#frisk: *what’s your second middle name??
cutter-kirby · 2 years
undertale but every time papyrus is upset with sans he calls him by his full name: comic sans
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punsmaster69 · 7 months
papyrus knocked on my door a few more times. he sounded upset.
still searching around my room, i looked again at the vacant spot on my ulna.
not under the bed, from what i could see. sure as hell not getting all the way under there to check, though.
under blankets?
a messy ball of sheets sits plainly in the middle of my mattress.
probably not.
the last two days are a blur, and i can't remember a few things.
where did i put it?
when did i take it off?
is that why my head hurts or am i somehow still hungover?
my brother calls my name again; the tinge of worry seeping through his tone snaps my thoughts into focus.
whatever papyrus was upset about, he'd definitely be more so if he saw that i didn't have the monitor on.
pulling down my sleeves fails; no jacket.
scanning the area for only a moment before stopping, the image of my jacket hanging off the couch arm appears in my mind.
"(damn it.)"
i opt to cover my monitor-less arm with a baggy long-sleeved shirt i haven't touched in ages.
excuses and explanations flipped though my mind as i reach for the door handle.
" 'sup, bro-?"
the reason for my surprise suddenly dangled in front of my face.
he dropped the dangling reason into my hand, and put his hands on his hips.
with an oddly shaky hand, i start re-attaching the device to my arm.
i struggle a bit with the latch.
a vague memory of irritatedly trying to silence the beeping device flashed through my mind.
"..got annoyed, i think."
papyrus leans down to help attach it to my arm, pausing to take note of my unintentional tremorings.
he turns my arm over to properly re-enable the device. papyrus frowns when it turns red within seconds of being on.
his face tells me he's forming a plan about something - i interject.
"you, uh. reckon i could get something to eat before anything else?"
papyrus pulls himself back to the current moment.
"can't actually remember the last thing i ate."
i wracked my (metaphorical) brain for any other memories past being a few drinks in at grillby's.
practically nothing.
"jeez. i'm gettin' way worse hangovers than i used to."
i summoned another bone into the pile.
"well. it's the easiest way."
"..i don't know if it's a good idea, bro."
he shifted his feet around in the grass.
picking myself up off the ground, i slowly raised my arm and-
papyrus looks frantically around, as if the solution would be around us in the yard somewhere.
rather than piling bones again, i summoned bones from the ground in a single-file line beside me. one of the bones accidentally strikes a red ball that frisk must have left behind, launching it in the air.
immediately, i have to summon a barricade between me and the ball getting ready to make impact with my skull.
papyrus picks the ball up... i can see gears turning in his head.
he throws it directly at me.
it hits a wall of my own bones in front of me.
launching it into the air again with his own attack, papyrus tosses it a little softer at me.
rather than guard, i catch the ball this time. again, i give my brother a confused look before tossing it back to him. papyrus makes a face.
shooting from the dirt below him, a precisely-aimed attack strikes the ball from his hands directly into the air. with his right hand he yanks the bone out of the ground. that bone, which he spins before using it to smack the ball towards me once more.
tucking my own right hand in my pocket, i step back and summon an attack with my left.
we bounce the ball back and forth a few times this way, but papyrus quickly changes things.
he pretends to miss smacking the ball, de-summoning the bone last second and instead just grabbing and hurling it above his head into the air as far as he could.
a bone shoots from the yard behind me, bouncing the ball in my direction.
it wasn't going super fast.. still, i could tell he switched because he wanted me to alternate methods as well. so, i propped up the bone i was using and summoned two long bones connected by a center one. setting the oddly-shaped attack on the propped up bone, i crouched below it just in time as the ball landed on the attack - it rolled down the bones like a slide. with a tiny attack to boost it at the end, i return the ball to my brother.
he catches it in his hands with a look of surprise on his face.
i looked at the strange bone-slide. it's certainly different from anything i would have done before. what possessed me to make it, i'm not sure.
my brother inspects the construction a few times, tucking the ball under his arm as he does a few circles around it.
papyrus jumps up and down excitedly around me in a circle.
"..thanks, bro."
the slight feeling of accomplishment i had gotten from actually doing something was quickly replaced with mild dread.
i'd just unintentionally raised the standard bar of effort for me off the floor.
i make a swift movement with my foot to knock the structure off-balance a little when papyrus isn't looking directly at me.
"it is pretty cool, huh?"
"it's really a-"
the bones all clatter against each other as they fall into the grass beside me. i make a show of looking visibly upset.
"oh no..."
"i had done so good....."
"guess i'll just have to stick to my normal attacks. what a shame, really."
"i just wasn't ready for the responsibility."
papyrus puts a hand confidently to his chest and his cape immediately catches a breeze that wasn't there.
i look at the device on my wrist. papyrus notices this, and instantly appears beside me to look as well.
"...another time."
with a wave of my hand, i de-summon all of my attacks and park myself under the shade of a nearby tree.
"i'm low on battery."
papyrus sits cross-legged in the grass beside me.
he begins to toss the ball up and down by himself. the rhythmic sound of him tossing and catching it, the comfort of leaning against a tree - a tree that's not some coniferous one, like all the ones we had ever seen back then.
i close my eyesockets.
the sound of him catching the ball stops.
i peek open one eye.
"what, i can't call it battery?"
"which it clearly is because we take those?"
whipping around to face me.
"yeah, you're right."
"SO WH-"
"i switched to solar power."
with a decent amount of force, he slams the ball into the ground and it bounces away.
"you just hate that your model's more outdated than mine now."
loud, dramatic sigh.
"i'm not deluding you at all."
i flip the back of his cape over his head.
he grabs my hood and pulls it over my head to cover my face.
flipping it back up, i lightly punch his shoulder.
papyrus punches back just as gently, then scooches backwards to lean beside me against the tree.
he lets himself loosely fall sideways, sinking his weight into me a little.
"they're all here. i could even count 'em for you."
"..took me a second. nice, though."
he yawns.
"maybe i'm solar powered, and you're solar..."
"....can't think of the reverse of powered. drained? battery'nt?"
"dunno. do y-"
my brother, who's usually protesting against my daytime naps, had fallen asleep rather quickly in the comfort of the shade.
"can't blame you."
i shelve my idea to tease papyrus about it for now, instead taking the opportunity to follow his lead.
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theoverseerau · 1 year
Uber's Hard Mode part 1
ok. so I might not be making the Ruins section completely game accurate. but I hope that makes things more interesting.
the scene starts in the ENTRANCE TO THE UNDERGROUND. a scream is heard from above as FRISK falls from the sky and lands on the bed of soft flowers, shaken, but not injured. floating nearby them is CHARA, who looks around the room. before settling on hovering behind Frisk, who stands up and stretches
FRISK: Hmm... something is off here. this reset feels different somehow. CHARA: That's because you somehow triggered Hard Mode Frisk looks at Chara with a very confused expression CHARA: Hard Mode. It's exactly what it sounds like. FRISK: Ok... you're the narrator, so I trust you on this. what kinds of things are changed by this? CHARA: For one, your bandage doesn't let you run anymore. I'm not exactly sure why I know all of this, but ever since I started floating around you, I've known a lot of things that have no reason I can think of to know. FRISK: Good to know... I suppose I should just get going and see what's up next then. Frisk and Chara enter into FLOWEY'S ROOM. in the middle of it is FLOWEY himself with a slightly exasperated look on his face FRISK: Hey. FLOWEY: Don't you have Anything better to do? FRISK: I do not. until I figure out how to make it so Chara can actually interact with more then just me, I'll reset as many times as I need to. Frisk's SOUL appears in front of them as color leeches away from their surroundings. four buttons; labeled FIGHT, ACT, ITEM, and MERCY, appear in front of them as well. CHARA: *Flowey starts a proper FIGHT for once. FLOWEY: then you might be in luck... I can feel that something has changed... heh heh... I don't know what exactly you did, but the underground has done the impossible. it did something new. Frisk presses the button titled ACT, and then presses another button that appears after this called talk. CHARA: *you told Flowey that what was triggered is called Hard Mode. *He seems to chuckle at this. FLOWEY: Interesting name. come to think of it, this encounter is new, isn't it? CHARA: *Flowey cackles to himself. Frisk presses the MERCY button, and selects spare from the other buttons presented. FLOWEY: Who knows. I m i g h t e v e n b e a b l e t o e n d y o u f o r g o o d t h i s t i m e a r o u n d. Flowey creates several circles of bullets and implodes them upon Frisk to deal unavoidable damage, the final circle of bullets is created, and Flowey begins to laugh. FLOWEY: I won't drag it out this time. DIE. Flowey makes this final circle implode at the same speed as the other ones instead of slowly doing it like normal, but a fireball comes in from the side and blows a hole in the circle that's just big enough for Frisk's soul to get out and dodge. Flowey looks confused, before another fireball comes in and knocks him out of the way. TORIEL walks in and stands in front of Frisk. TORIEL: What a terrible creature, torturing such a poor, innocent youth... Ah, do not be afraid my child. I am TORIEL, caretaker of the RUINS. I pass through this place every day to see if anyone has fallen down. You are the first human to come here in a long time. Come! I will guide you through the catacombs. Frisk's soul returns to their body and color returns to the world around them. TORIEL: This way. Toriel turns around and walks through a nearby door CHARA: well then... this is already looking to be an unusual experience. FRISK: Despite how scary that was... I actually feel like this is going to be fun! CHARA: of course you do. this is actually something we haven't seen before. FRISK: Well. there are at least some things that haven't changed. should we accompany mom now? CHARA: yeah. that sounds good. Frisk walks forward until they encounter the door to the Ruins. after gazing at it for a second or two, they enter. fade to white, end scene.
first: you're here!
next: Here!
the comic this blog is actually about: Here!
