#garth was the best ok
lovebirdgames · 4 months
DnD/Fantasy AU! What would the boys' races be? (Cadence would be human)
Sorry for the wait! I’M GLAD YOU ASKED because I’ve been meaning to draw this forever since I’ve been obsessed with Baldur’s Gate 3 (it basically makes up my DnD knowledge)! I had their race/classes jotted down in my notes for months. Here’s what I came up with, hope you like it!
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rythyme · 4 months
ok many of us have heard that news that Supernatural actors DJ Qualls aka Garth and Ty Olsson aka Benny are getting gay married.
I listened to most of the podcast episode to verify — and yeah! they're full on getting married, planning to grow old together, etc. etc. however — the wild supernatural lore doesn't stop there.
ty and dj first met at a supernatural convention in the UK. they got close when they went on vacation to turkey together after maybe having spoken like 5 times.
there is in fact a big supernatural cast group chat
dj hasn't watched supernatural. "[supernatural] is a tv show I don't watch, i'm not a fan of, because I know everyone on it" and "the last thing i want to do is watch them play pretend in my spare time"
Party On Garth is his favorite episode because he got to drink / pretend to be drunk.
dj initially wasn't going to take the supernatural role. the producers sent him a script and a few episodes to convince him. his first impression of supernatural was, "it's two underwear models chasing monsters?"
dj got beat up really badly by a cop when he was in Vancouver for his first supernatural shoot. Someone else had to explain to the cops that he literally hadn't even done anything before they released him with no charges.
other than that the most memorable thing about his first supernatural shoots was the catering. "the best sandwiches I've ever had" and "they had two kinds of soup. I love soups."
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ghost-bxrd · 7 months
I think Dick's friends (the titans) would be totally ok with him being "not too human, a little too ethereal", the justice league would be terrified tho
True!! I mean, Raven is literally a half demon (i think), Garth is a shape shifter, and so on. Dick would fit right in, and nobody would press him for explanations which is even better.
But yeah, the JL? Not a fan. Oh, they like Robin alright! But….
Batman, are you sure your child is… quite alright? I don’t think kids are meant to have that many teeth.
What do you mean Robin “is just like that”!? I saw him bite a man in the throat! What do you mean you’re proud!? You’re proud because the wound wasn’t lethal!?!?!?!!?
Batman, please come collect your child. He’s back inside the radioactive chamber again. Yes, the one that’s scheduled for decontamination. No, we don’t know how he got in there—- what do you mean leave him!? That radiation could kill ten men in three minutes flat! He’s been in there for an hour!! NO I WILL NOT CALM DOWN!!!!!! WHAT DO YOU MEAN HE’S HAVING A TEMPER TANTRUM!?!?!?
Robin, please come dow— how did you even get up there????
Hey, I’m not the best with kids or anything, but are they supposed to have feathers? What— no! No, i swear, they were right there!!!
Batman, I think Robin ate my goldfish. … What do you mean “it kept complaining about his hairstyle”!?
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magicalqueennightmare · 9 months
The Originals
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(Eventual) Elijah Mikaelson x Reader
Rebekah takes you to meet her brothers
This was insane, you were actively avoiding going to the place you could call your own. You were back to crashing in hotels and the nearest couch or your nova. Why, one may ask? You weren't trying to avoid Rebekah, technically.
You'd answer her calls and even her texts. If you were being honest the two of you had actually developed a pretty good friendship since you met. She wasn't the problem. The problem was your vampiric friend wanted you to meet her family. Rebekah was one thing, while you knew she was dangerous she'd never made a move against you and had never even asked to be invited into your home. 
Her brothers on the other hand? She'd told you stories about them. Klaus was a hybrid, vampire and werewolf. He had also daggered her numerous times for going against his wishes. What if he decided to simply kill you then dagger her until she got over it? Against any other vamp you'd bet on yourself but an original? And a hybrid at that? Yeah you were scared. As for Elijah she'd said he was calmer than Klaus on most things but that his beast was just better hidden beneath tailored suits and a charming smile. Kol was a wild card, Rebekah had said even she had a hard time reading his temperament at any given moment. 
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So your plan was to stay away from New Orleans for a few weeks. Who knows, maybe you were just a new shiny toy and she'd get tired of you? Unfortunately you hadn't planned on Garth calling you to take care of a ghoul problem in Chalmette which was about twenty minutes outside of New Orleans. 
Which meant you were now heading on the road to Chalmette in hopes to take care of the problem before Rebekah realized you were nearby again. 
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You walked slowly into the door of your apartment. You were sore as hell and your torso was bruised but all in all you'd fared well going against a pack of ghouls solo. You'd never heard Garth curse before you called to tell him that it had indeed been a pack, not a couple of ghouls. He'd apologized profusely but you'd told him it wasn't a big deal, you'd made it through just fine. Kyle was now black listed from hunting for failure to give accurate information but that was well deserved.
Being hurt meant you had no choice but to go home. No hotel would be comfortable enough. You dropped your bags next to the door and locked it. A hot shower was due then you wanted to crash for a few hours.
You had just laid across your bed when your phone rang. You snatched it off the nightstand and glanced at the screen, Rebekah. “Hello?” You laid back amongst the pillows as her voice hit your ears “Are you back in town yet?” You nodded and then said “Yeah, just got back but I'm crashing for the next however many hours I can manage” “What was it?” She asked “Pack of ghouls” “Savage little creatures aren't they? I'll leave you to rest but I'm coming by tomorrow. We're going shopping then you're coming by my place with me” 
“Rebekah..” you tried but she cut you off “They'll be on their best behavior, I promise. Bring weapons if you need to feel safer” you let out a breath then said “Ok. Just make it later tomorrow so I can sleep in?” “Of course” with that she hung up so you plugged your phone in and was asleep almost time your head hit the pillow.
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You walked behind Rebekah feeling the nerves roll through your stomach as you looked around at the house. It was in the center of the french quarter and nothing short of elegant. It had a fucking courtyard for Christ's sake. Now you were feeling twice as out of place as you did before. Not only were you a human and a hunter walking into the home of the Original vampires but you were poor too. Hunting wasn't exactly lucrative, you got by on a card that was attached to a bank account in Sweden that a friend had set up by removing money from some very bad people. 
She looked back at you and smiled “Come on now, don't lurk in the doorways. Klaus enjoys doing that enough for all of us” you plastered a small smile onto your face all the time wondering what the hell were you doing.
She led the way into the sitting room. You swallowed down the nerves in your stomach to see only one man inside. At least it was just one of her brothers? 
He glanced up when the two of you walked in but did a double take when he noticed you “Sister, what have you dragged home?” You spun towards him at that comment “Excuse me?” 
You saw the hint of a smile pulling at his lips “Oh I like this one” Rebekah laughed lightly “Easy Kol. She may hurt you human or not” he eyed you for a moment then nodded and offered his hand  “Nice to meet you”  you shook his hand “I'd like to say the same but we'll see won't we?” a laugh escaped him at that “I see why you like her. Klaus and Elijah should be back anytime. Let's see how they like your little hunter” 
He left the room after that something about having a date so you turned to look at Rebekah “If your brothers kill me I'm going to find a way to haunt you the rest of your life and considering you're a vampire that's a very long time” she laughed lightly “I promise I'll make sure you have a way to haunt me” “Not very promising there Rebekah”
You heard a man's voice calling her name and felt the tattoo on your shoulder twitch. The two men that walked into the room were nothing short of gorgeous. 
One had lighter colored hair, cut short that was almost curly in places. He was wearing jeans and a henley with blue eyes watching your every movement. You'd be willing to bet money on that one being Klaus. 
That meant the other was one Elijah. He had darker hair, styled perfectly. He was wearing a suit that was obviously made for him and hugged his shoulders deliciously. Brown eyes held your gaze. 
“Rebekah?” You spoke after a moment looking over at her. She smiled then did the introductions between all of you. 
