#ghaust riddlesong
woozyintyria · 7 months
if all your charr had to do one of those escape room puzzles together, how would it go?
oh man. if ALL my charr were in an escape room? to be clear, this collective includes: no less than 2 legion defects, at least 1 war criminal, 1 priory archon, 2 loyal soldiers, 1 inquest agent, 2 mists-originating charr, 1 asura, 1 ex lunatic, 1 wine grandma, and 2 pirates.
I think things might get a little chaotic.
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woozyintyria · 1 year
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Ghaust Riddlesong
Ghaust is a necromancer who appears shy at first glance but has a bit of a quiet wicked streak underneath. Raised as Ash, her young warband showed great promise in stealth and ambush, which was immediately put to the test during the civil war.
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woozyintyria · 1 year
a hearty 12-16 for the muse you thought of most recently?
for the 100 Random Character Development Questions list!
oooh thank you! I'm going to use this as an opportunity to develop Ghaust some more since she's been on the mind.
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012. What makes your character embarrassed?
Ghaust really likes cute things, but is both an ash legion soldier and an angsty 16 year old. If you catch her cooing over a duck she'll chew you out.
013. Have they ever been bullied or teased?
Oh, definitely. Ghaust was only like 14 the civil war happened, and as a result many other soldiers didn't take her or her warband seriously on the battlefield (or off, for that matter.) Being Ash legion just makes a teeny kid a bigger target when feelings are riled up.
014. Detail one secret shame your character feels.
During one of her warband's training missions, Ghaust slipped up and revealed her position way too early. The situation escalated poorly, and it nearly cost one of her bandmate's life.
015. Are they most likely to fight with their fists or their tongue?
Ghaust's tongue doesn't like to work right in the heat of the moment; it gets all tied up and her words get chewed in her throat. The frustration usually ends with her throwing a punch, or bottling her feelings into a Molotov cocktail for revenge later.
016. What is their choice of weapon?
Her mother gave her a dagger and a pistol in the middle of a mission once, and she's kept them close ever since.
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