yahoo201027 · 1 year
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Day in Fandom History: October 3…
When Marco fails to get tickets for a movie with his favorite actor in it, in a surprising twist, Tom makes a visit and wants him, and not Star, to hang out, in which Marco begins to grow suspicious of him (Tom) wanting to hang with him (Marco). “Friendenemies” premiered on this day, 7 Years Ago.
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damianito · 1 year
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Selective Mute Aether my beloved
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thefabulousfab-3 · 6 months
Devi telling Ben that she never had sex with Paxton before her friends is just further proof that Devi can truly be herself with Ben.
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ai-higurashi · 1 year
Y'all are sleeping on the fact that Beakley and Duckworth were forced to live under the same roof for several years (my guess is about seven) with each other as the main company.
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kcuf-ad · 1 month
Ryoken may be Lolopechka's Number 1 Hater, however, if anyone else tries to talk shit about her, he will berate their ass to oblivion. Only he can hate on her.
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unhinged-greed · 5 months
@lettherebemonsters continue from here
Cute, just adorable. Lowkey amused by Adam's choice of words. Sure he was roasting the hell outta Mammon but throw Oz's name in there and the roast makes this guy chuckle. Mammon summoned his own guitar and began tuning it. So this is how it's gonna go down eh?
As Adam started playing the music with loud volume Mammon didn't even flinch, surely did few steps around to avoid getting hit by shattered pieces of glass. He just let the other take the lead as he looked at him with rather amused expression on his face. This-.. was gonna be fun!
"Oh you started already or was this jus' a cry of a help from little untalented bitch who NEEDS an actual talented musical genius to wrap this shit show up?" He was so not gonna let Adam walk over him like this!
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After a short while Mammon joined in with guitar tunes and joins in like he owns the show!
"Welcome to the freakshow This is where the freaks go This is the place That they can never take away Welcome to the freakshow We don't ever need, no One to tell us who to be, how to think I don't care what they believe
Oh, oh, oh Welcome to the freakshow" ♪
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coldgoldlazarus · 1 year
Honestly, the other big thing aside from Pennyvival I want out of next Volume? And this one at least I can be sure I'll get:
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picturejasper20 · 4 months
So @murcielagatito recently made a post talking about the Phandom and how it is weird that the Phandom created a character like Wes to be someone who investigates who Phantom is when there are characters like Paulina and Valerie in canon that can fit that role.
I want to talk about some of the characterization/moments that Paulina has in the series since we are already familiar with Valerie and i think she fits better as friendenemy- antagonist turned ally role but that's on me.
So one thing about Paulina is that she has a huge crush on Phantom but not on Danny Fenton. In Season 1 episode ¨Lucky in Love¨ has near the ending showing that she has somewhat of an altar dedicated to Phantom in her locker.
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So we know from this that she is really into Phantom and she seems to idolize him. I wouldn't say that she is obsessed with him, more like she just really likes him.
This alone builds some potential cool interactions between Danny and Paulina because of how she sees the two halves of who Danny is so differently. For her Danny is a huge loser and Phantom is a hero/idol.
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Another very interesting is that in ¨Memory Blank¨ Paulina invites the Phantom trio to her quinceañera (15th birthday), which leaves the teens confused of why she is doing this if she doesn't like them much. Paulina then says the following:
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She explains to them that she is inviting Danny because she has noticed a connection between Phantom showing up whenever Danny is close by, so she thinks that way if Danny comes, Phantom is likely going to be there too.
This is worth of noting because not many characters in the series realize this or go to this level to being this close to figuring out that Danny is Phantom, not even Valerie with her technology used to be this precise.
These things alone can set up for potential things to work with, with Paulina finding out who Phantom is and some potential character development for her.
Now this crush thing she has was clearly inspired by Lois Lane from Superman- but it could be written to be one sided crush and her staying friends with Danny after she learns his secret. It could also be changed in a way she really looks up to Phantom and she would like to be more like him. So it doesn't have to rely on the romance stuff that much.
What i'm trying to say is that Paulina as character has more potential to fit the role ¨person who investigates Phantom¨ than instead having to... use a character that isn't even in the series. Plus, it could give some good character development she needs- considering that in the series she was mostly a static character.
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tayrae515imagines · 1 year
Only Bought This Dress So You Could Take It Off.
Requested: Nope! I just love Jake Seresin.
Warnings: Language. Mentions of death. Losing a parent. Brief mentions of smut. Non-consensual  touching (on the face for about two seconds.) Poorly grieving with death. Probably grammar, spelling or punctuation errors. Just go with it. 
Pairing: Jake Seresin x Fem!Kazansky!Reader (Call Sign: Frosty)
Type: Angst with a happy ending 
Summary: Inspired heavily on Dress by Taylor Swift. 
Y/N’s relationship with the one and only Jake Seresin has always been difficult to say the least. The two banter back and forth, constantly flirting or taunting each other. They have never been more than friendenemies at best until one day they weren’t and Y/N finds herself yearning for the one man who drives her absolutely crazy. 
Authors Note:  So I have seen Top Gun Maverick about twelve+ times since it came out about a year ago now. I just love it so much. It has easily become one of my favorite movies. From the storyline to the characters and overall movie aesthetic. I have spent the past few weeks reading nothing but Jake fics and felt like writing one myself. 