“So this is the hunter you've been spending time with” Klaus acknowledged walking over to where you stood. Your mind was screaming to step back, give room between yourself and this man. The hybrid. You knew though that space wouldn't do any good if he meant you harm and besides if he chose to kill you, the last thing you did would not be to cower. He stared you down for a moment and you felt the urge to drop your gaze, to show some kind of submission but you refused to give in to it. Even if it caused a throbbing just behind your eyes. 
After a moment a smile split his face “Oh she is something indeed isn't she?” He looked amused and that was when it hit you, the urge to submit. He'd been trying to compel you and you hadn't given in. The surprising part was his amusement at that fact. 
He stepped aside and that was when you realized Elijah's eyes were now focused on you. You fought the urge to squirm under his attention. He was absolutely gorgeous, a sculpted jawline and a smile that flickered to his lips with a capability to make the strongest knees go weak. Damn, were you attracted to a vampire? To Rebekah's oldest brother at that? 
He studied you much the same way Kol and Klaus had. “Must be strong magic infused in that tattoo of yours if Niklaus failed to compel you” you shrugged “My line of work I can't exactly leave my neck open as an appetizer. I have an anti possession tattoo as well along with a few others that give me some protection from different odds and ends of the supernatural world” 
He nodded slowly “I must say my sister has the strangest taste in companions” without much thought process you did the thing you always did which was to allow yourself to be as surprised at what came out of your mouth as everyone else around you was “Well I mean with brothers like the lot of you she needs a different flavor of crazy every now and then as a break” 
Klaus and Rebekah exchanged a look out of the corner of your eye as all three vampires went still before laughter broke out of them all “She does fit in well doesn't she?” Elijah asked Rebekah then turned to you “You're welcome in our home and you have my word no harm will fall to you inside these walls” you smiled “Thank you” he nodded then looked at Klaus “Come Niklaus we still have business to attend to” 
Before he left Elijah shook your hand “Pleasure to meet you” you watched him walk out along with Klaus and felt Rebekah at your side before she whispered “Please tell me you're not checking my brother out” You cut your eyes at her “I wasn't” she raised an eyebrow “For a hunter you're a terrible liar at times” you shook your head then motioned around “Well show me around the place!” 
Governor's Ball
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apocalypseornaw · 10 months
Prove It (Pt 1/5)
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Dean Winchester x Reader
A forgetten date, a broken heart. Can Dean fix what he broke and prove how much he loves you?
The sound of Dean's phone ringing felt like it echoed through your head. You groaned and buried your face in his chest, feeling the light rumble of his laughter underneath you. You listened as he answered the phone and best you could tell it was Garth on the other end asking for an assist.
Dean tapped your shoulder and when you looked up at him he motioned to the phone "It would be an overnight. Are you good with that?" You nodded already forming a plan to put the ideas that had been running through your head into action. If this hunt was an overnight that would put them getting home to the bunker the night of yours and Dean's sixth anniversary.
When Dean got off the phone he slid one finger under your chin to tilt your face up where he could place a kiss on your lips "You're being quiet and you have that face you make when you're planning something" you shrugged "Maybe I'm planning you a surprise for our anniversary"
A smile slipped onto his face before he pulled you on top of him. Once you were comfortably straddling him he reached up to gently cup the side of your face "Sweetheart you putting up with me for Six years is a surprise enough" You laughed then slapped his chest playfully "You're such a pain in the ass Dean!"
He rolled his hips up causing a gasp to leave your lips considering how sore you wore from him. His smile slipped into a smirk "You like when I'm a pain in other places" you shook your head then leaned down to place a quick kiss on his lips "You need to get dressed and update Sam"
He watched you crawl off of him before pouting "Fine, kick me out" You rolled your eyes and stood out of the bed grinning when Dean's eyes tracked your every movement.
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Normally when the boys rolled out on a hunt you'd be in the impala right along with them so it was a little weird to be staying home but you knew for a fact Dean had never been given the opportunity of anything normal. Birthdays, holidays. He'd never had anyone celebrate him and that was what you intended to do.
You'd ended up tracking down a signed original pressing led zeppelin album for Dean. It had taken a four hour round trip drive to pick it up but you knew he'd love it.
The lack of noise in the bunker was making your ears ring so you ended up going to bed early. There was an apple pie already made in the fridge and waiting to be baked the following day along with a meal of all of Dean's favorites. Your plan was to have it still be nice and fresh when Dean got home.
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You'd done everything that needed to be done around the bunker. Laundry was put away, weapons had gotten broke down and cleaned or sharpened. You'd even made some salt rounds.
You had one of Dean's mixed Playlists going as you pulled the pie out of the oven, sitting it aside so it could cool. Dinner of steak, potatoes and grilled veggies was already done as well.
You checked the time on your phone and felt a hit of nerves wash over you. They should've called by now. You decided to wrap the food up and stick it in the fridge, you could always warm it up when they got back.
Two hours passed before your phone rang. It wasn't Dean's number but Sam's. "Is he ok?" You asked in place of a hello and Sam laughed lightly "He's fine. I just wanted to let you know we stopped at a bar so we might be a little later"
You felt your heart drop. Your eyes flicked over to the table in the corner of the room you shared with Dean where the gift bag with his record and the covered pie sat. "He wanted to go to a bar?" You asked fighting back tears. Sam must have misread your reaction because he assured you "It's just for a beer Y/N. You know Dean only has eyes for you. We'll be home soon"
And yet he forgot your anniversary, that you were planning a surprise, that maybe you wanted him home.
You bit your tongue from so many words that wanted to fall out and instead bit back "I don't give a damn when he gets home" and hung up. You couldn't hold back the tears any longer. You barely registered the blanket falling off the bed when you stood up. You wouldn't be here when Dean got home.
You'd been with Dean for six years, had been friends with him for longer. You did everything for him and Sam alike. You fought for them,bled for them hell you'd died for them. You always put everyone else first and had simply asked one damn night out of the man that was supposed to love you and that was too much to ask. If you were that much of a second thought why stick around?
@lacilou @suckitands33 @lyarr24 @decadentstrangernacho @nix-rose @irgendwas122 @deans-baby-momma @deans-spinster-witch @tas898
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rubydubydoo122 · 2 months
First << prev < Season 3 Ok, so I got an anon about a Batfam Actor AU and now I can't get it out of my head. I'll probably make this multiple parts or something, but I'll go season by season probably.
Before this season premiered, there was probably a justice league movie. Just an FYI. Thus, the trinity was formed. And now the fans of the show haa as be to fight with the movie fans on ship wars.
Season three is a lot of...shenannigains. It's kinda just the epitome of Golden Age comics. Ya know?
Since they introduced Dick as a sidekick for Batman, and saw how well received he was by audiences, sidekicks were introduced to the other Hero shows on the network
There’s a Wonderwoman cameo, and the wonder twins are born. Oh! And Uncle Clark.
Throughout the season there’s a scarily heavy focus on Harvey, and it has the audience on their toes, and they think he’s gonna die, but at the end of the season he gets hit in the face with acid, and the Bruharvy edits skyrocket.
Selena has less screen time because she punched the interviewer, so the Directors bring back Talia as a main love interest. But Bruce and Selena are still dating.
At the season premiere, all the sidekicks— Dick, Donna, Roy, Wally, and Garth— are hangin out with each other and the internet BEGS for more interactions between all of them.
Dick doesn’t do as many interviews as he did the season before. But, he’s starting to feel the pressure.
It’s obvious that Selena is missing during most interviews too, but the three of them (Bruce, Talia, and Harvey) still make the best interview moments.
Spill the Tea, with Alfred, Ras, and Gordon, is about the prank Dick played on Bruce and Clark by tying their capes together. Another highlight was Donna braiding Dicks hair. Also, this time, all three of them are asked how they make their tea, and both Alfred and Ras are horrified by Jim.
