littlegoldenprodigy · 11 years
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Visitors? His mother never mentioned anyone coming over, the house's regulars were usually the Rockbell family so it could of been them, They did tend to come out of the blue sometimes, Winry could be over to play!
But the silhouettes behind the frosted glass didn't look like them...
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hightimehawkeye · 11 years
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"Around the same time period when you became such a brat." 
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alphonsethemiraculous · 11 years
ah crap this is practically my first rp im sorry if im getting boring or not helping with the plot
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clawsoflust · 11 years
 #sorry he's fucking me #huehue
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nagisa-indiv · 11 years
Send me a ✵ for my muses reaction to finding yours naked in bed waiting for me
"I’m starting to think that this whole teleporting and surprising me thing is starting to become a regular past time for you."
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sonjajade · 11 years
It was bullshit.  He was so angry with himself, yet there was nothing to do but rush back to the office, grab his wallet out of his desk and make sure he made it back tot he cafeteria before register closed for the day.  He took a breath before reaching out for the door knob and flinging the door open…
There sat Edward Elric- punkass teenager supreme- nose deep in one of Havoc’s titty mags that he kept in the bottom drawer of his desk for when things got a little slow on days that the colonel an his Hawk were out on assignment.
A grin formed on his lips as he realized Ed wasn’t even aware he’d been busted.  “So," he said loudly.  “See anything in there you like, Ed?"
Ed’s face turned a lovely shade of crimson and he looked ready to die of embarrassment.  He couldn’t even form a coherent response as Braeda snatched the magazine away from him and looked at the spread he was drooling over.  As he suspected, it was a curvaceous blonde, blue eyes, huge tits and a lazy smile that reminded him of his mechanic, the one that was ‘just some girl he’d grown up with’.
"I won’t tell anybody if you get your underage ass out of this office, got it?"
Ed bolted out of there so fast he blew some papers off of Feury’s desk.  Braeda bent and put them back and then slipped the magazine back in its place.  He found a fruit pie in the drawer and he helped himself to it, something to hold him over til he got back to the cafeteria.  He couldn’t wait to Havoc about this later at the bar.
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alphonsethemiraculous · 11 years
//oh my god im so sorry i forgot
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clawsoflust · 11 years
Was it her lucky day today? She was finally allowed to kill Fullmetal, that annoying shrimp of an Alchemist. After Mustang, he was definitely second on her list. 
"You know, I've had it with your crap. You will die here, and it will be by my hands." she snarled.
It had been a long, tedious fight— Fullmetal was skilled in his art, after all. But there was nothing he could do to break her Ultimate Spears. He was not Mustang.
Eventually, he was a breathless, lacerated mess, seeking support against the wall. She could've finished it right there, but Lust wanted to enjoy the moment before definitely killing him, revelling in the pain, anger and hate she could discern in his eyes. 
Crimson sparks danced around Lust's body, healing and repairing the damages the Fullmetal brat had caused her in this final round.
"Remember that one time, when we met in the 5th Lab, mh?" she whispered, slowly stepping up to him until they were face to face. He made an attempt to attack her again, but Lust just clicked her tongue and firmly gripped his automail arm, not allowing him to move it another inch. "I wasn't finished." a snarl ripped from her throat, but then she smiled again— a sweet, sick smile. The kind she only gave when she was sure she had won.
"I told you we were letting you live, didn't I?" she asked. "Answer me, Fullmetal. Didn't I tell you such a thing?" Her other hand gripped his jaw, until he grunted out a choked "Yes". Lust chuckled. "Good. And now, since you're not useful anymore, I'm going to do what I wished I could've done the first moment I saw you."
The hand on his jaw let go of him only to reach out, claws ready. 
"Goodbye, Pipsqueak."
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hightimehawkeye · 11 years
"Date, Marry, Cuddle, kill: Me, Roy, Havoc, Olivier~"
"Well THIS is a recipe for disaster…
Marry: Roy Mustang (please don’t let this make things awkward between us).
Date: Havoc, again. Despite how big of a dork he can be he’s still pretty cute.
Cuddle: You. You are pretty small, after all. ;)
Kill: Olivier… I really hope she doesn’t see this." 
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[Whispers in ear] I want to do the dirtiest things to you. {pass on to the first 10 blogs on your dash and see their reaction}
"Um..." Raven said, taking a step back.
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fullmetalupstart started following you
The blonde trotted down the street. She wasn't in a rush or anything, she just wanted to get to the library quickly. She tripped over her own feet and landed on her hands "Eh--?!" she quickly got on her hands and knees to collect the books and papers when she noticed someone's feet in front of her, it was too late though and she ran into their legs, not knocking them down, though "Oh!" she fell back into a sitting position. She looked up at the blonde boy "Sorry," she blushed "I-I didn't notice you there."
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nagisa-indiv · 11 years
Surprise Visitor {fullmetalupstart}
Nagisa shifted his gaze up to the clock as it began to buzz signaling the end of his shift. He polished off the pizza in his hands, grabbed his things, then headed out to the pool floor. Since it was just after 10 thunderstorming out and no one was allowed in the pool, everyone went home leaving Nagisa-- much to his delight-- by his lonesome. Taking advantage of the situation, the blonde stuck a note on the doors leading to the pool that said 'No entry. Come to lifeguard room' and headed off to relax in the employee lounge, and since no one had come to bother him he figured clean-up tonight would be pretty easier. However, the faint sounds of splashing met his ears.
The lifeguard jogged towards the room, his expression shifting into that of annoyance. So much for peace and quiet. Dealing with rule-breakers was his least favorite part of the job, and since this idiot was swimming during a storm he had no idea what would happen. Nagisa pushed the heavy doors open with a soft grunt, his pink hues fixing on the body swimming about in the pool. Luckily it was just one person, so he figured the situation wouldn't be too difficult to handle. The blonde walked to the edge of the pool, waiting for the man to reach his end before reaching in and grabbing a hold of his hair. With a harsh yank, he pulled the man to the surface. "What the hell are you doing here? The sign said no entry."
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hightimehawkeye · 11 years
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I love you guys
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