#genrai ask
okamirayne · 9 months
So…hey…erm….Is it wrong that I totally ship BtB Raidō and Genma? 😅 Just saying. I blame you Miss Rayne. You wrote them so beautifully and I will ship all over them with my shipper sluttiness. ✌🏼
Is it wrong that I totally ship BtB Raidō and Genma?
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I mean, heck…I get it. I do.
I blame you Miss Rayne.
I will take whatever punishment you mete out, dear Anon. 🙇🏻‍♀️
You wrote them so beautifully and I will ship all over them with my shipper sluttiness.
Aw. First, bless you for saying that. I’m touched — in the head, clearly — but I mean in my heart 💓
You do you and ship away! I love writing them…their friendship/partnership and the way it unfolds in my dastardly brain is a very enjoyable thing to write…and if it inspires in your headspace something more…well, again, I get it. 💜
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cyb-by-lang · 1 year
The scene I remember most was that time Kei accidentally visited Genma while he was with Raidou, The second hand embarrassment for all parties involved still haunts me to this day.
Hahahaha, yeah, that was a moment Kei's never gonna forget, either.
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shiranuigenma · 1 month
Just Go - GenRai
TEEN+ // ALSO ON AO3 Words: 1,327 Warnings: Angst, implied/referenced character death, Genma is drunk and sad
Umm.... So I found this in my WIPs on my google docs... it was already complete... So here's your reminder that even though I haven't actually written anything completely new in a few years, I can still break your hearts. :)
Genma has made a mistake.
He realizes that now as the other man lays him out flat, his head spinning from a combination of the alcohol and the hit he just took, the dirty bar floor sticky and hard beneath his aching cheek. Why had he gotten into this mess, he asks himself as he pushes himself up with a wince, groaning when the other man kicks him back down, boot heavy on his back.
"Where do you think you're going?" he demands, pushing harder when Genma tries to get up again, and Genma groans at the pressure on his ribs. "What, you start a fight you can't finish and now you're trying to run?" Oh, man, he is way too drunk for this.
"Get off me," he mutters, swinging wildly at the other man's leg, a swift kick to the side subduing him once more. "Get off!"
"Hey!" Relief floods through him when a new voice joins the fray, and he takes a gasping breath when the foot lifts from his back. Raidou. "What are you doing?"
"He came at me," the guy tries defending himself, but Raidou's not hearing any of it, and suddenly he's on the floor by Genma, out cold.
"Come on," Raidou says, grabbing Genma's hand and pulling him to his feet, turning his head to examine the swelling of his cheek, already beginning to bruise. "Damn, he got you good. What happened?"
"Nothing," Genma mutters, half-heartedly swatting his hand away, stumbling into Raidou's side when he tries to take a step toward the exit. He grumbles a pathetic attempt at a protest when Raidou wraps an arm around him to keep him steady. "Stop, Rai, I'm fine."
"Fine?" Raidou scoffs, tightening his grip when Genma tries to push him away. "Please, Genma, you haven't been sober for a week, and I don't believe for a second this is the first fight you've gotten into in that time. You are not fine." Genma has no response - Raidou isn’t wrong. But he doesn't know how else to deal with everything that's happened.
The thing is, Genma's not an idiot. He's a shinobi - he knows that death isn't just normal, it's expected, but something about this one had hit him harder than any other loss he had ever experienced. Perhaps it was because he'd always been so careful to distance himself, never letting anyone get too close, but he was human, after all, and everybody craves connection... so he'd let someone in. And gods, what a mistake that had been.
In hindsight, coming to the bar tonight had probably been a mistake, too, but now all he wants is to stay here and keep drinking. Instead, he allows Raidou to lead him away, through the quiet streets to his apartment. Neither of them say another word for a long while, and Genma is oddly okay with it - there's not much to say, anyway, and definitely nothing that could make any of this any better.
"Rai..." Genma looks up at him, bathed in the soft glow of the streetlight, and he's never seen anything so beautiful... and so absolutely heartbreaking. "Rai, why are you here?"
"I'm here for you," he answers simply, glancing down at him. The small, sad smile on his face makes Genma want to cry. "You can push me away all you want, Gen, but I'm always going to be here for you." That hurts, in ways he can't even begin to put words to, and he draws closer to Raidou as they take the steps up to his apartment door, releasing him only to unlock the front door and push it open before pulling him close once more.
