#gabe just wants v1
pigeonpartytime · 2 years
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the whiny angst lyrics of that’s what i get are soooo perfect for gabe 😂😂😂😂
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b1dl0 · 1 year
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canon-gabriel-quotes · 2 months
No... How can this be?
Daddy’s favorite wine sippy cup...
Now I’m going to have to drink it out of the box like a fucking animal!
You’ve taken everything from me, Machine.
And now we’re going to get drunk together.
That’s right, the only way to repay me for your sins and the breaking of my favorite wine glass, is to finish off this box of wine with me!
And we’re going to have conversations that we think are deep only because we're drunk off our asses.
And by dawn's light, who knows, maybe enemies will be turned into…
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maggie44paint · 10 months
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Dancing with an angel
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peridots-pixiwolf · 1 year
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[Start ID. A digital drawing of Gabriel and V1 from Ultrakill in super-saturated, pixellated colors. It seemingly takes place during phase two of his second fight, judging by Gabe's bright yellow-cyan wings and the consequent blush shining through his helmet. Gabriel is pictured on the left, facing the left side of the screen with his head turned to V1, preparing to strike them with the bloodied spear in his right hand. Small but frequent splatters of blood dot his armor and outstretched wings, fabrics torn through in places. V1 is on the right, aiming its piercer revolver at his face. Their arms are stacked in pairs on either side, idle Feedbacker and Knuckleblaster on the left and Whiplash tucked atop their default arm on the right. Both parties are stylized to resemble insects, Gabe with beetle wings and a halo in the shape of antennae, and V1 with the four wings, four arms, short antennae and bristles expected of a dragonfly. End ID]
woah.... happy 1 year anniversary to gay people
also a couple alts (background removed, just gabe, and just v1, respectively) in hopes it'll be a little easier to understand what's going on and all!
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additionally once again: special thanks to @magnumopos and @muzzleroars , neither of which I have actually spoken to in my life but both of which are credited with partially inspiring this! (dedicated section under the readmore due to the fact I do not generally tag people at all ever and wasn't sure if I should, but thought it was worth mentioning!) The former for giving me the wonderful idea of dragonfly V1, the latter for drawing V1 like a strange little creature + for the feedbacker plate, I enjoy both your works :]
(retroactively, on march 27th of 2024, assigning them a full bingo with credit to deep-space-lines. ehehehehe)
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cherubchoirs · 1 year
I had a dream were V1 and V2 got trapped I'm a room together and got so incredibly bored waiting for rescue they just started swapping parts until they were both just a mismatched jumble of red and blue panels and redundant limbs and wings. When Gabe finally got to them they were very relived but forgot what they looked like and couldn't understand why Gabe was so confused.
he's beginning to realize machines have very different ideas about their identity (he should have read their name tags)
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a-stoopid-person · 1 year
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BEHOLD! smol Fallen Gabe being held by V1, yes I am hyperfixated on @muzzleroars Gabe V1 wombo combo, how could you tell?
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And also V1 being a menace because they can.
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godfistgonnalive · 9 months
need to draw ultrakill characters as furries ugh
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cyberdanse · 1 year
jokes and threats of violence aside that was a fun poll and a VERY exciting twist. the immediate pivot into gay divorce was hilarious. congrats to the people who wanted them to get divorced i hope in the developing days we either 1. get over it or 2. turn this into something really, really funny
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anothermonikan · 3 months
i want what gabriel ultrakill has I think.
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howdy! this might seem like a weird request, but could you write headcanons of all four (if not, gabe and minos) with an s/o who sleeps with a stuffed animal? it could be a comfort item or just a preference. if not thats alright. thanks for your time!
