#from: woo! 🤎
renjunniez · 2 years
I HOPE U HAVE BEEN DOING WELL MY LOVE just a gentle reminder to take care of urself and stay hydrated
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On My Mama Pt. 4
Tags: @mixedfandxms @shurislover @sweetalittleselfish-honey @desswright29 @cutttteeee @onyxstones-world @katymae12344 @doramilaj233 @sweetalittleselfish-honey @6-noir @khara876 @she-is-my-unrequited-love34 @teadah18 @un-deniable-me3
So I took a bit of a hiatus but I’m back. I started a new story on Wattpad under my username NeomaMona (QueenNeoma) called You & Me. It’s a Jamaican fic with a straight main couple and Lesbian/gay side characters. Remember I write for everyone so no one is left out. Original characters w/ pics. This update is a bit of a roller coaster but I hope you guys enjoy. 🤎
A few weeks went by with you ignoring Shuri and Riri. You didn’t acknowledge their presence, you were either locked in your room when they were home or you were out.
While you felt slightly guilty for ignoring Riri as she didn’t do anything besides befriend an immoral person. You couldn’t bring yourself to talk to her. You hated to admit after the talk where you’d both shared such private and painful memories; you liked her.
You didn’t like anyone. Well, except Shuri before you’d found out what she’d done. However that didn’t count. As you never met her when you were crushing on her. You were just another girl behind a screen, admiring her while she knew nothing of your existence.
Riri’s words constantly played in your head. You scrutinized Bria’s every move and action, but so far she hadn’t done anything. She seemed genuine.
She kept you in a constant state of bliss. She loved making you cum in your room, whilst the duo were home. And while you knew she did it with the motivation of getting under their skin. You were sure at this point you liked fucking her but that was it. Your crush had worn off after the first two weeks.
In the past few weeks, Riri made it harder for you to ignore her. She brought you breakfast and iced coffee, she did your laundry and folded it, she waited up for you each night with dinner despite not receiving any thanks.
Each interaction made the guilt grow stronger. It was obvious she was trying. You’d never had anyone pay you any mind continuously, that felt genuine. She did things without being asked to. If you felt frustrated about something, she was quickly finding a way to help you. It was unspoken. She seemed to pay close attention to you. She noticed the small things.
One of the things that warmed you up to her slightly was when you’d fallen asleep in your room with the door open as you worked on your assignment. She placed your bonnet on your head and removed your makeup. You’d woken slightly when she placed your comforter over you, and whispered goodnight.
You couldn’t ignore how much she seemed to care about you.
“Hey.” You looked up from your textbook to see Riri in your doorway. Her hair was freshly braided back in cane rows styled into two space buns. She seemed nervous as she fidgeted with her hands.
“Hi.” You replied, biting your bottom lip. You felt just as nervous as she looked.
“I want to show you something. If you have the time?” She seemed unsure and you could hardly blame her. You’d said nothing to her in weeks despite all she’d done for you.
“Sure.” You nodded, closing your textbook and placing it on your nightstand before standing. You followed her out to the living room, your brows furrowing as she stopped in front of a canvas.
“I’m not sure how you’re going to take this but I remember when I lost my dad how much keeping his memory alive helped me.” Riri cleared her throat as she looked at you. Her eyes sparkled as you raised a brow, confused.
She turned the canvas around and you gasped. She’d painted a picture of your father and you. You were 3 in the portrait, sitting on your father’s shoulder as you cheered. A look of love on both of your faces. You swallowed as you recalled exactly where the picture she’d used had been taken.
Your mother was walking for the House of Woo. She was the first dark skin woman of color to ever grace the big stage. She single-handedly paved the way for dark skin women in the industry before the Woo show, however Woo was a coveted event for any black woman as they kept to lighter complexions only.
You remember being so in awe of her, seeing her walk. The only model who looked like you, not because of features but skin tone. All the other models were European, Latin/Hispanic, Biracial or Lightskin. You remember your father whistling and cheering loud as she sauntered on.
“Thank you.” The words were hard to release. You felt tears prick your eyes as you stared at the portrait. You wondered why she chose that picture of the many of your family online. If she’d known the backstory of the picture. Regardless you were grateful for it nonetheless. It captured your father in one of his happiest moments.
“I didn’t mean to make you cry, Y/n.” Riri frowned but you shook your head.
“You didn’t.”
“How about some food? You’ve been studying all day.” Riri suggested.
You nodded.
Riri took you to her favorite diner. There were a few students you knew from your college in the packed diner. As you were seated, Riri broke the silence. Her fingers playing with her gold necklace.
“I hope I didn’t make you uncomfortable.” Riri muttered, her voice low.
“I’m okay. I love it, really.” You said slowly. Hoping you conveyed just how much you enjoyed her gift.
“Why’d you do it ?” You asked.
“Everyone should have something of importance in their home.” She shrugged. “You had no pictures in your room. Yet your IG is full of pictures of you and your dad.”
“I locked away my photo albums.” You admitted. You’d even locked your album in your photo’s with picture of your dad.
“I hope you don’t think I overstepped.” She swallowed, you watched as she swiped her tongue against her bottom lip. You noticed she did that a lot when she was nervous or she was concentrating. 
“I appreciate it. I’ve been trying to pretend like if I don’t see things that remind me of him that I’ll stop being sad. But It hurts more.” Your eyes were watery.
“We aren’t the same. I know that but if you ever want to talk, I’m here. Even if it’s just to listen. Keeping things bottled inside won’t help you. I know that from experience.” She emphasized. She placed her hand over mine on the table.
“I’m sorry for ignoring you.” You changed the subject.
“You’re good.” Riri waved you off. “Shuri was out of line. And I pushed you too much.”
“You didn’t.” Your assured her.
“Thank you for everything you did. I should have said that before now. You didn’t have to do-“
“I wanted to.” She smiled.
“What are you getting?” A girl with a puff and laid edges said as she walked over. She was full of attitude. You looked her up and down, before rolling your eyes.
“What do you want, mama?” Riri asked.
“Whatever you get is fine.” You shrugged. You knew you and Riri liked the same food, after all the takeout she’d gotten you and the meals she’d made for you.
“We’ll have two medium well provolone mushroom burgers, with the thin fries and strawberry milk shakes.” Riri ordered. The girl hissed her teeth before writing it down.
“April, drop the attitude. I’ve never led you on, we were never together so I don’t appreciate your energy.” Riri lowered her voice so only you, her and the waitress heard.
“Good luck with that.” April directed towards me, tilting her head towards Riri.
“Friend of yours?” You smirked.
“No. We messed around but I told her what I tell everyone. I wasn’t looking for anything serious. I’m single. I have no need to lie, cheat or play with people’s emotions. I’m straightforward.” Riri clarified.
“Wasn’t?” You raised a brow.
“No one has captured my attention like you.” Riri admitted, her eyes locked with yours.
“Bold.” You giggled.
“I never lie. I have no reason to. No girl has ever made me like them enough to want to do anything for them beyond sex.” She shrugged and you bit your lip to keep from smiling. As hard as you tried not to like her, she was getting under your skin. While Bria had you hooked sexually, Riri was able to get under your skin with just her actions, her words.
You knew she was being honest because you’d heard stories of how she was never interested in going on dates with other girls. How she ‘loved them and leaved them’ she was solely focused on school and making her money.
“Why’d you get strawberry milkshakes.” Deciding to change the subject again.
“You hate chocolate and you think vanilla is too plain for a milkshake unless there are things added but you love strawberry milkshakes like you love strawberry cake.” Riri noted. “I know you only drunk the shakes I bought you because you were being nice. I saw the cringe on your face when you drank them so I deduced you had to like strawberry since you’d said you loved milkshakes on your snap one day.”
“Uhhhh.” You were shocked she paid such close attention to that.
“How cozy…” You look up to see Bria walking towards you. You could see her friend from the day in the courtyard sitting at a nearby table with her phone in her hand and figured she’d alerted her to where you were and with whom.
“Bria.” You warned. The more you got to know her, the more you realized while she despised both Shuri and Riri; she absolutely hated Riri. You were all for her being rude to Shuri but Riri didn’t deserve it.
“I missed you, babe.” She smiled, leaning down and kissing me. She thrusted her tongue into my mouth and sucked on it, as she moaned out. The kiss wasn’t like her usual ones. You could tell she was angry underneath the sweet demeanor. You pulled away, staring at her in confusion.
“What are you doing her?” You asked.
“I could ask you the same question, babe.” She narrowed her eyes at you.
“Riri and I are hanging out.” You informed her, watching as her eye slightly twitched.
“That’s interesting. I thought you hated her.” She swung her eyes towards Riri, before looking back at you.
“I never said I hated Riri.” I stared at her in shock that she’d so blatantly lie.
“Y/n, you said you hated her. That your skin crawled every time you were around her.” Bria gloated and you scowled. You couldn’t believe she was lying. Sure you’d said that about Shuri but never about Riri. Sure you found her annoying in the beginning but you were starting to like her. “You literally said she needed to go back to Chicago where her pops and Natalie were buried because you couldn’t stand the sight of her.”
“Bria!” You couldn’t believe she’d say something so heinous.
“That’s how it is?” Riri scoffed, her eyes showing how hurt she was. You felt sick at the way her voice cracked and her eyes got glossy.
“Riri I did—“
“Stop lying Y/n. Be honest, tell her how you planned on telling the whole school how she’d gotten her father and friend killed by going to that park.” Bria grinned.
“What the fuck is your problem?!” You shouted, as the whole diner got quiet.
“You told her what I told you…” Riri rasped, as tears fell down her cheeks. You looked at her with empathy. She wasn’t one to cry.
“I promise you I didn’t…” You swear.
“How would she know? I’ve never told anyone besides you and Shuri. And Shuri would never tell anyone that. I know that for a fact!” Riri hissed.
“I may be a bitch. But I’m not heartless I didn’t tell her that. I swear.” You pleaded.
“I thought you weren’t. I told myself you were hurt and angry and lashing out, that you were a good person but who was I kidding. You talk about Shuri being a horrible person but she did what she did with a willing participant that did not let her know she was married or in a relationship. You two are NOT the same.” Riri declared before getting out of the booth and storming off.
You sat in silence as you stared. Watching her leave, feeling like you wanted to throw up. Having people dislike you was one thing but Riri was different. She was sweet, caring, generous.
“Oops.” Bria smirked.
“I never told you about her father or Natalie… And I never said those disgusting things.” You hissed. “Why would you lie?”
