#fuck me running sideways with a fucking chainsaw you beautiful man
magalidragon · 4 years
fire on ice | a crackish Jonerys drabble
Soooo... @moggett reblogged this post and well I felt compelled to write a drabble for one of those prompts so I give you this crack fic-- a funeral home meet cute!
I give you....FIRE ON ICE!  And this is also partially @youwerenevermine‘s fault, lol, because we literally had same idea for one of the prompts.
“Thank you so much Mr. Snow.”
Jon nodded politely, solemnly, his gray eyes the perfect amount of sympathetic, sad, and he hoped the right amount of ‘normal’— lest people think him a total fucking creep—while he shook the hand of the Greatjon Umber, whose son Smalljon Umber had unfortunately encountered the wrong side of a chainsaw while out trimming trees.  
Greatjon began to go into a tale about his son—who by all accounts had been a horrible person—speaking like he was the second coming of Aegon the Conqueror for all his ‘talents’ and ‘successes.’  “Hmm,” he murmured, walking him slowly to the door.  “He sounds like quite a man your son, thank you Mr. Umber, we will speak later regarding tomorrow.”
“Of course, thank you again Mr. Snow.”
The door shut loudly behind him, Jon slumping against it, relieved.  He glanced at his cousin, who had emerged from the basement, shaking her chopped bob out of its messy little knot atop her head.  “He gone?” she demanded.
“I had half a mind to sew his arm on backwards.”
Jon closed the doors to the viewing room where Smalljon rested in repose until tomorrow when he’d be taken to the Karstark’s castle for the final funeral and ultimate burial in the crypts, as was custom for the Northerners.  He clicked his tongue.  “Arya, be nice.”
“Remember when his wife died, and he squeezed my arse?”
“Aye, I remember.”
“Thought so.”  Arya checked her phone.  “Your beloved texted me.  We have another on the way.  This one fell from the Wall.  Ygritte said he’s a fucking mess.”
He made a face; he hated that she referred to his ex-girlfriend as his ‘beloved.’  “Will you stop calling her that?”
“She works for the morgue Jon, what were you thinking?”
“It’s hard to find women in this line of work.”  He heard the bell ringing on the other side of the old stone house that served as their place of business and home—the five-floor monstrosity he knew people in town referred to as ‘Castle Black.’  He did wear a lot of black.  Came with the territory.  He waved off Arya.  “Just make sure you finish up with Mr. Lannister before the end of the evening.”
“The rich dude who died on the shitter?  Yeah, no thanks, that’s all yours.”
“Do you want to take this one?  Where the fuck is Robb anyway?”  Robb was the master of this shit, not him.  He was better with the dead.
Arya walked away before he even could try to play ‘Dragon, Wolf, Lion’ with her or answer as to where her eldest brother happened to have gone off.  Guess it was all him.  He caught his reflection in one of the mirrors in the hallway, adjusting his black tie at his neck and raking fingers through his curls.  It did nothing to tamp them down. He schooled his expression, solemn, and pushed through the dark wooden doors from the funeral home side of the floor to the entry way.  He let them swing back and folded his hands in front of him.  
“Welcome to Three Wolves Funeral Home, may I help you?” he asked, voice gentle; you never knew who might be waiting to speak with you on this side of the building.  He’d been accused too often in Robb’s post-services discussions of being too cold.
The woman standing in a dark red dress with long black overcoat was not someone who appeared to be in mourning, but then you never really knew, some people were good at masking emotions.  Her silver hair was in an elegant, braided knot at the back of her head and she had large black sunglasses folded in her hands, gazing at the table with various brochures for caskets.  
She turned, blinking wide violet eyes at him, her lips crimson, face pale.  “Good afternoon,” she greeted him, eyebrow arching.  “I’m inquiring as to your crematory services.”
“For yourself?” he blurted, before he realized how it sounded.
She smirked, while he flushed, thrown off by her stunning beauty.  He tried to school his expression again; she could very well have been there for her husband, boyfriend, or other, he did not need to stumbling through this.  He wished Robb was there.  “That would be interesting, wouldn’t it?  Well, I can assure you I’m not here to burn myself alive, but you know…” She inspected her hand, a couple rings on them glittering gold.  She grinned up at him.  “I have heard stories my ancestors were immune to flame.”
His throat constricted.  “Apologies.  Can I help you?”
“Your crematory services?” she wondered again, walking by him and into the showroom, running a finger over an ebony casket.  
“Ah…I am afraid Three Wolves does not offer such services.  We can, however, assist with selecting one, urns, and preparing a memorial service.”  He wondered what she was doing; she was now leaning down to look underneath a massive white casket.  No one really cared what the underside looked like.  He gestured towards the office.  “We can speak in private, if you wish?”  
The woman shook her head.  “No I’m fine, thank you.  Just doing a little bit of research.”
“For a relative?”  
“Something like that.”  She wore very high heels, which clicked loudly on the hardwood.  She glanced sideways; eyes shrewd.  “Are you one of the Three Wolves on your sign out front?”
“Yes, Jon Snow, I’m the mortician.”  It sounded so creepy like that, but it was the truth.  Robb handled the hand shaking, the business side.  Arya was their resident makeup artist—she could do wonders with faces practically taking them on and off—but he was the one who handled everything else.  
“Hmm, yes I heard of you.”  The woman offered her hand.  “Dany.”
“Jon,” he repeated, like an idiot.  He was put off by her beauty, rather disarming.  He swallowed hard again.  “Nice to meet you.  Is there…”
“This was enlightening Mr. Snow.  I’ll be back.”  Dany wiggled her fingers, waving, striding out decisively.  “See you later.”
What the seven hells was that about? He spun on his heel, about to ask her what else he could help her with, when the front door slammed shut, bell ringing on her exit.  He heard the door from the services wing open, Robb walking in.  He scowled.  “Where were you?”
“Talking with the Umbers, heard it went well, did we have a customer?” Robb adjusted his tie, eagerly seeing dollar signs.  “Where are they?”
“They left.”  
“Damnit Jon!”
He rolled his eyes, storming by.  “I’ll be downstairs.”
“With Tywin Lannister?  Better make him look good, the Lannisters are paying through the nose for this.”
“Aye,” he said idly, heading downstairs and to his ‘lair’ as Robb referred to it.  He shook his head, preparing in the locker room, putting on scrubs and his protective gear.  When he tugged on gloves, walking over to the block of freezer drawers, he rolled his eyes again, making another face.  He was better with dead people anyway.
A couple of weeks later, Jon saw the beautiful silver-haired woman again, this time from the front step of the funeral home, while Arya sat on the railing, Robb in shocked horror as the sign went up across the street.  
Dracarys Funeral Home and Crematory Services
“How did this happen?  We had the run of things here!” Robb exclaimed.
Arya cracked her gum.  “Want me to get info?”
The silver haired Dany waved from the front step of her home.  “Hello Starks!”
Jon shook his head, appalled.  “I thought she was just asking because someone died…like they all do.”
“You didn’t think that she was scoping the competition?” Robb shouted.
“I told you I’m better with the dead than I am the living!”
“Oh leave him alone,” Arya chided.  She rubbed Ghost’s ears—his great white wolf—gazing across the street again, shrugging.  “Maybe we can make this work.  Jon, you were the one who met her, maybe you can get some more info.  They do crematory, we don’t.  Maybe we can make a deal or something.”
Robb nodded, poking his shoulder.  “Go over there, find out more.”
Jon sighed.  He really didn’t want to do this. “I have that Wall guy to deal with.”
“Jarl will keep, go find out more.”
He slid away from the column, clicking his tongue for Ghost to follow him, the two of them crossing the street and up to Dracarys.  He entered into the front room, seeing that everything was a shade of black and red.  He glanced at Ghost, who was scanning the space with his bright ruby eyes, white fluffy tail wagging slowly.  “What do you think?” he mumbled.
The walnut wood stairs creaked in the back, drawing him towards the door leading away from the showroom and sitting area.  He peeked into another part of the old house, just like how their business was set up, with a viewing room and seating area.  He moved to another door, which was open, leading down a set of stairs.  
A massive black cat yowled from a sunbeam near the door, hissing at Ghost and running off.  Ghost didn’t bark but took off after the cat.  He sighed, calling out.  “Please don’t kill her cat!”  
He went down the stairs and pushed open a set of swinging double doors, pausing at the sight.  It was state-of-the art and he scowled at some of the fancy equipment he’d been trying to convince Robb to upgrade to for the last year.  He ran his tongue over his teeth, arching a dark brow at the woman who had been wearing head-to-toe designer when he’d met her and now was in black scrubs and protective gear, leaning over a dead man, a kit of makeup and brushes next to her.  
