#glue and guesswork
I’m sorry but am I the only one who continues to be confused by this whole “Joe locked her in a closet” narrative. Like? Am I on glue? She released 4 albums happily dating him (5 maybe if you include midnights which. 🤷) and did press for all of them. She did plenty of stuff for lover and Rep/ attended plenty of events, and then we were all in a global pandemic lockdown for the other two. Like. No one was going anywhere. AND she recorded the long pond documentary. I get that maybe she felt like he wasn’t as open as she would have expected or liked, but it seems beyond weird to me that people imply that he made her choose between him and a career. She had a career and did PLENTY of PR during that entire time, she just didn’t do it with him. It’s fine if that’s a dealbreaker for her, but I’m baffled by the way it’s discussed. Am I the crazy one?
I can't speak to this effectively because I think there's a lot to unpack here. I don't know exactly what people are saying but I think that when we talk about Taylor constructing her life to be private, protected, smaller, quieter during that time period it isn't necessarily saying she did not go outside and she did not do promotion of her career. Nor am I saying that that wasn't also an active choice Taylor made and even wanted/needed at the time.
But I don't think this concept of "locked in a closet" is entirely right nor entirely wrong. Even with career promotion in mind, Taylor intentionally reduced her visibility in the public sphere during that time in favour of crafting a life based further away from a more visible life she had had in NYC. Again, that was a choice she made and needed. And presumably that was a choice made together.
There’s a lot we can only infer or make assumptions about but if I had to deduce based on “You’re Losing Me” and just pure guesswork is that certainly the isolation of the pandemic naturally tied in to the life and the quiet she was seeking. They were on the same page about things / their lives until they weren’t. And when they weren’t it got to a point of failing to address and fulfill her needs (“You say, ‘I don’t understand’ I say, ‘I know you don’t’.” / “How can you say that you love someone you can’t tell is dying”) that was devastating and detrimental to the health of the relationship as a whole. And perhaps the situation she once entered willingly became stifling and untenable when she didn’t want that anymore. Because as a poet once wisely said, “People are people and sometimes we change our minds.”
We don’t have the whole story (or at least one half of the story) so there’s a lot we don’t know. But I hope we get to! (I personally also have assumptions that there were projections about both their career paths post pandemic that didn’t actualize that maybe contributed to frustrations or changes in feeling. But that is absolute guesswork based on nothing.)
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2c75ff · 5 months
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NAME -- 'Miller' will do.
PRONOUNS -- he/him preferable; they/them acceptable.
PREFERRED COMMS -- Tumblr IMs to start, but I tend to prefer moving to Discord once it becomes apparent that we vibe nicely.
NAME OF MUSE -- Seventeen. (I may or may not have a short but running list of names that would feel fitting on him if indeed he ever arrives at a point of being willing to allow someone else to give him one, but that's a whole other thing for a whole other time.)
EXPERIENCE IN RP -- All the way back to the days of LJ, forums, and Yahoo Groups.
BEST EXPERIENCES -- I met somebody on here a handful of years ago who was a long-time fan of the character I was playing. At first they just sent questions to the inbox and tagged me in their art sometimes -- (which was supremely touching) -- but eventually they worked up the confidence in their English to try out an OC blog of their own, and we started doing IC interactions in addition to chatting OOC. It was nice to know that someone felt inspired enough by my silly little blog to go out of their way to befriend me specifically, and to know that they felt comfortable practicing things like art and English with me.
And that's the story of how I ultimately ended up drunk as hell at their wedding in Germany.
PET PEEVES / DEALBREAKERS -- Excessive passivity both IC and OOC. / Excessively lengthy RP replies in which very little of substance actually happens or is communicated. / People treating ships as mere smut/fluff wish fulfillment machines rather than as ongoing plots, or cooling off toward me the instant they realize that shipping with me is going to take actual time and work. / Constant mental health crises being essentially liveblogged OOC on a person's RP account.
MUSE PREFERENCE ( FLUFF, ANGST, SMUT ) -- Variety is good for you, and it's also good for your character. I'm up for just about any flavor as long as it's revealing or playing around with something interesting about our character(s), the dynamic between them, the setting, etc.
PLOT OR MEMES -- I like both. I do think, however, that it's incredibly useful to at least discuss a general, ballpark dynamic and get a vague feel for the overall, initial direction we both want. It's fine and natural if what we want flexes or changes with time, but I think even just a little bit of communication right up front eliminates a ton of guesswork. It also makes it easier to pick memes that could be interesting or useful in terms of advancing the goals/ideas we've already talked over with each other.
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES -- I tend to write somewhere in the ballpark of 2 to 3 developed paragraphs per reply, but overall I ascribe to the principle of worrying less about the word count itself and more about simply taking whatever space is needed in order to get the point across.
BEST TIME TO WRITE -- If I knew that, I would be unstoppable.
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE? -- In terms of a passing flavor, perhaps; sure. I've run from the popo, I've had a concealed carry license, the underside of my car's bumper is held together with Gorilla Glue and my own shoelaces, I did Driverless Car Shit for a living for like five and a half years, and I live almost exclusively in men's flannels and Levi's. Anything 'deeper' than that is for y'all to judge as we get to know each other.
tagged by -- no. tagging -- also no. steal it. do whatever.
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cheylouwho · 2 years
How to do the thing, an explanation(ish?)
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Sketch, then creating the layers in Sai. Each piece of the artwork is a layer, and I color code them for convenience for myself so I know what's what. I could just have them be outlines but if I do it this way and decide not to cut it out I have a semi finished artwork. Then I turn each individual piece/layer into a png in a folder and send it to cricut.
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This is what it looks like pre assembly. Each color paper is cut on a mat through cricut and each section of the body is a complete piece, which creates the layered effect. Some pieces duplicate sections (Damien's hair that goes over the skin tone piece has similar outline to the lowest piece that goes under it for his eyes/eyebrows) so I can easily line things up and it looks exactly the same as my sketch with minimal guesswork.
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Pip without his hat, so you can see how I could line the brown hat up with the under layer because they match.
I usually silhouette the entire piece in a base color to make sure that lines up too, so the entire finished artwork sits on that. These guys are about 8 inches tall, and I've made dolls anywhere from 6-18 inches.
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(Two mimir)
Then they get assembled with a gluestick, or tacky glue if I'm feeling fancy. But usually gluestick
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Then I hold and cherish before banishing them to the paper art binder for all eternity
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glareandgrowl · 1 year
The Oposstag V2.0- Part 2: The Head!
Before I start showing my process, I just want to give a quick shoutout to all the Skullies, Skulldogs and other skull masked furries that came before me and posted tutorials, because they were all super helpful in visualizing and completing my mask! Even if I did entirely different methods... SKS Props specifically (on youtube) for their tutorial on EVA foam masks, with free PDF patterns!
Now onto the making!
My previous attempts at the Oposstag mask, beginning as an old wendigo halloween costume, the easiest method I found for creating long snouts that are lightweight and sturdy has been none other than cardstock paper and hot glue!
I first started with a plastic mask that I trimmed down and made a baldcap out of ducttape and cellophane (a staple of this journey).
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As you can see, the process doesn't look very good at the beginning. But have faith!
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See? It all works out with a lot of planning and patterns! With the loadbearing strip in the middle, I was able to essentially make one half of a pattern and then copy it to the other side for a nice even mask! (the holes in the side are a surprise for later ;)
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I was a bit worried when making the base that the mask seemed incredibly long, but when compared to my old Oposstag version, they're actually exactly the same size! Unintentionally!