She moved close until her lips were by your ear and you tensed. You felt disgusted by her. Having her near you was too much.
“You think you’re all that because you had Riri’s attention? Riri was mine first. You’re nothing compared to me.” She hissed, before standing and flipping her hair in your face.
What the fuck?
You hadn’t seen Riri since the night before. She was nowhere to be found. You’d spent the whole day texting, calling and looking for her. She’d missed all her classes. You were frustrated. Shuri was no help as she came in drunk again and passed out on the couch.
You made your way over to Bria’s apartment, and banged on her door. You wanted to know what the fuck she was on. From her words it was clear she wanted Shuri and Riri which made no sense since she’d left them.
And if she was so jealous of you why did she fuck you? She clearly was obsessed with you to be eating your pussy as much as she did.
You had your phone recording from your pocket because you planned to clear your name to Riri. You couldn’t stomach her hating you.
“What?” She snapped as she flung the door open.
“What the fuck was that?” You matched her tone.
“Y/n, aren’t you a genius ?” She mocked.
“Why did you lie to Riri?” You demand.
“The questions should be why did she believe me? Why was she so quick to believe me over you?” She smirked.
“You had details not many people know I don’t blame her for not believing me. But I never told you any of that.” You crossed your arms over your chest. “Where did you hear about her Dad and Natalie?”
“Who cares?”
“I do, now tell me you classless hating ass bitch.” You barked, your tone conveying just how much you wanted to play ‘Whack A Bitch’.
“I saw you two when you were talking. I heard her tell you about them.” She rolled her eyes.
“Why do you hate her so much?” You wondered.
“I wanted Riri.” She snapped. “I’ve always wanted Riri. It’s the only reason I became friends with Shuri and fed her the idea of us being a throuple because they were close. Riri never seemed into it and at a certain point she decided to drop me like I was nothing when I told her I loved her and wanted to be with just her.”
“Are you serious right now? I can’t believe this shit!” You wanted to beat her ass so bad.
“Don’t act like you didn’t like me eating your pussy and fucking you while Riri listened.” Bria gloated. “You and I both know you wanted to get a reaction out of her.”
“Riri was right. You are a manipulative bitch.” You scoffed, walking away. She wasn’t worth your energy. You ended the recording and headed towards the only place you hadn’t looked. The lab.
After demanding to be let in, you were disappointed when you saw that Riri wasn’t there. You had no idea where else to look. You sighed before sending the recording to Riri’s number, her snap and her dms hoping she didn’t block you.
As you opened your apartment door you heard moans. You furrowed your brows as you locked the door behind you and headed towards your room, figuring Shuri had a girl over. Neither She or Riri had ever had anyone over so it was off putting but not surprising.
You tossed your keys and bag on the kitchen counter before seeing two people in the couch going at it. You couldn’t believe your eyes at first. But the longer you stared the more real it became.
You froze as you saw Riri fucking Nina on the couch. Your eyes were wide as you took in the scene in front of you. Nina was face down in the couch while Riri drove her strap into her. She was moaning and wailing as Riri pounded into her.
You couldn’t move as you watched in horror. You thought Nina was your friend. How could she fuck with someone she thought you ‘disliked’ and Riri? Of all the people she had to choose your ‘friend’.
“Fuck, you have the best pussy.” Riri groaned as she yanked Nina’s hair. “Look how you’re creaming for me mama.”
You cringed as she called her the nickname she only called you. You felt hurt. Bria turning out to be a fucked up person was one thing, but Riri? How could she go so low without even talking to you and letting you explain yourself or even defend yourself?
“Ay, mami! I love how you’re fucking me!” Nina cried out as Riri thrusted harder. You felt disgusted, angering building in you.
“Cum for me, mama.” Riri demanded, smacking Nina on the ass. And as if on command, Nina came. Her annoying ass voice screeching.
You crossed your arms.
“Are you done?” You asked.
“I mean not really but we probably should take this to my bedroom.” Riri smirked, as she moved away from Nina and stood. You narrowed your eyes as Nina got up and stared at you.
“I hope you don’t mind Riri invited me over? I couldn’t say no…” Nina smiled, and I bit back the urge to yell. I was about to turn to go into the room when Riri grabbed something from off the couch. Your heart dropped when you realized it was the canvas of your father and you.
“You’re disgusting!” You cried, as she walked it over to you with a smirk.
“It was fuck me, Natalie and my dad right?” Riri scoffed. “Well fuck you and your daddy.”
You watched as she took a lighter from off the nightstand and lit the canvas stained with their juices on fire. Your body shook as you watched her burn the canvas.
“Riri! That’s so mean.” Nina laughed.
“Never speak to me again. I will never forgive you for this. You were right. Shuri wasn’t to blame for anything. She was an uninformed willing participant. But you…” You sobbed. “You’re so much worse. Go to fucking hell Williams!”
You grabbed a vase with flowers and dumped the water into the burning canvas before grabbing your keys and bag and heading back out the door.
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livealittleoc-cb · 1 year
The Magics Spell 🪄 [Random Update]
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🐉: We going out! *does a little happy dance* I’m so happy to have a day off! Woo!
🍹: I can be your laptop’s screensaver *winks with a laugh*
✨: I was asked to do a photo shoot for some clothes *lets out a puff* I wasn’t expecting it to take so long-
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☔️: I really vibed with my outfit today 🥰
🌱: I found a pretty river today! I can feel the lovely energy from it~
🎐: Well time to go to work *yawns*
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♥️: I mayhaps cut my hair…BUT JUST A LITTLE!
☁️: I kinda been feeling my back today…it looks pretty 🥰
🕯️: Picture from last night’s outing, I’m so tired-
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❄️: I look pretty today~ Hehe time to rule the world! 😌
😈: Someone give me their hoodie, I need to wash this and I’m out. This is not a request, it is a demand-
💀: What if…what if I was your teacher?! 😳🫢
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🩵🩵: @monsterhigh-cb​ [🐟🤍💍 && ⚡💙 && 👻💜 && 🐺💕 && 🎤💖 && 👑💛] @evicted-oc​ [☕️🤎 && 🐼🖤] @theinvitation-bot​ [🐭🩶💒] @welcome-to-maniac [🐇🖤 💍 && 🌻❤️ && 🌕❤️‍🔥] @fantasyaespa​ [💚🐈 && 💎☀️] @chooseyourboycb​ [🔪❤️‍🩹] @k-venturetime​ [🍓❣️] @multi-joong​ [🌧️🧡 && 🎨💚] @kardpackcb​ [🌙💝 && 🐺❤️‍🔥]
possible new residents: @faywithlove​ @badbf-cb​ @clubwnderland @supernaturalcb @domxbot​ @thepatchedpaw​ @dawnswonderland-entertainment​​ @beastfights-starting​ @starhunters-reign @divineblood-cb​ @urtwice​ @welcometosector1​​ @mxthxbot​ @lunaaofthemoon @littleboywooyoungie​ @kq-rescuecenter​ @reve-rv @multi-esme @the-hellhounds​ @3rachabot​ @san-cb​ @beaconhillsxbot @thenine-cb​ @hoteldelluna-rp​ @league-of-assassin​​ @dreampodcast @enhanced-cb​​ @houseofthee​ @lostwoods-cb​ @boyzplanet​ @kimheebby​ @elemental-dream​​ @camboys-com​ @lucky-charmsanhwa @domrachaa @oppositesattraxt​ [DM + / -]
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chocos-universe · 2 months
I think you know who this is😋 (lee!Jesús ler!Edvard, please I beg)
OoooOoOoOoOooooo *hypnotizing* OoooOoOooOoOoOoOoOoOoOooooOOo
I'll never know~
Teasy Trap
--Edvard and Jesús Cristo were snuggling, when suddenly... a lovely little mood came out of nowhere--
|Lee - Jesús Cristo -- Ler - Edvard|
Ships Included: Jesús Cristo x Evard (Oc x Canon)
Edvard belongs to @imma-vincent-van-gogh-kms in every way!!
"Hey, mi amor..." Jesús Cristo crawled over to his painter boyfriend on the bed. Edvard looked up at him. "Å, hei kjære!" [Translation: Oh, hello dear]. Jesús raised a brow before shaking his head. "Can we cuddle?" He asked in his accent. Edvard nodded "Mhm!" Jesús smiled and crawled into Edvard's lap, wrapping his arms around his torso, his head resting against his belly. Edvard let a small smile appear, rubbing Jesús's back soothingly.
After a while, a familiar mood started to kick in. What was that mood? Ah, yes. A ler mood. Seeing how peaceful his boyfriend was.... perfect. Edvard blinked and gently placed his hands on Jesús hips. Jesús squeaked and flinched slightly. His hands are now pinned between Edvards back and the bed frame. "Bebé [Translation: Baby]-- noho, don't..." Jesús giggled, his feet swinging ever so slightly. "I didn't even do anything yet, min kjære~" [Translation: my dear] Edvard kept placing and un-placing his fingers on Jesús's hips, just to see him get shocked tickled. "Ahaha-- noho *snort* noohoho!" Jesús giggled, burying his face into Edvards belly. "Not even doing much~" Edvard chuckled, gently raking his fingers up and down Jesús's hips, waists, sides, and ribs. "Nahaha!!-- you ¡Prihihick!" [Translation: Prick] "Tickle tickle~..." "Eheheheddie!!" Jesús squealed and giggled, kicking his feet slightly. "Awh...Kjæreste~" [Translation: Darling] "Whahahat does thahat even mehean?! *squeak+hic*" Edvard chuckled, gently wiggling his fingers on Jesús's sides. "Nohoho! D-Dohohon't just focus on one sp-spohohohohohohot!! *squeak*" Jesús giggled, burying his face further into his boyfriends belly. "Okay, Mr.Squeaks..." "Peheheherra!" [Translation: Bitch] Edvard just chuckled and spidered his fingers slowly up and down. "Up..." Edvard whispered as he spidered his fingers up "Andddd waterfall it down." He quickly slid his fingers down to Jesús's hips. "*squeak* NAHA-- Edvahahard!!" Jesús giggled, snorting ever so slightly. "Muhuhust you be soho mehean?!" "Oh I CAN show you mean...~" Edvard threatened playfully, earning a squeak from the lee. "Nohoho!! No plehehease!! *hiccupx2*" he snorted and hiccuped, legs kicking a bit more now. Edvard giggled slightly "Suhuch a baby!" Edvard gently spidered his fingers up his lovers back. "BAHA-- nohohoHOHOHO-- plehehease!!" Edvard chuckled again. Seeing his lover smile so giggly... he was satisfied and stopped, now just soothingly rubbing his back
Jesús giggled breathlessly for a moment. "Aha... woo... meheanie..." Edvard smiled, lifting Jesús up onto his lap more, hugging him in his arms. "Giggly Boyfriend..." Edvard mumbled into Jesús's ear. "Stohop..." he giggled, curling up slightly. Edvard just smirked.
