#free caregiver training programs
tahacollege · 2 years
Caregiver Certification Course in Toronto
The good thing a caregiver class can do is educate students on the fundamentals of caring for a senior with dementia.
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ex-foster · 16 days
So much of the literature on former foster kids who age out of care are written for audiences that are outsiders looking in: social workers, foster parents, therapists, etc. It is SO rare for any literature to be aimed at US as the primary audience. There's scientific literature written on why former foster kids have attachment issues, the effects of trauma, or statistical outcomes for former foster kids (homelessness, housing insecurity, poverty, unemployment, underemployment, ptsd, addictions, relationship problems, sex trafficking, etc). We are constantly viewed as data points and societal problems rather than an audience that society can interact WITH.
Research papers will note that former foster kids lack basic life skills when they age out compared to their peers (things like how to cook, drive, financial literacy, social skills are common themes in research). This skill gap can be explained by neglect, system failures to provide adequate life skill training, and the fact that inconsistent/changing caregivers may not even be aware of what skill gaps a foster kid has compared to their peers. That's how you get kids aging out of the system without even knowing how to operate a dishwasher or how to read an analog clock. But where is the literature for former foster kids to close this skill gap? We know that former foster kids lack certain skills but then we don't tell them where do go or who to ask to obtain them. You can call 211 right now and ask them about resources for former foster youth and they MIGHT list a program or two that helps with financial aid for school or life skill classes (like cooking or driving) but many of these are restrictive programs that are only available for a limited time. I learned about the 211 services when I was 24 years old! Nobody told me about it. I only found out about it when I moved to a new city and a city employee gave me a 211 pamphlet because I was a newcomer. It didn't occur to anyone I needed that at 18 when I was aging out. And when you ask 211 about resources now, they will ONLY list programs for former foster youth. They will NOT offer advice the way a parental figure would ("you may want to check out the youth employment center" or "talk to your bank about a tax free savings account").
I just wish there were more things aimed at US.
Tired of hearing things like "there's negative stigma against foster youth" but then there's no literature on how to navigate this. How do you approach that conversation with coworkers or friends? Things like that. It's non-existent.
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fatliberation · 1 year
When We Leave NEDA Behind, Where do We Go?
A Guide by Sharon Maxwell @heysharonmaxwell
NEDA has a long history of harming the communities it is supposed to serve. As we #leaveNEDAbehind, I encourage you to follow the following ED orgs who are committed to serving and supporting ALL folks with eating disorders.
The National Alliance for Eating Disorders
The National Alliance for Eating Disorders (“The Alliance”) is the leading national non-profit organization providing education, referrals, and support for all individuals experiencing eating disorders, as well as their loved ones. The Alliance’s services include:
Educational presentations and training days
Free, weekly therapist-led support groups nationwide (virtual and in-person) for those experiencing eating disorders and for their loved ones
Support and referrals through both a free helpline and comprehensive referral website/app
Direct, low-cost, life-saving, outpatient treatment to underinsured and uninsured adults in the south Florida community.
Unique and empowering Southern Smash scale smashing events and SmashTALK panel discussions.
@alliancefored | #notonemore | allianceforeatingdisorders.com
Project HEAL
Project HEAL (Help to Eat, Accept, and Live)’s mission is to break down systemic, healthcare, and financial barriers to eating disorder healing. Project Heal’s goal is to change the systems and, in the meantime, to provide life-saving support to people with eating disorders who the systems fail.
Project HEAL’s services include:
For those unsure of the next step in their eating disorder healing journey, Project HEAL provides free, impartial Clinical Assessments, followed by a comprehensive report with diagnosis, clinical recommendation, and referrals.
For those struggling to access treatment through their insurance, Project HEAL’s Insurance Navigation Program helps individuals understand their often confusing benefits and advocate on their behalf to get their treatment covered.
Project HEAL connects people to free Treatment Placements through the HEALers Circle, a national network of facilities and providers at every level of care. They also offer paid scholarships with providers with shared identities.
Project HEAL offers one-time Cash Assistance grants of $500-$1,500 to individuals who are unable to afford tertiary costs related to their treatment, i.e., housing and travel costs or insurance deductibles.
Crisis Textline: text HEALING to 741741 | www.theprojectheal.org
FEDUP (Fighting Eating Disorders in Underrepresented Populations) is a collective of trans+, intersex, and gender diverse people who believe eating disorders in marginalized communities are social justice issues. FEDUP’s mission is to make visible, interrupt, and undermine the disproportionately high incidence of eating disorders in trans and gender diverse individuals through radical community healing, recovery institution reform, research, empowerment, and education. FEDUP’s services include:
Support groups: FEDUP Closed Support Group for Gender-Diverse Folx, Support Group for Caregivers and Loved Ones of Trans & Intersex People With Eating Disorders, and Closed Support Group for QTBIPOC With Eds
Listing of FEDUP approved providers of therapy, counseling, nutrition services, and recovery coaches
Educational content about eating disorders
A conference for researchers, advocates, and clinicians in the eating disorder field where all attendees are empowered to participate, share their expertise, and learn from one another so that they can incorporate approaches that work - for our patients, our communities, and ourselves
@fedupcollective | fedupcollective.org
Nalgona Positivity Pride
Nalgona Positivity Pride is an unconventional eating disorder awareness organization that shines a light on the often-overlooked societal factors that perpetuate unrealistic and oppressive beauty and health standards. NPP offers a vial space for BIPOC to celebrate and embrace their bodies and identities. Nalgona Positivity Pride’s services include:
Education, such as public speaking services for universities, mental health and eating disorder organizations, and more as well as social media content
Consulting services for eating disorder providers and women of color entrepreneurs, including social media, branding, and event planning. Also, size diversity, creating eating disorder informed media, eating disorder harm reduction
An eating disorder harm reduction hub, including The EDHR Course and The EDHR Harm Reduction Community Services
2 eating disorder support groups: Sage and Spoon and The Eating Disorder Harm Reduction Community Circle
@nalgonapositivitypride | nalgonapositivitypride.com
Body Reborn
Body Reborn is a restorative space for people of color with disordered eating.
Body Reborn’s services include:
The Healing Collaborative - A free 8-week program for people of color. The program consists of three pillars: (1) Body Liberation, (2) Peer Support, and (3) Lifelong Community.
A non-hierarchical, discussion-driven conference that centers experiences of marginalized people in eating disorder care
@bodyreborn | bodyreborn.org
MEDA (Multi-Service Eating Disorders Association) is dedicated to the prevention and compassionate treatment of eating disorders, so that every body has access to recovery and support. MEDA’s services include:
Assessments to individual therapy and groups, tailored treatment referrals. to hight levels of care, skill sessions to hels reach meal and snack goals, and 24/7/365 community available
The Sooner the Better helps communities learn the signs and symptoms of disordered eating, exercise, and body image.
MEDA offers presentations from a skilled mental health clinician on a variety of topics including Body Confidence, Eating Disorders, and Promoting Positive Body Culture in Your Schools and Homes.
MEDA also offers high-level clinical trainings for professionals working with eating disorders whether it is in the field of medicine, mental health, or education.
Annual national conference bringing over 275 people together to discuss the latest in eating disorder research and therapies
“Networking with a Purpose” meetings where clinicians come together to learn about specific aspects of treatment
Two graduate clinical interns are trained at MEDA every year, where they are supervised by clinicians and work directly with clients and loved ones.
@recoverwithmeda | medainc.org
ANAD (National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders) provides free peer support to anyone struggling with an eating disorder. ANAD’s services include:
Eating Disorder Peer Support Groups
Recovery Mentorship Program offering free eating disorder support online for those who struggle with eating disorders but are motivated to recover. ANAD mentors are people who have walked the difficult road to recovery from their eating disorder and are recovered for at least 2 years.
Eating Disorder Treatment Directory
ANAD Approach Guides are designed to educate and “guide” its community on a wide range of topics, such as caregiving, pregnancy, binge eating, and navigating life after treatment.
