, can be quite forgetful sometimes.” He reached into your hairbrush pulling out a single strand of your hair. In an instant, he stretched it far between his two fingers and the hair illuminated as if it were kissed by the sun. Strange walked from his seat to the exit of the quinjet, soon making large motions with the hair and letting it metamorphasize from a small strand into a huge whip. With another whisk of his magic fingers, the whip had turned into a large ring, focusing on some sort of land that Peter could only describe as out of this world.
Strange walked back into the quinjet and sure he looked a little smug when he did, but Peter didn’t care. At least his cockiness was easily justified.
“Is that where she is?” Peter asked swallowing the lump that had somehow formed in his throat.
“Definitely,” Thor started to lean out of his chair when he spoke. “I recognize the kingdom, there is no doubt that the wizard’s magic has located her.”
“Actually, I’m not a wizard more like a supreme sorcerer-”
“Alright then kids, we have our heading, and we can’t keep this portal open forever,” Tony cut the ‘wizard’ off, looking back at his other teammates. “Anyone have a plan?”
“Daughter of Odin, you look absolutely stunning!” You looked into the vanity mirror of a large dressing room that had been provided for you for your wedding day. You stared at yourself silently, focusing over the work that had been done to you. A soft shade of pastel blue had been brushed on the lids of your eyes, along with a slick thick black line sharpening its way out of your eyelids. With a light touch of foundation, a nude lipstick, and a form-fitting wedding dress to complete your outfit, you undoubtedly looked like a bride, but in your heart, you felt nothing short of an alien’s prisoner.
“Do I?” You asked slowly standing up from the vanity taking a few steps back to see the entire look. The sweetheart neckline and underlying corset seemed to be conforming your figure in one that made your already beautiful attributes protrude into something foreign to you. A golden necklace adorned your neck covering almost the entirety of your shoulders and collar bones. Your hair wasn’t in its usual style but now was being pinned up in five golden rods, almost as if the sun’s rays were peeking over your head with a lace veil hanging from behind. Everyone else must have imagined that you thought yourself beautiful, but inside you could hardly feel yourself breathing.
There was a sudden knock at the door pulling you out of your grief for a moment only to recognize that someone was here. Your apparent handmaiden rushed to the door, opening it quickly only to bow so low that her entire body nearly touched the ground.
“Tell the daughter of Odin that the ceremony will begin in but a moment,” the gruff voice said. You couldn’t even be bothered to turn your gaze.
“Yes, milord. I will prepare her to walk promptly.” The door slammed again and the smaller alien girl came by your side again. “My lady?”
“What.” You didn’t mean for your voice to come out as cold as it did, but could you really help it? You were miserable. To this poor girl, you must have seemed like the evil queen getting ready to snake her way to the throne. Little did she know, how much you would have preferred to be anywhere but here.  Even if it meant being in the wreckage of your homeland, that was, if there was anything left of it.
“Ah… well... it seems that the ceremony will be starting soon milady… your marriage ceremony.”
“So it seems.” You couldn’t even stand to look at your reflection any longer and turned your body towards the door staring at the open entrance.
“Shall we go?” She almost seemed afraid to ask you. Her fear wasn’t misplaced, if you still had fight in you, you could have undoubtedly sent her to her knees with less than a flick of your fingers. Lucky for her, you were extinguished, your passion to fight for Midgard utterly snuffed out. In your eyes, this ceremony was your fight for Midgard, it was the only way to ensure the realm���s safety.
“Tell me honestly,” You turned your icy gaze to her sending shivers down the handmaiden’s spine. “Do I have much of a choice?” Her reaction was almost instant, her head snapped in a lowly bow.
“Forgive me your highness...but we must leave.” She took a moment to grab a bouquet of foreign flowers. They were large and gaudy looking but this seemed to be nothing in comparison to the other problems you had currently.
You could have laughed in pity. “I see. It seems I don’t then. Very well, let us finish this foolishness quickly.”
The girl stood in front of you quickly taking the veil that was tucked away before over your eyes and soon you were walking away, moving towards the chapel’s hall. Your heart seemed to crack a tinge with every step that you took. As the grand chapel doors swung open with a loud creak, thousands of people rose to turn and look at you as the door slowly creaked back close. Your eyes may have been dead and emotionless, but inside you felt like vomiting all over the royal carpeting.