I have not written anything in a very very veryyyy long time. So this honestly could be bad. But, with that being said, I am so happy with the direction this went in and it feels good to have written again. Please let me know your thoughts. :) I do also want to point out I have somewhat changed the timeline of the movie to fit my story. Thank you so much for reading!
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Our secret moments in your crowded room
They got no idea about me and you
There is an indentation in the shape of you
Made your mark on me, a golden tattoo
“You know, sometimes it physically pains me to hold back my sarcastic remarks around you.”
“Don’t hold back on my account darlin’.” That sickeningly sweet, southern draw floats by Y/N’s ear, making the girl roll her eyes.
The voice belongs to none other than Jake “Hangman” Seresin. The one person who seems to always get under Y/N’s skin despite her normally unbothered demeanor. 
Frosty was the callsign Y/N had been gifted. Partly due to her cold and calm demeanor and another part due to her infamous father Tom “Iceman” Kazansky. Y/N had grown up admiring her father, wanting nothing more than to be like him one day. From a very young age the girl knew she was meant to be a pilot.
There was no denying that Y/N was given chances others weren’t but that didn’t mean the girl didn’t work just as hard as others, if not harder. Which is how she ended up back at Top Gun among the best of the best. One of which just happened to be the only man who managed to drive her mad. 
“Bagman..I mean this in the most unloving way. Fuck off.” 
“You wound me Frost.” The man put a hand over his heart in mock heartbreak. The girl rolled her eyes again as Jake leaned closer. “But if I’m going to fuck anything, it’s you.” 
Y/N could feel the smirk on Jake’s face without even facing him. The girl was used to being flirted with, Navy men could be pigs at times. Normaly, it didn’t phase her in the slightest but for some reason, when it came to Jake Fucking Seresin, she just couldn’t help the flutter she felt in her heart.
 “In your dreams Seresin.” She managed to get out, desperately trying to hide the blush rising on her cheeks. 
“Trust me darlin, it is.” He winked and walked out of the room. Leaving Y/N to let out the breath she didn’t even realize she had been holding. The only thing the girl knew for sure, is no one has ever made her heart race like he did. 
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All of this silence and patience, pining in anticipation
My hands are shaking from holding back from you (ah, ah, ah)
All of this silence and patience, pining and desperately waiting
My hands are shaking from all this (ah, ha, ha, ha)
The day was hot and that was putting it mildly. When you pair the sweltering California heat with the suffocating flight suit and heavy helmet, the weather felt like hell.
All Y/N wanted to do was get to the locker room and take a shower. The girl wanted it so bad she could imagine the shocking feel of ice cold water against her sweat covered skin. That thought alone brought a smile to her face. After a long day of stressful training, she just wanted to relax. Unfortunately for her, someone had other plans.
“We all know you are only in this program because your daddy pulled some strings. You can pretend otherwise but I know the truth.” The deep voice floats down the hall behind Y/N, causing the girl to turn around with a raised brow. 
“Do you think you are the first person to have said that to me?” The girl crossed her arms, glaring at the man standing in front of her. She recognized him from around base. She couldn’t pinpoint exactly what he did here but in her defense, she had been too busy with training and class to meet many people other than her teammates.
“Probably not but it doesn’t make it less true. You don’t deserve to be here.” 
“Listen fucker. I have had a rough day. I am hot, I am hungry, and I am tired. I do not need to stand here and justify myself to some dip shit who decided to share his opinion with the class. Just walk away.” 
The man smirked and stepped closer to Y/N, forcing her back towards the cold beige wall as she moved to step away from him. His grimy hands reached out and stroked the girl's cheek. “I think you just need to be taught a lesson, maybe put that dirty mouth to work on something else.” 
“You son of a bit-”
“Is everything alright here?” That familiar voice rings out, causing Y/N to turn her head towards the tall figure walking in her direction. 
“Yeah  man, me and my girl were just chatting.” The shorter man, Y/N had mentally nicknamed douchebag said. 
“Funny. Doesn’t look like Frost is in the mood to chat with you.” Jake walked closer, physically moving douchebags hand away from the girl. “I also heard everything you said..if you’re going to talk shit, maybe make sure you don’t have an audience. I doubt you would want admiral Simpson or captain Mitchell to find out how you treat one of your coworkers. Sounds like grounds for dismissal to me.”
At Jake's words, douchebag pales, taking another step back. “Look I’m sorry I-”
“If I ever hear you talking about my friend again, I will personally make sure you never talk again. Frost is a better pilot than most of us, hell she is a better pilot than me. Now if you ever touch her again, I will leave you so unrecognizable, your mother won’t be able to identify the body. Get the hell out of here before I show you I’m serious.” Jake growled out the words and the other man ran off. Letting out a breath, Jake  turned towards the girl and calmed down. “You alright Frosty?” 
“I could have handled that prick.”
Jake smirked at the girl and tilted his head. “You know, a thank you would suffice.”
Y/N sighed and looked up at Jake. “Thank you Hangman.” 
“Anything for you darlin. Only I am allowed to taunt you.” He trailed his green eyes down her face, taking in every feature until he stopped at her soft lips. 
“My knight in shining armor.” The girl meant to be sarcastic but the words came out in no more than a soft breath, her own gaze going to Jake’s lips. “You said I’m a better pilot than you.”
“Did I?” Jake said softly, brushing some hair out of the girl's face as the two drifted towards each other, lips almost touching until a bang of a door had them jumping away from each other. 