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fellshish · 9 months
Fells my sister asked if the destiel writers have good hallmark Christmas movie game and I didn't know
Do you know of any good ones?
Hmm ok i’m not a big fluff reader or a christmas fic reader. That being said i’ve scanned my bookmarks for the best romcommy destiel fics and have come up with a few.
In canon there’s this one where dean tries to give castiel an “in” for kissing him after he comes back from the empty, just to see if he meant his confession romantically; so good and funny. Big fan of this fake dating fic where dean has to pretend to be garth’s husband, fun and funny. There’s also this brilliant hilarious creative third person pov fake dating fic.
Does your sister like aus? Then i have some options. Like this fic where dean works in a fast food restaurant when the president (cas) walks in. This famous actor + unfamous guy soulmate au has a lot of cute tropes. Dean hires a sexy handyman. But this fic immediately came to mind it’s a bake off au mixed with pride & prejudice
Sorry if these aren’t really what you’re looking for because they lack the important christmas element of the hallmark christmas movie. Maybe other tumblrinas can add recs?
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Out of curiosity, could be either due to craft or sheer enjoyment, what are your top favourite books?
Okay lowkey I wrote this post & then tumblr ATE it so here it is a little late!! Rachel's All Time Favourite Books (in no particular order):
Cleanness - Garth Greenwell (litfic, ok but this is actually my fave book & today Garth Greenwell lowkey Acknowledged My Presence SOOOO!!! I've read this 4x since August, it's a craft masterpiece)
What Belongs to You - Garth Greenwell (litfic, the book that comes before Cleanness, I'm not as attached to it but it's still FANTASTIC)
A Hundred Lovers - Richie Hofmann (poetry, my fave poetry collection of all time, ALL my epigraphs come from here)
We Do What We Do in the Dark - Michelle Hart (litfic, AMAZINGGG character study & peak into relationship dynamics)
Big Shadow - Marta Balcewicz (litfic, one of my fave books of all time, FANTASTIC teen protagonist in this bildungsroman)
Physical - Andrew McMillan (poetry, AMAZING queer poetry, lots of epigraphs from here too)
Winter in Sokcho - Elisa Shua Desapin (litfic, probably the best start-to-finish narrative I've ever read in my whole life)
If An Egyptian Cannot Speak English - Noor Naga (litfic, THE BEST litfic ending I've ever read, it's UNEXPECTED and something to be STUDIED)
Undoing Hours - Selina Boan (poetry, I feel so grateful for this book as it really helped me reconnect to my Indigenous identity. I met Selina after a LIFE-CHANGING reading & chatted with her, & that conversation drove me to learn more about my family!)
Bitterblue - Kristen Cashore (YA fantasy, this is LITERARY FICTION TO ME I've re-read this like 6 times)
Six of Crows - Leigh Bardugo (YA fantasy, really fun ensemble cast, THE AUDIOBOOK SLAYS)
Intimations - Alexandra Kleeman (litfic short story collection, some of THE BEST short story collections, my work feels adjacent to this dare I say??)
The Marionettes - Katie Wismer (NA paranormal, this series is sooo tropey and fun like I CAN'T WAIT for the last book, I did like book 2 best but this is the first one & I loved it too!)
Demi-Gods - Eliza Robertson (litfic, this was my fave novel before Cleanness & Eliza is my fave writer & from my alma mater! Read my interview with her!)
Monkey Beach - Eden Robinson (litfic, I read this book in a DAY, it's the most impactful novel I've ever read, she's also from my alma mater!)
How to Pronounce Knife - Souvankham Thammavongsa (litfic short story collection, my fave short story collection OF ALL TIME I learned so MUCH about short stories from this!)
The Girls - Emma Cline (litfic, this was MY writing bible for so long lol, I actually ethically hate how this book treats real murders but Emma Cline is an incredible writer & the best parts of this book are the ones that don't casually repurpose history... I have thoughts...)
History of Wolves - Emily Fridlund (litfic, I need to re-read this NOW but wow, the first half of this is chilling...)
Past Lives, Future Bodies - K-Ming Chang (poetry, not sure if you can still buy this but this is one of THE best collections I own)
The Darkest Minds - Alexandra Bracken (YA dystopian, I love AB SOOO MUCH even now hehe, this was a childhood fave & Fostered is a ripoff so <3)
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fancyfade · 3 months
19, 22, 24 and 38 :) Have a nice day.
ok i tried to find the last ask game i reblogged hopefully these were it :P
19 favorite superhero family
hmmm this one is hard.
probably batfam, just based on focus and blorbos :P (though they also have so many comics so its easy to continue the focus)
I say it's hard because I did get possessed to read every single aqua solo title that existed. but also batman has way more so even if i was possessed to read every battitle ever i would not be able to...
22 favorite robin
Damian obviously :P Best Robin of all time 0 competition whatsoever.
24 if you had total control what would you change?
okay total control SO MUCH IS GOING TO CHANGE
OK just starting a list.
Give Wonderfam and Aquafam 2 monthly titles like Batman and Superman have. Wonder Woman for main Diana stuff, Sensation comics for Wonderfam, Aquaman for main arthur stuff, Adventure comics for aquafam
Limit # of Battitles. Bruce as Batman does not need multiple titles
Set a new Chronicles of Atlantis (not my original idea but i like it) to synthesize pre new 52 aquaman lore and post new 52 aquaman lore and establish what is canon b/c I DONT THINK ANY AQUA WRITER ACTUALLY KNOWS ATM
Honestly like... get rid of most of Zdarsky's batman run. You may notice lots of Retcons here but like. what does Zdarskys's batman run bring, in tone, that 'Tec does not do 40000 times better? It also cannot exist simultaneously with 'tec. only one of these stories can exist in current canon, and only one of them is good, so ... goodbye zdarsky's batrun.
New 52 onward garth is just an OC or guy from another universe (whatever they did with new 52 roy) and real garth with his character development is going to come back
Babs - some retcons. Either a similar thing with new 52 onwards babs just being misfit with amnesia (a headcanon I saw that I liked) or giving some new 52 Babs as Batgirl plots to Steph, keeping oracle stuff as Babs, and have Babs back as a para in her wheelchair and Oracle with her character development intact
Retcon all of the character assassination associated with Glass's run on Teen Titans 2016. no half-assed williamson stuff like 'uwu he was sad because of alfred's death'. actual retcons.
Retcon Morrison Talia and re-write Damian's childhood to be done mostly without Talia before he was 8 and she just was not aware of his existence due to (shenanigans). I'm doing my own shot at this in my fic The Way My Mother Didn't Raise me (link)
Give Tim Drake a character arc to make him move on from Robin for real.
probably more but i dont want this post to be 400000 words long
38 - who do you think is the most overlooked and underused character?
you know i am gonna go with helena kosmatos. even in the team comic she was introduced in she was quickly shoved to the side to be a love interest for a boring guy.
but like. how is a teenager girl with murderous rage that granted her superpowers due to furies not fun? do people remember being a teenage girl? also shes kind of indirectly* responsible for her brother's death after she blames him for their mom's death when their mom finds out he was collaborating with nazis. there's a lot of angst potential here.
*I say indirectly b/c it was unclear how much was tisiphone possessing her, while she expressed desire for her brother's death verbally i'm p sure she was very much tisiphone at that time
ty for asks!
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Comfort in an Early Morning Shopping Spree
Summary - Part 41 in the Comfort series
Pairing - Dean Winchester x Reader, Reader x Sam (platonic), Reader x Bobby (father-figure), Andre (OG Character) x Reader (best friends)
Series Masterlist | Masterlist
A/N: I’m sorry this chapter is a little on the shorter side. Life’s been a little busy recently but I still wanted to get something out for you guys. 
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When Dean emerges from the bathroom you’re fast asleep. He lies on his makeshift bed on the small hotel couch tossing and turning for a while before he gives up and decides to go for a walk to clear his head. As he walks down the quiet and empty hall he finds an unlocked balcony and decides to call Sam and fill him in on the past day’s events. Despite being the middle of the night by now, Sam still answers on the second ring, obviously impatient to find out about Dean’s ambiguous text the night before.
