#god have i become the micro dealer im
fat-butch-dyke · 2 years
There is a fic... ? 👀
bestie aaaaaa yes hello ok so CW for some dubious consent jsyk
The series that inspired my doodles https://archiveofourown.org/series/1905745
Bonus for fun https://archiveofourown.org/works/26527558
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whirlybirbs · 4 years
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✶  —  las rosas están cayendo   ;   j.m. 
summary: you're a figurehead in a far-reaching criminal underground operation that's offered jesse mccree haven and work in the last few years. your relationship with the cyberized cowboy is complicated but oh-so lovestruck.
pairing: jesse mccree / reader, est. relationship
tags: fluff, angst, good guy falls for the bad guy who’s not so bad
a/n: i’m simping, it’s fine
                               (    read on archive of our own !   )
Jesse McCree likes the Silkroad's End. Always has.
The place's very namesake pays homage to some dark web marketplace that operated back in the 10s; it's fitting, Jesse thinks, since the entity itself certainly fits what he'd imagine the personification of that very digital market to be. Dark, a bit shady, and always crawling with folks who aren't really who they say they are.
Staff changes every three weeks. Location, too. Lucky for him, the only thing that stays the same is the barkeep. Everything else is rotating, always moving, always changing. It's best that way.
Truth be told nothing in the States offers true anonymity, anymore. All that's long since past. Every damn street corner has a camera watchin'. But, the Silkroad's End is good — and discretion is their business. They offer what people like Jesse McCree need:
Trustworthy resources.
Even still, knowing about the Silkroad's End is one thing.
Getting in is another entirely.
Jesse's learned not to be startled when a stranger ambles up and slips something in his palm — might get 'im killed someday, but for now, he offers a gentle tip of the hat to whatever camera is eyein' his current move in whatever city he's in.
The chips — obsidian colored and round — are few and far between. There's a chain-code implanted in the micro-computer inside that registers a location on his personal data-device; but without that chip, he ain't gettin' inside. It's one use, one time only.
This time, the den is a quiet little place on a side street in New Orleans.
This chip was delivered to Jesse in a seedy bar bathroom — and as he shoved it into his pocket and muscled up his tawny-colored jeans, he was left grimacing. Bastard that gave it to him didn't even wash his hands. Just pissed and dropped it on top of the urinal.
The den is downstairs, and Jesse turns in his chip after finding the little location to a towering omnic who reminds his a little bit too much of a certain butler he once knew.
"Might wanna wash that."
Spurs tinker on the wooden steps, and when the door's eye slot slams open, Jesse is met with the gaze of a human this time — an unknown staff member with a tattoo that crawls up the side of his head. There's a tense silence. Then, the slot slams shut.
With a quick yank of the three-inch durasteel door, Jesse finally steps foot into the Silkroad's End.  
And, with an elated sort of smirk, he swaggers right in your direction.  
Jesse reckons it's been four months since he's seen you — the ever-present barkeep and present owner of the Silkroad's End  — last ;  could be that you're one of many owners and operators, as he suspects but... Well, Jesse never had enough to go on that hunch.
There he was, as always, distracted.
You know the sound of his spurs from a million others. In an instant, your lashes are flicking up from the bar and through the crowded back room. Tonight is busy — seems a good few members decided tonight would be the night they cash in their chips. You shouldn't be surprised to see Jesse McCree, but...
He's always had a way of knocking you off your game.
"Have I ever told you," comes the low croon as a set of cyberized knuckles rap on the mahogany bar, "that you make the best drinks around?"
Your smirk settles into your words. You move slowly, reaching for that top-shelf whiskey he likes so much.
"Is that why you keep coming back, then?"
Jesse smirks. His trademark hat finds a spot beside him at the bar, and he leans back to run a hand through his dark, wild hair. "One of a handful of reasons I could list, sure."
The drink that lands in front of him is coupled with your full attention.
Jesse feels awfully big in it.
His fingertip tinker against the glass. The sound is pleasing.