“There you are Frosty, I’ve been looking for you all day. Let's go get lunch.” Rooster made his way over, throwing an arm around his best friend, oblivious that he just ruined the moment. “Hangman.” He nodded at the blonde and led the girl out, talking her ear off about god knows what. 
Y/N couldn’t focus on a thing Rooster said as she glanced back at the man she left alone in the hall. Her eyes connected with his green ones, the look in them so intense and full of longing, she had to look away. 
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Say my name and everything just stops
I don't want you like a best friend
Only bought this dress so you could take it off
Take it off
Carve your name into my bedpost
'Cause I don't want you like a best friend
Only bought this dress so you could take it off
Take it off
“Hangman, hottie checking you out at 12 o’clock.” Coyote said, interrupting Y/N’s thoughts as the girl stared at the cold beer in her hand. The dagger squad had decided to utilize their day off with a trip to The Hard Deck. The group hadn’t been there long before practically all of the women (and some men) in the bar started giving suggestive looks to the team. Y/N really couldn’t blame them. Everyone on her team was unnaturally attractive. 
“Oh trust me Coyote. I saw her. And I think the lady looks thirsty, maybe I should fix that.” Jake smirked and walked over to his admirer. 
Y/N tried desperately not to stare at them but she just couldn't look away. The brunette's hand, resting on Jake's arm as she gave him a flirty smile. Y/N didn’t need to see Jake's face to know he was eating this up. 
Y/N couldn’t understand why she felt a pang in her chest at seeing him flirting with someone else. It’s not much of a secret that Jake is a flirt. And it’s not like she had any sort of relationship with Jake other than friendenemies, if you can even call it that. 
“Frost there is a cutie staring at you too.” Phoenix spoke up, grabbing Y/N’s attention away from Jake. The girl followed the direction Phoenix was looking in and sure enough, a tall dark haired man shot her a wink. “Go get him to buy you a drink.” Phoenix smirked and helped the girl up. 
Sucking in a breath, Y/N put on her best confident smile and walked towards the man. 
“Hello gorgeous. Sorry for staring, I just couldn’t look away from you.” 
“Yeah, I know the feeling.” Y/N said softly.
“Can I buy you a drink?”
“Sure, I’d like that.” Y/N gave the man a genuine smile and sat down at the bar next to him. 
The conversation was pleasant enough. The man who Y/N learned was named Greg, made her laugh. But the same gnawing feeling ached within her..he was kind, funny, handsome even. But he was no Jake. 
“Would you like to dance Y/N?” Greg smiles brightly, holding his hand out while his blue eyes sparkled under the bar lights. 
“Sure.” Y/N finished off her beer and walked towards the jukebox with Greg, his hands resting on her hips while she wrapped her arms around his neck. “I’m a horrible dancer so this swaying is the most you’re getting out of me.” The girl laughed softly.
“I’ll take anything you’re willing to give me as long as I can hold you this close.” Greg smiled and pulled her closer to him, his eyes drifting down to her lips. 
Y/N could tell Greg wanted to kiss her and maybe a part of her wanted him to. But, every urge the girl felt to make a move with Greg, she felt a more intense one to run towards Jake.
 It was a stupid ache that she couldn’t shake and the most infuriating thing about it was she didn’t understand why. Most of the conversations Y/N and Jake had were them taunting each other. When did taunting turn into more for her and does Jake feel the same? She doubted it by the way he had flocked to the first pretty girl to bat her eyes at him. That thought alone made her move towards Greg and pull back from her Jake filled thoughts. 
“You can kiss me Greg.” The girl said softly, looking at his lips. Greg didn’t need to be told twice. He leaned in slowly, trying to savor the moment and right as their lips were about to touch, that familiar honeyed voice Y/N has grown to crave,  rang out next to her. 
Y/N pulled back slowly, turning towards Jake. “I’m a little busy here Hangman.”
“Yeah, I see that.” Jake said flatly, not sparing a glance at Greg. “I was just wondering if your little dance partner knew about your extremely high risk job and the ramifications of dating a pilot. Especially a pilot like you.” 
“What is that supposed to mean?” Y/N gritted her teeth and looked up at him. 
Greg looked between you both and moved his hands off your hips. “Look, you’re great Y/N. Really great, but I don't want to get involved in the middle of this.” He motioned between the two pilots. “It was nice to meet you, thank you for a fun night.” He kissed her cheek and walked off. 
“What the hell was that?!” Y/N turned to Jake, anger burning in her eyes. 
“I was just trying to stop you from making a mistake, Frosty. You can do better than that guy.”
“You don’t know a thing about him. God, that’s not even an opinion for you to have! You just wanted to be an ass per usual and ruin my night. Well great fucking job Hangman, you succeeded so you can run back to your new lady friend and leave me the hell alone!” The girl stormed out the bar doors, anger coursing through her so strongly, she was shaking.
 Unbeknownst to her, Jake followed her right out those doors. He wasn’t about to let her leave when she was so angry. 
“Please Jake just go inside and leave me alone.” Y/N turned away from him, wiping the tears off her cheeks that were now freely flowing from her eyes. 
Everything was just too much. Too much disappointment, too much heartbreak, and too much yearning for something she couldn’t have. 
“Y/N.” Jake gently put his hand on her shoulder, turning the girl to face him. “I’m sorry I ruined your night darlin. That was not my intention.”