"Point proven."
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honey-andmilktea · 3 months
✎ Neighbors: Chapter 3: Familiar Faces
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🤎𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: OnlineInfluencers!BTS OT7 (Eventually) x Animator!Fem!OC!Reader, Model!Jimin x ProfessionalGamer!Jungkook, Model!Jimin x Animator!Fem!OC!Reader x ProfessionalGamer!Jungkook | 🌙𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: Fluff, College AU, Strangers to Friends to Lovers, 3rd Person | 🖊️𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 2,025 Words | ✏️𝐀𝐧𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬: Chul’s classes and schedule along with building are heavily based off my own.~ Even though my building doesn’t have 3 floors it has 2~ | ❌𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: None(?)
🍁𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: Jungkook and Chul meet again by pure chance. Their friendship is blooming with them getting a lot closer, Chul even getting to meet one of his close “friends”. Featuring a little of Jimin getting into trouble.~
👻𝐆𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐖𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐫'𝐬 𝐓𝐚𝐛𝐬: Omg I finally got to this! Woo! I hope yall like this ^^
🐻 𝐒𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 | 𝐌𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 | 𝐁𝐓𝐒 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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“And so I pitched myself into my great lake of melancholy. Lord how deep it is! What a born melancholic I am!” — Virginia Woolf, ‘A Writer’s Diary’
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‘Hey my class ended early! :D’
‘My room is 309, down the hall’
‘Come down when you’re done’
Chul smiled at the messages, sitting at her easel as her class took a break. The teacher had been going through what to expect in the class along with starting a PowerPoint on what they’ll be practicing for the first week. She ate her own snack that she brought because of long class hours, texting Jungkook back as she did.
‘Lucky! I have one more hour’
‘I’ll see you then’
Jungkook answers with an okay, deciding to stay in the room while waiting. Chul finishes her snack and goes back to her notes, doodling little flowers and characters along the edges of her paper. Once the Professor went over the assignment, she ended class early and Chul cheers to herself as she starts putting her items into her bag. She quickly texted Jungkook telling him that she was on her way and walked down the colorful hall of her art building. She looked at the room numbers until she saw ‘309’ and stopped, smiling wide as she walked into the empty classroom. She looked around, noticing Jungkook sitting on a stool at a table with someone sitting next to him. She tilted her head as she walked in noticing that they were both
looking down at something on Jungkook’s phone.
“Hey Kook!” She chirped excitedly making her presence known to the two men. Both look up, Kook giving her his signature cute bunny smile. She smiled back his smile too contagious to not. Before looking at the other man and wondering where she’s seen him before. He seemed to be having the same recollection. She opened her mouth to say a greeting to the man before he spoke before her.
“You’re the girl from the park! That’s where I’ve seen you.” He called out both Jungkook and Chul. He blushed embarrassed at his small outburst clearing his throat. “I’m sorry you just looked really familiar.” Chul takes a second to process before blushing embarrassed and
looking at him over once more. And yes, he was the beautiful man from the park,
knowing that fact made her face grow more red. She quickly bowed and started to apologize profusely. Jimin blinks surprised before a laugh starts to bubble out while Jungkook sat confused next to him. Chul went even more red, if possible, when she heard his beautiful laugh. She went back to standing straight, her hair slightly covering her face. ‘Why is everything he does so pretty?’ Jimin stopped laughing and let out a breath.
“I’m sorry, you’re just so cute.” Chul pouted a little at that shyly playing with her
sleeve. “You don’t need to apologize, I’m half to blame. I do hope you got a nice picture of me though.” He teased gently to Chul’s dismay. She whined a little, pushing her hair back, pursing her lips and looking away. ‘She’s cute.’ He thought with a small smile while Chul collected herself.
“I-I’ll delete the picture, I’m really sorry. I didn’t mean to take it.” Jimin waved her off
with a small hand wave and smile.
“It’s really okay honey.~ I just hope you got my good side.~” He eternally cooed as another pink hue came to her cheeks when he called her honey. He stuck his hand out for
her to shake. “I’m Jimin by the way. Park Jimin.” She blinked a little before shyly taking his hand.
“Lee Chul.” She introduced herself shyly. Jimin smiled and the two looked at each other for a bit. They seemed to be taking in each other’s features, making Jungkook look
at them completely confused and unsure of what was going on. He clears his
throat looking at the two as they jump a little forgetting that there was someone else in the room. Jimin smiled sheepishly at the younger.
“Sorry, got…distracted.” He mumbled softly while Chul looked down at her fingers shyly. 
“I could see that-.” Jungkook said sassily before shaking his head. “How do you guys know
each other anyway? You’re in different majors. Completely different-.” Jungkook
enquired as he looked between the two waiting for an answer. 
“Wait what major are you?”
“Cosmetic Science.” Chul blinked surprised and looked at him impressed.
“Woah! That sounds so fancy!” Jimin laughed, getting bashful at her praise, about to wave
her comments off before hearing Jungkook clear his throat again and looking at
him with raised brows. Jimin gave him an apologetic look before answering the
younger man.
“We met at the park earlier. She’s the girl I told you about.” Jungkook blinked in confusion before a grin started to spread on his face.
“Oh, so she’s the-.” His mouth was quickly covered by Jimin’s hand, said man, glaring at the younger who was just giggling under it before apologizing. Chul looked between the two, blinking confused as she scrunched her eyebrows together.
“What? The, what?” She tilted her head confused while Jungkook laughed and Jimin waved his hands with a pink hue on his cheeks. 
“Don’t worry about it.” Chul whined and started to protest, trying to get some kind of
information out of him. This lasted a couple more minutes, Jungkook laughing and Jimin shyly denying the girl any information on what Jungkook was going to say. After giving up Chul starts conversation on how their first days were going and what days they had classes and so on. At one point Chul went to tie up her hair, talking about some random topic and not noticing the two men looking at her and listened. They both were thinking the same thing, she looked so pretty. Jimin was the first to snap out of it though and gently hit Jungkook on the shoulder to snap him out of it. 
“Last semester wasn’t all that bad, so I do hope this one is the same. I hope I make more
friends.” They both tuned back into the conversation blinking a little to piece together what they could. “But I think it’s time for me to get going. My friend is waiting for me, and I hate making him wait.” She smiled at the two who smiled back instantly.
“Oh…” Jungkook pouted a little before checking the time and perking up surprised. “Yeah, I think you’re right. It’s definitely time for us to go too.” He smiled sadly, wishing they could hangout a bit longer. Jimin lightly nudged him before handing his phone to Chul, the contacts app open. 
“Here, put in your number. It’s not fair that Jungkook gets to talk to such a pretty girl,
and I don’t.” He teased gently, smiling more when he sees her blush appearing on her cheeks again. She gently takes it, putting in her number and hands it back shyly, smiling at him.
“There you go.” He smiles back looking at the contact and cooing inwardly at the cute
emojis she used. He sent her a message, so she had his number as well. Both men stood up and each took turns giving her a hug before they walked out of the room and went their separate ways. As she walked down the stairs, deeming it quicker than waiting for the elevator. She had already made Hongjoong wait too long, and she was definitely going to get an earful about
it. She texted Jimin while she went down, smiling at the new pretty friend she made. “No one’s going to believe me.” She mumbled to herself with a laugh as she got out. There she saw Hongjoong, leaning against his bike and waved happily at him. Hongjoong crossed his arms and narrowed his eyes at her. 
“Nice to see you-.” He said snarky while she rolled her eyes and hugged her best friend.
“Don’t be so cold.~” She whined a little, it being Hongjoong’s turn to roll his eyes and hug her back.
“You were with your new friend?” She nodded her head with a happy smile.
“He seems to make you really happy. Be careful, you’ve only known each other for a couple of days.” Chul shook her head with a little frown.
“He’s nice. And we’ve basically known each other for more than a week. I even met one of
his friends today! Plus, I can take care of myself. I know what I’m doing.” Hongjoong’s
eyebrows raised up, but he didn’t mention anything about it.
“I know you can, but I just worry about you. Now,” He tossed Chul her normal helmet.
“Get on, we're going to Sally’s.” Chul squealed happily at the prospect of going to
their favorite diner. Having gone to it since they were kids from Hongjoong’s first concert in Middle School to their High School Graduation. She hugged him happily before putting on the helmet and got on carefully with Joong’s help. Once they were there, they greeted everyone and went to their normal table before Chul started to go into detail of her day before Joong did the same. 
A nice ending to the day.
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Jimin and Jungkook went to the elevator, Jimin texting Chul back with a smile before putting his phone away. Jungkook glances at him but doesn’t say anything, just smiling along knowing what he was thinking of. Once out of the building Jimin puts on a pair of sunglasses along with putting up his hoodie trying to hide his face as much as possible. Jungkook opted for his normal black facemask while putting his hoodie up as well. Once they felt that their faces were hidden well enough, they started walking to Jimin’s car. Jimin was happy that he was allowed to drive himself and not have some driver taking them around. They all wanted to enjoy their college experience as much as possible and as normal. They already had heavy schedules to follow, making having close connections hard. So having this sliver of normalcy was a breath of fresh air for all the boys. They have casual conversation when inside of Jimin’s car, mask and hoods down enjoying each other’s company. 
Jungkook held Jimin’s hand in his lap while the older man drove. “She doesn’t know what we do, does she?” Jungkook blinked, processing what he was asked before blushing a
little and shaking his head. 
“No…I kind of like the fact she doesn’t. At least if she does, she doesn’t show it.” Jimin
nodded his head agreeing.
“She’s a lot more sweet than you mentioned.” Jimin grinned a little. “I can see why you like her so much.” Jungkook went red, lightly slapping his arm when they got to a
red light.
