#god forbid you're a woman
r7inyz · 5 months
people extremely hating on peggy hill like she's the worse person ever when buck strickland is literally RIGHT THERE
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lgbtlunaverse · 5 months
The world exists in such a baffling state of simultaneous sex-aversion and sex-hegemony. Every social platform on the internet is trying to banish sex workers to the shadow realm but I can't post a tweet without at least two bots replying P U S S Y I N B I O. People are self-censoring sex to seggs and $3× but every other ad you see is still filled with half-naked women. Rightwingers want queer people arrested for so much as existing in the same postal code as a child and are also drumming up a moral panic about how teenage boys aren't getting laid enough. I feel like I'm losing my mind.
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buds-and-baubles · 2 months
daily reminder that midnighter is 6'5" and based off most consistent panels, apollo is 6'7". they make batman, who is 6'2", and superman, who is 6'3", look short. wonder woman however, is 6'8", which is short for an amazon but still remains taller than everyone listed above.
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rangercorpstherapy · 4 months
My favorite thing in the world is where Wilyss romance fics always end in a pregnancy announcement. And you can tell it's written by someone who has neither experienced romance nor sex nor anything of the sort, because they think the end goal of all those things is a child. It's like a jumpscare every single time like wdym Alyss is pregnant?? And happy about it?? I can't think of a character who would want a baby less in possibly all of fiction. She'd be sobbing about it, not jumping up and down from happiness
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fiddleyoumust · 30 days
The deep feeling of discomfort I feel as a woman watching Yo force Waan on Ai when Ai is very clearly not into it. 😬
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janiedean · 1 month
I had the absolute displeasure of walking into a bookshop where they had both the translations from that one anglosaxon person of odyssey and iliad and I had the horrid idea of checking out page one of both and not counting that the complicated man from the odyssey is still absolutely indecent to even see on paper... I glanced at the iliad's opening and while I'd need to check more in depth to see if she made another glaring mistake at line two or if it's me remembering wrong how you take the og word.....
i am wholly not surprised that in the og text agamemnon is referred to as atreius' son and in every translation I read of that text ever he was referred to as such and ofc she just went and said agamemnon because ig everyone who picks that book up is too ignorant to know the backstory huh /s
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yallemagne · 1 year
Me: *thinks of another aspect of Mrs. Westenra's horrid parenting* "AND ANOTHER THING---"
Lucy has her sleepwalking condition and Mrs. Westenra knows it is a problem and instead of approaching her daughter about it and assigning a maid or even hiring a medical professional to tend to Lucy, she first shirks all responsibility on her daughter's friend who was invited to a vacation, not a new unpaid job. And then, with the knowledge that Lucy is still sleepwalking post-vacation -- because there is no indication she has stopped, nor anything to give us the impression that Mrs. Westenra could rightfully assume she'd stopped -- she sends her daughter away when she comes to her asking to sleep in her bed.
What happened to the concern about Lucy leaving the house in her sleep? Huh? Is it somehow no longer a concern now that there isn't a literal cliff she could fall off of?? Is Lucy's health suddenly less important just because you have your death warrant and soon it won't be your problem??
Are there any complications with letting Lucy sleep in her bed aside from just "I might die soon and I don't want her to know"? Does her heart condition perhaps cause problems in the night that would make it unwise to let Lucy share her bed? If so, this is the perfect time to explain to your daughter what is going on with your health and perhaps present a solution for both of you: a compromise. Perhaps pull up a cot beside your bed so she can sleep in the same room without it negatively affecting your health--
Oh, wait, that's something a good parent would do, and we're in a horror novel.
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beevean · 1 year
I feel so out of things to say like really this is the adaptation of all time
Tell me about it.
I don't want to watch this. I really, really don't. What I'm learning is enough.
Like the fact that Annette is a cunt! :D
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How con-fucking-venient that she's the residential WOC so any criticism can be deflected with "WHY ARE YOU BEING A DISGUSTING MISOGYNIST/RACIST KYS". No wonder they turned her into an ex-slave girlboss! They can do anything they want with her! Peak writing, everybody! They Fixed The Stupid Character From The Stupid Game!
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mengyanchen · 3 months
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does she? – fireworks of my heart e03
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just-an-enby-lemon · 1 year
After finishing TMA and going full into fannon: I still don't get the Basira hate. She is such a well writen characther and complicated human being that did her best AND she learned he lesson (in the most horrying way possible that involved killing her best friend/kindda girlfriend). I love her. Like all TMA characthers are a bit morally gray sometimes and all of them are pricks and assholes at some point but they are still amazing characthers that I love (except Jonah, fuck Jonah me and my homies hate Jonah [also Leitner]).
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marklikely · 6 months
i always think its so telling when those misogyny influencer dudes say that women have life easier than men & the reasoning is always bc they can get dates and likes on instagram or whatever. bc it reveals that they never even for a second think about women who arent conventionally attractive...
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thetinygnome · 1 year
Early c1 Keyleth reminds me of leading in youth group: specifically when the other leaders are fucking around and leaving all the responsibility for you.
It's not fun when everyone else is more focused on being cool, fun and friendly than keeping things safe and running.
You may not *want* to be the buzz kill or the bad guy, but no-one else is saying anything so a buzz kill you must be.
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bardinthezone · 9 months
Me when Amy and Rory first started dating: "Man, Amy is so dismissive of Rory's feelings and treats him more like a pet. He deserves better."
[Amy and Rory get married]: "Awwww okay, she got better and started appreciating him more!! They're actually pretty sweet together, save for some uncomfortable heteronormative gags
[Amy and Rory get divorced]: "NOT LIKE THIS"
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transsexualutopia · 1 year
I'm ngl I mainly liked Barbie (2023) for the theatrical experience rather than the source material. I love pink, I loved the set design, I loved the costumes, I loved people going to the theater in theme with the movie and the overall joyful atmosphere.
As for the plot...idk. (I'm not getting into the commentary about feminism or the patriarchy as others did it better than I can.) I definitely didn't feel like the target audience considering I'm not a millennial (or better yet, a young parent) disconnected from whimsy with wistful nostalgia about their childhood. Mattel has been marketing towards that demographic for a while now, and it seems like they're not even attempting for my age or younger. Which is odd, to me, considering a lot of people my age really enjoyed the animated movies and musicals.
I feel like it could've benefitted from being a musical and having a more fantastical setting than just BarbieLand. Even if they were dead set on keeping the themes I don't understand why everything had to be grounded in the Real World. It just seemed like such a safe choice, not a bad one necessarily, but definitely safe to not alienate older folk going to see it. But I didn't really want safe, I wanted whimsical, musical, magical, and I don't see how that would've compromised having an emotionally relatable theme or message.
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surgeratesfucko · 1 year
i hate choice based politics and activism i hate choice based feminism i hate the growing trend of anti-intellectualism and self-infantilization
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I start to question why all the coupley memes I send my boyfriend are of either cats or lesbians and then I'm reminded that straight people think that romance is being actively a dick to everyone who isn't your partner.
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