“No? Then what was your intention Jake because I do not understand.” Y/N wiped the last of her tears away and looked up into Jake’s green eyes. “I don’t understand any of this.” 
“I was jealous.” 
“Jealous? Jake, what are you talking about? You are the one who went to flirt with that gorgeous girl!”
“No, I didn’t. I bought her a drink, told her I appreciate her interest but it would never work out with us because I am crazy about someone else! I told her I knew another wonderful man she would like and introduced her to Bob! They are still in there talking if you don’t believe me. I wanted to talk to you! I wanted to flirt with you!  And I wanted to dance with you but when I found you, some other guy was trying to kiss you and it drove me crazy!”
All the breath left Y/N when she saw the sincerity in Jake’s eyes. Jake gently cupped the girls cheek, wiping away any stray tears. “I only want you darlin, and it drives me absolutely mad. I can’t sleep, I can’t eat. All I can do is think about you and it has been that way since I met you.”
“Since you met me?” The girl gave him an amused smile.
“Oh yeah.” Jake flashed her his toothy grin. “Apparently you telling me to fuck off really got me hooked on you.”
Y/N laughed and moved closer to Jake. “Well apparently your asshole ways worked on me too. I didn’t want him, I just wanted a distraction from you.”
“I’m going to kiss you now Darlin.”
“Please do Jake.” 
Jake wasted no time. He pulled the girl flush against him and connected their mouths. His lips warm against hers, breathing each other in with the intensity of the kiss. At that moment, there was no such thing as enough. The couple couldn’t get close enough, couldn’t kiss hard enough. Couldn’t get enough of each other. 
Soon Jake had Y/N pressed against his truck, her dress riding dangerously high up on her thigh. Jake pulled back from the kiss just enough to whisper against the girl's now puffy lips. “I love this fucking dress on you. It’s been killing me all night.” 
“Good.” Y/N whispered back. “I bought it for you.” 
Jake groaned and played with the hemmed edge of her red sundress. “Let me take it off.”
“Fuck, yes please.” The girl groaned and moved a hand into his hair. 
Jake opened the back door to his truck and set the girl inside gently before hovering over her. He pushed the skirt up to her hips, exposing a pair of lace panties. Jake groaned when he noticed the wet spot, darkening the blue lace. “Fuck darlin, did I make you this wet?”
“Yes Jake, only you.” Y/N moaned as the man ran his finger over her clothed slit. 
Jake looked down at the girl, a smirk plastered on his face. “All mine pretty girl. You’re all mine.”
“Yours.” Y/N breathed, looking into his love filled green eyes. “I’m all yours.”
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Inescapable, I'm not even gonna try
And if I get burned, at least we were electrified
I'm spilling wine in the bathtub
You kiss my face and we're both drunk
Everyone thinks that they know us
But they know nothing about
The temperature outside was getting increasingly warmer and Y/N’s father, Iceman decided to have the dagger squad over for a pool party. The older man wanted to meet her team and more importantly, the man who had stolen his daughter's heart. 
Y/N never openly told her parents about her new boyfriend but they knew her well. Especially her father. He saw the way the girl's eyes lit up whenever she talked about a certain pilot and he couldn’t help but want to know more. 
The devastating reality was that he didn’t have much time left. But, with what he did have, he wanted to make sure his daughter was putting her faith in the right people. Iceman was no stranger to the egos aviators could have and his little girl had worked her ass off to get where she was. She had proven herself to be more than just her last name. He had to make sure that this Hangman had no intention of hurting her. The other part of him was just genuinely curious. He had never seen her act this way about a boyfriend before. 
For a short time when Y/N was growing up, Iceman thought maybe her childhood friend Bradley Bradshaw could be the one. He changed his mind when he saw that the two were better in a platonic way. Sometimes even referring to each other as brother and sister. 
“Dad, can I get you another drink?” Y/N walked outside to where Iceman was sitting with Rooster. 
“No, I’m alright sweetheart.” He smiled softly at his daughter.
“If you’re offering, I’ll take another beer.” Rooster spoke up.
“I don’t remember offering you one Roos but fine. Because I’m in a good mood.” She teased and walked back to the kitchen to grab herself and Rooster a drink. 
Iceman turned to Rooster after he made sure Y/N had left. “Tell me about this Hangman I keep hearing about.”
“Hangman? Why do you want to know about him?” Rooster finished off the rest of his current beer and looked at Iceman “Wait..Hangman is Frosty’s mystery man?”
“It seems that way. I can tell by the way she talks about him.” 
“I should have seen that coming with the way those two teased each other.” Rooster leaned back in his chair and sighed. “If you asked me a few months ago I would tell you he was the worst. But he has changed. Especially around her. I thought it was just because they had been flying together more. Obviously that's not it.” Rooster pushed the aviators up his nose. “He has an ego, but, he’s kinda like young Mav from the stories you’ve told me. He likes to push limits and always be the best but he is reliable at the end of the day, if they really are together, he’d do anything for her. I know he would. You know I love Frosty and if I thought he’d hurt her, well I’d be trying to drown him in the pool when he gets here.”
“I might have just let you.” Iceman smiled slightly, sipping his iced tea. 
“Frosty can handle herself and I trust Hangman with her. I don’t think you have anything to worry about.” 
“I’m glad to hear it.” 
“Glad to hear what?” Y/N walked over, claiming one of the empty chairs at the table while she handed Rooster his beer. 
