#gene’s one liners make me snort so much
onawishingstar · 1 year
i can’t believe it’s taken me so long to get into the show but bob’s burgers is so funny
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inyournightmares97 · 7 years
Why We Need Friends (Ch.2)
In which Jeon Jungkook discovers what true friendship means, and how it's more important than anything else in the world. (Featuring Yugyeom, Bambam, DK, MIngyu, The8, Jimin Park, Lisa... and a bunch of other 97-liners)
Prologue,  Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7 Chapter 8  Chapter 9  Chapter 10  Chapter 11 (Final)
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Jungkook didn’t visit the library often.
He was a dance major and while he did take a bunch of other classes, he had a tendency to merely cram last minute for exams using Namjoon-hyung’s notes. But the assignment that the Economics teacher had set them this time was harsh and he figured he should get it done sooner.
Not to mention, Yugyeom and Bambam were trying to score tickets to a football game this weekend. Jungkook figured he should keep his weekend open, and finish whatever work he had to do early. He was just browsing the books in the Economics aisle when he spotted a girl sitting alone, nearby.
Hyemi had her head buried in a book. Her face was inches away from the pages and her hair brushed her slender neck gently. Jungkook couldn’t help but stare. How could somebody be so pretty? Her nose was perfectly slanted and she was nibbling on pink lips as she read to herself silently. Hyemi was extremely graceful and her every tiny movement was entrancing. Her fingers tapped absent-mindedly at the table as her eyes scanned the pages.
Then she looked up.
Jungkook panicked at having been caught staring. His eyes went wide and he suddenly made a small bow in her direction. Shit, shit, shit. She saw me. What do I do? Do I say something? Does she even know who I am? He stared back at Hyemi and noticed that her own face looked a little flustered. She tilted her head in acknowledgement and gave him a small smile. They maintained a few more seconds of awkward eye contact before Hyemi turned back to her book silently.
Jungkook felt the breath whoosh out of him, and he stuffed the book he had been holding back onto the shelf before rushing out of the library. His heartbeat was thudding and part of him wanted to cringe in embarrassment. Why was he so awkward? He had just taken a few steps out of the library when he saw Yugyeom and Mingyu standing there.
“Hey! Didn’t find the book you wanted?” Mingyu asked him.
Shit. Jungkook had forgotten that these two were waiting for him outside. They seemed surprised at his empty hands and he nervously ran his fingers through the hair.
“Not really. I don’t even know where to start looking, that library’s so huge. I’ll come search later when I have more time,” Jungkook replied, hoping he didn’t sound stupid. Mingyu nodded simply, while Yugyeom was too busily staring at his phone.
Yugyeom suddenly looked up and grinned. “Yes! Bambam got the tickets for the game on Saturday!”
“Yeah. That idiot panicked, though, and he forgot how many of us there are so he just bought ten,” Yugyeom explained. He rubbed his chin thoughtfully, lifting a hand to count how many of them would want to go to the game. “I hope ten is enough. Let’s see… there’s three of us, Bambam, Dokyeom, The8 and Jaehyun.”
“Dude, that’s just seven,” Mingyu pointed out. “Bambam bought three extra tickets, the idiot.”
Yugyeom shook his head. “ Well, Jimin might want to come so we should keep a ticket for her. But we can still invite two more people. We could ask Lisa? And how about Mirae?” he suggested. Yugyeom tried to sound casual about inviting Mirae but he was secretly excited at the thought that she might come too. He hadn’t seen her since the night at Jungkook’s apartment. He did technically have her number because she was on one of the group chats that he was in, but he hoped that there would be a more natural way to run into her.  
Mingyu nodded. “Those girls are really fun. Ah… but wouldn’t it be awkward with Jaehyun and Mirae?”
Yugyeom blinked. “Jaehyun and Mirae?”
“Yeah, man, she turned him down a couple weeks ago. You guys didn’t hear? He was probably embarrassed so he didn’t tell a lot of people about it. Jaehyun asked her to have dinner with him but she said no. Apparently he wasn’t really her type.”
Yugyeom stiffened. “Oh.”
“Funny, right? Dude looks like an angel, you’d figure he was anyone’s type. But I heard she likes the bad guys. Is that true, Jungkook? You’re friends with her, right?” Mingyu wondered.
Jungkook frowned. It wasn’t completely wrong. Most of her high school boyfriends had been that type. Mirae had the tendency to make friends with just about anybody and she had been a terrible judge of character as a teenager. Her over-friendliness with the wrong people and reckless streak had gotten her into sticky situations and had also gotten the school bad boys interested in her. But Yugyeom was starting to look upset and Jungkook felt bad for his friend.
“I don’t know, man, I don’t think it’s anything like that,” Jungkook said casually.