@anadhelp | anad.org
heysharonmaxwell.com | #leaveNEDAbehind
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alazyparallelworld · 2 years
these resources are US centric. i don't know enough about overseas support, and this list is mostly complied from experienced hardship.
also, bc these are from my personal experiences, they pivot around my states of longterm residency. i've tried my best to provide general resources and use unspecific enough terminology. if you need help navigating resources (eligibility, applications, etc) in your state, my DMs are open and i would be happy to help.
eternal WIP. i am sure i've forgotten something. rbs are welcomed n appreciated. questions/corrections/etc should go in my DMs.
department of human services / department of social and health services | applicable to: low-income
housing (most applicable for eviction-notice crisis, NOT homeless or housed situations. there are still programs for unprovided/unsafe shelter emergencies, but they vary wildly. please DM me for more info.)
food (food stamps which bring a wide variety of benefits on their own, meal plans, etc)
cash (washington residents: if you qualify for SSI* you can receive cash assistance. other states: whether or not it is provided in your state, and the qualifier i.e needy families/food assistance, varies. please DM me for more info, whether or not you are a resident of washington.)
medical (public insurance, as well as other services i.e delivered meds, caregiving. please DM me for more caregiver-specific info.)
transportation (gas vouchers, necessary/medical transportation, discount on bus fare)
education: see etc below, as the most beneficial support will come from social workers.
child support: see etc below, as most beneficial support will come from social workers.
cellular (lifeline/ACP, a federal program in which you can acquire a fully paid smartphone or discount on wifi. you can transfer the wifi benefit to another internet provider)
etc: social workers are in-house, who can provide many services i.e housing situation, mental health support, job opportunities, applying for SSI, pretty much anything. if they cannot help you, they should transfer you to another worker who can, or provide you with another resource. through my social worker is how i got my housing paid. if you are on medicaid and/or food stamps, those benefits open a wide door to other benefits - this is how you qualify for lifeline/ACP, discounted amazon prime, etc.
*disability. to receive disability YOU CANNOT BE EMPLOYED FULLTIME. what follows is, almost always, automatic rejection. part-time is still susceptible to automatic rejection. do not turn to a lawyer for help; ask a social worker for help with the specifics of your situation. however, even if you are employed full/part-time, it is still beneficial to apply for SSI as this provides an earlier 'date of onset,' and is extremely helpful for a potential future claim. this is true in all states, AFAIK.
job corps | applicable to: low-income, 16-24 (24 maximum, unless in extraordinary circumstances)
housing (boarding rooms; roommate situation heavily varies)
food (3 meals a day, everyday, and vending machines)
medical (wellness center, staffed with nurses and doctor(s) - can provide medication and therapy)
transportation (drivers' license, will give rides to workplaces*)
education (GED, alternative HS diploma, training and certifications)
child support: dependent on center, alternative boarding for mothers* and their children
cellular: dependent on center, free 24/7 wifi is provided.
etc: there are significant drawbacks to job corps, which are very dependent on center-to-center. as it is federal property, no drugs or alcohol usage is permitted on campus. when arriving and returning to JC, campus security will administer a breathalyzer test. it is a 'ZT'/zero tolerance - you will be expelled if drug/alcohol usage is discovered. there's also a 'cash stipend,' but i don't know the exact amount or the frequency. when i went to JC ('17-'18) it was $20 biweekly, increased to $30 after ~12-16 months of enrollment. i was told that it has increased to $50, still biweekly. there is A Social Worker Lite upon graduation. they will check up with you, and for a time, will support you in finding stability. this includes housing and education. *IME, you cannot have a job and then enroll to job corps. but if you are employed while in job corps, they will provide transport. **IME, fathers/second parent/partners, cannot board with the mother or children. at my JC, the alternative boarding was only applicable to the biological parents - but in couples, the bio father would be boarded in the men's section.
community college / open admission colleges
near-universal acceptance rate, and some provide boarding. my CC provided holiday housing, including summertime. some CCs provide medication and therapy. there are opt-in meal plans, which are a part of your tuition. however, if you are under the age of 25 and applying for financial aid, you will need to have your parents' relevant tax records. even in extraordinary circumstances such as estrangement, the separation needs to be in legal documents and may be rejected anyway. and in the event that you are financially independent, some colleges will still require your parents' taxes.
food stamps and public insurance/medicaid
as mentioned before, these two are such qualifiers for OTHER benefits, they get their own separate piece. generally speaking, when filling an application for one resource on your state's website, there's an option to apply for others. TANF, medical caregiving, etc… save time and tick that option. if you're worried about 'fucking up' your application, see if your department has a social worker.
EBT discounts amazon prime, and your EBT card can be used in orders with EBT-eligible items. there's also a splinter called 'amazon fresh,' but that's only provided in some areas. if you receive EBT and/or medicaid, you qualify for lifeline/ACP. lifeline/ACP is a federal program, nationwide. sometimes other resources, i.e housing, transportation, and child support, can be locked behind receiving EBT and/or medicaid. wildly varies on state, situation, and the resource in question.
what medicaid covers… wildly varies on your state and situation. however, if you are need of an assistive device or treatment (a brace, cane, wheelchair, shower chair, physical therapy, medically necessary transportation, medical marijuana) ask your PCP for a prescription or referral. every time. avoid using money on what your PCP can provide - and these prescriptions are highly useful documents in SSI applications. your states' medicaid should cover most of these services - and talk to your routed insurance in the case of a denial. i'm aware this section is bulky and difficult to parse; please DM me if you need help understanding. this is a complex topic.
rent assistance
your local salvation army may pay for up to three months of rent. you can only ask for this assistance once a year. as aforementioned, your local housing authority / DSHS/DHS also can provide rent assistance. your state probably has its own program(s), which have different requirements, i.e income or age.
section 8/public housing | low-income, legally disabled/recipient of SSI
the application for section 8 is so daunting, i didn't do it independently. i had my social worker help me. i would heavily advise you do the same. section 8 housing is basically a waitlist for discounted/free housing, whether it be apartments or full houses. it is... extremely complicated. my advice is to apply for section 8, well before any significant financial changes. if your income goes up, you will have to reapply. i would suggest, if you are applying for SSI, to do both of these applications at the same time. there is a slim, but still possible, chance that you will get public housing before SSI.
emergency housing/unsheltered
some hotels/motels will offer temporary room, moreso if social worker requests it. you can google and find out what hotels/motels near you offer these services, and ask your social worker to contact them. your social worker may even provide transportation to the hotel/motel. i am Professional Enough that i was able to acquire a room for two strangers. (a small misunderstanding, as i was mistaken for a social worker. i rectified this mistake as soon as i realized - do not pretend to be a social worker. they will ask 'what company you're with,' and your name and contact information. lying is a very good way to get blacklisted.) this is an outlier, but if you're well-versed enough, you could do this yourself. get in contact with your local housing authority (what its called here) AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. there is a massive waitlist for unsheltered people; it is easier and faster to acquire shelter when you're still in the eviction/about to be kicked out bubble. whether or not they can help you is usually, IME, more dependent on your age than your income. work fast, keep steady contact.
domestic violence
in certain states, survivors of DV can have their voter registration removed from public access. this 2020 PDF lists the eligibility for each state. AFAIK, when applying for your voter registration, this is not a mandated question. you will have ask the relevant programs for your address to be private.
most applications for food stamps/insurance/housing/etc will ask if you are a survivor of DV. this has an increase of your cases' 'priority,' especially for housing. this applies to both fleeing and survivor situations.
furniture, clothing, laundry vouchers, hygiene products, household necessities | low-income, new residents
contact your local charities and/or relevant local nonprofit organizations. while there are online sites (i.e freegeek for electronics) these are very hit-and-miss. your local charities are more likely to have stock. several nonprofits offer vouchers for off-site laundry units, and sometimes for children hygiene products. furniture and other household appliances tend to ship directly to your home. for clothes and household necessities, you'll probably have to go to the office for pick-up. IME, clothes can be picked up any time at community closets, while i've had to schedule appointments to pick up bleach, tissues, etc. hygiene products are high-demand, low-supply. diapers are the 'worst offender' for low stock.
animal support
online grants for vet payment/assistance either are very specific, or have very long waitlists. most of the time, these grants apply to service animal canines (not emotional support, nor felines, or other animals) and/or serious conditions that already have a diagnoses - they won't pay for preliminary visits, bloodwork, etc. if your animal needs to be fixed, there are coupons for the procedure. you will have to se what vet accepts that specific coupon or not. for food, i would recommend, if you are financially able, to have a chewy subscription. this saves a lot of money in the long run - amazon's subscribe & save is an alternative, but not as cost-effective for high-quality food, IMO. your local charities/nonprofits may provide animal food.
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smequa · 5 months
Why Using Buccal Training For Epilepsy Is Important?
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Understanding Care Mandatory Training
Understanding care training requirements in the UK is essential for all domiciliary carers. Statutory and mandatory courses cover key subjects to ensure staff members and clients remain safe.
Health and safety training courses cover crucial protocols like risk evaluation, manual handling, fire safety, safeguarding training for care workers to detect abuse as well as local reporting procedures, medication administration training is also a necessity for domiciliary care providers.