“Jon Snow,” she called.
“Daenerys Targaryen.”  He used her full name.  The proprietress of the competition, he would not refer to her as Dany.  “You could have told me you were moving in across the street.”
“And you would have shown me around?  I think not.”  
He stepped closer, curious at what she was working on.  His eyebrows flew to his forehead.  “Greyscale, huh?”
“Hmm,” Dany murmured.  “Yes.”  She looked up, grinning.  “I saw you coming over, decided not to stop you from finding me.  You’re not squeamish.”
“No I’m not.”
“They call you the King of the Dead.”
It wasn’t the worst thing he’d been called.  “And you are?” he retorted.
“The Dragon Queen, I suppose you could call me.  Or at least, that’s what they called me at mortician school.”  She selected another brush, grinning.  “I’m offering a service that your busines does not Jon Snow, that’s all.”
“The North doesn’t burn their dead.”
“I know, but many in the South do.  There’s plenty of them moving up here.”  Dany stood and pushed the gurney with the greyscale man into the freezer, closing the door.  She removed her gloves and gear, walking by him, and began to wash up.  She tossed a serene smile over her shoulder.  “I think we can make this work Jon Snow.  Don’t worry about it.”
“Robb isn’t used to competition.”
“And you?”
He shrugged.  “I work better with the dead.”
“So do I.”  When she finished, she studied him for a few seconds, which unnerved him.  He tore his eyes from her, wondering what she was doing.  She approached him, hands on her hips.  “Would you like to get a cup of coffee?”
He frowned, nose wrinkling, surprised.  “Coffee?”
“A hot beverage, sometimes served with milk and sugar?  Other times with various accoutrements like cinnamon or chocolate?” Dany’s smile softened.  He saw then how gentle she actually was, how soft.  It was comforting and he wasn’t even grieving.  She must be very good at her job, he thought.  He was numb, unsure how best to reply.  She patted his arm, stepping by him.  “Come on, I’ve got a lovely blend from Braavos.”
In the kitchen on the third floor of her house, where he assumed, she lived, she prepared the coffee.  He wondered where Ghost had gone.  “This how you get all the competition?” he managed to get out.  “Ply them with coffee?”
“Just you.”  Dany sat down across from him at a small bistro table in a large bay window, with a beautiful view of the mountains in the distance.  She passed him the mug of coffee and used a small ceramic pitcher to pour milk into her coffee.  Lifting it to her lips, she smiled again, warm and eyes dancing.  “You intrigue me.”
He sipped his coffee—it was very good—a small smile on his lips.  “You are an interesting one, Dany…if that is your real name.”
“Only my friends can call me Dany,” she mouthed.  
“And we’re friends?”
“Well I hope we’re not enemies.”
Jon figured he’d have to wait it out and see for certain, but he didn’t think enemies was the best word for it.  He was not good at this sort of thing, so he chose to continue drinking his coffee.  He set the mug down on the table, sighing and cocking his head, a slight furrow to his brow.  “I’m not good at this.”
“I know,” Dany shrugged.  “But I am.”
Well that was that then, he figured, smiling at her.  
“So where did you two meet?”
Jon wasn’t quite sure how to respond to that, as one of Sansa’s friends from King’s Landing had cornered him, trying to get info on Robb.  “Where did I meet…?” he echoed, playing dumb.
Margaery Tyrell frowned.  “Where did you meet Daenerys?  Sansa didn’t tell me.  In fact, she’s being really weird about things.  Won’t even tell me what Robb does for a living.”  Her eyes lit up.  “I like a challenge.”
“Um, well…”
His wife of the last two hours emerged at his side, looping her arm through his.  “We met at a funeral home,” she said, smiling at Margaery’s wide-eyed, horrified expression.  Dany gazed up at him, love shining from her beatific face.  “In fact, we contemplated holding the reception there, but figured everyone might think that a little weird.”  She smiled even wider.  “Also in the future, please keep the Fire on Ice Funereal Services in your thoughts for any funereal needs!”
Jon stifled a snort, glad to be rid of the odd questions.  He smiled down at his beloved.  “We didn’t actually consider the reception there or…did you?”
“No of course not, I don’t want to mix business and pleasure.”
“Isn’t that exactly what we did?”
“Nah, I came to scope out the competition and this really cute guy who couldn’t look me in the eye without blushing wandered in.”  Dany rose on her toes, pecking his cheek.  She patted her hand against his chest.  She beamed again.  “Best decision I ever made.  I could have sent Viserys.”
At the mention of her annoying older brother, Jon shivered.  He squeezed her close.  “Very well then.  Let’s at least try to figure out a better story, you’re scaring people.”
“Well it is the truth.”  
Jon shook his head, but smiled anyway, his arm around her and hers around him, both of them walking off into the crowd of guests.  He even thought that he overheard someone say the King of the Dead had found his queen.  He kissed her temple, sighing.  He certainly did.
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CSI Rogers And Barnes: The Serious Cereal Serial Killer. Episode 17- At Last Pt. 1
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Co-written with @icanfeelastormbrewing​ 
Summary: It’s Tony’s wedding weekend, and the usual fun and antics ensue. Then Steve and Katie take an extra evening in Manhattan, where Steve has a little surprise of his own planned.
Warnings: Bad Language words. SMUT IN PART 2 (NO UNDER 18s and NSFW)
Pairing: Steve Rogers x OFC Katie Stark
A/N:  So this is it. The FINAL CSI: Rogers and Barnes instalment. (Well, bar an Epilogue…) and it’s long so we split into 2. This has been one hell of a ride! It’s been a total playground for us, seeing how many stupid references and ridiculous actions we could fit in, and our first collaboration. We hope you’ve enjoyed it as much as we have. Myself and Storm love each and every one of you who’ve taken the time to read, like, comment and re-bog.
We love you 3000…
CSI R&B Masterlist
Main Masterlist
Chapter Song: At Last- Etta James 
You smile, and then the spell was cast, and here we are in heaven for you are mine. At Last.
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Steve stretched out, rolling over and reached out for Katie only for his hand to meet a cold, empty mattress. He opened his eyes, confused for a second at the unfamiliar surroundings before he realised he was in his room at the Plaza…and it’s the morning of Tony’s wedding. His head was a little fuzzy due to the drinks last night which had gone on late and he could remember sitting in Tony’s suite drinking the bottle of scotch Sam had pilfered from the free bar at the rehearsal party. They had an impromptu party once the girls had left for Pepper and Tony’s and he remembered complaining loudly about why Sam and Bucky got to spend the night together when Katie wasn’t allowed to stya with him.
Jesus what had he turned into? A clingy bastard, that’s what.
He reached for his phone, checking the time which was 9 am. He dropped it back on the bedside table and tried to go back to sleep but he couldn’t. Not without her so he gave up. Firing Katie a quick ‘good morning beautiful’ message, he then kicked off the bed covers and shoved on a pair of sweats and a T-shirt. Grabbing his kit he decided to head for the pool to make the most of the facilities.
The place was fairly busy considering the time on a Saturday morning, but there was a lane closed off for the ‘serious’ swimmers with no one in it so he made use of that for half an hour before he made his way into the changing rooms and showered. By the time he was drying off in the locker room, Katie had messaged back wishing him a ‘good morning handsome’ and complaining she had a bad head from a lot of champagne. He smiled, replied that he was sure she’d soon get over it when they start again, and then just as he’d done that another message came through. This one from Tony who had apparently ordered a fuck tonne of room service for a breakfast party.
Deciding that wasn’t such a bad idea he replied saying he was on his way, shoved his phone in his pocket, grabbed his kit bag and headed to the elevator. When he got to Tony’s suite he knocked on the door, the faint well natured chatter from inside hit his ears before the door swung open. Rhodey greeted him and Steve stepped in to see Tony led on a chaise in a hotel robe, eating grapes like a Roman Emperor. Steve snorted.
“Having Fun Tony?”
Tony grinned “Am I ever? I love all this. You know, I might get married once every 2 years.” He looked at Steve “You should try it, Rogers.”
Steve rolled his eyes, remembering full well about the ring that was tucked in the safe in his room.
From his spot over by the low coffee table, Bucky shot Steve a glance. He was certain the punk was gonna pop the question this weekend, why else would he have booked an extra night for them to stay in Manhattan on Sunday as well?  When Steve suggested it to Katie over breakfast a few weeks ago, he’d simply stated it was an opportunity for them to spend a bit of time together in the run up to Christmas, but if said girl didn’t return to Brooklyn on Monday with a ring on her finger then James Buchanan Barnes would chop of his left arm with a chainsaw.