“Says you! You stared at her for so long-. And you called her an ‘Angel’ when you first saw her, remember?” Jimin scoffed with his own blush spreading on his face which
caused Jungkook to laugh. Jimin rolled his eyes, scoffing again but smiling fondly at his boyfriend, loving whenever he laughed. They talk the rest of the way home, Jimin parking his car on the street, noticing that there was a car in the driveway. He cursed under his breath knowing whose car it was and whining to himself. Jungkook noticed the car and cringed a little knowing that Jimin was going to be chewed out by their Hyungs. Jungkook checked the time before tugging Jimin’s hand. “I have to stream soon.” Jimin sighed, wishing he could stay in
the car and let everything settle. They both got out of the car making their way inside barely making it in until seeing Yoongi standing halfway up the stairs, arms crossed and a knowing look on his face. 
Jimin sighed as Jungkook gave him a quick peck to the lips running up the stairs, stopping to give Yoongi his own kiss, before rushing to his room to set up for his
stream. Yoongi looked at Jimin who gave him puppy dog eyes, the older man shaking his head. “Not this time. Let’s go, Jin and Namjoon are waiting for you.” Groaning, the blonde followed behind, wondering what they’ll tell him he can’t do this time around.
Oh how he hated talks like these.
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✎ @honey-andmilktea - 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐝, 𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭, 𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐭, 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐳𝐞, 𝐞𝐭𝐜. [2024-2025]
✎ Thank you for reading! Since you've made it this far please consider reblogging, commenting or getting a coffee at the Coffee Corner! [Ko-fi]
✎ Taglist: @armysantiny, @faywithlove, @kpopadminnie, @iridescentxstars, @felicityroth
✎: @moonprismo, @mo0nbeams, @angelfuzzy2, @singukieee
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letstrywritingmaybe · 8 months
Happy Valentine’s Day fellow CoAi lovers!!!!! It’s my absolute favorite holiday and I’m so happy we’re doing an event for it!!! I’ve written super short ficlets in order to post every day for this love fest, so let’s get to it!
Love Me Like You Do
Summary: Did you know we all express love in different ways? It’s important to have compatible love languages, find out what your partner prefers to love them better. Take the test here!
In which Conan attempts to properly woo Ai by finding out what her love language is.
2/14 🩷 Introduction To Love Languages 🩷
2/15 ❤️ Take One: Words Of Affirmation ❤️
2/16 🧡 Take Two: Acts Of Service 🧡
2/17 💛 Take Three: Gifts 💛
2/18 💚 Take Four: Quality Time 💚
2/19 🩵 Take Five: Physical Touch 🩵
2/20 💙 Take Five, Part Two 💙
2/21 💜 When Words Fail 💜
2/22 🖤 Say It Twice 🖤
2/23 🩶 Quick Search Of Love Languages 🩶
2/24 🤍 And We Have A Winner 🤍
2/25 🤎 Once More, From The Top 🤎
2/26 💓 Actions Matter Too 💓
2/27 💝 Gifts 💝
2/28 💕 Time Together 💕
2/29 ❣️ Touch Me Like You Do ❣️
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locitawritingsblog · 3 months
Such A Ray of Light We Never Knew
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Even through it was already pass for most of the country for Father's Day but I wanna write a mini fic about it. This fic got inspired by one of my favorite childhood. Hope you guys like it.
This fic is continued from Wish You Two Were Here.
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After Kaz and Yeager did a quick check-in their ships to make sure they were ready to go as CB-23 already hopped on the fireball "Alright, looks like we're up to go."
"Hello Kaz !"
They saw Kel and Eila coming over the repairs "Kel, Eila, what are you guys doing here ?" Kaz asked.
"We want to go with you guys." Kel spoke.
Which made Kaz worried that history might be repeated "Oh no..." He stared at the kids. "Kids, don't you guys remember what happened last time you two came along with me ?"
Eila responded "We know but we promise we'll listen to you."
Kaz still uncertain about this "Uhh...hold on for seconds."
He walked to Yeager "Hey, Yeager, uh, I know you want to have peace and quiet time but the kids wanna come with us."
Yeager asked "Well, you told me those kids are alone ?" "Yeah, they lost everything, including their homeworld...before mine." Kaz replied then he looked down, remembering his homeworld was destroyed.
Yeager sighed "Alright, they can come with us but we'll make sure they stay close with us." "You got it, I'll tell the kids."
Kaz, Yeager, CB-23, Kel, and Eila took a walk around the city. "This place looks so different then back to our home." Eila said the Kel asking "Yeah, how these people can live here with no trees ?"
Kaz put his hands on the kids' shoulders "Well, most people living at the cities are doing some big projects like...making taller buildings to live or making advanced technology."
"That sounds interesting. What kind of advanced technology we can play with ?" Kel said.
Kaz figured out to explain these kids about technology until he noticed a younger kid pulled his mother to go into the building, it has colorful lights from the inside.
"Follow me, kids." Kaz took the kids enter that building while Yeager spoke to CB-23 "Do you think what are they doing there ?" CB beeped as rolling to catch the others up.
Yeager was the last person entered the building, he was surprised there were a lot of machines that any kids could play with.
"What in the Castillon is this place ?"
He noticed Kel and Eila talked to Kaz about this place. As the kids raced to play, Kaz walked to CB "CB, can you keep an eye on them ?" CB beeped and left him and Yeager alone.
"What just happened ?"
"Oh, I showed Kel and Eila what the arcade game is so they could have fun here."
"Okay....I have to say this place is really loud." Yeager commented.
"That's every arcade game room do. If you need some peace, I found massage chairs that you can try." Kaz pointed at two message chairs near the arcade room.
Kaz showed Yeager how to use a massage chair "Alright, this will help as well." Kaz passed a headphone to him then put a credit into the message chair. "You can try for 10 minutes and I'll let you know what do you think about these."
Yeager nodded and put a headphone to have some quiet time with relaxing music "This is nice." Kaz smiled as whispering "I'll be back."
Kaz went back inside the arcade game. He saw Kel and Eila hop on the hovercruises but they were connected by the game machine.
"How is this thing can move ?" Kel groaned.
Kaz chuckled "They are supposed to be that way. Let me show you how." He hopped on a hovercruise where Eila sat.
"You kids got your own each cards, right ?"
Kel and Eila showed Kaz game cards "Yes ! But we don't know how." Eila said.
"First, we put our cards here." Kaz put a card on the machine so it can be scanned. He then told Eila to hold tight as showing them how to play hovercruise game.
The kids were having fun, playing hovercruise game, they raced through the game screen. Kel acrossed the finish line.
"Woo Hoo ! Kel's win !" Kaz cheered.
"This is fun. Can we play this again ?" Eila asked.
"Sure, one more time." Kaz replied then they cheered.
10 minutes was up, Yeager took off a headphone and stood up from the massage chair. it was pretty relaxing which he hadn't been felt this for a long time.
Then he stared at Kaz taking care of Kel and Eila as they were having some fun. Yeager missed his family, wishing he could spend time with them for a long time but he knew he couldn't.
He took a long breath and walked to them "Looks like you three having fun." "Yeah, this place is really nice !" Kel responded as throwing a basketball into the net.
"Nice shoot, Kel !" Kaz said.
The timeline for basketball game was over. Kaz and Eila only had two points while Kel had 6 points.
"Let's play another game." Eila took Kel's hand as CB following them behind.
Kaz asked "So...how was the massage chair going ?"
"It was really nice. I really enjoyed it." Yeager replied. Kaz smiled "That's great. Glad you like it. We might be here for awhile. Wanna back to have another round of massage chair ?"
"No. I'm good for now." Yeager said.
They watched Kel and Eila playing spinning wheel to get as many tickets as they could get.
"I'm guessing your father was used to take you some kind of arcade game room like here ?"
"Yeah, he did. We were used to have fun a lot but when I'm getting older, he never spend time with me anymore. All we have is having argument." Kaz sighed then looking down.
Yeager was concerned about Kaz's relationship with his father. "I should get some drink since we'll be here for awhile." Yeager was about to say but he knew Kaz need some time alone for few minutes.
Yeager sighed then checked it out with the kids.
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Taglist : @queen-daya , @cassie-fanfics , @zaya-mo , @fulltimecatwitch , @kanerallels , @commander-tech , @thebadbatch2022 , @catcucumber-salad
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gyoobies · 10 months
Fresh Starts Mend Broken Hearts
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Pairing: Jungwoo x Fem Reader
Genre: Office romance, Hurt/Comfort
Warnings: broken trust/betrayal, office bullying, cheating (past partner), traumatic past, Implied sexual activity
Summary: Jungwoo is thriving at his new job, loves the company, coworkers & especially his boss, but when a ghost from his past comes back to haunt him he fears he'll lose his fresh start.
DISCLAIMER: I just barely proofed this so just pretend you don't see any mistakes you may come across 🤎
Six months into the position at his new job Jungwoo felt lucky to have the opportunity to start over with a clean slate, and so far everything had been going his way. He sauntered into your office one morning, coffee in one hand, planner in the other and a brown paper bag dangling from his lips that concealed your favorite pastry, like he'd done so many times since he started. He clumsily dropped the bag from his mouth to your desk before greeting you with a smile so big it took up most of his face.
"Jungwoo I said no baked goods! I'm trying to  be mindful of what I eat."
"I don't know why." He pouted "if you get any more beautiful nothing will get done! We'll all be too busy staring at our boss with heart eyes!  The business will fail! Think of the business!" He exclaimed. 
You feigned annoyance "Fine Woo, I'll eat the damn pastry!"
"Thank goodness! Our jobs are safe...but just barely." He smiled slyly as he shot you a wink.
"You know, I don't think you're supposed to flirt with your employer." You chuckled.
"But it's so hard!" He whined.
And before you could stop yourself, your inner idiot followed it up with a "That's what she said."
You both paused looking at each other with wide eyes before he burst out laughing.
"I knew it! I knew you were pretending to be a mature adult!"
You pinched your brows together "OUT!" you demanded. Trying to be as serious as possible, but it was impossible to be serious when Jungwoo was around.
"Sheesh! OK, ok chill." He said as he danced his way out of your office.
You appreciated Jungwoo for all his efforts. You were a small design company with a handful of employees, Jungwoo being the newest. You were sure that after the 1st month he'd quiet down a bit, but the more comfortable he got the louder he became, despite this he was well liked by most everyone. You were sure it had to be because he disrupted the hum drum, strictly business atmosphere that could settle in during stressful times. You also couldn't deny how attractive he was, so that probably helped. You quickly finished your pastry before the interview on your schedule. You were hopeful that the applicant would be just as experienced, driven, and jubilant as Jungwoo, seeing as how their previous employer was the same as his. You wondered if they'd ever worked together and made a mental note to ask.