Small Comforts
reader who sleeps with a stuffed animal headcanons (included; V1, V2, Gabriel, Minos)
x reader content (read platonic or romantic)
V1 - they would be intrigued more than anything. they would want to hold the stuffed animal, but wouldn't take without your permission - they don't question why you have it, humans are already a little strange to them so this wouldn't weird them out. if anything they understand the appreciation of the natural world, to them the plushie has a similar appeal as art - they would be a bit rough handling it at first, not particularly used to holding something so easily torn. if you ask them to be more gentle with it they would simply cradle it, not trusting the seems and joints of their hands to not rip or catch on the material - they quickly grow to like the stuffed animal, seeking out it's company if you are busy or away. they haven't really figured out to put it away correctly so expect to have to go hunting around your house to retrieve it - they don't really like staying still for long periods of time so they don't have any particular feelings on you sleeping with the plushie, if anything they appreciate that you have something to cuddle (they are aware it's a much more pleasant time to cuddle the toy than themself)
V2 - you wouldn't have to tell them, they would have dropped by your home unannounced and spied it immediately. they would all but launch across the room to pick it up and begin pestering you with questions about it - if we are being honest here they are definitely going to make fun of you for it, at least for a little while. this would quickly become a topic of great humour for them, expect for them to bring it up for weeks to come - that being said, the interrogation would stop if you reacted too negatively. their teasing is for their own amusement and a strange concept of bonding, they oftentimes don't grasp how hurtful their taunting can be. that being said they aren't intending to genuinely hurt you, and they will shut up if they get the sense you aren't enjoying the conversation anymore - the plushie will most likely go missing on occasion, the culprit adamantly denying they had anything to do with it. half of the enjoyment of kidnapping the toy is your pointed questioning about it's location, the other half is seeing where they can hide the toy to give you a plausible chance of finding it without making it easy (they're a genuine menace sometimes) - if you end up sleeping in the same bed they would refuse to have the stuffed animal inbetween the both of you, you can have it on your side but they are adamant that nothing physically separates the both of you (they are an absolute bed hog and despite not needing to sleep they still hang out in bed while you do)
Gabriel - he would notice it's presence fairly quickly and would look at it in his own time. it's likely you would catch him picking it up to inspect, which would finally prompt him to ask you about it - he wouldn't be particularly interested at first, treating it as just another decoration in your room, but over time he would grow to appreciate it. you may find him sitting with it if he's had a particularly bad day - he doesn't like handling the toy himself, fearing he might damage it in some way accidentally. he is very aware of his own strength and is especially cautious around you and your possessions. with enough encouraging he will become more comfortable holding it. the sight of Heaven's mightiest angel sloftly petting a plushie as if it's alive isn't something you will forget any time soon - he doesn't mind if you cuddle with the toy in bed instead of him, he is big enough to hold the both of you at the same time if you wished. he finds that he appreciates having the toy nearby, seeking it out if you are late to bed or are unable to stay the night with him - he may look into getting one for himself. most likely it would be a stuffed cat or a lion and would be fairly big. he would find a simple pleasure in seeing both of your animals sitting next to eachother. if he saw you holding his stuffed animal he would freeze in place, the feeling of his heart warming almost overwhelming
Minos - he would find it absolutely adorable and would tell you so. he doesn't mean this in a patronising way, he just genuinely appreciates that you've found something to comfort yourself with - it's almost comical how small it looks in his hands, and the sight of him holding it so gently warms your heart. he wouldn't handle it without your permission but you may catch him sitting with it by himself. he can't deny it's appeal and definitely compliments you on your choice of animal - he may prompt you with questions of why you have the stuffed animal, but never with the intent of judging you for it, he has definitely seen weirder - he would invite you to bring it with you on dates or when you cuddle. it isn't embarrassing to him, if anything he greatly enjoys the sight of you carrying it around or including it in activities - if you have to leave for any particularly long period of time he would keep he plushie nearby, the sight of it a comforting reminder and imitation of your presence
feel free to send multiple requests in my inbox, i go by order of what i feel inspired to write/what i have ideas for so i don't mind multiple asks. thanks for reading
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sodafrog13 · 5 months
mm. thinking about how ferryman fight to the death over who gets to man the ferries. how the victor claims the loser's skull as their prize, how their skulls are so powerful that they're used to unlock certain areas of hell.
this means nothing to V1, obviously; sure the terminals tell them this information, but why would they give a shit? they have one objective and one objective alone: kill anything that moves. sure they could take their skull and use it to their own ends, but there's enough of those lying around the place for them to manage without it. simply put: not their problem.
but i can only wonder how gabe feels about all that. i mean obviously he doesn't have a personal relationship with every single one of the ferrymen; i'm sure that would be impossible, even for an angel of his prowess. but he does care for them, to some degree. turns a blind eye to their supposed acts of blasphemy and saves (at least one of) them from destruction in a starless sea, even though he quite clearly doesn't have to.