“Nothing sweetheart.” Ice smiled and looked towards the kitchen. “Does your mother need any help?” 
“Nope, Phoenix and Bob have taken over the kitchen with her. Mom also said and I quote. “If your father tries to get up and help me instead of relaxing, I will wack him on the head.” I think it’s safe to assume she wants you to stay sitting today.”
 Iceman laughed softly and nodded. “I love that woman.” 
“I know you do, dad.” Y/N smiled and put her hand over his, occasionally glancing towards the front door, waiting for that familiar blonde to show up. 
“Looking for someone?” Rooster smirked and nudged Y/N’s arm.
“No..why are you both being weird?” 
“No reason.” Rooster smirked again and sipped his beer, sharing a glance with the older man. 
“Okay you are being very cryptic today Roos. It’s weird. Knock it off..” Y/N trailed off when she heard the sweet sound of that southern draw she loved so much. “Hangman is here.” She stood quickly and walked to greet him. She thought she was being sneaky with her emotions, but her father did not miss the sparkle of absolute love in her eyes.
All of this silence and patience, pining in anticipation
My hands are shaking from holding back from you (ah, ah, ah)
All of this silence and patience, pining and desperately waiting
My hands are shaking from all this (ah, ha, ha, ha)
“You’re here.” Y/N smiled, walking into the living room where Jake stood with her mother. 
“Course I am Frost. I’d never say no to a party and I’m very eager to meet your parents.” He smiled at Y/N and turned to her mother “I brought these for you mam, as a thank you for having me in your home.” He held up the small bouquet of flowers he had meticulously picked out before coming over. 
“Oh that is so sweet! Thank you Jake. Please make yourself at home and let me know if you need anything.” She started walking towards the kitchen to put the flowers in a vase but turned back to her daughter before reaching the room. ‘I like him’ she mouthed, causing Y/N to blush and turn back to the man in front of her. 
“So you are on a first name basis with my mom already. Impressive.” 
“What can I say? Ladies find me charming. And Sarah is a peach.” He flashed her a grin and brushed his hand against hers. “I missed you.” 
“I missed you too Jake. Thank you for coming..I mean it.” 
“Honey you know I wouldn’t miss this, it’s important to you.” He took her hand and kissed it gently. “I will admit, I am slightly nervous to meet your father.” 
“Oh yeah? That’s adorable.” She smirked up at him. 
“I am adorable, it’s a known fact.” Jake smirked and pinched her hip with his free hand. “So are you going to show me your childhood bedroom? I am excited to see it..do you have boy band posters?” 
“Shut up Jake.” She laughed softly. “Rooster is outback with my dad. I think Coyote made his way out there too. I’ll grab you a beer and we can go out there?”
“Sounds perfect pretty girl.” He kissed her cheek gently and walked outback with her after stopping to get him a beverage. 
“Dad this is Jake Seresin, callsign Hangman. He’s a part of my squad and…my boyfriend.” She cleared her throat and looked around at everyone who had joined them outside. 
“Boyfriend? Since when?!” Phoenix whispered to Bob who shrugged behind them.
“Since our night at The Hard Deck Phoenix. You didn’t notice?” He whispered back.
“But that was almost a month ago…” She mumbled.
“It’s an honor to meet you sir.” Jake ignored his friends surprise and held his hand out with a smile. 
“You as well son. I have heard some incredible things about you.” Iceman took his hand and shook it, motioning to an empty chair with his other hand. 
“Are you bragging about me darlin?” Jake grinned and looked at Y/N, taking a seat at the table. 
“Absolutely not, your ego does not need to get any bigger.” Y/N playfully scoffed and took her own seat by him. 
“It’s cute that you’re impressed by me. I’m impressed by you too.” He grinned and took her hand, kissing it softly. 
Iceman watched the way Jake held her hand so tenderly and looked at Y/N with the same love sick expression the girl had shown for him earlier. It was clear to her father from that moment he truly had nothing to worry about. Jake Seresin was in love with his daughter and she was in love with him. 
Say my name and everything just stops
I don't want you like a best friend
Only bought this dress so you could take it off
Take it off
Carve your name into my bedpost
'Cause I don't want you like a best friend
Only bought this dress so you could take it off
Take it off
Only bought this dress so you could take it off
Only bought this dress so you could take it off
The bright sun had faded into warm hues of orange and pink, reflecting off the crisp blue pool water as Y/N leaned against Jake. The man’s hand played with her fingers as he held her close, absolutely at peace. 
“Yes baby?”
“Are you happy?” The girl turned in his arms gently, looking into his gorgeous green eyes. 
“Are you kidding me? Of course I’m happy. I have you.” He brought a hand up and cupped her cheek gently. “Why are you asking?” 
“I don’t know. This all just feels too good to be true. Today was great and I’m slightly convinced this is a dream. It could be all the alcohol though.”
Jake let out a soft chuckle and pinched the girl's hip, causing her to pout at him. “Not a dream darlin. This is real.” He leaned his head down and kissed her once. “This is all I have wanted for years. Even when we were stationed apart. I craved you. I knew even then that I wanted you to be mine. I plan on putting a ring on this finger someday Y/N. That is how crazy I am about you.” He took her hand again and kissed her ring finger. 
“You’re going to make me cry.” Y/N laughed softly and leaned her head on his. 
Jake chuckled and kissed the girl’s hand once more. “One day. I promise.” 