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twistofatale · 6 months
Twist of a tale chapter 2 part 9
Frisk: Dear God please help me :(
Frisk: There is a gigantic boulder and I don't know what to do with it-
Blocky.D Boulder: Hello there
Frisk:.... 😐
Blocky.D.Boulder: My name is Blocky
Frisk: Ok
Blocky.D.Boulder: Full name is Blocky.D.Boulder ;)
Frisk: Are you a block or a Boulder
Blocky: Who said it matters?
Frisk: 😐 😑
Blocky: Alright welcome to my contest
Frisk: Contest?
Blocky: If you manage to put that BIG boulder right here in that HOLE you win a prize
Frisk: Prize 🤩
Blocky: Yeah kid
Frisk: Ok
Blocky: Just put the Boulder in a certain amount of time and you get many different prizes...the faster you are, the faster the prize;).
Frisk: Ok
Blocky: Because I don't really live anywhere this contest is completely free
Frisk: 😑
Blocky: But I can change my mind so hurry up QUICK!!!!
Frisk: Ok * starts to put hands on Boulder *
Blocky: Go go go * Sets up timer * 30 seconds is all ya have ;)
Frisk: * Starts to roll the Boulder *
Blocky: And remember it gets harder to roll every second
Frisk: Wait what-
Blocky: GO
Frisk: * Starts to roll the Boulder *
Frisk: Why is this so heavy
Blocky: HUUURY up
Frisk: The hole is so close but it's so heavy:(
Frisk: * Puts it on the hole *
Frisk: YES
Blocky: Congratulations 🎉
Blocky: Here's your reward
Frisk: Thanks :)
You were rewarded the fortune note
Frisk: Hmm a Fortune note maybe it contains some advice?
Blocky: You only get that from a guy as fortunate as me 😉
Frisk: Ok * Goes away *
Frisk: So where do I go now-.... there's a pile of blocks there
Frisk: Let me just mess with it * Messes with the blocks * why is there a X on these blocks?
Frisk: A note behind it
Congratulations you found the X...you can get out now
Frisk: 😐
Frisk: There were some spikes there....
Frisk: * Gets out of the room *
Frisk: Well there's just a Gigantic eye in the middle of this part of the land
Stop right there!
A big person who looks like an eye comes to me
A little eye follows him
B Loox: Hmm what do my eyes tell me?
L Loox: You don't have eyes just have one eye
B Loox: 💢 OK Sherlock what do my eye tell me?
L Loox: That doesn't make sense
B Loox: WHATEVER is that a Human
L Loox: No I can't tell-
B Loox: YES it IS
L Loox: :O
B Loox: You stepped into our territory Human
L Loox: We are the Bully brothers, members of the Royal Gaurd
B Loox: And we're gonna bully YOU
* Encounter starts *
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spookystrawberry-blog · 8 months
Romance on the surface (part 4)
Y/n x Sans
Several days pass and come the start of the school year, you make your way to school with Sans and Papyrus, while Toriel takes Frisk to her school. Arriving at high school, you explain to the two monsters that they must go to the notice boards to see what class they are in. You will first see about Papyrus who is in first year, then for you and Sans who are in final year.
Arriving at the front, you are approached by a guy who says he is an old friend from college and his name is Chris. You are delighted and Papyrus introduces himself warmly. Your friend turns to Sans to shake his hand but he refuses. You get embarrassed and apologize for him, telling your friend that he's not yet accustomed to the surface. Chris replies that it doesn't matter and asks you if you know what class you are in, he tells you that he is in B. You reply that you don't know yet and look, you are in A, you look for Sans and see that he is also in A, you smile delighted. Sans gives Chris a provocative smile. Chris doesn't answer it and tells you that it's a shame that you're not together but that you'll have the opportunity to see each other during breaks, which Sans doesn't like. Then he leaves. You then turn to Sans.
Y/n: What was that? You were super cold towards him even though he introduced himself nicely.
S: Nah, I just don't really like meeting new people. You know, accustomed.
You gave him a disapproving look but didn't add anything because the bell had just rung. Papyrus heads to his class and you and Sans head to yours.
At the time of the call, the professor makes a comment on Sans' outfit, in fact he put his uniform back on like in the tailor store and on top of that he put his jacket. Sans makes a joke in response and everyone laughs. The teacher who seems like a very nice and relaxed person says that in his class it is not a problem but that during official ceremonies he should from now on be careful to wear the uniform correctly if he does not want to get into trouble. He then introduces himself as your head teacher for the year, Mr. Honda, and takes you to class. Sans is installed at the far left of the room, near the windows, and on your side you are in the middle to the right next to a very smiling girl wearing buns. She quickly introduces herself to you as Yui. During the break, this same girl comes back to you with a second girl with long blond hair and a delinquent look, named Haru.
Y: Hi, you remember me, we're next in class!
H: Yo friend.
She suggests that you become friends which makes you happy knowing that you haven't had a friend for a very long time. Sans observes you from afar and two monsters join him including Grilby and he looks away to focus his attention on them. You see him and smile but quickly take on a sad look when you realize that no human is approaching them. You hope this will change quickly. Arriving at meal time, you approach Sans to offer to eat together but he refuses and tells you to go eat with your friends and he would go with his. It hurts you and you leaves without saying anything. Papyrus wasn't able to eat with you this afternoon either, due to his schedule. You are sad about this observation because you promised to eat together. Your new friends comfort you somehow.
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friskibitz · 2 years
and here's the second Snowpoff gift for @ascelhire, in which Chara and their sibs watch a game show!
It was a cozy, comfortable night, much like any other. Chara’s mother was already asleep, having wished to retire to bed early, which they respected. Meanwhile, after a nice bath, Chara spent a bit of time reading in bed before heading downstairs.
And… there their little sibling was, wrapped up in a blanket, completely fixated on the TV.
Before they can even greet Frisk, their brother - a flower, at the moment - climbs up onto the couch behind them, gently draping his vines over their shoulders. “Watcha watchin’?” he casually asks.
“Jeopardy,” Frisk says, their eyes still glued to the screen. “About to start.”
“Interesting,” Chara comments, sitting down beside Frisk. Since Frisk is still absolutely captivated, Flowey helps Chara get settled down, wrapping the blanket around them so they can cuddle up close. “I don’t think I ever took you for a trivia geek.”
“Guess they’re a bigger nerd than you in this,” Flowey affectionately chuckles. “How about this; let’s try to get all the answers right. Whoever gets the most answers wins.”
“What are the stakes?” Chara asks. “Any penalties for the loser?”
“Loser has to do the dishes,” Flowey answers.
“I already did them,” Chara says back.
Frisk, of course, has been silent the whole time, apparently completely mentally prepared. And so the game began…
“Nebraska.” “Wow, fast.”
“Um… Yacht.”
“Denzel Washington? Yeah.” “Who is that again?” “You don’t know actors, huh?”
“Anagram.” “Isn’t this the anagram category?” “Hah.”
“Oh! Ionian Sea!” “No, Aegean.” “Damn.”
“Rhode Island.”
“Carmine.” “Hey, that’s your middle name.”
“Uh… Dammit, I don’t know this one.” “That is not the answer.” “Shut up, Chara.” “Ununhexium.” “What.” “How did you-”
Thirty minutes passed in the blink of an eye, and…
“New champ,” Frisk comments with a little smile, the first time they’ve shown any sort of actual expressiveness in the last half hour. “I hope they last, we haven’t had a big one in a bit.”
“Welcome back from your, like, trance?” Flowey laughs, ruffling Frisk’s hair with a vine. “How many d’you get?”
Frisk just shrugs. “You guys?” 
“Ten,” Chara simply answers.
“That double did not count, you got it after time,” Flowey chides. “I got ten.”
“Whatever,” Chara snickers. “Frisk?”
… Chara and Flowey decide to get up and get a snack.
“Hey, come on!” Frisk giggles, slumping back onto the couch and grinning as their sibs walk off. “It’s Wheel of Fortune next, you can get this one!”
“I need some chocolate in my system first,” Chara huffs, totally not a little bit peeved at their sheer loss.
“Can you get me some cookies?” they ask, definitely trying to suppress a smirk.
Flowey lets out his own totally-not-a-little-peeved-at-his-sheer-loss sigh before looking over at Frisk with a fond smile. “How many?”
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rosietrace · 1 year
✨For anyone you feel like talking about ;)
Mercie, you're giving me too much power,,,, 😈
Oc ask game
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˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ Freyah De La Rose, Heartslabyul first year (15/16)
✑ ✨ — How did you come up with your oc's name?
For this question, I decided to go with my first twst oc ever, Freyah!
