trainingdummyrabbit · 2 months
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woe. alephswap!roland be upon ye. explode. 💥
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catharsiscatalyst · 1 year
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They have been reborn thanks to the Xamag fantroll creator on Itch.Io! I will expand on them in the future :D Introducing Juliah Valern and Gelica Valern respectively!
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lams-is-canon · 6 months
☆Hamilton headcanoms cuz I'm bored! ☆
MARIA (couldn't think of nickname): bisexual/female
BETSEY (Eliza): Bisexual/female
'GELICA (Angelica): asexual/female
LEXI (Alexander): bisexual/male
LAFFY TAFFY (Marie Joseph Paul Yves roch Gilbert du matter de Lafayette, the marquis De Laffayette): pan/male
HERC (Hercules): gay/male
Jeffershit (Thomas): pansexual/male
Jemmy (James Madison): gay/male
Washingdad (Washington): straight/male
King Georgie (king George): Aroace/male
☆ AND PEGGY (Margarita "Peggy" Schuyler): Bisexual/demi-girl ☆
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0averysillygoose0 · 22 days
I can still make the whole place shimmer (with the skin of a killer, Bella) -Chapter four
Prologue and previous chapters are in my master list♡
Angelica Cullen was supposed to have died over 300 years ago, but now she gets to watch as her adoptive brother stalks some girl from Arizona.
Born in the 1600s to one Carlisle Cullen and his first wife- a woman whose name has since faded into obscurity, Angelica was never supposed to amount to much more than marriage and children. Now a perpetual sixteen-year-old who wants nothing more than to be able to paint her nails in peace to the Mama Mia soundtrack, she finds herself with little to occupy her time.
Her relationship with her family is growing more strained by the day. The cycle of high school has long since become dull and draining, and despite her desperation for something else, she's forced to stay stagnant for 'the good of the family'.
A family who's wearing her patience thin.
Then Bella Swan moves to Forks and Angelica's pressure is suddenly raised as the Cullen family is thrown into a potentially life-ending challenge every five business days. The Quillute are watching closely, as are the Volturi for any slip-ups, and in the world of the supernatural, Angelica has the grace of a baby deer.
♡ ♡ ♡
Chapter four Edward's need for therapy becomes more apparant
Angelica watched enviously as Rosalie tugged a black tank top over her bra, pulling it down so it hugged her body snugly. She hadn’t thought much of her own body until the 1960s, when suddenly, her face was no longer enough to qualify as beautiful, especially in contrast to her sister.
Where Rosalie was tall and slender, Angelica was short and stocky. Her rib cage flared out and a large chest forced any hoodies or t-shirts to tent out in front of her.
Angelica had found a pair of low waisted jeans that sat well when paired with a white babydoll top that cut down just enough and flared out below her chest, hiding what she’d deemed to be unworthy of public viewing. The counter of their shared bathroom was littered with an array of serums, mascaras, lip glosses and hair straighteners.
Alice had asked them to dress well, with no other details as to why, just claiming it was “important”.
“Can you pass the lip oil?” Angelica asked, leaning closer to the mirror. She pursed her mouth, watching as dimples carved themselves out in her cheeks.
“This one?” Rosalie frowned, plucking a thin tube from her makeup bag.
“No, the Dior one.” Angelica murmured, squeezing her lashes upwards with a curler. She winced as the clamps nearly pinched the skin of her eyelid, though it wouldn’t have hurt. She held her free hand out and felt the cool metal of the container press against her palm. “Thanks, lovely.”
“Of course.” Her sister hummed. “Can I borrow your mascara?”
“What’s wrong with yours?” Angelica frowned, smacking her lips together. They shined glossily under the harsh overhead lighting.
Rosalie shrugged. “Nothing, yours is just better.”
“Then get your own.” Angelica muttered.
“Then you get your own lip oil!”
“It is mine!” Angelica protested, dodging Rosalie’s extended arm that batted at her wrist. “I bought it!”
“Carlisle bought it for us to share.” The blonde girl’s eyes narrowed irritably.
