#give me another chance i want to grow up once again etc
ashiqui · 8 months
i wish i was a kid again so i could make friends like kids do. i want to sit by my old best friend's side in our school bus and play games with our hands. i want the joy of childhood again
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milfgyuu · 1 month
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Lowlifes [M] Pairing: Choi Seungcheol x Fem!Reader Tags: 11.5k, f2l, smut, fluff, humor, foundfamily, gang?au, 18+ Summary: Seungcheol grows tired of watching you fool around with a string of loser boyfriends and steps in when an ex shows up somewhere he's not welcome which unravels years of feelings lost in translation. Warnings: SMUT 18+, MINORS DNI!! mxf unprotected sex, multiple orgasms, lots of making out both in public and private, lots of touching, holding, soft manhandling, language, physical violence, mentions of injuries, broken bones, etc. not super detailed but very much implied they are in an illegal crime crew/gang/ring whatever. people are drinking in the bar and getting lit bc it's big dawg dk's bday ok. i think that covers it.
Seungcheol knows he should mind his business and he’s well aware that you can handle your own problems because you take great pleasure in reminding him of your capabilities.
That doesn’t mean he’s not watching out of the corner of his eye as you’re pacing back and forth at the far end of the bar. Your phone is glued to your ear and you’re obviously upset, throwing your free hand in the air with a string of expletives falling from your lips so clearly that he doesn’t have to hear you to make them out. It’s obvious who’s on the other end of that call and just knowing you’re still speaking to your ex irks his nerves.
He drinks down the remainder of his beer as he continues monitoring from a distance, running the tip of his tongue over his bottom lip with thinly veiled irritation. 
When you hang up the phone, mid-sentence, it takes everything in you not to turn and drive your fist through the wall. All the pretty promises and apologies…you knew they were empty. You knew he would disappoint you yet again. You’re more angry with yourself for being stupid enough to hope he’d come through for once but instead of being here with you and your friends, trying to work shit out, he’s running with his new crew. 
Things were always tumultuous with Jae and never going to work out, which you knew very early on, but you just loathe being wrong when you give someone a chance. It was a fool’s hope to think he might turn it around and make you feel better about letting him into your life to begin with.
The truth of the matter was that Jae just wanted to be a part of your crew and when they refused to let him in, he went and found another and tried to drag you along with him. There wasn’t a chance in hell that you’d leave them, your family, but you tried to make things work and it bit you in the ass more times than you could count. 
You’re pissed as all hell when you slip back into the booth, right into Seungcheol’s side. He’s warm and familiar, and when his arm falls around your shoulder it tempers your rage just a touch. Another thing Jae couldn’t stand…how close the two of you were. 
Seungcheol has been by your side since you and your brother were kids. You three have been thick as thieves, literally, for so long that you were more comfortable with him than anyone else in the world. You loved, trusted, and respected Seungcheol to a fault. 
He also notoriously let’s you get away with pretty much everything. 
So, for no reason other than needing a distraction and hoping to get a rise out of him, you take the cold fresh beer he’s yet to touch right out of his hands and bring it to your lips. He makes an amused sound and pinches your shoulder where his hand rests. 
“That doesn’t belong to you,” he grumbles, though he doesn’t do anything to stop you from taking whatever you want.
You swallow another small mouthful and set the beer down, pushing it back into his grip. The little gasp of surprise you let out when his big hand catches around yours before you can let go of the glass makes Cheol grin which is an improvement from the scowl he’s been sporting for most of the night.
“You gonna tell me why you’ve been so grumpy?” you ask, leaning into him so he can actually hear you over all the noise, “You only nurse a beer when you’re in a shit mood.”
He lets you pull your hand from the cold glass but doesn’t put any distance between your bodies, he lessens it instead. You’re so close that he doesn’t even need to speak loudly for you to hear him. “I didn’t realize you paid that much attention to me.” His deep rumbling voice can be felt this closely and the alcohol in the warmth of your belly feels fizzy.
“I’ve known you longer than anyone else here,” you reason, “You can’t hide anything from me.”
Seungcheol snickers, “Oh, I bet I could.”
You don’t get the chance to try and one up him because your phone buzzes incessantly in your lap. Pulling back, you both see who is calling and Seungcheol kisses his teeth in irritation. You silence the call, sending your ex to voicemail and you’re about to reach for your own drink but another incoming call prevents you.
“You want me to answer it?” 
Seungcheol’s tone is dangerous so you silence the call again and continue reaching for your glass. “He’ll give up.”
That isn’t typically the case but you're praying this once it is because you really don’t feel like dealing with Jae’s bullshit any more than you wish to handle a pissed off Seungcheol or get a lecture from your brother. Jeonghan, over-bearing and unhinged as he is, will talk you to death when you make a poor choice as if his entire lifestyle isn’t comprised of the ones he’s made. Better to keep him out of it too.  
Cheol will give you a piece of his mind but he’s more like your big, scary guard dog and even though you’re never on the receiving end, you know he’s got a nasty bite so you’d prefer to keep the leash short and not dangle bait before him. The last thing you need is Seungcheol winding up in a cell because of you…he toes that line enough as it is.
Unfortunately, nothing is going your way tonight and your phone lights up again. Normally you’d leave it alone but another part of you, one far and detached from who is calling, still fears the guilt of missing back-to-back calls heavens forbid something has happened.
It’s the only reason you’re answering, shouting over the noise, “You’d better be dying. What the hell do you want?”
“Baby, I just need to talk to you and you’re ignoring me,” he whines back and bile gathers at the base of your throat, “I already said I was sorry! Your friends don’t even like me so I don’t know why you asked me to come. They don’t think I’m good enough for you.”
“You’re not good enough for me,” is the first thing that comes out of your mouth, beyond caring about his feelings at this point, “You’ve proved that time and time again and I don’t need them to tell me what I already know. I’m busy. Don’t call me again.”
“Wait, wait!” he calls out to you desperately - it makes your skin crawl, “I’ll come pick you up, sweetheart. I’ll take you somewhere real nice, just us two, ok? You just stay there and I’ll come get you.”
Your face bunches up incredulously, “Don’t bother showing up now! The olive branch I extended by inviting you tonight no longer exists. I don’t want you here and I’m definitely not going anywhere just the two of us. I’m with my crew and you’re with yours,” you argue back, “That’s what you chose, so that’s what you get.”
There is silence on the end of the line and then laughter. 
“You’re lucky you’re hot because it’s a distraction from how fucking crazy you are! I swear to god, you’re just trying to piss me off so I’ll pay more attention to you! Is that what you want? Want me to drop everything to be with you? Like you don’t get enough fucking attentio-”
“Hang up,” comes a growl from your left and when you look over, Seungcheol is seething.
You don’t waste another breath except to say, “Don’t call me again,” before disconnecting..
As you tuck your phone back between your thighs you accidentally meet Jeonghan’s gaze from across the table. His eyes flick between you just having ended another call and Seungcheol who looks like he might shatter the glass in his hand at any given moment. He raises a brow, his silent way of asking if everything is okay and you wink back like it’s totally fine. No worries. Not a thing wrong or out of place. 
Which, it probably would have been if your phone hadn’t vibrated again a minute later. 
It’s just the one time so you thought it was a fluke, a misdial,  but then it buzzes again….and again. Then it’s a continually buzzing stream of new alerts so you pull your phone out and find sixteen unread messages. You don’t even bother reading them and shove the phone back between your thighs. Just. Shut. Up.
Minutes pass and you’re trying really hard to enjoy Chan’s little impromptu performance at the bar, and it sounds lovely, truly, but it’s difficult to focus on anything at all between your efforts to internally process your ex’s fucking audacity and to ignore furious heat rolling off Seungcheol’s body still so close to your own.. 
He’s wholly enraged and you can feel it.
There is maybe a solid seven minutes where your phone sits silently and you’re about to turn to speak to Jihoon and then…another text comes through. Seungcheol’s patience finally wears through and he plucks it from between your thighs before you can react. You watch quietly, not bothering to argue with him as he forces a shut down before pocketing it inside his jacket. 
You still stare at him like some admonished teenager and he stares back with a small smirk, daring you to say something. He’s not doing it to punish you - that’s the reason you don’t push back - he’s going to make sure you enjoy the night just like everyone else. He knows it’s not going to happen if you’re glued to your phone and so do you. 
Narrowing your eyes, you smirk back. “You’re giving that back later, right?”
His answering grin is troubling. “I might make you earn it.”
You toy with the idea of asking how but that line of thought is mercifully interrupted by a round of shots for the whole table being delivered and passed around. You had to wait the additional four minutes of having to sit through Hoshi giving an impromptu speech that almost dissolves to tears because he’s probably (definitely) two shots too deep and then it’s back to chaos and you’re finally free to be a part of it.
Your mood lifts tremendously over the next hour so being present in the moment with the people you love. Hao’s girlfriend Jessie passes you a sticker sheet with little glittery hearts and stars which end up all over the bar, in joshua’s hair, the tip of Jun’s nose, the bathroom walls, and some litter the dance floor. Woozi steals a couple for the back of his phone case and when you run out she supplies you with temporary tattoos. Almost everyone has at least two imprinted on their skin by the time those are run through.
When your hands are empty and your drinks all run dry, an old country western song crackles over the speakers and suddenly you’re being dragged out onto the floor by Mingyu who is hell bent on trying to replicate some old line dance you’re sure he’s fabricated in his foggy mind. Something about heels and toes, and being swung around your partner - it’s fun and somewhat terrifying when he’s nearly lifting you off the ground mid-spin. 
It’s not his fault that he’s got long legs and two left feet when he drinks so it’s mostly the two of you skipping in circles, laughing and completely out of breath, but it’s a blast. 
And then you catch something out of the corner of your eye that makes you stop dead in your tracks. Mingyu doesn’t even notice that you’ve stopped until he trips over your foot, looking down at you in confusion. “You givin’ up on me?”
“What the fuck is he doing here?” 
The voice comes from Joshua in the corner, which means somehow word spread about tonight’s falling out without you knowing, and now everyone is looking at your ex, boldly and moronically standing a few feet away from you which is several feet too close for their liking. Unsurprisingly, it’s Hoshi who’s already in his face, smiling in the most menacing fashion. “This is a private event so unfortunately for you, you’ll have to fuck off.”
Jae scoffs aloud, “I don’t give a shit about your party.”
Then his scowl twists into a smirk but it’s cruel and mirthless, his eyes falling on you and Mingyu who had at some point out of habit placed his body just in front of your own.
“I came for my girl but it looks like she’s already moved on for the night, throwing herself at one of you sorry assholes because I couldn’t make time for her. Typical.”
Mingyu anticipates you trying to step around him and quickly catches you around the waist to hold you back at the same time that Seokmin stands from his chair so quickly it falls backwards and lands with a loud clatter. “Watch your fucking mouth,” he warns menacingly. 
“Watch my mouth? I’m just pointing out that facts. I should have known that’s why she suddenly didn’t want me here,” he goes on like every pair of eyes on him aren’t glaring daggers, “Would have ruined her plans to get shit-faced and open her legs for whichever one of you looked at her first.”
Jeonghan hurls himself at Jae with an opened switchblade in his hand but, thankfully, Joshua and Jihoon catch him first, and the bastard laughs knowing none of them would let Jeonghan get close enough to do something stupid. Not with witnesses around anyway.
Jae tilts his head, speaking directly to Jeonghan with his hands in his pockets and condescention dripping from his tongue, “You’re her big brother,” he pouts, just pouring salt in the wound, “You’re really just going to sit back and allow all your friends to take turns with your little sister? The crew’s designated whor-”
He barely forms a smirk before Seungcheol appears out of nowhere and suckerpunches him in the mouth so hard the crack is audible throughout the bar. Unfortunately for Jae, he’s still conscious when he hits the ground, broken teeth and blood pouring from his maw as he screams in excruciating pain. You’re sure his jaw is broken and you’re glad. 
Absolutely no one moves to help him. Hardly even bats an eye.
Then, Seungcheol draws his leg back and kicks Jae in the stomach which means he’s not done and after what your ex just said…you’re not sure anyone in your crew will step in to stop him. You move instantly, pulling yourself out of Mingyu’s protective grip to push your way to the front where you’re relieved to see Vernon already attempting to pull his friend away and he does but not before your ex’s hand is crushed under the sole of Seungcheol’s boot and the screaming starts anew. 
When you reach them, you immediately put yourself in the middle without hesitation, both hands against Seungcheol’s chest in an effort to calm him down before he loses it completely. One of his hands is still clenched at his side and you’re trying desperately to get him to look down at you. He doesn’t but his other hand comes up to sit at your hip and that’s enough of an acknowledgement that you relax, just slightly. 
You turn just your head to look down at Jae who’s never looked more pitiful. Covered in blood, dirt, snot, and tears. 
Seungcheol glares over your shoulder at the broken man on the floor, his arm now firmly seated around your body in a possessive display as he growls, “Always running your fucking mouth,” then he nods in your brother’s direction, “I should let him cut your tongue out.”
Jeonghan’s knife spins dangerously between his deft fingers like he’s itching to use it. 
He’s no longer restrained, nearly deranged, and begins stalking toward your ex who flinches away and frantically shakes his head, unable to speak with his mangled mouth. Your voice cuts clear into the charged air. “Jeonghan,” you call out and your brother stops mid-step to look up at you patiently. You shake your head at him and he concedes but the fire in his eyes is palpable. 
He smiles down at Jae, voice lilting and deadly. “You’re safe…for now,” he tilts his head, crouching down to get closer, “And don’t bother running back to your crew for help or hope for some form of retaliation,” He pauses, covering his mouth with his knife, giggling with feral delight dancing in his eyes, “I bet you didn’t tell them where you were going or who you were fucking with because they never would have let you come and I can only imagine how pissed they’re going to be when they find out.”
Jae’s brows furrow indicating his confusion and Jeonghan laughs again, wiggling his long fingers, tapping them with the point of his blade. “How do you think your ring leader lost two fingers on his right hand? That pretty scar down the side of his face? It was an improvement if you ask me,” he croons and Jae’s eyes widen with renewed horror, “Loyal little lap dog ever since and hilariously, still harboring a rather sweet crush on my darling sister. Small world, huh? We’ll be sure to let him know how you feel about her and who’s responsible for,” he waves his hand with an air of distaste, gesturing to Jae, “This.”
When Jeongan stands again, his smile falls flat and you turn your head quickly, tucking it into Cheol’s chest when you hear the crunch and subsequent thud as your brother stomps and knocks Jae out cold. It’s cruel, perhaps, but now knowing who exactly he’s been working for, you’d consider this a mercy compared to wait awaits him.
Seungcheol lifts his chin with a silent order and Junhui and Mingyu are already stepping forward to haul Jae’s unconscious form out of the bar with Joshua leisurely striding behind them, Jae’s phone in hand. They’ll dump him outside, a few blocks away. He’s lucky they’re not animals - Josh will use Jae’s phone to deliver a personal message to his crew but beyond that, he’s no longer your crew’s problem. Retaliation isn’t even a concern in this situation.
The atmosphere is obviously soured and you can still feel the rage swirling in the air. There isn’t a single member of your crew who wouldn’t have loved a turn. Even Minghao, calm and even, the most level-headed in situations like this has a particular air of cruelty about him in the moment and Jessie at his side tucks away a glittering pair of brass knuckles. You don’t have to glance around to they are waiting for an order and Cheol still has his eyes focused on the door. There are also a few patrons who are not associated with your crew, the kind who know when to mind their business, but even they seem to be waiting to be told what to do next.
So, you clear your throat and try to paint on a pretty smile.
“Pardon the interuption,” you sigh, each head in the room swiveling in your direction, “Turn the music up and order another round for the whole bar,” you glance up to find Seuncheol already looking down at you and you pat his chest, “Drinks are still on the big guy so you’d better take advantage while he’s still feeling generous.”
Thankfully, its enough to get everyone moving again, your crew falling right back into the party swing as if nothing happened. It was so easy for them to flip the switch sometimes. From volatile back to joyous - back to shots, and karaoke, and dancing. 
Seungcheol was still furious though. He doesn’t bounce back nearly as fast.
“Why don’t we take a walk out back?”
He doesn’t budge for a moment and you say his name a little more firmly this time to which he reponds, “Yeah, yeah. I’m sorry. Let’s go.”
No one asks questions or follows the two of you when he takes your hand and leads you out the back and into the crisp night air. It’s dark but the moon etches just enough light that you can still see each other easily. Seungcheol’s shoulders are tense and you watch his fists clench and unfurl methodically. They’re also red and angry after making direct contact with Jae’s teeth. The thought makes your gut roil.
“Choi Seungcheol,” you lightly grumble, “You can’t go around hospitalizing every asshole that is mean to me.”
Nothing at first and then there’s a little huff of laughter. “I can absolutely do just that, or worse. Besides, I only hit him once.”
“You broke his jaw…and probably a few ribs with that kick,” you sigh and lean back against the building, glancing up at the sky. “My point is that I know you can but that doesn’t mean you should. If you get arrested, who’s gonna take care of me?”
He smirks. “Spoiled.”
“Your fault,” you roll your eyes and really look at him. “I didn’t know he was working for Kaito, obviously. You know I would’ve cut him off completely If I had.”
“I didn’t know either,” he admits, shrugging off your surprise, “Jeonghan must have found out and kept it to himself. You know how he likes to hold onto things until its useful. Your brother is kind of a sadistic asshole sometimes.”
“Hannie is just eccentric and has weird hobbies,” you counter with a small grin, “Besides, he’s your best friend so think about what that says about you.”
He just winks in response. It’s maddening and attractive, per usual. 
“Mhm,” you hum quietly, pleased to watch him unwind in front of you, because of you. “I’m glad to see you’re in a better mood,” you tease him, “I thought for a few that you might have been mad at me.”
Cheol lets out a long sigh and digs his hands into his pockets. “I’m never mad at you.”
