#gabriel ships sastiel
mothgardens · 8 months
new poll because every fiber of my being lost inspiration to write destiel </3
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sastielsfandom · 1 year
Currently thinking about Debriel's and Sastiel's height differences.
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samanddean76 · 4 months
SPN Rare Ship Bingo Card - OmegaVerse Special Edition
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His Favorite Part | Jimmy/Dean/Sam (Free Space) | Explicit
Jimmy's heat arrived while his Alpha's were away, doing what they do best. But Sam and Dean more than make it up to him when they finally return to their precious Omega.
Coming Up Roses | Castiel/Jimmy/Dean | Explicit
Omega Dean is a hard-working assistant for his twin Alpha bosses, Castiel and Jimmy Novak. At their request he stays late one night even though his heat is almost upon him. Knowing exactly where this will lead...
His Heart To Keep | Gabriel/Sam | Explicit | Rape/Non-Con
Sam found himself a newly transformed Omega, who was up for sale to any Alpha willing to pay the price to have him. As he watched the little Alpha negotiate his permanent sale, he had to wonder? Had his life just gotten better? Gabriel couldn't believe what had happened to the once proud Alpha that was presented to him for sale as a freshly turned Omega. But he swore, that he would fix all the wrongs that had been committed against this amazing man.
Bite Me Big Boy | Gabriel/Lucifer | Explicit
Omega Gabriel found himself with a once in a lifetime opportunity presented to him and he decides to make Alpha Lucifer pay for every wrong he had ever committed against the Omega.
To Be Granted His Favor | Castiel/Jimmy | Explicit
Omega Jimmy is a peasant who was brought to the palace with no explanation. There he meets the King, Alpha Castiel. Fate and destiny conspire to fulfill prophecy.
What Happens In Purgatory... | Benny/Dean | Explicit
Omega Dean needs some help to get through his heats while he is trapped in Purgatory. Alpha Benny is more than willing to help.
Five-Star Customer Service | Dean/Jack | Explicit
Alpha Dean is in need of assistance to get through his rut. Omega Jack was sent over by The Perfect Omega service. Destiny had something to say about it.
Graced By Love | Castiel/Sam | Explicit
Castiel finds himself caring for Sam, who was turned over to him by the state after the young Omega was found alone and suffering through his first heat. Castiel tries to ignore the incredible pull he feels towards Sam, but once he submits, he finds that the Omega may have been the answer to all of his prayers.
Three's A Crowd | Gadreel/Dean/Sam | Explicit | Rape/Non-Con
Dean is willing to do whatever it takes to save Sam. Even if it means working with the angel that betrayed them. Can Gadreel be trusted this time? Or will Dean need to be prepared for whatever circumstance might crop up?
@spncreatorsdaily @spnrareships @spnkinkevents
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nobodymitskigabriel · 7 months
There's a quaint charm in Sabriel being the secret weirdly popular bonus ship of Supernatural, but I still feel somewhat cheated by the fact that the show explicitly mentioned Destiel, Wincest, and Sastiel but NOT Sabriel. I deserved to see the light in Sam's eyes die as he slowly unpicks his and Gabriel's names from the portmanteau. Him glancing unwillingly at Gabriel and then the grief of a thousand dying stars flashing across his face at Gabriel's sly answering wink.
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ladylilithprime · 9 months
Title: Diplomatic Measures
Fandom: Supernatural
Pairing: Sastiel, Sabriel, eventual CaSaBriel
Rating: General
Word Count: 5095
Summary: Sam Winchester was taking a Saturday breather to read just for the enjoyment of it when a pair of no longer dead Angels come calling with an offer he absolutely could refuse but doesn't want to.
Tags/Warnings: Post-Series Pre-Finale, Discussion of Previous Major Character Death, References to Past Trauma
Created For: SPN Pro-Ship Bang / @spnproshipbang
Author: LadyShadowphyre / @ladylilithprime
Artist: sidewinder / @hawkland
Read on AO3 | Official Art Post
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ON A TYPICAL Saturday, or really any day of the week when the residents of the old bunker in Lebanon, Kansas, were home and not off to some other corner of the country on a case, Sam Winchester could usually be reliably found sitting in the bunker's library and one or more of the lore books in his hands. Sometimes it was research for a case, sometimes it was updating records after a case, but frequently it was just reading for the sake of learning. The Men of Letters had some fascinating research, as well as some terrifying research, and even the fiction books they chose to include were a lot less fiction than the majority of the human population believed. While Dean was much more comfortable spending his downtime in more obviously fictional media when he wasn't spending some quality time tuning up the Impala, Sam found the real fantastical to be just as engaging and, he hoped, more helpful down the line in their field of work.
He had just settled in with a book about faeries, privately wishing that he and Dean had had access to this book years ago, when the stillness of the library was interrupted by the unfamiliar familiarity of wingbeats. Given the wards on the bunker and the fact that the alarms didn't even flicker, Sam was able to keep his sudden burst of alertness from turning into true alarm, but he was still putting down his book and halfway through reaching for a weapon by the time the winged visitors spoke.