The jaw gave me a bit of trouble, however, because I was trying to make the structure (which is still paper) look as realistic to my reference (which in this case was a coyote skull I brought with me. Eventually I just had to realize and copy what I did with the top part, which is thinking in hollow 3D structures and making them out of paper. Much like making a cube by cutting and gluing shapes, the same applies for the hollow portions of the lower jaw.
I don't have any photos of the process, since it was, in all honesty the hardest part of the costume to make. But I do have some of the teeth!
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By this point I had patterened and covered the head and jaw with a thin layer of craft foam. (I had to create new patterns and do a lot of guesswork since I threw away the old paper patterns I had used ((FORESHADOWING)) and it was a bit of a pain...)
The teeth were made of a mix in moldable plastic pellets and foam clay, which I also used on the rest of the mask to give it texture, fill in gaps and bulk up a few areas. Along with constantly closing the mouth to ensure the teeth all fit together naturally, (a problem I had with the last mask) this part was fairly easy!
The surprise was the holes were for the fangs.
The horns were also made with foam clay and textured to look like deer antlers! I skewered some wire through the base of the head and hot glued it to hell and back. Those bad boys aren't coming off anytime soon.
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After that, I sanded down some edges the best I could and slathered him in a thick coat of bone-colored paint and called it a day!
(highlighting in white and shading with a mid brown color)
The ears are just some 2 inch upholstry foam I cut down to size and glued to the head.
Now comes the foreshadowing.... Since all that was left to do was put the fur on, I had the idea of making the ears a two toned of the silver/grey of Oposstag's body, and the black fur of his arms and legs. Needless to say after I had made a pattern, cut them out of fur and was beginning to handsew, I made the mistake of throwing away the ear pattern. Only to then find out the fluff hid all details of the ears and made them look far too big compared to the size of my head. So... with regret and dissapointment, I had to retry with some black elastic fabric to try and get it right.
Well... the thing about elastic is that it's really hard to work with, and it also shows hot glue extremely easily. I had no pattern to work with (and with a refusal to make another one because of the difficulties) I had to work with what I had, and cover up the glue marks with some of the black fur I had used previously...
In good news! The other neck fur turned out fantastic!
Sure I had to cover my head in cellophane and tape it all up to get a good pattern, but it worked! and it fits great!
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The back has a zipper thats covered with a small mohawk-like strip of black fur attached with velcro, hes got a removable tongue, a working jaw, and light eyes!
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Here's a lil thing I posted to my insta to show off everything!
If you want more up-to-date updates on my suit, or just whatever else im doing, I post a lot to my stories there! @/faux__paux (two underscores)
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hopeymchope · 2 years
Been wondering this for a while. When exactly did Hijirihara and Asano join the Future Foundation? Or where they already joined from sometime but promoted? I'd assume Hijirihara joined the FF first and the other later since a piece of dialogue from Killer Killer in the beginning mentioned 'Spring', but then again I'm not getting any exact dates. Or is there simply nothing? Another thing is that would it work timeline/story-wise had they joined earlier, or not?
There's really no way to get any exact dates on much of anything in the Danganronpa series, lol. We almost never have precise spans of time (the closest we get is Komaru saying in UDG that she was held captive for "a year and a half"), and we sure as hell never have precise years. You just kinda have to glue together what information you can using what little context we get. We don't even know for certain how much time passes between DR1 and DR2, y'know? There's always going to be guesswork involved.
At least we can tell the order the franchise's stories go in... uh, mostly.
But okay. What can we determine about Danganronpa Gaiden: Killer Killer and its characters?
The obvious answer here that is Asano and Hijirihara could've joined the Future Foundation in *some* capacity at any time since its formation but BEFORE DR3's Future Arc. The Foundation's formation is a vague event that occurs somewhere after the start of The Tragedy but before DR1's Killing Game. Based on that, we can at least intuit that the Future Foundation was officially put together during the year the 78th Class was in lockdown. It's entirely possible, however, that Hijirihara and Asano only joined up after the surviving members of the 78th class were rescued...
Killer Killer as a whole takes place after the 78th Class survivors have been freed and joined up with the Future Foundation... but before and/or possibly even during the time when Naegi goes rogue with Class 77-B and plugs them into the Neo World Program. (We know this because Kirigiri shows up as a member of the Future Foundation in the first half of Danganronpa Gaiden: Killer Killer, and she also shows up at the end of DR2 working with Naegi AFTER he'd been receiving messages from the higher-ups ordering him to bring in the Remnants of Despair. But she's obviously not in any kind of trouble with the Foundation when she appears in DGKK, so... there you go.) Also, for whatever it's worth, we do see that Tengan is already twisted by the back half of the manga. But since we don't really know exactly when he was radicalized, it's probably not worth much.
So with ALL THAT preamble said... I think the manga makes it pretty clear that Hijirihara was part of the special investigations unit before Asano was paired up with him. I've no idea how long he was there, but consider this: Asano says that she's newly assigned to the Special Crime Investigations unit on page one of the manga. That could imply either a previous post within the FF OR that she's just been assigned a place within the Future Foundation as a whole for the first time. Can't say. But it'd make the most sense if she was elsewhere in the sixth branch specifically, because then she'd already have a police background before joining the special team.
Then again:
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"Recruiting newcomers" could be interpreted to imply that Asano is totally new to the sixth branch. Or does it just mean that she's a newcomer to this particular team, and nothing more? Choose your own adventure! (Also, if we assume that Dōgami isn't just making up the story about her predecessor as a way to frighten/motivate Asano, then at least it's safe to say that Hijirihara's had other partners before her.)
Uh, so... yeah. We can't even definitively say how much experience, if any, the POV character has when the story begins. This is the kind of thing we have to deal with. But this sort of hazy timeline gives fans a lot of wiggle room in terms of how they want to headcanon things or what they wanna write in fanfics.
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vaimetanyx · 1 year
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"I know how to sew!" I said. "I've made my own patterns before, this doesn't even have sleeves so it'll be easy, right?" I thought.
It turned out great in the end but I definitely underestimated how much trouble I'd have with it
(Full process under the cut)
[Skull pauldron] [Belt] [Greaves] [Toga + sash] [Wig + Laurels] [Armbands] [Flaming feet] [Satyr Sack] [Stygius v1] [Stygius v2] [Nectar]
Part 1 - The toga
The first thing I had to do was decide on the cut of the toga - I opted to move the trim to armpit level because I would definitely get in trouble at con if I went for the full tits out look. If you're going to use a binder like I did, it's best to wear that while making your patterns and making adjustments, as your bust can effect how the fabric sits, and with such a draped piece (especially if you're using a thinner material) it's important to account for that. I don't have binder recommendations, as I made my own sleeveless binder for this cosplay.
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What materials did I use? The ones that were the right colour and not too expensive. I barely look at fabric types when I'm buying them for costumes, yes I am ashamed, yes I know it matters, no I will not change my ways. To make the pattern for the toga I used some black poplin I had on hand, and used the professional method of guessing what the pattern should be like and then spending a whole day yelling as I tried to pin and adjust the fabric to sit right. Making the belt before the toga really worked in my favour for this part.