Your elbows meet the bartop. You lean. Your eyes drift across his face, and for a moment you find a rush of relief bloom at the realization that there are no new scars. He looks tired, but well.
A lot for a man with a bounty of sixty million on his head.
You work hard to keep that very bounty out of the Silkroad's End 's docket. That ledger of his, deep and relentless, has become harder to ignore in recent months. With word that Overwatch was recalled... Jesse's name had been floating around more than you liked recently.
It made you worry.
Your voice is soft. So is your smile.
Jesse, the sap he is, is glad he's sitting down for the sight of it.
"You look good, Jesse."
He scoffs into the whiskey. His eyes, a dark brown and warm like the run, roll at the remark. You grin.
"M' gettin' old," he rumbles, "And things are changing' faster than I can keep up with."
You don't pry. A habit. A good one, mostly. Jesse has a habit of being an open book. Given the chance, you'll pry later. For now, you opt to air on the side of wistful interest. Fleeting and light.
Your chin finds your palm.
Long ago, you wouldn't have dared to let a soul see you so engaged with a member like this, but... This operation ran on trust. Discretion was a part of the bigger equation and the people in this room?  You've known most of them for years now.
Bounty hunters, arms dealers, drug peddlers.
They know better than to bite the hand that feeds.
"You been busy, then?" you ask, watching the way his eyes stick to you, even when he reaches to dig out a cigar from a pocket beneath his serape. In a flash, he's procured a gilded lighter and flicked it open. The flame dances between you both, and you watch as he puffs the cigar. The embers burn red.
He exhales and smoke swirls around his head like horns — Jesse's lips slip into a lopsided sort of look; more playful than anything.
"That lead you gave me," he drawls, "It worked out. Paid good, too."
Your smile is slow.
This song and dance is always fun.
"Been savin' a few for you," you say, "You're one of the few I can trust to actually bring people in alive."  
"I haven't even been here fer more than a minute an' you're already talkin' business, pumpkin," Jesse grins, all toothy and scruffy, and takes another puff of his cigar, "That all you ever do?"
"You know me, Jesse," you slide your fingers across the underside of the bar, sending the partition up and allowing you to step around. You shrug your shoulders and hang your hands. The way his eyes flick across your figure isn't lost on you.
You cock your head towards the back office as you speak. "Always scheming."
If that ain't the god damn truth.
You're a smart little thing. All devilish wit and pulled strings. You have enough dirt in your back pocket to bring a few governments down, Jesse supposes. Nothing to bat an eyelash at.
He follows with ease; hat tucked upon his head once more, cigar and whiskey held in his hands. He follows you, looming over your shoulder, as the sea of patrons part with sidewards glances and half-aware nods. Everyone has their own business to attend to. You're simply attending to yours.
The back office isn't really much of an office — if anything, it's a refitted storage room. There's a desk, a handful of monitors, and enough security barring entrance to the windowless room that Jesse's roughed up every time.
The omnic patting him down isn't gentle. He tugs the peacekeeper from his hip holster and grunts. Jesse scowls.
That ain't never been a problem before, though.
You, all poised with your arms crossed, wave it off. The gun is shoved roughly back into Jesse's holster. If both hands weren't preoccupied, maybe the bouncer would get more than the nasty snarl Jesse manages as he's waved through. Maybe.
As the door slips shut behind him, the sound of your heels is all he hears.
"Beefed up security, huh?"
Your sigh is tight. He can see the tension along your shoulders when you round the sleek desk in the middle of the room and unlock a drawer. If you'd thought he'd move past your silence, you're wrong.
Jesse isn't like you.
He has a bad habit of asking plenty of follow up questions.
"What happened, pumpkin?"
That damn nickname is enough to spur you to straighten yourself, to set the datapad down gently on the desk in front of you, and to frown.
"There was an incident."
His worry is palpable.
"Nothing dramatic," you wave it off, shooing him slightly when he nears the desk. You walk around it and lean, settling on the edge, "But it was enough to spook a few staff members into being more mindful of who carries in the establishment. Especially behind closed doors."