“No, he bought the other one for us to share, this one is mine!”
“Just let me use the mascara.”
“No, I’ll get your eye germs.” She snapped, clicking the lip oil shut.
“We don’t have germs, ‘Gelica.”
“You can’t prove that.”
“Yes I can, seeing as we’re dead.” Rosalie said irritably. “But if you want, I can go ask Esme if I can borrow from her if you want to act like a brat.”
“Whatever.” Angelica sighed. “It’s in my makeup bag.”
“Thanks, pookie.” Rosalie scoffed irritably.
“You’re actually so welcome.” She muttered.
“I am, actually.”
“Good.” Angelica retorted curtly.
A silence hovered over the two of them briefly, and the only sound that could be heard was the familiar buzz of electricity throughout the house and the sound of the others milling about as they prepared for their day.
“It’s so weird she didn’t tell us what we need to look good for.” Rosalie said finally, setting the mascara tube down on the counter with a delicate click as marble met plastic.
“She never tells us anything.” Angelica sighed, shaking her head as she reached for the product. “I honestly don’t even care what it is, I’m just relieved that I’m riding with Dad instead of Edward.” Her mouth popped out into an “O” shape as she applied the mascara to her eyelashes.
“He’s riding with us now.” Rosalie shook her head, leaning in to study her lips. “That oil looks good on you.”
Angelica grinned, missing her sister’s satisfied smile in the mirror as she began rifling through her bag. “Girl, if you need an escape just ride with us today.”
“It’s fine, I can just tell him to shut up if he gets too Edwardy.”
“Oh, perf.”
“I can hear you both.” A sullen voice muttered from behind, hairbrush in hand. He’d been there since they’d first come in, struggling with a stubborn knot. Angelica suspected that the sheer amount of hairspray he applied on the daily was behind his struggle.
“Good.” Rosalie smiled. “Maybe you’ll behave today.”
“Maybe you’ll behave today.” He repeated under his breath in a twittering mocking tone.
“I heard that.”
“Oh? Wonder how it feels.”
“I didn’t become a vampire just for you to bitch at me all the time, you know.” Rosalie muttered.
“Personally, I became a vampire to suck blood and fuck forever.” Angelica shrugged. She reached for her blush, a pale creamy pink color that brought the long lost flush back into her cheeks.
“You became a vampire because your ex husband brutally beat you to death and Carlisle has a savior complex.”
“It’s stuff like that that makes us hate driving with you in case you were wondering.”
“I wasn’t.”
“You should be.” Angelica told him matter of factly.
The drive to school had been far more relaxing than it had been in the past few weeks.
Angelica spent her time singing along to Queen and Taylor’s Swift while Carlisle, having made good on his promise to drive her in place of Edward, nodded along passively. He knew better than to try and talk over the lyrics. Angelica had been coaxed into attending school after being promised a guaranteed trip into Port Angeles with her friends.
Her seat warmer had been turned all the way up, and Angelica leaned heavily against the seat. As per usual, rain raced down the windows, blurring the familiar sights that made up the small town of Forks.
They came to a stop at the red light, pulling up beside a cop car. A man with dark hair and an impressive mustache sat in the driver’s seat, a pensive look furrowing his brows. Upon realizing he had a neighbor, he looked up and a smile broke across his face as his gaze found Carlisle.
Angelica heard the whir of a window lowering just in time to cut herself off from belting out Picture to Burn, just barely saving herself from embarrassment.
“Dr. Cullen! How’s it going?” The other man called from across the lane.
“Just dropping this one off at school.” Carlisle smiled good naturedly, shooting his passenger an expectant nod. Angelica leaned out, waving politely at the chief of police. “How about you, Charlie?” Her father continued.
“Pretty good.” Charlie nodded. “Just picked up Isabella yesterday.”
“Oh, yes, I remember you mentioning that she was coming to stay with you.” Carlisle said thoughtfully.
Angelica saw the flicker of red light dim from the traffic lights that hung above the car, suspended on a wire.
“Dad, the light is green.” She mumbled, tugging at his sleeve.