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Her first name, ‘Freyah’ is very obviously a typo. One that actually wasn't deliberate during her conception!
I was originally going to name her ‘Fiona’, but eventually settled for ‘Freya’. Although misspelled, I actually preferred the version I chose instead of the correct spelling of the name
It helped differentiate Freyah from my other ocs, and is actually rather in character, as in her (very unfinished but acceptable enough) lore, her father ended up misspelling name!
➜ When excluding the ‘h’ in ‘Freyah’, the name means ‘A Noble woman’ in Scandinavian, Norse. The name itself derives from ‘Freyja’, the name of the Norse Goddess of Love and Fertility. Given the theming of hearts in Heartslabyul, the name felt all the more fitting to me ^^
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
Peitho was chosen as Freyah's middle name instead of ‘Venus’, which was then given to Frisk before changing it to ‘Lily’
➜ Her second name ‘Peitho’ is the name of the Greek Goddess that personifies ‘Persuasion, and Seduction’ [ Taken directly from Freyah's character profile ]
Odd name choice, but the Persuasion part is more significant to Freyah's character than the Seduction part
Given Freyah's cheerful but awfully nosy nature, she happens to be a little bit more persuasive than necessary to get what she wants! (According to my notes, she's noted as Heartslabyul's darling because of how doting Riddle and Trey are to her)
And plus, Peitho sounded pretty to me and I thought it sounded nice next to ‘Freyah’ (Still do!)
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
Her last name, “De La Rose”, was originally meant to be a placeholder until I found something more suitable
➜ Her last name, “De La Rose” means “Of the rose” in French [ Taken directly from Freyah's character profile ]
Yup! From what I can remember when making Freyah and Frisk, their last name ‘De La Rose’ — which was ‘La Rose’ at first — was meant to be a placeholder until I could come up with something better
I was honestly pretty lazy with giving their last names, so I ended up just going “Y'know what, I'm keeping De La Rose” after giving up on trying to think of anything better 😭
Still though, I think it worked out! With the rose motifs in Heartslabyul, I like to think that their name helps them fit in a lot better! And with the ‘Rose’ in their name, it helps them be slightly more connected to Riddle 💀 but that's just my logic HSJDHSJD
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
Interpretation of meaning: “A persuasive Noble woman of the rose”
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snaketailthecat · 2 years
Okay so I had an idea for an Undertale AU but I am experiencing extreme burnout so I just wanna know if anyone would be interested
I got concept sketches here and the basic idea will be under the cut
Their names are Sword!Sans and Shield!Frisk
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What if there was a timeline similar to the Omega Timeline but is just for those that have died? And if so who would be the guardians?
What if there was a timeline similar to the Omega Timeline but is just for those that have died? And if so who would be the guardians?
Long story short the idea goes as follows
In the middle of the destruction of their timeline, Sans in a last ditch effort to stay alive, grabbed Frisk and attempted to teleport. Unfortunately, this only sent them in-between dimensions, which caused them to glitch out and change their form, memory, and abilities.
Frisk gained the ability to manipulate shadows and using minions made from it to look into other AUs and timelines, at the cost of only being able to see through the minions the shadows create.
Sans on the other hand gained a sword that could cut through the barriers of different AUs, effectively being able to hop through them. He’s a lot taller, faster, and stronger than he used to be, but lost most of his soul during his time within the in-between. He’s also technically blind only being able to see silhouettes of those with souls, those who don’t are extremely hard to see since they only have a very faint outline.
They eventually landed back in their now broken and destroyed timeline, only able to remember bits and pieces of what it used to be like. They eventually took on new name’s Sword and Shield (it was Shield’s idea they wanted matching names).
Shield after observing all the death caused in these AUs via their destruction or stories, thought about figuring out if souls were truly gone after being destroyed. So they jotted down a bunch of ideas and sent Sword out to test them via his ability to see souls, and after a lot of trial and error, Sword managed to figure out that a soul’s spirit lasts a little bit after death. It might only be a few seconds to a few hours depending on the strength of the soul killed, but they found something to work with.
Very few can even see spirits in the first place it’s a miracle Sword can even see them, even so Shield quickly got to work on building their old world to be able to keep these spirits from fading away. It took a lot of experimenting with the code of their world, but they managed to figure out how to do it!
Since then Sword has been sent out to collect the spirits of recently killed souls while Shield keeps track of the spirit’s information along with keeping the timeline in working order, while trying to keep it hidden from other Sanses like Ink and Error.
That’s the basic idea anyway I honestly could go more in-depth since I have an entire hierarchy system in place, ways spirits can gain part of a soul to leave the timeline and help Sword, various ideas on relationships between different characters regarding Sword and Shield, and a lot of other things my brain thought up.
Now I haven’t been in this fandom in like a long time so some of the information here might not line up with I guess established ways the multiverse works?
I’m honestly not sure but I’d love to hear your thoughts on it if you made it this far since I would love to work on this AU more!
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fuzzysocksstuff · 2 years
Welcome to my Undertale shit post.
I have a questionable idea for a comic, here's the snippet of the script. (And by snippet I mean hella long paragraph)
Thoughts appreciated, but not free. Please leave a penny. Thnx.
Side stuff: Gaster middle brother:
Scene: hanging out, maybe making a snowman or something
Characters present: Sans, Papyrus, Frisk, Alphys, Undyne, Gaster
Sans sees Gaster out of the corner of his eye, pauses for a second. This time seems different, Gaster doesn’t appear corrupted, the last time sans saw Gaster uncorrupted was before they messed with time.
Sans shrugs, and continues what he was doing, its probably is just a temporary file that happened to load that will dissipate momentarily- a figment of his imagination.
Papyrus notices this stranger watching them, “Hello new skeleton! (sans jumps, papyrus can see gaster?) I don’t believe we have met before, I am the Great Papyrus, what is your name?”
Everyone has stopped what they were doing, Gaster has everyone’s attention.
Sans starts to sweat, staring at Gaster, he wonders if he has finally lost his mind! This isn’t possible, Gaster’s files are corrupt past redemption, how much longer can this file of Gaster last?
Undyne chimes in, “Whoa! I never knew there was a another skeleton! Alphy’s, did you know?”
Alphys responds honestly, “w-well, I-I didn’t think there were a-any other skeletons l-left…”
(Gaster looks at his hands, touches his face, and stares at papyrus and sans during dialog)
Frisk silently watches in the background
As Gaster takes a step forward, sans takes a step back, this isn’t real, it’s going to disappear, he’s not really here, it’s not possible, not in any conceivable timeline he’s calculated. Sans’s anxiety climbs.
Gaster finally responds, full of excitement and confusion, “Papyrus? I-am I actually here? Did my calculations finally work? Maybe I could run through the numbers again, (some math and physics mumbo jumbo)…then, I must really be here!” (Gaster uses hands to count, pacing side to side while making the calculations to himself)
Gaster’s eyes finally lands on Sans’s horrified/numb expression, his eyes start to gloss over and voice trembles as he remembers the last time he saw sans, “Sans, I finally did it! I collected all of my pieces, uncorrupted them, I am finally me!” Gaster takes a few more steps forward while saying this, Sans continues to take steps backwards in disbelief, his breathing gets heavier, the weight in his chest is unbearable, sans remembers how he couldn’t save Gaster, how he was just out of reach, but here he is, standing in front of him.
Papyrus, “Hmm, it seems you have met my brother, weird that he’s never mentioned you. Nevertheless! There is always room for another skeleton! I still don’t know your name?”
Gaster, “Sans…?” Gaster can’t hid his pain, how could his own brother back away from him?
Papyrus, “Well, that name is already taken I’m afraid…Pick another!”
Reality finally sinks in for sans, his grin returns, “Well, I’m glad to see that you’re finally more tangible than GAS-ter!” (winks)
Gaster runs to sans, pulling Papyrus in with- Sans realizes this is the first time his younger brothers have all been together since before corruption, his eyes start to well up, gaster lets a tear slip from his eyes, Papyrus is still very confused.
Papyrus, “Well this all seems very fast, it appears my friendliness abilities have become too powerful, welcome new friend! Of course it would slip your mind to tell me about another skeleton, sans”
Sans, “I-uh, let’s just say I know him from another time” Sans looks up at Gaster, “It’s been too long.”
Gaster, “Papyrus doesn’t know who I am, does he?”
Sans shrugs, looking away toward the ground.
Undyne, Frisk, and Alphys all look at each other very confused, they have no idea what Gaster is saying.
Gaster, “Then I assume no one else remembers either, do they?”
Sans is silent for a moment.
Sans, “Geez, just got back and you’re already WINGing it” sans says with a single sweat bead on his forehead. Gaster chuckles, “you have not changed, you have always been such a COMIC sans”
Sans chuckles and winks, “BONa fide at all!”
Papyrus, “NGEH! I spoke too soon, no friend of mine would torture me with puns!”
Undyne snaps out of her disbelief, “uh, WHAT? How do you know what he’s saying? How do you know him? Sans what the fu-“Sans shoot undyne a dirty look, she should know better than to swear in front of Papyrus, “fuuudgery?”
Papyrus, “hmm, yes, Fudgery indeed! Although, your font seems strangely familiar, it must be a puzzle my greatness was able to solve, nothing can get past the Great Papyrus!”