Regardless, you kept walking a choir of nimbans singing sweetly as you made your arrival. An alien orchestra swelled with passionate music. You looked through the veil’s lace to see Percius standing at the end of the aisle, hands folded contempt behind his back and an ever-present charming smile plastered on his face. You wish you could have slapped that stupid smirk clear off of him.
You made your way to the altar and stood opposed to him after the handmaiden lifted the veil off of your face. Your anguish started to mix with agony. Thor and Loki should have been the ones walking you down your wedding aisle, not this stranger. The music slowed and quieted down as the minister lowered his upraised arms signaling the guests to take their seats.
“We are gathered here today in holy matrimony, to bind both the kingdoms and souls of two individuals who are destined to bring our realm to prosperity.” You didn’t even look into your future husband’s eyes as the minister continued.
“Our kingdom has been blessed with a heaven that rains down visions of the future. The sky is our guide, and as evidenced by its brilliant color,” He took a moment to motion to it with one hand. Percius didn’t lie, the sky was absolutely gorgeous. “A bright future must lay ahead for our soon to be king and queen.” The sky looked like some sort of kaleidoscope, colors of orange, pink, red and violet continued to morph in the heavens. Barely a cloud floated past as your eyes glanced at the few planets that seemed to be in close orbit.
“Today is the beginning of a prosperous destiny, the skies deem it so!” He took a moment to look between the two of you. “And it all begins, with this ceremony.” He smiled quietly before continuing the service. “I ask you now to take one another’s hands.”
Percius couldn’t have grabbed your hands sooner. You guessed it was to keep the public from knowing how much you despised him. “You look absolutely ravishing, my love,” He whispered softly as you finally looked into his eyes.
“To you perhaps.” You replied your expression not faltering from its emotionless state. He only smiled in return, but you could see the toxicity in his smile seem to leak out of him, almost like an overflowing dam.
“As the heavens as our witness, as well as the entirety of our kingdom’s people, the time has come to bind these two lover’s hearts as one.” You felt your heart start to beat out of your body, and your chest began to rise and fall as if you had been running for miles on end. Oh god, it was happening, you were about to be wed to this monster.
“I only ask that if any parties deem this matrimony unfit to continue to speak now or forever hold your peace.” To anyone else, it might have looked like your eyes were leaking tears of joy. But you knew the truth, they were tears of sorrow.
“Shall anyone present evidence to ensure that this holy union cease to take place?”
There was a huge slam and the pair of doors that you had walked down only minutes before were now skidding across the floor as if they’d been flicked by a giant.
“Yeah, I’ve got a couple of words!”
Your heart dropped and your head snapped to the entrance to see Peter standing at the end of the aisle chest heaving heavily as your brothers, Tony Stark and Doctor Strange stood behind him.
“We’re here to take you home princess, away from this Strato-shithead!”
“Again with the cursing?! Kid, we need to have a serious talk when we get home about your language-”
“Peter!!!” You shrieked his name with absolute joy. For the first time during this entire ceremony you had finally showed a trace of joy, and it looked beautiful on you.
You picked up the front of your dress gearing yourself to rush forward to Peter so that you’d never have to let go of him again, but you felt someone grab onto your forearm digging nails into your skin.
“You will be going nowhere with my bride.”
You saw Loki’s face transform into something absolutely ugly, seething with rage you had only seen when he had been taken back to Asgard as a prisoner. “You’ll wish you never laid a hand on my sister, whence I slice that wrist from her arm!”
Thor said nothing snide in return, he only rushed forward along with the rest of the Avengers hollering with a bloody rage, hands, and arms crackling with electricity.
You turned back to Percius, seemingly having switched expressions; yours full of charm and spite, his grey and full of fear.
“You will regret ever laying your eyes on me.” You took the hand that was free and opened it quickly your dagger materializing in your hand. You swiped furiously with a scream causing the entire crowd to shriek in fear as Percius’s hand dropped from your arm onto the floor.
“YOU WENCH!!” He bellowed his other hand flying to his wounded arm as he dropped to a knee.
You started running again as the chapel erupted in a panic, soldiers suddenly leaving their posts to run after you and the Avengers. “Peter!!!” You cried again.
He called out your name while thwipping one web from each hand on a pew practically slingshotting himself into your open arms, hugging you so tight you thought he might have broken your spine all together. You didn’t care if he broke your spine or any other bones. As long as he held you in his arms, nothing could harm you. No injury or ailment could possibly compare to the pain that you felt when you thought you had lost him forever. Now, you were absolutely sure without a doubt, he was your one true love, no prince of a foreign realm could ever compare to him.