At that point, Rhodey, ever the tactical, organised man asked Tony what the plan was for the day and Tony simply looked at him, and blinked.
“Aren’t you the best man?”
Bucky sighed “What a waste. I could have been a groomsman….ow!” he hissed, rubbing his side as Sam had elbowed him sharply in the ribs.
Rhodey completely ignored Bucky and looked at Tony “I am, yes, but you’re the Groom.” Tony waved him away “Yeah, yeah. We need to be dressed and in the room for 1. Ceremony is at 1:45, girls should arrive at half past and our stylist is arriving at midday. Easy.”
Steve glanced at his watch and Bucky smirked up at him “Hey, Stevie…only 3 hours till you see her punk…” From besides him, Sam snorted.
“You’re whipped man.”
Steve glared at them both, not even bothering to deny that was what he’d been checking and turned to Tony. “Is Greatmaster…Grandmaster, whatever, your wedding planner coming?” “Right, yeah that….asshole shall be showing up at some point.” Tony rolled his eyes “Fortunately I’m getting rid of him for the day.” He shoved another grape in his mouth and looked at Bruce “Remind me never to hire anyone you or the Bungalow recommend ever again.”
They boys settled down to eat, taking their time, enjoying a bit of banter about the stag do and the previous night’s rehearsal until an hour or so later Tony clapped his hands and stood up.
“Ok boys, suit up.”
Steve made his way back to his room and whilst in the elevator he got another message from Katie. This was a selfie of her in a robe with a glass of champagne having her hair put up. He smiled, responded telling her he couldn’t wait to see her, before the elevator door opened and he headed down to his room. Having already showered he knew he wasn’t in a huge rush so took his time trimming his beard, making sure the lines were crisp before he shrugged on his dress shirt, tying a Windsor in his deep, scarlet tie. Then he pulled on his suit pants, matching waistcoat and then jacket before placing his shiny black oxfords on and stood up. With a little product he styled his hair, making sure it was parted and slicked back as usual before taking a final glance in the mirror, smoothing down his jacket. He had to admit, the suits Tony (or most likely Pepper) had chosen for the Groom’s party were sharp. A black wool blend Tom Ford with a subtle red and gold check detail. Deciding he looked half decent he grabbed his wallet, phone, and room key. Satisfied he didn’t need anything else, he made his way back to Tony’s room.
Once more he gave a rap and the door opened inwards to reveal Grandmaster, smiling at him.
“Good afternoon Mr Rogers, you look dapper.” The man grinned, batting his eyelashes.
“Erm, thanks.” Steve replied in the absence of anything else to say.
“You’re late by the way.” Grandmaster continued.
“What?” Steve frowned, checking his watch to find he wasn’t late. He was never late…
“You’re the last one.” Grandmaster stated, as ways of explanation. “Everyone else is here already.”
“That’ doesn’t mean that I’m late.” Steve shook his head.
“No, I suppose it doesn’t,” Grandmaster replied, batting his eyelashes again.
“Whatever, can I come in?” Steve arched an eyebrow at him.
“Oh yeah, sure. Sorry. I got lost in your eyes for a minute there.”
Steve looked at the man, utterly lost for words. The guy was as nutty as a fruitcake. Steve stepped into the room, turning sideways as Grandmaster did the same smiling at him. He hastily moved into the living area of the suite where Rhodey was doing up Tony’s gold dress tie.
Grandmaster headed over to Bruce, brushing something off the man’s shoulder, smiling “You’ve always been my champion.”
Steve raised his eyebrows before he leaned over to whisper to Sam “How does Bruce know him again?”
“Some Ultimate Fighting online fan group.” Sam said “Bruce and Thor are very into it, apparently, along with one of Thor’s other good friends, Korg.”
“Korg?” Steve looked at Sam.
“Yeah, Thor knew him from his Uni days.” Sam said “They used to be quite political apparently. Tried to organise a protest against fascism but they didn’t print enough pamphlets so hardly anyone turned up.” Steve shook his head, the fact that didn’t surprise him in the slightest was ridiculous, but when it came to this lot, nothing did really, not anymore. It wasn’t long before Tony was ready, and the boys all stood round with one more scotch each before they were ushered, by a now very militant Grandmaster, down to the chapel where the wedding was going to take place in. Once there, Grandmaster headed off to check the function suite was ready for the ‘Post Wedding Meal’.  At his muttering of those words, Steve and Tony shared a little grin at the memory of a few weeks ago in Tony’s kitchen.
The Photographer arrived and set about arranging the boys for a few shots. Bucky tried to sneak into most of them, Tony at one point telling him to fuck off from his grooms party shots, which was the WORST thing he could possibly have done, as Bucky then made it his mission to infiltrate as many of them as he could by stealth. Steve had to admit, he couldn’t wait to see the final shots of Bucky popping up all over the place like some kind of nameless assassin.
As they were all having a shot taken just at the doors of the room, Grandmaster bustled back in. “OH. EMM. GEE.” He said, pronouncing each letter, drawing out the vowel sounds. “My crew sent me photos of the girls…you’re all going to DIE when you see them.” He grinned, slapping Steve’s back.
Ducking away from him, Steve checked his watch. 12:15…not long now. But before he could think about it, the first guests started to arrive having been shown the way by the concierge, and it was all to attention and the groomsman duties began.
Approximately 10 or so minutes later, he was just heading back to the door of the chapel having shown the assistant from the lab to her seat when he stopped dead as he saw Katie just outside in the foyer area, locked in an embrace with Tony. He was sure his heart stopped for a beat, fuck, she looked stunning. Her dress was the same colour as his tie, a deep red with a halter neck and a v neckline. It cinched in at the waist, with a fairly loose fitting skirt that had a slit up the side and it accentuated her figure perfectly. Her hair was pulled back into an elegant knot of curls at the back of her head, exposing her delicate neck and shoulders, and the star necklace he bought her twinkled as it sat just below the hollow of her throat. For some reason his mind strayed back to the time he had met her. He’d been invited to Howard’s for dinner a few months after arriving at the 101st and she’d answered the door, dressed in a pair of cut-off jeans, an oversized grey sweater which hung off one shoulder complete with a messy bun on top of her head and the prettiest eyes he had ever seen, eyes which were now popping from underneath a lid of smoky brown and gold eyeshadow. She’d flashed him a smile that day, invited him in, and if he was honest from that moment he’d been a fucking gonner for her. Why he had waited the best part of ten fucking years to even kiss her he would never understand. As he watched her eyes turned to his and she beamed at him. He gave her a smile back as she released Tony and made her way towards him, her leg slipping through the long slit in her dress as she walked giving him a flash of the peep-toe gold heels she was wearing, leaving him actively fighting the image of said heels being hooked around his ears…. Jesus Christ….
“Miss me Captain?” She grinned, her teeth bright white against the deep, blood red lip stain she was wearing.
“Always Doll.” He smiled as she stopped in front of him, blinking as she looked up at him.
“Good, because I missed you too.”
“You look amazing, honey.” Steve complimented her and she beamed up at him, scanning his suit.
“Thanks, you look pretty good yourself.” She said, her palms sliding up the lapels of his jacket.
Steve’s hand slipped round her back as he pressed a soft kiss to her cheek, not wanting to smudge her lipstick. When his palm met bare skin he couldn’t help the groan that left his mouth as he realised her dress was backless. Katie looked at him having heard his involuntary noise, arching a perfectly plucked brow and smirked.
“Yes, no bra Stevie.”
“You’re killing me sweetheart.” Steve whined out but before she could reply, Steve was rather harshly slapped on the back.
“Put her down, Punk you’re needed.”  Bucky smirked as he turned to Katie, doing an over exaggerated double take as he looked her up and down “Huh, ok, so you look decent…” “Fuck you Barnes.” She shot back “And tell them they can wait a little, I haven’t seen my man since last night.” “Oh believe me I know. He’s been a whiney little bitch all morning…”
At that point a familiar voice cut him off. “James Buchanan Barnes, wash your mouth out, this is a wedding!”
Bucky grimaced as huge grins spread across both Katie and Steve’s faces. “Sorry Momma R” “Yes, I should think so.” Sarah looked at him sternly.
“Okay, I’m gonna…go…ummm…” Bucky hastily made his retreat, Sarah watching him with narrowed eyes before she turned to Katie, beaming as she gave her a hug.
“Star you look stunning.”
