#fun fact mientras escribía estoy escribí L e r y varias veces JAJAJAJAJAJAJAJA
honey-hippie-harper · 3 years
Winston, my beloved
HAPPY LATE BIRTHDAY @healing-winston-pratt !!!!!!
I’m not going to write you a huge ass letter because I already did that the entire day <3 but here’s your tumblr gift afghjafgsja it’s very short but I still hope you like it, and I hope you know how important you are to me, and how blessed I feel for having met you :’333333 <3 <3 < 3 <3
There are no words to describe how great of a person you are, and I hope we keep being friends for many, many years :’)
I love you <3
And I hope you like this agaghjaghjs (it’s just our canon divergence version of the Leroy-meeting-Maggie thing).
Maybe she would look less similar when Leroy was sober.
That’s what he thought back then.
Maybe the child from the janitorial team would look less similar to Nova once he was sober; because, well, it’s not that he was absolutely wasted the first time he saw her. He was only mildly drunk, to be honest.
But even then, he knew that he couldn’t think straight while in that state. Hence why, when he saw the kid from the janitorial team walking around and she was scarily similar to a younger version of Nova, he just let it pass. After all, back then, he was still thinking that, once he went to jail, it would be the last time he ever saw Nova. Upon being a little drunk, it made sense for him to be seeing Nova in places where she wasn’t.
However, one year later, when he was released from jail and saw her on the street once again, she still looked like a younger version of Nova.
Leroy was in his break from work, which he always used to go out to smoke, as it was a smoke-free building. The kid was coming out of the convenience store across the street, carrying a blue bag, and wearing civilian clothes instead of her Renegade uniform.
Now, Leroy wasn’t the best father figure that had ever existed on Earth. He had never defended he was.
But he was decent enough to recognize Nova when he saw her, and, even if her childhood pictures were embarrassingly scarce, Leroy had done a great part of the parenting and he had seen her. 
Had he done it correctly? Probably not, but Nova was still in one piece.
And she was in one piece because not everything had been that awful.
Could’ve been better, definitely. But it had been enough.
The point was…
Leroy remembered the kid version of her. And he remembered it because he had chased after her more times than he could count.
When he thought about little Nova, he often felt a twinge in his stomach, because, basically, they were too fucking stupid when she was younger.
Not that Winston and him weren’t fucking stupid now, but the brain cell Honey, Ingrid, Winston and him used to share was hopeless and it needed a goddamn therapist almost as much as they needed one, individually. When he thought about little Nova, he saw them posing with her like they were in a renaissance painting, that time a mosquito broke into her nostrils and her nose started hemorrhaging like a red waterfall when she was too rough at trying to take it out. Ingrid sat her on her lap, telling her to stop screaming because they were going to think she had punched her. The truth was, Nova wasn’t screaming. Rather, she was breathing so fast she was swallowing her own blood like nose drops and she was fucking choking.
No matter how hard Ingrid tried, the demonic sounds Nova was making ended up summoning the rest of the Anarchists, and that’s when they all gathered around Nova, looking like a cult adoring a bleeding statue.
Usually, when a tragedy happened, they just did dumb shit like that, and they always ended up gathered around her, panicking instead of doing something about it, and that’s why Leroy was pretty confident on the fact he knew what his freaking child looked like.
And she looked like that.
He had spent so many hours of his life staring at Nova, that he knew what that pitch black hair looked like. Her small eyes. The way her face became disfigured when she was mad, and even the weird thing she could do with her hands. That thing, where she would bend the upper part of her fingers, with the exception that, while Nova could do that with all of her fingers, the kid from the janitorial team seemed to only be able to do it with three of them.
She had the same chipmunk cheeks, and while the nose was a little different, Leroy was sure he had seen it somewhere else, in a person that was no longer here. And that nose was also too similar to that person’s not to be the same.
Maybe it was just an awful, scary coincidence, because the chances of this meaning something were extremely low, and it was overall impossible, to say anything.
Yet, when she bent down to tie her shoes, Leroy stared at her with the cigarette still into his mouth, maybe judging or maybe waiting for something that would more likely not happen.
At least, that’s what he thought until the moment something did happen.
Leroy had always been told, by a person who was no longer here either, that he had a pretty heavy stare. Heavy and acid, like the thing that came from his pores. And, apparently, the kid from the janitorial team agreed with that, because, after a while of struggling to try to tie her shoes (she didn’t look like a person who knew how to do such thing. She was improvising), she looked up and across the street, where Leroy was, staring.
And she stared back, frowning.
And for a moment, she didn’t look like her own person, but rather a doppelgänger of the teenager who would be waiting for him at home once his shift was over. And, frowning in that way, she was also victimized by the same phenomenon as Nova.
Because when she frowned –and probably when she cried, too- she looked like she was about to ask Leroy to join her revolution, right before putting on a ridiculous helmet and proceeding to destroy the city.
And that.
That was also too much of a coincidence to him.
Maybe, the next right thing to do would’ve been to help her tie her shoes, but Leroy didn’t, because he was frozen, despite his face being emotionless.
So, solemnly, he just nodded, as a way to greet her even from that distance.
In response, the kid stuck her tongue out towards him and told him to go fuck himself with her finger.
Then, she got up and started storming away.
Not even two seconds later, her shoelaces gave her what she had coming, and she fell on her knees.
Leroy pretended he hadn’t seen that.
He supposed that’s what she would’ve wanted.
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