“I love you.” You whispered quickly your eyes scanning him with fear, joy, and affection all at once. You felt like your heart was spilling.
You rolled his mask above his nose and kissed him, slamming your mouth on him crying while you did. You held his face in your hands fearing that if you let go for even a moment he would disappear from you altogether. You parted from him, breathing heavily as you touched your forehead to his. He opened his mouth to confess to you, but not before Thor’s voice could be heard echoing throughout the chapel not giving him a moment to register what had even happened.
“Get her out of here spiderling!” Thor shouted as he barrelled into a group of guards thunder cracking on impact.
“Got it!” Peter grabbed your legs in one of your arms and supported your back in the other pressing you close to his chest. “Can you hold on princess?”
You threw the veil and pins from out of your hair and let it flow out against your neck. You shook it from its forced neatness and your crown formed on your head instantly as you reclaimed your identity. You were no Nimban Queen, you were Odin’s daughter, princess of Asgard and sister to the Gods of mischief and thunder.
You didn’t even bother trying to wipe away your tears. “Believe me, I will never let go of you again.” Your arms wrapped around his neck, and he started to use one hand to support you creating a web over the arch of the now busted doorway. Soon, you were in the air flying with him wind brushing through your hair as you moved through the castle. Peter created webs in a fluid motion, not stopping for a minute until you were out of the castle and back on your feet running towards the poorly parked quinjet that sat on top of what you could only guess was the royal gardens.
“As soon as I let the team know, Doctor Strange is gonna like portal us out of here and we can get back to Earth!”
“I’d like to see you try!!” You turned around to see Percius standing weakly holding a sword in his one hand, the other still dripping blood from where you amputated it. He had a crazed look in his eye and his once charming smile now looked demonic stretching from ear to ear as he fought back laughter.
“Now, I care not of our marriage,” He shouted walking forward. “The only ring I’d like to see you in my dear is one around your neck hanging from a six meter high gallow!!”
You grabbed your two daggers at your side. “Not that I care of what happens with you, but this could have been avoided Percius,” You snarled tossing them in the air and catching them again. “Had it not been for your blinding ego, you could have gotten married to someone else with your dignity and your hand still intact!”
You both ran towards one another quickly but before you could collide you leaped into the air flipping over Percius to the ground behind him. “PETER!” You shouted quickly. Peter knew instantly what to do almost as if your thoughts were synchronized and sprayed him in web causing him to fall off balance face forward into the ground. You knelt behind him pressing a knee into his back causing him to scream in agony.
“I will show you mercy Percius if you allow me to.”
“Never,” he spat a glob of spit onto the floor as he continued to thrash and scream. “I will never allow a witch like you show me mercy,”
“You are blinded by your own foolishness again.” You hissed into his ear. “If you relinquish your chase of me you will still be able to rule your country, your people, your home.” You took your dagger pressing it into his back. “Don’t make me take all that you have away from you as you did me.” He said nothing only breathed heavily as you continued to restrain him.
“Princess, we’ve gotta go,” Peter said cautiously.
“...You will leave this place.” Percius said finally. “And never return.”
“That’s all I needed to hear,’ You grabbed him by the web roped that restrained him and lifted him by it placing him next to the nearest wall. Peter came beside you and webbed him to his castle before taking your hand looking into your eyes seemingly to start to pick up from when you had kissed him.
“I don’t understand…” Percius croaked. “What does this Midgardian have that I don’t possess… why do you love him and not I?”
You smiled taking your hand, brushing it against Peter’s cheek. You didn’t even grace Percius with an answer, you only started making your way back to the quinjet in a quick jog while Peter informed the rest of the Avengers that they had gotten to the ship safely and were ready to leave.
After sitting in the jet, the rest of the Avengers arrived via Stranges portal and you found yourself together again. You rushed towards your brothers and hugged them tightly.
“Thank the Nords you have returned to us….” Loki whispered into your hair. You nodded softly in their arms.
“Let’s go home…”
You returned to the compound, all in one piece and all much happier than when you had last left it. The rest of the team had gathered to discuss what needed to be done in order to restore the poor town that you all had helped destroyed thanks to Percius’ army, leaving you and Peter alone to talk. You stood outside on the balcony of your room with Peter overlooking the forest greenery of Midgard, breathing in the pine and relishing in it.