Mingyu shrugged. “Hmm. Anyway, I’ll message the girls. Jaehyun will survive. You can’t keep avoiding every girl who rejects you in life.”
Jungkook snorted. “How many times have you been rejected, Kim Mingyu?”
“Hey. Don’t go hating on my face now, it’s not my fault I’m the best-looking one among all of you. You should have been born with better genes. Besides, look at you, Jeon Jungkook. You can’t get rejected if you don’t even try, is that your logic?” he challenged.
Jungkook flushed. “Don’t be-“
Yugyeom laughed and clapped him on the back lightly. He knew Jungkook got sensitive about such things. “Shut up, Mingyu. Bambam’s waiting at the café and he’s getting impatient. We should go stop him before he orders a bunch of food and then pretends to not have his wallet.”
“Oh hell, not that again-“
“Let’s go!”
Mirae was not about to turn down an opportunity to attend a game with Yugyeom.
Which was why at 9 am on a Saturday morning, a few hours before the game started, Jungkook was awoken by Jin-hyung. ‘Get up and put some clothes on, there’s a girl here to see you’, Jin had told him casually. Jungkook was exhausted and mildly hung-over so his confused mind immediately jumped to the wrong conclusion. Girl? he had wondered silently. The image of a slender, fair-skinned girl sitting hunched over in the library had flashed across his mind and Jeon Jungkook jumped to his feet to get dressed and brush his teeth.
Only to find Mirae sitting at the kitchen counter, discussing the best way to make pancakes with Jin.
“Oh! Kookie! You’re awake!” Mirae greeted cheerfully, mouth full of pancake. “Wow, you look like shit. Didn’t get much sleep last night? Or were you up all night playing video games again?”
Jungkook groaned at the sight. “It’s you?”
“Why? Expecting someone else?” Mirae teased. When she saw the red blush on his cheeks, her eyes widened and she grinned from ear to ear. “Oh my God! You’re blushing! You were expecting someone else! Are you dating someone? Or does Kookie have a crush on a girl? You have to tell me right now!”
Jungkook flushed and glared at her. He felt a little stupid; what had he been thinking? Why would Hyemi come here? She probably didn’t even know his name. Cursing his own muddled brain, he flopped onto the kitchen stool and dragged a plate of pancakes towards himself.
“Shut up. Why are you here so early?” he grumbled.
“Mingyu invited me to the football game with you guys!”
“That’s not until noon.”
Mirae nodded, putting more pancakes into her mouth. “Jin-oppa, do you have more syrup- ah, thanks. Yeah, I know you’re leaving at noon. But Yugyeom’s going to be there and I know nothing about football so I need you to brief me. What team do I support, when’s the right time to be cheering, what exclamations are appropriate when making a goal…”
Jungkook lunged for the mug of coffee Jin passed him. “If you don’t like football, don’t come.”
“But I like Yugyeom.”
“Yes, we’ve established that. Why don’t you ask him to explain everything to you? He loves it when people rely on him, it makes him feel smarter. And…” he suddenly noticed that Mirae was wearing a red football jersey that was a drooping slightly off her shoulder. It was probably borrowed, but that wasn’t even the problem. “Jesus Christ, Mirae. Wrong team.”
Mirae looked down at her jersey, panicked. “Yugyeom doesn’t like this team?”
“That team’s not even playing today.”
“Oh no! See, this is why I needed your help! Jungkook, do something! Lend me one of your jerseys! No wait- that won’t work. He already thinks we’re dating. I can’t wear your jersey or he’ll misunderstand.”
Jungkook looked horrified. “You can’t wear one of my jerseys, period.”
Mirae’s eyes brightened suddenly, and she snapped her fingers in the air. “That’s it! I’ll ask Yugyeom if I can borrow one of his jerseys! It’s not weird, right? I want to support the team and I’m just asking a friend to borrow a jersey! He wouldn’t say no! And I’ll get to wear his clothes! What if he realizes that I look so cute in his clothes, we just have to be together?” she let out an excited squeal. “Should I call him right now?”
Jungkook gave her a murderous glare and then picked up his plate of pancakes. “I’m going back to bed. See yourself out. And don’t come back.”
Mirae was nervous and a little jumpy as she knocked the door of the apartment that Yugyeom and Bambam shared. She’d only been here once before, a couple of months ago when they threw a party for Bambam’s birthday. It had been packed with people then and Mirae hadn’t paid much attention. But the moment she had texted Yugyeom about borrowing a jersey to cheer at the game, he invited her over.
The door swung open almost immediately and Yugyeom beamed at her. “Mirae! Come in!”
