#fuck you studio pierrot
strawbellyx3 · 6 months
Their height difference..Sasuke slightly bowing down to reach for Sakura's hand..the way he so gently takes it and slowly lets go, lingering on her fingers for as long as possible before letting go...
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sanjiaftersex · 3 months
naruto is very out of character in boruto because u mean to tell me the person who grew up wanting a family so desperately is putting his work over spending time with them?
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"But being a hokage was his ultimate dream" Naruto has never been someone who puts materialistic achievements over human connection. Even as a stupid teenager, he was ready to sacrifice his dream for his "friend" sasuke and always went above and beyond for his other friendships too.
When kid naru met boruto he was asking about the kid's dad even though he's a kid himself. (Kids like to talk about the things most interesting or precious to them. He wasn't asking his new friend abt toys or school or friends or ninja stuff)
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naruto is someone who grew up all alone without any father figure (i'll attack you with a knife if u mention jiraiya's name). Someone with this much longing for a family doesn't act like how naruto is shown in Boruto. so no way in fucking seventh hell that he grows up to become a useless father who does not have time for his own son.
fuck Boruto. forever and always.
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sasukeflavor · 2 years
Sasuke is going to get more mischaracterized because sasuke retsuden ss stans are possibly getting on oct 23 😭 what the hell
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mdr-reikas · 7 months
So, if you've been following me for a while, you might remember this unspecified naruto character that I have a feud going on with. While I was rewatching the Chunin exams arc 2022/23, I spotted this old fuck:
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If you remember this time period of me posting, you might also know that I was quite pissed at him. He didn't do anything, but why is this minimum fourty year old fuck here??? That's not a shinobi, that's a distinguished gentleman. Get him out of the army. My man literally has his hitai-ate tied in a bow?? Hello??
But. It gets crazier.
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you might think that this is a regular screenshot of mr.bow but NO! This is him still sitting in the exams room after the tenth question was asked. BOW MAN PASSED THE THEORETICAL CHUNIN EXAMS. That's crazy! This man probably was in the forest of death, IN THAT OUTFIT.
And if you thought that was all. Here's my new discovery-
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sasukeless · 4 months
I love how everyone in the naruto fandom at some point accused Studio Pierrot of fucking over their fav ship/character coz rn sakura stans on tiktok are complaining about sp supposedly making her worse in the anime (which is bs) but god this fandom can be entertaining and funny to watch sometimes
the only character i’m 100% sure sp hated or at least couldn’t fucking understand is sasuke And i know this is true because unlike every other character you can’t think of A SINGLE THING sp added that has favored sasuke in any way but there’s a long list for other characters (yes, including sakura despite the claims)
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teatitty · 2 months
What are your favorite tropes for kakairu? Sorry if you've written them I'm behind on reading your Naruto stuff aaaa what are you favorite things about them as a ship? What animals would they best be in your heart of hearts? What are their favorite ways to annoy each other?
Haven't had the time to write out any of the tropes I actually love for them yet but some of my fave KakaIru tropes are: Kakashi being a lowkey stalker and Iruka still falling for him anyway bc all Shinobi are weird like that; Tsundere Iruka and Kakashi being so so so self aware about it he is living his romance dreams; mission fic! I love a good 'have to go on a mission together' trope especially if its them bickering a lot and bonding throughout; office romance is just inherently baked into them lol but that too; Kakashi being one of very few people who can consistently invade Iruka's personal space and be touchy with him without consequence. This does not go unnoticed and everyone is [suspicious side eye] about it
Favourite things about them as a ship: Domesticity; two heavily traumatised orphans caring so deeply about the younger generations; Iruka not giving a single fuck about Kakashi's reputation and loudly arguing with him the same way he would anyone else; there's a myriad of interesting dynamics you can explore with them and just an absolute shitton of tropes and AU's ripe for the taking; they match eachother's freak; the amount of official art Studio Pierrot made of these two together makes me laugh; this is an anime only scene but Kakashi grabbing Iruka's hands just to give him Pakkun before leaving the village rewired my brain chemistry; ANBU Kakashi could've fixed a delinquent Iruka by fucking hi -
Animals they'd be: said it before Kakashi is obviously dog coded even back to his dad's moniker being "White Fang" and Iruka is a tanuki
Fave ways to annoy the other: There are so many we could not name all of them but Kakashi's favourite is turning in messy reports and Iruka's favourite is ruining Kakashi's cool guy image by telling the kids he loudly sobs at sad adverts about dogs
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dapper-dinosaursblog · 4 months
Sakura if she wasn't watered down by studio pierrot:
Saku: dude, what the fuck
Sas: but... revenge
Saku:... what the fuck.