“So I heard you were the calm headed hero in the midst of chaos,” You said quietly your eyes glancing to his from the side.
“I was pretty confident I was going to get an Asgardian ass-whopping when I did but yeah,” he smiled at you. “If it was for you, I wouldn’t really care,”
“How heroic,” You beamed at him. You turned yourself to him fully and cupped his face in one hand. “You really are my knight in shining armor,”
Peter blushed a bright cherry red and placed one of his hands over yours leaning in closer to you. “I know I’m not some foreign prince who’s swimming in money but...for you…I’d cross an ocean, I’d give up my spidey suit, I’d… I’d even go to another flash party.”
You couldn’t help but snort, your eyes squinting as you smiled. “I know you would, I’d do the same for you, Peter.”
He leaned even closer. “I’d even…ask your two terrifying god brothers if I could date you and risk a knife to the leg and a thunderbolt to the chest…” He whispered suppressing a laugh. “You want to know why?”
“Because I love you…” He gave you a quick peck on your lips before pulling back and gazing into your eyes. “You do know that...right?”
You threw your arms around him kissing him quicker than he had standing on your toes to reach him. You pulled back breathless. “I do Peter…” You brushed his brown locks behind his ear.
“I do.
“Crown Fell” Tag
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ao3feed-mythology · 7 years
Worlds Collide
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2H3HH8o
by Reader88
Alex has gone missing! While the makeshift army tries to locate her, they learn that they will have to fight their final battle in the mysterious continent of Arabia!
Will the twins be able to restore balance in the fairy-tale world?
Words: 650, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 3 of Worlds Collide
Fandoms: The Land of Stories Series - Chris Colfer, The Wizard of Oz & Related Fandoms, Oz - L. Frank Baum, Peter Pan & Related Fandoms, Peter Pan - J. M. Barrie, Alice In Wonderland - Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland (Movies - Burton), Once Upon a Time in Wonderland (TV), King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - All Media Types, Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling, Chronicles of Narnia - C. S. Lewis, Chronicles of Narnia (Movies), Halloween Movies - All Media Types, Marvel (Comics), Heroes For Hire (Comics), Blade - All Media Types, X-Men - All Media Types, Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rick Riordan, The Heroes of Olympus - Rick Riordan, Greek and Roman Mythology, كتب الف ليلة و ليلة | Kitaab 'alf layla wa-layla | One Thousand and One Nights & Related Fandoms
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Multi
Characters: Alex Bailey, Conner Bailey, Goldilocks (The Land of Stories), Jack (The Land of Stories), Red Riding Hood (The Land of Stories), Mother Goose, Dorothy Gale, Scarecrow (Oz), Tin Woodman, Cowardly Lion, Princess Ozma, Land of Oz Residents, Peter Pan, Lost Boys (Peter Pan), Neverland Indians, Alice (Alice in Wonderland), White Rabbit (Alice in Wonderland), Mad Hatter (Alice in Wonderland), March Hare, The Walrus and the Carpenter (Alice in Wonderland), Cheshire Cat (Alice in Wonderland), Gryphon (Alice in Wonderland), Mock Turtle (Alice in Wonderland), Tweedledee (Alice in Wonderland), Tweedledum (Alice in Wonderland), Dormouse (Alice in Wonderland), Various Alice in Wonderland Characters, King Arthur - Character, Merlin, Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, Ginny Weasley, Neville Longbottom, Luna Lovegood, Dumbledore's Army (Harry Potter), Death Eater(s), Harry Potter Characters, Aslan (Narnia), Caspian (Narnia), Glenstorm (Narnia), Trufflehunter (Narnia), Trumpkin (Narnia), Leonardo (TMNT), Michelangelo (TMNT), Donatello (TMNT), Raphael (TMNT), Splinter (TMNT), Luke Cage, Danny Rand, Jessica Jones, Blade | Eric Brooks, X-Men (Team), Krista Starr, Percy Jackson, Annabeth Chase, Grover Underwood, Nico di Angelo, Gleeson Hedge, Jason Grace, Piper McLean, Frank Zhang, Hazel Levesque, Chiron (Percy Jackson), Camp Half-Blood Campers, The Hunters of Artemis (Percy Jackson), Greek Gods and Mythological People, Froggy | Prince Charlie Charming, Bree Campbell
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2H3HH8o
0 notes
lantanasmuttyfanfics · 7 months
can you do a part two of the evil queen/good king fanfic? i loved it so much and I loved how you described the playful dynamic between them. i also LOVEDDD how you described the evil queen. thank you sooo muchhh!! 💖
No smut in this.