“It’s fine, Angelica, there’s no one behind us.” He smiled, waving her off before returning to his conversation. “How is she liking it so far?”
“We’ll find out.” Charlie shrugged. “She’s starting at school today. Junior year.”
“Oh, Angelica, she’s in your grade, you'll have to keep an eye out for her.” Carlisle shook his head at her with a practiced imperceptibility. Charlie remained happily oblivious, a nonchalant smile tugging at his lips.
“Mhm, for sure.” She murmured absentmindedly.
“Sounds great.” Charlie said.
The sharp honk of Emmett’s jeep behind them put an end to the conversation and Carlisle turned around with a sigh to fix the eldest son of the Cullen clan with a disappointed frown and a shake of his head.
“It was good catching up, Charlie,” He said good naturedly, “Good luck!”
They turned the corner that led up the hill to the school not a minute later, the music blaring just as loudly as it had been before the talk between the chief of police had interrupted it. Angelica was grinning ear to ear as they pulled in, too wrapt up in the swell of country songs to realize the car had come to a stop.
“You have to get out now.” Carlisle reminded her gently. There was an abrupt stop that cut through the chorus of Should’ve said no as the car’s ignition was turned off with the flick of a key. Angelica nodded, grateful that she’d downloaded the album on her ipod and would be able to pick up from where she’d left off soon.
“I’ll see you after school.” He said as she unclipped her seatbelt.
“Mhm.” Angelica fumbled for her backpack “Thanks for the ride.”
“Of course, my girl.”
The centuries old nickname brushed against her ears in a way that tugged at her chest and constricted her throat all at once. She gave him the smile she knew he’d wanted in return, her lips pressing together tightly.
She’d just stepped out of her door when a familiar large frame crossed over to her father’s car and Angelica’s face broke out into a smile as her older brother greeted her.
“Carlisle, funny seeing you here.” Emmett leaned against the window pane.
“It’s a small world.” The blonde man shrugged, a ghost of a smile pulling at his lips. “Eager to get here, weren’t we?”
“It was an Ed-mergancy.”
“Oh?” Carlisle frowned. “How was the drive to school then?”
“He made us listen to his music.”
Angelica scoffed. “Oh?”
“Bro is never getting aux again.” Emmett shook his head.
“Dude, I warned you.”
Carlisle shook his head, not wanting to say anything to condemn the boy. An orange truck had pulled in, rusted at the edges and Angelica frowned. She could have sworn she’d seen it before, rattling around highways on the edge of town, but never in the parking lot.
“That must be the chief’s daughter.” He nodded towards Angelica. “Don’t engage.” He reminded her. “Just to be on the safe side.”
“I haven’t killed anyone in like three hundred years, I think I’ll be fine.” She whispered back.
“Emmett, keep an eye out.”
“I gotcha. Bye, Carlisle.” Emmett grinned. He gave Angelica’s shoulder a soft tug, pulling her forward before she could protest the lack of trust in her ability.
“Bye, Dad.” She said passively, the words a second thought to her retaliation against her brother. She batted at his arm as they crossed the parking lot and Emmett scoffed in mock pain.
Although she’d never admit it aloud, there was a small part of Angelica, selfish as it was, that enjoyed the fact that no one else had strayed from calling her father any other name than Carlisle. That despite all the ‘adoptions’, no one else had given him the label of “Dad”. The separation was one of the few remaining factors that distanced the others in their connection to the doctor and Angelica’s own.
She’d taken up using the title some seventy years ago and hadn’t put it down since. “Father” had always seemed so stilted and formal to her, and Carlisle had hated it just as much. She’d used “Papa” for decades, immensely preferring how it sounded, although she’d attributed that to it coming from her mother’s native tongue. But when speaking French fell out of fashion, the word seemed far too childish to be used in the company of others. It was bad enough she’d been turned so young, she didn’t want to add anything else on top of her appearance that could potentially reduce her.
At least now, she thought, her age actually served as an advantage. Standing next to Emmett’s hulking twenty year old figure, she almost looked normal.