You cross your arms and quirk a brow at him, “That’s a blatant lie and you know it. I can’t even count how many times you’ve chewed my ass out for one thing or another.”
“The handful of times that I have yelled at you came directly after you did something dangerous,” he argues back with a short laugh, “Calling your ex, that fucker in particular, makes me question your judgement and maybe your sanity, but it’s not a reason for me to be mad at you. If anything it’s mild frustration.”
You narrow your eyes at him. It’s more than mild. “Say what you need to say, Cheol.”
He squares his shoulders, face serious much like his tone. “You’re too smart to keep choosing assholes that let you down over and over again. So, why do you do it?”
You purse your lips. “Touche,” he’s not wrong, “I am self aware enough to admit my track record is shit but there is not a lot to work with. It’s not as though our dating pool is stellar, Cheol. We’re lowlifes…we associates with other lowlifes. Nice boys like girls like me until they realize I’m not worth the trouble.”
He sputters out a laugh and steps closer, just enough to lower his voice in the echoing alley way. A touch closer and you could probably steal a little body heat you’re starting to wish for. “You are the trouble,” his eyes sparkle when he says it, like its a compliment, “Nice boys too soft for you anyway and we’re not lowlifes…we just live a little differently. You can do better,” he smirks when you roll your eyes again, “You can…you just don’t.”
You uncross your arms and spread them out before you. “Oh, any suggestions? I forgot you were a dating expert-” then you break into a laugh and Cheol is throwing his head back, knowing what’s coming. “Oh, wait! I forgot. You’ve not had a girlfriend in what? Five years? Eight?”
He snatches both your hands out of the air and pushes them back toward your chest, trying to reign in his amusement and overall urge to smother you. “You’re high maintenance enough. Why the hell would I need a girlfriend? I’ve got enough on my plate.”
You reach out and lightly punch him in the chest. “You’re a big boy, Cheol. Don’t let me hold you back. I can handle myself.”
At this, he snorts and pulls a hand out of his pocket to point at you. “You can handle yourself? Did I not pick you up in a police station two months ago for speeding…again?”
You pull off the wall with your mouth open to defend yourself and he abruptly pushes you right back against it and continues. “Who taught you how to drive and took the blame when you ran over Jeonghan’s bike when you were fifteen? Who showed up at three in the morning to pick your drunk ass up at that halloween party just so you could puke in my car and my bed…all night?” he pushes closer and lowers his voice “Who bailed you out of jail four months ago when you took a glass bottle to someone’s head in club and it turned out to be a fucking cop?”
“He looked like any other perv fondling girls on the dance floor!” You shout, eyes wide and wild as if someone would overhear, “How was I supposed to know he was a cop?! And why does it matter? He was a creep and I’d do it again!”
Seungcheol is simply dissolving into laughter, his earlier shit mood absolutely erased, and then as your volume grows he starts attempting to shush you though it’s half-assed. 
“Shhhh,” he laughs even harder, “I know, I know. I’m just teasing,” he grins when you finally crack a small smile, “Honestly, I was so proud of you that night. Took fifteen stitches to sew him back together and I hear it’s left a big ugly scar.”
You scoff in disbelief at his blatant pride. “Proud?! You chewed my ass out the entire way home.”
“Quit doing dangerous shit without me,” he shrugs unapologetically, “If you’re gonna get yourself in trouble, at least make sure I’m there to back you up.”
You roll your eyes, placing your cool hands under your chin to warm them. A cold wind whips through the alley, tossing his soft black hair around. Naturally, he steps into the wind’s path, blocking you from the worst of it because that’s what he does. It grants you the opportunity to slide a little closer and he chuckles, catching on very quickly to what you’re trying to do. Use him as both a human shield and personal heater. 
He looks down at you with that soft gaze you know is only reserved for you. As you’ve grown older together, you’ve learned that it’s best to avoid basking in it for more than a few seconds at a time. Your eyes dart down to his chest and back up again, not quite meeting his eyes this time. “It’s colder than I thought it would be tonight.”
He pulls your jacket a little tighter around you. “We can go back inside if you want.”
Whatever you want - it’s always whatever you want. Sometimes you just want to know what Seungcheol wants.
You hold eye contact with him now, just watching to see if his expression changes at all. It’s almost dizzying, staring at one another so closely. A stupid decision on your part, honestly.
“What if I asked you to take me home?”
Simple. “We can go home. Just gotta grab my key-”
You shake your head with a small laugh. “Actually, I think we should go back in and sing karaoke.”
His lips pull up, always quick to pick up on the game. “What song? I love karaoke.”
“Liar. You hate karaoke,” you grin, “Why do you give into anything I ask?”
His smile is so beautiful - it always has been. 
“I do not give into everything,” he corrects you and then huffs in amusement, “Go ahead, try your luck but put some actual thought into it. You know most things are negotiable for lowlifes like us.”
“Great! So, you’ll let me drive your car tomorrow night?” you bat your eyes at him soo prettily. It’s in the bag.
He hardly budges. “No,” comes from those plump lips more clearly than you’ve ever heard it in your life and you instinctually pout like a child which amuses him. “I said put some actual thought into it. You’re a terrible driver.”
“You also said to try my luck,” you answer and it comes out more like a grumble, “Which has apparently abandoned me tonight.” 
The way you drop your shoulders and pull yourself inward knocks him off kilter and his smile drops in a split second. When he speaks again, his voice is just a touch deeper - less playful, more gentle. The change is so slight that anyone else would miss it but you’ve got that shift of his rooted in your memory at this point. 
“Your luck? Maybe,” he tips his head in consideration, close enough that he’s slipped his arms around you, big hands splayed comfortingly against the middle of your back, “I’m still here though.”
You know you should put some space in between your bodies right now but that little voice that is usually telling you to mind your boundaries is so far away in the moment that you do the opposite. Closing the distance, you look up at him as you slip your hands around his waist beneath his jacket. “Yeah, you’re always here for me. Aren’t you?”
When he dips his head closer, his tone is surprisingly serious. “I hope that’s not an actual question at this point.”
His free hand comes up to catch the back of your neck as you move to pull away, to ask him to explain or just to confirm that what you’re feeling is mercifully mutually, but you’re trapped - body painted against Seungcheol’s in the moonlight. It’s probably the most intimate position you’ve ever been in with him and your heart thrashes in your chest.
“I’ve always been right here,” his nose and lips brush your cheek as he speaks, “Patiently waiting.”
“Waiting for what?” you ask too softly but he smiles, you can feel it against your skin.
“For you to get tired of playing house,” He chides gently, “You already have a home with me and you know it.”
To say it out loud for the first time is almost staggering for Seungcheol and it’s a devastating revelation for you. Each time you tried dating someone new it had felt like a cheap replacement to distract you from the despairing thoughts of loving Seungcheol and him not loving you back, but he was there. Watching, waiting, already belonging to you in every way the entire time. 
The first sound out of your mouth is escaped laughter. It’s soft and disbelieving. 
Seungcheol smiles as he pulls back enough to see your face. “You genuinely didn’t know?”
You shake your head back and forth, still laughing, and the dimples in his cheeks pinch as he’s rolling his eyes at you, snickering to himself. “You’re the worst. I seriously thought you were playing dumb on purpose,” he groans, though his hands meet in the middle of your back now, comfortably laced like he plans on staying this way for a while. “Tell me. Who are all those idiots in there to you?”
Easy. “They’re my brothers.”
“And who am I?”
Your lips twitch and he smirks. “You’re just…Seungcheol,” saying it makes everything so plain and simple. So obvious. “You’re my Seungcheol.”
“Exactly. Have I ever felt like a brother to you? Like just a friend?” he prods, pretty white teeth still on display. He’s going to drive his point home like always. 
“Listen, jerk,” you poke him in the chest with a long sigh, “Of course you never felt like those things to me. I didn’t want to see you as just a friend and definitely not as a brother, gross,” you grimace at the thought, “But just because I felt that way about you doesn’t mean I thought you felt the same. I thought it was all very one-sided and I was just going to eventually get over it.”
He raises a single brow. “And,” he blinks pointedly, “Have you gotten over it yet?
“Unfortunately not.”
Good because he’s truly out of patience at this point and he’s going to make sure you know exactly how he feels without question. 
And that’s how you find yourself caged up against the wall outside the bar, Seungcheol’s lips hungirly claiming your own. His hands trace your body outside your clothing until he gets tired of the separation and you jolt feeling his cold hands against your waist beneath your shirt. There isn’t a second of stillness. He’s constantly moving, shifting, giving, taking. 
You’re no better. 
The second he kissed you it was like a flood of energy zapping each and every one of your nerves. After your lips, your arms were quickly in motion, wrapping around his neck and shoulders. Fingers threading through and tugging at his hair. He touched you and kissed you so thoroughly that despite the fact that is freezing and you’re indeed, exposed outside while your friends are just on the other side of that back door, you want more. 
More, more, more. 
Seungcheol does too. 
“Let’s go,” he mumbles between your lips, still too enthralled to pull away. 
It makes you laugh, though it’s a little delirious because he’s back to sucking and biting pretty little marks onto your neck, and you peel your eyelids open to see the fog from your breath as you speak. “It’s Seok’s birthday,” your mouth pops open with a silent gasp as he bites you again, “We can’t just leave.”
He drags himself back up and meets your eyes, grinning, “Like hell we can’t. Go get in my car,” he digs his keys out of his pocket and passes them over, “I’ll let the boys know we’re leaving.”
You stand there for a moment, keys in your outstretched hand, “Wait!” you realize he’s already opening the door. He’s so serious. “What are you going to tell them?”
He shrugs, “That we have better things to do.”
Appalling. “Seungcheol!”
Now he’s smirking. “Alright, alright. I’ll tell them we’re leaving and going back to my place to fu-”
“You don’t want me to lie and you don’t want me to tell the truth,” he blinks back at you, “I am not sure what you want from me, baby.”
Well. Brain melted. If he’s calling you ‘Baby’ he can do whatever he damn well pleases. 
“I’ll be waiting,” you laugh, quickly spinning on your heel before you drag him away and he doesn’t get a chance to tell anyone you’re leaving. They probably wouldn’t notice for a few hours anyway. You shake your head, hurrying your steps toward his car. 
It feels like you’re waiting an eternity but it’s only been a few minutes and when you glance out the window he’s already hurrying back. You’re not sure if he just caught the first person he saw and told them to pass it on or if he walked in and announced it to the entire bar but you honestly don’t care. You’re maybe fifteen minutes from the garage, Cheol’s permanent (and your home away from) home. He’ll probably make it in eight with the way he drives. 
“I’m surprised to not find you in the driver’s seat,” he laughs, shutting the door and immediately bringing the car to life. 
“You’re the better driver and I’d like to get there quickly.”
Smirking, he smoothly backs out of his parking space and peels out onto the road. “I think you’re plenty good at speeding. If your record has anything to say about it.”
You roll your eyes at him. “Ok, so you’re better at speeding and not getting caught. This is why I handle the other business aspects.”
His hand slips over the middle and lands on your thigh, kneading and flexing possessively. 
Watching you handle business has always intrigued and infuriated him. You’ve swindled awful men out of house and home - lining your crew’s pockets with all the spoils. It had always been a fine line between letting you work while recognizing how good you were at your job and trying not to strangle every dickhead who thought that fake smile you gave them was genuine. “Might have to retire you now.”
You pout in his direction knowing his moody comment is nothing more than his protective, if not slightly dominant, nature coming through. He’s not at all serious, even if he’d like to be. “You gonna take care of me so I don’t have to work anymore?”
He grins at the suggestion. “You know I’ll take care of you, baby. Minghao is plenty good-looking. We’ll start using him instead.”
You snort at the thought. “You’re better off sending, Jeonghan. He's pretty, charming, and he knows exactly how to get what he wants out of anyone. Why do you think I’m so good at it? Learned from the best.”
“Yeah,” Cheol turns, the wheel smoothly gliding through his hand, “I don’t typically have to worry about you stabbing or torturing anyone though.”
“Typically?” you turn in surprise, laughing, “Are you saying it has been a concern?”
He looks at you with a brow quirked. “Once or twice,” he scoffs, “You are way more like your brother than you realize.”
“Oh? You got a thing for him too?”
He snickers in response, shaking his head. “Little shit.”
He squeezes the meat of your thigh again and you realize he’s shifted his hand higher, his fingers spread wide, the pads biting into your jeans. “Quit flirting with me and drive faster.”
The only sound that follows is his quiet amusement and the roar of the engine. 
Pulling into the garage, you’re feeling too charged from the quiet, electrifying tension. It makes you feel jerky, like every movement of your body takes too much effort and every surface you touch shocks your skin. You’re already eyeing the stairs leading up to his loft but he’s taking his sweet time coming around the front of his car, waiting for the garage doors to roll back down. You want to barrel straight into him but you don’t exactly trust your legs to carry you. 
The doors close with a loud thud and he looks over at you still standing near the passenger door. “You look nervous,” he smiles softly, making his way around the car until his hands are seated over your hips. “We don’t have to-”
“No, no, that’s not it,” you huff out a laugh, “I think all the anticipation made my body stop working. Everything is tingly and sharp, and I don’t think I can move. Stop laughing at me!”
He can’t. Seungcheol is simply beside himself. You really can’t blame him. Truly, too horny and excited to walk? That’s got to be a new one. It certainly is for you. 
“I can carry you, it’s fine.”
But he is still shaking with laughter and we’re talking a whole ass flight of stairs. It’s not fine, though Cheol is already scooping you up and you're frantically trying to situate yourself on his back because that seems like the safest option and you’re already off the ground. He’s not putting you back down until you’re both behind closed doors. 
“Oh my god,” you bury your face in his shoulder as he takes the first few steps up the stairs, “This is such a bad idea!”
His hands are firmly seated beneath your thighs and your arms are wrapped so tightly around his shoulders that you’re not even shifting much as he carries you but it’s nerve wracking and honestly, a bit embarrassing. He’s incredibly proud and stubborn so there really is no hope in convincing him to put you down anyway.
“Stop panicking,” he laughs, now halfway up the stairs, “I’m not even struggling so your lack of faith in me is hurting my feelings. You act like you’ve never seen me workout. I do it for a reason.”
“I thought the reason was just because you like to beat people up.”
He huffs in amusement, “Fighting isn’t fun when you’re not winning.”
“Well, you always win so you must be having a blast,” you pinch his earlobe, rolling your eyes since he can’t catch you doing it.
When he reaches the landing, he digs into his pocket, unlocking the door with one hand and then kicking it shut once you’re both inside. Then he lets you slide down his back but before your feet actually hit the ground, he’s spinning around to pick you right back up. He laughs at the sound you make, quickly grabbing his shoulders and crossing your ankles at his back. Cheol flips the lock on the door and takes you into the small kitchen, setting you down on the counter. 
“I always win when you’re watching,” he plants his hands on either side of you, leaning closer, “You get mad at me when I don’t, so, I stopped losing.”
He looks up at you with a boyish grin and you bring your hands up, lightly touching his cheeks with your finger tips. You’ve seen his soft skin mottled with bruising more times than you cared to think about. “I don’t care about losing,” you murmur, lost in thought, “I just hate it when you get hurt.”
Tracing a finger over his right brow you remember that night years ago when he returned from a job with it split wide open, blood dripping down his pale face. Busted lips, fractured ribs, a dislocated shoulder, and an awful limp. It was the first time you ever saw him so…broken.
You yelled at him for getting hurt but cradled his face in your hands the whole time. While Minghao sutured it closed, you continued cursing at him and everyone else who’d gone out that night but you never let go of his hand. When Joshua reset Cheol’s shoulder and he nearly passed out from the pain, you sobbed. For days you’d been furious with him yet you stayed over at his place for almost two solid weeks to take care of him. 
Putting him back together with your own two hands was the only way you could convince yourself that he was okay and from then on, you accompanied him on most jobs. Anytime things got messy, he’d come out victorious, and the very few times you weren’t there, he returned nearly unscathed. Bloodied knuckles at most. 
Your fingers must have drifted down to his lips because he kisses them and it brings you back to the present. He smiles against your fingertips and you move them under his jaw, out of the way, just so you can kiss him again. It’s soft, slow, adoring and his hands slide into place right at your lower back, his fingers pushing beneath your shirt to stroke your skin. 
When they make contact, his fingers spread wide, pulling you closer to the edge of the counter. It makes your back arch, pitching your hips forward, and leaves you sitting poised for the taking but even then he takes his time. In the back of your mind, you’re sure he can feel your heat against his groin and it must be driving him just as insane as it does you.
Despite the body heat, when he pushes your shirt up a little further with his busy hands, you shiver at how cold you still are. It’s accompanied by a breathy little gasp that makes him pull away grinning, eyes still watching your mouth. “Still cold?”
“Yeah,” you admit, “Do you ever turn the heat on in this place?”
“Only when you’re here. I don’t usually need it.”
Of course not. Big manly man. 
“You’re going to need it if you’re still hoping to get my clothes off.”
Cheol pays no mind to your change in tone. The one you use to nag him to death. Instead he scoops you right off the counter, starting toward his bedroom. “I can warm you up myself just fine,” he says in an equally haughty kind of way. 
The kind of way that shuts you up because the only other thing that you could possibly manage is some pathetic giggle. He even makes a show of hanging onto to you with only one arm because he’s just so strong and you humor him with an ‘oh wooooow’ that makes him crack, laughing as he lets you slowly drop to the floor.
Your hand remains on his chest, nervously pinching at his shirt as you look around the room. You’ve been in here before just…not for anything like this. “Why does this feel normal and not normal at the same time,” you pause, realizing there is actually something different that you hadn’t noticed right away. 
Seungcheol let’s his hands drop away so you can walk over to his dresser to sate your…curiosity? Surprise? “You said I needed more personal decorations around the house,” he clears his throat, watching as you carefully lift his picture frames off the furniture to examine them, “I figured pictures were personal enough.”