“Thanks Sarah and so do you, I love your dress.” Katie smiled, looking down at Sarah’s light gold knee length gown and Steve had to admit, it had been a while since he’d seen his ma done up. She was quite striking actually. “I love the neckline, and your hair.”
“Yes, thank you for that.” She gave Katie a look and she blushed a little, waving her away.
“Thank you for what?” Steve asked and Sarah looked at him, smiling.
“I had a little surprise this morning. Star arranged for someone to come and do my hair for me.”
Steve looked at Katie, a soft smile crossing his face. “You did?”
Katie shrugged “It’s no big deal.” “Well it was to me, so thank you.” Sarah smiled, before she turned to Steve. “My boy…don’t you look handsome?”
Steve blushed a little “Ma…” he sighed and Sarah chuckled
“Are you going to show me to my seat?” she asked and Steve smiled. He offered his mom his arm, shot Katie another smile and then walked into the room. As they reached the row she was to be seated on he stopped and reached up to brush his cheek. “You look just like your father.”
Steve didn’t miss the emotion in his mom’s eyes and he swallowed a little as she took her seat one down from the end of the row. “Have you…?”
“God, Ma. No, not yet. And I won’t be today either, its Tony’s wedding…”
Sarah opened her mouth to speak, most likely to pressure Steve to hurry up again but she was cut off by a voice from behind them.
“I believe my seat is just there…”
Steve frowned, he recognised that voice. He turned to see none other than Stan Lee smiling at him.
“Mr Lee?” he asked as the elderly man beamed at him “I didn’t know you were invited.” He extended his hand to shake Stan’s. “Good to see you again.”
“You too Captain. May I?”
Steve gave a nod and moved so Stan could drop into the seat on the end of the row, next to his mom.
“Good afternoon Ma’am, looks like I’m on the young’uns row.” Stan beamed at Sarah who burst out laughing. Steve shook his head with a snort and left them to it, making his way back out of the room to find the rest of his team had now arrived, Thor currently giving Katie a huge hug. He greeted Natasha who touched his arm gently before making a bee line for Bruce. He watched her go, smirking to himself, before he turned and raised an eyebrow at Clint. Clint merely shrugged and then introduced the Captain to his girlfriend, Laura. Thor then turned to him, shaking hands with Steve and moved slightly to reveal Gina was stood now talking to Katie.
“Greetings Captain, I bought a date.” Thor grinned.
“I see.” Steve said, raising his eyebrows, not bothering to correct Thor on what he had just said making it sound like he’d purchased Gina in some way...
“Yeah…” Gina turned to Steve. “The way he says it he sounds like he’s bought a bottle of wine.”
Thor shook his head “No, I don’t drink wine.”
At that Katie burst out laughing and turned away, shaking her head slightly.
“It’s a good thing he’s dreamy” Gina said, jerking her thumb at Thor.
Steve’s attention then was then distracted by a loud voice “Miss Stark, you look stunning…” He turned to see flash fucking fire dude, Johnny Storm approaching her and he gave a little groan, rolling his eyes.
“Captain…” Thor asked and Steve turned back to him “Where do we err sit?” Steve floundered for a moment, he really didn’t want to leave the fire bastard alone with his girl so he turned to Bucky who was watching him, a huge grin on his face.
“Buck can you…”
Bucky raised both palms, shaking his head, smirking smugly “Hey, I’m not part of the groomsman party…”
“Fuck you jerk.” Steve shot back and Bucky raised his eyebrows.
“Ok, first off, watch your language. This is a chapel, a place of worship and two…” at this point he dropped his voice and gave Steve a stern look. “Stop with the jealousy, she’s with you. No competition.”
“What is he even doing here?” Steve frowned, completely ignoring what Bucky had said, and the sergeant took a deep sigh. He was just about to inform Steve that he had no idea when a voice sounded from behind them.
“Johnny, there you are!”
Bucky and Steve turned to see a tall, dark haired man and a blonde woman approaching them. The blonde rolled her eyes “Of course he would be here, Hi Katie.”
Katie smiled “Hi Susan.”
“Well this is cute and all but…” Gina spoke again, “like seriously, Captain. Where do we sit?”
Steve groaned and took another glance at Johnny who was bouncing on the balls of his feet, grinning as Katie chatted to the 3 people in front of her. Knowing he couldn’t not show the team to their seats, he rolled his eyes and moved gently to loop his arm round Katie’s waist, dropping a kiss to her cheek.  A flicker of a smile crossed her pretty face and she turned to look at him, leaving him with absolutely no question she knew he was ‘marking his territory’ so to speak, before he grudgingly turned away to show the team to their seats.
“Smooth.” Bucky observed.
“Shut up.” Steve snapped back as he led his team down to a row half way down the room. This time, when he once more emerged from the room he was greeted by a whirl of gold and blue and he let out a low groan. Grandmaster.
Tony’s eccentric wedding planner started to clap his hands at Steve “The bride is here…get everyone seated, we’re behind schedule…”
Tony, who had been stood talking to someone grumbled to Steve “I wish he was behind schedule, preferably by a week so he wasn’t here.”
Steve gave a snort as Grandmaster turned to Katie and Pepper’s sister “Miss Stark, Miss Potts, the Bride may need your help…” At that he then looked at Steve, didn’t I tell you she looked stunning?” “You said gorgeous.” Bucky replied lazily.
“No.” Grandmaster frowned “Why would I use that word?”
Before Bucky could reply to the very strangely dressed man in front of him, Rhodey then appeared, smiling. “All set.” He smiled, clapping Tony on the shoulder “You ready?” Tony shook his head “Nope.”
Katie smiled, “You’ll be fine.” Steve watched as she stepped forward to give her brother a hug before she pulled back, her hands on his arms. “Mom and Dad would be so proud.”
Tony swallowed before he nodded “Ok, kiddo…don’t make me cry. Go help Pepper, tell her she’s already late.”
Katie rolled her eyes as Tony and Rhodey headed into the room, being ushered along by Grandmaster. She glanced at Steve and smiled. “See you in a minute.”
Steve smiled back, reaching out to pull her to him, dropping a kiss to her lips. “Don’t make it too long Doll.” She grinned and turned, giving him a full on view of the back of her dress, leaving his mouth a little dry and he made his way to his place on the front row, slightly down from where Tony and Rhodey were stood at the front of the aisle. On the way he shot his mom a smile as she beamed proudly at him, Bucky nodding as he sat next to her on the opposite side to Stan Lee. For some reason Steve was nervous. Why, he had no idea. He’d already seen his girl and she’d taken his breath away once already, but here he was, a ball of tense energy.  He could hear Tony and Rhodey talking, but he wasn’t focussing, that was until Tony’s voice grew loud and indignant
“That man is playing Galaga” Tony pointed to a man on the second row who was engrossed in his phone. “He thought I wouldn’t notice, but I did.”
“Man, shut up and relax…” Rhodey soothed him.
“I need a drink, something strong…is it bad I can’t feel my left arm.” Tony looked at Rhodey who was about to respond when the music started and everyone stood up. Steve turned his attention to the door which opened inwards and Katie and Pepper’s sister stepped into the room, walking down the aisle.
Bucky watched Steve as he took a deep breath, his eyes on his girl as she glided towards them, a stupid, dopey, gooey-eyed smile crossing the Captains face. “Gross” he mumbled, giving a soft yelp as Sarah slapped him round the back of the head. Fury, who was on the seat to Bucky’s left gave a little snigger. Bucky looked at him and frowned. “What are you doing here? That’s not even your seat, I’ve seen the seating plan.”
“I’m sure you have Barnes.” Fury replied lazily “But given that it’s a stupid ass plan designed by an even more stupid ass planner I’ve elected to ignore it.”
As Katie reached the front row, Bucky saw her shoot Steve a huge smile, which his punk best friend returned, and then there were gasps in the room. Bucky turned and saw Pepper in a gorgeous, yet so simple silk, straight A-line dress, which was embellished round the waist in red and gold embroidery. He glanced at Tony, and was amused to see that the normally composed scientist was literally floundering for air. Bucky then caught Sam’s eye who flashed him a wink which he returned, and Sarah nudged him.
“See, that’s what being in love does to you James.”
Bucky smiled at her as she squeezed his hand gently. Throughout the Ceremony Bucky saw Steve kept on looking at Katie who was on the same row but the opposite side of the aisle. She was watching Tony, her eyes glassy. At one point, Pepper’s sister took her hand and she turned to her, giving her a smile, before they both looked back, Katie turning to Steve. She shot him a huge grin which he returned, and Bucky smiled to himself. It might be gross, but it was cute. He liked seeing Steve happy.
When the ceremony was over, Tony was told he could kiss his bride.
