#get your chromosomes tested and you may be surprised
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andersunmenschlich · 2 years ago
Hey retard!
Tranny ideology was codified by actual child rapist frenchmen 🤮
A woman is an adult human female and you will never change your sex or gender because one of those is fake but based on bio sex which is xy or xx chromosomes in your dna. Which is immutable. Fuckin clown 🤡
I so rarely get asks. This one is a bit of a let-down, isn't it? Non sequiturs aren't typically what I look for in correspondence. Oh well.
The salutation is inaccurate, alas.
The article is interesting, if you're interested in Foucault (who, despite the claim in the following sentence, is only one Frenchman). Personally, I never met Foucault and am not overly fascinated by his life—but to each their own.
I have also never heard of "trans ideology." What is it? What system of ideas and ideals is this, on which all of "not being comfortable with the gender one was assigned" rests?
Strange idea. It sounds rather like claiming that being autistic requires an ideology.
Well, my parents might agree.
I only flinch away from bright lights and loud noises because of "autistic ideology." If I didn't know it was possible and even acceptable to have extra sensitive senses, I would probably... well, suffer without allowing myself to so much as flinch, never mind cry out. Hmm.
One wonders how Elagabalus, Kalonymus ben Kalonymus, Eleanor Rykener and all the rest managed, given that Foucault hadn't been born yet.
Then we have the claim that "woman" only ever always means "adult human female."
Speaking a living language can be so frustrating, can't it? I know I hate it when words change their meanings on me. As a child, I inadvertently insulted a shy and very quiet boy by asking if he was dumb; as an adult I remain incensed by the fact that "literally" now also means "figuratively;" and so on.
It took me a long while to accept that sex and gender are no longer interchangeable. "Woman" does not always imply "female" anymore.
Consider this 2021 article from Yale School of Medicine, for example:
Next, consider the claim that gender is fake. In a sense, yes! It's every bit as fake as money: nothing but a social construct. And yet....
Follow that up with the assertion that sex can't be changed: well, it depends on which part of a person's body you consider most important in determining sex, doesn't it? Genitalia can certainly be changed, and that's all doctors look at when you're born and assigned a sex.
This person insists that chromosomes are what matter.
Now, most people don't even know what chromosomes they have! Some of us have both XX and XY, depending on which part of the body you look at. That's a possibility (believe me, I know). How do you, dear reader, know that you aren't one of these people? You might be.
So many people just assume that all their chromosomes "match" their external genitalia. Have you made that assumption? You could be wrong.
And, finally....
The sign off is accurate.
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teaboot · 5 years ago
Do you not believe in biological sex? I’m confused.
Hoo, boy. Apologies in advance, but this is gonna have a long answer.
The thing about "biological sex" is, it's a complicated science with a lot of nuance involved, and people who don't actually know anything about it love to use it to mean "penis is boy, vagina is girl".
Which, on the surface, makes sense to a lot of people. Its what we're taught our whole lives, and it's difficult to listen to any argument that contradicts our worldview. It's scary and confusing, and people automatically resist scary and confusing things.
The thing you need to know, though, is that what we call "Biological Sex" can actually depend on a range of factors: 
First off, primary sex characteristics: the bits directly involved in reproduction, what most people consider the defining indicator of gender.
Primary sex characteristics include the penis and testes, which are predominantly associated with men, and the vagina and uterus, associated with women.
This seems fairly simple on the surface, scientifically speaking, but bodies aren't that simple. People can and are born with combinations of these things and live long, happy, healthy lives with few or no medical complaints. Many don't even know they have undescended testes or ovaries at all, and only find out accidentally through unrelated procedures. Is a mother of three who's known herself to be a woman her whole life suddenly a man because she has 'male' sex characteristics? No? Then why should any other woman?
Someone who is still new to this might be experiencing a cognitive dissonance right now, trying to reconcile "penis is boy, vagina is girl" with "people can have both (or neither)", and they may try to do this by saying, "Well, this could be caused by mutations or deformities, so intersex people (people with mixed characteristics) are outliers, not to be included with "valid" genders."
Which brings us to the next factor: hormones.
Testosterone is Boy, Estrogen is Girl. That's what people know, so they don't want to accept any different. Different is confusing, confusing is scary, scary is bad.
But, like primary sex characteristics, these things can fly in the face of common understanding.
A woman, for example, who considers herself cisgender, who has breasts and a vagina and a uterus and all that, might have high testosterone. Because people have both! And because testosterone can give people body hair, among other things, this woman has chest hair and a beard. She LOOKS a lot like what we think of as "male", so do we tell her she's wrong about her gender? 
On the flip side, plenty of cis men with a penis and testes can have high estrogen for any number of reasons, and can develop breasts- does that mean they're women, now? 
Of course not. We have to listen to them to tell us what their pronouns are, what their gender is, and how is that any different from someone who's trans? It would be incredibly ride to tell anyone that "oh, you SAY you're a man, but you look like a woman to me, so I'm going to ignore everything you tell me and call you a woman until you can prove to my satisfaction otherwise."
So if primary sex characteristics aren't the final word on gender, and secondary characteristics aren't either, then what's left? DNA, right? Genetics don't lie, everyone knows that.
So, chromosomes, then. The barest evidence of human biological sex. XX means "female", XY means "male", forget all that mess about vaginas, breasts, and testes. Our chromosomes are the holy gospel of gender.
Except, again, nature isn't that simple.
Picture in your head a cisgender woman. She hits everything on our personal little checklist: breasts, vagina, uterus, minimal body hair, small jawline, high voice, everything. But she has XY chromosomes. 
Because, surprise! That happens! And it happens more often than you think! People can and do go their entire lives not knowing it! Because it isn't important to how we view our gender. We don't care. 
If you went to a lab today, got tested, and found that you had the "wrong" chromosomes- would you suddenly be fine with Becoming A Different Gender? Being treated like you're a different gender? Having to dress different, talk different, redefine your sexuality, because your DNA says you're wrong about your identity? How would that feel? Probably pretty shitty, huh? 
So, when we get down to it, what is the one true indicator of gender? We can't trust genitalia, because it presents on any number of variations and combinations. Secondary sex characteristics are out too, because hormones do whatever they want without rhyme or reason. Chromosomes do whatever the hell they want, fuck them, they're useless.
If we are to open our minds to what the science is telling us, then, what is it saying?
If we are to put our faith in "Biological Sex", then what does is dictate to be the truth?
That physical sex isn't just "boy or girl", it exists on a spectrum. It's not "pink or blue", it's magenta, mauve, violet, lilac, periwinkle, cyan, cobalt, or vermilion, and our idea of "boy or girl" is almost entirely a construct of our imaginations, of the society we live in. It's an illusion that dictates how we experience our lives, how we're treated, what makes us happy and comfortable or how we feel at ease.
Biological sex cannot dictate gender because they're different concepts with different rules grounded in separate realities, and no amount of pointless fussing can force them to cooperate. 
Sex is one spectrum, gender is another, and they don't know each other.
You can accept what the science says, or you can find excuses to justify the beliefs you're comfortable with. It really doesn't matter. 
Just don't be a dick about things that make you uncomfortable and the world will keep on spinning.
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transitorri · 3 years ago
It's a Box With Nothing In It
Seeing the Supreme Court hearings today, really more of a job interview, for our next potential Justice of the United States Judge Jackson was asked her definition of what a “Woman” is, she refused to give an answer. Later John Roberts asked Marsha Blackburn for her definition, her response “I would say I am a woman. I am a Female, Females are women” I hope I don’t need to point out how very poor of a definition this is. But, the core of this question is actually something as a trans individual you have to grapple with, because a lot of soul searching is needed to answer it. So, here’s my experience, trying to answer that question directly.
Without going deep into the weeds on biology and that useless debate of “Well women have XX chromosomes and Men have XY and that’s biology and there’s nothing more to it.” Let us instead get even more basic, really basic. In order for a “thing” to be classified as a “thing” it has inherent in it a certain set of characteristics that we decide make it one “thing” or another “thing. Birds have feathers, plants require photosynthesis, dogs and cats are mammals and different shapes. Pretty basic stuff.
Think of this sorting as a “box” outside we label the thing “Trees” and we list the needed properties that make a “Tree” a “Tree”, leaves, bark, photosynthesis. In order for a Thing now to be a Tree and go in the “Tree Box”, it must have these properties. With this criteria in mind, let’s come back again to our idea of “Woman”, we could use ‘man’ as well, but I’m a trans woman and more people seem eager to discuss us instead of transmen who often get overlooked entirely, so let’s go with it.
Let’s make a list, I tried making one since that’s important to me as I transition to try and answer these questions. What do we define as “Woman '' well, they paint their nails, have long hair, cry more often, wear dresses and skirts, sit down to pee, birth children, have different genitals, have breasts, XX/XY chromosomes etc.
Now, let’s really go through that list. Do all women paint their nails or is it possible to be a woman and not do that? Yes, you can be a woman and not paint your nails. Wearing dresses? Having long hair? Ok, let’s skip the obvious. Birthing babies? Is it a requirement that to be called a “Woman” you must be able to bear children or do women exist who are unable to do this? I think sterile women are still defined as being women. Going down this list we can eliminate anything social, cultural and many things physical as well such as having bright voices, being physically small or even weaker than men.
Eventually, we end up having to deal with the only line in the sand left that is defensible for the definition, genitalia and chromosome pairings, but, we as a society do not examine one’s genitals to know how we’re going to interact with someone. We as humans do not go around like dogs sniffing each other's genitalia to make such a determination about what and who they are. Similarly, if a man goes to war and is injured in a way where his genitals must be amputated, is he still a man or not? Do genitals then determine if someone is ‘man’ or ‘woman’ then? Or is that another property we strip off the box because it no longer serves as a defining property?
Likewise, most people have never had themselves tested for their chromosomal pairings, it’s not a test we conduct on every infant born to determine what gender path to set them on through life. Nor do we ask to see such a test before we make a judgment about whether we call them “Mam” or “Sir”, both of which may not be labels the person identifies with at all. Most people do not even know what their exact karyotype even is, and I suspect many would be surprised to discover they're not what they thought they were. Finally the concept, the very idea of “man” and “woman” existed long before the understanding or chromosome were discovered and understood by more modern science.
With all of that said, we end up with a box that has a list of characteristics, any one of which could be stripped away until there’s nothing left at all. Does this mean the box itself doesn’t exist? Does the word “woman” mean literally nothing? Well, yes and no. The box exists but it's one with nothing in it. A concept with a loose definition of traits that are a mix of biological, cultural and social, no one ‘thing’ or even smaller collection of things defines the word. At best, a collective grouping of such traits might define someone as a “man” or “woman” but those by themselves don’t define the word, they’re an approximation of if we address someone as “Mam” or “Sir”. It’s a guess at best unless the other person lets us know certain information.
To parrot a phrase you’ve probably heard before on the topic, “Gender is a social construct”. Society and culture define what is or is not a “woman” and that encompasses behavior, fashion of dress, and most other properties. These elements are far more closely linked to what we view as a “woman” or not than our biology. That is how I loosely define “Woman” because the word itself cannot be tightly defined the way we do ‘Tree’ or ‘Bird’ unless we remove everything that makes us human at all.
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weasleymalfoypotter · 4 years ago
the half blood princess
harry potter x fem! reader
word count : 3.4k
warnings : daddy issues, crying, angst, loneliness, father/daughter arguments, fluff, let me know if i missed something
summary : the reader is snapes daughter, he was never fully present and never fully showed her love, and it didn’t help that all of her peers refused to give her a chance because they all thought she was just like him, until harry potter realizes there’s more to her
A/N : so sorry i haven’t been active in so long, school has been kicking my butt. this was so fun to write though and i know it seems like i’m always writing characters that are related to pre existing characters but i swear i have different stuff coming. also if there are spelling mistakes i’m sorry i tried to get this out soon so i didn’t do as many proof reads as usual
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y/n snape was her fathers biggest disappointment and longest regret. she was everything he resented. a young gryffindor and, she wasn’t lily potter’s. she was a constant reminder to him that he could never have who he wanted and instead he was stuck with a version of a one night stand he never cared about. he always thought if he were to have a daughter it would be with lily. but no. y/n showed up on his doorstep as a baby with a note from her mother saying she couldn’t take care of her and he was the father. a muggle DNA test did confirm that she was telling the truth. all of these factors lead to snape being the kind of father who did not neglect a child financially or materialistically, but did neglect a child emotionally, developmentally, and mentally. he did not like her and it showed. he treated her as if she were a burden, one that he longed not to carry, but that he had to none the less.
despite being a disappointment to her father and never being allowed to forget it, y/n snape was kind. she was an enigma, not just to those at hogwarts, but to herself. she knew her personality did not match her upbringing and, and she knew it definitely did not come from the man whom she shared 23 chromosomes with. she knew that most people who were hated by the one person they wanted love from their whole lives didn’t turn out to be lovely people. she knew that most people with daddy issues defined themselves by it and made it their personal permanent problem that their fathers didn’t love them correctly. she however did not do that. from the time she was a child she could not care any less what her father thought of her. she knew she was more than what he said she was. and she wasn’t going to let him get to her, which ultimately got to him more than anything. she was good hearted, intelligent, brave, and charismatic. however this didn’t stop people from judging her based on her last name. the slytherins didnt like her because she wasn’t one of them, the ravenclaws were intimidated by her from the moment she was confirmed to be the greasy haired potions teachers daughter, the hufflepuffs feared her like they feared severus simply because they didn’t know better, and the gryffindors wouldn’t claim her because she wasn’t one of them either. all of this, simply because her last name was snape.
she sat in transfiguration listening intently and taking notes while mcgonagall taught. the only other person in the class of 5th years doing such was hermione. hermione was never openly rude to y/n nor was she scared of her, and y/n took this to heart. they weren’t friends and had barely ever spoken, but y/n still appreciated the neutral attitude nonetheless. the bell rung and she gathered her things before mcgonagall approached her.
“Ms. snape may i talk to you for a moment?” she hated that the teachers called students by their last names.
