#girls of emunah
torais-life · 1 year
"Cómo tomar buenas decisiones" Midrasha Majón Orá(Israel) en YouTube
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dearfuturehusbandblog · 4 months
Dear Future Husband,
I recently reconnected with a friend from middle/high school. We got to schmoozing over text and last week I went to her place to hang out and chat for a while.
She's currently going through a lot and there were certain things we were able to relate to each other about.
While we were schmoozing I found myself saying "ok, yeah, so let me tell you _____ but it's a whole story" and after a while I was like "I'm so sorry everything is such a long story!" and she said "no, it's great! you should totally write a book! I'm hooked!"
The thing is, I've actually tried. I've started multiple autobiographies and it's so hard for me to focus my story because there's so many outlandish things that have happened, especially things that were supposed to be simple like getting my ears pierced as a kid turned into a whole ordeal, and I just haven't been able to keep it on track.
But maybe it just needs to be vignettes. Chapters kind of like these posts are.
Except that even here I feel like there's not enough backstory and I have to backtrack constantly...
I don't know.
Maybe it's just not worth it.
Who would read it, anyway? Literally one friend? lol
Most of the time I write just to get things out.
I have this belief that "a diary is for oneself, an autobiography is for others", which is to say that there has to be a takeaway from one's story for it to be worth writing it into a book.
But I don't know what the takeaway from my story is.
That I suck at everything? That God likes to create little punching bags, one of which is named LivelyHeart? Don't judge a book by it's cover?
I literally don't know what anyone can takeaway from my life except that maybe someone out there can relate and feel less lonely because they've been through crap too. But that's why blog sites exist in general, no? People share TMI on social media too.
So if it's not a book to learn something from or for entertainment, what is it for....?
On a sidenote, Meaningful Minute just posted this podcast with a young woman who was born with a disability called TAR, so a bunch of her limbs are wrongly proportioned and she has basically no arms and I'm jealous.
I'm jealous of the support system she had and still has today.
I'm jealous of how the schools she attended bent over backwards to accomodate her disability.
I'm jealous of her emunah and strength.
Because I had "hidden" disabilities. And everyone couldn't care less about my struggles.
She said she never experienced bullying in her childhood.
I did.
She had friends in and out of school.
I didn't.
She had/has parents who are such strong advocates for her.
I don't.
She understands she may never get married but she still has hope that the right guy is out there for her.
I barely do.
She says Hashem is her best friend.
Well, He's not mine.
And it's insane to me that I should feel any kind of jealousy for someone who has the struggles she does.
She told that mashal of if everyone put their problems in a big bowl and got to pull out someone else's to try on for size, they'd always want their own back.
Yeah, I don't know if that's true. I think mine feel familiar because I've lived with them so long, but there are people who don't live with the kind of dysfunction I have and I would much rather struggle with something else than walking on eggshells around the people who are supposed to love and support me unconditionally.
Because everything comes with conditions. And I'm so sick of it.
I saw another video recently where this girl who used to be in Hollywood and had a short-lived music career before ending up with a serious drinking and drug problem described some of her struggles and how her sobriety is going, and she said the one thing that saved her was a friend who was her unconditional support system. Because every time she failed and ended up on substances again, her friend was there to pick her up and say "no, we're doing this again, and we're going to get you clean."
I don't have that in my life.
I'm addicted to despair and nobody can pull me out of it.
And it's so damn hard to do alone.
So if I wrote my story, wouldn't it just depress people? Wouldn't it just make them feel bad about their lives too? Focusing so much on negativity just invites more negativity, doesn't it?
I don't know.
I just hope at some point God decides I'm worthy of feeling love and support in my life.
It would be really nice to experience that for the first time.
It would be really nice to experience you.
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mameleh-life · 4 years
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Something From Nothing: A little bit Heimish a little bit hers
Nesting and Single Motherhood
So I remember when I was pregnant with Lilu I started nesting. I painted walls, and went to buy buy baby with one of my best friends who taught me all I needed to know about having a baby girl and I became totally in love with the idea of having a daughter. After that first shopping trip I was hooked on pinterest boards devoted to baby clothes, I shopped in kiddie boutiques and built shelves and bought books and made art all girly, all pink, and all sparkly like ready to make the life of this little bundle joyful.
And my little Layla Tziporah does love all things pink and sparkly and ballet themed and so I started decorating our room in our new apartment with sparkly paper I found in my craft box, and pink felt and I made stencils from print-outs I found online and I made pouches from brushed tin-foil [my next post] and pink cellophane for old photos because she loves old photos so much her favorite thing to do is to look through old photos with me. And I found a beautiful wooden chair and I polished it up a bit for our room and now it's her dressup spot. My method for decorating Lilus room is making it feel bright and airy but also cozy and I used to spend alot of childrens things but now I make everything on my own.
My bubbeh Malky who was an joyful beautiful neshama always made everything herself and eventhough she loved beautiful things like this pink silk pleated dress she wore to my mothers wedding she knew that the best things in life arent things that we spend alot of money on it's the things that have meaning. I learned to give things I love away so their story continues with someone I care about my best friends, my sisters. I learned that life is so short and fragile that every day is a bracha and even in the grey oppressive days of this galus we live in we can build a sanctuary- a nest- for our babies with pink and purple and unicorns but also with simanim of where we come from our heritage our torah our emunah our land.
And so decorating a child's room can be very personal and come a very deep place and it doesnt have to be superficial it can be meaningful. The art we create to hang on the walls of their rooms, the books we choose for their shelves and the colors we choose to soothe them can all have meaning. Just like when we say kriyas shema with them every night and that has meaning and it comes from a deep place, and the bedtime story we tell them has meaning and so too the room in which we say shema with them can have meaning and a story of its own.