“Well, I’m not one to back down from an honest challenge…” he muttered, stepping forward and sweeping her up in a huge kiss to loud cheers in the room. As music began to play again, the new Mr and Mrs Stark swept down the aisle followed by Rhodey and Pepper’s sister. Steve walked on behind smiling as he reached the end of his row.
“May I Miss Stark?” he offered Katie his arm and she grinned, linking hers into the crook of his elbow and he lay his hand over hers. As they walked towards the doors, he caught his mom’s eye as she dabbed her tears away with a tissue. She beamed at him, and he smiled back, before he turned to look at Katie, dropping a soft kiss to her temple.  
**** The meals were eaten, the toasts were done, and tears were shed through the afternoon. But once the reception was done, the drinks kept on flowing right through to the evening party. Steve was relaxed, feeling the buzz from a fair amount of wine, beer and shorts which had been consumed through the day. There was a loud tapping noise on the speakers and Steve glanced up from where he was sat at a table near the dance floor, Katie perched on his lap, as Tony and Pepper were welcomed to the floor for their first dance. The opening bars to Etta James ‘At Last’ last rang out around the room and Katie gave a snort.
“You can say that again.” She chuckled and Steve grinned, his arm curling round her as she watched her brother, her eyes glassy with tears. “You know…” she leaned down to Steve, this should really be our song.”
“Doll, just don’t…”
She shrugged and he gave a little huff of a laugh as she turned back to watch Tony slowly revolving Pepper around the floor, the camera flashing from the photographer. After the first verse the MC invited people to join them, as tradition and Katie looked at Steve. He nodded and she stood up, taking his hand and leading him to the dance floor.
Bucky watched them go, picking up his drink, smiling.
“Look, now there are two Stark ladies!” Thor grinned as the team watched Steve take Katie in a close hold, gracefully revolving them on the spot, the pair of them sharing a laugh at something.
“Not for much longer.” Bucky grinned.
“What do you mean?” Thor frowned,
Besides Bucky Clint gave a snort as the sergeant looked at Thor blinking “You know, I don’t get it. Like, you’re super clever sometimes and others…”
Thor shrugged and then Bucky turned his attention over the table to see Scott Lang, their assistant looking at Natasha.
“Are you gonna eat that peanut butter macaroon or…” Scott began, but Natasha wasn’t listening, she was too busy caressing Bruce’s palm as it lay on the table in front of her so Scott reached out and grabbed it, shoving it in his mouth. On the dancefloor, Steve effortlessly moved Katie around the floor to the song as it played. She tucked her head under his chin and he breathed her in, his hand splaying on her bare back, simply relishing the fact she was so close. He didn’t speak a word, simply allowed the music and being with her to sweep him away, and he was rather unceremoniously jolted back to reality when loud applause sounded as the song finished. The MC congratulated Tony and Pepper once more, Katie turned to give her brother a huge hug, before the man on the mic wished everyone a Merry Christmas and the sounds of Wham, ‘Last Christmas’ rang out, cheers hitting Steve’s ears as suddenly the dance floor filled up.
Almost immediately, Bucky was in front of him, throwing what looked like torn up place cards into the air, holding his arms out “Merry Christmas and Happy 2021!”
Sam, who was besides Bucky looked at him “Its 2020 next year, idiot.”
Steve dusted the paper off his shoulders, picking pieces out of Katie’s hair as she looked at Bucky, frowning. Bucky turned to Sam and shrugged “Yeah I know but I don’t like 2020. Sounds like a shit year to me…although…” he spun to Steve grinning and Steve took a deep breath and shot him a glare, which he totally ignored “It could be a good one eh Stevie?”
“What is he talking about?” Katie looked at Steve.
“God knows, he’s drunk.” Steve shrugged as Bucky made a clicking noise as he winked, pointing at both of them. Thankfully, Sam dragged him away, Katie and Steve both watched them go before Katie turned back around. Smiling, Steve took her back in a hold that was a little lighter this time as the music was more upbeat and they began to dance together once more.
“Hmmm. Last Christmas…” Katie pondered and Steve let out a groan.
“Can we…” he took a deep breath, dropping his head “Can we just not? Please Doll. I’m not very proud of myself when I think about it.” Katie chuckled and her hands came to rest on his shoulders as he moved them in a little livelier dance. “Ok, sorry. But, it worked out in the end.”
“It did. But I caused you a lot of pain along the way.” He sighed, “Too much.”
“Yeah, but I didn’t hang around and give you chance to explain or try and work it out.” Katie looked up at him. “I just ran away.
“I didn’t exactly try and stop you did I?” Steve looked at her.
“No, you didn’t Captain Righteous.” Katie conceded and Steve chuckled as she shook her head “God I was so mad at you.”
“I was mad at myself Sweetheart.” “But if I’m honest, I was more upset that we’d blown our chance.” Steve took a deep breath. “I really thought we had. Well, that I had…”
“Don’t you ever leave me again, please.” She said, almost whispered. Steve frowned and looked at her, her face was loaded with emotion and beneath those sparkling green emerald eyes he could see a flicker of fear.
“Hey…” he reached for her hand and raised it to his mouth, pressing a kiss to her wrist “Where’s this coming from baby girl?”
Katie sniffed, “Honestly? I don’t know. It’s just, everything is so perfect. It sometimes feels a little too good to be true. And I’m scared that one day I’m gonna wake up and I’ll still be in DC…or that you might have another car crash…or a case getting nasty and you…”
She was losing herself in her head again, something he’d seen her do countless times so he quickly cut her off. “Look at me.” He cupped her face in both his hands “I’m not going anywhere Doll.”
Steve opened his mouth to reply, but he knew full well that words wouldn’t do this moment justice. Instead he dipped his face to hers, catching her mouth in a deep kiss, not caring who the fuck was watching. He poured every single piece of emotion he was feeling into that kiss, desperate for her to understand that he had no intention of leaving her ever again and she must have gotten the message as he felt her relax into his hold, kissing him back, her hands softly gripping at the material of his jacket.
“Erm, stop eating his face Kiddo, this is my wedding.” Tony interrupted “It’s supposed to be about me….and Pepper” he added.
Steve could feel his cheeks growing warm as Katie pulled away from him with a groan and a roll of her eyes as she turned to face Tony.
“How about you go eat your wife’s face and leave us the fuck alone Tones?”
“Rude much?” He snorted “I raised you better than that.”
“You didn’t raise me at all, Tony!” Katie scoffed.
“Ok, it was a figure of…” he trailed off, frowning at something over her shoulder. “What the hell is Thor doing?”
Steve and Katie turned to see Thor was stood his nose almost touching one of the branches of the lit up Christmas Trees round the edge of the room.
“Oh, he was rambling on over dinner about Norwegian Spruce trees.” Katie shrugged, “Maybe he’s trying to figure out if that is one or not.”
“He was rambling about what?” Tony looked at her.
“It’s a type of tree which…” Steve began but Tony cut him off.
“You know what, on second thoughts I’m not really interested.” Steve sighed and looked at Katie who rolled her eyes as Tony continued “By the way, how do you like the décor?”
Steve watched Katie look around and knew what she’s was going to say, because she loved this time of year, turning into one huge, great child over the entire period of December. And true to form, when she opened her mouth to reply, she was grinning ear to ear.
“I gotta say, he might be a pain in the ass but Grandmaster got this right. I love it.” She smiled.
“Yeah, me too.” Tony agreed. “It’s like Christmas but with more me.” Steve let out a snort and Tony clapped his shoulder “Remind me to give you his card.” And with that he left, Steve shooting daggers at him. Thankfully, Katie was too engrossed in what Thor was doing to hear Tony offering Steve the services of a wedding planner. He saw her frown and his attention then flicked to the tall blonde, frowning.
“What is he offering my Ma?”
“Condoms.” A voice shot back, and Steve wheeled round to glare at Bucky who had appeared out of nowhere.
“For fucks sake Buck!” he growled as Katie spluttered out a laugh.  
“Just kidding.” Bucky grinned, “They’re sweets. He handed them out before, you two were too busy dancing.”
“Sweets?” Katie arched an eyebrow.
“Yeah, he said he got em off a suspect…no, not a suspect, a suspects brief, yeah…”
“Bucky, are you ok?” Katie asked him and Steve looked at her, then to Bucky who did look a little, what was the word, spaced?
“Yeah, I feel…great!” He replied with a giggle.
Katie looked at him again before she let out a small “oh.” And groaned a little “Oh God.”
“What is it?” Steve asked, but she ignored him and continued talking to Bucky.