"Hey, Samalam--"
The two angels stopped and eyed each other uncertainly as Sam processed what he was seeing, weapons forgotten. It was Gabriel, looking stronger and healthier than he had been the last time Sam remembered seeing him, standing with a self-assurance that Sam hadn't seen from him since that fraught confrontation in a mystical hotel what felt like a lifetime ago. Beside him stood Castiel, looking younger than he had, physically much like he had appeared when they had first met despite the more at ease posture, as if the years of hardship and Falling and being human had been wiped away from his vessel without touching the mark those years had left upon the angel himself.
And they were here. Alive.
"Is it okay to hug you both?" Sam blurted out, already rising from his chair. Even if they said no, anything that had two previously dead and newly resurrected angels showing up in front of him was probably going to require standing, but damn if Sam didn't really, really want to hug them.
Castiel was the first to open his arms, no doubt because he was the more used to offering and receiving hugs when it involved Sam, but Gabriel was quick to do the same. Two long strides had Sam close enough to hug them, one arm going around each angel and feeling the solid weight of them both along with the familiar zip and crackle of Grace just beneath the surface. Gabriel tensed up a little at first, but he relaxed surprisingly quickly, melting into Sam just as much as Castiel was. Sam let himself indulge in just getting to hold them both for a long moment, reimprinting the scent and sound and feel of them both, physical and metaphysical.
Eventually, when he had managed to convince his brain that this was real and both Castiel and Gabriel were really here, Sam made himself loosen his grip on the pair. The slackened hold drew twin sighs from the angels, and neither of them appeared to be in a hurry to pull away, so Sam made himself ignore that insidious little voice trying to tell him he shouldn't be forcing the angels to endure contact with him and let his hands settle on their shoulders as he drew back enough to see their faces.
"So, uh, in case it wasn't obvious, I'm very glad to see you both," he said, swallowing down the lump of emotion that kept trying to form in his throat.
Castiel's expression brightened, apparently glad of the verbal confirmation despite the hugging, and Sam mentally resolved to reinforce the idea that the angel was welcome for as long as he could be there. Gabriel's expression, however, underwent a rapid shuffle through several different emotions too quickly for Sam to follow before settling on concerned. "What's wrong?"
Sam blinked. "Nothing? Well, I mean, there's probably something going wrong for someone somewhere, but I don't know about it."
"That is good to hear," Castiel offered, glancing at Gabriel, who frowned.
"Nothing's wrong?" Gabriel repeated, glancing around the room. "Where's Dean-o, then?"
"In the garage giving the Impala a spa day," Sam answered, lips twitching at the smacked-with-a-fish expression that crossed Gabriel's face. "Full wax, leather conditioning, and detailing. I stopped listening when he started muttering about finding the tiny brushes. Did you want me to go get him, or...?"
"Perhaps later," Castiel said, when Gabriel continued to just stare. "While I am sure Dean would appreciate being informed of our renewed existence at some point, now is perhaps not the best time to invite the inevitable awkwardness and shouting."
"So long as you don't leave it too long," Sam cautioned, before fixing Castiel with a stern look, "And seriously, Cas, you gotta quit using 'I love you' to mean 'goodbye', dude. That was the third time! He's developing a complex about it."
"Kinda thought that would've been reason for you to go to Dean first, bro," Gabriel drawled, eyeing Castiel in a way that made Sam very aware of a second conversation going on beneath the spoken words, and of the way neither angel had let go of him any more than he had released them.
"The awkwardness of dealing with the aftermath of how I left things with Dean is precisely why I chose not to seek him out first," Castiel said evenly. "While I would hope he would know better than to misconstrue the meaning behind my words at the time, unlike so many of our siblings, speaking with Dean about emotional topics is... delicate."
"And will probably require alcohol," Sam chimed in with a sigh. "He's getting better about it, but then we're both still sorting out exactly how much of ourselves is really us rather than how Chuck wrote us to be."
They had already noticed certain differences. Sam still focused more on eating healthy and avoided certain foods, but Dean was less resistant to the vegetables that became increasingly present in their meals. Sam, too, had noticed that he had less aversion to baked goods, and had even managed to pull up some of Jess's recipes from the far corner of his laptop hard drive to start baking again. The grief was still there, but it bit at him less sharply without Chuck prodding the wound for his entertainment.
"So, you two had a reason to come find me specifically?" he asked, forcefully dragging the conversation away from that road for now. Castiel and Gabriel exchanged another heavy look, and Sam heard the faint rustle of feathers. "And I take it everyone's wings have been restored, since you flew in here?"
"We probably should have knocked," Castiel murmured.
"Guests knock," Gabriel argued. "We're still residents, or at least I assume so since the wards didn't kick us out."
"You're both still keyed into the wards," Sam confirmed, mentally shying away from the reason for that. No use unkeying someone who's dead, and no reason to put up anti-angel wards with Jack having promised to keep Heaven's business contained to Heaven. Which brought him back to why Castiel and Gabriel were here. "Animal, vegetable, mineral, celestial, or infernal?"
"What?" Gabriel blinked, just as Castiel said, "Celestial. Partially animal."
"Okay, then... human, angel, vessel, or nephilum?" Sam followed up. At Gabriel's slightly strangled noise, he added, "There's only so many situations that can be attributed to both celestial and animal, and intent to be hands off or not I kinda figured Jack knows Dean and I are willing to be on-call for the things that slip through the cracks. Technically."
"There should not be any further instances of angels taking human vessels," Castiel said at length. Gabriel grimaced, but nodded.