Genma can't remember the last time he had allowed himself this simple comfort, the warmth of Raidou pressed against his side - all he knows is that he has missed this, and he does not want it to end. So he clings to it, clings to Raidou as long as he can, until Raidou delivers him to his bed and pulls away. He feels empty, utterly hollow as he watches Raidou walk away, too drunk and too tired to give chase.
"Stay," he mumbles before he can stop himself, and Raidou pauses in the doorway, glancing over his shoulder at him once more. That smile is back, and despite the sight of Raidou turning and walking over to him, laying on the bed beside him, he feels something inside of him shatter. "Please... just stay." His voice breaks as he pulls Raidou in, burying his face in his chest and repeating that single word like it's the only one he knows. "Stay."
It's what he can't say that fills what little space remains between them, heavy on the tip of his tongue, catching in his throat. Not just tonight. Please, Raidou, please I'm begging you don't ever leave me again. But he can't say it - because all the reasons Genma wants Raidou to stay are all the reasons he knows he can't.
"I love you," he chokes out, fists clenching around the fabric of Raidou's shirt, and then he releases him, looking up to meet his eyes. His own burn with tears. He shouldn't have asked him to stay. "But you can't be here. You need to go."
"I said go!" Genma is out of the bed in an instant, stumbling over his own feet as he backs away. This is too much, the sight of him sitting there on his bed, looking more hurt than he has ever seen him, and for a brief moment, he feels a twinge of regret - but he also knows he is right to do this, even if it is killing him.
"Not until you tell me why," Raidou says, standing and walking over to him, stopping when Genma takes another step back. "You don't get to tell me you love me and then shove me out the door without at least telling me why."
"Because you died!" Genma yells, and actually saying it out loud steals the breath right from his lungs. He doubles over with a harsh gasp, wrapping his arms around himself and clutching at his ribs hard enough to bruise. He has never wanted to die as much as he does in that moment, the agony of it sending him to his knees with a broken sob. "You're dead, Rai, and I... I can't. I can't do this. Please. Please."
Silence falls over the room, broken only by his sobbing, gasping breaths, the pain that had made its home in his chest tightening around his heart, slipping between the cracks in the fragile pieces of himself he'd been trying so hard to hold together and breaking them apart once more. This has wrecked him, in a way he had once sworn he would never let himself be wrecked, in a way he's still not entirely sure he'll survive - in a way he's not sure he even wants to survive.
"Genma..." Raidou kneels in front of him, and his arms wrapping around him feels so warm, so real, that he can't help but let himself sag forward against him, pressing his face to his chest once more. "I loved you, too, you know." His voice breaks, and he holds Genma closer. "I loved you, too."
"Don't." He knows it's not real, that his mind is creating this hallucination, telling him what he wants to hear - in life, Raidou had never wanted Genma the way Genma wanted him. Death didn't change that. "Please, Rai, just go."
Exhaustion settles deep into Genma's bones as Raidou releases him, and he can't bear to watch as he stands and leaves him. Again. For good. He expects it to hurt - to feel the anguish of losing the love of his life all over again, but instead, he just feels empty.
And he knows, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that with Raidou gone, that feeling will never go away.
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thechaoscryptid · 9 months
👀👀 hello! Here to ask about Wake the White Wolf for the WIP name game 👀👀 is this about Kakashi?? Or Sakumo??? TELL ME MORE PLEASE 🥹
(curious about my WIPs?)
Also tagging in @mrssakurahatake, who also asked about WWW 🥹🥰
It is indeed about Kakashi! And, by subplot extension, Sakumo lmao. So Wake the White Wolf was a project I embarked on in late 2018 into early 2019, back in my KakaIru days. It's the longest fic I've ever written, even though it's nowhere near finished - I did 120k in a little over 8 months, and I've never come close to anything like that before.
It was, however, an idea that was too advanced for my skill level at the time, I think. I had a lot of ideas (good ones!) but not the skill to do them justice, which is part of why it's sat in WIP purgatory for the last several years 😭 I've been so busy actually leveling up as a writer and exploring different fandoms that the work it's going to take to breathe new life into the fic was just too much.