There is one of Cheol as a teenager standing proudly beside his first car. Another with a few members of the crew all grinning around a card table. You loosen a soft laugh remembering that night clearly. Mingyu and Hoshi shouting over the table like banshees…all because Hoshi got caught cheating and blamed it on his favorite designated target. 
You pick up one you don’t recognize but smile at the familiar faces hanging out of the windows of a car you do recognize vaguely. The job details were hazy but you know you remember that car for some reason.
Seungcheol must have noticed you squinting at it because he comes over and stands behind you, pointing at the picture. “You don’t remember this one because you broke into a case of wine coolers the moment we were all home and accounted for,” he chuckles, his breath tickling your cheek, “Almost seven years ago now.”
“I hated waiting for you guys to come home,” you pout, pointing to the picture, “Why do I remember this car though? It’s so familiar.”
He laughs again and this time you spin toward him like the reason he is laughing is clearly painted on his face. It’s not but he fills in the blanks without prompting.
“Jeonghan caught you in the backseat of that exact car making out with Seungkwan, of all people,” Cheol grins at your grimace “We hauled you both off to bed, tucked you in, and agreed not to tell a soul. I honestly don’t think he knows about it either. You guys were wasted.”
“I definitely do not remember doing that but I did oddly stop drinking wine coolers not long after that night,” you sigh, tucking away the embarrassing story to kick your self over later.
“Guilty subconscious?” 
Shrugging off your jacket you give him a fake laugh which eventually morphs into a grin. “Were you jealous back then?”
He takes your lead, removing his clothes one piece at a time. “I was always jealous,” he admits and you let yourself stop to watch as he grabs at the hem of his shirt, pulling it up and over his head. It leaves him only in his jeans, belt already unbuckled. 
You’re the opposite, jeans kicked to the side, but your hands rest on your shirt, too busy looking at Seungcheol to force yourself to keep moving. He’s no better, eyes glued to your hips, to your underwear, your legs, and then his eyes bounce back up to your face, finally noticing the way you’re looking at him.
He takes a slow step forward and then another.
“I’m not perfect,” he cautions, another step closer, “I’m stubborn and jealous,” one more step until you’re touching, “I don’t like sharing. If one of the guys flirts with you, even as a joke, I’ll probably rip their head off. Might happen more than once but I’ll get over it eventually, I promise.”
“Hmm,” you smirk as he stops so closely you can feel the heat coming of his body, “A little sensitive?”
“Maybe.” His smile is so pretty and disarming because now his hands are on you, palms rubbing circles into your hips before sliding back and down over your ass. “You’ve been chipping away at my self control for over a decade and now you’re half-naked in my bedroom. I’ve hit my breaking point, baby. I’m going to be selfish with you.”
You shift just enough to pull your shirt over your head, tossing it in the general direction of your pants, and settle your arms around his shoulders. “I think it’s only fair because I have always been selfish with you and i’ll be so much worse now,” you grin and he let’s out a heavy, husky chuckle, tightening his thick arms around you, “I’m going to be a menace.”
“I like the sound of that.”
“I’m still cold.”
Then he’s kissing you again, your hands quickly moving from his shoulders to his waist, pushing his jeans as low as you can before he’s forced to part and pull them the rest of the way off, laughing and stumbling with you toward the bed. You land first, quickly shuffling under the comforter for warmth and he’s right behind you, rolling you onto your back to cover you with his body. It’s an added layer of heat and you wiggle beneath him when his thigh pushes between your legs. 
Seungcheol wants everything all at once and hates having to choose but loves knowing he’ll get the opportunity to do it all in good time. For now, he can’t seem to keep away from your lips, can’t stop the noises he makes everytime you tug at his hair or scrape your nails against his back and he hopes to god they leave bright red scratches in their wake. 
He wants to watch you get shy and embarrassed when he works out with them on full display. His ego is a beast and it’s going to be riding a high for a while.
When you push up against him, he gives you a little space to quickly undo your bra before it’s tossed to the floor and he’s slipping a little lower, his face pressed against your soft, warm chest. His mouth dances from one breast to the other and you moan into the open air of his bedroom, one of your hands still rubbing his back, smoothing over his muscles mindlessly. His perfect teeth graze your nipples and you grind down against his thigh. 
He pushes it higher and repeats the action over and over until you’re steadily working yourself up and then he shifts, taking that relief away from you. Your eyes pop open in surprise but he kisses you again before you can speak and his right hand slides into your panties, wet and uncomfortably cool against your folds now that his thigh is gone. 
He doesn’t waste time, running his middle and ring finger up and down until they’re so slick-coated that there is hardly any resistance when he slips them inside you, stroking up against that spot that has you arching your back off the bed. It’s almost cruel how quickly he gets you there and even worse that he hardly touches your clit before you come, stars flashing behind your eyes. 
Seungcheol kisses your face through it, whispering sweet, filthy praises against your skin. That’s my girl, you’re so fucking good for me, baby. Sound so pretty right now, wanna hear you say my name just like that.
It’s a miracle you don’t come again the second he pushes into you because he doesn’t stop talking unless his mouth is occupied and he’s too good at multitasking. The only time you get a break from his wicked words is when he’s bottoming out and your ears are ringing so loudly that you can’t even hear him anymore. He must realize it too because his mouth was moving and now, he’s just grinning, eyes trained on your lips when he draws his hips back a little and pushes back in. 
His pace varies because he likes watching the breath get caught in your throat, breaking up the gorgeous sounds spilling from your lips. For all the taunting and talking he’s done, he’s just as worked up as you are and suddenly sits up on his knees which changes the angle. He spreads your thighs further apart, almost crudely, and props your ass a bit higher. At first, he wraps his hands around your thighs for leverage, digging his fingers into your skin but it’s not enough, he needs more. 
When he moves his hands to either side of your waist, he locks in the perfect position to go as deep as possible and the sounds you begin making are far more desperate, the pitch swinging higher and higher until he’s moaning and panting, driving into you faster and harder than before. You know you’re going to come again, and fast, so when your eyes meets his, and he purses his lips, letting spit drop from his plump lips onto your clit, he doesn’t have to tell you aloud what to do. 
You bring your own hand down, rubbing yourself until your limbs start twitching. Your breaths are so shallow and ragged, your fingertips messily bumping against the base of his cock where he plunges in and out of your cunt recklessly. He looks just as far gone as you do but the second your eyes meet, he smirks and it’s your absolute undoing. 
When you orgasm for the second time it’s so intense that all of your muscles lock up aside from your legs which shake uncontrollably and Seungcheol groans, hips stuttering when he feels the overabundance over warm liquid spilling out around his cock, splashing against his groin and stomach, dripping onto the bed. He stills, filling you so completely full that you can’t even breath without adding to the mess you’ve both created. 
It takes several long minutes of heavy panting and blinking to get your heads on straight and he still doesn’t pull out. Not even when he slumps down against you, grinning and kissing you lazily. He’s doesn’t give a single fuck about the mess, even going to so far as pumping his hips a few times, laughing when you hide your face under your arm at the lewd sounds echoing through the room. 
It’s playful at first, those half-hearted thrusts, but then his kisses turn into little nips, his mouth starts spilling those dirty words in your ear and it’s not long until you can feel him getting hard inside of you again, having never pulled out in the first place. He keeps fucking into you slowly, swallowing the sound of your whining, revelling in the way your nails no longer just rake over his skin but painfully dig into it over his shoulder blades. 
He doesn’t stop. Doesn’t speed up. Doesn’t give you the chance to wiggle away from him when the sharp tingling of overstimulation bleeds into, “Oh, fuck, Cheol, I’m gonna come again…fuck…”
And you do until tears stream down your face and he pulls out, flips you over, and puts it right back in, fucking you brutally until he’s moaning and cumming, and you’re nearly ready to pass out in the bed you’ve both absolutely ruined. You hear him speaking but can’t make out the words and then maybe your eyes close because you’re sated and exhausted. 
It doesn’t last long though because Seungcheol is attempting to drag you from sleep because he needs to clean you both up and change the sheets before anyone crashes for the night but you’re not budging. 
Until you feel the sensation of thick fingers pushing into your cunt and you mumble aloud, “Absolutely no…straight to jail.”
Seungcheol laughs at you having not even moved when you said it and removes his hand. “I tried waking you up nicely and you kept ignoring me. Besides, it’s all starting to spill out and I like seeing you full. If you keep laying here I’m going to end up fucking it all back in and giving you more.”
Rolling onto your back takes an incredible amount of willpower and Cheol’s helping hands because your hips are stiff as all hell. He’s patient, not pushing beyond your limits even though you’re sure he could go a few more rounds without tiring in the least. Affection swirls in your chest and it takes him by surprise when you reach a hand up and around his neck to pull him down to your lips. 
HIs body relaxes into the bed, pressing his weight more firmly into the mattress to keep the pressure light where it covers your own. He kisses you tenderly, his hands moving softly and slowly over your skin, and your mind is emptied of all but the feel of him. It’s overwhelming, how deeply attuned you are to one another and yet your body continues to demand more. 
Your kiss is broken off in a choked moan, Seungcheol’s, when your hand snakes between your bodies. He drops his forehead to yours, taking in a deep, shaky breath when you rub the head of his cock into the mess between your folds. “Again?” he questions, even as his hips push forward of their own accord. 
“Again…” you breathe out, tipping your face up to catch his bottom lip with a gentle nip, “..and again, and again, and agai-”
The delirious smile on your face drops open as he pushes back inside. Your tight, swollen cunt aches with the intrusion but each shockwave that pulses through you is laced with pointed pleasure. The effort to keep his pace even and gentle is difficult but Cheol finds very quickly that there is something incredibly arrousing about slow, deep, intimate fucking. 
He’s never experienced anything like it because he’s never had you. 
Yet here you are beneath him, clawing at his back and shoulders, moaning against his throat, and he knows it will only ever be like this with you. He knew he was ruined for all others years ago but in this moment he fully understands the weight of it. 
Seungcheol will never want anyone but you.
And when you unravel together again, you look into his eyes and know it too.
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The next morning it takes an unprecidented amount of effort to wake up.
Your body aches and joints pop in too many places when you stretch your limbs as if you’ve been asleep for years and not mere hours. It’s easy to pinpoint the loss of warmth at your side, Seungcheol hardly ever sleeps in and it’s evident by the smell of fresh coffee wafting in through the open bedroom door. 
Slipping into the shirt he’d left you and your jeans from last night, you wander in and out of the bathroom and head straight to the kitchen. Cheol knows you don’t drink coffee but you do love the smell of it so the sight of a full, almost untouched pot makes you laugh. His mug sits abandoned in the sink so you rinse it out and refill it, carefully balancing the full cup in your hands as you leave his apartment and head down the stairs into the garage. 
Joshua is the first person you find, unsurprising as he never seems to get hungover no matter how much he drinks the night before. He’s sitting at one of the work tables pouring over a set of blue prints for a new job when you walk by, chuckling and swatting away your hand when you ruffle his hair. “Morning Joshie.” He waves over his shoulder as you keep walking.
It’s relatively quiet in the garage for a Saturday morning but most of your crew is probably passed out from the evening prior. You would have stayed in bed longer too if someone wasn’t missing from it - someone you still haven’t found. Instead, you happen upon Jeonghan and Mingyu working on an engine…you think…again, not your expertise. 
“Well, well, well,” Jeonghan drawls as he catches you approaching from the corner of his eye, “If it’s not my darling little sister,” he grins and leans over to kiss your cheek when you stop in front of him, “Whatever are you doing here, in the garage, smelling like sex and coffee, so early on this delightful Saturday morning?”
You give your brother a deadpan stare and Mingyu snickers behind him. 
“Where’s Cheol?”
“Bringing in another delivery with Jun in the back,” Mingyu mumbles half-way under the hood with tools in hand, “Should be finishing up soon.”
Jeonghan leans against the car and crosses his arms. “Is this an official thing?”
You know he’s only asking because he loves you both so deeply that if there were any chance of it being a fling where feelings are inevitably going to be trampled, he’s putting an end to it immediately. He’s so fiercely protective that he’d step in to protect you from yourselves without hesitation.
“That man would have to be thirty feet deep in the ground to leave me.”
“Isn’t the saying ‘six-feet deep’?” Mingyu laughs, still focusing on his task.
“I said what I said and honestly thirty-feet still might not be enough - you’ll probably have to bury me with him.”
Jeonghan relaxes, shrugging off the tension in his body with a loose laugh. “Good to know,” he grins, eyes soft and gentle once more, “I always knew you’d end up together once you both gave up the world’s most stubborn ass competition.”
He’s not wrong. Who knew a little communication could go a long way? Certainly not you and Cheol.
Two cars pull up outside the open garage door across the way and you wiggle your fingers in greeting when Vernon, Hoshi, Wonwoo and Jihoon all pop out looking absolutely exhausted. You turn and set Cheol’s mug down on the counter behind you and pull out a stool to take a seat and hang out. 
“Wonwoo wouldn’t let us stop for breakfast please tell me there are still leftovers from lunch in the fridge,” Hoshi complains loudly. He absolutely still looks a little drunk.
Jihoon shoves him to the side and makes a beeline for the fridge around the corner, the two of them cursing and bickering as they go. Wonwoo and Vernon pull up a stool next to you and now you’re feeling a little guilty for only bringing one mug down. 
“Where’s Cheol?” Wonwoo asks, pushing his glasses up and shaking out his messy hair.
Jeonghan tosses a thumb in his direction, “Delivery.”
Wonwoo nods and Vernon taps your shoulder. “Hey, you’re here kinda early. Where did you go last night? Lost you at some point.”
Your cheeks heat. There are some of the guys you make crude jokes with and some you don’t - both Vernon and Wonwoo being on one side while Mingyu and Jeonghan are on the opposite. “Oh, I uhhh-”
“Notice anyone else missing last night?”
Vernon’s brows pinch together in thought. Mingyu stands up, setting down his tools before wiping his hands on his pants. “You know,” he grins, “Guy who lives in a garage, goofy laugh, kinda mean…”
Wonwoo breaks out in hysterics and Vernon’s grin is entirely visible though you’re sure he is trying to make it disappear when he says, “Oh! Oh okay…yeah…that makes sense. So, you’re like…yeah?”
You snort in response nodding your head. “Mhm, we’re like yeah.”
“Who’s like what?” Hoshi says around a mouthful, coming up to join you with Jihoon stomping past him empty-handed to go help Joshua. 
“Her and Cheol finally got together,” Wonwoo supplies and Hoshi’s eyes light up.
“Oh my god!!! That’s so exciting!” he dances over and drops his food on the counter, which Mingyu picks up to polish off while he’s distracted. Hoshi wraps you in a bear hug you try to fight off and then you’re up and out of your chair being squeezed and swung around, “This is such great news!!!”
Hoshi blinks and you slide to the floor. When he touches the back of his head, it’s wet and he turns to find a rag on the ground. It takes less than two seconds to figure out who threw it because it’s Seungcheol’s thundering voice that calls out, “Put her down and get to work, asshole.”
“Asshole?” Hoshi mutters, kicking the rag, “I’m the asshole?”
Jeonghan rolls his eyes, “Oh, he’s going to be unbearable,” he smacks your arm lightly, “Hey, do us all a favor. Take him back upstairs and tie him up or something would ya?”
“Inappropriate,” you snort just before big familiar arms wrap around you from behind. 
“Morning baby,” he breathes against your hair before he’s planting a hot kiss on the side of your neck, “Sleep well?”
Everyone very quickly finds a way to mind their own business. 
“Slept just fine,” you smile, turning your head to kiss him properly. “Now apologize to Hoshi, you beast.”
He sighs, dropping his head dramatically against your shoulder. “Hoshi!” he shouts across the way, “I’m sorry. Order breakfast for everyone on me.”
“All is forgiven, bro!” Hoshi salutes him in response and the others start gathering to make their requests. Food fixes almost anything in this house.
Cheol laughs and kisses your hair. “Happy?”
“Very,” you hum, turning in his arms, “Brought you coffee but it might be cold by now.”
“That was nice of you.” Now that you’re finally getting a good look at him you see he’s wearing the dark blue cargo pant, white tank top combo that drives you fucking insane. You’ll sit for literal hours on end just to watch him work on the cars in that exact outfit. Even better when he’s got oil smatterings here and there. The thick leather gloves he sometimes has hanging out of his back posket when not in use. 
Mechanic Seungcheol is one of your favorite fantasies sprung to life.
“I wasn’t doing it out of the kindness of my own heart,” you retort, “I was trying to get something out of you in return.”
“Oh?” he smirks, “Like what?”
“Kiiiinda hoping I’d get you back upstairs for a few favors.”
His hands slide along your arms until he’s managed to bring them up and around his neck and then he’s got you caged in, clasping his own low on your back. “I’m sure we can make time for that,” he mumbles along the seam of your lips, brazenly, and very openly making out with you in the next breath like there aren’t several people in the garage along with you.
Cheol tosses up a middle finger in Jeonghan’s general direction and shouts back, “Well, I’ve got your sister to do and that’s more important. Work can wait.” Your mouth pops open in amusement and he takes advantage of your distraction to hoist you up into his arms, making his way toward the stairs to his apartment again. When he speaks again, it’s only loud enough for you, “I think I’ve got just enough time to fuck you over the kitchen counter and make a fresh pot of coffee before I have to come back down, whoop your brother’s ass, and get back to work.”
“Your time management skills are-” you cling onto him a little tighter as he starts up the steps, “- very impressive.”
“You should see my oral presentation skills.”
With that in mind, you lean over his shoulder and shout down, “YOU CAN HAVE HIM BACK IN AN HOUR.”
“AN HOUR?!” Jeonghan hollers back, absolutely exasperated because he knows this is going to be an ongoing battle for months if not years on end. “WHAT PART OF WE GOT SHIT TO DO DID YOU TWO NOT UNDERSTAND?”
Cheol sighs and puts you down to open the door, hanging over the railing with a flat look on his face. “I’ll rip the transmission out of your car with my bare hands and toss it into the river if you open this door.”