Online buccal training for epilepsy wrap training
Buccal training for epilepsy  (epilepsy medication administration training) assists healthcare professionals and caregivers to provide effective and safe care to individuals experiencing seizures. The training offers valuable skills that can reduce anxiety and stress as well as enhance quality of life for people living with epilepsy.
Effective training also ensures that care workers and nurses know the correct method of administering buccal midazolam to those experiencing seizures, as incorrect administration can cause it not to be absorbed effectively leading to ineffective or delayed seizure treatment. Individuals with expectations to know about wrap training and other details can feel free to visit here.
As it can be challenging to teach how to administer buccal midazolam successfully without human volunteers, this handheld airway trainer makes training simple and straightforward. With its adjustable jaw, teeth, and tongue features, this device serves as an effective demonstration for how to administer drug therapy into cheek during seizure attacks or other emergency situations.
Paediatric first aid online
Paediatric first aid online training is essential for anyone working with children or infants, including nurses, nannies, au pairs, teachers and parents. This course can save lives when injuries such as choking or cardiac arrest occur and will benefit any profession working directly with children - such as teachers. This course may also benefit their own parents!
This online care mandatory training course covers first aid and CPR for infants and children, as well as using an adrenaline auto-injector in case of an allergic reaction. This course is perfect for teachers, childcare providers, camp counselors, school bus drivers and foster parents. Certification lasts for two years and fulfills OSHA regulations.
CPR AED for the child & infant
CPR and AED training is essential for all care workers, particularly when caring for infants who are more prone to sudden cardiac arrest (SCA). According to the pediatric Chain of Survival guidelines, high-quality CPR should begin immediately rather than waiting until either there is a pulse found or breathing resumes.
Before commencing CPR, ensure the area is free of obstructions and dry. Remove any bulky clothing, place the infant on their back, tap their back several times while speaking loudly to see if they respond; if not, call 911/EMS immediately for assistance.
The Heart saver Pediatric First Aid CPR AED course equips participants to recognize and care for illnesses or injuries in children and infants until professional assistance arrives. Based on current resuscitation science and guidance from the American Heart Association, this course also features hands-on skills sessions as well as teaching how to use an AED.
Adult & paediatric first aid
Care workers must complete mandatory training. This may include courses to teach them how to care for elderly individuals as well as how to treat children and infants properly.
These courses cover topics such as first aid, basic life support and infection control for carers. Furthermore, these training programs aim to teach them about providing dignity-in-care while honoring the privacy of those they are caring for.
Paediatric first aid courses are often required for individuals working in industries related to children in the UK, such as nursery staff, child-minders and teachers. Paediatric first aid differs from standard first aid in that its focus lies on treating injuries and illnesses that affect infants and children - such as febrile convulsions, head injuries or choking incidents in young children.
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marveltrumpshate · 2 years
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We’d venture to guess that one of the common threads that unites our fandom is a belief in the power of education and all that comes with it. Taking down barriers to literacy, tech knowledge, and justice-oriented education, these organizations are working to ensure everyone has access to the transformative power of ideas and resources for personal and professional development.
For more information on donation methods and accepted currencies, please refer to our list of organizations page.
Girls Who Code
There is a massive gender gap in technology, and Girls Who Code is actively seeking to end that—and they're on track to close the gap in new entry-level tech jobs by 2030! Girls Who Code also focuses on historically underrepresented groups, not just gender diversity; half of the girls they serve are from those groups, including those who are Black, Latinx, or from low-income backgrounds. Through clubs, college programs, and summer immersions, GWC reaches girls of all ages (elementary school through college) and all knowledge levels (beginner to advanced) to teach them coding, expose them to tech jobs, and provide a community with other women in tech. We imagine this would be close to the hearts of several of our favorite characters, so choose this one if it's close to yours as well.
Room to Read
Room to Read focuses specifically on the continents of Africa and Asia in their mission to ensure education for girls and literacy for all children. They collaborate with local governments and educational providers to ensure that their solutions are sustainable as they work to decrease the rate of illiteracy and increase gender equality in education worldwide.
Southern Poverty Law Center
If there is injustice against a vulnerable and/or marginalized group in the U.S., SPLC aims to address and fix it through a myriad of ways including their education program, Learning for Justice. Learning for Justice offers free resources, such as magazines, podcasts, films, training sessions, webinars, etc. to more than 500,000 caregivers, teachers, administrators, counselors, and other practitioners who work with children from kindergarten to high school. Their justice-focused approach helps students and educators learn how to become involved in activism, tackle prejudice, and create more civil and inclusive communities.
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info-copa · 2 years
Trauma-Informed Programming
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Trauma is described by the CAMH as “the lasting emotional response that often results from living through a distressing event” such as sexual assault, violence, an accident, or a long term, repeated pattern such as childhood abuse (sexual, physical, emotional), sex trafficking, war and displacement, discrimination, and incarceration.
When we consider rates of interpersonal violence as well as discrimination and inequity in our society, it may not be surprising that some estimates suggest that over 75% of Canadian adults have experienced significant trauma in their lifetimes, including adverse childhood experiences, or ACEs. ACEs include traumas sexual and physical abuse, neglect, or family instability due to divorce, suicide, incarceration, or parents or caregivers with substance abuse or mental health issues. Research shows that between half and two thirds of Canadians have experienced one or more ACEs before the age of 18.
A traumatized individual (survivor) can suffer for a lifetime from repercussions of the loss of personal power, control and agency, and their ability to trust or feel safe. They are also more vulnerable to chronic disease, anxiety and mental health issues, loss of cognitive function, and behavioural problems. ACEs can affect brain development and future educational and employment opportunities, cause lifelong depression and relationship issues, and increase vulnerability to ongoing trauma such as sex trafficking.
Considering the toll of trauma on individuals, families, the workplace, and communities, it is no wonder that we hear the term “trauma-informed” more and more often to describe health care practices, therapies, even leadership models that recognize and seek to accommodate survivors of trauma.
But for the COPA National team, being trauma-informed is not a new approach at all, as our organization was founded almost 30 years ago on the principles of trauma-informed practice. To this day, all our programming and resources are still developed and delivered with a trauma-informed approach.
The origins of our approach were a disturbing event in the late 1970’s in Columbus, Ohio. When a 7-year-old girl was raped, the local school and community were thrown into turmoil. Shocked, disturbed, and frightened, the community was desperate to prevent this from ever happening again. Community members approached the local sexual assault centre (Women Against Rape) and asked them for help. Workers from the centre rallied to help the community find answers and created a school-based program called the Child Assault Prevention (CAP) Project. The CAP Project was so innovative and successful that it spread quickly across the United States, throughout the world, and into Canada.
Today, COPA National is one of 4 CAP projects in Canada, and is also a regional CAP training centre. We have been using this unique and effective prevention curriculum since COPA was founded in 1995, in schools, community organizations, and the wider communities. Using CAP as inspiration we have developed a range of resources and programs for different groups - including immigrants and refugees. The CAP Project is the cornerstone of all of COPA National’s programs. Its unique vision, principles, and approach are at the core of our resource development.
Fundamental to CAP’s vision of violence prevention is the recognition of assault as a violation of human rights, expressed through the assertion that all people and all children have the right to be “safe, strong and free”. This basic premise underpins the foundational principles that form the basis of the CAP Project:
Prevention starts with breaking the silence and secrecy and debunking the myths surrounding violence against children, women, and all marginalized groups.
Effective prevention strategies address the social roots of violence: inequity and hatred.
People and communities have the right to information, skills and resources that will enable them to take back their power through capacity building.
These principles and approaches dovetail with the 6 guiding principles of a trauma-informed approach offered by SAMHSA's National Center for Trauma-Informed Care in the United States:
Trustworthiness and transparency
Peer support
Collaboration and mutuality
Empowerment, voice, and choice
Acknowledgement of cultural, historical, and gender issues
How is COPA National’s programming trauma-informed?
COPA National’s approach to the development of programming and resources reflects our care for the individual and their experiences and at the same time addresses social, institutional, and systemic issues. Designed to mitigate harm to the survivors of trauma, they are, in fact, welcoming and inclusive practices that work for all humans. We are creating spaces where marginalized people and ALL people are seen and heard and have a voice – or in other words, where all children, and all people, have the right to be safe, strong and free.
Below is a brief discussion of how we continue to incorporate trauma-informed principles into our prevention programming. COPA National also strives to espouse these principles internally within the organization to ensure coherence between what we practice and what we preach.
Our programming is rooted in awareness of the factors that increase vulnerability to assault, aggression, discrimination, child abuse, and other traumatizing events
The strong theoretical framework that underlies and informs COPA National’s programming is what makes it so unique and powerful.