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Introspection: Who are YOU
By Wanjin Li
The performance is a Practice as Research Project. This theatre project will be a solo performance with short presentation in James Arnott Theatre. The purpose of the final performance is to achieve 35 minutes of soloperformancein the theatre. The production also involves using the sound, video, and media to make up the story more specific, and focus on training or preparing which happens behind the stage. During the show, Wanjin will be the only actress on the stage physically. The combining methods of using technique or media equipment is a difficult part while rehearsing on timing the lines. This performance is very challenging for an independent researcher.
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WAY– Who are You
Wanjin Li is an actress and performance maker whose recent research interests include actress training, body language, feminism, memory, culture, and solo performance. Under the conditions of a civilized society, the relationship between people becomes very sensitive, and the pace of life is getting increasingly faster.
The Preparation of performance Introspection
Wanjin aims to enhance trust and cooperation between people through the training process borrowed from a traditional art as well as by promoting the significance of education through performance. The voice and the body belong to the necessary skills of drama performance, and they are also the most direct way for people to communicate (Schechner, 2017). Training can often be a lengthy process, and eventually, each individual will gain different results. The outcome depends on different physical qualities. The long training process is like a documentary of life or an autobiography. In the current era, it is necessary for us return to the original method of meditation for human beings can gain much from this inner peace.
Performing is a self-reflection based on a long and boring training process. On the time line of life, the training process can achieve continuous self-orientation and self- reflection (Emunah, 2015). The whole show shows the changes brought about by the details through concentration, restraint, courage and respect. Many momentary memories emerge in everyone’s mind like pictures and evoke personal memories. The nature of these memories is neutral, just like everyone has their own memories. These fragments also directly reflect everyone’s state of mind. Likewise, the performance is to help the reality through its own difficulties by looking back on the past, or to reflect on itself (Williamson, 2016).
Looking Back
People can heal themselves through their inner voices or find their way when they are lost. These recalled memories also barely reflect the state of the person's mind at that time. In addition, the performance process is different from traditional Chinese Peking Opera, which is more modern and life-oriented. In addition to the interpretation of culture, the highlighted "training" section also shows the "behind-the-scenes" stories that are unknown.
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MEMORY                                               :                                                         WAY
The play itself is to forget its own experience and look forward to the present and future. For the audience, some of them may face various difficulties or troubles, or they may succeed. Therefore, the play wants to evoke the audience's own memories and make some comparisons between the present life and the past. Audiences facing difficulties can gain strength. The self-lost audience can find their way through the memory of their own voice. Successful audiences can learn to control their desires and always remember their original intentions. Audiences play an important role in the development of drama activities, but in fact, dramatic activities also have great significance to the audience. Drama cannot be separated from the audience from the moment it was born. Drama performance is a kind of collective ceremony.
                                                     Play-Within-the Play
I chose two parts to show the daily life of Chinese women in feudal society. The first part is agriculture, feeding chickens, and the second part is embroidery. This character is an unmarried girl. After washing her face in the morning and combing her hair, she began to worry about her future. However, when she opened the door, she found the weather to be good. Therefore, she planned to bring the chicken to the yard. Then she found a missing person and began to watch anxiously. Finally, she found it in the corner of the house and was relieved. After that, she went to sew threads and handkerchiefs of different colours, then looked at the chicken and embroidered. The whole process is based on the embroidery process of ordinary family girls of that era, from choosing colours, making lines, to arrows, and then starting to embroider pictures.
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                                                        Poetry and lines
Voice practices
"The cuckoo weeps on the branch. moaning with tears and blood.” (Chinese - A poem tells a bird because his favourite branch has fallen leaves, screaming because of sorrow, until the bird vomits blood. )
Singing: Yujiao Sun has been sorting out in the morning, why our girls are always so upset! (Chinese)
Singing: I am alone, there is nothing to do but weaving and embroidery. The weather outside is very good! (Chinese)
Are you ready
Who are you
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Dveikus in the Darkness!!! what ELUL is all about???
we are all worried, and the key to release ourselves from sadness and worries is to know that Hashem is in charge and constantly recreates the world! He has your best interest in mind and will protect those that trust Him as it is said in Tehilim 91," יִפֹּ֤ל מִצִּדְּךָ֨ ׀ אֶ֗לֶף וּרְבָבָ֥ה מִימִינֶ֑ךָ אֵ֝לֶ֗יךָ לֹ֣א יִגָּֽשׁ׃חרַ֭ק בְּעֵינֶ֣יךָ תַבִּ֑יט וְשִׁלֻּמַ֖ת רְשָׁעִ֣ים תִּרְאֶֽהYou need not fear the terror by night or the arrow that flies by day,the plague that stalks in the darkness, or the scourge that ravages at noon.A thousand may fall at your left side, ten thousand at your right, but it shall not reach you.You will see it with your eyes, you will witness the punishment of the wicked."but that is really hard sometimes to keep the faith, we need something that will help us hold on to our Emunah!
Rabbi Kalonymus Kalman Shapira, otherwise known as the Piaseczner Rebbe, was a great Tzadik that lived in the time of ww2, he was in the warsaw ghetto, the Rebbe would take small groups of children boy or girls and teach them Jewish Meditation.   How to overcome the pain and think and react with a strong connection to Hashem!  with this inspiration, I would like to give you a way to release yourselves from the world around you to connect to Hashem and gain strength to continue your holy purpose in this world!