“Hey, Sammy.”
“You ok? Y/N? What’s with the werewolf? I swear I was about to hijack a car and drive back out to Miami.”
“It’s just…It’s all too much too quick, Sammy. I can’t. I don’t know how…I just don’t know what I’m doing.”
“About what? Is it Y/N? Did the werewolf take her? You should-”
“He did, but I got her back. She’s safe. She’s sleeping.”
“Alright, so then what’s up? You don’t know how to be a husband? Trust me, you just need to be yourself, she’s head over heels for you.”
“I know. It’s not that. Well, it is. But she wants a kid, Sam. And I can’t. And she’s freaking stubborn.”
“Of course she’s stubborn. She has to put up with your ass every day.”
“Not helping, Sam. She’s taken in a freaking werewolf pup and she wants to raise her. I had to go out and buy an actual heart to feed it and then watch it devour it with blood everywhere. I can’t do that again. It’s a monster and she wants me to let it in the Bunker. Into our home. I won’t do it. I can’t.”
“A werewolf pup? I gotta say, that’s not what I expected. But you know she’s trying to fill a hole after the miscarriage.”
“I know. But with a werewolf? You know they killed her family?”
“I know. Well, if she’s set on this, are you at least gonna talk to Garth?”
“Yeah, gonna drive up there in the morning.”
“Alright. Well, good luck.”
‘Yeah, night, Bitch.”
“Night, Jerk.”
Dean hangs up and sneaks quietly back into your shared room. Despite attempting to be quiet he notices you stir as he steps inside. 
“Where’d you go?” you ask, half asleep.
“Just to call Sam and fill him in. Go back to sleep.”
“The bed’s so big. Cuddle?”
He starts to shake his head but stops when he sees you frown. He sits on the edge of the bed and you slide over a little carefully, trying not to disturb the pup cuddled into your other side. You hold the blanket open for him and he lays down beside you, letting you snuggle up to him. 
“I’ll stay here till you fall back to sleep.”
You go to reply, desperate to get things off your mind, but wary of the potential eavesdropper you stay quiet and just relish in your husband’s warmth. But as you listen to his heartbeat, you can tell it’s elevated; he’s stressed and uncomfortable. You wait a few minutes for it to even out but when it doesn’t you sit up a little to give him space.
He frowns as you pull away. “What’s wrong? You generally fall asleep within seconds in this position?”
“I know. But you’re not comfortable.”
“What do you mean? I’m always comfortable with you in my arms. Or do you mean I’m not comfortable? We can try a different position.”
“You’re tense. Your heart is racing. I mean, you’re not comfortable here. You should go sleep on the couch. Not because I’m asking you to, but because you’ll be more comfortable there. And we have a long drive tomorrow.”
“I’m sorry,” he whispers as he crawls out of the bed. Before he gets too far away you grasp his wrist and pull him back down for a quick kiss and then release him. 
You watch as he goes and lays on the couch. You wait until he starts to snore before settling back down again and willing yourself to fall back asleep.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
Dean manages to get a few hours of sleep before the sun rises, but when he wakes up and can’t get back to sleep he decides to start the day. He sneaks out silently, letting you and Destiny get in a few more hours. He drives around the city streets attempting to clear his head while waiting for the shops to open. Sometime after seven, the streets start to come to life with shopkeepers flicking over their signs, unlocking doors and sprucing up displays. Spotting a middle-aged lady straightening out small dresses on a rack, he pulls a park and wanders back down the street on a mission. 
As he approaches the lady she looks up and gives him a bright smile.
“Good morning,” she says brightly.
“Morning,” Dean says as pleasantly as he can manage through his exhaustion and stress. 
“How can I help you today? Looking for a pretty dress for your daughter? Any special occasion?”
“Uh…No. No occasion,” Dean replies a bit too quickly and then adds, “Just looking to update her wardrobe a little. In truth, I’m completely out of my depth, this is much more my wife’s department.”
“No problem. I can help. What size is she?”
Dean tries to think quickly and play the role of a present father. “Well, she’s five, so a size five?”
“Alright then. Let’s have a look at what I’ve got.”
She leads him inside and moves around the store smoothly, almost like a practised waltz as she pulls out a selection of dresses, shirts, pants and skirts from the racks and holds them up for Dean to nod or shake his head for. After what feels like an eternity for Dean, but in reality is actually half an hour he’s finally emerging with two bulging bags of assorted outfits. 
He makes a second stop at a cafe to pick up some coffee and pastries, then he begrudgingly goes to another butcher and buys a kilo of lamb hearts; which sounds like a lot even as he says it he’s unsure but really it’s only five hearts. He figures that should get her to Garth’s place anyway. When he finally gets back to Baby it’s almost 9 am. He’s almost back at the hotel when he feels a buzz in his pocket. He checks the screen quickly seeing your name flash up. Knowing it would be quicker to just keep driving and explain in person he slides his phone back into his pocket and continues driving. 
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
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ourpickwickclub · 11 months
B, Explain more about how every year it's sinking in to ML about her screw ups. I agree with the anon that stated ML is spiraling like she did in 2018. It is obvious with the stalking and selfie gate last July. Now she acknowledge the pink pistol in TX. It only took 7 years. Weird. Any insider information from Nashville regarding ML or her fake marriage recently
My feeling is that Blake kept trying even after he found out about ML’s long term affair at the Grammys (same night Gwen found out about GR and his long term affair with the nanny). Blake didn’t end the marriage then (and neither did Gwen). But then ML stopped wearing her wedding ring, stopped thanking Blake at shows, was not trying at all. And she most likely started the affair with Anderson during the time the Southern Family album was being recorded in March or April of 2015. She was pretty openly having a relationship with another man while married to Blake. There are lots of theories and stories from OK people about July 4th 2015. It seems he found something then. Maybe that she really was in another relationship. They both played at the Greenbrier golf thing on July 4. ML and then Blake was the headliner. By all accounts they did not interact or come onto the stage with one another at all. He flew in and out without her. Timing seems to show that he filed for divorce right around then.
I think ML realizes on some level that Blake tried and tried. At the time I believe she thought that they could become a country legendary love story where they divorced, stayed friends, and eventually reunited after she had had her fun. I don’t know if that would have happened because that would require Blake sacrificing a lot more pride the. He did (which was a lot). But I’m sure ML believes it would have worked that way.
And I think Rat was barely trying also, because he was sure that they had three kids and she was Catholic and would not leave. But then Blake announced his divorce to the other coaches and two people that had chemistry they would not have acted on because they are loyal, were free to act. It’s no coincidence in my mind that Gwen announced right after Blake. They had from taping in June to early August to talked and flirt and see if there was something real there. There was. GR feels like he was the one betrayed (ridiculous asshat) because he was “trying” to work things out and it wasn’t enough for Gwen. And I think ML’s world began its slow descent into stalker crazy regret because she never considered that Blake would fall madly in love with a worldwide icon and that icon would become his whole world. And she would feel the same about him. Giddy, in love.
If someone had told ML that she would lose Blake to Gwen if she continued her affairs, I think she would have acted differently, at least for a while. She never meant to lose him forever. I think he was her best friend in a lot of ways. She commented once on thinking they were going to share custody of dogs, but that didn’t happen. She tried following Gwen to get a wedge in there. Gwen brilliantly only liked a post of hers about family, but never followed her back. It was war from then on. Pistol Annie’s retooled their account and came back only following two people… Gwen and Blake. She was so mad she was barely even hiding her crazy. But her team had effectively spun Blake and Gwen as the cheaters so they overlooked her copying Gwen’s videos and the weird follows and how she tracked down people close to them both and used them for her projects, or how she mimicked their posts, copied Gwen’s fashion. Etc etc.