Now, however, my Wake the White Wolf document is a beautiful blank page, and also going to be part of my novel-plotting process! I've got a few different plotting methods I'd like to try before I sit down and try to actually puzzle out my novel's plot, and because I know how WWW was supposed to go, I want to do a test run with that story (and then, of course, rewrite it).
There are things I plan to do a little differently this time around, aspects I'd like to flesh out and nail down, but it's been ages since I've really sat down with a Naruto fic and I'm just. Kinda. Giving myself space to feel all right in the fandom again as I work the story out.
I'm JAZZED AS HELL to really develop the secondary relationships in the fic more. There's a lot of healing to do between Kakashi and Iruka before they really can start to be together (forced marriage trope heehee), and I want both of them to be a little more mature before the turning points really start to hit. I'm especially excited about the IruAnko besties-with-benefits and GenRai "oh, so these relationships CAN work" vision
There's also a great B-plot about Kakashi that has to do with the fic's OC, Sera, and Orochimaru, which was like really vaguely alluded to in what's posted but I'm feral about actually working into the fic.
I wrote this at a time I was really just starting to question my gender and long before I came out as trans, and I think writing the fic (which, looking back, is an exploration of that gender angst) through the lens of a better-adjusted person is going to be a great experience and make for a more coherent, cohesive narrative.
I guess like LONG long story short this is a fic that's haunted me for ages because I really appreciate every single person who's read it but there's also that "fuck, I'm so much better than this" that I just have to GET OVER and rewrite the thing so people can see!!!
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cebwrites · 4 days
looking in
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oc | gen, slight genrai word count: 0.8k
While they're recovering from the Sound Four, Genma and Raidou get a visit in the hospital late one night.
Raidou nearly jumped out of his skin when he saw a ghostly figure walk past his bed - too tired and a little out of it on painkillers to think straight - but when he heard Genma's bed creak and the sound of his voice asking someone if they came here directly from a mission, and the quiet monotone that followed, he relaxed a little.
Even through the curtains separating their sections, Raidou could tell his childhood friend was consoling a shinobi he had become very familiar with over the years, still in uniform and a little filthy. Genma was scolding him for trekking dirt into a hospital and that he didn't have to cry over small potatoes. The reassurance that the blood on his clothes wasn't his didn't help in the slightest.
He couldn't see his face but heard the hoarse responding, "I'm not." Raidou could imagine the kind of expression the young man made, the kind he always had whenever Genma got hurt, and smiled a bit.
Eventually, Shiranui was able to convince Taeru to go home, clean up, and rest - best not bring germs and dried blood with him on his next visit, right? He must be exhausted, too. The tokujo were graced with the peace and quiet of their room once more after Raidou teased a little Genma about having such a doting baby brother. He was told to shut up and go back to sleep.
In the morning, the men are greeted with pumpkin broth alongside their expected hospital slop. The attending nurse chews Tae out for not letting anyone treat his wounds until after his visit and he pretends not to notice the heat of Genma's stare.
Tae gets round two of scolding after she leaves and Genma lays into him about the importance of wound care while apologizing to Raidou for not knowing what he liked to eat - getting just Gen-nii's favorites instead; his ear was twisted for not listening.
Genma makes a remark that he's only 30 and going to have grey hairs because of this little twerp, Tae's mumbled response was that he was taller anyway but even if he did, it'd mean they'd match. Raidou thinks rhetorically between bites of bread if Tae thought being cute would get him out of trouble.
The answer is apparently yes, since - although exasperated - Genma's expression softens still, and with a sigh, he tells the young man to sit on the floor so he can braid his hair.
It's not like it's the first time Raidou's been privy to moments like this; small bubbles of peace between their bustling, dangerous lives as shinobi. All of them were were aware that at any moment, all of it could be taken away. Hell, the reason Genma and Raidou were here in the first place was because they were defeated by Orochimaru's monstrous henchmen. The fact that they were so young stung both in the way that their opponents were just kids and that they were defeated. They weren't technically full jonin, just tokujo, but it still stung.
He wondered if those kids were Tsunade sent would be alright.
Tuning back into the idle conversation, Raidou watched his best friend carefully part and braid the younger man's hair. Genma mentioned how long it'd gotten, asking if he was taking care of himself properly - Tae's response was simply a low hum with his eyes closed.
Ahh, that must've felt nice, then.