does he simply accept it as how things ultimately have to be? does he mourn at all, for those who do not make it? feel anything when he sees the remains of their failure scattered about hell?
how would he feel, then, knowing that V1 had killed one of the beings he adores so much? the one he'd saved from certain destruction, who painted portraits of him and called him the light in their darkness, who referred to him as though he were their own god? was it simply par for the course, another drop in the bucket of losses he'd been forced to take? or was that one different, somehow?
does he, too, find value in their skulls? as something to be coveted? something you have to be willing to die for, even? because if he does, i'm imaging a world where he lives and they do not. a world where he takes their skull to keep, to a possessive degree, even.
not as a trophy. not as a symbol of triumph. but as a reminder of how he was made to inherit nothing. because if you were made to inherit nothing, and the being who made you no longer exists, then why not just take whatever the fuck you want?
why not give love to the being who worshiped you, even if you can only now love them in death? it's just you left now, isn't it? you make the rules. you control your own end. and if you arrive to that end with the skull of your beloved in your hands, as a last fuck you to the beings who would have told you your love for them made you worthless?
then that's your choice. that's your end. not like anyone can say anything otherwise anyways.
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canon-gabriel-quotes · 6 months
I used to want to fuck Gabriel as a joke but it's genuinely starting to consume me, why the fuck is the slutty angel this hot gang, I don't get it. I wanna kiss him sloppy style
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This image applies to helmets as well. Get in there and start suckig‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️
Anyway. I would assume the appeal for most hm.. normal people,, is that he’s a mega sub. Who said that.
But he’s also, at least from v1s pov, very large.. and yes I know the in game sizes aren’t canon but big gabe is real to me. I would assume this also appeals to many 🤔
Cough. And for the fweaks (me and im sure many others) not only is he a mega sub, he’s also a masochist. Keep throwing rocks at him for enrichment.(he loves it)
And for the REAL FWEAKS aka people with the highest level of Taste: he is wearing armor and isn’t human
But im biased as a tin can enjoyer (characters made of metal or covered in metal) and faceless character enthusiast. Everything else is just a bonus for me 😏 no face is all I need.
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cherubchoirs · 1 year
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gabriel, righteous ram of the father VS v1, the bitty bad wolf (?)
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samuelthesilly · 9 months
*Puts on autism goggles*
So fun fact, V1 never participated in the murder of humankind. This isn’t just a headcanon either, this can be backed up with actual facts. When you first start the game, you’re presented with this:
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A hallway with planks over it. In order to enter hell, you need to break these planks with your fist, a simple way of implementing a tutorial. Right?
If V1 had to break those planks, that means that it was the first being to enter Hell after it had been closed off by humanity.
If all the machines in ULTRAKILL run on blood, (and they do, every single one gives blood when hit, plus the terminal entries confirm it) surely after depleting all blood on the surface, they would venture into Hell where there’s more in order to survive.
V1 being the first to enter Hell implies that at some point, for one reason or another, they were turned on and set free/escaped into the world.
“But Sam, V1 could have entered Hell first and also killed the humans”
Look at your health when you first start the game. 10/100. V1 runs on blood, so surely after massacring even just one human, they would be much higher health. No, to me this implies that V1 was purposely kept on low health at whatever lab/storage facility it was at (considering V1 never made it out of the prototype phase).
Another thing is the main objective; ‘find a weapon’. If V1 had engaged in the killing, it would have absolutely scavenged a weapon to help kill better (we know it definitely isn’t above stealing things from other machines). If you want to, you could write off the breaking of the planks as nothing but a tutorial. However, this still doesn’t make sense. If it entered Hell after humanity was already dead, what was stopping it from scavenging/stealing a weapons before venturing downwards?
Anyway, my theory, which probably doesn’t even matter, is this;
V1, for whatever reason, was powered on/released before the massacre of humanity. Maybe a few hours, or even minutes beforehand, it can’t have been long considering the whole game takes place over the course of like 24 hours. Also, we literally see the mass influx of souls in the river Styx. (This also implies that the Ferryman was saved by Gabriel pretty much right before we meet them, which is kinda sad. Imagine getting saved, then either dying to a robot or a f*cking leviathan. I’m not sure how they had time to carve the statue of Gabe, so I’m gonna cautiously assume they made it before meeting him IRL.)