We believe that lack of power—social or personal—underlies all situations involving assault, which is by definition an abuse of power. Inequities and exclusion increase vulnerability to assault, triggering and perpetuating a cycle of violence against children, women, and all other marginalized social groups. Strategies for assault prevention are only effective when they promote equity and inclusion by facilitating the individual and collective empowerment of socially marginalized groups and individuals.
We recognize and make linkages in our programming between the different types of violence and harassment that members of marginalized social groups (children, women, LGBTQ2+, IBPOC, etc.) experience every day, and that are normalized.
Our understanding is that trauma is widespread and that those affected by it are everywhere, including in our workshops and trainings. Thus, every time we work with a group of people, we ensure that we actively recognize the presence of survivors and take their experiences into account.
Psychological and Physical Safety
Safety is key to a trauma-informed approach.
In COPA National programs, we begin to create psychological safety at the start of every workshop by generating a set of agreements with participants - children, youth, and adults. Participants identify their needs for a safe environment and commit to:
fostering a positive and inclusive space for LGBTQ2S+
respecting what others say
practising non-judgment,
listening when others speak
holding in confidentiality what others share
We continue by recognizing that survivors may be present, and naming their courage. We acknowledge that some topics we will discuss may be difficult and may elicit painful emotions, while emphasizing that we will also focus on positive strategies for prevention. We encourage those who feel the need to seek support, either from COPA National facilitators or from services in the community.
We ensure the physical safety and well-being of survivors by:
arranging in advance with schools that kids who are triggered by the content in the workshops have permission to leave in order to protect themselves.
ensuring there are at least 2 facilitators in every workshop or training: one to facilitate, and one to observe and offer support to those who are visibly triggered by the content of the workshop.
inviting participants to speak with us at the end of workshops, providing an opportunity for them to access support and resources. COPA National facilitators have all received empowerment-based crisis intervention training offered in-house and are up to date with what resources exist so that they can link those who need them with the appropriate resources.
Active listening is foundational to everything we do. Whether we are facilitating discussions or providing support to individuals during program implementation, we listen deeply to the stories of those who have experienced assault and trauma. New programming and resources are created in consultation with them and adapted according to their feedback. We know that listening, consulting, and integrating them within our programs is part of the healing process for survivors of trauma.
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For example, A Circle of Caring and Joining the Circle, toolkits intended to foster the well-being of First Nations, Métis and Inuit students at home and at school, were developed by COPA National in grassroots collaboration with Indigenous communities all over Ontario. We sought the wisdom and guidance of people and groups from different communities, and met with hundreds of family and community members, and leaders. It was important to us to ensure that the content in the toolkits was what was needed by the communities and that it was also responsive to the context of historical and cultural trauma.
Another example of this type of collaboration is Virtu-elles, COPA National’s cyber-violence prevention program, an online workshop developed in consultation with witnesses and survivors of online violence against women and with front-line workers from women’s organizations.
Our Whole School Prevention program Change Our World is part of a repertoire of educational resources to promote equity and inclusion. It was developed through a consultation process with a wide range of equity-seeking individuals and organizations. Change our World also includes a consultation process with each school we work with. A committee of allies is created within the school to assist the change process. In this way, we not only recognize and elicit the experience and knowledge of those within the community, but we deepen the potential for ongoing and transformational change by leveraging allies of this change.
Yet another example of this is in our role as provincial coordinators of Ontario’s Francophone network of Settlement Workers in Schools (TÉÉ). When creating the conditions of success in schools for new arrivals, we form committees of student allies within the schools we work with that include those who have already gone through the experience of being a new arrival.
COPA National approaches program delivery as an ongoing and never-ending consultation. Our contact with students, parents and guardians, teachers and other schools staff represents a precious opportunity to listen and learn about their experiences and to identify emerging issues.
And fundamental to how we work and how we view things at COPA National, is our belief that kids have much to contribute, and wisdom to share with us. We share power with kids, and we recognize their knowledge and elicit their wisdom. We also model this way of being to the adults we work with.
Capacity Building
We believe that certain social factors such as a lack of information, dependence, and isolation, make children and women (and all marginalized social groups) particularly vulnerable to assault.
Therefore, all resources and activities created, developed, adapted, and disseminated by COPA National strive to reduce the vulnerability of children (and women, and members of all marginalized social groups) to assault. We do this in the following ways:
1) We facilitate people’s empowerment with TOOLS NOT RULES, sharing problem-solving tools and strategies that build their capacity to prevent violence and take care of themselves and others. We always frame it as tools not rules – in other words, as choices and not imposed. Trauma comes from loss of power and choice, so we aim to provide those who experienced trauma with opportunities to take back their power and build their confidence by making choices and taking action.
2) We aim to break the silence and secrecy surrounding violence against children, women, and other marginalized groups by providing accurate information and resources, addressing stereotypes and myths/false information around all forms of violence and its root causes, such as sexism, racism, etc.
3) We encourage children to seek and develop peer and adult support, and we educate adults on how they can provide empowering and respectful support to children. Problem-Solving Together is an excellent example of a tool that builds this capacity. It is a practical guide to supporting children who are struggling with a problem and also to helping them develop the ongoing ability to solve problems. This approach can be used with adults as well as children, modifying it as needed.
We suggest that adults who support safe, strong, and free children model positive action, respect the rights of children while seeking opportunities to share power with them, and recognize the capacity of a person to change. In our blogs, you will find many tools to support this approach. Here are 3 blogs about bullying that explain how to do this, step-by-step.
Intervene with the child who is being bullied
Intervene with the child who witnesses bullying
Intervene with the child who is bullying
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The importance of community
The Child Assault Prevention curriculum (CAP) was originally developed in response to the need of a community to know how to prevent the tragedy of child sexual assault. Thus, the whole idea of CAP is community-based. We believe that trauma-informed work needs to consider a more holistic approach through community mobilization and capacity-building. We know it can be a powerful force for positive change when we create spaces in our communities and schools where marginalized people are seen and heard and have a voice – and where they can explore together how to take care of themselves and others.
Our belief is that anyone can learn our approach, and we pick and choose our own facilitators from the community, based on their perspectives and their communication skills, and not only their professional standing. We provide them with training in respectful and empowering approaches to facilitating discussions, and to supporting and listening to children and adults. We do not set ourselves up as the experts, rather we recognize the wisdom of children, trauma survivors, and community members.
One of the ways in which COPA National is unique is that we offer programming to kids, their parents and caregivers, and to educators – the whole circle of care surrounding a child. When everyone is equipped with tools and strategies, kids reap the benefits, as the adults in their lives are collaborating to enhance their well-being. When everyone shares a collective understanding, it is more likely that each child will be safe, strong, and free.
Another innovative aspect of how we approach trauma-informed programming, is through whole school interventions such as Change Our World and Our Power in Adversity. These programs align not only with trauma-informed principles of consultation, collaboration, and capacity building, but also with the current understanding of successful approaches to change management (Peter Block, 2011 & Edgar Schein, 1999). This systemic approach to individual and collective transformation through empowerment can have a profoundly healing and transformative effect when embedded in a system like a school or a community.
COPA National has been operating according to trauma-informed principles for almost 30 years now – since our inception. What has impelled us more than anything over the years is our wholehearted commitment to the PREVENTION of violence and child abuse. Our trauma-informed approach, and the underlying theory of who is vulnerable and why, is what makes our prevention programming effective. Recognizing the social roots of all forms of violence including child abuse, we seek to bring about the social change needed to ensure that all children, from whatever social group, are safe, strong and free. By eliciting the wisdom and participation of survivors, we have been able to develop programming, interventions, and resources that are powerful, engaging, and that really work.
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hayleycna · 1 hour
Open Your Future: Free CNA Classes in Texas Await You
Unlock Your Future: Free CNA Classes in Texas Await You
Are you looking to jump-start your career in healthcare but intimidated by the cost⁤ of training programs? Look no further,⁤ as free Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) classes ⁤in Texas are available ⁢for aspiring individuals like you. By taking advantage of these opportunities, you ‌can unlock​ your future and begin a rewarding career in the medical field without breaking the bank.
In this comprehensive guide,⁢ we ​will explore ‌the benefits of ⁤pursuing ⁤a CNA⁢ certification, how to find free classes in Texas, and provide practical‍ tips for ⁢succeeding in your training. Let’s dive in and discover how you can take the ⁢first step towards a‌ fulfilling career in healthcare.
Why Pursue a CNA Certification?