Raidou briefly imagined what Genma's fingers running through his own hair would be like, but with his brother here all that produced was the unflattering mental image of himself with long hair in a comical way. He shook the thought away immediately.
His gaze turned to the two other men. It's not an unfamiliar sight; Genma's been tying Tae's hair since it was long enough to tie, long enough to cause the boy distress, and now as he's reclaiming his self image. Raidou was always in the periphery, as his older brother's - Gen-nii's - best friend. The comfortable quiet is nice, he thinks to himself.
It's nice enough for Raidou to reach over to try and pat his junior's head (although Namiashi was technically outranked), his expression the most peaceful it's looked in a long time; but that's disturbed as his wrist is held inches away and Tae asks what he's doing.
Raidou tries to awkwardly sputter his way through an explain for his actions, something about feeling the right moment - looking to his best friend in the other hospital bed for help. It felt as though he'd been rejected from petting a stray, or maybe an affectionate housecat who was sweet with only certain people and hissed at the rest. He could make a guess as to who he was right now.
Though all Genma does is take a second to hold the senbon away from his mouth, then laugh at his friend's discomfort under his baby brother's typical intense, off-putting gaze.
Heat slowly creeping up to his ears from both embarrassment and the sight of Genma's full-chested laughter, even if the cost was being hospitalized and wanting the earth to swallow himself whole, Raidou didn't mind moments like these.
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temari-i-i · 7 years
yeah I ship the background ninja with the spiky hair and the background ninja with the smooth shoulder-length hair
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raendown · 6 years
Ooh, ooh, genrai with good old bed sharing? :D
There were two beds in the room. Genma knew because he had specifically asked to rent a room with two beds and he could see the second one sitting across the room right at this very moment. 
So why, for the love of chakra, was he waking up at ass o’clock in the morning with the shape of another body pressed up against him from behind and an arm that wasn’t his own wound around his waist? As much as he appreciated the warmth, he really didn’t feel the same about the damp breath snoring down the back of his neck.
“Raidou,” he grumbled, “what the fuck?” 
“Shhhhhh-sleepin’,” a hoarse voice said. Genma scowled. 
“You have your own bed.”
“Cold,” Raidou told him shortly. “Gen: warm. Bed: cold. Sleep with Gen: warm.”
He thought about that for a moment, absently shifting so that the hand squirming near his waist could slip under his shirt and warm itself on the skin of his belly. 
“I suppose that’s fine.”
Raidou was asleep again almost before he’d finished speaking and Genma’s tiny reluctant smile went unseen in the darkness. Someday maybe he would get around to confessing these pesky feeling that had been building up in his chest over the last few years. 
Until then he was more than content to keep Raidou warm whenever - and however - his best friend needed him to. 
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ayyyez · 6 years
For the fanfic asks: 4, 7 and 12 please :)
4. What fandom’s/ship’s fan fiction do you read the most? Fandoms would probably be tied with Naruto, The Witcher, Red vs Blue and Mystic Messenger with what I’ve read most. I try to read mostly character/reader/oc stuff. I’ve read a lot of fanfiction and I can’t stop lol.
For naruto it’s mostly been for Neji, Deidara, Kakashi and Itachi for the Naruto guys and Sakura, Ino, Tenten and Konan for the girls. I’ve read a little NejiTen, GenRai, KakaYama, ShiIta, InoSaku, SasuNaruSasu but I don’t have an all time favourite ship I constantly read, I dabble in all. Most looked for is Neji stuff.
Mystic Messenger I read everything for every character tbh. I’m a sucker for the rarepair ship of V/Zen idk why I just love the idea of them but there’s not much content out there (I’ve checked a lot). I’ll write some eventually. I think V/Jumin and Zen/Jumin are alright to read to but I mostly prefer reader/oc stuff. 
For the Witcher I love Iorveth/reader/oc. I just love his character so much. Fic rec of this category would be: Tears of War by Tenshikyo on ao3.
For the old loved fandom Red vs Blue my favourite ships to read are tied between Locus/Felix and Washington/Tucker. Honestly love all the fics out there because there’s so many and a lot of them are well written. 
lol sorry I didn’t have a short and simple answer!
7. What’s the last thing you read that made you cry? I’m going to write two answers for this because ones fanfic related while the other is just fandom related. 