Jungwoo had been thinking about your interaction all morning. You weren't an uptight boss, far from it actually, but you certainly never got so comfortable to the point of making a joke that HR would deem inappropriate, so he took it as a sign that you were getting comfortable with him. He found himself smiling at the thought of you again, and had to snap himself out of it before he ended up in another situation like before. Despite all his apprehension, something deep inside told him you were different, you wouldn't use him, betray or hurt him, but even if he could find the courage to let down his guard and pursue you, who's to say you'd even be interested. Honestly it was easier for him to believe you wouldn't be interested. If you weren't interested he could ignore his growing feelings. He wouldn't feel vulnerable, scared, worried that if he let you in, he'd eventually have to run again. It was best that he just ignore the way you smiled at him, the way you cared for everyone around you, the way you valued his ideas, and listened to his input. He never had that kind of positivity and confidence given to him at his last job. Everyone treated him like an airhead, like he was inferior just because he was less experienced. That treatment got better once the department head had taken a 
liking to him, well for a time that's what he thought only to find out he was still the topic of conversation behind his back. It was a hard pill to swallow, overhearing that people thought he was fucking his way into a better position. He should have known what would happen falling into bed with someone that was older, more established and essentially his boss, but he liked her, so he beared the burden of all the whispers all the glares, and the jokes, only to find out later that he was nothing more than a good fuck to her. He could still feel the embarrassment bubble in his stomach at the thought. Finding out that she was married to a much older man, and he just didn't have it in him to try to satisfy her anymore. She may have been older than Jungwoo but she was still young and her sex drive was more than healthy. She wanted it more than once a month, more than some old man that would only think of himself, more than missionary, and that's what Jungwoo was, that's all he was, and that's all he was ever supposed to be
Once he knew about her husband, he knew he had to end it. That's not who he was or who he ever wanted to become and when he told her this much, he thought she'd understand but the reaction he got was the complete opposite. She had never been rejected in her life and she wasn't going to let anyone, especially him, someone she felt superior to, be the first.
 For days after she would still try to contact him, try to treat him as though nothing happened, claiming that he should feel fortunate that she even gave him the opportunity to fuck her. The situation stressed him out to the point of taking time off from work so that everything would just blow over in the 2 weeks he was gone, that was his hope anyway. A lump formed in his throat as he recalled getting anonymous screenshots of his colleagues group chat that he was never included in. 
"Jungwoo? Hello, hello. Is anyone home?"
Jungwoo snapped out of his bleak memories to find his coworker Johnny smiling at him and somehow that made the lump grow larger. This company had welcomed him from the moment he stepped through its doors, and he knew everyone here was a reflection of you and your kindness.
"Wanna go grab lunch around 1:00 with me and a couple of the guys later?"
"Yea sure sounds good." He replied with a smile.
"OK, cool I'll let you get back to your daydreaming about our boss then." He chuckled as he coolly walked away.
Johnny was long gone before Jungwoo had a chance to dispute the statement. 
 You were excited at the prospect of hiring someone new to the team, it meant business was doing well, and although the woman sitting before you seemed professional and ready to work, something seemed off, as if her pleasant demeanor was an act, but you decided to let it rest in favor of learning more about her before passing judgment. The rest of the interview went well, so well that you decided to move her to the next step.
"Ms. Park, I'd like you to meet with a few of the team members here to get a feel for what our dynamic is like. Is that ok?"
"Sure!" She replied with a pleasant smile plastered across her face, so sure she'd make a good impression and make it past what was obviously a test to see if her would be coworkers would like her or not. 
"Great! You'll  meet with Johnny, Jaz and someone you may be familiar with, Jungwoo."
The familiar name seemed to peak her interest, so much so that her eyes almost shimmered at the mention of his name. You had to admit that made you feel a bit jealous, but you couldn't let your little crush get in the way of business.
"Jungwoo works here?"
"Yes, our newest member, he's great at his job! Despite being here for such a short time he's made a great impact in the company. Seeing that you came from the same company is one of the reasons I decided to interview you. I was told the company you came from has a really tough work standard and thought you may thrive just as Jungwoo has in our more relaxed work environment."
She nodded in understanding, as you called in the three employees you planned to pass her along to.
First to come in was Johnny, and you felt a bit of amusement when you saw how she eyed him. Next to enter was Jaz, and lastly Jungwoo. You had informed them of this earlier and what exactly you hoped to learn from their assessments. This explanation had been more for Jungwoo as Johnny and Jaz had done this multiple times before.
To your surprise upon entering your office, Jungwoo didn't seem to be himself at all. In fact he looked pale and a bit ill. Your suspicions were confirmed the minute he walked over to you to ask to be excused for the rest of the day. On instinct your hand flew to his head to check his temperature. Jungwoo felt his heart skip a beat at your concern, but quickly removed your hand when he saw her smirking at him and apologized for needing to leave so suddenly. You assured him it was ok and 
to let you know if he needed anything, and just as quickly as he entered, he was gone. 
"Well I guess it's just you two, please take her around to let her get a feel for things here." 
Once they exited you couldn't stop thinking about Jungwoo's sudden illness and how he never once greeted Yuna as anything more than a potential coworker, only giving her a polite bow upon entering. This puzzled you because the impression you got from her was that they were familiar. You'd have to ask Jungwoo about this later, but for now you had some important calls to make.
   Jungwoo did everything to keep from having an anxiety attack while driving home. He had done so much to move on and start over. He had hoped that hopping cities would keep him from ever having to see anyone from that horrible company again, but the more he thought about the possibility of having to work with Yuna again, especially with all that happened, all that she knew, he found himself on the brink of a meltdown. He thought about telling Johnny what happened so he wouldn't be fooled by her fake kindness. He didn't think he would judge him, but just the thought of telling someone about how he was treated, how his trust was betrayed and his privacy was invaded made him feel sick. He still felt so much shame and embarrassment about his past. Insert more back story here2345677
Once he made it home, Jungwoo sprinted to his apartment the second the car was parked. Anxiety was weighing heavily on him, and he felt like he was being chased, as if he needed to get inside as soon as possible to be safe. 
This had to be some fucked up nightmare is all Jungwoo kept thinking as he peeled away his clothes to take a hot shower, hoping to wash away the vision of her smirking devilishly as you showed concern for him. He regretted how he pushed your hand away, but he was uncomfortable with her watching. He knew if she got hired he'd lose everything and have to start over again. He thought about the burden it would put on his finances to up and move, the burden to his team that would have to pick up the slack if he left, but the biggest issue was you. He didn't want to disappoint you ever, so the thought of just leaving you high and dry was the only real reason keeping him from running immediately. He weighed his options. Don't tell you and risk you hiring her. If she got hired that would be the end of him in your company for sure. The other option was to tell you, save everyone at the company from the potential drama, keep his job, but possibly risk you viewing him differently. After mulling it over in the shower, the choice was obvious, he'd need to tell you and hopefully even if your opinion of him changed, he'd still be able to keep his job and some of the happiness the company has brought him. He couldn't even consider the third option to even be viable, that you wouldn't care about his past, how foolish and naive he was, and nothing between you two would change. He didn't want to sike himself up just to be disappointed in the end.
While you waited patiently for Johnny and Jaz to return so you could pick their brains, you browsed the menus of a restaurant close to Jungwoo's apartment. You felt uneasy about how quickly he had gotten ill and wanted to take him something that would be easy on his stomach like a soup or porridge. Just as you settled on what to get, in came Johnny wearing an expression that could only be translated as yikes. You widened your eyes and mouthed a silent "No?" To which the response was a whispered  "FUCK NO!" You'd have to wait to get answers because at that moment Jaz walked in with Yuna. You asked how she liked the company amongst other things and then sent her on her way letting her know you would get back to her by the end of the week. Jaz politely volunteered to see her out, and the minute Johnny was sure they were far enough away he didn't hold back.
"Absolutely not!" 
"What the fuck happend?!" 
"She gives me the ick! Like there is something there, underneath that pleasant smile and cute face that just seems....."
"MEAN!" Jaz yelled as she entered your office. 
"That's it! She gives mean girl vibes, and her questions about Jungwoo." Johnny frowned.
"Yea it was weird." Jaz added 
You knew something seemed off about their interaction and were willing to bet money that had something to do with his sudden sickness.
"What did she say that seemed weird?"
"The first question was normal. The usual, 'how long has he been here? But then she followed it up with comments about how she's 'shocked he's doing so well like she was implying he didn't do well at his last company."
"She asked me if he was well liked by more than just the boss, and when I told her we adore him she smiled, but as she walked away she mumbled something about ‘his luck changing’ I don't think it was meant for me to hear but I definitely caught it and I don't think I like what she was implying with her comment about you and him"Jaz added. 
That was all you needed to hear. You didn't see a point in waiting to tell her to fuck off so you logged into your laptop, opened 
your generic rejection letter, added her name and hit send.
"I'm gonna head out. I wanna go take some things over to Jungwoo and just make sure he's ok."
"That's  probably a good idea, I don't know what the history is there but it was enough to make him sick or fake sick, either way it's gotta be bad. Jaz and I can hold down the fort." Johnny stated.
"What would I ever do without the two of you?"
"Suffer." Jaz deadpanned. You just shook your head as you left your office. 
"They should really just be a couple and get it over with." Johnny said as he and Jaz 
walked back to their desks.
Before going over to Jungwoo's you stopped to pick up food. You bought fried chicken, Jajangmyeon, and just in case he was actually feeling a little ill, you got rice porridge too.
It had just started to rain when you pulled up to his place. You pulled up the hood on the jacket you were wearing, grabbed the bags of food and quickly headed up the stairs to his door. 
   The last thing Jungwoo was expecting was for anyone to come knocking on his door, especially not you. He could feel his heart beating frantically in his chest and he wondered if you had learned of his past, if you were coming to fire him. He shook those thoughts from his head when he noticed the bags in your hand, hood pulled 
over your head to shield yourself from the rain. He could have looked at how adorable you looked waiting outside his door a bit longer but a clap of thunder that startled you both urged him to open the door. The look on your face when he opened the door made his knees weak. You were the silver lining to the dark cloud that loomed over him. He quickly grabbed the bags and pulled you inside as the storm picked up.
"Finally! I thought you were gonna keep staring at me through the peephole."
The shocked expression on his face only made you smile.
"How did you-?"
"I heard the peephole cover being lifted" You giggled.
"Even over the rain?!" He said with a shocked expression. 