That’s pretty much all I have. I don’t know why V1 entered Hell in the first place, all I know is it wasn’t responsible for humanity’s extinction. Feel free to theorise/tell me i’m an idiot in the tags/replies.
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marsspeedway · 7 months
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I think Tumblr likes the COLLEGE AU and I love the AUs…. THEN GABRIEL PLAYS THE VIOLIN (the original idea) AND THE KEYBOARD WHY NOT.
The fanfic was inspired by: https://www.tumblr.com/themachine/742337025681850368/happy-friends-day-everybody
If you are willing to read 2725 words of a work in progress about Gabriel and V1 here it is: *English is not my first language so sorry if there are mistakes, this is mostly translated with an online translator and some corrections by me.
Gabriel really didn't expect to find some dusty old belongings when he returned to his parents' house for a small family dinner with his mother, his two older brothers and a few other relatives he's not very close to. He didn't expect to find Michael so excited when his mother pointed out that he was in the attic, nor did he expect Michael to have taken most of the items out of the boxes when he got there.
The items were scattered on the floor, a few other boxes and the small folding table they kept there. Most of it was his father's stuff, junk or trash he doesn't care about but knows his mother doesn't have the heart to throw away; not when it's the last memories she has of his father before he disappeared.
Gabriel remembers him: a tall, elegant man, extremely strict and whom he had very little time to be around. Even his brothers, who should have known him better, don't know much about him either.
Now, standing here in the dusty air caused by Michael snooping and rummaging through boxes, Gabriel looks around. The attic is not small although neither is his house so he finds it normal. They keep huge amounts of antiques from his grandparents and even great-grandparents or older ancestors that he has only heard stories about. For example: an old desk that belonged to a writer in his family, one of those huge clocks that he remembers they had for a long time in their living room and that he still remembers jumping out of fright every time it rang, Raphael's old drum set is also lying around dismantled and of course Michael's cello in a corner next to the drums on the floor.
Gabriel looks at them and clearly remembers that these things didn't go there, these used to be in a deeper part of the attic.
"What are you looking at Gabe?"
The young man turned his head when he detected his brother's voice and silently motioned with his head towards the instruments. The man walked over, standing next to Gabriel to look at what he was referring to.
"Ah those old things? Well, I thought I'd take my cello to practice again and Raphael wanted his drums too." Michael explained as he folded his arms and then hummed softly, Gabriel raised an eyebrow under his helmet without turning to look at him. "Just in case you want to know…" Michael said slowly, moving closer to Gabriel to slip an arm around his neck and leaning his weight on him.
This couldn't be good.
"Your keyboard and violin are in the back…" GOD DAMN- "I don't mean you should use them, you know…I was just reminding you in case you want them back or want to do something with them." Michael had to have felt him tense up and he definitely did; the way he gently bumped the sides of their heads together with the slight click of the metal of their helmets touching, the way he stroked his back reassuringly, the way he let him go when he felt Gabriel stir.
"You can get rid of them, you don't have to keep them." The older man reminded him by giving him a friendly pat on the shoulder before releasing him completely. "If you want them go ahead, they're in the back on the left… Call me if you need help with anything, yes?" Michael said as he walked away with Gabriel giving him a simple thumbs up in affirmation mode and drawing a chuckle from Michael as he gently shook his head. Sometimes he wondered where his brother had picked up such quiet habits.
When Gabriel watched Michael disappear down the stairs he turned around, hesitating for a second whether to actually go further into the attic but after a few seconds he decided to do so, sighing and spreading his wings to illuminate the area.
The further he goes in he can see more and more boxes, some sealed with tape and others just closed, others possibly opened by Michael and resting on or at the foot of some rotting furniture.
After poking around a bit Gabriel manages to get to the bottom, catching a somewhat large object that is covered by a dark tarp.
Gabriel swallows.
He reaches over, reaching down to drag the heavy tarp off the object's surface and drop it to the ground, revealing what's underneath: his old keyboard.
