#gjughg gdi
ask-escort-blog · 8 years
KEEP READING OR YOU WILL DIE Hui im a gester & im eviil!!1 i havve reed haire and red eyees and a red hatt too. Inn 1019 i wantted to dei so maf and ceeral killer agrred to helpp lycnh me butt thy lier sso i killedd then!!!1 If ftyou dont frorward dis to 10 ppl you wil bee hautnted and diee-!1!! Belieev me2 Joh nonly seent dis to 1 perso n. he died to arsao n2 lol he was janitot Ann sentr this 2 8 ppl. Ha not gud enoughz she died to ww n3 shr wus jailwr lolBeet set this to 15551 ppl an he win lo
“I stopped reading at the “keep reading” part, i just can’t bother. It hurts my eyes to read this.”
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