Sans, “So cool bro.”
Gaster starts to use sign language while speaking, “ah, I apologize, it’s been so long since I have been able to talk to someone else, I forgot to sign! My font is not the easiest to read, it’s wing dings and my name is Gaster.”
Undyne looks unsatisfied with this answer.
Alphy’s realizes that Undyne can’t sign, “I-uh, h-his name is G-Gaster. I studied s-sign language o-once, I’m sorry I can’t sign back to you, i-is t-that ok?
Gaster, “Yes, thank you, Alphys.” Alphys didn’t catch that she didn’t say her name yet, “oh, of course!”
Undyne, “Alright, well then would’ya guys TRANSLATE!?”
Sans bumps Gaster, “way to go, you’ve already gotten under her GILLS”  Gaster, “Really? I thought things were going SWIMINGLY!” both Sans and Gaster laugh.
Undyne and Papyrus are unamused. (alphys is translating for Undyne)
While sans and gaster continue to make puns, we see flowey appear behind Frisk, watching cryptically.
Sans, “I’m not so sure, she looks like she might just BUBBLE over!” Gaster pushes sans over and laughs even harder as sans falls over, “awe man, I just got this SINKING feeling.” Gaster laughs harder.
Papyrus, “Sans did you just fall to make a PUN!?? You lazy bones!”
Gaster, “oh Paps, what happened to your FUNNY bone, you don’t find this Humerous?”
Payrus, “Ngeh!” -casually looses his mind while sans rolls over laughing, Gaster holds his stomach while laughing.
Sans goes silent for a moment, he hasn’t been this happy for so long. He hopes this is real, even if it doesn’t matter in the end, even if the human resets and he forgets all of this, he in this moment remembers what it’s like to be happy. Sans takes a deep breath, closes his eyes and just basks in this pure joy.
Gaster, approaches sans, “you okay down there?”
Without opening his eyes, sans uses a bone to trip Gaster to the ground, he opens one eye and looks at Gasters perplexed face, “you should watch your step, you never know when (idk, bone pun that I can’t think of right now)
Papyrus is finally done loosing his mind, and sees that sans looks genuinely happy, maybe for the first time in a long time, “Brother?”
Sans, “Yeah bro?” Papyrus, “now that you’ve had your laugh, why don’t we head inside and do the getting to know over dinner?” Sans, “Sounds good bro.” Sans doesn’t get up, Gaster does, “yes, that would be nice.” Papyrus, “sans, I’m waiting.” Sans still doesn’t get up, “Gee bro, it seems like my legs have just WALKED off.” Papyrus, “ENOUGH! If you can’t walk, then I’ll walk for you!” Papyrus picks sans up, gaster chuckles and the three of them walk inside.
Undyne, looking defeated, “What just happened?”
Frisk, “I don’t know. But, we could talk over dinner! They were planning on us too, we should join them.”
Alphys, “y-yes they were! Why d-don’t we go eat Undyne?” Undyne, “I suppose.”
Undyne, Alphys,  and Frisk walk inside with frisk watching. Flowey, “interesting…”
End scene
Wowie! You actually made it to the end! Here, take some water, you've got to be exhausted after running that marathon!
Thanks for scrolling.
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tuno-tarou00 · 2 years
under country
⚠I don't speak English, so I am translating
About the characters
・ash (アッシュ)Chara枠。
身長 166cm
種族 人間
一人称 僕
呼び名 アッシュ
誕生日 2月12日
・ リセット
・ 1次元渡り
・ash (Ash) Chara frame.
His eyes are all black, his cheeks are yellowish green, and his hair is gray.
Contains purple mesh.
Tiffany blue clothes, yellow and magenta
A horizontal line is in the middle.
It seems that the eyes are visible, but there are no eyeballs.
I'm always looking for something fun to do.
I like sweets with blueberries on them.
Height 166cm
race human
first person
Nickname Ash
Birthday February 12th
· reset
・ One-dimensional crossing
For a certain amount of time, you can walk through space and go to another place.
・lot (ロット) Frisk枠。
身長 166cm
種族 人間
一人称 私
呼び名 ロット
誕生日 4月21日
・lot (lot) Frisk frame.
Her hair is white with blue and yellow-green mesh.
Black long-sleeved clothes and loose overalls
It is worn and has a pattern like an ethnic pattern.
wearing a poncho.
The eyes appear to be closed, but they are only detailed.
My hobbies are reading and singing. I like butterfly pea tea.
Height 166cm
race human
first person i
Call name Lot
Birthday April 21st
・Viewing mirror
The sight that Ash sees,
can see through the mirror
under countryは人間もモンスターも同じ所で
Two people are in a white space. character who died
The place where you end up. It's called "The Birdcage of Oblivion".
Under country is the same place for humans and monsters
I live
Only these two are in different places.
Where can I see the game system?
Say "monarch record".
It looks like a big library.
Both are feminine but asexual.
・Ruin (ルーイン) Sans枠
種族 スケルトン
身長 187cm
誕生日 4月 4日
一人称 ボク
二人称 君 お前
呼び名 ルーイン
・Ruin Sans frame
She wears clothes with large collars in pop colors.
She wore a black turtleneck,
Gargo pants have several pockets and are purple.
For shoes like ankle boots,
It looks like a face.
The left and right eyes are different colors.
The left one has a yellow tunica part and black eyes like a goat.
The right one has eyes that look like circles.
race skeleton
Height 187cm
Birthday April 4th
first person
second person you
Nickname Ruin
世界にどのような変化が起こるのか見たい、と AUの一部を破壊する。
swap Dream、under pants、help taleが
Originally, he was a guardian entrusted with an important role for the country.
He had a very serious, bright and cheerful personality,
His personality changed after absorbing half of a human's soul.
He has a selfish personality.
If you want to advance to your own advantage,
lie or
They take advantage of people's kindness and deceive them.
Her voice sounds like a mixture of female and male voices,
This is because it absorbed half a human's soul.
Thanks to that, I was able to go to AU.
Destroy part of AU because you want to see what changes will happen to the world.
I went to AU, which piqued my interest.
all AUs
It's not meant to be destroyed.
Likes to defeat enemies using various methods,
Sometimes it records how it turned into dust.
(Because records are rare, there are many blank pages.)
I will not hesitate because I am defeating the people of my own country.
Soul is heart-shaped,
Something like a ring on a planet
I love dark pop stuff,
He often collects things and makes his own things to display in his home.
Leave the AU you like alone,
protect from bad things.
swap Dream, under pants, help tale
・shinigami hand
・psychedelic Teleport
(サイケデリック テレポート)
・Swindle File(スウィンドル ファイル)
・blinding Bomb (ブラインディング ボム)
・curious carousel
・Meaty scythe. It comes with eyeballs and pieces of meat.
・Blunt knife
・shinigami hand
A large black arm that can stretch and contract freely.
It has countless eyes and can see properly.
come out of the eye pattern on the back of the clothes.
Emit a bright and strong color magic that hurts your eyes.
The bright and strong colors are random, there is no fixed color.
At that time, small star-shaped dodecahedrons are scattered around, so it is designed to make the first layer more painful.
Confetti comes out together when you take out the bone.
(The bone itself is usually white.)
It can be used in addition to attack and defense.
・psychedelic teleport
(psychedelic teleport)
You can travel back and forth between AUs. So-called AU hopping
A psychedelic colored fog for a few seconds as you move
Floating and floating. The fog smells like chamomile.
・Swindle File
You can make it look like your opponent has no physical strength left,
So-called HP camouflage.
Saves the damage received in a special file.
1/3 of the saved energy can be recovered
I can.
However, it can only be used when HP is less than half.
・blinding Bomb
Explodes with an 8bit sound and emits colored smoke from inside.
Because it has a role in dizziness, it glows a little when it explodes.
・curious carousel
A carousel appears and attacks.
The horses are very ferocious and will bite and rush at you.
A strong impact will break the body and disappear.
(Example: Make horses collide)
・Glitter (Luin's friend)
Balance adjustment from the Queen
One chosen to protect the core,
Acquired the ability to "fix". It protected the core.
I'm not here anymore
・Toriel Celestial
A queen who rules a large country.
I gave Glitter and Ruin one power each.
Spatial distortions have existed all over the country for a long time,
I was so small then
I didn't care. because nothing was done,
A hole opened in the space and the balance began to collapse.
Because I can't keep up with my own hands
I put the core of the cause in the core and left it to the two people.
Characters that do not appear but exist ↓↓↓
・Asriel Celestial
He is the son of Toriel and is still 4 years old.
・Asgore Celestial
Originally he was a king, but he fell ill and left it to his wife.
- Ruin's older brother (Papyrus)
He is very caring and calm, and thinks of his younger brother.
working at home.
・魔術師 (ガスター)
・ Magician (Gaster)
He had very strong magical powers,
I have a chronic disease since I was born
My strength is weakening along with my sight.
0 notes
UT character wakes up in the middle of the night because he head weird noises in the house. They goes in the living-room and finds a man standing there, their TV in his hands, ready to cross an opened window with it. What does they do do?
The first part of the ask is here, with the skeletons.