“Hi!” Mirae greeted him happily. Yugyeom was looking particularly handsome in a football jersey himself and a pair of jeans. His hair was flopping onto his forehead and he flicked his head slightly to get it out of his eyes and look at her better. Mirae walked past him into the apartment. It was a nice place; not startlingly clean, but not quite dirty either. “You guys have a nice place here! Is it just you and Bambam?”
“Yeah,” Yugyeom muttered, absent-mindedly sweeping things off the coffee table. “Sorry about the mess. We played video games and had drinks here last night, and nobody bothered to clean up. Is this your first time here?”
“I came to Bambam’s birthday party.”
“Oh yeah, I remember that!” Yugyeom brightened and grinned. “You were the one dancing on the table to Bad Girl, Good Girl, weren’t you? Jimin made a video of that and everything.”
Mirae frowned. “Jimin is going to die.”
“No, it was really cute,” he reassured her. He cleared his throat and looked at her with a sheepish smile. “So, uh, I have a bunch of jerseys that I could lend you but honestly, I feel like my clothes are going to be too big on you. Maybe I should get you one of Bambam’s… he’s at least a little slimmer than me. What do you think?”
Mirae cleared her throat. “Well. It’s just…”
“There’s way too many girls in this college that wear Bambam’s clothes.” Mirae winced slightly. “I didn’t mean that to come out wrong. He can sleep with whoever he wants, it’s just that with him, there’s too much scope for a misunderstanding.”
Yugyeom bit his lip. “And there isn’t with me?”
Shit, what did I just drag myself into? I just want Yugyeom’s shirt! Is that so hard? Mirae panicked. How did she get out of this without making Yugyeom feel bad about the fact that he wasn’t as sexually desired by the female population of the University as Bambam was? Her panic must have shown on her face because Yugyeom laughed at her suddenly.
“Don’t look so worried,” he chuckled. “Everyone knows Bambam is a slut.”
Mirae pouted at him. “Are you making fun of me right now? I was honestly panicking, I had no idea how to answer that! Don’t do that to me!” she whined. She hit him on the arm lightly and felt herself blush when she realized how hard his arm was. He had to be packing muscles under those broad shoulders. Yugyeom grinned down at her and then pointed her towards his room.
“Come on. My closet’s over there, you can see which one you want,” he explained.
Mirae followed him into his room. It looked homely, with posters and cute little photo frames on the wall. His bed was unmade, but he had blue sheets with little pictures of rockets on them and Mirae couldn’t help but giggle. How was Kim Yugyeom so adorable? He noticed her giggling and blushed a little.
“Shit, I forgot how embarrassing my room is-“
“No, I like it. It has character,” Mirae reassured him with a smile. Yugyeom started to dig in his closet for his football jerseys and she took the opportunity to look at a small cluster of photographs on the wall. They were all in colorful photo frames and most of them were from his childhood. She saw a middle-aged couple that were surely his parents. There was a picture of a bunch of guys standing in a group in high school graduation robes.
“Is that you and Bambam?” Mirae asked, pointing at a picture of two boys, aged around 13.
Yugyeom glanced up and laughed awkwardly. “Yeah. Idiot was popular with the ladies even back then, all the female teachers thought he was adorable. They let him get away with anything and I would always get scolded,” he whined slightly.
Mirae grinned. “It’s sweet how you guys have been friends for so long.”
“Hmmm. Truth is, I used to get bullied back in middle school. Bambam really helped me through that time. And he didn’t have any male friends because most of the boys were disgusted at how cute and baby-like he was, so we kind of just ended up sticking together,” Yugyeom explained absent-mindedly. Mirae turned and smiled at him. She liked how open he was, how he didn’t hesitate to tell her everything about himself. Yugyeom finally turned away from his closet and laid out two jerseys on his bed. “Okay, here they are. These are the only two clean ones I can find.”
Mirae walked over to take a look. Like Yugyeom said, they were kind of big. She placed her hands on her hips and looked down at them. “Hmm. Which one do you think would suit me?” she asked lightly.
Yugyeom glanced at her and flushed. “Uh… I’m not sure.”
“I’ll wear the dark blue one then. It’s the same color as yours,” Mirae pointed out with a sweet smile. Yugyeom was already blushing and she decided to push him a little further. “It might even look like we’re wearing couple tees,” she added.
“Eh?” Yugyeom laughed nervously. “I guess.”
“Can I change in your bathroom?”
Mirae slipped into the bathroom, but not without noticing Yugyeom’s red face. She wondered if he got that flustered around all girls or whether the blushes were specially reserved for her. She sincerely hoped it was the latter. Mirae slipped on the shirt over her head and lifted the collar up to her nose to take a small whiff of it. It smelled of laundry detergent and she was slightly disappointed. It would have been nice if it smelled more like him. All the same, she checked her hair in the bathroom mirror and re-applied her lip gloss before stepping out.