The new girl- “Isabella” or “Bella” as she’d insisted on being called- was, for all intents and purposes, utterly and completely ordinary, save for her one extraordinary trait of being the most uncoordinated person Angelica had ever laid eyes upon. She had brown hair and brown eyes, both the same earthy shade as the other and kept launching the volleyball in every direction except for the actual net.
Angelica watched as half of their grade fluttered around her, squawking out meaningless babble like headless hens in a desperate attempt to make conversation. Lillian and Anna were sat beside her on the gym bleachers, studying the girl from afar.
“I heard she’s from Arizona.” Anna supplied. Her freshly bleached blonde hair had been pulled back into a tight ponytail.
“She’s like really pale for Arizona.” Lillian remarked, taking a sip from her water bottle. Angelica’s own throat felt dry. She hadn’t taken enough last night, although she wasn’t willing to admit it to her family.
“I heard Mike likes her already.” Angelica chimed in airily. “Jess’ll be pissed.” She noted, pulling out a stick of lip balm. The smell of cherry wafted over her. She tugged uncomfortably at her pale blue top. The gym uniform of cheap cotton shirts and tight black shorts sat irritably atop her skin.
“Jess can go fuck herself.” Anna scoffed, her eyes narrowing at the mousy haired brunette who was standing across the room. The other girl didn’t turn around, unaware of the glare bearing down her neck.
“Girl, let it go.” Lilian sighed.
“I’ll let it go when she admits she started the rumor that I dry humped my pillow at the eighth grade lock in because I called her out for stuffing her bra.” Anna huffed, her eyes narrowed sharply.
Lilian let out a small slip of giggles.
“It’s not funny.”
“It’s a little funny.”
“I was adjusting my sleeping bag.”
Angelica snorted despite her best efforts to keep a straight face. Dimples carved themselves into her pale stoney cheeks as a grin twisted her mouth upwards.
“Oh my god, Ange, come on, you of all people should know she’s evil!” Anna hissed.
The girl’s smile fell instantly prompting Lilian to sigh heavily as old ground was retrodden.
“It’s been a year, girl, are you really still mad at her for the Edward thing-”
“Yes, I am still mad at her for the Edward thing.” Angelica snapped.
“Well to be fair, the rest of them are all together so it was sort of a reasonable conclusion-”
“It is not a reasonable conclusion, he’s my brother for fuck’s sake.” She hissed. “And my least favorite at that.”
“I mean he sounds like a prick, but girl you could do way worse.” Anna nodded knowingly. She applied a heavy coat of lipgloss with a tube she’d fished out of her sports bra. “Brother with benefits.”
Angelica gagged. “Christ, I’m gonna be sick.”
“Like if one of them breaks up does the least favorite go back into foster care?” Lillian wondered aloud.
“No.” Angelica frowned.
“I just don’t get it, like s it even legal?” Anna shook her head. “It’s fucking weird, Ange, even you gotta admit it.”
“I’m aware.” She muttered. “I’m aware that it’s fucking weird, but so is humping a pillow at a school sleepover.”
“I’m gonna kill you.”
Angelica let out a giddy shriek as she sprinted away as quickly as she could without arousing suspicion. Anna lept after her, a laugh streaming musically from her mouth despite her threat. Lilian watched the scene with a fond smile, her palm propping up her face as her elbow leaned on her knee.
And that was the first time Angelica ever saw Bella Swan. To her, she’d been a fleeting piece of gossip, a transitional topic, just another girl. A second thought in a sea of manythat filled her day. To her brother however, she was something else entirely.
Angelica had left gym class flanked by her two friends, as she and Anna continued to gripe about the tyranny of Jess and her wild rumors while Lilian rolled her eyes good naturedly.
They’d decided to grab lunch from the cafeteria and skip the following period by hanging out in Anna’s shitty old car with seats that were so stained the original color was a mystery. Angelica hadn’t been eager to return to Biology class after the Migraine incident and neither Anna nor Lilian felt particularly inclined to attend their chemistry class.