Undertale Toriel - "I don't think so young man." She grabs his wrist and leads him gently but firmly on the couch. She will lecture him to death. The man won't even look her in the eyes because he feels so ashamed (and he's scared she might call the cops). But once Toriel is done, she makes him promise to never doing something like that again and lets him leave. The guy can't believe his luck.
Undertale Asgore - In 10 seconds, there's 50 royal guards holding him on the ground. I mean, how stupid are you to break inside the house of the King of Monsters? There's cameras everywhere! You will have a nice night facing Undyne screaming at you. You absolute idiot.
Undertale Undyne - One second, Undyne is in front of you, the second later, she throws you so hard you're crossing the wall of the living-room. Undyne alone is already dangerous, but Alphys is here too, and she won't risk her life. If you're threatening her, she's killing you in a blink of an eye. She's not joking. If the man surrenders, she's bringing him to the police station herself to question him aggressively. Maybe don't break in the house of the head of the royal guard.
Undertale Alphys - She squeaks in shock and screams her girlfriend name with panic. You grabs her arm to make her shut up. BIG. MISTAKE. Undyne jumps on your back, and slams your head in the wall, knocking you out. Welp, you're going to the hospital. DON'T THREAT THE HEAD OF THE ROYAL GUARD'S GIRLFRIEND.
Undertale Frisk - They shrugs and takes advantage of the fact the man is shocked to casually carry the TV to its place. They then waves at the guy pacifically. The man waves back. Wait... What? The man is so confused he leaves to have an identity crisis in the nearest parc. Frisk just closes the window. What an eventful night.
Undertale Chara - "Greetings." Chara said, eyes entirely black and leaking creepily. The man screams in fear, throws the TV at them and falls of the window trying to flee the house. They fell on the car in a loud crash. Chara called the cops and said there's a man with multiple fractures waiting in the alley. The man is confused. He's hurt, sure, but he doesn't have any fracture? Then Chara takes out a crowbar from their inventory and walks to the man with a creepy smile =)
Undertale Mettaton - He switches on the lights dramatically and gasps. "Oh boy! Look at that! This TV is a bomb!" The man just said "wait... what?" before the wall is blown away. Mettaton claps his hands, happy. "You caught that on camera Blooky? That was amazing!"
Undertale Gaster - Gaster doesn't know what to do. So, uh, slowly, he takes an egg out of his goop and gives it to the man. The man takes the egg, confused. Now you are both looking at each other blankly. Uh... What now?
Undertale Grillby - Uh, you know Grillby is a war veteran, right? The man tries to run to him, Grillby makes him fly and pins him on the floor with ease. Still holding his arm, he sits on his back and calls the police. He will patiently waits for Undyne to come while the man is crying like a baby because it hurts. Grillby is enjoying that way too much.
Undertale Muffet - Suddenly, a lot of spiders climbs down the window. The man crushes one of them, laughing at their stupid try to stop him. He then feels a gentle CRUSHING hand on his shoulder and meets with a very pissed off Muffet. The man can only screams, no one will ever hear you. You're going to have a nice meeting with her pet. Have fun.
Undertale Burgerpants - "Come on, man, that's the only thing that cheering my day, you can't do that!" The man laughs at his face. Burgerpants is tied on a chair and he can't do nothing to stop the guy. That's his fate. He will even be fired the next day by Mettaton because he's late. He doesn't even know why he's still trying.
Undertale Flowey - FINALLY. He can FINALLY hurt someone with a good reason. He's throwing pellets at the man until his HP reaches 1 HP. He's laughing maniacally the all time. The much fun he had since he decided to go to the Surface with Frisk. But then the noise wakes Toriel, who then lectures the both of them because killing and stealing are bad. Flowey is not happy.
Undertale Gerson - "What a brave little guy, stealing little old man like me. Want to see what little old me can do?" He then shows him his cane and beats the hell out of him. The man is begging for mercy, but Gerson is having fun, too bad. When Undyne came, she cheered him as he kept hitting the guy on the back.
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echo-of-sounds · 4 years
not much of a birthday
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Headcanons and a smut drabble for Aizawa’s birthday! I struggled to think of as many headcanons as I did for the other characters. Hopefully the smut makes up for it!
Warnings: it’s nowhere near as rough as the last one, but the smut does include a Daddy kink
Aizawa’s birthday is difficult. It’s not that he hates it. He’s just kinda… whatever about it. It makes planning a birthday party, or any celebration really, and buying presents a challenge.
Large gatherings aren’t his favorite. If you truly want to throw a birthday party, don’t make it a surprise party and only invite his closest friends (seven people max). Too many people mean he’s going to sulk in his room the entire time, not wanting to deal with the large, noisy crowd. He wants his birthday to be quiet and relaxing.
Buying presents is so damn difficult. He doesn’t really have hobbies or interests outside of being a teacher and a Hero. Well, he likes cats but you can’t buy a cat every single year. The best option is clothing. Everyone could always use new pairs of socks and underwear.
A leather wallet, beard softener, a simple, handsome sweater, and maybe a new type of coffee are also some options. He’s a laidback guy with laidback interests. Keep the presents to things he needs and will definitely use. If they’re too elaborate or eccentric, he’ll never get around to using it.
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“I hope you like them,” you said with the best smile you could muster as you sat the presents on the coffee table. The wrapping was beautiful but the content wasn’t particularly intriguing. 
Shouta unwrapped the first one: a package of socks. The next was a package of boxer briefs. Then two nice, simple T-shirts. Then a gift bag with a new brush, hair ties, reparative shampoo, and protein conditioner to prevent hair breakage from all the shit he puts it through.
He thanked you for each one.
“You’re welcome. But there’s one more.” You nodded to the last, most specialized one. It took a few weeks to finally think of and find something that wasn’t as plain as underwear.
He grabbed the flat present off the table and unwrapped it. The tape ripped easily, letting him see the dark brown leather padfolio. It fit his laptop, notebook, and had plenty of smaller pockets. It’d hopefully help him be just a little more organized in his commutes. 
After looking through all of it, he gave a rare smile and kissed you, mumbling as he pulled away, “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome. Happy birthday, Sho.” He narrowed his eyes when you stroked his cheek. “What?”
“What’s wrong?”
“What is it?”
You sighed at his too-intense gaze, knowing he wasn’t going to let it go. “I’m glad you like the presents. I really am. I just… I guess I wish I could buy you something exciting and unique. I want to make you feel special.” You rubbed the back of his neck, massaging the strained muscles.
“You don’t need to buy me expensive things to make me feel special.”
“I know. I know that. But… I want to spoil you for at least one day and you make doing that incredibly difficult. I feel like you deserve something more for all that you do. I just want to spoil you,” you lightly laughed and kissed his temple. “For once.” 
“You don’t need to-”
“I want to,” you whispered against his skin.
Shouta grabbed your hand and met your eyes. “These past few days have been more than I needed.” He kissed your nose then your mouth. “After weeks of screaming teenagers, a weekend with you is all I want,” he confided.
“Are you sure?”
“I’m positive.” He drew you close and swung your leg over his lap. He lifted your shirt off, connecting a deep kiss after. His tongue wandered over yours. You sighed, casually grinding, pressing your breasts against him. 
His hands drifted to your front and unbuttoned your pants. Without breaking the kiss, you stood. Rough hands slipped in the sides and yanked them and your underwear down. Fingers frisked you, not afraid of being brusque as they circled your clit, making you widen your stance, giving him more room to fondle. 
Two fingers slipped in. They crudely waved as his palm grazed your clit. Your legs tensed and your spine curved towards him, wanting to be closer. But his clothes were still on. Leaving his lips for only one second, you removed his shirt. Pulling his sweatpants down was next and was awkward with his hand unabashedly prodding you. 
A flick jolted your clit, stopping your actions. You gasped around his tongue, trying to moan his name. Another thwack jostled you. Shouta’s bitter rasp provoked you awfully, “You know what to call me.”
“Daddy,” you softly cried. 
“Good girl,” he praised and tugged you into his lap. You couldn’t ask what he wanted you to do because his fingers reentered, just as crude, just as grazing. When you reached for him, he warned, “Don’t touch me.”
You didn’t object. Your head dropped to his shoulder through his fondling. The two fingers inside folded, growing rougher by the second. His other hand played with your thigh and ass, scratching and kneaded and nailing your skin raw.
Your hips jerked on their own. You tightened for the spank and reprimand, but it never came. Which was weird. You gently whispered, “Daddy?”
You didn’t know how to ask why he didn’t scold you like he normally does. Thankfully, you didn’t need to figure it out. Lips lined over your neck and shoulders. Hands rubbed along your sides and back, keeping you warmly close. He spoke hushedly, “I don’t want to punish you today. Just listen to me, okay?”
You sat up to see his smile and nodded. His thumb pulled your bottom lip down. “You’re a good girl. You can ride me now,” he granted with a deep kiss.
Lining him up, you lowered, sighing happily into his mouth. His heat and heft fit comfortably, perfectly inside. You wasted no time and hugged his shoulders as you began grinding. Arms embraced you. Lips and tongue skimmed your skin. Muscled thighs tensed and swayed with your hips.
He sped up. It excited you to do the same, craving to hear him groan. You wanted to give him the pleasure he always gave you. It was his birthday after all.