ML thought Anderson would be the next big thing. Bigger than Blake (laughable) but he wasn’t. She used him as a cover but when she got him to insult Garth publicly and all that got her was her and Anderson dragged and Blake got a coveted GB collab, she dumped him and tried for the next person she thought would be a big thing. Evan. She didn’t count on Staci not folding easily. She married the cop to save face and he clearly is not into her. He is with her because she is famous and that’s it. So, now, she may be seeing how badly she messed it all up.
I just laid down pretty much my whole theory. Not saying I’m 100% correct but I think it’s a pretty good base idea at what happened. And yeah, I think she is coming with something big. Whether it works or flops, we will see. She and Marion will not let her go down professionally as easy as she does under the ugly lights (I had to get one in there). 😂
But once she is out of options, she will start writing a tell all and that tell all will paint Blake as the bad guy (and Gwen too) in very unspecific ways and with no evidence. Just enough to get headlines. When I say she was the worst thing that ever happened to Blake, I am not kidding. She will never stop.
- B
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aviradasa · 1 month
Heeeeey girllll hey! How are you! I was wondering if you could do a thing for me…I was wondering about wether or not you’d be able to do like TWD characters (Carl, Daryl) supernatural (Garth and or your choice) and Hellboy reacting to a reader (like me) who has Autism spectrum disorder and is insecure about it..would mean a lot
I got youuu. This might be a little short, but I hope you still like it. I've been sick and all over the place lately lmao
Carl,daryl,and hellboy (separate) with a Autistic! Reader
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So carl would definitely try his best
At first he really wouldn't understand much about it but trust me he would learn
If you explain what you go through to him, he will be listening, and he will make sure he takes note of it
He will constantly let you know that's its nothing to be ashamed of.
It's not your fault.
And if you ever have issues with the smells or sounds that go around in the apocalypse, he's right there doing whatever he can.
He asks Rick for advice on how to help you sometimes as well.
And he's a cop he knows what he's talking about.
And if somebody does start giving you shit about he's on their ass
Especially if they are making fun of you when you get overstimulated.
But the thing is is he will probably wait till you're calmed down before he goes after them
He just pulls the "You doing ok. Alright, give me a minute. I'll be right back." And hell go tell them off.
He's not gonna let anyone bring you down for things you can't control.
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With daryl, I feel like he's not entirely clueless, but he still has alot to learn
When it comes to trying to comfort or help you get through it, I feel like he would panic a bit
And probably get frustrated with himself cause he doesn't know how to help
But if he sees his worries, he is making your situation worse he will snap back and do whatever he can.
He's gonna need a lot of guidance, but I feel like once he understands you a bit better, he would do amazing
And if you are insecure about it, he gives you a little pep talk
And it does cheer you right up mostly cause he's really funny while giving it to you without meaning to be.
And if someone is trying to make fun of you for it, he will most likely get up in their face and start yelling at them about it
But if you're around to see it and the yelling gets to you, he will apologize
He tries his best, but ultimately, you're in good hands with him he'll just need advice on what to do
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Ok, so yo, be honest, he doesn't know what the fuck to do
The second you have a problem that he can't solve with some form of fight, he's clueless
At first, his main thing is to go get Liz or Abe.
But after it's over and you're able to explain to him what's going on, he's kinda like, "Oh. Well, what can I do next time"
Cause he does want to help 😭
You Liz and Abe do your best to direct him when things get rough for you.
And he does what he's told to (for once lol)
And if you get insecure around him, he's gonna go on a rant about why you shouldn't be cause he understands what it's like to be different from others and to be looked at like a freak
And he won't have you feeling like that.
But if someone is making you insecure with comment or purposely trying to get you to break down.
Let's be so deadass he's pulling a gun on them. Or throwing them.
He's gonna do one or both of those things.
But if he freaks, you out he will feel really bad about it.
Overall, he's definitely not the best when it comes to other people's emotions or issues, but he will try to make it better if he can
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isaacforalpha14 · 1 year
Sam Route
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  Dean had retreated from the room with Garth in an effort to prolong having to deal with the consequences of the altercation, hiding from the emotions he’d revealed, as you helped Sam when he stumbled to the bathroom. There’s a devastating silence looming in the bathroom, nimble fingers assisting him out of his suit jacket before he rolls his sleeves up to his elbows, leaning against the porcelain sink he avoids eye contact. It’s strange; Dean’s confession made you feel nothing but sympathy for him. You’d wished to hear that confession at a certain point in time but now that you have, it didn’t change anything. You’re in love with Sam. You want to be with Sam. If anything, it gave you the closure that you needed to move on with your life with no regrets or conflicting emotions. You love Dean, and in the past, you may have loved him as more than a friend but now everything leads to Sam. Shaking yourself in the moment, you notice your boyfriend’s hunched shoulders, the crease between his eyebrows, the reflection in his hazel eyes and the frown on his mouth. 
“Don’t do that.” You murmur, grasping a washcloth from the meticulous pile on the wicker hamper, running the warm water for a moment before dampening the cloth. “Don’t overthink this.”
“He loves you, Y/N. How can I not overthink that?” He murmurs, staring at his hands as he refrains from looking at you. He’s terrified; scared that Dean’s confession will change things. Maybe you were better suited for Dean and now that you know how he feels you’d leave Sam in the dust to mend the pieces of his shattered heart alone. “I am not gonna lie.” He sighs, gnawing on his lower lip. “A part of me always knew.”
“Sam.” You sigh, placing your palms on the sink as you hang your head in exhaustion. This entire situation is emotionally exhausting. You were tired of struggling with those conflicting emotions for years, even more so since Dean’s return, and now that you’re certain of how you feel, you don’t want to worry about this anymore. You just want to live your life with Sam. “I don’t want to talk about this anymore.”
“I’d understand, you know.” He continues, swallowing the lump in his throat as warm tears blur his vision. “If you-you felt something-”
“Sam.” You interrupt, raising your voice, tone stern as you smack your hand on the heated porcelain. “Please, just drop it.”
“You do, don’t you.” Sam whispers, lip quivering before he clears his throat, attempting to conceal the pain flowing in his veins like razor blades. 
“No.” The response is clipped, annoyance in your voice, but your aggressive demeanor crumbles the second you look at him. He’s hurting. The tears in his pleasant hazel eyes alert you to the fact that this has shaken him, he needs to have this conversation. Taking a calming breath, you decide that if he needed this, you owed it to him to have this conversation. He flinches when you place a hand on his thigh, the involuntary spasm making you feel a sense of guilt, you move to stand between his legs as you place a finger under his chin and dab the washcloth against the dried blood beneath his nose. “Dean is my best friend. I am-” You hesitate, wondering how honest you should be with him. Hoping that this truth wouldn’t crush him, you decided on telling him. “There was a time that I did think I was in love with him.” He moves to recoil from your hand but you pinch his chin between your fingers to keep him in place. “But I am not. I love you. I am in love with you.”
“But how-”
“There are no buts.” You drop the washcloth, wiping the moisture from under his nose with your thumbs before cradling his face to keep eye contact with him. You need him to hear you.  The vulnerability in his beautiful hazel eyes is heart wrenching. “I love you, Samuel Winchester. You’re mine and I am yours.” 
“I love you too, honey.” He whispers leaning forward, despite the dull ache in his chest, to press his forehead to yours, noses brushing as he releases a sigh of relief. 
“I’ll talk to him, okay?” You whisper; wrapping your arms around his broad shoulders, pressing an affectionate kiss to his lips. “I want you to promise me something.”
“Anything.” His palm is cradling the nape of your neck, thumb caressing the flesh in an affectionate gesture. 
“Things are going to be uncomfortable for a while but, please, don’t let this come between you. You’re family. Dean is all that you have.”
“That’s not true.” 
“Sam.” You warn, attempting to withdraw from his affection. You didn’t want to but you needed him to take this seriously. This can’t come between them, you refused to be a reason that they fracture their relationship further. It’s already hanging by a thread. 