3 steps to start Jewish Meditation,
‭ ‬א‭) ‬לעצום‭ ‬עיניים‭, ‬לנשום‭, ‬ולהרגע‭.‬
‭ ‬ב‭) ‬להתבונן‭ ‬בגדלות‭ ‬הקב‭"‬ה‭.‬
‭ ‬ג‭) ‬לכוון‭ ‬את‭ ‬הלב‭ ‬להתקרב‭ ‬אליו‭.‬
To begin your Jewish Meditation Journey:
1.  Close your eyes, breath deeply, relax.
2.  Contemplate on Hashem the master of the worlds.
3.  Meditate on getting closer and closer to Him.
Kabbalistic Yeshiva Nefesh HaChaim Kollel, an excellent opportunity to receive merit in this world and the next.  The combination of the Kollel being in the holy site of King David's tomb and the studies of Kabbalistic Meditations of the Rashash is essential for the revelation of the final redemption.  As the Admore Rabbi Morgenstern and many other tzadikim nistarim say the studies of Kabbalah in the site of King David's tomb will hasten the Geulah. Our  underlying aim is To produce Torah Giants for ‘the protection of Am Yisrael!’
איך וויל זע גאר ניסט. איך וויל ניט דיין ג׳׳ע, איך וויל ניט דיין עוה׳׳ב כו׳. איך וויל מער ניט אז דיך אליין. I want nothing at all. I do not want Your Garden of Eden, I do not want Your World to Come. All I want is You alone. -Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi 
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An eerie night inside Blue Mountains sect the Twelve Tribes
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                                             Updated June 14, 2018
THEIR beliefs have attracted attention from authorities globally. On this cold night, we went inside the home of the controversial sect.
James Weir              news.com.au               June 8, 2018
A TAMBORINE rattles and feet stomping on timber floorboards echoes down the dark garden path of this strange, old house.
Don’t bring anything, just yourself, were the instructions given by an intense man who stared deeply and refused to blink.
It’s a cold Friday night in the small town of Katoomba in the Blue Mountains. Up the road, about 500m, backpackers and weekenders scurry into bars and restaurants to escape the icy air. But a stroll down Baptist St along the train line, there’s no one else. That’s when the tambourine rattles.
An electric doorbell is stuck to the side of the old home’s thick front door. The hi-tech convenience goes against the simple notions of the group that resides here. It’s just one of many contradictions.
Yellow light floods the darkness as a young man pulls the door open and loud renaissance music pours out with it. The stomping amplifies.
In the living room, a circle of young people spins around fast. It’s a blur of young men with leather headbands, little kids with long hair and young women covered up in floor-length skirts and baggy white blouses with braids down their backs.
They hold hands and thump their feet on the worn-out floorboards. Older members, also clothed in plain, conservative outfits, sit on the edges of the room and watch.
This is Friday night Shabbat at Balmoral House, one of the Sydney bases of controversial international religious group the Twelve Tribes. Its members are fiercely loyal to the conservative and reclusive practices. But those who have left the group tell a different story.
The group has faced global criticism for its views on race, homosexuality and child discipline teachings, which enforce hitting. In 2013, a police raid removed 40 children from a Twelve Tribes property in Germany after undercover footage captured repeated physical punishment of a number of children. This week, an investigation was launched in New York after an upstate property run by the tribe was allegedly found to be enforcing child labour.
As the circle spins inside the old house, a girl approaches with a tall glass of thick, purple liquid. Everyone stares until it’s sipped.
Rosemary Ilich remembers the day she decided to leave the Twelve Tribes after 13 years inside with her husband and three children.
“It’s like all my brainwashing came down. To realise what a crazy thing I’d been part of — a horrible thing — it’s like a bucket of cold ice thrown at your face,” she tells news.com.au about the day she quit in 2010, a short time after her husband and son left.
Matthew Klein had a similar feeling after he was kicked out in 2001. He managed to get his kids out, but his wife insisted on staying.
“I still remember lying in bed thinking, f**k, I was in a cult. It hit me like a tonne of bricks,” he tells news.com.au.
The group that promised unconditional love, acceptance and forgiveness became a horror that, for years, they couldn’t escape.
“It’s like your whole map of reality gets changed. You become your own enemy,” Mrs Ilich says. “So when you have healthy doubts, you think, no, that’s the devil talking to me. That’s what the teachings are there for. It’s for judging yourself, removing your sin and you become obsessed with that.”
On the surface, the fundamentalist organisation, which began 46 years ago in Chattanooga, Tennessee, offers members community and enlightenment and provides them with a simple, sustainable way of life. Its enforced beliefs are a mishmash of Judaism, Christianity and teachings written by founder Eugene Spriggs — a former carnival showman known to followers as “Yoneq”.
Its estimated 3000 members are placed in tribes across the US, Australia, Spain, Germany, France, Argentina, Canada and the Czech Republic. Tribes live together in self-sustaining communities, with many operating cafes — all named The Yellow Deli Cafe — in small nearby towns.
According to Mrs Ilich those who join the group are made to work tirelessly in the cafes or labour on the farms and in the households without payment.
“Bit by bit, you lose all your critical thinking,” Mrs Ilich says. “I did have red flags coming up but you always think it’s Satan. Because it’s all you hear about is Satan, all day. And you’re also supposed to confess things. You’re cut off from information — you can’t read the papers, I wasn’t allowed to drive, I wasn’t allowed to go anywhere. All there is is heavy repetition. Nothing else.”
Raphael Aron, director and counsellor of Cult Consulting Australia, has worked with former Twelve Tribes members after they’ve exited the group. He says communities like it can target a person’s desire to belong.