Raising on your knees, you bounced, stirring a hint of sound from him. It also motivated his hips to hump up. They met yours in the middle, nudging him nicely and loudly against your front wall. Your breasts bobbed with the faster motion. Heat encircled one. His first groan rippled over your nipple, sucking, damn near gnawing on it. 
Black hair tangled around your fingers. You clung tight, keeping his mouth suckling. Your thighs hastened, hips hustled on, working up a thin sweat, tightening your body, almost there.
But he pulled away, halting your hips. You whimpered shamelessly, “Daddy, don’t.”
“Are you going to make me cum as well or should I do that myself?”
“No, it’s your birthday,” you panted, gripping his arm, jerking in his hands.
“I don’t think you can.”
You tucked into his neck. Hands grasped and arms lifted you up as he moved, laying you down on the couch, making sure your head rested on the pillows. He gutturally purred into your ear, “My birthday present is you. Let Daddy do it.”
Without waiting, he quickly snapped his hips. You scratched his back and moaned. His shoulder blades wavered with his humping. His thighs spread you bare. His back bowed beautifully.
The thrusts stopped. Your whine came out louder than expected. His heat deserted you when he sat up and pulled out, leering between your legs. Thumbs felt up and down your outer lips, petting with pressure. They bore heavily over your clit before caressing again, stretching you open, smoothing you closed, toying with all the delicate nerves. A particularly brutal sweep on your clit induced a high-pitched gasp. You clutched his forearm but his fingers continued. Your hips and thighs fidgeted, struggling to get away under his weight. His smirk did not go unnoticed.
You pawed his chest, fussing, “Please.”
Spit dripped from his mouth, slowly dribbling onto you. Thumbs persisted their patterns, now wetter, harsher.
“Please what?”
“Please, Daddy, please, fuck me, please. I want you.”
“There you go.” He lifted your thigh to rest on his chest, lowered to kiss you, and resumed his thrusting. Your leg bobbed with his sinks. “Is this want you wanted?”
You nodded with a smile, scratching his sides. He paused mid-thrust and chided in a cautionary tone, “I may not punish you but you still need to be grateful.”
“Thank you, Daddy. Thank you.”
“That’s a good girl.”
“I promise.” Hot air puffed as his lips returned, so wet and so warm, heating more with his sweeping tongue. Hips slowly swayed. His scarred abs and hair-dusted chest fluttered under your fingers. Small flattery and honeyed words voiced into your mouth. 
“I love you,” you breathed.
“I love you too.”
The softness faded. Thrusts steadily built up. Teeth pinched and pulled your bottom lip, taxing the sensitive skin. They moved to your neck next. Pinches turned to full-mouthed bites, running all over as he clamped hard, trying to mark you as much as possible.
“Daddy,” you choked out through the heightening breaths, seeking his permission.
His husky utter heated your skin, “You can cum. You don’t need to wait for me.”
“Thank you, Daddy. Thank you, thank you, thank-” 
“Shhh,” he hushed into your neck.
Your nails rooted in his sides, signaling your looming release. Lips covered yours and swallowed your peaking moans. Wetly and weakly, you mumbled into his mouth, around his tongue, “More.”
He lifted until his tip remained inside then buried in with a heavy, strong thrust. His pace maintained heavy and strong too. His groans matched the intensity. Your hips and thigh hurt so wonderfully under his mass. Moans trapped in your throat, leaving you huffing, hot, and hanging.
Dry, jugular groans tipped you over, “Cum for me. I know you want to. Cum for Daddy.”
Your body went rigid with clamped muscles. Shallow breaths ceased. Heat flooded but no moans sounded. The internal pleasure kept you gasping for air through your release- gasping for his finish- gasping for your Daddy, who kissed and caressed your trembling frame.
When you slouched, he stood and kneeled over your shoulders, holding himself for you. He entered the second your lips opened, salty and throbbing. Using the armrest to support himself, his thrusts started anew. You gagged as he hit the back of your throat. But his hips didn’t slow. 
Looking up, you could tell he was close. He glared at you. A blush painted his cheeks and chest. You snagged his ass, holding him in your mouth.
“Fuck.” He bucked further. Though it caused another gag, you still grappled at him, letting him fuck your throat. His grunts grated too low to understand, but you didn’t need to. Hair pressed to your nose as he drove fully inside. Joints locked. Fingers fastened in your hair. Liquid salt spurt, trickling, choking.
You sucked him as long and deep as you could until breath became your priority. You eventually tapped his thigh, needing air. Your mouth was emptied. Saliva and cum connected you to his depleted erection. The string split, driveling, messing your chin and breasts.
Before you could so much as move, Shouta nabbed his shirt and cleaned you, careful of your swollen lips and bruises. His scowl at his concentration was cute, slightly puffing his bottom lip out. He noticed and raised an eyebrow. 
You waved it off, “Nothing. Happy birthday, Daddy.”
“Thank you. And thank you for the presents.” He finished his wiping and tenderly kissed you, lovingly brushing his tongue along your lips. “Tomorrow you can take me to a movie.”
You exhaled a dry laugh, “That’s not exactly exciting or unique but it’s a start, I guess. But right now, can you get me some ibuprofen? My neck’s sore.”
“And a heating pad?”
“Please and thank you.”
Shouta kissed you once more and went to get the items. You patiently waited, wanting to cuddle him for the rest of the night.
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punsmaster69 · 7 months
sorry, dog ate yesterday's page.
real shame.
there was truly nothing i could do.
anyway, as for today.
sitting hunched over the table is papyrus and frisk who are trying to work out the problems on a math assignment tori gave them.
normally me or alphys would be the ones to help guide 'em, but papyrus insisted with full confidence that he could help.
other than a pause when tori made them lunch, they haven't given it up for the hour or so they've been going so far.
me and tori are just hanging out on the couch while sewing a few holes in our respective younger relative's clothing articles.
for papyrus, it's a few holes in some gloves, a pair of jeans, and a shirt that got just barely caught on the wrong end of a spear while sparring.
similar stuff with frisk, minus the gloves and sparring parts.
i'll keep you updated on their progress. promise not to let 'em suffer for too long.
elbows up on the table, fingers crossed, face serious - papyrus closed his eyes and sighed.
reaching into his scarf, he removed a calculator. you would swear it glinted in the light. frisk gasped.
he froze and quickly swiveled in his seat to look at toriel on the couch.
"I do not see any reason they couldn't, as long as it is only to assist."
"no cheatin'."
rotating immediately to face frisk again, he taps the calculator onto the table and slides it in the middle of them.
frisk looks between the calculator and their page with a torn expression.
"Yeah, but..."
".....You know what? Yeah. Who cares how long we spent doing it manually."
quickly snatching the calculator up with a determined smile, frisk shouted.
"Let's get this over with already!"
you wouldn't be shocked to discover that it resulted in everything going much faster for them.
the second the paper left frisk's hand into toriel's, papyrus dragged them to the front door.
"Return before dinnertime-"
"If you are going across the street, remember to-"
rocking back and forth on his heels slightly, papyrus seemed anxious to get outside.
frisk finished tying the laces on their boots and jumped up - instantly grabbing onto papyrus' arm. he raised it so that they could dangle from his humerus.
"It is not cold, so I do not suppose you need a coat..."
"I trust that you two will keep safe."
"seeya, bro. seeya, kiddo."
tori waved.
accepting this as confirmation, it took mere seconds before papyrus had swung frisk up so he could carry them easier and darted excitedly out the door.
stopping just before my knuckles hit the doorframe, i decided against knocking upon peeking into the door - just barely cracked open.
my brother laid face-to-floor, hands still loosely holding up a book. his legs hung slightly over a mound of pillows. like a blanket, frisk had draped themselves (and an actual blanket) perpendicularly over paps; also on their face.
unbothered by my bro's slight snoring, both of them were completely out.
a dim light illuminated flowey's face as he clicked away at a game.
"('s pretty late, y'know.)"
"(Yeah, yeah. Get your brother and leave already.)"
i looked again at the two peaceful sleepers on the floor.
"(...nah. don't wanna disturb that.)"
"(got back from asgore's just to immediately hop on there, huh?)"
"(Your point?)"
"(you should be hopping to bed instead.)"
"(just sayin', you'll regret it in the morning.)"
finally peeling his eyes away from the console, flowey shot me an irritated look.
"(Can you STOP saying, and leave instead?)"
with a shrug.
his mistake, not mine.
"(don't bother them with your light too much.)"
"('night, kid.)"
"(It sure is.)"
flickering a smug look across his face before it immediately gets wiped off by something in the game.
flowey, annoyed, shuts off the game and throws it onto the currently unused bed.
i step away from the door and pause to glance at toriel's door. the light remains on.
"...knock, knock."
"You may open it, if you so choose."
still in there finishing up sewing some spots on a sweater is toriel, now on her bed.
to muffle the sound, i step in and shut the door behind me.
"you're gonna wear your fingers out, doin' this all day."
"Certainly, I have done worse before. I will be alright."
"Are you going home now?"
"papyrus is dead asleep in there, and going home without him doesn't feel right."
"mind if i hijack your couch again?"
shifting over to make a little space beside her, toriel patted the bed.