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Part 1.5 - The trim and the pauldron attachment
I should have bought a thicker fabric so you can't see the black underneath - as it is, this is 2 layers, one white scrap material I had lying around, and the nice off-white I originally bought for the trim. The top edge was sewn directly onto the edge of the black toga since I measured where it was meant to sit. The bottom was sewn along the edge to get the right length. To get semi-consistent lengths for the spine pattern I cut out a paper pattern, traced it onto the trim, then used my cream thread to sew the pattern on.
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The attachment point on the skull pauldron isn't quite at the right angle, but it has yet to fail as I made the attachment point on the toga very secure. It's mainly held on with a section of velcro, secured in position by two snap buttons in the side corners, and had a material covering to hide any flaws and keep it secured. The covering was attached with a mixture of hand sewing and hot glue.
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Part 2 - The sash
I originally wanted to do the sash in one continuous piece. However, official art lied to me, and fabric doesn't drape like that. My main measurement was from the shoulder to where it sits on my arm, and then the length was guessed based on mockups. I also included a tiny pouch at sits at the waistline that I could use to store a few bottles of nectar to hand out during the con. From there, I then had to do the most painful section of the whole toga - hand sewing tiny sections of the side material to get it to have a draping look and not leave any spaces. It took forever and needed some wire to stop the front edge from flapping around, but I didn't want to chance cutting it off and making the section from a separate piece of material so close to the con. However, that didn't stop me once the con was done and I had a few months to the next one.
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Part 2.5 - side section v2 and hidden phone pocket
Using the correct amount of material ended up with a much nicer drape! It was a painful, painful day as I don't actually know how drapery works and this was all guesswork and trial and error (if that's not obvious by the amount of pins present).
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The phone pocket was roughly measured, and made from a few layers of the same red I used for the sash to blend in. I also used a bit of stiff felt to give it more shape to bulk out that back loop section. A bit of velcro to keep the phone in and it's done!
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doors01comusa · 20 days
Improve Your Home With Residential House Exterior Painting Services Fort Collins
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Spending money on a commercial repainting is more than just a servicing project; it's a calculated decision that may enhance the exterior appearance of your company and foster a lively, inviting atmosphere. Your area can be completely transformed by a skilled industrial painting service, which can also improve the perception of your business and create a lasting impact on customers as well as workers. Why hold off? Speak with the welcoming staff at residential house exterior painting services Fort Collins, and see how your business space surpasses your highest standards!
You probably already know that painting your interior or exterior requires paint, brushstrokes, and rollers to use. However, have you thought about the tools you'll need to finish the task correctly, such as stairs, containers, drop clothes, sheets, paint nozzles, glue, glue, chemicals for cleaning, and others? And the things concerns the painters' protective gear? It is advised to wear protective clothing, such as protective clothing, coverings, protection covers, and spectacles.
Some details to think about are as follows:
While it's possible for new companies to be legitimate, you run the risk that they won't be.
Examine any remarks or critiques found online. Can they offer no-obligation assessments or predicts? This guarantees their concern for the region. Do they possess any unique certifications or honors that attest to their excellence in service and excellence?
These have been previously owned by experts, but if you decide to oneself, you'll need to purchase them. And what take you plan on doing with these goods and instruments once you're completed painting? If you think you're going to use them the next time in the years to come, you'll need to locate a location where you can keep them. 
Specialists are skilled at estimating how much paint a particular task will require. Everything that is necessary to complete the task is purchased. On the other hand, you can purchase more than you require and become trapped with the leftover amount. Since painting is pricey, you'll conserve cash if you merely purchase what you require.
A price range for the full paint job will often be given to you by experienced painting specialists of residential house exterior painting services Fort Collins. There won't be any guesswork or hidden costs because you will know the total amount up front. You are going to have the ability to set an exact cost for the project.
If you've ever attempted a paint job, you are aware of how disruptive it may be. Painters require to cover their work area in order to prevent drips, sprays, and damage. 
It's an excellent choice to cover any furniture and other belongings with waterproof sheets or eliminate them entirely.
You'll need to think about the way the painting task will impact your current business activities, whether you intend to shut down completely throughout the work. Throughout the job, the freshly painted area needs to be sealed off and noise levels should be maintained to a lowest. Experts in industrial painting understand this and intend to take the necessary precautions to cause as little disturbance as possible.
Oftentimes, painting requires less labor than maintenance. The region must be promptly returned to its original state in order for business operations to continue. The expert painters concentrate on finishing the task precisely and on schedule, so your company may get back to regular activities more quickly. 
Expert painters are aware of the correct protocols to guarantee worker safety. To prevent hazardous exposition to harmful poisons along with other particles, they wear safety equipment. They receive training on how to employ and operate tools safely to prevent accidents or malfunctions.
Regardless of your level of caution, mishaps do occur. You run the risk of getting hurt when you're utilizing unusual tools and devices, hiking on or off staircases, or performing physical tasks you're probably not accustomed to.
 The firm's finances may suffer if you get an injury while working on the do-it-yourself painting work. If you are unable to manage the business, who does? Painting contractors like residential house exterior painting services Fort Collins will be properly insured to avoid danger for both you and the things you paint. It is not your fault if they get hurt at work. Their coverage will pay for repairs if the task causes any harm to your real estate. If you're certain that employing an expert is the correct course of action for your business painting task, you must ensure that the chosen organization is the greatest. You ought to look into the building professionals in your neighborhood if you want to accomplish this. 
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csleko · 6 months
Customizable lightsaber frame
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Been eyeing a one of these relatively cheap lightsabers for a while, and finally pulled the trigger. This one got decent reviews with a lot of pictures including one showing that it was small enough to fit inside an actual official saber hilt. That was what sold me on it, because I knew it had a connector on the bottom so you could buy two and make a saber staff.
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I figured if I could work out the size of the threading, I could print damn near anything I wanted to hook into it. Unfortunately, I couldn't figure it out. On top of that, making a screw with the exact measurements was a bit beyond me even if I had them. I'm looking into FreeCAD, so this could change in the future.
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What I ended up doing was taking a screw piece from another model and adjusting the scaling until it looked about right. I quickly printed this test piece to see if this method was even close to workable, fully expecting to fail several times.
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Well, hot damn! Nailed it on the first try! Who even needs CAD software? Apparently I'm a wizard at eyeballing it!
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Next phase was to work out approximate measurements to make a sleeve that the saber hilt would screw into. This was a lot easier since I could just measure the diameter of the totally cylindrical hilt, and it's much less impressive that this little test pommel also fit on the first try. Notably, though, putting it on and taking it off a few times seemed to have worn down or broken the screw threads and I couldn't get it to stay on anymore. I made the screw piece *slightly* larger to hopefully help future prints hold on better.
OKAY. Now that all the guesswork and testing are out of the way, it's time to actually MAKE A THING.
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Version 1! The plan: screw the bottom half onto the saber, line up the cutout of the top half with the saber button, glue the two halves together! This keeps the button from being covered up, and means I don't have to account for rotation of the whole frame while twisting it. This is also the main factor in designing it this way and not just making a whole saber hilt with the screw piece at the bottom.
With the saber handle pieces able to freely rotate around the frame, it's easier to ensure access to the button. (But actually not in the example above because I mostly just made Luke's saber to use for said example, and it doesn't actually have a cutout for the button.)
Unfortunately, version 1 didn't work too well. For some reason, the top half printed perfectly fine, but the bottom half ended up with some very minor layer shifting that was JUST enough to prevent the saber from fitting inside it. If it didn't have those holes, it probably would have printed properly. I only added them to save an inconsequential amount of filament, so filling them in isn't any great loss. Especially if it actually improves the structural integrity of the print overall.