" I have great hearing." you responded. 
"What brings you here?"
" Well, I was worried about you." You stated honestly as you took a seat on the floor and began to set out the food from the bags now resting on the small coffee table.
Jungwoo nervously rubbed the back of his neck. " Yeah, sorry about that."
"It's ok, I just figured you must have been really sick because you didn't even acknowledge your past coworker." 
You watched as he went stiff at the mention of her.
"We can talk about it if you want Jungwoo." You said gently as you looked up at him from your seat on the floor.
Jungwoo lowered his head and took a deep breath to calm himself. "Let's eat first, and then we can talk."
You agreed and Jungwoo felt a little relief that he didn't have to explain just yet. You ate quietly not wanting to interrupt any thoughts he may be processing, but when you looked over to him, and saw how well he was eating you realized it was you that was processing. You'd barely touched anything, despite only having the pastry Jungwoo had given you that morning. Somehow you didn't have much of an appetite, so you opted to watch Jungwoo 
happily enjoying his food instead. This eased your worries a bit. Just seeing him enjoying something you'd bought for him sent a wave of endorphins through your body. Usually you'd look away before you were caught fawning over him, today you didn't care. You were greedy, taking in every detail of him as he unknowingly enjoyed his meal. You shook yourself out of your daydreaming to finally nibble at your food, mumbling a quiet "so pretty" that didn't go unnoticed by Jungwoo. He smiled to himself knowing the compliment probably wasn't intended to be heard by him, but it was, and it only helped to further deepen his feelings for you. 
Jungwoo pushed his empty dish to the side before taking a deep breath, "I think I'm ready."
You looked up to see an obviously anxious Jungwoo, hands folded on the table and head hanging low. You reached over to cover his hands with yours in an effort to comfort him.
One more deep breath and he began to tell you of the nightmare he'd gone through at his last company. It was killing you inside to hear how they treated him. He had only gotten to tell you of the lack of respect they had for him and his ideas, how he was always excluded, how he had mistakenly thought it changed when he had started dating the department head, that Yuna was her devoted employee that often played the role of her secretary, before your phone began to vibrate signaling a message had arrived. You ignored it and asked him to continue, giving him your undivided attention. You assumed Jungwoo was working up the nerve to get into what you assumed to be possibly the darkest part for him, when your phone vibrated a second time. Without looking away from him you swiped at your phone screen to clear the notification but accidentally opened it instead. You scrunched your face when Jungwoo stopped mid sentence, eyes no longer fixed to where your hands rested on his. He was looking beside you with such a mortified look that you turned to see what he was staring at, but before you could he cupped your face and turned it back to him.  His eyes were now filled with what seemed to be a mix of  sadness and longing and nearly brimming with tears.
"Don't look. Please, don't  look."  He begged. 
You felt like your heart was breaking seeing this normally bright beam of light so downtrodden, pleading with you.
"What is it?" You asked shakily.
"Your phone, you accidentally opened that text, it's a photo. I'll be more embarrassed than I already am if you see."
"Why would you be embarrassed?" 
It was only a moment later that you realized what the unfamiliar number must have been. You closed your eyes to reach back for your phone and handed it over to Jungwoo who quickly took it. 
"Delete everything, except number." You said as you stuck out your thumb for him to unlock your phone. You weren't going to let the harassment of your employee, your Jungwoo go easily.
Jungwoo felt a mix of emotions as he deleted the messages, but most of it had turned into anger. What was it about him that made them want to torment him? He couldn't blame it all on his ex because Yuna and the other employees had hated him before everything happened, she just gave them the ammunition they needed to finish him off. As he deleted the last message he decided he was done running, if he kept running, she or any one of them wouldn't hesitate to harass him the next time they crossed paths. He needed to confront her. He looked up to see you still sitting patiently with your eyes closed and he knew he couldn't run from you anymore either. You weren't like anyone from his past, nobody at his new company was. The feeling of anger and sadness seemed to leave him the more he stared at you until it was replaced with fondness and need. He needed to tell you everything that happened, needed to be comforted by you, hugged by you, kissed by you, but most of all he wanted and needed to be loved by you. He quietly placed your phone on the table and crawled beside you. The sound of shuffling had garnered your attention, still before you could ask if he was ok or open your eyes, he called your name, and when you turned to face him he cupped your face with both hands. You looked into Jungwoo's eyes and wiped away the tear streaks on his face. You hadn't realized you were crying too until he mimicked your actions, brushing his thumb over the apple of your cheek. 
You wanted to comfort him, to help him overcome past trauma, to be the one in his corner, yet you could see the similarities in this situation, between your position and his ex. He still hadn't told you everything but the pieces were falling into place on their own.
"Whatever you need Woo, just tell me. I promise I'll be there." You nuzzled your cheek into his hand before starting to back away only for him to quickly cup your face again.
" You, I need you." He said before he leaned in, softly brushing his lips over yours. You felt warmth blooming in your chest. You'd thought of kissing him for so long, even so you pulled away and Jungwoo panicked. He immediately apologized thinking he'd read the situation wrong.
"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that, I just-"
You covered his mouth to quiet him.
"Don't be. I just want to be certain you're sure about this. I don't want you to have regrets later."
You were looking out for him again, keeping his best interest in mind. Just knowing you were being careful not to take advantage of his situation, making sure he was in the right state of mind to make such a decision, confirmed for Jungwoo what he'd already known. You were it for him, and he'd be yours for as long as you wanted.
"I've been sure since the first month I worked for your company. I was just, I  don't know, scared maybe. I was worried that if I made one wrong move I'd ruin my new start."
"And now?" You questioned.
Jungwoo could only smile as he saw your eyes searching his, hopeful that he was sure he wanted you. 
He's Always seen you strong, powerful, confident and unwavering, so it made him feel special to see you being as vulnerable with him as he was with you. It felt like he was seeing something reserved only for the most privileged. He pulled you into his lap, molding his body to yours.
"Now, I don't worry of ruining my new start if I try with you because you are my new start. I only hope you want me as badly as I want you."
You let your desires take over as you kissed him deeply, running a hand up his back to his nape, tugging at the soft strands of hair there. Jungwoo moaned into your mouth at your actions and you could feel yourself soaking through your panties.
You quickly pulled away to stand causing Jungwoo to pout. You giggle at how adorable he managed to look even in a moment like this before requesting that he take you to his bedroom.
The next day you woke to the morning sun sneaking in through the cracks of the bed room blinds. Soft rays of sunshine casted a warm glow on Jungwoo's face as he 
slept with his long limbs tangled around you, as if to keep you from leaving. You were just about to brush away the stray hairs that had fallen over his face when the sound of your phone went blaring through the room. You quickly reached for it on his bedside table to turn off the ringer. Noticing you had 5 text messages and had just missed a call from Johnny, you quickly called him back, worried something may be wrong.
"Hello! Johnny, is something wrong?" You whispered.
He responded with a chuckle. "No, just wondering if you were coming into the office this morning or if you caught whatever Jungwoo had."
You looked at the time quickly realizing you were supposed to be in the office an hour ago. "OMG! I overslept! I'm sorry  give me an hour and I'll be there"
"No need,  I've got it covered. Take the day off for once. It's not like you to oversleep so you must be exhausted." 
Too focused on not waking Jungwoo you missed the playful sarcasm in his statement.
"Thanks for having my back. I'll give you a call later." You whispered.
"No problem, all the times you've been understanding when something comes up and I waltz in late, it's the least I can do. Oh!  By the way, before you hang up I want to tell you something, I  think it's pretty important at this moment. One night I was out drinking with Jungwoo and a few of the guys from work and the topic of  'things you love doing with your partner' came up. Don't ask how, as previously stated, we were drinking. Of course 
different sexual activities came up."
"Johnny I don't think-"
"Just listen, I promise I'm not going to tell you everyone's kinks... this time." He chuckled.
"OK, OK, Anyway Jungwoo's was a bit different from most answers. He focused more on what he wanted, not so much something he's done. He said he would love to spend the morning after and probably the entire day wrapped in the blankets just being with each other. No phones, no social media just the two of them. 
"Why do I need to know this?" 
"Yeah, nobody that works here is stupid. You never oversleep, please don't make me embarrass you. So, like I was saying, don't call later, forget everything exists except the two of you today. You both deserve it."
And that's exactly what you did, and the two of you never felt more loved.
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noirapocalypto · 7 months
for the love day game! 🤎 and ❤️ for casey and baz <3
Thank you so so much!! 💕 [ Love Day Emoji Ask ]
I've actually already answered these two in previous posts 😅 But I'll still copy/paste them here 💕 with some further expanding!
»»———- ᴠᴇʀᴅᴇ ᴅʀᴇᴀᴍ ———-««
❤️ Who is the more romantic one? Do they wish their partner was more romantic?
Both are pretty romantic, in their own weird/unorthodox way. They balance each other out very well because of their bond. Where Casey lacks, Baz makes up for and vice versa. Baz is spontaneous and has a sense of adventure, whereas Casey is a bit more mellow and tends to lean towards more quiet nights in. I don't think the either mind though. Casey gets to experience things he might have never gotten to experience without Baz, whereas Bastien gets to experience stability and gentle intimacy that he's not really used to. They're both happy with how the other expresses romance.
Bonus addition:
Their different approaches to romance actually did clash with the other when their relationship was still platonic and they were seeing other people. 🤭Back when they were young adults, they sometimes double dated with Bastien trying to pull the date one way and Casey trying to pull the other way. Sometimes Baz would suggest the group go to concert or some sort of rowdy show while Casey had just planned for a quiet movie date or even something a bit more calm like peaceful hike/walk through a park. More often than not, the two couples would just go their separate ways if they really wanted their date to work out. Other times, the two boys would end up going home alone thanks to their chaotic double date. 😂It wasn't until it was with each other, than they began to appreciate how the other goes about trying to impress and woo.
🤎 How do they comfort each other?
Bastien absolutely needs vocal reassurance and physical affection. Whenever he's having a moment, whether it's out of anger or sadness or panic, the moment Casey hugs him and reassurances Baz that he's okay and that he's 'got him', the other starts to calm down. And since Casey's a naturally affectionate person, this comes easy to him and he won't hesitate to become Baz's literal safety blanket. Bastien needs to feel loved and treasured.
When it's Casey's turn, he wants his feelings to be validated and acknowledged. Baz doesn't have to understand, he just needs to listen. He also responds well to physical affection, which Bastien is more than happy to provide. Casey's a bit more emotionally sensitive, so out of the two, he's likely the one to cry a bit easily when overwhelmed. He wants Baz's shoulder to cry on. Casey's comfort is feeling protected and taken care of.