“How many of those sweets Thor has did you eat?”
“3 maybe 4…I dunno…” Bucky giggled, “I want more though.”
At that point, the man in questioned arrived. “Greetings!” Thor beamed at Katie and Steve, holding out a little foil packet “Sweet?”
“Thor, the guy who gave you those, was he wearing suspenders?” Katie asked and Steve frowned.
“Yes, I believe he was, along with a very bright lime green shirt. Nice chap.” Thor mused “He used many Post Its”
At that Steve looked at Katie, giving a little groan as he suddenly understood “Weiss?”
Katie nodded “They were a favourite little party treat of his.”
Steve snatched the bag from Thor and sniffed inside, pulling back immediately, the smell of cannabis sticking in his nostrils. “Jesus how can you not smell that?”
“Wait…” Bucky said, taking a sniff and looking at Steve “These have weed in them? The things I ate?”
Katie took a sniff and wrinkled her nose “Yup, and they’re stronger than I remember.”
“Than you remember? You used to do this?” Steve looked at her and she shrugged.
“Hey, I was younger and dumber…”
“Wait, so I’m high right now?” Bucky pressed and Katie grinned.
“Yep, they’ll wear off in a while. For the time being you’ll just feel very drunk and kinda floppy.”
“Floppy?” Steve frowned and Katie nodded.
“Yeah, like nothing matters, everything is cool. They used to make me a little frisky actually, we once took them before we…” she paled and Steve looked at her, swallowing before he turned to Thor.
“Thor, you didn’t give one of these to my ma did you?” Steve asked.
“Of course, not, no.” Thor shook his head.
“Oh thank fuck” Steve breathed out.
“I gave her two.” Thor concluded. At that Bucky’s giggles suddenly turned into loud laughter as he bent over, clutching at Thor’s arm.
“For fucks sake Thor, you drugged my mom!” Steve exploded as Bucky’s laughter grew louder.
“Sarah’s gonna be hiiiiigh.”
“Where is she?” Steve demanded, ignoring Bucky.
They scanned the room, searching for her only to see her at the other side of the dancefloor with flash fire dude, who was twirling her round to the music.
“Flame on!” She whooped, her hands up in the air as Johnny grinned.
“It’s catchy right?”
With a groan Steve strode over towards them. “Ma? What are you doing? You Ok?”
Sarah grinned at him, her eyes slightly glazed “Hey Son I’m good…just dancing with this young man.” She said, looking at Johnny then back to Steve “He says he’s called the human torch but us girls can call him torch”
Steve glared at Storm as Katie reached his side “The human torch?” he deadpanned “Seriously?”
“Hey,I didn’t coin it, it was the press that did that when we put out that warehouse fire. So called because my uniform caught fire on the way out…thanks to my sister though, I escaped with nothing more than a slight smoulder.” Steve felt Katie shaking besides him and could tell she was holding back laughter. Storm flashed her a wink and Steve grit his teeth before he felt his mom slap his shoulder.
“Don’t you be giving him that look Steven Grant! This brave man is a firefighter…” at that she turned back to Johnny, sniggering. “Now, where is your hose young man?”
“Jesus Christ…” Steve groaned, looking away in disgust.
Johnny opened his mouth to speak but Katie cut him off “Err no. Don’t.”
He shrugged and then looked at Sarah who was laughing so hard she was almost bent double.
“Ok, that’s enough Ma.” Steve decided to do what he did best, take control of the situation. “ I think you need to sit down.”
“Awww, don’t be such a buzz kill Steven.”
“It ain’t the buzz I want to kill…” Steve said, his eyes locking onto Johnny’s as he gave him another filthy glare.
After a little more cajoling they manage to get Sarah to agree to sit down. Steve helped her to her seat whilst she was rambling on about not wanting to be sat with Mr Lee again because he spent all dinner complaining about the booze not being strong enough. As they reached her table Sarah suddenly stopped.
“Actually…I think I need…yeah I need to go to my room.” She looked at Steve and Katie gave a snort.
“Hey, Steve, your ma’s crashing.”
Steve shot her a look. “This is not funny.”
Before she could respond Sam appeared and looked between the two of them, then to Sarah as he raised an eyebrow, an amused smile playing on his handsome face.
“Everything OK?” he asked.
“Yeah, she had one of Thor’s magic sweets.” Katie grinned “You wanna watch Buck, he’s had 4.”
Sam snorted, “Yeah I noticed.”
“I’m hungry.” Sarah suddenly said and Steve let out a sigh.
“Sam, can you help me get her to her room. Doll, you keep an eye on Bucky.” “I want a cheeseburger.” Sarah pointed at Steve and he looked at her.
“Ma, you’ve never eaten a cheeseburger in your life.”
“Shows much you know. A McDonalds on a Friday is my secret treat…although now I told you it’s not a secret.” She raised her finger to her lips “Sshhhh you can’t tell anyone.”
Steve rolled his eyes and started leading his ma to the door, Sam following.
“Bye Sarah!” Johnny called. “Pleasure meeting you!”
“Bye hottie!” she giggled, waving her hand at him as Sam laughed. She turned to Steve, spluttering out a laugh. ”Ha, hottie, see what I did there?”
“Yes.” Steve shook his head as he led her from the room. “Very good, Ma.”
Between Steve and Sam it was fairly easy to get Sarah to her room. Once he’d made sure she was ok and had some water he closed the door and they made their way back to the main room, Steve throwing the sweets in the trash as they passed a can on the way.
“Fucking Weiss.” He grumbled to himself as Sam gave a little chuckle.
When they arrived back in the room, it was clear a fair few of his team had managed to have one of those damned sweets before he’d confiscated them. Gina, Nat and Clint were dancing, all 3 of them with odd looks and dopey grins on their faces. Katie was on the floor with Pepper and Bucky, Bucky swaying on the spot. As Steve watched Sam headed over and winked at Katie, steering Bucky away. Steve felt someone besides him and he turned to see Bruce.
“How’s the team look to you Bruce?” he asked, a smile on his face as Bruce snorted.
“Right now we’re not a team, we’re a time bomb.”
Steve had to concede he was right, as at that moment Clint started miming as if he was shooting a bow, whereas Nat looked like she was throwing knives. Gina on the other hand was stood doing the robot.
“I need a drink.” Steve concluded.
“Good idea.” Bruce agreed.
They head to the bar where Tony was leaning against it, his tie long discarded, lecturing Peter Parker. Steve, taking lead from Tony, loosened his tie and popped the top button on his shirt before he ordered himself and Bruce a bourbon each, offering one to Tony who nodded, and then Peter who asked politely for a beer instead. The 4 men engaged in conversation, and a fair few drinks as Steve was happy to remain where he was, out of the way, every so often glancing around. It was about an hour later when he saw Clint and Natasha slowly walking towards a table, dropping down into a seat, Gina following. Bucky walked over to the bar with Sam shaking his head.
“Feeling ok Pal?” Steve grinned and Bucky blinked, rubbing his eyes.
“What the fuck just happened? It was like someone took over my brain…” he looked at them.
“I think the magic wore off.” Bruce mumbled as Steve gave a snort. “
“God, I really need food.” Buck looked around.
Steve laughed and clapped Bucky on the shoulder, ordering another round of drinks.
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Most Overlooked Movies in Oscar History
Well guys, its official, Green Book was awarded the highest honour a single film can be given. Best Picture. If you spent any time on Twitter the day after the 91st Academy Awards you will have noticed that film nerds were not exactly thrilled by the decision, film Twitter immediately erupted into a discussion about all the films that didn’t receive the nomination that may have been more worthy winners than Green Book. Films like Eighth Grade, The Miseducation of Cameron Post and If Beale Street Could Talk appear to have benefited far more in regard to free publicity than any of the actual nominees. Of course, this isn’t the first time that the academy has failed to acknowledge the real best of the year and it certainly won’t be the last. So, in the spirit of being mad at the Academy let’s take a look at some of the worst historical snubs of all time.Well guys, its official, Green Book was awarded the highest honour a single film can be given. Best Picture. If you spent any time on Twitter the day after the 91st Academy Awards you will have noticed that film nerds were not exactly thrilled by the decision, film Twitter immediately erupted into a discussion about all the films that didn’t receive the nomination that may have been more worthy winners than Green Book. Films like Eighth Grade, The Miseducation of Cameron Post and If Beale Street Could Talk appear to have benefited far more in regard to free publicity than any of the actual nominees. Of course, this isn’t the first time that the academy has failed to acknowledge the real best of the year and it certainly won’t be the last. So, in the spirit of being mad at the Academy let’s take a look at some of the worst historical snubs of all time.