“There is no relationship between stability or intelligence and the human vulnerability to recruitment,” he says. “Some of the most prominent members … are highly educated individuals often with multiple college degrees.”
When members join the Twelve Tribes, they’re asked to sell any property or possessions and give all their earnings to the tribe. Inside, no one has savings and electronic items like phones, computers and televisions are not allowed.
“They tell you you can leave, but you can’t,” former member Greg Kelly tells news.com.au.
Inside the tribe’s dimly lit Yellow Deli Cafe in Katoomba this Friday afternoon, it’s all dark nooks and heavy varnished timbers. The strong smell of stewed meats and spices cloud the space. Tribe teachings and symbolic murals are painted on the wall. A small phrase is painted in cursive writing: “Eternity is a long, long time.”
A tall middle-aged man with greying hair walks up the stairs to the tiny second level. He leans over the railing next to the table, stares intently and introduces himself. All the other customers in the cafe are in groups. But at this small table sits a lone customer.
The man doesn’t blink. He stares deeply and talks slowly. He’s intense but welcoming. And almost insistent that the invitation to the tribe’s house be accepted. The mention of friends gets him excited. “Bring them!” he encourages, before off-loading a loaf of olive bread and a green super bar, specially made by the tribe.
A few days later, Mrs Ilich will explain the tribe’s obsession with bringing in new members.
“If people are not getting added to the community then it’s your fault. The problem is always with you — it’s never the leaders, because they represent God,” she says.
After the sun sets in the mountains and the temperature plunges, that’s when the tambourines and the purple juice and exotic smells ambush the senses.
“I’m so glad you came,” the man from the deli beams, pulling up chairs on the perimeter of the spinning circle.
Staring at the young people dancing, he explains a lot of them have been in the tribe since they were kids — some of them born into it. It’s hard to tell how old anyone is. The girl with the purple juice looks about 16. But the man says she’s in her 20s or 30s.
It’s difficult to identify or remember people. And everyone has a Hebrew name.
“They change Hebrew names all the time,” Mrs Ilich later explains. “I think it helps with confusing everyone. When you try find someone in there there’s five (people named) Emunah, Anav, Daveed, Israil. It’s easy to mask people.”
One of the young men here gave up his farm in Gunnedah to join the tribe. He met his wife here and, after marrying, they had a child. Their little blonde girl is not shy like the others and has cheekiness in her eyes.
You can only marry within the tribe, the man explains. If an attraction forms, the man and woman are required to go to the leaders (there’s three, but one main leader, it’s later said) for approval. Meetings are organised between the pair to talk. They’re not allowed to touch. These meetings can go for months until they decide they want to marry. It’s only after the wedding a couple can kiss.
“They don’t have birth control and they try to get the ladies to have as many (children) as they can,” Mrs Ilich later explains. When she decided to leave in 2010, her oldest daughter had just become engaged to a boy who grew up in the tribe and insisted on staying at the group’s Picton farm. Mrs Ilich hasn’t been allowed to meet her three grandchildren or see her daughter, now 27, since 2013.
Silence falls at the end of each song and the dancing bodies turn lifeless until a strum of the guitar tells them it’s OK to move again. About an hour passes before the circle disbands and everyone finds a place in the living room to sit reverently. One by one, five people stand up to deliver an improvised sermon about what they’re thankful for.
Suddenly the group launches into vigorous song.
“There’s gonna be thousands of these everywhere!” the intense man yells over the music.
You can make the “commitment”, he urges later while standing in the front garden of the old house. It’s cold, dark and quiet.
I “put out the message” and you “received it”, you were open, he says. Friends are always going to abandon you, he explains. But not the tribe.
He offers a bed at Balmoral House. Come for a weekend, he suggests. “You can work in the cafe,” he says.
Three weekend stays is all it took before Mrs Ilich and her family moved into the tribe’s farm.
“We unknowingly put ourselves in the process of recruitment,” she recalls. “It’s called love-bombing — they shower you with love and affection and make you feel like family.”
She added: “We didn’t know what hit us. We fell in love with them. They kind of rewrite your past for you and you start thinking about your past in a dark light. They started making me look at my life like my family is trying to control me. They try to separate you from each other.”
While Cult Consulting Australia’s Raphael Aron does not classify specific groups as cults, he says clients are “very quick to point out the cult-like characteristics” of the Twelve Tribes, which include shunning family members who leave the group.
At a long communal dinner table, the intense man from the deli happily tells his story while picking at a plate of stewed beef, vegetables and noodles. He asks about family relationships, living situations and car possession.
Specific questions about how the tribe works draw vague answers from him. When external criticism is brought up, he changes topic.
The circle is spinning and the stomping resumes while a girl blows softly into a recorder. A young woman brings over a mug of warm liquid. She stares blankly when thanked.
“Look around!” the man says. “Does this look like a cult?”
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Children of the Tribes
In this country we celebrate the First Amendment, which prevents the government from interfering with religious beliefs and practices. But what if those beliefs and practices make children suffer?
By Julia Scheeres
“In 1972, a former high school teacher and guidance counselor named Gene Spriggs and his fourth wife, Marsha, started a gathering of believers in their home. ... Later the tenor of the sect changed. Spriggs began to preach that blacks were destined to be slaves, homosexuals “deserved the death penalty,” and women — who weren’t allowed to use birth control — had to atone for Eve’s original sin by giving birth without painkillers. He drafted rules regulating everything from fingernail length to how married couples should engage in intercourse.”