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Version 2 is a success! The bottom half connected and holds strongly, and I was able to epoxy the top half firmly in place so that the cutout will always line up with the button.
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The next phase is currently underway. If you can tell whose saber this is...you won't win anything, but I will think you're awesome.
(Hint: There are actually two acceptable answers, and the blade color matters.)
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chemicalsmaterialsnews · 11 months
Bonding Excellence: Navigating Trends in the Epoxy Adhesive Market
Adhesives are essential products that are often overlooked. They’re noticed, until they fail. If your supports aren’t correctly fused, it could bring about disjointed parts, damaged equipment, and worn-out piping systems.
So, this blog has the ins and outs of epoxy adhesives, which can help you secure the pipe supports with confidence.
What Is an Epoxy Adhesive?
From time-to-time epoxy adhesives are confused with bonding products like glue. However, they’re far more complex than most adhesives. These are often called structural adhesives These terms make their role clearer: They’re high-performance adhesives meant for applications calling for powerful bonding, such as aircraft, automobiles, aerospace technology, or heavy process piping systems.
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Uses of Epoxy Adhesives Coming to process piping systems, the epoxy adhesives have a vital role to play. These systems frequently require to join unlike materials together, like composite pipe shoes and metal piping. Besides, adhesives need to hold structures together in heavy vibrations, high pressure, and corrosive environments.
An area where epoxy adhesives have advantage is when you’re including pipe supports like wear pads, pipe shoes, and Flat Plates. That’s since this mixture enables to install without welding.
Benefits of Epoxy Adhesives? • By safeguarding pipes or adding wear pads to the system, raw piping can be insulated. Suddenly, you’ve protected pipes from metal-on-metal contact deprived of the high cost of specialized labor. Also, by eliminating welding, you’ll be evading susceptible spots requiring special heat treatments. • These pipe supports can increase the life of the systems, need to be held together. These adhesives work pretty well since they are sturdy and can stand extreme environments. • An epoxy can also work as a sealant filling open gaps. This guards pipes and supports from corrosion.
Different Kinds of Epoxy Adhesives There are numerous epoxy adhesives, but they can be split into two one-component and two-component
One-Component Adhesives These more often than not come as a single paste. Though, the name can deceive a few. Though they come as only a single physical substance, they still require external elements to start the curing process. That means they require moisture, heat treatment, or special lighting for bonding.
Two-Component Adhesives These require you to blend two elements. When applied properly, the outcome is a powerful bond. Though, since two-part adhesives need mixing, there’s the likelihood for a human error.
What’s the Solution? If you desire to get the paybacks of a two-component adhesive without mixing the right ratio or getting it on the skin, use a static applicator. This loads onto a standard epoxy cartridge and brings a two-part epoxy in a flawless mixing ratio, saving the mess and guesswork that from time to time come with physically mixing two-component epoxies.
Due to the increasing demand for these adhesives in numerous industries, the total value of the epoxy adhesives will reach $13,484 million by 2030.
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centenarybank · 2 years
How To Economize Shopping Online: 10 Tips And Tricks
Offline retailers do not all the time offer the identical deals because the price of working a bodily retailer may be a lot higher than a web-based retailer. They need to pay hire, electricity, payroll, fixtures, and so forth. One of the conveniences of online shopping is that you can online shopping tips and tricks do it on any system and from anywhere. Don’t overlook to shut down your laptop or lock the screen whenever you walk away from it. And all the time use a passcode to entry your tablet or smartphone. Avoid the same passcode on all units, and the passcode must be a mixture of letters, numbers, instances, and symbols.
It will either be starting with similar web site name of will be the third get together site like PayPal, CCAvenue, etc. Check the third celebration web site to be a payment gateway before online shopping tips and tricks you make payment. In case, the storage door is working well or the bumper of automotive just one too many times then it could possibly be contemplate as an excellent thing.
Not solely will you have a report of brands you like, but you’ll have reduce out the guesswork surrounding how their items run. By now, we all know that sizes differ relying online shopping tips and tricks on the brand and even the batch the merchandise were made in. This is easily navigated in-store by taking a fast trip to the dressing room, however with online shopping, you don’t have that luxurious.
Malicious users and web sites will work exhausting to seem respectable to even essentially the most discerning customers. It must be your first stop and may influence your purchasing determination. Many retailers also present online evaluation aggregates, which suggests they will compile product critiques from a number of sources. This is useful, but you must base your choice on consumer critiques, that are posted by people who have bought the product.
The pen pokes by way of the chain’s smaller links just sufficient to create a precise radius when you keep the chain taut whereas tracing. Increase or lower in radius for quick changes without measuring. Thanks to reader Bill Waite for hooking us as a lot as a well-rounded tip. Keep a few plumber’s flux brushes prepared for spreading glue on your tasks.
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Late to posting these but last years comic con photos of Rick and Daryl from The Walking Dead! ^-^ Probably our comfiest comic con yet.
Daryl ft https://www.facebook.com/kiawynnecosplay/
Photos ft Jeanie Jean photography https://www.facebook.com/jeaniejeanphotos/
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sorceressferaly · 3 years
Hello fellow Mayalexer. I’d like to know what you think the long term consequences of the Ashland Volcano erupting would be? Sincerely, definitely not someone chronicling Jorvik.
Hello fellow Mayalex person who is definitely not a friend in real life to whom I hinted at that I wanted to answer this very question!
Something that is pretty interesting about large-scale volcanic eruptions is that they cause a lasting effect on the climate for the years to come.
"Little ice-ages" is a phenomenon that can be caused partially by volcanic eruptions, as the ashes linger in the stratosphere and block solar radiation. This leads to worldwide global cooling, which has resulted in harsh winters and poor harvests in the past.
In this post, I will compare a theoretical eruption of Garnok’s Fury with the eruption of an Icelandic volcano in 536, which had devastating consequences globally.
Warning: This might get pretty dark.
The year 536, volcanic eruptions were likely to be - or at the very least a major contributor to - the cause of a "darkening of the sky" where volcanic sulfur and particles coated the skies of the entire northern hemisphere and led to a major drop in temperatures for the next decade.
Catastrophic for the people alive by that time, and in the Mediterranean area a terrible plague named the Plague of Justinian* followed in the wake of the harsh conditions, killing millions.
“During this year a most dread portent took place. For the sun gave forth its light without brightness … and it seemed exceedingly like the sun in eclipse, for the beams it shed were not clear.” - Procopius, Byzantine historian, regarding the disastrous year 536.
Volcanic eruptions pose a danger stretching far beyond the initial eruption. Garnok's Fury would indeed have consequences of global reach!
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So what would that mean for Jorvik? Well, if we consider that the consequences of the eruptions of 536 have been speculated by religious scholars to potentially be the source of myths such as the Fimbulvinter**, I think we can say that Jorvik is in for their very own ice age.
However, it's difficult to predict climate change directly in Jorvik, since the climate on the island is influenced not only by volcanic energy but very much by the inherent magic that exists on the island.
For this reason, while I believe that Jorvik wouldn't be covered in ice that would make the island completely uninhabitable, the people of Jorvik would be in for a harsh time.
The most immediate effect, as I mentioned in my previous post, would be the destruction of the dam in the Great Reservoir, which is said to provide most of the electricity and drinking water in Jorvik.
While we don't know the exact size or volume of the Great Reservoir, we know that Lisa describes it as more of an ocean than a dam, and old Jorvegian tales have said that it is bottomless. "Bottomless" is a bit difficult to calculate though, so to find a real-life Jorvik comparison, I'm going to look at a pretty big dam instead.