“One day.” Y/N smiled widely and kissed both of Jake’s cheeks. “I should go see if my mom needs help with the dishes.” Y/N slowly moved out of Jake's arms. “Do you want anything else to drink?”
“I’m alright darlin.” He smiled and kissed her hand before letting her go, unaware of Iceman making his way over.
“I’ve never seen her this happy before.” Iceman said and took a seat next to Jake. “Thank you for making her smile like that. It makes me feel better knowing she will have you.”
“You don’t have to thank me for loving her. I couldn’t help it even if I wanted to. She is the most wonderful woman I have ever met.”
Iceman smiled and patted Jake’s arm. “She is wonderful. But you still chose to be there for her every day. It means a lot to me and my wife. You are exactly the type of man I was hoping she would end up with.” Iceman sighed softly. “I don’t have much time left son. I know my family will be devastated which breaks my heart more than I can express, but when it comes to Y/N, I am worried. She shuts down. She pushes people away when she needs them most, she has done it since she was a child. I’m not sure if it makes her feel protected or if she thinks she needs to heal alone but I don't want that for her. Do not let her push you away. She needs you, and son, I can tell you need her too. Promise me?” 
Jake turned to Iceman and swallowed down his emotion, eyes shining with unshed tears. 
“I promise sir.” 
“Thank you. You’re a good man Jake Seresin.” Iceman smiled and patted his shoulder again. 
“I-I know this is a bit premature but I fully intend on marrying your daughter one day sir. Maybe I am a bit old fashioned but I think it is respectable to get your permission first.” 
“You have it son.” Iceman smiled warmly and stood slowly. “Now if you’ll excuse me, all this talk about love has me missing my wife.” The older man made his way inside to find his wife as Jake watched, hoping one day this would be him and Y/N.
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Flashback when you met me
Your buzzcut and my hair bleached
Even in my worst times
You could see the best of me
Flashback to my mistakes
My rebounds, my earthquakes
Even in my worst lies
You saw the truth in me
And I woke up just in time
Now I wake up by your side
My one and only, my lifeline
I woke up just in time
Now I wake up by your side
My hands shake, I can't explain this ah, ha, ha, ha
Y/N has barely spoken a word since she got the news. Now, standing next to her mother and siblings, staring at her fathers casket, she feels like she may never speak again. The air around them holds solemn tension as people mourn. Tears fall but it’s nothing but quiet for the man being laid to rest. 
As the flag is being folded and the trumpets are playing, Y/N absentmindedly pinches her arm, desperately trying to wake up from this nightmare. She had just talked to her father last night, they made plans. The reality of him being gone just seemed too unreal for Y/N to fathom. 
It wasn’t fair. Nothing about this was remotely fair and it drove Y/N crazy. Her father was one of the most caring and wonderful people she had ever had the luck of knowing. He didn’t deserve this. 
Tears fell down her cheeks and Y/N let them flow freely. The girl felt numb and something as simple as wiping them away felt impossible. She felt heavy, wondering if the crowd around her could tell she was dying inside. 
“Y/N, can you hear me?” The words broke through the surface of her numbness, bringing the girl back to the present as she looked up to Maverick standing in front of her. 
“Sorry..I’m sorry.” She said softly and wiped her tears quickly. 
“Don’t apologize. You just lost your father..I know how that feels and if you need anything, you know you can talk to me.” Maverick rubbed the girl's arm gently. 
“Thank you Uncle Mav. I’m going to be okay..they need me to be.” She breathed out, looking towards her crying mother. 
“Y/N, you do not need to be strong for anyone right now.” 
“I’m fine Mav.” She snapped and sighed in regret. “I’m sorry..”
“It’s okay sweetheart.” Mav hugged her softly, only letting go when he noticed Jake and Bradley approaching. The tallest of the pair pulled Y/N into his arms tightly, whispering comforting things into her hairline while the girl stayed stiff, drifting back into the heavy waters. 
Jake noticed almost immediately and patted Bradley’s shoulder. “Can you give us a minute Rooster?”
Bradley nodded slowly and let the girl go. “I’m going to check on your mom but if you need me, just yell.” He kissed her head and led Mav over to the girl's family. 
Jake cupped the girl's face gently, wiping away some stray tears. “Hi baby”
Y/N looked up at Jake, bottom lip wobbling as she felt overwhelming tears coming. “Will you take me home? Please?” 
“Of course baby. Whatever you need.”
“I can’t have what I need.” The girl whispered out, her gaze floating towards the casket once again.
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Days passed in a blur and Y/N was merely surviving. 
She stuck to her routine. Eat, when she could stomach it. Sleep, when she could turn her mind off. Work, when she wasn’t grounded, which was all the time lately. People were worried about her. From Admiral Simpson, to Maverick, to the dagger squad,  they did not want the girl in the air. 
The person who was most worried, of course, was Jake. He could see her pulling away, closing herself off and trying to heal on her own just like Iceman had warned him would happen.
He had been staying at the girl's place for over a week just to keep an eye on her. Jake didn’t push her at first. He gave her some time to digest everything while he watched from the distance, making sure she didn’t drift too far into herself. But he saw her getting pulled under the surface of those internal waves. He could see her drowning. And enough was enough. 
“Frosty, darlin, I made your favorite for dinner.” Jake called out while walking towards the living room where the girl was seated on the couch. 
“I’m not hungry Jake.”