“of course, is everything alright?” the girl questioned
“everything is fine dear, it’s just that one of your fellow peers is falling a little bit behind in the class and i think it would help if he had study sessions with you during the week if you’re up for it” the professor answered
“of course i am, who is it?”
“Mr. potter, i’m afraid he gets distracted easily and this subject isn’t his strong suit” she explained while talking with her hands. y/n’s face fell a little. if there was anyone who had prejudged her more than anyone else, it was harry potter. she didn’t completely blame him, her father was horrible to him, but still.
“o-oh umm.. are you sure he would be okay with working with me? why not hermione?” she asked, hoping to find a way out of this
“i don’t like to pair up friends with friends, they tend to get distracted, and i think he would be thrilled to get the chance to get his grade up. i’ve told him i would find someone to help him so meet him in the library at 7:00 tonight after dinner” she said before smiling and clapping her hands. “good day Ms. snape” she said before walking away and into her office attached to her classroom.
y/n sat through dinner at the edge of the gryffindor table a few feet away from some first years. out of the corner of her eye she saw the golden trio laughing with each other, while seamus finnigan kept tossing carrots at dean thomas and neville longbottom. she’d seen the group of the other gryffindors have moments like this her whole life. she looked up to the staff table at her father who was speaking to umbridge, and she was filled with a sadness. sadness because she would never have what the other gryffindors would have. sadness because her last name had ruined her years at hogwarts. sadness because she would never have a relationship with her father who had never and would never give her a chance.
she walked into the library with her bag slung over her shoulder. she looked around for the boy with the messy hair and round glasses and spotted him at a table in a corner reading a book that was not about transfiguration.
“i don’t think that will be of much help to our study session” she said with a strained smile before sitting down across from him. his eyebrows furrowed and he looked slightly panicked.
“you’re the partner mcgonagall set me up with?” he asked. she nodded her head. after a moment of silence and him looking anywhere but her, while slowly nodding his head she asked
“is that a problem?” only with a slight attitude
“n-no no not at all, just not what i was expecting” he choked out
“right. well we’d better get started” she went through her bag to get her books out and he started at her.
“right right. umm you know, i know you’re busy so if you don’t want to do this i can get help from hermione and just tell mcgonagall that it was you” he said only slightly nervous. she stopped turning pages in her book and paused before looking at him.
“i’m not” he looked at her quizzically so she continued “busy. i’m not busy, i’ve caught up on all of my other work and i’ve gotten enough O.W.L. studying in, so i’m not busy.” she slammed the book closed and leaned after a pause. “why don’t you want to work with me?” her words subtly laced with anger. he looked in her eyes then looked away.
“i- i don’t know, it’s just well um” he stuttered
“it’s my father isn’t it” she blinked at him “you don’t like me simply because of my father, right?” he stared at her trying to find words to make this any better.
“it’s not that i don’t like you...” he trailed off
“you don’t trust me? you don’t think i’m smart? you think i’m evil like him?” she asked with raise eyebrows.
“did you just call your own father evil?” he sort of laughed out.
“well yes, he hates me and always has, he a jerk. i’m surprised you’d think i like him, he treats me worse than any of you” she said.
“i never thought about that, i just figured-“
“that i was just like him?” she cut him off
“maybe if you all would have taken the chance to get to know me instead of assuming who i am you would have realized” she said slowly. you could hear in her voice that she was agitated. he didn’t know what to say. she looked at him and opened her book again. “let’s just get started” he nodded and opened his book. the rest of the study session was awkward and neither of them made eye contact. they went their separate ways and agreed to meet again in two days.
the next time they met it was civilized and professional. she made sure everything they talked about was about transfiguration. she didn’t want to talk about anything because she thought it wouldn’t be real. she thought he would just be talking to her out of guilt or pity and she wasn’t interested, so she kept it strictly educational.
harry however wanted to talk to her about anything other than transfiguration. after that first time they met he realized she was right, there was more to her. he had no idea what it was but for some reason he really wanted to. he wanted to know what made her smile, what music made her heart dance, what colors she wanted to paint her eyes, what she wanted to do with her life, what she thought about death and youth and the construct of time. he wanted to know so many things, and none of them out of pity or guilt, he wanted to know out of pure curiosity and infatuation.
the next two weeks were full of studying and talking only about transfiguration, much to harry’s dismay. he didn’t know how to change the subject no matter how much he wanted to. he had no idea how to talk to girls. especially ones he liked. although he didn’t even know he liked her, in his mind he just wanted to know more. he decided it was time to go for it, he couldn’t take any more talk about how dangerous transfiguring live animals could be. as they were about to go their separate ways leaving the library, he grabbed her wrist to turn her to face him before she walked away. she looked down at his hand
“listen, i was wondering if maybe you’d want to sit with me at lunch tomorrow? or breakfast, or dinner, or all three really” she looked at him, visibly confused
“i- umm yeah yeah sure” she replied. he smiled and let go of her wrist when he realized he’d been holding it the whole time.
when she walked into the great hall the next day she saw harry’s head tilt up and smile at her. she walked to him and sat on his left with hermione, ron, fred, and george across from her, ginny and dean to her right, and seamus and neville on harry’s other side. as she was sitting a chorus of slightly awkward hellos greeted her.
“everyone this is y/n, y/n this is..well everybody” harry said sweetly
“nice to formally meet you all” she said with an appreciative smile
“harry’s told me all about your transfiguration lessons, we need to study together sometime, i hear you’re a genius” hermione exclaimed excitedly
“i wouldn’t say genius, but i would love to study with you” y/n replied. she smiled at everyone as the conversations continued, everyone keeping her involved. they were kind, and she wondered what harry had told them. they were so warm. a feeling she never felt at home.
“what have you been doing associating with potter?” her father asked her. she was in his classroom looking for a book she’d left there. she rolled her eyes since her back was to him before she responded.
“i’ve just been tutoring him and transfiguration, it’s not a big deal” she explained as she turned to face him
“i saw you with his friends today, don’t lie to me” he sneered
“I’m not lying and what’s it to you anyway? it’s not like you care, and why do you hate him so much? he and his friends have been nothing but pleasant which has been a good change of pace for me, or do you want me to miserable during my hogwarts years like you were?” she quipped back at him. this was how conversations went between the two of them usually. the funny thing was, she had no attitude. she simply said what she had to say, but she was almost sweet while saying it, which was an oxymoron.
“i care because potter will corrupt you, i don’t like him because he thinks he can strut around here and get away with anything, and it’s not my fault you’re miserable” he replied
“it’s most definitely your fault” she muttered under her breath as she gathered her things, but before she could leave he raised his voice and blocked her path
“what did you say to me?” he asked angrily. he always got upset when she spoke under her breath at him
“i said it’s most definitely your fault. it’s your fault that i’m miserable. it’s your fault that no one likes me. it’s your fault i don’t fit into my own house, and it is most definitely your fault that i have never know a fathers love” she was obviously upset now. she stormed out of the room shoving past her dad and he just sighed and watched her leave. he couldn’t even be upset because she was right, he was annoyed because she finally voiced it.
in all their years of squabbling and fighting she never said something so true and painful. she only took quick jabs that were true but not as hurtful. it was more hurtful to her than to her father because once she said it, she had to accept the fact that it was true.
she went to the corroded hidden at the top of the school where she was sure no one would find her. people never came this way after dinner, and she knew because she spent quite a lot of time hiding out up there. she slid down the wall and cried. she laid her head down on her knees as she pulled them up to her chest. at the sound of footsteps her head shot up and her hands darted to dry her eyes, but she looked in the opposite direction of whoever was coming. she was surprised to hear his voice.
“y/n? a-are you okay?” harry’s voice was calm and cool, but if you listened hard enough you could hear the concern in her voice. he kneeled down next to her and put a hand on her shoulder.
“i-im fine, really, you can go back to what you were doing” she said with a quarter hearted smile. she couldn’t make it to half hearted. he shook his head and sat fully down right next to her.
“i’m not leaving unless you physically force me too” he turned his head and finally got a good look at her tear stained cheeks “do you want to talk about it?”
“you don’t have to do this” she said, looking at the floor
“i’m not doing anything except checking up on my friend”
“friend?” she asked with smirk
“absolutely” he said
“it’s just my dad” she explained while still holding eye contact with the boy
“care to elaborate?”
she explained the whole fight to him and he listened intently. it was nice for her, having someone that listened. he enjoyed hearing her open up but his heart broke for her when she talked about how her life at school had been sad. he hurt when she talked about her pain and how lonely and unloved she’d felt her whole life. that’s when he realized he liked her. he wanted to make it better, he wanted to make her feel loved and heard and seen and beautiful and so much more.
the next few nights were spent in that empty corridor. he showed her the marauders map so they could watch while they talked to make sure they didn’t get caught. she learned all about his life and it wasn’t that easy being harry potter. he learned all about her life and the things that made her smile, the music made her heart dance, the colors she wanted to paint her eyes, what she wanted to do with her life, what she thought about death and youth and the construct of time. he loved every minute of it.
he wasn’t the only one. she absolutely adored learning about him and his little quirks. she loved the way his eyes lit up when he talked about quidditch and her heart broke for him when he spoke of life at privet drive. needless to say she was head over heels for the boy.
they spent meals together and the trio warmly welcomed her into the group after a few months of being friends. y/n and hermione became very close and ron loved having her around because he thought she was hilarious. she hadn’t talked to her father much, but when she did it was all about school or quidditch.
harry found her in the corridor on a thursday night reading.
“hello love” he said while sitting next to her. her heart leaped at the nick name.
“hey bub” she replied without looking up
“can talk to you something?” he said
“of course” she closed her book and turned to face him, crossing her legs
“this is probably going to be a little blunt but i want to get straight to the point ”she nodded at him “and if this is weird or awkward then just tell me to shut up and we’ll forget it and everything will go back to normal” she kept nodding “and it’s totally fine if that what you want, but y/n i really like you and i really want to kiss you and take you on a date an-“ she cut of his rambling with a kiss. he was startled at first but quickly leaned into it, deepening the kiss and putting his hans on her waist. they broke apart after a moment and stared at each other.
“that um- th- that yeah that’s where i was going with that” he stuttered out
“you’re cute when you ramble” he blushed.
they stayed up that whole night talking in the corridor before making their way to their dorms and giving one another a kiss goodnight. they went to bed that night separately but also as a couple. they walked into the great hall the next morning, hand in hand, as a couple. the whole school now knew that harry potter and y/n snape were, in fact, a couple. all of them were surprised but none as surprised as the black haired wizard at the staff table.
her father kept her after her potions class which he spent mocking and teasing harry, even more relentlessly than before.
“you’re not to see him anymore” he said simply to the girl. she scoffed
“you don’t get to decide that”
“actually i do, i’m your father” he sneered
“really? i had absolutely no idea, you sure as hell don’t act like it” she replied. she was confident today
“YOU WILL NOT SPEAK TO ME THAT WAY!” he bellowed. she didn’t even flinch. her face didn’t show a reaction and he sighed in frustration.
“can i leave now?” she asked monotonously
“no” he answered “you will not be with that boy and be my daughter, i will not allow it. if you are to live under my roof outside of this school, you will not see him.”
“then i’m done” she said. tears started to prick at her eyes
“what is that supposed to mean?”
“it means that i won’t live under your roof, i won’t be a financial burden anymore, i won’t be your daughter” he blinked at her “well it’s what you seem to want, you’ve always wanted me out of your house, it would be a weight lifted off of your shoulders”
“y/n stop this is nonsense”
“it’s not nonsense! it’s the truth! you’ve said it for as long as i can remember, except you never said it. you showed it” tears fell down her face “you never wanted me, you never loved me. i was never right. i didn’t have the right mother, i wasn’t sorted into the right house, i didn’t do anything right in your eyes” she tried to breathe but it was getting hard “i never knew love, not from you, not from a mother, not from friends. i had no idea what it felt like, until now. and i refuse to let it go just because you forgot what love felt like. so if you want me to leave, if you don’t want me to be your family anymore, then fine. i never was anyway” she finished before storming out of his classroom.
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intersexfairy · 4 years ago
ok so i think i might be intersex? for context i'm a trans male and recently my mom took me to an appointment about possibly going on t and according to the blood test i had taken ages before, apparently i have more testosterone than the average cis girl my age which didn't come as too big a surprise considering that i have quite a few traits that have been deemed to be "male" (ie, broader shoulders, deeper voice, smaller chest, and the stereotypical "teen boy voice cracks" i have) and i was wondering if having more t is considered intersex? (also is it intersexist that i was happy to find out about my higher t levels?) i'm so so sorry if this ask is rude or anything btw
I’m not exactly taking asks about figuring out if you’re intersex however since this one does ask me specific questions and is like... Genuinely a sign you may be, I’m fine with answering it. My hormone levels getting tested 2 years ago is actually one of the things that I hold as my little piece of undeniable proof that something is up with my body, so I get it. 
And no, it isn’t intersexist to be happy about your higher T levels. That’s your body! Nothing wrong with being happy about how your body works. We aren’t about gatekeeping people’s literal biology. That would really just be hypocritical of us if we did that. We’re all about freedom of bodily experience.
Anyhow, any “symptoms” aren’t necessarily intersex. There is a whole range of experiences with our bodies we can have, and an afab person can still have higher T and be dyadic/perisex. So, on its own, it isn’t considered intersex. This goes for a lot of possibly intersex features.
However, the point in which having higher T would be considered part of intersexness is if it were actually something that caused you to have intersex experiences - not just changing your body or metabolism. It’s about being socially marked as different (which can occur in a lot of ways, and can be learned about by interacting with our community and listening to our stories). 
This excerpt from this page (by the Intersex Society of North America) explains this concept well too:
Which variations of sexual anatomy count as intersex? In practice, different people have different answers to that question. That’s not surprising, because intersex isn’t a discreet or natural category...  Intersex is a socially constructed category that reflects real biological variation. 
Nature doesn’t decide where the category of “male” ends and the category of “intersex” begins, or where the category of “intersex” ends and the category of “female” begins. Humans decide. 