"Kid wasn't wrong about how skeevy and disruptive it is," he said, sighing. "While the practice was originally meant to allow angels to have the counsel of their vessel's life experience and cultural understanding when down here on assignment, that part of the deal apparently got deliberately forgotten when Mike and Raph started ramping up the early Apocalypse in favor of just using the human's soul as a back-up battery for their own power. Even the angels like Cassie here who tried to learn about human culture anyway didn't always understand what they learned. So now, any angels who're gonna be spending a lot of time on Earth get custom-tailored vessels. Ta-da!" he added, with an eyebrow wiggle.
"I thought you were a little taller than I remembered," Sam teased lightly.
"Just because you grew up to be a Samsquatch," Gabriel started, breaking off with a grunt when Castiel shifted very slightly. He gave the seraph an incredulous look. "Did you seriously just--"
"It felt both appropriate and pertinent," Castiel interrupted dryly. Returning his attention visibly to Sam, he went on, "As you no doubt suspect, creating a custom vessel that does not need to be sustained by a human soul but will also hold up to the strain of containing the essence of an angel - or Archangel - is a rather energy-intensive and time-consuming process. To that end, those of us who had previously maintained a lengthy and consistent presence on Earth were given priority to allow us to establish ourselves and create an appropriate orientation center for any other angels required to be on Earth interacting with people. And yes, I am aware of the irony of my being considered most knowledgeable in how to interact with people," he added.
"Don't give yourself so little credit, Cas," Sam said, squeezing the seraph's shoulder gently. "For having had to figure it out largely on your own with only what little, inconsistent help Dean and I have been, you've done an amazing job. And I'm sorry we weren't better help to you when you needed us most."
"Extenuating circumstances," Castiel excused delicately, no doubt not wanting to bring up Gadreel and Dean's complicity in the deception and Castiel's banishment from their sides. Gabriel was looking less than happy but unsurprised, which probably meant he had either been informed about the situation or was reading Sam's mind. To test that, Sam quickly cycled his thoughts through the latest of Jess's recipes he'd been looking at, which caused Gabriel to hum and Castiel to look abashed. "Apologies, Sam. Our current situation and continued proximity is making it difficult to respect your mental privacy as much as we all would usually prefer."
"I'll let it slide for now," Sam murmured, catching the implication. "You were saying?"
"Yes, well," Castiel's eyes darted to the side away from Gabriel before going back to determinedly meeting Sam's. "Part of establishing ourselves on Earth and creating an orientation center is finding appropriate human partners. To help keep us in touch with the culture about which we are meant to instruct our brethren when they come down." He shifted, and Sam felt the hand the seraph still had resting on his back curl to grip his shirt. "While the nature of this partnership and the accompanying bond is not required to be romantic or sexual in nature, I trust you understand why I would choose to broach the subject with you first before speaking to your brother."
"Um," Sam managed intelligently. Yeah, he could understand why Castiel might want to hold off on talking to Dean about something like that, especially with the mention of a bond. It was hardly a secret that Dean had issues with intimacy and commitment, and after so many years and a bored God making them dance around for his amusement it was safe to say that Dean's issues had issues. Sam, at least, had been "lucky" enough to be the consistently emotionally self-aware one between the two of them and so had less of his own psychology to actively question or attempt to rewrite. Hearing words like "partnership" and "bond" didn't cause Sam the same level of panic he knew Dean would feel.
Nor was it at all unexpected that Castiel would choose to come to them to form those bonds, however undeserving they might feel of being chosen. Eleven years was a long time for a human, and Castiel's perceptions of time and humanity had undergone several changes during those eleven years. His attachment to the Winchesters had also undergone changes, but had remained fairly constant despite Naomi's best efforts, or so Castiel had told Sam once. It didn't surprise Sam that Castiel would come to him and Dean for such a partnership. It barely surprised him that Castiel would come to Sam first.
What did surprise him was Gabriel.
"Hell, Sambala, it's not like I spent a lot of time hanging out with a bunch humans knowing who and what I am," the Archangel huffed, avoiding his eyes when Sam looked at him. "You and Deanmeister are pretty much the closest I've got to friends left down here. Sure, I could probably go out, find someone to hook up with, but whether I could actually open up to them enough to bond like that... At least you know the history I've got, and if you say no then I'm no worse off than before."
"I see," Sam mumbled. And he did see. There was a lot of drama and upheaval and tragedy in Gabriel's history, things that made it difficult to open up to people. Sam had been there for some of that history, or been there for the aftermath and heard the stories. They had a connection, had since that case years ago in Ohio where Gabriel had led a pair of experienced but painfully naive hunters on a merry chase, even tried to make friends in his awkward way. Sam knew there was probably a lot that he didn't know, but apparently Gabriel trusted him to know it or to let Gabriel share it in his own time.
He also didn't seem to expect Sam to agree, but had still been surprised by Castiel's presence when they had arrived. And neither of them had left, or let go of Sam. He took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "Tell me about these bonds. I'm guessing there's nothing preventing you from having bonds to multiple humans if Cas was looking for me with the idea of talking to Dean later. Are the humans restricted to bonding with just one angel?"
"Kinky," Gabriel drawled, waggling his eyebrows again. "Looking to start an angel harem, Samnykins?"
"Not sure two really counts as a harem, Gabrielicious," Sam deadpanned, getting a startled look from Gabriel in response. More seriously, Sam went on, "Look, whatever your reasons, you both came to me and I'm not going to turn either of you away. I missed you both."