US Department of Labor in Albany Finds Multiple Child Labor Violations at Common Sense Farm as a Result of June 2018 Twelve Tribes Investigation
Video: This man lost his wife to the Twelve Tribes cult
UC/FFWPU Recruitment – The Boonville Chicken Palace
Boonville – “It was a very complex set of manipulations”
Indemnity is a Moon Trap
The Four Fallen Natures of the Divine Principle are used as a means of controlling members.
Fear is not a good reason to stay in the UC
Scared of leaving?
Moon “split the person apart”
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mykingdavidkabbalah · 4 years
Emunah and Bitachon | Chazon Ish
Strengthen your faith and Trust Hashem properly!  background:
http://www.kingdavidkabbalah.com Trust and Faith in Hashem Avraham Yeshaya Karelitz (7 November 1878 – 24 October 1953), known by the name of his magnum opus, Chazon Ish, was a Belarusian born later became one of the leaders in Israel, where he spent his final 20 years, from 1933 to 1953. from World War I has had a profound impact on Israel and the world.  World War I was succeeded by an extensive worldwide flu pandemic, with many deaths. Rabbi Avraham Yeshayah Karelitz survived through extensive studying Torah, his profound faith in God, and his religious writing, which he engaged in despite what was happening all around him. We can see it clearly in his essential book Emunah and Bitachon, trust and faith, the secret to being able not only to survive anything but concur the times.  In addition to his Torah knowledge, he was very learned in medicine, astronomy, mathematics, ancient history, geography, and zoology. The Chazon Ish performed a necessary role in constructing yeshivot for boys, and girls’ schools, in pre-state Israel and post-independence Israel. He helped make possible marriages for many young Holocaust survivors. Another of the Chazon Ish’s enterprises in Israel was assisting the poor. He did this without provoking humiliation to the people he helped.
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luiscbanda · 5 years
A Match Made On Shabbos
A Match Made On Shabbos
ORIGINAL URL: https://www.jewishpress.com/judaism/jewish-columns/lessons-in-emunah/a-match-made-on-shabbos/2019/06/07/
By Naomi Brudner – 4 Sivan 5779 – June 7, 2019
Rabbi Yeshayahu Hager, who lives in Eretz Yisrael, was in the middle of his Friday night Shabbos meal with his family and four ba’alos teshuva guests – girls who were in the process of becoming religious and were looking…
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torais-life · 1 year
"The greatest exaltation is silence, said David Hamelech because no word encompasses God" -Rab. Menashe
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ftmthor · 5 years
Measles outbreak 2019: Battling measles in summer camp newest challenge in US as number of new cases touch 1000
For the first time in 27 years, the United States is gearing up to battle the worst measles outbreak the country has ever seen, and the newest front where battle cry is about to be heard is summer camp.
Measles vaccinated mandatory in New York Counties
The government has made it mandatory for campers and staff in several counties north of New York City to get vaccinated. It is worth noting that the Jewish communities residing in these areas have been affected the most by the measles outbreak.
[This post contains video, click to play]
Proof of immunity at day and overnight camps have been mandated by Ulster county which makes it the latest in the area to issue these commands. Other areas which made a similar announcement this past month are Rockland County, Sullivan Country, and Orange County.
Ulster’s rabbi speaks up on measles outbreak 2019
Rabbi Hanoch Hecht, of Ulster County’s Camp Emunah, has revealed that all these vaccination records need to be examined and thoroughly inspected to ensure that no child or staff are vulnerable to measles. The camp hosted by the Rabbi is attended by girls of the Chabad community in Crown Heights located in Brooklyn.
He also added that although he made concessions regarding religious sentiments earlier, he no longer exempts people for these things. He also revealed that he would be getting his blood checked for immunity too.
Moreover, Governor Andrew Cuomo has also signed legislation on Thursday, which no longer allows kids who are not vaccinated to attend schools in New York. The Centre For Disease Control And Prevention has revealed that more than 1000 cases of measles have been reported in the US. The number was less than a hundred cases 10 years ago.
The post Measles outbreak 2019: Battling measles in summer camp newest challenge in US as number of new cases touch 1000 appeared first on Hiptoro.
source https://www.hiptoro.com/p/measles-outbreak-2019-battling-measles-in-summer-camp-newest-challenge-in-us-as-number-of-new-cases-touch-1000/ source https://emmaleebruce.tumblr.com/post/185792749525
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mameleh-life · 4 years
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Raising My Mini-Me, Reflections on Raising a Girl and How She Raised Me
So while I finish with the stenciling on Lils wall I'm taking a short break from posting on childrens room design just to talk about the concept of finding ourselves in our children.
The gravity of what's going on around us is weighing down on my soul I cant sleep at night, I can barely eat and all I can think about is how my daughter who loved school so much, who loved ballet, and art classes and trips to the tribeca art museum and picking out clothing and doing mitzvos and running around in the park is now stuck at home so sad she cant see her friends, so frustrated and she doesnt even really fully understand what's going on but she knows something terrible is happening and she cant sleep at night either unless were cuddling in her little bed.
So on a brighter note I wanted to think about how Lilu [Layla Tzipora] shaped who I became and who I want to be. Lilu laughs and sings even when she knows things arent good so that Tuli will smile. Lil loves telling stories and loves asking me to tuck her in with her stuffed Torah because she said she wants the Torah with her. She wants dance parties and when I want to listen to Demi Lovato she wants me to turn the music to Mordechai Shapiro and Shwekey songs. When I wake up in the morning she says brachos over her oatmeal in fact she says brachos on everything. And the cutest thing about Lil is she gives me a running commentary on every one of my outfits and when I was in my fashion phase she picked out clothes for me in stores and every single outfit I'm wearing here Lil herself picked out the girl has an amazing sense of style and it shines through her drawing and her creativity and her ability to make me laugh with her cute jokes that make literally no sense and her hand gestures that make her seem to be turning fifteen as opposed to five.