Humans (today, typically doctors) decide how small a penis has to be, or how unusual a combination of parts has to be, before it counts as intersex. Humans decide whether a person with XXY chromosomes or XY chromosomes and androgen insensitivity will count as intersex.
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infinites-chaser · 4 years ago
watch the universe expand | mlqc | lucien/mc | a character study disguised as fic
spoilers for ch.13 and random stuff from following chapters
warning for non-graphic discussion of violence and some themes that may be disturbing/triggering re:human experimentation
The call comes as it always does, not quite like  clockwork, in the small hours of the night, when he imagines the stars  have reached their zenith in the sky, done with their rise, ready for  their coming fall.
"What is it? Can't sleep?"
"Can you tell me a story?"
The call comes as it always does, not quite like clockwork, in the small hours of the night, when he imagines the stars have reached their zenith in the sky, done with their rise, ready for their coming fall.
He chuckles, colors only she can bring out of him warming his tone.
(He thinks her voice at this time of night is what violet would look like, at least as the poets describe it, a light in the dark, the first soft edge of dawn as night gives way to day.)
"What is it? Can't sleep?"
(He wonders sometimes what color his voice is to her. Black, perhaps. Possibly grey.
He can't imagine his voice having any real color, not even to her.
He'd be surprised at the truth. To her, he's more than color, he's light.)
"Lucien?" she repeats instead of a straight answer. "Can you tell me a story?"
It's a routine they've fallen into ever since the first unfinished  one, what he'd told her about the artist and the butterfly that felt too  true to be called a bedtime story but he'd been loath to admit to  himself that it was more.
Every sleepless night, she asks for another story and manages to fall asleep before the finish.
Every night they spend on opposite sides of a shared wall, he  questions a little more of his soul, the feelings that lie within, and  finds he doesn't have any answers.
Perhaps he doesn't want to find them.
Eventually her reactions— quiet oohs and ahhs and gasps and the occasional question— always fade into nothing but quiet,  even breathing, and it's like he's been let off the hook but he never  hangs up, or at least, not for a long moment more.
"Lucien," she'd mumbled once, when the first rays of light had just cleared the horizon. "Is the story over?"
Somewhere between exams and sips of white tea, lulled into a  temporary peace by the gentle rhythm to her breaths, he'd nearly  forgotten she'd been on the line.
Still, he'd managed to keep the surprise from his reply.
"You just missed the ending."
There'd been a long silence, nearly long enough that he'd thought she'd fallen asleep again, and he could hang up, off the hook, but—
"Was it a happy ending? It's okay if I missed it, just as long as it was happy."
"...It was."
She'd made a noise of satisfied incoherence in response, and he'd  taken the opportunity to wish her a good morning, prescribe her a few  hours more of sleep, apologize, then hang up.
(He still wonders about that fuzzy morning, that long night.
If she would've questioned him more if she weren't so tired. About the story’s ending. About the length of the call.
If he would've answered. If he would've lied.)
"A story?" He repeats now, settling in the corner of his living room he knows will be closest to her.
Scientifically, he knows it isn't possible, humans simply don't have the body temperature— but he fancies he can feel her warmth, even through the wall.
Perhaps it's a trait of the Queen's gene, previously unexplored. And, well, he wouldn't be opposed to testing that hypothesis, but we digress.
It's clear as day, or, at least, as clear as a monochrome day can ever be: there's something more.
Something that catches on a corner of his heart when she makes a quiet 'un' of assent and clears her throat, the sound, tinny as it is through the  phone speaker, vivid enough for him to picture. Her hand pressed to her  mouth. Her smile, after. The crescent moons of her eyes.
"Not any story, though. Tell me about Evol again?"
Then, at his silence: "Please?"
(Irrational thoughts rise, unbidden. He'd do anything for that word from her lips. Fight an army. Raze a city.
He'd live by it,
die by it,
and at the end of the day, he still wouldn't deserve it.)
"What do you want to know?" He asks, but to his ears, it sounds like I'd tell you anything.
She hums in thought, a butterfly floating light in the breeze.
"Why do people have the Evol they have? I don't want the science, not really."
Her voice trails off, comes back stronger,
"I want your honest opinion, Lucien. Tell me why?"
and it sounds less like a question, but not quite yet a command.
He chuckles, then obliges.
Time crawls by, soft and slow, a steady seamstress stitching together  unexpected, lingering thoughts. At his words, quiet intense musings  picking at open seams and pulling at loose threads, the universe between them unspools.
Why do people have particular Evols? To answer that question, we have to first understand why people have any form of differing traits.
Biology says, at first glance, chance. A freak gene mutation on a  chromosome of interest: deep within relevant coils of DNA, an A-T  pairing shifts to an A-G. Maybe it’s deleted altogether.
('That's not very romantic,' she comments with a barely stifled yawn.
He chuckles, soft, indulgent.
'You're right. I'm sorry. You did ask for a story, after all.'
He continues.)
But. That’s not all, not when evolution’s taken into account. The  idea of natural selection has been radically transformed by its  representation in popular media to be some strange justification for the  hierarchy of society (in a quite underhanded fashion, he thinks,  keeping the poor down and beaten as if it were their natural place,  allowing the rich to get only richer as if nature and not trust funds  had secured their positions on the top of the pyramid of life. Only life  isn’t a pyramid. Not a tree, either. Not quite. More like a story,  perhaps. But he digresses.) In reality, in biology and in nature, it's  much less simple.
The theory of natural selection, at its most bare bones, is, yes, survival of the fittest. Just that ‘fittest’ doesn’t mean strongest, most cruel or most cunning, doesn’t even mean  kindest or most caring. It means nothing, really, outside of context.
Very biologically speaking, ‘fittest’ implies the organism  reproduces with the most success when compared to others in its given  environment. Traits caused by random mutations that help an organism  survive in a particular environment long enough for it to have offspring  are passed on. And if the environment stays the same, the same traits  will be favored and passed on, over and over again across and through  generations, coming to define a species and the role that species plays in the world.
Clearly, it doesn’t mean much in that sense for humans anymore. What is our ‘fit’? Perhaps we've broken free of the chain of evolution, and now lounge atop the dogpile, above the fray. Triumphant. Stagnant.
Because even though maybe we've been running as fast as we can,  evolution's never more than one step behind. What's a generation of  progress in a millennium? No more than the barest breath caught in the  endless march of time.
No, evolution still very much has us in its clutches and these days,  he wonders what it would take for humanity to realize it, as complacent  as we are— there are certain traits favored, personality and looks, but  beyond that, beyond the biology, even, isn't there more? Something we  want most in the world we live in, our given environment. What a person needs  most, forever strives for, what'll allow them to flourish in their  environment enough to have a legacy and know some part of them continues  to live on.
To meet that need would be to finally surpass evolution, unlock a new  humanity, create a new world. The Red Queen, running rampant, running  free.
(But first, Evol. The key.)
There are three theories on the nature of Evol. This is the first.
The Theory of Superhumans had been put forward by a scientist over a  century ago, through a series of research studies, his articles full of academic terms like intensive accelerated artificial selection, induced heritable genetic variation, changes in gene expression in an adverse environment, followed by the thesis, spelt out in plain words: under the right conditions, a human can develop superhuman abilities.
It had been heralded as a theory for the ages, for the books, sure to  stay with and shape the course of humanity's advancement for centuries to come— only, we know the rest.
Each term, carefully clinical, couched the horror of the truth: the  scientist, name now scrubbed from history, willfully lost in time, had  thought to try to create superhumans— the Evolved, he'd dubbed them— by  gathering unsuspecting participants, then putting them through several  trials meant to push the limits of humankind, to unlock some secret  extra ability, to finish our ode to survival of the fittest, its beginnings scrawled in the letters of our genes.
'The right conditions' had meant mortal peril. The trials had been worse than torture. Almost all the participants had died.
The surviving four (out of over nine hundred, making the success rate  of the experiment less than half of a tenth of a percent) had been sworn to secrecy while the scientist (the madman) had been  sentenced to an execution, his underlings thrown in jail, his research condemned, labelled a crime against humanity and a failure, his papers all burned.
Only, if the research had been a failure, one might wonder, why the burning of the papers? A message? Don't try this again. It was a failure. Why, then the secrecy?
The rumors, the whispers, the festering that spreads under the bandage of a wound left otherwise untreated—the experiment hadn't been a failure, it was a success.
(And maybe a young woman who survived put her hand up to the sky and  let it fade. Maybe a young man who survived let his emotions spill out  and take physical form.  Maybe one of the survivors had placed a hand on  a lost love's chest and willed their heart alive again. But they all  kept their silence, true to their vows.)
His voice trails off. Some part of him wonders if he's bored her, the rest concerned with if he's said too much.
Words he's said to her come to mind now, flashing bright and blinding in the darkest hours of the night.
'Trust your instincts.’  
‘Don’t you ever think maybe I’m the danger?’  
‘Run away while you still can.’  
He can't think of a time where they all apply as fittingly as now.
Perhaps, from afar, they'd seemed like fireworks, dark, mysterious,  alluring in a world with no other light. But this close, they're a  warning, perhaps even a lure— he's tempting her to come closer despite  the danger, he the ravenous firefly cloaked in a bright, warm glow.
Surely she can see the truth of him, as close to him as she is.  Surely, and yet, she stays, takes another step closer.
"You said there were three theories," she says, still awake, still listening. Still seeking out more. "What's the next?"
"I've told you this one before," he replies, and he means to meet  her, to challenge her to press up against the other side of their wall.  "Do you remember?'
There are three theories on the nature of Evol. This is the next. (familiar ground)
(Once, humanity built a tower and would've reached the heavens—
Once, Icarus flew too close to the sun—  
It fell. He fell.
The world goes on.)
Twenty-five years ago, a British PhD student found a book. (Let's call it The Black Swan.)
He read it cover-to-cover, then read it twice. Three times. A fourth.  Again and again, until the book's story, half legend, half truth, took seed in his mind, where it grew anew.
Twenty-four years ago, he tracked down the experiment's remaining  survivor, the woman who could bend light and shadow and fade into the  palest streaks of day.
('Have you come to kill me?' She asked, wry smile  twisting over her age-lined face. She saw his lab coat, his notes, his  eager, hungry smile. She knew them all.
He opened his mouth. She stopped him.
'Apologies. I misspoke. You came here to learn.'
He nodded, too-quickly, still eager. Still young.
'For science,' he said, the same tired argument, old words, old justifications and cover-ups reflected in new eyes. She shook her head.
'Don't say that,' she said, weary amusement lighting her distant gaze. 'It's for humanity. For a new world.'
She held out her hand. He took it.
No one ever saw her again.)
Twenty-two years ago, a hypothesis, not quite yet a theory, was formed. In it, the newly minted scientist put forth a potential genetic  basis for superpowers in humans: one gene with the power to transcend human ability, once activated and expressed. The gene was Evol, the individuals possessing it Evolvers.
In his notes he attributed the name Evolver to the term Evolved used in a decades-old unpublished paper— a single pile of ashes left of rumors and whispers and burned research papers, given new life, reformed.
(The reality is this: the woman and her body on the verge of vanishing on her deathbed, her wrinkled hands thin, wan, shades of grey, beckoning the watching scientist over.
'Let me tell you a story,' she'd said, her voice carrying and strong. 'Once Icarus flew too close to the sun. He fell. But what don't we remember? Daedalus— he flew.'
'Is this another one of your lessons?' The scientist had asked and he was still every inch as greedy, but he'd lost his eager tone. 'I assume I'm Icarus, aren't I, experimenting on and dissecting Evolvers, flying too close to God, growing too arrogant for the unforgiving sun?'
'No.' she'd said. 'Listen.'
But he didn't.
He heard only half a story. But now, the rest of the tale. The truth.
'Let me tell you about Daedalus. Let me tell you about a man like  you who thought he was special. Who thought he had what it took to  change the world.'
Icarus fell, but Daedalus flew. Human progress, but at the cost of what? At the cost of who?
Hundreds of thousands of participants of failed experiments and twisted studies greet her when she goes beyond death's door.
'It's never been for science,' she'd have said if he'd cared to listen, words burning one last time, vibrant and alive, on her tongue. 'This is for our humanity. Our dignity. Not in spite of humanity's love but because of it.'
And love is evol backwards, isn't it? Two sides of the same coin.)
Twenty years ago, the scientist published his research. The study  had been innovative, the findings thorough: each Evolver had in them a  sequence of DNA, a bare few codons that transcended evolution, pairs of A-Ts and C-Gs he dubbed the Evol gene. Its expression varied from person to person, just as one might have brown eyes, and another blue, though  he'd noted there were cases of similarity in awakened Evol in family  lines, within communities, between lovers and sometimes close friends.
These findings suggest a correlation between Evol expression and environment, he wrote. Shared experiences shape an Evol's final awakened form as much as genetics, if not more.
The only question is, what makes an Evolver, if not just genetics? Who gets the gene? Who awakens it?
Then, messier, more frenzied writing. More bold. What if we could create Evolvers?
The reading between the lines: what if we took apart Evolvers so that we could build one of our own?
Six months later, and he'd been stripped of all his accolades and funding, the remaining Evolvers he'd taken in released when they were found.
Crimes against humanity, they'd called it. He'd laughed, said it was for science. For humanity. For humanity's progress. (despite  our humanity. for anything but our love.)
"Lucien," she says, soft but insistent— she's been trying to get his attention for a while now, bringing him back out of his reverie. "You've been silent for a long time now. Are you still there?"
He blinks. Attempts a closed-eye smile, then remembers she can't see him, and covers it with another gentle laugh.
"Just thinking," he replies. "It was a good story. You told it well— better than I would've. I'm impressed."
"I just added on the ending with whatever felt right in the moment!" She protests, making the smallest noise of embarrassment. Then, even softer:
"I liked it when you first told it to me. Just, it didn't sound complete. It didn't have a lesson, really, or any sort of answer."
(Implicit in her words: Your stories never do.)
Silence. Again, she speaks, reaching across their shared void.