I mourned you both. Again, he thought silently, unable to push the words past his throat but still needing to convey them. From the way both angels shifted closer, he could tell they heard it.
"There is no limit to the number of bonds permitted save in the compatibility of all individuals," Castiel murmured. "Monogamy is a human convention meant for tracking the lineage of children prior to science developing to the point of DNA testing, and is quite unnecessary in our case."
"Cassie's one of the few angels I can even relate to anymore, and I already figured we'd end up sharing space," Gabriel shrugged. "If he can put up with having me around, I'm fine with sharing."
"We're figuring out a different way of explaining it to Dean, though," Sam warned, getting understanding nods in return. "Anything else I should probably know about this before I agree?"
"Look at you, learning to get all the info before jumping in feet first," Gabriel cooed. This time, his jerk in response to whatever Castiel did put him in range for Sam to flick his ear. "Hey!"
"Nothing's broken and the world isn't ending," Sam said dryly. "I don't actually have to make a snap decision based on limited available information this time, and I do remember certain conversations about angelic bonds. Eternal commitment isn't something you just jump into or we'd be having this conversation in Vegas."
"We still could," Gabriel pointed out. His shoulders slumped at the looks both Sam and Castiel shot him. "Okay, no, we couldn't. Your brother would break out the holy oil to deep fry us if he didn't get to attend your wedding."
"So this is more along the lines of a marriage bond?" Sam raised an eyebrow, glancing between Castiel's sudden bashful look and Gabriel's unrepentant smirk.
"Hey, you're the one who brought up Vegas," the Archangel said. Sam just looked at him, and eventually Gabriel rolled his eyes. "It's more like an engagement than anything, at least for us. I'm not gonna make any promises when it comes to you and Cassie, though, especially given how thoroughly entangled he's been with you and your big bro the last decade."
"Those bonds would have been broken with my death," Castiel pointed out without inflection. Sam felt the very slight tremble in his frame and squeezed again. "The entity would have wanted to ensure that I had nothing tethering me to life any longer."
"That just means when you reestablish the bonds they could snap back into place even stronger," Gabriel pointed out. He shifted slightly, and Castiel's eyes fluttered closed before going wide to look at Gabriel. The Archangel smiled wryly at the seraph. "Can't fool me, baby brother. That's the real reason you came to Sam first, isn't it?"
"Is that not why you came to Sam first yourself, brother?" Castiel responded archly. Sam was once again aware of another layer of conversation taking place between the two angels, like a static feedback against his nerves. To his surprise, all humor fled from Gabriel's expression as he turned very serious.
"I was always going to come to Sam first," he admitted with the weight of confession. "Dean's easy enough to build a rapport with on the surface, but that's as deep as it goes. For a real bond, it was always going to be Sam." Then, like a light switch being flipped, the smirk was back. "Plus, as volatile as the Dean Machine was last I knew, I'd just as soon wait and see how his psychology is gonna shake out now before I trust him to get all up in my feathers. They need a delicate touch, you know!"
As if a skilled mechanic like Dean would not have a delicate enough touch for an angel's wings. Sam kept that thought silent where it could be ignored by the angels as he rather suspected that it wasn't the capability of Dean's hands to manage delicacy that was in question.
And then the full impact of the implications hit Sam and he found himself clutching at the angels' shoulders to keep himself from falling over or sinking to the floor as his vision tunneled. He vaguely heard what sounded like a yelp from Gabriel around the roaring in his ears as strong arms hurriedly went around him from two directions. The vague awareness he had of that skittering electric Grace grew stronger, enveloping him in buzzing bees and crashing waves.
Is this another dream? Sam wondered, closing his eyes and holding on to Castiel and Gabriel for dear life as he struggled to push past the dizziness and the magnitude threatening to sweep him under. Did I fall asleep and dream you both back to life again and that's why you're here offering me everything I ever could have imagined wanting?
"Breathe, Sam," Castiel's voice rumbled close to his ear, and Sam struggled to obey, to draw in a deep breath that filled his nose with the scents of petrichor and sage and candyfloss thick enough to drown in. "You are awake. I am here. Gabriel is here. We are real. We are alive."
"We love you, kiddo, honest," Gabriel's voice echoed, just a little further away, a whisper of breath against the skin of Sam's throat where his shirt collar opened. "Not a trick or a prank or a goodbye. No obligation, no time constraints, no need to choose between us or anything else dumb and limiting like that."
Sam trembled. Swallowed. "Can I... can I look at you?"
"All you gotta do is open your eyes," Gabriel answered, but there was a note of confusion in his voice, like he couldn't understand why Sam would ask such a thing.
Castiel understood better, if the sharply indrawn breath was anything to go by, and his voice held a note of urgency when he said, "Take it slowly. We are at full strength again and will be considerably brighter than when you last looked upon either of us."
"Oh, sh--" Gabriel cut himself off on the realization as Sam's hold on both angels tightened and he let down his mental walls, all the shields and barriers he had built to try and keep his powers in and other beings out, then gingerly opened his eyes.
Bright was an understatement. Staring directly into the sun would have seemed dim in comparison to the brilliant aurora that filled his vision, a clashing kaleidoscope of colorful energy patterns that swirled and danced together and apart, contained to each separate angelic sphere even as they reached across the barriers to entwine together with each other. Sam squinted into the brightness as he let his eyes adjust physically and metaphysically, the tears gathering in his eyes from seeing and recognizing the way those tendrils of angelic energy were reaching out to him as well, not as an invasion but as a supplication.