“You haven’t eaten anything all day Y/N. Just come take a few bites. I won’t be offended if you don’t finish it all. I do have to warn you though, I am an excellent cook.” He sat on the couch by her and put a hand on her knee gently.
“I said I’m not hungry!” Y/N snapped and stood quickly, his hand falling from her knee. 
“Y/N..I’m just trying to help.”
“Well I don’t need your help Jake. I am a grown woman and I can take care of myself. Just go home. Please!” 
“No.” Jake said quickly and stood. 
“No? This is my apartment!”
“I’m well aware Y/N but I am not leaving you like this. I am not letting you push me away because you think that is easier. I promised your father I wouldn’t let that happen.”
“You w-what?” Y/N looked up at Jake, tears building up in her sore eyes. 
“He made me promise because he knew you well. I told him I would not let you self-destruct and I am keeping that promise.”
“Well you’re off the hook now, he’s dead so he’ll never know! “
“God damnit Y/N.” Jake stepped closer to her and took both her hands in his. “Even if I didn’t make that promise I would still be here taking care of you.” 
“Why? Why am I here for you? Because I love you Y/N! I want to be here for you. I want to hold you and take care of you. I want to bring you back to yourself because this is not you. You are mourning and that is understandable but you are barely living right now. You haven’t called your mom back in days. Your mother who you used to talk to every damn day. Fuck, Y/n, you have Cyclone worried that is how messed up you are right now. So please, if you can’t do this for yourself, do it for everyone who loves you including your dad because I know he is watching over you. Let me help you heal.”
“I miss him.” Y/N broke down in sobs, gripping the man's shirt for support. 
“I know sweetheart. I know.” He pulled her into his arms and rubbed her back. 
“I’m sorry.” 
“It’s okay Y/N.” He kissed her head gently. 
“I love you so much Jake.” She clung to him as he let her sob. Body shaking, gut wrenching sobs. But Jake never let go. 
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Say my name and everything just stops
I don't want you like a best friend
Only bought this dress so you could take it off
Take it off
Carve your name into my bedpost
'Cause I don't want you like a best friend
Only bought this dress so you could take it off
Take it off
Three months later and Y/N was feeling like her old self again. She had reconnected with her teammates, spent time with her family, and was even flying again. The pain of losing her father had not left completely. The absence of him was still very much felt, but the pain wasn’t crippling anymore. She had a life to live and she knew Iceman would want her to make the most of it. 
Tonight in particular was special. The dagger squad was currently occupying most of The Hard Deck, celebrating a successful mission. Music was loud, drinks were flowing, and the company was comforting.  
Y/N felt at home among her found family. She sang along with Rooster when he played Great Balls of Fire, like he always does. She danced with Bob, beat Javy at pool with Phoenix, and was smiling so much, her face hurt. 
After all of the sorrow and heartbreak, this was what she needed. By the end of the night, the girl was feeling lighter than she had in months. Jake noticed it too. He could see the sparkle in her eyes, the light in her smile. It pulled on his heart, just making him fall more hopelessly in love with her. 
“You’re staring at me honey. It’s getting weird now.” Y/N approached Jake and handed him a fresh beer. 
“I can’t help myself darlin. You’re stunning.” He put a hand on her lower back and pulled her to him. 
“My, my Hangman. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were smitten.”
“Baby I am hopeless when it comes to you. Head over heels, willing to do some embarrassing stuff to prove my love to you kind of hopeless.” 
The girl tipped her head back and laughed softly, the sound music to Jake’s ears. “What kind of embarrassing stuff?”
“We’ll have to find out another day.” Jake kissed her nose.
Y/N laughed again, leaning into him. “I love you Jake.” 
“I love you too Y/N.” He kissed her once and leaned his head on hers, pulling the girl ever closer than before. 
Y/N looked up at him, eyes bright and smile wide. “You still want to marry me?”
“One day” Jake smiled down at the girl, wrapping his arms around her.
“One day.” Y/N smiled up at him, completely oblivious to the diamond ring burning a hole in Jake’s pocket. 
There is an indentation in the shape of you
Only bought this dress so you could take it off
You made your mark on me, golden tattoo
Only bought this dress so you could take it off
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gl1tt3r-m00nz · 1 year
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Happy Friendenemies dayy!!
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oneknightstand-if · 5 days
I be shipping Merlin x Adrian cuz is such a strangers(? To enemies(? (Friendenemies(? To lovers rollercoaster and for now it would make zero sense to ship them but that i think is the whole point
May or may not write a fanfic (can i write a fic bout them?)
Sure, feel free to write and a fanfic and then send me the URL to it so that I can stick it in the oks-fanstuff tag.
Meanwhile, Adrian...
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yahoo201027 · 2 years
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Day in Fandom History: October 3…
When Marco failed to get tickets for a movie with his favorite actor in it, in a surprising twist, Tom makes a visit and wants him, and not Star, to hang out, in which Marco begins to grow suspicious of him (Tom) wanting to hang with him (Marco). “Friendenemies” premiered on this day, 6 Years Ago.
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damianito · 1 year
Am I considering watching BSD because of your art? Perhaps
WELCOME TO THE HELL THAT IT IS BUNGOU STRAY DOGS. We ourselves dont even know how to explain the plot. It's entertaining.
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My exact face as I rewatch Friendenemies
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pupcat · 8 months
Ponymonium and Friendenemies don't really have much to offer lore wise, but there's two small moments there that reminds me of Skywynne, specifically her spells.