The first is the fandom one: (not naruto fandom) RT fandom, specifically related closely to RWBY and Lindsay Jones. I read this post she made about dreaming about Monty and it just really hit me hard as a fan and someone who looks up to the both of them. Here’s the instagram post here.
The fanfic one was something I was writing a couple days ago (lame I know) I was just in an emotional mood and decided to put it into an angsty Neji oneshot which I still need to finish. It’s based on the headcanons I wrote about being in love but it’s just not working - specifically about how they still sleep together once in awhile because they’re lonely. 
12. Friends with benefits or secret dating? I LOVE BOTH! But I think secret dating is a fun guilty pleasure read. It leaves opportunities for flustered moments and ‘oh no looks like we HAVE to kiss!’ moments that are hilarious and a bunch of ‘was that real or just an act’ fun. I live for the playful drama. 
Thanks for asking!  Fanfic Ask Meme
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genraiweek17 · 7 years
GenRai Week 2017!
Rules | Tags | Schedule
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Beginning August 7, 2017, join us in celebrating GenRai, the pairing of Shiranui Genma/Namiashi Raidou!
How does it work? Each day between August 7th and 13th, Mod Katie or Mod Rhoen will post the daily prompt. We’ll be reblogging content tagged #GenRai Week and  #GenRai Week 2017 to this blog, so be sure to follow for awesome GenRai content! (Be sure to include the tag in the first five tags if you’re a creator - you’re also welcome to @ us!)
What can I make? We welcome fanfiction and fanart, both SFW and NSFW (anything creative, really - if you have a playlist or photoset that fits the prompt that’s okay too!) in which GenRai is the main pairing.
What if I can’t do every day/prompt? That’s okay! Do as much or as little as you can! You also don’t have to be strict in sticking to the prompt - if it inspires you, go with it!
So what are the prompts? We’re glad you asked!:
Day 1: First Date/First Time Day 2: Celebration Day 3: Mission/Training Day 4: Bodyguard Day 5: Scars Day 6: Oral Fixation Day 7: Creator’s Choice
I have another question! Check out the links at the top of this post (also found in the header on mobile and the sidebar on desktop) for info on the daily prompts, rules, and tags that we’ll be using/tracking. If you can’t find what you’re looking for, feel free to send us an ask!
That’s should be all for now! We hope you’re as excited as we are for GenRai Week, and that you’ll join us in sharing your love for Genma and Raidou! 
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okamirayne · 3 years
OMG Rayyyneeee 😭 I would literally pay you to write a GenRai / RaiGen scene…dead serious. Like proper pay for it. You have seduced my feels so bad 😭😭😭. Genma’s poor heart!!!! I never counted on loving him and his ships as much as I do ShikaNeji! Witchery, bb!!! 🤣💗Xox
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Ha! 😆 Ah my dear Genma-fan Anon…and I would literally write it, if only I could take you up on that ‘commission-me-some-Genma-lovin’-offer’ without violating copyright laws six ways to Sunday. If fanfic paid, there’d be some jolly as hell writers out there!
That being said, I’m super happy you’re such a fan of Genma…and his precious dynamic with Raidō, even though crossing the friendship line would be a huge minefield for both of them. I totally get the appeal, believe me. I have my own little fantasies even if the characters don’t comply. 😂 I love writing those scenes with Genma and Raidō. For all the heartache Genma’s had, Raidō has always been a constant for him. 💗 Thanks for this ASK, my luv. Made me smile something wicked! 😈😉 X
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cyb-by-lang · 7 years
If Minato played match maker for Genma, why didn't he do the same thing for Kakashi? Did he give Kakashi any advice for his confession?
Lang: Kakashi never asked for assistance. Genma half-jokingly asked if Minato could just lock him and Raidō in a room, so that’s exactly what Minato did. Solution found!
Beta: Plus, his method for Genma and Raidō also involved them both returning each others feelings. Kei didn’t have that. She wasn’t really even aware of her own so it wasn’t obvious. Minato’s meddling wouldn’t have worked really at all. It would have just made things more awkward and likely worse for Kakashi.
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ice-ice-taeyong · 7 years
GenRai Week: Day 4
Prompt: Bodyguard Rating: Teen Word Count: 1,081 Warnings: mild violence, but nothing really Summary: When the Godaime got that particular smirk, shinobi everywhere got a chill going down their spine. This was going to end poorly. I’m sorry guys. The last one was short and angsty, but I prewrote all of these and scheduled the posts last minute. Also, this is supposed to be a ship week yet nothing romantic is happening. Next time, hopefully.