Sas: please don't hurt me.
Naruto: please don't hurt him.
Saku: I'm thinking really hard about it.
Kakashi: I mean, if you did, I was never here. No witness, no crime
Sas: wait- no-
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misscoolisback123 · 1 year
Do you ever wake up and wonder what did Sasuke Uchiha ever do to deserve hate? Eren Jaeger has valid reasons for people hating him, but Sasuke Uchiha doesn't. The entire Uchiha clan doesn't deserve hate. Maybe Sasuke could become friends with Ymir Fritz in the paths because fuck do they deserve better. The whole Kohona system is fucked. If Naruto was in his place, then the system wouldn't have punished him because he's not a Uchiha. That's why Sasuke was punished. Just for being a fucking Uchiha! Also, the ring Sasuke gave to Sakura was made out of dirt. Sasusaku is proof that Studio Pierrot hates Sasuke.
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sparklyfaerie · 1 year
My further adventures into reading the Naruto manga:
- Obviously I’m fucking mad at the changes to the scene where Sasuke gets the curse mark. I think all SasuSaku shippers despise those subtle shifts; they compeltely alter the tone of the scene.
- I never noticed before that the ‘ink’ Kakashi uses to seal the cursed mark is actually his own blood? Like you can see the cut on his hand? That means that from that moment until Itachi removed the mark, Sasuke had Kakashi’s blood tattooed into his skin.
- The thing that bothers me the most though? When the Sakura vs Ino fight is announced, Ino’s entire team is like “well shit, she’s in trouble.” In particular, Asuma’s internal dialogue says:
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Of course, the anime said “nah fuck that, we can’t have anyone respecting Sakura.” I checked.
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They made Ino seem stronger and completely disrespected Sakura. Again. Seriously what the fuck is with SP hyping up the other girls and driving Sakura into the fucking ground?
Fuck you Studio Pierrot. Fuck you.
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sweepseven · 2 months
Whoever made the decision to leave off Banquine, Spanish Web, and Handblancing off of Quidam's CD I WANNA TALK. And throw hands.
Aha, you would think!! But have you met Cirque fandom's single greatest asset, Propel Pierrot??
Propel has been around for decades uploading tons of live versions of Cirque songs, usually always in stunning quality. His collection is unmatched and I super encourage you to go through your favorite shows' playlists! Here are the Quidam ones you mentioned:
Banquine (official name: Misère) Spanish Webs Handbalancing
Some other Quidam faves of mine that he's uploaded:
Quango Tango (takes me right the fuck back in such a visceral way) Walking in the Air (my favorite Cirque moment of all time) Cage (though I originally knew it as "Rain"?? closing of the first half, so Quidam it physically aches) Cloud Swing (while you're at it watch this fucking nuts video focus on the bassist)
And lastly here is a short video interview with the very man who has caused you such pain. Carl Marsh produced the studio album and remembers such a cool level of detail for a CD produced nearly twenty years ago! I think you'll find it in your heart to forgive him. 😁
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thedevotedhealer · 2 months
//If u want me to explain so many things wrong w this ship, here's a video that covers everything, so I won't have to write it up.
If u tell me SasuSaku Isn't a toxic ship, just... quit Naruto franchise altogether, man. If u hadn't noticed this, you won't notice many other things wrong with Naruto franchise.
And don't give me that Sigma shit about "Sasuke being too good for Sakura". It was evident from head to toe that bro wasn't interested and studio pierrot had too much power handed to em. They literally dragged my girlie to dirt and beyond.
Studio Pierrot got TOO MUCH power over this anime and it's evident. Fuck you for that, Kishimoto.
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misguided-ghostz · 1 year
A continual fuck you to Studio Pierrot for destroying Sasuke Restuden and cutting out sasusaku scenes
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thefloatingstone · 2 months
Did you hear studio pierrot is making a new magical girl anime?
I did! I'm excited to see what they cook up!
Judging by the fact they reminded everyone of their past magical girl series, and they teased the new project with "I want to hear you sing again" makes me think they're going to go for a magical girl series more in line with the original magical girl shows before Sailor Moon turned the genre towards fighting bad guys. So I'm guessing more focused on possibly music (another idol show?) or girls following their dreams and things like that.
It'll be nice to have something other than PreCure and Madoka Magica going on. I know Katsute Mahou Shoujo exists as well but that seems to be completely it's own thing.
