#fuck baruto all my homies hate baruto
sanjiaftersex · 3 months
naruto is very out of character in boruto because u mean to tell me the person who grew up wanting a family so desperately is putting his work over spending time with them?
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"But being a hokage was his ultimate dream" Naruto has never been someone who puts materialistic achievements over human connection. Even as a stupid teenager, he was ready to sacrifice his dream for his "friend" sasuke and always went above and beyond for his other friendships too.
When kid naru met boruto he was asking about the kid's dad even though he's a kid himself. (Kids like to talk about the things most interesting or precious to them. He wasn't asking his new friend abt toys or school or friends or ninja stuff)
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naruto is someone who grew up all alone without any father figure (i'll attack you with a knife if u mention jiraiya's name). Someone with this much longing for a family doesn't act like how naruto is shown in Boruto. so no way in fucking seventh hell that he grows up to become a useless father who does not have time for his own son.
fuck Boruto. forever and always.
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