The Avengers (2012)
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Actual nominations: Argo, Amour, Beasts of the Southern Wild, Django Unchained, Les Misérables, Life of Pi, Lincoln, Silver Linings Playbook, Zero Dark Thirty.
The Academy has historically looked down on superhero films with no comic book adaptation receiving a Best Picture nod before Black Panther earlier this year. While The Avengers may not have been the most artistic or dramatic film of 2012 it is hard to deny it’s impact. When future generations look back on the films of the 2010s The Avengers will likely stand out as one of the most important releases. With the Marvel Cinematic Universe feeling like a part of everyday life it can be hard to remember just how big a risk this movie was at the time. Think pieces were all over the internet about how the film would ultimately end up as an unwatchable, convoluted mess of ideas that would end Joss Wheadon’s career. How wrong they were.
If the Best Picture award is supposed to honour the greatest and most important achievements in modern cinema then The Avengers absolutely deserved to end up on the ballot, but we don’t live in the universe where The Academy does cool stuff like that.
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004)
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Actual nominations: Million Dollar Baby, The Aviator, Finding Neverland, Ray, Sideways.
How on earth did this happen? It truly amazes me that more members of the academy felt that Finding Neverland deserved more acclaim than Eternal Sunshine. Going of the assumption that the ‘best picture’ should be the film with all its filmmaking elements working perfectly together then Eternal Sunshine should win every year. Charlie Kaufman won the award for original screenplay and Kate Winslet received the only other nomination for lead actress, this film didn’t even receive a nomination in any of the technical categories. The treatment of Michel Gondry’s masterpiece by the Academy should be seen as a permanent black spot on the ceremony’s reputation.
Who Framed Roger Rabbit (1988)
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Actual Nominations: Rain Man, The Accidental Tourist, Dangerous Liaisons, Mississippi Burning, Working Girl
Hear me out on this one. Roger Rabbit is one of my all-time favourite movies and for that, I’ll admit, I’m a little bias. That being said I truly believe that this is one of the finest achievements in cinema history from a purely technical level. The nominees for the 61st Acadamy Awards are solid (for the most part wtf is going with The Accidental Tourist?) but none of these films are as impressive as what Robert Zemeckis and his team were able to achieve by mixing live action film with 2D animation. Roger Rabbit is more than just a gimmick however, this a very entertaining and genuinely compelling detective story at its core. Once again, the term ‘Best Picture’ feels perfectly defined while discussing this film, a film that wasn’t even considered for the award.
Donnie Darko (2001)
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Actual Nominees: A Beautiful Mind, Gosford Park, In the Bedroom, Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring, Moulin Rouge
Excuse my language but Donnie Darko is a fucking great movie. Here is another year where the nominees were pretty solid but come on you can’t tell me that Donnie Darko was too weird and abstract when you nominated Moulin bloody Rouge! Donnie Darko is the sort of film that is still being discussed to this day with so many incredibly well thought out details both in the direction and the screenplay. When you ask a film lover what is so special about the medium it is films like this that they will point to, with an excellent score, great performances, hypnotically simple editing and masterful direction it doesn’t put a foot wrong. Do I really have to spell out what the words ‘Best Picture’ mean again?
WALL.E (2008)
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Actual Nominees: Slumdog Millionaire, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, Frost/Nixon, Milk, The Reader
Let’s talk about animation for a bit. Only three animated films have ever been nominated for top prize (Beauty and the Beast, Up and Toy Story 3) considering the amount for excellent animated film are not those three I had a lot to choose from. With the likes of My Neighbour Totoro, Toy Story, Aladdin, The Little Mermaid, The Lion King, Princess Mononoke and The Nightmare Before Christmas going completely unnoticed the academy has found a way to further segregate the medium of animation from live-action film by introducing the ‘best animated feature’ award at the 2002 ceremony. This addition has led to films like Spirited Away, Finding Nemo, The Incredibles, Ratatouille, Frozen, Inside Out and most recently Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse receiving an award without having to let them compete with live action films. There are no academy rules that state animation cannot be considered for Best Picture it just doesn’t happen. I have singled out WALL.E because I think it showcases exactly what modern animation has achieved. WALL.E is a largely silent film with gorgeous visuals and a strong environmental message that is still accessible to general audiences, including children. Surly one of Pixar’s finest achievements deserves to be held in just as high regard as David Fancher’s 8th best film.
 Ps. You will notice a distinct lack of The Dark Knight in the 2008 nominations as well.
Psycho (1960)
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Actual Nominees: The Apartment, The Alamo, Elmer Gantry, Sons and Lovers, The Sundowners
Another genre historically left out of the running is horror. Only 6 horror films have ever been up for the award (The Exorcist, Jaws, The Silence of the lambs, The Sixth Sense, Black Swan and Get Out). Horror is a genre that is often looked down upon in the film community for being ‘low-brow’ and not as artistic, a similar struggled as the one faced by the superhero genre. With important releases such as: Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Suspiria, Halloween, Alien, The Shining, Let he Right One In, Night of the Living Dead and perhaps most surprising, Psycho going unnoticed by the academy it is clear to see that there is a bias against the genre somewhere in Hollywood. Psycho is also emblematic of another problem with historic best picture nominations. What on earth is the academy’s issue with Alfred Hitchcock? Psycho is not the only of Hitchcock’s classic films not to receive the nomination, in fact North by Northwest, Vertigo, Rear Window and Dial M for Murder were all snubbed.
On a related note despite being nominated 5 times Hitchcock never received the Oscar for best director putting him in the prestigious company of: David Lynch, Terry Gilliam, Ridley Scott, Wes Anderson Quentin Tarantino, David Fincher, Edgar Wright, Spike Lee, Charlie Chaplin, Orson Wells and Stanley Kubrick. So, I guess you could say that it isn’t just the Best Picture category that doesn’t make sense.
 These were 6 examples I felt I could make a point out of, it is important to remember that many more examples are out there of revolutionary masterworks that went unrecognised come awards season. People don’t take into consideration what happens behind the scenes at the Oscars. The ceremony needs good ratings, The Academy needs to honour films with progressive messages that are easily digestible, and everyone has an agenda and wants to see their friends win. The Oscars are a lot of fun, it gives people like as a chance to talk about the films we loved that year hopefully see our favourites given some well-deserved recognition but let’s not take it more seriously than we should. Next year when the Academy inevitably choses to honour mediocrity remind yourself that The Third Man wasn’t nominated in 1950 or you could remind yourself that Singin’ in the Rain wasn’t nominated in 1953, alternatively mention that 2001: A Space Odyssey was snubbed in 1969, The Matrix in 2000, Back to the Future in 1986, Pan’s Labyrinth in 2007, Cool Hand Luke in 1968. Or if you want your could run into the street and shout about how, Duck Soup, Modern Times, His Girl Friday, Night of the Living Dead, The Shining, The Good, The Bad and The Ugly, Oldboy, Reservoir Dogs and The Big Lebowski all weren’t nominated for god dammed thing.
Nathan Needs A Username’s Must See Movies: https://letterboxd.com/nathan_r_l/list/nathan-needs-a-usernames-must-see-movies/
Nathan Needs A Username’s Avoid At All Cost Movies: https://letterboxd.com/nathan_r_l/list/nathan-needs-a-usernames-avoid-at-all-cost/
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kor-knight · 7 years
Deal with the Devil
I’M BACK! jk, I wasn’t gone very long. But I’ve brought a new mutlichapter fic to my life. Please read and enjoy! 
Props to my girl Angel, she came up with the name and is my unofficial beta-er! Shoot her some love pls. @stillapieceoftrash
Jughead shook his head, cigarette teetering between his lips. He was seated beside Archie, resident boy-next-door turned Serpent. They both stared blankly at the freshman standing before them, still reeling from the bizarre question.
“Why not?” The boy pleads, big brown puppy eyes.
Jughead grunts, leaning back against the bars of the railing. Lighting his cigarette, he takes a long drag before blowing the smoke out in the boys face. “Why should I?”
“I’ll pay you money! Please!” The boy was on his knees now. Archie raised an eyebrow, glancing at Jughead.
“Why would I get involved in dumb jock business because you asked me to?” Jughead leaned forward, hands on his knees. He quirked an eyebrow, waiting.
“Because you’re Serpents! Even the jocks don’t mess with you guys,” The boy cried out, hands coming around Jughead’s ankle. “I just need you to talk to me in the halls. Just to prove I know you guys. So they think twice about messing with me. Please?” He placed a chaste kiss on Jughead’s combat boot, then one on Archie’s sneaker.