"I just wanted to understand it better— the story, I mean." She  pauses, and he can feel his heart pound, just a beat faster than normal.  At her next words, he can practically feel her blush.
"I want to understand you better."
He laughs again, quiet and gentle. With his heart loud in his ears, it's all he can manage to do.
"I don't know if you should."
Another warning. Another barrier, another wall thrown up. Still, she presses on.
"Tell me the last theory," she says instead of answering. "Tell me the theory that's yours."
(He does.)
There are three theories on Evol. Two official, as official as they could be, and the last is his— a pet theory, really, the kind full of conjecture and personal accounts that’d never make it off the drawing  board, much less to the first peer review.
Awakening his Evol had been easy. What came after was what had been  hard. They hadn’t told him what they’d done to him, what monstrous power they’d given, what he’d gotten— but maybe it hadn’t ever been theirs to  give, it’d only ever been his to have.
A thought experiment:
You think your ability is super speed. You take the hand of someone—  say, an old lady, crossing the street— and suddenly that ability is gone. You're shocked. Terrified, even. Maybe all your life you'd thought you were special, and didn't think specialness vanished, it was your trait, your birthright, not a thing as fleeting as an amusement park ride. Later, you pat a friend on the back, and their thoughts come to  your mind, loud and clear. You're shocked again. Almost terrified again. But then you realize: your ability was never one thing. It was  everything. (It was nothing.)
But what does specialness reliant on the existence of other special  people mean in terms of you and your existence? Logically, nothing. Your  genes are random. There's nothing like fate written into them, you have  this ability by sheer chance. Still. You are everything and nothing.  (You’re different from all the others. There’s no one else like you.)
You're a reflection of others, but in the end, what are you? What's a  genius, what’s being special or different or extraordinary, if at the  end of the day, it’s all just a single breath (a pained eternity) away from normal?
Copycat, echo, mirror. Imposter.
(You paradox, you.)
He tries to embrace the power of his Evol. Push it, examine it, test its limits, its potential.
He learns he can copy multiple Evols at the same time. He collapses  the first time he tries invisibility and telepathy together, experimenting with invisibility's time limit, telepathy's reach, ending  up in a sweaty, trembling heap on his apartment floor. For a blinding moment, a moment of stupidity (helpless humanity), he wants to share his  results— but it's just him in his apartment, him and the sound of his  racing pulse.
He strains. He trains. He learns to manage three.
When he feels the pressure in his head build to a point beyond mere discomfort, he releases the one— a forcefield he's grown fond of, the silent glow surrounding him fading to pale unadorned apartment wall. This time, his breaths are even, measured, controlled. He does not turn to share his accomplishment with anyone who might be there. He knows nobody's beside him. He knows he's all alone.
Instead, he stares down at his open palms, then closes them, the  second Evol, x-ray vision, vanishing. Then follows the last, a simple heightened perception, and the rest of his senses bleed back into grey.
(There's one power he tries to copy, one simple talent even his genius can never master. A want more desperate than any other—
He searches. He use any excuse to be around strangers, meet new people, see new faces, shake others' hands.
(Somewhere in the sea of introductions and small talk and conversation, a new personality— the beginnings of what would become ‘Professor Lucien’, polished, calm, smooth— emerges.)
He never finds it. Instead, he finds he can copy countless others, craft dreams, weave miracles, do anything and everything— all except for this one mundane ability, taken forcibly from him.
Seeing color.  
He doesn't know if he just hasn't yet found the Evol or if he has,  unknowingly, and passed it without a second thought, the Evol itself  incapable of being replicated, echoed, or worn like a glove.
He isn't sure which one's worse. He isn't sure which one's true.)
They come back to him in this purgatory— his demons, his saviors, those monsters. Black Swan.
They tell him he's special (he's learned long ago the word means  worse than nothing) that they're like him, together they'll make a  better world.
He accepts their lie. (It feels better, after all, to be somebody's weapon than nobody's anything at all.)
He plays being a killer. Dons the name Ares. Throws coldness up  between him and all the others like one of his forcefields, like a wall.
They speak of the potential of human evolution. They speak of a new  race of superhuman Evolvers taking charge of and ruling the world. All  in impassioned, hateful, dangerous words— they color his world black and  he embraces it.
Anything is better than grey, he thinks early on, perhaps foolishly, over yet another still-warm mangled body.
'Normie,' one of the other men on the mission spits, aiming a  kick at the body, low and vicious, his voice like a bloody oath. He  turns to Ares with a grin. 'We did good. Wanna grab a drink?'
Ares doesn't smile. He thinks, 'What's one more corpse?'
He returns to headquarters alone.
(They don't send him out on team missions, after.)
And now—
His color. His reckoning. His proof.
(In her eyes— her strong righteous savior's gaze— he imagines the  artist's jar shattering, the butterfly soaring high, soaring free.)
"Lucien," she says, calling out to him, voice hovering, trembling on  the edge of a sob. His heart clenches, and he clutches it, wondering how  he should respond.
He takes a breath, then another.
"I'm sorry— what is it? I'm still here."
Lines like "Are you okay?" or "Talk to me, please." go unspoken. Instead, she says, soft and gentle:
"Have you seen the stars tonight? They're beautiful."
"I haven't."
"Then...come to the balcony with me?"
An almost-eternity passes. But then, he agrees.
(first, a brief tangent.)
There are four men. He's one of them. But what about the other three?
The boy trapped in his past by the memory of the one he couldn't protect, his Evol and him both frozen in time.
The boy who wanted freedom from the rumors, the fighting, most of  all, from his dad, who grew wings to escape them and become one with the  breeze.
The boy who'd never been loved unconditionally and now surrounded himself with it, a part of him rearing its head to demand it.
(all other stories. for other times, other worlds.)
"You know, sometimes I think the stars must be lonely," she says, and though he doesn't dare look at her, he hears her both in real life and through the phone speaker cradled close to his ear. He feels rather than sees her move closer to his side of the balcony, closing the distance,  coming to the edge.
"They're thousands of light years away from each other," she continues. "Maybe they wonder if they're all alone, sometimes, if  they're the only light for miles in an empty, endless dark sea."
"It makes me sad, to think about it. We spend our lives looking up at the stars and casting lines, drawing constellations between them, but in reality, they're just as lonely as we are. Maybe even more."
"I'm rambling, aren't I? Sorry— it's been a long day, and it's just  this time of night, it always makes me melancholy for some reason. I can't remember why."
She laughs a little, self-deprecating. In the night's stillness, he hears the shuddering in her next breath. It takes hold deep within him, her fisherman's hook, line, and sinker, gone straight to his heart.
"Don't say that," he says, the words freed from that same place deep within him, and what he means is 'You're not alone.'
He's at his edge of the balcony before he knows it— for the first time, it's him reaching back across the ocean between them, it's his question, his unspoken plea.  
His eyes seek hers in the darkness.
She finds him.
(His color.
Her light.)
There's a knock from the doorway, echoed over the phone. He laughs softly into the speaker, then moves in from the balcony and crosses his room to open the door. It's her.
“Lucien,” she says, and his name on her lips holds all the secrets of the universe, stars and galaxies swirling in the space between each of her breaths.
She holds her hands out to him, she, his lifeline, his compass, the one bright color of his life.
He hesitates for a moment, then takes then, gets pulled by them into her, into the warmest embrace.
(he can hear her heartbeats, echoes of songs of legend of stories, intertwined with his)
"Lucien," she murmurs into his chest. "Tell me a story? Tell me yours."
This time, he hears her as he's meant to, the words were never a  command, they were a question. A plea. Another step in his direction,  just like the knock on his door.
(he lets her in.
she stays awake for the rest of the story, stays on the line for the rest of the call.
together, they create their own ending.)
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jurassic-tales · 4 years ago
Jurassic Park III - Amalgam Testing
RECORDING TRANSCRIPT SUBJECT: AMALGAM TESTING - DAY 01 ISLA SORNA OCTOBER, 1997 DR. KAJAL DUA: Okay, so we successfully finished sequencing the Corythosaur...and the Ankylosaurs and Ceratosaur are in the can, so to speak. I would ask if we can finish and get out of here before we break the Gene Guard Act anymore, but...those new papers say different, don't they... DR. HENRY WU: Here's what we're going to do next...I'm going to call this 'Amalgam Testing'. No matter what happens, I want this 'testing' to be recorded as a 'failure'. DUA: Why, what...Wait, 'Spinosaurus'? There isn't even enough bones in the world, let alone... WU: I know; we have next to nothing...Only enough material to sequence a third of what we need. But if we introduce other specimens... DUA: Hence 'Amalgam'. This is going to turn it into a hybrid. WU: Yes. Technically all of our clones are 'hybrids' with frogs, but our Dilophosaurus proved that more - experimental - hybridisation was possible. DUA: So what, do the same with the Spino? WU: Not exactly...We know next to nothing, but what we do know is that it's related to two other animals we do have material for; Baryonyx and Suchomimus. DUA: Three dinosaurs in one! WU: Exactly. It will be a challenge, but Masrani intends to honour Hammond's wish of a fully functioning theme park and we need to be prepared for every kind of project he may throw at us. DUA: 'Challenge' is an understatement; with the combined DNA, we'll have no guarantee of size, of metabolism...we can't even be sure that we can keep the female chromosome! WU: That won't matter; we're only going to breed one specimen. DUA: Yeah...One... DAY 45 NOVEMBER, 1997 DR. HENRY WU: What happened? DR. KAJAL DUA: It bit him; it's only a few days old, but it nearly took his hand off. WU: Fascinating. DUA: He lost a lot of blood, but he'll live. But that goes to show what happens with accelerating the growth hormones! WU: But showing signs of developing strength already; that's new. DUA: Merging three dinosaurs together might do that...! Looks like the 'amalgam testing' worked...For now. WU: It will need to be under constant supervision. DUA: And you're asking me to do so...? WU: I'm asking everyone to do so. DUA: That's fine...Until it starts being able to run around and pick us off, one-by-one! WU: You make it sound like a monster. DUA: Hm...I suppose I'm just worried if we can control it or not. WU: We will control it...We'll need everyone we can to run every test possible. DUA: Well, you'll be glad to know I already ran one basic test; congratulations, Doctor...It's a boy! DAY 67 DECEMBER, 1997 DR. KAJAL DUA: For the record, I did think the cattle prod was a bit much. DR. HENRY WU: It was necessary. Has it been feeding? DUA: Yes...Feeding well, drinking well...He definitely likes fish. But even with the amount of food we give him, he still snaps at us. WU: Sounds like a behavioural issue; in time we may need more than just a few volts. DUA: So that's how we're proceeding then; he gets stronger, we fight harder...? WU: It needs to learn who's in control. DUA: I agree. But as he gets older, he's going to learn that he can take control very easily...quickly. Dangerously. Two of our team are already in intensive care; what happens when we actually lose someone? What happens when it's just you...? WU: I'll cross that bridge when I come to it. For now let's just stick to the testing. DUA: Let's give him a chance to recover, first. WU: We don't have the time...Unless you don't want to...? DUA: Well, I will but...I don't like the way he looks at everyone... WU: It's had a taste of human blood; you might look like a meal. DUA: I wish it was. It's like...there's hatred in those little green eyes. In between every test, there's pure anger glaring at us. DAY 88 January, 1998 DR. HENRY WU: The data we're getting is incredible; testosterone levels, resilience, muscle and bone density... DR. KAJAL DUA: Yes, unfortunately we're running out of restraints. WU: The sail is a wonder in itself... DUA: You know we're putting hum through unbearable pain by your demands...? WU: I bred this hybrid for survival. I need to know its breaking point. DUA: Well, lucky for him the anaesthetic wears off faster than it used to... WU: Don't you want to know as much as possible? DUA: Of course, his behaviour is of my professional interest, which is why it's frustrating that we can't observe him close-up without him wanting to kill us! WU: And yet you still seem to care about it...? DUA: You're not here all the time, Dr. Wu; I've been through observing his early days of cowering in the corner of his cell to listening night after night to his deafening howls...calls that can't be answered because he's all alone, no doubt. WU: I haven't heard anything like that. DUA: That's because a week ago he became quiet. I've been watching the night footage and he's not sleeping as much as he used to...He rests, but he's always on guard. And look at this from last night...He's barely three months old and he's worn himself out buckling the bars of his cell and smashing the concrete wall. WU: It could break out. We need a deterrent. DUA: With what? Since he learned he can maim us, he's had no fear. WU: All creatures are afraid of fire, Dr. Dua... DAY 102 February, 1998 DR. KAJAL DUA: The force of his bite is going to match a Tyrannosaurus. DR. HENRY WU: That will be the Crocodilian DNA I included; a little something for the fusion to hold together. DUA: Well, your cocktail may hold together a bit too well; I don't believe it's exaggerating to say that when he gets to adulthood, he could cause an extinction-level event on the island. WU: That's the potential I was hoping for. DUA: As long as he keeps to himself, other predators don't intervene and no more humans appear - which I know is unlikely since San Diego - he should fit in with the ecosystems. WU: I hope it doesn't stray too far to the forests in the South-West... DUA: Careful, Victor, that almost sounds like you care about him...! WU: I don't want it encountering the Tyrannosaur couple. We may need it for further research when Masrani's plans develop. We're well behind the perimeter fence at least. As long as that holds up, most of the other assets should be safe. DUA: I see. Well let's say the fence fails, the aviary will be the next at risk...Those are the accidental Pteranodons we don't want flying free, if I remember right. And then that's on the river; what if he gets off the island? WU: Let's not get too speculative, Dr. Dua. There's no if when...Wait, what's that...? DUA: Shit...That's them, isn't it; they're coming! WU: Hm...It was only a matter of time. We've got the necessary data; We need to get going. DUA: What about the Spino? WU: What about it? DUA: We're just going to...leave him? WU: We'll have to. DUA: Okay...I'm releasing him now. WU: What?! DUA: Yes, he'll break out eventually, but if you don't want them finding out about the testing, then this is just speeding things up...Then there'll be no survivors. WU: Using him as a weapon! DUA: Surprised you didn't think of that first. WU: Well, I'm...surprised that you did! DUA: I won't be long. WU: Dr. Dua...Make sure you're careful; when Masrani's park gets on its feet; we'll need you. DUA: I'll take that as a 'thank you'! I'll meet you at the boat. WU: Good luck. ((Originally posted in five parts on my non-Tumblr blog here))
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moonlightreal · 4 years ago
What’s a Changeling?