She loves her uniform so much she makes me hang it up on it's own rack which I actually had to reinforce recently because it was put in many years ago and let's just say I had to figure out the hard way my handiwork skills are meh. But in any case I think back to how I approached school and my uniform and my life as a child and I see this beautiful little girl who Even before this whole terrible travesty happened cherished each and every day of school and cherishes her uniform and says that its chic tzniyus who taught me that if we sing and dance in the morning to music the whole day is better who taught me to love my yiddishkeit even more and to cherish old photos and most of all memories. A little girl who reminds me to say a bracha before we share cupcakes and who them tells me maybe we should give the last one to bubby to cheer her up and a girl who just wants to go to shul every single week because she loves hearing the Dvar torah and I think about how she makes me want to be better and how she makes life brighter and more full of laughter and more full of girly moments even when everything is falling apart and the truth is as insignificant as that sounds it's very calming to have someone to just talk about sparkly things with when the only other alternative is watching the news and a feeling of dread- Lilu is my joy personified.
I remember we went to a wedding together and Layla insisted I wear a certain dress she called it my simcha dress it happens to be I scored it at a Teri Jon sample sale for an incredible price and it goes with everything but mostly I love it because it stretches so it was more practicality for buying it over anything else. But lil said because it has a ruffle on the bottom its dancing it's a simcha dress. Its little things like this, little details, little nuances this tiny person is taking in the world in such a way that she attributes simcha and yiddishkeit and beauty to everything and that's something that too me years to figure out and I am still only just learning to do this and it astounds me that this little girl has so much emunah at such a young age and is constantly talking about Hashem and I wonder if it's because of her story but in any case she inspires me, my daughter is my stylist yes but shes also my daily inspiration.
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hildaagular · 5 years
Measles outbreak 2019: Battling measles in summer camp newest challenge in US as number of new cases touch 1000
For the first time in 27 years, the United States is gearing up to battle the worst measles outbreak the country has ever seen, and the newest front where battle cry is about to be heard is summer camp.
Measles vaccinated mandatory in New York Counties
The government has made it mandatory for campers and staff in several counties north of New York City to get vaccinated. It is worth noting that the Jewish communities residing in these areas have been affected the most by the measles outbreak.
[This post contains video, click to play]
Proof of immunity at day and overnight camps have been mandated by Ulster county which makes it the latest in the area to issue these commands. Other areas which made a similar announcement this past month are Rockland County, Sullivan Country, and Orange County.
Ulster’s rabbi speaks up on measles outbreak 2019
Rabbi Hanoch Hecht, of Ulster County’s Camp Emunah, has revealed that all these vaccination records need to be examined and thoroughly inspected to ensure that no child or staff are vulnerable to measles. The camp hosted by the Rabbi is attended by girls of the Chabad community in Crown Heights located in Brooklyn.
He also added that although he made concessions regarding religious sentiments earlier, he no longer exempts people for these things. He also revealed that he would be getting his blood checked for immunity too.
Moreover, Governor Andrew Cuomo has also signed legislation on Thursday, which no longer allows kids who are not vaccinated to attend schools in New York. The Centre For Disease Control And Prevention has revealed that more than 1000 cases of measles have been reported in the US. The number was less than a hundred cases 10 years ago.
The post Measles outbreak 2019: Battling measles in summer camp newest challenge in US as number of new cases touch 1000 appeared first on Hiptoro.
Measles outbreak 2019: Battling measles in summer camp newest challenge in US as number of new cases touch 1000 published first on http://www.hiptoro.com/ Measles outbreak 2019: Battling measles in summer camp newest challenge in US as number of new cases touch 1000 posted first on http://www.hiptoro.com/
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davidferrer89 · 5 years
Measles outbreak 2019: Battling measles in summer camp newest challenge in US as number of new cases touch 1000
For the first time in 27 years, the United States is gearing up to battle the worst measles outbreak the country has ever seen, and the newest front where battle cry is about to be heard is summer camp.
Measles vaccinated mandatory in New York Counties
The government has made it mandatory for campers and staff in several counties north of New York City to get vaccinated. It is worth noting that the Jewish communities residing in these areas have been affected the most by the measles outbreak.
[This post contains video, click to play]
Proof of immunity at day and overnight camps have been mandated by Ulster county which makes it the latest in the area to issue these commands. Other areas which made a similar announcement this past month are Rockland County, Sullivan Country, and Orange County.
Ulster’s rabbi speaks up on measles outbreak 2019
Rabbi Hanoch Hecht, of Ulster County’s Camp Emunah, has revealed that all these vaccination records need to be examined and thoroughly inspected to ensure that no child or staff are vulnerable to measles. The camp hosted by the Rabbi is attended by girls of the Chabad community in Crown Heights located in Brooklyn.
He also added that although he made concessions regarding religious sentiments earlier, he no longer exempts people for these things. He also revealed that he would be getting his blood checked for immunity too.
Moreover, Governor Andrew Cuomo has also signed legislation on Thursday, which no longer allows kids who are not vaccinated to attend schools in New York. The Centre For Disease Control And Prevention has revealed that more than 1000 cases of measles have been reported in the US. The number was less than a hundred cases 10 years ago.