“I just mean.” He rushes, tightening his hold against you before continuing. “I have you and you’re everything to me. You’re family. I’ll let it go, I promise.” Sam means it; he wants to release the envious acidic feeling in the pit of his stomach but Dean’s words keep replaying in his head, the echo like a tortuous loop. You should’ve known that I am in love with her. He nestles his face in the crook of your neck; squeezing you flush against him, wishing that he was unaware of his brother’s feelings for you, praying that he’d be able to keep his promise. A knock at the motel door interrupts the moment, Sam releasing a disgruntled groan, knowing what awaits him, being gentle as he ushers you to the side to answer the door.
“Be nice.” You call out, knowing that it’s probably Dean attempting to apologize in his own way. Sam’s gone for a while, the muted sound of Sam’s raised voice filtering in the hollow door. You release a solemn sigh, it’s gonna be tense for a while, it’s unavoidable given the circumstances. After another minute, the motel door opens and Sam’s lingering near the entrance before he clears his throat.
“He’s getting a different room for the night.” 
“C’mere, honey.” The mattress releases a dulled thump as you pat the comforter with your palm, coaxing him to sit beside you. This impending conversation is going to be upsetting, you know he’s going to try to convince you to change your mind but you can’t. This needs to happen so that the tension can dissipate and the problems that’re lingering between the brothers can be solved. They needed to return to basics, back to the beginning when all they had were each other to depend on, and that can’t happen with you present. “I need to talk to you about something.”
“What’s wrong?” He’s worried, when he stepped outside he was convinced that everything had been talked out. At least between you. Dean is another problem for tomorrow. 
“Nothing’s wrong, handsome.” It’s endearing, the amount of worry and care he provides to you. He loves you more than anything. That’s why you need to be strong and do this, he may not agree but he needs this as much as Dean does. “I need to go to Sioux Falls for a while.”
“W-What?” He’s caught off guard, he had hoped that when you chose to return home that he’d be there with you for emotional support but he’s getting the ominous feeling that you mean to return to Bobby’s without him. Naturally, he can’t help himself when he speaks again. “We can pack tonight and find a car to head out in the morning.”
“No, baby, just me.” You murmur, gentle as you grasp his hand, intertwining your fingers as you place your clasped hands atop your crossed legs. 
“Did I do or say something wrong?” Sam’s tone is quiet, almost as if he were afraid of the answer. He couldn’t think of a reason why you’d want to leave him behind. 
“Absolutely not.” He nuzzles his stubbled face against your palm as you cradle his cheek, thumb brushing the skin in reassurance. “I just think that Dean’s going to need time to deal with his feelings and he won’t be able to do that with me around.”
“You shouldn’t have to leave because of how he feels.” Sam’s being stubborn, you anticipated this response from him. He didn’t mean to be selfish but he couldn’t bear the thought of not having you around. 
“Sam, you promised.” You remind him with a gentle sigh, fingers running through his softened chestnut hair. “You said you wouldn’t let this come between you.”
“Yeah, but that was before I knew you’d decide to leave because of him.” He retorts with a scowl, releasing a deep breath as you use your thumb to smooth the crease from between his dark eyebrows. 
“It’s not just Dean’s feelings for me. Things between you were already strained before that. I just want to give you guys space to work out the issues. All you’ve done is fight.”
“I mean, yeah, things are rough between us but Dean’s not exactly the heart-to-heart type.”
“I know that, honey.” You gnaw on your lower lip, attempting to land on a decision of how to handle the remainder of this conversation without causing an argument. “But it’s not just Dean. I’ve seen the change in you. The way you’ve fought about Benny, I never thought I’d see the day that Sam Winchester wouldn’t give someone a chance.”
“Benny’s a monster.” Sam responds in a defensive manner, expression reflecting the storm of emotions in his mind. 
“So was Ruby, Amy, and Kate.” You reason, releasing an exhausted sigh as you release his hand. “All I am saying is there’s a reason Benny is different. Dean trusts Benny, and I think a part of you hates that.”
“This is because I won’t trust Benny?” He raises his voice, standing from the bed in a huff as he raises his arms in defeat. “So, I am supposed to just trust a vampire because Dean says so?”
“I don’t want to fight, Sam.”
“I just don’t understand, Y/N.” He’s frustrated but he’s also hurt. 
“I am not leaving you.” You stand, approaching him as you continue. “I am coming back. I just think you guys need time to work through your issues and it won’t happen if I am there. I can’t play mediator anymore. It’s not helping.” He nods in defeat, he knows you’re completely right. You have always been the buffer in arguments between the brothers and the sole time any real conversations were had was when you weren’t around. It was difficult to get Dean to reveal his emotions but it was even harder with you around. He never wanted to be vulnerable in front of you. He wanted to be strong for you. “Please, don’t be mad, honey.”
“I am not mad at you.” He whispers, feeling a sense of guilt for getting so worked up. He leans down to press an affectionate kiss to your lips, guiding your arms around his waist as he takes the opportunity to hug you. 
“Garth is coming to pick me up.” You reveal after he pulls away, he releases a sad sigh, setting his cheek on your head as he squeezes you. “I’ll text or call you if I need anything.”
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sapplejack · 9 months
I've never really liked how later iterations of the Legion have Cosmic Boy be involved in a love triangle with Saturn Girl and Lightning Lad. Don't get me wrong, I dislike when Rokk is just there to be the third wheel (since it's a big reason why many readers found him so bland), but I feel that there's a way to make him interesting, as well as develop his relationship with his best friends in a much better way.
Imo, Imra and Garth are like Rokk's exasperated parents, always trying to check in on how he's doing to make sure he's ok. Rokk was legally an adult at 14 and had huge responsibilities, while many others could still enjoy their childhoods. He may act more mature than kids his age, but deep down he's still a child. And Imra and Garth know that. They want him to just be himself. He thinks he's responsible for them, but really, they're responsible for him too.
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nightxcreature · 8 hours
Warnings: None
Pairings: BobbyxDaughter!Reader, DeanxFemale!Reader, SamxPlationic!Reader
Chapter One:
“Stop eating that.” I manage to spit out after watching Dean devour his third turducken sandwich since we arrived at Biggersons.
“What?” He asks, mouth full of food and a hazy look on his face, “It’s the best damn sandwich I’ve ever had.”
I roll my eyes and turn to Sam, “Help. Please?”
He and Bobby were still researching through Gerald’s computer when they finally look up and around the building. It seems as though everyone in the vicinity can’t get enough of the science experiment between buns. Suddenly, Sam’s large hand reaches across the table and snatches Dean’s sandwich from his own.
“You’re done.”
Rising to their feet my dad nudges his head in the direction of the door, “Let’s hit the road. Bring that mutant burger with ya.”
Dean grins, reaching to snatch it back from Sam’s grasp until Bobby sticks an arm in the way, “Not you, Idjit.”
“Just give me the damn sandwich!” Dean argues from across the room, “I’m perfectly fine! Great, even.”
“Yeah, okay.” I snort, poking the sandwich with a kitchen knife, “It’s….leaking…Dude, your stomach has to be killing you.”
“Sometimes meat just does that.”
“No, it doesn’t.”
“You make my meat….”
“Don’t finish that sentence.” Bobby cuts in with a stern look, “I don’t need to hear about that.”
I laugh and turn back to Dean, who looks the calmest I’ve ever seen him, “You’re telling us that you feel fine?” Climbing up on the counter to sit next to him he places an arm around my shoulders and leans back.
“I’ve never felt better. I’m not worried about Cas. Or the Leviathans. I don’t care about anything, actually.” He says with a shrug and eyes the sandwich lustfully.
“Except for that turducken.” I grin and elbow his ribs.
“Dude, you sound high.” Sam states from across the room, grimacing at the sandwich on the table.
“No, he sounds like Ranger Rick and the rest of those lunatics at the diner.” Bobby cuts in, causing Dean to start arguing again.