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They really, truly, honestly wanted him, were practically yearning for him, and yet still they were leaving it up to him to say that they were welcome.
"Sam," the glowing form to his right resonated with the sounds of crashing waves and trumpeting horns. "Sammy, hey, dial it back a notch, kiddo, your eyeballs are starting to smoke."
"Can we not 'dial it back' for him?" came the voice to his left that echoed with tolling church bells and screaming crows amid the hiss of rain. A moment later the harshly glowing figure to his left became softer and less focused and yet somehow more solid. Sam caught the flurry of color from his right before that form, too, became both more condensed and more diffuse at once, easing the strain on his eyes and awareness.
With that lessening of brightness and pressure, Sam became aware of the fact that his eyes burned and his skull was practically splitting open from the pounding headache. Quickly, he began pulling up walls and barriers, one after another, until he could look at Castiel and Gabriel again and see their new, chosen vessels with only the hinted afterimages of their respective halos and the shifting, rustling expanses of full-fledged, whole and healthy wings, Castiel's two leftmost wings brushing and entwined with the three rightmost wings of Gabriel's set, the other five wings reaching out to embrace Sam without actually touching him, a silent and intangible offer of their support and trust.
"Are you sure?" Sam mumbled, then felt like kicking himself. They were angels, a seraph and an Archangel, older than Time! They knew better than he could even begin to imagine what "forever" meant, and yet he still couldn't stop himself from asking. From making sure that they had really thought about this, being bound to him, for eternity.
"Been sure since Ohio, Samaluscious," Gabriel answered with a crooked grin that didn't quite conceal the edge of pain and shadows haunting that humor with the ache of a mystery spot in Broward County, Florida. "Kinda gave up on the possibility for a while there, figured I'd blown my chances sky high. I mean, even your phenomenal capabilities for forgiveness had to have a limit, right?"
"I trust you have learned better since then," Castiel remarked in a dry tone, the feathers of his wings rustling with smugness. "After all, you have not harmed or betrayed Sam or Dean as cruelly and thoroughly as I have had occasion to do, and if Sam can find it in his heart to forgive me..."
"Yeah, well, he loves you," Gabriel huffed, eyes darting away. "Even traumatized and half-comatose, I could feel that. Yeah, you did a lot of shit, but you also stuck around to make up for it. Me, on the other hand..."
"You were deprived of the opportunity to either remain or return to Sam's side," Castiel pointed out with that same delicate bluntness he had used to refer to his and Sam's shared traumas. "We cannot know now what may have happened if you had been afforded the opportunity, not for certain, but you and I both know well the pull of Sam's soul on those willing to see."
"Oh, yeah..." Gabriel all but purred, golden eyes slanting up through darker golden lashes to look at Sam. Sam felt his cheeks heating up with embarrassment at the literally glowing intensity of that gaze, more than aware that the Archangel was taking the opportunity to get his own peep show at what Sam kept beneath the bounds of his physical body, just as Sam had been looking at him and Castiel before. He let him look, figuring it was only fair, and tried not to fidget in discomfort over being so thoroughly seen, every sharp edge and scar and shadow on display, more exposed to his angels' sight than he'd ever felt buck naked.
"Beautiful," Castiel murmured, soft and insistent close to Sam's ear before lightly chapped lips brushed the stubble-roughened line of his jaw in an unmistakable kiss.
"Like looking at kintsugi marble given life and breath to speak its history like a poet to a lover," Gabriel hummed in agreement, leaning in to press his own kiss to the rightmost just of bone at Sam's clavicle, his nose brushing Sam's throat as he swallowed. The Archangel once called the Messenger of God certainly had a way with words! "Don't ever think the damage you've survived makes you less than glorious, Samazing."
"I'll have to work on that," Sam muttered, unwilling to lie to them and say he believed them, not when he knew he didn't, but more than willing to try now that he knew there would be no more divine puppet master pulling his strings to keep him from healing the wounds on his heart and soul. He took another deep breath and let it out slowly. "How do we do this, then?"
"So, I'm not sure what Cassie's plan was gonna be," Gabriel started, and Sam felt more than saw the shift of one golden-edged teal wing nudging up into iridescent rainbow-brushed black, "but assuming you didn't laugh in my face or something at the suggestion I was thinking of taking you out on a date. Nothing fancy or over the top, not this time, just someplace new to explore without the excuse or distraction of a hunt or a fight for your life."
"I, too, had something similar in mind," Castiel admitted. "Perhaps a walk through the woods that surrounds the bunker, investigating some of the terrain we had not yet ventured into the past few years?"
"That sounds nice," Sam agreed, privately thinking that it also sounded safe in case Dean came looking for him and didn't take the note he planned to leave on the table beside his book at face value. He hesitated, biting his lower lip in indecision.
"You can tell him we're alive," Gabriel said with an air of resigned humor. "Neither of us expected you to keep that a secret from him. Just say we came to you because we had a more diplomatic situation going on and we'll be around to catch up with him later when the time crunch is more relaxed."