Bonus addition:
When it comes to situations that aren't too dire or big of a deal, they both turn to more casual but thoughtful ways to try and cheer the other up when they have a bit of a storm cloud over their head. Whenever Casey's bummed out about something, Bastien cooks for him. Baz is the cook of the family, or at least, the one that's very, very good at it (he claims its thanks to his cajun side). Baking is also in his skill-set and he knows exactly what treats Casey likes. So whenever Casey's moping around, Baz surprises him with his favorite: a big plate of New Orleans style beignets.
When it's Bastien's turn to be a gloomy boy, Casey turns to humor. Bastien closes up, and walks around the place with a long face and a stiff demeanor. And that's when Casey tries to make him laugh because if there's anything Bastien likes, it's laughing his ass off. It never works the first time, with Baz determined to remain stoic. He'll even brush it off with a "I know what you're trying to do, it ain't gonna work". But pun after pun, joke after joke, his wall begins to break down and he begins trying to hide his smiles/keep from chuckling. Eventually though, Casey has him rolling and he's forgotten what was bothering him at the start.
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renjunniez · 2 years
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holdthgirl · 1 year
❲ ⠀ミ 🤎 𝑓𝑐𝑘𝑔𝑡𝑜𝑚𝑏𝑜𝑦 𝑖𝑠 𝑛𝑜𝑤⠀⊹ 𝒉𝒐𝒍𝒅𝒕𝒉𝒈𝒊𝒓𝒍⠀!  ❳
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june , she / her , + 21 ⸻ casual gif & resource maker . suggestions are open ! this is a sideblog — i follow back from heavcnangel .
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  ❲ ⠀ミ 🤎 𝑐𝑢𝑟𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑙𝑦 𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒌𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒐𝒏⠀!  ❳
damian hardung update in maxton hall ( screencaping ep 3 )
  ❲ ⠀ミ 🤎 𝒘𝒂𝒊𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒍𝒊𝒔𝒕⠀!  ❳
kim moo yeol in sweet home 2
lee do hyun in death's game
go yoon jung  update in  moving ( screencapping ep 5 )
kim yoo jung in my demon  ( giffing ep 2 ) 
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❲ ⠀ミ 🤎 𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑜𝑢𝑟𝑐𝑒𝑠 ⠀⊹ 𝒕𝒆𝒎𝒑𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒔⠀!  ❳
𝗗𝗔𝗦𝗛 𝗜𝗖𝗢𝗡 ⠀ 🎀⠀⠀﹟⠀⠀not a doll
𝗣𝗟𝗔𝗬𝗟𝗜𝗦𝗧 ⠀ 💿⠀⠀﹟⠀⠀favorite record
𝗜𝗡𝗧𝗥𝗢 ⠀ 🥀⠀⠀﹟⠀⠀dark feminine
𝗗𝗔𝗦𝗛 𝗜𝗖𝗢𝗡 ⠀ 🖼️⠀⠀﹟⠀⠀work of art
𝗣𝗟𝗔𝗬𝗟𝗜𝗦𝗧 ⠀ 💗⠀⠀﹟⠀⠀fantasy * paid
𝗜𝗡𝗧𝗥𝗢 ⠀ 👑⠀⠀﹟⠀⠀kingdom come
❲ ⠀ミ 🤎 𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑜𝑢𝑟𝑐𝑒𝑠 ⠀⊹ 𝒈𝒊𝒇 𝒑𝒂𝒄𝒌𝒔⠀!  ❳
𝗧𝗛𝗘 𝗦𝗢𝗨𝗡𝗗 𝗢𝗙 𝗠𝗔𝗚𝗜𝗖 ⠀ ✨⠀⠀﹟⠀⠀hwang in yeop gif pack
𝗧𝗛𝗘 𝗚𝗟𝗢𝗥𝗬 ⠀ ⚔️⠀⠀﹟⠀⠀lee do hyun gif pack
𝗧𝗛𝗘 𝗚𝗟𝗢𝗥𝗬 𝗣𝗧.𝟮 ⠀ ⚔️⠀⠀﹟⠀⠀lee do hyun gif pack
𝗧𝗢𝗠𝗢𝗥𝗥𝗢𝗪 ⠀ ☠️⠀⠀﹟⠀⠀park hoon gif pack
𝗧𝗛𝗘 𝗙𝗔𝗕𝗨𝗟𝗢𝗨𝗦 ⠀ 👗⠀⠀﹟⠀⠀lee si woo gif pack
𝗦𝗢𝗠𝗘𝗕𝗢𝗗𝗬 ⠀ 👥⠀⠀﹟⠀⠀kim yong ji gif pack
𝗧𝗛𝗘 𝗚𝗟𝗢𝗥𝗬 ⠀ 🗡️⠀⠀﹟⠀⠀song hye kyo gif pack
𝗫𝗢 , 𝗞𝗜𝗧𝗧𝗬 ⠀ 💋⠀⠀﹟⠀⠀sang heon lee gif pack
𝗧𝗘𝗠𝗣𝗧𝗘𝗗 ⠀ 🚩⠀⠀﹟⠀⠀woo do hwan gif pack
𝗥𝗘𝗩𝗘𝗡𝗚𝗘 𝗢𝗙 𝗢𝗧𝗛𝗘𝗥𝗦 ⠀ 🤍⠀⠀﹟⠀⠀jung soo bin gif pack
𝗕𝗟𝗢𝗢𝗗𝗛𝗢𝗨𝗡𝗗𝗦 ⠀ 🥊⠀⠀﹟⠀⠀woo do hwan gif pack
𝗠𝗢𝗩𝗜𝗡𝗚 ⠀ 💥⠀⠀﹟⠀⠀go yoon jung gif pack
𝗛𝗢𝗧𝗘𝗟 𝗗𝗘𝗟 𝗟𝗨𝗡𝗔 ⠀ 👻⠀⠀﹟⠀⠀yeo jin goo gif pack
𝗠𝗬 𝗗𝗘𝗠𝗢𝗡⠀⠀🖤⠀⠀﹟⠀⠀kim yoo jung gif pack
𝗦𝗪𝗘𝗘𝗧 𝗛𝗢𝗠𝗘⠀⠀☢️⠀⠀﹟⠀⠀jung jin young gif pack
𝗟𝗜𝗞𝗘 𝗙𝗟𝗢𝗪𝗘𝗥𝗦 𝗜𝗡 𝗦𝗔𝗡𝗗⠀⠀🌺⠀⠀﹟⠀⠀kim bo ra gif pack
𝗠𝗔𝗫𝗧𝗢𝗡 𝗛𝗔𝗟𝗟⠀⠀🏫⠀⠀﹟⠀⠀damian hardung gif pack
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uniwolfcorn · 1 year
Number 2 for the ask game :))
Hey Lucy! Thanks for the ask! <3🌈🌈🌈
Oh, this will be fun >:)
For the life of me, I can't pick a specific one. So I'll tell you all of em XD
Paul x Adam/Scarlet x Blue: I mean... if you've watched Captain Scarlet enough, it's enviable. One thing me and @dragonoffantasyandreality talked about that stuck with me was Paul being the stotic and native idiot oblivious to Adam's advances (since I heacanoned that Paul never had much of a love life in the past). So some hilarity ensued. Paul still doesn't fully register/understand some things (Adam once kissed him on the lips, and Paul still went, "Just another day with you, I guess." XD), but Blue now finds it more amusing than frustrating. So now we have 2 colorful idiots in love❤️💙
Brains x Virgil (TAG): I'm a huge sucker for big dudes with short mates, especially strong dudes with a wee nerd. Brains in TAG is less skittish than in TOS, though he still is a little flustered about Virgil wanting to be with him (Brains probably would've developed the crush first, but Virgil would be the one to tell him). But they fall for each other, and Brains has full privilege of using Virgil as his personal mattress. Brains sometimes accompanies Virgil in TB2, and the 2 geeks work on repairs together while lovingly discussing geeky things like sweet nothings💚🤎
Scott x Brains (TOS): You can thank @dreamycloud for this ship. Once again, tall and handsome guy with small and cute nerd is my weakness. Scott would definitely be the kind to woo Brains over. Brains is a flustered and flattered mess, and he isn't sure why Scott would be interested in him out of all people (I headcanoned that Brains suffered from bullying in his past). So, Brains is very nervous about dating a billionaire's eldest son. But Scott is a gentle soul, and let's Hiram take his time and go at his own pace. Hiram can still get anxious over their relationship but has warmed up to it a lot more. Brains rides with Scott in TB1 at times, and Scott watches Brains work in his lab a lot when given the chance💙🤎
Kyrano x Jefferson: You can also freely blame @knyee for this XD. I've always seen the two as close friends, but now the thought of serious and strict Jefferson with gentle Kyrano being in a loving relationship warms my heart. Jefferson was worried at first when he developed the feelings towards Kyrano because he didn't want to betray Lucy and Tin-Tin. But the Tracy Fam supported both of them because, in the end, they're still Jefferson Grant Tracy and Kyrano Kayno💗
Marina x Atlanta: As much as I love Troy, I like to picture at one point both girls were like "Fuck this. Let's just be together." Rivals turned to lovers/friends is one of my biggest weaknesses. Marina is still sheepish about being in a relationship after all she's went through. But after a while, Marina is super happy with Atlanta. Troy is a bit heartbroken, of course, but all of WASP supports them regardless. Shore is just happy his girl is happy💕
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livealittleoc-cb · 10 months
Small Update!
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🍹: We’re having a girls early Thanksgiving! Woo! *laughs before cringing* Ooo~ That was a bad idea-. I went out last night with coworkers from the club and may have gotten a little drunk…nothing I can’t handle though.~ *weak smile* I’ll make myself a little hungover cure and get myself out of these pjs before heading off to pick up my sweet little nymph Bonnie. It’s going to be a day, but a fun one.~ At least for before we all go our separate ways for the holidays.
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🌱: Well shit-! The months been passing by fast haven’t they? It’s already November I have to start packing to go back to Scotland, mother most definitely will be needing help decorating she likes to celebrate Christmas and such, I personally don’t understand the holidays humans have but it is a fun excuse to go out and party! I don’t know what the girls have planned, all I know it’s going to be at Em’s place and I was told to dress in whatever I want so I picked out a sweater with this wee bear on it. I think it’s cute, will it fit whatever we’re doing tonight? We will see-.