Becoming a Certified Nursing Assistant is a great⁢ entry point into ‍the healthcare field, offering a rewarding career that allows ‍you to make ⁣a difference in the⁢ lives ⁣of‌ patients. Some of‌ the key benefits of pursuing a CNA certification include:
1.‍ High Demand:‍ With an aging population ​and increasing healthcare needs, CNAs are in high ‌demand across Texas. 2. Job​ Stability: Healthcare ​is a recession-proof industry, providing job security and stable employment opportunities. 3. Career Growth: A ​CNA ‍certification can serve as a stepping stone to advance your career in nursing or other healthcare professions. 4. Fulfilling Work: CNAs play a vital role in patient care, ​providing essential support and assistance to those​ in need.
By enrolling in⁣ free CNA classes in Texas, you can kickstart your career in healthcare‍ and reap the rewards of a fulfilling and impactful profession.
Finding Free CNA ‌Classes in Texas
There are several ways to access free CNA training programs in Texas. Some common sources include:
1. Nursing Homes: Many nursing homes and long-term care facilities offer free CNA training in exchange⁣ for⁤ a commitment to work at their facility upon certification. 2. Community Colleges: Some community colleges and vocational schools provide scholarships or ⁢grants for CNA training. 3. Workforce Development Programs: State-funded workforce development programs ‍may offer free ​CNA⁣ classes to eligible individuals. 4. Online Platforms: There‍ are online platforms that provide free CNA courses, though hands-on‌ training may‍ still ‍be required.
To find free ⁤CNA‍ classes in Texas, you can contact local healthcare facilities, community colleges, or workforce development​ centers.⁤ Additionally, online resources and job boards can help you⁣ identify available ⁤training opportunities in your area.
Practical Tips for Success
Once you have enrolled in free CNA classes, it’s essential to approach your⁢ training with dedication and a strong work ethic. Here are some practical⁢ tips for succeeding in your CNA program:
1. ‍Stay Committed: Consistent attendance and active participation​ are key to mastering the skills and knowledge required for certification. 2. Seek⁤ Support: Don’t ‍hesitate to reach out to instructors,⁤ mentors, or peers for help and ⁤guidance throughout your training. 3. ​Practice ‍Skills: Hands-on practice is crucial for developing proficiency in essential CNA tasks, ⁤such⁢ as bathing, feeding, and transferring patients. 4. Study Regularly: Review course materials,‌ study guides, and practice exams to solidify your understanding of⁢ medical concepts and caregiving techniques.
By following these tips ​and staying focused on your goals, you ‌can⁤ successfully complete ‌your CNA training‌ and prepare for a rewarding career in healthcare.
Experience ​the Rewards of a CNA Career
Unlocking⁢ your‌ future through free CNA classes in Texas⁣ can pave the ​way for a fulfilling and meaningful ⁣career in healthcare. By seizing these opportunities for education⁣ and training, you can⁤ embark on ‍a journey that offers job security, personal growth, and the satisfaction of making a difference ⁣in the ‌lives of others.
Take⁤ the first step⁢ towards your new career ‍path⁢ today and explore‌ the free CNA classes available ⁢to you. ‍With dedication, hard‌ work, and a passion for helping others, you ⁤can transform your aspirations into reality and embark on a journey that leads to success and fulfillment. Start your journey today and unlock ⁢the ‍future that awaits you in the healthcare field.
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adoctorx · 17 hours
While a doctor may have talked with you about how to prepare for chemotherapy, chances are you’re worried about factors beyond the side effects and effectiveness of your cancer treatment. The cost of chemotherapy itself has increased significantly in recent years, but there are also nonmedical expenses to consider. Your oncology team may be able to refer you to resources to help offset the costs. You can also consider the following resources to help you cover non-treatment-related cancer care costs. Payment plans for travel Many people need to travel for their cancer treatment, whether to a different city or another state. The costs of airfare, gas for your vehicle, and public or private transportation can certainly add up. On top of that, some hospitals and outpatient cancer treatment centers charge for parking. You can ask your oncology team about private or government assistance that may be available to help with transportation costs. Possibilities include Medicaid, the American Cancer Society (ACS) Road to Recovery program, and discounts through individual airlines and transit authorities. Mercy Medical is another organization that offers free transportation to eligible families via bus, air, and train. Learn more about the program. If you need to stay multiple days away from home, lodging is yet another expense that can add up. The possible expenses of travel can add pressure to an already stressful situation. Resources such as those below may be available to offset some of these costs. ACS Hope Lodge Communities The ACS runs more than 30 lodges in the continental United States and Puerto Rico. Each year, these facilities offer free lodging to more than 29,000 people with cancer and their caregivers. Learn more about the program and available locations. ACS and Extended Stay America Aside from the Hope Lodge locations, the ACS has partnered with the hotel chain Extended Stay America to provide reduced-cost lodging to people who are undergoing cancer treatments and their families. Pet-friendly rooms are available to offer additional peace of mind. Learn more and check availability here. Ronald McDonald House This program offsets lodging costs for families who have children receiving treatment for chronic health conditions and cancer. Parents with children under 21 years old may be eligible to receive reduced-cost or no-cost housing. They must arrange this through the hospital. Learn more about Ronald McDonald House Charities. Other options It’s important to talk with social services at the hospital to find out about other free or reduced-cost lodging options they may know of. The Healthcare Hospitality Network is one such option that healthcare professionals can access for their patients. Individual hotel companies may also offer discounted rates for families who are traveling for cancer treatment. Meal trains Meal preparation and cooking can be difficult when you or a loved one is undergoing chemotherapy. A meal train can make this task easier by providing your family with a steady stream of meals for a specified period of time rather than a lot of food at once. If you’re looking to set up a meal train for yourself or a loved one, consider checking out the Meal Train website, where you can organize the process and specify any nutritional preferences or allergies. You can also set up a meal train without the use of a website by asking friends, relatives, and neighbors to bring food one day per week. Ideas for meals include: casseroles, pasta dishes, and other comfort foods soups chili and stews green juices or smoothies snacks such as muffins and granola bars More importantly, ask your loved one what sounds good to them during their cancer treatment and try to accommodate their needs if they’re dealing with possible side effects such as nausea and vomiting. Also, if you and your family are having difficulty managing the cost of food
due to chemotherapy expenses, you can consider talking with your care team about food assistance programs. Available options include: Feeding America Meals on Wheels America Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program WhyHunger Hotline Child care You might have friends and relatives who can help with child care. But if you need long-term or around-the-clock services during cancer treatment, you can consider reaching out to the following organizations: Nankind Formerly known as the Nanny Angel Network, this organization was founded specifically to support children in order to help parents who are undergoing cancer treatment. Learn more about the program and how to request help. Pet Assistance and Wellness (PAW) Program If you’re in need of help for your fur babies, too, you can look into financial assistance from Cancer Care’s PAW program. It’s designed to help with the costs of pet care, walking, vet visits, and more. Learn more about the PAW Program and see eligibility requirements. Individual cancer treatment centers If you need child care only during your treatments, you can ask the treatment center about possible onsite availability. Although one study found that only 1 out of every 64 National Cancer Institute-designated centers offered free child care services, it’s worth asking the hospital or outpatient treatment center in advance. Care.com As one of the leading referral sites for home services, Care.com was founded for parents seeking child care. All providers go through a background check, and you can search for potential candidates based on ratings and cost. Wigs Hair loss is a common side effect of chemotherapy. If you want to wear wigs while your hair grows back but you’re unable to take on yet another cancer-related expense, there are nonprofit organizations that can help on this end too. Consider contacting the following groups: eBeauty Wig Exchange Program: This program provides free wigs for women who are undergoing cancer treatment. However, due to rising shipping costs, eBeauty asks that recipients pay for shipping and handling or make a $25 donation. Learn more about the wig selection process. Hair We Share: Founded in 2014, Hair We Share runs on monetary and hair donations to help support free wigs and hairpieces for children and adults experiencing hair loss due to a variety of health conditions. Read the application requirements and eligibility criteria. Wigs and Wishes: This program supplies free wigs to people in need with the help of local salons and stylists, who provide volunteer consultations and fitting appointments. Learn about the process and find a participating salon near you. It’s also possible that health insurance may cover the cost of a wig for chemotherapy treatment. If you have insurance, consider calling the insurance company to find out whether your plan covers cranial prosthesis for chemotherapy treatment. If so, a doctor can write a prescription for your wig, thereby reducing the cost. The takeaway Nonmedical expenses related to transportation, child care, and other needs can quickly add up during chemotherapy treatments. There are several organizations that may cover some or all of these costs. Consider talking with your cancer care team to find out about options in your area. ### What are⁣ non-chemo-related cancer costs? Non-chemo-related cancer costs refer to the expenses associated‍ with cancer treatment‍ that do not involve chemotherapy. These may include surgery, radiation therapy, medication, hospital stays, diagnostic tests, follow-up care, and supportive ​therapies such as physical therapy‍ or‌ counseling. ### Why is​ it important to understand non-chemo-related cancer costs? Understanding non-chemo-related cancer costs is crucial for effective financial planning. Patients can better manage ⁤their out-of-pocket expenses, seek appropriate ‌financial assistance, and avoid⁣ unexpected financial burdens during and after ​their cancer treatment.