As they each get louder and louder, I watch the food across from me bubble, squelching out the most disgusting sounds and suddenly spraying gray goo out onto the table. My stomach churns as I quickly slide out of Dean’s grasp.
“Aw, gross! That’s inside you!” I yell pointing at him and visibly gagging, “That’s the same stuff that was in Gerald and it’s inside you.”
Dean looks strangely ok as he stares at the sandwich and says, “If I didn’t feel so calm I would puke.”
“Listen, Darlin’, I know you want to go with us, but we really need you to get this info to Jody and Garth. We need all hands on deck to figure out these Leviathans.” Dad says as we load up the van for their stake out, “I’m sorry.”
“Why can’t you just call them?” I mumble, “Isn’t that what all those phones are for?”
With a roll of his eyes, Bobby drops the bag he’s holding onto the van floor and turns to face me, “I’ve just got a weird feeling about this. We don’t know enough about these guys and I don’t want you facing something that none of us are ready for.”
“Yeah, yeah. I got it.” I throw the last bag in and turn on my heel toward the Impala as he grabs my arm.
“You know I can’t live without you. It almost killed me when your mom died, I can’t do that again.” He whispers quietly, “I love you too much to lose ya, Chickpea.”
I sigh and hug him, “Yeah, I know. I love ya, too.”
Sam exits the abandoned cabin with a refreshed looking Dean hot on his heels, “Ready?” The taller man asks tossing in one more bag for good measure.
“Yeah, it’s all packed. Borax is in the back, a shit ton of it.” I nod toward the the vehicle and grin, “Hose ‘em down.”
“You got it, Shorty.” He says with a wink, hopping into the back and slamming the door closed.
“Here, take care of her.” Dean reluctantly says as he hands me his keys, “If I see even one scratch—.”
“Shut up, you know I’ll treat her well. Probably better than you do.” I throw him a grin and wrap my arms around his waist, “Please be careful.”
He leans down and presses his forehead to mine, “Always am. Gotta make it home to you.” With a quick kiss to my lips he smiles and heads to the drivers side of the van.
I turn to my dad and sigh, “You be safe, too, Old Man.”
“You know I will.”
I grin and pull open Baby’s driver side door, “The cards’ll be on the table when you get home, grab a six-pack on the way back and I’ll kick your ass at poker.”
He winks as he climbs in beside Dean, “Only cause you cheat. See ya later, Chickpea.”
“See ya soon.” I turn the key over and “Hold on Loosely” by .38 Special blasts through the speakers. Singing along, I peel out behind them and watch as they head in the opposite direction.
A/N: This is Chapter One to my first series! I’m excited to see where it goes and how it ends, I’m not exactly sure where I’m going yet so this’ll be exciting! 🫶🏼 I hope you hang on for the ride, I love angst and this is sure to be packed full of it. 🥳
I also joined the most recent Jacklesverse Bingo so be on the look out for those coming to ya next month! 🥳
See ya soon!
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apocalypseornaw · 1 year
Wanna be Yours (Pt 5/5)
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(A/N: I hate the scene this gif is from don't get me wrong but dayum is Sam gorgeous af in it)
Sam Winchester x Reader
Feelings are finally admitted and acted upon
@lacilou s idea that she graciously let me run with
NSFW things ahead
"Are we going to talk about whatever happened the other night when we were at the bar with Ronnie?" Dean cut his eyes up at Sam when he sat down across from him at the table and shrugged "Don't know what you mean?"
Sam leveled his brother with a look "I mean we were all getting along just fine, me and Ronnie were dancing then all of a sudden we needed to hit the road? And the twins never did show up" Dean shrugged again "Maybe they decided to stop off at a hotel, who knows with those two"
Sam shook his head, he wasn't ever going to get a straight answer out of Dean and since that night you would hardly be in the same room as him. He felt like he was being left out of a big secret and didn't like it. "I think there's more than that" Sam pushed and Dean let out a hard breath of air "You want the honest truth?" Sam nodded "Yeah, I do"
Dean glanced towards the hall then back at Sam "I see how you look at her Sammy. I've known you your entire life" Sam felt his eyes widen, so Dean knew. Shit, he hadn't ever wanted his older brother to know he had feelings for his girl.
"Dean, you got to know I never meant to develop feelings for her" he didn't miss the look of confusion that flashed across Dean's face "What do you mean never meant to.." but he cut him off "I know you and her are close and I wouldn't want to step on your toes with anything but she's just well she's her... she's beautiful and smart. She's as sarcastic as you are but the sweetest person you've ever wanted to meet at times. She's one of the most amazing hunters I've ever met, she'll stand toe to toe with a demon and not blink an eye but she'll tear up at some movie she's watched a thousand times or get into a book she's read a hundred times to the extent she'll throw it into the wall. She's a force of nature, she's got this pull to her.. I'm sorry man but yeah I've fallen for her. I hope you can forgive me"
Sam expected a lot in that moment. Yelling, Dean to walk out hell anything except for Dean to start laughing. "What?" He questioned and Dean shook his head, laughing harder "You've been thinking all these years that me and Y/N what exactly...keep quiet and mess around behind your back? You've seen me go home with women!"
Sam shrugged, feeling like he was missing out on a lot "I figured it may be an open relationship? I mean you two move on hunts like you share one mind. You have unspoken conversations, she likes a lot of the stuff you like and she's been a steady in your life since you were nineteen"
Dean shook his head again before wiping a hand down his face "Yeah, Sammy she's my best friend. She means a lot to me but we've never crossed any lines like that. Jesus I thought you two were smart"
Sam shrugged one shoulder "Yeah well...wait us two?" Dean's face was nearly comical when he caught his slip up "Shit she's gonna kill me. Don't tell her I said that ok?" A smile slipped onto Sam's face "Are you saying she feels the same?" Dean rolled his eyes at that "For fucks sake, you're a grown man she's a grown woman, go talk to her. I'm not getting in the middle of it"
Dean stood to walk out the kitchen leaving Sam to wonder what his next move should be.
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You were standing in the laundry room, waiting for your load to get done when Dean popped his head into the door "Hey sweetheart, I'm headed to meet Donna and Garth. I'll be back in a few hours. You need anything?"
You shook your head "No i think im good. Might want to grab more detergent and dryer sheets. Is Sam going with you?" He held your gaze for a moment before saying "Nope. He'll be here" you rolled your eyes "Does Donna and Garth even need your help?" He simply grinned "I'll see you tonight" "Yeah. Be safe so I can kick your ass when you get back" he laughed "You got it"
You watched him walk out and shook your head. He was trying to force your hand, damn him. You felt a chill and regretted running around the bunker in just sleep shorts and a tshirt but most of your clothes had been dirty. You looked around and found a stack of folded shirts on a shelf, you grabbed a flannel out of the bunch and slipped it over your shoulders. You weren't surprised when it fell to your thighs considering how short you were compared to both Winchesters.
You waited until both of your loads were done and folded then grabbed your basket to head to your room and put them away.
You clicked your radio on to play music and started humming along to the song as you moved around the room, replacing what clothes went into drawers and repacking your go-bag.
The thought of Sam being somewhere in the bunker kept flicking through your mind. Dean was right, you needed to tell Sam. Neither of you were blushing virgins here. You shook your head and finished putting your laundry away.
Once you were done you turned the radio off then headed out of your room. The floor was cold under your bare feet but you were headed for Dean's tv room. The thought was to hide from Sam but you needed something to drink first.
You stepped into the kitchen and nearly ran back out when you spotted Sam pulling a bottle of water out of the fridge but froze when he looked up at you and smiled "Y/N"
Sam had gone on an early run then grabbed a shower after Dean left. He needed to clear his head and think about what to do.