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❄️: I was tasked to get drinks and snacks! Alcohol, chips, punch and lotsss of candy for sure! Hehe, tonight is going to be so much fun! Early any-celebration is fun.~ Especially when I’m involved! 🥰 I’m excited for no more classes and being able to hangout with my girls before I fly out to go see the moms! Can we also just talk about my outfit? It’s so perfect…I hope I’m not overdressed but that would be a lil embarrassing-.
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🩵🩵: @monsterhigh-cb [🐟🤍💍 && ⚡💙 && 👻💜 && 🐺💕 && 🎤💖 && 👑💛] @evicted-oc [☕️🤎 && 🐼🖤 && 🔦💛 && 🧊🩵 && 💄🖤] @theinvitation-bot [🐭🩶💒] @welcome-to-maniac [🐇🖤 💍 && 🌻❤️ && 🌕❤️‍🔥 && 🐿️❣️] @fantasyaespa [🐈 💚💍 && ☀️🩵] @k-venturetime [🍓❣️] @multi-joong [🌧️🧡💍 && 🎨💚] @kardpackcb [🌙💝 && 🐺❤️‍🔥]
possible new residents: @faywithlove @badbf-cb @clubwnderland @domxbot @welcometosector1 @lunaaofthemoon @reve-rv @multi-esme @the-hellhounds @san-cb @jinju-oc @enhanced-cb @lavienrosecabaretxo @oppositesattraxt @domrachaa @hwangsiblings-oc @coffeexdreamcb @silcntxnight @moonlightchn @blogger-yura @crimson-l @thesugaredalchemists @folklore-cb @doom-bc @hearthstone-apothecary @vandalsxcb @redlight-cb @inferno-cb @damnationinc @moongoddesselene @darkloversxcb @urluvlyfe @9ateez-multiau-bot @minsour-r @jeonsoyeonn @secretscb @onlyomega-cb @obsession-cb [DM + / -]
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theluckyr · 2 years
Hello friend! Was wondering if you'd have some time for another request of mine?
Could you maybe do your precious self aware au, where gn reader is playing Val and theyre silently watching without reader knowing, and reader is topfragging and they just got an ace. How would they react, and how would reader react to them watching?
Please take all the time you need, dont rush :)
Characters - Yoru, and whoever you want.
Remember to take care of yourself and eat well~!
I know who you are, no need to hide btw
Clean Sweep
Whenever (y/n) choose him, he can only sense something stupid and disaster might happened to both of them.
But boy oh boy, he was wrong.
This time, they made his movement stiff to act like his decoy.
And the enemies didn't even shoot him. Not a single bullet grazed his body.
When they moved far enough, they went in for the kill. All five of them.
“MY VERY FIRST ACE AS A DUELIST, WOO!!!” they yelled in happiness
Yoru were impressed (so you do have some strats) and in the next round, he gave (y/n) some “helping hand” From where to use his gatecrash and blindside. Then won and be the match MVP.
If (y/n)’s ace were recorded and posted on the internet, He will be very smug about it while his friends were seething in anger.
To celebrate (y/n)’s first ace, he sent them the infamous stylish butterfly comb melee himself with his message left on the chat.
“Not bad, good job"
You know where to put his wires and cage really melt his heart and just go 🤍🖤💜💙💚❤️💗♥️💛💞💓💙💘💙💘💗💘🤍💞💓💗💚💟❣️💚💘💗💓💘🤍🤎💝💜💗💘💜💘🤎💝💕
So, time to play the waiting game.
When the enemy fell into his traps, they would go for the kill.
While the last enemy to defuse the spike, (y/n) sneaked behind them then greeted them before shooting them.
He really try not to laugh and (y/n) making it hard to do it.
Overall, very proud of you.
If (y/n) was saving in a few rounds for operator, that means business.
Just right when (y/n) entry, they immediately kill enemy on haven.
To witness (y/n) run around, quick scoping the enemies with was impressive but at the same time terrifying for the enemy team.
After a few more rounds, the enemy team surrendered which it was a relief.
“Phew… Thank God it was on compe, I’m back on Silver!”
If (y/n) decide to queue up for compe again, she will instalock herself to (y/n). If someone talks thrash on comm or calls them out on the chat for instalock her. So what? Cry about it.
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sistahscifi · 2 years
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Yall know we love book clubs!!! We wanted to highlight this one for those of you who have read Dawn by @octaviaebutler. If you haven't read it, you're in for a wild ride. Also, we are in stock!!! Link in bio: @sistahscifi | www.sistahscifi.com. Or you can check out Dawn from your favorite #library! Reposted from @blkstacks ✨WOC & OFTEN GAY✨A (FREE) BOOK CLUB Woo! I’m happy to announce ✨woc & often gay✨ a book club dedicated to the works of woc (fiction & non-fiction) with a special appreciation for qwoc! This book club launches Feb. 1st which is #BlackHistoryMonth and for our first book club pick I have chosen Dawn by Octavia Butler! woc & often gay is an online bookclub hosted on @fable [link in bio] and is completely free to join! I encourage woc/qwoc & members of the LGBTQ+ community to join though everyone is welcome! Hope to see some of you there 🤎 keep with the books, stacks #octaviaebutler #octaviabutler #bookclub #Dawn #xenogensis #xenogensistrilogy #SistahScifi @hachetteus @grandcentralpub (at Sistah Scifi) https://www.instagram.com/p/CoavkcCSSth/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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littletxt · 2 years
So I got an idea for a request.
I have really bad night terrors and wanted to request caregiver Taehyun comforting you after you woke up from one being small?
~princess 🐰
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Wc: 936
Taglist: @pinkheadflowers @sweetiehyuka @woonie-muffin @desatando-me @ethie @djdudjdjkw @chariottie @kiki-woo
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Night Light
There’d been no particular reason for them to start back up. It could have been the most suffocating, heavy and humid summer heat. Or, maybe it was the stress of moving away from the security of the place you and Taehyun had called home for so long, along with a new job, new people you weren’t comfortable around and new names you’d have to learn. But more than likely it was the lack of time you’d had to regress, to be vulnerable and safe with your Daddy. It’d been weeks as you packed up your whole life to start over somewhere new. No particular reason for them to come back, but far too many.
Jumping out of his sleep, muscles tense and ready as his eyes searched foggily searched in the sea of black that was your bedroom, only lit by a single yellow, heart-shaped nightlight. Reaching out to find the switch to the bedside lamp at your first sound of distress, Taehyun was prepared to take on the world for you. Whether that meant putting years of boxing experience into practice with a swift bonk to someone’s face or taking the weight of your anxieties head on, he’d do anything for you. With no danger in sight, he relaxed for only a moment until another cry left your lips, poured then pressed thin, and you trembled and fidgeted in your sleep. A thin sheet of cold sweat covered your anguish-twisted features as your hands tightly gripped the sweat-damp fabric of the thin sheets you'd traded out from your usual comforter to cope with the hot summer nights.
Pushing down that deep ache in his heart he turned to you, stroking your reddened cheek and wiping the sweat from your brow.
“Princess….hey. Wake up, baby.”, he gave a gentle squeeze to your clammy, trembling hand before pulling you easily into his arms, rocking you softly against his chest until you woke. Breaking from the deeply rooted claws of your night terror, your breathing became frantic as you grasped, delirious, to anything and everything around you.
“Hey, hey! Daddy’s here… I’ve got you. I’m right her. Open your eyes, pumpkin.”, Taehyun spoke clearly, loosening the tight grip of his arms to allow you to look at him, watery, wide eyes rapidly shifting over the features of his face. The pure terror on your face, he couldn’t imagine, no matter how many times over the years you’d told him, how truly awful it’s hold must be. You’d think he’d have gotten used to it by now, the nightmares being more common on muggy evenings like this one. Though he never could, it did help that he knew exactly what to do to help you through it.
Taking deep breaths until you followed along, he squeezed you tight again, grounding you, bringing you back to him. When your ragged breaths calmed to short hiccups he loosened his hug and stroked your hair in repetitive, slow motions.
“Same one?”, his voice was soft and unfeigned, strained with emotion. No matter how badly he wanted to take your pain, he couldn’t. But that would never stop him from trying. A weak nod was all you could manage as you rolled over into his chest and cried. Not a little, but endlessly tears fell as you tried to hold back your sobs.
“Baby, hey. Sit up.”
Letting him pull you up to look at him, you sniffled with your puffy red cheeks and nose, grumbling a bit, knowing full well what was coming.
“You can cry, Princess. I know it’s scary. It’s so so scary and Daddy wishes he could be there to protect you each and every time. It’s not real, but it really feels like it is, huh?”, Taehyun leaned forward, kiss your forehead, continuing to stroke your hair as you nodded. You’d never needed to say much with him, he knew you better than you knew yourself.
“Daddy will always be here when you wake up. And Princess knows that Daddy would never ever let anything hurt you don’t you, baby?”, he giggled at the way you fought off a smile, finally relaxing for a moment. But only a moment, a distraught expression returning, your brows wrinkling, eyes watering once again.
“‘m sorry…”, your head fell, tears dripping one by one, each a blotted stain on his yellow shorts. Fully sitting up in bed with you he raised your head, holding your chin steady between his fingers. Those big brown eyes demanding your attention, but his soft, loving expression was ever more attentive.
“No, Baby. Never apologize to me for this. You have nothing to be sorry for. This is Daddy's job. and Daddy loves his jobs.”, he kissed your cheek, caring very little about the salt taste of your tears. Each line made you shy away, a blush creeping up on your cheeks., “I don’t want days off or holidays. I wanna spend every second taking care of you, Princess. That’s my job. I love you, pumpkin."
His voice grew softer, more tender as he spoke, caressing your heart in the safety of his love. Rubbing his nose against your cheek, now dry, he pulled you into his arms again for a brief minute. Imagining the sweltering heat was hardest on you, he knew his body heat certainly wouldn’t help. His natural, smiley expression greeted you, calm and tender-hearted.
“Now, let’s go cool you off with a shower, Princess.”
With another dutiful nod, a sniffle and an intertwining of his slender fingers between your own, you let yourself slip into that comfortable vulnerability, safe with your Daddy.
“Good girl.”
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🧸End note: I know it took my forever, but here it is. honestly I was so afraid of how this would come out because I wanted it to be perfect for you 🫶 I love youuuu 🥺💛💛 I hope this was okay for my first fic in a while.💕
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