The word “changeling” was mentioned in the Fate novelization.  What exactly it means in Fate, we don’t know, not until tomorrow.  But I can bang out a post on what it means in the Ye Olde Lore!  Spoiler: it gets hella dark!
Disclaimer: I’m banging out a post from memory, checking no sources (or fiction) and I’m gonna paint with a broad brush and ignore lots of interesting details.
So what’s a changeling?
The Good Neighbors (don’t call them fairies, they don’t like that! Call them Good Neighbors so they’ll be neighborly to you!) don’t have children often or easily.  Their babies are often sickly and weak.  To prevent their people from dying out they adopt from the human world.  Without asking!  A changeling is a sickly fairy baby left in trade for a healthy human baby.  Or it could be an elderly fairy disguised as a baby hoping to be pampered by human parents in his later years, or even a stick of wood enchanted to seem like a baby and left with the human parents.
How do you know your baby has been swapped?
Has your healthy baby suddenly stopped eating?  Or is he suddenly eating everything in sight, never satisfied?  Is your quiet baby suddenly crying night and day?  Has your baby stopped talking or making eye contact?  Or does your baby just look not quite right?  You may have a changeling in the house!
So what happens to the human baby now in fairyland?
Either they’re raised as an ordinary fairy baby, given magic, and grow up as fairies.  Or they’re sacrificed to hell at the end of seven years, depending who you ask.
How can you get your own baby back?
Beat up that baby!
No, seriously.  That was the cure.  Beat up the changeling until its fairy parents get worried about it and magically switch the babies back.  Or you could leave the changeling out in the forest and go back in a few hours to see if the human baby had been left in its place. 
The non-horrifying method of getting the human baby back only sometimes works.  Suspicious parents would do something very strange, like trying to brew beer in an eggshell.  If the changeling was in fact a fairy senior citizen the sight would surprise him into speaking. ‘I've lived a thousand years and never seen anyone brew beer in an eggshell!” And then realizing the jig is up, the changeling has to poof back to fairyland and leave the real fairy behind.
Pretending fairies aren’t real, what was really going on?
Back in Ye Olde times there were no chromosome tests at marriage, no prenatal vitamins, and lots of malnutrition.  Babies that seemed different could have had any sort of genetic or developmental thing.  Some certainly were what we’d call on the spectrum today.  And equally back in the day there were no special schools, no medicines, no plans for helping a child who would always be different to have a full life.  Some people might even see a different child as sinful and not deserving of help. 
The rituals of threatening and hurting the baby could have helped overworked desperate parents vent that desperation and start a fresh relationship with the baby they’d reclaimed from otherworldly kidnappers.  And if the baby died, either because of its health condition or because of the beating, well, it wasn’t the real baby.  It was only a piece of wood enchanted to look like a baby.  The mother could go on without being crushed by the horror of what happened in her family.
Did the changeling belief get people killed?  Yup.  Well, it was claimed. Whether the abusive parents truly believed their disabled child was a supernatural creature or if they were just looking for an excuse to be cruel to a child who didn’t fit their ideal, that’s not something we can know.  But children were beaten, abandoned and killed.  Strangely, so was an adult woman less than a hundred and fifty years ago.  She became ill and her husband suddenly realized she didn’t look quite like herself and became convinced she’d been swapped for a fairy.  Trying to exorcise the fairy, he ended up killing his wife.  She had been very sick indeed and it seems likely that the stress of caring for a maybe-dying wife was too much for the husband and he had a psychotic episode.  You can watch Tony Robinson talk about the case in this documentary.
Psychotic episodes can also happen to mothers soon after birth when the hormones of making pregnancy and birth can briefly just break a person’s brain.  In modern times doctors can look for the signs of mental breakdown but back in the day it wouldn’t have been thought of that way and there were no psychiatric medicines or temporary inpatient treatment to help people.  So here in the rational world there are rational explanations: changelings were not caused by fairy tampering but by sickness in mind or body.
But we’re not here for the rational world we’re here for the Winx world.  Is Bloom a changeling, as a fairy raised by humans?  Kind of, maybe, but without the dark side since she was adopted right out not swapped for a baby that was already there.  But with Fate apparently set for going uber-dark, what kind of changelings will we see?
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boywithbear · 4 years ago
Take the Red Pill: The Truth Behind the Biology of Sex  by Luz Delfondo
this article was deleted, so I’m re-posting it here so I can add it to my intersex carrd and weebly.
This is the first part of a series about the complex biological realities of sex. Though the posts build on one another, each can be understood alone. Content note: this post contains images and language that may not be safe for work. 1. Introduction I first learned about the social construction of sex from a lovely trans woman named Kiki. She said, “You may have heard before that gender is socially constructed, while sex is biological. But I’m here to tell you that what you’ve heard isn’t true. Sex is socially constructed too. So are you ready for the truth? Are you going to take the red pill or the blue pill?” Three years later, I was diagnosed by my gynecologist with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), which means that my body produces hormones intermediate between “typical men” and “typical women.” What I learned from Kiki gave me context in which to understand what this meant about my body and who I am. But it’s still very hard for me to talk about. My hormones affect me in ways that are hard to see, so even most of my lovers don’t know. I can count the number of people in my personal life who know this about me on my two hands. I picked the red pill. If you read on, you can take the red pill too. The problem with calling sex “biological” is that biology is complicated. Hardly anything in biology fits into two neat categories like “male” and “female.” To give you an idea of how complicated sexual development really is, let’s go to the very beginning. How do sexual characteristics develop in a human embryo? 2. The Biology A. Development of the Internal Genitalia In the sixth week of an embryo’s development, a piece of primordial tissue called the pronephros splits off into a baby kidney and a baby internal reproductive system. This system consists of three parts. There’s the Müllerian ducts, which can develop into fallopian tubes, a uterus, and a vagina. There’s the Wolffian ducts, which can develop into a seminal vesicle, vas deferens, and epididymis. Then there’s the gonads, which can develop into ovaries or testes. At this stage the gonads are called indifferent, which I find kind of hilarious, because I imagine the gonads just chilling inside the embryo going, “Yeah, whatever, I just don’t care about sex differences.”
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So what determines what happens to all of these parts? It’s complicated. Very complicated. But I’ll try to cover the highlights. The embryo doesn’t start to differentiate into male/female traits until 7 weeks in. What determines whether the gonads become testes or ovaries is the presence of a gene called SRY, which is typically found on the Y chromosome (though as with everything in biology, there are exceptions: SRY sometimes wanders off to another chromosome, which means you can have a person with XX chromosomes and testes).
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Not everyone has XX or XY chromosomes. Some people have XXY or XYY or XXX or just X. But if the embryo has a Y chromosome, the SRY gene will nudge the indifferent gonads toward becoming testes. This means that even if you have testes, you might not be XY in your chromosomes. The SRY gene causes some cells in the gonads to begin commitment to sperm development, and to pump out two hormones: the famous testosterone, and the less-known anti- Müllerian hormone, which usually (but not always) causes the Müllerian ducts to break down. (If they don’t break down, the fetus will be born with testes, a uterus, and Fallopian tubes.) The Wolffian ducts usually develop instead, into the organs that create the non-sperm components of semen and deliver them to the testes. (If they do not develop, this results in an individual with testes who does not ejaculate and is infertile, because the sperm don’t have a nice semen package in which to leave the body.)
In the absence of SRY, some genes on the X chromosome, such as DAX-1 and Wnt-4, kick in. The cells in the gonads commit to egg development. Hormones secreted by the ovaries usually cause the Wolffian ducts to degrade, though sometimes there are remnants. If you have bumps on the sides of your vagina, they may be remnants of the Wolffian ducts you had as an embryo. The Müllerian ducts usually develop into a uterus, Fallopian tubes, and a vagina, though how much of the vagina comes from the Müllerian ducts is controversial. Don’t you love that there’s a big scientific controversy about vaginas? Scientists aren’t sure whether the entire vagina comes from the Müllerian ducts, or just the upper vagina. Now, in some cases, the gonads get mixed signals and become intermediate between ovaries and testes, and may be able to produce both eggs and sperm. If that happens, the hormones produced by each part interfere with the other, and the typical result is infertility or only one type of gonad fully functioning. The Wolffian and Müllerian ducts may both develop, one to a side, or just one or the other might develop, or neither. B. Development of External Genitalia Meanwhile, on the outside of the embryo, between its tiny growing legs, is a structure that looks like this:
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The development of the external genitalia happens later, in weeks 9 through 12 of development. A complex interaction of hormones determines how the external genitalia develop, which means that there are many possible outcomes of genital development. I’ll try to cover as many possibilities as I can. I will refer to the image above as well as the image below, called the Prader scale, which shows some of the different ways the external genitalia can develop.
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Part 1 is the sensitive head of what anatomy textbooks call the “genital tubercle” but I prefer to call the “phalloclitoris,” because as we will see, the penis and the clitoris are so similar that in this story (and maybe in general) it doesn’t really make sense to call them different things. The development of the head of the phalloclitoris is mostly the same in everyone. Testosterone causes it to get larger, but it has just as many nerve endings no matter how big or small it ends up. Part 2 is a membrane that gives rise to the urethra and the anus in everyone, and to a vagina in some. The first thing that happens to structure 2, in everyone, is that the bottom part pinches off into an anus. What remains is called the urogenital sinus. In some individuals, the story ends there. They have one opening, from which they pee, but also has erotic nerve endings and produces lubricant (though it is often shallower than a vagina; see stage 3 in the Prader scale.) In some individuals, it pinches off into a urethra and a vagina. In the remaining group, it closes up like a zipper into just a urethra. If these individuals have a penis, the urethra usually lengthens up to the tip (but it might not migrate all the way up; see stage 4 in the Prader scale). Part 3, in everyone, forms the body of the phalloclitoris. Now, here’s where things can get hard to explain, because sex education in this country is woefully inadequate. It is obvious to most everyone what the body of the penis looks like: it’s the shaft, everything that isn’t the head. But not everyone is aware that the clitoris has a body too, not just a head. In most individuals who have a clitoris, only the head is externally visible. But the body of the clitoris is just as long as the body of the penis. It looks like this:  
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Those four balloon-like things around the vagina are the body of the clitoris. A penis is just like this, just external and sewn up along the bottom edge. Except, of course, not always: 
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some people are born with an external phalloclitoris that opens up along the bottom, like the clitoris in the image above. This all comes from structure 3 in the picture. Structure 3 can also develop labia minora. Anyone who has been sexy-intimate with labia minora, their own or someone else’s, won’t be surprised by this: both the body of the phalloclitoris and the labia minora feel very good when stimulated. Part 4 can swell into labia majora, or fuse together along the bottom edge into a scrotum. Or something in between can happen: labia majora that form “pouches” like a scrotum, or a scrotum that doesn’t completely seal up along the middle. See the Prader scale image for some of the different ways Part 4 can develop. That’s it for the external genitalia. The last part of sexual development happens around week 26: the descent of the gonads. You may have heard about the descent of the testes. If a fetus with testes has a scrotum, most of the time, the testes will descend into it before birth. If the fetus has testes but no scrotum, or the signal to descend never reaches the testes, they will remain in the abdomen undescended, possibly for the rest of the person’s life, possibly not. What you may not know is that the ovaries (usually) descend too. When the ovaries descend, they attach to the ends of the Fallopian tubes. 3. The Implications Those are the biological facts of sexual development. It should be clear to you now that the outcomes of sexual development don’t fall into two obvious categories of male and female. One implication that jumps out at me is that while we don’t know how a sense of gender identity develops in the brain, because there are so many possible outcomes of sexual development in the genitalia, it wouldn’t surprise me at all if we find that there are many possible outcomes of sexual development in the brain. The likelihood of someone growing up to have a penis and a strong sense of female identity is at least as high as someone growing up to have a beard and a vagina, or testes and a uterus. Another implication is that “biological sex,” in reality, is a spectrum, or maybe even more complicated than a spectrum. However, societies divide this spectrum into socially constructed categories: sexes. So where do we draw the dividing line? This may seem arbitrary to you, and it absolutely is. Not all societies have divided up this spectrum the same way. For example, in India, some people with genitals in between the typical male and typical female are classified as a third sex, hijra. Where does Western society draw the line? Until the 2000s, the standard was basically this: is the location of the urethra in right place, and the size of the phalloclitoris big enough, that the baby can eventually stand to pee, and be able to insert the phalloclitoris into a vagina? Even if you are not a regular reader of this blog, the ideology of sex and gender behind this dividing line should be clear. For decades, the medical marker of maleness was a penis that fit the standards of masculinity: standing to pee, and having heterosexual intercourse. These standards had serious consequences. Any baby with a phalloclitoris that didn’t meet medical standards was subjected to unnecessary surgery to reduce the phalloclitoris to an “acceptable” size for a clitoris, raised as female, and kept in the dark for the rest of their life about the genitalia they were born with. These days, the standard used for assigning sex to intersex babies is chromosomal sex. XX, you’re female, XY, you’re male. But there’s more. While some babies are born with genitalia ambiguous enough for parents and doctors to get into a kerfuffle, there are many intersex conditions that have nothing to do with external genitalia and may go undetected. For example, there are those individuals with XX chromosomes and a wandering SRY gene attached to their genomes somewhere. Those people may manifest, in their gonads, internal genitalia, and external genitalia, as typical males. But until they get karyotyped and have a look at their chromosomes, they may never know they are intersex. There are also conditions that cause male-assigned people to produce high amounts of estrogen and related sex hormones or female-assigned people to produce testosterone and related sex hormones. The effects of these sex hormones are sometimes highly noticeable, but sometimes they are harder to detect. This means that even if you don’t think you are intersex, you could be. I know because it happened to me. When I was 18, I was diagnosed with PCOS, polycystic ovarian syndrome. This happens when the ovaries produce unusually high levels of androgens (male sex hormones). PCOS is not classified by the medical community as an intersex condition. However, what the medical community designates as “intersex” or not is motivated by politics, not biological facts. The goal of the way variation in sexual development is defined is to label as few people “intersex” as possible, so they don’t have to live with the “shame” of the diagnosis. The only conditions that are called intersex are ones that can’t be explained away to a child’s parents as a “slight genital abnormality.” Thus, doctors are able to claim that only 1 in 1500 babies is born intersex. 