The three boys lined up in the Hokage’s office all simultaneously felt their stomachs flip over and their hearts stop when the Godaime, Tsunade, gave that smirk. Hatake Kakashi, ex-anbu and S-ranked jounin, Shiranui Genma, tokubetsu jounin and expert assassin, and Namiashi Raidou, also tokubetsu jounin and bodyguard all flinched under the implication. No shinobi was ever given a good mission when Tsunade smirked like that. “Hatake, you will be captain. You, Shiranui, and Namiashi will escort Takahashi Itsuki, a diplomat from Tea Country all the way to Suna. You will meet Takahashi-san at a tea house at this location,” Tsunade pointed to a place on a huge map that spread the length of her desk. Kakashi lifted his hitai-ate to expose his sharingan, memorizing the location. After he had done so, Tsunade continued. “And then you will take the target to Suna. I expect you three to leave the village before nightfall tonight. Any questions?” She lifted a brow and the three shook their heads. “Good. Dismissed.”
Genma was despairing, and the mission had only just started. When he and Raidou woke up, tangles in each other’s limbs, the sun just starting to peek over Hokage Monument, he was delighted that the summons bird carried a mission for the both of them. Genma had gotten back from a short mission a few days ago and the two loathed to be apart so soon. When the two arrived in the lobby of Hokage tower two minutes early for their meeting they were surprised to see Hatake Kakashi already waiting. Maybe he was waiting for Iruka? The chunin was known for working all night and the jounin known for dragging him to a bed and food. But when Hatake saw them he scowled slightly behind his mask. Genma and Raidou sometimes drank with Hatake when their group of friends went out together to the Shinobi’s Shuriken, but they weren’t that close. Raidou was the one to speak first, offering up a friendly smile and a small wave. Hatake gave his finger wave back, expression softening slightly. “Yo. The Godaime called you in too?” he asked casually. Genma wondered briefly if all that easiness was just an act. Once again Raidou answered, although he did reach out to squeeze Genma’s hand. It was unusual for Gen to be this quiet around a friend. “Yeah. We’re together on a mission. Think we’ve been assigned the same one?” Hatake nodded and Raidou nodded back. Genma was about to say something. If the three of them were together on a mission it must be pretty big. They were all very talented, and while Genma often has someone else with him because assassinations could go bad quick, Kakashi is practically famous. But before any other words were exchanged Shizune entered the room and signaled for them to go up. With one last hand squeeze, Genma and Raidou separated.
In the way only mentally unstable, ex-anbu, S-ranked jounin, I-have-a-bingo-book-entry-longer-than-I-am-tall shinobi could manage, the mission was getting completely out of fucking hand. Yes, I am looking at you Hatake Kakashi. Genma was despairing. So far the three-man team had gotten lost no fewer than three times, lost their target, missed the meeting place, were attacked by a pack of rogue nin, and were now wandering around the desert because no one could find their way to Suna. Much to the amusement of the Tea country diplomat, a young man with light shinobi training. He was just as hopelessly lost as they were, having never left Tea, but when he discovered he would be escorted by the famous Copy-nin Hatake Kakashi he was excited. And then both their target and Genma and Raidou learned that like most successful, genius jounin he was totally fucking crazy. Well, Raidou had used the term “eccentric” when they were lying together one night. They had stopped for the night and Kakashi offered to take first watch and the young diplomat was asleep in two seconds so Genma convinced Raidou to indulge in a little closeness. That was one of the best damn nights on this mess of a mission.