I’m sorry please don’t come at me! I just had this fluff idea that I wanted to write with them and I didn’t know how to add smut.
Anyway I hope you enjoyed even without smut
Part 2 of the previous good king x evil queen (you can find the first part after the snow x evil queen post)
The good king always worried about her. He worried about her at day, at night even in dreams. But considering she was the destined evil queen he felt foolish to want to wrap her in a protective bubble and not let her do anything dangerous.
If he did try she’d probably bite his head of, she already showed she’d be willing when she thought that he was flirty with Snow White. So instead he worried from within and at a very unnoticeable level.
So here he was wondering to the stadium with his friend king charming as they went to see the midterm dragon games. Everyone was buzzing with excitement, some students like the future Goldilocks having taken their seats an entire 2 hours before.
I mean it’s not like he was arriving very reasonably aswell, the game started in half an hour and the teams were probably still warming up. But a chance to see his queen, dressed in those tight leathers and maybe sneak a quick detour, now that he couldn’t pass up on.
King charming had only agreed to come as his own destined queen, Princess charming, had recently been transferred onto the team after a member of Snow Whites team had gotten injured. To say that his friend was nervous was an understatement.
“It’ll be fine.” He patted the charmings arm giving him a reassuring smile as he turned to look back at the arena. “Easy for you to say. Princess barely has an athletic bone in her body, she’s madly uncoordinated at anything but ladylike activities.”
The good king paused turning to look at his friend in apprehension. Were they talking about the same girl, as in Princess charming who climbed the schools tower because her pet cat got scared so high, as in Princess Charming who challenged the future Cheshire Cat into a puzzle game?
Sure. Only ladylike activities for her.
“And besides! Playing against that barbaric evil queen. Who’s to say she won’t curse the poor girl.” The good king kicked his friend in the leg, giving him quick glare and warning look before the stadium started to get super packed.
Soon the games were about to begin and the commentator of today (Goldilocks) was cheerfully announcing the arrival of Snow Whites team. “Ladies and gentlemen! Can we give a cheer for Snow White!”
The stadium erupted in cheers and claps as the beautiful Snow White and her team strutted out, the said girl gave a curtsy and let doves fly to her arms as she walked to the camera “hello everyone! I’m very excited to apart of this years dragon games.”
The doves flew of her arms and the team got seated on their dragons, next Goldilocks announced his evil queens team. “And now for Snow Whites biggest nemesis. The Evil Queen.” The good king whistled as his girl came out a clap of thunder runging behind her.
He shook his head at her theatrics, cheering once more as she went up to the camera. “I’m not going to waste time here. I’m here to win, and I will.” Snow rolled her eyes while the queen smirked and jumped on her dragon.
Both teams now flying into position the enchanted ball, rose up to the air hovering for a sec before its levitation magic disappeared and the whistle was blown. Both captains dove down to get the ball, Snow Whites hair flowing elegantly behind her as the evil queen rolled her eyes this time.
Managing to grab the ball she swiftly came out of her nose dive and flipped upside down in the air with her dragon as she avoided one of Snows members. Seeing that one of her was open she threw the ball hard watching as just at the last second Princess charming spewed up and grabbed the ball.
The evil queen cursed and king charmings mouth fell on the floor. Shouting at her nearest member they started to encircle the girl, the queens dragon sending a fire blast her way. Shrieking princess abruptly did a flip her hand losing grip of the ball.
Seeing her opportunity she dove down again, from the corner of her seeing Snow heading right for her. Smirking she let her dragons tail wack the other dragon in the face, making Snow momentarily lose control.
Grabbing the ball again, she flew lower to the ground this time. Her head tucked deeply into her shoulder as she did an abrupt turn and pulled her dragon to fly straight up at the goal. Seeing that the goal was empty of the defender, the evil queen chucked the ball watching fall in the hoop.
Laughing she and her team cheered as Snow White groaned, “oh what the matter dear? Your not acting like the fairest of the them all right now.” She saw as the words dug into her nemesis, her mouth lifting into a smirk as they went back to positions.
The whistle blew again and Snow managed to grab it this time, the evil queen shouted in frustration as she order her team mate to intercept Snow from the back while she went to the front. But just as they were about to get into position a princess from the opposing team came and knocked them back.