They’d spent their two hours switching between theories about why Jess was such a bitch and how awful their math class had been as of late. Even Anna, who actually enjoyed the subject had been finding it grating in the last month. Their substitute,who was filling in for Mrs. Mason while she was on maternity leave was quite frankly, the most boring person in the history of the world and Angelica, with all of her three hundred years of life, had yet to come across someone who rivaled the man. He had a voice that begged one to fall asleep, a sort of droning monotony that made it impossible to focus on the actual words she was speaking.
She’d been so caught up in her impressions of the man that it had taken her a moment to realize something was very wrong. It was only after she caught sight of Edward stalking across the parking lot with a stormy look on his face and a glint in his eyes she recognized all too well that any apprehension arose in her at all.
“Hey, one sec.” She murmured. Angelica caught the glint of silver car keys clenched tightly in her brother’s hand as he opened Emmett’s driver side door sharply. She heard it slam shut from across the lot.
“What’s wrong?” Anna frowned.
“My dad wants me to keep an eye on him and he looks upset.” Angelica lied, stepping out of the car. “I’ll be right back.” She promised before shutting the passenger door behind her. A flare of worry had arisen in her chest. Edward was usually one of the more collected members of the family, at least in public. It was odd for him to seem so on edge.
It didn’t take her long to reach him, the jeep had been parked only a few stalls away from Anna’s honda civic. Edward had the windows rolled down. He didn’t spare her a glance.
“Hey, you good?” Angelica called, walking over briskly.
“Have you seen her yet?” Edward demanded sharply. He was bent over the steering wheel of the jeep, a CD of what Angelica could only assume was My Chemical Romance blasting out from the speakers.
“Who?” She asked, confusion furrowing her brow. She bent down beside the open window.
“The new girl.” He said in a pained voice, his eyes trained on the dashboard.
Angelica struggled to think of what the girl could have done to Edward to bring him to such a state of distress. She’d seen the girl a little over two hours ago and was already struggling to clearly recall her face.
“Don’t say her name… it only makes it worse to think of her as a person.” He shook his head. “Her blood… it calls to me… it makes me want to do things, horrible things, for only a mere taste. I feel like a monster.”
Angelica stared at him.
“What in the ever living fuck are you on about?”
She recognized the tone of his voice, the fevered desire and Angelica wasn’t having it. Already the threat of whoever had killed the young university student in the woods forcing them out of town was hanging heavy in her mind, the last thing she needed was her own brother lashing out on a murder streak.
“She has o negative.” He whispered. “I could sense it. The monster in me, it wants out. We need to leave now, whatever it takes to get me away from her and the call of her blood”
“You sound like a serial killer.”
“She smelled intoxicating.” Edward murmered. “She’s intoxicating.”
“You know what else is intoxicating?” Angelica inquired sharply. “Therapy.” She turned on her heel, not having the energy for her brother’s melodrama. She pulled out her phone, punching in her step mother’s number, the complaint already on her lips before she even hit the dial button.
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Rolan and gelica are cute oke?
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nephilimmoretti · 3 months
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Head & Makeup / HEAD / lel EvoX Avalon 4.0 Kxnt-'Shannon Applier'
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Hair SANTE - 'Erika' Bun $$$PL//: Gelica WISP MWDLS $ Maya Hairbase
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Clothing VB. Molly Top Deluxe* VB. Molly Pants Deluxe* VB. Molly Hoodie Deluxe*
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Accessories [BL] Gemma earrings [BL] Eva rings
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Body Reborn by EBODY v1.69.6
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stonedgela · 6 months
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gela and gelica
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krisztamayer7 · 10 months
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Considering Typefaces
I looked at a variety of typefaces throughout the process to make sure I am considering what the difference between each one communicate to audiences.
Serif typefaces are often seen in more formal settings making the audience (mums) feel as thought this is important information they should be following or paying attention too. The consideration of using a rounded version and a sharper version aims to communicate how they see their tone and vocabulary vs how the daughter feels from the words said to her.
I wanted to use one that has a different feel without being noticeably different. This would make the slight different feeling in content to the audience.