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Karahnjukavirkjun in Iceland is capable of generating 4600 GWh of power annually, which according to the US Bureau of Reclamation is enough to provide electricity to about 1.5 million people. Since the population of Jorvik is likely below a million as Jorvik is supposed to be a relatively small and overlooked island nation on the world stage (only about 350.000 people live on Iceland) this one generator should cover most of Jorvik’s needs.
However, Karahnjukavirkjun is meant to generate power to the Icelandic aluminum industry. Aluminum production requires a ridiculous amount of energy... but Jorvik has no such industry. In fact – Jorvik doesn’t seem to host much of an industry at all!
I asked @jorvegian-chronicler for a second opinion on the industries of Jorvik, and besides raising horses and manufacturing equipment for equestrian needs, it seems like the largest industries on Jorvik would likely be the drilling/mining of natural resources such as oil/gas and fishing/farming second. These industries would have far less need of energy than aluminum production, and thus, the Great Reservoir may be the only source of hydroelectric power production on Jorvik.
However, hydroelectric power is not the only power source on Jorvik. Just like Iceland, Jorvik is likely to have access to a great amount of geothermal power and may use that to provide central heating - which the Jorvegians will likely need once the sky goes dark. There are also the aforementioned great reserves of oil and gas around the island, but it seems like these resources are mainly mined by private companies and not used by the state to provide additional electricity (which they wouldn’t need anyway), so most of the fossil fuels produced on Jorvik might be export only.
Aside from electricity, Linda states in Darkness Falling that most of the drinking water in Jorvik comes from the Great Reservoir. The only canonical area we know that has its own water supply is Dundull and with no more information available we must assume that it is indeed the only local source of drinking water, and all larger settlements such as Jorvik City and Jarlaheim are completely dependent on the Great Reservoir.
We can also make the fairly safe assumption that any farmers on Jorvik rely on an irrigation system powered by freshwater from the Great Reservoir.
Armed with this knowledge (read: qualified guesswork) we can now start speculating what will happen in Jorvik’s own day after tomorrow.
When the dam breaches, it will release an enormous flood of water that will crush everything in its way, eliminating any settlements in the direction of the tidal wave of water that will mercilessly flow out of the broken dam. Canonical locations affected would be Meander Village and Pine Hill Manor. They would likely have some time available for evacuation, but so much for Mr. Sands.
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The second effect would be the failure of most of the Jorvegian power grid. While central heating might be covered by geothermal power plants, light, household apparatuses, computers, and various entertainment systems would be shut down. There might be enough emergency power to provide power for an emergency broadcast or low-level lighting, but this emergency power wouldn’t last forever.
If Jorvik has any coal or oil-powered plants, they’d need to start working overtime to fill the power vacuum. However, with Jorvik being very environmentally conscious I believe they would have decommissioned most of the fossil-fueled power plants.
The third effect would be the loss of clean drinking water. You never realize how much water you use until the tap dries up. Mistfall lake seems to be an independent water source, and Silversong River could likely be fueled by meltwater from Dino Valley, but the largest cities in Jorvik – Jorvik City and Jarlaheim – would be without clean water.
There are wells placed around Jorvik that still would be fine to use, but those wells are mainly intended to provide water for the horses in Jorvik, not to provide water for the humans in the cities.
It seems odd to place all the eggs in a single basket by relying so much on this one dam, but I’m not one to question Linda on her knowledge of Jorvegian infrastructure.
A likely consequence is that the Jorvegians that can do so should seek their way to the countryside and smaller settlements. Any village with wells present has a source of groundwater which Jorvik City does not.
The Jorvegian government will have to arrange for water to be transported from other sources, and since Jorvik City is close to Dundull, giant tank trucks would likely be sent into the Mistfall national park in order to transport some of that water back to Jorvik City. . Perhaps GED can make a fortune here by selling Go! Energy Drinks?
Local wells wouldn’t be enough to support large-scale irrigation of agriculture, however, and it would be likely that harvests would fail all around Jorvik that year, as there wouldn’t be enough water available to provide enough for an agricultural industry.
This would be a huge hit to Jorvik’s economy, which relies on the fertile land for a large number of crops, and we all know that it doesn’t seem to rain nearly enough on Jorvik to make up for the loss of irrigation water.
If the harvests would be bad the first year, the subsequent years will be even worse, as the sun will be blocked out by volcanic particles which will lead to a cooldown over the entire northern hemisphere. Reports from the year 536 speak about crop failures and a “failure in bread”, implying that the large amounts of grain grown on Jorvik may not survive the colder climate.
Failing crops and poor harvests will lead to a huge economic deficit not only for the agricultural industry but for the equestrian industry as well. Much of the crops grown on Jorvik are not meant for the human population to consume, but rather to feed Jorvik’s obsession with the equestrian industry.
With an agricultural industry in decline over the next few years, it follows that the equestrian industry can no longer be supported to the same extent.
Several of the horse breeds imported to Jorvik over time may not have the build to survive the colder climate at this time and would need to be transported away from the island. Indigenous and cold-resistant breeds may have better luck, but with no agricultural industry to support them, it’s likely that the equestrian industry as a whole would need to downsize.
This would indirectly impact Jorvik’s tourism industry, as fewer young people would be spending their summer vacation in Jorvik for several years. In fact, Jorvik would likely not experience another summer for years to come!***
On the upside, Jorvik’s glue industry has a bright future ahead.
Fortunately, the fishing and fossil fuel industries wouldn’t be nearly as badly affected by the disaster. With crops failing, the fishing industry would be even more paramount for domestic food production, and Cape West might grow from a small fishing village to a large harbor to support the increased needs for fishing and shipping.
The fossil fuel industries would have to be relied on to provide domestic energy production until the dam can be rebuilt, as well as powering the boats used by the fishing industry.
This increased need for domestic use of fossil fuels would likely hurt Jorvik’s ability to export said fossil fuels, which may have far-reaching consequences globally, as peace never tends to be an option once oil is on the table. It’s unlikely that Jorvik makes up a major part of the global fossil fuel production, but such a sudden change in the worldwide fossil fuel distribution would likely have some consequences on the global market.
With the equestrian and agricultural industries failing, and the fishing and fossil fuel industries taking on more importance, more of Jorvik’s workforce would likely move to work in the industries that can offer them jobs. Carl Peterson is an experienced oil rig worker and would likely be forced to accept a job in the fossil fuel industry, leading to the Starshine Ranch falling into ruin.
Other people may be forced to leave Jorvik entirely, as the failure of the equestrian industry would mean the loss of tens of thousands of jobs in the whole country.
The construction industry would likely be staying strong. There would be a need to rebuild the dam around the Great Reservoir. Construction on the Kárahnjúkar Dam took five years to complete, so we may be looking at a similar timeframe. Hopefully, they will build it to be sturdier this time as to not break as soon as some Sun Circle teenager opens a portal to Pandoria, and also construct some backup plans in the other lakes around Jorvik.
All in all, there would doubtlessly be many years of hardship to face on Jorvik. Hardships that I’m not sure that druidic magic could help with as we’re assuming a completely natural eruption not caused by Garnok and the Hell Portal.
Linda may still be able to foresee the eruption, but if she’d try to warn anyone, she’d likely get the Cassandra**** treatment. Of course, perhaps there is something that the Soul Riders could do to stop it. We don’t know all of the magic that runs through Jorvik, and honestly, I’m sure Linda can find some ritual to banish the initial volcanic eruption to the moon. Moon Circle OP.