Letting a small amount of her powers show she quickly calmed down and raced towards a speeding Snow White, who was dangerously close to putting the ball into the hoop. “Obstruct!” The queen shouted hoping that the nearest player would block Snow.
But alas, the wretched Snow swiftly turned to the side and approached the hoop even faster now. Gritting her teeth, the evil queen did a spin dive under Snow White before soaring up right in front of her. Smirking, the evil queen let her dragon let a fire ball burst into the air, filling Snows vision with fog.
Nonetheless, as the evil queen faced Snow, her dragon positioned on the righ while Snows was positioned for the left, she raised her arm high up. The crowd held their breaths, the sound of the dragons roaring at each other seemingly the only sound as Snow White attempted to shoot.
The Evil Queen watched the ball soar straight for her, she pushed against her seat hand stretched wide as she went to intercept. Snow gritted her teeth, leaning forward in her saddle as she prayed that the ball with go in.
The audience also started to hush, the good king especially watching the moment intently. And in the evil queens attempt to catch the ball, she slipped. Her foot slipped from the hooks of the saddle, making her stumble forward as the ball flew above her head.
The crowd gasped and then cheered as Snow White and her team all started shouting in joy. The good king on the other hand, even from afar, could see the pure rage in his queens eyes. The smoking of purple that oozed out of her as she untangled her foot from the hook.
The coach ordered them to get back in position and Goldilocks focused the camera back on herself. “Well ladies and gentlemen of Ever After! What an intense moment! If it hadn’t been for that faulty foot buckle maybe that point wouldn’t have happened. But who knows.”
The camera focused back on the teams as they got back into starting positions, team members from each team all looking tired after an intense two rounds. Sighing deeply, the evil queen kept her eyes trained on the ball, not letting anything distract her as the whistle blew.
Moving past faster than anyone could comprehend, the evil queen had the ball tucked under her arm, dodging and moving past each and every person she came across. Even if it was her own teammate. The only thing on her mind right now was getting that ball in the hoop no matter what.
Seeing Snow White attempt to block her by doing twist spin, she dived down in her own twist spin nose dive. But she did it so quickly and abruptly that she made herself dizzy, her eyes blurring as her head pounded.
Pushing through her dizziness, she yanked the reigns back up pulling her dragon into an other spin that had her panting and squeezing her eyes shut to block out the dizziness. But as she opened her eyes she was met with the fiery burst of Snow Whites dragon, forcing her to have to do an other quick maneuver.
This time she ended up under the bell of the dragon, the only problem was that she was flying upside down and that dizziness was not going away. As the evil queen attempted to yank and pull at her dragon with the heel of her foot, she suddenly felt like she was floating.
No, not floating. Falling.
Gasping the evil queen looked around, her hazy eyes allowing her to see little. But she felt the wind rushing past her, the nothingness around her legs and bottom, and the feeling of her hair whipping past her as she fell… and fell.
The evil queen cursed. Why wasn’t any of her magic working? No, why wasn’t her mouth moving? Why wasn’t she casting a spell to slow her decent and impact? She couldn’t think of why, as the next second she felt her world go black.
People in the stands all gasped and shouted in surprise and fear as they saw the undefeatable and terrifying Evil Queen fall from her saddle and plummet quickly to the ground. Snow White, despite herself raced down to catch her nemesis, blaming it on destiny.
If the evil queen died before graduation how would Snow White get her happily ever after?
But the one person who was the most scared the most petrified was the Good King. He felt as if someone had knocked the air out of his lungs as he watched helplessly. He was a hero. How could he think of nothing to do but watch as his love plummeted to her death.
Every other hero and teacher was taking action into trying to catch his love, so why was he only watching as Snow White of all people raced down to catch the Evil Queen.
Feeling as if reality just hit him, the good king sprung from his seat, sprinting towards the stadium grounds. He held his breath, taking small glances at her once every few seconds as she continued to plummet, Snow White not to far behind. And yet seemingly so far behind as his love was still falling.
He wondered as he ran, why wasn’t she using her magic to stop herself from death. He knew she was capable. Sure he’d never seen her do that, but he’d seen her place even powerful spells on students. Spells that seeme far more advanced that a simple slowing speed spell. So why wasn’t she?
He didn’t let himself think much further on the matter as he saw that his love was now probably only 100 feet from impact. It might have seemed a lot but she probably had only seconds before death.