Jeonghan scoffs but Cheol grins and cuts him off, “And then i’ll take the knife in your glovebox and split open every individual stitch in the interior.”
Those are serious fighting words between car guys. You think.
Jeonghan narrows his eyes and then huffs, hands on his hips. “You guys are the worst.”
Cheol blows your brother a kiss as you drag him inside and you can catch a hint of amusement on Jeonghan’s face just before you seal yourselves inside. 
You’re okay with being the worst, so is Seungcheol. 
Maybe being a couple of lowlifes isn’t such a bad thing after all.
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no-oneelsebutnsu · 2 years
Take it off before, I tear it
I'm still new to this, so again take it easy on me
warnings: Smut, light degradation,dacryphillia, edging, spanking, and ofc vibrainium strap
word count : 0.9k+
Once again not proofread, never is
Shuri was in the lab again, she had been for basically the entire day. She had left you high and dry in the morning, getting up to leave when you were mid-orgasm, saying she had work to do. You decided to get payback, constantly sending her photos of you in lingerie, audios of you moaning out her name etc.
She wouldn't reply, simply leaving you on read, but you knew that her leaving you on read just meant that when she finished up in the lab she was going to get you back good. It was around 11pm when you received a message from Shuri saying 'Be ready for me, I'll be there in 15'. Being the brat you are, you simply stay right where you were, not bothering to change.
The door creaked slightly, as your girlfriend made her way into your shared bedroom. She stared at you from the door, you could hardly maintain eye contact with her, "So once again, you wanna act like a brat and disobey me." she says breaking the silence. She slowly makes her way towards you.
When she does, she simply sits down next to you and grabs your face, "Take it off, everything." she commanded you. Whilst you simply stared up at her, masking your intentions with innocent eyes. "Don't play dumb y/n", she said sternly,"You heard me, take.it.off". You smirked up at her, "You should take it off for me." You replied, your smile growing wider as she clicked her tongue at you, in response to your statement she gripped your jaw tightly.
"Y/n, I'm giving you a chance to redeem yourself before I'm anymore upset with you..." she said in a warning tone,"take it off before I tear it" maintaining her grip on your jaw she moved your head up and down, as if to say 'yes'. "You're gonna listen to me, right?" she asked you, as if you had a choice.
She let go of your jaw, looking at you like you were going to be her last meal. You scramble to your feet not wanting to upset her further, you begin removing your clothes, first your top, then your shorts, slowly unclipping your bra, you slid it down your arms, Shuri was eyeing you the entire time, her eyes never once leaving your body.
Finally sliding down your final piece of clothing, you were completely bare in front of her. "Bend over" she instructed you, breaking the silence again. "But Shuri I-" she moved quickly and grabbed your arm, pulling you over her lap in a split second.
"I find it funny how you still haven't learnt your lesson." You feel her slowly rub your ass, you relax into her touch, that was your biggest mistake, her demeanor changed within a second, her hand came down on your ass with a sharp slap.
You let out a yelp, squirming a bit as it stung, "Count, out loud, that was one, we will do 15, you know the rules." She lifted her hand again, the palm coming down with a crack, silence afterwards to soon be interrupted by your whines, cries and counting.
Tears were flowing down your face, by the time you had reached 9, "Shuri- I'm sorry-" you choked out, "You're crying, but down here you're absolutely soaking, I know you're enjoying this more than you say." another slap hits your ass, you cry the number out.
After what feels like eternity you finally reach 15, " Shuri, please, I'm sorry, please I promise I'll be good from now on, just please!", she scoffs at you, before picking you up and placing you on the bed. "This isn't even a that bad off a punishment and you're whining like this."
You were so occupied in begging her to stop and go easy on you, that you didn't realize she had something new in her hands until she slipped something cold between your folds, you jerked as it entered you, before she turned it on, it started vibrating. Almost on cue moans and whines began to pore out of you.
The coil in your stomach was about to snap, your thighs twitching, hips slightly bucking, all before she turned the vibrator off right before you can cum, in response you let out a loud whine. Before you can complain she turns it on again and instead of words coming out of your mouth whines and whimpers are the only thing that escape.
This continued until you couldn't think straight nor speak coherently, your girlfriend's name being the only word in your vocabulary at the moment. You could hardly see, vision blurry, still recovering from the aftershocks of yet another denied orgasm.
You here rustling around the room, before being flipped over onto your stomach and having you ass pulled up. Feeling her strap press against you entrance, she leans down to kiss your neck, leaving a few marks on the way, to calm you down, she bites you ear softly before whispering, "Come on baby, you can do this for me.", you just whimper, as she slowly pushes the strap fully into you before rutting into you at a rough pace.
Giving you no time to adjust, using your juices to slip in and out faster. "Fuck babyyy, you're sucking me in so fucking good." She continued slamming into you, until your pussy clenched around her tighter.
"I know you're close baby, cum with me." You happily obliged as your body began jerking, twitching around her cock before coating it in your juices when your body convulses, finally cumming. Her own orgasm following suit to yours.
You both lay there for a moment before she pulled out of you, getting up and going to the bathroom. You heard water running before she comes back, scooping you into her arms, leaning her forehead into yours before giving you a kiss. "You did so well my love."
A/N : Someone tell me why, I come home today and I have the worst headache I've had in years, I can't fall asleep and I'm nauseous, ya'll know I couldn't delay this any further so now I'm gonna go pass out.
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prettyrealm · 6 months
monsta x i.m as a boyfriend reading
this reading is a paid commision, thank you so much for trusting in me! <3 celebrity commissions • personal commissions
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i.m is super dependent and wants the perfect partnership, but he’s also very closed off, so he wishes he could skip the talking stage (getting to know each other, gauging whether he can trust you or not and eventually having to open up himself) and just be locked in and in love. he has very high expectations - it’s not just about going on dates and remembering anniversaries to him, it’s a life long partnership. i.m wants to grow with his partner and do everything together - he wouldn’t even be in a relationship if he didn’t want to do things as a unit. he’s someone who really values loyalty, so he will be there for you through tough times or if you were to fall ill. he wants a classic “your strengths make up for my weaknesses” and vice versa relationship, where you are always each others first choice. I think i.m genuinely wants to be a good boyfriend. he wants you to be able to go to your friends like “yeah my bf does everything right.” he’s also a very patient person, he wants to stick by someone through all phases that they go through. another thing is that i.m is good at removing himself from toxic situations when he recognises them (it’s just that he can also find “red flags” that could really be worked through instead).
i.m is mega romantic, he wants wants you to feel special and loved. he will do all the easy things like celebrating birthdays and vacationing but also all the hard things - supporting you through goals & dreams, sicknesses, grief etc. he’s genuinely a giving person. he really wants to learn about you and make you feel comfortable to the point you can tell him ANYTHING, he doesn’t want you to be shy about anything, even with smaller things (like he’ll buy your tampons). he wants to grow with you and even likes to talk about long term goals and making sure that you guys achieve them (like coming up with a 5 year plan or “ok where will we be this time next year?”). he is also the type to own up to his faults and apologize if he truly believes he was in the wrong. but basically, he’s going to try and be giving to you in every way (time, energy, money etc.), he is a very generous lover.
he looks for red flags and he’s paranoid about how much the other person really likes him, so that causes him to put unnecessary stress on the relationship. he’s definitely still hung up on someone from his past. he’s still trying to find someone he likes as much as her, to the point that even if he’s in a long term relationship currently, he’d be thinking “when will it feel like how it was with her again..”. and in an attempt to be there for people at their worst, he can put up with being treated pretty horribly by partners (not reciprocating his same love & care), and even rationalizes his mistreatment by thinking they’re just going through something and that he’s being supportive (the way he hopes they would for him during bad times). he really has a problem with letting people be really selfish with his money, energy and time. while he will end things once he realizes a person is truly selfish, he realizes too late. due to wanting such a deep connection, he can be a smothering partner - behaving too pushy and not giving the other person a chance to breathe. i.m is really desperate to be understood, he wants a girl that can get him like he wants to get her, but then still refuses to open up to her. it’s like he doesn’t get people can’t learn to know him if he refuses to tell them who he is. he puts more value on looks than he thinks he does, going after super pretty girls and just hoping their personalities will be compatible (or even improve) once they date. overall, he’s just really paranoid.
what kind of relationship is i.m looking for?
right now, i.m wants a very serious relationship. one where they feel safe with each other and they don’t mock or tease each other - mutually very supportive. he wants a really close relationship - to the point where other people might judge it or think it’s too much (maybe having each other locations on, or knowing passwords etc). he is looking for a very equal relationship, where they are both very giving but they don’t leech off of each other (so he wants a strong woman, sort of like a power couple, though he not really looking to dominate the business world or anything). he wants to spend A LOT of time with the person he’s dating (decorate their home together, travel together etc.). he wants a relationship where you go home to them after a long day and know you’re going to feel safe, supported and comforted. a peaceful and protecting relationship. he’s looking for a long term relationship.
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linkspooky · 3 months
Just got done with reading your "How To Do a Dark Deconstruction of your Shonen Hero" post, first off amazing work as always! As much as it pains me to hear (good faith, non-reactionary and well thought-out) criticism due to having gotten into MHA in middle school when I was impressionable and attached onto works quicker than I do, it was satisfying to hear someone as well-worded as yourself put into words a thought that I had. For a while I could only summarize it by thinking "Man MHA sure does feel toothless and inconsistent about what it delivers on, and what ideas or themes or messages or what have you are left in the fridge and forgotten about."
It was also fun to hear about Yu-Gi-Oh! GX, growing up YGO was only ever a game some of my friends played or "HEART OF THE CARDS" and Kaiba memes, so hearing that there was a lot more to the series was a welcome surprise, even if quite anecdotal on my part.
As for the question part of this ask, near the middle of it you brought up how despite being quite captivated with the idea and the final result, you weren't as impressed with how YGO got there, and vice versa with MHA in how it was paced better but so far(let me have a little bit of hope lol) ultimately hasn't made good on it's "storytelling promise" if you will.
With the preface that no story is "perfect" along with the fact that everyone has their own interests, biases, icks, etc., I wanted to ask if there was a story which in your opinion, that blends proper pacing and build-up, with proper follow-up and payoff? I had the idea of deconstructing the perfect shonen protag or similar character in mind, but I'm also curious to hear about other ideas as well if you have them.
PS Thanks again for writing and posting these. They're often the highlight of my day when I remember to get around to reading them. And apologies for this long-ass ask hehe.
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If you want a shonen series with similiar themes of "saving the villains" as MHA and Season 3 of Yu-Gi-Oh GX! but better pacing, buildup, payoff and overall story structure then both manga then I strongly reccomend another Yu-Gi-Oh series, Yu-Gi-Oh Zexal.
To begin with as a disclaimer I think Yu-Gi-Oh, but especially the spinoffs post 5DS get a bad reputation. For several reasons, the dub, but also the Duel Monsters anime adaptation is kind of bad. A lot of people forget that Yu-Gi-Oh! started out as a very dark urban fantasy, or just the fact that it runs in the same magazine as MHA and JJK. Once you get over the fact that it revolves around card games, Yu-Gi-Oh is as much of a battle shonen as MHA or JJK.
If you give Zexal a chance, it has everything MHA promised us. A conflict where there's really no heroes and villains, a story about what it means to save people, and a protagonist who wants to save everyone.
Yu-Gi-Oh no Cristo!
If you want to take my word for it that Zexal is good, and avoid spoilers then don't read any further. However, I thought I'd demonstrate HOW Zexal tackles the same themes that My Hero Academia tried to tackle.
I'm going to limit this analysis to Zexal I, because while Zexal II is superior in every way I don't want to spoil the whole darn show. Zexal deconstructs the idea of what it means to save others, by having the central conflict in its first season focus on several different factions where no side is the clear good guy. it also tackles the theme of "revenge", and how no character's revenge is justified no matter how wounded they are.
Zexal has three main characters, Yuma, Kaito, and Shark. The latter two are deuteragonist, and tritagonist respectively, and vacillate between being rivals and outright antagonists. If you wanted a story where Shigaraki post My Villain Academy was basically given deuteragonist status alongside Deku then this is the story for you. From her on out I'm going to focus on the cycle of revenge and also the intertwining arcs of Yuma, Shark and Kite and how these characters develop the themes.
Before I get to the World Duel Carnival, I would be amiss to mention that Zexal has a faster start then any Yu-Gi-Oh anime barring 5DS. The introductory arc is episodic in nature, but it does two things really well, first establishing Yuma as a character and second laying the groundwork for both Shark and Kaito showing they are human beings with their own motivations even when they act as antagonists to Yuma. World Duel Carnival starts at 27, but in my opinion the real conflict starts in episode 33 with the introduction of the Tron Family.
In comparison My Hero finishes the Stain arc around episode 33, so I'd say they equally have as strong a start, and both works have introduced their main trio in that time.
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With the Tron Family the secondary antagonists of the season we're finally introduced to the season's main confict of revenge. There are four factions and I'm going to take the time to explain each one's motivation before digging in deeper.
The conflict starts with the parents of the three main characters, Lord Byron Arclight (who will later return as Tron), Dr. Faker, and Kazuma Tsukumo. The three of them were studying alternate dimmensions together when Dr. Faker betrayed his two close friends. Kazuma and Lord Byron were dropped into an alternate dimmension as sacrifices to open the door between dimmensions. Kazumi did his best to try to save himself and Lord Byron, but he was unsuccesful and they both dropped out of the world.
Arclight wandered around between dimmensions, until he was eventually saved by the Barian world, a world of pure chaos kind of like the flipside of our world. However, his salvation came with a cost he was reverted from an adult man to a ten year old's body, and he also lost half of his face which is now a black hole (it's weird I'm not sure how that happened). The only thing that sustained Tron was the idea of getting revenge against Dr. Faker and now that he's returned he's determined to have it.
Tron had three sons, Michael, Thomas and Christopher. Which he renames III, IV, and V because he can't be bothered to remember their names I guess. Tron was once a very loving father and left his children behind on what was supposed to be a temporary research trip. However, their father apparently died, and Christopher the oldest was not old enough to take custody so III and IV were sent to different orphanages. At the same time Christopher was broken-hearted to learn that the man who killed his father, was the father of his student and close friend Kaito Tenjo, and ended that relationship for those reasons.
With the return of Tron the family was allowed to be back together with a now older Christopher taking custody of his brothers and now parenting his ten year old father (which is hilarious by the way). However, Tron distorted by the Barian world and his desire for revenge now uses his sons as tools in his revenge scheme against Dr. Faker. All three sons comply on the thin hope that if they complete their father's revenge, he will go back to being loving Byron Arclight. The Tron Family is a family united by revenge, but also defined by an intense family loyalty to each other, both as siblings, and to their father. While their father may not deserve it, all three sons love him deeply and would do anything to try to save him.
IV: You can't trust me that much. Just because I can't become an obedient servant to you like III and V. IV: But even so...I still also...for your sake. IV: Dad, you always smiled gently in the past. IV: But... after you returned from the parallel world it's like you had an entirely different personality. IV: Despite that we were still willing to follow you, Tron. Shark: Stop pretending to be a victim. Shark: Even if you were being used, I won't forgive you for what you did.
Which dovetails nicely into the conflict between Shark and IV. IV, obeying his father's orders challenged Shark's sister to a duel in a building that later blew up. He knew about the first part, but not the second, but still is somewhat responsible despite his ignorance. He did his best to save Shark's sister from the flames getting scarred in the process, but she was left comatose.
Soon after, IV engineered Shark's disgrace as a duelist, by purposefully letting his cards fall on the ground so Shark could see them during a tournament so he'd be disqualified for taking a peek.
All of these under his father's orders to turn Shark into yet another tool of revenge against Dr. Faker, as a wildcard to be pointed in Faker's direction. IV further antagonizes him by giving him a Numbers Card knowing that the darkness of the Numbers card will soon possess him in order to further his father's scheme. He also just wants to flat out defeat Shark so he can prove to his father he's more useful.
Shark looks like the clear victim in this situation, but his complete lack of sympathy for IV is total hypocrisy. Because, Shark is also only after revenge for what was done to him and his sister. Shark was hurt by IV's revenge, but Shark will also attack completely innocent people, including Yuma, just to get his revenge against IV. Shark is the aggrieved victim, but he fights only for revenge not to save someone and he just does not care for anyone other than his sister, himself and Yuma to an extent. Unlike IV, who has the added motivation of saving someone, and also is self-aware that he did something wrong that he can't take back.
Shark is very much a case of "well, my revenge is different from your revenge" somehow, and it makes him look like a hypocrite. Which is why Shark wavers between being an anti-hero and an anti-villain, because in spite of his mroe heroic qualities and his friendship with Yuma he pretty consistently is only motivated to duel for revenge and not for saving others like Yuma is and the show is clear on it's themes of "there is no such thing as a justified revenge."
Shark does not get his revenge, in fact the same way IV is manipulated to pointing his anger at Shark, Shark gets manipulated by Tron to pointing all of his anger at Yuma. Yuma basically has to act as the punching bag, in order to try to calm Shark down again and in Shark's own words even if you were being used, I won't forgive you for what you did.
Shark won't forgive IV, but he ends up committing the exact same unforgivable acts, and by his own logic manipulation is not an excuse.
Now that we've introduced Shark as the wildcard, the last faction is Dr. Faker's. Kaito and Dr. Faker both are fighting to save Haruto, Faker's second son and Kaito's little brother. Here is the twist with Dr. Faker's betrayal he's presented as a "I did everything for power" type of villain, but he's actually doing everything to save his son from dying and is willing to backstab his closest friends to do so, and turn his son Kaito into a pawn. There's an added layer of complication where Dr. Faker is legitimately using his son as a pawn, but much like the Tron Siblings, Kaito is also willing to comply because saving Haruto is just as important to him.
Kaito is a numbers hunter who rips out the souls of people in order to reclaim numbers cards from them, something which ages them and leaves them completely comatose. Kaito also blatantly says on several occasions, he doesn't care how many people he has to hurt to save his brother. So Kaito's motivations aren't revenge like Tron's, but he's also just as willing to get innocent people involved. He even attacks Shark once who didn't even have a number card, simply for GETTING IN THE WAY when he was trying to steal Yuma's key.