"Nice and vague and plausible," Sam snorted softly, but smiled. It took a few more long seconds and a stern mental reminder to himself that they wouldn't disappear on him the moment he let go for Sam to unwind his arms from around them and pull away enough to scribble the intended note on a clean sheet of notebook paper. Making sure that the notebook was positioned nicely visible on the table with the edge of his book pinning down the loose edge of the paper just enough to keep it from flipping over without obscuring it, Sam straightened up and turned back to the angels - his angels, soon, and potentially more - and reached out his hands to them, smiling a little helplessly when they both immediately reached back to clasp his hands in theirs. "So, going on a walk in the woods outside isn't far, but if you'd rather fly us out there..."
"You don't mind?" Gabriel's eyebrows went up.
"Eleven years I've been around Cas, and known you for longer," Sam reminded him. "I never had the same... difficulty with angel flight that Dean does, and even humans have a thing about when a limb that was broken is finally healed and useable again we can't help but want to use it a lot."
"Fair enough," Gabriel nodded, then looked at Castiel. "You lead. Since you suggested the woods, I bet you know just where to start."
"I promise not to drop you," Castiel deadpanned, smirking when Gabriel actually groaned.
"This is the thanks I get for restoring your memories," he lamented, shaking his head theatrically to Sam's amusement. Then he smirked, stepping closer to Sam's side. "I'll just hold on nice and tight to Sammykins here, since I know you won't dare drop him in a frozen ravine."
"Of course not," Castiel said in an affronted tone as he settled himself against Sam's side in mirror to Gabriel. "It's summer, after all."
A strong beat of dark wings, a twist of celestial energy, and the three of them disappeared from the library, leaving only the echo of Sam's laughter to mark their presence.
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samlacy · 7 months
Masterlist & Intro
HELLO!! My name is ila (for short, ilan also works idc tbh^^)
I am a HUGE reader and part time writer :)
I highly suggest to check the tags before reading my fics because I mostly write angst with a side of smut
Im multifandom, which means I write about marvel, supernatural, csm, etc.!!
I write ships AND x readers, just request!!
Okay enough about me, here is the masterlist
- Hobie Brown
• Sunsets at the beach (red dots I fell inlove with)
Angst & Hurt no comfort / x reader
• Your Only Flaw Is That You‘re Flawless
Angst & Hurt no comfort / x reader
• False pleasure (I will be good for you)
Semi-Angst & Smut/ x reader
• Hot Man
Drabble / x reader
• Apron
Fluff / x reader
- Steve Rogers
• Love Me, Touch me (be the first who ever did)
Smut / Virgin!Reader
• Tall Baby
Smut / x reader
• Thighs
Smut / x reader
- Tony Stark
• …
- MLM (men love men)
• Don’t Leave Me Here (Shivering In The Disappearance Of Your Warmth)
Angst / slight smut
- Castiel
• Let me go, I’m starving
Sastiel (SamxCastiel) / Smut & Angst
- Sam Winchester
• Let me go, I’m starving
Sastiel (SamxCastiel) / Smut & Angst
• One Last Time
Sabriel (GabrielxSam) / Smut
- Dean Winchester
• …
- Gabriel
• One Last Time
Sabriel (GabrielxSam) / Smut
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quietwingsinthesky · 1 year
8 and 16 for the choose violence ask
8. Common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about.
That Dean would return Cas’s love confession
Okay no actually you know what. I’m gonna talk about that. Maybe it’s just me being deep in Aro!Dean land, but I’m not seeing it. I’m not seeing at any point in the show where Dean loved Castiel. And I’ve been looking, I swear, but I’m. There’s no destiel on my screen. There is a lot more sastiel than I remember but there’s no destiel happening on my screen! There IS a lot of Castiel clearly having Problems and Issues and Angst about dean, and. Zero doubt here there that that angel wants to fuck him. But I honestly can’t imagine any happy ending for dean that revolves solely or even mostly around a romantic attachment. That man is hardwired for family being the most important thing to him, and I love that. Aro!Dean wins again.
Other notable things include: headcanoning Sam as not queer/trans because he’s too boring. Talked about that. Weird fucking opinion to have. That Gabriel is not exactly as fucked up as the other archangels, especially when presenting sabriel as the Good Sam Ship as opposed to samifer. My dudes, did we not watch mystery spot, do the reading. Also. Also. Not acknowledging the really clear character degradation of Lucifer in the later seasons/attributing later seasons stuff to how he acts in s5, just a personal gripe because whatever, people can read him however they want, but I really feel like on a meta level you gotta talk about how these are Two Different Characters who just happen to have been jammed into the same character. Okay. I think that’s it.
16. You can’t understand why people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc.)
I do not like coffee shops AUs. Actually, it’s more that im Extremely picky about AUs that aren’t canon divergence, and will drop them immediately the minute I feel like I’m no longer reading about the characters I like and am instead reading about Generic Guys who say funny quips and then kiss. Which is not a coffee shop au specific problem but the frequency with which that kind of au attracts that writing means I have kind of been turned off from ever reading them again.
if you are writing Sam into your coffee shop au and at some point he does not drop some insane backstory about the time he was kidnapped and forced to fight to the death with a bunch of other college kids, you have failed at writing this au and I am banishing you to the shadow realm /j
The other thing that I do not understand at all, and this extends into a problem with canon, I’m well aware, is how happily people will accept the idea that Castiel is rebellious/different from other angels because he was just Made Wrong. he’s too Broken to be like a real angel. that all the other angels are mindless drones and Castiel is the one good one who could learn about free will, usually justified with it being that “his love for dean is what makes him special”, but even outside of destiel circles, this kind of thing gets very annoying lmao.