The post Measles outbreak 2019: Battling measles in summer camp newest challenge in US as number of new cases touch 1000 appeared first on Hiptoro.
from Hiptoro https://www.hiptoro.com/p/measles-outbreak-2019-battling-measles-in-summer-camp-newest-challenge-in-us-as-number-of-new-cases-touch-1000/ from Hiptoro Raging News https://hiptororaging.tumblr.com/post/185791260010
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claytoncoughlan · 5 years
Measles outbreak 2019: Battling measles in summer camp newest challenge in US as number of new cases touch 1000
For the first time in 27 years, the United States is gearing up to battle the worst measles outbreak the country has ever seen, and the newest front where battle cry is about to be heard is summer camp.
Measles vaccinated mandatory in New York Counties
The government has made it mandatory for campers and staff in several counties north of New York City to get vaccinated. It is worth noting that the Jewish communities residing in these areas have been affected the most by the measles outbreak.
[This post contains video, click to play]
Proof of immunity at day and overnight camps have been mandated by Ulster county which makes it the latest in the area to issue these commands. Other areas which made a similar announcement this past month are Rockland County, Sullivan Country, and Orange County.
Ulster’s rabbi speaks up on measles outbreak 2019
Rabbi Hanoch Hecht, of Ulster County’s Camp Emunah, has revealed that all these vaccination records need to be examined and thoroughly inspected to ensure that no child or staff are vulnerable to measles. The camp hosted by the Rabbi is attended by girls of the Chabad community in Crown Heights located in Brooklyn.
He also added that although he made concessions regarding religious sentiments earlier, he no longer exempts people for these things. He also revealed that he would be getting his blood checked for immunity too.
Moreover, Governor Andrew Cuomo has also signed legislation on Thursday, which no longer allows kids who are not vaccinated to attend schools in New York. The Centre For Disease Control And Prevention has revealed that more than 1000 cases of measles have been reported in the US. The number was less than a hundred cases 10 years ago.
The post Measles outbreak 2019: Battling measles in summer camp newest challenge in US as number of new cases touch 1000 appeared first on Hiptoro.
Measles outbreak 2019: Battling measles in summer camp newest challenge in US as number of new cases touch 1000 published first on http://www.hiptoro.com/ Measles outbreak 2019: Battling measles in summer camp newest challenge in US as number of new cases touch 1000 published first on http://www.hiptoro.com/
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anawiliams · 5 years
Measles outbreak 2019: Battling measles in summer camp newest challenge in US as number of new cases touch 1000
For the first time in 27 years, the United States is gearing up to battle the worst measles outbreak the country has ever seen, and the newest front where battle cry is about to be heard is summer camp.
Measles vaccinated mandatory in New York Counties
The government has made it mandatory for campers and staff in several counties north of New York City to get vaccinated. It is worth noting that the Jewish communities residing in these areas have been affected the most by the measles outbreak.
[This post contains video, click to play]
Proof of immunity at day and overnight camps have been mandated by Ulster county which makes it the latest in the area to issue these commands. Other areas which made a similar announcement this past month are Rockland County, Sullivan Country, and Orange County.
Ulster’s rabbi speaks up on measles outbreak 2019
Rabbi Hanoch Hecht, of Ulster County’s Camp Emunah, has revealed that all these vaccination records need to be examined and thoroughly inspected to ensure that no child or staff are vulnerable to measles. The camp hosted by the Rabbi is attended by girls of the Chabad community in Crown Heights located in Brooklyn.
He also added that although he made concessions regarding religious sentiments earlier, he no longer exempts people for these things. He also revealed that he would be getting his blood checked for immunity too.
Moreover, Governor Andrew Cuomo has also signed legislation on Thursday, which no longer allows kids who are not vaccinated to attend schools in New York. The Centre For Disease Control And Prevention has revealed that more than 1000 cases of measles have been reported in the US. The number was less than a hundred cases 10 years ago.
The post Measles outbreak 2019: Battling measles in summer camp newest challenge in US as number of new cases touch 1000 appeared first on Hiptoro.
Measles outbreak 2019: Battling measles in summer camp newest challenge in US as number of new cases touch 1000 published first on http://www.hiptoro.com/
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9-11luria-blog · 6 years
Week of: January 7th
9-11 Class Learning Highlights
Language Arts
4th grade: We finished reading The Tiger Rising this week! Students finished their comprehension question guides, which included inferring the theme of the story using 3 concrete examples from the book for support. In book clubs, students began working on their final project of the year: a character trait poster using evidence from the text.
5th grade: We finished Part 3 of 4 in Home of the Brave as a whole group. Students began working on a vocabulary assignment related to the book: creating a Frayer Model for four different words, including definition, picture, example, and word art or non-example.
Shelby 4th grade: This week students solved two-step word problems, including multiplicative comparison, and used multiplication, addition, or subtraction to solve multi-step word problems. This wrapped up our learning with multi-digit multiplication!  
Jen 4th grade: Students learned how to multiply two-, three-, and four-digit numbers by a one-digit number. We began the week by representing the multiplication pictorially with a place value chart, then we moved to the “partial products” method, and finally students learned the standard algorithm “shortcut.”
5th grade:  We moved on from adding and subtracting decimal fractions to multiplying a decimal fraction by single-digit whole numbers. Students related to a written method through application of the area model and place value understanding, and explained the reasoning used. We multiplied a decimal fraction by single-digit whole numbers, including using estimation to confirm the placement of the decimal point. We also reviewed long division in preparation for dividing decimals by single-digit whole numbers involving easily identifiable multiples using place value understanding and relating to a written method.
As our unit on evolution begins, we start to examine what it means to be alive and what every living thing is made of. This week we begin to understand that the characteristics and traits of a living thing are passed down from one’s parents in something called DNA.
