#god pls dame la fuerza
kinnards · 2 years
a little tip for people who want to write a bit of spanish into their buddie fics:
querido = dear, not really common as a pet name nowadays unless you're like. a grandma
mi amor = my love, people also use just 'amor' and its probably the most common petname
other cute petnames in spanish include: mi cielo/cielito, mi vida, bebé, cariño (also used by older people), and others depending of the country, you can look that up.
boyfriend = novio, but there's a lot of different slang to mean that kind of relationship, look it up too.
do Not translate holy shit as 'santa mierda', that's not actually a thing! i've seen it too many times and. no. please.
fuck = joder, but it's more commonly used in spain than in latinoamerica. also since it's a verb it has conjugations and shit (ie. dont fuck with me = no me jodas, fucking sexy = jodidamente sexy). it can also be translated as 'maldito/a' depending on the context, like an insult (ie. fucking idiot = maldito idiota).
fuck as an exclamation of frustration can be translated to 'la concha de tu madre!' (your mother's cunt), conveys same feeling as screaming out 'fuck!' hkajsjsk used in various countries.
to fuck/have sex = coger, follar (also most common in spain but i've heard other latinos use it, not where i live though). there's a lot of slang in this too.
nieto = grandson yes, but abuelas dont really call you nieto all the time, they use petnames or nicknames(?) it's really common to have a special nickname only your family uses, like eddito in eddie's case. i would have her and pepa call him eddito instead of nieto or sobrino (nephew)
gringo = person from europe/usa. or just mostly white and/or blond people. can be used as a descriptor or as an insult, it really does depend on context and intention. my abuela calls my boyfriend gringo as a nickname, because he has light colored hair and eyes, but it's not mean-spirited, it's like, with love haha.
other phrases abuelas use: ay virgencita! (refering to the virgin mary, exclamation), señor dame paciencia/fuerza (lord give me patience/strenght, it's literally this 🙄 feeling for grandmas), ay dios mío señor (oh lord, oh my god).
on that note, it's more common to say 'dios mio' or 'ay dios' than just 'dios', when trying to translate 'god/oh god', as an exasperated exclamation or in smut.
that's all i can remember for now! pls latinx side of the 911 fandom add whatever you might find useful. i'm really tired of seeing people butchering the language because they only use GT and dont bother to check it it's right.
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ddye · 4 years
“¿Dónde dejaste a tu pareja?”            @parkmi​
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                 no es un sujeto solitario, disfruta claro de la privacidad, es por lo que vive, pero su capacidad para la interacción repentina es de respetar. es sin embargo, aquel instante en que se encuentra por su cuenta. las palabras, caen a su oídos y no se sorprende, algunas veces, la compañía llega a él sin pedirla.  “oh... salí a contestar una llamada y es ahora que no la encuentro.”  suspira.  “¿crees que haya huído?”
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