In Ponymonium, King Ponyhead seem to have made food rain down from their cloud ceiling and Skywynne made a spell like it(unlike their spell however, Skywynne seem to only be able to make one food item rain down)
In Friendenemies, Tom resurrected Marco's idol Mackie Hand as a reanimated corpse and again Skywynne has a spell like it(Tom's ritual has less steps than Skywynne's but seem extremely exhausting to do but it may be because he is still a child)
Coincidentally, and this is why I want to bring them up, these are the same kingdoms allied with the Butterfly's for generations, since her son, the assigned envoy, successfully got their help for the monsters invading the Butterfly kingdom.
Could Jushtin perhaps gifted the Ponyheads and the Lucitor's her mother's spells as abilities in exchange for alliance? After all, you have to wonder what could the Butterfly's have offered for the Ponyheads and Lucitors to accept being allied with a warmongering genocidal queen, and have that alliance last for generations.
But those spells don't seem out of place on their respective kingdoms, having a spell to make food rain down from the sky seem natural for people living in the sky, and having a spell to resurrect the dead makes sense for demons to have.
Then again Skywynne never said she was inspired by them, I got the impression from her that she created them on her own, and if spells like those already exist she would have likely heard of them, but you know she is also secretive according to her aureole sign (but she is fine with writing down her stalkerish behavior), so I'm not sure what could be the case.
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hazelsmirrorball · 2 years
The Red Container
summary: Jason wants to return the favor his “friendenemy” gave him on thanksgiving.
pairing: Jason Todd x Fem!Vigilante reader
a/n: Merry Christmas! Since I’m in a joyful mood this year I decided to do a little Christmas series. I will try to upload them everyday. So if you have a request don’t be shy. December 1st and I'm starting with this banger.
previous imagine. 
christmas masterlist.
part 1
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Y/n  dangle her legs on one of Gotham's buildings, the night had been very slow and quite honestly, as much as she  liked Gotham being crime free, Y/n couldn’t stand the quietness that surrounded the night. It drove her  insane. But that’s when she felt it, a tall presence behind her. Y/n slowly turned around to notice the familiar red helmet making  her smile behind the mask.
“I haven’t seen you since thanksgiving, I was starting to think I poisoned you with the turkey” Y/n responded in a goofy tone while Red Hood sat next to her on the edge.
It was weird, the fact that he had willingly come to her. Normally it was the other way around, she would try to find him all over Gotham and when she succeeded she wouldn’t leave him alone. But now the air felt different like  a tension that wasn’t previously there. She felt her heart skip a beat when she noticed how close he was sitting next to her. Was she dreaming or did he really look for her?
“Ten” were the only words that came out of him. Y/n furrowed her eyebrows in confusion while looking towards him.
“What do you mean by ten?” She asked, her voice filled with utter confusion.
“ You told me you expected a review on the food. The food was a ten” He said while handing her the container back.
She could feel herself turn the same shade as the container while she felt her heart stop for a moment. Was he actually caring about her or is she just overthinking things? She looks at the container in her hands feeling it weighs a little.
“What 's in here? Please don’t tell me it’s a bomb” She said jokingly while slowly opening the lid.
“Do you think that low of me? I decided I should return the favor, that's all.” He in the same tone made her stay quiet, stopping her movements on moving the lid.
“Is the Red Hood joking with his partner? I thought you said that wasn’t professional” She grin a hint of playfulness in her voice.
“You ruined the moment” He muttered while slowly turning away to look at the buildings in front of him, something Y/n was used to.
Y/n slowly pulled her mask up stopping at the end of her nose, Jason quickly turned to look at her taken aback from her actions. It was the first time she had seen Y/n face, or at least half of it. They’ve known each other ever since  the “coming back to life” situation but he never saw what was underneath the mask. He slowly took the features he could see trying to notice if he had seen her before but nothing run a bell.
“What are you doing?” Jason asked nervously, something new for Y/n’s ears.
“I’m going to eat. I’m starving, ``she said, smiling softly. Jason could’ve sworn he had see that smile before. He could feel his heart beat go insane. Why was he feeling like this? He was supposed to be annoyed by her, not blushing. He saw as she slowly opened the container looking down at the beautifully decorated cupcakes inside. She slowly took a bit and turned to look at Jason.
“What? What 's wrong? Does it taste bad?” Jason asked quickly, regretting bringing the cupcakes in the first place.
“You made these?” She asked surprised but Jason couldn’t really distinguish  her tone.
“Yeah. I know it”s more sweet and I know you made me food but my strong forte is baking so I decided to make you these cupcakes. It’s okay if you don’t like them”
“No no, I love them. My mom used to make these recipes all the time. They taste amazing” She said while laying her hand on his thigh unconsciously.
“Well, I appreciate it. I don’t bake a lot for a lot of people so it means a lot, really.”
“You know. I wasn’t joking when I invited you to the christmas party I’m hosting. I would love to see you there. It’s nothing big but I promise yo…” She said quickly but her words got cut off.
“I’ll go” He responded, making her stare at him with a shocked look on her face.
“Really?” She exclaimed excitedly.
“Yeah, if there’s going to be food like the one you gave me last time I gladly go” He responded jokingly.
“Only if you bring more of these amazing cupcakes”
“It’s a deal”
Maybe she wasn’t that bad after all, let’s just hope Christmas brings good things this year.
request are open, xoxo.
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