The information comes across as fundamental to the understanding of your daughters words when using a serious typeface.
I analyse the differences of typefaces when I see them above I have demonstrated how I do this.
List of typefaces I considered:
Roca Gelica Sirenia Monarcha Apertura Mr Eaves XL
LO2 - Demonstrate your ability to use the knowledge gained to generate highly original and appropriate ideas, make critical and analytical judgements in developing your design ideas, evidencing understanding of user and audience behaviours
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entropic-fantasy · 1 year
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and Hobi!
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The Bangtan Sisters.
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gelicatz · 1 year
about me
hi! my name is gelica (pronounced helika) ! this is where i post my fanart, ocs, and whatever else i like :) i have my twitter where i post sketches/wips, and tiktok where i post my process, speedpaints, and fun art videos! thanks for reading :3
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trainingdummyrabbit · 13 days
gnawing at th walls thingking about roland
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A gigantic feat of erudition Eusebius' “Praeparitio” printed by Zel.
945G     Eusebius of Caesarea                  c. 260-c. 340 Eusebius Pa[m]phili de eua[n]gelica preparac[i]o[n]e ex greco in latinu[m] translatus Incipit feliciter.                [ Cologne, Ulrich Zel, not after 1473]                          $18,000 Folio 10 ¾  x 7 ¾  inches. [a]12, [b-o]10, [p]8      One of the earliest editions most likely the Second, (editio princeps : Venice 1470)  This…
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View On WordPress
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livsmithviscom · 1 year
Choosing a Font [3]
I found 4 fonts that I think I would like to use in my book. 
Looking for:
- Serif fonts, similar to fonts used for existing printed poetry. - Feminine, to stay connected to the idea of friendship between women - Legible, so text is uniform and easy to read and place - Range of weights
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I like the smooth and rounded shape of Gelica. It has the serifs I wanted, and also has a bit of weight to it without looking too bold and formal. I also thing it is a very feminine font, and comes across as very positive.
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Gimlet Display Compressed reminded me of old women’s fashion magazines, so it caught my eye when I was looking for feminine fonts. However I think it is a bit too blocky, and the shape of the letters in the compressed version of the font are too narrow.
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I first thought that Bree Serif was a very curvy and smooth font, but when typed out into sentences it doesn't look uniform. 
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Aesthet Nova was one of my favourite fonts. The letters are a bit more narrow and are taller than the Gelica font, which was my other favourite. But they both have the smoothed serifs and variations of the font with different weights.
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amyviscomblog5 · 1 year
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Book Cover 3 Idea
This was my third cover idea, using the same peach as the second cover but in a different way. This time i was thinking of really highlighting the layers of the peach so I enlarged it and moved it into the bottom right corner with the leaf overlapping onto the back cover. I added a title at the top using the font Gelica and putting a black outline on it. I decided this was my least favourite design as I wasn’t as inspired by it compared to my other two designs. 
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grad603harrysnell · 1 year
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After gaining feedback from george I changed my animation from a mono-type face to Gelica, which is another popular typeface that was used in the time of Sir Edmunds climb o Mt Everest
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Hj foi um dia especial sim pra mim e triste ao mesmo tempo.
*sabe quando vc tem que aceitar a mulher q ama ,ir embora da sua vida .foi assim q me deparei hj eu choro só de pensar cada momento q já vivi com ela e te fala altos e baixos foi bom pra cacete.. dói saber que ela foi embora.e decidiu seguir sua vida ou ambas ... eu só queria deixar de pensar nela sabe pq quem marca e passa por nossas vidas não será apagado jamais,hj minha vontade foi querer beijar ela mas sei q nela não iria querer,e eu como ficaria minha mente ? complicado né mas são coisas que passa na nossa mente e falta de coragem te impede de tomar atitude.nossa minha vontade foi querer agarrar ela só Deus sabe e eu😔...sabe o que eu penso quando eu morrer pfvr vá me ver🙏...isso seria importante d+ pra mim....por aqui me despeço e te desejo sempre felicidades no seu recomeço de vida bjs gelica.💙
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