Kaito's not just an "I'll do anything to save my brother" type of character, he actively does not care about how many victims he creates along the way.
KAITO: You're wrong. Just one person matters to me. I only care about Hart.
And he sure does mean that. His own allies? Don't matter. His former friend Christopher? Doesn't care. Yuma who actively wants to save Hart too? Get out of the way bucko.
YUMA: Kaito, Droite fought desperately against Tron for your sake. YUMA: Droite liked y- KAITO: That's none of your concern.
Kite's obsession with saving his brother is all-consuming, and even ignores that Haruto does not want Kaito hurting himself for his sake, because it is just as much about Kaito as it is about Haruto.
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Kaito also clashes with V from the Tron Family, and is deeply hurt by the fact that V will make punching bags out of both Kite and Haruto in order to get revenge against their father.
However, Kaito who has at this point put several people in comas in order to save his brother (the exact same motivation V has for his father and two younger brothers) is a complete hypocrite in this regard.
V: Friend you say? V: But that ideal was completely wrecked by Dr. Faker. V: Could you forgive that person's son? V: When I realized the truth, I... KAITO: Enough of this nonsense.
I'm sure none of the people Kaito put in comas had brothers, and they all kicked puppies when no one was looking. Even after Kaito realizes that Christopher was only trying to save his family the same way that he was, and promises to inherit his feelings, he forgets all about that when dueling Tron.
Kaito's one and only loss in the whole series comes from when he loses himself to revenge against Tron after he provoked him one too many times by tormenting Haruto. Once again, no matter what the reason revenge is never justified in Yu-Gi-Oh Zexal!
Tron: You're right I have no emotions. Droite and Shark... I was willing to even use my sons in order to create rage. Kaito: Say what? Tron: You did pretty well, too! You get angrier and angrier when it comes to Haruto. It's all thanks to you, have a look.
As much as Kaito would like to make a martyr of himself, he is just like the Tron siblings, just like Shark, an angry little kid lashing out against innocent people for the pain both him and his brother has suffered. Even kaito who has the most explicit desire to save someone, succumbs to revenge in the end when he's pushed.
The tragedy of season 1 is that basically every faction involved has a case of "my revenge is more important than your revenge, and my loved ones are more important than your loved ones". Even though both the Tron Family, and Kaito are fighting to save their families, neither of them ever backs down or considers the other side's motivations because THEIR PAIN is more important.
The last faction of the story is Yuma's, and as stated above Yuma is the only one who attempts to see his opponent's side. Yuma's central motto is "if we've dueled each other, then we're already friends." He also believes that duels should never be used as tools for hurting each other, something Shark, Kaito and the Tron Family all gleefully do in their conflict against one another.
Yuma is a deconstructoin of the "save everyone" because while he is involved in the conflict too because he lost his father to Dr. Faker, unlike the other three factions he has a support system. He still has his grandmother and sister, childhood friends, friends at school and Astral.
This fact is explicitly called out in his duel against III who by that point Yuma considers a friend. III spends a day with Yuma, bonding with him over their shared love of archaelogy, seeing his family and home life, only to turn against him.
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Yuma tries to reach out to III the entire time through the duel and talk him down, and it doesn't work because Yuma with his support system, cannot truly understand where III is coming from and the desperation that drives him. Yuma's not caught in the same rock and hard place that III is, and all the sympathy and good intentions in the world cannot overcome the difference between that.
Yuma also in spite of his desire to solve things peacefully is basically forced to still fight, because if he loses a duel his close personal friend Astral will die, so it's actively a challenge for him to seek the third way to settle things without contributing to the cycle of revenge.
So Yuma represents the correct path, forgiveness and understanding the other's point of view, but it also shows that Yuma is able to do that because unlike everyone else he has a support system. Yuma is not internally more good than Shark, Kite, or the rest. He's just in a place where he can afford to look at the other people's perspectives because he's not desperately fighting for survival.
It's also a challenge for him to do so, because Yuma is someone very immature. As I said with III he does not understand the depths of what they are feeling even if he wants to make the pain go away. He tries to offer his unwavering support to people, but he fails just as often as he succeeds due to his immaturity.
In Yuma's case it's less being a perfect hero, but rather making an unrelenting effort to help others and offer a hand that matters. Yuma's character development in season 1 for me crystallizes in his final redemption of Tron, the character besides Faker who makes him the most angry because of his gleeful abuse of his sons for the sake of revenge. Not only does Yuma start to get through to Tron at points in the duel, because he tries so hard to make Tron understand how much he's hurt his sons, but at the end of the duel he mirrors his father's own action of trying to save both himself and Byron Arclight I mentioned at the beginning of this post.
Yuma: I won't give up! Tron: But why? Why are you trying to save me? Yuma: It's obvious, isn't I? Everyone I duel are my friends. Yuma: I don't understand all that complicated stuff, but we create bonds through dueling. And since you dueled me you are my friend. Tron: I finally understand. Your dueling goes beyond my desire for revenge. Yuma I can't live the same way as you and Kazuma, but I can't let Dr. Faker go either. I'll release all the souls I captured.
Yuma does represent the themes of love, and understanding being the only way to heal revenge (because more revenge does not fix anything) but he's not just propped up as a saint by the narrative. He's a character who has to go through serious character development before he's finally able to back up his good intentions with actual concrete action.
Yuma isn't just good internally, but rather his constant efforts to find the third path, and befriend other people is what makes him the hero of the story. Yuma is Deku done right and I will stand by this.
I hope I've been able to demonstrate the themes of Zexal, and I would be amiss to mention this is just Zexal I. Zexal II the second season does all of this even better. The Barians are an even better version of the League of Villains because despite starting a war with the main characters, they are all sympathetic and their point of view is just as valid as Astral and Yuma's. I don't want to spoil Zexal II though, so if anything about Zexal I caught your eye I reccomend watching both series.
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b4rbi3l4nd · 2 years
SOS — i can't see it
NEW CHAPTER IS UPPP, again, I will never stop thanking y'all for all the support on the last chapters, y'all's comments make me so happy pls 😭 anyway, hope y'all like this chapter!! and i apologize in advance for what goes down in this chapter, also if this feels rushed, i apologize i was getting my hair done and i wanted to finish this chapter and put it out today, more was gonna go down but anyway. i also changed the age so y/n was 20 when she found out she was pregnant but she's 24 now and Shuri is 25, had to do it based on the MCU timeline lol, MB, also for some reason I cringed a lot writing the last scene bc the WORDS was just so unholy but ANYWAY ENJOY
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GIF by mandalor-din
series summary: you broke up with shuri a few years ago and left wakanda for good until namor. now that he's killed the queen and multiple wakandan civilians, he's seen as a great threat and as former second in command at shuri's lab and wakanda's loyal warrior it is your duty to return and fight for your country. but a certain somebody makes the mission way too hard to deal with.
episode summary: a hasty decision you don't agree with and an uncomfortable realization leads to you and shuri having to talk things out. one thing leads to another and the next thing you know, you wake up in her bed. awkward
genre: ANGST, slow, slow, slow burn, smut
pairing: shuri x black fem reader
episode warnings: mature dialogue, suggestive dialogue, suggestive scenes, smut, cursing, trauma, shouting, mentions of death, suicide, missing people etc. this is a series. you are currently looking at the fourth chapter of the series, please go to my profile to read the previous chapters before continuing (if you haven't read the other chapters yet, if so, please continue)
taglist: @yvxmpire, @sweetalittleselfish-honey, @xxmilli, @queenofsimpsblog, @ziayamikaelson, @shuriislut, @atssukoo, @widowmakker, @cuddl3s4shur1, @n7cje, @ts1mp0ne, @locoforshuri
proofread?: no but if there are errors then it's grammarly's fault.
word count: girl idfk
inspirations: 'SOS' — SZA
song: 'Blind' — SZA
send your thoughts and requests
You sit in front of the throne room, your legs crossed as you nervously moved your legs up and down, trying to listen in on what the elders and Shuri were deciding on doing about the baby.
"I say we get rid of her and the baby." An elder proposed. "We don't need another repeat of Killmonger."
"Exactly." Another elder agreed. "And we don't even know is this baby is of royal blood."
"Not only that but this baby will be the grandchild of Namor. If someone like him has access to Wakanda? We've good for."
"This is an innocent baby you all are talking about." Shuri interjected, looking between the elders. "They haven't even been born yet, and you're looking to them as a threat."
"I say we let her have the baby and then once it's born we kill Malia and raise the child as our own." Elders added.
"We can't just kill her off like that.." Shuri muttered. "Eventually the child will grow up wondering what happened to their mom and then...killmonger all over again."
"So what do you suggest we do my queen?"
Shuri took a deep sigh, her fingers resting on her chin as she looked around the room.
The doors to the throne room opened up as Shuri walked out, you immediately stood up, walking next to her.
"Hey, what are you all going to do in there?" Shuri looked at you and then back forward.
"We've come to an agreement of what we're going to do to the baby. If it's not mine then, she'll be sent back to country."
"And if it is?"
You didn't even give her a chance to respond as your eyes opened wide. "Wait what? Send her back to her country? Are you crazy?"
You guys turned a corner as she just ignored your words.
"If it is mine, then she'll be sent back to her country, after 9 months, the baby will return here to be raised in Wakanda."
"Why are we sending her back to her country? Are you trying to get us all killed?!" You whisper shouted at Shuri who sighed deeply.
She pushed open the door to the infirmary to see the doctor standing there, Malia laying down on one of the beds and Okoye and your mother standing next to the wall, shaking their heads.
"Well? How far along is she?" Shuri asked, glancing between her ex and the doctor.
The woman whispered as she spoke. "8 weeks my queen."
You bit the inside of your lips. Fuck, that means she was pregnant when you hit her. Are you serious?
You looked down, you knew what they were going to ask next, if the baby was Shuri's or not. And they can find that out. You know that because an elder of your tribe had it forcefully done on you when he suspected you of engaging in sexual activities with the princess.
When Shuri found out of course, he was executed.
"Well, is it of royal blood?" Shuri asked.
The doctor showed some papers as she answered "The blood came out a bit clotty and the tests were hard to run because of this but so far, yes. It is your child, my queen."
You let out a shaky breath you didn't know you had in you as images of Shuri and Malia filled your head. You puffed up your cheeks and looked down and turned around. "God."
Shuri also sighed deeply and pressed her temples.
"What are we going to do my queen?" Okoye asked as Shuri thought for a moment.
"Keep her locked up for now. She'll eventually be sent back to her country. After 9 months, the baby will be brought back to be raised in Wakanda. Yeah.."
"Are you serious?!" You turned around to Shuri, furious as ever. You deeply cared about your country and she was a horrible decisions maker.
"She goes back to her country, okay, what happens next? Namor is enraged that she's pregnant with your baby and he knows all the key entrances to Wakanda. We're doomed, dead. Gone." You add to it.
"Well we know what they're planning, so we'll be ready for him?"
"Really? Ready for him like how you were all 'ready' for those last 2 attacks? HM?! Why don't you just kill her and the God-forsaken baby."
"Y/N, that's inhumane. I can't just kill her and an innocent baby...especially since she was my girlfriend for almost 4 years.." Shuri added.
"OH BUT YOU CAN LOCK UP THE ONE YOU KNEW FOREVER?!" You raise your voice at her sharply. Your eyes had turned dull and the only thing behind them was fury. You were seeing red, you felt like you were going to kill Shuri and Malia herself.
"Don't think you're out of the clear because of this whole Malia thing because you're not." Shuri snaps at you. She didn't even raise her voice this time but it felt like she did. She walks past you, leaving the infirmary as Okoye follows her.
You smile over to another person at the lab before turning back to your dehydration device. You were working on one of the heaters to try and distract your mind.
The whole Malia and Shuri situation had your head spinning in multiple different directions.
The guy you were working with at the lab was currently engaging with you in conversation and his voice kept getting drained out by your thoughts.
"I'm sorry, what were you saying?" You look at him and he smiles warmly at you, repeating everything. "Oh yeah, you're right...this goes here..." You fix some stuff on the heaters before you hear a voice speak above you.
"Y/N, can I talk to you alone please?"
You look up to see Shuri staring down at you sternly and you gulp silently before nodding, wiping your hands on your white suit. You were too distracted with your thoughts to change.
She walked down the stairs and out of the lab as you followed. In the hallway, she pull you to a corner but her grip was less strong than you thought.
"Look.." She started as you looked up to her. She was staring at the ground nervously and you raise an eyebrow.
"What, you sending me back to Nigeria?" You ask and she slowly shakes her head.
"No..um, Okoye said some things to me earlier that really stuck with me and I feel like I owe you an apology." She looks directly in your eyes after the last bit, her stare now more genuine and sympathetic.
Your posture straightened as you folded your arms. "I'm listening." What an interesting change in direction.
"Ever since you got here, I haven't been..myself and I know that now because...because.."
"Because I'm still in love with you Y/N."
Your eyes widened at this revelation and you blinked multiple times. "What?"
"I know yeah, it's inappropriate and I shouldn't be feeling this way but I can't help it and I expressed that in the worst way possible and genuinely, I'm sorry."
"Shuri I-"
"We don't have to talk if you're uncomfortable."
"No, no." You interjected. "I'm just surprised is all." You weren't expecting that and if you're honest, you are also still in love with her, no matter how many times you guys argued or you cursed at her, you've just been through too much together.
"I...I'm still in love with you too and..there's no running away from it. I'm a grown-ass woman...we're grown-ass women, I mean you're 25, I'm 24...we've got a lot of growing up to do." You finish.
"You've got a lot of growing up to do." Shuri said.
You rolled your eyes. "Don't start with me now Shuri."
A small laugh came from her as you looked up to see her chuckling. A smile formed on your lips as you laughed along with her.
"I missed this.." She said, looking at you with genuine eyes. Those beautiful eyes that once held hatred behind them looked at you with love, reminding you of how you used to wake up with her every morning.
"You know, you would make a great queen if you weren't so stubborn." She said sarcastically.
"I would make a great queen because I'm so stubborn." You corrected her.
"Ah-" She started.
"If- If that was what I wanted.." You backtracked on your statement, putting your hands out. A few moments of silence went by before she spoke out.
"I...don't want to fight with you anymore Y/N." She voiced out, a small frown appearing on her face. "And I'm not asking you to date me or anything I just..." She paused and sighed. "You came here under work circumstances and it was unfair for me to treat you inappropriately so, let's just keep it professional for the rest of your stay or we could be.."
"Friends?" You asked, raising your hand for a handshake.
"Yeah, I'd like that."
Your hands locked together and she shook your hand, causing you both to smile.
Finally, peace at last.
It's been 2 weeks since you and Shuri made up and frankly, you've never loved being around her more. You were starting to see the more innocent and playful side of her that you loved being around. You 2 were always joking in the lab and you especially loved it when you and Riri joined forces just to bully her.
It was peace in Wakanda and the only thing stressful was the fact that Talokan could attack any minute now, which is why Shuri was taking out the whole staff to celebrate that night.
No guards, no work, just fun and dancing and that's exactly what you were doing.
Riri helped you get ready for tonight, she said you needed to get your "hoe" on. Not sure why, but whatever.
She had you wear RED lingerie because
"Red is the sexiest color duh," Riri said, shoving the savage x fenty set in your face.
And a bodycon black top that was slightly see-through, paired up with a leather skirt.
"Only on the cleavage and sleeve parts, I'll let you have your dignity."
Not that the top even had to be see-through for everyone to know what your cleavage looked like anyway.
"It's kinda your brand now, own it."
Matching black pumps and red lipstick.
"You're like the only person I know that fits red lipstick. Here, I'll do it. Not too much lipstick, only on the bottom, don't forget to blend in the liner and a bit darker on the top lip and ooo, gloss. Just a little bit tho, it works on you though right?"
Bold eyeshadow.
"We want them panties dropping TONIGHT!"
And for your hair, natural but with your edges done, of course.
"Your natural hair already looks like a Brazillian blow out so, not too much."
And a black purse with gold, to match.
"Okay, we're done and wow you look hot."
"I always do, let's be for real here." You say as you both laugh in your bedroom.
Currently, you were grinding with that same guy you were working with in the lab earlier. He had his hands on your waist as you guys moved in sync to the music.
Once it ended, you excused yourself from the dance floor, catching Shuri sitting down next to the bar with her shades on.
"Hey.." You wave at her, sitting a few seats away. You're not sure if she heard you but she gave you a slight not. You couldn't exactly tell if she was looking you because her shades made it hard to tell but you nodded right back.
You were planning to let lose tonight. "Can I get a bacardi please?" You signal to the waiter and they nod. You watch as they pour your drink before you smile and take it.
You down it like a shot, before placing it down on the table, feeling the burn as it slithered down your throat.
"Phew...I'm gonna go back over there." You were talking to Shuri but you figured she couldn't really care, she opened her mouth to speak but shut it just as quick.
"Okay.." You stand up and walk back over to the dance floor, feeling a bit nervous but relaxed soon enough thanks to Riri.
You guys hands interlocked as you both danced to the music. Eventually, as you pulled away, you felt 2 hands on your hips again and they felt way too familiar, like they've been around there before.
You figure it was the guy from before and you let it be, dancing along with them but your face dropped when you looked up to see Riri staring at you, eyes wide open, mouth hanging out.
Okay, it definitely was not the guy from before. You look over to her, raising an eyebrow as your eyes signal a "What?"
She mouthed with her hands desperately swiping over her throat. "The queen."
Horrified, you turned around to see Shuri looking down at you, her shades were gone and you could see nothing in her eyes but pure lust and arousal. And that she was definitely like half sober.
You don't say anything, your body unconsciously grinding against her. Her head lowered to your neck as you let out a shaky breath when her lips connected to your sweet spot. The spot that she just loved to tease.