### How can cancer patients manage‍ non-chemo-related costs? Cancer patients can manage non-chemo-related costs by exploring ‍health insurance options, seeking financial ‌aid from non-profit‍ organizations, and ⁢discussing ⁤payment plans with healthcare providers. It is also helpful to review and understand the billing details ‍and use health‍ savings accounts (HSAs) if available. ###‌ Are there organizations ​that ⁢help with non-chemo-related cancer costs? Yes, there are numerous non-profit organizations that ​provide financial assistance or ‍grants‌ to cancer patients for non-chemo-related costs. These organizations may offer resources‍ to cover transportation, lodging,‌ medical bills, and other supportive care services. ### What role does insurance play​ in covering non-chemo-related cancer costs? Insurance can play a significant⁤ role in covering⁢ many⁤ non-chemo-related cancer​ costs, such ⁣as surgery, radiation therapy, and hospital stays. However, ⁢coverage varies and patients ‍should review their‌ plans to understand what is included ‍and what out-of-pocket expenses they might encounter. ### Can non-chemo-related cancer costs be tax-deductible? In some cases, non-chemo-related cancer costs may be tax-deductible if they⁢ exceed a certain percentage of the patient's adjusted gross income. ⁣It's important for patients to consult with a tax advisor ⁣to understand⁣ the specific deductions they may⁣ qualify for based on their ⁣unique financial situation. ### What strategies can be employed to reduce‌ non-chemo-related cancer expenses? Patients can reduce ⁢non-chemo-related cancer expenses by negotiating ⁣with ‌healthcare providers, using‌ generic medications when possible, leveraging community resources, and seeking treatment at facilities offering financial assistance or sliding scale ‍fees. ### How can patients keep track of their non-chemo-related cancer costs? Patients can keep track⁤ of their non-chemo-related cancer costs by maintaining detailed records of all medical expenses, including bills, receipts, and insurance statements. Using​ budgeting tools or⁤ apps can also help ‍monitor expenses and identify areas where savings can be made.
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harrywatson2 · 10 days
What You Need to Know for Choosing the Best Child Care in Torrance, CA
Finding the right child care for your little one is one of the most significant decisions a parent can make. Whether you’re returning to work or simply seeking socialization opportunities for your child, quality child care offers numerous benefits. If you're searching for child care in Torrance, CA, you'll want to know what to look for and how to make the best decision. In this blog, we'll explore essential factors to consider, how the right environment fosters child development, and why Village Park can be an excellent choice.
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1. Why Quality Child Care Matters
At a young age, children are like sponges, absorbing everything from language skills to social behaviors. A nurturing child care environment helps build a strong foundation for their future success. High-quality care programs not only supervise children but also engage them in educational activities, creative play, and skill development.
Children who attend well-rounded child care programs tend to excel in their cognitive, social, and emotional growth. Research shows that early experiences in such environments can lead to better performance in school, higher self-esteem, and improved social interactions later in life.
2. Factors to Consider When Choosing Child Care
Licensed and Certified Staff
One of the most critical aspects of any child care facility is the staff. Are they qualified? Do they have the proper certifications? It's essential that the caregivers not only love working with children but also have the educational background to support your child’s developmental needs. Staff with a combination of experience, training, and passion will provide the kind of environment where your child can thrive.
Child-to-Teacher Ratio
An important consideration is the child-to-teacher ratio. Smaller groups allow for more individualized attention, helping children get the support they need. When children feel seen and heard, they’re more likely to develop self-confidence and strong communication skills.
Safety and Cleanliness
Safety is another top priority when selecting a child care center. Make sure the facility follows strict health and safety guidelines. Cleanliness is also crucial, as young children are susceptible to illness. An excellent child care center will have clear protocols for cleanliness, hygiene, and child supervision, creating a safe environment for all children.
Curriculum and Activities
While play is essential for young children, structured activities are equally important. A good child care center balances free play with educational programming. Look for centers that provide a variety of activities, including arts and crafts, storytelling, music, and physical play. These activities should be tailored to the different developmental stages, helping children explore their interests and build new skills.
Communication with Parents
When you leave your child at a care facility, you want to stay informed about their day. A high-quality child care center will keep an open line of communication with parents. This could be through regular updates, progress reports, or even daily check-ins. Knowing what your child is learning, how they’re interacting with others, and any challenges they face can help you stay involved in their development.
3. The Importance of Social Interaction
For many children, child care is their first introduction to a group setting. This experience plays a vital role in developing social skills such as sharing, cooperation, and empathy. Children learn how to interact with their peers, solve problems, and express their emotions in a constructive way. A well-structured child care environment helps children build these social skills, setting them up for future success both in school and in life.
4. How Village Park Child Care Stands Out
If you’re searching for child care in Torrance, CA, Village Park offers a comprehensive program that prioritizes both educational and emotional development. With a low child-to-teacher ratio, experienced staff, and a focus on creating a safe, nurturing environment, Village Park provides the kind of care that parents can trust.
The center emphasizes the importance of early learning while also allowing children the freedom to explore their creativity and social abilities. With a variety of age-appropriate activities, children at Village Park enjoy an enriching experience that promotes growth in all areas of their development. Plus, parents are kept well-informed through daily updates and regular progress reports, ensuring peace of mind.
Choosing the right child care center is about more than just convenience; it's about finding a place where your child can grow, learn, and feel safe. When considering child care options in Torrance, CA, it's essential to look for a facility with certified staff, a focus on safety, and a well-rounded curriculum that fosters both academic and social growth.
Village Park stands out as a trusted option for parents, offering a nurturing environment where children can thrive. By investing in the right child care, you're setting your child on a path to success in both school and life.
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isabelwcna · 14 days
Open Your Future: Free CNA Classes in Detroit MI Await!
**Unlock Your Future: Free ⁢CNA ‍Classes⁢ in Detroit MI Await!**
Are ‌you ​looking to jumpstart a rewarding career ‍in the healthcare​ industry? Certified Nursing Assistants (CNAs) play a crucial role in providing ⁤essential care to patients in hospitals, nursing‌ homes, and ​other healthcare⁢ facilities. If you’re based in Detroit, ‌MI, and eager ​to pursue​ a career as a CNA,​ you’re in⁢ luck! There are free CNA classes available‌ in Detroit that can help you kickstart your career⁣ without breaking the bank.
**Why Choose a‍ Career as a⁣ CNA?**
Becoming​ a Certified ‌Nursing⁢ Assistant can ‍be a fulfilling and‌ financially rewarding career choice. Here ⁤are some reasons why‌ pursuing a ⁤career as a CNA might be the right path for you:
– ‌High Demand: With an aging population and a growing⁢ need for ​healthcare services, ⁤CNAs​ are in high ⁢demand across the country. This ⁣means you’ll​ have⁤ plenty of ⁣job opportunities in ⁤a variety of healthcare settings. – Short Training Period: Unlike some healthcare professions that ⁢require years of schooling, CNA training programs can be completed‌ in ‍a‌ matter of weeks. This allows you to start ⁢working in the field quickly. – Rewarding Work: CNAs have the opportunity to make ​a meaningful difference in​ the lives⁢ of their‌ patients ‌by providing⁣ hands-on care and ​emotional support.
**Benefits ​of Free⁤ CNA ‍Classes in Detroit**
Free CNA classes in Detroit offer a range of benefits for aspiring healthcare professionals.‌ Here ⁤are some reasons to consider enrolling ⁤in a free CNA program:
– Cost Savings: ‍By opting for free CNA classes,​ you can save thousands​ of dollars on‌ tuition​ fees,​ making it easier to start your career ⁤without ⁣accumulating⁤ student debt. – Quality Education: Despite​ being free, many CNA⁢ programs in Detroit ​offer⁤ high-quality‌ training that prepares you for the demands of⁢ the job. -⁣ Career Opportunities: Completing a free CNA⁤ program can ​open doors to entry-level positions in healthcare​ facilities, allowing ⁤you to⁤ gain valuable experience and advance your career.