"...you sure?"
"It will be nice to have some company."
keeping my voice down still, i toss myself onto the cushion beside her.
"someone to pull an all-nighter with you?"
"Ohh, it will not take me THAT long. I am nearly done."
"good, 'cuz i'm failing already."
adjusting my head against her pillow and crossing my arms underneath it.
"Ah... goodnight, sleepyhead."
she turned over the sweater in her hands and set it aside, returning her sewing equipment to its tin - currently on her nightstand. tucking it into a drawer, she clicks off the lamp. toriel sinks down in the bed to be at face level with me.
i sit up for a moment. i lean forward, give her a skeleton's version of a kiss on the cheek.
she seems surprised but smiles, sits up as well, and gently places a hand on my cheek and kisses my forehead.
placing my hand over hers, i flop back onto the pillow.
removing her hand from mine for just a minute to pull the sheets up, toriel returns her hand where it was as she lays back down with me.
"...Now close your eyes, silly. They are quite light-up in the dark."
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humanchara-cter · 2 years
Mandatory intro post
My memories will be below the cut if anyone remembers something similar or the same I’d love to talk
My name is Chara, but I go by Gold when in public servers and when talking with/around other Charas as it feels selfish to keep the name lmao.
I’ve been told I’m not very talkative and a little dry until we get into a conversation and I’m really bad at starting those I’m sorry
Anti endos can fuck right off <3 :) we’re traumagenic but we don’t see how telling people how to live their life and obsessing over that is at all healthy.
Also if you use anything other than they/them for me or Frisk fuck off (Fictives if you use something else your fine but singlets and people who arent undertale Fictives of chara or frisk I’m going to bite you.
Also a fair warning is that I had (have? I dunno) a huge crush on Frisk, I look up to them a lot. I might rb charisk art lmao
Also I am now 19, and the body is an adult. Okay now onto memories; tw for suicidal behavior in my past and death obv lmao
But so like, I was a part of a small farming village, heavily religious, all that jazz. It was like a fucking cult it was horrible. Not to mention my parents just Sucked majorly. The only thing I really liked there was this fountain that was in the middle of the town, it had these flowers around it, buttercups, they’ve always been my favorite. Very painful to ingest so don’t try that.
But at the flowers I met this other kid who didn’t seem to believe in the bullshit the other villagers were on either, and we became friends. But then she disappeared, I have no idea what happened to her no one would tell me shit.
I was also born with red eyes, which came out of fucking no where, neither of my parents had them and everyone thought I was cursed or some sort of test from whatever the fuck they worshiped. I have no idea I was like eight okay?
But I got bullied, a lot because of it. And eventually I went to the mountain that was filled with “freaks” (monsters) because if I didn’t die from jumping then at least I’d get to meet other beings who were outcasted by society. Lucky me I got taken in as Asriels little sibling, which was probably one of the only things that saved me.
People think I was shitty to him?? For some reason?? Like damn he’s the second being to show me kindness and be accepting of the person I was? I wasn’t going to make him sad or upset if there was another way.
But then I heard about how my adoptive family and all the other monsters wanted to get back to the surface and to live in peace, and I didn’t believe it was gonna work, but I didn’t wanna leave them without happiness. And so I tried to get enough souls to break the barrier, and asriel helped. I wasn’t even gonna involve him but he wanted to help.
Yeah it didn’t work out as planned, I got burried where asriel first found me (it was where we hung out the most) and I was pretty much a ghost hanging around and following any humans who fell below, and had to watch my family get torn apart and everything change. And then Frisk happened… and Frisk fixed everything, even if it wasn’t the same they succeeded where I failed. And I helped them because they’d talk to me, and then they gave me half their soul after working out the ideas of how to give me a body to inhabit and a way to stay on the physical plane with alphys behind everyone’s back so it could be a surprise for them, and we also got asriel as well,even if he did struggle with sorting out how he wanted to approach everything as both asriel and flowey. It was nice, and I know it’s weird but I had such a huge crush on Frisk because they were everything I wasn’t and they were so confident when talking to others when ID have panic attacks about even going outside hfjdjd
Though outside of political meetings Frisk often wouldn’t talk to anyone but their close ones (mostly me and Asriel) and we’d translate for them.
I always get angry with how people call me evil or a bad person because, I was just a child! It’s all because asriel says “chara… wasn’t the greatest person” Which like, yeah I fucked up a lot, I was clingy to Asriel and he got almost no alone time because he was my “safe person” and I was mentally I’ll and traumatized and often flipped on a switch on him, but he also loved me as a sibling, I wasn’t the greatest person and I’m still not, but I’m an okay person, and I’m trying my best. And I know Asriel didn’t mean it like that.
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mrfandomgage · 2 years
Chara, lying down: I was more like a disappointing pet to my dad. He wasn't afraid to beat me down or cut me up with beer bottle glasses. I got away from all that, was a poor influence on Asriel. A lot of what happened to me was because mom died at birth.
Chara, thinking: Then, everything got worse. Met my wife in the worst way possible. That was-
Gage: around the second reset, Frisk was being tormented by Flowey, and their own depressive outbursts made them kill
Chara: ... I don't like how you know that, but yes. I think things really only got better around Middle to Highschool. Though, I do have a great family to thank for that. What about you?
Gage: I am... just a metaphor for a writer and creativity.
Chara: you do have your own story though. What's with the glowing cloak you got? Why does water not caress your hippie face?
Gage, thinking: ok. When I was around 16, my mom died. My siblings left house with little contact, and it was my dad, me, and my little sibling. Course, some of my own history is a representation of my creator's history through different lenses because-
Chara: Backstory, not explaining the backstory
Gage: Right. Well, I had fights with my dad. Not all that pleasant. It caused me to be stressed at night and filled with paranoia in my own bed. So I took night walks. One night, I took a longer walk than usual. I'm walking back home and I notice something unusual
Chara: what was it?
Gage: ... I have no idea. I just woke up and felt like energy was pumping through my body. Enough energy that I accidentally started a fire by flicking it onto my books and put it own with a flood on accident.
Chara: so, you just woke up with powers?
Gage: it wasn't just powers, it was an infinite expanse of energy. Once I realized that, I tried forcing it to make me remember but then I passed out from the agonizing headache I just gave myself. I can force myself to remember other things, but this? Nope.
Chara: that's dumb. Sounds like you just didn't know what to write for it.
Gage: to be honest, I had several ideas. An eldritch god that I couldn't comprehend but seeing it alone gave me power. A magical fairy well I accidentally drowned in, and was transported home entrenched in power. Dave from accounting. Maybe it was the amount of options alone or a truly infinite collide of options, and that's why I can't remember
Chara: still sounds kinda dumb. So you just got better at controlling the energy
Gage: I did dumb shit with it. Rewritten history so my last name is Fandom, made a cloak with a universe in it, made a bunch of timelines for no one to see
Chara: so I guess you made me? God is real, but I'm not gonna pray to you
Gage: well, I made this separate version of you. In a canon sense, the original timeline abruptly ends.
Chara: Original?
Gage: well, there are certain facts in the game that indicate that the original timeline and most true ending to the game is the one where... everyone dies and the world is permanently lost
Chara: ... those unlucky bastards. Well, I guess that's just another version of me that didn't have time to learn
Gage: most people assume the worlds run off code
Chara: well, you said game. Does my world run off code?
Gage: I think it's more a script
Chara: ... huh, that explains that...
Chara: hey, what other universes are there?
Gage: oh, there are as many as you can imagine
Chara: really?
Gage: actually, properly speaking there is so much that even if you perceive chances to be lower than 1% everything is an absolute guaranteed value with not only that this timeline replicated more than trillions of times, but it's replicated by every atom in existence and by every point in time in existence to a point where it's truly an infinite circumstance to have this one universe existing again and again with the same exact events and same exact people.
Chara: ... what?
Gage: there is more than anyone can properly comprehend. Even myself.
Chara: you just rambled there, so I didn't really get it
Chara: also, Frisk sent me this photo of her making dinner with Chris
Gage: why are they lit with an orange light?
Chara: the fridge is probably on fire again
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Officer Barba
Team meetings are amazing and thank you for reading over it @detective-giggles​
Warnings: Hand cuffs, hens night, they are getting married we will assume protection is a given and Rafi smut.
WC: 2228
Enjoy x
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You had seen Liv look at her phone and then nudge Amanda. Amanda stood up walking over to you grabbing your hand and pulling you to the bathrooms. You both freshened up and you tucked in your white shirt back into your white shorts, fixed up your sash on your shoulder that had ‘Future Mrs Barba’ written on it in pink diamonds and looked down at your hot pink peep toed shoes to make sure there was no marks on them. You ran your fingers through your curled hair and quickly put on some more lip gloss before you and Amanda walked back out to your table, arms linked.
It was two weeks till the big day, it was going to be nothing over the top, but Liv and Amanda who were your bridesmaids along with your best friend had organised a small group of friends to take you out for the night to your favourite Thai restaurant and then onto your favourite retro club for a dance, you not wanting strippers. You weren’t a big drinker, but you had a couple over the night to let your hair down.