One week into Team Kakashi’s mission they arrived in Suna. The diplomat did his thing and three days later the group was resupplied and with a few pleasant words to the Kazekage, a friend of Kakashi’s old student, they were off. This time Genma was the one to memorize the maps. A good thing too because halfway out of the desert three Kumo nin came along on an assassination mission of their own. Raidou had paled the instant they came into sight. Genma just gnashed his teeth around his senbon and ordered their target to stay back, hidden and out of sight. Kakashi asked what this was about. “I had a mission in Kumo a month back. I had to take out a few particularly nasty people pretty high up on the food chain. On my way out, I was caught. I got out, but it seems someone is still unhappy.” Genma explained, eyes narrowing as he readied his senbon. Kakashi nodded and fell back a little, leaving Genma at the front with Raidou and Kakashi fanned out to his side, protecting his blind spots. The fight was dirty and dragged out for several hours, both sides nearly equal. Eventually, it was Kakashi who pulled some crazy jutsu with his sharingan. Unfortunately, this resulted in Kakashi falling to the ground in a pile of chakra-exhausted jounin. Raidou finished off the last nin while Genma rushed to his captain, giving him a little draught he designed himself. Kakashi probably wouldn’t wake up anytime soon, but what Genma gave him would start his body’s process of creating new chakra. The bodies were disposed of and then with Kakashi on Raidou’s back the ninja and their target went off.
They got back to Konoha without further incident. Kakashi was hoisted off onto Tsunade and her pink-haired student. The girl saw Kakashi and huffed muttering “I’m going to kill him, this is the third time he’s done this….” Needless to say, Genma and Raidou gave a condensed report and fled the Hokage’s office so the medics could work. Back in their own apartment, Genma and Raidou fell together in bed. They cuddled close, arms around the other and legs tangled together. Breath mingling as they slowly kissed. Then falling steady together as they both slept better than they ever had apart.
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anbu-legacy · 7 years
HI so I was busy writing fics for Genrai week and I just posted this one (on ao3 my url is Hannahmayski) and I used Raidou's mums from ANBU Legacy (I credited you guys on the fic) AND I COMPLETELY FORGOT TO ASK YOU BEFORE I POSTED IT IM SO SORRY I love your series so much if you want me to change the names or delete it or something let me know ohmygod im so sorry
We all have slightly different rules, but my personal philosophy is that fandom is for sharing good headcanons. I’m tickled you used Raidou’s moms. I’d just ask for a credit and you already did that, so we’re good. :D
(Now submit the link to us so we can read it!)
-- DK
P.S. Here is a soothing cup of-- I think probably coffee but let’s pretend it’s tea. 
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bouncyirwin · 3 years
For the fanfic writer ask… 🏆, 📒, and 💡
Hi Hilde 💕
🏆 fic you’re most proud of?
I answered this here
💡what inspires your fic ideas?
Literally anything from movies to music to other fics. Sometimes real life incidents (though rarely, but loss, for example, is a lot more poignant when you’ve experienced it first hand, and so is Iove.)
📒 any fics planned?
Always! I’ve been writing a bit for Knock Knock, but in terms of new fics, I have:
1. My ShiSaku Fake Dating Multichap, currently at 13.3k words. I’ll publish it once it’s completed, yes I’ve learned my lesson xD
2. An Iruka character study featuring KakaIru and GenRai one-shot currently at 4.3k words
3. A Nanami x Yuji’s mum jujutsu kaisen fic at 9.1k words which is purely self indulgent and I probably won’t publish xD
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mmj19eaglin-blog · 6 years
Our first shoot (Yay! Kind of...)
We had our first shoot with the Sheriff of Alamance this past Wednesday. It was a bit of a challenge getting access to the gear that I wanted to use for this story. Thankfully, I think the connections and reputations I’ve built at Elon helped me have access to the right tools for this project. We used Cannon C100s, wireless lavs and genrays for lighting. Our team put together a research guide and questions that we wanted to ask the sheriff. I thought that our team did a really great job with pre-planning. 
When we got to the station, it was cold and raining. We protected the gear and got some great external shots of the county building. The lighting was actually nice outside, because it wasn’t too bright. Eventually we got into the office and met with the Sheriff. He welcomed us in, although he was a bit upset about an interview he had with a previous Elon student. We also met with the Public Informations Officer, who had an Elon connection (He used to make announcements for sports games). 
The interview went very very well. The sheriff was responsive and extremely emotional about the topic of sex trafficking. He kept thanking us for getting the word out to different audiences. The only problem was our audio. The mics were on, but they must have been on incorrect frequencies. The lesson learned is to make sure the audio is working to the best quality before moving forward with the interviews. We had headphones, and checked our levels, but still our audio was not good. We plan to ask for another interview with the sheriff, and ensure that our other scheduled interviews have the best audio possible. 
I’m proud of my team, and I know this story is going to be challenging but rewarding. We have two more interviews scheduled for next week.
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