#from what I've heard we will get them in the xmas box
asikubi-soda · 1 year
2022 Xmas『1983』
Last chapter
It was beginning to snow. The gentle slope doesn't go all the way to the main street, but it seems that small shops are gathered in the vicinity. As I walked along the snow-plowed sidewalk, I heard the shouts of "Merry Christmas" and laughter from somewhere in the store.
"Oh, it's chocolate."
Lupine picked up a scent from across the street and called out. But Snape knew nothing of chocolate, remembered the sharpness of his nose, followed his gaze, and a cold breeze caressed cheek.
“It looks like they sell a lot of things, shall we go?”
"What do you want?"
Snape snorted and walked in the direction Lupin pointed. Lupine chases after it, and when he's next to him he leans over his shoulder again and whispers.
“…Hide-and-seek has been my favorite since I was little.”
"Because I won't do it."
"Haha, there's no mistaking yours, but if you were to throw some medicine at me, you'd lose because your nose would collapse."
"Don't use magic potions on things like that."
Apologizing, Lupine was thrilled by the approaching smell of chocolate. Followed by a gentleman crossing the road from the other side, they crossed to the other side and stopped at a storefront of bright reddish-brown wood and brick.
The store is bustling with families and elderly couples looking at the items. Inside the store, which is not large, there are shelves that go up to the ceiling and low shelves in the center.
As they passed the cash register near the entrance, the clerk called out to them.
"Merry Christmas."
"Hi, Merry Christmas."
Lupine replied, and immediately looked up and down the chocolate shelves in front of me.
"It's Belgian chocolate. It's delicious, isn't it?"
Lupine turned over the product he had picked up and probably smiled wryly at Snape's curt reply, but his eyes were sparkling with joy. Snape narrowed his eyes at that expression, scanning the unappealing shelves.
"Because I can't afford to buy them all one by one."
When he called out just in case, beard smiled.
"If it does, I'll buy it."
"Don't. Even now you're carrying it into my room."
"I'm sorry, should I clean up?"
When Lupine saw his frowning face next to him, he turned away and made no reply. An old couple came toward the cash register, and Lupine stood close to Snape, shoulder to shoulder, to avoid them. Lupine looks into his face before he releases his shoulder.
"Noisy, choose quickly."
As Snape pushed him with his elbow, Lupine approached his ear and whispered.
"...I want to kiss you."
The elderly couple in front of the cash register looked back at Snape's unconscious voice.
"Is that okay? It's heavy. Get away."
Pushing aside Lupin, who leaned heavily against him, Snape pointed to the chocolate he still had in his hand. Lupine whispered, "Yeah..." and handed Snape a box of chocolates.
"You still have something to buy?"
"Is this all you, need?"
Snape shook the box of chocolates and frowned at Lupin, who silently looked at him and nodded. When this guy talks less, it's usually when he's holding back something.
“Don’t lie…Maybe I'll think about it when I'm done with my errands. Choose as much as you like if you know. ”
Snape said so to the taciturn bearded face, and crossed his arm holding the chocolate and walked over to the back shelf. Lupine tilted his neck to look at it, and an old couple leaving the store saw it and smiled.
"I was around that age, too."
"Well, I've had it too."
"Let's have tea together after a long time..."
The old couple walking down the snowy road while talking about such things have no way of knowing why Lupine, who examines the chocolate shelves, is so troubled and who he is in love with.
"Have you decided?"
After a while, Lupine came over to Snape's side, who was looking at a shelf full of teas. He has two more chocolates in his hand. Surrounded by the scent of tea, Lupine stood unsure.
"I thought you could eat this you too, but..."
The chocolates Lupine brought were a large milk chocolate and a long, narrow bag of chocolate. Lupine shows Snape a long strip of chocolate to see how he looks.
Snape frowned and looked down at the chocolate in Lupin's hand.
"It's chocolate..."
"Yeah, but it didn't seem to be the sweetest..."
Thought that the number of words had returned, but Snape sighed at Lupine, who was starting to get depressed.
"Okay, stop making that face. You should be able to eat it."
"Why do you hide and eat?"
In response to Snape's frown, which is different from chocolate, Lupine's face turned into a big smile.
"Thank you. I'll buy this one."
"…Yea. Give it to me."
"Yeah. Tea huh..."
Lupine held out milk chocolate to Snape, and they looked at the array of tea packages.
"This is the one from London. It might be nice to have this for James and the others."
“Yes. There will be Black without exception, right? ”
"Haha, yeah, I think Sirius is probably there too."
"Two, then."
Lupine tilted his head as he pointed to the package Snape had been eyeing.
"What are you going to give Lily?"
Snape looked at Lupine, then turned back to the shelf and spoke.
"I have already heard."
"I see, what are you buying?"
“…She wants to drink the tea I made.”
Tricking him, Snape reached for a tin of tea and lifted up two Christmas-wrapped tins behind it.
"It nice, I want to drink too."
When Snape looked to the side, he saw a bearded face with the same facial expression as before. Snape offers him a cup of tea and furrows his brow.