"Shuri.." you muttered out, starting to get lost in the feel of it.
You were brought back to reality when a cold liquid hit your top. You look away to see Riri in front of both of you.
"Sorry. I guess I spilled, you might want to go to the bathroom to get things cleaned up." She signaled with her tone and her eyes.
"Oh yeah..sorry." You turned to Shuri who had stopped and broke through her grip. You walked over to the bathroom, your mind racing.
You let out a deep sigh as you entered. It was currently empty, which was great. You grabbed some towels as you started to wipe down your dress, your thoughts replaced with what would've happened if Riri never spilled her drink on you.
"Need help?"
You were pulled from your thoughts when you heard the door open, Shuri's voice along with it.
She walked behind you, taking the tissue from your hands as she wrapped on arm around your waist, the other helping you to wipe your dress.
As time went on, it felt more like her grazing your breasts than her helping you clean up. Eventually, she grabbed a handful of one of your boobs and you let out a soft and unexpected moan.
You immediately covered your mouth, embarrassed as she chuckled behind you. She let go momentarily, giving you a chance to leave but you didn't.
In fact, you did the opposite. It was clear that your body wanted her, craved her. That you craved her. You leaned into her and you watched as she smirked through the bathroom mirror.
She slipped her hand through your skirt, grazing over your pussy. You let out a small moan as she began massaging circles, applying pressure. You bit your lip as you threw your head back on her shoulder.
She took the chance to capture your lips with hers and you watch it all happen through the mirror but then she stopped and pulled apart.
"I think we should go somewhere more private."
Now that she had already given you a taste of pleasure, you couldn't stop yourself, you wanted more. You needed more.
warning: it's getting hot in hereee
As you entered her apartment, you looked around. Everything was still in contact from when you lived with her. The painting you made for your anniversary, still up on the wall.
You felt Shuri's arms wrap around your waist as she kissed you again, slowly and more passionately this time.
"Tonight, baby i want you."
She whispers between the kiss as you feel her hands taking off your clothes. You kicked off your heels as well, helping her out.
You guys walked backward, lips still locked together and hands roaming each other's bodies. She gently pushed you back on the bed till you were laying on the bed then she pulled apart and stood, looking at you up and down.
"Fuck..." She muttered under her breath as her hands reached down to touch your body.
"I love when you wear that sthandwa(my love).." Her lips connected to your neck as she slowly kissed all around it.
One of her hands wrapping around your neck as she turned your head, finding your sweet spot again, sucking on it now, hard but passionately.
"Mmm.." you moaned out as you felt a puddle forming in between your legs.
She didn't stop until the spot was dark purple before she pulled back, looking at your breasts.
"I missed these so much usana(baby)" Her hands grazed over your nipples, making them hard. She lifted you up slightly to unclip your bra before laying you back down again.
Her hands grazed over your nipples as she slowly took off your bra. Her lips connected to one of them, causing you to bite your lip, holding back an unGodly moan.
She sucked on them until they felt numb before she turned her attention to the other one.
She was being so mean, taking her time with everything and you knew she knew that you were craving her.
"Shuri..." you breath out as she looks up at you, humming in response.
"I need you to touch me.."
"I am touching you," She replied, lifting her head up as her panther chain dangled in your face. You hooked your finger around it to pull her face closer.
"You know what I mean, I want you to touch me..there.."
You take her hand and slide it down and around your curves until she reaches your pussy. She pressed her hand on it, earning a moan from you. Wow, she barely touched you and you were already cumming. You really needed her, huh?
"Fuck, I love when you get vocal entle.(beautiful)" She groaned as you wrapped your arm around her neck to pull her closer and kiss her.
She rubbed circles on you, lowering her hand before you felt her slip your panties to the side.
You were caught by surprise when you felt her finger suddenly just slip in your wet folds. She found your clit without even looking because of course would...this was like coming home to her, she's been here before.
"Hm...? It's just one baby, you can take more than that right?" Shuri teased as you sighed.
"It just got me by surprise, that's all.." You muttered out, feeling her pump in and out of you.
Another finger slipped in, causing your hips to buck unconsciously towards her, earning for more friction.
"I think you're slowly killing me here.." You throw your head back, rocking your hips along to her rhythm.
Shuri chuckled as she kept to her pace before adding another finger suddenly, causing you to moan out suddenly.
Her pace slowed down as she used her free hand to hoist your hips over her shoulders. Once you were secure, she fastened causing your hips to jerk upwards.
You didn't even get a chance to moan out because that's when Shuri suddenly stopped and then she started hitting again but this time with more intensity and she was hitting your spot every time.
The spot that made you twist and turn like a worm. That made your toes curl up and look like it was doing gang signs. That turned you into a dumb babbling mess, that she just called you.
"OH SHURI, SHURI, YES, YES, YES!" You moaned out in pleasure as your vision turned white.
"That's it baby...keep going." Shuri groaned in your ear as she quickened her pace, you held onto her arm, feeling her restraint.
She was holding back but it still felt like you were getting hit with the force of a thousand bricks. She was strong most definitely.
She wrapped a hand around your throat, squeezing tightly and it felt like she was breaking your windpipe but you loved it. Filthy.
It felt like she hated you so much with the amount of force she was using and it felt amazing, euphoric even.
Your hips jerked again as you squeezed your eyes shut.
"SHURI!" You screamed out her name as she moaned even louder than you when she felt you clench around her fingers.
"That's it beautiful, ride it out...just like that.." She kept thrusting in you but she slowed down, letting you get down from your high.
You thought it was over, you were starting to sit up when you felt her take a long lick of your pussy, making you squirm but she held you in place.
She released her grip on your throat and you were sure her handprint was going to be there tomorrow.
"Oh my..." you breathed out, your back arching upwards as she took more slow, long licks.
"Shuri please...." You moved your pussy along her mouth, rubbing circles as you moaned. She pushed her fingers that were just in you, into your mouth.
"Suck." She instructed and you did just that.
"Mmm..." She looked down at you with hooded eyes before taking her fingers out of your mouth. Both her hands gripped your thighs as she held you in place.
You closed your eyes as her lips made contact with your folds. She licked them slowly, sticking her tongue in places you didn't even realize existed. She had you seeing stars, especially since you were already sensitive from your last orgasm. But she didn't care.
Your thoughts scrambled and fuzzed as you felt her tongue enter deep into you and then back out before going in and out again.
"Shuri you're so...soo...meannn.." Your words slurred together as you tried to gather yourself.
"Really? I like to think I'm being generous tonight."
And she was true, on a daily basis, she did way worse, she was a completely different person when turned on, it was crazy, a whole 360 change.
Eventually, your breathing started to get hasty and rushed as your whole body felt numb.
You looked down to see Shuri staring right back up at you as she feasted on you and your juices. The eye contact you made was intense and hot. You looked over to the mirror next to your bedside and the sight was enough to get you squirming.
"Oh Shuri, yes...just like that baby, just like that.." You put your hands on her head, forcing her to go with your rhythm. You rubbed your clit against her face, the friction becoming unbearable, especially when she wouldn't stop doing that with her tongue. Deep and fast strokes, it was driving you crazy.
"OH MY SHURI, BAST, OH GODDD!" You felt her slip another finger into you and as soon as she did that, she slipped 2 more.
The pleasure was enough to drive you crazy and it did. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head, your body gave out as you collapsed and screamed out her name.
Your breathing was ragged as you tried to catch your breath, your hand over you chest as you watched her clean up every drop of your release with her tongue. You looked back up at the ceiling as you felt her leave from between your legs.
After finally getting a hold of yourself, you look up to see Shuri walking out from her closet, naked and, 2 black boxes in her hands. She looked at you tilting her head.
"Pick one."
"There's more?" You breathed out as Shuri laughed. You've already been overstimulated, cumming twice already. Frankly, you haven't had sex in 4 years, there's only so much your body can take now.
"You're cute...pick one." Shuri instructed again.
You laid back in the bed, lazily pointing to her right hand. You watched as she opened the box, setting the other one down as she pulled out a double-sided dildo, powered by vibranium of course. It was a personal project she made just for you. It transmits energy and pleasure between the 2 users so you both can get off.
It still looked clean and fresh so could tell she hadn't used it in a while.
You turned your attention over to her body, her tattoos, the way her hair was slightly wet from sweat, her posture, her everything. She was just so attractive. You forced your head to look back up at the ceiling, taking a deep sigh.
Shuri walked over to you on the bed as she just looked down at you.
"You look so beautiful like this you know..laid out on our bed, waiting for me.." She whispered, causing butterflies in your stomach and vagina. Crazy.
She took the dildo and inserted the tip slowly into you but then stopped, moving it in and out slowly, making a circle shape as your hips slowly followed the pattern, causing you to moan out slightly, your eyes fluttering.
"You like that huh baby?" She breathed out before stopping sharply. "Look at me."
"I can't, even if I want to Shuri...I can't see, I'm blind." You say and it was true, your vision was currently fuzzy as hell and this normally happened whenever you and Shuri slept together, she just had a way of touching you that made you lose all your senses.
Shuri smirked before shoving the whole dildo into you, causing you to scream so loud, you swear a glass must've shattered or something.
She silenced you with a kiss as she brought the dildo back out again, rubbing your clit with her fingers gently and passionately.
She used her hands to put your thighs on her shoulders before inserting the dildo into you slowly this time as she rubbed in circles.
She then inserted her side into herself causing her to moan through the kiss, allowing your tongue to slip through and wrap itself in hers.
The room filled with the noises of both your moans and your skin slapping against each other. She was just hitting your spot again with just so much force and the fact that you knew she was holding back from going harder made your mind swirl.
Your toes curled, your breaths struggled, your hands gripping all over and onto the sheets, your hips bucking and moving with her pace, and your vision was currently gone.
"Mmm, baby..." Shuri moaned into the kiss as she kept thrusting. You could hear her panting and struggling to keep her pace and composure.
"SHURI! MM!" You shouted as you held tightly onto her arms and thighs.
Her pace started to become uneven as she threw her head back getting lost in the pleasure.
"Just like that baby...just...like..fuck.." She struggled before she finally pushed you to the edge.
You screamed out her name again as your back arched so high, you could kiss the ceiling. She fell into you, pulling out the dildo but still pushing up against you.
You felt her cum hit your walls as you sighed. You guys stayed in that position before she finally pulled away, using her finger to push some cum back into you, filling you up.
You fell on the bed, lifeless, breathless and visionless. The rest of the night consisted of Shuri running a bath for you and giving you a massage while saying praises to you, as well as her changing the sheets and slipping on one of her shirts on you.
You had your legs wrapped around her waist, her hands fixed on your waist, one of them, moving up, squeezing your breast and then going up to cup your face as she kissed you passionately.
You willingly opened up your mouth as her tongue slipped in. You moaned into the kiss. This felt amazing, like coming home. Her warmth that you had missed for years.
She eventually pulled away before laying you down on the bed, kissing your cheek sweetly. She grabbed a bonnet from her nightstand and put it on your head. You remember this bonnet, you used to wear it all the time back when you guys were still together..and she kept it.
She eventually got in the bed with you, slipping the covers onto both of you guys, her arm wrapping around you as you sighed.
She held you close, like if she let go, you'd disappear.
"I love you so...so much baby...my beautiful girl.." She whispered sweet nothings into your ear as she rocked you to sleep.
Fuck, I am going to regret this tomorrow.
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elendsessor · 3 months
spoiler warning for smtvv! i won’t shut up about vengeance’s endings because they’re genuinely so interesting to me
consider this the follow up to one of my other analysis posts. i’ve said it once and i’ll say it again: i love how both vengeance endings allow vkun to keep aogami forever and that neither law nor chaos ends on this note of everything sucks ass. more of a hopeful feel if anything. in general, i love how vengeance’s endings challenge the pre existing story structure of most smt games. so did nocturne, but in terms of the same old law-neutral-chaos thing, yeah this was such a nice shake up.
it’s not bc i love aogami to death or bc i love the pairing but more i’m kinda really tired of how mainline smt always has to have this everyone dies and/or loses their humanity quota. this is a really welcome change in my opinion. usually, the leading lady is the only one safe but it is just ran into the ground.
aogami has such a strong arc inherently about gaining individuality. if anything, he becomes more human. vkun stops being the implied outcast and actually doesn’t just completely shove aside all chances at even a friendship compared to how most protags say “fuck you” to the ones who aren’t on their side. having him keep a healthy relationship especially with a demon is something actually unheard of mainline-wise.
4 apocalypse did this too but the difference comes in terms of tone. as a 4a defender i will admit the plot’s a lot less smt and more generic anime-y with 4’s world building sprinkled in. with vengeance, as i mentioned in a previous post, the events still happened so characters that died only to be revived in the law ending still died, and the characters are aware of this. da’at still will be reborn, demons still exist, etc.
the theme of vengeance’s conflict between tao and hiromine is definitely cautious optimism. don’t be a doomer, but recognize that things won’t always work out in a picture perfect way. yeah even with chaos doing a nuke the world thing, it did leave on a somewhat positive note. the way relationships with demons have also changed dramatically in mainline with 5 is nice too. not all demons are bad but they’re often times not fleshed out and are usually relegated to the two extremes of the spectrum. again aogami’s arc is reflective of this, but even hiromine learning to open up more. to have characters gain or retain humanity instead of becoming a cookie cutter rep is super nice since a lot of the actual law and chaos reps don’t come out of it being actual decent beings and tend to be full on inhuman dicks, which tbh doesn’t entirely make sense.
you’re telling me someone can’t be radical in their beliefs without giving up what makes them human? because fun fact, radical people are still people.
also despite being doomed yuri, tao and hiromine don’t truly hate each others’ guts??? they actually do get influenced by one another positively??? they change and grow through their interactions with one another and don’t constantly butt heads, more use their differing views as talking points??? do you have any idea how happy this makes me. to go one game without the law and chaos reps being so against one another that what actually sparks the real imma kill you part is some angel/demon confirming their preexisting beliefs. to have them actually again grow and change. challenge what they know about the world. because you do actually see glimpses of that with them and that’s like actually how some people interact. people can change opinions, they can challenge beliefs, and dammit this is the step forward i really wanted. they’re more respectfully disagreeing as opposed to wanting to strangle each other.
it’s definitely not the most smt ending, but there’s still that looming sense of uncertainty/a bit of dread akin to nocturne’s freedom ending. post apocalyptic fiction needs a lot more of that cautious optimism instead of it being either everything’s okay or everything’s not okay.
so yes taomine shippers won big time. actual best law x chaos pairing.
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rainbowsky · 1 year
Sunshine By My Side - a few answers
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I've gotten quite a few questions about Sunshine By My Side. People want to know what it's about, what I think of it, whether I recommend it, etc. so here's some info related to the questions I've been getting. I apologize for not answering your asks individually.
About the Series
Sunshine By My Side is currently available on iQIYI with English subtitles. The first several episodes are available for free at 720p, while VIP subscribers are able to access more episodes earlier, at 1080p.
It hasn't yet appeared on WeTV international.
While there is a romantic storyline, this series is considered a 'life drama', not an idol romance like Oath of Love. It covers major life and workplace issues in a serious way and is intended to appeal to a much broader audience from a wider age range.
Contrary to popular belief, it isn't based on an original screenplay. It is an adaptation of a 2017 Taiwanese drama called My Dear Boy (this is confirmed in the credits of Sunshine By My Side).
Here is a synopsis of Sunshine By My Side (from MyDramaList):
Of course, the two stories will not be identical. There will have been some changes made to adapt it to the approach this new series wants to take.
Jian Bing (Bai Baihe), a well-known advertising director, and Sheng Yang (Xiao Zhan), a newcomer in the industry, randomly crossed paths inside a restaurant one day. One has just ended a marriage, while the other was waiting for a love to finally fall apart. These two strangers eventually developed a bond and began embarking on a journey of sublime growth and budding romance. With the company of Sheng Yang, Jian Bing was able to gain her confidence back both in life and in love whereas Sheng Yang grew up from a young and carefree youth to one with a keen edge under the guidance and encouragement of Jian Bing. The two healed each other, grew up together, and overtime learned to love one another.
However, challenges in life are inevitable. Faced with their differences both in their identities and experiences, objections towards their relationship within their families, and rumors in the workplace escalating, Jian Bing and Sheng Yang finally decided to let their future play out through the course of time. Three years passed, allowing them to grow and change for the better. A lot of their firsts were spent with each other, and this trust they held and the experiences they shared back then went around and finally found them, making them gravitate towards each other again.
Here's a trailer:
My Thoughts
As for whether I recommend it or not, I haven't actually seen any of it yet so I can't give you an informed recommendation. However, I have been really looking forward to this series because the story looks good, the female lead is a well known and well respected actor with real talent, and the script writers and director are also well respected.
I have a feeling this is going to be a good series. The feedback I've heard so far from people who are watching it has been solidly positive. So yes, I would recommend it based on all of that.
And ultimately I think it's worthwhile to watch as many projects of theirs as we can - even the bad ones *coughoathoflovecough* - because even when a story totally sucks and is poorly told, we still get to see how they approach certain roles, we learn more about their experiences and growth as actors, and we can talk about their projects from a well-informed perspective.
Nothing annoys me more than when fans shit-talk shows they haven't even seen. If you haven't seen it, you haven't yet earned that privilege, my friend. 😅
Anyway, I hope you all get a chance to see it, and that you enjoy it. I will be watching it eventually, when I have time. I will also be writing a review of it once I'm finished.
I hope this answers most of your questions. If I missed anything, please feel free to send in another ask.
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jugheadvarchoni · 25 days
Ranking my Top 10 Riverdale relationships
Buckle up for this one. Got some hot takes for ya, and I yap for too long about my favorites. I also just want to preface this by saying every single relationship in this show has its faults, like relationships irl. And Riverdale in general didn’t do a great job with writing friendships specifically. So a lot of the friendships on this list don’t have a ton of material. A lot of my own feelings and head canons therefore play a big part.