Miraculously, Snow White dove in the same maneuver that had his love falling out her seat under. But all that mattered was that seconds later the evil queen was safely mounted onto Snow Whites dragon as she landed with grace.
Everyone cheered and clapped for Snow, the good king himself letting out a thank you to whatever was out there as he sprinted towards them. Seeing him approach Snow jumped of her dragon, setting the evil queen on the ground as the good king and members of faculty also arrived.
“Ms White, we are forever indebted to you my future queen.” Headmaster Grimm bowed before he turned his attention to the evil queen. He signaled to a healer to approach, and the good king sunk to his knees holding his loves hand.
“I’m not sure what happened. She just seems to have passed out. Ms White what do you think happened? You were the closest person when this happened.” Snow White perked up before she cleared her sing song voice.
“Well, I was trying to grab the ball from her when suddenly she flew under the belly of my dragon. When I looked down she was upside down aswell, next thing I saw was her foot trying to pull or do something at the saddle. Then poof! Falling.”
Headmaster Grimm nodded thanking her as he directed his attention onto the good king. Saying nothing he nodded and started to order staff members to block view of the evil queen from students as two pixie nurses came with a stretcher and put the evil queen on.
Standing back up the good king followed the pixies and healer as he stared at the abnormally pale face of his love.
3 days had passed since the incident.
It was the only thing anyone could talk about, the wonder of how this happened and when the evil queen would wake up. Indeed she had yet to awaken after three days, some people had suggested that maybe the good king should try giving her a true loves kiss.
That worked for most unconscious women in Ever After, but he would never admit that on the first 2 hours of the evil queen being unconscious he had tried that. He had gently placed his lips onto hers and gave her a small kiss, when that obviously didn’t work he was only left with his embarrassment.
But on the brighter side of things, his loves roommate, little red riding hood had agreed to let the good king stay in their dorm where the evil queen would rest while little red would stay with her mysterious boyfriend…
The good king had been more than grateful and so for the last 3 days here he was staying in his loves dorm taking care of her while she was unconscious. And so here he was now, sitting beside her as he played with a strand of hair, giving her temple a kiss.
Hearing the bell ring for dinner, the good king sighed and went to get up when he suddenly felt something. Pausing for a second he turned to look at the queen who was very much still unconscious, blaming it as a trick of his mind he went to leave again.
This time to be stopped by the sound of the soft groan leaving his loves mouth, with widened eyes he quickly sat down holding her hand as the evil queens eyes fluttered open. She groaned again going to cover her eyes from the light before the good king laughed in joy.
“Are you ok? What happened? You’ve been asleep for so long. How did-.” She cut him of with a kiss to the cheek as she attempted to sit up. Helping her she rested her head against the pillows as she rubbed her eyes.
“What happened?” The good king paused taking a moment to collect his thoughts as he answered. “Well you fell unconscious while on your dragon and fell of. Snow White saved you.” The evil queen let out a gagging noise as she rolled her eyes.
“Should’ve let me die.” The good king gave her a look before he squeezed her in a hug, not being able to contain himself. “I’ve been so worried about you sweetheart… and I was so scared when I saw you fall.” The evil queen who would usually make fun of him for saying such mushy stuff only pecked his lips.
“It’s ok I’m fine, I think I just got magic drainage. It happens when I’m not sleeping or eating well and over using my magic when I do those things.” The good king furrowed his brows letting himself inspect her as she stared at him.
He wondered how after a three day coma she looked so ethereal, so beautiful. It was one of the many wonders of the world.
Thinking back to what she said he looked at her with a pointed look “why weren’t you eating.” She rolled her eyes burrowing deeper in the covers. “To busy with practice.” He sighed placing his head in the crook of her neck. “You’ll be the death of me.”
She chuckled wrapping him in a hug. “By the way. Where’s my roommate?” The good king shrugged, playing with an other strand of platinum hair. “With her mystery boyfriend.” The evil queen snorted at that and went to get up.
“Nah uh for now I’m taking care of you because you can’t seem to be trusted.” Here he was again…worrying about her.
Hope you enjoyed part 2!!
Anyway I just want to inform you guys that I won’t be taking anymore EAH commissions for now.
(It’s not permanent just for now, it will probably be for 2 weeks at most)
Honestly I just need a small break to write about other fandoms that I love.
But I will be posting one more EAH draft I have by probably Wednesday so stay tuned!!
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