Okay, one of two… Where's the other one? Gabriel scans the area with his eyes, settling his attention on an old chair where, on the seat, rests a case now whitish thanks to the accumulated dust. Gabriel reaches over, running a hand over it in an attempt to clean it up a bit though it only spreads it further and decides to leave it alone, picking it up and taking it with him to where the keyboard is.
Gabriel used to love these things, don't get him wrong, but now that he remembers their existence and knows that Michael also knows they are here he doesn't hesitate to have his brother tell his mother about his rediscovery and his plans with his old cello. Gabriel's mother is a bit… intense when it comes to music or dance or waltz or whatever it is she likes.
She had made her 3 children practice ballet, she had rehearsed them for the fancy parties that were organized among the rich families in an attempt to make them gentlemen who knew how to waltz well with the damsels, she had put them in an orchestra and also a choir and of course she had made them attend church. It had been fun for a while; when they could play together and have fun or when they practiced anything whenever. But when Michael and Raphael began to have more duties and obligations they began to drift away; leaving Gabriel alone to face it all.
He danced, played, sang, attended mass every Sunday and was a good student until he too could quit like his brothers.
He remembers the moment when his mother informed him that he could stop his extracurricular activities, he remembers how he simply covered his keyboard and put away his violin for the last time one day and never played them again. He knows the same thing happened to his bible now lying somewhere in the bedroom he shares with V1, abandoned when he stumbled upon the blue machine that slowly pulled him away from the path of God his family had instilled in him to follow.
Ah… V1.
Well, now he no doubt knows someone who will be interested in the instruments. He doesn't plan to give them to them, he still loves them and wants to try them again but surely he can lend them to them if they ask for them. Taking them to them sounds like a good idea since besides cheering up the machine he has for a roommate he can practice and try to de-rust a bit before the recital he is sure his mother will force convince them to do.
Gabriel made a mental note to take them with him tomorrow morning when he went back to his dorm, maybe carrying them there won't be so comfortable but it will certainly be worth it to see V1, his friend, happy.
The dinner went well, honestly much better than he expected and he was happy with that. Especially since he managed to avoid all the questions about the church he attended, his schedule or if he had already conquered a lady. Of course he had! But it's different to ask that question than to ask if a lady had conquered him, because certainly hadn't. Not when there was a cerulean machine waiting for him in his apartment… FRIENLY- THEY'RE HIS FRIENDS. HE JUST LIKED THEM.
Anyway… It was good. Certainly much better than the last family dinner they had at Christmas. Gabriel never wants to see Michael angry again, that much is clear to him.
He doesn't remember why they had started fighting because, honestly, he hadn't been paying attention. Gabriel was more interested in eating or thinking about what he would do when he got back to his bedroom, thinking about the gift he had bought for V1 that was now hiding in his closet: a replica gun from a game that V1 had been looking for for some time now and that Gabriel had found in perfect condition at a garage sale. Even packaged and with its 4 coins! With the 'Marksman' in his possession V1 almost completed their collection.
Gabriel felt a little proud to have found it. It's old, he knows that, and he also knows that V1 would love it.
He was so deep in thought at the time that he didn't even notice when the voices around him began to raise and only noticed when a bump on the table made him jump in place and nearly spill the spoonful of mashed potato that was going straight into his mouth.
Ah… Another family situation. Nothing new for the times.
Whatever, the point is that this dinner was better than Christmas. And if you'd like to know: yes, V1 absolutely loved the gift. And Gabriel received a new microphone that he had been wanting to buy for a long time: now he could better record his little audios and attempts at home podcasts.
To commemorate the gift V1 opened it carefully, not wanting to damage anything in the slightest because: 1, it was a collector's item and 2, it was a gift from Gabriel. Instead the microphone was lightly tested, saving the real test for later when V1 received an audio from Gabriel that DEFINITELY tested the capabilities of the device.
V1 saved the audio.
Even if it was a silly audio of Gabriel basically mumbling into the microphone in a seductive, gravelly voice that he would kick their ass if they left a mess in the apartment again.
V1 saved the audio.
And now there was Gabriel, walking across campus in the direction of his shared residence hall with a keyboard under his arm and a violin case in his other hand along with his backpack on his back. It was less uncomfortable than he thought it would be although being a 6 foot tall, heavily muscled guy he doubted he would have much trouble with lifting that amount of weight.