Once again, these are MY opinions! :)
10. Jughead & Tabitha
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None of Jughead’s romantic relationships did that much for me. Tabitha was the only where I was like “eh, that’s fine”. Their chemistry wasn’t anything to write home about, but they were sweet & I think Tabitha is a good character. They were done SO dirty in S7 tho…
9. Archie & Reggie (platonic)
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This is mainly for the S7 of it all. The threesome was NOT it, but their bromance was so fcking adorable and hilarious in S7. I did love the rivalry they had in previous seasons too.
8. Toni & Tabitha (platonic)
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Ughhhh what an underrated and healthy friendship. Tabitha in general deserved more/better, but what we did get with these two was awesome. Easily of the BEST dynamics in the S5/S6 era of the show.
7. Betty & Veronica (platonic)
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Beronica. SOOOOO iconic. One of the most iconic duos in comics. But… I think a lot of their relationship was very one-sided, with Veronica often being a much better friend to Betty. Mainly in S2-S6. Their closeness fell off after S1 and then S7 they kinda rekindled it, but also went romantic with it. Which, personally, I wasn’t the biggest fan of. I felt like the opportunity to properly explore that (and not have it feel tacked on) passed a long time ago. But alas, they are incredibly iconic and I loved them in S1.
6. Kevin & Clay
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Clay, the love interest Kevin always DESERVED. Loving, supportive, kind, it’s just too bad it took them until S7 to give us this kind of relationship for Kevin. And between Clay's social justice & art, he wasn't just a one-dimensional love interest either. One of only TWO canonically confirmed endgames on the show, I enjoyed watching their relationship grow over the final season.
5. Jughead & Cheryl (platonic)
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ALRIGHT, hear me out! This one may be a little niche, and we didn’t get that much of them, but I wanted more SOOOOO BADLY. They are so very opposite in many, many ways, but that’s part of why their dynamic could’ve been so interesting and fun. I think their scenes in 7x18 are very indicative of the kind of hilarity that could’ve ensued from their friendship. Even though they fight and are snarky with one another, there was almost always a mutual respect and trust between them. Also, the fact that there is 0 chance for romance & they’re two of my absolute favorites just makes it even more appealing to me lol.
4. Veronica & Cheryl (platonic)
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The friendship Veronica always deserved imo! Yeah, it may be one of the more complicated ones. But they’re two sides of the same coin, who went through SO much together. Nick, the maple rum business, Veronica helping Toni save Cheryl from Quiet Mercy, etc. I feel like they were often very supportive without having to be so outright about it. They have had a very intense rivalry and some not so great moments (Cheryl slut shaming the girls, Veronica included), but at the end of the day their dynamic is so interesting and their pasts/families are so similarly dark and messed up that I think they could’ve been the best friendship on the show.
3. Archie & Jughead (platonic)
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Ohhhhhh my best boys! I’ve always found them to be the real heart and soul of the source material. Like most of the friendships on the show, they definitely dropped off in later seasons, they went through so much, supported each other through so much, that it’s hard to not keep rooting for them, even if the writers let their romantic relationships get in the way of showcasing their great friendship. Despite fights and disagreements, they always come back together to support the other when they need it. Like Archie having Jughead stay at his house when Jug was living at school, when Jughead followed Archie on the run, or when Archie stood up for Jughead against Reggie. They will always be my favorite Riverdale friendship and I wish they hadn’t been another victim of the rvd writers in the later seasons.
2. Archie & Veronica
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My beautiful Varchie… They were my very first ship on the show, I was rooting for them from the very beginning. Their blooming romance in S1 specifically had so much heart, that their scenes still stand out as some of the cutest and most sincere moments on the show for me. She was there by his side when Fred was shot, they were both there for each other with everything Hiram put them through, even when Archie was imprisoned. They are over-hated to an insane degree, and tend to be reduced to being “all about sex” for a lot of fans, which I just find kind of… gross. They’re emotional, young, consensually physical together, both attractive people, so what’s wrong with that? All that doesn’t mean they don’t have a genuine connection.
I think Archie really shows her that she can and deserves to love and be loved by someone else, that love isn’t about money or power but about support & respect. Likewise, Archie gets strength from her, he’s introduced into a whole new world, one that helps him grow and figure out what he wants from life. He brings her down to earth and she teaches him to reach for the stars. I think growing together and learning from one another is such a beautiful and integral part of any relationship. Also imo, they have chemistry in freakin SPADES. Ugh I just really love them together. They deserved to be endgame, to find their way back to each other and moved to California to experience a new way of life together.
1. Cheryl & Toni
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MY BELOVED CHONI. Was there really any other option here? Their love story is truly one of the most heartwarming and beautiful ones I’ve ever seen on tv. Enemies to lovers to exes to starcrossed lovers across all space and time. True soulmates, meant to find each other time and time again in every universe. Despite every relationship being turned on its head in S7, Choni were the only consistent ones. Only wanted each other. And even though they were estranged for 7 years and went through crazy (sometimes toxic shit) in high school, they never fell out of love. They came out of it all stronger and better for it all, even. Before S7, their relationship fell to the wayside, as did almost every other pairing (*sideyes Bughead*), but everything we got still showed them to be incredibly supportive, loving, and loyal.
Toni was there for Cheryl every step of the way, she helped her come out, she made her see that she’s worthy of love. That she is more than what her family abused her into thinking. And Cheryl had her personal issues and didn’t always handle it well, but she ALWAYS had Toni’s best interests at heart. Always. She gave Toni the family and life she’d always craved, Cheryl gave HER a kind of love she didn’t realize she deserved. A bombastic, passionate love full of mutual support. They were there for each other, without hesitation. And S7 just showed that they had all that AND had grown and learned from their past mistakes. S7 showed Toni having more agency, with Cheryl right there to actively support her in everything she chose to do. Not to mention, Madelaine & Vanessa’s chemistry was outta this world insane… like… whoa.
One of the ONLY endgames on the show! They got their happy ending, found a life together full of art and love. They lived full gorgeous sexy lives with their son Dale, and are now together forever in the Sweet hereafter. Iconic. Beautiful. SOULMATES. 🫶
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duckwithablog · 2 years
Chance to encourage another writer go brrrr /gen
I saw you did letters!! I don't see much of those- How aboooutt..
What if the reader is away on a trip, and MK/Mei (Or whoever, really. I could even see Tang being set as the designated writer by the group) is writing them letters updating them on what's going on?
Telling them who misses them, what the others have to say, etc! You could even have it be set for after certain episodes (i.e. MK's clones, Macaque's first appearance, etc), if you'd want.
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This is gonna be set after the pilot, so Reader went on their little vacation a few days before everything started! Which means they missed out on a shit ton of action-
Monkey Gang sends Reader a letter
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Being on vacation wasn't all that bad, really. While you loved Megapolis and all your friends, you decided that some R&R was in order and left for a few days. They've been sending you letters back and forth, each updating you on whatever was going on while you were away. This time, though, you feel that you might have missed out on something major during your trip.
The letter started out normal. The moment you saw the messy handwriting and little doodles squeezed in the paper instantly made you smile. MK never changes, does he?
But then you started reading.
Hey there, Y/n! Sorry we haven't been writing to you that much, but a lot happened while you were away! Not sure if you heard, but the city was under attack recently-
Your frown, a pinch of worry pooling in your chest. Did something bad happen while you were gone? Was everyone okay?
Don't worry, though! Everyone's a-ok!
You breathe a sigh of relief.
The city got destroyed, but other than that, everything's fine!
You jolt. The city got what?
Everyone else misses you a whole bunch. Especially after what happened! You missed a lot while you were away! Pigsy said something about telling you about everything when you get home, but I think I should say it now, just to give you a heads up.
A sense of foreboding seeps into your mind. Oh god, this won't be good.
While the city was getting destroyed, I found this super cool magical staff! I found it while delivering noodles and got chased by a flame demon, it was wild.
You choked.
What the hell happened while you were gone?!
But it's alright, I handled it! Turns out the staff belonged to (wait for it) THE MONKEY KING!! ISN'T THAT SO COOL?? I actually got to meet him too!! We all went to Flower Fruit Mountain to give it back, but in the end, I ended up having to save the city! Crazy right?
Your eyes widen.
... Excuse me?
Aahh, I promise I'm not messing with you!! It'll be so much easier to explain it in person, I swear!!
Pigsy said that you were coming back in a few days, I can't wait to see you again! Mei says to bring us something cool from your trip, and Tang says that he'll save you some noodles when you get back! Pigsy tells you to be safe, but he also said that he isn't just gonna give you noodles for free (I think he's lying though).
We're all so excited to see you home!! We love you :D
Sincerely, MK (The new Monkie Kid!!)
You slump backwards after reading the letter, shock settling into your bones. After processing what the hell you just read, an unsure (but hopeful) smile grows on your face.
Well, at least you'll have some wild stories once you get back.
Sort of different than a usual letter, but I wanted to try this out and test the waters! Hope you like it!!
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xiaoscarasimp · 6 months
Smol Bit of Cat boy Smut 6
Sooo my ideas dried up recently thus why no posting of this fic but thanks to hsr 2.1 we got some *smol* ideas for this fic again
sorry its a bit rushed ;-;
Previous Chapter First Chapter
MDNI CW Usual SiZe KiNk shenanigans cum eating maid outfits etc
“S-Scara, you’re just too big!!” You cry out.
 It was another day of playing around with Lyney’s magic and you being impaled on Scaramouche’s giant cock. He decided that you would look perfect today at half your size, towering over you, making sure to put you in your place. You could see the outline of his cock  through your stomach and how it moved with each thrust. If you weren’t being literally split apart by his dick, the sight would be very arousing and thrilling. 
“Shh, darling, relax,” Scaramouche cooed, using his large, but delicate hands to stroke your face. You try to give him an indignant look but all that remains on your face is your fucked out expression. 
Scaramouche's face lit up into a nasty grin. He used his hand to find your tiny clit and stimulate it even further until you cream on his member once again. The cold shivers went down your spine as you whittle away even more, his cock becoming even more prominent in your stomach. One last squeeze of your gummy walls make him cum enough to slightly inflate your stomach to where it almost looked like you were pregnant. 
“Haa,” He sighs contently as he shrinks a bit, his ears pulled back in pleasure. His shirt starts to droop off him slightly, now looking like it was only one or two sizes too big. Scaramouche delicately pushes his shorts off his delicate feet, them crumpling to the floor. He stops you from growing enough so that he could still see the outline of his cock in your stomach. “Perfect, my little doll. Stay that size for me for a little while longer.” 
His cock wasn’t splitting you as much now, however, it was still pressing against your clit. You try to grind against it again, desperate for just a little bit more stimulation, but Scaramouche uses his tail to hold you in place, reprimanding you for trying for your third orgasm of the day. 
“My cute little doll can’t get enough of my cock, can she?” He teases, ruffling your hair. “You see those figures over there? You should fuck me while wearing one of there dresses. Don’t worry, I’ll be gentle.” He winks as he pulls you off his still hard member, tip wet with your mixed juices.
The familiar feeling goes down your spine once again as he becomes even bigger and bigger. 
“Oops, don’t wanna lose my tiny partner would I?” He chuckles as he scoops you up. The cat boy might not have been full size, but he was still plenty big to pick you up with ease. Scaramouche brings you over to your figure collection stand and puts you down beside one of the cat girls, the figure growing bigger and more life sized to you as you continue shrinking. 
“You’ve often said you wanted to wear a maid dress, so here’s your chance.” 
He strips off the clothing of the figures, putting them down delicately in front of you. You had always dreamed of cosplaying those cat girls, but not like this. You delicately try to put on the clothes, making sure not to rip any of them. Unfortunately, you realize that you were still slightly too big for those clothes and shrink yourself a little bit more to fit them. Luckily, the outfits did have a place for your tail to fit through, but just barely. 
“H-How do I look?” You ask him, looking up at the giant cat boy. Your face was slightly red from embarrassment of being so small and in a cosplay outfit meant for one quarter size figures. 
“Not bad, although you would look better on my dick. Now, come here.”
 He pats his legs in the “Come here” motion. His half hard cock was starting to harden again, making your checks flush with arousal. How you were actually going to fit that in any of your tiny holes, you had no idea.
“Bend over and show me your pussy,” He commands, the authoritative tone in his voice sending shivers of arousal down your spine.
You bend over, face flushing even redder with embarrassment, skirt barely covering your rear end,your dripping, glistening pussy on display for your cat boy. He takes one of his long fingers and runs it up and down the outside of your hole, making sure to not let any of his fluids from earlier go to waste. Scaramouche uses the tip of his finger to plunge deep into your hole, curling it so that it’ll hit all the right spots. 
“Good girl,” he praises as you whimper at every touch. Scaramouche knew he was getting to you by teasing you. You yelp as he pinches your supple ass with his fingers, making sure to savor the feeling between his fingers. The cat boy licks your slick and other fluids off his fingers before spanking you; you try to keep the tears from the sting at bay, but unfortunately, Scaramouche sees everything. 
“Hmm? Is my tiny maid enjoying this?” He teases. Scaramouche spanks you again, a whimper of pain rips itself from your throat. 
“S-Scara, you’re hurt m-!” Another spank comes down on you. 
Worst yet, you could feel yourself being turned on by this; it almost hurt so good. 
One spank, two spanks, three spanks more, and he decided he was bored of it and instead went for using his finger to finger your tight, little hole. Only the tip fit, stretching you out, making you feel like you were about to be split in two for the second time that day. 
“You’re getting turned on by this, aren’t you?” Scaramouche laughed, his ears twitching in glee. Your face turned beet red again, partially from embarrassment and partially from how turned on you were from having the giant cat boy poking and teasing you.
“N-No I’m not.” You try to keep your voice even, however the little squeak betrayed you.
“Don't lie to me.” The cat boy knew you almost as well as you knew yourself. He knew all your turn ons and signs that you were enjoying yourself.
He teases you with the tip of his finger, poking and prodding your dripping pussy, making sure to savor the juices. He then uses his slicked up fingers to spank you one more time, a broken sob rips itself from your throat. 
“S-Scara, please,,” You beg. “I don’t care what it is, I n-need something inside of me.” 
“Oh?” He hums. 
Scaramouche reached over the edge of the table you were on and found one of your toys, usually a small clit vibrator with bunny ears, but at this size, it was rather large. You seriously doubted whether or not you would be able to fit it inside of you, but there was no harm in trying. Your cat boy stands the toy upright as you eye how to even get it inside. After a few tries to get the now girthy toy in, you manage to get the tip of the ears in, your clit throbbing at the pressure. 
“Ahhhn~!” You moan as Scaramouche turns the toy on. The vibrations rocked your whole body, pussy throbbing at each pulse. It wasn’t long before you creamed yourself on the toy and had to quickly remove it before you shrank down even further. 
The maid dress, which was too small to begin with, started to become looser and looser until eventually started to slide off of you. One sleeve fell off your shoulder, your cat boy’s expression becoming almost ravenous at the sight. You dwindle away until you can barely hold up the dress, and eventually discard it, standing naked before your now even larger partner. The toy that used to barely fit now was enormous compared to your tiny little body. 
You turn away from Scaramouche in embarrassment at how small you had become. As you peek over to him, you notice that his cock was just a few inches smaller than you and that it was still impossibly erect. His eyes almost seemed to glow with lus, wanting that tight pussy all for himself. 
“H-Hey, Scara,” You manage to squawk out. “D-Do you need help with…that?” You motion to his member. 
“Oh? My little cat girl still wants my cock, even as tiny as she is?” He purred.”I can’t but to think that you might not be able to handle it.”
 “I think I have an idea.” A dangerous glint appears in your eyes. 
You motion for Scaramouche to pick you up and put you down near his weeping cock, it only standing a few inches shorter than you. You bend down gently and use your tiny, rough-ish tongue to lick the tip of it, feeling Scaramouche quiver with anticipation and pleasure. After there was enough precum running down his cock, you try something that you had been curious about. You shrink yourself a little bit more to stand about as tall as his member and wrap your arms around it, moving your body up and down along the shaft. 
Scaramouch couldn’t believe what he was seeing: a tiny cat girl using her whole body in order to pleasure him, almost literally. You continue to lick his cock, although this time along the shaft and up and down the frenulum, making sure that your tiny tongue hit all of his sweet spots. You squeeze together your chest to make sure your nipples were rubbing his member, stimulating you as well. Despite the fact your body was already overstimulated from earlier, you couldn’t get enough of the feeling of rubbing your tits against him. 
“Y-Y/N,” he moans, voice thick with desire. “Faster, I-!” He was cut off by a moan as you rubbed your body faster and faster along his shaft. The softness of your boobs and the fact that you were moving fast enough to please him. 
Your cat boy was not the only one enjoying this; as you move faster and faster, the sensations of rubbing your tits against nearly making you cum again. You lick some of the precum running down his shaft, growing half an inch or so. As you rub faster and faster, Scaramouche throws back his head in pleasure and allows himself to finally cum after holding out for so long. 
He breathes out heavily, sighing with a little bit of laughter as he shrinks from his high. You try your best to clean him up, however he picks you and stops you. 
“Don’t fill up before dinner.”       
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ftmpreggome · 11 months
I have a proposition for you:
What if, after this baby is born, you give yourself a timeline to get knocked up again. You can get pregnant again as soon as three weeks after delivery, but let's say we start at six.
Six week postpartum goal: convince/beg your baby daddy to fuck a third baby into you. You give this until you're, say, 3 months postpartum
3 months postpartum goal: if baby daddy is yet to agree, you branch out and ask other men you know; friends, coworkers, acquaintances, etc. to try and get one of them to knock you up. Give this 1 or 2 months
4 or 5 months postpartum goal: you've exhausted your options and either no one has agreed to fuck a baby into you, or you simply haven't conceived yet. Regardless, once you get to this point, the only people who can have the chance to breed you are strangers. Meet someone on public transportation and fuck them in the nearest public bathroom, go to a club and let someone fuck you raw, or maybe (my personal favorite) go to a local glory hole and get filled with so much cum that there's no way you aren't pregnant by the end of the night! Sure, you don't know who knocked you up, but let's be honest. Would any of the other men stuck around to play house with you and your babies anyways, or just left you out to dry as you swell and get heavier with their baby?