And it’s just. That’s wrong. The show might have decided post-s8 that it believed this about Castiel but it’s False and Bad. I’m gesturing wildly at Uriel and Anna and Gabriel and Lucifer and Balthazar and Michael and shit what’s that one angel doing pinball I love them, them too, and Castiel is not special!!! He should not be special!!! All angels have the capacity for free will, they are living under a terrifying system of suppression that has stripped them of their ability to use it and has taught them that when an angel does something they disagree with, killing them is a mercy! (See: the implications of that one angel healer in s9 + Uriel and Cas being sent to kill Anna for falling in s4)
ahem. sorry. i like the supernatural angels. i think making castiel into some separate special being who is the only one capable of rebelling and feeling love and etc does a massive disservice to the heaven storylines and angels as a whole. i think the show’s choice to never have another major angel character who wasn’t killed off quickly/made “too evil” to redeem was a bad decision and contributes to this view of cas as Different and The Good One.
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supersapphical · 2 years
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prpfz · 1 month
Hello 😻 this is just another request from a Welsh writer who is still undeniably in desperate need for some SUPERNATURAL based storylines on Discord. My name is Amelia, I'm over 25 and only looking for other writers who are over 21, the older the better but 21 is the youngest i will write with. I am, as stated, Welsh so my GMT timezone should be considered before you approach as it doesn't always work out with some USA people. I work full time so I am not going to be writing threads constantly, every day. I can be slow and I do have days where my health will take me offline. Just know that I do not just poof on people and I try to keep an open and honest connection with my partners. Anyway, I'll get into what I am looking for. I will details the muses I am happy to write, the muses I would like to write with and then a few ships that I am mostly looking for.
FANDOM: Supernatural
MY MUSES: Meg Masters, Bela Talbot, Rowena MacLeod, Charlie Bradbury, Mary Winchester, Hannah (angel), Anna (angel), Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Castiel, Crowley, Lucifer.
WANTED OPPOSITES: Castiel, Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, John Winchester, Lucifer, Crowley, Gabriel.
MOST WANTED SHIPS (not the only ships I will do!): Megstiel, Cas x Hannah, Destiel, Sastiel, Drowley, Samifer, Casifer.
DO I DOUBLE UP?: I will double up with canon character pairings only, I am not currently looking for any original character pairings as i have had too many issues with this and it makes me feel uneasy. If you really do want an original character double up you will need to give all details but I can not promise I will be accepting of it. Sorry to seem like an assbutt.
MY WRITING STYLE: Discord based. I write in third person and past tense. I can do a decent para to multi-para responses. i am not looking for novella writing but am not against this but just know these will take me longer due to real life.
If you're interested, please can you give this post a like or just jump in my DM's which are open to all. Only like this if you're interested as I keep getting interest which leads nowhere. Thank you so much 🍒
like or dm
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rp-partnerfinder · 5 months
yo, my name is Andy, I'm looking for anyone 18+ to do a Supernatural rp.
I'm open to playing Gabriel, Sam, and Castiel, as who I have the most experience with. I'm open to canon or non-canon plots as well as OCs and platonic relationships, and some darker/dead dove-ish themes.
I'm particularly fond of action, angst, and grit being included, and my hard no's can be discussed privately, though I have few boundaries for the sake of a story.
For pairings, I prefer Sabriel and Sastiel as my favorites (including platonically), but I'm also interested in rarepairs. I'm willing to try new stuff, but I will not write any pairings with Dean or Lucifer for personal reasons. Please do not ask about shipping any of the angels together, either, thank you.
DM me at @krigarekorp on discord if you'd like to rp, and we can plan together!
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mpregspn · 1 year
I once made a spreadsheet about something similar, there are barely any Cas fanfics not about destiel, and even fewer about no ships at all (the 2nd most popular being sastiel and the 3rd x reader). Sam's 2nd most popular ship is with Gabriel, but it only made up 8,9% of his tag at the time of me making the spreadsheet. So really sabriel is not that popular, at least with writers who write about/ tag Sam in fanfiction.
YEAH it's just such a pair the spares ship that makes no sense at all and only got traction bc people were like oh we love sam see he's
over there
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doggobrie · 10 months
Oooo thank you! We’re spn mutuals so I’ll make these all spn related lol
S - Show us an example of your personal headcanon (prompts optional but encouraged)
Sam can’t taste cilantro. Poor bastard.
T - Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending?
My longest running headcanons are both sastiel related 💕
I think Sam and Castiel have been in a situationship since about season 5? They have this weird on-n-off thing going on where they have sex during any downtime together but they don’t actually talk about what their relationship is despite them seeing each others assholes on a regular basis.
I also think that Sam does have some handprint markings from when Cas pulled him out of the cage but it’s on like his leg / thigh. (I’ve drawn this recently lol)
A - Ships that you currently like a lot. (They don’t have to be OTPs because not everyone has OTPs.) Friendships, pairings, threesomes, etc. are allowed.