**Practical Tips for Choosing a Free CNA Program**
When looking for free CNA classes in Detroit, consider the following ​tips to help you find the right program for​ you:
– Research ‍Accreditation: Make sure the program is accredited by the⁤ state to ensure that ‌your certification will‌ be recognized‍ by⁣ employers. – Check Class Schedule: Find a program⁤ that fits your schedule, whether you prefer evening, weekend, or online classes. – Inquire About Job​ Placement⁤ Assistance: Some‍ programs offer assistance with job placement after completing the training, which can be valuable for landing your​ first CNA job.
**Unlock Your‌ Future Today**
free CNA classes ‌in Detroit offer a ‍fantastic opportunity to start a rewarding career in the healthcare field without the financial burden of‍ tuition fees. By taking advantage of these programs, you can‍ receive top-notch training, gain valuable experience, and embark on a fulfilling career as a Certified Nursing Assistant. ⁣Don’t miss out on this chance to ‌unlock your future – enroll in a free CNA program in Detroit today!
Remember, the road ‍to ​becoming a CNA may be challenging, but the rewards are immeasurable. Take the first step ‍towards⁢ a rewarding career in healthcare ​by‍ exploring the free CNA classes available ‌in ⁢Detroit, MI. Your future as a compassionate caregiver starts ​here!
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lavida01 · 15 days
La Vida Montessori Preschool: Leading Day Care in Faridabad
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Day care in faridabad Preschool also offers exceptional day care services, designed to provide a nurturing and safe environment for children while supporting their early development. Here's what makes La Vida stand out as a day care in Faridabad:
Caring Environment: With dedicated and trained caregivers, La Vida ensures that children are not only safe but also feel at home in a warm, friendly environment.
Montessori Approach: The Montessori philosophy extends into day care, encouraging children to engage in constructive activities, fostering their curiosity, independence, and creativity, even beyond school hours.
Balanced Routine: The day care program offers a structured yet flexible schedule that includes playtime, rest, and learning activities, ensuring that children are stimulated while also having time to relax.
Healthy Meals: Nutritional snacks and meals are provided to ensure children receive balanced nutrition throughout the day.
Safe and Secure Environment: The premises are fully child-proofed with a secure access system, so parents can rest assured that their children are in a safe space.
Social Interaction: Through group activities and free play, children learn to interact, share, and cooperate with their peers, building important social skills.
Convenient Timing: The flexible day care hours cater to working parents, allowing them to manage their schedules without compromising on their child’s well-being.
Age-Appropriate Activities: Day care in faridabad La Vida ensures that each child is engaged in activities suitable for their age and developmental stage, encouraging learning through play.
La Vida Montessori Preschool’s day care service in Faridabad combines education, care, and fun, making it a reliable choice for parents who want the best care and early learning experience for their children.
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The Essentials of Quality Child Care: Nurturing Growth and Development
Child care is a cornerstone of family life and community support, providing essential services that contribute to the well-being and development of children. High-quality child care not only supports parents but also plays a pivotal role in shaping a child's early years, fostering their cognitive, emotional, and social growth. Here’s a look at the key aspects of effective child care and what parents should consider when choosing a care provider.
What Constitutes Quality Child Care?
Quality child care is characterized by several core elements:
1. Safe and Stimulating Environment: A high-quality child care setting ensures that children are in a safe, clean, and well-organized environment. It provides age-appropriate toys, activities, and learning materials that encourage exploration and creativity while promoting physical and emotional safety.
2. Trained and Caring Staff: Caregivers and educators should have appropriate qualifications and experience in early childhood development. Beyond formal credentials, the staff should demonstrate warmth, patience, and responsiveness to each child's needs, creating a nurturing atmosphere that supports emotional security.
3. Developmentally Appropriate Practices: Effective child care programs use practices and curricula that are suited to the developmental stages of children. This includes a balance of structured activities and free play, promoting both individual growth and social skills through interactive and engaging experiences.
4. Strong Communication with Parents: Open and consistent communication between caregivers and parents is vital. This partnership helps ensure that caregivers understand the child’s needs and preferences, while parents are kept informed about their child's progress, behavior, and any issues that may arise.
5. Health and Safety Standards: Adhering to rigorous health and safety protocols is essential. This includes regular sanitation, proper supervision, and adherence to health regulations. Caregivers should be trained in first aid and emergency procedures to handle any unexpected situations effectively.
Choosing the Right Child Care
Selecting the best child care option involves careful consideration of several factors:
- Accreditation and Licensing: Check whether the child care provider is licensed and accredited by relevant authorities. This can be an indicator of compliance with quality standards and regulations.
- Recommendations and Reviews: Seek recommendations from other parents or read reviews online. Personal experiences can provide valuable insights into the quality of care and the provider’s reputation.
- Visit and Observe: Visiting the child care facility allows you to observe the environment and interactions between staff and children. It’s an opportunity to ask questions and ensure that the setting aligns with your expectations and values.
- Program and Curriculum: Review the program’s curriculum and daily schedule to ensure it aligns with your child’s needs and interests. A well-rounded program should include opportunities for both structured learning and play.
The Impact of Quality Child Care
Investing in high-quality child care has lasting benefits for children and families. It supports cognitive development, social skills, and emotional resilience, setting a strong foundation for future learning and success. For parents, reliable child care provides peace of mind, enabling them to balance work and family responsibilities effectively. In conclusion, quality child care is more than just a service—it’s an essential component of a child’s development and family well-being. By focusing on safety, qualified staff, and a supportive environment, parents can ensure that their children receive the nurturing care they need to thrive during these formative years.
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makigodfoundation · 19 days
Best Child Support Foundation in Prayagraj: Nurturing a Better Tomorrow
In the heart of Uttar Pradesh, Prayagraj (formerly known as Allahabad) is home to several organizations committed to improving the lives of underprivileged children. Among these, one foundation stands out for its exceptional dedication and far-reaching impact — the Best Child Support Foundation. With a clear mission to uplift, educate, and empower children from disadvantaged backgrounds, the foundation has become a beacon of hope for many families in the region.
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A Mission Rooted in Compassion
The Best Child Support Foundation in Prayagraj was established with a singular vision: to provide holistic support to children who face social, economic, and educational challenges. Understanding that children are the future of society, the foundation strives to ensure that every child, regardless of their background, has access to education, healthcare, nutrition, and emotional support.
The foundation’s mission is deeply rooted in the belief that every child deserves a chance at a brighter future. By focusing on key areas such as education, health, and overall well-being, the foundation works to break the cycle of poverty that often traps vulnerable children. This approach ensures that the children not only survive but thrive, growing up to be responsible and capable individuals.
Educational Initiatives
One of the primary areas of focus for the Best Child Support Foundation is education. In a country where millions of children drop out of school due to financial constraints, the foundation steps in to provide free education and learning resources to underprivileged children in Prayagraj. From primary to higher education, the foundation’s initiatives ensure that children receive quality education that sets them on a path to success.
In addition to formal education, the foundation offers vocational training programs for older children, equipping them with practical skills that can help them secure employment and lead self-sufficient lives. By providing both academic and vocational opportunities, the foundation gives children the tools they need to build a better future for themselves and their families.
Health and Nutrition Programs
The foundation recognizes that education alone is not enough to ensure a child’s well-being. Therefore, it also places a strong emphasis on healthcare and nutrition. Many children in the region suffer from malnutrition and lack access to basic healthcare services. The Best Child Support Foundation runs regular health camps, providing medical check-ups, vaccinations, and treatment for common ailments.
To address the issue of malnutrition, the foundation also provides nutritious meals to children in its care. Ensuring that children have access to healthy food not only improves their physical well-being but also enhances their ability to learn and perform better academically.
Emotional and Psychological Support
In addition to education and healthcare, the Best Child Support Foundation also recognizes the importance of emotional and psychological well-being. Many of the children who come to the foundation have experienced trauma, loss, or neglect. The foundation offers counseling and emotional support to help children cope with their experiences and build resilience.
The foundation’s team of trained counselors and volunteers work closely with the children, helping them overcome their emotional challenges and develop a positive outlook on life. This holistic approach ensures that children receive the support they need to heal and grow emotionally.
Community Outreach and Engagement
The foundation understands that to create lasting change, it must work closely with the community. Through its various outreach programs, the foundation engages with parents, caregivers, and community leaders to raise awareness about the importance of education, healthcare, and child rights.
By building strong relationships with the local community, the foundation ensures that its initiatives are sustainable and have a long-term impact on the lives of the children it serves.