A much more pragmatic definition of intersex, as proposed by Dr. Cary Costello at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, is when a body does not fully differentiate into male or female. By that definition, people with PCOS are intersex, because the condition we were born with makes our androgen levels higher than most women’s and lower than most men’s. Our androgen levels also reduce the levels of female sex hormones in our bodies so that they are intermediate between the typical levels for men and women. Our bodies are not fully hormonally differentiated between male and female. It is thought that up to 5% of female-assigned people may have PCOS. That would mean that at least 1 in 40 people are intersex. The medical community, and society at large, is not ready to accept that figure. If 1 in 40 people don’t fit into our boxes of “biological sex,” then there’s no way to deny that our boxes don’t do a very good job of classifying people. Many people would find that frightening. I don’t find it frightening. I find it delightful. I am so happy that there is so much sexual diversity in the world, and that biology is too complex and beautiful to jam into two little boxes. When I was diagnosed with PCOS, I wasn’t horrified or scared. I was relieved. Finally, I had an explanation for why my body never followed anything resembling a regular menstrual cycle. I knew why my sex drive would suddenly, drastically change: my hormones were shifting from a female sex hormone-dominated bouquet to a male sex hormone-dominated one, or vice versa. When I was diagnosed with PCOS, my gynecologist offered me the option of hormone therapy to make my hormonal profile less androgenic and more typically female. Since I was an adult, I could choose whether to take that option or not. I tried it out for a few months, and I hated it. It changed me in a thousand subtle ways that added up to a profound alienation from my own body. I didn’t feel like myself anymore. So I stopped the hormone therapy and went back to my intermediate, intersex state. Children who are diagnosed with intersex conditions usually don’t get that choice. Their genitals may be operated on, resulting in permanent loss of sexual function. They may be given hormones for years to feminize or masculinize them, causing some of them to go through a partial puberty at age four. The choice of which sex to assign them to, as I explained above, is utterly arbitrary. Many more intersex children end up identifying as transgender than in the general population, knowing that they were born with the very genitalia that they desperately wish hadn’t been taken from them with a surgeon’s knife. The entry for Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome, an intersex syndrome that results in intermediate genitalia, on Medscape has this to say about how to treat children with this condition: “The ultimate medical goal of treatment is to restore external genitalia as close to a nonambiguous appearance as possible while retaining full sensation, the ability for sexual satisfaction (to include penetrative intercourse), and, ideally, fertility.” Maybe some people with Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome want to be nonambiguous. Maybe they want to have penetrative intercourse. But when they’re babies, you can’t possibly know. I remember how miserable I was on the hormone therapy that made me “typically female.” I can’t imagine what it would have been like if I’d been forced to be on them all my life. No one should ever have to go through that. Nonconsensual, unnecessary surgery is morally wrong, and I extend my deepest sympathies to all intersex people who have been violated that way. You hear all kinds of stories about “biological sex.” At the Olympics, they determine the sex of athletes by measuring their testosterone, because supposedly testosterone is what gives male athletes an advantage over female athletes. You also see scientific studies about how testosterone makes men more aggressive than women, more sexual, better-adapted to be hunters back when they were cavemen. If these stories are true, then I have the advantages of a male athlete. I am aggressive, sexual. I am a caveman hunter. If the way men and women behave is an inevitable consequence of biology, then where do I, and other intersex people, fit in? We don’t. Because the stories aren’t about us. They aren’t about biology, which is messy and complicated. They’re fables. They’re folk tales we tell each other so we’ll keep believing in the great patriarchal fantasy that there are two sexes that are completely different from each other, and that one is better than the other. Because biology. Well, I’m a person too. So are other intersex people. So are non-intersex people who don’t fit into the patriarchal narrative of how we’re supposed to live. And this is our story.
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lunar-writings-love · 5 years ago
College!AU - Seonghwa (ateez)
I’ll be doing a college!au series of every ateez member and I thought I’d start off with Seonghwa because ,, yes 
Author’s note: it’s a bullet fic 
warnings: SUPER SOFT HOURS and also cussing i guess?
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okay so ,, seonghwa i love him but that’s beside the point 
seonghwa’s majoring in biology
he’s a third year so he’ll be declaring his major soon and he’s thinking about narrowing his field of study a bit 
he doesn’t know to what exactly yet (anything but molecular biology 
he just ,, can’t with molecular biology that shit’s wack) 
seonghwa’s also minoring in nutrition
which makes sense,,,
i mean the boy carries around those organic, all natural, fun-free snacks; expecting for the members to eat them, not understanding WHY they all run away screaming when he pulls out his kale chips with non-dairy cheese
he’s super into fitness and keeping his own body healthy, so he’s always trying new recipes, keeping watch of his calorie and sugar intake,
he tried the keto diet, but then realized it did virtually nothing for him so now he just chose to increase his protein intake and work out more in the hopes of developing muscle (he can’t have jongho bullying him forever)
he regularly works out too and doesn’t understand why there always seems to be so many people taking breaks at the water-fountains near the treadmills where he runs whenever he works out 
at the university he shares his dorm room with hongjoong 
they bicker a lot and since seonghwa is always cleaning and cooking for the other boys, he’s earned himself the nickname mom
he doesn’t like it, but oh well
anything for his babies
seonghwa is also involved in a lot of different activities: he’s part of the school’s hip-hop dance team, is the treasurer for the university’s speech and debate club, etc.
he always takes part in the annual dorm cook-off (he never wins because he doesn’t understand that college kids want greasy food, not his fucking zucchini noodles zoodles)
he also show’s up to every member’s event/recital/performance etc. and cheers louder than any other person for his boys 
jongho: oh my god, stop it mom
now, you were close friends with some of the other first years at the university 
you and jongho were neighbors growing up and when you found out the two of you would be going to the same uni you were ecstatic!
so naturally, since jongho was your closest friend in college, he often invited you to hang out with his other friends 
you had met seonghwa a couple of times before and found him to be absolutely drop-dead gorgeous 
you may have even developed a small crush on him after he offered to walk you to your dorm one night after hanging out with the boys but oh well you would never dare to say that out loud 
he was so nice, and strong, and hot, and nice, and funny, and kind, and nice, and you were ,,,, hopeless
but you figured an amazing and wonderful guy like him would never go for an awkward first year like you, so you just bottled those feelings up and shelved it 
you were a linguistics major, focusing on social linguistics 
you could rave for hours and hours about phonetics or the development of language
once the boys invited you and jongho over for late night snacks and after asking you about your major you went on a 13 minute spiel on the development of romantic languages and while the boys all started to ignore you after the first 2 minutes, seonghwa listened and thought it was cute 
so yeah ,,, you were so, so smart 
but when it came to anything science related , you were lost 
STEM subjects were really not your forte
you barely scraped through calculus and chemistry throughout high school, but biology, holy shit where do you even begin on that 
you couldn’t memorize cell functions or neuron transmitters to save your life and as your professor delved deeper and deeper into cellular biology, your grade sunk deeper and deeper 
you were desperate 
you pulled all-nighters at the library just to barely get passing grades on tests
you were getting seriously stressed and anxious, your mental health plummeting as the year progressed 
jongho found you for the hundredth time at the university library at four in the morning attempting to memorize evolutionary pathways  
he would never say it out loud because he’S a MaN, but he was worried about you and your mental health 
he coaxed you back into your room, and instantly had an idea 
whY NoT HavE SeoNgHwA tEacH YoU bIoloGy :O !!
when he told you a few hours later you screeched 
no way 
seonghwa must already think you’re weird, but stupid on top of that ??
no, sorry but not even you deserved that type of embarrassment 
jongho ignored you though and the very next day you were in seonghwa’s dorm room sitting near his desk as he opened up your biology book 
you wanted to die 
if possible, you wanted the ground to swallow you up whole and spit you out again years later as a successful and well-known linguist
please lord this is unfair the love of your life seonghwa teaching you biology was not okay please send you back to your dorm please please 
alas, life was never kind to you 
“so what are you struggling with?”
seonghwa was so patient with you though 
he meticulously went through the textbook and really made sure you understood the subjects before moving onto the next one 
you don’t even know how, but he made learning about macromolecules sexy mmmm
you were finally beginning to understand biology 
this arrangement had been going on for a few weeks now and your midterm for the class was soon approaching  
you were scared shitless 
yes, seonghwa was helping you, and yes, you were doing better on your tests and projects, but a midterm grade meant a lot and you could not afford to have to retake this class or have your final grade depend on the final test 
you were s t r e s s e d
and seonghwa caught on pretty quickly 
you had dark circles under your eyes 
you lost some weight 
you had breakdowns every day and seonghwa’s heart ached everytime he saw you like that 
he promised you he’d help you get a B on your midterm 
you didn’t think it’d be possible, but he swore on it and he was cute so you just went along with it 
the last chapter that would be covered on the midterm was ,, you guessed it ,,, molecular biology :’))))
it’s not that seonghwa was bad at the subject, he actually found genomics super interesting 
it’s just, it was way too much information to handle and trying to memorize all of that was a pain in the ass 
but when you guys had your next study session, seonghwa brushed up on his dna forensics and sat you right down
he was going to make you understand 
to be honest, as he explained chromosomes, gene therapy, and the likes to you ,,, you were lost as fuck 
what in the shit was cell division 
but you put up with it and paid close attention ,, your grade depended on you to understand this mess 
you guys had two weeks until your test, and after one week of teaching you molecular biology, that left you and seonghwa a week for you to review 
your review for the test took place at his dorm in case you had any questions and had to ask him anything
he’d go to the kitchen hall and make you some healthy snacks to get your brain juice flowing as you sat on his bed reviewing meiosis and dna replication 
to be honest, over the past couple of months seonghwa had been teaching you biology, you guys grew super close 
you were constantly over at his dorm
you two were always talking to each other 
when you and the boys met up, instead of sitting next to jongho you gradually moved to sit next to seonghwa much to hongjoong and jongho’s disapproval 
they missed their best friends :(((
but all the boys thought you two were super cute and watched from at the sidelines as your guys’ romance progressed  
if possible, these months with seonghwa made you fall even more for him 
it got way past of just being a crush, you were pretty sure you loved him 
you even grew to enjoy his weird avocado brownies and zoodles, and if that isn’t true love then i don’t know what is
it finally got around to being the day before your test and you were a n x i o u s as fuck 
even seonghwa was nervous for you ,, the week prior he had been talking hongjoong’s ear off about you and this damn test 
hongjoong couldn’t handle it anymore for the love of God someone please get these two together just make-out or something he didn’t want to hear about you anymore
you were at your dorm studying polymers, when you heard a knock at your door 
it was seonghwa gasp who would’ve known :)))
in his hand was take-out 
“sorry i’m a fake health fanatic i eat hella junk food when i’m nervous so i brought us burgers and fries and milkshakes and let me inside your dorm i need to sit down this is so nerve wracking”
you couldn’t help but laugh as you moved out of the way to let him inside 
“thanks seonghwa”
you two ate your burgers in silence before it got too awkward and you tried to make things better 
“i’m studying polymers right now, it’s not as bad as i thought it would be”
“See!! i’m glad you’re understanding biology. it’s a really cool subject when you understand the mechanics behind it”
“i guess so”
he stayed at your dorm room a few more hours reviewing subjects with you 
before you knew it, it was 10 at night and it was past seonghwa’s bed time (hA oLd man)
he told you to quickly take a shower and go to bed because you had to be well rested for your test tomorrow 
you agreed 
it was silent for a while, an unfamiliar awkward tension filled the air before seonghwa hugged you “byegoodlucktomorrowtextmewhenyou’redoneyou’lldogreatbye”
he then zoomed out your room 
you were a blushing mess as you closed your dorm room and got your bathroom supplies ready 
fuck you were in love with park seonghwa
the next morning, you took your midterm and were surprised that you actually knew what the fuck was going on 
dna replication? check 
evolutionary pathways? check 
lipids and cell functions? check 
you handed in your midterm and walked outside the lecture hall, you felt good about the test but you would only know your grade a week later 
as you left the hall someone grabbed onto your shoulders 
it was seonghwa
he hugged you super hard and you two excitedly talked about the midterm 
he even took you out to ice cream to treat you 
“shouldn’t I be treating you for helping me so much?”