My ride or die is Sastiel obviously. I’ve liked this ship for about 10 years and I still like it now. I also enjoy Sam/Dean, Sam/Jody, Dean/Gabriel, Sam/Rowena, Meg/Cas, Dean/Benny and honestly most things that aren’t d*stiel cause some of the shippers are annoying. (Not all of them love you d*stiel mutuals )
I’m also really into the Reader/SPN fics. I live in the Sam/Reader tag on ao3 lol
R - Which friendship/platonic relationship is your favorite in fandom?
It might be because I missed them as they were airing but I enjoy the parental drama going on in the later 3rd of spn. I like seeing Sam flip out in therapy because he thinks he’ll never be able to connect with Mary like Dean has. And the whole nature vs nurture thing with Dean, Jack, and Sam. (They could have been more subtle about showing us that but whatever) It’s nice to actually see these relationships form in real time instead of vague stories and flashbacks.
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findroleplay · 7 months
★yo, my name is Gabriel, I'm looking for anyone 18+ to do a Supernatural rp.
★I'm open to playing Gabriel, Sam, Castiel, and Andy Gallagher (who I know is a bit of a long shot) as who I have the most experience with. I'm open to canon or non-canon plots as well as OCs and platonic relationships, and some darker/dead dove-ish themes. I'm particularly fond of action, angst, and grit being included, and my hard no's can be discussed privately, though I have few boundaries for the sake of a story.
★For pairings, I prefer Sabriel, Sastiel, and Samandy as my favorites (including platonically), but I'm also interested in rarepairs. I'm willing to try new stuff, but I will not write any pairings with Dean or Lucifer for personal reasons. Please do not ask about shipping any of the angels together, either, thank you.
★DM me at @angelofpanopticons on discord if you'd like to rp, and we can plan together!
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roleplayfinder · 7 months
★yo, my name is Gabriel, I'm looking for anyone 18+ to do a Supernatural rp.
★I'm open to playing Gabriel, Sam, Castiel, and Andy Gallagher (who I know is a bit of a long shot) as who I have the most experience with. I'm open to canon or non-canon plots as well as OCs and platonic relationships, and some darker/dead dove-ish themes. I'm particularly fond of action, angst, and grit being included, and my hard no's can be discussed privately, though I have few boundaries for the sake of a story.
★For pairings, I prefer Sabriel, Sastiel, and Samandy as my favorites (including platonically), but I'm also interested in rarepairs. I'm willing to try new stuff, but I will not write any pairings with Dean or Lucifer for personal reasons. Please do not ask about shipping any of the angels together, either, thank you.
★DM me at @angelofpanopticons on discord if you'd like to rp, and we can plan together!
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brownshoes · 11 months
@01x69homo thx for tagging me to give me something to do rather than work on my essay due tonight ♡
Three ships: rn I'm really into sastiel which was a bit of a surprise? Other than that I'd have to pick henriel (Henry jekyll/Gabriel utterson) and briar rose/cinders (from the mechanisms), and these lesbian vampire ocs I have
First ship: oof good question. First one I can remember being involved in fandom for honestly was probably either percabeth or hollstein (from the carmilla webseries)
Last song: listening to skin and bone by the mechanisms as we speak
Last movie: Mark of the vampire! It was alright I guess. I was a little disappointed by the ending
Currently reading: the Picture of Dorian Gray! I'm loving it. Oscar Wilde has such a witty, charming style, if a bit insufferable at times. And the horror is so genuinely disquieting. Absolutely loving it!
Currently watching: I'm super bad with TV shows but I started watching riverdale last night and lucifer a couple months ago
Currently consuming: a coffee I made myself before I ran out the door this morning (I've taken a couple days to write this lmao)
Currently craving: Hi this is me several weeks later finally remembering to finish this ummmm honestly I kinda feel like a soft taco from the Mexican fast food joint I used to work at. The food there had a weird kinda distinctive taste compared to other Mexican fast food joints but their barbecue sauce kinda became a comfort taste to me lol. Anyway I'm hungry cause I had an early lunch and I'm out but I'm being so very brave by not buying myself a tasty little treat
Tagging @spinosaurusenjoyer @halfmoss @lesbiansagainsttheatre @candlecat624 @unde4dpixel @pixelshiftexe @theswarmkeeper if yall wanna give it a shot and see if u can beat my completion time of several weeks
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suncaptor · 2 years
Sam/Gabriel for the ship thing? Wait I just noticed the Irish flag in your bio??? Am I looking at that right. It's 3am for me,,,
Yeah I'm Irish! I'm in Mexico right now though.
Ship It
What made you ship it?
I made it toxic and evil in my mind
What are your favorite things about the ship?
hell trauma
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
I have no interest in the way 99% of fandom like it I just can see the ways in which their personality contrast and parallel both in bad and evil as well as interesting positive ways and also the LUCIFER OF IT ALL. also the sabriel queerbaiting was SO funny but i liked it.
Don’t Ship It
Why don’t you ship it?
I don't ship it in that the whole spare the pairs thing was so uninteresting to me. invest in sastiel. multiship.
What would have made you like it?
it's so evil ^^ Gabriel is so like Lucifer in SO many ways and also not at all Lucifer and that's IMPOSSIBLE to weed out of their dynamic especially given the past Sam and Gabriel have AND Gabriel has intense hell trauma too?????? hello. compelling. send me evil sabriel.
Despite not shipping it, do you have anything positive to say about it?
yeah what i've said. also i think sabriel shippers are so valid in general who genuinely love Sam like you do your thing.
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