And if you make it to that last goal, you have to stick with it indefinitely until you're swelling and growing your newest lovely little bastard child 🥰
I'm literally so wet reading this. My fat vulva is twitching you're making me want cock so bad. Yes I want this!! If he won't give me the third baby I will absolutely find another male. I want to swell for a man yet again and maybe this time I can be with the man and he will want this pregnancy
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sssm1l3 · 2 months
rereading sins of the flesh and i can’t believe it didn’t cross my mind until now to ask u if u would be willing to divulge ur secrets since it won’t be finished. if not i understand but i’m still so curious<3!! how would it have ended? what was the deal w shane? what was carl n judith’s true relationship? etc etc anything ur willing to share i will eat up !
Hi soooo glad to see you again! So, okay When i write, I never really...plan? I let the characters tell the story and watch it play out, And a lots happened since I was writing that, so forgive me if these are inconsistent with anything I wrote in the story, but from what I remember,
After Ron tried to kill Beth, him and Carl were going to go into like the city to go and visit Rick while he was in a coma, giving Ron and Carl a chance to bond more. They did this because Gabriel assumed that if anyone could convince Ron to stay in the cult, it would be Carl, and going back into the city would give Ron a chance to see what he was missing if anything, and hopefully help fuel his decision to stay
The footprints by the edge of the cult were not Shane's but actually Dan's (the pedophile dude that Shane let fuck Carl before Carl was taken to the cult), because he was scouting out the area to eventually intrude upon
When they did this, it was because Shane learned about Judith, and wanted her from Carl, mostly just to hurt Carl not because he actually wanted to raise his daughter, but he wanted Judith from Carl. Him and Dan would rip through some of the cult, violence, maybe some deaths and all that, but would eventually get to Carl. They'd also try to kill Ron cause he would try and protect Judith and Carl obviously but---because I love Ron and cant bear to kill him---he would survive and while Shane was occupied trying to fight Ron, Carl would kill him, because Its not one of my fanfictions unless Shane gets murdered (Dan managed to get away from the cult before he was killed)
They would eat Shane later, Carl and the rest of the disciples, and while Ron still refused to eat Shane, he would be the one to cook the meat, he's getting used to the customs, and doesn't want to leave
Carl and Judith's true relationship is what it is, she's Carl's biological half-sister but is Carl's daughter in every way that matters, and would grow up with Ron and Carl as her parents
Rick would wake up from his coma and would meet Ron and Carl and Judith and it would be really sweet and everything, and when he went back to work, he would investigate the case with Dan because since Gabriel's little cult is recognized by the law as like....an actual religion, they did report that they had been attacked, and they just.......didn't mention that there were two guys, only one, only one guy came and attacked them, there wasn't another one kicks dismembered hand under rug
Dan would be caught and prosecuted
Ron ends up staying the cult after he sees his mom in the city during an outing with Carl and sees that she's going on about her life, and that she's doing well, and doesn't need him, but Carl does, and so does Judith, so he stays, and he cooks, but he never eats anyone, just to maintain some of the morals he once had
So thats what I remember of my plans, thank you for asking!
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ofallthingsnasty · 2 years
Ok but out of curiosity? What if Aizawa's darling escaped, and knows they're on borrowed time because he's hunting them relentlessly so they try to bargain for a better life in captivity? (Maybe they've started to fall for this man after so long, but when the chance for freedom is within reach, they have to take it. And maybe they're starting to have doubts on it, this freedom, especially after barely escaping the underground heros attempts at getting them back? And truely experiencing some rough shit on the streets because there's really no place else to go since he'd know, they're just tired and actually miss their bed locked away in the basement)
Maybe they send a letter addressed to Aizawa, giving their terms for them to return; Scheduled time outside, being able to do things they weren't before, etc. In return not only would they return to him, but they would actually give this relationship a try. 100% all in, an actual attempt at a relationship?
Like what do you think he'd do? Would he actually accept? Does he trick them? Would he brush it off because he knows it's only a matter of time?
aah, omg 🥺 that man is starting to grow on me like a fungus, I swear ... I hope the format isn't too whacky, I had to use my phone to answer. Thank you for this!! 💕💕
tw.yandere, minors dni please
To me, he's one of the softer ones - and that's why I think he'd agree to your terms. As long as they're not too outrageous, of course.' I've said it before but I think that this man actually loves you (misguided as it may be) and that he craves you returning these feelings in earnest, he just took you because he needs you safe and sound or else he can't sleep at night. Can you just imagine how worried sick he'd be with you out on your own? He isn't even mad, he's scared senseless. Scared that someone might hurt you, scared that you'll do something stupid, that he'll never get to hold you again. You have to understand, he can't live without you. That doesn't mean that he'd coddle you once he has you back but he won't rest until you're either in his arms again or he drops dead from exhaustion. When that letter reaches him, he's just so glad that you're okay - and once it clicks that you actually want to return to him, he is genuinely stunned. The thought of you setting up some kind of trap in retaliation (he knows just how wrong what he's been doing is) does cross his mind, so he'll be careful. And of course, he could simply drag you home once he finds you - and he will find you, one way or another. But that's not who he is, I think. He'll sniff out your hiding place and monitor you for a little, just to see if the offer is genuine and that there is no one else involved, then shows himself. (Don't worry, he'll make sure that you're safe, no matter what.)
I also think he wouldn't even punish you but his trust in you is definitely broken after this. You'll have to work long and hard to restore it (and maybe even cave when it comes to some… indulgences of his regarding you) before he can tbe sure you'll uphold the end of your bargain. But knowing that your escape has brought you closer to him, that it is actually a blessing in disguise - that's just unbelievable to him. You coming back like that is a huge leap into the future he wants with you and he knows that you at the very least feel safe and comfortable with him. It can only get better from there.
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eg-writtenthoughts · 1 year
My 2022 Reads & Thoughts
As a writer, I don’t have the time to read as much as I’d like. Determined to not feel like I’m completely missing out on something else I love, I gave myself the goal of 12 books in 2022. I was able to meet that goal. At some points, I didn’t read one book a month. Some months, I didn’t read at all. Others, I read an entire series back to back. This post is coming almost a year late, making all of my comments based on memory (with a little Googling for characters I no longer remember).
The twelve books were, not in order:
Blood of Elves (The Witcher, book 1) - Andrzej Sapkowski
A Court of Thorns and Roses - Sarah J. Maas
Throne of Glass - Sarah J. Maas
Ugly Love - Colleen Hoover
A Court of Wings and Ruin - Sarah J. Maas
A Court of Mist and Fury - Sarah J. Maas
Grey (Fifty Shades of Grey as Told by Christian) - E L James
Darker (Fifty Shades as Told by Christian) - E L James
Freed (Fifty Shades as told by Christian) - E L James
These Hollow Vows - Lexi Ryan
These Twisted Bonds - Lexi Ryan
The Cruel Prince (The Folk of the Air, book 1) - Holly Black
At the bottom of my list, was The Cruel Prince by Holly Black. This is the first book  I put on my DNF list which broke my heart. Growing up I read The Spiderwick Chronicles by Black and Tony DiTerlizzi. It was my favourite series and what introduced me to Urban Fantasy. It was a pivotal point to my childhood because it really made a base for me. I went into The Cruel Prince fairly open minded, but I did have expectations. Fairy/Fae fantasy hasn’t been a genre that’s enticed me. I couldn’t tell you why. I love vampires, werewolves, witches, etc. Fairy/Fae hasn’t caught my attention in the same way. When I began The Cruel Prince, it didn’t draw me in. The main character, Jude was unlikable and I had a hard time finding a hook within it to grab. I always look for an unexpected romance but the abuse from Cardan just wasn’t worth wanting a change. And honestly, that’s all I remember. Maybe I’ll try to read it again one day, only because I hold Black on a podium in my head, but it won’t be in 2023.
Next, is Ugly Love by Colleen Hoover. I’m ignoring the controversy that’s come from Hoover and her personal life between the time I read this book and now. I know Hoover is at the peak of her writing career right now and Ugly Love is considered one of her must read books. But, I couldn’t stand it. From what I’ve been told, Hoover has a tendency to touch on heavy topics within her book. Just from this one book, I do not think she has the writing ability to execute these kinds of topics well or with dignity. With no spoilers, Ugly Love has a character trauma that Hoover writes the situation at an surface level of emotions. I didn’t feel anything while reading it. There was suspense of what happened to Miles as you read but it absolutely did not satisfy. It was like hitting a speed bump and for once, it blew out the tire of your car. This might be the only book I’ve returned after reading because of how disappointed I was. Thankfully, the employee at the bookstore agreed with me. I felt vindicated.
Blood of Elves by Andrzej Sapkowski is a book I enjoyed but have a very specific, personal thought about. When it comes to a series, I prefer each book to have its own storyline that also contributes to the overall story. For example, the Harry Potter saga. Blood of Elves however, felt like it was just the starting point of one storyline. It didn’t have a distinctive storyline that was for it alone. It felt long without a satisfying conclusion. The only reason I haven’t entirely put the book in my negative bookshelf in my mind is that I know Henry Cavill is a fan that led him to playing Geralt. So there must be something great about it. It’s also spun off a very successful video game series. I’d be willing to give Blood of Elves another chance, but I would need to be in a cottage, relaxing with the rest of the series with nothing to distract me.
Lumping the next together, is the duology These Hollow Vows and These Twisted Bonds by Lexi Ryan. If I was to rate the duology as one single book, out of five, I’d give it a 3. The first book, These Hollow Vows was a good book but felt like it was missing something. Maybe it had to do with Ryan’s desire to put the story into two books, the first one was just less. Until the end! The end was that amazing cliff hanger where the heroine is shown to be a badass. I loved These Twisted Bonds. It was a swell of the storyline and I felt like I was racing towards the end. The plot wasn’t fleshed out entirely, since I felt like the Queen wasn’t met enough to have her really feel like the villain. The conclusion was satisfying and truly, I didn’t know who the main character would end up with. I’d like to do a re-read just to enjoy the love triangle again.
At the top of my 2022 bookshelf, the books that surprised me the most were Grey, Darker, and Freed by E. L. James. I read the original trilogy (more than once) and I find it a guilty pleasure. It’s a quick read trilogy and decent enough to quiet my brain. It was the first romance only book(s) I’ve read. Similarly to Midnight Sun by Stephanie Meyers, the change of perspective, made the story significantly better and more appealing to me. The trauma Christian brings to the story is enticing in a way that naive Ana didn’t have. You genuinely root for Christian and his growth and success. I definitely will re-read this trilogy.
And finally, the first three ACOTAR books and Throne of Glass. I genuinely don’t remember much about Throne of Glass, other than the fact I fell to my urges and googled how the relationships go throughout the series. I’ll be the first to admit that spoilers don’t bother me 95% of the time. I wasn’t a fan of the results and that’s what stopped me from reading more. I plan on trying again to read them, most likely at the end of 2023 or in 2024. I will say, I’m displeased about the cover change. I own the first three books in the 2nd released covers, where Celaena Sardothien is featured. That’s too many for me not to want the rest in that cover. The new ones are nice, but I don’t want to have to re-buy them. 
A Court of Thorns and Roses may be the only Fae books I’ve ever immersed myself into. It’s been a very long time since I’ve fallen into a series/universe that I want to ingest over and over again, especially from a new author. Falling in love with characters (especially Azriel) is a happy and personal feeling. I cried during A Court of Wings and Ruin, from the comradery and love that the characters share, which I don’t do often. Yes, there was a hint of a love triangle in the beginning which always tugs at my attention, but Feyre and Rhys were beautiful. The demise of Tamlin was an incredible side plot that I could hear more about. Maas really knows how to keep her readers actively reading. ACOTAR being a Beauty and the Beast retelling was a great starting point for the series. I read A Court of Frost and Starlight this year and that review is to come. I haven’t read A Court of Silver Flames and that’s from pure stubbornness. I love Feyre’s point of view and yes, Nesta is incredible and her love story with Cassian is intense but I’m picky. From my own opinion, I don’t think this should’ve been a part of ACOTAR but its own independent series. Unless the entire series is jumping POVs, it makes it weird for me. I will definitely be re-reading this series again at some point. The fanfiction online satisfies me for now.
I’m not unhappy with my reading choices for 2022. There were a few that I didn’t like, but we all have to read stuff we don’t like. I know which author I don’t plan on reading again. As an author myself, it really opens my eyes to what audiences are reading and what I like. I know how to focus myself and my plot lines, not going off on wild adventures where I won’t be satisfied with the conclusion. 
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mermaidsirennikita · 1 year
Romance novels with maximum angst/pinning that are not the Earl Takes it All or Waking Up with the Duke (have read and loved those)?
Well, definitely check out more of Lorraine's backlist! When the Duke Was Wicked and The Duke and the Lady in Red are also super angst. WtDWW has a heroine who was infatuated with the hero as a child and watched him marry another woman, only for him to begin to fall for her after his wife dies when she asks him to help her find a suitor. I describe it often as "What if Romancing Mr. Bridgerton was a lot hotter and also good?" The Duke and the Lady in Red is fucking agonizingly sad at points in the best way.
Other Heaths if you haven't tried them: Between the Devil and Desire (TW: discussions of childhood sexual abuse) in which we get one of my favorite rogue/uptight widow pairings I've ever read; Once More, My Darling Rogue (same TW) which makes an amnesia plot work and wrings it through for max angst (it's a retelling of Overboard! starring Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell, lol); Surrender to the Devil (again, TW childhood sexual abuse). The entire Scoundrels of St. James series is very angsty as it's basically about a group of kids who experienced immense trauma and then grew up and became successful friends; the Scandalous Gentlemen of St. James is a sequel series about THEIR kids.
Elizabeth Hoyt gives great angst. My favorites include Thief of Shadows (TW: miscarriage and infertility), Scandalous Desires, Duke of Midnight, Sweetest Scoundrel (TW: childhood sexual abuse).
Indigo by Beverly Jenkins has a great "rake falls for sensible virgin" story. Both the hero and heroine work in the Underground Railroad, and the heroine was enslaved as a child. I really love the pining in this one.
Peak pining and angst can be found in The Dragon and the Pearl by Jeannie Lin, a star-crossed villain as hero story in which a warlord kidnaps a former concubine to get info out of her, and ends up falling in love with her. There's an incredibly angsty scene where he tattoos her with his mark (on her request) because they believe he's going to go off and die soon... ugh, I fucking LIVED.
A Rake's Guide to Seduction by Caroline Linden has FAB pining and angst. Hero is the rakish best friend of the heroine's older brother and realizes he loves her, but when he goes to ask her brother for permission to court her he's too late--she's engaged. Four years later, she's a widow and depressed after a bad marriage, and they meet again at a house party. He tries to cheer her up............. and then shit happens.
Private Arrangements by Sherry Thomas is a supremely angsty read about a married couple that has been separated for basically their entire 10-year marriage. She wants a divorce so she can marry her lover, and he's like "yeah sure whatever, but first give me a baby". It's not YEAH SURE WHATEVER as it turns out.
Never Seduce a Duke by Vivienne Lorret begins super funny and then gets angstier as time goes on, complete with a multi-year time jump!!!
The Madness of Lord Ian Mackenzie (widow heroine falls for hero who's on the spectrum and was once literally locked up by his family) and Lady Isabella's Scandalous Marriage (second chance romance for married couple that separated after tragedy and incompatabilities) by Jennifer Ashley give you big Scottish angst.
How to Marry a Marquess by Stacy Reid--friends to lovers with a heroine who desperately wants the hero, while he thinks she can't deal with his life (he's very scandalous because he claimed his illegitimate child). This girl literally like. Almost dies on the moors.
When the Earl Met His Match by Stacy Reid. Pregnant heroine seeks a marriage from the hero, who she's never met before in person, after her lover abandons her. He's mute and agrees to claim the baby and marry her. It's really gorgeous because she learns sign language, grows close to him, etc, but there's some REAL good angst, complete with an "I love you" mid-sex.
The Duke Gets Even by Joanna Shupe has enemies to lovers, a heroine who doesn't want to fall in love, and a hero who falls hard--while having a heart condition that will significantly shorten his life if it's never mended.
Ever Yours, Annabelle by Elisa Braden. Heroine was in love with the hero in her childhood, he got seriously injured and they separated for years. Book deals with them reuniting, lots of angst, especially for Elisa Braden.
Elizabeth Lowell's medieval trilogy (read in order) has peak 90s romance angst! Untamed has an arranged marriage plot with a super alpha hero who wants a son and a heroine whose family line only yields boys if the mother is iN LOVE; Forbidden, amnesiac hero paired with a heroine who knows who he is but keeps it from him; Enchanted, the darkest of the three, heroine is recovering from a sexual assault and intense trauma while in an arranged marriage to a man who has no idea. Read wisely, again it's 90s era.
A Lady for a Duke by Alexis Hall. The heroine is a trans woman who faked her death at Waterloo in order to transition, reunites with her best friend years later because he's suffering from severe depression and survivor's guilt. But what happens when he recognizes her???
Again the Magic by Lisa Kleypas. Hero and heroine fall in love as teens; she's a fine lady and he's a servant and she's forced to reject him. He comes back years later BENT ON REVENGE!!!!
If you're down for non-historical angst, of course Immortals After Dark by Kresley Cole for PNR (especially Dark Needs at Night's Edge and Dreams of a Dark Warrior, GOOD GOD), the Kings of Italy series by Mila Finelli (mafia angst), Give Me More by Sara Cate (throuple angst when a husband and wife invite their best friend into the marriage), Kiss an Angel by Susan Elizabeth Phillips (90s contemporary arranged marriage CIRCUS angst), Heated Rivalry by Rachel Reid (m/m hockey hookups secret lovers illicit affairs angst).
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