As you and Amanda walked back to the table one your favourite 90’s pop songs blustered through to club and you Amanda started to dance your way back to the table.  Once back Amanda sat down next to your best friend who was sitting next to Liv who was next to your other friends and you picked up your bottle of water taking a sip.
Your eyes ran around the table at your friends looking past you, some were giggling and others smiling, Liv and Amanda with their mouths dropped open. You sat the bottle down on the table and you turned around gasping your hands coming up to rest over your mouth your eyes flying wide open.
Rafael was making his way towards you in a police hat, a NYPD shirt, pants and a big smile on his face giving you a wink. Your whole body caught on fire and arousal shot through you. Rafael walked up till he was toe to toe with you,
“Is there a problem officer” you battered your eye lashes.
“Seems so” Rafael’s hand came to rest on your hip “You’re under arrest for being out dressed like this while your fiancé is home alone”
You bit your bottom lip and Rafael reached into his pocket pulling out a pair of black fluffy hand cuffs, you heard your table of friends including Liv and Amanda wolf whistle and squeal as they watched what was unfolding in front of them. You held your wrists out turned over for Rafael to cuff you with them,
“Don’t be too rough Officer”
“Don’t act innocent now, I know you like it rough” Rafael shot back with a grin making you laugh.
“Going to read me my rights?” You raised an eye brow as he clicked the second cuff on your wrist pulling you into his body, his lips at your ear,
“You have the right to remain silent unless you’re screaming my name, which tonight Hermosa, that’s the only thing you’ll be screaming”
Rafael nodded his head at the table with a smile, his hand going to the small of your back leading you out of the club after you looked over your shoulder yelling bye to them all. Rafael took the cuffs off once you got onto the street and then pulling you into a waiting cab and it taking off,
Rafael in a flash lent over his lips at your ear again, his breath fanning your neck sending goose bumps all over you,
“Be a good girl and don’t ask questions”
The cab pulled up in front of a hotel near central park, he paid the driver getting out walking around to your side opening the door and helping you out. Rafael pulled you towards the lifts pushing the up button. The lift came quickly and you both stepped in and Rafael pressed the 10th floor button. Rafael was looking forward in the lift with a straight face, you turned your head slightly eyeing him up in the full uniform and you whimpered feeling your panties dampen even more.
The lift arrived at the floor, Rafael’s hand going to the small of your back again leading you out of the lift and down the hall to a room door. Rafael reached into his pocket again pulling out a room key opening the door pushing you in. Once you were both inside Rafael shut the door and locked it and then walked up behind you as your eyes scanned the room, looking out the large window overlooking the park and the king size four poster bed. His lips were at your ear again, his body pressed against your back,
“Go and sit on the edge of the bed, now”
You did as he asked rushing over to the edge of the bed. You let your legs dangling over the edge. Rafael started to walk over to you slowly, his hands in his pockets as he came to stand in front of you, nudging your legs wide apart with his knee and moving to stand between them. You looked up at Rafael’s devilish grin as he pulled the police hat off his head and put it on yours, then running his pointer finger down your jaw, down the side of neck, stopping at the top of your cleavage,
“Is this a stop and frisk officer?” you purred looking up through you eye lashes at Rafael.
“Think I may have to do a full cavity search” Rafael smirked.
You giggled, blushing looking down and biting your lip. Rafael took a step back reaching down to grab one of your hands and pulled you to your feet,
“Hands on your head” Rafael barked at you.
You lifted your hands to rest on the back of your head. Rafael reached down to undo your shorts button and zipper pushing your shorts and panties down together and helped you step out of them and throwing them out of the way. He then moved onto the buttons of your shirt and you looked down whimpering watching his long fingers undoing the buttons one by one. Rafael let it fall open to your white lace bra, one hand reaching up to cup your breast pinching your nipples lightly through the lace and his other hand came down to run his fingers along your lower lips feeling how wet you were,
“Arms down and shirt off” Rafael said into your ear. Your hands dropped from the back of your head, shrugging off the shirt. You moaned loud as Rafael slid in two fingers hitting your sweet spot. “Bra off” he whispered again, his hand dropping from your breast down to your ass cheek gripping it tight while he thrusted his fingers into you fast, your knees trembling.
You let the bra slip off your shoulders throwing it somewhere near your other cloths. You then moved to throw the hat off your head and your hands came up to grab onto Rafael’s clothed shoulders, balling the police shirt into the balls of your hands,
“Oh Rafi” you moaned loud, your body burning and knees trembling.
You felt Rafael's hand leave your ass as it came back down delivering a sharp spank and you groaned your head falling back,
“Officer Barba to you naughty girl”
“Sorry Officer Barba” you whimpered out.
Your moans then filled the room when you felt the pad of his thumb touch your pulsing pearl circling it in time with his fingers and Rafael’s lips were at your ear again,
“When you come Y/N don’t hold back” His warm lips nipped at your ear lobe and he started to kiss down your neck.
Your knuckles were white from your hard grip and you pulled Rafael’s fully clothed body onto your bare one, the feeling of the cotton on your naked skin prickling your skin with goose bumps and your hips rolling down on his fingers. 
You couldn’t stop it, it hit you like lightening, your voice going horse while your release shot through you, Rafael whispering praises in your ear. When Rafael felt you starting to relax coming down from your high, he stepped away from you completely watching you trying to catch your breath,
“You were such a good girl”
“Did you find anything officer?” you said breathless with a smile and Rafael shock his head smirking.
“Hands behind your back” You did as he asked crossing your wrists behind your back resting them on your lower back and Rafael stepped close to you just enough to feel his body heat.
You watched on as he reached down undoing his belt buckle pulling it slowly out of all the loops of his pants seductively, his eyes intense and his smirk predatory throwing it on the floor. His hands then went to pull his shirt out of his pants and then to the top button starting to undo the buttons on his shirt,
“Should we have music on?” you chuckled.
Rafael raised and eye brow and stopped undoing his buttons,
“Hermosa I’ am an ADA not a striper” he scoffed “I can sto-“
“No” you almost yelled and he grinned “Sorry officer Barba continue”
“Good girl” Rafael continued to undo his shirt buttons till all the buttons were undone and his shirt fell open to his bare chest and you gasped, his chest one of your favourite parts of his body.
Rafael kissed your cheek as he shrugged off his shirt and then moved to undo the pants buttons and zipper pushing them and his boxers down, his hard cock shinning with pre cum standing tall ready to be inside of you. Rafael stepped right to you reaching behind you to grab your wrists wrapping his fingers around them. His lips crashing of yours kissing you deeply.
“If I keep being a good girl, think you can get the chargers dropped” you purred rubbing your nose over his.
“Let me fuck and I’ll make sure all this goes away” you nodded back “On the bed on your tummy”
You turned and walked to the bed getting onto it laying on your belly. You felt the bed dip near your feet and you gasped when you felt Rafael’s body heat and his lips landing on your skin as he made his way up your body trailing kisses as he went along. He got up near your middle straddling your back. Rafael hooked the chain of the cuffs over the bar at the head of the bed, then he grabbed one of your wrists bringing it up to cuff it and the done the same with the other, your top half arched up off the bed. 
Rafael kissed your neck and then your shoulder rubbing his big hands all over your skin before he moved off you and settled between your legs after he spread them wider. Rafael’s hand gripped onto your hips and pulled you up onto your knees, which gave you a better position to grip the bar with your hands.
You felt Rafael running his long hard cock along your opening before he pulled back slightly and thrusted up into you and your head dropped down your moans bouncing off the walls. Rafael’s started to pound into you with deep hard thrusts and his balls hitting against you.
One of Rafael’s hands slid up to the middle of your back pushing you down more, his other hand snaking around to circle your clit with his pointer finger as you started to push back into him hard, you both chasing your release.
Grunts, groans and skin slapping skin surrounded the room and you could feel how close it was to your coil snapping. Your body started to cover in sweat, as did Rafael’s. Your knuckles were white grabbing onto the head board,
“Don’t hold back mi Amor let everyone know how good your husband to be fucks you- How I’ am going to fuck you the rest of your life”
That’s all it took, you screamed Rafael’s name, you were sure the front desk would hear you. Your whole body was shaking and your mouth was wide open as Rafael keep thrusting into you, till you were brought back down from your high by his deep chesty roar as he came deep inside you, his seed painting your inner walls.
You were both breathless as Rafael pulled out and jumped up quickly grabbing the keys from his pants pockets and coming over to you unlocking the cuffs and you pushed yourself up resting back on your hunches. Rafael sat in front of you and grabbed your wrists turning them over to see if there was any red marks, lifting them both up to his lips kissing them both. Rafael then jumped up again walking over to your sash picking it up and putting it back on your naked body and he lent forward again kissing you deeply, one of his hands cupping your cheek,
“Had a good night my love?” Rafael rested his forehead on yours.
“I did, thank you so much Rafi” you peaked his lips.
“My last name looks good on you, two weeks and it will be yours” he grinned.
“Two weeks can’t go fast enough.”            
Tags: @detective-giggles @beccabarba  @witches-unruly-heart @dianilaws @scarletsoldierrr @lv7867  @permanentlydizzy @averyhotchner @infiniteoddball @fandom-princess-forevermore @madamsnape921 @annabelleb49 @alwaysachorusgirl @thatesqcrush @yourdearest-love
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