4th grade: Students learned some more background information for our Native American history and culture unit, focusing on Native Americans of the Eastern Woodlands. We learned about different food and water sources and discussed some of the important geographical features of the region.  Students also participated in a number of activities which included stories/myths, personalities, and maps in order to get a better idea of what they would like to focus their research on for our upcoming project.  
5th grade: Students completed their learning and discussed the battles of Lexington and Concord and began learning about the second Continental Congress and some of the characters who were involved. We also took this opportunity to implement a strategy for reading and presenting which is being used in our Middle School Civics class, which uses different perspectives/lenses to inform research and point of view.  We will be focusing on the lenses of “Geographer” and “Biographer.”  Students will either be researching a personality or a location and its importance in the American Revolution.
Dorit’s groups: This week during our Hebrew lessons, students worked on a variety of writing activities; they utilized their new vocabulary in their work. One of our favorite activities was watching one episode of the Koffiko Israeli T.V. program; we then generated a summary of the episode.
Daphna’s group: We started working on our travel in Israel unit. We met the characters and identified differences and similarities and practiced using our new vocabulary words.
Rashi and Ramban: We continued to discuss the blessing Yitzchak gave to Ya’akov and whose responsibility it is and who has been wronged. We continued adding information into our story with Rashi, classifying Rashi questions into categories.
Eben Ezra: We continued to learn perek 41 and spoke about Yosef’s new position. We continued adding information into our story with Rashi and classifying Rashi questions into categories.
Kindness: A lot is happening in Yitzchak and Rivkah’s family. Yitzchak wants to bless their eldest son Esav, but Rivkah has other plans. She wants the blessing to go to their youngest child Yaakov, so they devise a plan to trick Yitzhak into giving him the blessing.
The Dreamers: After helping the Butler and Baker, Yoseph spends two years in prison thinking his life is helpless. Suddenly, Paroah has two dreams that no one can help him with. That is until the Butler remembers a young man who helped years ago: Yoseph. Yoseph is taken from prison and brought before the king of Egypt to see if he can interpret his strange dreams.
4th grade: Students began learning the 5th mishnah in the 6th perek of Mishnah Brachot. We learned about some new rules for blessing fruits and vegetables and introduced a few new key terms.  The Mishnah also introduced a new concept of a hierarchy of foods and their blessings.  We also used the opportunity this week with Rosh Chodesh Shevat to learn about the shiv’at ha-minim, mentioned in last week’s mishnah, which refer to a group of seven species which grow in the Land of Israel and are mentioned in the Torah.
5th grade: Students finished their learning in the second mishnah in the fourth perek of Mishnah Brachot. We also learned an accompanying conversation mentioned in Gemarah as a commentary and then students took time to start writing their own prayers/intentions for before and after Work Time and lessons.
Community Time
This week we discussed conflict and how we naturally respond to them, with a “fight or flight” reaction. Most responses to a difficult situation are either with aggression or avoidance. Students learned that there’s actually a third kind of reaction: being assertive. We had a chance to role play different scenarios that are typical in our 9-11 community, practicing using internal feelings, I Statements, and calm body language.
We started clubs this Friday! Students got to choose between Science Experiments, Art & Graphic Design, Craft, Strategy Games, Luria Times, and Fantasy Sports.
Language Arts
4th grade: What do you think was the theme in The Tiger Rising? Use concrete details from the book to prove why this is the theme you chose.
5th grade: What are the definitions of the four vocabulary words you chose this week from Home of the Brave? How has Kek changed from Part 1 to Part 3 of the book?
Shelby 4th grade: Temma sold 195 boxes of Girl Scout cookies. Emma sold three times as many as Temma. Emunah sold 297 fewer than Emma. How many boxes did Emunah sell?
Sarah bought a shirt on sale for $35. The original price of the shirt was 3 times that amount.  Sarah also bought a pair of shoes on sale for $28. The original price of the shoes was 5 times that amount. Together, how much money did the shirt and shoes cost before they went on sale?
Jen 4th grade: To get enough money to go on a field trip, every student in a club has to raise $53 by selling chocolate bars. There are 9 students in the club. How much money does the club need to raise to go on the field trip?
5th grade:  Ava buys groceries for her family.  Hamburger meat is $3.38 per pound, sweet potatoes are $0.79 each, and hamburger rolls are $2.30 a bag. If Ava buys 3 pounds of meat, 5 sweet potatoes, and 1 bag of hamburger rolls, what will she pay in all for the groceries? Julian bought 3.9 liters of cranberry juice, and Nathan bought 8.74 liters of apple juice. They mixed the two juices together and then poured them equally into 2 bottles. How many liters of juice are in each bottle?
What exactly is this code inside us all, and how much does in control what we all grow to be? And what does it mean that certain changes in one’s DNA can give you an advantage or disadvantage? Does our DNA determine what and who we grow up to be? How much of our future is in our hands to change?
4th grade: What are some similarities between Native American culture and Jewish culture?
5th grade: What was the “Olive Branch Petition” and why was it sent?
Dorit’s groups: In what way do you connect to the Israeli children in Koffiko?
Daphna’s group: כמו מי את/ה? למי את/ה דומה? שונה?
Rashi and Ramban: Which of Rashi’s categories is your favorite? Why?
Eben Ezra: Which of Rashi’s categories is your favorite? Why?
Kindness: What is the best way to solve family disagreements when people have different goals in mind?
The Dreamers: Can Yoseph turn his life around by helping Paroah understand his dreams?
4th grade: Why does making a bracha over pat (bread) exempt the blessing over the parperet (appetizer or finger food)?  
5th grade: What are your before and after lesson/Work Time blessings?
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