You've had enough guns pulled on you in your life to know that one could have been the last — but it wasn't. It was fine. Might have earned you a few restless nights and a few connections to clean up, but the disgruntled member was dealt with. That was a month and a half ago now. Distant.
Jesse frowns. He sets his whiskey down on your desk, then leans and smothers the cigar in a fizzle of ash and smoke in the ashtray there.
His voice goes low, gruff, and serious.
"Pumpkin, I ain't a good man," he breathes, eyes low beneath the brim of his hat, "You're better off not trustin' men like me."
He does this every time.
A glimmer of self-consciousness towards his own character.
You know him better than to believe that shit.
"Jesse, if anyone was to put a bullet between my eyes," you mutter, unlocking the datapad with a flick of your finger, "I'd be honored if you were the one to do it."
That earns you a low grumble.
His weight moves to shift beside you. His hip bumps yours. His shoulder saddles right up against your own. You can smell the cigar on him, the burn of the whiskey on his tongue. Jesse is warm. He laces his own fingers together. You can feel his eyes on you as you sift through the files of bounties — and you try not to seem startled when he says your name soft enough it could pass for a lullaby.
"... You alright?"
It's not often you're asked this question.
You were right before — you were always talking business. Personal matters were kept far from any business dealings you did on a daily basis. It was pertinent. Kept the machine well-oiled.
Things with Jesse, though... They'd been different for a long time.
Things changed when the two of you had forgone professionalism once a handful of years ago now. It wasn't long after the first time you'd met him the cowboy had stolen himself into your well-guarded feelings. You blamed the charm. He believed it was luck. Despite knowing nearly nothing about you, he'd become enamored, and — when you'd initially thought the sex was something to sweeten the deal, Jesse quickly made it plenty clear he intended on keeping the sex and the business separate.
The feelings grew between those two things.
Now, in the center of his attention... Well, you feel small.
You let out a slow exhale.
"I missed you, y'know," you say slowly, eyes still trained on the names staring back at you on the datapad.
"Yeah," he breathes, "I missed you, too. Ain't fun bein' gone so long."
"As if either of us has a choice?"
Another hum. This one a bit sadder. Jesse supposes you're right, that it isn't exactly ideal  — and it's not as if he's allowed himself to be vulnerable to anyone else these last few years. Not when he's a wanted man. Not when gettin' someone tangled up in the danger is the last thing he wants.
It was different with you. You knew the danger. You...
Christ alive, he wishes now things were different.
Back then, it was easy.
Coming to terms, now, with the numbing loneliness that hangs itself over the both of you hurts a bit worse. Time is ticking by. He'll be older than he is younger soon.
"You ever wish you could leave it all behind?"
His question is met with a tired scoff. Your cheek finds his shoulder. Your hair falls along his arm.
"And become the world's most wanted woman?"
"What you've got is an empire," Jesse drawls, a hand slowly reaching for your own, "M' sure someone would wanna call it theirs ."
"And then what happens to the tired, old queen? The queen who knows what makes that empire strong?"
Your quirk your brows. Jesse sighs.
"... Point taken."
"I made my bed," you say with a measured sense of finality, "And I've gotta lay in it, Jesse."
His eyes dance alight when something then that's tempered with fire; he blinks down at you through thick lashes as he speaks.
"Wouldn't mind layin' with you..."
It's husky. Drawn out. Nearly a sigh, especially when his fingers slip along the curve of your wrist and draw up to your cheek.
"I'm starting to think you come here," you mumble with an edge of sarcasm as his nose brushes yours, "For more than just business ."
"Oh, sweetpea," Jesse grins as he whispers, "It's been that way for a long time now."
The kiss is bruising — the sort you missed horribly in those months apart. It's lip and teeth and scruff; the brush of his beard is enough to make you smile, enough to make you abandon the datapad on your desk.
Enough to keep you distracted enough that you don't notice Jesse McCree tapping an encrypted data transfer skimmer over your datapad.
You'll notice in the morning.
And by then, he'll be long gone.
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