“hush and just let it happen”
“okay mOm”
it was at times like these you really, really wanted to kiss him 
but alas, he wasn’t yours to kiss 
and it was also at times like these, seonghwa really, really wanted to kiss you 
so the moral of the story is that both of you were idiots
a week later, it was time for the boys’ weekly friday night movie time and you were running a bit late 
they were all gathered in hongjoong and seonghwa’s room since it was the biggest (ahh the perks of being upperclassmen) when suddenly you opened the door and hurled in, your eyes wide and crazed
he ran over to you and picked you up spinning you around as you both laughed in disbelief 
you don’t know how you pulled that off you were a dumbass how did you get an A on your biology midterm??
then as soon as he put you down and you looked up at him, bam he kissed you 
you were :OOO
jongho was :OOO
all the boys were :OOO
except for hongjoong who was like ;)))
and then as soon as y’all were done, seonghwa realized what he did 
and in front of the Kids TOO 
“oh shit i’m so sorry i don’t know why i did th-”
you cut him off with another kiss uwu
all the boys cheered and catcalled you guys 
you guys were both blushing but you didn’t care because 
1) you and park seonghwa kissed
2) you got an a on your biology midterm
you guys held hands and did cute shit as you sat down next to seonghwa to watched the horror movie jongho picked for this week 
wooyoung was shitting his pants 
as the movie played on tho, jongho slowly looked backwards towards seonghwa and said 
“seonghwa i don’t care if you’re older than me if you break y/n’s heart i swear to Jesus i’ll castrate you”
and seonghwa believed him ashjgjasha have you seen that boy’s arms ??!
seonghwa assured jongho that he would never do that to you
things lightened up again and jongho smugly said you guys should treat him to dinner since he was the mastermind behind your love 
you flipped him off
anyways, that’s the story of how you and seonghwa became the university’s cutest couple 
the cute linguistics major and the hot biology major 
you guys had cute food dates, and you even agreed to go to the gym with seonghwa
surprisingly, people stopped coming to the water fountain a few days after you started working out with him
you scared them off after telling them to stop ogling at your boyfriend HA 
seonghwa also finally decided he wanted to major specifically in cellular biology
and you supported him all the way 
you mans was going places, doing things, getting his deGrEE
then one night as you two were up as you ranted about the social impacts of language and the human conditioning of language to seonghwa he pulled you closer and kissed you because honestly he loved hearing you talk about linguistics but he couldn’t handle it anymore please it’s 3 in the morning 
you cuddled into him 
he was almost dozing off when suddenly you spoke up from the crook of his neck 
“my biology final is in three weeks”
at that moment, he was alert and awake again 
all he did was sigh as he kissed the top of your head
here you guys went again 
i think the next member i’ll write about is Hongjoong so wait for that because it’ll be out soon!
thanks and love you guys!
- luna 
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andromeda1023 · 6 years ago
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Weird science: NASA's twins study reveals the strange effects of spaceflight on the body
Astronaut Scott Kelly made history in 2016 when he became the first American to spend 12 consecutive months in space after an epic 340-day stint on the International Space Station.
During his time in orbit, Kelly also took part in a groundbreaking study that involved his twin brother and fellow astronaut Mark, back on Earth. The brothers provided blood, saliva and urine samples, underwent ultrasounds and bone scans, got flu shots and more, all in the name of science.
NASA has now published the results of the study, which involved 10 research teams, in the journal Science.
Probably the strangest finding concerned telomeres, which are the protective ends of chromosomes. Those tips gradually shorten as we get older, and are thought to be linked to age-related diseases including some cancers.
n space, however, Scott Kelly's telomeres got longer. "We were surprised," said Colorado State University telomere expert Susan Bailey. She can't explain it although it doesn't mean Kelly got younger. Back on Earth, his telomeres mostly returned to preflight average although he did have more short telomeres than before.
In a statement, NASA explained that, because telomeres are important for cellular genomic stability, more studies on them are planned for future one-year missions.
In another finding, scientists noted that, while Kelly's DNA wasn't mutated in space the activity of many of his genes — how they switch on and off — did change, especially in the last half of the voyage, which ended in March 2016.
“While in space, researchers observed changes in the expression of Scott’s genes, with the majority returning to normal after six months on Earth,” explained NASA in its statement. “However, a small percentage of genes related to the immune system and DNA repair did not return to baseline after his return to Earth.”
Scientists also identified key genes that can be targeted for monitoring the health of future astronauts.
Crucially, researchers discovered that a flu vaccine administered to Scott in space worked the same as one administered to Mark on Earth, a finding that could be crucial for long space journeys. “A fully functioning immune system during long-duration space missions is critical to protecting astronaut health from opportunistic microbes in the spacecraft environment,” explained NASA.
NASA’s goal is to send a manned mission to Mars by 2035, prompting extensive research ahead of an epic roundtrip journey that could take two and a half years.
Radiation also poses a major challenge for Mars missions, along with the durability of astronauts’ bodies and minds.
Scott Kelly did experience some chromosomal instability during his year on the orbiting space lab that might reflect radiation exposure in space, according to the NASA study. He also performed better on cognitive tests in space but slowed down after his return, possibly as more things competed for his attention.
Similar to nearly 40 percent of all astronauts, the former U.S. Navy pilot experienced changes in the structure of his eye and thickening of his retina in space, which may be symptoms of "spaceflight-associated neuro-ocular syndrome." The changes may the result of fluids shifting in the absence of gravity, scientists say.
Also, like other astronauts, Kelly experienced a temporary height gain in space.
Scott Kelly described his historic year in space during an interview with Fox News last year. “I was surprised at how long a year is – it’s a really, really long time,” he said.
“It’s a crazy ride, coming back into Earth in a capsule,” Scott explained. “It’s like the wildest ride you will ever have in your life – it’s kind of like going over Niagara Falls in a barrel, but while you’re on fire. As soon as you realize you’re not going to die … [it’s] the most fun you’ll ever have in your life.”
Article by James Rogers
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algandarsplaguepositive · 6 years ago
I took both the 23andMe and AncestryDNA tests to see what my ethnic makeup is. The results can change based on new data they compare my data to but according to the current data, this is what I got.
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European - 100% | British & Irish (Ireland) - 32.9% | French & German - 30.3% | Eastern European (Poland) - 18.1% | Scandinavian - 2.6 % | Broadly Northwestern European - 10.4% | Broadly Southern European - 1.0 % | Broadly European 4.7%
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Germanic Europe - 36% | Ireland and Scotland (Mayo & Galway and North Connacht) - 36% | Eastern Europe and Russia (Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland & Lithuania--Małopolska & the Tatras) - 16% | Baltic States - 6% | Norway 4% | Sweden 2%
I also took the health screening for 23andMe and surprisingly I don’t carry as many genetic diseases and I was afraid I would. I already have Crohn’s and there’s a family history of gastrointestinal problems and autoimmune disorders (Crohn’s is autoimmune and gastrointestinal). The only variant my DNA showed was basically that I may need glasses when I get older but likely not.
For my final verdict, Ancestry’s DNA test is the better test for tracing ancestry. It’s far better at pinpointing specific regions and it keeps you updated with the latest data. My previous data showed that I had Middle Eastern, European Jewish, and Caucasian ancestry but they later eliminated those predictions because it found more specific eastern European data. However, Ancestry doesn’t show you everything. 23andMe will show you the migration patterns of your ancestors based on maternal (and paternal if you have a Y chromosome) haplogroups. My haplogroups basically showed migration from east Africa, through the Middle East, the Caucasus, and into Europe so that’s likely where the previous predictions came from.
As I mentioned, Ancestry provided more specific regions that 23andMe doesn’t currently have but 23andMe can show you vaguely a more distant history of where your ancestors came from around 200,000 years ago. Ancestry does a better job at tracing more recent lineage while 23andMe seems to be better at more distant lineage. 
23andMe also provides the option for health screening which Ancestry doesn’t do to my knowledge. You do have to pay a little extra for it but it’s good information to know, especially if you have a family history of medical problems and want to know how to better prevent onset. My maternal grandma died of Alzheimer’s so I was naturally worried I carried the gene but according to the results, I don’t so that’s a relief. Like I said, I was surprised by my results and you may be surprised by yours. You may think you’re healthy now there could be something foul lurking in your DNA, waiting for the opportune moment to ruin your life. You never know.
Anyway, this isn’t trying to sound like a promotion of any sort. I wasn’t paid to say good or bad things about any test, I’m just telling it like it is so if you were maybe curious about which test to take, you can be more informed. Anyway, that concludes my TED talk.
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sushmitamukherjee · 3 years ago
Miscarriage: Causes & Symptoms
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As many as one in four pregnancies end in miscarriage, so if you are dealing with this experience, you are certainly not alone. A miscarriage is a pregnancy that ends before the 20th week of gestation, and there are all sorts of possible causes, from chromosomal abnormalities to hormonal imbalances to polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). While your gynecologist doctor in Indore can help you with testing and treatment options depending on the cause of your miscarriage, here’s some more general information about the causes and symptoms of a miscarriage so you know what to expect when you go to see your doctor or midwife.
What is miscarriage?
A miscarriage is defined as a pregnancy loss before 20 weeks of gestation. In many cases, it is a surprise and occurs with no warning signs. One of five pregnancies ends in miscarriage — so if you’ve had more than one pregnancy, it’s quite likely that you will experience at least one first-trimester loss.
What are the causes of miscarriage?
The leading cause of miscarriage is a genetic abnormality in either you or your partner. However, some lifestyle factors and outside influences can increase your risk of having a miscarriage. These include smoking, alcohol, excessive caffeine consumption, and drug use. In addition to these lifestyle factors, some health conditions like heart disease, diabetes, and lupus can also cause miscarriage. The best gynecologist in Indore will be able to examine you for any abnormalities before you get pregnant that could lead to a problem later on.
What are the symptoms of miscarriage?
The symptoms of miscarriage include vaginal bleeding and spotting, abdominal cramping, and fluid leaking from your vagina. But many women don’t experience any symptoms at all. A miscarriage can also be caused by something other than a pregnancy problem, like an infection. It's important to see your gynecologist right away if you're experiencing any of these symptoms because they could be related to something serious.
How can I prevent a miscarriage?
If you’re looking to prevent a miscarriage, your first step should be to visit your gynecologist. He or she can help rule out any serious medical issues and then discuss lifestyle factors you can improve, such as stopping smoking and improving your diet. The doctor might also refer you to a counselor for emotional support. There’s no guarantee, but making healthy lifestyle changes could lead to a healthier pregnancy—and even help prevent another miscarriage.
What are my treatment options if I have had a miscarriage?
If you’ve had a miscarriage, the best lady gynecologist in Indore will likely perform some tests to determine if there are any other complications that could cause more miscarriages in future pregnancies. He or she may also recommend taking progesterone, as well as other medications, for several months after a miscarriage has occurred. If you have vaginal bleeding during pregnancy without a heartbeat, call your doctor immediately and make an appointment with an OB/GYN.
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What Causes Low Sperm Count and How Is It Treated?
Sperm quality isn’t necessarily something you think that that about often. However, if you and your partner want to start out or expand your family, the quantity and quality of swimmers you've could even be foremost on your mind.
While it only takes one sperm to fertilize an egg, the journey getting there are often rough. The more sperm you've , the upper your chances.
Let’s take a far better inspect why you'd possibly have low sperm count, how you'll determine needless to mention , and what treatments are available to help boost your reserves or otherwise increase your chances of achieving pregnancy.
Causes of low sperm count
Low sperm count, also called oligospermia, could also be a serious explanation for male infertility. Sperm count is taken under consideration low if it dips below 15 million sperm per milliliter (mL) of semen, although the standard is around 75 million sperm per mL.
Risk factors include having obesity or overweight, having experienced trauma or surgery in or around the testicles, and taking certain medications. Other things which can put you in peril include exposing your testicles to an excessive amount of warmth or having other medical issues.
Beyond that, there are various causes of low sperm quality, which can be divided into three main categories: medical, environmental, and lifestyle.
A history of testicular symptoms, injury, or surgeries, also as genetic conditions like Klinefelter's syndrome , may increase your chances of getting a coffee sperm count.
Cancer treatments, including chemotherapy, radiation, or surgery, can also affect hormone and sperm production. Radiation of the testicles directly damages the cells that produce sperm, while radiation or surgery of the brain can likewise cause low sperm count, as hormones produced within the brain stimulate sperm production.
Other possible causes include:
*swelling within the veins that drain the testicles, which is named varicocele and one among the foremost common causes of male infertility
*previous infections or sexually transmitted infections (STIs), which may cause blockages, scarring, or other damage to the genital system
*issues with erections or ejaculation (For example, diabetes and spinal injuries may cause male erecticle dysfunction or retrograde ejaculation.)
*issues with the system
*conditions like CF or being a genetic carrier of CF may block sperm from entering the semen
*medical procedures, treatments, or medications for a variety of conditions, including some cancer, antifungal, antibiotic, and ulcer drugs
*previous surgery to the male genital system , like testicular surgery, bladder surgery, surgery for undescended testicles, hernia repair, and in fact , a vasectomy
You may be surprised to find out that ideal sperm conditions are slightly but blood heat , which is why the testicles are positioned outside of the abdomen .
Overheating your testicles can lower sperm production. this suggests that anything from frequently enjoying hot tubs to sitting together with your computer atop your lap may lower your counts.
Other possible environmental causes include occupational exposure to herbicides, pesticides, solvents, and other industrial chemicals or heavy metals. Exposure to radiation from X-rays or other sources may harm sperm production also .
Activities like heavy drug and alcohol use, also as using tobacco or vaping, may likewise lower sperm count. Anabolic steroids, which are usually taken to extend muscle mass, will nearly always shrink testicles and reduce sperm production. Marijuana and opioids also reduce sperm production.
Other possible causes include:
*testosterone boosters, vitamins, and pre-workout supplements marketed toward a workout crowd all may contain small amounts of anabolic steroids, which may impair sperm production
*jobs that need long periods of sitting, like truck driving
*emotional issues, like stress and depression, particularly if they’re future and severe
*body weight, particularly if you've got obesity or overweight, also can affect hormones
What about masturbation?
You may have heard that masturbating too frequently can lower sperm count. However, this study Trusted Source indicates that you simply can ejaculate daily and still maintain normal sperm quality.
Signs of low sperm count
You may not experience any signs or symptoms of low sperm quality until you are trying to start out a family. That’s right — the most symptom of oligospermia is infertility.
If your low sperm count is caused by an underlying condition — a hormone imbalance, chromosomal abnormality, testicular issue, or blockage — you'll experience symptoms associated with the condition, which isn’t an equivalent as having symptoms of low sperm count. These symptoms may include:
*low drive
*erectile dysfunction
*swelling or pain in or round the testicles
*less facial or hair
Diagnosing low sperm count
If you’ve been having unprotected sex regularly for the last year and haven’t gotten your partner pregnant, you'll want to ascertain your doctor. If you don’t have already got a medical care provider, you'll browse Dr.Alka IVF . In fact, you'll want to go certain a meeting sooner if you've got symptoms like trouble ejaculating, pain within the testicles, or previous surgeries.
Diagnosis usually involves a physical exam, medical record , and semen analysis.
