fireflieshq · 1 year
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MISSION BRIEF … ❮ three new members join division four. the division travel to sancheong bus terminal to repair an abandoned bus. ❯
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ABANDONED METRO TUNNEL UNDERNEATH DAEHA  division four has taken a vote, allowing the three survivors to join the division. the division continues by foot towards the vehicle seen by [BLACK SWAN] nearby sancheong bus terminal, in order to repair it and make up for the time that was lost while travelling underground. in preparation with the [SCAVENGERS], they also collect the needed parts for repair. the estimated journey length to sancheong bus terminal is one day.  0845 hrs, august 26, 2023
CHAPTER 1b  happy acceptance to our new characters! now that they’ve joined div4, the division is hoping to repair an abandoned bus, so they can meet up with gwangju qz’s division 2 in muju county.
in-character, div4 are travelling underground to reach the abandoned sancheong bus terminal. out-of-character, this is our introductory event for chpt1 skeletons, so all members may participate and start threads about this at any time.
some prompts to consider: how does your muse feel about the addition of these new characters? for the muses who have just joined, how do they feel about the mission? for muses who were voting, why did they do so and how is this reflected in their interactions with the new additions? 
it’s not compulsory for muns to participate in this ooc, but this is also a canon event that will affect all div4 muses ic-wise! to note from this point on, div4 will include the three characters.
please tag all posts related to this event with frf:day7.
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