#gastarbajter tag
yugocar · 10 months
why is wanting to emigrate, but still having a strong connection to your culture, the worst thing ever. yes, im always leaving. no, im never fully home. yes, i chose this and would choose it again.
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yugocar · 2 years
anyway read this conversation that is ingrained into my mind from my first week abroad while i was living at an unofficial indie guy frat house:
guy 1: so why did you move here?
me: oh to study fine arts. you can’t do anything with it in belgrade
guy 1: cool
guy 2: cool
guy 1 turns to guy 2: can you do anything with a fine arts degree in the netherlands?
guy 2: more than you can in belgrade 
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yugocar · 2 years
tag directory 
decided to do a little tag directory, for anyone whose ever been curious what my silly little long tags are for! i treat these like personal little archives, so i’m constantly cleaning them up 
‘on the question of art’ - art history, fine arts
‘on the topic of art’  - contemporary illustration / animation / digital art
‘till the devil whispered behind the leaves’ - texts about art, art theory, discussions about art (primarily visual art)
‘a story is true a story is untrue’ - discussions about narrative particularly in the context of various media
‘personal art vault’ - my favourite artist and works of art, usually means i’ve reflected on these works/artist in a more serious capacity
“we do not judge the object but what it tells us” - eastern european art. made by, made in or made about.
‘lgbtq art / balkan art / comics zines and artbooks / history of propaganda // gen art tag
specific / themed
‘who suffered death because she chose to turn’ - on nostalgia and memory. this is a topic i work with and research a lot
‘the stories we want to believe are the ones that survive’ - things that resonate with me personally, usually in the context of my artistic practice
‘parallel lines meet at infinity’ - web-weavings and things adjacent to web weavings
‘gastarbajter tag’ - a tag for my experiences with moving/living abroad. a mix of personal posts, transitioning from eastern european culture to western european culture and bits about nostalgia/immigration/exile/etc
‘yugocars impromptu art club’ - my ongoing attempts at having conversations about art (film/music/literature/etc) with followers/mutuals, cause its neat!
‘the robot cycle’ - robot things which are also a personal metaphor for me trying to live with autism which is also just some overall collection on what being human means ? hope that helps
“you will tell me stories of the sea and the ones you left behind” - everything about leaving
healing tag - a collection of art and words that focus on gentle thing and the fact that life goes on
personal nostalgia collection - what it says on the tin. this contains primarily things from ‘90/early 2000′s.
on the problem of flesh - reflection on the difficulty of having a body and what to do with it
the infant’s wail - the base desire and desperation to be seen and loved
the poison seeps through - all things regarding the strange reality of family
with these clumsy hands - collection of how humanity stumbles through life
how the world ends - what it says on the tin
metamorphosis of monstrosity -
on betrayal / on love / on friendship / on violence / on homecoming / on sisterhood / on grief /  on longing / on being understood / on the visual / roads left behind / swan song / on solitude / on gentleness / on salvation / on divinity / on haunting / past the final hour (on resiliance) / on tragedy /
‘soon nostalgia will be another name for europe’ - pretty much everything connected to europe, i dont tag most purely balkan things with it because i have a separate tag for that
‘balkan youth have always outlived evil times’ - tag for all things balkan. primarily ex-yu countries, but sometimes also other places
‘you must have soul crushing hope to be this afraid of missing it’ - a very long title for what is essentially a ‘me’ tag
‘the world’ - as it says on the tin, pictures from all over the world, from different cultures. it isnt a tag with critical texts, just a tag to appreciate the diversity of this world
samenleving en politiek - a broad tag that contains politics, social commentary, etc
‘reading logs’ - whatever i read and feel like sharing, usually small bits from the texts.
logs - me talking. blacklist if you wanna ignore the silly stuff i say
love visualized - all kind of moments of love and intimacy
‘ee tag’ - eastern europe tag. if it doesnt have an elaborate name yet, i’m still workshopping it!
lgbtq history / lgbtq tag / ee lgbtq tag (eastern europe)
on living / a bit of humanity / a bit of laughter / media corner / general gaming tag / arthuriana / superhero stories and such / future past of the internet / music corner
autism tag / mental health tag / dutch tag / mental health refs /
my own stuff
endless list of world war one artist / endless list of female artists
my edits / my art
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yugocar · 3 years
whats life like in the netherlands as a foreigner? will you be staying there or moving somewhere else? i read that the housing situation is particularly brutal at the moment and that you need like 800+ euros for a room (like wtf????) in most cities, and just reading that was enough to make me want to never go there. like it really feels like as eastern europeans we'll never get a fucking chance in western europe unless we have insanely rich parents or something, which obviously 99% of us dont
yeah there has been a pretty bad housing crisis lately, and its especially hard for people who don't speak dutch since they tend to get discriminated against more. i live in the north of netherlands where things are slightly less expensive, so in terms of student rooms most of them are around 400 euros give or take. when i first arrived here the average was 300 euros. in the south, which most people go to, it's far worse. i completely get your frustration honestly. the upside here is that a lot of low-entry jobs do actually pay very well and make it possible to afford rent etc. in my case its honestly just that i'm very privileged and have a parent who supports me through my mental and physical illness.
this got long so I'll put it under the cut!
as for life here in general i honestly enjoy it! living in country that scores high on the happiness index does make a difference. when you look at things from a broader perspective, there are definitely problems with racism/xenophobia/anti-semitism in the netherlands, but honestly all my personal experiences are positive and people have been open and friendly. same goes for my friends who come from a variety of places such as mexico and thailand. it might have something to do with the fact that we live in a city with a lot of international students, so i don't know if it's like that everywhere, but honestly, even when i've traveled to smaller places people have been pleasant. there are also so many opportunities here to do different things. feeling safe as a woman and a queer person is always a massive boost. also as someone who gets overstimulated easily it's nice to live a country where people are a bit more quiet and reserved.
i personally would love to stay here for the time being, unfortunately, i am on a visa that expires in august, and due to the fact that i'm chronically sick, i don't think i'll be able to obtain a work visa. all of this kinda blows. my boyfriend is dutch, but unfortunately, since he doesn't make 2k a month, that makes us non-eligible for the marriage visa. a lot of this stuff is easier in belgium which is apparently more foreigner-friendly, but I don't have much personal experience with it.
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yugocar · 4 years
trying to prepare žito & česnica, even though i have never made either of these things before and i have exams coming up 😌
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yugocar · 4 years
Dutch people will make fries and serve them with mayo and think they really did something
dsidjiakkdskod!!!! y e a h
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yugocar · 4 years
Alright yea stamppot doesn't even have enough flavor to be gross (weirdly enough it was my favourite food as a kid) but this is plain kapsalon erasure
you didn’t do anything!!! edited doner!!! (also absolutely can call stampot gross what are you talking about)
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yugocar · 4 years
it sure has been a year in dutch politics
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