When he found himself in front of the door he thought about knocking and waiting to see if the machine was home in the hope that they would open it for him but when he distinguished the sound of an electric guitar on the other side he considered that it would be better not to disturb them in one of their practices.
He fumbled to pass the violin case to his other hand and used the now free one to rummage in his pants pocket for his keys, snapping them into the lock when he found them and turning it to open the lock. The door opened and he was glad when the old hinge didn't squeak knowing that V1 had oiled it as he had asked.
He walked in closing the door behind him and finding his living room in a much better state than he thought it would be. The cushions were a bit of a mess but other than that everything was in its place: the small coffee table was clean with nothing on it, the bookshelves were still tidy, the couches weren't out of place and there was no junk around.
It was a relief.
The familiar sound of the electric guitar quieted for a moment and left him in total silence as he placed the keyboard on the larger couch and on it he laid the violin case, then as he took off his backpack Gabriel gave a nod and at the same time the guitar restarted loudly as Gabriel knew it would. The angel could easily imagine V1 doing the same as him only in a more passionate way and lost in the frenzy of the song: more intense and violent.
He took off his coat, leaving it hanging on the coat rack in the entryway as he made his way down the hallway humming the guitar melody before catching one of the lyrics and singing it quietly.
Rock hadn't been something he'd listened to much growing up, much less metal but he'd certainly grown fond of it since V1 started showing them to him and unconsciously, or consciously, they had become two of his favorite genres. He would deny it with V1, feigning annoyance when the machine would put music on the speakers or when they played a song he knew but they would quickly catch Gabriel humming softly or bobbing his head to the music but would say nothing about it. They would let it happen and enjoy the company in the moment.
At the end of the hallway was the bathroom and before that were the two rooms of the apartment: one facing the other. The doors matched and Gabriel remembers how more than once they both tried to leave at the same time without being aware of each other's presence and how they bumped into each other. At first they were annoyed, really only Gabriel was, but slowly as their friendship grew they both took it more gracefully; like a little attunement.
They learned each other's schedules so it didn't happen so often. Gabriel gets up first thing, at 5am to shower and take his time in the bathroom, at 5:30 the bathroom is free for V1 to use at 6am when they wake up and when they leave breakfast is prepared and ready on the table: blood and whatever Gabriel is going to eat. At 6:30 the dishes are clean and they both share the bathroom to finish getting ready: V1 wipes the unabsorbed or dried blood off the plating and Gabriel does whatever it is that angels do under that helmet of his. V1 still doesn't understand it, they just know it's like washing his mouth or brushing his teeth or something… Oh, and that Gabriel doesn't take off his helmet… Just like he doesn't take it off to eat.
Peeking through V1's half-open doorframe Gabriel watches them from behind, strumming the strings of their guitar with fervor and excitement as they nod their head before the song ends and thus they too must hit their last note.
The angel leans back against the door and watches fondly as the machine sucks in air and listens as the fans spin in the sudden silence, the machine's chest rises and falls in pseudo breaths in an attempt to keep their components cool after the intense movement and Gabriel laughs softly as he claps his hands, making the machine turn their head in his direction.
"Good job there, that sounds great!" Gabriel complimented as he walked into the room, V1 turning fully around to sign a 'thank you'.
"How was your weekend?" Gabriel asked approaching the robot who already knew his intentions since they saw him walking towards them slightly opening his arms.
"Pretty good. We practiced a lot and made progress on a few songs. How about you?" V1 signed before opening their arms and accepting Gabriel between them, letting themselves be squeezed by the strong angel in front of them.
"I'm glad you had a good time." Gabriel murmured sweetly, slouching down and resting his chin on the machine's shoulder. "A good family dinner, you know how they usually are…" Gabriel whispered soothingly, closing his eyes as he enjoyed the affection and feel of the metal of V1's arms around him.
"I also have something to show you." Gabriel hummed, pulling away and placing his hands on V1's shoulders. At the man's words the robot perked up, pulling away from him to bounce in place with excitement and curiosity, drawing a chuckle from Gabriel.
"Come, follow me." He said, sliding his hand down his companion's arm and taking their hand before leading them out of the room. V1 didn't complain, this had been something Gabriel had been doing unconsciously for the past few weeks and V1 found it harmless, almost cute if not charming.
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