“You always drink tea. Besides, how do you put one in? ”
Satisfied with his roundabout acceptance, Lupine took the tea and muttered.
"I drink James' tea too."
"Listen to me."
"I am a happy man."
Lupine grinned as he leaned against Snape's shoulder and resisted kissing him on the cheek.
"Now," Snape pointed to each other's of tea as they fled from his shoulder. "It's going to be exactly half and half."
"Yeah, sure. Is there anything else you'd like?"
"What should I do with your book?"
Snape frowned at the lack of conversation, and Lupine smiled.
"Not here. See you next time. You want to go to that bookstore, right?"
"Yeah, but are you really okay?"
"Relentless... well, that's fine for now."
With a sigh, Snape pointed to next year's calendar on the shelf.
"Okay. Monthly one okay? Tabletop?"
"Yes, it's fine on the table."
"Then I'll buy the same one."
Lupine nodded happily and walked over to the calendar shelf. In addition to various calendars, there is a small chocolate in the basket on the side. Lupine gave in to temptation and picked up a few of the chocolates. On top of that, the same chocolates packed in boxes are lined up. Took it too. Let's give this to Peter as an owl. Yes, let's give the book to Severus on his birthday. The first anniversary on this calendar is his birthday.
Snape, who still didn't know what Lupine had made up his mind to do, saw off the now-improved back and went to the cashier first.
When Snape was waiting outside the store after paying, a parent and child came out and exchanged the words "Merry Christmas". Holding a paper bag in one hand, looked up and saw small snowflakes falling from thin clouds. The breath slowly inhale and exhale wraps the snow after a long journey, drifts white, and melts into the cold air.
A smiling Lupine emerged from the shop, and Snape held out a paper bag.
“Thank you. No, wait a little bit for mine... image is important..."
Snape shook off Lupin's hand as he tried to hold it, and walked back towards the fountain where he had come from. Lupine also chased it, and put the tea gift he bought and the chocolate he secretly bought in the paper bag he got.
“Would you like me to give you a pair of gloves?”
Snape said to Lupin, who was rubbing his hands together in front of two paper bags in his arms.
"I'm fine with this, but I'm happy with anything I get from you."
Snape took off her gloves as he saw Lupine smiling with her cheeks loose during the final hour of her date.
"I'm not going to give it to you. Give it back later."
After receiving the black glove, Lupine stiffened for a moment except for the legs walking side by side, and the next moment he kissed his glove and inhaled its scent. Snape frowned.
"Don't. If you can't wear it, return it now."
"Uh, thank you, I'm very happy."
Lupine smiled as Snape glared at him with his hands in his coat pockets, and felt his warmth as he put on his gloves.
"It's warm, can I borrow it for the day today?"
"Go ahead. I'm getting cold just looking at you."
"Haha, Sorry."
Snape buried his mouth in his scarf. Beside him, his nose tucked into his glove, Lupine looked down at the paper bag he was giving him.
Eventually, they were back in the deserted woods, and a drunk Muggle tried to follow them, but turned away.
After a short distance, Snape looks to his side. Before I knew it, one of Lupine's paper bags had turned into a wrapped present. Lupine stops him, looking at him with a cane in his hand.
"Merry Christmas, Severus. Let's eat chocolate together when we get home."
"Hmm, you don't like being disturbed?"
When the smirking Snape accepted the gift, the gleeful bearded face fell silent again.
"…Oh my gosh, get a little closer. Two seconds."
A flabbergasted Snape put the present away and held out her hand. Lupin, wearing his gloves, took his hand, and Snape pulled a wand from his cuff and cast a spell quickly.
"Ventus... Snow, blow away"
Suddenly a gust of wind passed overhead. The snow that the conifers of the forest had stored in his arms was shaken off. A spinning fairy blows away with the snow, and falls buried in the snow.
Snape put his wand back in his cuff and pulled Lupin's collar up as he looked up at the falling snow. A sigh escapes his overlapping lips.
For exactly two seconds, the snow that had hidden them from all around them began to pass at their feet.
But as Lupin's wand swayed, the snow slowed. He hugged Snape as he was about to leave, and Lupine savored his lips as much as he could, and more.
"Should I commend you for being so patient?"
"Will you give me a compliment?"
He pulled away Lupine, who was still trying to hug him, and when he put his staff away, the snow that was floating around finally fell. Brushing the snow off his shoulders, Snape turned to Lupin, who was still smiling.
"Oops! So, forgot about James and the others..."
"No. Let's go quickly."
Lupine remembered and called out, but Snape turned to the other side. Blown away, furious fairies are rushing in forming a formation here.
"Wow, yeah, let's hurry."
Laughing out loud, Lupine holds out his hand and Snape takes it. While raising the snow smoke, the two figures swirled and disappeared with a pop sound.
A little later, in Godric's Hollow, the gifts they gave were received by Lily Potter, James Potter, and Sirius Black, and tea made by Snape was served to another story.
Thank you for reading. Merry Christmas always.
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lydia-jovigirl · 4 years
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“Is it tour time yet...?” - JBJ (x)
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