There would be a light at the end of the tunnel, as the sun would gradually grow stronger as the particles fade away, and warm, pleasant summers with plentiful harvests would return to Jorvik.
Whew, that was pretty dark.
These kinds of events tend to have far-reaching consequences, and I barely even touched on how the political, cultural, and social development could turn out following the eruption, destruction of the dam, and the long winter.
The forces of nature can be great and terrible, and I don’t think most of us tend to reflect on the awesome power of volcanoes nearly often enough. We are but specks of dust in comparison to the movement of the continental plates and the forces of the Earth. Hopefully, we will learn how to master them yet.
Thanks for reading – now please get some water, have a snack, and read something more lighthearted.
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*Poor Justinian. For all he did as a Roman Emperor, his name lives on in a plague. Constantine got a city named after him. Julius and Augustus Ceasar each got a month. Justinian got the plague. That's rough, buddy.
**Fimbulvinter is the harsh winter that ends almost all life on Midgård and is the harbinger of Ragnarok in Norse mythology. It has been theorized that this myth was based on stories of harsh winters without any summers in between, that were passed down in oral tradition as tales of the future. Winter is coming, anyone?
***On the other hand, many might be happy that snow in Jorvik is finally back. Why let a little hemispherical disaster get in the way of enjoying the year-long winter?
****Cassandra was a seer and priestess of Apollo in the Illiad myth, cursed with the power to utter completely true prophesies but never be believed. I think Linda relates to her a lot on a personal level.
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goonlalagoon · 5 years
The Great Haus Bake-Off || Check, Please!
I have no memory of what caused me to start writing this, but been re-reading some Check Please fic and finally got motivated to go back and finish it...
(also on Ao3 here)
No-one was quite certain, later, who started it.
 It had been a post-practice brunch, they all agreed, sometime in that period when everyone on the Internet - or at least, about thirty percent of the parts of the Internet that Bitty frequented and re-tweeted things from - was obsessed with Great British Bake Off, and someone had eventually said “It’s baking, it isn’t like it’s exciting”, and it seemed like almost everyone in the room made a sound of thoughtless agreement.
Then came the terrible ‘clang’ of an oven door being closed.
 Instantly, the room fell silent. The look Eric Bittle turned on them all would freeze enough water for an ice rink, and for a long moment everyone at the Haus kitchen table was both trying to remember whether they had said the terrible thing, and wondering with deep seated horror whether if no-one owned up Bitty would actually withhold all baked goods.
 Chowder actually gulped when he began to smirk.
 “Oh, really? Y’all better be ready to put your money where your mouths are.”
It’s really only supposed to be a small thing. Bitty plans to just get the boys to try and make something - maybe a pie, or maybe he’d give them something fancier, patisserie of some kind - which they would all inevitably fail at but would probably make fools of themselves in some deeply entertaining fashion while baking. But Lardo listens to him patter on about it for fifteen minutes, swallows her pie, and grins.
“Say, Bits? You reckon we could turn this into a Samwell Men’s Hockey publicity thing?”
 They even manage to get a sort-of sponsorship out of it by dint of Lardo sidling up to the manager of the cute little store Bitty goes to for baking apparatus - he’ll compromise on many things for the sake of budgeting, but when he needs another pie dish or his scales go on the blink, Eric Bittle is not afraid to invest - and cheerfully explaining the entire story. The manager is delighted and insists on being a judge in exchange for giving them a deal on some of the key equipment, because Bitty loves his teammates to pieces but wouldn’t dream of letting them near his mama’s set of cake tins for love nor money.
When the delivery arrives he discovers that the manger has even managed to get them cake stands patterned with skating boots and little snowflakes.
One of Lardo’s arty friends agrees to film it in exchange for permission to submit it as part of his film and media portfolio, and Bitty indulges himself in a full rerun of every episode of Bake Off aired so far to gather ideas.
Lardo joins him for most of it, already planning the spiel she’s going to stick up on the SMH website to cover the event and organising a few people for taste testing (with a guarantee of a Bittle produced rendition of the days challenge in case all other offerings are truly inedible as they both half suspect they will be)
 Meanwhile, the rest of the boys begin to panic. Baking is not a skill that was widely associated with the SMH Haus before the arrival of Bitty, and their main interaction with baked goods is still firmly on the consumer end of things.
Ransom is seen carrying a stack of cookbooks up to his chin across campus from the library, and spends his evenings memorising recipes with the fervour he usually saves for last minute test revision. No-one quite dares use the Haus kitchen to practice, because what if they damage Bitty’s baking stuff he will either cry or kill them or both, and take over miscellaneous dorm kitchens to try and memorise the basic sponge recipe. A bemused Farmer lets Chowder use her kitchen, and promptly tracks down Bitty to ask what on earth is going on, because “he accidentally used salt instead of sugar and I know for a fact he’s done that several times before, why is he trying to bake again now??”
(She joins in with the GBBO re-watch and makes some excellent suggestions for possible challenges.)
Shitty attempts to make macarons, because he suspects that Bitty is going to make them all suffer. He pokes his failed attempt and concludes that Bitty may be prepared to make them all suffer, but he also loves baking too much to inflict this level of horror on himself, surely?
He largely stops trying to prepare himself and instead starts waxing lyrical about baking in the context of gender roles, mostly the hypocrisy that being able to bake a cake is still considered an essential life skill for a girl, but no one has ever thought it unreasonable that he has never baked a cake before in his life, and winds up on Wikipedia at three fifteen A.M. having gone down a Google rabbit hole that has somehow led to him reading the page about the societal structure of meerkats.
 In the end, Bitty decides on three challenges, as a nod to the format and a fun way to get some variety; cookie decoration (he’ll provide the prepped dough, bake ‘em once everyone’s used whatever cookie cutters they want, and then they do the decoration), mini-cake construction (everyone gets a batch of miniature sponges, their choice of how to glue the two layers together and add finishing touches), and one actual baking round - the showstopper pie.
Lardo makes a schedule, because the Haus kitchen won’t take all seven of the team who got themselves into this mess trying to work in it all at once, so that they rotate between stages and go in batches to Murder Shop ‘n Stop to buy their pie filling ingredients.
 It’s a disaster, and Bitty watches the chaos unfold with entirely unconcealed glee, keeping up a cheerful voice over - and if his chirps happen to distract the boys and lead to much panicked responses and second guessing, well, that’ s just the nature of baking in a high-pressure environment, isn’t it?
The first round of judging involves a lot of guesswork. Admittedly, Chowder’s blue and white creations are a lot easier to figure out if you’ve seen the inside of the boy’s room and could reliably guess what he was going to attempt, so there are a lot of puzzled looks exchanged amongst the judges until someone makes the link with the Sharks hoodie he’s wearing.
It turns out that Dex can do a pretty neat galaxy icing pattern if he puts his mind to it, even if he got the consistency wrong; Bitty may actually have to try it himself, sometime.
(”Jack, did you…did you actually do maple leaf cut outs with a maple glaze? That’s…”
“Gotta stay on brand, eh? And I was told I wasn’t allowed to do plain circles and decorate them as hockey pucks.”
Most of the minature sponge cakes are gradually sliding more and more lopsided as the various attempts at butter-cream or other fillings prove unable to hold. Holster has somehow managed to cut his at almost a perfect diagonal instead of in half; Nursey simply gave up and presents his as an ‘open sandwich’ rather than trying to glue the layers back together.