The Best Child Support Foundation in Prayagraj is more than just an organization; it is a lifeline for hundreds of children in need. Through its comprehensive programs in education, healthcare, and emotional support, the foundation is making a significant difference in the lives of underprivileged children, helping them build a brighter and more secure future. Its unwavering commitment to the well-being of children makes it a true pillar of support in the region.
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awsomebloggersblog · 20 days
Job Opening For RN - Nursing Resource Pool- FT nights Intuitive Health Services Job title: RN - Nursing Resource Pool- FT nights Job description: Sentara Martha Jefferson Hospital is hiring an RN for our Central Float Pool! This is a Full Time, night shift position (12 hours)Sign on Bonus and Premium Differentials available!The Central Float Pool at Sentara Martha Jefferson is hospital specific and includes floating to units with additional need due to either acuity or staffing. Primarily assigned to IMCU or Medical/Surgical units, this unit offers training and precepting on the ICU and ED for Registered Nurses (RN) who wish to move into these more critical care areas. This Central Float Pool is ideal for those who enjoy variety or are interested in learning new skills. Due to the advanced level of practice, 2 years of acute care nursing experience is preferred. New Grad RN Candidates with a background in hospital based acute care may also be considered.Requirements: RN License- Required BSN or MSN preferred. Degree or Diploma from an accredited registered nursing program- required. Students in the process of completing a registered nursing program with previous experience in acute care clinical roles may be considered. 2 years of experience- Preferred Critical Care experience- Preferred BLS within 90 days of hire. ACLS within 1 year of hire. As a Registered Nurse with Sentara, you can excel in your career. There are many different specialties where you can perform and grow your nursing skills in areas of interest to you. If you desire, there are promotional opportunities into leadership or to advance your level of care in a variety of settings. This position's primary duties include assessing/admitting patients, rounding checks, giving medications, talking with family members, and being responsible for the overall care of your patients. You will find that teamwork is exceptional, with everyone working together to ensure the best care for our patients. Sentara employees strive to make our communities healthier places to live.Benefits: We’re setting the standard for medical excellence within a vibrant, creative, and highly productive workplace. For more information about our employee benefits,Benefits: Sentara offers an attractive array of full-time benefits to include Medical, Dental, Vision, Paid Time Off, Sick, Tuition Reimbursement, a 401k/403B, Performance Plus Bonus, Career Advancement Opportunities, Work Perks Free Parking and so much more!Enhanced Benefits to support you and your family include: Paid Parental Leave, Adoption/Infertility/Surrogacy Reimbursement, Family Caregiver Leave, and Emergency Back-up Care. Enhanced benefits to promote your well-being and secure your financial future include; The Sentara Student Debt Program, Emergency Savings Account and a Floating holiday.Registered Nurses to chat with a RecruiterMonday-Thursday2PM-3PM ESTBe a part of an excellent healthcare organization that cares about our People, Quality, Patient Safety, Service, and Integrity. Join a team that has a mission to improve health every day and a vision to be the healthcare choice of the communities that we serve!Who We Are:Sentara Martha Jefferson Hospital is a 176-bed facility that focuses on consistently setting the standard for clinical quality and personalized healthcare services. Our hospital offers specialized care in Cancer Care, Heart and Vascular, Neurology, Orthopedics, and Maternity.Where We Are:Our beautiful campus is located in the rolling foothills in the Pantops area of Charlottesville Virginia. Conveniently located, only a short drive from the hustle and bustle of Charlottesville’s vibrant downtown, our location provides ample free parking, lovely walking trails and stunning views of the surrounding mountains, lakes, rivers, woodlands, and vineyards.
Main Campus Hospital Main Campus Outpatient Surgery Center Free Standing ED (North of the city) Outpatient Care Center (Downtown location) Charlottesville is renowned for its historic sites, beautiful parks and waterways, family-friendly activities, vibrant arts and culture, excellent shopping opportunities, guided tours, and accessible experiences for all visitors.What Makes this Team Special:Since our founding more than 100 years ago, Martha Jefferson has constantly evolved to meet the diverse healthcare needs of patients, and we are committed to delivering a distinctive combination of cutting-edge technology along with our Caring Tradition, the promise of personalized care tailored to the needs of each individual patient.Our Recognitions Magnet designation for Nursing Excellence (4x)​ American College of Cardiology – Excellence in heart attack care (10x)​ US News Award – Top Maternity Care Hospitals​ CMS 5 Star Hospital​ Practice Green Health - Partner for Change Award Talroo-NursingKeywords: Critical Care, ICU, ED, Float Pool, RN, MedSurg,IMCU #Magnetblueridge, #SMJH Apply for the job RN - Nursing Resource Pool- FT nights https://intuitivehealthservices.com/register
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What to Look for in a Safe and Nurturing Childcare Centre
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Choosing the right childcare centre for your child can be one of the most important decisions you make as a parent. The goal is to find a place that not only provides quality child care but also fosters a safe and nurturing environment where your child can thrive. Here’s a guide on what to look for when evaluating childcare centres to ensure they meet the highest standards of safety and caregiving.
1. Safety First: Ensuring a Secure Environment
The primary concern for any parent should be the safety of their child. When visiting a childcare centre, start by examining the physical environment. Ensure that the facility is clean, well-maintained, and free of hazards. Look for secure gates and safety locks on doors and cabinets to prevent accidents, especially for toddlers who are naturally curious and prone to exploring.
Check the centre’s adherence to safety regulations. This includes proper emergency procedures, such as fire drills and first aid protocols. Ask about their policy on background checks for staff to ensure that all caregivers are vetted and qualified. A well-established childcare centre should also have a clear system for tracking who picks up and drops off the children to avoid unauthorized access.
2. Qualified and Caring Staff
The quality of the staff at a childcare centre significantly impacts your child’s experience. Look for centres where caregivers have appropriate qualifications in early childhood education. This might include certifications in child care, early learning, and child development. A well-trained team can better support your child’s growth, ensuring they receive the right level of care and attention.
Equally important is the staff-to-child ratio. A lower ratio means that caregivers can provide more individualized attention and better monitor each child’s well-being. For example, in preschool or kindergarten settings, a ratio of one caregiver for every six to ten children is generally considered ideal.
3. Engaging Curriculum and Early Learning Opportunities
A childcare centre’s curriculum plays a crucial role in your child’s development. Look for centres that offer a well-rounded program that includes early learning activities, structured play, and opportunities for social interaction. The curriculum should be designed to support various aspects of child development, including cognitive, emotional, and physical growth.
Programs that focus on early childhood education should include age-appropriate activities that stimulate learning and creativity. For toddlers, this might involve simple crafts and sensory play, while preschoolers might engage in more complex projects, such as painting or storytime. The goal is to create a learning environment where children are excited to explore and discover new things.
4. A Nurturing and Supportive Atmosphere
Beyond safety and education, a childcare centre should offer a nurturing and supportive atmosphere. Observe how staff interact with the children. Caregivers should be warm, attentive, and responsive to the needs of each child. A positive, encouraging environment helps children feel secure and valued, which is essential for their overall well-being.
The centre should also have policies in place to support emotional development. Look for programs that promote positive social interactions and conflict resolution skills. A strong sense of community and belonging can greatly enhance your child’s experience at the centre.
5. Parental Communication and Involvement
Effective communication between parents and the childcare centre is vital. Find out how the centre keeps parents informed about their child’s progress and daily activities. Regular updates, parent-teacher meetings, and accessible staff can help you stay involved in your child’s development and address any concerns promptly.
Additionally, consider centres that offer opportunities for parental involvement. This might include volunteering, participating in special events, or joining parent committees. Being engaged in the centre’s community can strengthen the partnership between home and child care, benefiting your child’s overall experience.
6. Health and Nutrition
A good childcare centre will also prioritize health and nutrition. Inquire about their policies regarding meals and snacks. Centres that provide nutritious, balanced meals and accommodate dietary restrictions show a commitment to the well-being of the children. They should also maintain high standards of hygiene and cleanliness to prevent the spread of illness.
7. Flexibility and Convenience
Finally, consider the logistical aspects of enrolling your child in a childcare centre. Look for centres that offer flexible hours to accommodate your family’s schedule. Some centres may provide extended hours or full-day programs to fit working parents' needs. Ensure that the centre’s location is convenient and accessible to your home or workplace.
In conclusion, finding the right childcare centre involves looking beyond just the basics. A safe, nurturing environment with qualified staff, an engaging curriculum, and strong communication channels will provide your child with a positive start in their early learning journey. By carefully evaluating these aspects, you can ensure that your child is not only well cared for but also thriving in a supportive and enriching environment.
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