tempizza · 6 years
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mirror-alchemist · 5 years
I’ve finished the recent update to GE3 with Phym’s episode. It was too cute and adorable and a little sad. But Phym really does make my heart feel better.
though nothing really on that plot with Ein. We’re getting closer to his conclusion and I cannot wait * U*
EDIT: Forgot to talk about the jukebox and other stuff. I love they added Wings of Tomorrow. That and Blood Rage are my favorite tracks from GE2/RB, though I hope for full on Blood Rage being added in the future (I know a remixed version is in there but I really like the original). Swimsuit is nice. I never really thought about my character wearing a swimsuit so it’s odd to see her wear one.
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goshushin · 7 years
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My God Eater OCs/protags, Akio (昭雄) is for GEB/R and  ‘Hiro’yuki (博之) is for GE2/RB. Akio is a happy senpai.
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michajawkan · 7 years
dunno much about the god eater games, would you recommend them?
They’re in the same sort of hunting/action genre as monster hunter, but they trade the low-fantasy aesthetic for being more of a sci-fi sort of deal and also extremely fucking anime in the best way
also it’s significantly faster, has fairly consistently helpful party members, you always have access to both ranged and melee attacks, the plot... I like it, personally, but it can get a bit cheesy and both the first and second game sorta hits the same story beats but I think it’s fun both times tbh
...now that I think about it’s basically monhun but it basically covers most of the things that make monhun kinda wonky and hard to play out of the gate, I even have a friend that got back into monhun after dropping it bc GE made the genre as a whole feel more appealing to them or something like that
ANYWAYS, if you’re thinking about just getting one game, I’d recommend Rage Burst , which is the revision of God Eater 2 (roughly equivalent to the G versions of monhun games)
There are some cameos and stuff from characters from the first game but you really don’t need to have played it to enjoy it + if you use that deal I linked earlier I think it’s the edition that comes with a free copy of Resurrection, which is a remake of the first game/Burst/+the new weapons form 2/RB and a story that takes place between GE1 and GE2, It’s pretty good but also it doesn’t have any of the new aragami added in GE2 but is the same length as it and it makes the later missions sorta drag on with the lack of new aragami to fight
tl;dr: yes, they’re good, imagine monhun but more forgiving, less wonky and also extremely anime, if you only get one game in the series, make it Rage Burst (which you can get for PC for 15 bucks if you buy it within the next 32 hours)
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ultimiavlad · 6 years
my GE2:RB predictions:
Psions come from the Nova Remains in some way
Red Rain is caused by the poisonous puffs of smoke that emit from aragami when they die.
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nero-the-fallen · 7 years
Currently at Difficulty 12 in GE2: RB, and can I just say, that Survival looks like a steaming load of ‘fuck that!’ ?
Especially since it ends in fighting Rocky the Pissed Off squirrel, and I don’t have any friends who are far enough to do it with me.
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aragamiwiki-blog · 7 years
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The Venus is a Large sized Aragami, which is able to deploy from the jellies around its body various attacks, ranging from Gboro-Gboro, Borg Camlann, Quadriga and Sariel along with its own attacks. Aim to break the jellies as with the removal of each, the associated attack will become unusable.
God Eater Burst
A DLC Aragami who in the pursuit of attractiveness became an amalgamation of various monsters.
God Eater Resurrection & God Eater 2 Rage Burst
A composite Type 1 Deusphage formed from a variety of different Aragami. Some think that it was a Sariel that sought pure beauty, but its true nature is shrouded in mystery.
The numerous gel-like protrusions on its body can sprout parts of the Aragami it has devoured, using them to attack. Destroying them can stop this. Bullets are especially effective versus the gel.
ATK Elements: Blaze, Freeze, Spark, Divine
Weaknesses : Blaze
Additional Information
Venus is the goddess of love and beauty in Roman mythology and the counterpart of the Greek goddess Aphrodite.
When downed, the left and right jelly become extremely weak to shot/laser type bullets. To inflict down on Venus, simply attack the front legs using Buster Blades (melee crush attacks).
Although the back legs are susceptible to Pierce, it cannot be downed through attacking that part, it can only be staggered.
When enraged, the female part will become extremely weak to shot/laser type bullets.
Venus is notable as being an amalgamation of multiple Aragami, being able to generate features such as a Quadriga's missile pods, a Borg Camlann's tail, and Sariel's eye. İf you're fighting against it, you'll notice that it uses a Gboro-Gboro's head, located in its rear, as an attack. Once broken it loses functionality of each part's attack. Another small feature is Chi-You's wings on its front legs sticking out like a razor edges.
You can get Borg Camlann's, Gboro-Gboro's and Quadriga's materials from devouring after defeating.
In GE2, GE2:RB and GER Venus is a regular Aragami that can be fought in Free Missions.
Venus is classified in God Eater Resurrection as a Type-1 Deusphage.
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mirror-alchemist · 6 years
Tumblur’s being a bitch and won’t let me upload my screenshots so a text post instead. It’s really an extension of my first impressions of when I played the JPN demo: HERE
*obligatory request that if you have the JPN version don’t spoil anything for me please because I want to experience the plot for myself kthxz*
I did manage to play the English demo for like a day and my thoughts are about the same as when I played the JPN version. It’s still an amazingly fluid game which some really nice graphics. Now that I can actually read the menus I really am intrigued by the Engage system. I feel like it’s a nice addition to help give a bit of accent to your style. Clear Body def helps me with my combat medic tendencies I see that the abandoned God Arc thing is back too. I just hope I can understand it better or it’s changed in a way that I can understand it better. I really hated that I had a goal in mind to get one thing and try to put in the parts that could make it, only for it to be completely different than what I had put in the first place. I only ended up starting to combine them post game of rage burst because I had hit capacity on them.
I can’t fully comment on controls since when I did the story mode of GEB, GE2, GER, and GE2RB it was on handheld so I’m still trying to figure out a good scheme for playing on controller for me. But it didn’t feel like it was against you.
Dual blades are my baby. For shits I tried going back to my original short blade but I’ve already gotten accustomed to how dual blades work. 
I can’t comment on the guns since I didn’t find a good gun style yet. I might have to look back at my RB set up to remember what I used..
Alas I didn’t play online since I couldn’t work out a time with my friends to play online. So I’ll probably do some online stuff when I get my copy.
I really can’t wait to pick up my copy next month ; u;
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