 (“Shits, what did you even put in the middle of - is this marmite? Did you - did you seriously - why?”
“Listen, love it or hate it, and I happen to love it. Sweet and savoury, a classic combination -”
“Marmite victoria sponge is not a classic combination, Shitty.”
“I was told to be creative, thank you very much, unlike those of us who went with jam and butter-cream.”
“I like jam and butter-cream. Anyway, I did use apple jam, that’s not typical. And I put maple syrup in the -”
“Bro, I am also from Canada, and even I will say that is incredibly Canadian of you.”)
Bitty almost weeps when he sees the final range of pies produced. He was braced for them to be terrible; he just wasn’t quite prepared enough. For a moment, he wonders if this whole stunt was really worth it.
 Fillings are burnt while pastry is undercooked to the point of being raw - or the filling is horribly flavoured and the pastry overcooked until it’s about the consistency of wood chips.
Ransom has managed a surprisingly pretty lattice over three-quarters of his pie, but ran out of pastry for the last section. Chowder forgot to leave air-holes in the lid of his (and put salt instead of sugar in the filling).
Nursey isn’t sure what ingredient he forgot, but it was clearly one of the essential ones.
But there is one pie that actually looks…if not something that Bitty would have baked himself, at least something he wouldn’t be instantly offended to be connected to. The lid is a near perfect golden brown, with precisely spaced snips to let the steam waft gently out. The pastry is precisely crimped around the edge of the pie dish, with the excess trimmed away to leave a clean margin. The filling is sweet but not sickly.
 The decorative pastry maple leaves add a certain artistry, the main judge declares with the pleased smile of someone who knows they were created with a cookie cutter bought from his own shop.
The video of Jack being presented with an ice-skate patterned cake tin and a matching apron as he’s declared the ‘Samwell Hockey Haus Bake-Off Champion gets re-tweeted by Bob Zimmerman within five minutes of being posted, to a flurry of Twitter activity.
Lardo and Bitty were definitely not expecting their slightly-spite-motivated publicity stunt to go quite this public.
 (It was a really good pie, though.)
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panfishonthefly · 5 years
Fly Tying Friday - Create Perfect Poppers For Panfish!
This morning I tied up a mess of tiny poppers for panfish in anticipation of warmer weather to come. These little poppers are perfect early season offerings when the fish start looking up. I create popper bodies out of a variety of materials, including foam, cork, balsa wood, and hard plastic. All of the materials mentioned are great options for making panfish bugs, but for the tiny poppers, I like hard-bodied foam.
I build these hard foam poppers using the Perfect Popper kits from Waspi. These kits are available in a variety of sizes from a tiny size 12 Bream Popper up to large saltwater sizes. For panfish, I like the two smallest sizes, the size 10 & 12 Bream Poppers. These small hard-bodied poppers are perfect for bluegills and other panfish. They are incredibly durable, something that is important when dealing with tiny poppers like this. Other materials like cork, foam, and wood can be on the delicate side when dealing with poppers this small. The hard foam bodies are nearly indestructible despite their minuscule size.
As I mentioned earlier, these poppers are available as a kit. The Bream Poppers are sold in a package with ten bodies and ten hooks. The white foam can be easily colored with permanent markers, paint, or airbrushes. Assembling the popper could not be any easier. Before UV resin came on the market, I would build these poppers by putting a single layer of fine thread on the hook shank, coat this wrapping with a layer of superglue and wedge the hook into the precut grove on the bottom of the popper. These days I omit the thread wraps and apply the glue right to the hook shank and insert it into the groove. I then fill that slot with UV resin and cure it. The result is the hook is permanently bonded to the hard foam body.
The next step is to add some color to the body. My preferred method, and by far the easiest, is to use permanent markers. Markers allow you to easily create solid colors or intricate patterns quickly and easily with no fuss or mess. To protect that new finish, I usually give the popper body a coat of Loon Soft Head. Loon Soft Head is unique in that it will not cause the ink from the permanent markers to run when I give them the final coat of UV resin to give that popper a bombproof, high gloss finish. If you are in a rush to hit the water, color the popper up with a marker and have at it. Under most conditions, the finish will hold up just fine.
The final step is to dress them up the way you like them. On these small sizes, I usually don't bother with adding rubber legs through the bodies. On larger poppers, I will often bore a hole through the hard body and add some rubber legs for a little added sex appeal, but it seems like overkill with these tiny bodies. In fact, it may adversely affect the popper's ability to float. There is not a lot of material in these small poppers, so I like to keep my hook dressings sparse to keep the fly floating high.
I get a lot of satisfaction out of building a popper from scratch using raw materials like foam or balsa wood. Sometimes I want to whip up some bugs without all the fuss. These popper kits from Waspi take all the guesswork out of building your poppers and make it easy for you to create great-looking poppers for everything from bluegills to bluefish!
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dawnasiler · 5 years
Can Glycolic Acid Peels Treat Acne Scars?
Can glycolic acid treat acne scars?
That’s what my dear reader Roxann asked me a few days ago. I have to admit, this question took me a bit aback. I’m a big fan of glycolic acid (it’s the best exfoliant ever!), but I had never thought about it as a treatment for acne scarring.
That’s because, unlike Roxann, I never had to deal with acne. Every now and then, a zit pops its ugly head on my chin, but acne has, so far, passed me by. So, even though I use glycolic acid a lot, I have no first hand experience about how well it works to treat acne scars.
So, I did some research. I scoured scientific journals for studies on glycolic acid and its effects on acne scars. Here’s what I found out:
What Are Acne Scars?
Before we talk about treating acne scars, let’s make sure that’s what you have. It’s not always easy to tell. Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation is often mistaken for acne scarring.
What’s post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation? That red, pink, or brown discoloration that appears after a blemish has healed. These spots are not scars, and, thank goodness, they fade on their own (although, they take their sweet time to do so).
Scars, instead, occur when the skin is damaged. In the case of acne cysts, pores get clogged up with bacteria, excess oil, and dead skin cells. When all this gunk accumulates too much, it’s unable to pass through the skin’s surface. Inevitably, it expands until the pore breaks, releasing matter that causes inflammation and scars.
Who is more likely to get acne scars? Some people have inherited a predisposition to them, but the severity of your acne matters too. The worse it is, the more likely you’ll develop acne scars. And, as you age, they only become more noticeable (one of the side effects of the natural depletion of collagen).
What Is Glycolic Acid?
Ok, so you’re sure yours are scars, not post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation. Why should glycolic acid be able to help? A member of the alpha hydroxy acid (AHAs) family, glycolic acid is a colorless, odorless and water-soluble substance derived from sugar cane.
Glycolic acid has exfoliating properties. It is able to loosen the “glue” that holds skin cells together, allowing them to peel off and reveal the brighter, even-toned, skin underneath. It also boosts collagen production.
This double action reduces the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines, and even hyperpigmentation. So, it makes sense it’d help treat acne scars too.
But glycolic acid isn’t without side effects. When you use too much of it, or apply it too often, it can cause redness and irritation, especially if your skin is sensitive. That’s why OTC treatments only contain small concentrations (up to 15%).
Higher concentrations work faster, but they need to be prescribed by a dermatologist, or you risk removing too many layers of skin. That’s not gonna look pretty, and it’ll hurt like hell!