We know — ejaculating into a cup could also be the last item you would like to try to .
A semen analysis could also be particularly helpful in receiving a diagnosis, as your sperm are often counted under a microscope and checked for motility (movement) and morphology (shape). Your doctor may even want to repeat the analysis to make sure consistent results due to high variability between samples.
You’ll likely be given a container at your doctor’s office. You’ll be asked to masturbate and ejaculate into the container either at the clinic or reception . If you decide to gather the sample reception , you’ll be instructed on the way to look after the specimen until you'll catch on back to the lab within an hour.
Other tests your doctor may try include:
*blood tests to see hormones or chromosomes
*ultrasound to see the testicles or prostate
*biopsy to guage sperm production within the case of blockages
Treatment for low sperm count
The treatment you receive for low sperm count will depend upon the cause. There also are some ways you'll change up your trying to conceive (TTC) routine which will make pregnancy more possible.
For instance , a varicocele are often corrected with a minor outpatient surgery, and former vasectomies are often reversed.
In other cases, sperm are often directly obtained for assisted reproduction procedures like in vitro fertilization (IVF) by surgically retrieving it from the testicle or epididymis.
Infections within the reproductive tract are often treated with medications. It’s important to treat infections promptly. albeit an infection is correctly treated, sperm count might not always return to normal if permanent tissue scarring has occurred.
Issues with sexual activity , including male erecticle dysfunction or ejaculation , may answer a mixture of medication and counseling.
Hormonal treatments
Since testosterone and other hormone levels that are either too high or too low can cause low sperm count, addressing the amount with medications and other treatments may help restore fertility.
Remember that the utilization of anabolic steroids, testosterone, or maybe most over-the-counter testosterone boosters can cause infertility, so avoid these.
Lifestyle modifications
Things you can do reception to extend the chances of pregnancy with low sperm count include having sexual activity more frequently and timing sex with ovulation.
For example, having sex a day or every other day within a couple of days before, during, and after ovulation will help make sure that the swimmers who make it all the thanks to the egg get there at the proper time.
While you’re at it, skip all lubricants which will slow sperm travel. If you would like to use lubrication, try something like Pre-Seed, but use it sparingly. Despite the common misconception, even Pre-Seed can introduce a physical barrier if utilized in excess.
And avoid activities that raise the temperature of the testicles, like frequent bathtub dips, saunas, or steam rooms. Lastly, avoid excessive drug and alcohol use, also as workout supplements that are known to lower sperm quality.
 Alternative medicine
Although a spread of vitamin supplements are studied, antioxidants or vitamins may have a minimal effect unless you've got a real dietary deficiency.
Speak together with your doctor before taking supplements, as some may interact with other medications you’re taking.
Give it time
It’s important to notice that any treatments or lifestyle changes might not be reflected in your sperm count directly , because the time-frame of sperm production and transit is up to 2 to three months. As such, you'll not see a rise for 3 months, on the average .
Low sperm count and infertility
The good news is that having fewer sperm swimming around doesn’t mean it’s impossible to realize pregnancy — it's going to just make take a touch longer. Researchers share that unless your sperm count is zero Trusted Source, you'll still be ready to get your partner pregnant with time.
Statistics are hard to return by here, as just how long it takes depends on variety of things that are individual to you and your partner, including how low your sperm count is and the way healthy your sperm are.
For example, motility refers to a sperm’s ability to urge where it must go. If your motility is sweet , having few sperm might not be as big of a drag .
Your partner’s fertility affects the equation also , as does your ability to time sex with the ovulation window. Fortunately, you've got options if pregnancy isn’t happening.
Assisted reproduction
In some cases of abnormal semen quality, your doctor may suggest intrauterine insemination (IUI). At the time of ovulation, you supply sperm during a cup that’s then washed and concentrated. Next, the sperm is placed within the uterus employing a long, flexible tube.
If your sperm count is extremely low, in vitro fertilization (IVF) could also be a far better option. during this procedure, doctors give the feminine partner certain drugs to develop healthy eggs and retrieve the mature eggs surgically.
Meanwhile, sperm are often collected before time and frozen, or supplied fresh the day of fertilization. Your doctor fertilizes the eggs during a lab then transfers healthy embryos into the uterus to implant. This whole process takes around 3 weeks to finish .
While this assisted reproductive technology is that the best , it’s also the foremost invasive and expensive. consistent with Planned Parenthood, one cycle of IVF can cost $15,000 or more.
The takeaway
Couples can get pregnant with low sperm count. it's going to just take longer than you originally expected, and it's going to require seeing a doctor to ascertain how you'll improve your sperm quality.
Regardless, if you think you've got a problem , make a meeting together with your doctor. That way, you'll get a far better picture of just how low your count could be , what treatments are available, and whether you would like to explore options like or IVF to grow your family.
If your low sperm count is caused by an underlying health condition, your doctor also can assist you get the treatment you would like to alleviate the other symptoms you’re experiencing.
If you need more information about low sperm count low sperm count symptoms and causes and etc. You can go to this blog.
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linuxgamenews · 4 years ago
Beyond Mankind now has an official launch date
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Beyond Mankind action RPG gets a release date in Linux gaming, Mac, and Windows PC. Thanks to the creative efforts of developer Brytenwalda. The first person game is gearing up to make its Steam debut. Beyond Mankind the epic new action RPG from Brytenwalda. This is also the team responsible for the Viking Conquest DLC for Mount & Blade. Now finally announcing the official release date: August 31st. The game has been delayed from the May release. This is mainly to complete the work of the voice actors. Since the release date will offer localization in seven languages (English, French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian and Chinese).
Think Fallout meets Spec Ops: The Line!
Beyond Mankind takes place in a post apocalyptic world sporting a mature and deep story. Including rich exploration, tense combat, and immersive RPG mechanics. The action RPG also pitches the player in front of a real dilemma faced by humankind. While offering offer ports in Linux gaming, Mac, and Windows PC. It’s 2121, and Earth is in the hands of a new branch of humans. You, with your implanted memories of a past world, are at the center of a plot to regain the planet. You create your character in Beyond Mankind and take on a mission to help human civilization. Which is currently exiled off-world. You will be part of H.O.P.E., an elite military unit at the vanguard of a war to recover Earth. You will start under the ruins of what once was the town of Avalon on the island of Santa Catalina. From there, you will take on an epic journey that will test both your character and ability.
The Beyond Mankind Experience
As you play, you will face unknown challenges with surprising solutions. Social interaction within the game is deep. While you develop personality based kinship, loyalty, and even romance. Beyond Mankind places importance not only on the player's interaction. This also applies to the story, which is the fabric that keeps a game world together. NPCs are an important tool to achieve both objectives. You can also talk, persuade, intimidate, or flirt with them. Since they are the ones who weave the story. As a result, the player's decisions affect their lives, sometimes literally.
Unique character creation
You are a H.O.P.E. soldier, and you begin your journey like all the others. Created with genetic hacks and grown in a Techno-Womb at the H.O.P.E. base on Santa Catalina. You will create your character by selecting chromosome combination. Also includes ancestral subspecies, effects of diet and climate, culture, and skills. Beyond Mankind a much deeper process than your average action RPG.
Beyond Mankind: The Awakening - Release Date Trailer (Linux gaming, Mac, Windows PC)
The earth is no longer ours
In the year 2121, Earth is in the last stages of a nuclear winter. A new species controls the frozen landscape of ruined cities and havoc. The new megafauna, quickly evolving in the cold and radiation. Now making the world even more dangerous. The remnants of civilization are faced with an existential dilemma. Whether to keep hope in humankind and embark on an uncertain war to regain Earth. OR simply accept the slow extinction of a failed species. Visionaries emerge, but it is far from clear whether following them will lead to glory or destruction. n Beyond Mankind, species is at a crossroads, and the outcomes of all options seem dire. It is into this relentless, frozen, and violent world that you awaken. You are also newly born of the Techno-Womb and engineered for success. Implanted the memories from a century before. You could be just one more of the hundreds that rummage through the ruins for lost treasures. Or endlessly train for a war that may never come. While fate holds a surprise that will change everything. The gameplay certainly seems to resemble the original Half-Life, at first glance.
Intriguing and dark narrative - Beyond Mankind provides a unique experience. Where you will discover a post-apocalyptic world through the main story. As well as secondary quests shaped by your decisions.
A rich and dynamic world - Help human civilization, exiled in space, and avoid extinction. All while exploring an Earth devastated by nuclear war.
Unique character generation - Create a character based on DNA and culture selection. Then gain experience to improve your abilities.
Complex social interactions - Experience personality based kinship, loyalty, and romance. All as you interact with other characters.
Real dilemmas - Face problems that may not always have a completely positive solution. Well, let alone an obvious one.
Challenging survival mechanics - Explore, collect or hunt for food, and craft tools. Then light fires for cooking and warmth, and construct a shelter. Above all, monitor your psychological state.
3D inventory management - Pick your resources at your camp. Storage space is limited, so choosing well can make the difference between life and death.
Beyond Mankind the epic new action RPG will release on August 31st, 2021. This will obviously also includes support in Linux gaming, Mac, and Windows PC via Steam. So be sure to Wishlist the game now.
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dietadviser · 7 years ago
What is really in your orange juice
When my sisters and I were expanding up, we consumed alcohol orange juice made from frozen orange concentrate. The taste? Kind of flat - second best. That's what my mommy bought, to make sure that's exactly what we drank. On our birthday celebrations, nevertheless, my mom would certainly always make us a glass of newly squeezed orange juice - a treat we enjoyed. Also as a kid, I asked yourself why fresh-squeezed orange juice tasted so dramatically various (far better!) than orange juice made from icy concentrate.
When my partner (currently husband) relocated to New York City after graduate college, he started consuming Tropicana Pure Costs orange juice without pulp every early morning. When we started living with each other, I complied with fit. I suched as how every carton of Tropicana tasted exactly the very same - not a surprises. The flavor was regularly wonderful, smooth and 'orange-like.'
Like most Americans, what I cannot understand is that orange juice is a highly processed food.
Juice concentrates
Juice focuses are designed to be shelf-stable. Equipments draw out the juice of ripe fruit. To end up being a 'concentrate,' this all-natural fruit juice gets a warmth treatment that evaporates most of its water, resulting in a syrup-like uniformity. With a reverse osmosis procedure, water is included back - it also includes adding and subtracting particular chemicals as well as all-natural fruit by-products to generate a condensed version of a 'all-natural' fruit juice. There was a reason that I believed icy concentrate orange juice tasted blah: turns out that vegetables and fruits are removed of their taste when they are converted to focus, and also it's the reason business re-flavor your juice - to make sure that it tastes 'fresh. '
Not from concentrate (a.k.a. pasteurized juice)
Sounds healthy and balanced? Not! 'Not from concentrate' describes a process where, after the oranges are squeezed by devices, the juice is kept in holding tanks. Oxygen is after that gotten rid of from the juice, a procedure called deaeration, which stops oxidation as well as putridity, allowing commercial producers to maintain the fluid for approximately a year.
Removing oxygen from the juice additionally provides it tasteless. According to Alissa Hamilton, the author of Squeezed: Exactly what You Have no idea Regarding Orange Juice, juice companies then hire taste and also scent firms - the same ones that develop perfumes for high-fashion designers­ - to create flavor packs to reintroduce that 'fresh' orange juice taste.
You will not locate taste packs noted on a food tag, nevertheless. At civileats.com, Hamilton states:
Although taste packs are practically stemmed from orange essence and oil, 'those in the market will certainly inform you that the taste packs, whether created reconstituted or pasteurized orange juice, resemble absolutely nothing discovered in nature. The packs included in juice set aside for the North American market often tend to have high quantities of ethyl butyrate [scroll to the 'human toxicity excerpts' - not nice!], a chemical in the fragrance of fresh squeezed orange juice that, juice companies have actually found, Americans favor.'
Potential toxin exposure
You may consider Florida as the 'Orange State,' a location where oranges are expanded as well as processed for juice. That was when true. Yet, in her book Squeezed, Hamilton notes that given that 1962 when the first significant freeze struck Florida's processed orange juice sector, participants of the Florida industry assisted establish a juice processing framework in Brazil. In 1985, Brazil had actually exceeded Florida's orange manufacturing as well as has actually because ended up being the globe leader. And, by 1995, the U.S. started importing 'not from concentrate' orange juice from Brazil.
In 2012, reduced degrees of carbendazim, a chemical used to eliminate fungus - and prohibited in the UNITED STATE - were discovered in orange juice imported from Brazil. In animal researches, carbendazim has actually been connected to abnormality and chromosome problems. As an aneugen, it hinders cell department and can cause mutations.
While the FDA stated the juice safe to consume after testing due to the fact that the fungicide was below 'harmful' levels, the inquiry is whether you want to take that danger. While the use of carbendazim as a chemical is banned in the United States, it is legal to use in various other countries - like Brazil.
Like pasteurized milk, the suggestion behind pasteurization is to warm the juice to the factor that possibly harmful pathogens (microorganisms, viruses, molds) are killed. Objective achieved. Pasteurization also kills off important enzymes, vitamins, minerals and also antioxidants in the juice - the very factor so several of us consume it in the very first place.
By alcohol consumption refined orange juice, you are no much longer consuming an entire food that consists of a variety of phytonutrients, including flavonoids discovered in the white pith of the orange, vitamins (like vitamin C), minerals (such as potassium) and also fiber.
And, by drinking processed orange juice, you are essentially consuming sugar. Did you understand that an eight-ounce glass of orange juice consists of 8 teaspoons of sugar and also a minimum of HALF of this sugar is fructose? In truth, you get 25 grams of fructose, which well surpasses your day-to-day demand. Because there is no fiber, orange juice acts similar to sugar, entering your blood stream swiftly and increasing insulin degrees. Overconsumption of fructose (think about the frequency of high fructose corn syrup in processed foods) is linked to the increase in excessive weight and other wellness problems.
The ideal service? Think about orange juice a periodic reward as well as press your own, making use of organic oranges - especially for children.
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