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water-petal · 8 months
the fandom is crazy
you mad i am defending sakura?
then come buck me bitch
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!english ain't my first language!
before i get jumped because people might think i am attacking kishi
read it first
people legit defending kishimoto's bad female writing to prove hinata is the "best written" female baffles me
hinata only had one best moment she could have gotten the confidence boost she deserves but no kishi didn't
not being able to speak up for yourself doesn't mean you are just "shy"
sometimes you can speak up by actions or by proving yourself
kishi sadly didn't knew this
in part 1 hinata was very interesting
what's even more surprising they keep saying "kishimoto is not a bad female writer sakura is just meant to be a bitch"
show me your sources? where has it been said? did kishimoto himself claim "i wanted to make sakura a bitch"
kishimoto was never interested in developing the female so actually just to downplay sakura y'all call him "the most realistic writer"
"realistic character writer"
they are writers who do not give in to fans demand
kishimoto was so pressured over by editor and studio pierrot bro never got to do his own thing
this is not a "realistic writer"
fans are to blame too
while oda and tite kubo did their own thing kishimoto gave in to the pressure
he himself claimed he had plans for sakura but thanks to hater he forgot them all
haters are to blame in the end.....if y'all actually gave kishimoto time to let her be developed maybe he would have done the same to every naruto female
this wouldn't be the case with fandom if y'all actually knew how to stfu for a moment
sakura became the victim of "unpopularity" which resulted in kishi giving up on her
reminder that was fucking 13 year old sakura
people hate on sakura for 'bullying' naruto
wasn't mf trying to steal her kiss without her knowing? hypocrisy much?
i salute kishi for being a good male character writer but he sucks at female character writing
the only good female character he ever wrote was tsunade and hanabi
sakura on other hand is way too overhated people bring up fillers to argue with sakura fans or call sakura fans "delusion"
read the manga then argue
she is much better in manga
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frost-felon · 8 months
...I'm gonna get my ass killed if I ever do a genuine deep dive for it, but gotta say:
No, Nobara was never a particularly well-written girl character.
She had her moments, to be sure. Like in the Origin of Obedience Arc, and part of her death (the flashback part has some serious issues, mainly in regards to its timing¹, but the 'chairs' part of the scene is The Good Shit™).
But like. She was always noticeably bereft of plot threads/things to do, particularly in comparison to Megumi and Satoru. Hell, she gets thrown out of most battles she's in, to the point that Megumi comments on it during OfO:
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Her argument with Nishimiya is a travesty, to the point that I don't even want to go over it outside of a deep dive.
Her admiration of Maki is one of the few cool things about her character, but it's not a particularly emphasized or, uhhhh, 'revolutionary' thing. Sure ain't no Utena, lmao.
I like Nobara! But she was always playing fifth-fiddle to Megumi, had few unique interactions with Gojo-sensei, and mainly acted as a support to Yuji (she literally dies in part to further traumatize Yuji in and out of universe, lmao). Hell, you can make the argument that she was having minor hints to getting romantically involved with Yuji before her death.
This isn't to pit Nobara fans against Megumi fans, Yuji fans, or even Satoru fans; but like, I was so flabbergasted when I read up to 145 initially, 'cause...well-written girls and women? Where??? Maki and Mai were the closest, and barely fleshed-out, all the same.
My hot take: Nobara was NEVER better-written or designed than Haruno Sakura (manga, Studio Pierrot fucked her over).
¹Something similar happened with Nanami almost dying to Mahito, but since he survives that and continues to have story presence, it isn't as big of an issue. It's definitely worth comparing, though.
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rayshippouuchiha · 2 years
Ray, light of my days, i have cometh to you with my unwanted opinion on Boruto. It's long and has pictures, so I think it's a proper presentation when you ignore the fact I'm very bad at those. So, the plot is shit, we all know that at this point but let's ignore that for a hot sec pls
Look, Studio Pierrot does what it wants (I'm not happy about it, I'm pretty sure none of us ever were)
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But Mikio Ikemoto would be bitchless and maidennless at the highest caliber if it wasn't a known fact that Japan has a big fucking problem with both pedophilia and taking sexual harassment seriously
I mean look at this shit!
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So in conclusion I'll stop clowning this suspiciously pedophile acting motherfucker the moment he stops lewding prepubescent little girls in his internationally followed *cough*clowned*chough* manga series while both highlightling the fact that the little girls he's lewding are drawn well before puberty hits and therefore look like children with their very fucking intentional round faces and chubby cheeks and ignoring the grown ass women who are both fair game and already had a thirsty audience and making them look like children too
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I pray every single day that Boruto somehow gets revealed as a Madara-induced dream state
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