Glycolic Acid can cause skin to become more sensitive to the sun as well. To prevent that, simply use it together with sunscreen (sunscreen is something you should never skip anyway!). Or, if you prefer, use it at night. Whatever works best for you.
Related: The Complete Guide To Glycolic Acid: What It Is, What It Does & How To Use It
Can Glycolic Acid Peels Treat Acne Scars?
If you have post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, glycolic acid will help. As mentioned above, these spots fade on their own. But if you can’t wait to get rid of them, glycolic acid will hasten the process.
If you have slight to moderate acne, things are a bit more complicated. Glycolic acid, especially when used with vitamins C and A (both of which can stimulate collagen production), can make scars less noticeable overtime. The bad news is that OTC concentrations usually aren’t powerful enough on their own to solve the problem.
So, what concentrations do you need? According to a 2000 study, about 70%! How did the scientists arrive at this conclusion? They tried several concentrations on three groups of women.
“Glycolic acid peels with 20%, 35%, 50%, and 70% concentrations,” the study reads, “were applied serially at 2-week intervals to 23 patients in Group A. Twenty patients in Group B used a 15% glycolic acid cream once or twice daily for a period of 24 weeks. The remaining 15 patients in Group C applied a placebo cream twice daily during the same period.”
The results? Low concentrations of glycolic acid were better tolerated, but “repeated short-contact 70% glycolic acid peels provided superior results” and “are necessary to obtain evident improvement.”
But low concentrations aren’t completely useless. The same study claims that “long-term daily use of low-strength products may also have some useful effects on scars and may be recommended for patients who cannot tolerate the peeling procedure.”
How To Use Glycolic Acid Peels To Treat Acne Scars
So glycolic acid peels work, but how should you use them? Here are a few tips to help you:
1.Start small
Although higher concentrations work best, glycolic acid is pretty powerful and should be used with care. That’s why I believe it best to start with concentrations of 20%. After a couple of weeks, switch to a 30% concentration. Do a couple more treatments, and increase to 50%. Only if this is not powerful enough for you, use the strongest amount, 70%.
2. Don’t do it alone!
Don’t go buy a glycolic acid peel treatment on Amazon just yet! These concentrations are way too strong to be used without proper medical supervsion. Go to a doctor, and let her prescribe you the right dose and frequency.
Glycolic acid peels remove an entire layer of skin, and that doesn’t come without side effects! You’ll surely experience some peeling and redness. A little is normal, but, if you take matters into your own hands rather than trusting a professional, the side effects will be quite severe, and as bad to deal with as your scars. Don’t risk it!
3. Be patient
Glycolic acid peels work, but not overnight. Depending on how pitted (depressed) your scars are, it may take several weeks, if not months, for them to disappear.
If your scars are very severe, glycolic acid peels may not even be enough on their own to solve the problem (although, you’ll certainly see an improvement). In that case, consult your doctor for an alternative treatment.
4. Don’t forget sunscreen
Always, always, always, apply sunscreen after a glycolic acid peel. Glycolic acid, as we already know, makes skin more prone to sun damage. After a peel, your skin is very delicate and needs all the protection you can give it.
The Bottom Line
Glycolic acid peels can help treat slight to moderate acne scars. But they need to be administered by a professional, or you risk doing more harm than good!
Have you ever used Glycolic Acid peels to treat acne scars? Share your experience in the comments!
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Can Glycolic Acid Peels Treat Acne Scars? syndicated from Beautiful With Brains
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delta-6a10a-g6ar · 2 years
Zkittlez Autoflower Seeds For
We at ILGM are professionals at using the best seeds at the best cost. Whether you wish to buy seeds cheaply or buy the best weed seeds, ILGM is here to help. When you are prepared to start growing marijuana, you'll require to buy weed seeds. Start by discovering a reliable seed bank. If you wish to buy cannabis seeds online and wish to buy the best weed seeds, stick to a trusted U.S.A. seed bank. We at ILGM are professionals at using the best seeds at the best cost. Whether you wish to buy seeds cheaply or buy the best weed seeds, ILGM is here to help. Our top-quality low-cost feminized seeds are ensured to grow, implying you'll never stress about your cash getting wasted. With our complimentary pot seeds on select stress and germination guarantee, we can't afford to send seeds that won't grow. That's why, when you order weed seeds from us, you're getting excellent seeds at an excellent cost. Buying cannabis seeds at the I Love Growing Cannabis seed shop is simple and fun. ILGM is one of the best cannabis seed banks online due to the fact that we make it simple to spend for your order. We are among couple of online seed banks that let you pay in cash. You can likewise pay by checking account or with Bitcoin. If this occurs, do not stress, we'll simply process your order utilizing a different payment method. ILGM is one of the best cannabis seed banks online due to the fact that we make it simple to spend for your order. We are among couple of online seed banks that let you pay in cash. You can likewise pay by checking account or with Bitcoin. LEDs offer adequate light to stimulate THC levels that reach 20% in some of these plants! There are pantry staples, and after that there are indoor grow staples. If you wish to grow the best easy-to-grow marijuana, AK-47 Autoflower seeds must be on your list. This pressure is a mellow smoke, a simple grow, a severe THC manufacturer, and a fast harvest. This pressure is mellow in simply about every way. It provides a chill-out high that's still a severe experience, with THC content as high as 20%. Unlike many stress, AK-47 provides a clear-headedness that can last for hours, making it best for daytime use. AK-47 Autoflower tastes earthy with a hint of tartness, and the skunky undertone assists round out the experience. The majority of these stress are likewise beginner-friendly. And, they are autoflower seeds. That suggests you can grow them at any time of the year. That absolutely certifies these cannabis stress as very. The Super Vehicle Mix consists of autoflowering Bruce Banner, Lady Scout Cookies Extreme autoflowers, and car Gorilla Glue seeds. All our autoflowers are feminized Amnesia Haze Autoflower Blueberry Autoflower Northern Lights Autoflower Saves up to $168 Have you been looking for marijuana seeds that are high-yielding and flower fast? Well, ILGM's Autoflower Mixpack comes with 3 potent stress of cannabis that are all autoflowering: Amnesia Haze, Blueberry, and Northern Lights. Your Easy Grow Option - Grow Guesswork Free Automatically All marijuana seeds are not the same. If they are car flowering seeds, they're going to grow a lot various than regular alternatives. The plants from these seeds start their flowering phase without a modification in light. They likewise grow much faster and remain smaller sized than regular marijuana plants. https://zkittlezautoflowerseedsforsal921.blogspot.com/2022/09/zkittlez-autoflower-seeds-for-sale-buy.html https://s3.amazonaws.com/ilgm-coupon-code/ilgm-coupon-code.html https://tfsites.blob.core.windows.net/ilgm-coupon-code/ilgm-coupon-code.html https://storage.googleapis.com/ilgm-coupon-code/ilgm-coupon-code.html https://s3.us-east-1.wasabisys.com/ilgm-coupon-code/ilgm-coupon-code.html https://s3.us-west-004.backblazeb2.com/ilgm-coupon-code/ilgm-coupon-code.html https://onlineertcapplicationforresta675.blogspot.com/2022/09/online-ertc-refunds-help_02127046176.html https://the-ertc-tax-credit-xw6j2.tumblr.com/post/696728131090923520/ertc-expert-near-me https://strijkdesign.tumblr.com/ https://strijkdesign.tumblr.com/rss https://strijkdesign.tumblr.com/post/695387821250314240/laguna-the-green-red-combination-is-classic-for
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