Yugyeom was sitting on his bed, scrolling through his phone, and he glanced up when she entered. His eyes went wide. Mirae had rolled the sleeves of the jersey up completely so they left her arms bare and had tucked the bottom part into her jean shorts. It was still a little loose on her but she looked adorable, not to mention he couldn’t tear his eyes away from her long legs.
“It doesn’t look too bad, right?” Mirae wondered, twirling her upper half slightly to look at the full-length mirror on her wall. Maybe she shouldn’t have worn flip-flops? Yugyeom was gaping at her and he had to clear his throat before nodding and smiling shyly.
“You look great,” he told her.
“Awesome. Thanks for lending it to me, Yugyeom!” Mirae chirped.
“No problem. Uh, we can leave in a couple of minutes, Bambam’s almost done getting ready. He’s deciding what shoes to wear, so I estimate another… seven to ten minutes?” he mused, glancing at his watch.
Mirae raised an eyebrow. “You’re kidding.”
“Sadly, I’m not.”
“Oh, well. Can’t complain, I guess, I’ve taken longer in the past,” she mused. She plopped down onto Yugyeom’s bed beside him and gave him a small smile. He tucked his phone into his pocket and racked his mind for something to say to the pretty girl that was sitting on his bed. He was terrified things would get awkward, but Mirae wasn’t someone to stay silent for long.
“Do you have a crush on anyone, Yugyeom?” she asked suddenly.
Yugyeom flushed. “Huh?”
“Eyy, don’t act shy. I told you I liked someone when you walked-sorry, carried me back from Jungkook’s place last week,” she said playfully. She bounced slightly on the bed. “Aren’t you interested in anyone? You must be. Even the seemingly uninterested Jungkook likes someone.”
Yugyeom blinked. “He does?”
“Yeah. I went over to his place this morning, and Jin-oppa told me that Jungkook started mumbling the name Hyemi in his sleep. But he’ll probably deny it to his grave.”
“Hyemi… oh? There’s a Hyemi in our dance class!” Yugyeom exclaimed.
“Really? You know her?”
“Not well. I don’t think Jungkook’s ever even talked to her. She’s really quiet,” Yugyeom explained as he tried to remember Hyemi. He had noticed Jungkook checking out the girls from their dance class now and then, but he hadn’t known that his best friend had his eye on anyone in particular. “But it’s possible that Jungkook likes her. She’s really pretty and she dances well.”
Mirae pouted. “Is she that pretty?”
“Huh?” Yugyeom asked, confused. He rubbed the back of his neck. “I guess, she is?”
“Bzzzt! Wrong answer!”
Yugyeom blinked in surprise, before laughing at Mirae’s antics. She was playing around with him, he could tell. He raised an eyebrow at her lightly, deciding to play along.
“Oh really?” he wondered. “What’s the right answer? No, she’s ugly?”
“No. The right answer is she’s pretty, but not as pretty as you, Mirae,” she answered with perfect seriousness. She reached out to pat Yugyeom’s shoulder comfortingly. “I thought Jungkook was bad, but you clearly don’t know how to talk to girls either, huh? Word of advice, Kim Yugyeom; the girl sitting in front of you is always prettier than the girl who’s not here.”
Yugyeom chuckled. “Yes, teacher.”
“Try it again.”
He tried not to look embarrassed. She was only joking around with him, Mirae was known for being playful. But he couldn’t help but feel flustered at her openly flirtatious nature. “Hyemi’s pretty, but she’s not as pretty as you, Mirae,” he replied cutely, holding back a laugh.
“See? You just made my heart skip a beat,” Mirae joked. “I’ve given you a very powerful tool, Yugyeom. Use it wisely and only for good.”
“Ahh… how does Jungkook put up with you?” he joked.
“You haven’t noticed that he hates me yet?” she demanded. Before she could say anything else, though, Yugyeom’s door opened and Bambam stuck his head inside. He was dressed nicely as always and was twirling a set of keys in between his fingers as he grinned at them.
“You guys ready? I borrowed Jinyoung-hyung’s car. Tonight, we ride in style.” He grinned. “Hurry up, I��m bringing the car round front.”
He rushed off to get the car. Yugyeom held the door open for Mirae so that she could walk out, but she paused and turned to face him. She leaned closer to him to whisper in his ear.
“For the record, I don’t know why girls fawn all over Bambam. You’re much more handsome than him.”
Yugyeom flushed. “Really?”
“See? It works on guys, too!” Mirae replied happily. She stuck her tongue out at him. “How gullible.”
Yugyeom pouted as she skipped away and he followed her, hands stuffed in his pockets.
“Hey, that was mean!”
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