Archie smirked, watching. “How much?”
“How much money you gonna pay us?”
“$100!” He reaches into his pocket, pulling out the bills.
Archie glanced at Jughead, before nodding slightly. “Deal. But it’s only for a second. Don’t talk to us afterward, got it?” Archie grabbed the money, then the collar of the boys shirt, pulling his face close. “Got it?” The boy nodded furiously, eyes frantic. Archie lets go of his collar, taking a step back. After the boy scrambles away, tail between his legs, Jughead lets out a low chuckle.
“Easiest $100 of my life.”
“Sup guys.” Joaquin appeared before them. “What was with the nerd running off?” He jutted his thumb over his shoulder.
Jughead just shrugged, inhaling the last puff of his cigarette and throwing it on the ground. “He wanted to buy our time.” Archie laughed, jumping to sit on top of the railing. Joaquin just smirked, coming to sit on the railing beside Archie. “Hey, so are you gonna ask Kevin to the prom?” Archie nudged his elbow into Joaquin’s side, wiggling his eyebrows.
Joaquin flushes, looking away with a small smile. “I haven’t thought about it. What about you?” He jutted his chin to Archie.
Archie just shrugged, “I don’t know man. Prom’s always so boring. No alcohol.” He pulled out a cigarette, lighting it quickly before sighing.
“I bet.. you’ll ask out Veronica Lodge within the week.” Jughead said, laughing. Archie chuckled, tossing the cigarette butt on the ground. “Less than a week actually!”
“Is there funding for this bet? Cause if so, I’ll fucking do it.” Archie stated, puffing out his chest with a grin. Jughead just laughed.
“$50 says you won’t do it!” Joaquin piped up, raising his hands in the air.
“$75 says he does within 4 days.” Jughead retorted, throwing his hand in the air.
Archie hollered, laughing. “Fucking deal! But on one condition. The bet goes 3 ways.”
Jughead arched a brow, “Explain.”
“I ask Veronica Lodge.” Archie jabbed a finger into his chest. “Joaquin asks Kevin.” He jabs his thumb to Joaquin’s chest, Joaquin flushing but nodded. “And you have to ask someone.” He points at Jughead last.
Jughead nods, “Alright, but who?”
Archie and Joaquin spare a glance, huge grins plastered on their faces.
“Who?” Jughead asks again, exasperated.
“Betty Cooper!” The two boys shout in unison.
Jughead blanks. “Who?” Archie just laughs.
“You know, preppy Betty Cooper. Teachers pet, 4.0gpa. Blonde?” Joaquin intrigues. Jughead just shakes his head, still oblivious.
“The chick you knew when we were kids dude.” Archie finally says.
Recognition sparks in Jugheads face. “No.” Joaquin frowns, glancing at Archie with a raised brow. “There isn’t a humane person on this planet who would ask Betty freaking Cooper to prom.” Jughead states coolly, lighting another cigarette.
Joaquin opens his mouth, but Archie cuts him off. “Sure there is man.” Jughead quirks an eyebrow, waiting. “You.” He claps Jughead on the shoulder.  
Jughead shakes his head again. “No. I’m not going to do it.” He heads in a random direction, away from his friends.
Archie jogs to catch up. “$100 says you will do it.”
Jughead stops. Without turning around, he yells back. “$100 even if she says no?”
Archie shakes his head. “$100 and a new guitar if she says yes. But only if!”
Jughead turns around, arms crossed. “I get the guitar whether she says yes or no.” Joaquin chuckles, watching. Archie just sighs.
“Fine, but you have to ask her before I ask Veronica, or the bets off and you get nothing.” Archie stuck his hand out, waiting. Jughead pondered, tapping his foot, before a smile crossed his face.
“Deal!” He shook Archie’s outstretched hand. The bell rang, signaling the start of the school day. Reluctantly, Jughead, Archie and Joaquin strode off, not too quick though, can’t be a prude and show up on time.
The morning went by quickly, Jughead only half paying attention to his teachers talking. School work was overrated, and the teachers learned quick not to bother him about doing any of it. It was a wonder he even showed up most days.
The bell for lunch rang as Jughead stood, heading for the door. Passing by the teachers desk, he overheard the end of a conversation.
“-but sir, please. I need an A to keep my 4.0!” A head of blonde hair, pulled neatly into a very tight ponytail high on her head was turned away from him. The teacher was looking up at the girl, some weird emotion in his eyes.
“Ms. Cooper,” Jughead spared a quick glance over his shoulder before abandoning the room altogether. Halting in his tracks, he leans against the wall, attempting to look nonchalant. A few moments pass before the bouncy ponytail appears from the room. She has her back to him as she heads down the hall, shoulders slumped slightly. He pushes off the wall, casually walking up beside her. She glances sideways, a polite smile on her lips, but recognition sparks in her eyes, and she shies away instantly.
“Uh, hi?” Betty Cooper says, tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear timidly.
Jughead smirked, “Hey beauty.” Winking, he moves a little closer, throwing his arm over her shoulder. She quickly retreats from his grasp, putting a healthy distance away.
“Betty.” She says firmly, keeping her eyes forward.
Frowning for a second, Jughead smirks again. “Ok, Betty. I have a question for you.” He reached for her arm, turning her to face him and stopping their walk. She just stares. He clears his throat. “You.” He points to her. “Me.” He juts his thumb at his chest. “Prom?” A smug smirk plays on his lips.
Betty just stares. Then shakes her head. A group is forming around them now, no doubt curious who Jughead is harassing now. “No.” Was all she said, before turning on her heel and retreating down the hall, past onlookers and whisperers.
Jughead smiles sheepishly, shrugging it off and heading in the other direction. Striding down the hall, Archie and Joaquin falling in step behind him, Jughead made his way to the cafeteria.
“Hey Archie! Jughead!” A small voice called from beside them as they walked. Jughead stopped in his tracks, Archie bumping into his shoulder abruptly.
“What the hell man.” Archie spat out, shoving Jughead. Jughead just grunted, looking sideways at the voice.
The young boy from that morning stood a few feet away. He was standing in front of a group of guys, one had his hand bunched on the boys collar, pulling him forward. The hand belonged to Chuck Clayton, quarterback for their shitty football team and resident rapist (or so most of the female student body claims). Jughead turns, eyeing the males in front of him.
“Problem?” Jughead quirked a brow, crossing his arms.
Chuck turned to him – releasing the boys shirt -, Reggie Mantle and Jason Blossom not far behind. They all sneered, puffing out their chests. Jughead chuckled.
“Did I call for the leather losers?” Chuck says, shooting a glance over his shoulder for a reaction from his friends. When they laugh, he turns back to Jughead, Archie and Joaquin, smirking.
Archie takes a step forward, grunting. “Watch it knuckle head, or you’ll be getting a face full of my knuckles.”
Jughead places a hand on Archie’s shoulder, pulling him back. “I didn’t think you were into guys now Chuck.” Reggie takes a step forward, but Chuck pulls his hand up, halting him. “Is it because the entire population of girls in Riverdale would rather fuck a chainsaw over you?”
Chuck growled, eyes dangerously dark. “Watch it Serpent.” He spit out, crossing his arms.
“I’m shaking. Really.” Jughead stated blandly, sighing with boredom. His eyes scanned the crowd once again forming around him. The publicity was toxic, he needed out.
Then his eyes caught ones watching him.
Blue on green.
Betty was standing close to the back of the crowd, hardly visible over the heads of people Jughead didn’t care to learn the names of. A lump formed in his throat.
Why are you getting worked up? She’s just some stupid girl.
Groaning, Jughead steps forward, grasping Chuck’s shirt at the collar. “Listen, pal. This here boy-” he points to the young boy, still reeling from the abuse, who is standing behind Joaquin now. “-he’s a Serpent now. So you touch him, and you deal with us.” Jughead’s eyes burn wild, tightening his grip on Chucks shirt. Chuck inhales deeply, swallowing hard.
“Lets go guys.” Chuck states, pulling free of Jugheads grasp as he growls once more before trotting down the hall, Reggie and Jason in tow.
Jughead sighs, turning back to Archie and Joaquin. Eyeing the crowd, Jughead just shouts “LEAVE!” as the crowd disperses quickly. He catches the telltale ponytail of Betty, bouncing away with the crowd. He idly thought if she saw that whole ordeal.
Why do you CARE? He chalks it up as the want for a new guitar, and some cash from winning the bet.  
“Dude,” Archie’s voice pulls Jughead back to reality. “What the fuck?”
Jughead just shrugs, heading back in the direction of the cafeteria.
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