He walked into the kitchen to grab some water and the moment he leaned into the fridge he heard a noise behind him and looked up to see you standing in the doorway. You were wearing black sleep shorts and one of Dean's old Led Zeppelin shirts but what struck out to him was the fact that you were wearing his flannel as well. The image of you only wearing his flannel flashed his mind and he cursed himself for it. He didn't even really know how you felt or what you wanted.
He felt a smile slip onto his face "Y/N" you smiled back at him "Hey Sam. Um pass me a bottle of water?" He held the one out that was in his hand "Here, I haven't opened it" you took it with a nod "Thanks"
You stood there for a moment then motioned towards the hall "Want to watch a movie?" He didn't hesitate to say yes. He grabbed another bottle of water and followed you down the hall.
You were acutely aware of Sam at your back as you walked down the hall trying to think of a good movie you could watch with him but all you could think about was how those black joggers fit him and how tight that shirt looked across his shoulders.
You walked into the TV room and flicked the string lights on instead of the overhead then grabbed the remote. You sat down on one side of the couch and Sam sat on the other. You finally decided on a slasher flic you and Dean had watched a thousand times.
You settled back into the cushions and tried to concentrate on the screen but you felt Sam's eyes on you. After a minute you paused the movie and turned to face him, tucking one leg under your body "Yes Samuel"
He grinned slightly "That's my flannel" you raised an eyebrow "Oh, I'm sorry. I can take it off" You moved to pull it off your shoulders but he grabbed your arms gently "Looks better on you" you were a bit too aware of how close the two of you were in that moment and he quickly dropped your arms muttering an apology.
You stared at each other for a moment before you both tried to speak. He smiled "Ladies first" you nodded moving a bit closer to him "Cards on the table here Winchester. I have feelings for you. It's developed over times and just gotten worse. It's awkward because you're my best friend's brother and younger than me but it happened"
He was silent for a moment and you were mentally kicking Dean's ass when Sam suddenly reached across pulling you into his lap. You gasped at the sudden movement, bracing your hands against his chest.
He smiled up at you and your breath caught "Thank God because if I had to go much longer without doing this I don't know what I'd do" you were about to question him when he pulled you down to him.
The moment your lips met his you melted against him. His lips moved against yours like he was a drowning man pulling in his last breath of air. Your hands found his hair, tangling in it and he groaned lightly as he tightened his grip on you, rolling his hips up to meet yours as his tongue flicked into your mouth.
When you were forced to pull away to catch your breath he rested his head in the bend of your neck, both of your chests were heaving slightly. You felt his lips teasing the skin of your neck and fought against the moan that wanted to escape you "Sam" He stilled his movements "I like you saying my name like that"
You smiled but pulled back further to force him to look at you "Are we both wanting the same thing?" He bought up one hand to push your hair back out of your face "I want you Y/N, not just for a couple hours or a couple days. I haven't felt like this about someone in a long time. It's been absolute torture thinking you were with Dean" you laughed at that "You thought me and Dean?" He groaned lightly "I did"
You shook your head "You beautiful, idiotic man. I've had eyes for you for so long it's kind of pathetic" he grinned "like having a crush on my brothers best friend isn't?" You shrugged then smiled at him "Where were we?"
He pulled you back into a kiss. He started at your lips then kissed down your jaw and when he made it to your neck you didn't try to stop the light moans that escaped you. You rolled your hips against his and he groaned again, grabbing your hips "Babygirl, tell me what you want here" you felt your stomach flip at his words and the way he said them "I want you to take me to your room and show me just how much you want me" "I can do that"
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You stumbled into Sam's bedroom, lips never breaking fully from each other. Once the door was shut he pushed your back against it then leaned down to slip his hands under your thighs and lift you up. You gasped as you wrapped your legs around his waist, feeling how his body was reacting to you.
His hips rutted against yours as he swallowed every little sound he pulled from you. "Wanted you for so damn long....so fucking beautiful..." the praises falling from his lips for you had a fire growing in the pit of your stomach "Bed Sam. Please the bed" you mumbled against his lips and he nodded "I got you baby, I got you"
He carried you across the room to the bed and laid you down gently, holding himself up on his arms as he looked down at you. You couldn't help yourself, you reached up to let your fingertips trace the light stubble gracing his jawline "You are so fucking gorgeous Sam" the smile he gave you in return was warm enough to put the sun to shame "Y/N, you're everything"
His lips found yours again and you wrapped your legs around his waist pulling him down to you. His hips rolled down against yours and the feeling of his hard cock even through his joggers and your shorts was enough to make a moan of his name leave your lips "I want you Sam" He nodded "You got me"
You leaned up to shed the flannel and the shirt you were wearing and Sam pulled his shirt over his head as well tossing it behind him. The look in his eyes as he took in the sight of your bared chest had you clenching around nothing "So damn perfect" he whispered leaning down to catch one of your breasts between his lips.
"Fuck Sam" you moaned and felt one of his hands on your left leg, trailing up under the shorts you wore. His fingers got just shy of where you wanted them "Take em off Sam. Please" he chuckled against your skin before moving to the other breast giving it the same attention he had the other one.
He moved back up to your lips and time his mouth met yours you felt one of his fingers teasing at your entrance. You gasped into his mouth when it slipped past your folds. He added another after a moment, curling them upwards until he found that spot that had your back arching off the bed "You're so wet baby. Is this for me?" He teased working at your clit with his thumb while his fingers worked that spot deep inside of you.
You could feel that knot in your lower stomach building and when Sam moved his fingers just slightly to change the angle you felt it burst. You came with a scream of his name as he continued to finger you through your orgasm. When you pushed his hand away he slipped his fingers into his mouth, holding your gaze as he sucked them cleaned. "Taste so damn sweet"
You moaned "Fuck me Sam. Please" he grinned "Damn where is that smart mouthed woman that's always putting me and Dean in our place?" He reached for the hem of your shorts and pulled them down your legs before tossing them behind him "Sam Winchester I swear.." you started but was cut off by him laughing "Teasing babygirl. Just teasing"
He stood up to slip his joggers off and you felt your mouth drop open slightly. He was thick and long "Y/N, you good?" He asked, fisting his hard cock as a smirk slipped onto his face "I'm perfect baby, now C'mere" he climbed onto the bed, holding his weight up off of you.
When he got up to your face you pulled him down into a kiss and felt him push into you. A moan escaped you both at the feeling. He stilled once he was inside of you completely to give you time to adjust. His eyes fluttered shut just for a moment before he opened them "Fuck you feel fucking amazing" you laughed lightly considering the stretch of him had given way to pleasure "Good, move then"
He rolled his hips down into yours and you moaned "Just like that Sam" He buried his face in your neck, nipping and kissing the skin there as he worked his hips into yours, every thrust he was hitting that spot inside of you that had you seeing stars.
You were so damn close to coming again and he must have realized it because one hand slid between your bodies to play with your clit while his movements never slowed. You felt that knot burst again and your vision went fuzzy around the edges as he fucked you through your orgasm.
His thrusts started to get sloppy and more erratic and you knew he was close so you started to roll your hips up to meet his. "Come for me Sam. Let me feel how much you want me....you're so damn gorgeous and strong and fucking perfect for me..."
Your words pushed him over the edge and he buried himself inside of you with one final thrust and you felt when he came, filling you up.
You could feel your legs shaking gently around him as he smiled down at you breathlessly "You are absolutely amazing you know that right?" You smiled "So my boyfriend tells me"
He gave you one of those heart stopping smiles again "Smart man, that boyfriend of yours" you nodded "He really is" He pulled out of you gently, apologizing when you whimpered a bit from the loss of contact.
He reached down and found his discarded shirt to wipe you up a bit before laying down next to you and pulling you over on his chest. He traced the antipossesion tattoo on your shoulder as you traced the one on his chest "Wanna grab another shower, with me this time?" You asked and he laughed "Never feel the need to ask me just say cmon we're gonna go shower"
You looked up at him with a laugh "I think I love you Sam Winchester" He smiled brightly "Good because I think I love you too"
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